What does a gynecologist surgeon treat? Gynecology, women's consultation, gynecological clinic in Volgograd

What is a gynecologist? This is a doctor who regulates and controls women's health. It is worth noting that men do not have to visit this doctor. Representatives of the weaker sex, throughout their lives, periodically fall for this reception. It is worth noting that a gynecologist is not only contacted if there are any complaints. This is a unique profession. Many healthy women regularly go to this specialist for confirmation of their normal condition.

Such different gynecologists

Gynecologist - who is it? You already know that this is a specialist in women's health. However, gynecologists are different. Perhaps for some this will be a revelation.
Obstetrician-gynecologist. This specialist conducts pregnancy and delivers.

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Gynecology, women's consultation, gynecological clinic in Volgograd.


What is gynecology? Who is a gynecologist?

Gynecologist - definitely very right person. A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of female diseases. A gynecologist studies the cause of diseases of the female genital organs and methods of their treatment. Gynecology translated from Greek means - gyneko - woman, logy - study. So, gynecology is a separate branch of medicine that studies diseases female body and, above all, the female reproductive system. Gynecology is the study of anatomical, physiological, physical and mental features body of a woman, is engaged in the treatment of the reproductive system, methods of diagnosing diseases and their prevention. A separate section of gynecology should be singled out - this is the gynecology of childhood and adolescence. Women are much more "disciplined"...

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Many mistakenly believe that since a gynecologist is a female doctor, then he must have the appropriate gender. Actually, it is not. Men also work as gynecologists (as well as women can be urologists). And often they do their job very well.

Who is a gynecologist

A gynecologist is a doctor who has completed an internship or residency in obstetrics and gynecology. It deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention various violations and diseases of the female reproductive system.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

What awaits a woman at a gynecologist's appointment

First, the doctor talks to the patient. At this stage, you should answer all questions as honestly as possible. It must be remembered once and for all that the doctor ...

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It is well known that in life every woman is faced with an inevitable need - a consultation with a gynecologist. Are you interested in what a gynecologist does?


Gynecology is a branch of medicine that studies the characteristics of the female genital organs, as well as diseases that are unique to women. Gynecologists have a role in conducting preventive examinations, preventing the occurrence of diseases of the female genital area, and, if any, conducting medical measures to get rid of these diseases. Treatment vaginal thrush also performed by a gynecologist. While an obstetrician-gynecologist specializes in the management of pregnancy and childbirth. In this article, we will try to tell you why you should not avoid visiting a gynecologist and how to get maximum benefit from a visit to the doctor.

When going to a gynecologist, a woman needs to make some preparation for the visit. This is a mandatory preliminary step that will help you get ...

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You should be examined by a gynecologist regularly! If nothing hurts and nothing worries - this does not mean that everything is in in perfect order. As they say, "It's better to be overdressed than underdressed."

You should always think about your health, so it is preferable to have protected sexual intercourse with barrier contraceptives(condoms, cervical caps).

At the first symptoms of the disease (itching, burning, discharge with bad smell) you need to immediately go to the gynecologist. Often acute course the disease becomes chronic and practically, if not at all, worries, but can cause chronic inflammation and in the worst case, infertility.

Douching, antibiotics and hormonal drugs. All this violates normal microflora vagina and entails increased likelihood introduction of pathogenic flora.

Keep track of your overall immune health. This will reduce the chance...

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Without a doubt, many of you resorted to the help of both a gynecologist and this specialist. Have you ever talked about your health with just such a doctor? Surely the answers of many of you to this question will be positive, since it is this specialist who is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of a huge number of gynecological endocrinological diseases. Let's figure it out. Who is a gynecologist? A gynecologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents such female gynecological diseases as cervical erosion, condyloma, colpitis, cystitis, and so on. To all women who care about their health and want to live long life, you should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. Prepare for this event. You definitely need to take a shower. Just don't wash too thoroughly. After all, the doctor will take preventive smear tests, and very ...

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The logic of our fellow citizens has already become traditional in the matter of visiting a doctor of a particular profile, and a gynecologist is no exception. In particular, it is based on the fact that “until it hurts, you don’t need to go anywhere,” which can also be compared with the no less popular saying about a man who, until the thunder breaks out, doesn’t decide to cross himself. All this, of course, can be perceived as humor or folklore, but it is these statements that reflect the attitude of many (if not most) women to visiting a gynecologist. Add here the various calls for the test " effective methods”, which implies self-medication, fears about hospitals, people wearing white coats, chairs and tools - and the gynecologist’s office will be shelved for all reasons.

Meanwhile, often to the development serious illnesses leads precisely unwillingness to visit a gynecologist. But it is to him that many doctors ...

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What diseases does a gynecologist treat? A gynecologist is a female doctor whose competence includes the diagnosis and identification of any conditions, pathologies and diseases related to the female genital area. Gynecologists, depending on the specification, are divided into:

Gynecologists general practice; gynecologists-obstetricians who monitor the condition of pregnant women and provide assistance during childbirth; gynecologists-endocrinologists - their task is to identify and treat hormonal dysfunctions in the female body.

What does a gynecologist treat?

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

This group of diseases is extensive and occurs, as a rule, in connection with infection in the body. Usually, ailments are accompanied by a decrease in immunity by various reasons, sometimes a common cold can become a start for malaise. Infectious and inflammatory diseases include:

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia, vagina, uterus, appendages, ovaries, as well as ...

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Gynecologist: who is he and what is within his competence?

A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of female diseases. Gynecology as a science and a gynecologist are engaged in the study of diseases of the female genital organs on different stages women's lives. in the nursery and adolescence dealing with these issues pediatric gynecologist, and in mature - general gynecology and a gynecologist.

Competence of a gynecologist

The direct competence of the gynecologist includes the diagnosis and treatment of any gynecological diseases. Also, a gynecologist helps prevent the occurrence of a particular disease.

In general, in the area direct activity gynecologist included overall score the state of the female body, diagnostics and the appointment of adequate treatment, if there is a corresponding need. AT recent times also great importance among the functions of a gynecologist is the question of planning ...

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The problem, if not all, then the vast majority of women is that for some reason they do not seek to take care of their health. A visit to a doctor such as a gynecologist is not included in their plans until such time as they no longer have the strength to endure certain symptoms. And even more so, if nothing hurts, then a visit to this chief female doctor can generally be postponed indefinitely.

However, this approach to your health is fundamentally wrong. Sometimes, it is the refusal of a planned visit to the gynecologist that leads to serious problems which can even become a threat to life. It also happens that visiting a doctor of a completely different specialty about any ailment, it is to them that a woman is redirected to a gynecologist. As a result, it turns out that she has serious violations in the functioning of the reproductive system. Therefore, you can not postpone a visit to the gynecologist, especially if you go to him urgently ...

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What is a gynecologist?

Such a specialist as a gynecologist is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the female genital organs. Gynecology studies all diseases associated with the female genital organs, regardless of age period life. The main specialist in childhood and adolescence in the field of pediatric gynecology will be a pediatric adolescent specialist, after which the woman passes under the control of general gynecology, turning to a gynecologist.

What is included in the competence of a gynecologist?

The competence of the gynecologist includes:

Assessment of the state of the body; diagnosis of gynecological diseases: cervical erosion, colpitis, cystitis, warts, inflammation of the appendages and uterus; treatment of the above gynecological ailments; family planning issues; appointment best practices contraception; control over the state of the woman's body as a whole.

Thanks to a gynecologist, you can prevent ...

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Who is a Pediatric Gynecologist

A pediatric gynecologist studies the normal activity of the female body, diseases associated with the characteristics of the female body in different periods woman's life.

Special attention in gynecology is occupied by the prevention of gynecological diseases, so that the girl, in the future a woman, in all periods
was healthy in her life.

What is the competence of a pediatric gynecologist

Little girls, from birth, may have specific women's problems, and pediatric gynecologists deal with them.

A pediatric gynecologist examines the girl's external genital organs, if necessary, perform vaginoscopy (examination of the girl's vagina with a special device-vaginoscope), especially if you suspect foreign body into the vagina. Then smears are taken, sowing on pathogenic flora with sensitivity to...

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Abderrazak Golovkr:
Exactly what are these stupid questions? Have you watched NTV? A pediatric gynecologist examines the genitals (OUTSIDE) and takes a general swab for analysis. If your girl is not a virgin, then the examination will be in the normal mode both inside and out. Veltsya Chebitkova:
Girls are recommended to be taken to a juvenile specialist from the age of one. If you go to an appointment for the first time, then it is better to do this not at school, but at the clinic. With mom. So the girl will be calmer. Fagrat Ayushin:
miracle yudo beast) how did the school examination take place 20 years ago (at our school) - doctors from the district came, examined the boys separately, the girls separately, I don’t know what they looked at for the boys, they looked at the breasts for the girls (they just said “put your hands down”, and looked in shorts (without taking off) - apparently they assessed the degree of hair growth, what else can be seen there). just 8th or ninth grade, once. It was unpleasant, of course, but what to do. Karenley Kazyaervinskaya:
The purpose of the examination of girls by a pediatric gynecologist is...

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Gynecologist-endocrinologist - description, doctor's advice:

Who is a Gynecologist-Endocrinologist -

Engaged in the study hormonal function organism, diagnoses and treats hormonal diseases, which are associated with a violation of the production of certain hormones and their impact on human organs.

What is the competence of a gynecologist-endocrinologist

He is engaged in the study of the hormonal function of the body, diagnoses and treats hormonal diseases that are associated with a violation of the production of certain hormones and their effect on human organs.

All processes in the human body occur under the influence of endocrine system. Under the action of hormones, the laying of the organs of the reproductive system, the growth and development of the female body occurs.

The endocrine system influences the psycho-emotional and physical health women, on metabolic processes, as well as the implementation of the main function...

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Medicine includes many different areas and directions. They are neuroscientists and locomotive apparatus, physicians who help treat blood vessels, and neurosurgeons. Also, often a person has to turn to therapists, cardiologists, ophthalmologists and other doctors. What is a gynecologist? This question often arises among the fairer sex. After all, it is they who have to deal with this health worker. This article will tell you about what a gynecologist treats. You will learn about some varieties of this industry.

What is a gynecologist?

First of all, a gynecologist is a specialist who graduated from higher medical educational institution. Also, this person must undergo an internship and practice. Only after that he is allowed to conduct his own medical activities.

What is a gynecologist? This is a doctor who regulates and controls women's health. It is worth noting that men do not have to visit this doctor. Representatives...

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Gynecology is one of the most important sections in medicine, as it is completely devoted to the state and development of the characteristics of the female body. Questions regarding the prevention of any female diseases play special role. The female body as a whole normal operation all female organs gives the most priceless - procreation, the health of all subsequent generations. Here you will be received by such doctors: a gynecologist, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a gynecologist-reproductologist, a gynecologist-endocrinologist, a pediatric gynecologist, a mammologist, an ultrasound doctor.

You can make an appointment with our specialists at any time convenient for you! During non-working hours of the clinic, you can do this through the On-line form on our website!

At your service we offer wide range services in the field of gynecology:

Gynecologist consultation Full range of modern laboratory research(hormones, biopsy, cytology, bacteriological cultures, tests for...

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Pregnancy management in the network of MC "Health Harmony" is


Medical support of pregnancy is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist assigned to you. Your personal gynecologist will always be in touch with you. And at any time he is ready to answer all questions of interest, to provide medical, psychological and informational assistance.

Documentary support

Maintaining and distributing all necessary medical records. Such as: outpatient card, exchange card, certificates, extracts from outpatient card.


With us, you are always under the supervision of not only a personal gynecologist, but also narrow specialists. In addition, all laboratory tests and instrumental research held within our medical centers.


You get a range of pregnancy management services that meets all international standards and fully complies with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine....

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Medical experience: 32 years, in Medicom since 2013.

About myself: love for the profession of an obstetrician-gynecologist manifested itself while studying at the Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov in Leningrad, thanks to visits to the scientific circle of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

He received his first practical work skills as a student under the guidance of experienced midwives of the gynecological and maternity departments.

Teachers: V.P. Baskakov, Yu.V. Tsvelev, associate professors A.V. Guriev, A.P. Kalchenko, V.G. Skvortsov, D.R. Zeldovich.

From 1994 to 2009 - chief gynecologist of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Direct organizer, then head of the gynecology clinic in the Main Military Clinical Hospital Ukraine from 1994 to 2009. The main focus of the clinic is operative gynecology using modern technologies– endoscopy (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy), surgical correction prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Mentor of beginner doctors - in parallel with practical work...

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Going to the doctor is always an exciting event, especially if the doctor's specialization raises some questions. "What is a gynecologist?" - representatives of the weaker sex often ask. For women consultations this doctor are mandatory, so you need to know what such a professional treats. It is also necessary to consider what issues are within the competence of the gynecologist-endocrinologist and obstetrician-gynecologist.

What is included in the competence of a gynecologist?

All doctors graduate from higher medical institutions in without fail and therefore are highly qualified specialists.

Before starting work, a gynecologist first gains experience in an internship, then he undergoes an internship, and only after that he can independently conduct appointments in medical institutions.

A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in the health of the female genital area. Men never visit such a doctor. A trip to this professional is necessary even healthy women who don't care about anything. The gynecologist checks the functioning and condition of the genitals and reproductive system of the patient as a whole.

What are the duties of a gynecologist:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female genital area.
  • Family planning counseling.
  • Analysis emotional state women.

The profession of this specialist often does not differ from the specifics of a psychologist. Ladies are subject to stress caused by illness and the inability to conceive, and the doctor must be able to calm them down.

There are many diseases of the female genital area, the gynecologist diagnoses them and prescribes treatment.

Among the diseases and pathologies treated by a gynecologist:

When to contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist?

Diseases of the fair sex can be caused by a number of factors. One of the reasons for the occurrence of such disorders are hormonal disruptions. A gynecologist-endocrinologist deals with just such cases. To the task this specialist includes stabilization hormonal balance organism.

What are the duties of a gynecologist-endocrinologist:

  • The study of the level of hormones in women.
  • Treatment of diseases caused by hormonal imbalance.
  • Selection of a method of contraception individually for each patient.

The endocrine system of every woman is responsible for overall health and for childbearing function in particular.

Among other things, it depends on hormones appearance women and their emotional state. If there is a shortage or excess of some hormones in the body, this will immediately affect the woman both externally and internally.

A gynecologist-endocrinologist helps patients in position, he determines their condition and checks the development of the fetus. Pregnancy provokes changes in the endocrine system, and often this process is difficult. Problems with the menstrual cycle, infertility or miscarriage can also be caused by hormone imbalances. This specialist needs to check hormonal background women to help deal with such problems.

Hormones produced by the female ovaries:

  • progesterone;
  • estrogen.

There are also male hormones in the body of women - androgens, they are produced by the adrenal glands and, to a lesser extent, by the ovaries. An endocrinologist studies the level of both female and male hormones in a woman's body. If the work of the ovaries is normal, and the level of all substances is normal, then for several weeks of each month a special gland called " corpus luteum". This gland performs a specific function - the production of progesterone (a hormone responsible for notifying the body about the approach of menstruation and determining pregnancy).

Many ladies suffer from overweight body without understanding what is causing it. In the practice of an endocrinologist, there is great amount cases when a woman gains weight from an imbalance of hormones. This state of affairs is not affected by the caloric content of the diet or the wrong daily routine, true reason lies in hormonal disorders.

The main direction of the gynecologist-endocrinologist is the study of estrogen, the female sex hormone.

This substance makes the fairer sex attractive, improves the appearance of hair, nails and skin. If there are problems in this area, a specialist will help to solve them.

What is the obstetrician-gynecologist responsible for?

The difference in the professions of an obstetrician-gynecologist and other gynecological specifics is that this doctor guides a woman throughout her pregnancy, he observes the formation of the fetus and all deviations in its development. An obstetrician-gynecologist is familiar to every woman who is in position or already has a child. This doctor is with the patient throughout her pregnancy, he also delivers.

What are the duties of an obstetrician-gynecologist:

Every woman chooses an obstetrician-gynecologist for her pregnancy. This doctor fully controls the condition of the future woman in labor and her child, he performs all the necessary manipulations. The competence of this specialist includes checking the course of pregnancy, prescribing nutrition for future mother, he will tell you and show what kind of gymnastics you need to do in order for this period to be favorable.

When discomfort or pain in a woman in position, you must urgently inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about this, he will examine his patient and prescribe necessary measures to normalize her condition.

There are scheduled visits to this doctor, where they measure the circumference of the pregnant woman, weighing, prescribing tests and other procedures to keep any deviations during pregnancy under control. The obstetrician-gynecologist, who leads his patient throughout the entire period of bearing a child, knows what complications can be expected in childbirth in order to have time to do everything possible for a favorable delivery. He will be present from the very beginning of the fights. In addition, the obstetrician will be the first to take the newborn baby and cut the umbilical cord.

In this process, any difficulties may arise that require immediate right decision. The obstetrician must take responsibility to protect both the mother and the child. Often childbirth goes unfavorably, and it is required to carry out C-section, this operation is performed by an obstetrician-gynecologist and his assistants. That is why it is so important to visit your doctor regularly during the entire period of pregnancy and follow all the recommendations that he gives.

In gynecology, there are enough areas, each of which has its own specifics. For good functioning female reproductive system, you need to constantly visit each such specialist. A gynecologist examines a woman, identifying all disorders and diseases. The endocrinologist will reveal hormonal changes and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. An obstetrician will help during pregnancy and during childbirth.

So, the answer to the question “what does a gynecologist treat” is that any problems in women's health require treatment from this specialist.

Gynecologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats pathologies associated with the female genital area. He leads the pregnancy, and also terminates it according to indications.

What does a gynecologist do and what does he treat?

A gynecologist is consulted for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted ones: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, genital herpes;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitals: vulvovaginitis in girls, bacterial vaginosis;
  • erosion, as well as cervical dysplasia;
  • neoplasms on the internal and external genital organs: uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors, oncology;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • female and male infertility;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • amenorrhea and algomenorrhea;
  • delayed sexual development or, conversely, too rapid development;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • endometriosis;
  • postmenopausal syndrome.

In addition to the above, the gynecologist deals with pregnancy planning. A woman who wants to have a baby should definitely go to the doctor's office, because many chronic diseases are asymptomatic, and worsen during pregnancy. Some of them can even interfere with the process of conception. For successful conception and bearing reproductive system should be healthy. For those women who do not plan motherhood in the near future, the doctor will help you choose suitable look contraception.

Symptoms for which you should go to the gynecologist

When a woman reaches childbearing age as a preventive measure, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once a year. Scheduled inspection is advised to take place in the first half menstrual cycle. But there are signs that suggest that you need to visit a doctor in the near future:

  1. Menstrual irregularities. This is facilitated hormonal disorders, pregnancy, tumor (cyst) of the ovaries.
  2. Menses frequent, abundant, or, conversely, scarce, rare (pathologies certain bodies e.g. uterine fibroids).
  3. Suspicious discharge. Vaginal discharge is quite acceptable if it is odorless, colorless, and does not irritate the mucosa. White curdled discharge they talk about candidiasis, scanty bloody ones are observed in the first weeks after conception; white, yellow, green discharge with pungent odor- a sign of the presence of infection.
  4. Frequent urge to urinate talk about significant inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  5. Lower abdominal pain after or during intercourse, as well as during a certain period of the menstrual cycle, indicates a chronic inflammatory process.
  6. Pain in mammary glands, seals, discharge from the nipples - signs of mastopathy and neoplasms.
  7. Bloody issues after intercourse indicate problems with the cervix (erosion, swelling) or inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
  8. If within 6 months of regular intercourse without contraception the desired conception does not occur.

Urgent treatment is required for the following symptoms:

How is the doctor's appointment?

The reception begins with a conversation with the patient: her complaints are taken into account, the beginning of the first menstruation and the nature of their course are established. The gynecologist learns about sexual life, how often sexual partners change, what contraceptives a woman uses, whether there are chronic diseases.

After the conversation, the doctor suggests that the patient lie down in gynecological chair to examine the internal female organs, during which he finds out the condition of the cervix and body of the uterus, whether there is erosion. For these purposes, a special sterile or disposable gynecological mirror is used. The procedure is usually painless, although there may be some discomfort during the procedure if there is inflammation. The gynecologist also palpates the abdomen by inserting two fingers into the vagina and pressing on the abdomen. What does a pediatric gynecologist do?

First inspections

It is worth mentioning that little girls are examined by a pediatric gynecologist. The first preventive examination should occur after the onset of the first menses, this is at about 11 or 12 years of age. It is advised to come with your mother.

After the age of 14, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination regularly. However, there is no need to worry. Even at 15-16 years old (approximately in the 11th grade), he does not always include what girls are so afraid of. Quite often limited to only external examination skin and chest, if there are no serious complaints. Be sure to visit the reception girls after the onset of sexual activity.

A teenage girl who has complaints, but has not begun to live a sexual life, is examined in a special way. The examination is carried out not vaginally using a mirror, but rectally by inserting a finger into the rectum (the condition of the uterus and appendages is felt). A thin swab is taken with a thin gynecological brush in order to identify possible inflammation or infections.

What examinations can the doctor prescribe?

  • pelvic organs;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • general and detailed blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • referral to a consultation with other specialists (for example, a mammologist, gynecologist-).

How to prepare for the reception?

Before going to the doctor, you should not douche, use intimate sprays, and the like. A hygienic shower is taken with washing of the external genitalia. It is not necessary to carry out a deep hygienic toilet, because in this way the signs of the disease are “washed away”. Two days before the examination, you can not have sex.

Tune in psychologically, remember the date of the first menstruation, take a menstruation calendar with you. It is also necessary to take a clean diaper and socks, possibly a gynecological kit with a disposable mirror included.

How does a gynecologist determine pregnancy?

In the gynecologist's office, pregnancy is diagnosed in several ways:

  • by using ;
  • during the examination (by changes in the uterus);
  • blood test for hCG.

The doctor will be able to accurately tell about the presence of pregnancy from about the fifth week of her pregnancy. Although the obstetrician-gynecologist from the district polyclinic will consult the patient for all 9 months, the gynecologist will take care of the birth, since it may be necessary to surgical intervention- caesarean section.

- (this see the previous next). A doctor who has chosen as his specialty the study and treatment of women's diseases. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. GYNECOLOGIST women's diseases. A complete dictionary of foreign words ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

gynecologist- a, m. gynecologue m. Doctor, specialist in gynecology. ALS 2. Cooking passed by surgery, from which all sorts of bandaged people, in luboks, in plaster, entered as best they could, and the gynecologist friend Varina supervised the process. G. Shcherbakova At the feet ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

GYNECOLOGIST, a, husband. Doctor specialist in gynecology. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

GYNECOLOGY Greek the doctrine of the healthy and sick state of women; features of female life. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 8 obstetrician (9) babych (1) doctor (352) ... Synonym dictionary

gynecologist- GYNECOLOGIST, a, m medical worker With higher education, doctor specialist in gynecology, women's diseases. Certified gynecologist Leibovich. For a moderate fee, the client can have all the best! Abortion, guaranteed establishment ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

M. Specialist in the field of gynecology. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Gynecologist, gynecologists, gynecologist, gynecologists, gynecologist, gynecologists, gynecologist, gynecologists, gynecologist, gynecologists, gynecologist, gynecologists (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

- ... Wikipedia

gynecologist- a gynecologist, and ... Russian spelling dictionary


  • Gynecologist, Irina Govoruha. Every person is an artist of his own life. Some paint butterflies and dragonflies all their lives, others just interfere with paints, and someone does not even dare to take ...


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