I want to get a German Shepherd what you need to know. German Shepherd puppy not listening, what to do? Puppy education

german shepherds have a long history as guard dogs, trained to serve, protect and intimidate. They fought and won medals and it's really no wonder why we would like to have such a friend.

If you are convinced of the range of benefits that you will have if you get this dog, read on.

Here are 15 reasons why German Shepherds are the best pets:

1. They are obedient and easy to train.

German Shepherds actually love to learn and follow orders, which makes the learning process much easier and more enjoyable than with other breeds.

2. They are loyal

If given proper training, your German Shepherd will become very loyal to you, and in turn, becomes protective. This means that she will love you unconditionally and in the event of a dangerous situation, she will give her life for you.

3. They are very smart

Their intelligence consists of special qualities - obedience, curiosity and a real thirst for mental stimulation. That is why they are often recruited as police dogs.

4. They make great companions

Once you have a German Shepherd, its friendly nature becomes very positive. This is what makes her the perfect family dog.

5. They are active dogs.

German Shepherds are an extremely energetic breed, which means that the dog will push you towards outdoor games and sports. They love to frolic and exercise outdoors.

6. They are healthy dogs

Unlike many larger breed dogs, German Shepherds have very few health risks as long as they get enough exercise. The main problems are associated with the hip and elbow joints, but this can be avoided with proper nutrition and proper exercise.

7. They are heroes

Their heroic nature is part of the reason why many German Shepherds are used by the police. They have been awarded medals of honor for their service and bravery, dogs are responsible for saving the lives of thousands of people.

8. They are amazing family dogs.

If you properly train your German Shepherd when it is still a puppy, then you will grow up to be a fantastic playmate for young children.

9. Dogs are highly adaptable

German Shepherds can really adapt to any kind of life or life situation. As long as they get plenty of exercise, they can adapt to suit your needs.

10. With them little expenses

German Shepherds require little to no grooming at all. Their beautiful coat can remain attractive without any special care.

11. They have different colors

While you might think that all German Shepherds are black, you are wrong. Some of the less common subspecies are brown and white.

12. They are friendly with other pets.

These dogs appear to be the dominant breed over other animals, but this is of course not always the case. German Shepherds can even become quite timid and affectionate around other pets.

13. They look intimidating

German Shepherds have a look that says, "Don't mess with me."

14. These dogs can be trusted!

While German Shepherds can be reserved and protective of you from those they don't know, this quickly changes as they learn to trust and get to know new people.

15. They are curious

German Shepherds have a natural curiosity. They love mental stimulation as much as they love physical activity, which makes them great buddies.

Dog training should be handled by professionals! At least, such a slogan is constantly thrown to us by cynologists of all stripes and ranks. But if you're raising a pet and not Miss or Mr. Doggy Universe, you can handle it on your own.

Many mistakenly believe that the dog of the elite breed is already initially smart, obedient, docile, wears slippers and brews coffee. You need to train a dog and teach good manners almost from birth.

The first months of a dog's life are the beginning of habits and the formation of behavior. Therefore, if a German Shepherd puppy does not obey at two months, you need to urgently take action!

Pet character

The main reasons for capricious disobedience lie in the wrong upbringing from a very early time. Depending on what is missed when the dog grows up, stubbornness is also expressed in different ways. To begin with, it is worthwhile to outline a number of the main problems that arise if shepherd dogs do not meet the standards:

    the dog does not obey when one of the owners or both of them calls to him;

    chases other animals, not restrained;

    constantly strives to escape from the owner;

    not accustomed to cleanliness;

    shows an increased interest in garbage;

    bites, jumps on people.

All these problems are solved by competently giving commands, strict training and proper education. You will see that German Shepherds are not in vain called one of the smartest dogs. Puppies, the prices of which are not low, will fully meet all expectations.

Dog not toilet trained

Conventionally, dog owners can be divided into two types: those who do not get a dog for a long time, because “He must be walked all the time!” and those who start and think that he will clean and wash the toilet after himself. But in many cases, your favorite dog has to be taught from scratch.

If a German Shepherd puppy does not obey and stubbornly relieves himself wherever he pleases, then there are several ways to correct this flaw in the pet's character. But in any case, before any training, remove Doggies know no better place to relieve themselves than a soft carpet.

The first way: take a closer look at the pet. In places where he most often goes, install trays or lay them. Then they can be replaced with a special toilet.

For every firefighter, it is worth installing dog trays in popular places: near the front door, balconies, windows.

Quickly gets used to the toilet 2 months - the age at which the dog can already learn to go to certain places. But it's still too early to clean up the spread diapers. Even at this age, the dog may still not have time to run to the right place and will choose what is closer.

Of course, leaving a puppy alone for a long time is also impossible. It is desirable that someone remain in the house who will control if he decides to mischief.

The dog does not recognize one of the owners

The beginning of training should be carried out by both owners in turn. Otherwise, there is a risk that the dog will not recognize and obey the second owner.

Yet, unknowingly, this moment may be missed. Starting another owner is useless until he has won the trust of a pet.

To begin with, the unloved owner must appease him with goodies. Whatever one may say, the dog is still a child. For example, you can buy some sausages and cut them into small pieces. It is worth giving them when the dog is somewhere nearby, and praise if she comes up on her own. Then, on a walk, call and give him treats when the pet responds to the call.

Also, the care and upbringing of a puppy should be partially shifted to a soul mate. Combing, bathing will also help build relationships. Then you can move on to training.

If that doesn't work, then it's time to change someone: either the dog or the companion.

Not listening to commands

A German Shepherd puppy does not obey commands because it does not see you as an owner. This is caused by an insufficiently strict tone in which orders are pronounced, or by the fact that the dog simply does not understand their meaning.

To turn the dog on the true path, you need to go through three main stages with him. The first - we learn to distinguish the meaning of commands. The second stage is to teach the dog to obey, through perseverance and influence by force. If the dog does not want to sit down, then press the back of the back. Then go to the command to lie down, in the same way forcing you to obey.

The third stage concerns cases when the puppy does not obey because something distracts him. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the command urgently and strictly several times.

To solve this problem, several things need to be considered. A stun collar is the last resort on the list and will most likely not be needed.

The first two stages of education should be carried out in places where there are no distractions - other dogs, people, birds or busy traffic. Sites outside the city are ideal for this.

The puppy bites, jumps on people, licks

The puppy is petting when he lacks your attention. But this does not mean that you should give up everything and indulge all the whims of your pet in the hope that he will immediately stop playing pranks. To give the necessary time and attention will help training aimed at developing obedience.

If you do not take action now, then soon the dog will begin to show teeth in the truest sense of the word. Sometimes it can grab by the legs or arms. When the dog is already biting, then this is the case when you need to raise your hand and give it lightly in the face. Having missed this moment, instead of a cute puppy, you can get a huge aggressive dog, which will be dangerous not only for others, but also for the owners themselves.

By virtue of kindness, not everyone can hit a dog. Loud shouting and tugging on the leash can subdue the aggressor. Otherwise, the puppy should be transferred to the upbringing of experienced cynologists. Think for yourself, instead of you there may be a child who does not recognize a warning signal behind a growl.

The dog does not give away plates (sticks, balls)

Often a German Shepherd puppy does not obey when you have to give away a favorite toy during an retrieval. Most owners resort to the technique of forced training. In fact, she is useless. This is explained by the fact that the dog performs the "Apport" command. Another thing is that she is in no hurry to bring the object to the owner. That is, it does not fulfill the order "Come to me!"

To understand how to teach a puppy to give things, you should pay attention to the execution of commands. After "Aport!" the first time should follow the order "Come to me!". Automatically, the dog will not release the toy from its mouth, but will bring it to its owner. After the pet has come running, you need to pick up the item and reward the dog with a treat, pet it and continue training.

The puppy runs away at the first opportunity

A playful little creature may run away out of simple curiosity. There are several ways to satisfy this craving for exploring the surroundings without losing control. The first is to accustom the puppy to the unquestioning execution of the command “Come to me!”, The implementation of which was mentioned above.

Alternatively, you can use a long leash, and as soon as the baby is about to run away, jerk him sharply and give the appropriate orders. But do not confuse with the method of education on a short leash. When pulling on the leash, call the dog to you. So she will soon get used to both the team and the fact that she simply cannot escape.

Puppy digging through the trash

A lot of trouble for the owners is delivered by the craving of the puppy for garbage cans, bags, abandoned rags. The dog strives to tear apart the found treasures, to scatter them around the apartment or yard, to fall out in the remnants of food. At the same time, the most modern toys, neighbor's cats and delicious treats can peacefully lie in the corner.

It is on the latter that it is worth stopping. It is the lack of vitamins that nature tries to compensate for the dog's body. Remember, many animals often eat grass, although it is written in the genus to be predators. This comes from the lack of certain elements.

Change your diet, make it saturated with vitamins and minerals.

When the problems with food are settled, and the puppy, due to harmfulness, continues to surf the expanses of garbage bags, then put a mousetrap on top. A few clicks on the nose will wean the pest from dirty tricks.

Little tricks

Some little tricks will help you complete it faster and more successfully German Shepherds are very sensitive to the attention of a person. Puppies, the prices of which are quite high and depend on the characteristics of the parents (average from 4 to 40 thousand rubles), are really worth their money. However, even they require quality training. To achieve maximum results, remember a few points:

    reward dogs for correctly executed commands;

    look for secluded places in the initial stages of training;

    make sure you pronounce orders correctly;

    patience and only patience. Dogs can understand human demands, but they need time.

In any case, having a pet is not only bringing tons of positive to everyday life, but also finding a reliable friend.

1. German Shepherds are famous for their intelligence and quick wits. In ancient times, these dogs were used to herd sheep (due to which the breed got its name). Today, it is shepherd dogs who most often serve in the police, army, emergency situations and customs.

A large percentage of these pets act as guides for the blind. This breed is one of the three most intelligent dogs on the planet (following the border collie and poodle).

2. German Shepherds are very loyal to their owner. German Shepherds very quickly tune in to the “wave” of their owner and are very difficult to be separated from him. If life circumstances develop in such a way that the dog ends up with new owners, then the process of getting used to the new owner is extremely painful for them. Can give his life, protecting a loved one.

3. The German Shepherd is an energetic breed. This breed is ideal for active people whose life is connected with dynamism and energy. Fans of outdoor sports and just hiking - this is the dog for you.

4. The German Shepherd is a well-balanced breed with a strong psyche. This in detail plays no small role if you take a pet to a family with children. But remember that the owner of a beloved pet should be an adult with a strong character, and not a small child.

5. The German Shepherd is a strong dog with excellent guarding skills. It is often used in guard and guard duty. If you are going to use a pet for these purposes, you must take a course of sports and service training with him.

6. Great companion. Friendly to family members. It is often a four-legged nanny for children, but can be wary of strangers.

7. A dog with excellent health. The life expectancy of German Shepherds is 10-14 years. They do not belong to gluttons, their coat is suitable for keeping in different regions of our country, and only a small percentage of German shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia - the scourge of large breeds.

8. One of the most beautiful breeds of dogs. Erect ears, strong muscular thighs, a taut belly, a magnificent color - an incomplete list of the external advantages of the breed. It belongs to one of the most recognizable breeds in the world.

9. Suitable for both apartment and aviary content.

10. German Shepherds love the younger members of their family. Smart and sociable animals make great companions for playing with children. The main condition is that the dog is obedient and well-mannered.

Many of us buy pets in the hope of adapting their life to the usual way of life, but in the case of German Shepherds, this rule does not work.

The tailed clever girl, due to the peculiarities of her nature, requires constant attention, needs training and education.

Sociable, smart and active dog

Before you bring a “German” into the house, you should think: are you ready to enter into a battle of characters and devote your free time to a representative of this masterful breed?

Pet portrait without embellishment

The universal love for shepherd dogs is largely dictated by modern cinema. Daily observation of the adventures of the next Rex or Mukhtar makes one involuntarily admire the intelligence, strength and dexterity of these dogs.

Only with closer contact, moments are clarified that may seem harmless only to true fans of the breed:

  • Amazing Mobility inherent in absolutely all shepherd dogs.

Tailed fidget will want to spend at least 4-5 hours a day on the street. Moreover, sedate walks will not satisfy the pet: his frisky disposition can only be pacified through frequent jogging, active ball games, and training on the playground. The dog’s ostentatious disregard for the need for walks on the part of the owner will be taken with hostility: after several attempts to shirk, a careless breeder may not find out your apartment, which has turned into a playground.

  • Physical strength, which will periodically be directed against the owner, household members and their guests.

In the process of playing or showing "tenderness", the dog may accidentally step on a partner or make a too strong grip. The dog will apologize, looking at the offended person with unhappy eyes, but this is unlikely to reduce the number of bruises.

  • Cunning and insight.

It is useless to start a shepherd dog in the hope that it will serve you slippers or please you with other simple tricks - a representative of the breed will use his natural quick wits to the maximum benefit for himself. In the absence of proper education, the "German" will turn into a real punishment: he will skillfully evade commands, pretending to be "forgetful", learn to bypass the master's prohibitions, beg for goodies, and ultimately become the main manipulator in the family.

In relations with a shepherd dog, strictness should prevail over tenderness. If you are not ready to put up with this rule, it is better to prefer a representative of another breed.

  • Fear of loneliness.

The "Germans" are sensitive to the long absence of the owners, preferring to constantly communicate with people. Frequent business trips, delays in the office are a worthy reason to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving an overly sociable dog.

Do not forget about the more pressing difficulties of keeping: to maintain good physical shape, the dog must be fed in accordance with (give at least a kilogram of meat per day), combed regularly, and monitor the hygiene of the mouth and ears.

Tailed fidget will want to spend at least 4-5 hours a day on the street

Breed Benefits

The amazing qualities of German Shepherds are not at all exaggerated. Thanks to proper upbringing, these dogs will fully show their multifaceted nature, becoming beautiful:

  • Companions for hiking and active games.

A hardy shepherd dog will happily follow your bike, share all the hardships of a hike through unfamiliar terrain, or just run around the lawn near the house, chasing a ball.

  • by the guards.

The four-legged smart girls have in their blood the ability to easily recognize the intentions of strangers and protect the entrusted territory from attack. After completing the pet training course, you can be sure that no intruder will dare to enter the house or apartment.

  • Defenders.

Great weight, muscular constitution, considerable strength and power - all these qualities speak in favor of representatives of the breed. Shepherd dogs are also famous for selfless devotion and fearlessness: in a deadly fight, these dogs sacrifice themselves without hesitation, protecting the owner and his family members.

  • true friends.

After a short period of adaptation, having made sure of the firmness of the rules in the house, the “German” will learn to understand commands perfectly, moreover, he will constantly demonstrate his attitude to what has been said, maintaining a dialogue.

There is no unambiguous decision about the German breed of dogs and cannot be. The representatives of the family have strengths and weaknesses, therefore, you can only think about buying a small shepherd dog in one case - if you are ready to give her all your free time and sincere love!

Should I get a German Shepherd in an apartment?

    It is worth getting a shepherd dog, these are the smartest dogs, the only thing you need to walk with them is a lot.

    It’s better to take a puppy, but if you don’t have money or don’t want to mess with a puppy, then you can take an already adult shepherd dog, here: http://msk.zoo-bazar.com/sobaki/otdam/7-nemetskaya-ovcharka/ ads with beautiful sheepdogs, free of charge.

    If you properly contain (bath, comb out) and feed the dog, no dog should stink. A strong smell of dog from a dog indicates that the dog is not properly fed and maintained. But about shoes with furniture, yes, it's true, taking a puppy, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will lose repairs, and possibly shoes with clothes. When they are teething, they begin to gnaw on everything. And therefore, if you are not ready for a pogrom in your apartment, and losses, it is better not to start a puppy, so as not to take out your anger on him later. Also, a small puppy will pee and poop in an apartment, up to about six months. I do not know a single dog owner who would not lose anything by bringing a puppy into the house. For example, I was left without a pair of shoes and boots, gnawed at the corner of the hallway, tore off the baseboard in the kitchen, etc. But since dogs are more dear to me, and I have a consumerist attitude to things, for me it does not have a global meaning, things come with time, but a true friend is forever

    German Shepherd is a very smart dog. Perhaps you will endure temporary inconvenience when she is a puppy. The dog will have to be constantly engaged daily, then it will grow up smart and obedient.

    But there is one more nuance: this breed of dog needs to move a lot. If you have the opportunity to walk it daily so that the dog runs at least 5 kilometers a day, in addition, if daily cleaning of the dog’s place and the entire apartment does not make it difficult for you, then a dog (German Shepherd) can be started in the apartment.

    My opinion is that it is better not to take a shepherd dog if you live in an apartment with all amenities. The German Shepherd is a serious dog and needs to be handled. and she needs an aviary outside.

    Generally, I think. that a dog is not a toy. If it is vital for you, then of course, what a conversation. Well, if just like some kind of animal, then get a cat better, she, you know, is a rather independent animal, there are fewer problems with her. But she also needs to be loved and cared for.

    The neighbors had a service shepherd, they kept it at home, there was nowhere else to keep it. Theoretically, a dog can be kept at home, but still a shepherd dog is large, intended for protection, it needs air, space, it will be cramped in the apartment, it can start to spoil the furniture. If you walk the dog as often as possible, wash it, then it will not smell like a dog, but the hair will still be in the house. If there are no allergy sufferers in the apartment, then the dog can live in the hallway. But all the same, it’s better not to start a shepherd dog in an apartment, let him live better in the country, in a private house in a booth, you shouldn’t torment the animal.

    When we lived in an apartment, we got a German shepherd. She lived in our corridor. Further down the corridor she went only to the bathroom after the street in autumn and spring, we washed our paws after the mud on the street. The dog is very smart, but depending on how you bring it up. Shoes didn’t bite us. Only cleaning, of course, every day, because the hair is on the floor, it’s not very pleasant, although it doesn’t matter to anyone. The furniture didn’t bite us either, because there was nothing in the corridor besides the wall and the mirror with a rug for the dog. But .. the owner should be alone. The dog needs care, like a child. There are people who take some kind of animal, take care of it for a month, clean it every day. And there are those who generally throw animals away like garbage. It’s a pity, of course, how many homeless dogs run around on the streets. They are people like us, they understand everything.

    I have several German Shepherds but we live in the private sector. We also had a shepherd in the apartment. the smell was before bad weather during the day and during rain and snow. Wool, too, lacks modicum Cheshi modicum not Cheshi. then I turned a blind eye to all this, because I love dogs and am ready for any sacrifice for them. only when we moved into our house, I realized that there is no place for all shepherd dogs in the apartment. Sheepdogs are working dogs and need to move around a lot. in an apartment they do not realize themselves and therefore they begin to show aggression, then gnaw on furniture, shoes, chase their tail.

    By its nature, the German Shepherd is very affectionate and attached to the owner, cheerful and easy to train, if it is treated correctly and competently.



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