Average life of porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns and care tips. Teeth, cermet: reviews and service life

At the present time, a ceramic-metal dental crown is most in demand both because of the high quality of materials and its aesthetic appearance. Now there is no need to hide damaged teeth and it is possible to put strong and natural prostheses in their place.

When examining the oral cavity and detecting problems with teeth, doctors recommend placing just such a crown. This type of prosthesis is called cermet because of the material from which it is made. Most of the patients who had a similar prosthesis were satisfied with the quality and its durability, and most importantly, the metal-ceramic crown looks like a simple tooth.

The inner part of metal-ceramic crowns is a special alloy of metals. Therefore, a frame for metal-ceramic teeth is made both from titanium, nickel, cobalt, chromium, and with the help of their alloys. Most often they try to use gold in the base, so the color will seem more natural.

The frame is usually not more than 0.25-0.45 mm thick. Several layers of a special ceramic compound will be applied to its structure. After that, the finished crown must be placed in a special oven and fired at a temperature of 950 ° C so that the alloy of metal and ceramics can merge together. The difficulty lies in the fact that the ceramic layer is applied manually and therefore the procedure is rather complicated.

Special qualities and disadvantages

Benefits include the following:

  • The ceramic composition is not erased over time and caries will not appear on it, and in case of problems (microcracks or chips), they are easily solved during a visit to the dentist. At the same time, the metal frame gives special strength to the structure;
  • The appearance of the metal-ceramic crown is identical to the teeth. For this reason, they are difficult to distinguish, which makes it possible to smile boldly in cheerful companies.

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Significant disadvantages include the following factors:

  • With prosthetics, you have to remove most of the tooth so that the crown does not stand out. This is done with a grinder. On each side of the tooth, 2 mm will have to be cut off, and this, despite the fact that the wall of the crown is of the smallest possible size;
  • Due to the fact that it is necessary to remove such a large layer of the tooth, it will be necessary to carry out depulpation. If this is not done, then there is a possibility of pulp burns, which will entail bad consequences, such as periodontitis and possible tooth loss. For this reason, many dentists, warning of the consequences, recommend this procedure before prosthetic teeth.

Phases of creating a crown

Before starting the creation of a prosthesis, it is necessary to completely cure diseased teeth. Clean them from caries, make depulpation, drill out old fillings, if any. After that, you can go directly to the procedure itself.

Stages of prosthetics:

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The cost of cermet

Although today this type of crown is the most optimal, it can only be entrusted to the most experienced and proven masters. Because the manufacture of such a prosthesis is a long and painstaking manual work, and the service life of metal-ceramic teeth and patient comfort depend on the master who performs it. The price of the product depends on many factors, but basically you should focus on such points:

  • Metal or metal alloy from which the frame will be created;
  • Type and manufacturer of ceramics;
  • Type of cement;
  • The work of a doctor, which will include examination, treatment and, accordingly, the creation of a prosthesis.

What does quality depend on?

Before going to the doctor, many who want to make prosthetics for a long time search the Internet for the necessary information about teeth made of metal-ceramic and their service life, and most importantly, what determines its quality.

Any violation of the preparation technology is fraught with the fact that the crown will not fall into place. A loose fit to hard tissues can provoke inflammation of the tooth due to the ingress of food debris, saliva under the crown, the formation of plaque and tartar;

  • the professionalism of the dental technician is an equally important parameter. It is in the dental laboratory that the crowns themselves are made. The color of the future prosthesis and the compliance with the parameters of the remaining elements of the patient's dentition depend on the correct work with the material.
  • How to increase the duration of socks? To increase the life of the structure, you should pay attention to the following points:
  • during the operation of artificial teeth, it is necessary to take x-ray local or panoramic pictures of the teeth.

Guarantees for dentures

In the event of complications, the patient is obliged to immediately inform the doctor or clinic registrar and immediately attend an appointment with a specialist 2.3. When establishing warranty periods for a dental service (work), it is necessary to be guided by tables No. 1, No. 2 of this provision. In this situation, the guarantee is set by default without a separate indication in the medical record. 2.4. In cases where a guarantee is not established for the service provided (work performed), is established in a shortened period, or when a guarantee obligation arises that is not provided for by this provision, the attending physician is obliged to reflect the situation mentioned in this clause in the medical record with a clear wording: “Without guarantee” or "Guarantee of months". It is necessary to familiarize with the special conditions of the guarantee against signature in the medical record.
3. The warranty does not cover: 3.1.

The lifespan of artificial teeth depends on a number of factors, which include:

Warranty Statement

It is important that the correct cement is used to cement the crown, which is resistant to moisture, while its thickness can be minimal. This special material dries quickly, takes 2-3 minutes to set, and retains its strength for a long time. The duration of wearing the prosthesis also depends on this factor.


How to determine that a metal-ceramic structure requires correction or replacement? This is done by a dentist, it is necessary to regularly go for preventive examinations. Changes are noticeable already in the first stages of tooth decay. Monitoring the state of the oral cavity should be carried out every six months; in many clinics, money is not taken for examinations.

How to put a crown on a tooth


There are difficulties with the exact fitting of the crown to the tooth. But compared to gold teeth, titanium teeth last longer and cost less. On top of the cast frame is covered with ceramic mass, this lining is applied manually in layers.

Each layer is fired in a kiln at high temperatures, which makes it possible to achieve a better chemical bond between metal and ceramic. In terms of quality, strength and aesthetics, cermet is second only to non-metal ceramics. Titanium gives a grayish tint, so it is not used to restore front teeth.
An ideal option for front incisors is crowns made of gold or platinum. Service life of a metal-ceramic crown The service life of crowns depends on what kind of material was used. According to experts, nickel- and cobalt-chromium products should be changed after 8-10 years of use. Gold and titanium crowns with proper care can last up to 25 years.

What is the legal warranty period for dentures?

At the same time, there is a reservation: in all medical centers you will be able to replace or correct the prosthesis free of charge only if the patient complies with all the prescriptions issued by the attending physician. Guarantee and service life of dentures So, the guarantee for dentures, which is provided by the medical center, ranges from one to two years on average. In extremely rare cases, a denture warranty can be three or five years. If the patient during this time regularly visits his attending physician, daily and more than once performs hygiene procedures, the guarantee will be valid and in case of damage to the prosthesis, you can count on its replacement or repair. By the prosthesis itself, it will be clear whether it broke on its own or third-party efforts were made, whether the care was carried out.

Important facts about metal-ceramic crowns

Because the manufacture of such a prosthesis is a long and painstaking manual work, and the service life of metal-ceramic teeth and patient comfort depend on the master who performs it. The price of the product depends on many factors, but basically you should focus on such points:

  • Metal or metal alloy from which the frame will be created;
  • Type and manufacturer of ceramics;
  • Type of cement;
  • The work of a doctor, which will include examination, treatment and, accordingly, the creation of a prosthesis.

What determines the quality Before going to the doctor, many who want to make prosthetics for a long time search the Internet for the necessary information about teeth made of metal-ceramic and their service life, and most importantly, what determines its quality. Circumstances affecting the life of the prosthesis:

  1. It is important how perfectly the teeth were cured and prepared.

Metal-ceramic crowns 1 year 5-7 years 5. Metal and stamped crowns 1 year 5-7 years 6. Removable and clasp dentures (full and partial) 1 year 3-5 years 7. Metal inlays, SPS, gold 1.5 years 5 -7 years 8.

Works and constructions not included above listed 1 year - Note: 1. In case of poor oral hygiene, the warranty and service periods for all types of prosthetics are reduced by 50%. 2. In case of violation of the schedules of preventive examinations, hygienic visits provided for by the treatment plan, the guarantee is canceled. 3. When prosthetics on implants, the warranty and service periods are determined in accordance with the design of the prosthesis. 4. If the recommended treatment plan is not followed, the warranty period and service life are not established. 5. During the warranty period and service life, relocation of removable dentures is carried out on a reimbursable basis. 5.5.

  • if you experience pain and bad breath that is not associated with other diseases, you should contact the clinic.

    Perhaps these are signs of incipient caries under the crown. If help is not provided in time, the risk of developing pulpitis, fistula formation increases, which can lead to damage to the tissues and bones of the jaw;

  • A visit to the dentist is mandatory if chips or cracks appear on the crown. In simple cases, it is enough to restore the product, but if the damage is serious, up to the exposure of the metal base, a complete replacement of the prosthesis is required.

If metal-ceramic crowns are installed, you should definitely inform the specialist about this when undergoing an MRI of the brain.

Metal can distort the data of a diagnostic study and interfere with the quality of the device.

Crown guarantee by law

The guarantee of the quality of treatment is a certain minimum period of clinical well-being of the patient after treatment, during which no complications appear and the functional integrity of the produced fillings, prostheses, crowns, orthodontic appliances is maintained. The warranty period is the period during which, in the event detection of a defect in the work performed, the patient has the right, at his choice, to demand: - free elimination of defects in the work performed (service rendered); - a corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service rendered); - free production of another thing from a homogeneous material of the same quality or re-performance of work .

Metal-ceramic crowns are an important step in dental practice.

This is the most successful and affordable choice today, which has many advantages.

Among their main advantages are strength, aesthetics, relatively low cost.

The service life of metal-ceramic crowns is quite long, it depends on a number of factors. To begin with, it is worth understanding what these products are.

What are cermets?

These products got their name due to their structure.

The design is a metal frame, the wall thickness of which reaches 0.3-0.5 mm.

The material of manufacture is nickel-chromium or cobalt-chromium alloy. A mixture with cobalt allows you to achieve an effect in which it will be difficult to distinguish teeth from natural ones.

The cost of such crowns is low, and fitting is not difficult. The only drawback of these materials is the possibility of allergic reactions, especially nickel is “dangerous”. It causes the appearance of a light metal strip near the gums. Compared to precious metals, base metals wear out faster.

In some cases, a certificate of precious metals is used, but its manufacture significantly increases the cost. It is created from palladium, gold, titanium, platinum and other precious metals. These products are very durable and hypoallergenic, the color is closest to natural teeth.

Titanium is often used in the manufacture, the disadvantage of this metal is the difficulty in processing.

There are difficulties with the exact fitting of the crown to the tooth. But compared to gold teeth, titanium teeth last longer and cost less.

On top of the cast frame is covered with ceramic mass, this lining is applied manually in layers. Each layer is fired in a kiln at high temperatures, which makes it possible to achieve a better chemical bond between metal and ceramic. In terms of quality, strength and aesthetics, cermet is second only to non-metal ceramics.

Titanium gives a grayish tint, so it is not used to restore front teeth. An ideal option for front incisors is crowns made of gold or platinum.

Service life of metal-ceramic crowns

The service life of crowns depends on which material was used. According to experts, nickel- and cobalt-chromium products should be changed after 8-10 years of use. Gold and titanium crowns with proper care can last up to 25 years.

The lifespan of artificial teeth depends on a number of factors, which include:

How to increase the duration of socks?

To increase the life of the structure, you should pay attention to the following points:

Features of care

These products do not require special care, but unlike natural teeth, you should pay attention to the following points during operation:

If metal-ceramic crowns are installed, you should definitely inform the specialist about this when undergoing an MRI of the brain. Metal can distort the data of a diagnostic study and interfere with the quality of the device.

The most common reasons for replacement

According to experts, the most common reason for changing metal-ceramic crowns is gum atrophy, replacement is required in 90% of cases.

gum atrophy

Removal of old products and installation of a new design is required. In 5%, it is necessary to change artificial teeth due to the removal of other elements of the dentition. The remaining bases make up the remaining 5%.

A significant part of the cases falls on the alteration of prostheses due to the lowering of the lower and raising the upper jaw. These changes are provoked by age-related manifestations, and there are no ways to stop the process yet. A special science deals with these issues - periodontology.

If the gum position changes, the crown needs to be replaced.

This is due to the fact that the design does not fit snugly against the gum and tooth, and saliva and food get under it.

The development of caries begins, which destroys the tooth under the crown.

Is it necessary to replace an artificial tooth when the gums are lowered, or can such drastic measures be dispensed with?

Dentists say that this is a must. It happens that crowns last 15 years or more. In this case, the gum sank anyway, this happens after 8-10 years of wearing structures. But by coincidence and due to proper care of the crowns, there were no problems with the teeth.

There is an opinion that teeth under crowns are destroyed in any case, but until a certain point these harmful processes do not make themselves felt. This is not a completely correct judgment. With proper and high-quality prosthetics, when all procedures are done correctly, and the artificial tooth “sits” perfectly, nothing gets under the crown even after the gums are lowered.

It is important that the correct cement is used to cement the crown, which is resistant to moisture, while its thickness can be minimal.

This special material dries quickly, takes 2-3 minutes to set, and retains its strength for a long time. The duration of wearing the prosthesis also depends on this factor.

How to determine that a metal-ceramic structure requires correction or replacement?

This is done by a dentist, it is necessary to regularly go for preventive examinations. Changes are noticeable already in the first stages of tooth decay.

Monitoring the state of the oral cavity should be carried out every six months; in many clinics, money is not taken for examinations.

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Recording the installation process of metal-ceramic crowns:


on the establishment of warranty periods and service life for the result of the provision of dental services in LLC "STOMATOLOGIA KONSTANTINA FIRSOVA"

1. General.

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (as amended by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 2 - FZ of 01/09/96, Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 12/17/99 No. 212-F3 "On amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”), the Rules for the provision of paid medical services to the population by medical institutions (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.01.96 No. 27).

1.2. This Regulation defines the warranty period and service life for the result of the provision of dental services at KONSTANTINA FIRSOVA STOMATOLOGY LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Clinic")

1.3. Warranty terms and service life are set only for works that have a materialized result: fillings, dental restorations, crowns, dentures.

1.4. Treatment quality assurance- this is a certain minimum period of clinical well-being of the patient after treatment, during which no complications appear and the functional integrity of the produced fillings, prostheses, splints, orthodontic appliances, etc. is maintained.

Guarantee period- this is the period during which, in the event of a defect in the work performed, the patient has the right, at his choice, to demand:

Free elimination of shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered);

A corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service rendered);

Free production of another thing from a homogeneous material of the same quality or re-performing the work. In this case, the patient is obliged to return the thing previously transferred to him by the contractor.

Guarantee period is calculated from the moment the result of the service (work) is transferred to the consumer (patient), i.e. from the end of the service.

Life time- this is a period of free rework or replacement of work, re-treatment of the patient in case of unrecoverable shortcomings that arose after treatment through no fault of the patient (the seal fell out, the prosthesis broke, etc.).

2. Warranty periods and service periods valid in the Clinic.

For most works (services) for the provision of dental care in the Clinic, warranty periods and service periods are established (Tables No. 1, No. 2 of this Regulation). In some cases, warranty periods and service periods may be established by the attending physician, depending on:

From the individual characteristics of the patient;

Clinical picture of the disease (situation in the oral cavity);

The presence of concomitant diseases that directly or indirectly lead to changes in the teeth and surrounding tissues;

In this case, the doctor is obliged to reflect the warranty period and service life in the outpatient card with a clear wording: “No warranty”, “Guarantee _________ months”.

2.1. In restorative dentistry:

Therapeutic treatment includes the treatment of diseases of caries, pulpitis and periodontitis (the last two are associated with root canal treatment), cosmetic dentistry (restoration or change in the original shape and color of the tooth without prosthetics, replacement / adjustment of fillings), preparation (treatment) of teeth for prosthetics.

Warranty periods and terms of service for works and services in therapeutic dentistry begin to operate from the moment the treatment of a particular tooth is completed. Signs of the end of treatment are:

In the treatment of caries - a permanent filling;

In the treatment of complications of caries (pulpitis and periodontitis) - permanent filling of root canals and covering the tooth with a crown.


1. These terms are recommended for patients with single caries and multiple stabilized or slow progressing process. With KPU (cariously affected, filled, removed) teeth 13-18, the terms are reduced by 30%, with KPU more than 18, the terms are reduced by 50%.

2. With poor oral hygiene, the warranty and service periods are reduced by 70%

3. In case of violation of the schedules of preventive examinations, hygienic visits provided for by the treatment plan, the guarantee is canceled.

2.2. In prosthetic dentistry:

Orthopedic dentistry services include services for the elimination (treatment) of defects in the teeth and/or dentition of the jaws with the help of permanent and/or temporary orthopedic structures.

Permanent orthopedic structures include:

Metal-ceramic and solid-cast crowns, incl. combinations of these crowns, as well as bridge structures, veneers, inlays;

Metal-free crowns (pressed ceramics, composite crowns);

Removable structures: complete and partial removable structures, clasp prostheses with locks, clasps.

Temporary orthopedic structures include:

temporary crowns;

Temporary replacement dentures.

The warranty period and service life for orthopedic services begins to operate from the moment the permanent structures are installed in the patient's mouth, which is confirmed by an entry in the outpatient card.


1. In case of poor oral hygiene, the warranty and service periods for all types of prosthetics are reduced by 50%.

2. In case of violation of the schedules of preventive examinations, hygienic visits provided for by the treatment plan, the warranty is void.

3. When prosthetics on implants, the warranty and service periods are determined in accordance with the design of the prosthesis.

5. During the warranty period and service life, relocation of removable dentures is carried out on a reimbursable basis.

Possible cases of warranty reduction:

According to the law on "Protection of Consumer Rights", a reduced warranty period and service life for orthopedic work may be established. The dentist must inform the patient about the reduction of the warranty period for orthopedic work and reflect it in the outpatient card.

Existing medical methods of prosthetics do not allow to give a full warranty period in the presence of the following diagnoses or cases:

The presence of a diagnosis of gum disease: periodontitis (tooth mobility), periodontal disease. An obligatory condition for granting a guarantee is a course of professional hygiene 2-4 times a year. The warranty period is set by the doctor depending on the severity of gum disease;

In the absence of clear medical indications for the implementation of certain types of prosthetics and the patient's desire to perform work according to a certain scheme, the dentist has the right to establish a warranty period for the orthopedic structure of 1 month, having previously notified the patient about this. All alterations (design changes, therapeutic preparation of teeth for prosthetics) are carried out at the expense of the patient.

Important note.

1. Until the delivery of the orthopedic structure, the patient has every right to demand alteration/correction of the work for the following reasons:

The performed work does not meet aesthetic requirements (the color, size or shape of the tooth is not correctly done);

The performed work does not correspond to the one defined in the plan of prosthetics (treatment plan).

2. Compliance with the operating conditions of the orthopedic structure (use of specialized pastes and toothbrushes, irrigator, cleansing tablets, etc.) is mandatory.

2.3. in surgical dentistry.

The clinic guarantees that all surgical procedures will be performed under adequate anesthesia in accordance with the clinical situation.

2.4. Warranty periods and service periods for certain types of work (services), due to their specificity, it is not possible to establish. These include works (services) not listed in the table:

Repeated endodontic treatment;

Professional hygiene;

Applying a bandage (temporary filling);

Operation with cystectomy with resection of the root apex;

Periodontal treatment;

Teeth whitening.

3. The average percentage of treatment success in the clinic.

3.1. Treatment and filling of root canals.

Practical experience shows that with root canal treatment, a favorable result is achieved in 95% of cases. The result of treatment in each case depends not only on its quality, but also on the general reaction of your body, the condition of the teeth and the individual anatomy of the root canal system.

3.2. Placement of implants.

The average success rate of implantation with subsequent prosthetics is 99%. Smoking, bruxism (nightly grinding of teeth) are the main risk factors for implantation in the long term.

In case of non-survival of the implant, the re-installation of the implant within the framework of the agreed treatment plan is carried out at the expense of the Clinic. If it is impossible to re-implant, the amount paid for the payment for implantation services is taken into account when prosthetics or returned to the patient 50% of the cost.

In case of refusal to install a denture on the implants installed by the contractor, the warranty obligations for the implant are not preserved.

3.3. Periodontal disease.

Periodontal treatment is successful in 80% of cases (subject to the conditions determined by the doctor), which is manifested by stabilization of the process and long-term remission.



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