Acupressure for immune disorders. Acupressure to improve immunity

Preventing a disease is much better than treating it. In order not to get sick, you need to strengthen immune system, but not everyone understands how to organize it correctly. There are different ones, but among them there are three simple and effective methods. Proper nutrition, active image life and point impact to certain points of our body. But before we begin to restore and strengthen the immune system, let's figure out why it weakens. In this article we’ll talk about why immunity deteriorates and what points need to be affected to improve our health.

The main reasons for decreased immunity

The main sign of poor immunity is frequent viral and colds. It is worth understanding that most often a person is unhealthy due to weakened immunity to bacteria. It is with insufficient protection that the body is more vulnerable to various microbes. But, before starting acupressure to improve health, it is necessary to eliminate the original problem, which causes weakening. Here are the main ones negative factors which can have a detrimental effect:

  1. Stress is truly the main enemy of our immune system. A person lives in a world where he is constantly surrounded by nervous situations. Many may simply not pay attention to it, but stress has a detrimental effect on our immunity, and we need to learn to resist. The human body produces cortisol, which suppresses the immune system.
  2. Lack of sleep. Sleep is the first method for, and chronic deficiency negatively affects our immune system, making it extremely vulnerable to pathogens. If a person sleeps less than 8 hours a day, the immune system will suffer.
  3. Inactive lifestyle. A person spends part of the day at work while in sitting position. This leads to the person’s work being disrupted. circulatory system, which leads to a decrease in antibodies in the blood.
  4. Not proper nutrition- a common cause of immune system dysfunction. Eating a balanced diet is a hard science, but without such a diet, you can forget about a healthy immune system.


As already mentioned, a targeted effect on certain places in our body helps strengthen the human immune system. For the first time, such a simple method of healing was developed by the Russian scientist Alla Umanskaya, so the method was called “Massage according to Umanskaya.” The essence of which is to alternately stimulate 9 important points on the human body with your fingers, which has a beneficial effect on human body. To start performing such a massage, a person does not have to have any special skills, which makes it accessible to everyone.

Acupressure helps strengthen protective properties respiratory organs: lungs, bronchi, nasal cavity, larynx, trachea. If you correctly influence certain points, the body begins to produce interferon, which is formed by blood cells and is a natural protector against viruses.

Nine bioactive zones

Professor Umanskaya determined that there are 9 biologically energetic areas on the human body, by acting on which you can increase your immunity and tone the body.

1. Located in the middle chest. Stimulating this point enhances the protective functions of the respiratory organs: larynx, trachea and nasopharynx. Attention should be paid to this point when a person is suffering severe cough

2. The second is under the larynx in the jugular cavity. This area affects human immunity. If you apply pressure on the point correctly, it helps to improve the thymus gland, improving the quality of work.

3. To detect the third area, place your hand in such a position that your fingers apart are located at the same distance from the Adam’s apple, then you need to rise 1 centimeter up - the third zone. With proper exposure, the body’s circulatory system improves and metabolism returns to normal.

4. The fourth point is located on the back of the neck, above the earlobes. Stimulating the area increases blood flow to the head.

5. The fifth zone is difficult to find with the naked eye - the seventh cervical vertebra and directly affects the brain and blood circulation. Simulation of these areas relieves cranial pain and inflammation of the tonsils.

6. Sixth - on the sides of the wings of the nose above the fangs. Massage normalizes the maxillary sinuses.

7. The seventh zone is located near the eyebrows. Impact on this point normalizes brain activity.

8. The eighth area is located on auricle, where the cartilage protrudes. Responsible for normal work auditory organs and vestibular apparatus.

9. The last ninth zone is on the hands of both hands, near the base of the thumb on back side. This point is significant, as it is responsible for the functioning of the brain and other vital important systems person.


And .
  • Hardening.
  • Physical activity and exercise.
  • Special treatments like massage and baths.
  • Giving up bad habits.
  • At the same time, it is very important that there is balance in everything: in work, in nutrition, and in rest - everything should be in moderation! But the most great attention should be addressed balanced diet (optimal daily ratioproteins, fats and carbohydratesshould be1:1:4 - A. A. Pokrovsky, 1977),which any person can replace all sorts of pills, and dietary supplements, and multivitamins, and diets, and immunostimulants with immunomodulators... After all, in All medications undermine the immune system, replacing the functioning of the body.

    Each person has his own “favorite” and “least favorite” foods, but from them huge variety you can always choose an assortment of useful and delicious products just for you. In case of any health problems, it is not difficult to introduce into your diet foods rich in the vitamins and microelements prescribed for you, which will strengthen your immunity. So it's worth remembering that vitamin C rich in: kiwi, rose hips, peppers, citrus fruits, cranberries, black currant, onions, cabbage...
    Modern treatment has become prohibitively expensive for most people, and therefore you need not to be lazy and find time, strength and perseverance for physical education, hardening and useful procedures to protect yourself and your loved ones from any diseases.
    To be healthy you need to sweat at least once a day! Physical exercise, accelerating blood circulation, strengthening the immune system.
    Exercise of the Ancientsfrom Dr. S. Agapkin from TV show "About the most important thing": No. 372 dated 10/13/2011 - starting position - standing and leaning on your knees with straight arms:inhale - exhale - hold your breath and draw in your stomach 10 times - repeat 10 times. And in the program No. 450 from 02/09/2012 recommends foods for immunity: yogurt – 100 g per day, 2 cloves of garlic per week, Sesame oil into the nasal passages, exercise 3-4 times a week.

    2. Strengthening immunity in children

    To increase immunity in our children In the programs "About the most important thing" Dr. Agapkin recommends: Strengthening the immune system in children No. 369 dated 10.10. 2011 And Physical activity in No. 372 dated 10/10/2011:

    9 bioactive points

    Point 1 is connected to the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, as well as bone marrow. Massaging this point reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis.

    Point 2 is connected to the mucous membrane lower sections pharynx, larynx, and also with the thymus ( thymus gland), regulating the immune functions of the body. Massaging this point increases resistance to infectious diseases.

    Points 3 are associated with the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx, carotid glomus and thyroid gland. When exposed to these zones, the chemical and hormonal composition blood, voice improves, hoarseness disappears.


    Points 4 are connected to the mucous membrane back wall pharynx, larynx and upper cervical sympathetic ganglion, which regulates the activity of all vessels of the head, neck and torso. Vegetative-vascular tone is normalized. Headaches and dizziness go away.

    Point 5 is located in the area of ​​the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae. It is connected to the mucous membrane of the trachea, pharynx, esophagus, and most importantly, to the lower cervical sympathetic nerve ganglion. Massage of this point normalizes the activity of blood vessels, heart, bronchi, and lungs.


    Points 6 are connected to the mucous membrane of the middle ear, vestibular apparatus. When exposed to these zones, the ears stop hurting, hearing improves, speech development accelerates, stuttering is prevented and dizziness in transport and on swings is reduced.

    Points 7 are associated with mucous membranes frontal sinuses ethmoid bones of the nose, as well as the frontal parts of the brain. Decreases headache, strabismus goes away. Improves memory, attention, and ability to work.

    8 points connectedwith mucous membranes maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity, as well as with the stem structures of the brain and pituitary gland. These zones can be called “life zones.” When exposed to them, breathing becomes free. Mood, behavior, character improve, height and weight are normalized.

    Points 9. The human hands are connected through the superior cervical and stellate sympathetic ganglia to all organs. The thumb and index finger occupy the largest surface area in the cerebral cortex. Impact on the hand zones leads to the normalization of many body functions and enhances the work of all of the above zones, stimulates the functioning of the brain and the whole body.

    The massage is performed with the tip of the index or middle finger - press on the skin until slight pain appears. Medium exposure - for preventive purposes, increased - for therapeutic purposes. Massage yourself first, and then your child. Start by warming up your hands by rubbing your palms together. Then start from point 1 - do rotational (as if screwing in the screw) movements– 9 times to the left, and the same number to the right – and move on to the next point. You can start counting “one and two, one and two” - this is exactly the range in which our autonomic nervous system works.

    Always start at point 1, then move to points 2, 3, etc. Sequence is necessary because each system of the body must “turn on” in a timely and interconnected manner.

    Symmetrical points 3, 4 and 6 - 8 are massaged simultaneously with both hands.

    Problem areas need to be massaged more often and To detect them, you can conduct an examination of the baby’s body: Carefully, very gently press the areas of the massage points. If the child behaves as usual, calmly, then we can assume that everything is in order in this area. If the child cries and tries to dodge, then there is no need to make any effort. It is easy enough to touch one or another area to understand whether it is really more sensitive than its neighbors. Then Special attention during a massage, use it until you understand from the baby’s reaction that the pain has gone away.

    A newborn baby, despite its apparent weakness, already has powerful protection against various viruses. He received this protection from his mother in the form of antibodies. A powerful influx of health is carried out through breast-feeding, therefore, in the first months of life, babies rarely get sick colds. But the time has come for the formation of one’s own immune system, and here it is important to ensure that the methods of healing are the most effective for your child

    Everyone knows that any hardening methods must be carried out gradually so as not to harm the baby. The child must first be prepared for hardening procedures. Experts recommend doing this with massage. The most popular today is acupressure biologically active points body according to the system of Professor Alla Alekseevna UMANSKAYA.

    The essence of the method is to use your fingers on 9 bioactive point zones on the baby’s body. These points are like buttons on a remote control that controls the entire body. During a finger massage, irritation of receptors in the skin, muscles, tendons, and fingers occurs, impulses from which pass simultaneously to the brain and spinal cord, and from there a command is received to start working various bodies and structures. Massage increases protective properties membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce its own medications (for example, interferon), which are often much more effective and safer than pills.


    When ten years ago a candidate medical sciences A.A. Umanskaya proposed her own method of performing a healing massage for children; many disputes arose among her fellow doctors about its effectiveness. This method seemed too simple to many; they could not believe that by using it for a few minutes a day, you can significantly increase the body’s resistance to cold, dampness, etc. unfavorable factors external environment, as well as viruses and microbes. Years passed, and acupressure, developed by Dr. Umanskaya, entered the practice of pediatricians as a reliable and publicly available method for the prevention and treatment of respiratory viral and influenza-like diseases. With systematic and correct use it gives excellent results.

    Acupressure is an effect on biological active zones located on human skin. As you know, skin is a kind of “armor” that protects internal organs. Under the influence of infection, due to the constant proliferation of viruses in the mucous membranes respiratory tract, ENT organs and digestive tract The protective properties of the skin are violated: it becomes permeable primarily to the electromagnetic fields in which we live. A window appears in the skin “armor”, something like ozone hole over Antarctica - and then in the bodies associated with these “discovered” skin structures, painful changes appear.

    Stimulation bioactive zones skin activates the production of the body’s own interferon, which, in addition to antiviral effect, also has radioprotective properties: it reduces the damaging effect on humans of X-rays and other radiation accompanying radioactive decay, increases the number of healthy cells, reduces the number of chromosomal damage in bone marrow cells, enhances and supports the body’s adaptive reactions in unfavorable environmental conditions.

    Let's look at the pictures that show the location of these magic points, proposed by Dr. Umanskaya for hardening and healing massage.
    All points intended for massage are combined into nine zones: the main ones (2-4, 6-8) are concentrated in the face and neck, additional ones (1, 5, 9) - behind, near the spine, on the front surface of the chest and on the arms. These zones were not chosen by chance, and here’s why.

    Point 1- the area of ​​the entire sternum, which is connected with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, bone marrow, as well as the thymus (thymus gland), which regulates the immune functions of the body. Massaging this point reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis.

    Point 2 associated with the mucous membrane of the lower parts of the pharynx, larynx Massage of this point increases resistance to infectious diseases

    Point 3 associated with special entities that control chemical composition blood and at the same time increasing the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Massaging this point improves blood circulation, metabolism, and hormone production.

    Point 4 associated with the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx, larynx and the superior cervical sympathetic nerve ganglion. Massage of this point activates blood supply to the head, neck, and torso.

    Point 5 located in the region of the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae. It is connected with the mucous membrane of the trachea, pharynx, esophagus, and most importantly, with the lower cervical sympathetic nerve ganglion. Massage of this point normalizes the activity of blood vessels, heart, bronchi, and lungs.

    Point 6 associated with the anterior and middle lobes of the pituitary gland. Massage of this point improves blood supply to the nasal mucosa, maxillary cavities, and most importantly, the pituitary gland. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away.

    Point 7 associated with the mucous membrane of the ethmoid formations of the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses, as well as with the frontal parts of the brain. Massaging this point improves blood circulation in the mucous membrane upper sections nasal cavity, as well as areas eyeball and frontal regions of the brain. Vision improves and mental development is stimulated.

    Point 8- massage of this point, located in the area of ​​the ear tragus, has a positive effect on the organ of hearing and the vestibular apparatus.

    Point 9- massage of this area on the hands normalizes many body functions, because man's hands through cervical regions spinal cord and certain areas of the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain are associated with all of the above points that were described.

    Long-term research conducted by A.A. Umanskaya, proved that when using only acupressure in the body, self-regulation of the production of a number of biologically active substances, including its own interferon, complement and other “medicines”, with which not a single, even the most wonderful, artificial drug can compete.
    Acupressure does not have age restrictions- it can be done by an elderly person, and small child. Massage is harmless for pregnant women and allergy sufferers. Parents can teach older children how to massage themselves.
    Experts note that if a child who has had acupressure massaged month after month suddenly falls ill, his illness progresses in a much shorter period of time. mild form.
    The Umanskaya method does not imply instant results - it is effective only with regular use, when it becomes the same habit as brushing your teeth. It was noticed that when carrying out acupressure for a year, it was possible to rid the child of adenoids and other chronic diseases nasopharynx, for example sinusitis.
    Often the beneficial effects of this massage begin to take effect within a month or two.

    Before you begin acupressure using this technique, answer these questions:

    1. Do you have enough patience every day, throughout many months should you give this massage to your child?

    2. Will you always find time for this?

    If at least one of the questions made you think, then this method is not for you. Yes, the results of its use are simply amazing: massage helps cure many diseases, the child simply stops getting sick, becomes much calmer, sleeps and eats better, and develops physically faster. But the method only works if used regularly. If you start and then stop, you will only disorganize the baby’s immune system. Acupressure should become a habit, like washing your face in the morning.

    If you answered “yes” to all the questions without hesitation, then your determination to seriously engage in the development of your baby is respectable. All you have to do is study the techniques and read the recommendations of A.A. Umanskaya.


    How to influence bioactive points

    Apply pressure to the skin with the pads of one or more fingers. A weaker effect is for preventive purposes, the maximum is for therapeutic purposes. Then make rotational movements (as if screwing in a screw) - 9 times to the left, and the same number to the right - and move on to the next zone. You can start counting “one and two, one and two” - this is exactly the range in which our autonomic nervous system works.

    Symmetrical zones 3 and 4 are massaged differently. To do this, simultaneously use both hands to make rubbing movements with your fingers (always from top to bottom!) from the back to the front surface of the neck.

    Massage other symmetrical zones (6, 7, 8) at the same time.

    Order of influence

    Biozones must be affected in a certain order. Always start with zone 1, then progress to zones 2, 3, etc. You cannot change their places, otherwise the effect of your classes will be incomplete. Each system of the body must “turn on” in a timely manner in order to influence other organs and systems.

    The most problematic areas need to be massaged more often. In order to detect them, conduct an examination of the baby's body: Carefully, very gently press the areas of the sternum, neck, face. spine, buttocks, arms and legs of the child. If the child does not react to touch in any way, that is, behaves as usual, calmly, then we can assume that everything is in order in this area. If the child cries and tries to dodge, then there is no need to make any effort. It is easy enough to touch one or another area to understand whether it is really more sensitive than its neighbors. Then pay special attention during the massage until you understand from the baby’s reaction that the pain has gone.

    Before you start working with your child, you need to prepare a little: cut your nails, wash your hands thoroughly, lubricate nourishing cream and keep them warm.

    Before you apply the technique to your baby, try it on yourself first.

    You can start acupressure massage already on the 3rd day after birth. As the child grows, involve him in participating in the procedure. From the age of 3 months, apply children's fingers to the biozones on the chest, neck, near the nose, ears and massage them together, counting out loud. If you follow this recommendation, your baby will be able to influence his biozones on his own by the age of 7-8 months! It's never too late to start a massage!

    Morning, you just woke up. Immediately rub your palm against your palm to warm them up properly. Your hands have warmed up, blood has started running through them - you can start the massage. Start according to the numbering of the points - first, second and so on. The massage is performed in this way: with the tip of your index or middle finger, press on the area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the desired point until slight pain appears. Then do nine rotational movements clockwise and nine counterclockwise. The duration of exposure to each point is at least 18-20 seconds. Gradually increase the intensity of exposure.
    Symmetrical zones 3 and 4 are massaged differently: they make rubbing movements with their fingers from top to bottom, from the back of the neck to the front, with both hands at the same time. This, in particular, activates the work thyroid gland, That is important point: today our body - as well as children's - is being affected by the catastrophically deteriorating environmental situation an exorbitant burden falls, the loads increase, and in order to withstand them, it is necessary for the thyroid.
    At the same time, make warming movements on the upper chest: with your palm right hand from left shoulder to right armpit and with the left - from the right shoulder to the left armpit. Massage other symmetrical zones - points six, seven and eight - also simultaneously with both hands.
    If you give yourself a massage, do it for your son or daughter. In total, two procedures will take you no more than fifteen to twenty minutes, and you will bring great benefits to yourself and your child: by thoroughly stretching these areas of the body, you will thus quickly mobilize protective forces body.
    If you find that you or your child have points with increased or sharply decreased pain sensitivity- this is a signal of trouble in the body. For example, if this occurs during massage of point 1, “breakdowns” in the hematopoietic system are possible, as well as inflammation of the trachea and bronchi; if in the area of ​​the second zone, you have a problem with your immunity, and so on. This means that these points need to be additionally massaged every forty minutes until sensitivity is completely normalized.
    It is best to do acupressure not only in the morning, but also during the day (if possible) and in the evening, that is, at least every five to six hours. In the morning, to quickly activate the body, you need to provide more strong pressure on the skin. Before going to bed, apply light, calm, non-intense movements, and it would be good in combination with breathing exercises. By the way, this massage is evening time perfectly prepares the child for sleep.
    Very important advice: if, for example, there are flu patients in the family or there is accidental contact with a flu patient on the street, in transport, at a party, it is necessary to increase the number of massage sessions - conduct them every two to three hours. This greatly improves immunity and therefore makes it much less likely that your baby and you yourself will get sick.
    Acupressure massage is contraindicated only when there are pustular skin lesions, as well as moles, warts, and neoplasms in the area of ​​the massage zones.

    ☯ ACUTE MASSAGE TO INCREASE IMMUNITY On our body there are more than 1000 bioactive points associated with various structures and organs of our body. Every day we unconsciously influence them: when we wash ourselves, dry ourselves with a towel, comb our hair, when we think, we rub our forehead, etc. Each such impact activates the work of the organs associated with this point, forcing the body to once again pay attention to this organ. ★ WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF THIS METHOD? Of the 32 most important bioactive points, the author of the technique selected 9 most important (fundamental) points, by massaging which you can achieve improved health, increased protective functions body, getting rid of chronic inflammatory processes, as well as stimulation mental abilities person. As the author himself says: “Influence on 9 point zones is not a massage! Figuratively speaking, the area of ​​the sternum, neck and head is the body’s control panel, and 9 point zones are buttons on the remote control, by acting on which a person activates the main systems and organs responsible for the vital functions of the body.” ★MASSAGE OF NINE BIOACTIVE POINTS – KEY POINTS: 9 biological point zones Impact on the point zones must be carried out in the exact sequence indicated in the figure, i.e. We start from the 1st point and end at the 9th. The massage is performed with screwing movements with the fingertips 9 times clockwise and 9 times counterclockwise. Must do the same number once in one direction and the other. Symmetrical zones must be affected simultaneously (3,4,6,7,8) When massaging zone 2, you must not apply too much pressure. Massaging the first zone (chest) should be done with four fingertips at the same time. Massaging the 3rd zone must be carried out with extreme caution, and only light pressure should be used so as not to disrupt the functioning of the carotid artery. The effect on zone 4 differs from massaging other areas: instead of rotating movements, we make stroking movements from top to bottom. ★LOCATION OF BIOACTIVE ZONES Bioactive zone 1 Zone 1 - Area (middle) of the chest Bioactive zone 2 Zone 2 - Jugular fossa Bioactive zone 3 Zone 3 - Anterior surface of the neck Place your fingers on both sides of the Adam's apple so that the pulse can be clearly heard, then raise your fingers 1 cm up Bioactive zone 4 Zone 4 - Upper posterior section neck Bioactive zone 5 Zone 5 - The depression between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae With your head tilted forward, move along the back of the neck until you find a large protruding vertebra - this is the 7th cervical vertebra. The area between the 7th cervical and the next vertebra will be zone 5 Bioactive zone 6 Zone 6 - Nose area Located along the edges of the wings of the nose, above the fang teeth, where dimples are found Bioactive point 7 Zone 7 - Area where eyebrows begin to grow (slightly lower) Bioactive zone 8 Zone 8 - ear area Bioactive zone 9 Zone 9 - hand area If pressed thumb to the palm, then top part the resulting protrusion will be a point 9 ★HOW MANY TIMES A DAY TO MASSAGE BIOACTIVE ZONES? For the prevention and improvement of the body, it is recommended to act on the points 5-6 times a day, and as often as possible during the period acute stage diseases. Impact on point zones should be carried out systematically, i.e. every day. A break of 1-2 days quickly leads to a decrease in efficiency. However, it is better to massage at least 1-3 times a day than not at all. Health to you in all organs!

    Prevention is always better than cure. In order to prevent diseases from taking over the body, you need to know how to strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms - the immune system. There are three main ways to strengthen your immune system: eat right, keep your body in good shape, and hit points to strengthen your immune system. Also in this case, it is important to understand why the immune system weakens. This will help determine the most weak spots in protection and strengthen the immune system. the site will tell you which factors are detrimental to the immune system, as well as stimulation of which points helps strengthen it.

    The main reasons for weakening and points for strengthening immunity

    If you notice that you get sick much more often than the people around you, you should identify the reason for the weakening of your immune system, which makes you more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Stimulating the points to strengthen the immune system will have a certain effect, but without eliminating the underlying problem, it will be difficult to restore the body’s defenses. Therefore, to strengthen the immune system you need:

    • firstly, find the reason why it is weakened and take appropriate measures;
    • secondly, develop the habit of stimulating the points to strengthen the immune system.

    What factors contribute to a weakened immune system?

    Before you start massaging immunity points, make sure that the following factors are not the real reason weakening your body's defenses.

    Stress- it is an integral part of the modern lifestyle. However, many people ignore its harmful effects on health. Increased levels cortisol leads to suppression of the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which maintains immune function.

    Lack of sleep- not only a method of rejuvenation and replenishment of strength, it is necessary for the production of leukocytes. If you sleep less than 7 hours a day, your ability to protect yourself from viral infections reduced.

    Lack of movement- almost any job is based on using a computer and staying in a sitting position for at least 8 hours. As a result, a person's blood circulation is impaired and, as a result, the flow of antibodies that fight infections.

    Unbalanced diet (and obesity)- foods loaded with preservatives, sugars and pesticides ultimately reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight off bacteria. Thus, the immune system is weakened.

    Points for strengthening the immune system - how to activate protective functions

    Reflexology helps get rid of:

    • migraines;
    • pain in various parts bodies4
    • indigestion;
    • stress;
    • vision problems;
    • asthma, etc.

    Reflexology also suggests trying immune point massage, which will take your defenses to the next level.

      1. This point for immunity is located under the center sternum. Beneficial features stimulation of this point consists of influencing the thymus, which regulates the function of mechanisms cellular immunity. It also helps combat stress and anxiety.
      1. The next point of interest to us is located under the collarbone, in the cavity of the sternum. It not only improves immune system function, but also helps relieve anxiety, nasal congestion and breathing problems.

    1. The next point we are considering is located in the middle between the very high point talus and Achilles tendon. Its stimulation on both legs helps strengthen the immune system, and also improves kidney function and helps with:
    • asthma;
    • sore throat;
    • headaches.

    1. Finding this point for immunity is simple: it is located on the top of the foot, near the junction of the big and “index” toe. Her massage on both legs stimulates blood circulation and regulates the flow of Qi. What else is this point useful for:
    • vision problems;
    • insomnia;
    • menstrual pain;
    • pain in the lower back;
    • headache.

    1. Stimulation of the next point is prohibited during pregnancy. It is located at the intersection of the meridians of the spleen, liver and kidneys, which is why it is called the “intersection of three yins.” You can find it at a distance equal to the width of three fingers from the inside of the talus. Massaging this point helps:
    • renew energy;
    • strengthen the immune system;
    • get rid of gynecological problems.

    1. A couple of minutes of exposure to this point for immunity (and not only) will help fill the body with energy and improve immune function. Its location: 4 fingers width down from the bottom edge kneecap, With outside tibia.

    the site believes that stimulation of immunity points alone will not be enough for maximum effect. Therefore, if you decide to get serious about improving your work protective systems body, it is recommended to take other measures aimed at strengthening the immune system, namely: proper nutrition and a sufficient level of physical activity.



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