Cancer man: characteristics of the zodiac sign, ideal partner, attitude to life's difficulties. Cancer man: what is he like in different areas of life

Along with these Cancer characteristics, these men are pragmatic. How can such opposite characteristics be combined in one zodiac sign?

The main characteristics of the sign Cancer

Tenderness, sensitivity and a penchant for romanticism are the main characteristics of Cancer men.

These are very attractive characteristics for us. After all, women love with their ears, we want to hear in our address, gentle, full of admiration for our virtues, words. It is the Cancer man, like no other sign of the zodiac, who is able to see and appreciate the beauty of the female body, admire her individuality and express her emotions in very epic words. Cancer will not be ashamed of his admiration for the woman he likes. Isn't that a real strong male position?

Decency and attention to people is another great characteristic of Cancers.

Cancer men are not capable of mean deeds. Their pure heart cannot allow the thought of the possibility of betrayal on their part. You can rely on such men. Whether you are in friendly interactions with Cancer, or you have a closer relationship, you can be sure that you will never get a “knife in the back” from this person. This is a very valuable characteristic, because many men, in the struggle for money and power, neglect such concepts as decency and honesty.

Cancers are attentive to people, they are able to see the slightest changes in the mood of others. The willingness to sympathize and participate in solving other people's problems is a characteristic feature of the Cancer sign. It is a pity that the cordiality of Cancers does not always have a backlash. Many people only use the help of Cancers, but they themselves are not ready for reciprocal actions.

Practicality is a reliable characteristic of a Cancer man

Cancer man is endowed with such a good quality as practicality. At the stage of courtship, a girl may get the impression that her man is stingy. Cancer will not shower his beloved with flowers, give cute gifts and drive to chic restaurants. But for your birthday, to your amazement, you can get a rather expensive gift from Cancer. This gift will definitely have a practical application. Such are they Cancer men. For family life, this quality is very useful. Cancers are practical men, they count money and know their price, they will also restrain their wife from impulses of squandering.

Conservatism is a good characteristic of a Cancer man

Cancers are conservatives to the core. They take a very long time to adapt to new circumstances. Therefore, any little thing, a rarity that connects him with the past, is of great importance for Cancer. They follow all family traditions. For Cancers, this is so important that at first glance it may surprise the opposite sex. But it's actually a pretty good feature. Yes, Cancer is difficult to persuade to marriage, as he needs to get used to the idea of ​​his new status in life. But having chosen a companion and marrying her, Cancer will be a very good family man and will never decide to leave the family.

Along with worthy characteristics, representatives of the Cancer sign, these men also have a number of negative character traits.

The illusory perception of the surrounding reality is a distinctive characteristic of the sign Cancer

Despite the fact that most representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign have good intellectual data and excellent intuition, such men often live in a world of illusions. They tend to turn more to their inner world of sensations and perceptions than to analyze external events. Sometimes the intellect even interferes with Cancers, because instead of solving a specific problem, they go into abstract reasoning, translating the solution of a practical issue into a theoretical plane.

Going into the world of their illusions, Cancers become forgetful and absent-minded. Due to their subtle mental organization and intuition, Cancers are endowed with special extrasensory abilities. Often, Cancers are addicted to esotericism. But with Cancers it is never boring, their non-standard thinking attracts, and good intelligence allows them to be excellent interlocutors.

Resentment is a striking characteristic of the sign Cancer

Cancers react very painfully to any criticism addressed to them. This is the most touchy sign of the zodiac. Positive character traits sometimes play a cruel joke with them. Because of their gentleness and kindness, these people, not receiving the same reaction from others, are sincerely offended. Sometimes Cancer lacks the determination to rebuff his offender. It may seem that at this moment Cancer is cowardly. In fact, the humanism of Cancer does not allow him to make tough maneuvers. The accumulated grievances lead Cancer to the following, no less problematic, characteristics.

Tendency to depression and aggression - the characteristic weaknesses of Cancer men

Due to the fact that Cancer does not know how to competently “take a hit” and give a worthy rebuff, the accumulated negativity results in depression or aggression of the Rocks. Cancerians are very prone to mood swings. Both depression and aggression of Cancers strike not so much those around them as Cancers themselves. The extreme degree of aggression of Cancers is expressed in fits of rage. At such a moment, it seems to the aggressor Cancer that he will now destroy everything and everyone who surrounds him, in fact, he is only wasting his energy in vain.

Self-doubt is the most problematic characteristic of the Cancer sign.

The main problem of Cancers is that they do not use the full potential that nature has endowed them with. Characteristics such as hard work, intelligence, intuition - could move Cancer far ahead of other men, but their lack of confidence in their abilities and in their significance interfere with Cancers in life. It shows up in everything. Often, Cancers receive a salary much lower than the level that is determined for these functions. It is more difficult for them than for others to move up the career ladder, in view of the fact that they do not dare to defend their interests and are embarrassed to demonstrate their dignity.

Caution - may be a very good characteristic of Cancer

Most men, to a much greater extent than women, are prone to risk, for some it allows them to reach great heights in life, for others to “fall to the bottom”. As the saying goes: "Who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne." Cancer, on the other hand, is very cautious. “Measure ten times - cut once” is the motto of the representatives of this sign. Among Cancers you will not meet extreme people or people whose profession is associated with a risk to life. But the lack of a thirst for adventure suggests that life with Cancer will not be filled with sudden upheavals and “catastrophes”.

Summing up, I want to say the following:

Most women dream of a gentle, emotional, decent, and at the same time self-confident man. Can these qualities be combined in one person? I think hardly. After all, ideal men, like women, do not exist in nature.

Cancer is a very worthy man. His virtues are not as obvious as those of representatives of other signs of the zodiac, but they are no less valuable.

Which character traits are most valuable to you: Romanticism or Decisiveness? Self-confidence or sincerity?

Have you been lucky enough to meet a Cancer man?

Do you want to be with him?

Which is better - open or closed? The answer, close to the truth, lies in the middle: half-open. This is the temperament of a Cancer man. On the one hand, this is the most mysterious sign of the zodiac, which prefers not to say unnecessary words and carefully hides its true attitude to both events and people. And on the other hand, this is an incredibly cozy, soft, supple man who gently takes care of all of his relatives. And to get closer to him, you need to literally become your own. The stars will tell you how to do it.

Cancer (Latin "Cancer") is the 4th sign of the zodiac, which is adjacent to the twins on the left and the lion on the right. These people were born in the very middle of summer, but their character is not so hot. Sign symbol- 2 pincers, which is also interpreted as the number 69 or the fusion of Yin and Yang. The fact is that it is cancer that is a symbol of the family, regardless of who is the representative of the sign - a man or a woman. Even ruling planet (Moon) personifies the family, as well as some romance and mystery of a person. That's why and good luck colors largely coincide with the moon - silver, light gray, white.

Cancer Element- Certainly, water. These are sentimentality, feelings, a subtle soul and real emotional cascades that every water representative experiences almost every day. He worries and almost always hides. It just seems to cancer that it’s much safer this way, and in many ways he is right. Talisman stones who patronize cancer are topaz, moonstone and belomorite.

Cancers are in every sense atypical men. They literally destroy the well-known stereotypes about physical strength, some rudeness, which seems to be inherent in all representatives of the strong half of humanity. If you take a quick look at the famous representatives of this zodiac sign, we will see that they have almost nothing in common. Except one. Craving for beauty and the ability to read between the lines. That is why there are so many creative, interesting people among cancers who have made a great contribution to world art.

Andrey Myagkov (frame from the movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath")

These are Pierre Cardin and Giorgio Armani, Marc Chagall and Vladimir Mayakovsky, Marcel Proust and Ernest Hemingway, Andrey Myagkov and Alexander Shirvindt, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise. Each of these people is, rather, not a bright, shining stars, but to people somewhat closed from the public. That did not prevent them from becoming real celebrities. Well, that's their formula for success.

Cancer man: what you need to know about his character

The nature of cancer is not revealed like this right away. Moreover, its external appearance, most likely, does not coincide with the internal at all. And it's not just that everyone on earth is playing a double game. It's just that cancer loves to wear a mask and, in which case, skillfully hide behind it. He prefers to be an observer rather than an active participant in events. This must be kept in mind.

staunch conservative

Yes, the Cancer man is a supporter of everything reliable and proven. Sometimes he keeps the tradition for the sake of the tradition. But more often than not, his conservatism comes from a sound calculation, because a titmouse in his hand is much better than the notorious crane in the sky.

If there is an opportunity to leave something in the same form, cancer will gladly preserve any area of ​​its life. Ladies who intend to change this world, themselves, their family, it is better to leave such beliefs or, in extreme cases, leave cancer.

Family is sacred

Yes, there are men with such views too. And there are many more of them than many girls think. Cancer refers specifically to those people who seek to create their own world. And the world of cancer always consists not of work, but of close people whom he protects even with more care than himself.

The house for cancer is a closed place. He does not tolerate constant streams of guests, endless secular evenings. Cancer, rather, is a homebody who loves to watch pets, growing children and other family joys. A girl who shares such views will surely find a reliable companion in this man.

Cancer moves back

Yes, this man also has such a trait as indecision. And it's not always bad. It's just that cancer needs to think seriously, weigh the risks, and only then take a certain position. But even having decided on an act, cancer can move back if it sees that things are going really badly.

The lady just needs to understand: this person does not risk in vain, does not put the well-being of the family at stake. He would rather retreat and appear to someone as a person of weak character than persistently prove his point of view and thereby waste huge resources. In a word, our hero adheres to the old Eastern truth: "the best fight is the one that did not take place." And I must say that in many cases this position justifies itself perfectly.

Attitude towards work and money

Cancer does not particularly like to spend his priceless resources, since he proceeds from the consideration that all money should go exclusively to useful (read: family) affairs. Therefore, you should not perceive him as a petty person, because at first it may seem as if he simply spares money on you.

In fact, Cancer loves to give beautiful gifts to loved ones, but this only happens if he really falls in love and you become dear to his heart. In a word, it is worth the wait - only the test of time will put everything in its place.

As for work, the Cancer man can be compared to an old master who is used to putting all his talents into a business, from which he expects recognition and pleasure. This guy rarely lives with some power ambitions. His formula for success is completely different: "enjoy the works of your hands and be happy."

How to please a Cancer man

You can like cancer literally on the very first date - for water men, relationships very often begin with an impulse, with that same love at first sight. However, you can be sure that he will never show it so quickly. Therefore, the external coldness of cancer should not be taken literally. In this regard, the star advice is very simple - you just need to wait a bit. Moreover, if cancer takes the initiative and clearly shows that it wants to see you more and more often, consider that at the first stage this is the best recognition.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

And in order to achieve this position for sure, you should listen to invaluable stellar advice:

  1. Be warm, cozy, soft. The ideal of Cancer is a girl with a kind heart, and not an ataman who is committed to the ideas of matriarchy. Do not forget that cancer is a supporter of traditional values. Even if he looks modern and speaks fashionable language, this does not mean that his inner core exactly matches the outer appearance.
  2. Communicate gracefully, beautifully, as if hinting at something. Cancer loves mystery, not straightforwardness. You should not tell Cancer something specific, like "when is the next date?" Such an approach will simply scare away this man.
  3. Allow yourself to walk half a length ahead. Yes, cancer is not an ataman or a cowboy, he will be very pleased if the lady herself takes the initiative in some way. But again, this must be done gracefully. That is, outwardly everything should look like it was he who made the decision. Moreover - you can also praise how great he came up with everything. This will only increase interest in your person.
  4. Finally, try to maintain a certain inaccessibility. Cancer is not a supporter of frivolous ladies. Yes, he can start a small affair, but he will not consider them as serious companions.

What can hurt cancer

To be honest, cancer can be offended by anything, but you can find out about it after a decent time. The fact is that the water signs of the zodiac are quite vulnerable people. This is expressed not in the fact that they crawl into their corner and sob, but in the fact that some petty trifles, small misunderstandings they live too seriously. Yes, cancer often takes something very close to their hearts, and one unevenly spoken word can ruin their mood for the whole day. That's why it's better to know in advance about some tricks that the stars will share with pleasure:

  1. Do not command cancer - it's only outwardly that he likes to obey. In fact, no man enjoys this. Yes, and a woman eventually ceases to respect a man who does not know how to defend his own opinion.
  2. Do not try to criticize everything related to the cancer family. Even when it comes to improperly baked meat. It's just that cancer is sensitive to the family, especially to the mother, so it can regard such attacks as an attempt on its shrine.
  3. Finally, try not to joke too openly until you have studied the nature of cancer in earnest. Again, he can take some jokes wrong and be incredibly upset. Do not forget - under the hard shell of cancer lives the tender soul of the poet.

Who is suitable for a Cancer man, and who is not very

It would not be a big exaggeration to say that a typical cancer man is looking for a companion for a person whose image is inspired by his mother's property. Or at least the ideas that he had about the ideal mother. Perhaps, cancer is looking for mom not only for future children, but also for herself. And there is no self-interest in this, because he himself will gladly surround his beloved with care, sometimes similar to parental care.

Tom Hanks (frame from the movie "Forrest Gump")

It's just that he has such an ideal companion - a family, in every sense a homely person who always prefers leisure in his native land to guests. This is what potential darlings of cancer should be guided by. As for compatibility with specific zodiac signs, the stars paint the following picture:

  1. Cancer feels great with representatives of its native water element. An alliance with a girl who gives cancer the most important thing - intuitive understanding can turn out to be especially wonderful. In this tandem, partners will be comfortable because the exchange of feelings will prevail over the exchange of words. Pisces and cancer not only appreciate this style, but have all the possibilities for its implementation. With a woman, Cancer, perhaps, will be less comfortable - her rather domineering character can suppress our hero. Therefore, in such an alliance, all roles should be immediately very delicately distributed so that subsequently no unnecessary situations arise. As for the representative of her zodiac sign, Cancer will live very well with. The only thing that can be advised to their family is to arrange an emotional discharge for themselves more often, so that every now and then the oncoming melancholy does not spoil their atmosphere.
  2. The union of a Cancer man with representatives of the earth element looks good and very promising. gives Cancer reliability and family comfort. will provide cancer with an excellent rear and will make great sacrifices so that everything is really good in the family. The tandem with is somewhat more difficult, since this lady can constantly encourage her indecisive cancer to be more active. She can sometimes take his caution for outright weakness, so certain conflicts are inevitable.
  3. It is rather difficult to develop relationships with the elements of fire. After all, water, as you know, extinguishes the flame. Indeed, the stubborn one will try to re-educate cancer for himself, and he will do it so straightforwardly that he, rather, will simply crawl into his shell. with her craving for constant secular fun, she will not be able to share the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcancer about the home. And a girl who is constantly looking for adventure will probably start to strain our cautious hero.
  4. Finally, the union of cancer with the air signs of the zodiac can be called the most difficult. It’s just that these people have too different a rhythm of life, and they are drawn to opposite things. Cancer wants peace and stability, but the contradictory will not be able to provide it with either one or the other. Impracticality and stubbornness will give rise to many conflicts that cancer can not stand. But windiness can seriously offend and even offend our sentimental hero.

cancer in bed

Frankly, Cancer does not like to take the initiative - he prefers to play a game of chess and just make retaliatory moves. Therefore, if this man is active, you can confidently say: you really somehow managed to hook him. In this case, the lady needs to understand: you should not rush cancer with the organization of night events.

But you shouldn't linger too long either. The surest way is the language of hints, an easy game in which there seems to be no obligation. Cancer can read between the lines, especially since he does not like it when everything goes too openly. And another important point: this man loves home comfort and silence. Therefore, love on a bench, on roller coasters and other extraordinary places is not his style. The surest way to the heart of Cancer is to create a really cozy atmosphere and literally lure him into a love trap from which he cannot move back.

Cancer man - he is modest and faithful, caring and sensitive. Many of its shortcomings are simply a continuation of its own merits. And if a lady is looking for a real family man, the father of her children, this is the most suitable person.

From the outside, the Cancer man may seem cold, but this is not at all the case. In his heart there is a place for sympathy, compassion and empathy.

The Cancer man is a zodiac sign that loves comfort. He rules the fourth house of the horoscope, so the house and various household items are very important to him. Cancer men are very suspicious and rarely show their inner self in both love affairs and business if they are not confident in themselves.

Cancer is a very deep sign. These people retain youthful looks into old age. Often men of this sign live at home with their mother longer than anyone else.

According to the horoscope, the Cancer man needs the sympathy of the people with whom he communicates. They can't stand harsh conversation or strong criticism, whether it's deserved or not. Despite the fact that Cancer men love their home, they like to travel. They especially love sea travel. Cancers often yearn for the past, for childhood.

If a Cancer man is furious (it is difficult to make him angry, and this happens quite rarely), he often acts with violence. The Moon governs all fluids, and therefore he should not abuse alcoholic beverages.

Positive, developed types of male Cancers can be devoted, many of them are on the lists of patriots of our country. They can also be romantic and self-sacrificing. Like cancer, their symbol, they must learn to make their inner self as hard as the shell of cancer. Thanks to their protective instincts, Cancer men are characterized by having the potential of a financial genius.

Cancer man in love and marriage - love horoscope

According to the love horoscope, the Cancer man is not one of those who are ready to open their soul to the first person they meet. Even his best friends often don't know much about him. To truly understand it, you will have to eat more than one pood of salt along with it.

A Cancer man can be frivolous and unreliable, yet sensitive and loyal at the same time. A severe forehead crease can be smoothed out for no apparent reason, and then a radiant smile will light up the face. The grouchy and dissatisfied tone is replaced by affectionate intonations, but after a moment it turns into hysterical laughter. When he is sad, you will want to come up and caress him, protect him from all adversity. If he undertakes to make predictions, you will be amazed at the accuracy of his prediction. of any measure, and his melancholy is capable of catching up on those around him with despondency. Being a romantic at heart, he is at the same time surprisingly rational and practical. In short, this man combined the most diverse, sometimes completely opposite character traits.

Speaking of the Cancer man, it should be remembered that these contradictions are caused by the change in the phases of the Moon, on which Cancer is highly dependent. Outwardly, he can be rude and cold, but in his soft loving heart there will always be a place for compassion and sympathy. Cancer is very touchy. In such cases, he withdraws into himself and silently digests the insult. It may seem to you that this is a long time - but it never happened. After a while, he reappears in public, radiant, rejoicing in everything around, and you joyfully rush to meet him.

Unpredictable and not always consistent in their actions. Imagine that you are sitting together on a moonlit night, and he invites you to listen to his favorite poems. You close your eyes and lean against his shoulder, expecting to hear a love sonnet, but instead you hear:

In one region, this was the case:

Walking once, the sage came across a thorny bush

And scratched out an eye. But he was extremely smart

And without saying a word, he wandered into another bush

And scratched the eye again.

All your romantic mood is gone. You will be offended, but he was only joking.

And now a few words about a more prosaic, but no less important aspect of your future life - money. Since childhood, Cancer men to them an extraordinary inclination, to say the least. Your only rival in his heart will be money. Cancer cannot be called a miser, but he has never been a spender either. The crunch of banknotes and the jingle of coins in his purse fascinate him no less than other organ masses. But no matter how much money he has, he will never brag about it. On the contrary, he is rather inclined to present himself as a poor relative. But do not rush to favor him. Most likely, his bank account is twice, or even ten times, larger than yours.

After reading the writing above, you will probably be upset and even decide not to connect your life with such a miser. I beg you, do not jump to conclusions. For a high-quality thing, a Cancer man is ready to pay dearly, because he adheres to the principle: "I'm not so rich to buy cheap things." He will refuse to run into a cafe to have a bite, but he will be happy to sit in an expensive restaurant with excellent cuisine and an excellent reputation; he will object to buying a drape coat, but, without hesitation, he will buy you a mink coat. Not only is it a beautiful and expensive thing, it is also durable. Now you are convinced that he agrees to pay - but only for things that are expensive, durable and of high quality. So there are definitely positive traits in Cancer.

If you know a Cancer artist or musician, do not think that he has only lofty ideas in his head. Cancers are very artistic, and if they choose such a career, they reach extraordinary heights in it. However, the Cancer artist will not give away his paintings - he will try to sell them profitably, especially since Cancers are usually high-class professionals.

The Cancer man does not like sportswear, preferring to her a strict business suit, and certainly from an expensive store. Even those who experience temporary (permanent they do not happen) financial difficulties, invariably ironed, starched shirt and shoes polished to a shine.

Cancer men usually cook well themselves, especially gourmet, ceremonial dishes. In general, Cancer is a refined creature, paying attention to the most seemingly inconspicuous little things. He will be happy to show his collection to guests and show extraordinary gallantry towards females. Cancer loves its ancestry, honors its ancestors. And those antique gizmos that he inherited from them are the subject of his special pride - after all, they combined two who own him passions: history and money.

Cancer makes high demands on his future wife, so sometimes years pass before he finds his chosen one. Cancer is very afraid of making a mistake, as an unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for many years. But if he has already chosen a bride for himself, he will exalt her to the skies and overwhelm her with gifts. By his constant presence next to you, he quickly turns away the rest of your fans, but you you won't regret it.

How to win, fall in love and attract a Cancer man - how to behave

Unfortunately, the Cancer man has days of such hopeless longing that you simply do not want to live on. But the bad mood quickly passes, and now sadness is replaced by joy, and you rejoice with it. Of course, such a change of mood can puzzle anyone, but if you have chosen Cancer as your companion, you will have to get used to it. And further. The most severe attacks of melancholy happen to him when he is afraid of losing something especially dear to him - most likely, you. Assure him that you belong to him alone, that you love him immensely, and he will be happy. Words of love are a balm for his soul.

And now one of the most difficult issues - family relationships. God grant that your mother-in-law turns out to be a pleasant, endearing woman. But even if this is not so, when you marry Cancer, you will be forced to give her all the attention. The Cancer man will constantly compare you to his mother, and your house to your parent's house. Cancer by nature is a domestic creature, and having become accustomed to warmth, comfort and affection in childhood, will demand the same from his wife. At least outwardly, in the presence of your mother-in-law, you will have to be content with the role of the second violin, since she will play the first one. Pretend that you are interested in how and what she cooks, how she runs the house, even if you are sure that you are doing it better.

So, how to get Cancer into your arms if he does not immediately decide to propose to you? There are two ways.

First: let him know that there are other men around who dream of making you his wife while he thinks. Cancer is unlikely to allow itself to miss its intended prey.

There is a second, more "intelligent" way. Music, poetry, flowers, beautiful clothes, expensive (but not too harsh) perfumes, gentleness and tenderness, coupled with fine dinners, will also help you win his heart. True, this is a long way, but less risky.

Becoming the wife of Cancer, do not try to throw away his old sweater and worn-out sneakers, as well as a diploma of excellent completion of elementary school. All this is his treasure, and they need to be groomed and cherished no less than himself. In return for this care, he will love you, all his life. And what could be more beautiful than the woman you love?

The Cancer man is at the mercy of his mood, he is not his master, but rather a slave. Now he is cheerful and sweet, and an hour later he is sad and annoyed. The Moon governs Cancer, so his nature can change beyond recognition. In public, this is, as a rule, a benevolent and gallant person, but as soon as the mood changes, everything around him begins to appear in black.

The Cancer man does not pay much attention to his own appearance. They can easily put on old things that have not lost their appearance. They don't try to look dandy, but at the same time, they are quite elegant.

They prefer the classics to a sports suit. If the financial situation is stable and allows you to make expensive purchases, then in this case the representative of this zodiac sign will acquire for himself a thing of an expensive and well-known brand.

Men of this sign are polite personalities. They are friendly people and have excellent manners. They are able to change their mind about the outside world. If today they see everything in romantic, beautiful shades, then tomorrow, everything may seem rather gloomy, dark and evil to them. They are able to greatly exaggerate in those problems that are close to them.

Even the most insignificant trifle they can accept as a tragedy of their whole life. As the people say, they are able to "make an elephant out of a fly." In other words, they inflate the slightest trifle into the most ordinary catastrophe. His character is very difficult. Most often, his mood, as well as his behavior, entirely depends on how relatives and friends behave towards him. In such a situation, close people are forced to constantly monitor the manifestation of their own emotions and their own words.

As for the work of representatives of this sign, we can say that the Cancer man is very modest and even shy. They are still able to achieve great success, but only if they see that they really have a worthy goal in front of them. Cancer is very friendly with finances. It is not difficult for him to find a way to earn extra money. But at the same time, he is used to using only traditional methods of earning money.

They can be very charismatic individuals. Moreover, they are able to subordinate others to their own opinion. Quite often, Cancer men become respected people and, in addition, they can be an authority for others.

Cancer man in love and marriage

These individuals are in great need of love. They want not only to love, but also to be loved. Most often, in the life of a representative of this sign there may be several novels. It must be remembered that such men pay special attention to those women who are much younger than themselves.

But, even if the Cancer man is in love, he will still believe that he should be sought, and not himself. But, one way or another, if he nevertheless decided to achieve the location of one or another representative of the fair sex, then he will do it very masterly.

But as soon as the period of conquest comes to an end, Cancer will begin to actively demonstrate a rather exaggerated exactingness and personal nature. But, at the same moment, he really needs someone to love him, take care of him and give him affection and tenderness, and because of this, he is very afraid of losing his beloved, although at the same time, he is able to cheat on her . But, he can be loyal and devoted.

Before choosing a life partner, Cancer will go through a large number of women. The wife of a representative of this sign should be completely and completely ready for the fact that they will have to live with his parents. This man must constantly feel that he is the head of his family. His wife should be his support and support in everything, moreover, she should be as patient as possible.

How to understand that he is in love

They are both very emotional, but at the same time closed personalities. Given this fact, his woman just needs to know what are the signs of his love. They may not admit their own feelings for a sufficiently long period of time. The guy of this zodiac sign wants to see a simply gorgeous and unique woman next to him.

Cancer man in bed

They are very sensitive, erotic and passionate. In love relationships and in bed, he is just a great lover, because he perfectly feels what his partner expects from him. But, one way or another, they are in no hurry to fulfill all the whims and desires of a woman. First of all, they care about personal feelings.

What kind of women do Cancer men like?

Men of this sign give their preference to fairly sweet and calm women who are able to create real comfort and warmth in their relationship. For a man born under this zodiac sign, family plays a very important role. So, in the process of choosing a life partner, they immediately try to try on her the responsible role of the keeper of the hearth.

Cancerians are crazy about when their woman begins to take an interest in their life. They are madly in love with romance, so by arranging a simple candlelit dinner, you will achieve even more favor with this man.

They greatly value fidelity in a woman, as they consider it one of the most important criteria. Representatives of this zodiac sign are too jealous personalities. A huge scandal can only happen because you look at the other representative of the stronger sex in a wrong way.

What women suit him

From the very beginning of acquaintance with a representative of this sign, a woman should show herself on the good side, namely, not be vulgar and rude. As mentioned above, such men really appreciate faithful life partners who will not demand much from him. Moreover, they need selfless women who, moreover, are madly in love with children.

Remember that such a man will demand much more from you than he himself can offer you. So, if you really want to be with him, then you have to be ready for anything.

If you are looking for a romantic man, a real prince and knight all rolled into one, if you dream of dates under the moon and poetry, then cancer is your godsend.

The man of this zodiac sign is silent and unsociable at first sight. But it is worth knowing him better, as a bright and creative nature, an interesting and kind, open and radiant person is revealed.

Cancer is a water sign, which means that it is extremely emotional, it is a creator and dreamer, a romantic and an eternal child. He will not let himself be offended, although not conflict. This man is proud, loves freedom, loves his home and family, and in friendship you can rely on him.

In a relationship

A romantic Cancer man in love is a true hero. You cannot call him a conqueror, he will not stubbornly attack and conquer, but will act gently. True, it will take a long time to wait for an active initiative from him - this sign is modest and indecisive. He looks long and hard, loves hints, not direct actions, but if he likes you, he will wrap you in romance and surprises.

He needs love like air - this is the nature of this zodiac sign, and loneliness is unacceptable for him. True, when he does not have love, he shows his tenderness to family members to whom he is strongly attached.

Cancer: lover and spouse

In bed with a man of this zodiac sign, tenderness and softness reign. He is an esthete, loves female beauty and worships her, appreciates delicate and fragile ladies.

He is not selfish in bed and is set to please his partner rather than himself. A woman in bed with an ardent and gentle cancer will forget about everything - he is in no hurry, appreciates long caresses and knows how to please. His sensuality will conquer everyone.

When cancer is in love, you are the whole world for him. You can expect initiative from him for a long time (this applies to both bed and marriage), such is his character. But if you show cancer that he can lose you, make yourself jealous, he will immediately react and understand that you should not delay.

And husbands from crayfish are the best, that's a fact. He loves children, he can never be found in bed with other women, he is faithful and family is the meaning of life for him. Crayfish are homely, economic, hardworking, in their house there is always peace, harmony, love and prosperity.

What will the couple be like?

Cancers are amorous, but not windy. To understand whether a harmonious union will work out, it is worth checking the zodiac compatibility, and then deciding whether it is worth trying to build relationships with a representative of this zodiac sign.

1. If you are an Aries, then Cancer will seem a little slow. The Aries woman is impetuous, bright and expressive, and can make a romantic Cancer fall in love with her. However, it will not be easy for them to understand each other. Cancer may not withstand such pressure, and the lady Aries may not like his soft and lyrical character.

2. But the Cancer man and the Taurus woman are literally created to live under the same roof. The Taurus lady behaves the way he wants - she is homely, calm and soft, and his romantic character will conquer her immediately. With a calf, cancer has the highest compatibility than with other signs of the zodiac.

3. Cancer and twins have perfect sexual compatibility, and in bed they are incredibly good together. However, in a serious relationship, and even more so in marriage, it will be more difficult - a Gemini woman does not always control herself, she is quick-tempered and often changes her mood.

4. The characteristics and compatibility of the Cancer man and Cancer woman pair is simply wonderful. They are like two halves of a whole, they recognize themselves in each other, they can easily understand and accept each other, so a Cancer man and a Cancer woman are an ideal couple. They are not only lovers, but also like-minded people, best friends and associates in spirit.

5. If Cancer is in love with a Leo woman, thrills are guaranteed. The lion lady is sharp, bright, assertive, and he is soft and calm. The character of Cancer is soft and compliant, but he is still a man and will not tolerate disrespect.

6. Virgo for cancer is an ideal companion and a real dream. When he is in love with a maiden, he can do everything for this gentle and subtle nature - move mountains, get a star, and further, according to the list. What a great feature for this pair.

7. A Libra woman rarely knows what she wants, she is controversial and sometimes quick-tempered. It will be difficult for Cancer to understand her - he is used to calmness and comfort. Therefore, a Cancer man and a Libra woman rarely converge - the compatibility of this pair is rather doubtful.

8. When a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman meet, both great passion and war can occur. Moreover, everything depends on her - the scorpion lady is passionate and bright, her energy is enough to create a strong union, or to destroy everything. When cancer is in love with such a woman, he is even ready to endure her antics and difficult character, but she will not tolerate insults.

9. A Sagittarius woman is bright, impetuous, she lives for adventure and new emotions. Such couples are rare, and if they do, then partners can teach each other a lot.

10. Cancer has a lot in common with Capricorn. The Capricorn woman is soft, unhurried, very feminine and calm. She respects men, does not argue or scandalize, appreciates affection and romance. The couple will be harmonious and friendly, you can safely build a family.

11. Cancer will have a hard time if he is in love with a woman under the sign of Aquarius. She is free-spirited, unpredictable and changeable, will not give him the quiet home life he is looking for.

A man of this sign needs a gentle and kind mistress, and not an adventurer. Yes, and an Aquarius woman will simply not be interested in him.

12. A Pisces woman suits this man, she is soft, tender, sensual and subtle. Two water signs will understand and feel each other well. It is possible for them to build harmonious relationships, full of mutual understanding and love.

An oriental horoscope will help to understand nature

Having learned in what year a man was born, you can make a more accurate and detailed description of his personality. Depending on the sign of the eastern horoscope, some qualities of cancer may increase, and some - on the contrary, so it will be useful to find out. So, what to expect from different representatives of the Chinese horoscope?

  • The rat sign for a Cancer man is an interesting addition. He is a little secretive, conservative and does not like to take risks, but he knows how to benefit everywhere. He will open up only to the closest, while he values ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship, he is very faithful and devoted, he will never change or deceive.
  • The bull is the hidden leader. He will achieve everything, but slowly, calmly, without sudden movements. It is difficult to piss off such cancer, but if it succeeds, it will be bad, in anger it is terrible. The Ox is a good family man, it is a reliable sign, it is calm and pleasant to be with him.

  • The Tiger is very emotional, and this eastern sign enhances the main traits of Cancer. He is unreliable in business, but the best friend, lover and husband cannot be found - he knows how to love devotedly, very faithful, passionate and tender.
  • If his sign is a dragon, then he is a creative person, a dreamer, he is creative and extraordinary. His ideas are amazing, this man is characterized by an extraordinary penchant for creation. You won't get bored with him - that's for sure! This man has a subtle intuition, he knows everything in advance, feels and understands people.
  • The snake man is mysterious, mysterious, taciturn and extremely attractive. He doesn't talk much, but he seems to know everything - he has incredible intuition and the gift of foresight. With snake cancer it is interesting and reliable, he is smart, kind and honest. He does not like to take risks, and prefers open fights to work around, ingenious ways to achieve goals.
  • The horse is a calm and proud man, moderately sociable, while respecting people very much and will never offend anyone. He is gallant with ladies, romantic, passions rage in him, but this is not visible from the outside. This man has great power.
  • Cancer sheep loves women, he is sweet, pleasant and romantic. But if there is no reciprocity, this is not immediately interesting for such a man, he is not a conqueror by nature. He likes to give and receive gifts, speak and listen to compliments, and is very kind.
  • A monkey is a person who often goes too far. This man is smart, sociable and emotional, but sometimes goes to extremes. He is very sexy and loves pleasure, strong, attractive and will not let his partner get bored.
  • The Rooster likes to control everything and everyone. Such a person is straightforward, honest and open, and trusts everyone. The kindness and decency of cancer make him sometimes vulnerable - he does not expect a stab in the back, trusts people and is not ready to fight.
  • And a cancer dog does not hide his emotions - he is honest to the point of drama, devoted and ready to go anywhere for his dream. Incredible emotionality, devotion and kindness.
  • The pig is a generous, kind sign, loves the pleasures and joys of life.

It is not easy to get to the secret corners of the human soul, and even more so for cancer - it is secretive and distrustful. But over time, he will open up and begin to trust - answer with sincerity and respect, and you can find in the person of this man a true friend for life.
Author: Vasilina Serova



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