Left-sided oophoritis. Symptoms and signs - acute, subacute and chronic form

This is an inflammatory process of the ovaries. It can be unilateral and bilateral, right-sided and left-sided, acute, subacute and chronic. Often, right-sided oophoritis, the causes, the symptoms of which we will now consider, can even be confused with appendicitis - this disease is so imperceptibly manifested. But it is important to learn how to identify right-sided oophoritis by its symptoms in order to see a doctor as soon as possible. This is what we will talk about today.

Is it worth neglecting the treatment of right-sided oophoritis? Note that an infection that affects the ovary can easily spread throughout the body. So microorganisms get on the left, healthy ovary, have a negative impact on the central nervous system, digestive tract, endocrine system. In addition, oophoritis can lead to infertility. That is why, timely diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease helps to get rid of many problems, maintain health and the ability to conceive a child.

Right-sided oophoritis: causes of the disease

Causes of right-sided oophoritis:

any gynecological interventions (illiterate examination, childbirth, abortion, installation of an intrauterine device);

weak immunity (unbalanced diet, diet, alcohol abuse, drugs, etc.) as a cause of right-sided oophoritis;

neglect of the treatment of other gynecological diseases;

frequent change of sexual partners, non-observance of personal hygiene rules, etc. as a cause of right-sided oophoritis

Symptoms of right-sided oophoritis

We have already said that right-sided oophoritis is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, which is localized on the right and may seem like an attack of appendicitis. For a more accurate detection of oophoritis, the following symptoms exist:

high body temperature (indicates an inflammatory process occurring in the body);

vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding as a sign of right-sided oophoritis;

weakness and increased fatigue for no particular reason;

loss of interest in intimate life, pain during sexual intercourse;

menstrual irregularities as a sign of right-sided oophoritis.

In all of the above cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Treatment of right-sided oophoritis is carried out in a hospital with an acute form and at home if the disease is present in a chronic form. Antibiotics, suppositories, physiotherapy procedures are almost always prescribed. Folk remedies can also be used as an addition to the already prescribed treatment of oophoritis.

Do not neglect regular gynecological examinations, listen to your body and do not forget that any disease is curable!

So with an acute course, it is observed:

  • Severe limb weakness
  • Rapidly rising temperature, present fever, chills of the whole body
  • Pain in the head and also in the muscles
  • Blood discharge from the uterus in the middle of the cycle, provoking ovarian dysfunction
  • Fixation of discharge with pus from the vagina
  • Urination accompanied by pain
  • During intercourse, sharp pains are felt on the right side
  • Abnormal changes in the functioning of the digestive organs
  • Pain in the lower part

The lack of treatment for prolonged pain dulls the discomfort somewhat, but at the same time it passes into another form of the disease, chronic. It is more difficult to treat. With it, the following signs of a slowly occurring inflammatory process are distinguished:

  • Change in the normal course of the menstrual cycle
  • Aching pain sensations of a dull nature in the region and inguinal zone, intensifying their symptoms during menstruation or with a weakened body during the course of diseases
  • Abnormal white vaginal discharge, scanty
  • Constant recurrence of various sexual diseases, provoked by hypothermia, overwork of the body or diseases
  • Inability to get pregnant with regular intimate intercourse without protection
  • Pain during sexual intercourse on the left side

If any of the described symptoms are found, you need to visit. Perhaps there is no inflammatory process, it is only developing, but treatment is necessary in any case.


Right-sided oophoritis distinguishes several forms of leakage. They are provoked by various reasons that depend on the person (hypothermia, abortion, contact with an unverified partner) or independent (, infections, stress). There are the following forms of the inflammatory process of the ovaries on the right side:

  • Acute type - a manifestation of symptoms of an acute, vivid character. The causative agents of the problem are Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus, Escherichia, and Staphylococcus aureus. Pathogenic bacteria cause infectious damage to internal organs. The course of the disease provokes pathological changes in the structure of the vagina - the fallopian tube is subject to adhesion with the right-sided ovary, stimulating the formation of a single inflammatory area. The release of pus is explained by the fact that under the influence of inflammation, the ovarian tissues begin the process of melting, which leads to the formation of a putrefactive substance.
  • Subacute form - extremely rarely has the opportunity to manifest itself. provoked by tuberculosis or mycosis. Symptoms for the form are identical to the acute type, but the manifestation of symptoms is somewhat reduced. Timely establishment of the correct diagnosis leads to a complete cure for the problem.
  • Chronic oophoritis - inflammation is provoked by a decrease in the immune system, a long period of time proceeds. It can proceed completely without signs of illness, but provokes the inability to become pregnant and the occurrence of adhesions on the uterus. The most striking consequence of the chronic form is nervousness and irritability. This is provoked by constant discomfort in the uterine cavity and lower abdomen.

Video about the treatment of oophoritis.

In order for the disease not to manifest itself, it is recommended to monitor your own intimate relationship. Do not have sexual intercourse with unverified partners without using contraceptive methods.

You need to rethink your diet. Eat only balanced food containing a large amount of vitamins, fiber and useful elements.

Be sure not to start any inflammation in the vaginal area. The provoked disease and the lack of its treatment can cause the occurrence of oophoritis.

It is required to monitor one's own emotional state, to react less to exciting events and stressful situations. Protect yourself from any negative influences from external factors.

Go in for physical sports, do not stay too long in one place. Separate time for rest and for full-fledged work.

Thus, the occurrence of right-sided oophoritis depends on many reasons. The main thing is not to miss the symptoms of discomfort that have arisen and seek help from a doctor. Prolonged lack of therapy provokes the flow of the acute phase of the development of the disease into a chronic form. The latter leads to complications in a woman's health.

Chronic oophoritis is an inflammation of the ovaries. It can be unilateral and bilateral, occur in isolation or be combined with inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The acute form of the disease requires hospitalization.

It's important to know! A universal remedy has been found with which you can treat any gynecological disease - cervical erosion, fibroids, ovarian tumor or cyst, vaginal dysbacteriosis, persistent menstrual irregularities. (recommended by our followers!)

Chronic oophoritis is a sluggish inflammatory process in the ovaries. Rarely diagnosed in isolation. Most often accompanied by damage to the fallopian tubes. In this case, they talk about inflammation of the ovarian appendages (chronic adnexitis).

When the peritoneal tissues covering the ovaries are involved in the pathological process, perioophoritis is diagnosed.

Most often it is secondary and develops as a result of the spread of infection. Both ovaries can be involved in the inflammatory process - bilateral oophoritis - and only one of the paired glands.

The disease is often diagnosed in women who are sexually active. In the absence of therapy, it can provoke secondary infertility.

The reasons

Chronic oophoritis is formed as a response to exposure to infectious agents. The causes of pathology can be:

  • diseases from the STD group;
  • activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora;
  • tuberculosis bacteria.

Predisposing factors are:

  • inflammation of the female reproductive system, in particular, cervicitis, vaginitis and others;
  • diseases of the organs of the pelvic region, for example, an attack of acute appendicitis;
  • surgical interventions - abortion, difficult childbirth, etc.;
  • variety of sexual partners;
  • deterioration of the immune defense.

In exceptional cases, it develops as a secondary process.


It is customary to distinguish the following formats of inflammation:

  • right-sided;
  • left-sided;
  • bilateral oophoritis;
  • acute form.

Right-sided oophoritis

Right-sided oophoritis is characterized by damage to the right ovary. Signs of a chronic course of the disease are:

  • cycle disorders;
  • pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen (projection of the right ovary), aggravated before menstruation;
  • problems with conception;
  • lack of sexual arousal and libido;
  • pathological vaginal leucorrhoea.

Left-sided oophoritis

Left-sided oophoritis is expressed in the formation of pain in the lower left abdomen. The symptomatology accompanying the pathology is no different from the right-sided inflammation of the gland.

Bilateral oophoritis

Bilateral oophoritis is a lesion of both ovaries. The course of the disease is hidden. Symptoms of bilateral oophoritis for a long period are absent or insignificant.

Read also: Symptoms, causes and diagnosis of ovarian apoplexy: treatment without surgery

Sometimes the pathology is diagnosed only during a complete medical examination of a woman for infertility.

Signs of chronic bilateral oophoritis are:

  • mild pain in the lower abdomen;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • soreness during sexual contact;
  • increased fatigue, poor health;
  • lack of orgasm, weak sexual desire.

Running chronic bilateral oophoritis is practically not amenable to therapy.

Acute oophoritis

Acute oophoritis differs from other forms of characteristic symptoms. Signs of the disease are:

  • severe pain radiating to the lumbar region;
  • painful urination;
  • purulent vaginal leucorrhoea;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • enlarged and painful appendages on palpation.

A woman with a diagnosed acute form needs hospitalization.


The disease occurs in three stages: acute, subacute and chronic inflammation. Each of them has characteristic features.

In acute oophoritis, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • high body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • feverish conditions;
  • deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • myalgia;
  • pain when urinating;
  • purulent vaginal leucorrhoea;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • pain syndrome of varying intensity and localization - bilateral oophoritis is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • inability to have sexual intercourse as a result of severe pain.

Signs of chronic oophoritis include:

  • deviations in the menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • frequent relapses;
  • dull pain in the groin area, worse before menstruation;
  • persistent vaginal discharge;
  • problems with conception.

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries is hidden and is a neglected form.


Diagnosis of pathology includes the following activities:

  • Collection of complaints.
  • Examination in the gynecological chair. During the bimanual examination, the gynecologist determines changes in the condition of the appendages. They are edematous, dense. During palpation, they are painful, mobility is limited.
  • General blood analysis. There are signs of an inflammatory process.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. An increase in the ovaries is fixed, the surface is smoothed. There is a change in the echogenic structure due to the presence of fibrous areas. When the fallopian tubes are involved in the process, there are signs of inflammation and changes in the state of the endometrial layer.
  • Examination of a vaginal smear. Helps in identifying the pathogen.

In some cases, a woman is prescribed a laparoscopy. During the procedure, violations of the patency of the fallopian tubes, the development of adhesive disease are detected.

Read also: Treatment of polycystic ovaries with Duphaston


Treatment of oophoritis depends on the current stage and the accompanying symptoms:

  • The acute form requires hospitalization of the patient. The woman was advised to comply with bed rest, antibiotic therapy.
  • The treatment of chronic oophoritis is long-term, it involves the preparation of an individual treatment protocol.

The main task of therapy is to eliminate inflammation and stabilize the hormonal background.

The treatment regimen for the disease largely depends on the current symptoms. The patient may be recommended to carry out physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • gynecological massage, etc.

During remission, the treatment of pathology consists in strengthening the immune system, restoring reproductive function and eliminating disorders in the thyroid gland. During this period are appointed:

  • immunostimulants - help strengthen the body's immune defenses;
  • eubiotics;
  • enzymes;
  • hormonal agents;
  • biogenic stimulants - preparations of animal origin that improve tissue trophism and recovery.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are mandatory. Most often, these are rectal suppositories - Diclofenac, Movalis and Indomethacin. The composition of the drug contains non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, which helps to eliminate pain.

Surgical methods of treatment are practiced in the formation of purulent complications. These include tubo-ovarian abscess and pelvioperitonitis.

When diagnosing the accumulation of purulent contents in the area of ​​​​the inflamed ovary and fallopian tubes, a laparoscopic technique is practiced.

It belongs to low-traumatic interventions, since it does not provide for the opening of the cavity. The surgeon works through small punctures, controlling the process with the help of powerful optics: the field is displayed on the monitor screen.

When the peritoneum, which covers the organs of the female reproductive system, is involved in the pathological process, a classic abdominal operation is practiced. In this situation, the surgeon gets the opportunity to perform high-quality sanitation of the abdominal and pelvic region.

In advanced cases, the complete removal of the affected ovary and fallopian tube is carried out.


In the treatment of oophoritis, drugs from the group of antibiotics are used. Will be shown in the following cases:

  • with frequent relapses;
  • with worsening of current symptoms.

Before starting treatment with these drugs, a bacterial culture is carried out, which is necessary to identify the type of pathogen. Otherwise, taking the drugs will not give the expected therapeutic result.

Modern antibiotics "work" in a complex, i.e. act simultaneously on several varieties of microorganisms. But in some cases, two means are recommended for admission at once.

Oophoritis is an inflammation of the ovaries that can affect one or both ovaries. The disease rarely occurs in isolation. In most cases, it provokes salpingitis - inflammation of the adjacent fallopian tubes. The fact is that the organ in which the eggs mature is connected to the uterus precisely through the fallopian (fallopian) tubes. Then experts prefer to use the term salpingo-oophoritis.

Oophoritis manifests itself as cutting or aching pains in the lower abdomen, purulent discharge from the vagina, fever, fever, and bloating. At the first signs, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Timely seeking medical help will help cure the disease and prevent the development of a chronic disease.

Types of oophoritis

Oophoritis, like other inflammatory diseases, has several forms - this determines the methods of treating the disease. Depending on the course, acute oophoritis is isolated, as well as subacute and chronic forms. By location, diseases are one or two-sided. Due to inflammation, it is possible to distinguish a viral, fungal or bacterial etiology of the onset of the disease.

In any case, if signs of inflammation of the ovaries are found, it is urgent to visit a gynecologist. Due to the similarity of the disease with diseases of the genitourinary system and abdominal cavity, the help of narrow specialists will also be required: a urologist, a surgeon, a gastroenterologist.

It is impossible to delay the receipt of qualified medical care, and even more so to self-medicate oophoritis. This very often leads to complications, purulent inflammation and the transition of ovarian disease to the chronic stage. These organs play a huge role in the female body - they carry reproductive and hormonal functions. In the case of chronic oophoritis, the structure of these paired organs changes dramatically, which can further lead to infertility.

Causes of the disease

Ovarian tissue can be affected due to a number of factors. There are several protective barriers that prevent the penetration of infectious agents. This is the microflora of the vagina, mucus in the cervix, as well as the natural peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. The pelvic bones reliably protect these reproductive organs from mechanical influences. Therefore, inflammation of the ovaries mainly occurs in patients with a weakened immune system, or who have undergone surgical and diagnostic interventions. The latter include abortion, curettage and invasive diagnostics. Having a miscarriage is another risk factor. Also, unprotected promiscuity, smoking, stress and hypothermia play an important role in the development of the disease. Internal causes can also provoke oophoritis:

  • hormonal imbalance and endocrine disorders;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and genital organs;
  • malignant tumors in the pelvic area;
  • infections in the abdominal region, inflammation of the appendix.

The result is a weakening of the protective functions in the body, and as a result - the penetration of the infectious agent. The main ones are: Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci and Klebsiella. The inflammatory process is also provoked by pathogens of sexual infections, chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci, ureaplasmas and anaerobic bacteria. There are common cases in which in patients with tuberculosis, oophoritis was caused by Koch's wand. The mechanism of inflammation is as follows: the pathogen that has entered the ovarian zone is fixed from the outside, then, during ovulation, the infection penetrates inside, where it begins to multiply and destroy healthy cells.


In the acute form of the disease, the symptoms appear quite suddenly. The temperature jumps sharply (up to 39C). Patients note a sharp deterioration in the general condition, chills, dizziness and weakness, which sometimes leads to fainting. Subsequently, there is a sharp cutting pain in the lower abdomen. With a bilateral course of the disease, it can cover the entire groin area. With the defeat of one ovary, the patient experiences pain on the affected side. Over time, they intensify, especially with sudden movements and body turns. Pain is also felt in the coccyx, anus and lower back, genitals. You can highlight additional signs for a more accurate diagnosis. These are stool disorders, discharge of pus from the vagina, a decrease in daily diuresis (urine outflow), bloating in the abdomen.

In subacute inflammation of the ovaries, the above signs of oophoritis are less pronounced. No fever, temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees. The pain in the abdomen is rather aching, it is very difficult to establish its localization. This fact complicates the diagnosis, due to the similarity with the symptoms characteristic of infections of the genitourinary system. As clear clinical signs of this stage, one can note the discharge of blood and pus from the vagina. The natural course of the menstrual cycle is disturbed, up to a complete cessation. Less pronounced symptoms of the subacute course of the disease are dangerous because in these cases, women are in no hurry to contact specialists. Counting on treatment at home, and a natural favorable outcome. This approach is fundamentally wrong, oophoritis in this variant is also fraught with serious complications.

For the chronic course of the disease, the occurrence of relapses is characteristic. The impetus for their development is stress, physical overwork, hypothermia, viral and bacterial infections. The rest of the time, ovarian disease goes away without obvious symptoms. The main ones are a violation of the cycle of menstruation and pain during sexual intercourse. Another criterion is the duration of the main signs of oophoritis. It must be more than six months. Very often, a chronic disease is determined in the diagnosis of infertility. Chronization of the process occurs as a result of incorrect or insufficient treatment for oophoritis, in the acute or subacute phase.

Diagnostic Tools

Modern medicine has a wide range of possibilities for the detection and treatment of ovarian diseases at the earliest stages. Although, a few decades ago, the diagnosis of oophoritis was less effective. The fact is that the main signs of the disease are very similar to the manifestations of appendicitis, peritonitis, cystic formations and ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, an experienced doctor prescribes a series of examinations and consults with other specialized specialists.

First of all, a detailed gynecological and general medical history is compiled. The full picture is revealed: unsuccessful pregnancies, the presence of abortions, chronic diseases of the genitourinary sphere, diseases of the abdominal cavity. A visual examination is carried out in the gynecological chair, regarding the state of the reproductive system, and the presence of secretions. With the help of palpation technique, pain in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes and ovaries is determined. Blood and urine tests are examined, including for the presence of bacterial infections. Bacterial sowing of a smear from the vagina is designed to help in determining the causative agent of inflammation.

A rather informative method for diagnosing oophoritis is ultrasound (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs. During it, the diagnostician can determine the focus of the disease directly in the ovary, as well as identify the spread of infection to the fallopian tubes.

Modern laboratory equipment makes it possible to use enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction. These methods guarantee sufficiently high results in determining the cause of the disease. A very effective method for determining oophoritis is diagnostic laparoscopy (the introduction of optical instruments into the ovaries through small punctures in the abdominal cavity). This allows the doctor to get the most complete research results, to identify the presence of adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes in the chronic form of the disease.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment and its duration are prescribed depending on the form of oophoritis. In acute - the patient is subject to hospitalization in the hospital. The main goal is to suppress the action of the causative agent of ovarian inflammation. Therefore, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Pain medications are used to reduce pain. Patients with oophoritis are shown a diet without spicy, smoked, canned products, drinking plenty of water and strict bed rest. Desensitization (measures to eliminate the increased sensitivity of the body to foreign substances) is designed to exclude the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used to eliminate inflammation. The prognosis of treatment with timely treatment is usually favorable.

Treatment for subacute and chronic forms of the disease is distinguished by the presence of physiotherapy procedures. Electrophoresis, exposure to electric and magnetic fields, UHF therapy, quartz radiation are used. When tumors with purulent contents are detected, as well as serous and bloody fluids at the site of inflammation, the surgeon performs punctures to puncture the formations and pump out the exudate.

In chronic oophoritis, massage and spa activities, including treatment with mineral waters, are effective. The patient should reconsider the way of life, nutrition, rest regimen. Moderate physical activity and regular courses of vitamin therapy are necessary. The planned pregnancy should be postponed for the period of remission, sexual contacts should be limited. In the absence of positive dynamics, surgical removal of part of the affected ovaries is possible. Therefore, the main task for doctors and patients is to prevent inflammation from passing into a chronic stage.

Oophoritis of the ovaries, i.e. their inflammation is found in gynecology in its pure form not so often. This disease, as a rule, is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and is then called salpingo-oophoritis. Also, this pathology can be combined with endometritis or adnexitis.

Treatment of oophoritis

Oophoritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the ovaries. Now this is a fairly common disease, so alternative treatment of oophoritis is widely practiced. Its diagnosis and treatment are often difficult, since it is often accompanied by concomitant inflammatory processes that develop in neighboring organs. In the absence of proper treatment, this situation can lead to serious disruptions in the digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems.

Alternative treatment of oophoritis

Experts believe that alternative treatment of oophoritis should be used only in the chronic stage of the disease. Its main recipes include the following:

For the treatment of oophoritis, mix dried lime and chamomile flowers in a ratio of 3:2. After that, for the treatment of oophoritis, take five to six tablespoons of the resulting collection, pour 1 liter of water, boil and let the broth brew for half an hour. When it has cooled to body temperature (36.6 degrees), strain it through a double cheesecloth. You can use the resulting infusion for baths or for douching the vagina. Sometimes, goose grass can be added to the collection for folk treatment;

Prepare a mixture of the following medicinal herbs for treatment: take sandy immortelle flowers, birch leaves, wild strawberries, yarrow, mint grass, nettle leaves, a string, rose hips and mountain ash in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 3: 3: 3 :one. All ingredients for the folk treatment of oophoritis should first be cut into medium-sized pieces. Place 2-3 tablespoons of the resulting collection in 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse the mixture for 10 hours, then strain the solution. The infusion should be taken with oophoritis 0.5 cup three times a day.

Try to use the above folk remedies for the treatment of oophoritis, and soon you will feel relief.

Causes of oophoritis

One of the most common causes of oophoritis is an infection of the fallopian tubes, which has passed to the ovaries along the ascending path. The inflammatory process can be caused by both viruses and microorganisms that the body cannot cope with on its own due to reduced immunity. Those who practice frequent changes of sexual partners without using protective equipment are also at risk of getting oophoritis, because in this case it is very easy to get infected with any sexual infection. The factors provoking oophoritis can also include abortion, childbirth, surgical intrauterine intervention.

Many factors can lead to the development of ovarian oophoritis:

Infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. The most common are trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, gonococci, ureaplasmas;

Infectious processes of an inflammatory nature affecting internal organs: pathogens include representatives of opportunistic microflora - strepto- and staphylococci, E. coli, etc. ;

Abortions, especially if they were carried out in late pregnancy;

Difficult childbirth, childbirth by caesarean section provoke ovarian oophoritis;

Hypothermia leads to oophoritis;

Severe stress, constant depression;

Hormonal disorders;

The use of intrauterine devices.

In the vast majority of cases, ovarian oophoritis is of a secondary nature: the infection passes from the fallopian tubes, the inflammatory process in which can affect nearby genital organs.

Symptoms of oophoritis

Inflammation of the ovaries is characterized by the following symptoms:

Pulsating or aching pain in the lower abdomen or in the ovarian region;

Frequent urination, often painful and accompanied by burning - symptoms of oophoritis;

Specific abundant, sometimes with an admixture of pus, discharge from the genital tract;

Bleeding between periods with ovarian oophoritis.

The acute course of the disease is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication: headaches, loss of appetite, high fever, weakness, joint pain. In the chronic form of ovarian oophoritis, the symptoms are less pronounced, usually patients complain of recurrent pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, irregular menstrual cycle, pain during intercourse.

For an accurate diagnosis of oophoritis, palpation is used, ultrasound using a transvaginal sensor, laboratory tests of urine and blood are done, and a smear is taken to determine the causative agent of the disease. Treatment of ovarian oophoritis mainly consists in taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetics to relieve pain. To consolidate the effect, general strengthening drugs, physiotherapy are prescribed.

Acute oophoritis - treatment and causes

Acute oophoritis is a severe inflammation of the ovary, which is connected to the uterus through the fallopian tube. The ovaries are responsible for the maturation of the egg and the production of female sex hormones, so their defeat can have very serious consequences for the female body.

Diagnosis of acute oophoritis

Diagnosis of acute oophoritis is not a trivial task, since severe pain, which is the main symptom of the disease in an acute form, can relate to almost all diseases of the organs located in the abdominal cavity. If oophoritis is suspected, laboratory tests of blood, urine, and vaginal smears are required to identify the causative agent of infection.

Ultrasound is not very informative when determining acute oophoritis by the method, since it can show the dynamics of the development of the process over time, i.e. more applicable in case of chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

In complicated cases with acute oophoritis, a diagnostic method such as laparoscopy is used. An experienced doctor, having studied the results of all the above studies for acute oophoritis, can easily select an individual treatment regimen for acute oophoritis for each patient.

Causes of acute oophoritis

Acute oophoritis is very rarely diagnosed without concomitant diseases of the female genital area, since the ovaries are located so that the primary infection cannot enter them. Most often, infection occurs through the fallopian tube, which is affected first. In this case, we can talk about salpingoophoritis. The causative agents of the disease include bacteria and viruses that cause sexually transmitted infections: gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia, etc. Sometimes the ovary in acute oophoritis can become inflamed due to the fact that in the abdominal cavity there is a source of non-specific infection caused by Escherichia coli, strepto- and staphylococci.

Sometimes the cause of acute oophoritis can be a general infectious disease of the body of a general nature, most often of a viral nature.

Factors contributing to the development of ovarian inflammation in acute oophoritis are:

Endocrinological diseases;

Hypothermia with oophoritis;

Chaotic sex, especially if partners do not use barrier contraceptives;

Diseases of the urinary system;

Stress, overwork, unhealthy lifestyle as factors that reduce immunity;

Foci of untreated chronic infections in the body with oophoritis.

Left-sided oophoritis - treatment and symptoms

Oophoritis is an inflammatory process that develops in the female paired sex glands - the ovaries. It can be one- or two-sided, with left-sided oophoritis more common.

Left-sided oophoritis - treatment

An accurate diagnosis of "inflammation of the appendages" can be established based on the results of the following examinations:

Gynecological examination for oophoritis;

Laboratory tests, bacteriological examination, ELISA and PCR diagnostics;

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;


Laparoscopy, through which you can conduct a visual examination of the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries.

It is very important to identify and start treatment of left-sided oophoritis in time so that it does not lead to the development of serious complications, so do not delay a visit to the doctor.

Inflammation of the ovaries can have an acute and chronic form, each of which has its own characteristics.

Signs of acute left-sided oophoritis

The following signs are characteristic of the acute form of left-sided oophoritis:

Constant severe pain with left-sided oophoritis in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the lower back and sacrum. If they are localized on the left side, this means left-sided oophoritis, on the right - right-sided;

Frequent urination, accompanied by pain and cuts with left-sided oophoritis;

In some cases, abundant serous and purulent discharge from the genital tract;

Fever, fever, general intoxication are signs of left-sided oophoritis;

Bleeding between periods;

Sharp pain during sexual intercourse with left-sided oophoritis.

Gynecological examination reveals an increase in the ovaries, their sharp pain. Acute oophoritis requires urgent hospitalization in a hospital.

Signs of chronic left-sided oophoritis

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries has the following symptoms:

Aching, dull pain in the vagina, in the lower part of the inguinal region and abdomen, which increase with hypothermia, acute respiratory infections, the onset of menstruation;

Menstrual irregularities;

Scanty, but constant discharge (leucorrhoea) with left-sided oophoritis;

Decrease in sexual desire, pain during sexual contact;

Lack of pregnancy in the presence of a regular sexual life with oophoritis.

Causes of left-sided oophoritis

Inflammation of the ovaries in left-sided oophoritis often has a specific nature if it is caused by pathogens of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, but it can also be non-specific if it is caused by microorganisms belonging to opportunistic microflora (staphylo- and streptococci, candida, coli, etc.).

Right-sided oophoritis - treatment and causes

Oophoritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the ovaries. In severe cases, it can be bilateral, but either left-sided or right-sided oophoritis is more common, differing in the location of pain. Often it is accompanied by inflammation of the fallopian tubes - salpingitis.

Diagnosis of right-sided oophoritis

It is possible to reliably diagnose "oophoritis" on the basis of the following data:

Gynecological history (presence of genital infections, abortions, previous inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages, intrauterine surgery, complications after childbirth) and signs of the current disease (localization and nature of pain, presence of discharge, general well-being);

Laboratory tests for oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries is accompanied by an increase in the number of leukocytes in urine and blood tests, smears from the urethra and vagina);

Gynecological examination for oophoritis (in this case, an increase in the ovaries and their soreness, a decrease in the mobility of the uterine appendages are detected);

ultrasound diagnostics;

Bacteriological examination using PIF, ELISA, PCR diagnostics, which help to detect hidden infections, determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process;

Hysterosalpingography (with its help, changes in the fallopian tubes associated with inflammation of the ovaries are determined):

Laparoscopy, which allows you to directly examine the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, to identify right-sided oophoritis.

The combination of the above methods for diagnosing oophoritis will allow timely detection of the disease, prescribing treatment for right-sided oophoritis and avoiding serious complications.

Right-sided oophoritis - causes

The cause of oophoritis are various infections, often transmitted through sexual contact - gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc. Provoke the development of the inflammatory process in right-sided oophoritis can also be abortion, menstruation or childbirth. In most cases, inflammation of the ovaries is the result of secondary infection due to complications of salpingitis.

Right-sided oophoritis - signs

The main signs that may indicate that you have oophoritis are the following:

Disorders of urination - a sign of right-sided oophoritis;

Severe pain in right-sided oophoritis, appearing in the lower abdomen: they are localized on the right if it is right-sided oophoritis, and on the left if it is left-sided;

Abundant purulent leucorrhea is a sign of right-sided oophoritis;

Sharp sharp pain during intercourse with oophoritis.

Bilateral oophoritis - treatment and symptoms

The diagnosis of "bilateral oophoritis" means inflammation of both ovaries, which, as a rule, is combined with an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. The most common cause of signs of bilateral oophoritis is the ascending path of infection from the vagina and tubes.

Bilateral oophoritis - treatment

For the treatment of acute bilateral oophoritis, a woman must be hospitalized and prescribed bed rest, as well as taking antibiotics, painkillers, applying ice to the lower abdomen. You should also not neglect vitamins and restorative procedures for bilateral oophoritis. To prevent adhesions, absorbable preparations, gynecological massage, physiotherapy and mud therapy are prescribed. All procedures for the treatment of bilateral oophoritis in this case are aimed at preventing severe complications, such as infertility.

Signs of acute bilateral oophoritis

Bilateral oophoritis has both acute and chronic stages of the disease. The onset of the disease or its recurrence is usually associated with the arrival of menstruation. Signs of an acute inflammatory process in the ovaries include the following:

Severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;

High body temperature, accompanied by chills with oophoritis;

urination disorders;

Abundant leucorrhoea, sometimes with an admixture of pus with oophoritis;

Uterine bleeding between periods.

Signs of chronic bilateral oophoritis

If oophoritis is not cured in time, it passes into the chronic stage. In this case, the signs of the disease are less pronounced, but it is more likely to lead to ovarian dysfunction and further infertility. Its characteristic symptoms are:

Irregular menstrual cycle with bilateral oophoritis;

Aching weak pain in the lower abdomen;

Pain during intercourse.

Inflammation of the ovaries can lead to changes in the patient's neuropsychic state: irritability, poor sleep, fatigue, decreased performance, etc. Also, bilateral oophoritis can be accompanied by sexual dysfunction: lack or change in sexual desire, vaginismus, lack of orgasm, which is also associated with disorders in the work of the ovaries.

Causes of bilateral oophoritis

Factors predisposing to the occurrence of bilateral oophoritis are the presence of foci of infection in the body, frequent changes in sexual partners, hypothermia and overwork. Can also contribute to the development of bilateral oophoritis menstrual bleeding, abortion and childbirth.

Chronic oophoritis - treatment and signs

As practice shows, chronic oophoritis, the treatment of which can be very long in time and not always highly effective, is a disease that must be eliminated at an acute stage.

Oophoritis is the inflammation of the most important female genital organs - the ovaries. It is most often combined with salpingitis. If this disease is not detected and treated in time, it can lead to infertility and other unpleasant complications. Chronic oophoritis may be the result of infection of the female genital organs with sexually transmitted pathogens, staphylo- and streptococci, tuberculosis mycobacteria, etc.

Chronic oophoritis - treatment

The diagnosis of "chronic oophoritis" is made on the basis of a gynecological examination, ultrasound examination, blood and urine tests, in which in this case an increased number of leukocytes is noted, smear tests, including back cultures and PCR diagnostics, which allow to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Also used before the treatment of chronic oophoritis for the diagnosis of hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy.

Chronic oophoritis, the treatment of which usually consists in the use of balneotherapy (adding essential oils, sea salt, medicinal algae, mud to baths) and physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, UHF therapy, etc.), often requires the use of antibiotics. At the same time, antibiotics are prescribed only for exacerbation. Also, the treatment regimen for the disease includes taking vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Remember that it is better to prevent the occurrence of chronic oophoritis than to treat it later.

Chronic oophoritis - signs

The following symptoms are characteristic of the acute stage of oophoritis:

Swelling and soreness of the ovaries on palpation;

High temperature with oophoritis;

Pain during intercourse;

Severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;

Disorders of urination in chronic oophoritis;

Manifestations of ovarian dysfunction (intermenstrual uterine bleeding, etc.)

Chronic oophoritis has the following symptoms:

Aching, intermittent pain in the abdomen;

Painful and enlarged ovaries;

Menstrual disorders with oophoritis;


Sexual dysfunctions (lack of sexual desire or orgasm, discomfort during intercourse);

Fatigue and drowsiness;

Irritability with oophoritis;

Slight, but constant discharge from the vagina.

Chronic oophoritis during pregnancy

Unfortunately, a successful combination of chronic oophoritis - pregnancy is unlikely, because the proper functioning of the ovaries is very important for planning pregnancy, its normal course and successful delivery. It is from the ovaries that the production of the necessary sex hormones depends, the maturation and release of a full-fledged egg from the follicle, due to which fertilization becomes possible.

Chronic oophoritis - is pregnancy possible?

Changes in the functioning of the ovaries caused by the presence of pathogens of sexual infections or microorganisms that "doze" in the female body and manifest themselves only against the background of reduced immunity can be almost asymptomatic. However, bearing a child with oophoritis is an additional burden on the female body, so all the unpleasant symptoms associated with oophoritis will come to the fore.

Planning pregnancy in chronic oophoritis

So that chronic oophoritis, in which pregnancy is still possible, does not prevent you from giving birth to a healthy baby, it is recommended, even if you consider yourself healthy, to visit a doctor before planning a conception and undergo an examination that allows you to identify the latent (hidden) form of this disease. If you don't, you may experience the following complications:

Ectopic pregnancy in chronic oophoritis. Since inflammation of the ovaries is usually combined with inflammation of the tubes, adhesions can form in the pelvis, which contribute to the fact that fertilization will not occur in the uterus, but in the tube, which will cause this threatening condition;

Infertility in chronic oophoritis. Ovarian dysfunction leads to the fact that the production of a full-fledged egg, and hence ovulation, becomes impossible, so pregnancy will not occur.

Chronic oophoritis during pregnancy - complications

If you become pregnant in the presence of chronic oophoritis, this is fraught with serious complications. This means that in the mother's body there is a permanent focus of infection, which means that infection of the fetus is also very possible. Even if this does not happen during pregnancy, the baby can become infected while passing through the birth canal. In addition, inflammatory processes in the ovaries in chronic oophoritis can lead to hormonal disorders during pregnancy, and this, in turn, to miscarriage. Also, antibiotic therapy in case of a sharp exacerbation of chronic oophoritis is almost impossible. Therefore, it is best to try to get rid of oophoritis before pregnancy.



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