The postpartum period in women. Additionally, with stitches on the perineum

A) in the early postpartum period:

1) immediately after childbirth, it is necessary to inspect the cervix, soft tissues of the birth canal in the mirrors, suture existing tears, incisions.

2) with an uncomplicated course of labor and a satisfactory condition of the puerperal woman and the newborn, it is advisable to apply the baby to the breast early, in the delivery room, which contributes to uterine contraction, has favorable influence on lactation, the formation of a sense of motherhood, the state of the newborn

3) within 2 hours after childbirth, the puerperal is in the maternity ward, where the general condition of the puerperal, the color of the skin, the nature and frequency of the pulse, blood pressure, the condition of the uterus, the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract are monitored. To prevent bleeding, timely emptying is necessary. Bladder; cold on the lower abdomen; gentle external reflex massage of the uterus to remove blood clots accumulated in the uterus. Holding drug prevention hypotension of the uterus in the postpartum period is recommended for women with large fruit, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, multiparous, age-related primiparous by introducing uterotonic agents (methylergometrine, ergotal, ergotamine), intravenous administration 10% glucose solution and calcium chloride.

4) before transferring the puerperal to the postpartum department, the doctor maternity ward must define it general state, skin color, pulse rate and nature, measure arterial pressure on both hands, body temperature, through the anterior abdominal wall to assess the condition of the uterus (consistency, size, pain), the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract, in the absence spontaneous urination- release urine with a catheter.

5) in postpartum ward the puerperal is monitored daily by a doctor and a ward midwife.

Soon after childbirth, the mother is allowed to turn on her side. After 2-4 hours you can eat and drink. Getting up early, 4-5 hours after birth, is the prevention of hypotension of the uterus and bladder, constipation, thromboembolic complications. Sutured tears I-II degree are not a contraindication to getting up early, however, women in childbirth are not recommended to sit down.

B) inlate postpartum period:

1) it is necessary to monitor the general condition and well-being (sleep, appetite, mood) of the puerperal, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, skin color, the nature and frequency of the pulse, blood pressure, the condition of the uterus, the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract, the condition of the mammary glands, bladder and bowel function. On the 2nd day after birth, the pulse, blood pressure, temperature, diuresis and bowel function should return to normal. The pulse must correspond to the temperature: an increase in the pulse up to 90 beats per 1 minute. at normal temperature may be the earliest diagnostic sign development of thromboembolic complications in the postpartum period. The body temperature is measured by the puerperal at least 2 times a day. The mother should urinate every 3 hours to improve contractility uterus. With urinary retention, sometimes it is enough to raise the puerperal woman, less often there is a need for bladder catheterization and the use of medications that increase tone smooth muscle(prozerin, acyclidine, pituitrin, etc.). The chair should be on the 2-3rd day; in its absence, a cleansing enema is given, if necessary, a saline laxative is given on the 3-4th day. With a rupture of the perineum of the III degree, painkillers and a diet with fiber restriction are prescribed to delay the stool for up to 5 days.

2) for painful postpartum contractions, aspirin, analgin, suppositories with antispasmodics are used.

3) on the 2nd day, and then every day the puerperal should take a shower. The genital organs must be treated 2 times a day, in the first 3 days a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate is used; seam lines are processed alcohol tincture brilliant green or iodine.

4) the puerperal should be prescribed physical exercises: on the 1st day they are limited breathing exercises, and turn in bed; from the 2nd day they add movements in the joints (in the supine position), from the 4th day - exercises for pelvic floor and from the 5th - for the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The duration of the lessons is 15-20 minutes. Contraindications to the appointment of gymnastics: significant blood loss during childbirth, fever, severe gestosis, perineal tears of the III degree, decompensated forms of diseases of cardio-vascular system, complications of the postpartum period.

5) breast care:

Breast wash only with water;

Breasts should not be washed immediately before feeding, as this removes the natural protective fat layer and changes the odor that the baby can identify with the smell of the mother's breast;

If the nipples are irritated, they should be lubricated with a small amount breast milk after feeding and hold the breast for some time in the open air and in the sun, this will cure irritation;

A bra worn by a woman should be only made of cotton fabric, specially designed for nursing mothers, suitable in size so as not to restrict air access to the nipples and not cause blockage of the ducts;

If engorgement of the mammary glands or inflammation and cracks of the nipples occur, it is necessary to carry out timely and correct treatment.

6) correct attachment of the child to the breast - prevention of nipple cracks. In the first 1-2 days, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast for 3-4-5 minutes, gradually increasing the time, on the 3-4th day, the duration of feeding is on average 15-20 minutes. When applying the child to the chest, it must be kept close to the chest; it is necessary that as much of the areola as possible be in the baby's mouth, he must squeeze the milk sinuses, allowing the milk to exit effectively. Feeding occurs in a sucking/swallowing/breathing cycle. A newborn requires feeding every 1-3 hours for the first 2-7 days, but maybe more often. It is necessary to feed the baby at night, to stimulate the cycle of formation and excretion of milk and maintain its amount at a certain level. From the moment lactation is established, feeding occurs 8-12 times in 24 hours. It is not recommended to set restrictions or feeding regimens.

7) the nutrition of the puerperal should be balanced, since the quantity and quality of breast milk depends on it. General dietary intake normal lactation increases by 1/3 compared to normal, since lactation requires a significant expenditure of energy. Daily calorie content nursing mother should be 3200 kcal. The daily amount of protein is 120 g, and 67 g should be animal proteins; fats - 90 g, of which about 30% are vegetable; carbohydrates - 310-330 g. Fluid intake - up to 2 liters per day. Vitamins A (1.5 mg), E (15 ME), B12 (4 mcg), folic acid(600 mcg), pantothenic acid(20 mg), vitamin C(80 mg) a nicotinic acid(21 mg), thiamine (1.9 mg), riboflavin (2.2 mg), pyridoxine (2.2 mg), calciferol (500 IU). Need in minerals: calcium salts - 1 g, phosphorus - 1.5 g, magnesium - 0.45 g, iron - 25 mg. The diet of a nursing mother should include foods such as kefir, cottage cheese, butter, eggs, legumes, buckwheat, liver, spinach, vegetables, fruits and berries. Not recommended spicy dishes, canned and indigestible, alcoholic drinks. Diet - 5-6 times a day, I write it is recommended to take 20-30 minutes before breastfeeding.

postpartum period, just like the period of pregnancy and childbirth itself, for a woman's body is not characteristic of the normal course of life. During this period, the body reverse development some organs, called involution. It is believed that this time takes an average of 6-8 weeks and ends when all internal organs come to those norms to which pregnancy has come. After childbirth, internal genitalia for a long time remain vulnerable to infections.

To avoid the threat infectious complications it is important to follow the rules intimate hygiene.

Why the postpartum period is especially dangerous and vulnerable to infections

In the uterine cavity after the expulsion of the placenta, for some time after childbirth, there remains an extensive wound surface. Like any other wound, it inflames if germs enter it.

Cervix, through which the baby was born, in the postpartum period remains open for several days. At this time, the path of microbes entering the uterine cavity is quite free.

After childbirth into the vagina observed alkaline reaction, in the normal state, the vaginal environment has an acidic reaction. acid reaction, in turn, is a protective barrier for microorganisms, but in a woman who has given birth, this protective factor temporarily not active.

After childbirth in women, in addition to all of the above factors, there is also reduced immunity. In addition to the fact that immunity decreases during pregnancy, under the influence of hormonal changes, after childbirth, immune system affects both the birth stress itself and the inevitable blood loss during childbirth.
Stitches over tears soft tissue are also a risk factor for infection.

"Whether cervix, perineal, or vaginal lacerations have been sutured, one way or another in the process labor activity microcracks and small ruptures of soft tissues are formed, which contribute to the penetration of infections. Additionally, an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation of the mucosa are postpartum discharge(lochia).

Therefore, taking into account the peculiarities of all the above facts, it is necessary to observe simple, but at the same time very important rules hygiene.

Cleansing the intimate area

"In the first 7-10 days after childbirth, until wounds and microcracks heal birth canal, and also until the stitches are removed, you need to wash yourself both in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, and after each visit to the toilet.

In order not to bring the infection from the rectum into the vagina, you need to wash with cleanly washed hands, in the direction from the perineum to the anus. Hands must be washed before and after washing; should be washed in a strictly defined order: first, the pubic area and labia majora, then inner surface hips and last turn region anus. The water jet should be directed from front to back, without penetrating deep into the vagina to avoid washing out beneficial microflora vagina, which protects against the penetration of foreign microbes. No need to use sponges, washcloths, as they cause additional microcracks that provoke the spread of infection.
After washing the perineum, it is necessary to get wet with a towel intended for intimate hygiene, or use a cotton diaper. Change towels or diapers daily, or you can use disposable towels. Wiping movements should not be rubbing, but blotting - from front to back.

In the presence of hemorrhoids do not use toilet paper, it is better to wash yourself with running water after defecation (at a water temperature of up to 30 ° C). After that, use ointments or rectal suppositories recommended by the doctor.
Not only a towel for intimate hygiene, but also a towel for hands and for the mammary glands should be strictly individual.

Means for intimate hygiene

A means for intimate hygiene, as well as a means for washing the whole body, hair, you need to use a proven one, better than the one that was used before pregnancy. Due to the restructuring of immunity during pregnancy and childbirth, the use of new hygiene products can cause allergic reaction even if you have never had an allergy before.
For hygiene after childbirth, you can also use baby soap with an antibacterial effect for a short time.

" But the best choice will be if postpartum period use specialized products for women sold in pharmacies as medical devices for care.

positive qualities specialized funds are the absence of an irritating effect on the skin, since their pH is neutral, they have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory protection.

Sanitary napkin

Since lochia is very abundant on the first day after childbirth, it is necessary to choose pads that are well absorbent (“night”, “maxi”). Now there are additional special postpartum pads with good absorbency. In the first few hours after childbirth, you need to change pads regularly after 2-3 hours, because lochia is nutrient medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. On the first day after childbirth, you can use large fabric pads or a diaper that is issued in the postpartum department, this is done in order to obtain information about the nature of the discharge. It will be easier for the doctor and midwife to obtain this information so as not to trace possible pathologies. In the following days, the replacement of pads should be at least 5-6 times a day.


Linen in the first place should be made of natural fabrics, it should pass air well.

"Underwear should not fit snugly to the body, and even more so tight, so as not to create a "greenhouse effect" and not injure the stitches.

In some maternity hospitals in the postpartum period, it is not allowed to use pads and wear panties for the first 2-3 days. This requirement applies especially to women in labor who have stitches. Absence underwear promotes better healing seams, due to the fact that the perineum is in a dry state.

Hygiene prohibitions

  • during the postpartum period, it is strictly forbidden to take a bath, visit a bathhouse, swim in open water and pools. These procedures can provoke the penetration of infection through the ajar cervix and, as a result, the occurrence postpartum complications. Bath is allowed no earlier than 10-14 days after childbirth;
  • you can not sit in the basin when washing;
  • can not be supercooled;
  • you can not use tampons;
  • do not wear tight synthetic underwear;
  • you can not lift weights;
  • for intimate hygiene, do not use soap containing a high percentage of alkali ( laundry soap);
  • douching should not be carried out without the advice of a doctor. Vaginal douching should only be done on the advice of a doctor.

General hygiene

In addition to observing the rules of intimate hygiene, it is important to carefully follow the rules general hygiene, the simplest and most important of which is regular handwashing. Shower twice a day, morning and evening. Bed linen should be changed at least once every 5-7 days. The shirt should be cotton, it is desirable to change it daily. Nails should be cut short. Just like the body, hair and teeth should always be kept clean.

After caesarean section

Women who have undergone surgery caesarean section, the recovery process is a little slower, due to the presence of a suture on the uterus. It shrinks over a longer period of time. Caring for a suture after a caesarean section consists in processing it antiseptic solutions, which is carried out only in the maternity hospital in the first 5-7 days. After treatment, self-adhesive dressings are applied. The sutures are usually removed 6-7 days after the operation itself, and only after the sutures are removed, the woman in labor is discharged home.

"At home, in addition to observing the rules of personal hygiene, it is no longer necessary to do the processing of seams.

When washing the seam, do not press on it or use washcloths or sponges to wash it.

Additionally, with stitches on the perineum

If in the process of childbirth occurred, and sutures were placed on them, on any areas of soft tissues - the cervix, vagina, labia or perineum, all of the above hygiene recommendations should be especially carefully observed. Additionally, it is recommended not to touch the seams with your hands. When washing, do not direct a strong stream of water at the seam area, do not use sponges and washcloths for a long time. After washing, it is recommended to rinse the perineum with a weak, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin. These solutions are issued in the postpartum department without restrictions. at home for prevention inflammatory processes, you can use infusions of herbs - chamomile, calendula.

Breast care while breastfeeding

For full breastfeeding, every woman must prepare herself for this process even during pregnancy. In order for breastfeeding to be not only a part of maternal duty, but also to bring pleasure from the fulfillment of her maternal duties given to her by nature, she must learn binding rules breast care. After all, breasts are now not just a part of her body, this is the right good nutrition for a growing organism.
A woman should not forget about self-care, but even more carefully she should take care of the mammary glands during lactation.

Many women breastfeed their children without any problems. While some are faced with, which could have been avoided by starting to properly care for the breast in a timely manner.

" One of the most common problems with breastfeeding is that women in most cases ignore pain while breastfeeding. A woman should know that the process of breastfeeding should not be accompanied by pain.

As soon as redness or swelling appears on the nipples, causing discomfort, you need to seek help. Ignoring pain can become a provocation for serious infections. Sometimes a lack of attention and care in relation to the breast can lead to problems that entail more complex diseases which can be avoided if hygiene procedures are carried out correctly and in a timely manner.

Cracked nipples, pain during feeding

The reasons - improper hygiene, the use of too alkaline detergents, use of creams for other purposes, abuse of the breast pump or its incorrect use, overdrying or steaming of the nipples, improper capture of the areola. To protect your breasts from these "troubles", carry out daily simple, but very important hygiene procedures.

Skin cleansing while breastfeeding

First of all, the chest must be kept immaculately clean. Before each feeding, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory procedure for washing hands. Every day in the morning, before feeding and in the evening, after feeding, it is recommended to wash the chest warm water with baby soap, but without the help of sponges and washcloths. The bra also needs to be changed every day. When washing the breast, first the nipple is washed, and then the entire breast, then it is dried with sterile gauze or a soft diaper.

"The previously practiced washing of the breast before each feeding is now not recommended. Frequent washing breast leads to excessive trauma to the nipples and washing off the protective lipid layer, which contributes to the penetration of infections.

During the shower, only the mammary gland itself should be washed with soap, the nipples should not be washed with soap. There are small bumps on the areola - these are glands that secrete fat, which softens and disinfects the nipples. Therefore, in order not to overdry delicate skin nipples, they should be washed without the use of soap. From hygiene products strong smell it is desirable to refuse. Because the smell emanating from the mother's skin can ruin the baby's appetite and cause anxiety, which leads to endless nipple latching and ejection, during which the nipple is injured. Hormonal background after childbirth is still not stable, so do not experiment with untested products, they should not dry out the skin or provoke an allergic reaction.
Be sure to use shower gels, soaps, shampoos with a neutral pH level, mostly unscented, you can also use baby or natural soaps containing healing herbs. Use breast creams and ointments with caution!

"It is advisable to carry out any treatment of nipple cracks under the supervision of a doctor, because there are many means for treatment, but not everyone can suit you. decrease in their own defenses.

The best way to prevent the formation of cracks is to squeeze out a couple of drops of milk after feeding, lubricate the nipple area with it, and let the breasts air dry for 2-3 minutes. This helps to heal small cracks in the chest. You can lubricate small cracks that have formed vegetable oils(sea buckthorn, olive, rosehip oil), ointments of calendula, arnica. If the condition of the nipples does not improve, you should consult a doctor and use only therapeutic ointments prescribed for you personally.

Use silicone tips

Basically, the problem of cracked nipples is the problem of the first 1-2 months of feeding, or when the child needs frequent attachment, then there is absolutely no time for the cracks to heal. If cracks in the chest do not heal for a long time, it is recommended to use silicone breast pads to avoid new chest injuries. The silicone tip will help prevent re-injury, which will help speed up the healing process. Feeding in such overlays can be short-lived, as the child can very quickly get used to them and begin to refuse the nipple in the future. The problem, as a rule, is only relevant for the first few weeks after childbirth, after 3-4 weeks, when the skin around the nipple becomes coarse, cracks stop appearing, and the need for nozzles disappears.

Use disposable or reusable breast pads

"Some women milk spontaneously. This does not mean that they have a lot of milk, but due to a disorder nerve fibers at the base of the nipple.

If such a problem occurs, it, of course, must be solved, but to prevent “steaming”, which is a good breeding ground for bacteria, and also to prevent rubbing of the nipple with coarse bra material after the milk has dried on it, it is recommended to use disposable, well-absorbing breast pads. They will help to cope with such problems as the formation of cracks or rubbing, stop the smell of "sour" milk. Instead of disposable pads, you can also use reusable absorbent pads or dry sterile gauze pads, but change them frequently.

Have air baths for your nipples

Air baths are very useful action on the body of a nursing woman, especially, of course, on the mammary glands. By time this procedure on average, it can last 15-20 minutes. During this time, the chest has time to rest, "breathe", she naturally dries up, which helps to prevent "steaming", which provokes further development nipple cracks. If it is possible to carry out air baths on the fresh air, it is necessary to exclude direct rays of the sun on the chest.

Change breasts one by one

To prevent stagnation, alternate breasts at the next feeding.

Wear a comfortable, well-supported bra

Take care of your breasts and enjoy the process of feeding! First of all, it should be made of natural soft fabric. It must be the correct size. During the feeding period, you should not think about the beauty of the breast by buying a bra that is smaller than you need.

"Determine with correct size you can already at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, taking a postpartum bra one size larger than the one you wear during pregnancy. As a rule, the breast during lactation becomes larger on average by one size.

However, taking a larger girth under the breast is not worth it - after childbirth there will be no belly, and this girth will return to what it was before pregnancy.

To date, the choice of special bras for breastfeeding is very wide. Every woman, if she chooses the right postpartum bra, will not experience any discomfort associated with wearing it. In terms of structure, postpartum bras are very similar to prenatal ones. Their design also features a wide, soft, elastic chest band, adjustable shoulder straps, and a multi-level closure. The only difference is that their cups are designed in such a way that they can be opened individually. It is not necessary to remove the bra when feeding, this is the characteristic of a nursing bra.
Wearing a special nursing bra allows the skin and tissues of the breast not to stretch under the increased weight of the breast.

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The main task of conducting the postpartum period is to protect the puerperal from possible harmful effects and contribute to the normal physiological course of this period.

For this purpose, a number of activities are carried out in our maternity hospitals, which are inextricably linked. The most important of them are the creation of the most favorable sanitary and hygienic environment and compliance with all the rules for protecting wounds from infection, strict adherence to the regimen necessary for resting the nervous system and quick recovery forces of the puerperal, careful observation and careful care of her and, finally, appropriate therapeutic measures.

All activities related to the management of the postpartum period are carried out in the maternity hospital medical staff, but this does not mean that the puerperal herself can treat them passively. The most responsible are the first weeks of the postpartum period. Much depends on the behavior of the puerperal at this time, on her conscious fulfillment of the doctors' instructions and adherence to the regimen. Sometimes it is necessary to observe how the unreasonable behavior of the puerperal (shaking the thermometer, getting up without the permission of the doctor, unauthorized expression of milk, etc.) entails serious complications in the postpartum period.

In the first days of the postpartum period should be observed bed rest. The puerperal needs not only rest for the nervous system, but also physical rest. However, it would be a mistake to demand that she lie quietly on her back. Prolonged immobility has adverse effect and on the general condition of the puerperal, and on the reverse development of the genital organs. Prolonged lying on the back can cause the uterus to move backwards, contribute to urinary retention and constipation, and also lead to circulatory disorders (to slow blood flow in the veins). A healthy puerperal by the end of the first day can turn on its side. A small stitched tear in the perineum is not an obstacle to this, but if there are stitches in the perineum, you should turn without spreading your legs. With large perineal tears, the woman in labor should lie on her back for at least 3 days.

A healthy woman, if she feels strong enough, can carefully sit down in bed on the 3rd day after childbirth (by this time superficial cracks and abrasions of the external genital organs heal), sit on the 4th day and get up on a short time on the 5th day. It is not recommended to get up earlier, since on the 3-4th day after childbirth, as we indicated, a rise in temperature is observed. By the height of this rise, one can judge whether the postpartum period is proceeding correctly. Of course, one should not get up until this is clarified. If there are stitched perineal tears, you can sit and get up only after the stitches are removed (the stitches are removed on the 6th day, and sometimes a little later). In case of poorly healing, as well as large perineal tears, it is advisable to first get up and walk, and only then sit.

Every woman in childbirth must remember that she has the right to turn and sit only after receiving the permission of the doctor. After severe or operational delivery, in the presence of any diseases that have arisen both in connection with pregnancy (toxicoses), and those that were before it, as well as in the presence of different kind deviations during the postpartum period (fever, poor contraction of the uterus, etc.), the puerperal is considered as sick and she is assigned the appropriate regimen and treatment.

For right flow postpartum period is very great importance has the hygiene of the puerperal. It must be emphasized that it is especially important to keep the external genitalia, the perineum and adjacent to them clean. skin, which are easily contaminated with postpartum secretions.

Postpartum discharge always contains many microbes and decomposes relatively quickly. Therefore, the external genital organs and the skin adjacent to them must be thoroughly washed at least twice a day.

While birth wounds have not healed, the most strict observance of the rules for protecting wounds from microbes entering them is required.

In the maternity hospital, washing (toilet of the external genital organs) is performed in the same way as wound dressing in surgical practice: using sterile instruments, using sterile cotton wool. For irrigation, a weakly disinfecting solution of potassium permanganate, etc. is used. After washing under the puerperium, an oilcloth treated with a disinfectant solution and a diaper, disinfected by hot steam sterilization in an autoclave or ironed with a hot iron, are placed under the puerperium.

It is important that the mother carefully follows the rules of personal hygiene. She should wash her face twice a day (morning and evening) and brush her teeth.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the hands. Nails should be cut short, hands should be washed more often with soap and be sure before each feeding of the child (if the hands are dirty, you can infect the child, infect the nipples).

As soon as the puerperal receives permission to get up, you should wash with warm water and soap when making the morning toilet. mammary glands, since this is one of prophylactic against mastitis.

The postpartum period averages about two months. This is a difficult time for a woman, because the body during this time is restored and undergoes various changes. The most difficult - hormonal changes. As a result, women often change their mood, which affects others.

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Photo gallery: Postpartum period: nuances of behavior, hygiene, nutrition

In addition to the fact that a girl needs to learn how to cope with her emotions, she also has to learn how to eat right after childbirth, observe intimate hygiene, and the like. We will tell you more about all this in this article.

How to deal with mood swings

The nervous system is very tense in the postpartum period. To relieve this tension, good rest. But, unfortunately, rest is not always possible: you need to feed the child, take a walk with him, cook food for her husband and do many more household chores. How to be in such a situation? It is best if for the first time your relatives (mothers, grandmothers, friends) help you cope with household duties. And you, meanwhile, do not find fault with them for nothing, enjoy joint vacation with babies.

Not only childbirth, but also the postpartum period is stressful for a girl. And the best cure for stress is rest. This has already been discussed above. Create the most comfortable conditions for yourself around you. Wear comfortable clothes, don't forget to turn off your phone when you want to relax, watch your favorite movies, hang out with friends, etc. Pamper yourself as often as you can: a new hairdo, manicure or pedicure. Refresh your wardrobe or take a relaxing bath. The maternity period must be devoted not only to taking care of the baby, but also to yourself. During this time, you should fully recover from contractions, pain and childbirth.

Gymnastics, dancing, yoga and any physical exercises help to get rid of nervous tension.

Postpartum hygiene

After giving birth, the woman's body is restored. But at this stage various metamorphoses take place. For example, the uterus returns to its previous size. At the same time, it shrinks. Contractions increase during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that during feeding are produced certain hormones, which help the uterus return to its previous size (from a kilogram to 50 grams).

As you know, uterine contractions lead to discharge. During discharge, it is better to completely abandon the use of tampons and give preference to regular pads. The discharge will completely disappear in about two months. In a month there will be much less of them, so you can switch to regular panty liners.

After giving birth, women sweat a lot at first. This is normal and will disappear very soon. Therefore observe normal hygiene: Take a shower or bath as needed.

Many girls are concerned that the stomach after childbirth does not go away for a while. This phenomenon is also natural. He will go away gradually. To speed up this process, breastfeed your baby and exercise. exercise. But remember that abdominal exercises should be light. If you gave birth by caesarean section, it is better to give up exercise and any physical activity on the abdominal muscles.

In the postpartum period, girls are very often dissatisfied with their figure and extra pounds, so they are in a hurry to go on a diet. But do not forget that if you breastfeed your baby, then the diet can harm not only you, but also him. Therefore, it is best to stick to a balanced diet.

Postpartum nutrition

During lactation, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed by about a liter. That is, a girl should drink about three liters of water per day. However, do not overdo it with liquid, as too much of it can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk.

Watch your diet. As much as you would like to reduce the number of calories you consume per day, you can't do that. A nursing girl should consume approximately two and a half thousand calories per day. But be careful: these calories should not come from sweets. Sometimes you can treat yourself to something tasty, but only occasionally. Because sweets won't do your baby any good. Yes, and sweet foods will not bring you much benefit, they will only negatively affect your figure. Remember that many girls in the postpartum period get better not because they eat more, but precisely because they eat a lot of sweets and starchy foods.

The meal plan must also be correct. A breastfeeding woman should eat five to six times a day. Portions should not be large. It is best to distribute calories evenly across all meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and additional snacks. In the evening, you can eat low-calorie foods: dried fruits, low-fat dairy products, fruits or vegetables, juices. Milk is produced in the body of a nursing woman around the clock, so it is important to feed it with the right calories throughout the day.

Remember that everything you eat passes through milk to the baby. So watch your diet carefully. The same applies to what we breathe. That is why it is very important for a breastfeeding woman to stay as far away from tobacco as possible. Through milk, it will enter the baby's body. It is equally important to exclude from your diet foods that cause an allergic reaction, as well as those foods that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines. These are tangerines, smoked meats, grapes, chocolate, onions and garlic, crabs, shrimps, confectionery, various sweets. It is also recommended to exclude meat-young animals and birds from your diet, as it is very allergenic. Strong allergens are strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes and eggs.

Vitamins and special vitamin complexes. You can consult your doctor about which ones are best for your body. Tea with raspberry leaves will be beneficial. This tea cleanses the body well.

Sex after childbirth

If the birth went without complications, then doctors recommend having sex no earlier than a month and a half later. If the birth was with complications, then you have to wait a little longer. Sexual libido very often increases during this period. The woman becomes very passionate and wants sex much more often than before. This is good, but do not forget about the methods of protection. Very often, girls believe that it is difficult to get pregnant during lactation. This opinion is very wrong. Doctors very often face in their practice that the difference between children less than a year. And it's all about lack of protection. Therefore, it is better to play it safe.

Very often, after childbirth, women are faced with such a problem as vaginal dryness. In such cases, use lubricants. You can use special ointments. This will help to avoid unpleasant and painful sensations. Remember that sex after childbirth should be slow and gentle. Sex will only benefit, because it relaxes, soothes nervous system and brings the hormonal background back to normal. This is very important for a woman.



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