What to do when severe depression. Severe depression: what to do

If the world seems gloomy, and you yourself seem like a loser, nothing terrible has happened - just depression ... What to do with the illness of a generation? Manage on your own.

Unfortunately, for many, depression has become the norm. But in vain, because when it is absent, efficiency increases, all life tasks seem simple and there is enough strength for everything. And that means life is much better. Just try to cure this condition and make sure that without it, everything changes in a positive direction.

shout out

Some people think that doctors know best what to do if you have depression. In fact, they just listen and that's their job. But why not try to scream without the help of a doctor. Indeed, screaming and swearing will help free the soul and after them the soul can become brighter. Here, however, there is one serious “But”. During depression, many people like to vent aggression (and there is always a lot of it in this state) on others. But what if you try to do it where there is no one, for example, in a deserted park or in a forest. You can even at home, but if you are alone: ​​just turn on loud music and shout about everything that annoys you.

You can also cry at your pleasure, even if you are a man. Together with tears, all the pain and negativity will come out. You can even turn on the most tearful movie and switch your emotions from it to your problems and pain.

eat right

This is one of the most correct answers to the question of what to do if you have depression. You should not seize grief with mountains of food, but you can stimulate the production of serotonin, which is responsible for mood. The body uses tryptophan to make it. That's what you need to consume in sufficient quantities. Include in your diet:
  • Almonds, Brazil nuts and walnuts;
  • Seeds;
  • Tuna and salmon meat;
  • Eggs;
  • Flaxseeds;
  • Miso, tofu and just soy;
  • legumes;
  • asparagus;
  • Sweet potato;
  • Avocado;
  • Leafy vegetables;
  • Artichoke;
  • Peaches, apples, bananas;
  • Poultry meat, especially turkey;
  • Chocolate.
By the way, some psychotherapists, on the contrary, advise starving for depression. But it must be long-term.

Physical activity

Everything is simple here. Movement also helps the body produce serotonin. Whether it's an afternoon jog or an evening fitness, aerobics, or dance class. Try more aggressive activities like boxing or karate.

Focus on creativity

And there is no need to think that creativity is only music, drawing or theater. Even an ordinary mother, busy only with housework and children, can be creative in her activities. The same can be done by a businessman, a salesperson, a system administrator ... yes, anyone. Where there is a place for creation, depression simply lacks it.

If creativity in your work cannot be by definition, switch your attention to a hobby. Find time for what really soul lies. If there is no such occupation, switch your attention from the hated work to your personal life or communication with friends. And if there is trouble on the personal front, switch to achieving goals in your work. Just learn to shift your attention.

Light treatment

The more light in life, the less depression there is. There is even a treatment method using bright lamps with a power of about 10 lux. But you can look for light not only in hospital rooms. It's not just walking in the morning or in the middle of the day. Let the windows be open, let there be more light colors in the interior, you can turn on the light when you wake up.

Engage in personal growth

These are books and tutorials. You can also engage in physical self-improvement. Have you ever wanted to learn to stand on your hands? Depression is the time to master this skill.

Feel the aroma

Aromatherapy will also help to raise the overall tone and get rid of depression. The best antidepressant fragrances are basil, anise, bergamot, orange, coniferous scents, jasmine, lemon balm, lilac, mint, lavender, rosemary. You can use scented lamps, baths, just spray oils in the room. But you need to use only natural oils. In addition, it is worth periodically changing flavors.

other methods

It is important to sleep as much as the body needs. Go to bed early and get up early, but if you are a night owl, you can change your routine. True, sometimes it is advised to treat depression with insomnia, but this is a controversial technique.

Your pet will definitely help. This is a new friend, and new worries, and a new social circle, and physical activity (if it is a dog).

Try to get someone else out of depression. This will help you find a way out of your depression. Most importantly, don't let the negativity take over.

It is very common in today's world. It begins quite imperceptibly - a person reacts more and more sharply to various unpleasant circumstances, it is more and more difficult to return to a good mood. Constant fatigue begins to haunt him, the environment causes more and more irritation. In the end, apathy appears, a lack of aspirations, a desire to live.

A lot in the fight against depression depends on the person himself, on his desire to change something. And most importantly, from the ability to analyze the situation. The best weapon is introspection, introspection. If, for example, there is deep melancholy in the soul, you can succumb to this melancholy, plunge headlong into it. But there is another way - to track your state of mind, to evaluate it. Say to yourself: "Yes, I'm longing."

Such a statement alone is sometimes enough for the situation to begin to improve. The main secret lies precisely in tracking your feelings: as soon as you identify them and ascertain their presence, they begin to lose power over you.

There is another important point. Longing, melancholy, depression are external energies that you have tuned in to. The challenge is to get this setting. The first step is to monitor negative thoughts and feelings. When this happened and you stated your depressed state, you need to disconnect from negative energies. All states have one secret: they need constant nourishment. What continues, prolongs depression? That you are constantly finding new ones for longing. It can be little things that you in a normal mood do not even pay attention to. But depression makes you look for more and more reasons for anxiety, excitement, tears.

To break out of the swamp of depression, start purposefully looking for bright moments around you. It can also be little things - a singing bird on a tree, a beautiful tree, blue sky, fresh air. Smile at another person. Try to smile yourself, even through force. Laugh, even if your laugh is forced enough. And you will see that the negative state is leaving - you have violated its nourishment, not on its occasion.

In the same way that a person tunes in to negativity, you can tune in to joy, optimism, and the desire to live. The principle is the same - you need to find, notice everything around you that corresponds to the desired states of consciousness. As a result, adjustment to the corresponding energies will gradually occur. It may be difficult to maintain a good mood at first, depression will again try to take over. The most important thing here is to notice her attacks, track them - and not succumb to them.

There is an exercise with which you can quickly destroy the negative attunement. For example, you feel that you feel very bad, everything is seen in a black light. You are at the limit, you no longer have the strength. Be aware of this moment, then sit on a chair and begin to examine what surrounds you. It is necessary to slowly look from object to object, lingering on each for about five seconds. Don't rate anything, just watch. This will take you away from the perception of negative energies within a few minutes. After that, start tuning into positive moments, finally recede.

If the situation has gone too far, and you can’t get out of depression on your own, you should seek help from a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist.

We can talk about depression for a very long time, or we can not talk about it. It is not so important. After all, until you start fighting depression, it will not go away and disappear just like that. So we will try to help people who find themselves in such a trap and try to talk about methods of dealing with depression, which has so suddenly hit you. Do you have symptoms of depression? What to do, find out in this article?

What is depression?

First, consider what this word means - depression. Let's look in the dictionary

S.I. Ozhegov. It says the following: “Depression is an oppressed, depressed mental state.” More often, a depressive state is presented as sadness, a feeling of hopelessness. It is also known that depression is the most common state of the human psyche, dating back to ancient times.

Unfortunately, in the modern world they have not yet found those ways that could quickly save a person from oppression and depression. In itself, the release from depression means active actions, the application of considerable effort. Yes, you need to do something about depression.

Depression: symptoms of the condition

bad mood, depression, causeless fatigue;

lack of interest in life;

loss of the opportunity to enjoy the usual things;

fatigue, inability to work productively and actively for a long time.

Depression: additional symptoms

In addition to the main symptoms presented, there are several more:

lack of concentration, inability to concentrate;

self-doubt and self-doubt;

blaming yourself for all problems;


thoughts about unwillingness to live;


lack of appetite;

bad mood especially in the morning and calm in the evening.

If you notice the manifestation of these symptoms in yourself for a sufficiently long time, every day, then it is quite possible that you are depressed and you need to urgently start treating it, approaching this as if treating a real illness.

Types of depression

Depression can be of three types. With a milder manifestation, we feel a deterioration in mood, a loss of interest. But at such moments, we can shake ourselves, gather all our strength, tune in to the good and, with the support of loved ones, get out of depression.

With an average manifestation, depression is more severe. Insomnia is also felt and either a lack of appetite or a strong uncontrollable hunger is manifested.

Each of us, quite possibly, felt these symptoms. What to do in this case?: Depression always comes with the beginning of something new in life. We, in turn, need to courageously endure it, but in certain cases we can digress and make it go almost unnoticed.

But severe depression can affect a person in terms of the risk of suicide, alcohol and drug addiction. This is the most dangerous level. It is in this case that special therapy is simply irreplaceable, there is an urgent need to consult a doctor.

And, finally, as a conclusion from all of the above, we can say that the main thing is to learn how to properly deal with any manifestations of depression and be sure to consult a doctor, since psychological help in such situations will never hurt.

Depression - what to do with it?

So, here are some actionable tips on how to deal with depression:

go in for sports, physical exercises will help the body and have a good effect on your mood, self-confidence will increase;

the next method must be approached with caution and always with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision - this is fasting, which was invented specifically to end depression, since various cleansing processes begin in the body, in connection with which health improves and weight returns to normal;

the third method is also not simple - it is deprivation, in other words, forced insomnia - this is one of the methods that can help a person in the most neglected depression, this method is practiced only in psychiatric clinics;

also effective method of light therapy. What do we have to do? A person is exposed to the light of a powerful lamp, which corresponds to the light outside the window on a clear day, when the bright sun shines, this procedure makes up for the lack of sunlight;

psychotherapy - there is a lot of debate about the effectiveness of this method, but the important thing is that any person sometimes needs to be listened to, especially during periods of depression;

aromatherapy - oils through the skin and through the respiratory tract penetrate into the bloodstream, then into the brain and thus affect our mood;

splash of emotions - after all, bad emotions constantly accompany any depression, they must be splashed out, despite the fact that it is unnatural for our society.

and finally, one of the ways to get out of depression is pets, these creatures can bring happiness to your doi and cheer you up.

This article lists several ways that you can do with depression to combat this negative state of mind. We hope these methods will help you get rid of depression once and for all and enjoy life.

One of the most common psychological problems is severe depression, what can be done to overcome it? In modern psychiatry, there are many ways in which a person can get rid of this condition once and for all. In especially severe cases, treatment involves the use of drugs. Only the attending physician should deal with the selection of medicines. It is important to remember that many of the drugs have side effects. To get rid of depression, it is necessary to strengthen mental immunity, so you can not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also prevent their occurrence in the future.

What prevents you from getting rid of depression?

Medications intended for treatment only eliminate the symptoms of a mental disorder, but they cannot be used to overcome the cause.

are not able to strengthen the protective properties of the immune system, so it should be treated comprehensively. It is important to remember that antipsychotics and antidepressants have a large number of side effects, as a result of their use, addiction can occur. They try to overcome the symptoms of severe depression with the help of alcohol, this is also wrong. Alcoholic drinks destroy brain cells, they cause irresistible addiction, which leads to new mental disorders.

To, you need to teach him to look at life situations differently. He must learn to strengthen his own emotional background and nervous system. An important step in the fight against depression is work on yourself, on your inner world. First of all, you need to get rid of negative ideas. In the mind of a person experiencing depression, there are often thoughts that have a destructive effect. You should make every effort to get rid of them, this will help eliminate the signs of a depressive state.

A person suffering from severe depression may believe that such a state is normal for him, because he, unlike other people, is more prone to it. It is necessary to realize that the person who was overtaken by depression simply did nothing to overcome it. To overcome depression, you need to work on yourself and change your outlook on many situations. Another misconception is that a person throws a bad state of mind on some external circumstances. One might think that depression arises from the fact that no one loves us, that at the moment we do not have a soulmate, money, good friends.

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Causes of mental illness

With severe depression, a person tries to determine the cause of this condition. The brain is trying to find a way out of the situation, but some ideas and beliefs are difficult to get out of the head. You might think that depression will go away if there are big changes in life. Often people fail to realize that the problem with depression lies in the inability to cope with their negative thoughts, it's all about perception. If bad emotions are constantly present, we have a negative outlook on life, this gives us great discomfort, as a result of which severe depression symptoms may appear.

Some people look at the world through rose-colored glasses, because of this they do not have such a problem as depression. To prevent illness, you need to learn to perceive life easier. Try not to look at the world as a big gray cloud, you should not perceive every person as your enemy. If you are depressed, your perception is distorted and untrue. Depression is a condition that can be compared to the effects of drugs.

By changing the place of residence, friends, work, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem. And before deciding on radical changes, you need to reconsider your view of your own living conditions. Perhaps a comparison will help you. A person suffering from depression can see what conditions he is in and what conditions others are in. Comparison with a more complex, confusing situation will help in getting rid of depression. Thanks to this, you can make sure that at the moment everything is not as bad for you as it might seem. Try to change your perspective on the situation.

Most people are convinced that depression is purely a mental illness, but it can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. If a person abuses smoking, alcohol, takes large doses of sedatives, he will be more prone to such diseases. In order not to fall into depression, you need to maintain not only mental but also physical health. You should pay attention to your own body.

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Ways to get rid of depression

If you want to be in harmony with yourself and your own body, you can do meditation. She is able to give a good mood and inner harmony. Meditation helps the brain work and perfectly hardens the nervous system. With this method, the brain works at a relaxed and more relaxed pace. As a result, the person himself becomes less tense. Regular meditation will help overcome the attacks, and soon you will be able to get rid of mental illness. Meditation will not completely eliminate depression, but it will help to get rid of anxiety, nervousness and anger.

Many are sure that meditation is not effective and cannot help in overcoming depression, it is not! The procedure helps to look at the world with wide eyes. Thanks to its capabilities, a person will not look at the world through gray lenses, his perception of everyday situations will significantly improve. Through practice and self-knowledge, you realize that the deepest treasure of life lies in the very fact that you live, breathe and can be happy. Your mental attitude often depends on the state of your body. In addition to bad habits, the development of depression is affected by an inactive, sedentary lifestyle.

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Physical exercise and willpower development

If you suffer from depression, alcohol and antidepressants provide only temporary relief, but in the long run they only aggravate the situation. To get rid of mental disorders, you need to stop drinking and smoking. For prevention, you can do simple physical exercises. Sport is an excellent natural antidepressant, it saturates us with energy, gives an inexplicable feeling of joy and euphoria. Sport does not give any complications, side effects, but it can be compared with an antidepressant. If the person suffering from depression has not been involved in sports at all, it is recommended to start with a run in the morning or with a light exercise.

Often people do not know what to do with severe depression. To cope with this condition, it is necessary to develop willpower, it will also come in handy in order to start playing sports. Depression is a condition that feeds on your powerlessness and inaction. If the problem is ignored, depression will only grow and get stronger. Another component in the fight against depression is the ability to relax. In order not to fall into this state or get out of it as quickly as possible, you need to learn how to relax.

Depression can occur due to nervousness, frequent irritability, and a person's inability to relax. Always look for methods that will help strengthen the nervous system! The source of despondency is most often negative emotions that only poison our personality. Try to learn to control yourself and get rid of experiences: you need to stop complaining about life - this is a meaningless exercise!

Severe depression, being a problem of the 21st century, overcomes many people. What to do when severe depression begins worries many patients. You should think, as well as understand yourself and reconsider your life. Severe depression is marked by a mental disorder and includes the depressive triad: decreased mood; changes in thinking - pessimistic view, ; motor retardation.

Severe depression is expressed by a loss of interest in life, in the usual activities, as well as reduced self-esteem. In some cases, a person experiencing a depressive state resorts to the abuse of alcohol or available psychotropic substances.

Very strong depression manifests itself as a pathological affect and is perceived by people as laziness or bad character, pessimism, selfishness. However, it should be borne in mind that very severe depression is often a psychosomatic disease that needs to be treated by specialists. The sooner the diagnosis is established and timely treatment is started, the more likely the speedy success of recovery is. Major depression is effectively treatable despite its high prevalence in the population.

severe depression symptoms

Symptoms of the disease are varied: physiological, emotional, mental, behavioral.

Emotional symptoms include despair, longing, suffering; depressed, depressed mood; feeling of internal tension, anxiety, expectation of trouble, irritability, guilt, dissatisfaction with oneself, self-accusation, decreased confidence and self-esteem, anxiety for loved ones, loss of the ability to experience.

Physiological symptoms are noted in a change in appetite, a decrease in energy and intimate needs, in violation of sleep, as well as bowel function, these are weakness, constipation, fatigue from physical and intellectual stress; pain in the heart, in the stomach, in the muscles.

Behavioral symptoms of very severe depression are marked by passivity, denial of purposeful activity, loss of interest in people, desire for solitude, and refusal of entertainment, but the use of large amounts of alcohol, as well as psychotropic substances.

Mental symptoms are marked by difficulty in focusing and concentrating, making decisions, slowness in thinking, the prevalence of negative, as well as gloomy thoughts. The patient always has a pessimistic view, and there are thoughts about the meaninglessness of his being and existence. Sometimes suicide attempts are made, because of their helplessness, uselessness, and also insignificance.

Signs of severe depression

There is an opinion among people that depression is not a sign of weakness - it is a sign that people have been trying to be strong for too long. If a person recovered quickly, and did not stay in a depressed mood for a long time, lost interest in previously pleasurable activities, became a pessimist, constantly experienced a feeling of anxiety, uselessness, guilt, fear, then one could agree with this.

Signs of very severe depression include inability to make decisions, low self-esteem, increased or decreased appetite, sleep disturbances (insomnia, oversleeping).

Major depression is diagnosed after all symptoms and signs have been present for more than two weeks. Childhood severe depression and its symptoms: nightmares, loss of appetite, problems at school, the emergence of alienation, aggressiveness.

severe depression treatment

It is very important to eliminate negative thinking and stop experiencing negative moments in your life. From now on, start seeing only the good in the future. Change the tone of communication in the family to a more friendly one, forget about criticism, condemnation and conflict.

Not every patient needs to be urgently hospitalized, perhaps outpatient treatment. In the treatment of severe depression, the following main areas are used: pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, social therapy. An important condition for the effectiveness of treatment is trust and cooperation with the doctor. It is necessary to follow all the prescriptions of the therapy regimen, as well as visit the doctor regularly, giving a detailed report on your condition.

The immediate environment, relatives should support the sick person, but not plunge into a depressive state with him.

Avoid criticism towards the patient, involve him in useful activities at home. With a strong course of the disease, spontaneous recovery occurs very rarely.

Pharmacotherapy includes taking stimulant antidepressants (Clomipramine, Imipramine, Paroxetine, Cipramil, Fluoxetine). Anxious major depression is treated with sedative drugs. If there is a pronounced anxious depression with suicidal prerequisites, then Amitriptyline is used in the treatment. If there is slight anxiety with depression, then Ludiomil and Azefen are indicated.

If the patient has poor tolerance to antidepressants or high blood pressure, then Coaxil is prescribed. By its nature, the drug occupies an intermediate position between stimulant and sedative antidepressants, affecting mood disorders.

All antidepressants in their composition have a chemical complex composition, acting in different ways. Drugs can reduce the feeling of fear, prevent the loss of serotonin. Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, self-administration is strictly prohibited, even despite severe depression. The effect of many antidepressants begins to appear two weeks after the start of treatment. The dosage for the patient is determined individually, in most cases, medications should be taken for up to six months, and in rare cases up to several years (to avoid relapse).

How to get rid of severe depression?

An effective method in the treatment of severe depression can be a combination of two antidepressants or the addition of another substance (anticonvulsants, thyroid hormones, estrogen, folic acid, etc.). Behavioral psychotherapy recommends that patients carry out only pleasant activities and completely exclude painful as well as unpleasant ones.

Cognitive psychotherapy works in conjunction with behavioral techniques to eliminate cognitive distortions of a depressive nature, as well as pessimistic thoughts that prevent useful activity.

In the treatment of severe depression, physical activity, music therapy, art therapy, hypnotherapy, meditation, magnetotherapy, aromatherapy, light therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, sleep deprivation are indicated.

Viktor Frankl was the first to attribute the absence of meaning to life to the causes of illness. And those reasons that the sick take as true - divorce, job loss, lack of money act as catalysts that accelerate the development of a depressive disorder. Lack of understanding of the meaning of life, as well as its absence, leads a person to mental illness. Always do what will make you happy, while not confusing pleasure (, immense intimacy, drinking alcohol) with the meaning of life. The true meaning of life lies in happiness. And you can get it by developing your soul, staying only on the positive, letting friendship, love, gratitude, respect into your life.

Severe depression, what to do? Force yourself to move, walk a lot, run, because movement is life.

Choose a relaxing sport for yourself. It can be table tennis, running, cycling. Physical activity will trigger the release of endorphins, which will improve your mood. Be sure to take control of personal emotions, manage yourself by controlling your energy. Use a forced smile, laugh. Mechanically staying in a smile, the human body also releases endorphins responsible for happiness. The brain does not understand whether you are sincere at the moment of a smile or not, and continues to produce hormones of happiness.

A very important point in the treatment is a balanced diet enriched with a variety of vitamins. A depressed person is able to consume a lot of food in a short period. It helps, but only for a while, and then worsens. Knowing what properties the products have, you can achieve the desired result. For example, paprika, spinach, lettuce, cabbage - improve mood. Milk, beer contains a morphine-like substance. Bananas are rich in serotonin, giving a person a feeling of joy, lightness. Chocolate contains endorphins, which excite a person. And all the sweets that have glucose in their composition can make a person more cheerful.

Good day. My person is in depression, I don’t want to work, it’s a small thing, for him the problem is not viable, it’s not fun for him, I don’t want to talk about anything, I don’t want to have a lot of other problems. I have been lying down more than once in the clinic, the first time I felt better, and the other two times I was lying down, nothing helps, and the pills are constant and no results. Tell me please, why should we work, where should we go???

    • Amitriptilin, quetiron, triftazin, mitrazapin, paroxetine, not all of them at once, I just listed, and maybe not all. I’m so disappointed, I don’t know what to work, where to throw myself, I’ve been lying in the clinic three times, and every day I take pills, but the change doesn’t, only worse.

Hello. I am 16 years old. I study at school. I have always been optimistic and cheerful but lately I have always been in a bad mood. I feel so lonely. Sad, embarrassing, painful. I think it started in the spring of 2017. I fought a lot with my best friend. And I cried a lot because of it. And in September of this year, we four best friends transferred to another school. And here they moved away from me. I have always had other interests. But in the past it didn't bother me. And here is one left. I am 175 cm tall and all my life I hear ridicule every day. This is because we are Asians. It all piled up but I held on. She smiled kindly as always. And the depression worsened 2 weeks ago. I wanted to buy shoes. But due to my 41 foot size, I couldn't find the right fit. Mom scolded me, complained that she was tired of walking, that I was capricious, I didn’t buy what to eat and gave me money and left. What I bought did not really like me and they are very tight. Four days ago, my father bought me men's shoes. 2 sizes up. And today I changed it to men's sneakers in black. And what to do. If you tell him that I don't like them, he will swear. It crushes my self-esteem. I don't love myself. Contrary to myself. Take-all. I thought about cutting my veins. She scratched her whole hand. It's hard to talk. It's hard to smile. All these actions and events that happened this year had a bad effect on my nerves. And it's been like that for 2 weeks.

  • Hello Gulzada. Treat the situation as if it were a life experience. You have great height. New friends will definitely appear - it's a matter of time. In the future, do shopping on your own, without rushing and without involving your parents. Try breaking in your shoes. You can use this method: put on wet socks and walk around the house in shoes. Still, tell dad, even if he doesn’t like it, so that he doesn’t make purchases without you. Parents should take into account the opinion of the child. It's your right.

Hello, I have been depressed for many years, since my school days. Everyone humiliates me and says nasty things behind my back, those people whom I treated well do not want to communicate with me for reasons unknown to me and say nasty things about me. Nerves make me feel bad, I can even faint. The last time I was fired from my job because I fainted, they also rude me. And everywhere I worked, I felt bad. I don't know how to live on. I turned to a psychotherapist for help and he prescribed risperon tablets for me, but they make me very inhibited, I don’t want to do anything at all and I’m recovering greatly from them. I don’t want to live because I don’t have anything, if everyone fires me because of fainting, I don’t have the right to disability, although my mother feeds me a little, I can’t sit on her neck all my life. It seems to me that I am the only one nobody needs, I feel like a loser.

  • Ekaterina, I don’t know how old you are, but in general it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you are a woman, and you should feel like a woman. Pay more attention to yourself, there is no opportunity to do fitness in the gym, then just walk a lot. Treat yourself to something, watch more comedies, laugh. Find something new to do, something creative. Since you wrote about your problem, it means that you are a strong person and you will definitely cope with everything. Love yourself, share your love with the world around you, and then reciprocal love will surely come into your life. Enjoy life! Good luck!

Hello! It seems to me that I have depression and have been for a very long time. To begin with, as a schoolgirl, I thought many times about laying hands on myself, the state of mind was somehow incomprehensible at that time, by the way, my father in his youth, Mom told me, he ran to hang himself a little wrong, now he is almost 60 He drinks heavily, also lives with his pessimistic thoughts, and just like in his youth, he keeps saying that he wants to die. Maybe it’s my condition from him, now I’m 30 as a student, I was very positive, I set goals, I achieved, I achieved everything I wanted, now I have a family, 1.5 years of marriage, everything started well, but now I don’t even want to sleep with my husband has a son in the same bed he is 3 months old he has minor health problems I try my best to deal with him, my husband constantly blames me for any little things about the child, his mother constantly says something to me like a joke and at the same time no, remarks from her side from her husband in the same way, she and her mother often keep secrets, I feel stuffed so that I don’t do it all wrong for them, I’m tired, now I’m on maternity leave, and when I worked and I didn’t really like work, I just I didn’t have a choice, I had to stay on it, I tried to go to the gym, but I didn’t get any good emotions from it, now I don’t have a goal, I don’t set goals, there is a child I’m working on, but I think I can do better but I’m not interested how can this be done, my husband says that I am slow, I do everything as if I put it in my pants, but it seems to me that I do it very quickly, I once almost broke my finger because my mother-in-law was catching up with me, she also thinks that I am slow , I’m honestly so tired emotionally, self-esteem is zero, I don’t take care of myself, I don’t set the task of finding a job that I like, something that I would like to do, I can count my friends on my fingers, everyone has gone where, I’m not interested in anything, I’m just I live from day to day with household chores, I do everything on the machine, but everything that I do does not bring me joy, it’s not interesting to read, although I used to love it very much, it’s not interesting to listen to someone, it’s not interesting to actually communicate with someone now, not I see the point in nothing I do, a tear on my cheek from the fact that even a child is not the meaning of life for me, I tried to do something, but there were always people who could reject and then the desire disappeared altogether, I am infuriated by the state in which I am arriving

  • Hello Rosa. Your condition may be caused by a lack of emotional support from your husband and mother-in-law. Plus, postpartum depression has joined everything - this is a pathological condition of a woman who has recently given birth, associated with changes in hormonal levels, increased responsibility, household chores, and the monotony of life. It manifests itself with a whole range of symptoms: it is a sudden change of mood, and uncontrollable outbursts of anger, and tantrums, and an incomprehensible feeling of guilt.
    Try not to pay attention to your mother-in-law and not take your husband’s words to heart, think about yourself, get more rest, try to get enough sleep, be patient for another six months. Soon the baby will endow you with his successes in physical development, you will become much more fun. If the condition does not improve in the near future, seek help from a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

For several years I see no point in life in anything after I buried my little son. I blame myself for his death and absolutely deservedly, I treated him incorrectly, did not have an operation, although the doctors advised me, I did not want to go against my husband's opinion. I also hate and despise him for this. Then she gave birth again, I thought it would become easier, my son is growing, healthy, now from the outside I have an ideal life. Working in a prestigious company annoys me and makes me tired of any actions, a good salary infuriates me on the one hand, because everything is on me, I keep the house, my husband gets much less, which is why he infuriates me already, we often swear. My mother lives with us, constantly angry with her husband. Houses are really straight every single day scandals, screams. Of course, my little one sees this and becomes very restless and aggressive. I'm afraid of hurting and losing him too. Everyone would be better off without me. And even if not, well, this is their life, their problem, everyone dies anyway. Every day I come up with ways to commit suicide, imagine, curse myself and invoke diseases, cancer, etc. on myself. I don’t even regret a little, after domestic scandals I break down on him, and not only me, but also my mother, for whom I also didn’t have good feelings against the background of all this. Anger, hatred, aggression and apathy are my constant companions. We will 100% divorce my husband, although we married for a big kind of love. But I hate him directly and myself, for the fact that we did not save our first child, for the fact that we spoil the life of our second son with our scandals. How many times have they discussed that it is necessary to stop it, it does not work. Holiday homes are hell. The work is also annoying, since the age of 18 I have been dragging everything on myself, like “successful”, but no one thinks what it costs me. Not a day without work for 15 years already, I can’t and don’t want to do it anymore. I want to die.

Hello, I don't know how to make myself live anymore. Every day and minute I think about suicide. I don’t see the point at all for 2 years of severe depression. Everything is boring, nothing is interesting. Things are not happy. As soon as I think that I still have to live a lot, my mood disappears. I don’t understand people who run around with a thermometer, take care of their health, talk stupidly about nothing. I am 16 years old. And I don’t see the meaning of life at all. I spent the whole of 2017 at home. I don't want to play and I don't go. My brother died in 2016 after my death, I had heart problems, I was already closed in myself, and now even more so. At the funeral, she did not cry all the time herself. I'm used to being alone, I don't like to be in society. I think what will happen when I die? What kind of life will be next? I don't care about relatives. I drink pills that the psychiatrist prescribed amitriptyline, medopram. They don't help. Even when I’m talking to someone, I don’t get distracted from these thoughts. Nothing helps, I consider myself not like other people, I consider myself not normal. In all my life I can not say that I had some kind of joy. From childhood I saw drunkenness, they ran away from home with their mother and brother because a drunken brother threatened. I live where the war is, they came home to shoot my mother and they wanted me too. Zero joy. I see no point in living. The only thing holding me back is that suicide is a sin. And I'm not afraid of death at all. I don't love myself. All the same, even if I am gone, in a few years they will rarely remember me. There were such seizures that I quarreled with my mother and my hands cut big scars very much now. Tablets were drunk on 20-40 pieces. I don't do that now, it used to be. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t go out with anyone, I don’t meet and never met.

  • Girl, my good. I understand you very much, only you are 16, and I am 45. I read and as if I wrote, only I care about relatives, because of them I live. But you have to somehow deal with this condition and you will definitely be fine.

I tried to…commit myself two days ago. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the wound was sewn up and here I am again here in the room. One. Not alone, but still alone. The loneliest person in the world. So far away from family who really care about me and love me. Why are we all here at all? What is the meaning of life if we all die anyway and everything is forgotten? Maybe there is something more than life, maybe life on earth is only the initial stage of something big, the place where we will go after life ... otherwise, why all this?
Or maybe there's nothing there.
Maybe I am a person who does not deserve happiness, I pay for my sins, which I do not remember, which I do not understand. She let her mother down by trying to end this life on her own. She is far away and now worries about me even more. People don't take me seriously, I'm so selfish. I can't think anymore, my thoughts are my demons. The demons that ate my angels and that's why I just can't be happy. No one will make you happy except yourself. No one owes nothing to nobody. What if not? What if we owe... owe those who once helped us, should help those who need it, what about a friendly duty? We need to be there for those who need us, and who will be with us when we need someone? For example, I need a man. I have never had a real man in my life other than my grandfather who tragically died when I was 4 years old. Since then, I feel like my life is a nightmare. There is no this male shoulder that I need so much and it seems never will be, because I am so demanding, I require constant attention .. That's who I will need now, such a psychopath who tried to kill herself only because she felt lonely, guilty. selfish. Who needs me anyway? Who am I anyway? Why is all this and why am I .. everything annoys me, but there is no strength anymore.

  • Your loved ones need you, your mom needs you. They will understand and forgive you. You are very young and have a long life ahead of you, in which there will be new friends, new feelings and impressions. What is a sense of life? The meaning of life is in your children. It may seem funny to you, but you will understand this when you take your baby in your arms and smell it. To know this, you must live. Without you, your mother will lose the meaning of life. Live, live brightly, create, read interesting books, listen to good music. Wish you happiness!

Hello. I am surprised that I am depressed. I am a deeply religious person, I have a large family, a wife, four children, the fifth will be in December, I have a good job. but the problem came from where I did not expect it. I am a Protestant Christian, an elder of the church (Baptists), for 20 years, my family is also a believer. and it is precisely the problems that arise within the church that have deeply affected me as well. because of these problems, I lost my appetite, I can’t eat all day, I don’t like life, constant anxiety and attacks of fear, my heart hurts, my head hurts, I want to run away somewhere, leave, change my place of residence so as not to see the Protestant church. I began to take eglonil and phenibut, but it didn’t get any easier, it has been going on for several months, I notice sudden changes in mood, everything falls out of hand at work. I talked with one doctor, advised me to mentally switch off - but how to do it. I'm afraid for myself and for my family, what to do, do I really have to lie in the hospital. advise me what to do.

  • Hello Sergey. If you are able to change something “problems that arise within the church” - change (you should think carefully and then decide what can be done now that can give a result), if not, then you need to let go of the situation.
    We recommend to read:

    • Hello! I felt bad, I went into myself, I was tormented by fear, excitement, my heart was beating fast, drinking Magne B6 did not help much. I became insecure in myself, a weakling, as if I was left alone in this world, I just exist, nothing is interesting, I just want to lie down and sleep. I don’t even want to talk, I didn’t become sociable, I sit and keep silent as if they replaced me. I don't want to go anywhere and see someone. What to do? Help me please!

      • Hello Akbota Dauletova. To help you, you need to understand the cause of your fears and worries. For any fear, excitement, there is a reason: external or internal. To get rid of anxiety, one should understand the nature of its development. Anxiety is an experience of an expected nature. Often a person is worried not because of what happened, but because of what might happen. There are even cases when a person is anxious because of what has already happened. He is so afraid of the situation that he can not stop thinking about it. If anxiety is caused by the imagination, which draws unpleasant pictures, then you should stop fantasizing. If an unpleasant situation has already happened, then you need not be afraid of it, solve it. The best way to get rid of fear and anxiety is to solve the problem. If nothing can be done about the situation, then you need to change your attitude towards it, find something positive, or simply come to terms with its presence. Anxiety is destructive to a person. Action must be taken to eliminate it. Since anxiety arises from a specific situation, you should correct it: either understand that it does not exist, or prepare for its onset, or pull yourself together and solve it.
        It is also important to consider that thyroid hormones can cause stress and anxiety, so we recommend that you be examined by an endocrinologist.

        Don't let outside influences affect how you feel.

My name is Alexander, I am 28 years old. I am an entrepreneur, I have a girl, we live in a civil marriage, we have a child. I lost a sense of interest in everything I do, there are no more ideas in my head, I became a pessimist due to constant problems and stress since the age of 12, sometimes I have panic attacks, I eat 1 sometimes 2 times a day. I also experience chronic sleep deprivation even if I sleep for a day. Sore neck and sometimes a terrible migraine. And in recent years, any of my stars have gone to the next world: Michael Jackson, Paul Walker and now Chester Benington, because of the latter, depression has become even stronger. I became selfish and extremely irritable. And it felt like I began to lose the will to live, as it was at the age of 14. But from 14, depression went into a latent stage and lay at the bottom for a couple of years.

Good afternoon. I have a terrible temper that I don't think I'm immediately furious, I often yell at people and at children, I can't control it. I don't have girlfriends, I envy those who have girlfriends. I'm alone. My husband does not understand me, we are increasingly moving away from each other. In recent days, I often cry, I don’t want to live, in general it often happens in my life that I don’t want to live, in my youth I cut pills in my veins, but alas, I live ... . Although I'm afraid of death because I'm afraid to be left without my kids, I'm afraid to leave them to other people because no one will love them like I do. And I don’t want to live because people don’t hate me for my stupid character. I do not know what to do? How can you help yourself get out of this state?

I am 48 years old. 35 years since I returned from the war. What for? Then again the war. I used to have friends, but they don't exist anymore. And I live, I can not anymore. Disabled 2 groups. Before, I was needed by everyone and could do anything. But when it was all over, I was no longer needed. I have a wife, I love her very much, she too, but I understand that I am poisoning her life. 20 years in place. Not me, not her relatives. She works, and I sit at home and smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day. I never felt sorry for myself. Yes, and I don't know how to do it. My heart began to hurt a lot, but I won’t tell anyone, maybe I’ll die. Tried treatment to no avail. I apologize for the autographic errors. Luda hid my award pistol. Thinks I'll shoot myself. Forgive me, I have become weak and just lonely to the point of horror. When I manage to fall asleep, I see how our armored personnel carrier explodes on a land mine. And my boys are dying, and I'm lying in a pool of blood and can't help. I wake up and howl like a beaten dog. Now I understand why officers don't live long in retirement. Loneliness has taken its toll. I can not understand how to continue to live, where to go? Sorry.

Good afternoon, my name is Emma, ​​I don’t know what to call my state in which I am, but judging by the article, this is a real severe depression. I am married, but for two years now my interest in my husband and family has disappeared. They seemed to live normally, but with my mind I understood that we had already outlived our own, and we live only for the sake of our daughter. I went to rest in other countries, was distracted, but then returned to the same thing, Groundhog Day !!! Six months ago, I became interested in communicating with a person close to me, he was just my friend. But after correspondence, I became much closer, we communicated while living in different countries and this communication helped me to live. Recently we met, but I frightened him with my pressure to be together and constant claims. I cry all the time, drank a bunch of sedatives, but the condition does not change. She decided to divorce her husband and left for her homeland in the Russian Federation. I thought the walls were healing here. I got even worse. I lost a friend, no family, a child in my arms and a job search. There is no meaning to life and I don't want to. I'm only holding on because of the baby. What should I do??? What?? I can't get out of this state and make a decision on my own.

  • Good afternoon Emma. We recommend that you improve relations with your husband, citing prolonged depression and the fact that you did not give an account of your actions when deciding to part. You are responsible to the baby, so refer to the need for help in raising the child.

Hello, I'm 31 years old. It seems to me that I've been depressed for 14 years already. It started with the fact that I entered a stupid specialty and I lost 5 years of my life in vain. . I am a perfectionist and therefore I always thought that it is better to go nowhere than anywhere. Because of this, I sat at home. I did not communicate with my friends, I did not look for new acquaintances. In addition, I live with my grandmother (who constantly controlled me, screamed, insulted me, my mother, dripped on my brain all these years) and my sister (who completely shifted the responsibility to look after my grandmother to me). I am a person who keeps everything in himself, and then explodes. It's already accumulated quite a bit. and it’s not just that it exploded, but it just ate me, you can say from the inside and leaked out. I feel apathy, powerlessness, into the void, I don’t feel any joy in life, and I don’t even see the point in sharing with my family, because they didn’t appreciate what I did, but took it for granted. Everything got even worse when my grandmother broke her leg and now lies. I don't work, I change her diapers, I cook, I clean, I don't live my life. Parents say help us, sister to take a shit. I see the only way out is to run away, but where .. yes, and I feel sorry for the parents. And I feel sorry for myself .. A vicious circle of some kind from which I don’t see a way out, and depression has been for 14 years already. There are joys, but so small and so rare.

  • Dina, hello. Now the time has come when the pills have ceased to help in general. The main root cause of dissatisfaction with life is the loss of connection with the main human organ - the Soul. Finding unity with her, so that she does not rebel in your body, does not bring your consciousness to tantrums - this is what you should strive for. Unity with your Soul will give peace and inner confidence, a sense of inner core, the Spirit will have strength. And my position is that all external irritants will not be able to invade the safe haven you have created.
    In general, everything is simple. If you are depressed, then it is beneficial to someone. So you do not fulfill your destiny, your favorite pastime, from which it becomes easy and light inside you. Think, please, why and for what a person is given depression. Then you need to analyze the way out of it and take small (big ones will not work) steps to enter the zone of your comfort, joy, happiness, creativity.

    There was a recent mention of reincarnation. We must always remember this, that one should not allow (even in thoughts) extreme states of depression as a way out, a solution to the situation. Only to be extremely honest with yourself - to find a foothold in yourself, your Soul, start to shine on yourself. Your perception of yourself and the perception of the environment, situations will change. You will be the same, but at the same time different - with a secret smile on your lips and a light of confidence in your eyes, because your attitude to life will already change ...

    All the best to you, and remember that no one ever gives you an unbearable burden, just as your Soul took only what you, Dina, can carry.

Hello! I am 32 years old, I have been depressed for a very long time, several years. The problem is that when I find my hobby and favorite activities, but as soon as I start to feel good, as luck would have it, something unpleasant happens: a child’s illness, I make gross mistakes at work, they criticize me for no reason, remind about my shortcomings, etc. My mood immediately deteriorates and the desire to do something disappears. I have already forgotten how to smile and I am constantly depressed. I have never been lucky in a relationship, I have two children, I am not married. I am ashamed of this in front of the children and others, which adds fuel to the fire.

  • Hello Anastasia. During the child's illness, your own pleasures will not be a priority for the mother, and this is normal, which is why your mood deteriorates, your well-being worsens.
    Regarding the mistakes made, react more calmly: the one who does not work is not mistaken. So you can answer to someone who tries to remind you of past troubles or mistakes. People feel very much who can be offended - who will endure and whom it is better not to touch - it will be more expensive for themselves. People with high self-esteem, self-confident people are usually discussed behind their backs, they are afraid to say in person what they think about them, because bold thoughts can be expressed to them in response. It is very important to be able to stand up for yourself, but if self-esteem is low, it will be more difficult to defend yourself, since only strong, confident and straightforward people are able to express their point of view and say “no”.
    There is no need to be ashamed of your condition, but you should get out of it by all means. Your self-esteem will change and your life will change.
    We recommend to read:

Hello. I just turned 18.
Since the beginning of the summer of 2016, I have had constant tantrums, nervous breakdowns
I opened my veins more than once, extinguished cigarettes with my hands, I drink a lot (almost every day)
I sleep a lot. I eat a lot or don't eat at all. I cry all the time. For a long time. Recently, I sat on the floor and roared and howled for two hours.
Many times I had thoughts of suicide. Sometimes I think that this is the only way, so I can start all over again. Help me please.

Good afternoon
For many years now, the exacerbation of the depressive state occurs in the spring. Even thoughts began to visit that she was mentally unhealthy.
For a long time, about 5-7 years, I have been in a depressed state. For the last two years I have had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for the last 1.5 years I have been suffering from constipation. I suffered from bulimia from the age of 18, the fear of getting better was simply haunting me. The state of weakness, tearfulness, self-criticism, plus all this, in addition, is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which is exhausting, constantly on laxatives. I'm obsessed with my body because it's not perfect. I have a boyish figure, unfeminine, not the first time I hear that it is not sexy, and even cold, that I have a cold look. Even though I wasn't like that before. On the contrary, she was full of strength, vitality, a luminous smile. How I miss my past self. I even had red hair. In my personal life, there were relationships in which I loved, I didn’t. It was after my last bad luck that everything started. There was a manic dependence on a person. The only plus, I try to learn from the mistakes of the past. Became wise. I feel good about people who are capable of what and what they are. At work, everything is fine with me, my career is going uphill, even those people who did not take me seriously before are surprised at my perseverance and intelligence. I need to give credit to my leader, who believed in me, in my potential. I love my job. I like to be smart and apply my knowledge, learn something new, think. But nevertheless, the leader tyrannizes me if I relax, constantly keeps me in good shape. Therefore, my opinion became prudent and hard. Because when you are connected with something serious, you are given responsibility, it is difficult to relax and switch. Moreover, age also makes itself felt. With all this, half a year ago I started dating a guy who is 4.5 years younger than me. The age difference bothers me. I'm afraid of old age and that I will be betrayed and abandoned again. Relationships also have many pitfalls. MCH was brought up by his mother and grandmother, i.е. women. And he chose an older woman. I'm afraid that I'm making a good man out of him, and then he will go to a young girl. Since in many ways I correct him, teach him, etc., I correct him for myself, there are many gaps in education. Another cause of frustration is the comparison of me with my older sister. She is all so sexy, my figure is better, etc. I wouldn’t take a steam bath at all if we weren’t compared by others, how annoying it is, here she is, and you are so ... while few people choose expressions. Sometimes I am shocked by such tactlessness of people. Usually we are compared by her environment, her men, she has a lot of them, promiscuity, while she knows how to twist men, lives at their expense. Easily deceives, a woman is a lover. She does not disdain anything, she even managed to meet the son of her lover, whom she allegedly loves, at the same time. The boundaries of morality are completely erased, she even managed to communicate with my ex-boyfriend when he showed signs of attention to her. I'm still amazed, how??? Okay, he's a man. But she's kindred blood, family. And in this whole situation, it depresses me that when the men from her environment admire her by comparing us, not knowing all the ins and outs about this person, it infuriates me. And what am I, I am harsh in expressions, rude, my straightforwardness offends men. And also obsessed with the waist, which I do not have. Rather, it is poorly expressed, given the fact that I have constipation and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, my stomach swells terribly and the waist on which I am already obsessed disappears completely, one continuous sadness. With all this, in the family they love me more, in the family I am tenderness itself. I find it difficult to make decisions that can change my life. For example, I’m even afraid to repaint, now the dark hair color that suits me. Especially when paired with red lipstick. Bright appearance, but not vulgar, dear. And so I want to throw off this load of black hair and start smiling. Don't be a snow queen. I even signed up for a salon, but I didn’t go, and the guy dissuades me, he likes me darker more, because he didn’t see me otherwise. You know, sometimes I hate my sister, she behaved in relation to me in many ways as vilely as she did with her men. The problem with my family is that we seem to be together, but mentally we are all distant from each other. You know, just yesterday, I yelled at my mother with resentment. I bought myself a corset, well, to reduce the waist))). And my mother said that it’s like spring for you, so you always suffer from nonsense, you need to treat your head. It was so embarrassing. After all, when I began to suffer from bulimia, they just scolded me, they said how I could do this, but no one helped. Bulimia was sick for about 10 years, until it finally pressed on the gastrointestinal tract. They missed me without paying attention that this is serious. After all, I was stupid, and now I'm suffering, I'm being treated. I went to a psychologist, I myself love this science, there has always been an interest. I realized what I need, I need a mentor who will pull me towards recovery, who would tell me not to give up, give really good advice. In our family, they come to me for advice, and I really want to be helped. That's how it is, what do you say? Thank you if you answer, if not, then I expressed my sadness, roared and already feel better. I have always come out of the valley of despair myself, pulled myself together and forward. I myself get up from my knees to walk, but my gait is slow, my legs give way, and I really want to run towards the sun.

  • Good afternoon Sofia. If you want to run towards the sun, you need to do it.
    To achieve spiritual balance, you need to live in harmony of body and mind. This is important in order to live in harmony with yourself and have protection from any negative energy. So that others do not interfere with living like this, you should exclude from your life communication with those who lower your self-esteem.
    Using your mind, give great importance to the health of the nervous system and calmness. What is more important to maintain mental health, and with it physical health, or artificially keep weight, depriving yourself of vital micro and macro elements?
    Love for the world begins with self-love, acceptance of yourself as you are, and only after that others will love you.
    "I'm obsessed with my body because it's not perfect." - If it is not perfect, accept yourself for who you are, it makes sense to torment yourself by expanding the list of your diagnoses. You tried to change the figure, well done, but it's time to let go of this problem. Now much more important is the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, which needs calmness, a balanced diet.
    “In my personal life there were relationships in which I loved, I don’t. It was after my last bad luck that everything started. There was a manic dependence on a person. - Wish happiness and mentally release the person on all four sides with gratitude for all the good that was between you.
    “I’m afraid of old age and that I will be betrayed and abandoned again” - Live in the present, now you feel good and this is the main thing. With your fears, you can attract into reality what you fear.
    “It’s not the first time I’ve heard that I’m not sexy, and even cold, that I have a cold look.” - Change your attitude towards yourself, love yourself, your self-perception will change and others will notice your changes.
    "Another cause of frustration is comparing me to my older sister." - It is worth stopping once and for all to compare yourself and allow the environment to do this.
    "It's hard for me to make decisions that can change my life." - You need to raise your self-esteem.
    “I realized what I need, I need a mentor who will pull me towards recovery” - Become a mentor for yourself. Write the qualities “I am perfect” and try to match them in reality. A person allows himself many things, referring to many reasons, looking for justifications for his actions. Become an internally strong woman who loves herself, appreciates, respects and will not allow herself to shout with others, calmly accept criticism if necessary, while realizing that a subjective opinion has been voiced.
    We recommend to read:

    Hello Vitya. In moments of sadness, communicate on the phone, correspond via SMS, this will allow you to cheer up and feel better. Plan on weekends, at least occasionally spend together.

I left work, my husband has been on a business trip for 2 months and does not help. We have 4 children studying and a kindergarten, pay money everywhere, I'm tired, I can't. Didn't drink anything. I didn't even know it was depression.

Hello! I have been depressed for the past year. After losing a loved one. My mom died of cancer. Everything turned upside down. I cry all the time, with any quarrel with my husband. Or something just doesn't work. No interest in life. Everything is lost. The family is on the verge of divorce. Nothing interests me. I can't deal with the loss. Doesn't let go. Constant fear that something will happen to the children. I tried to drink fluoxetine, the first week everything was fine, I didn’t think about anything bad, slight lethargy, calmness. I even liked this state. But in the second week everything returned. There was no effect. I understand that I need professional help. I want to get out of this state. Enjoy life. After all, we only live once.

I have constant feelings of guilt, anxiety and fear. I can’t live as before, I’m in my last year at the university, I don’t like my studies, I have no desire to do something, low self-esteem, although everyone says that I’m beautiful, and there is a future husband, but the situation is such that we need leave the country to earn money, we love each other very much, but when I leave him I feel depressed, I can no longer communicate with friends, as before, I no longer feel joy and happiness, I want constant attention to myself, there are complexes crooked teeth and very thin hair, as if I’m becoming bald .. I don’t like my appearance at all .. I never felt like that .. what’s wrong with me .. I don’t want to live, study, be here in this city among all these people, I feel like nothing, not worthy for life..

Thank you very much, I will try to love myself, take care of myself. I’ll put braces, drink some vitamins for my hair .. it’s just that I feel lonely, my parents live in another city, and the guy too, I only come to them for the weekend .. here in this city I don’t have friends, it feels like- as if no one here wants to communicate with me, they think that I have high self-esteem, because I lived in the states .. and on the contrary, I really need friendship and communication, there is a real lack of a person who can cry, talk heart to heart, do something together (as in books about true friendship), I'm always alone .. it's very bad .. I want new acquaintances, but I'm afraid to start getting to know someone, and I don't know how. I want to live, not exist.

I've been depressed for over a year now. Sometimes it gets a little better, but not for long. I cry all the time. I work very badly. Because of this, my financial condition became very bad. This makes it even worse. There is no money for psychologists. For entertainment too. My relatives are far away. There is only my boyfriend. But I am ashamed to constantly load it with my depressions. I feel guilty, because I plunge him into a terrible state with this. My friends here are superficial. They don't care about my problems. For them, I am a friend only if I smile.
I try to see the positive, as written in the article. But it's very hard. If I didn't believe in reincarnation, I would seriously consider suicide.
I have a business that I like. I write. But I can only do this in moments of enlightenment. Therefore, during the period of exacerbation, nothing comes out. Meditation is the same. When the emotional body cries, nothing helps.
I don't know if I should start taking drugs. After all, my depression is due to a meager life. So far I don't see any way out. And even when it gets better, I understand that you need to work very hard to get out of this circle. That is, I need a resource of positive mood so that I can work very hard.
I heard that drugs help as long as you take them. And when you stop drinking them, it gets even worse. This is true? What do you advise me? Thank you!

  • Hello, Elena. You need to figure out what is causing your depression. In women, this is very often associated with hormonal surges, which significantly “poison” life. Suicide is not an option, life is given once and should be lived with dignity.
    “After all, my depression is due to a meager life. So far, I don't see any way out." - It's an illusion. In fact, a person does not need much to feel happiness, it’s just that people don’t know how to enjoy what they have. You have a favorite thing, guy - this is not enough.
    “A resource of a positive mood so that I can work very hard” - You can support yourself with the following herbal preparations that will not cause addiction - tinctures of Eleutherococcus, lemongrass, ginseng.
    It is obligatory to take vitamin complexes, glucose, observe the proper organization of rest and work, complete and regular meals, walks, and perform special physical exercises.
    For the production of serotonin, it is important to consume foods containing the protein tryptophan, which is present in foods such as bananas, cheese, wholemeal bread, eggs, turkey.
    We recommend to read:

Hello, I have been suffering from depression for several years. Relatives, close people turned away and do not believe, the psychiatrist prescribed phenazepam, it immediately helped a little, but because of everyday scandals at home, everything came to naught, I don’t want to increase the dose, and it doesn’t help, lately I’ve been thinking about suicide,
I do not ask for sympathy, I can not cope on my own.
Tell me what to do, but 5 years ago everything was fine when I was earning, a complete disappointment in life.
Thank you.

  • Hello Vyacheslav. You need to think about what, in your opinion, can make you a happy person and take small steps in this direction. Start by improving family relationships, do not support family scandals at home, just do not participate in them.
    “After all, 5 years ago everything was fine when I was making money” - You need to start earning money again so that you feel the way you used to. You need to think about where you can fulfill yourself and then life will sparkle with other colors, you will want to live. You should initially believe in yourself, and then your loved ones will believe in you.
    "total disappointment in life." - Unfortunately, life is not only ups, but also downs, from which it is very difficult to get out, but if there is a desire, then everything is possible.
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    • Thank you very much for your answer. I can’t earn that much now, and irreversible processes have taken place in the family, it’s better to quit, forget and pay more attention to yourself. I will always work for myself. If it's all about money, what is such a family for?
      I will try to follow your advice in self-realization, and over time everything will get better, because I am not an old person yet - I am 44 years old. You need to pull yourself together. Thanks for the answer. Sincerely.

      • Men, come to your senses, you are men for that, to be breadwinners and the head of the family! And you whine! What processes have gone through that you cannot earn? There is a lot of work on the Internet, and people with disabilities manage to earn money! You don’t need to sit at home - then there will be fewer reasons for sadness! Why such a family, if everything depends on money? And you, excuse me, will you feed the children with manna from heaven? This is your destiny - to be the captain of the ship called "family"! Take the reins of government into your own hands, and run to work, do not disgrace yourself, men of the 21st century! Dear Maria, this is not the place to speak out about “men in general” and “men earners”, etc. Firstly, you are not a doctor to unceremoniously make your judgments in this conversation, and secondly, it is not for you to judge either about the illnesses of a person you do not know, or about his family life. Are you perfect? Then why do you look at sites dedicated to diseases? Strange. And once again: to judge here is at least stupid!

    • Vitamins of group B will contribute to the production of serotonin in the body. These vitamins are abundant in the liver, lettuce, buckwheat, oatmeal, cauliflower and broccoli. Dried fruits combined with honey, lemon and nuts will be a good source for the production of serotonin. All citrus fruits, pumpkin, melon, as well as foods rich in magnesium can increase serotonin levels - rice, seaweed, dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs.
      The fastest way to boost your mood is to drink a cup of tea or coffee. Substances contained in drinks contribute to the production of serotonin.



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