Which lenses for glasses are better: glasses made of plastic or glass. Lenses for glasses: types, selection, recommendations The best optical lenses for glasses

Choosing spectacle lenses is a rather complex process, because human health is associated with it. Today there are many spectacle lenses, which means you can choose ones that will suit everyone individually, you can buy optical lenses in an online store without any problems, you need to navigate what parameters the lenses prescribed by the doctor should have and simply select the necessary lenses on the online store’s website .
If we talk about optical lenses for glasses, they are divided into:

  • Astigmatic. These lenses are intended for the correction of simple or complex, also mixed astigmatism;
  • Stigmatic lenses are used to correct nearsightedness, so-called myopia, or farsightedness, also called hypermetropia. Also used for presbyopia, these are reading glasses;
  • Optical lenses that are prismatic. These lenses are capable of shifting the image of an object in the fundus. This is necessary when correcting certain types of diseases such as strabismus.

Features of purchasing spectacle lenses

Fortunately, manufacturers of spectacle lenses offer us a large list of spectacle lenses, which means that it is possible to choose exactly those that suit you individually in all respects, this, of course, is a significant advantage.
Before you buy lenses, it is worth considering that they are made to improve image quality, as well as to create comfort and convenience. By choosing the right lenses, you can stylishly complement your image and, therefore, change the impression that will be made on others. The main thing to remember is that lenses must be selected with all responsibility and, first of all, take into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Choosing premium spectacle lenses

Many optical stores today use sets of lenses and demonstration devices that help communicate the benefits of a premium product as simply as possible. In order to choose and buy lenses correctly, you need to make the selection process as clear and visual as possible. Visual consultation systems with a portrait image function help with this, which help to see how a given spectacle frame will look on the face, how certain spectacle lenses look, and also evaluate various methods of surface modification. Modern systems “Impressionist” from the Rodenstock concern, “Relaxed Vision Terminal” from Carl Zeiss Vision allow precise non-contact measurement of all individual parameters of progressive and sports spectacle lenses using a 3D camera and a touch or LCD screen. High measurement accuracy guarantees that the glasses will best suit the client's visual needs, and that their use will not cause visual stress. The modern optical market is characterized by a tendency for the cost of lenses to increase in the total cost of finished glasses. The demand for high-price lenses is steadily increasing - in the USA, the average cost of lenses in the total cost of glasses is $274.92. An increase in demand for higher quality lenses has been noted in recent years in the Russian optical market. An active offer of high-quality spectacle lenses will ensure a high level of quality vision correction.

Today, there are several alternatives to using glasses. They are carrying out laser therapy operations. But, despite this, a variety of these optical products are still in trend and are very popular.

The variety of spectacle lenses, their color, and the quality of the material sometimes makes it difficult to choose which type to choose.

Ultimately, they will serve as a corrective device to eliminate visual dysfunction, and will be a fashion accessory that complements a person’s style and lifestyle.

To make the right choice, you should initially consult an ophthalmologist. He will perform the necessary studies to allow him to write a prescription with optimal optical parameters.

For this purpose, the ophthalmologist will perform the following procedures:

  1. Check your visual acuity.
  2. It will measure the distance between the pupils.

People who have previously worn glasses should also visit an ophthalmologist to make sure that their vision remains at the same level.

After performing these manipulations, you can head to the optician's store to purchase glasses:

Impact resistant lenses

For people leading an active lifestyle, including children, it is recommended to purchase glasses with impact-resistant lenses made of polymers (polycarbonate).

They fit well:

Based on the above, we can distinguish four stages in choosing glasses:

  1. Get advice from an ophthalmologist.
  2. Visit an optical store.
  3. Choose the frame you need.
  4. Select lenses.


A wide range of colors allows the owner of glasses not only to correct vision, but also to make them a fashionable element and part of their image.

Most often, lenses made of polycarbonate material are stained.

Considered as an element of color therapy, creating positive well-being and uplifting mood.

When choosing colored lenses, there is one nuance that you should pay attention to. The degree of darkening of the lens and the degree of protection from ultraviolet rays are not the same thing.

Transparent lenses can create a 100% barrier against the penetration of ultraviolet radiation, but direct sunlight will blind the eyes. And the opposite situation is when dark lenses provide comfortable vision, but there is no protection from ultraviolet rays.


Refractive index

Abbe number, or refractive index - This is the most important parameter and must be taken into account when choosing spectacle lenses. Its high performance ensures the minimum thickness of this product.

But high levels lead to color distortion, as a result of which a rainbow border appears when viewing objects.

Its occurrence is individual for each patient, therefore, when choosing a lens, it is necessary to achieve an optimal ratio of improvement in visual acuity with the refractive index.

There are 4 refractive index groups:

  1. Normal refractive index values ​​are 1.498-1.53.
  2. The second group is characterized by parameters with an average value of 1.53-1.63.
  3. Group 3 has a high value of 1.64-1.73.
  4. High level of refractive index, starting from 1.74 and more.

Higher index values ​​provide the spectacle lens with increased strength and minimal thickness, while it will have a much higher price than its analogues with a low coefficient:

  • If the patient has a slight deviation in visual function, in the region of 2 diopters, the optimal solution would be to choose an Abbe number value from 1.5 to 1.6.
  • 6 diopters, it is necessary to choose a refractive index value of 1.6-1.7.
  • A coefficient of 1.7 is used for advanced forms of the visual organs. Will be optimally combined with aspherical design lenses.
  • If the choice is made in favor of thicker lenses, then the frame should have a more massive shape and consist of plastic or horny material.
  • Thin, graceful frames Screw-mounted lenses combine well with lenses that have a high refractive index.

Optical influence of lenses

For diseases of the visual organs, it is necessary to select corrective products correctly.

In this regard, it is used:

  • For farsightedness or myopia Spherical type lenses are suitable for the patient.
  • Astigmatic lenses, are used to eliminate visual dysfunction called.
    Two types of lenses can be used:
    • Cylindrical. They are used in the treatment of simple astigmatism.
    • Toric. Can be used in the treatment of complex or mixed astigmatism.
  • Afocal lenses characterized by a complete lack of optical capabilities. They are used if a person has a difference in the parameters of displaying visual images (aniseikonia). This type of lens can also be used if available.

Eyeglass lenses - design

There are two design directions to consider when choosing this optical product. Since glasses, in addition to eliminating vision defects, are perceived by many people as a fashion accessory that complements their image.

The following types are distinguished:

In turn, aspherical lenses can be:

The use of aspherical types of lenses has a number of advantages:

  • When using them, you can achieve minimal distortion of the displayed image.
  • Compared to other types of lenses, they have a wider viewing angle.
  • in the peripheral zone, maintains high performance.
  • Visually, they have a natural shape.

Material for production

There are two types of material that are used in the manufacture of glasses lenses:

Lens coatings

All lenses, regardless of cost, are coated with a protective layer that prevents scratches on their surface. Recently, many types of protective coatings have been used. They have a purpose depending on the type of human activity.

The following types of lens coatings can be distinguished:

This type of optical product has become in demand, especially recently. Most people cannot imagine their life without the Internet, which requires working at a computer. Also, office workers often resort to wearing this accessory.

To make the right choice for working behind a computer monitor, you need to consider three factors:

This type of product can be used by people who do not have visual dysfunction. To relieve eye strain, glasses that have a green or brown tint are very suitable. They relieve visual fatigue and increase image clarity and contrast.

It is very important not to allow the use of this product while on the street or while driving a car.

Popular brands

First of all, glasses lenses are a product, and therefore it is worth paying attention to the manufacturer of these optical products. Popular brands have a high cost, but are distinguished by a high degree of reliability and comfort when wearing the product.

The top three world leaders are:

Long gone are the days when a person with poor eyesight could only count on glasses with plastic frames and thick glass and heavy lenses. Modern ophthalmology can offer a lot of different options on the topic: “Glasses lenses”. And frames today are produced in a variety of shapes and from a variety of materials.

A little history...

The first mention of glasses can be found in documents dating back to the 13th century AD. The material from which the first frame was made was tortoise shell. This happened in China 2 thousand years ago. Around 1000 AD. e. monks began to actively use when copying manuscripts

When books became an item accessible to the population (this is around the 15th century), glasses also became more in demand. Frames, lenses - everything was far from perfect, and their design was somewhat different than now. Then the person either held the glasses in his hand or placed them on the bridge of his nose.

By the beginning of the 17th century, glasses equipped with temples appeared in London. And the end of the 19th century was marked by the invention of high-quality spectacle lenses in Germany. They were made of glass, and this situation remained until 1940, when a new one was developed in Pittsburgh, which became a worthy competitor to glass - fragile and quite heavy.

Over the next 75 years, optics developed by leaps and bounds. Today, modern lenses are classified according to a variety of parameters and can help a person with any eye disease.

Materials for making lenses

As mentioned earlier, lenses for glasses can be glass (inorganic) or plastic; lenses have been used for a long time in the production of lenses. This material has excellent optical qualities and effectively protects the eyes from UV radiation. Its (glass) surface is quite scratch resistant. However, glass lenses are much heavier and thicker than plastic ones, and it is not always possible to install them in modern frames.

Eyeglass lenses made of polycarbonate are thinner and lighter compared to glass. In addition, they are impact-resistant, which makes it possible to safely wear such glasses for children and people involved in sports. This material has the ability to protect the eye from ultraviolet radiation.

Since 2000, another material for making glasses lenses has appeared on the market - Trivex.

Options for the optical influence of lenses

Lenses for (or rather, its correction) in their optical action are spherical, astigmatic and afocal.

For people suffering from farsightedness or nearsightedness, spherical lenses are most suitable. The name astigmatic speaks for itself. Their main area of ​​application is the correction of astigmatism. Moreover, for simple astigmatism, cylindrical lenses are required, and for complex or mixed astigmatism, toric lenses are required.

Afocal lenses have no optical capabilities at all. Such glasses can be worn either by people without any problems with visual perception, or by those who suffer from aniseikonia (there is a significant difference in the size of perceived images in the eye). In this case, eikonic lenses will be required when making glasses. If a person suffers from strabismus, glasses are made with afocal prismatic lenses.

Optical zones and their number

There can be several optical zones in a lens, so based on their number it is possible to classify them into categories such as monofocality and multifocality. Multifocal, in turn, can be divided into bifocal, trifocal and for glasses.

Monofocal lenses have one focus and are used only when correction of a single distance is needed - near or far. The scope of these lenses is limited to the correction of astigmatism and poor accommodation (the ability of the eye to change focus by weakening or strengthening the contraction of the ciliary muscle) associated with age.

When it is necessary to correct vision at several distances at once, we talk about multifocal lenses.

An example of their use is presbyopia, when a person is unable to see small print or small objects at close range. Glasses with multifocal lenses will eliminate the need for a person to take them off when moving their gaze from close distance to distance and vice versa.

Types of lens coatings

Glass lenses, no matter what material they are made from, will not have ideal characteristics. Meanwhile, the application of various coatings makes it possible to significantly improve their quality and capabilities, ranging from increased resistance to damage and contamination to improved visual comfort. Let's look at the most commonly used and in demand lens coatings among consumers.

Photochromic - makes it possible to protect the eye from the aggressive influence of ultraviolet radiation due to its ability to change light transmittance depending on the illumination. Polarized lenses are covered with a special film (filter) and transmit only vertically polarized or non-polarized rays, so the eye will not be harmed by glare from water, road surfaces or snow.

To reduce discomfort when light rays are reflected from the sclera, cornea or lens surface, an anti-reflective (anti-reflex, anti-reflective) coating is used.

A hardening coating increases the scratch resistance of the lens, while a hydrophobic coating makes them smooth, prevents water, dirt and dust from accumulating and makes the glasses easier to care for. For those who spend a lot of time in the sun, glasses with UV-blocking lens coating will be useful.

To make sunglasses, a mirror coating is used, which is applied only to the outer surface of the lens and can be of different colors. In addition to everything described above, they are widely used, i.e., the color of the lenses of glasses can be very different.

Difficulties in choosing: glass or plastic?

Currently, glass “eyes” have virtually no advantages over their polymer counterparts. Plastic lenses for glasses, the price of which can vary significantly depending on the optical parameters and hardening coatings, are the leaders (and already by a large margin) in the optics market.

However, when it comes to correction (a big minus of 10.0 diopters or more), from an aesthetic point of view, mineral lenses will look more advantageous due to the fact that their edges will be thinner than those of plastic.

In addition, glass lenses for glasses are traditionally used by manufacturers who produce eye protection products from the sun.

Refractive index: which one to choose?

The refractive index of lenses made from polymers varies in the range from 1.5 to 1.74. The thinner and stronger the lens, the higher its coefficient. It weighs less and costs more. When choosing the right one, you will be guided by the prescription from the doctor and the frame you prefer.

Monofocal or progressive lenses for glasses with small diopters (from -2 to +2) can have a refractive index in the range from 1.5 to 1.6. With average diopters (from -6 to -2 and from +2 to +6), the optimal coefficient will be from 1.6 to 1.7. If the diopter readings are high enough, it is best to give preference to lenses with a refractive index exceeding 1.7.

If the consumer has chosen a plastic frame, then in it a thick lens with a small coefficient will not be as noticeable as in a frame with a fishing line or screws. If the frame is screw, then a thin and durable lens is preferable, i.e. with a higher coefficient.

Replaceable lenses in glasses

There are people who do not have any vision problems, but nevertheless they wear glasses to maintain their image. Replaceable lenses of different colors and shades enable their owner to match the environmental conditions in which he is located, to see perfectly in all weather conditions, in daylight and dark. Gray lenses will protect your eyes on a sunny day, blue ones will be in demand during partly cloudy weather, transparent ones are intended for cloudy weather, and yellow ones perfectly polarize the light from streetlights in the evening.

Athletes also tend to prefer glasses with interchangeable lenses, which are easily changed in one motion, but are firmly fixed in place. The shape of these lenses is designed to fit tightly to the face, but at the same time provide excellent visibility. The water-repellent coating is also an important element of such lenses; water does not accumulate on them, but flows down freely, leaving no streaks.

Price range

The price of eyeglass lenses can fluctuate greatly. Products that cost from 1,290 to 1,700 rubles are considered inexpensive; lenses in the mid-price category will cost from 2,700 to 9,000 rubles and even more. Expensive products include products costing from 12,000 to 26,000 rubles. Everything is purely individual. The price depends on a lot of indicators: material, color and design of the lens, shade of anti-reflection, diameter and thinness of the lens, its coating. In general, the wider the buyer’s financial capabilities, the more elegant, advanced and at the same time comfortable lenses for his glasses he can afford.

Today there are progressive glasses that use progressive spectacle lenses. These are lenses for new generation glasses. They replace two to three pairs of glasses. With the help of such lenses, one glasses are made that allow you to see at all distances.

Marking glasses is a technological process necessary for ordering progressive lenses and installing them in a specific frame. When marking on glasses and in a special questionnaire, important parameters are noted, these include: vertex distance (distance from the cornea of ​​the eye to the glass); pantoscopic angle (angle of inclination of the frame); frame bend;

Progressive glasses require an adaptation period. According to European standards, it is considered normal for adaptation to glasses with progressive lenses to take up to 1 month. Everyone adapts differently. Some people can immediately get behind the wheel of a car, while others need to get used to a new, higher level of visual comfort and understand how progressive lenses work.

With progressive glasses, you need to move your head when looking to the sides. When walking up stairs, you need to lower your head to get to the middle zone. The distance to the steps is from 1.5 to 2 meters. You should not run your eyes over the optical zones. Be sure to completely stop using “old glasses”.

For a quality period of adaptation, if necessary, a psychologist is involved for more detailed step-by-step counseling and psychological support during the period of adaptation to progressive glasses.

The duration of the adaptation period is from 2 to 30 days, depending on individual characteristics.

Types of computer glasses

Glasses designed for “computer work” come in several varieties. They differ in the structure of the lenses, as well as in the presence of a special coating. The latter is called “anti-glare”. The device should be selected individually after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Anti-glare computer glasses

They are special optics with special polarized lenses. The latter guarantee reliable protection against glare from light of various origins, including screens.

A similar glare effect can be observed not only behind a computer monitor. Glare can be caused by car windows, water, mirrors. Therefore, anti-glare glasses can be considered universal, since they are suitable not only for sedentary work at a computer, but also for everyday life, for example, driving a car in poor visibility conditions.

The effectiveness of this optics is ensured by a specially designed lens that is capable of blocking and scattering reflected light. Thus, the polarized reflected beam is not perceived by the eye, and this is extremely important for maintaining sharp vision.

Anti-glare glasses absorb harmful blue and violet light spectrum and transmit harmless yellow light, without losing the brightness and clarity of the image.

People with 100% vision can wear this type of glasses. They are a way to prevent eye pathologies. But it is necessary to coordinate this purchase with an ophthalmologist.

Computer safety glasses with monofocal lenses

Monofocal computer glasses are also called single-focal glasses. In this variety, the entire glass of the lens is the optical zone and is designed to work. This ensures a wide viewing angle.

As a rule, most people with healthy vision use this type of optics. It helps to adjust the distance between the screen and the organ of vision. The user does not have to make unnecessary movements of the head or eyes. You can view the entire screen without straining your muscles.

When using these glasses, a person's ciliary muscle relaxes. As a result, tension in the eyes is reduced and blurred vision is eliminated.

These glasses are suitable for people with good vision, regardless of age.

However, there are certain disadvantages to monofocal glasses. Thus, objects that are at a greater distance than the monitor will appear slightly blurry and indistinct. This is especially noticeable for people with myopia or farsightedness.

Computer safety glasses with bifocal lenses

This type of lens is designed so that the top is adjusted to focus on the computer screen, and the bottom is adjusted for viewing at a short distance. These computer glasses have a visible transition separating the optical areas.

It is worth noting that when using such glasses, objects located outside the screen will appear blurry. Peripheral objects will look exactly the same. To focus your gaze, you will have to constantly tilt your head back and focus your vision on the bottom of the glass. Such specific optics can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, and headaches.

These glasses are suitable for users with presbyopia, but are not suitable for driving.

Computer glasses with progressive lenses

In appearance, these glasses resemble optics with monofocal lenses. They do not have a clear line between optical regions. However, they have three viewing areas.

The upper area is designed for viewing objects at a distance. The intermediate (large) middle area is used directly while working at the monitor. The smallest area at the bottom of the glass helps focus your vision on close objects.

Such optics are considered the most comfortable for working behind a monitor, since the user can see clearly at any distance and naturally.

It is also important to note that such glasses will improve the light spectrum hitting the retina. For this reason, progressive lenses are comfortable to wear in rooms with fluorescent lighting.

Computer glasses are available in a wide range. It is quite difficult for an ignorant person to make a choice.

The most commonly used types of spectacle lenses are:

  • Monofocal.
  • Bifocal.
  • Progressive.

There are Fedorov computer glasses. They are designed to filter UV rays and monitor radiation, protecting your eyes from harmful spectra. Thanks to this, the eye muscles relax and vision deterioration stops. Chinese Mastuda computer glasses also protect against screen radiation, but not all models are made with UV protection. They have low cost and stylish frames.

Gaming glasses for computers have an ergonomic and lightweight design. In order to create a three-dimensional effect, high-quality wide-angle lenses are used. There are many models designed for people with visual impairments. With these glasses you can adjust the sharpness.

Yellow computer glasses have special light filters that cut out blue-violet waves that are harmful to the eyes.

Monofocal lenses

Their principle of operation is to direct the optical zone towards the monitor. They are most often used by people with normal vision. However, they can be selected for people with farsightedness or myopia.

Bifocal lenses

Designed so that their upper half is focused on the screen, and the lower half is focused on near vision correction. These glasses lenses do not have a smooth transition, they have a visible border separating 2 optical zones. This provides a person with comfortable work at the monitor and viewing at a close distance, while objects in the distance will appear unclear and blurry.

Progressive lenses

At first glance, such glasses do not differ in any way from monofocal glasses due to the fact that there is a smooth transition of diopters between optical zones. These products allow a person to see at any distance. The principle of operation of progressive glasses is that the upper zone provides clear vision at a distance, the wide intermediate zone is suitable for working at a computer monitor, and the lower zone is for viewing objects at close distances.

What are the most important requirements to consider when purchasing anti-computer glasses? The first rule that they must meet is an exact correspondence to the working distance, that is, the distance between the seat and the monitor. This figure can vary significantly from person to person.

Initially, polarized reading glasses may seem like a good solution. However, be careful: they are only designed to work over very short distances. To view text and images on a computer clearly, a person must move closer to the screen. At the same time, the user will inevitably encounter poor and uncomfortable body posture. This can cause tension in the neck and back and ruin your posture. Neither the most ergonomic chair nor the most comfortable mouse can protect you from such problems...

The next step could be progressive glasses for work that can be worn throughout the day for clear, comfortable, near and distance vision. They are a good choice for most common environments, including PC work, but their performance is somewhat limited. Progressive glasses allow you to sharpen your vision at all distances.

Eyeglass lenses are designed in such a way that their lower part allows you to see nearby objects. A person looks at the monitor through the lower part of the lenses. To see clearly, you need to raise your head. Staying in this unnatural position for longer puts strain on the neck and shoulders and also puts strain on the eyes over time.

This is where anti-glare computer glasses will be an excellent choice. How do these ophthalmic “rescuers” work? Their visual areas are focused on eye movements while working. The selection of glasses is carried out personally, in accordance with the personal needs of the person. Computer glasses are characterized by a large field of view at close and medium distances (0.5-4 m).

There are several types of glasses for reading and computer work; when choosing them, you should be guided by your personal needs, only then they can best protect your vision.

They are divided by lens type:

  1. Lens type "Near". In this option, the maximum distance at which the user can see clearly is 2 m, that is, with these glasses a person can read documents and view files without any problems. This type is ideal for people who work at the computer for a long time.
  2. Lens type "Room". These lenses are named according to the distance at which they provide clarity and comfort of vision. The maximum distance is about four meters, providing the user with comfortable vision from reading distance to a standard room size. The “Room” option is intended for people who simultaneously work with clients and a computer. While driving, they do not notice that they are wearing computer glasses; their benefit lies precisely in the ability to move without losing the quality of vision.
  3. Lens type "Book". These lenses focus more on the reading range where the maximum distance is 1 meter. Compared to regular reading lenses, which are usually designed for a fixed reading distance, Book lenses offer a significantly wider field of view and therefore the ability to move away from the computer for greater relaxation.
  4. Lens type “Individual”. This version is tailored to the needs of each individual user. The selection of glasses is personal; the optimal maximum distance is set to the nearest centimeter for each person. The user's profile, face shape and required working distance are taken into account.

Contraindications for progressive glasses

People over the age of fifty often experience an increase in the range of blurred focus, in other words, they see poorly at different distances. A person cannot see objects located at a distance and focus on nearby objects. For each type of activity it is necessary to select a separate corrective optics.

Progressive glasses help solve this problem; they cope well with age-related changes in the visual system. However, the products have a number of contraindications for use:

  • Anisometropia. An ophthalmological disease when the difference in refraction between the left and right eyes is more than two diopters;
  • Cataract. It is almost impossible to achieve stable vision correction, since lens clouding develops rapidly;
  • Strabismus of any origin. The pathology does not allow simultaneous movement of the organ of vision across three zones of multifocal glass;
  • Nystagmus (pupil trembling). The anomaly causes optical distortions in different parts of the lens; adapting to them with this disease is problematic;
  • Individual intolerance to corrective glass.

Strabismus, nystagmus.

For the selection of progressive glasses, a relative contraindication is the presence of general diseases: diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, osteochondrosis with severe autonomic disorders. The following eye diseases are also relative contraindications: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, strabismus.

Harm of computer glasses

In general, correctly selected optics for working behind a monitor are not capable of causing any damage to the visual organs. Whether computer glasses will benefit or harm you depends on how correctly you choose them. If the optics were chosen incorrectly, this can have a negative impact on the eyes.

The harm from computer glasses is due to the fact that they have certain features that should be selected individually for each user and their vision condition. Also, when choosing, you need to take into account the usual distance from the eyes to the computer screen.

Anti-computer glasses can lead to undesirable consequences only if they are chosen incorrectly. Wearing such a product may cause vision problems.

The glasses you choose should not cause complaints such as:

  • Feeling dizzy.
  • Feeling of pressure behind the ears, on the bridge of the nose.
  • Narrowing your horizons.
  • Image distortion.

Average price for computer glasses in the Russian Federation

The price of optical lenses for glasses depends on many factors.

First of all, it is taken into account:

  • The lens material used may make this product more expensive, if the refractive index is high, or their surface contains a coating that prevents the penetration of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The price of the product will be higher, if the optical power indicators have high values.
  • The cost is significantly influenced by the design of the frame, aspherical glasses, always have a higher price compared to traditional forms.
  • Refractive index. A high refractive index gives lenses increased strength and minimal thickness, but the price increases.
  • Purchasing by prescription. Ready-made lenses always have a lower price than those that have to be manufactured according to prescription parameters. Functional coatings make this type of product more expensive.
  • Glass lenses have different prices, the economy version can be purchased at a price from 1200-1700 rub..
  • Mid-range glasses will cost up to9000 rub..
  • Expensive models include optical products costing from12000 rub..
  • Choosing lenses for glasses is a crucial moment that should be taken seriously.. Glasses are, first of all, a type of optical product; this is the main criterion when choosing glasses.
  • The frame and design are an addition, which makes glasses a fashion accessory.
  • Before going to the optical store, you need to visit an ophthalmologist so that he can perform the necessary types of research and help you choose the right type of optical product.

As a result of analyzing such a large price spread, the buyer usually looks for an average value, and based on the cost of the cheapest pair (500 rubles) and the most expensive (7-10 thousand rubles), he concludes that the highest quality and optimal choice will be models in the price range of 4,500 rubles .

In fact, good and unpretentious men's, women's and children's models cost on average 1200-1400 rubles, but the only drawback of such products concerns not the quality characteristics, but the frames (not everyone suits the “classic”).

When purchasing in optical stores, you should focus on the cost of 2000-2500 rubles - these are high-quality products that will always be covered by a guarantee, while the selection of frames is also the responsibility of the seller.

How much do computer glasses cost in online stores?

The price of progressive optics depends on several factors:

  • Manufacturer;
  • Lens thickness;
  • Progression channel width (transitional area between the top and bottom). The higher the indicator, the higher the price.

On average, the cost of a quality product from a popular manufacturer ranges from four to nine thousand rubles, depending on the technical characteristics. Expensive optics are produced under the brands Essilor International and Rodenstock. The price of products from these companies is around fifteen or seventeen thousand rubles.

Less popular brands offer a good product with a price tag of two to four thousand. However, their service life is short.

The cost of progressive glasses consists of the cost of the frame and the cost of progressive glasses lenses:

  • The cost of frames for progressive glasses depends on the country of origin and brand popularity;
  • The cost of spectacle lenses for progressive glasses depends on:
    • The complexity of the prescription for glasses affects the diopter.
    • from lens design (there are several types of individual and standard progressive lenses, selected based on prescription)
    • from the lens material - the fragile material CR-39 can withstand a load of 10 kg; PNX, Eyas, Eynoa materials are sophisticated, durable, can withstand loads of up to 80 kg, and are crystal clear.
    • depending on the presence of types of coatings - water-repellent (hydrophobic - rapid defogging when the air temperature changes: outdoors/indoors in winter), dirt-repellent, antistatic, anti-reflective (high light transmittance, anti-glare), hardening coating (scratch resistance), etc.
    • from the index (refractive index). The higher the index, the thinner the lens. Refractive index - 1.5, 1.53, 1.6, 1.67.
    • from the possibility of coloring lenses,
    • from the need to use photochromic technology,
    • from the country of origin and the company producing the spectacle lenses.

Medical selection with a prescription for progressive glasses and the production of glasses (the work of a master) is not paid separately, but is included in the ordering for progressive glasses.

Price range for medical frames for progressive glasses: From 1,700 rub. up to 25,000 rub.

Price range for progressive spectacle lenses: From RUR 4,150. up to 43,000 rubles (price for 1 lens).


Lens name


Regular price for 1 lens, rub.

Promotion price for 1 lens, rub.

Discount, %

Savings, rub


Activa 1.5 Natural

A universal progressive lens for computer, tablet and smartphone users with extended near and mid zones

8 900

7 950

1 000


Presio i

Standard progressive lens for beginning presbyopes

5 500

4 150

1 350

Find out about new technologies in progressive glasses in the article by ophthalmologist, head of the department of clinical optometry Kiiko N.V. “Tablets and smartphones have changed the design of lenses for glasses.”

Tablets and smartphones have changed the design of eyeglass lenses.

What types of spectacle lenses are there? What materials are they made from? What do you need to know when choosing lenses for your future glasses?


There is a common misconception among people that the most important thing about glasses is the frame. Of course, a lot depends on it - your comfort and image, for example. But it is the spectacle lenses that determine the quality of your vision. It depends only on the lenses whether you will see this world as beautiful as it is.

The world of optics does not stand still. Constantly developing, today it can offer “bespectacled people” such comfort and excellent vision, which would have been difficult to even imagine 20 years ago. In order not to get confused by the variety of offers and to know exactly what is needed, you need to be aware of what spectacle lenses exist and how they differ from each other.

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CLASSIFICATION OF spectacle lenses

Spectacle lenses are classified according to:

  • material (mineral/inorganic and polymer/organic)
  • number of optical zones (afocal, unifocal, bifocal, trifocal, progressive)
  • possibilities for correction of visual defects (stigmatic, astigmatic)
  • refractive index (standard, thin, super thin, ultra thin)
  • shape of refractive surfaces (spherical, aspherical, lenticular)
  • influence on the intensity and properties of the light flux (light, colored, with spectral coatings, photochromic, polarized).

For an ordinary person, not a specialist, in order to choose glasses, it is enough to know only some of the parameters of this list, which we will discuss below.

WHAT ARE spectacle lenses made of?

Due to the high level and pace of life, increased demands are placed on spectacle lenses today. This explains the presence on the optical market of many materials used in spectacle optics. However, any of the materials must:

  • be transparent
  • be homogeneous in composition
  • have certain optical characteristics
  • have certain properties (density, hardness, chemical resistance)
  • be of high quality (free from, for example, bubbles and foreign inclusions).

In general, based on the material used, all spectacle lenses are divided into 2 types:

  • organic
  • mineral.

Mineral or inorganic are lenses made from inorganic glass. Glass was originally the starting material for creating spectacle lenses, and it has a number of advantages:

  • durability
  • hardness
  • resistance to scratches, thermal and chemical influences.

However, glass also has significant disadvantages:

  • heavy weight
  • excess thickness under certain parameters
  • minimal impact resistance.

In addition, due to the nature of the manufacturing (melting) of optical glass, it may exhibit serious defects, which can affect the quality of vision.

In the mid-50s of the 20th century, glass was replaced by synthetic materials. Organic Lenses are made from polymers using various additives. After the invention of the first optical polymer, CR-39, a real revolution took place in the production of glasses. Spectacle lenses steel:

  • lighter
  • more durable
  • receptive to coatings, coloring and design experiments.

Modern high-tech developments of polymer lenses, in combination with special coatings, provide almost limitless possibilities for ensuring the highest quality of vision for a person wearing glasses.

TYPES OF COATINGS FOR spectacle lenses

  • Strengthening coating

Polymer lenses are more susceptible to scratches than glass lenses. The hardening coating increases the abrasion resistance of the lens, i.e. makes it less susceptible to friction from soft objects, for example, sponges or napkins when wiping, and also increases resistance to scratches and damage when contacting sharp and/or hard objects. Thanks to this coating, the service life of the glasses is significantly increased.

  • Anti-reflective coating

When the light flux is reflected from the surface of the lens, various secondary images may appear: your own eye or objects. They are detected by the eye and reduce the contrast of the image, and also distort the visual perception of objects: this is especially pronounced when driving a car on a wet road and in the dark.

In addition, as a result of the reflection of the light flux, glare occurs. They are not detected by the eye of a person wearing glasses, but they prevent others from seeing his eyes. This is a big drawback from an aesthetic point of view.

The antireflective coating of spectacle lenses neutralizes all these factors: it increases image clarity, reduces the amount of interfering glare and improves the aesthetic appearance of a person wearing glasses.

  • Water-stain-repellent (hydrophobic) coating

If you look at the surface of the lens under a microscope, you can see that it is not perfectly smooth: there are microscopic peaks and dips in which drops of liquid are trapped. The hydrophobic coating is a thin silicone film that fills the smallest irregularities and smoothes the surface, making liquid drops easily roll off the lens. In addition, on such a film the drop does not spread, but rolls down, reducing the area of ​​contact of water with the surface of the lens. Thus, glasses get dirty less and stay clean longer, making them easier to care for.

Another advantage of a water-repellent coating that people living in cold climates will appreciate: during sudden temperature changes (for example, when you go indoors from outside in winter), such lenses are much faster and easier to clean from condensation.

  • Antistatic coating

Some materials, such as silk, nylon and human skin, when in contact with the surface of spectacle lenses, can form an electrical charge that attracts dust particles from the environment. The repeated process of removing dust from the lens leads to scratches and, accordingly, a decrease in the service life of the glasses. A special coating prevents the formation of static electricity and the attraction of dust to the glasses lenses.

  • Multifunctional coating

A coating that simultaneously protects the spectacle lens from scratches and mechanical damage, gives it water and dirt-repellent properties, reduces the reflection of light from its surface and blocks electromagnetic radiation is called multifunctional. It provides high quality vision in almost any situation.

  • Mirror finish

Mirror coating is trendy today: it completely changes the appearance of glasses, making the eyes indistinguishable behind their glasses. This coating is applied in various shades to the front of spectacle lenses and serves a purely aesthetic function.

PROGRESSIVE spectacle lenses

Progressive spectacle lenses have become widespread over the past 20 years. Their design provides different optical powers in different parts of the lens, which allows a person to see comfortably and clearly both near and far, and at medium distances. Such lenses open up a completely different quality of life for people with age-related (after 40 years) changes. You no longer need to have two or even more glasses: for reading and for watching TV, for example. In addition, the design of the progressive lens eliminates discomfort when moving your gaze from an object close to one that is far away: the eyes do not strain.

When purchasing glasses with progressive lenses, you must remember that this is a qualitatively new level of lenses, and, like any complex device, you need to learn how to use them.


There are universal and special progressive lenses. Universal ones are designed to work at all distances (from 40 cm to infinity) and can be either standard, which uses the parameters of the average consumer, or individual, made for the specific parameters of a particular person. Special or office lenses provide high-quality vision at a limited distance: from 40 cm to 4.5 m. Glasses with such lenses are adapted both for working with a monitor (at a longer distance), and a smartphone and/or documents (nearby), thereby helping to minimize eye fatigue during the working day.

Progressive lenses can be either mineral or polymer, clear or tinted, with or without coatings, and photochromic. You can read more about photochromic chameleon lenses in another article on our blog at the link: .


To determine which glasses you need, you need to know how often you plan to use them and for what purposes (driving, computer work, reading, all day, or just during work hours). This will determine what type of lenses should be chosen and what coatings should be on them.

In addition, to choose a frame, you must have a prescription for future glasses: not every frame can be combined with the spectacle lens you need. There may be restrictions in the choice of material from which the lenses are made, or for the lenses you need, it is necessary to provide certain frame sizes. The thickness and weight of the lenses can also become an obstacle to making glasses in the frame you like.

The Ochkarik optics salons employ professional doctors who will check your vision, write out the necessary prescription if you don’t have one, and help you choose glasses for excellent vision.

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