How much does the stomach hurt during embryo implantation. Embryo implantation

The birth of a new life is not like that easy process, as it really seems and how young couples who plan to replenish their family would like it. Indeed, before forming an embryo and continuing its further development, male and female sex cells do a great job. If fertilization of a mature egg has occurred, it does not mean that pregnancy has occurred. It is much more important to know that the process of embryo implantation has taken place - the attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus.

The female body is designed in such a way that approximately in the middle menstrual cycle it becomes ready for conception: a mature egg comes out of the ovary, retaining its functions for another two days. This state in gynecological practice called ovulation. If fertilization with a spermatozoon does not occur within these 12 or 24 hours, the female sex cell dies and is removed from next menstruation. When two or three eggs ovulate, a woman can have several babies at once.

At the same time, many other accompanying processes also occur: the consistency of the mucous secretions in the cervix becomes thinner, and the cervical canal expands for the passage of male germ cells, the woman's mood changes, the desire increases, the blood supply to the genitals increases. The egg continues its development in the fallopian tube, while moving to the farthest site to meet spermatozoa, of which about 500 million are ejected as a result of sexual intercourse.

To "get" to the egg, they have to overcome the path from the cervix to the ampulla fallopian tube), encountering certain obstacles in its path, since the vaginal environment is detrimental to spermatozoa. Of the several million eggs, only a couple of three thousand reach the goal, where the most active retain their viability for about 5 more days. The female body helps them survive by creating a favorable habitat, because during ovulation, a woman's body temperature rises to 37 degrees. As you know, with these indicators, spermatozoa are the most mobile.

After fertilization of a mature egg has occurred, the female sex hormone estrogen is activated, which prepares the uterine mucosa for the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus.

Embryo implantation: the essence of the process

It is amazing how many changes a woman's body undergoes in order for the conception of a child to occur. And only after the implantation of the embryo into the uterus, we can talk about pregnancy.

After leaving the ovary, the fertilized egg reaches the uterus after 7 days, during which time it goes through 3 stages of development:

  1. A zygote is a fertilized egg that divides in two.
  2. Then the morula, which has up to 32 cells, which undergo division every 15 hours. After 90 hours, it has up to 64 cells. Of these, several form the fetus, and the rest will be involved in the formation of the membrane and placenta.
  3. The fluid-filled ball of the blastocyst contains the cells that will directly become the embryo.

After reaching the uterine epithelium, the blastocyst loses its protective shell and is fixed on the wall of the uterus. If the membrane is too thick, implantation may not occur. Thanks to natural selection, only the healthy blastocyst is able to gain a foothold in the uterine membrane. Otherwise, a pathologically "unhealthy" embryo may be rejected by the female body, and the pregnancy will be terminated.

The main reasons for failed implantation are:

  • genetically incorrectly developed blastocyst;
  • the shell of the fetal egg is too thick;
  • thickened uterine epithelium (normally this parameter should be 10-13 mm);
  • lack of nutrients in the uterine tissue.

Embryo implantation: on what day does fixation occur

As a rule, the introduction of the blastocyst into the uterine epithelium can occur from 3 hours to several days. During this period, the fertilized egg is looking for comfortable spot, where it is tightly fixed due to the troboblast. This process sometimes pauses for a while and then continues again. If the embryo managed to gain a foothold, then there is a high probability that in the future it will overcome all sorts of difficulties.

The woman's body, in turn, at this stage is not yet ready to perceive the cells of the unborn child, reacting to them as foreign body. On early dates pregnancy, he will try to get rid of this invasion, so during the implantation period expectant mother it is extremely important to be very careful and prudent.

In obstetric practice, there are two conditional categories of the implantation process:

  • late implantation embryo - occurs after the egg has been fertilized, approximately on the 10th day. It is especially favorable if artificial insemination is carried out. In the case when, it would seem, pregnancy should not happen and it is no longer expected, late implantation becomes a surprise;
  • early implantation of the embryo is less common and occurs mainly on the 7th day after ovulation. It is generally accepted that during this period the uterus is not yet ready for implantation, but implantation is not excluded and pregnancy is still possible.

In order for the embryo to be well and freely fixed in uterine epithelium it is also necessary that certain conditions in the female body correspond to this:

  • thickness of the uterine mucosa - no more than 13 mm;
  • in order for the embryo to continue its vital activity in the walls of the uterus, the presence of certain nutrients is necessary;
  • a woman's progesterone level must be normal to promote embryo development and delay menstruation.

Symptoms and signs of embryo implantation

After the embryo has strengthened, the level of the hormone begins to increase. chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) in the urine and blood of a woman. In parallel with this, during the implantation of the embryo, the first signs of pregnancy appear. Among them:

  1. Implantation bleeding is the first sign of embryo implantation in the uterus. This meager discharge blood from the vagina, the amount of which sometimes does not exceed a few drops. Occurs as a result of injury small vessels on the wall of the uterus after the introduction of a fertilized egg. Discharge during implantation of the embryo should normally be beige-pink or Brown color. Such a symptom can be misleading if a woman has current infectious diseases of the genital organs.
  2. The process of embryo implantation, as a rule, is always characterized by pain. It can be drawing pains in the lower back or lower abdomen, sometimes even tingling. Usually pain located at the site of attachment of the embryo.
  3. Changes in basal and general body temperature. A characteristic reaction of a woman's body to pregnancy is an increase in temperature (up to 37 - 37.3 degrees).
  4. The taste of metal in the mouth. This symptom often manifests itself, so women should be aware that the metallic taste on the tongue is nothing more than the normal course of the process of fixing a fertilized egg.
  5. When implanting an embryo, one of the sensations of a woman may be a general malaise, which is accompanied by headache, apathy and dizziness.
  6. Sudden mood swings and psycho-emotional instability.

IVF and embryo implantation

Infertility today is a common diagnosis for many women, for whom the method in vitro fertilization becomes a real salvation, a chance to give birth to a child on your own and become a mother.

Auxiliary reproductive technology IVF is the process of removing a mature egg from a woman's body and fertilizing it in a laboratory. The embryo obtained after the procedure is stored for 2 to 5 days in a special incubator, after which it is transferred to the uterine epithelium.

Embryo implantation during IVF is clearly controlled by an ultrasound machine in stationary conditions. This procedure is painless, and its implementation takes only a few minutes. When it is carried out, a special plastic catheter with an embryo is inserted into the uterine cavity. When the fertility doctor sees on the screen that the device is in the optimal position, he releases the embryo from it along with a drop of nutrient. After implantation of the embryo, the woman stays in the hospital for about an hour.

Usually no more than two fertilized eggs are transferred, since more can lead to the development multiple pregnancy. The remaining embryos are frozen and stored in order to be used in the future in case of unsuccessful implantation attempts. The traditional in vitro fertilization program involves the transfer of embryos on the 2nd day. However accurate results procedures at this stage of their development are unknown.

Research data suggest that the implantation of 5-day-old embryos (blastocysts) after transfer into the uterine cavity increases the likelihood of pregnancy several times. In some cases, the reproductologist decides on a double planting of embryos: on the 2nd and 5th day or on the 3rd and 5th day. This greatly increases the chances of getting pregnant.

After this procedure, doctors strongly recommend that women do not visit the sauna, exclude physical activity, sexual life and alcohol consumption. Regular intake of hormonal drugs should be mandatory.

Research before implantation

Before an embryo transfer, a reproductologist must assess its condition. The most healthy and high-quality ones that can adapt well and survive are subject to replanting. This pre-implantation diagnosis makes it possible to identify possible hereditary syndromes, as well as determine gender fetus.

The successful outcome of embryo implantation after transplantation is also affected by the condition of the uterus, therefore, before the procedure, doctors must study the size of the endometrium, its structure, the length of the organ, the condition internal os. An ultrasound machine is used for this. When transferring a fertilized egg, it is necessary to avoid touching the fundus of the uterus with instruments, as this can lead to an increase in tone and subsequently to a miscarriage.

The optimal number of transplanted embryos directly depends on gynecological history women (presence of abortions or pregnancies in the past). Also affected by age and quality planting material. Up to 2 embryos are transferred to women under 35 during the first IVF cycle. Large quantity will be needed for women after 40, since at this age the likelihood of implantation is much reduced.

The successful outcome of the operation is also affected by the diagnosis of a woman or a man, the professionalism of doctors and the quality of the in vitro fertilization procedure performed.

Embryo implantation in IVF has its own characteristics. The embryo introduced into the woman's uterus was conceived outside the woman's body, and therefore it requires additional time to adapt. Because of this, the procedure ends successfully in only a third of all cases. Additionally, in order to reduce the risk of embryo failure, a woman should take care of her body:

  • sleep well and spend more time outdoors;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • you should stop taking hot baths for a while;
  • temporarily stop having sex;
  • supercooling and vice versa overheating the body is not recommended;
  • you need to eat well and not sit on strict diets;
  • try to monitor immunity and not stay in crowded places where viral infections can be.

A woman needs to be in such a state of caring for herself and her unborn baby at least until the 20th week of pregnancy: during this time, the placenta will form, and the fetus will be additionally protected. According to obstetricians, the implantation process continues all this time, and only then the baby begins to actively grow and develop.

Embryo implantation. Video

At favorable conditions, seven days after the fertilization of the egg, pregnancy occurs. But, in some cases, this may not happen, due to the fact that the implantation of the embryo did not happen. Expectant mothers are interested in why the embryo does not attach to the uterus and what are the reasons.

Time for embryo attachment

For pregnancy to occur, a fertilized egg must develop into a zygote and implant in the uterus. After that, it can be considered an embryo. In order for the embryo to take root in the uterus, its walls must be ready for its adoption.

According to doctors, conception is early or late. With early implantation occurring no later than seven days after ovulation, female body not yet prepared for the adoption of the embryo, the endometrium does not have the desired thickness. But, such cases are rare. Late attachment occurs, usually on the tenth day after fertilization. This period is considered the most favorable, and during the IVF procedure.

Attachment of the fertilized egg natural pregnancy, takes a minimum of 48 hours, and they are decisive.

If, at this time, the woman's body perceives the fetus as foreign body, the embryo may not attach to the uterus, rejection will occur and menstruation will occur. A woman is considered pregnant after the introduction and fixation of the fetal egg in the uterus. This takes one to three days.

In the protocol, the future embryo develops outside the female body, it is planted already mature, and it is able to get used to it faster than during a natural pregnancy. This is the difference between IVF and natural conception. Embryos at the age of 3-5 days have the highest survival rate.

Factors interfering with implantation

With artificial insemination, pregnancy does not occur in all cases. In order to determine why there is no implantation, doctors find out all the reasons for the embryo not attaching to the uterus during IVF. Sometimes, the egg does not attach to the uterus and conception does not occur.

The reasons for unsuccessful embryo implantation are:

  1. the presence of endometriosis, fibroids;
  2. too fat or thin layer the endometrium, which is ideally 10 to 13 millimeters thick;
  3. a large number of abortions;
  4. genetic abnormalities in the embryo, not allowing it to attach;
  5. low levels of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for creating conditions for the development of the fetus.

Compliance with the last point is of no small importance.

Within 12 - 14 days after the transfer, the woman is recommended to observe a sparing regimen, refuse physical activity avoid stressful situations.

No implantation in IVF:

  • low-quality biomaterial;
  • pathological changes in the endometrium;
  • hydrosalpinx tubes;
  • unqualified support during the protocol;
  • disregard for doctor's orders.

What happens if the embryo does not attach to the uterus? If the fetal egg is not attached, the so-called spontaneous abortion occurs, for a very short period of time. Sometimes, a miscarriage occurs after implantation, when the production of the pregnancy hormone in the body began, and the test showed a positive result.

Embryo Attachment

The beginning of the natural implantation period is considered to be the time when the embryo, which has at least 16 cells, enters the wall of the uterus and the egg enters the mucous membrane.

The attachment of the fetal egg in the protocol differs from natural conception by its faster implantation.

How the embryo attaches to the uterus during IVF:

  • in the first two days, a zygote is formed from the oocyte, from which an embryo has four cells by the end of the second day;
  • on the third day, there are already eight cells, the embryo is ready for transfer, but the probability of pregnancy due to its immaturity is low, and further cultivation occurs to the blastocyst stage, which occurs on the fifth day. This period is considered the best for the transfer;
  • after replanting, within 48 - 72 hours, under favorable conditions, the fetal egg attaches to the walls, and begins to grow, as in a natural pregnancy. But in order for this to happen, the embryo itself must have the capacity for further development.

It is possible in the uterus and at the age of 2-4 days, but this is impractical, and the chances of a successful pregnancy are low. After implantation, you need to wait at least two weeks to confirm a positive result.

The fertilized egg is attached to different places. If the embryo is attached high in the uterus, it means that it has implanted close to its bottom, which is the most favorable for it. further development. If the embryo does not attach, another menstruation occurs, and the fetal egg comes out along with the secretions.

Aid in the attachment of the embryo

Many patients who have entered the protocol are interested in the question of why the embryo does not attach to the uterus during IVF. This is influenced by many factors, for the elimination of which is carried out additional treatment increasing the chances of a successful transfer.

The reason that the fetus did not attach may be poor quality endometrium with increased or decreased immune activity. In order to help the embryo gain a foothold in the uterus during IVF, prescribe additional procedures providing positive effect on the state of the endometrium, and helping further implantation.

For example, with a deficiency of immune activity, the introduction of seminal fluid into the uterus, local irritation of the mucous membrane helps, and if it is too high - intravenous administration immunoglobulin, follicular fluid into the uterus and other methods.

What to do if the embryo does not attach to the uterus? There are several factors that influence the fact that the embryo cannot attach itself. These are female pathologies. reproductive system, gynecological diseases and genetic abnormalities in the fertilized egg itself. In this case, assign a detailed ultrasound examination, testing, to identify the causes. With repeated unsuccessful attempts to conceive naturally, recommend using the IVF procedure. But, it is important to remember that it does not give a full guarantee.

When will the embryo come out if it has not attached to the uterus? If the embryo does not take root, it means that the fertilized egg has stopped in its development, and will leave the body during the next menstruation. If the desired pregnancy does not occur, there is no need to fall into despair. You should contact highly qualified specialists who will help you find out all the reasons that prevent embryo implantation and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Today, families who cannot naturally resort to. This procedure is expensive and complicated, but if it is successful, the couple will become happy parents in 9 months.

In vitro fertilization consists of several stages, the most important of which is the implantation of the embryo into the body of a woman. This procedure is not considered difficult, but in order for pregnancy to occur, everything must be done strictly according to the rules of both the doctors and the woman.

Examination before embryo implantation

Before a fertilized egg is planted in the body, a woman must be examined. So, the state of the uterus, its length and wall thickness are studied. If muscle tone is observed, relaxing drugs are prescribed to the woman before IVF.

Before implantation, it is necessary to determine the condition of the walls of the uterus. They must contain nutrients required for fetal development. If some substances are missing, pregnancy may not occur.

Before the implantation of the embryo is carried out, the woman must be tested for hormones. In her body enough must, necessary for the normal bearing of the fetus.

Before implantation, the embryo is also examined. Of all the fertilized cells, reproductologists select only healthy ones. After all, already at this stage it is possible to diagnose genetic diseases in the embryo.

But even if the procedure was carried out without violations, the implantation of the embryo may not occur. It happens by different reasons. The embryo may have some genetic disease undiagnosed prior to egg transfer. Often it is these diseases that prevent pregnancy from developing.

The reason may be disease state uterus, due to which the embryo cannot attach to it. Also it can be infection or mechanical damage applied by the instrument during cell transfer.

Timing of embryo implantation

When a fertilized egg enters the female body, it must necessarily move through the fallopian tube. Embryo implantation is considered normal on the seventh day after artificial insemination eggs. If the procedure is successful, the embryo should attach to the uterine wall within 40 hours. Once attached, it begins to develop in the same way as a naturally occurring embryo.

Doctors never exclude late implantation of the embryo, which occurs on the 10th day after the replanting of a fertilized egg. That's why couples it is recommended to believe in the success of the procedure to the last, because pregnancy can occur even when it is not expected.

After implantation of the embryo, the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood increases. It is from the moment of increasing the level of this hormone that the embryo can be visualized on ultrasound. Therefore, late implantation of the embryo cannot be ruled out and hCG should be done periodically - this will allow you to determine the onset of pregnancy in time and begin to monitor the development of the baby already in the early stages.

Signs of Successful Embryo Implantation

After the successful implantation of the embryo, the woman begins to experience certain sensations that she did not have before. At first, her breasts begin to hurt a little and enlarge. Feeling pain in the lower abdomen. A sign of implantation of the embryo in the uterus is considered to be not acute, but dull and nagging pain.

An important symptom of embryo implantation is the appearance of pink or dark brown colors. They often indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Embryo implantation sensations may be similar to symptoms food poisoning. A metallic taste is always present in the mouth, and at the sight of food you feel sick and vomiting begins.

Signs of embryo implantation in the uterus are:

  • irritability,
  • dizziness,
  • weakness,
  • headache,
  • prostration,
  • excessive emotionality,
  • mood swings,
  • depression

Don't confuse pregnancy with a cold. Indeed, with successful implantation, chills and an increase in temperature up to 37 and 3 can be observed for several days. If you are expecting pregnancy, and the temperature has begun to rise, you should not take antipyretics and antiviral drugs- this can harm the embryo and terminate the pregnancy.

After IVF, a woman especially carefully needs to listen to her body. If you really have any of these symptoms, it is necessary to find out for sure whether you are pregnant or not.

Whether natural or by artificial means embryo implantation occurred, it has the same symptoms: pain in the very bottom of the abdomen, nausea, bleeding, dizziness. In any case, if you have such symptoms, do not delay going to the doctor, because an early examination can prevent miscarriage and the development of pregnancy pathology.

Embryo implantation

Embryo implantation

Implantation is the process of "growing" the embryo into the lining of the uterus. After this, pregnancy occurs and the fetal egg begins to develop.

With natural fertilization, embryo implantation is possible after the fertilized egg passes through fallopian tube and enter the uterine cavity. Implantation of the embryo during IVF occurs after the procedure of its transfer to the uterus.

What day does the embryo implantation take place?

Pregnancy after IVF occurs only if the implantation of the embryo has taken place. On what day this happens, it is impossible to say for sure, because the process of introducing the embryo into the endometrium takes a certain time.

Reproductologists calculated how long the implantation of the embryo takes, and found out that the duration of this process is about 40 hours. However, this average duration. There is no clearly defined time period during which the implantation of the embryo will continue.

On what day the "introduction" of the blastocyst into the uterus should be considered completed, it is impossible to find out, since this is a gradual process, and not one-stage. It can take from several hours to several days.

After the implantation of the embryo, pregnancy occurs. This may happen in different time. Usually - 6-7 days after ovulation, respectively, 2-3 days after the transfer. Sometimes late implantation of the embryo is noted. In this case, the “ingrowth” of the blastocyst into the uterine mucosa occurs on the 10th day after ovulation or later.

If the IVF procedure was successful, the fetal egg begins to produce hCG, and very soon the pregnancy can be established in the laboratory. The uterus after implantation of the embryo begins to increase. By its size, you can judge the timing of pregnancy.

Conditions for embryo implantation

There are certain conditions under which the implantation of the embryo after the transfer will take place with more likely. These include:

  • thickness of the endometrium - optimally it should be 9-11 mm, minimum - from 7-8 mm;
  • normal blood circulation in the uterine mucosa;
  • normal level sex hormones in the blood, primarily progesterone;
  • the age of the woman is up to 35 years.

Some conditions can be affected. Therefore, a woman in the IVF protocol is prescribed progesterone preparations or synthetic analogues of this hormone to stimulate the maturation of the endometrium.

In violation of blood circulation in the uterine mucosa, there are special preparations and procedures that allow you to normalize blood flow. After these activities, successful implantation of the embryo becomes more likely.

At older women the egg shell may be too thick. If the embryo fails to “reset” it, then the implantation of the embryo into the uterus will not take place. To facilitate this process, a procedure called assisted hatching is used. In certain categories of patients, this allows you to increase the chance of success.

The reverse situation is also possible. Proliferative diseases of the endometrium - hyperplasia, polyps - prevent successful implantation. Then a procedure called scratching is performed. Its essence lies in the fact that “notches” are applied to the endometrium, which make it easier for the blastocyst to penetrate into the thickness of the uterine mucosa.

Scratching is done at the height of the secretory phase preceding the planned pregnancy of the menstrual cycle, in order to improve endometrial blood flow, stimulate the growth of the endometrium in proliferative phase next cycle.

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always occur after the transfer procedure.

Possible reasons why the implantation of the embryo did not occur after IVF:

  1. the endometrium is not ready to accept the embryo;
  2. the embryo has defects in the genetic material, and therefore is rejected;
  3. the reason is unknown - even high-quality embryos are not always implanted in a well-prepared uterine mucosa.

If the cycle fails, you should retry the transfer - cryoprotocol. Sooner or later, the implantation of the embryo after ovulation will occur, and pregnancy will occur.

Signs of embryo implantation

There are no pathognomonic (characteristic only for this process) symptoms of embryo implantation. The woman is not able to feel or otherwise determine the time of embryo implantation.

Sometimes during the first days after the transfer, the following symptoms are noted:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • tingling in the mammary glands;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • emotional lability;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • taste change;
  • mild discharge from the vagina.

On the day of embryo implantation, some women experience scanty (spotting) bloody discharge from the vagina, a metallic taste in the mouth, decreased basal body temperature body.

However, the presence of these symptoms does not mean that the implantation of the embryo has occurred. Sensations and objective signs may not be due to the onset of pregnancy, but to the use of hormonal drugs.

Embryo implantation after IVF transfer. What is late implantation

Will the transferred egg fall out after implantation? What about this? These questions are the most common among future IVF mothers.

We will consider what is necessary for the full-fledged implantation of the blastocyst, what to do to make it happen and the differences in embryo implantation during IVF.

  • Conditions for implantation
  • Features of implantation in IVF protocols
  • When does the implantation of the embryo take place after the transfer?
  • The immune system
  • Medical support
  • Signs of implantation of embryos after transfer. Symptoms
  • Can embryos fall out?

Conditions for implantation in IVF

The mechanism of implantation of embryos after transfer (with IVF) is theoretically the same. The process is little studied even in natural cycles. It is known that it can stretch over time and consists of two main phases: adhesion and adhesion (or penetration).

Necessary conditions for successful:

  • Active. Provided with and preparedness of the cells of the uterine mucosa.
  • Timely produced.

Reproductologists have such a thing as an implantation window. This is the period during which the uterus is able to interact with the embryo. The implantation window is limited in time, so the effectiveness of IVF largely depends on the timeliness of the transfer to the uterus.

The peak of receptivity - the ability of endometrial cells to interact with the embryo - falls on the 20-21st day of the cycle, but may shift depending on the drugs used for stimulation, the body's sensitivity to them and the duration of the menstrual cycle. Most often, the implantation window opens on the 20-21st day in natural cycle, with controlled stimulation of ovulation - by 19-20, with replacement hormone therapy- on the 21st-22nd day.

In addition, IVF is characterized by an extension of the period during which implantation occurs - it is delayed up to 3 days. Normally, the process takes 40 hours.

Late implantation does not affect the outcome of pregnancy. But defective embryo implantation after transfer - common cause spontaneous abortion.

When does the implantation of the embryo take place after the transfer?

It is known for certain that the implantation of the embryo occurs after the transfer, when the hatching is completed. After the replanting of three-day-old embryos at the morula stage, implantation is initiated 2–3 days after transfer (2 and 3 DPP). After - the same day or the next day.

The immune system

The role of the immune system in the process of implantation has not been thoroughly studied. It is known that she has an impact. pregnancies after IVF are associated with the presence of antithyroid, antiphospholipid antibodies, activated natural killers - NK in the blood serum of women.

For a long time it was believed that the immune system is oppressed so that there is no conflict between the mother's body and the protein molecules of the embryo. Scientists have proven that cellular interactions are actually happening and becoming more complicated. The appearance of atypical reactions leads to violations of implantation at the stage of adhesion, invasion.

Reasons for the absence or failure of implantation

There are several reasons why embryo implantation after transfer becomes unsuccessful:

  • . The reason is a poor-quality genome formed during fertilization.
  • Impaired endometrial receptivity. Causes -, the consequences of infectious inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalances.
  • The embryo itself cannot get rid of the thickened protein coat. This often occurs in older patients and is associated with. Other reasons - embryo replanting after, prolonged hormonal induction of ovulation, disruption of work endocrine organs, smoking, cultivation of the embryo in an artificial environment.

Medical support

To increase the likelihood of successful implantation after embryo transfer, progesterone support is prescribed starting from the day of the puncture (or no later than 3 days from its implementation). Under the action of drugs, the transformation (preparation) of the endometrium for the expected implantation is initiated.

In support schemes, there are drugs that thin the blood: heparin and its analogues, aspirin. Under their action, the blood flow in the uterus increases, the conditions for implantation improve.

Signs and symptoms of embryo implantation after transfer

Individual sensations - dizziness, metallic taste, weakness, malaise, increased basal and general body temperature, and others are difficult to attribute to the symptoms of embryo implantation after transfer. They may be associated with previous, progesterone prescribed to support implantation, or the result of "self-digging" - looking for signs of an impending pregnancy.

A significant sign of embryo implantation after transfer is implantation bleeding, which is rare. It is easily confused with spotting occurring due to insufficient support of the luteal phase. Therefore, only your Mr.

Can embryos fall out?

Nature is wise, embryos do not fall out either after artificial transfer to or.

Inside the uterus - on the mucous membrane - there are many villi. As soon as the embryo comes into contact with them, they envelop it and hold it. In addition, the mother hollow organ, but its walls are adjacent to each other. Once hatching has occurred, the exposed embryo adheres. The outer cell mass surrounding the embryo is very sticky.

In conclusion, watch the video - the opinion of a specialist obstetrician-gynecologist-reproductologist, Ph.D. Kamenetsky Boris Aleksandrovich about whether embryos can fall out of the uterine cavity.



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