How to properly wash women: hygiene products and general tips. Intimate hygiene after sex in women and men: recommendations

In matters of personal hygiene, there should be no deviations from the rules. Any woman needs to wash her genitals regularly. If this is not done correctly, you can accidentally introduce pathogenic bacteria. Sensitive female microflora is susceptible to various kinds of infections. Violation of elementary rules can provoke the development of the disease.

Intimate hygiene products

For hygiene of the genital organs, you can not use ordinary gels, shampoos and soaps. The alkaline pH composition of these products dries out the skin, as a result, the balance of the vaginal microflora is disturbed. Microcracks may appear on the surface of the mucosa, which leads to inflammation. For personal hygiene, it is best to use special gels.

How often should you wash?

You need to wash yourself daily, no more than twice a day. One minute is enough for water procedures. This is enough to wash away secretions and sweat. You need to know how to properly wash a woman during menstruation. On critical days, a shower should be taken after each change of the pad, i.e. with an interval of 3-4 hours. At the end of the water procedures, the skin should be gently blotted with a towel. It is recommended to use an individual towel.

Water procedures

Wash off with running water. Do not use standing water, because. it may contain pathogenic bacteria. For hygiene procedures, it is recommended to use warm water, in no case hot. Otherwise, delicate skin may be damaged.

The entrance to the vagina is located near the anus, the source of pathogens. The infection should not get inside the vagina, the stream of water should be directed from the pubis to the anus. Should be washed by hand. Do not use washcloths or sponges. They are not suitable for sensitive skin.

Wash only the external genitalia. This is the area around the clitoris, pubis, labia. You can not try to clean the vagina, you can accidentally damage the mucous membrane. To learn how to properly wash, it is recommended to watch the video. The self-cleaning regulation of the vagina is excellent at dealing with bacteria without assistance.

Completion of the procedure

At the end of washing, you need to blot the genitals with a towel and put on clean, dry underwear. To maintain women's health, it is recommended to use cotton underwear that allows the skin to breathe.

First, it must be recognized that all women smell. You should not try to eliminate the normal smell.

Second, get to know your own normal smell - within a month. If you can recognize a normal smell, it will be easier to tell when there is a problem.

Thirdly, learn how to wash properly. Always wash from front to back, never wash from the anus forward (otherwise you will introduce bacteria from the anus into the vagina, in particular E-Coli). Do not insert soapy fingers or a soapy sponge into your vagina. Rinse the outside and separate the labia to wash the clitoral area and clitoral hood.

Fourth, wiping after a bowel movement, go back from the anus. Place your hand/arms behind your back while drying yourself.

Fifth, douching is not required for a woman. Avoid it, or only shower occasionally. Ask your doctor if you really need to use a vaginal douche.

Sixth, try to wear cotton underwear as much as possible. Nylon keeps moisture from being absorbed. Cotton "breathes" so it helps keep the genitals dry.

Seventh, if you have confirmed vaginal infections, you should wear pads (not tampons). Then you will be able to control the discharge and this will help you avoid the accumulation of odors. Also, when you are at home, you should wear loose-fitting cotton shorts so that more air can enter the genital area.

Eighth, do not put off a visit to the doctor, feeling an unpleasant or unusual smell. The genitals, the vagina, is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria because it is dark, warm, and humid. The sooner you start treatment (tablets, cream, or both), the sooner you can get rid of the bad smell.

Ninth, don't be embarrassed. Every woman has had at least one infection in her life. Most of the women had many infections (yeast usually). It's not pleasant, but doctors have seen it all before.

Tenth, teach yourself and your partner good hygiene. No one should put up with bad partner odor, especially the most common infections (yeast and trichomoniasis) that are easily treatable now.

From childhood, mothers teach their daughters that a woman should keep her intimate places clean and remember to wash herself in the morning and evening. However, not all girls and women know how important intimate hygiene is, and sometimes they neglect these simple procedures.

The modern market offers a variety of products for women's intimate hygiene - these are panty liners, special cleansers, wet wipes, tampons and much more. But their diversity does not mean that any of them will suit you. Each woman is individual, therefore, she needs special means for caring for herself.

To find suitable means for intimate hygiene, you need to listen to your body, perhaps consult with. We will try to answer the most frequently asked questions.

How often should you wash?

On ordinary days, it is enough to wash 2 times - in the morning and in the evening. Try to wash more often during the day. Each change of a pad or tampon should be accompanied by a light ablution. In addition, you should rinse the genitals after intimacy (with any method of contraception). Select a special towel that you will use only for wiping your intimate areaso as not to introduce foreign bacteria.

How exactly should you wash?

Manipulations should be carried out from front to back, that is, from to the anus, and not vice versa. By adhering to this rule, you will save yourself from getting bacteria from the anus into the vagina, which can cause microflora disturbance and other unpleasant problems. Use only clean, not too hot water. Do not wash with cold water!

What kind of cleanser to use?

Soaps and shower gels, so often used by many women, are suitable for hands and body, but for the mucous membrane of your intimate area, soap is the enemy. Instead of gently cleansing delicate skin and maintaining the acid-base balance, soap dries it out, killing all bacteria - both good and bad. There are special products for intimate hygiene - gels containing lactobacilli or infusions of medicinal herbs. The former will help preserve the sensitive microflora of the vagina, the latter will relieve irritation and soothe the delicate skin of the genital organs. But remember, high-quality intimate hygiene gel should only be found in pharmacies, and not in cosmetic stores.

If you do not have the opportunity to take full-fledged water procedures, you can use wipes for intimate hygiene. They must be PH-neutral and contain no alcohol. But as good as wet wipes are, using them too often can lead to irritation. Therefore, keep a small package of wet wipes for intimate hygiene in your purse in case of an emergency, and at home try to wash yourself with water.

How often should you change panty liners?

If you use panty liners, change them every 4 hours. If you are concerned about abundant vaginal discharge, this is a reason to contact a gynecologist. The secretions tend to contain bacteria that, in a warm, humid environment, begin to multiply very quickly, especially during the hot seasons. Therefore, a rare replacement of sanitary pads can cause vaginal dysbacteriosis, which, in turn, leads to very serious problems - inflammation, adnexitis, or even cystitis and urethritis. Launched, not detected in time and not cured, diseases of the female genital organs can become a cause in the future.

What to use during menstruation?

A modern woman, according to her preferences for collecting menstrual flow, can choose pads or tampons. Each of these means has its pros and cons. Gaskets are good because they do not come into contact with the walls of the vagina and cannot injure the delicate skin of the genital organs. Bacteria develop very quickly in pads, so you need to change them every 2-3 hours. Tampons, on the other hand, do not come into contact with the external environment, so bacteria develop somewhat more slowly. But, being in the vagina, especially if inserted incorrectly, the tampon can injure the mucous membrane and cause inflammation of the vaginal wall. If you experience discomfort while using tampons, for the good of your health, you should refuse them, no matter how convenient they may be. But even if tampons do not cause discomfort, you can not use them all the time, try to alternate with pads.

When choosing pads or tampons, pay attention to their level of absorbency. The ability to absorb moisture is indicated by the number of droplets shown on the package. The more droplets, the more moisture they can absorb. Choose the right products depending on the intensity of your secretions. In the first days of the cycle, the discharge is usually the most abundant.

Can I douche to keep clean?

Douching should be done only as directed by a doctor. The treatment course is several days. Douching cannot be done constantly and without the control of a gynecologist, because the natural microflora of the vagina is washed out, and this threatens with dryness of the mucous membrane and the appearance of discomfort. Abuse of douching can lead to very serious negative consequences.

What underwear should be preferred?

For everyday wear, gynecologists recommend underwear made from natural materials. Cotton panties are well breathable, absorb excess moisture and prevent the genitals from overheating. Synthetic underwear, on the contrary, becomes fertile ground for the reproduction of harmful bacteria. But in a woman's life there are special cases when convenience fades into the background, giving way to beauty and grace. Of course, nothing terrible will happen if sometimes you wear beautiful lace underwear for a short time. The main thing is to observe all other hygiene rules.

Take these simple recommendations for daily self-care rules. By following them, you will feel fresh and confident throughout the day. By observing intimate hygiene, you will save yourself from the risk of vaginal dysbacteriosis, infections or inflammation of the female urinary-genital system.

Issues of female intimate hygiene only in recent decades have been covered in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Modern girls pay more attention to personal hygiene, but still most do not know how to properly wash a woman. Such ignorance often results in an appointment with the attending gynecologist and leads to long-term treatment.

Basic rules for daily care

Naturally, the first rule of personal hygiene is daily washing. The common belief that it is enough for a woman to wash her genitals once a day with soap is erroneous. Let's look at how often and what is better for a woman to wash:

Wash the genitals 2-3 times a day;

The correct option would be to carry out the procedure after each visit to the toilet, however, the existing reality often does not provide such an opportunity. Asking how often to wash a woman , you need to understand that twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, this is a mandatory minimum that helps to maintain health. Using wet wipes and panty liners will not replace a full bath, but will help keep you fresh throughout the day.

Do not wash with too hot or cold water;

The temperature regime is an important part of the proper care of the genitals. Too hot water negatively affects the natural moisture balance, and overdried skin in the intimate area brings a lot of inconvenience. However, the flow of cold water can lead to a number of intimate diseases. Choose the most comfortable water temperature, that is, close to natural body temperature.

Use special means for intimate hygiene;

The skin of the female genital organs is very delicate, so the use of simple soap is strictly prohibited. Violation of the acid-base balance can lead to severe irritation, disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane and the formation of microscopic cracks, which will lead to a decrease in protective functions and, as a result, a high risk of gynecological diseases.

Daily use of special gels will help cleanse and disinfect the skin. The washing procedure should be carried out only with clean hands, without the use of washcloths or sponges. The flow of water is directed from the pubis towards the anus, which helps to avoid infection by bacteria that live in the intestines. Among the preparations for intimate hygiene, there are also a number of highly targeted ones, created for daily care during the menstrual cycle or answering the question of how to wash with thrush.

Many girls are interested in how to properly wash women inside.

A healthy body will provide reliable protection and clean the inside of the genitals on its own. Douching is necessary only as a medical procedure. Independent attempts to clean the vagina lead to the fact that women wash off the protective film and thereby deprive themselves of a significant part of the protection.

You can also watch a video on the topic "Intimate hygiene".

Doctors recommend washing at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Adult women need to perform this hygiene procedure before and after sexual intercourse. This is necessary in order to wash away all the accumulated bacteria in the intimate area and prevent their penetration deeper inside.

Many women do not even realize that such a disease as cystitis, in half of the cases, does not occur due to hypothermia, but due to improper hygiene of the intimate area.

It is necessary to wash only with clean hands. Therefore, pre-wash them with soap, paying attention to the subungual zone, because bacteria and microbes accumulate there in large quantities. In addition, it is worth remembering that the water for washing must be warm. This is due to the fact that washing with cold easily leads to the development of inflammation.

During the hygiene procedure, it is important to act strictly in a certain direction. Women should wash only from front to back - from the vagina to the anus, which is very close. This is due to the fact that if you change direction, you can easily and quickly bring a serious infection into the genital tract. After all, Escherichia coli comes out of the anus, which, if not properly washed, quickly moves forward and begins to actively multiply, causing serious infectious diseases that require long and painful treatment.

By the way, wiping in the toilet and wiping the anus after defecation is also necessary from front to back.

When washing, do not direct the shower jet inward. So you quickly wash off the internal natural lubricant that protects the female genitals from infections. As a result, they will become defenseless against microbes. Many ladies claim that washing with chlorophyllipt, for example, helps them achieve freshness. However, experts are sure that douching and washing the vagina is a medical procedure, and it can be performed only on the recommendation of a doctor with strict adherence to the instructions. They resort to this method only if there is a burning sensation of the vagina or an unpleasant odor from the genital tract. In any case, you must first consult a doctor.

Rubbing the delicate intimate area with washcloths is also not worth it. Firstly, the risk of injury to the delicate mucosa is quite high. Secondly, bacteria accumulate on sponges and washcloths, which then easily transfer to the genitals, causing inflammation.

Particular attention should be paid to the means that ladies additionally use for personal hygiene. It is impossible to use ordinary soap for washing - it is too harsh for a delicate and sensitive area. It is recommended to use special products with a neutral level of acidity.

After washing, the genitals must be dried. This will require a special towel, which must be soft. Naturally, it must also be clean - it is desirable not only to wash it, but also to boil it and carefully iron it with an iron. It is necessary to dry the genitals by blotting - in no case should you rub the delicate area.

If it is not possible to fully wash away, for example, you are on a long road all day, etc., you can use special wet wipes designed for intimate hygiene. They, of course, will not replace the shower, but will help to restore the feeling of cleanliness and freshness for a while.

How to wash pregnant and lactating mothers

Particular attention should be paid to personal intimate hygiene for pregnant women and new mothers. This is due to the fact that active hormonal changes take place in the body before childbirth, which also affects the intimate area. And after childbirth, a woman begins to discharge, which must be thoroughly washed out so as not to infect the infection.

Ideally, future and already established mothers need to wash themselves after each trip to the toilet. If it is problematic to do this, for example, a woman works, it is worth using disinfectant wet wipes.

The basic rules are no different from those recommended for all women. The only thing: when performing the washing procedure, women in position will have to choose a position that is comfortable for themselves. After all, not everyone, because of the growing belly, is convenient to wash away traditionally while standing.

Tip 2: How to properly conduct female intimate hygiene

A lot depends on the health of intimate organs and proper care for them. Due to an imbalance of lactobacilli and other microorganisms of the vaginal biocenosis, a shift in the acid balance to the alkaline side, such unpleasant diseases as bacterial vaginosis, urogenital candidiasis (thrush) can develop, and the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis) also increases several times. , ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.).

In a normal vagina, 90% of the microbial mass is made up of various types of lactobacilli - our good bacteria, and only 5% are other microorganisms - cocci, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, etc. At the same time, the pH of the medium is normally acidic 3.8-4.5. This level of acidity creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of good bacteria (lactoflora) and prevents the reproduction of other microorganisms. Hence the relevance of proper intimate hygiene, maintaining a normal pH range, the desired ratio of flora.

Intimate hygiene rules

You need to wash yourself at least 1 time per day, and on critical days at least 2 times. Ideally, toilet the external genital organs after each trip to the toilet, if possible (bidet, special wipes for intimate hygiene);

It is necessary to wash the genitals only with your hand, no washcloths. Hands must be clean!

Movements should be from front to back so that microorganisms from the rectum do not enter the vagina.

Use only special products for intimate hygiene, which are sold in a pharmacy marked "tested by obstetrician-gynecologists and dermatovenereologists."

Water should be at a comfortable temperature.

Do not wipe the skin with rough movements, but blot with a towel, which should be soft, clean and individual (only yours, and only for the genitals).

It is better to wear underwear made from natural fibers. You need to change your underwear every day.

If you use sanitary napkins, pay attention to their thickness and materials, and try not to wear one sanitary napkin all day long.

During critical days, you need to change the pad every 4 hours, and the tampon every 2-3 hours, even if the pad is not completely saturated.

Do not use douching as part of your basic care for the intimate area. If you feel an unpleasant odor, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor and start treatment.

Intimate hygiene should precede and complete every sexual intercourse, regardless of the method of contraception you choose.


  • Intimate hygiene rules for women and men and care products

How to wash properly, the girl is usually told by her mother, but for some reason we forget about these rules, and we remember only when we get any disease of the intimate sphere. Therefore, every girl (woman) needs to know how to wash herself properly and what is the best way to do it.

How to properly wash a girl (woman)?

Here are some tips to help you maintain intimate hygiene properly:

  1. What is the best way to wash a woman? The ideal option would be a special gel for intimate hygiene with a neutral level of acidity (pH). Such gels will not dry out the vagina, keep its acidic environment, which will protect the genitals from the growth of bacteria. Also gels for intimate hygiene moisturize the vaginal mucosa. You can not wash with soap, it violates the natural environment of the vagina and creates an alkaline, and bacteria multiply very well in it. Washing yourself with soap, you risk infecting and acquiring a disease of the genital organs.
  2. You need to wash only with clean hands and only warm water. A huge amount of microbes settles on the hands during the day, so before washing your hands, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. Cold water is not suitable for washing, there is a high risk of getting serious inflammation. And they, as we know, require a long and unpleasant treatment. Movements must be made from the pubis to the anus, in no case vice versa - otherwise you risk infecting from the anus.
  3. Do not direct the jet of water directly into the vagina. This will wash away the protection the body needs and allow infectious agents to get inside. Some experienced women will say that this rule is stupid, because they wash the vagina during douching. Firstly, such a procedure is therapeutic in nature, that is, it is carried out when the problem has already appeared. Secondly, douching is carried out with medicinal compositions. And thirdly, this procedure is prescribed by a doctor, although now many have begun to refuse it, recognizing the harm of washing the vagina. So rinsing the vagina with running water is not worth it, only harm yourself.
  4. In no case should you wash the genitals with sponges or washcloths, your hands will perfectly cope with this function. And with a washcloth, you risk damaging the mucous membrane, which will enable infectious agents to enter your body. If you already use a washcloth to treat the bikini area between epilations, do it carefully so as not to hurt the genitals.
  5. Towel for intimate organs should be separate, always clean and soft. A hard towel can scratch the mucous membrane, which, as mentioned above, is dangerous to health. Wipe the intimate organs should be gently, gently wetting them. The cleanliness of the towel must be maintained very carefully - it should be washed as often as possible (boiled ideally) and ironed with a hot iron to reduce the risk of bacteria getting from it to the genitals.
  6. How often should you wash? Gynecologists advise doing this at least once a day, and preferably twice - in the evening and in the morning.
  7. Few people care about the question of whether it is necessary to wash before sex; not a single woman will miss this procedure. But not everyone knows whether it is necessary to wash after sex. Experts answer this question unambiguously: no matter how much a woman wants to fall asleep, it will be right to wash herself after sex, and this should always be done.

How to wash pregnant women?

Pregnant women are advised to more carefully monitor their health and the cleanliness of the genitals as well. Ideally, it is recommended to wash yourself after every urination or bowel movement, but working women will find it difficult to do so. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly and use disinfectant wipes, and thoroughly wash your hands in the morning and evening. All other rules for this hygiene procedure are the same as for a woman who is not expecting an addition. True, in pregnant women there is a difficulty in the very implementation of the process, so you need to choose a comfortable position. With a short period, you can wash yourself as usual, but when the tummy is already large, it is better to wash yourself while sitting on the edge of a low bench or lying down.

Women, as a rule, carefully monitor their appearance and health, carrying out the daily necessary procedures for this. An important component of the general hygiene of the female body is intimate hygiene. Proper care of the “interesting place” will allow each of us to avoid many unpleasant diseases, including thrush, bacterial vaginosis, various inflammatory diseases, and the like. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene can also negatively affect reproductive health.

Daily care

The first thing I want to talk about is the daily procedures for washing away the intimate area. Many people think that this is a trifling matter. I took the soap, turned on the water, once or twice - and came out of the bath clean and fresh. In terms of the sequence of actions, everything is correct, but in terms of attitude to these actions - not quite. Let's try to explain why.

Let's start with soap. It is not recommended to use it for intimate hygiene, as it is incompatible with the vaginal microflora. The use of soap will lead to drying of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, which, you see, does not bode well. Moreover, it is not recommended that a woman's intimate hygiene be carried out using antibacterial soap. It will not only lead to dryness, but also destroy, along with harmful bacteria, the beneficial ones that exist in the microflora of the vagina.

To perform this hygiene, you should use special tools, which we will discuss below. You can buy them at a cosmetics store or at a pharmacy.
By the way, a woman should wash herself at least twice a day (in the morning and before going to bed), as well as before and after intimacy. You can use a special remedy once a day, and all other ablutions can be done with ordinary water. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the intimate organs is very delicate and even special products, if used frequently, can harm it.

If for some reason a woman cannot use a special product for intimate hygiene, then it is better for her to use baby soap. It can be called a universal remedy that is suitable for any skin. It will not damage the mucous membrane of the female intimate place. As for the rejection of intimate cosmetics, it is often associated with the occurrence of an allergy to it.

Now let's talk about water. It must be warm (not higher than 30 degrees). Cold or hot water cannot be used. It is best to perform the procedure of ablution under running water. A stream of water (do not make it too strong) should be directed from the pubis down. The hand should also move during washing. The reverse movement promotes the movement of harmful bacteria from the anal area to the vaginal area, which is fraught with inflammatory processes.

It is not recommended to direct the stream of water directly into the vagina, as this can cause the beneficial lactobacilli to be washed out and dryness of the mucous membrane. As a result, the pH of the vagina will be disturbed and favorable conditions will be created for the development of inflammation and bacterial vaginosis. Also, experts in the field of gynecology do not recommend using washcloths for intimate hygiene, explaining that they can injure the delicate mucous membrane.

Such female intimate hygiene should be completed by wiping. But even here there are some peculiarities. Don't rub your genitals too hard. Just blot them with a soft cloth or towel. It goes without saying that the means for wiping (whether it be a towel or a napkin) should be intended only for these purposes. It must be changed every three days to eliminate the possibility of the emergence and development of bacteria.

Means for intimate hygiene

Now the turn has come to hygienic cosmetics for the intimate area. Today, various products are produced for these purposes, including gels, milk, creams, mousses and the like. All of them can be divided into two types: sexual and actually hygienic.

We will not dwell on the first type in detail, since these funds are used by and large only to give a pleasant smell. Let's talk in more detail about the second, since it is this intimate cosmetics that is intended for what is described in this article.

The main difference between these products and soap is that their acidity is as close as possible to the natural acidity of the vaginal microflora. And this suggests that cosmetics for intimate purposes acts on the female genital organs gently and gently, moisturizing them and removing existing irritation.

Unlike other cosmetics, an intimate hygiene product should not contain too many dyes and fragrances, which often become causative agents of allergic reactions. Information about its composition can be found on the label. Also make sure that lactobacilli are mentioned there. They help to maintain the normal microflora of the vagina.

Many types of intimate cosmetics also contain special natural ingredients that help get rid of minor troubles. So, for example, the presence of tea tree oil in a hygiene product suggests that it not only helps to thoroughly wash the intimate area, but also enhances the protective function of the genitals. And the presence of chamomile, calendula or aloe extract suggests that this intimate hygiene product helps to soothe the skin and heal small wounds and cracks.

A little about pads and napkins

Panty liners make life easier for women in many ways. With their help, you can maintain the hygiene of the intimate area and prevent the ingress of secretions on the linen. Agree, from wet laundry the sensations are not very pleasant, but everyone will like to feel “dry and comfortable”.

But you should use daily pads according to the rules. Otherwise, instead of feeling comfortable, you can earn a lot of trouble. So it is not recommended to wear one pad all day long. Absorbing moisture, it at the same time turns into an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. To protect yourself from getting into the genital area, you need to change this hygiene product every three to four hours.

It should also be noted that female intimate hygiene is not a complete isolation of the genital organs. The skin must breathe, and panty liners prevent this. As a result, irritation, hives and allergic reactions may occur. There is only one way to avoid this - periodically take breaks in the use of gaskets.

Another achievement of our time is napkins for intimate hygiene. They are very convenient for use in those moments when, due to inappropriate conditions, a woman cannot perform the necessary procedures. When choosing this hygiene product, it is better to give preference to those types that contain herbal extracts or antimicrobial compounds. However, you should not get carried away with napkins, much less replace washing with them. Too frequent use of them can affect the microflora of the vagina and cause irritation.

Hygiene on critical days

During menstruation, a woman's intimate hygiene should be carried out more carefully, because discharge occurs constantly, and, as a result, excellent conditions are created for the appearance and reproduction of bacteria. And the wrong choice of underwear, humidity and constant wearing of a pad increase the risk of infection and development.

On critical days, in addition to the obligatory double washing, it is advisable to find time for an additional water procedure (or several, depending on the intensity of the discharge). If this is not possible, the aforementioned napkins will come to the rescue.
As for underwear, it is best to choose things from natural fabrics during such a period, since synthetics are airtight. The presence of a pad also interferes with normal air circulation, and this can cause infection. Cotton underwear allows the skin to breathe, so on such days it is indispensable.

Of the hygiene products during menstruation, women use pads or tampons. It is necessary to choose them based on the intensity of the secretions and, of course, from personal preferences. Tampons, for example, are suitable for lovers of an active lifestyle and in the case when you want to wear tight-fitting trousers or a short skirt.

Regardless of the choice of hygiene product, intimate hygiene will not be complete if you do not follow the rules for its use. Pads are recommended to be changed every three hours, as they can cause bacteria, and tampons even more often (two hours after insertion). The latter reside directly in the vagina, so it is very important to prevent the appearance of a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

In addition to the named hygiene products used during critical days, today there is also a special bowl (another name is a cap), which is just beginning to gain popularity in the post-Soviet space. A menstrual cup is a small funnel made of flexible plastic or silicone that collects blood.

You need to choose this hygienic “device” based on the size of the vagina, since the method of its use is similar to the use of tampons. The cup should be emptied several times a day (the number of "drains" depends on the intensity of menstrual bleeding). After each emptying, it must be disinfected and then returned to its place.

This bowl can last more than one year, and, having become accustomed to wearing it, a woman will not feel discomfort either during her work duties or in ordinary life. Not everyone is allowed to use the bowl. For those who are prone to allergies to silicone, inflammation and other problems of the intimate area, this hygiene product is strictly prohibited. To find out exactly whether it suits you or not, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Hygiene during pregnancy

Note that the intimate hygiene of a woman during pregnancy is not much different from hygiene in another period of life. True, there are some peculiarities here, which must be remembered. One of them is a more careful choice of intimate cosmetics for care. It should not contain dyes and fragrances. It is better to choose products that include herbal extracts (calendula, chamomile, and the like).

The second important point is the frequency of hygiene procedures. Since the amount of discharge increases during pregnancy, you will have to perform ablution procedures more often. How much more often - it depends on the intensity of the discharge and the health of the expectant mother. A doctor who advises a woman during pregnancy can help with the schedule of water procedures.

As for sanitary napkins and panty liners, pregnant women can use them. The main thing is that these hygiene products do not contain flavoring agents and alcohol.

Proper underwear is the key to the health of the genitals

Proper intimate hygiene of a woman implies the right choice of underwear. The best in this regard is cotton underwear. Choose it for everyday wear, but give preference to panties and thongs made of synthetic fabric only in exceptional cases, for example, if you are going to a romantic meeting.

Please note that at the point of contact of the panties with the crotch, there must be an insert made of cotton fabric. If there is none, and you really liked this underwear, then panty liners will help make up for its absence.
Another important point regarding the proper intimate hygiene of a woman: panties must be changed daily. At the same time, try to wash them separately from other things (clothing, bed linen, etc.).

As follows from the above, intimate hygiene is practically a whole science, knowing the basics of which you can always radiate freshness and purity. However, it is not so difficult to follow all the rules recommended by specialists in the field of gynecology, because they do not require special skills. The main thing is to steadily follow them.

Thrush is an ailment that has a fungal nature and is today considered a fairly common problem that affects not only women, but also males. There are symptoms of candidiasis in adults, mainly in the genital or oral cavity. The root cause of such a disease is the weakening of the body's immune defense, which is often supplemented by the negative influence of provoking factors.

To treat this disease, you can use the appropriate medicines in the form of ointment, gel, vaginal suppositories or tablets, creams. At the same time, experts recommend therapeutic baths and douching, which ensure proper hygiene of the intimate area.

So, what to wash with thrush? Is such a procedure effective in this case and how to perform it correctly? You will learn about the benefits of this method of therapy later in our article.

Intimate hygiene with thrush plays a rather large role when it comes to the effective treatment of such a pathology. If a woman wants as quickly as possible, then in such a situation, ordinary laziness or haste can significantly slow down recovery. Therefore, patients are advised to use all available methods of treating thrush, including washing and douching.

To ensure appropriate hygiene of the reproductive organs in case of fungal infection, the fair sex is advised to follow the following rules:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before douching or washing. Bacterial microflora from this area of ​​​​the hands can get on the mucous membranes of the vagina and cause a complication of the pathology in the form of a secondary infection of the genitals.
  • It is necessary to perform hygiene procedures 2-3 times a day - in the morning, before going to bed, after sexual intercourse.
  • During the period of exacerbation of candidiasis, doctors do not advise too frequent hot baths.
  • The washing process must be carried out correctly. Hand movements are directed only from the pubis to the anus - otherwise the patient runs the risk of introducing microbes of the intestinal flora into the vagina.
  • To prevent the fungal infection from spreading to other family members, a woman should have an individual towel designed to care for the problem area.
  • It is very important to choose an effective gel for intimate hygiene with thrush. In this case, you need to carefully study the composition of this tool. You should not buy products that contain various fragrances, fragrances or dyes - these components can cause an allergic reaction or increase the symptoms of candidiasis, such as skin irritation and itching.
  • During washing with thrush in women, it is prohibited to use ordinary toilet or antibacterial (household) soap, as these hygiene products dry out the mucous membrane and kill the beneficial flora of the vagina.
  • As for toilet paper, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is not recommended to use colored or flavored products.
  • During the treatment of thrush, it is necessary to wash and change underwear every day (although this rule should also be observed by healthy women).
  • Change of pads during menstruation should be carried out at least once every 3 hours.
  • The main condition that is advised to comply with when choosing hygienic gels for the treatment of thrush is the increased content of lactic acid in them. This substance regulates the balance of the vaginal microflora, so lactic acid bacteria must be part of such products.

Good to know! During the course of candidiasis, it is undesirable to use tampons to care for the genital area! These hygiene products create an enclosed space in the vaginal cavity, which is an excellent microclimate for the development and growth of fungal microbes. Panty liners have the same properties, so they are also not recommended for use in thrush in women.

Medical solutions

With signs of vaginal candidiasis, doctors advise washing at least 2-3 times a day. For this purpose, various antiseptic solutions are usually used in medicine. With such a disease, medicines that have tannic, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties also help well.

Alkalinizing solutions have an excellent effect on the vaginal mucosa - they increase the pH level of the vaginal microflora, which has a detrimental effect on the fungus. The judicious use of these funds will help eliminate the manifestations of a fungal infection, even for pregnant and lactating women.

Consider what can be washed with thrush?

Potassium permanganate

This medicinal solution has been used since ancient times to destroy various infections. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect, and also cauterizes harmful microorganisms. Using this for washing, you need to remember that the concentration of potassium permanganate in the water should be weak. Otherwise, the woman risks getting a severe burn of the genitals. Manganese solution is used as an adjunct to ongoing therapy for candidiasis. It has a complex therapeutic effect on the inflammatory focus, destroys fungal toxins released during their life.


It helps very well with complicated forms of pathology, when bacterial is added to the fungal infection of the reproductive organs. For washing, you need to take a 1% solution of chlorophyllipt in an amount of 15 mg and dilute it in 1 liter of heated water. The agent is allowed to be used for douching of the vaginal cavity. Such a solution has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Chlorophyllipt for thrush in women is allowed to be used even during pregnancy. But before using this remedy, it is imperative to perform a small test that will help establish the absence of allergic reactions to this drug.

brilliant green

With thrush, it is good to wash with a solution of ordinary brilliant green. The tool has an excellent protective property, which is ensured by the creation of a special film on the affected surface of the skin. This protective system prevents bacterial infection of the wound. Brilliant greens are an alcohol-containing solution, so you need to handle the skin and mucous membranes very carefully.


This medication is an effective antiseptic, which is used for thrush in women to cleanse the genitals of toxic substances released by the fungal microflora and prevent the addition of secondary infections. The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy in finished form or prepare this solution at home: dissolve 10 tablets of the drug in 1 liter of liquid and boil. The beneficial properties of furacilin will increase if 1 teaspoon of baking soda is added to the container with the solution.

Hydrogen peroxide

An aqueous solution of this medication is also used for washing and douching with thrush. Peroxide is able to control the growth and development of various microbes, so it is often used to treat wounds with skin injuries. But not everyone knows that this medication copes well with candidiasis and restores the vaginal microflora. To prepare a solution that is used when washing and douching, you need to take 0.5 liters of warm boiled water and add 3% peroxide to it in an amount of 1 tbsp. spoons. The procedures should be performed until complete recovery and the disappearance of signs of the fungus.

How Does Baking Soda Help Fight Candidiasis?

To avoid thrush, women are advised to wash themselves with soda solution. This product can also be used for douching. Soda is not in vain considered one of the most effective medicines for fungal infections of the intimate zone. This substance can be used for all patients at any stage of the development of the infectious process, since this remedy has practically no contraindications and side effects.

Washing eliminates burning, itching of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. The substance neutralizes the acid, which helps to destroy the fungal infection. Soda helps to get rid of the symptoms of candidiasis in 45-50% of all cases, so it should definitely be tried in the treatment of this pathology.

In order to prepare a medicinal solution, dilute 1 teaspoon of this substance in 1 liter of warm boiled water. After the soda is completely dissolved, you can proceed to the hygiene procedure. A douching agent is also prepared, only the soda solution is drawn into the syringe, and then injected into the vaginal cavity in a thin stream.

Attention! It is advised to perform such a procedure at least 2 times a day - so the patient will be able to achieve positive treatment results faster. During the first day after using soda, the symptomatic manifestations of candidiasis may weaken, but it is recommended to continue such therapy until recovery.

Natural remedies for fungal infections

When there is a question about what is better to wash with thrush, natural medicines will come to the rescue. To eliminate the symptoms of this disease, various decoctions and infusions prepared from useful herbs are used.

The effectiveness of the treatment of candidiasis in women is increased by the use of the following solutions for washing:

  • Calendula - decoctions and infusions from this plant have regenerating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antibacterial and healing properties. The use of such a douching or washing agent for candidiasis eliminates discomfort, irritation, burning and itching of the skin and mucous membranes. The patient can feel the effectiveness of this solution after the first procedure. The duration of the course of therapy is not less than 13-14 days.
  • Chamomile is a herb that has been used to treat thrush in women for decades. Solutions prepared from this remedy restore the affected tissues, eliminate itching, disinfect and soothe the epidermis. Chamomile also has a pronounced antifungal effect. For one procedure, it is enough to take 2 tablespoons of the product, which must be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. The flowers of this plant are often used to create decoctions or infusions.
  • Oak bark - to quickly get rid of thrush, it is good to wash with decoctions made on the basis of this remedy. It is this plant that can cope with candidiasis, not only in a mild, but also in a neglected form. Such a therapeutic solution perfectly eliminates hyperemia and inflammation of the mucous membranes, relieves swelling of the epidermis, and destroys fungal microorganisms. A decoction of oak bark thickens the walls of the vagina, preventing further infection and penetration of candida into the deeper layers of the skin. It is very easy to prepare the product - just pour the raw materials purchased at the pharmacy with water, boil for 10-12 minutes and leave to infuse for 30-40 minutes. Wash your face in the morning and before bed.
  • Nettle - used for thrush in women as an anti-inflammatory agent. It regenerates the mucosa, accelerates the elimination of toxic substances from the body, soothes damaged skin, stops the growth of fungi. The medicinal solution is prepared as follows: 1-2 tablespoons of a dry plant are poured with 2-3 cups of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes. Used for washing and douching with candidiasis at least 2 times a day.

Important! In case of thrush, patients are advised to refrain from sexual intercourse during the entire period of treatment of the disease! Otherwise, the clinical signs of this pathology will accompany both patients for a long time.

In order for the treatment of this disease to be effective, special hygiene rules must be observed during the course of candidiasis. The patient should know how to wash with thrush, as well as how to do it correctly. Only in this case, you will be able to get rid of the symptoms of pathology with the help of simple but effective remedies described above in this article.

We collect questions that Belarusians are usually embarrassed to ask friends and professionals, but often google. Today we learned from experts everything about intimate hygiene: what and how to wash yourself, where you can’t have sex and how to go to a public toilet correctly.


Svetlana Nikulenkova
gynecologist of the first category

The theme of intimate hygiene is “floating” and not entirely medical, there are very few rigid frameworks. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about genital hygiene that have little to do with reality: these are just philistine conversations, private opinion. And in my answers there will also be a lot of private opinion, which is based on my personal life and medical experience.

What and how to wash? Each doctor has his own opinion on this matter, but I believe that from the age of 8 until menopause, you can choose any product that you like for intimate hygiene: shower gel, soap, special products, etc. Their difference in composition: intimate hygiene products, as a rule, are more gentle, in many hypoallergenic substances, some do not contain alkali at all.

Until the age of eight, girls can only be washed with special gentle products - and no, these are not intimate hygiene gels from the store. For menopausal women, soap should not be used because the decrease in estrogen production causes dryness, discomfort, burning, which soap can only aggravate.

They say plain water is enough. This is true? I think regular water is not enough. Nevertheless, there are glands in the genitals that produce a special secret and leucorrhoea, which have their own smell.

We do not say that you need to wash yourself with soap 5 or 6 times a day or use laundry soap, as many people like to do. But 1-2 times a day, especially after a bowel movement, it makes sense to wash yourself with more than just water.

Is there a proper washing technique? Of course, you need to know about it from an early age.
Firstly, you always need to wash from front to back: from the pubis to the anus. Secondly, you need to wash yourself thoroughly enough, open the large and small labia well, clean the perianal area well, all the folds. Thirdly, soap must be individual. Moreover, if this is a solid soap, first we lather our hands, and then we wash the genitals with this hand. You can't use a bar of soap right away. And fourthly, the towel with which we wipe ourselves after washing should also be separate, and for each.

Can wet wipes be used for cleaning? They are good for those cases when there is no way to use soap and water. In no case will they replace a full wash. You wouldn't dry yourself off with them instead of taking a shower, would you?

And shaving somehow affects the condition of the genitals? Hair in the groin is due to nature and is a protective mechanism. There are several levels of protection against the penetration of infections: the first is the hairline, the second is that the labia is always closed, the third is the cervix, the fourth is the mucus that prevents the infection from penetrating from the outside into the uterus.

But now we live in more favorable conditions, unlike our ancestors, so depilation and epilation is a personal choice for everyone. Nothing bad will happen to you due to the lack of hair. Maximum - irritation of sensitive skin due to a razor or wax.

If there is irritation, depilation should be done rarely or choose another way to get rid of hair. If you do not shave at all, then I advise you to at least cut your hair for greater convenience.

Can panty liners really be worn every day? I know there is an opinion that they cannot be used because of the possible thermal effect, but personally I have never asked this question and I have not come across any literature on the topic. From my personal experience and from the experience of my patients, I can say that any pads are safe. The main thing is to change them every 3-4 hours, and not glue one for the whole day.

The only contraindication is allergy. If the patient has itching of the external genital organs, discomfort, burning, and we have ruled out all the inflammatory processes, then first of all we ask what kind of underwear she wears and what powder she uses to wash it, what kind of pads she uses.

Now there are a lot of pads, and often they are needed on a daily basis. Sometimes shocked teenagers come to us, having encountered natural secretions for the first time, who do not know what to do with them, and almost wear spare shorts to school.

It is clear that after going to the toilet you need to wash your hands. And before? If you do not plan to touch your genitals with your hands, this is desirable, but not required. But, if you need to change a pad or tampon, washing your hands is necessary, and until you're done, try not to touch foreign objects too much: door handles, toilet lids, etc. This concerns public places in the first place.

And how to wipe with paper? After urination, it is better not to rub the perineum with paper, but to get wet, after defecation - to wipe from front to back. Now it is often recommended after a chair, if possible, not to use paper and napkins, but to go to wash at least in a bidet.

Are piercings and tattoos in intimate places safe? I have a long work experience, but to be honest, I have never met with genital piercing. But, of course, because of this, there may be inflammation, redness, suppuration and pain, in which case the piercing must be removed.

Firstly, you need to wear only cotton underwear, rather loose, not tight, not tight or rubbing. No synthetics. Secondly, you need to change it every day.

Is it possible to go without underwear at all? And sleep? It is possible, but not always, it's unhygienic. Besides, girls always have leucorrhea: do you really want to leave it on jeans and other clothes? In addition, it may already be contaminated with germs. Sleep is a matter of personal preference. There are no contraindications to this.

Do I need special sports underwear? No, the main thing is that it be cotton, breathable and as comfortable as possible.

I will say right away that you won’t catch venereal diseases from the toilet or walls. They are called sexually transmitted infections because they can only be contracted during sex with another person. The epithelium on the labia and in the cervix is ​​completely different, and only the second can become the basis for a sexually transmitted disease.

Another point: toilet paper is not available in all places, so it is better to always carry wipes with you, including wet ones.

How to change hygiene products in a public place? Just like at home (wash your hands before and after), but more carefully monitor the absence of contact between your hands and surrounding objects.

Should I wash my face after swimming in a pool or pond? Be sure to wash thoroughly. Pool water can cause irritation. There are even special intimate hygiene products that are used after the pool.

The same goes for visiting rivers and reservoirs. You can never know for sure what harmful bacteria are in the water, but even the presence of commonplace dirt should make you think. You need to wash thoroughly, with soap and immediately after bathing.

And how not to get infected with something in the bath or sauna? In the bath and sauna, too, should be all your own, individual. You only need to sit on a towel, do not share your soap with anyone. But do not reach fanaticism: I repeat, you will not pick up venereal diseases there. All the stories about “sat in the wrong place and got infected” are needed to save families and relationships.

There is a very small percentage of household transmission of the infection, but it is more typical for children. For example, when a child sleeps in the same bed with parents with gonorrhea. Or when toweling off a mom with gonorrhea. But these are rather exceptions.

Hygiene and sex

Hands and objects that are used must be clean, objects must be individual, this is understandable. If someone used some object, you can’t insert it into your vagina: microbes can remain there (of course, they won’t live there for a long time, but still the risk is great).

For hygiene purposes, it is advisable to wash both before and after sex. Again, the female genitals produce a certain secret that needs to be washed off, if only for the sake of comfort. And then sweat with lubrication joins them.

But there are no strict conditions, sex is a private affair of two people. Some may even like the smell of discharge. And there will be no big problems because of them if the partner is not infected, washes at least once a day and uses a condom.

What should I carry with me in case of unplanned sex? Chlorhexidine. This is a solution that a woman is recommended to wash and douche in the vagina after unprotected intercourse for the first half hour. It is believed to prevent infection. A man is recommended to instill the urethra with this remedy and process the penis from the outside.

There are also suppositories and pills that are administered before sexual intercourse. They do not allow germs or sperm to penetrate, forming a special film in the vagina. Although, it seems to me that if a girl thinks about her health, she will not take risks, especially with a random sexual partner. But for ordinary hygiene, the rules are the same - washing and washing hands.

Do I need to worry a lot if my partner hasn't washed his hands or washed himself? If the partner does not wash their hands, irritation may occur, but infection is unlikely. Both partners need a shower before and after sex. It happens that passion covers both in the elevator and in the forest, but here you already take responsibility for your health.

There are situations when, after sex with a new partner, a girl immediately has itching, irritation, and other unpleasant symptoms. But do not think that this is a sexually transmitted disease, and immediately run to take tests. Firstly, all STIs have an incubation period, and they will not be visible in the general smear analysis two days after intercourse. The exception is acute gonorrhea, but it has very specific symptoms that you can’t confuse anything with: temperature, severe discomfort, green discharge.

If a girl has discomfort immediately, then this may be a banal addiction to a new partner. Men and women have their own microflora on the genitals, to which the partner needs to adapt. And it may take several months. Sometimes a girl just can't get used to it.

Any special recommendations for oral and anal sex? Anal sex should definitely be only with a condom. During it, you can not put a member in the vagina: all the microbes in the rectum, and there are many of them, they are conditionally pathogenic, they can cause inflammation in the vagina. It is recommended to do an enema before anal sex, at least a cleansing one.

In general, I am against constant systematic anal sex. Sometimes it can be tolerated, but constant leads to dysfunction of the rectal sphincter, to its relaxation, cracks, irritation, hemorrhoids, and can lead to eversion of the rectal mucosa.

If your partner insists on it, but you don’t want to, I advise you not to give in and think about yourself and your health.

Regarding the oral: it is important that there are no inflammatory processes in the mouth like stomatitis, caries, etc. But they also do not particularly affect health.

Where you can't have sex at all? Definitely worth saying no to unsanitary places. Especially beaches, pools and ponds. Sex in water (not in a home shower) can provoke an inflammatory process. In addition, cold water is already a risk factor.

During sex and orgasm, the cervical canal opens slightly, muscles contract, and the infection can get inside the uterus. This can provoke the development of even banal staphylococci, streptococci, etc. And from them already endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis.

Hygiene during menstruation

How to maintain hygiene during menstruation? Pads and tampons should be changed every 3-4 hours. I also recommend washing more often than usual: 2-3 times a day, because menstrual blood remains on the labia and hair, causes smell and itching, and it is also a great environment for microbes.

Which is better: pads, tampons or menstrual cups? I would recommend tampons to girls while visiting the pool, fitness room, beach. The rest of the time, pads are better - they are more physiological. Many still do not know, but tampons are not recommended for women who have cervical erosion or an intrauterine device.

When using tampons, it is important to choose the right degree of absorption. If after three hours you remove the tampon and it's only half soaked with blood, you need a lower degree. If it's full after two hours, it's big. Fullness is checked by a string: it begins to blush at the base. There are night tampons, but personally I am against this. You can’t use them for so long, it violates the microflora.

I have not come across menstrual cups and can not say anything about them.

Can I have sex during my period? No, definitely. Shortly before and during menstruation, a woman's immunity drops sharply, she becomes susceptible to any infections (sexual and somatic), and the level of protective blood cells decreases. The cervical canal opens slightly to allow blood to flow out, and this allows more access for bacteria and germs.

Consequences and pain

Burning, itching, irritation, redness, scratching and rarely inflammatory diseases if not washed at all. This is uncomfortable to live with.

What could be the reason to go to the doctor? Unusual vaginal discharge: brown if not associated with menstruation, green, purulent. Ordinary whites do not bring discomfort, have a normal smell and color, and do not irritate the skin.

Unpleasant smell, burning, itching, scratching, discomfort when urinating. Pain not during menstruation, discomfort. An inexplicable increase in body temperature, if everything else is excluded, can also be associated with gynecology.

Rashes, even if they look like a common allergy, but last for more than two days, are also a reason to go to the doctor. A small rash all over the body can be a secondary manifestation of syphilis, but this is rare.


Alexander Batsenko
urologist-andrologist of the highest category

It’s hard to believe, but there are men who still don’t take a shower in the morning, and I come across such men at work. We live in the 21st century, we know how to use iPhones and computers, but we don’t know how to maintain hygiene.

I insist that the issue of male hygiene should be raised in early childhood, and it should start with the parents. They should explain to their children how to wash and why. Genital hygiene is a prerequisite for further human health.

How to observe intimate hygiene correctly? Let's start with the fact that you need to wash yourself in the morning and in the evening. And wash small children after each use of a diaper, because already at this age problems begin due to improper hygiene: balanitis (inflammation of the skin of the glans penis), balanoposthitis (inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin), blood and purulent discharge. And children have to drink antibiotics, and sometimes have surgery.

The very first care depends on the parent. Sometimes moms and dads allow themselves to relax, because there are comfortable diapers: they put them on the baby and forget. This is convenient, but the diaper needs to be changed every 2-3 hours, otherwise it will stop working effectively and the risk of inflammation increases.

During washing, you can not open the head of the penis to the child if it is painful or uncomfortable for him, in order to avoid inflammation. If the child has a narrowing of the foreskin, and the parent takes care of it excessively, trauma may occur, and then cicatricial phimosis (the impossibility of exposing the glans penis) is formed, due to which circumcision will have to be done.

Circumcision is the best way to keep your penis clean. This is approved in America, it is considered the norm in Europe, there is no need to talk about Muslim countries and Israel at all.

There is a clear evidence base that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting an STI by at least 60%. If a man has a large foreskin or phimosis, he is 68% more likely to get an STD than a man without such a problem, in which the head of the penis is freely exposed.

Now there are a lot of parents who themselves bring the child to this procedure, knowing about its usefulness. But there are those who do it involuntarily: the child already had inflammations that were treated with antibiotics.

Again, an important point - the head of the penis should be freely exposed, without bringing pain to the child. If he is in pain or uncomfortable, if sores and cracks appear on the foreskin, contact the doctor immediately.

From 10 to 20 years old, proper hygiene is the foundation of men's health in the future. If parents are not ready to discuss such an important issue with their son, to monitor his hygiene (although this is necessary), then you should try to take him to a urologist. It is especially important to show the doctor a boy under 14, because by this age the head of the penis should already open.

And when discussing hygiene, it is important to make it clear to the child that there is no safe sex. There are more than a hundred venereal diseases, many of them are treated, but there are those that can break life.

It is equally important and essential for personal hygiene to drink plenty of water and urinate regularly, use condoms and shower.

What and how to wash? In childhood, you need to use products marked “0+” for washing, they are hypoallergenic, effective as antibacterial, and do not give side effects. No gels for intimate hygiene will work.

In adulthood, it is correct to use any means for intimate hygiene, because most of them have a fairly balanced composition. Never use antibacterial soap.

If redness, itching, burning occur after washing, you need to change the remedy, take an antihistamine and find an opportunity to consult a doctor.

Can you wash without soap? You can use just water, but it is not always effective. Therefore, it is necessary to open the head and wash it with soap. Any normal manufacturer is interested in selling a product that would not have negative consequences.

Can you use wet wipes? The use of wet wipes is possible for the parent when it is not possible to wash the baby. It is better to wash the child like this, but on time, than to wait for the opportunity to do it under water.

Wet wipes for adults are another matter. Some of my patients have had balanitis and irritation because of them. Perhaps it was the wrong choice (maybe they were alcohol-containing), or there was a component that is not individually tolerated.

In any case, if there is no other way to wash, it's better than nothing at all. For example, for truck drivers, this can be a solution to the problem.

If hygiene is neglected, there is a high risk of inflammation. And if it worsens to ascending, expect urethritis, cystitis and prostatitis. Therefore, if you need to wash yourself, do it in any adequate way possible.

Is shaving bad for men? Recently, this is a normal part of the hygiene and care of a man, which is often practiced. And if initially the hair performed a protective function, when people did not have the opportunity to often go to the shower, now it has disappeared.

I would say, on the contrary, the lambersexuality of the lower groin is rather controversial: hair is more likely to get inflamed or injured. Some men manage to damage the foreskin with hair during sex. I've had cuts that I had to stitch up.

On the other hand, if the shaving procedure is done incorrectly, without subsequent treatment with a special agent, a young person can get an infectious flora that will cause inflammation, furunculosis, etc.

Waxing is also quite popular and safe if it is done by a specialist and also followed by antiseptic treatment. Patients with inflammation after unsuccessful procedures have already come to me.

Is it important to wash your hands before or after going to the toilet? Wash your hands correctly both before and after: 5% of cases of domestic infection have not been canceled. The dirtiest places are telephones, handrails in transport, door handles. About once a week, patients come to me who have not had bad sexual intercourse, but have inflammation.

Do you need to wipe yourself with toilet paper after urinating? This is usually important for men so as not to stain the linen. But guys with large foreskins are advised to use paper so that there is no irritation from urine. And it is also necessary when there is inflammation.

For circumcised men or men with short foreskins, this is not so important.

And how do piercings and tattoos affect the genitals? There is nothing wrong with tattoos, as long as it is done in the right way and in the right conditions, with meticulous workmanship. And piercings can be traumatic. I have had experience with serious consequences of too intense love games: for example, rupture of the frenulum and foreskin.

Hygiene in public places

How to go to the toilet in a public place? Rule number one is to touch as little as possible anything that other people might have touched. It is with our hands that we bring in a large number of pathogenic bacteria that can create a problem. Washing hands before and after works well here.

Sitting on the toilet is also wrong from the point of view of hygiene. There is a disease "inguinal epidermophytosis", when a man or woman in the inguinal zone has redness, erosion. This is a contact disease, but not a venereal disease.

Are there rules for visiting baths and saunas? Be sure to use a personal lining before sitting down, and if not, a towel. Or you can douse the grate with hot water: this will reduce the risk, but not 100%. After that, wash well, take a shower correctly - this is the law.

What about pools and ponds? After any unhygienic water procedure, a shower is required. Water is a medium in which bacteria can live. Taking a shower, you wash off both them and the irritating bleach. It's a must, like brushing your teeth.

In the summer we have a surge in diseases associated with swimming in water bodies. If you still really want to go to the lake, find an opportunity to take a shower after. Yes, even washing with ordinary bottled water and wet wipes is better than doing nothing. But the most important thing is to go and urinate: so you reduce the risk of infection by 30-40%.

Hygiene and linen

What should be underwear? Cotton (no synthetics), loose and weather-appropriate. It is more physiological to wear boxer shorts, thongs are still not entirely correct, especially if they are made of dense fabric. The genitals should not be tightly pressed, so that there is no overheating of the scrotum, which inhibits spermatogenesis.

And one more important rule - the change of underwear should be daily. Some, believe it or not, go to the same week. For sports, the criteria are the same.

Is it possible to go without underwear? When I do a circumcision, I recommend that all boys go home after the operation without pants and without underpants: in a dressing gown or loose shorts so that the wound heals faster.

In winter, of course, it is better with linen. If it is too hot in summer, it is better to wear loose shorts. But here the question of hygiene and possible infection in a public place arises. At home and at your dacha, of course, walk as you like.

There is nothing wrong with sleeping without underwear. In general, if it's hot, it's better without it.

Hygiene and sex

How to maintain hygiene while masturbating? Recently, the attitude towards masturbation has changed: now it is treated with less irony and aggression. In general, a young man should have a regular sex life - this is an obligatory part of health, but this is not always possible. Therefore, reasonable masturbation is better than no sex at all.

The main thing is that it should be hygienic, clean, under normal conditions, and not in a station toilet.

How is it right to wash before sex or after? Before and after, of course. Postcoital balanitis in boys and cystitis in girls most often develop due to poor hygiene. Imagine you walked, sweated, got bacterial flora and with all this immediately to bed.

If you want to enjoy sex, not problems, follow important rules: urinate and take a shower before sex, do the same after sex. Urination after intercourse reduces the risk of infection and the development of sexually transmitted diseases by 20-30%.

What if the sex is unplanned? Currently, there is no concept of "safe sex". Most importantly, use a condom. If the partner is regular, wiping with a tissue may solve the problem, but this does not always work. If you want everything to be right, reduce the risk of taking medication - after sex, go to urinate, take a shower.

If you had sex with an unknown partner, be sure to get tested for hidden infections.

Who better not to sleep with? Girls need to pay attention to a few things about guys. First, don't sleep with a guy who refuses a condom. He does not respect himself, because he does not think about his health and, accordingly, does not think about yours either.

Secondly, if the guy in the inguinal region has a pronounced smell, redness or discharge.

Third, pay attention to the frequency of trips to the toilet. If too often - without a condom at all. Especially if he complains that writing hurts him. Men need to pay attention to the same thing: excessive discharge or smell in women.

What should be the hygiene for oral or anal sex? The rules are the same as with traditional sex. When oral, of course, it is also better to use a condom. Even during oral sex, it is important to pay attention to whether the guy is circumcised. If so, the chances of getting sick are 80% less than with an uncircumcised partner.

During unprotected oral sex, there is also a risk of getting STIs up to HPV (human papillomavirus). Laryngeal cancer statistics have recently increased due to the popularity of the practice of oral sex. The fact is that there are carcinogenic strains of HPV - this is, in fact, a precancerous disease.

The manifestation of HPV - papillomas on the penis, labia or in the anus: they can be large or in the form of a small rash. In my practice there was an amazing case. A guy came in with warts on his penis the size of a pinky finger, and when I asked about the last sex, he said: "Yesterday, oral."

Our people have a wild illiteracy in fact. The most dangerous situation with HPV is that it may not manifest itself in a partner. And this is an incurable disease: neither in America, nor in Israel, nor in Germany, nor in Belarus there are no medications. Only the vaccine, which is done even before the onset of sexual activity.

Anal sex can only be practiced with a condom! Without - never, nowhere and with anyone, even if it is a permanent partner. During anal sex, be sure to use lubricants, otherwise you can injure the sphincter, anus and break the condom.

When and where should you not have sex? In any unsanitary conditions. When you can't take a shower or even urinate. And, most importantly, when you are not confident in a person. And don't forget to use a condom.

Consequences and pain

What are the consequences of poor hygiene? The most common disease is balanitis or balanoposthitis, which will require long-term medication. Due to inflammation, scarring of the foreskin may appear, and from it already phimosis - you will have to undergo an operation.

An infection that has gone upward can lead to the development of cystitis, prostatitis, and this requires constant monitoring, long-term treatment.

In addition to inflammation, there is a risk of developing penile cancer at the age of 30. This is a rare disease, but it occurs: 1-2 people a year come to me with this. It may occur due to poor cleansing of the penis from smegma (the secret of the glands of the foreskin, which accumulates between it and the head). The fact that the decay products of smegma have a carcinogenic effect has been scientifically proven. When a young guy of 30 years old comes to me and he has a suspicion of a serious illness, it causes me pain and a desire to ask where my parents were, why they didn’t prompt and help.

With what symptoms should you immediately go to the doctor? The first is redness of the glans penis, plaque on it or ulcers. This applies to men of all ages from the moment of birth. Redness can be due to diabetes, poor hygiene, contact with an infected partner, an allergic reaction, or a skin condition like psoriasis. The second is purulent discharge from the urethra. The third is painful urination.

Most importantly, never self-medicate. If you have any of these symptoms, see a specialist right away.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs