Why horseradish is useful: the composition of the vegetable and its medicinal properties. Indications for use

Horseradish is everyone's favorite spicy seasoning that goes well with jellied meat and other dishes. But few people know that the root has wonderful healing properties. It can rightfully be considered a panacea for many ills, not counting complex diseases. Horseradish root and juice based on it are in demand. But in order not to be unfounded, let's consider beneficial features in more detail. We will also study the harm.

What is a plant

Horseradish is a perennial plant that is resistant to frost and extremes. temperature regime. The root is common in our country, Europe, Asia and other regions where there is no permafrost. The plant will survive the cold, but will not be able to grow continuously in such weather. In the wild, roots spread along rivers and other water sources.

Horseradish belongs to the Cabbage family. The plant reaches 1.5 m in height, and the length of its foliage varies between 18-55 cm. The leaves are collected in a bunch; horseradish has a large root, which is often used in folk healing.

The plant begins to bloom 12-13 months following planting. In the process, small white flowers appear, from which fruit pods are subsequently formed oval shape. The length of these same pods is approximately 5.5 cm. Flowering occurs from the beginning of July to mid-late August. There are four seeds in the pod.

Almost all people are familiar with the pungent aroma and specific taste of horseradish. In terms of its popularity, it is equal to mustard and other hot seasonings. In addition to being a base for snacks, horseradish has valuable qualities: traditional healers gladly used in alternative medicine.

Composition and benefits of horseradish

As a food product and for other purposes, only the root of the plant is used internally. But in medical practice The foliage and juice from the roots have been used. Horseradish is used as a composition for many ills due to its unique list of useful elements.

Thus, it concentrates poly- and monosaccharides, organic acids, protein compounds, starch, minerals, extensive vitamin complex. In addition, the product is not deprived of fats, resinous and nitrogenous compounds.

If you list the elements in more detail, the situation will be as follows. The minerals in horseradish include aluminum, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, sulfur, copper, calcium and chlorine.

As for the vitamin list, a special place is given to group B. Horseradish roots accumulate thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin and other B vitamins.

Not without the participation of ascorbic acid, tocopherol, retinol, beta-carotene. The roots contain 5-6 times more vitamin C than the notorious lemon.

Horseradish owes its smell to the essential oils that accumulate at the base of the roots. Esters have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

The juice contains lysozyme, it kills harmful microorganisms, eliminates slagging and toxins. The compound is present in saliva and tears, but when a person becomes ill, lysozyme is destroyed and can no longer perform its functions. Therefore, the body becomes vulnerable and is exposed to various types of bacteria.

By systematically eating horseradish, the likelihood of contracting influenza, ARVI, and other respiratory ailments is reduced. Horseradish contains peroxidase, the enzyme is added to medications to fight HIV.

Due to the fact that the plant contains only natural saccharides, horseradish roots are recommended for use by patients with diabetes. The plant suppresses glucose surges, improving the course of the disease.

The composition contains antioxidants presented in the form of tocopherol, retinol and others. useful substances. They suppress the action of toxic compounds, cleanse the liver and other internal organs.

Recent studies have shown that even a small piece of horseradish, chewed for 10 minutes daily, prevents diseases oral cavity, in particular caries, stomatitis, bleeding gums, etc.

The product contains mustard oil, which has the ability to increase appetite and increase intestinal motility. The plant accelerates the secretion of juice in the stomach, thereby reducing the frequency of food fermentation in the esophagus. In addition, mustard oil prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys, bladder. This becomes possible due to the dilution of bile.

The root is recognized as an effective compound in alternative and traditional medicine. He is valued for the following abilities:

Horseradish is effective means from diseases such as:

  • gout;
  • sinusitis;
  • colpitis;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • hepatitis in the acute stage;
  • cough;
  • gastrointestinal ailments;
  • inflammatory processes sciatic nerve;
  • Crick;
  • joint pain.

Healers use the roots as a means to remove excess fluid and reduce swelling. Fresh fruit and a decoction of the leaves treat kidney ailments. If you have back pain, you need to apply crushed gruel from the roots; sprains and muscle soreness are treated with the same remedy.

Improvement of the condition and relief of discomfort is achieved due to the warming effect of the plant. These compresses effectively cope with rheumatism, gout, arthritis, and radiculitis. To avoid getting burns, it is advisable to place the grated horseradish on 1-2 layers of gauze and then apply it to the sore spot.

The plant is often used to eliminate furunculosis, inflammation, and mastitis. Traditional medicine recommends taking powder from the seeds of the plant to combat cancer.

The use of horseradish in alternative medicine

Lemon and horseradish juice
To prepare the composition, you need to grind the horseradish root and squeeze 130 ml through gauze. juice. Add fresh juice from 3 lemons to the liquid. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and drink 15 ml. twice a day. In the morning before meals and according to the same pattern at lunch.

The remedy copes well with sinusitis, asthma, sinusitis, poor appetite, neoplasms in the form of sand in the cavity of the kidneys and bladder. Keep in mind that when taking this product, you must completely avoid dairy and fermented milk products.

Honey and horseradish juice
Pass 1 kg through a meat grinder. horseradish root Pour the resulting slurry into 3 liters. boiling water Leave the product for about 10-14 hours. Strain healing composition. The procedure is best carried out using gauze folded in several layers.

IN ready-made product you need to mix 1 kg. flower honey. Place the mixture on the stove and simmer over low heat until close to boiling. Wait for it to cool down. Drink 50 ml. 3 times a day before meals.

The duration of the course is a month. After this, you must take a break of 3 weeks. The procedure can then be repeated. The product effectively copes with severe swelling and dropsy.

Water and horseradish juice
Grind the root of the plant and combine the pulp with filtered water. The ratio of components should be 1 to 10. Leave the product for several hours, do not forget to strain. The composition perfectly increases appetite and fights bacteria in the mouth and throat.

Therefore, the drink can be used as a rinse to treat colds. Horseradish leaves have no less beneficial qualities. Greens are applied to sore joints and back. Warm yourself with a scarf when you are sick.

To improve health conditions with hepatitis will help healing agent. To prepare you will need 1 kg. grated horseradish root and 3 l. boiling water Combine the components and close with an airtight lid in a convenient container.

Infuse the composition throughout the day. Strain by classical technology. It is recommended to drink the infusion 120 ml. 3 times a day.

Vital for cirrhosis important body, you need to combine 6 grated horseradish leaves and 450 ml. vodka. Infuse the product for at least 1 week. After the specified period, strain the tincture.

Drink 30 ml. composition three times a day for half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is 1 month. Followed by week break. Repeat if necessary. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Benefits of horseradish juice

  1. The drink has proven itself in the treatment of scurvy, increasing food cravings and improving the functioning of the digestive system. The juice is used as an expectorant and diuretic. The composition copes with kidney and bladder stones.
  2. The juice is often used as a pain reliever for various ailments. It is enough to apply the lotion to the inflamed area.
  3. Fresh acts as an effective tonic. It is great for helping with physical fatigue. The juice is also used as a mouth rinse for sore throat, toothache and stomatitis.
  4. IN folk medicine you can find many medical recipes. Honey in combination with plant root juice effectively copes with liver pathologies. The liquid is collectively used to rub inflammation of sore joints, rheumatism, skin ulcers and poorly healing wounds.
  5. Many people do not like to drink pure horseradish juice because of its pungency and bad taste. In this case, the composition can be diluted with fresh lemon juice. The drink increases appetite, helps with intestinal atony, edema and kidney pathologies.
  6. To prevent various types of diseases and improve health, it is recommended to take 15 ml. horseradish juice 4 times a day. An alternative is to puree the root of the plant. The composition should be eaten once a day, 15 grams.
  7. Horseradish helps improve the condition diabetes mellitus. Combine the juice of the plant root and natural yogurt in a ratio of 1 to 10. The second component can be replaced with curdled milk.
  8. To stabilize arterial pressure for hypertension, you need to combine the juice of horseradish root, carrots and beets. Take 200 ml. each component and add fresh juice of 1 lemon. Stir the ingredients and store in the refrigerator. Drink 120 ml. 3 times a day.
  9. For normalization blood pressure you can prepare an infusion based on horseradish and water. To do this, grind the root of the plant and fill it with filtered water. Infuse the remedy for two days. The tool is also great for removing dark spots and freckles. It is enough to use raw materials as a tonic.

Horseradish contraindications

  1. Due to its strong aroma and pungent taste, horseradish has a negative effect on the mucous membranes. In order not to encounter a number of troubles, it is important to follow daily norm product.
  2. Horseradish should not be eaten if there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation. This category includes people with kidney disease, when diagnosed with pancreatitis and individual intolerance.
  3. It is not recommended to include the plant in the diet of young children under 8 years of age. Also, representatives of the fair sex should not eat horseradish during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Horseradish has many useful qualities. The plant can improve your health and get rid of a number of diseases. It is important to store the product correctly, especially when ground. The valuable composition of raw materials in this state quickly disappears. Store the pulp in an airtight glass container and use as needed. Explore the benefits of horseradish juice and introduce it into daily diet your family.

Video: healing properties of horseradish

There are many plants in nature that are equally good in both cooking and medicine. One of these gifts of nature is horseradish.

For many centuries in Rus' this vegetable has been considered valuable and delicious product, which also helps to cope with various ailments. About the benefits of horseradish, how it affects male body and what can be prepared from it, you will learn from this article.

All parts of the plant are rich in valuable substances:

  • phytoncides and lysozyme;
  • vitamins A, E, C, group B;
  • amino acids and organic acids;
  • micro- and macroelements, including the greatest number calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sulfur are present;
  • fiber, sugar;
  • essential and fatty oils.

Medicinal properties

The spicy vegetable is known for its bactericidal properties, thanks to high content lysozyme and phytoncides. The first substance has a high antimicrobial activity, best effect achieved by drinking freshly squeezed root juice. Phytonicides can no less actively fight pathogenic microflora - bacteria, viruses, fungi, maximum benefit at colds achieved by inhaling vapors from active substances(steam inhalation).

Mustard oil, which gives horseradish a specific smell and taste characteristics, improves food digestion and increases appetite. Horseradish also treats diseases of the stomach, characterized by low acidity, and improves liver function.

Vitamins and microelements increase human immunity, normalize metabolic processes, treat vitamin deficiencies. The irritating and anti-inflammatory effect of horseradish is used to treat diseases accompanied by pain (arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, etc.). The same properties are used to eliminate dental problems- toothache, gum disease, gum disease.

The plant has pronounced diuretic properties.
, therefore it helps very well in the presence of pathologies in the kidneys and genitourinary system. Horseradish is no less useful for getting rid of ailments of cardio-vascular system, since it normalizes blood pressure, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, and saturates the heart tissue with potassium.

It should be noted that almost all the healing properties of the plant are contained only in fresh leaves and root vegetables.

After heat treatment horseradish becomes a tasty and spicy seasoning, but not a healing agent.

What is useful horseradish for the potency of men

Due to its composition, horseradish has a number of properties that positive influence on man's health, in particular:

  • improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, which prevents stagnation, provoking the development of prostatitis;
  • increases sexual desire, prolongs sexual intercourse, improves the quality of sex;
  • fights pathogenic microflora, normalizes urination, eliminates inflammatory processes in diseases genitourinary system men;
  • strengthens the body as a whole, increases tone, provides a surge of strength.

Apart from positive impact on sexual function and health reproductive system, horseradish is useful for men suffering from alopecia - hair loss. To do this, root juice is rubbed into problem areas of the scalp. Horseradish will also help in cases of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, such a disease is typical for men who lead sedentary lifestyle life or those employed in sedentary work, for example, drivers.

Scientists continue to study the benefits of horseradish for human health. different countries. Research is currently underway on anti-cancer properties horseradish. According to the latest theory of scientists from Israel, spicy vegetable able to destroy cancer cells.

The benefits of horseradish for men: folk recipes, storage rules and contraindications

There are many drugs that can enhance male potency. Getting carried away modern achievements medicine, people forget simple folk remedies, which are no less effective in this matter than drugs with complex chemical formulas.

In Rus', horseradish has been used since ancient times ( natural aphrodisiac) for improvement sexual desire men, women often rested men with vigorous horseradish snacks.

Unlike synthetic drugs, natural product has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the body. You can learn how to use horseradish beneficially for men from simple traditional medicine recipes.

The best horseradish recipes for potency

Healers recommend adding the spicy plant to your usual diet as a seasoning. If grated root vegetable or leaves are regularly seasoned vegetable salads, then this will help avoid colds and flu during mass epidemics and strengthen sexual desire in men. In addition to salads, chopped horseradish can be added to meat.

In order to purposefully use horseradish as a potency enhancer and to combat various sexual dysfunctions, it is necessary to take tinctures prepared according to folk recipes.

  • Horseradish tincture with lemon and honey. The benefits of horseradish for men will become even more pronounced if you add honey to the spicy spice, which in itself has a positive effect on potency. If a man suffers from sexual weakness and decreased body tone, then this recipe should definitely be used to restore strength. Medicinal tincture prepared from 0.5 kilograms of chopped root vegetables, three lemons and 0.5 liters natural honey. The crushed roots of the plant should be placed in a container, filled with boiled, cooled water (1.5 liters) and placed in a dark place for one week. After the horseradish has infused, take out a container, add the remaining ingredients to it, mix thoroughly and remove for the same time to infuse. Take a tablespoon twice a day until the medicine runs out.
  • Horseradish infused with milk. Milk goes well with horseradish, enhancing positive action second on sexual health men. The tincture is prepared from 0.5 liters of milk and two glasses of chopped root vegetables. Plant raw materials are poured with boiling milk and infused for 5 - 6 hours. The tincture should be taken several times a day, two or three sips.
  • Horseradish infused with vodka, with the addition of vegetable juices and honey. This tincture with horseradish is useful for men not only as a potency enhancer, but also for the purpose of strengthening the body as a whole. Add one liter of high-quality vodka, one glass each of grated horseradish root vegetable, natural honey, carrot and beet juice to the container. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly, and then remove the container with the mixture to infuse for two weeks. The medicine is taken two or three times a day, one tablespoon.

Other horseradish recipes for men

In addition to improving quality sex life, horseradish is able to cope with many ailments. It will help avoid colds, cure inflammation of the sciatic nerve, and stop hair loss.

IN medicinal purposes The most common use of horseradish tinctures, however, there are also alternative recipes applications hot seasoning.

  • Horseradish juice. Juice diluted with water can be taken as a diuretic and to normalize digestion. The juice of the plant is also rubbed into the scalp in places where hair falls out.
  • Horseradish compress. Crushed fresh root is applied to the inflamed sciatic nerve or joints.
  • Horseradish leaves. It is convenient to wrap the fresh leaves of the plant around sore joints.
  • Horseradish sauna. When visiting a Russian bath, you can use an infusion of horseradish leaves (pre-fill with boiling water for several hours). The infusion poured onto a hot stove cleans perfectly Airways, strengthens immune system.

Storage conditions

The benefits of horseradish for men are determined by the quality of the product. Horseradish is no different long term storage, so this issue must be approached carefully, since the plant quickly loses its beneficial properties. The best way to store root vegetables is to place them in a cellar. The roots should be covered with sand in layers, three centimeters per layer.

If you plan to prepare tinctures from the plant, then the hot root can be stored dried.

First, the horseradish is crushed, dried, and then placed in glass jar and seal tightly. The easiest way is to store horseradish in the freezer.


Despite the undoubted benefits of horseradish, it should not be consumed uncontrollably, as the plant can provoke agitation nervous system, cause irritation gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Horseradish should not be consumed by persons with the following pathologies:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • severe damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • peptic ulcer gastrointestinal organs;
  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • plant allergy.

It is not advisable for women to include horseradish in their diet during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, horseradish should not be eaten when taking chloramphenicol, as it reduces the effect of the medication.

The plant, or rather its root, has long been used as a hot spicy seasoning for first or second courses. Few people know about healing properties horseradish root, its health benefits.

Traditional medicine recipes based on horseradish have partially reached modern world and received recognition in home therapy. Horseradish, the beneficial properties of which are being studied, is still widely used for treatment. various diseases, using it both individually, as well as in complex therapy. The benefits of horseradish are due to the rich content of vitamins and minerals. It is equally useful for joint diseases in men and women; the leaf is applied as a compress for bruises and wounds. Its action activates the body and also strengthens the immune system. Recipes can be found in various medical treatises of past years, as well as in the journals of modern healers. The recipes are varied, there are methods when the whole plant is used, there are methods only based on the roots.

Description of the plant

Horseradish refers to perennial plants Brassica family. The stems reach 1–1.5 meters in height, the leaves are oval in shape. The root goes deep into the soil and reaches an impressive size. Leaves are erect, furrowed. Blooms with inflorescence white, the period falls on May - June. The leaf retains its shape, color until the end of the flowering period and after it. Fruits of a pod elongated shape. Horseradish is common throughout Europe, Asian countries, less common in the United States.

Although it is considered a native Russian plant, it has been known since the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The first records about it appeared in 1500 BC among the Greeks, they used horseradish, seasoning various dishes with it.

For medicinal purposes, the root is used in raw or dried form, and the leaves are used for preservation and marinades.

However, there are methods where the leaves are also used for treatment; they are believed to have healing, sedative. A leaf of the plant is simply applied to the affected area, it immediately relieves pain and restores strength.

Useful healing properties

Horseradish is known not only for its specific taste qualities, but also beneficial properties and effects on the body. It contains vitamin B complex and ascorbic acid By quantitative ratio significantly surpasses even citrus fruits - lemon, orange. Only ripe red salad peppers contain more vitamin C. The chemical composition is rich in fiber, folic acid, and essential oils. The content of phytoncides and a number of microelements promotes the absorption of sugar, amino acids, and proteins. The product supplies the body with potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sodium and manganese in the volumes necessary for full functioning.

A rare compound of lysozyme and organic compounds made horseradish a unique bactericidal product used in medicine. During the breakdown process, these substances are formed from the glycoside sinigrin, which is found in the roots of the plant. Bactericidal action horseradish also owes phytoncides, which tend to kill pathogenic bacteria, preventing the spread of infection into the body.

After the breakdown of sinigrin, allylic mustard oil is released, from which it comes unusual taste, and strong smell plant root. Large doses dangerous for human health, only cause harm; when taken externally, it causes burns and severe pain. The evaporation causes a coughing attack and increased lacrimation. When consumed in moderation, it has a positive effect on secretion gastric juice, increases appetite.

Rich chemical composition The plant improves intestinal function, actively fights colds, inflammatory processes caused by infections and bacteria. It has expectorant and choleretic properties, so the root is used as a cough medicine, as well as for Botkin’s disease and jaundice. Useful medicinal properties horseradish is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, joints, skin ailments, and also as a restoration of the forces of the whole organism, and especially in men. It has long been believed that the plant gives good spirits. And in men, it replenishes wasted strength.

Treatment of radiculitis with horseradish was popular among our ancestors; they applied the pulp to the sore spot and used it as food for acute illnesses. respiratory diseases and signs of a cold.

Traditional medicine knows cases of healing of cancer patients in pairs, active influence on tumor tissue not proven, but it helps in preventing metastases and also helps reduce them. At oncological tumors, the harm from the leaves is invisible, and the body receives the necessary therapeutic support.

The Slavic people successfully use the leaf of the plant to treat joint diseases, sprains, and accidental injuries. For chronic forms For joint diseases, regular compresses are recommended, applying a sheet to the affected area. To avoid side effects during long-term treatment of joints or not to cause harm skin, the sheet is applied through a gauze bandage.

In India, horseradish juice from the leaves is used as a diuretic and also as a method for treating dental inflammation. But the juice must be diluted with water, since the concentrated liquid is dangerous and causes irreparable harm.

Japanese scientists have proven the effectiveness of horseradish for the treatment and prevention of caries, so they began to develop specialized toothpaste for problem teeth.

The health benefits of horseradish are becoming more and more known every day, and homemade recipes are spreading all over the world. Treatment with horseradish the right approach benefits, and the harm from such therapy is minimal.

The root, leaf and plant have the same effect on the body of men and women. The medicine helps with individual disorders in men, the recipes are based on ancient methods and return male strength quickly, and most importantly, effectively.

Indications for use

The leaves and roots are used in folk medicine to treat a number of diseases in men and women of all ages, with the exception of children. The indications are:

  1. Diseases digestive system. Gastritis with low acidity, indigestion.
  2. Dental diseases. Stomatitis, caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis.
  3. Respiratory diseases. Laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.
  4. Liver diseases and biliary tract. Hepatitis, inflammatory processes of the biliary tract.
  5. Joint diseases. Rheumatism, arthritis knee joints, radiculitis.
  6. Neurological problems. Neuralgia, headaches, migraine.
  7. Disorders menstrual cycle among women. Amenorrhea.
  8. Disorders of the genitourinary system in men. Problems with potency, male weakness.
  9. Skin ailments. Eczema, pigmentation, purulent wounds.


Besides the mass healing properties, horseradish has contraindications and harms the body. The product is irritating to the mucous membranes and causes burns if used incorrectly. Eating horseradish root is strictly prohibited during an exacerbation chronic diseases digestive tract. Contraindications for use are relative in inflammatory processes, when the benefits are greater than the harm.

Side effects are a sign of an overdose or individual intolerance. Useful properties of horseradish to increase blood pressure adversely affects patients with hypertension. Women with abundant menstrual flow Horseradish aggravates bleeding.

Contraindications for use are present when complex treatment, taking horseradish and chloramphenicol is not recommended, as the effect of the medications is blocked.

It is very useful to take it on an empty stomach in half with honey 1 hour before breakfast. To do this, grate horseradish (1 teaspoon), squeeze out the juice, dilute it in half with honey and drink this mixture as indicated above. You can simply mix the grated gruel (1 teaspoon) and add honey to it so that the total amount of the mixture is no more than a tablespoon. Consume in the same way as juice. This is how they treat cardiovascular diseases, angina and ischemia. Whenever discomfort the dose of horseradish is reduced, gradually bringing it to the above dose.

The traditional preparation of horseradish seasoning with “white” vinegar is very harmful to the body due to its strong effect on the digestive canal (vinegar burns the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines). Vinegar can be successfully replaced apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and sugar - honey (no need to add salt).

For bladder stones, gout, and rheumatism, horseradish infusion is used. To do this, pour a tablespoon of root vegetables into two glasses of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and drink a quarter glass 4 times a day. This infusion is irreplaceable when mixed with sour milk. But at the same time, pour a tablespoon of grated horseradish into 5 cups of boiling water and drink a tablespoon with sour milk 3 times a day.

Juice treatment

Properties of horseradish

The good bactericidal properties of horseradish allow it to be used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat, ears, for the healing of old purulent wounds and ulcers: 1 tsp. freshly grated horseradish per glass cold water. Grated horseradish helps in the form of compresses for headaches...

The burning roots of this plant are well-deserved not only in Russia. The benefits of horseradish are known to residents of European countries, Japan, and even America. The secret of the popularity of hot seasonings using it is known to many men.

Useful and harmful properties of horseradish

Both the benefits and harms of the plant lie in its composition. All parts of horseradish contain essential components, phytoncides, and mustard oil, which give it a pungent taste. In addition, burning substances help improve digestion, have bactericidal properties and increase blood circulation.

Because of these properties, horseradish is not only used as a seasoning, but also used as remedy with colds, rheumatism and gout, sciatica, sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve). Substances that irritate the skin are useful for strengthening and growing hair, they are widely used for the prevention and treatment of early baldness.

Especially important for men is the stimulating property of hot seasoning: horseradish has long been known as an aphrodisiac and potency-enhancing remedy. Traditional healers use horseradish root for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis and adenoma. Diuretic properties medicinal plant are used in treatment urological diseases.

For whom is horseradish harmful?

Any preparations based on horseradish or seasonings, in which it is included, have contraindications. The strong irritant effect of horseradish can be harmful to those who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Ingredients in horseradish essential oils and bitterness affects the liver and kidneys. For acute inflammatory diseases these bodies spicy seasonings, and horseradish among them, are strictly contraindicated. Horseradish should also not be consumed by men suffering from:

  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the intestines (enteritis, colitis, etc.);
  • urolithiasis;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

When using horseradish as a seasoning and medicine, you need to remember that hot substances have a cardiotonic effect (increase the heartbeat) and increase blood pressure. Before using horseradish preparations as medicine, you should consult your doctor: the substances that make up the plant can interact with antibiotics and distort their effect.

How to prepare and preserve horseradish

For medicinal purposes, only freshly grated root is suitable. A store-bought jar of seasoning cannot be used to prepare medicinal extracts: the beneficial properties of the grated root are lost after about 1 week. But horseradish can be prepared and preserved so that it does not lose its strength.

In summer it is easier to dig up a fresh root immediately before preparing the medicine. IN winter time a burning vegetable is well preserved in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. To prevent the juicy root vegetable from withering, it must be placed in a container with moistened sand or sawdust and used as needed. In this condition healing root stored almost all winter without losing their valuable qualities.

Preparing horseradish for drying

Horseradish can also be dried, as is usually done with medicinal rhizomes. To dry, the dug roots must be thoroughly cleaned of soil, but not washed. Cut the medicinal raw material into circles no more than 1 cm thick, spread in one layer on paper and dry in the shade in a draft. Store in a tightly closed jar for 1-2 years.

Horseradish prepared in any way can be used to make extracts to enhance potency, treat colds and other diseases. Traditional healers use water and alcohol extracts root In some cases, they use Fresh Juice plants by mixing it with water or other ingredients. A popular seasoning (horseradish) can also have an effect useful action, but you need to cook it in large quantities, trying to consume it within a few days.

How to prepare horseradish extracts

The beneficial properties of horseradish for men are well demonstrated in tinctures based on it. Horseradish tincture for potency (hrenovukha), invented, according to legend, by Tsar Peter I, saves not only from sexual impotence. It helps to warm up after being in the cold, treats colds and relaxes well after a severe physical work. You can use fresh or dried roots. In the latter case, approximately 3 times less raw materials are taken (by weight).

For healing tincture needed:

  • 0.5 liters of vodka or moonshine;
  • 200-250 g of peeled horseradish root;
  • 1 tsp. bee honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh ginger(chopped).

If fresh ginger is not available, then replacing it with dry powder is not recommended. This will make the drink cloudy. The tincture can be prepared without this ingredient.

The prepared horseradish root must be thinly sliced. You should not grind horseradish in a meat grinder, as this impairs the consumer properties of horseradish. Place the root pieces in a bottle, fill with alcohol, seal and leave for 3-5 days in a dark place. Strain the infusion and add honey and ginger, finely chopped with a knife or potato peeler. Let it sit for another 3-4 days; it is not necessary to remove the ginger shavings.

If you have a cold, you need to take 50 g of this tincture 2-3 times a day. Acute respiratory infections, flu or their complications in the form of bronchitis are treated within a few days. To evaluate the power of the extract as an aphrodisiac, it is enough to take 50-70 g of tincture before a date. Horseradish extract with ginger will not only be useful for ensuring a stable erection, but will also discourage bad smell from the mouth if a man smokes.

For those who for some reason do not drink alcohol and drugs based on it, it is suitable aqueous extract(infusion). The medicinal properties of horseradish are manifested in it no less clearly than in horseradish.

For the infusion, you need to pass 0.5 kg of peeled horseradish through a meat grinder, place it in a 3 liter jar and pour 1.5 liters of boiled chilled water. Close with a tight lid and leave for 5 days in the refrigerator. The jar needs to be shaken from time to time, mixing the layers of liquid. You need to add 500 g of honey and the juice of 3 lemons to the infusion (it will be a little more than 1 glass). Juice cannot be substituted citric acid.

Then the container is closed again and placed in the refrigerator for another 5 days. It must be shaken during infusion. When the extract is ready, take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day before meals for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis and adenoma, if sand is found in the kidneys or for colds.

As a stimulant, you need to drink about 0.5 glasses of infusion 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Horseradish infusion increases blood circulation and causes an accelerated flow of blood to the genitals. As a result, a man’s potency increases, and erectile function lasts much longer.

What else can men use horseradish for?

An indispensable medicine for urological diseases, such as urethritis, cystitis and others - fresh horseradish juice. Prepare it immediately before use. You need to grate a piece of the root on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of it to get 1 tsp. this liquid. Dissolve the juice in 50-100 ml of water (depending on the ability to tolerate pungency) and drink before meals. The course of treatment for exacerbations is 3-5 days.

You can take a prophylactic dose without waiting for symptoms to appear. To do this, horseradish juice diluted with water is taken in the indicated doses for 3 days on an empty stomach, in the morning. After the course, take a break of 1 week, and then repeat the intake of juice. To prevent inflammation, it is enough to take horseradish juice courses 2 times a year.

Horseradish juice is also useful for incipient baldness. Use freshly squeezed liquid, diluting it with water in equal proportions. Before washing your hair, horseradish juice should be rubbed into the hair roots and left for 10 minutes. If it appears strong burning sensation, you can wash it off earlier and add it next time more water. Ideally, a horseradish juice mask should provide tangible warmth to the scalp.

Because of irritating effect spicy juice hair follicles get more nutrients from the blood, and the hair becomes stronger. Dormant hair follicles may even awaken, causing hair growth where they have thinned.

Horseradish root gruel is used in folk medicine to treat sore joints due to rheumatism or gout, to relieve pain from injuries and quickly resolve bruises. To do this, you need to grate the fresh root and place the pulp between 2 layers of fabric. Apply a compress to the joint or hematoma for 20-30 minutes.

If you need to quickly remove a bruise on your face, it is better to use gruel mixed with an equal amount of grated apple or raw potatoes. The mixture should be wrapped in gauze and applied to the bruise for 15-20 minutes. The procedure can be repeated every 2-3 hours. The bruise will become lighter on the 2-3rd day.

Healthy horseradish seasoning

Horseradish adjika, or horseradish, is not only tasty, but also useful for men as a means to increase potency and prevent prostatitis or urological diseases. In addition to horseradish, it contains garlic and hot pepper, which have antiseptic properties, as well as tomatoes and bell peppers, which contain vitamins and a whole range of microelements.

To prepare the seasoning you need:

  • 0.5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 50 g horseradish;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 100-150 g bell pepper;
  • garlic (you can take it to taste).

In addition to vegetables, you will need salt, sugar and vinegar. These ingredients are added to taste. The seasoning can be supplemented with suneli hops, ginger, celery and other spices. It is better not to cook horseradish in large quantities, since during storage the main ingredient loses its medicinal properties.

Vegetables must be passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and spices to the paste, mix thoroughly and place in a jar with a tight lid. Seasoning can be used immediately as an additive to meat, jelly, vegetable side dishes or pasta.

The benefits of horseradish for men are known traditional healers long enough. But medicines for bronchitis are also made from this hot vegetable by mixing the grated root with honey. The irritating properties of the juice are used in the treatment of various neuralgia, through massage of problem areas.

When using horseradish for the first time, you need to make sure there is no hypersensitivity to its components. To do this, take a small amount of juice or infusion orally. If heartburn or stomach pain occurs, it is better to refuse treatment with the drug.



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