Liver parameters of biochemical blood test in dogs. Elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs

If something is wrong with the dog, the attentive owner notices it and takes it to the veterinarian for examination. But not all diseases can be determined purely by visual inspection animal. In most cases, the doctor refers the patient for tests that help confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis. In particular, such an auxiliary study is a biochemical blood test and determination of the levels of AST and ALT. Let's find out about this in detail.

Briefly about enzymes

When conducting biochemical analysis blood is used to determine enzyme activity. This is the name given to protein molecules that accelerate the course of basic reactions in the body. A synonym for the term “enzyme” is “enzyme”. What is an enzyme? It consists of the protein part itself (apoenzyme) and the active center (coenzyme). Acceleration biochemical reactions produce coenzymes.

All enzymes are divided into several types depending on their tasks. For example, dehydrogenases carry out reduction and oxidation, hydrolases carry out cleavage.

About elevated ALT levels

A protein molecule called ALT (alanine aminotransferase) is responsible for transferring amino acids from one molecule to another. ALT is synthesized in cells. This means that the enzyme activity in the dog’s blood is low. An increase in its level in healthy dogs can be caused by taking antibiotics, antitumor drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, valerian. Also, in domestic animals, an increase in this enzyme may indicate severe physical activity. This happens at service dogs during their active preparation to work. Also high level enzyme may be a sign of injury (impact to the liver).

It is worth noting that high activity ALT is often a specific symptom acute illness liver. In this case, the indicators can be 5-10 times higher than the normal level. If such a level of enzyme is observed long time, then this could be a sign of a serious liver condition. It's about about cirrhosis, hepatitis, tumor. It is these reasons that are the basis for the jump in the level of alanine aminotransferase in the body of dogs.

About increasing AST levels in dogs

The full name of this enzyme is aspartate aminotransferase. This substance is from the group of transaminases. AST transfers aspartate amino acids from one molecule to another. In newborn puppies, a two to threefold increase in the level of this enzyme is normal. If such an indicator is observed in adult dogs, then this may be evidence of hepatonecrosis, jaundice, hypoglycemia, dehydration, hypocholesterolemia and collapse.

Often it is hepatocellular necrosis that leads to an increase in AST levels in the blood of pets. This pathology, in turn, can be provoked by toxic medications in dogs. These veterinarians include Phenotoin, Primidon, Phenobarbital, benzimidazole anthelmintics, for example, Mebendazole and Oxibendazole. In addition to drugs, hepatonecrosis in pet may cause ingestion of toxins, such as fly agaric alkaloids; paracetamol; carbon tetrachloride. Liver cirrhosis late stage in dogs, chronic active hepatitis also causes an increase in AST enzyme levels.

In addition to liver diseases and dysfunction, increased performance of this substance can also be observed in other pathologies. Thus, severe anemia may be the cause of high aspartate aminotransferase levels in dogs; heart failure; diabetes; hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism; cholestatic disease; neoplasia.

So, when a pet has a high level of the above enzyme after conducting appropriate tests, the veterinarian must first rule out liver disease. It is more often diagnosed in older, elderly dogs who have a genetic predisposition to it. If everything is fine with this organ in the dog, then the doctor prescribes additional research and tests, based on their results, prescribes certain medicines for pet.

To accurately diagnose diseases, laboratory tests are often needed. Most often, blood and urine tests are taken from dogs.

General blood test in dogs

It determines the composition of the blood, that is, the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets and many other indicators in it. The norm depends on the age and health of the dog, that is, its medical history.

  • The normal level of hemoglobin in a dog’s blood is 74-180 g/l. An increase in its level indicates dehydration and blood thickening, and a decrease indicates anemia.
  • The norm of red blood cells is 3.3-8.5 million/μl, their increased amount may be due to bronchopulmonary pathology, polycystic disease, heart defects, liver or kidney tumors, and dehydration. A decrease in the number of red blood cells may be caused by large blood loss, anemia, chronic inflammatory processes.
  • ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In a dog it should be up to 13 mm/h. Increased value ESR is characteristic of various inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, observed and .
  • The number of leukocytes should be in the range of 6-18.6 thousand/µl. Exceeding this norm can be caused by infectious and inflammatory processes, leukemia, allergic reactions. And the decrease is infectious pathologies bone marrow genetic abnormalities, hyperfunction of the spleen.
  • An increased content of platelets in the blood (more than 500 thousand / μl) can be caused by myeloid leukemia, polycythemia, and a decreased content is characteristic of anemia and systemic autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus.

Biochemical blood test in dogs

Defines biochemical parameters blood. Changes in the main ones indicate very serious illnesses.

  • Glucose should be in the range of 4 – 6 mmol/l. Their excess indicates hyperthyroidism, stress, pancreatic necrosis, and their decrease indicates an insulin overdose, insulinoma, hypoadrenocorticism.
  • Total protein healthy dog is at the level of 50-77 g/l. Elevated indicates chronic inflammatory or autoimmune diseases, dehydration. Reduced - about enteritis, nephrotic syndrome, pancreatitis, blood loss, fasting, heart failure, hypovitaminosis, malignant neoplasms.
  • Urea nitrogen should be at the level of 4.3-8.9 mmol/l. Its increase indicates impaired renal function and urine excretion, acute liver dystrophy, absorption in the intestine large quantity squirrel. A decrease indicates liver cirrhosis.
  • Total bilirubin (a component of bile) should not exceed 7.5 μmol/l, otherwise cirrhosis or liver tumors should be suspected. An increase in creatinine by more than 133 µmol/l indicates renal dysfunction.

General urine analysis in dogs

It includes both a visual assessment of transparency and color, as well as its chemical composition.

  • A healthy dog's urine should be yellow. A significant change in its color may indicate serious diseases: bilirubinemia (beer-colored), hematuria (red-brown), leukocyturia (milky-white), myoglobinuria (black urine).
  • Cloudy urine may indicate the presence of bacteria or a large amount of salts.
  • At chemical analysis urine levels of glucose, protein, ketone bodies, urobilinogen and bilirubin.
  • There should be no glucose in the urine of a healthy dog. Its presence can be explained either by a violation of the processes of filtration of glucose and its reabsorption in the kidneys, or by a high concentration of glucose in the blood. This indicates acute renal failure or diabetes.
  • The normal level of protein in urine is considered to be up to 0.3 g/l. The reasons for its increase may be destructive processes or chronic infections in the kidneys, in urinary tract, hemolytic anemia or

Every owner who sincerely cares about the health of their pet is obliged to regularly examine it. The development of the disease is indicated by an increase in alkaline phosphatase.

Elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs

Under alkaline phosphatase refers to an enzyme that provides hydrolysis esters phosphoric acid.

The largest amount is contained in:

  1. Intestinal mucosa.
  2. Placenta.
  3. Liver cells.

The largest amount of the enzyme is found in liver cells.

When cells die and permeability cell membranes increases, alkaline phosphatase enters the blood. It can be detected during a biochemical analysis.

Normal alkaline phosphatase ranges from 8.0 to 28.0 IU/l.

Main reasons

An increase in the levels of this enzyme is not a reason for comprehensive examination animal.

Alkaline phosphatase increases in pregnant dogs.

According to veterinarians, in young dogs, an upward change in indicators is not a pathology.

This is because their skeleton is still growing. But also an increase in alkaline phosphatase is not considered a deviation from the norm in pregnant bitches and in animals after fractures.

The level of this enzyme increases when a dog is given:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • steroid hormones.

Husky and alkaline phosphatase

There is no need to worry as a Husky owner either. This is a feature of the breed.

Elevated alkaline phosphatase is a feature of the Husky breed.

Development of pathologies

A change in the parameters of this enzyme is observed when:

  • bone tumors;
  • , causing inflammation;
  • feeding fatty foods;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • lung;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • oncological process in the mammary gland;
  • tumor pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • kidney infarction;
  • liver pathologies;
  • osteodystrophy;
  • lymphogranulomatosis, accompanied by damage to bone tissue;
  • hyperparathyroidism.

Fatty foods affect changes in enzyme levels.

An increase in alkaline phosphatase in four-legged animals is not a direct symptom of a particular disease. The animal's body may simply be sending signals that it needs help.

What to do

Clarification of the reason why alkaline phosphatase levels have changed occurs in a veterinary clinic using special equipment. First of all, the doctor directs the animal to undergo ultrasound examination liver and kidneys. If necessary, an x-ray is prescribed.

You need to take tests once a month.

This will help more accurately and quickly determine the cause of the increase in enzyme levels. At this time, you need to thoroughly worm the dog. The corresponding medications are taken at the rate of 1 tablet/10 kg.

After this, the veterinarian carries out the following manipulations:

  1. Visual inspection.
  2. Feeling the abdomen.
  3. Inspection of the coat.

The animal owner must give a detailed answer about what and at what time he feeds his pet. The number of servings also matters.

The veterinarian needs to be told about the dog's diet.

Features of therapy for elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase in the blood of a dog

In most cases, the dog is prescribed medications that stabilize the functioning of the liver. After completing the therapeutic course, the animal is again sent to. If enzyme levels increase, the doctor resorts to urgent surgical intervention. The affected organ is completely removed.

The dosage of Essentiale is prescribed by a veterinarian.

During the passage postoperative period alkaline phosphatase may also increase.

But this is considered the norm. At the end of this period, the indicators decrease.

After the operation, the dog owner undertakes to scrupulously adhere to the veterinarian’s recommendations. If the factor provoking an increase in alkaline phosphatase levels was liver pathology, the pet should be given Essentiale. The dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian individually.

Home care

During the postoperative period, you need to feed the dog only its usual food.

You can give your dog boiled chicken.

  1. You shouldn’t suddenly switch from “natural” food to special “medicinal” food. famous manufacturers . You can feed the animal boiled chicken. A small amount of rice is allowed. If the dog is treated with branded food, the portions should be temporarily reduced.
  2. It is not recommended to suddenly change living conditions . Acclimatization may adversely affect the condition four-legged friend.
  3. It is important to avoid conflict situations with family members . A dog is an excellent psychologist who subtly senses the owner’s mood. can sharply worsen her condition and provoke an increase in enzyme levels.
  4. You need to walk your pet more often . It is recommended to avoid noisy places. If the dog has been training on the playground, you should refrain from training for now. The walk should be carried out at a calm pace. Overwork is strictly contraindicated.

Proper preparation for research

8 hours before the study you need to stop feeding. Any food can contribute to a distortion of the picture.

The results of the study may be affected by the stress that the dog experiences during the test. For this reason, it is recommended to undergo the examination several times, observing time intervals.

  • In order to avoid stress, it is recommended to invite a veterinarian to your home. If the analysis is carried out in comfortable conditions, the doctor will get a more accurate result.
  • 3–4 days before the study, it is recommended to reduce physical activity four-legged friend. You should avoid visiting the dog park in favor of a leisurely walk.
  • If the owner gives his pet medications, the veterinarian must be informed about this. In this case, blood is drawn before taking medications.
  • The analysis result can be obtained the next day. If the need arises, a repeat study is prescribed.

Preventive actions

If the cause of the increase in alkaline phosphatase was liver disease, then at the end of the therapeutic course the doctor undertakes to inform the dog owner regarding the prevention of relapse.

You should monitor your dog's diet.

Need to pay Special attention animal nutrition. It is advisable to give him only low-fat balanced feed trusted manufacturers. It is believed that the dog will not eat too much. This is wrong. Portions should be small.

Video about deciphering blood tests in dogs

Perhaps nothing has interested doctors as much since the very beginning of medicine as blood. The mere circumstance that this liquid is red is liquid connective tissue, cannot but surprise. Of course, in veterinary medicine, hematology is a recognized leader in the field of diagnostics. The importance of information that a blood test in dogs can provide cannot be underestimated. It is the blood picture that sometimes makes it possible to identify severe diseases at their earliest stages, which significantly increases the animal’s chances of recovery.

A survey of the owners showed that they decided to reduce the cost of keeping animals (and in Europe it is very high), for which they fed the animals a lot of lentils and beans (as if they were protein substitutes), rice and boiled potatoes. The dogs received very little animal protein, and all of it was extremely Bad quality. The biochemical blood test of dogs placed on such ersatz was extremely poor. In particular, the volume of protein decreased to pathologically low values, while the level of enzymes went off scale. As a result, problems were observed with the coat, skin, reproductive function, and digestive system.

Why are we all this? Yes, just a timely general blood test in dogs can reveal severe disorders metabolism is very early stages when you can get by with simple vitamin preparations and normalization of the animal’s diet. Agree that it is more profitable to spend money on blood tests several times a year than to then spend considerable sums on full-fledged therapy. And it is far from a fact that in severe cases of illness it will give a pronounced positive effect.

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Complete blood count (CBC)

It's kind of " general test”, which gives basic information. It is extremely important in the diagnosis of many diseases. Objective data obtained from general analysis blood, render invaluable help and during ongoing treatment, as they allow one to assess the dynamics of the disease and timely adjust therapy. Remember that biochemistry allows you to evaluate more parameters (test for progesterone, for example).

First, let's look at the parameters of red blood cells. RBC (red blood cell count), HCT (hematocrit), ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and HGB (hemoglobin). An increase in these indicators is characteristic of dehydration or disease of the reticuloendothelial system, accompanied by a release into the general bloodstream immature forms of red blood cells. A decrease indicates anemia. Any decrease in the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream is fraught with severe hypoxia, which can even lead to coma and serious degenerative processes in the cerebral cortex. In this case, there is light blood when taking tests.

RDW (red blood cell distribution width by volume). What does it indicate? this indicator with so much strange name? You may know that red blood cells are quite plastic cells, capable of changing their size and shape in order to squeeze into any tissue. So, RDW (roughly speaking) actually indicates a variety of size heterogeneity. To put it simply, this value helps determine whether the body has enough protein and iron, which are used in growing normal forms red blood cells What other cells does it “affect”? clinical analysis blood in dogs?

Read also: Vaccination of dogs against rabies

RETIC (reticulocytes). An increased rate indicates the appearance in the general bloodstream of a large number of immature forms of red blood cells. This symptom is caused by non-regenerative anemia; the same symptom is characteristic of massive blood loss, when the animal’s body is not able to quickly compensate for the lack of these cells. A similar situation is observed in chronic anemia, when the capabilities of the reticuloendothelial system have already exhausted themselves.

Leukocyte count (WBC)

WBC (white blood cells, total count). Their number increases with any inflammation, and leukemia. A decrease indicates severe degenerative processes in the red bone marrow, or a long, protracted and extremely severe illness that has almost completely exhausted the body’s protective potential. Their number is not revealed, except when an analysis is carried out (they use serology).

Platelets are synthesized in the bone marrow and are extremely important for the normal blood clotting process. Platelets live only a few weeks and are constantly renewed. Accordingly, reduced levels of their number are often due to severe structural damage to the bone marrow. It is possible that the animal is suffering from autoimmune platelet destruction (ITP or IMT), or DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation).

In autoimmune destruction, platelets are destroyed by the body itself, mistaking them for foreign cells (antigens). During intravascular coagulation, the animal's body constantly produces big number tiny blood clots. As a result Bone marrow simply cannot produce platelets in required quantity. A small number of these cells are found in animals prone to heavy bleeding, and such dogs regularly have blood in their urine and feces.

Deciphering a biochemical blood test in dogs helps to refute or confirm the diagnosis that was previously made to the pet based on a clinical examination. It can also help identify the presence of other pathologies that require immediate medical intervention.

Biochemical blood test in dogs

The obtained biochemical data helps the veterinarian give a correct assessment of the condition metabolic processes and get a correct picture of the course of a particular disease in a dog.

A biochemical blood test helps diagnose the disease.

Definition pathological process occurs on the basis of data about:

  • indicators water-salt metabolism;
  • lipid metabolism;
  • carbohydrate metabolism;
  • enzymes;
  • nitrogenous components;
  • pigments;
  • squirrels

Main indications

A biochemical blood test is prescribed when:

  • pancreatic amylase;
  • renal pathologies;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

If you have a gastrointestinal disorder, you should take a blood test.

How to get tested correctly

Blood sampling from an animal is carried out as in veterinary clinic, and at home, after a preliminary agreement with a doctor. On the eve of the procedure, it is necessary to stop using medications.

The dog's blood is drawn at a veterinary clinic.

You also need to temporarily give up physical activity. It is not recommended to perform massage manipulations, do ultrasound and x-rays.

You can give your dog food only 8–12 hours before the procedure.

Table and norms of indicators

Biochemical blood parameters are as follows:

IndexNorm (µmol/l.)
Uric acid159
Inorganic phosphorus0,8–1,9
Amylase299–2.0 thousand
Total bilirubin0–7,7
Albumen26–36 g
Protein56–76 g/l

Decoding the results

Blood values ​​are read exclusively by a specialist. All obtained data are considered in a comprehensive manner.

The results are deciphered by a specialist.

Test results in themselves do not constitute a diagnosis.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is carried out additional examination. Only after this the veterinarian prescribes treatment.

Changes in cholesterol levels

Improper feeding can help lower cholesterol.

An increase indicates liver pathologies. But the dog is also diagnosed with hypothyroidism, ischemia or atherosclerosis.

  1. Cirrhosis.
  2. Portocaval anastomosis.
  3. Oncology.

And also a decrease in cholesterol indicates that the owner is feeding the dog incorrectly.

Changes in phosphorus indicators

This element is part nucleic acids . Its level is regulated simultaneously with calcium levels. An increase indicates the destruction of bone tissue, an excess of vitamin D, leakage endocrine pathologies or .

A decrease in indicators may indicate:

  1. Malabsorption.
  2. Lack of vitamin D.
  3. Lack of growth hormone.

With hypercalcemia, the dog experiences nausea.

Changes in calcium levels

This element facilitates nerve impulse into the heart muscle and fluid retention in the blood vessels. This stops the development of swelling.

Normal calcium levels contribute to healthy blood clotting and muscle contraction. The element is found in tooth enamel and bone tissue.

Calcium is present in dog tooth enamel.

Increasing its performance indicates dysfunction parathyroid gland. This may also indicate the progression of such malignant pathologies like leukemia and myeloma. This condition is also called hypercalcemia.

Decrease in indicators may indicate renal failure or thyroid dysfunction.

Changes in chloride levels

Their increase signals acute renal failure or the penetration of salicylates into the body.

An increase in chlorides in the blood indicates renal failure.

But it also indicates increased functioning of the adrenal cortex.

Changes in sodium levels

An increase indicates that the central regulation of water-salt metabolism has been disrupted. This dangerous condition also called hypernatremia.

A low sodium level indicates heart failure.

Changes in creatinine levels

This element is the end product of creatine metabolism, which is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from:

  • methionine;
  • glycine;
  • arginine

It is excreted from the body by the kidneys and is not reabsorbed in the renal tubules. Its increase may indicate the development of renal failure. A decrease indicates thinning muscle mass.

Sometimes a change in these indicators signals pregnancy.

Creatinine levels change during pregnancy.

Changes in urea levels

The dog's urinary system.

When the indicators decrease, this indicates protein starvation or a malabsorption of this element.

Changes in total bilirubin levels

This bile component is a coloring substance. When its levels increase, skin tone may change. This symptom usually indicates liver cell damage.

This may also be a sign of obstruction bile ducts. The dog may be diagnosed with obstructive jaundice.

If bilirubin levels change, jaundice may appear.

Changes in total protein indicators

Protein is the most important biochemical criterion. It is necessary to regulate metabolism and accelerate biochemical reactions. It is thanks to proteins that the liquid in blood vessels does not penetrate tissue.

Protein regulates metabolism in the blood.

Their synthesis in the liver is carried out from dietary amino acids. Consists of total protein from globulins and albumins. An increase in indicators indicates dehydration or the development of myeloma. This condition is also called hyperproteinemia.

A decrease in indicators signals the development of intestinal pathologies or acute renal failure. And also this symptom is called hypoproteinemia.

Changes in glucose levels

Glucose deficiency leads to the fact that this element does not pass into cells.

Blood levels increase, but cellular starvation is observed. Against the background of an increase, diabetes mellitus or thyrotoxicosis may develop. Sometimes an increase in glucose indicates the development of Cushing's syndrome.

A decrease in levels is called hypoglycemia. This signals severe pathologies pancreas. In the worst case it can be diagnosed malignant tumor. Sometimes a decrease in indicators indicates that the animal’s liver is affected.

In case of poisoning, glucose levels change.

What is important to remember?

The data from the biochemical blood test must be compared with the general clinical data that were obtained by the specialist during the examination of the dog.

Analysis data is compared with general inspection dogs.

The point of this study is to reflect the functioning of the enzymatic system of the canine body on the state of the blood.


A blood test can help identify the disease initial stage.

A biochemical blood test should be performed not only when specific symptoms. This study allows you to identify any disease at the initial stage. Therefore, it is necessary to be examined by a veterinarian regularly and take tests on his recommendation.

Video about deciphering dog blood tests



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