Correct hardening. Air and sun baths

How to start tempering at home

Hardening is the best remedy for colds, chronic fatigue and even excess weight. How to properly harden at home, where and when to start hardening for an adult, the rules and tips for hardening are in the Soviet Sport guide.

Why you need to temper at home

Proper and regular hardening at home strengthens the immune system, minimizes the risks of colds and viral diseases. In addition, hardening the house with cold water increases the overall tone of the body - a person feels a surge of strength, chronic fatigue, apathy and depression go away. Hardening also “slows down” the aging process: it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, trains the cardiovascular system (in some cases, it can treat vascular diseases), and improves metabolism.

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The main rules to follow if you decide to start hardening at home: the absence of diseases (mainly heart disease), regularity (ideally, hardening should become your daily habit) and a gradual increase in “loads”.

How to start tempering at home

General recommendation: an adult needs to start tempering at home with walking barefoot. Try 10-15 minutes to walk around the apartment without slippers and socks. Increase this time by 10 minutes daily, accustoming yourself to do without house shoes at all. If you have carpets at home, roll them up and put them aside: for hardening, you need to walk on a cool surface - linoleum, tile, etc.

Diving into an ice hole in winter (and, of course, not getting sick after) is a merit not only of the correct preparation of the body, but also of great willpower. After all, at times it’s hard to force yourself to even stand for half a minute under a cold shower, to say nothing of ice water. And hardening, by the way, is a natural adaptive mechanism that has a beneficial effect on. True, it works for a modern person because of the conditions of his life with “failures”. Therefore, on the eve of the season of lowering the temperature and, as a result, the growth of colds and other diseases, we have prepared material on why and how to harden properly.

Why heat up?

The temperature of the water should be reduced over time, and the duration of the procedure should be increased, but always smoothly. When you get used to the ice towel, you can go directly to the douche. But before that, you need to make sure of a few things. You should not start tempering if you are sick or have any health contraindications. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. Also make sure that after the procedure you are not in a draft.

One of the main requirements is regularity. From time to time it will not be possible to temper, dousing should be constant. Here, as in sports, your body will get used to the systematic and what seems difficult at the beginning, after a while will become self-evident.

Even being prepared psychologically and physically, you should not immediately and for a long time pour cold water in the shower. At first, alternate the usual temperature with cold. Start with a 10 second session and gradually build up to 1 minute. Switching spend no more than 3 times in one shower. When finished, towel dry and get dressed.

There are certain difficulties with finding clean snow in the city, but if you have such an opportunity, this type of hardening is very effective. Experts note that if you regularly, albeit not for long, walk barefoot in the snow, your immunity will be strengthened, your throat will not hurt.

How to harden your feet with cold? First, you need a general experience of hardening the body with cold water. Without it, you risk getting sick. At first, the “walk” should not be long: 3 minutes will be enough. This time can be gradually increased, but not more than up to 15 minutes. Returning to the house, the legs should be rubbed well.

The impact of high temperatures, as well as low ones, favorably affects the state of the body and contributes to its hardening. Therefore, if you have no contraindications, try to go to the bathhouse at least sometimes. In fact, this is the same as a contrast shower, but the conditions are more extreme. Having steamed well, douse yourself with cold water, swim in the pool or ice hole. Even one visit helps cleanse the lungs, remove toxins from the body, relax muscles and improve blood circulation.

What else do you need to know:

  1. , stick to and - this, in combination with hardening, will improve your health.
  2. You need to temper with thoughts. This attitude makes the process of getting used to the cold easier.
  3. Don't overcool. The state of chills means that your body is not yet ready for such a temperature.
  4. The main indicator of effectiveness is your well-being, and not someone's advice from the Internet. So always listen to your feelings.
  5. Remember the school saying: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!". This is what we need to be more often outside the office and at home.

How to temper children?

The child's body is more difficult to tolerate cold, but this does not mean that the child cannot be hardened. You just need to remember some details.

  1. You can start hardening at any age, but first it is better to get professional advice.
  2. It is worth remembering that the children's body gives off heat 10% more compared to adults. These indicators are different for boys and girls.
  3. Hardening is best done in the form of a game.
  4. The child's body is more difficult to tolerate hypothermia, so it should not be allowed.
  5. Take your child for a walk in any weather, but make sure that he is properly dressed.
  6. Lower the water temperature when bathing. And it's worth starting with washing.
  7. Children should often be in the fresh air. In addition, the room should be well ventilated.
  8. Avoid prolonged exposure to cold, sunlight. Dose them wisely.
  9. Combine hardening with physical activity.
  10. Temper yourself. This will set the right example and teach you to better understand the process.

Be healthy!

Humanity has known about the benefits of hardening since ancient times. It was not for nothing that the traditions of the Russian bath included obligatory procedures for dipping into a cold body of water in summer or into snow in winter. Yes, and the Orthodox tradition of Christmas fonts, in addition to spiritual cleansing, significantly contributed to the strengthening of bodily health. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge and our life has changed dramatically. But the question of how to start tempering correctly is still very relevant. What is the use of such procedures, where to start for a beginner, at what age can hardening begin, and what is needed for this?

How to start hardening - the benefits of hardening

Both folk and official medicine are unanimous in their approval of hardening and the beneficial effects of procedures of this type on the well-being and health of a person. The scientific rationale for the benefits of hardening is based on the fact that human skin contains many so-called cold receptors, by acting on which with ice water, several problems can be solved at once:

  • Strengthening immunity to colds and viral diseases.
  • Stimulation of the general tone of the body.
  • Normalization of metabolism and activity of the cardiovascular system.
  • Getting rid of excess weight, sagging skin and wrinkles.

Acquisition of a charge of vivacity and good mood.

water hardening

Of course, dousing with cold water is not a panacea at all. Moreover, in several cases, it is strongly not recommended to apply such procedures.

Hardening is contraindicated for people suffering from serious heart disease or experiencing pressure problems.

It is impossible to carry out procedures for dousing with cold water for a cold, the presence of purulent wounds on the body, and in some other situations. In any case, before starting to harden, it is necessary to consult with a qualified specialist.

  1. Who can do hardening? If you do not take into account the individual categories discussed above, then hardening is recommended for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and age. This is a unique and affordable way to feel like a young, full of energy, healthy person!
  2. What is needed for hardening? In addition to the healing effect, the undoubted advantage of hardening is the availability of this method of healing the body. For hardening, you do not need special equipment or equipment - a bucket of cold water or a simple shower is enough! Therefore, it is quite possible to temper the body at home. However, something other than water is still required: the desire to look younger and the ability to overcome your own laziness!
  3. How to start tempering? It would seem, what could be simpler than a bucket of cold water? However, doctors and experts strongly recommend that a beginner begin to harden his body gradually. Otherwise, the body is under such severe stress that the procedure, instead of a positive effect, can bring the exact opposite. So, an approximate hardening algorithm for a beginner looks like this:

At the first stage, it is quite enough to accustom yourself to daily morning washing with cold water. And you can start with water at room temperature, lowering the degree every day. At this stage, as at all subsequent ones, the regularity and consistency of procedures is very important. They must be performed not only at home, but also on trips, business trips, away and so on.

Gradually accustoming the body to morning cold baths, you can go directly to hardening. In urban conditions, the procedure usually takes place in the bathroom by means of a bucket filled with cold water. To begin with, water can be poured in the evening - overnight it will reach room temperature. Then you need to use the same strategy as in the initial stage, gradually making it colder. It is very important to thoroughly and intensively rub the body with a dry towel after dousing to stimulate blood flow.

With a lack of time, which almost every city dweller experiences, instead of a bucket of water, a cold shower with indispensable rubbing after the procedure. In many cases, it is even more convenient, but it must be remembered that being under an ice shower must be strictly dosed in order to avoid hypothermia.

hardening methods

You can go in a slightly different way. Since for many, being under a cold shower requires overcoming certain psychological and sometimes physiological barriers, wiping with a towel soaked in cold water can be used. When the whole body (not just the face and hands) gets used to low temperatures, you can move on to pouring water from a bucket or getting up under a cold shower.

As you get used to cold water, you can increase the duration of the procedures. This is a very important point. There is no need to "take the bull by the horns" and set some kind of world records both in water temperature and in time. Graduality and not fussiness - these are the principles of successful hardening! For example, with a shower, you can simply increase the time, and in the case of a classic douche, the number of buckets (up to two or even three).

Additional types of hardening

With the listed traditional types of body hardening in the form of dousing with cold water and rubbing, there are additional methods of healing, strengthening the body and giving it vitality:

  • Air baths. In fact, this is charging with the window open. Here, too, the principle of gradualism should be observed. Starting with 3-minute exercises with an open window, and only after 2-3 months go out onto the balcony or outside. In this case, of course, the body should be as open as possible so that the skin can “breathe”.
  • Contrast shower. A very simple system, which consists in alternating cold and hot water. Stimulates blood circulation and normalizes the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to start with a three-time cycle, the duration of each is 10 + 10 seconds. After 2 weeks, you can double the duration (20 + 20 three times), and after the same period - triple.
  • Barefoot in the snow. In winter, doctors recommend short-term barefoot walks in the cold for a rather hardened person. This not only strengthens the immune system, but is also a very good prevention of flat feet, increased sweating of the feet, and various diseases of the leg veins.
    Thus, hardening can be practiced by almost anyone, regardless of age and gender.

The main thing is the desire, perseverance and regularity of classes!

Doctors say that in people who have stopped hardening, the body quickly returns to its original state, in which it was before the start of classes. We can also advise you to read from famous people!

Answered by Roza Tsallagova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Fundamentals of the State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. Lesgafta (St. Petersburg) :

- Hardening is a training of the body's defenses. Tempering procedures teach them to respond to uncomfortable external conditions quickly and in a timely manner. Procedures increase endurance, working capacity, normalize mental and emotional state. Summer is really considered the ideal time to start hardening procedures, when people get sick less, and there are more conditions for procedures - air baths, dousing, swimming.

The rule of three "P"

In order for hardening to be successful and beneficial to the body, you need to adhere to the rule of three "P" - act constantly, gradually and consistently.

Constantly: hardening develops a kind of conditioned reflex that needs constant reinforcement. Therefore, procedures bring results only if they are carried out regularly, and not from time to time. Otherwise, the reflex quickly fades away: in adults - in 2-3 weeks, in children - in 5-7 days. That is why it is better to start the procedures in the summer, when there are more conditions for the procedures, and the likelihood of a cold or SARS is lower (after all, after any, even a trifling, illness, hardening will have to be forgotten for at least two weeks).

Gradually: the intensity of hardening procedures should increase gradually. The most typical mistake is to start hardening with extreme methods that cause an overstrain of the body's defenses and a breakdown of immunity. It will take a very long time to restore health after such a “recovery”. A vivid example is the children who were constantly wrapped up, and then they began to take them to the pool. For a pampered child, staying in a pool with a water temperature of 28˚C is comparable to swimming in an ice hole, so for the first six months, beginner swimmers do not get out of a runny nose and colds.

Consistently: methods of influence cannot be constantly changed, and loads can be sharply increased. It is better to develop a hardening tactic (ideally, together with a doctor) and stick to it steadily.

Making a plan

Methods of hardening for yourself should be chosen taking into account the state of health. All people in terms of hardening can be divided into three groups. Each group has its own hardening method and temperature difference. Determine which technique you need.

Absolutely healthy

Signs: you suffer from colds no more than 1-2 times a year, you have experience of hardening (swim in the pool, go to the bathhouse).

Hardening scenario: Start by dousing with cool water. Initial temperature 20-22˚С. Gradually, the water temperature can be reduced to 18°C.

Without experience

Signs: you get sick no more than 2-3 times a year, but you have never done hardening before.

Hardening scenario: Start with a contrast shower. Temperature difference 6-8˚С. Then connect short-term douches with cool water - its temperature is 24-26 ° C, the initial time is 2 minutes. Rub off with a towel.


Signs: health is weakened by stress, hard work, you are often sick, not tempered.

Hardening scenario: start with air baths for 3-5 minutes. per day, air temperature 22-24˚С. If you have time, combine them with morning exercises. Then wiping with cool water (20-22˚С).

5 types of hardening procedures

Air baths are the easiest type of hardening. First you need to make it a rule in the morning, getting out of bed, to dress lightly (children and men in shorts, women in sundresses). Taking air baths in the open air should be started at an air temperature of 20-22 ° C. The first air bath should last no more than 15 minutes, each subsequent one should last 5 minutes longer. Air baths prepare the body for more complex procedures.

Wiping with cold water - in the evening, prepare a basin of water, in the morning with a clean towel soaked in water, wipe first the arms and legs, then in a circular motion the chest, stomach and back. You need to start wiping with water at 34-36 ° C. Every 3-5 days the water temperature is reduced by 1-2°C. With a favorable course of hardening in 2-3 months, you can proceed to a further decrease in water temperature to 10-12°C.

Pouring - it is advisable to start dousing in the summer, using water with a temperature of 34-36 ° C. First, hands, chest, back, and then the rest of the body are poured sequentially. After that, they proceed to one-stage dousing: in the evening you need to fill the basin with water (overnight it will warm up to room temperature). In the morning, after washing, pour the prepared water over yourself in one motion. As you get used to pouring water, you can not so abruptly, but within 30 seconds. After dousing, rubbing and self-massage are recommended.

Contrast shower - first you need to stand under hot water for several minutes, then for 30 seconds. turn on cold. Cold water can be turned on when the body has warmed up properly. There should be 5-7 such alternations.

Cool shower - water temperature should be below room temperature. Standing under water, you need to rub the body with your palms.

Side effects of hardening:

A surge of strength - tempering procedures increase the production of hormones, including endorphins - hormones of joy.

Fat burning - during cold loads, the body's metabolism is activated, cholesterol and sugar levels are reduced. Thanks to this, fat burns faster.

Mental health - hardening increases the tone of the central nervous system. Therefore, a hardened person in any conditions remains calm, cheerful and optimistic.

Adhering to a healthy lifestyle, most people prefer to harden the body. In order to begin to harden properly without harming health, an unprepared person must follow certain rules.

From an early age, parents are taught that water, air and sun are the best helpers. They strengthen the immune system, harden the body and have a beneficial effect on its work. The benefits of hardening have been discussed since ancient times. During the reign of Sparta, hardening measures were taken in the upbringing of boys: newborn babies were bathed in cold water and soared in the bath immediately after birth. In this way, the children's body increased endurance to natural conditions and resistance to external natural factors.

Why hardening is needed

Hardening is a systematic procedure aimed at increasing the protective functions of the body and its resistance to various adverse environmental factors. A useful procedure includes activities that help a person adapt to a season of lower or higher temperatures.

In the complex of strengthening procedures, in addition to proper nutrition and sports, close attention is paid to special hardening measures: air and sun baths, water procedures. Competent hardening helps to strengthen the immune system, helps to improve the body's thermoregulation and metabolism, allows you to keep the vessels of the heart and muscles in good shape, and normalizes blood pressure. Hardening gives the body vitality and energy. Regular hardening improves blood circulation and increases the productivity of the nervous system. Hardened people are less likely to get colds, feel less discomfort during changing weather conditions. Such people can boast of good health.

How to start tempering

To get a positive result from strengthening activities, you must follow the instructions:

  • Do not start hardening if you have health problems. Starting strengthening measures without consulting a doctor is not recommended for people with kidney disease. Hypertension and hypotension patients should definitely consult with their doctor. People with heart failure and other heart diseases are strictly contraindicated to harden. This category of persons includes those who have eye pressure, since during a temperature difference there is a possibility of an increase in pressure, which can lead to retinal detachment. Those who want to do cold water pouring with signs of colds and flu, as well as with purulent wounds, must first be cured.
  • Strengthen your body gradually. Sudden loads are stressful for the body. In order for the hardening of the body to have a positive effect on health, start the process gradually, increasing the load over time. First, dry yourself with a towel dipped in cold water. Start from the neck, moving smoothly towards the legs, grab the rest of the body. Let the body dry naturally without wiping with a dry towel. Wash your face with cold water, gradually lowering the temperature by 1-2 degrees. Thus, it will be easier to move on to the next stage of hardening.
  • Carry out regular procedures. Any hardening event must be carried out without interruptions and hitches. The main requirement is the systematic study. Regardless of the weather and other situations, do not stop the procedure. The body needs time to get used to regularity. The only reason for refusal may be elevated body temperature.
  • Walk barefoot in the snow. If you live in a place where there is no difficulty in finding snow, you have a unique opportunity to take advantage of this effective type of hardening. You should start walking in the snow if you have experience of strengthening the body with cold water. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting sick. For the first time, the duration of the walk should be no more than 3 minutes. Gradually add one minute at a time, but no more than 15 minutes a day. After walking barefoot in the snow, rub your feet thoroughly with a dry towel. You can harden your feet in another convenient way: pour cool water into a bath or a large basin, dip your feet in cold water and make movements that imitate walking. Lower the water temperature by 1 degree every two days. This method of strengthening the body increases immunity and fights against feet.
  • Start your morning with a shower. Pour tap water into a bucket and leave overnight. In the morning, pour water over your hands, neck and legs warmed to room temperature. Rub them with a dry towel. You can start dousing the body after 2 weeks. Try to lower the water temperature by 3-5 degrees every 7 days.

How to start water procedures

  1. Pour cold water over the whole body at once. The process of impact on the body will take no more than 2-3 seconds. A similar result can be obtained if you plunge headlong into the water.
  2. Warm up your body with exercise before starting the activity. Do not dry yourself after dousing, the body should dry on its own. If you do the opposite, there will be pain in the back and hip joints. Due to insufficient moisture, the skin will become dry.
  3. If it is difficult to decide to pour cold water on yourself, you can start with a bucket of warm water, and then cold.
  4. Warm up your body with intense exercise. Step into a hot shower, then a cold one. When the body gets used to it, switch to dousing with cold water.
  5. The water process should take no more than 2-3 minutes, otherwise you can weaken the functions of the body and cause paralysis of the body.

Popular types of hardening

Air baths or aerotherapy- an affordable method of strengthening the body, based on daily walks in the fresh air. The advantage of this type is the direct effect of fresh air on the nerve endings, thereby nourishing the body with oxygen. Air baths improve thermoregulation, increase the immune system, normalize the work of the heart, relieve stress. It is recommended to take air baths in places rich in vegetation and near water bodies. During the technique, avoid drafts and winds that can provoke hypothermia. To avoid unexpected hypothermia, wear synthetic thermal underwear or move more if you do not have it. Aerotherapy is carried out regularly, regardless of weather conditions and season. It is advisable to adhere to a certain walking schedule. The most ideal time for aerotherapy is from 7 am to 10 am.

This species has a strong effect on humans and requires caution. The first stay in the water should be very fast, you should plunge headlong and get out. To achieve the effect, you need to bathe 2-3 times a week, preferably in the summer. Active and intensive movements in the water are welcome. The degree of being in the water depends on the endurance and preparedness of the person. With proper hardening, a feeling of warmth should appear. Chills are the first sign of hypothermia. In case of chills, reduce the time spent in the pond, thoroughly rub the body with a towel, drink hot tea and exercise.

In winter, swimming in ice water occurs only under the supervision of a specialist. Excessive self-activity can lead to serious illnesses and develop allergies.

Sunbathing or heliotherapy- a method of hardening the body with the help of light and solar heat, which can strengthen the body and cure diseases. Sunbathing should be taken in the morning from 7 am to 10 am and in the evening after 5 pm. The morning sun improves tone and has an invigorating effect, and the evening rays calm the body and relieve nervousness. Therefore, for a charge of positive emotions, take solar treatments at dawn, and for calm and a sense of relaxation - in the evening. Prolonged exposure can be harmful to health and cause burns, so sunbathing should not last longer than 20 minutes. Then you can gradually extend the solar load for 10 minutes. When the body gets used to it, you can sunbathe without harm under the rays of the sun for about 3 hours a day. Use protective equipment: SPF - factor (30-40) for fair-skinned, SPF - factor (10-20) for dark-skinned, SPF - factor (50) - for beginners with any skin color. Be sure to wear a hat and sunglasses.

Remember that the sun is necessary for a person, it increases the protective functions of a person, improves memory and creative activity.

Foot baths. A hardening method that affects the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental processes. Foot baths increase the tone of the muscular and nervous system, improve performance, and prevent frequent colds. It is an excellent remedy for varicose veins, flat feet and sweaty feet. Thanks to constant foot baths, you can not worry about the consequences of frozen feet in the winter season. Doctors recommend hardening in the summer. At this time, the air temperature is high, which means that the risk of hypothermia is excluded.

Persons with diseases of the heart, respiratory and genitourinary systems, bronchial asthma and epilepsy are contraindicated in foot baths.

Cold and hot shower- a health-improving technique for the body, useful in diseases such as nervous disorders, decreased immunity, failure in intestinal activity, and so on. The temperature difference contributes to the removal of body fat, toxins and toxins. It is possible to achieve certain results only through the regularity of the procedure.

For the first time, room temperature water will suffice. Alternate it with hot water, under which you should not linger for more than one minute. Then turn on cold water for half a minute. Repeat this alternation several times. Start a contrast shower with hot water and end with cold. It is correct to apply a contrast shower in the morning, but if it is more convenient for a person to carry out the procedure in the evening, then you need to perform it 3 hours before bedtime, since a cheerful state will not let you fall asleep.

Before you start using a contrast shower, consult your doctor. This type of hardening is contraindicated for people with malignant tumors, vascular diseases, inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

The benefits and harms of pouring cold water

Dousing with cold water is a body healing technique that improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system. This method of hardening instantly enhances blood circulation and performance, awakens the protective functions of the body and its resources. We can speak with confidence about the benefits of bathing, since dousing with cold water has the following advantages:

  • Strengthens resistance to colds,
  • Activates all metabolic processes,
  • Strengthens the nervous system
  • Prevents varicose veins
  • Has a positive effect on the psychological state,
  • Removes fatigue
  • Releases from a negative state, feelings of anger,
  • Renews body cells
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Smoothes wrinkles and removes stretch marks
  • Gives strength and restores sexual desire in men.

This technique, like any other, has its contraindications and negative consequences. Incorrect and abrupt dousing can fail in the heart and lead to death. Before the main procedure, it is necessary to carry out short douches so that the body has time to get used to the temperature drop.

For the correct implementation of the procedures for hardening with dousing, use a few tips:

  1. Buy a bucket or large basin. It is advisable to choose a plastic container that is easy to lift.
  2. It will be easier for a beginner to start dousing if you wash your face, neck, hands, gradually lowering the temperature.
  3. Before starting, warm up your body thoroughly. It can be running, exercising, warm-up set.
  4. In the first week, pour over the legs, in the second - grab the knees, then pour over the hips and back. After a month of preparatory actions, try dousing with your head.

Hardening in the form of water procedures helps to get rid of female diseases, and for a man to acquire extraordinary vigor and energy.

When and how to start hardening an infant at home

The age of the child is not a barrier to hardening activities. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to bathe a child in an ice hole from birth or soar in a bath. The process must be gradual. Various methods of hardening children require compliance with the following rules:

  1. Start hardening at room temperature.
  2. The child must be healthy. If there are signs of illness and fever, stop the procedure. Let the child's body get stronger and recover.
  3. While bathing, unfold the diaper and lower your baby into the water. In this state, you need to be at least 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse your baby with cool water.
  5. Repeat all steps regularly.

At home, hardening the body of a newborn is very easy. To get started, arrange for the baby to sleep in the fresh air, whether it be a balcony or a summer cottage. After 2-3 weeks, take the baby outside. It is advisable to walk with the baby 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

A kid who already knows how to move independently can be tempered as follows: ventilate one room and lower the air temperature to 15 degrees. The baby should walk barefoot on a warm, then on a cool floor. Such training strengthens the vascular system and the body's immunity very well.

Caring parents understand that a hardened child is less sick with colds and easily fights the disease. As a rule, such children do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They are more active and energetic, developing rapidly. But this does not mean that the child will not get sick at all. Even the strongest immunity can become infected with infections or catch ARVI, but the body formed in the process of hardening is able to more easily endure the disease and recover quickly.

To properly prepare a child for hardening, a number of rules should be followed:

  1. Take daily walks
  2. Travel with the child to nature,
  3. Do active gymnastics together,
  4. Do not overload with additional circles,
  5. Provide the correct climate in the children's room, humidify the room and maintain an average temperature.

A huge number of people today practice hardening. Choose the type of strengthening and wellness activities depending on your preferences and health status. It can be air or sun baths, or water procedures. With regular hardening sessions, the results will not be long in coming. Soon you will notice how your body has become stronger and more resilient.



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