Intestinal virus in adults. Why and where does an intestinal infection occur in a child

intestinal flu- This is a collective concept that includes a viral lesion of the wall of the stomach and small intestine with the appearance of the corresponding symptoms. There are a lot of viruses that damage the intestinal epithelium (parvovirus, enterovirus and others), but in medicine it is most often found.

Widespread in nature and when ingested cause flu-like symptoms: fever, weakness, headache, muscle aches, intestinal disorders.

Rotaviruses is a family of RNA viruses Reoviridae. They got their name because of the similarity with the wheel (in Latin, the wheel is rota). Rotavirus A is the most common, causing disease in 25 million people annually, with 3% of them being fatal.

Infection occurs by contact or airborne droplets from a sick person. Infection in adults occurs both in the form of isolated cases (for example, in the family) and in the form of outbreaks (epidemics in groups). Rotavirus is well preserved in the environment on objects, the human body, and is also resistant to temperature fluctuations.

Once in the body, rotavirus passes freely through the stomach and settles in the small intestine, where it attaches to the villi of the mucosa. Indirectly through endotoxin and directly, the virus leads to severe damage to the intestinal villous epithelium, disrupting its barrier and transport function. The pathogenesis of the disease consists of several important points:

  • Damage and death of enterocytes ends with a violation of the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. There is a deficiency of trace elements, glucose, vitamins.
  • A large amount of the virus destroys beneficial lactobacteria and bifidobacteria, which weakens local immunity.
  • The toxin disrupts the reverse reabsorption of water, leading to diarrhea and further dehydration of the body with loss of salts.
  • Being absorbed into the bloodstream, the protein toxin has a systemic effect on all organs and tissues (viral intoxication).
  • The system of innervation of the intestinal and gastric walls is damaged, which is manifested by severe spasms of smooth muscles (pain, vomiting, diarrhea).

According to some reports, rotavirus causes a deficiency of lactase (an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar - lactose), which persists for several weeks after the infection.

Risk factors

For the development of gastroenteritis, it is important not only to get the virus into the intestine, but also other points. The reproduction and activity of the infection is greatly influenced by:

The more risk factors there are at the time of infection, the lower the concentration of the virus is capable of causing the disease. The more weakened the body (stress, other infections, immunodeficiencies), the more severe the rotavirus gastroenteritis will be.


Children under 5-6 years of age are most susceptible to infection, which is associated with poor hygiene (unwashed fruits, dirty hands and toys, a desire to gnaw on objects and things), low activity of the immune system, low acidity of the stomach.

Adults also suffer from rotavirus infection, but they tolerate it more easily, the symptoms, signs of dehydration are less pronounced, and recovery occurs much faster.

Incubation lasts up to 4-5 days, then signs of infection appear. In the clinical picture of intestinal influenza in adults, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  1. prodromal period. The prodrome is the precursor symptoms of the disease: weakness, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, subfebrile body temperature, drowsiness or sleep disturbance, pallor, chills.
  2. catarrhal manifestations. These include perspiration, sore throat, slight runny nose, dry cough.
  3. Viral gastroenteritis. It is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine: spasmodic pain, cramps in different parts of the abdomen, diarrhea up to 4-7 times a day, vomiting, high body temperature (38-39 ° C), severe headache.
  4. Signs of intoxication and dehydration. Weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, muscle pain, dry and coated tongue, thirst, pallor, dry skin, palpitations, low blood pressure, heart failure, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

Possible Complications

They occur in severe cases of the disease with pronounced signs of general intoxication and dehydration. The most dangerous complication leading to death can be considered the addition of a severe bacterial infection, as well as dehydration of the body, when, against the background of frequent vomiting and diarrhea, there are losses of water and electrolytes that are incompatible with life.

With advanced forms, severe headaches, confusion, thirst, dry mucous membranes, lethargy, heart rhythm disturbance, and breathing appear. If you do not provide emergency care to the patient, do not replenish the fluid, then convulsions, coma and death eventually occur.

Even with the mildest forms of rotavirus gastroenteritis, it is necessary to replenish the loss of electrolytes and water in a timely manner!


Therapy of a viral intestinal infection in adults depends primarily on the severity of the symptoms, that is, on the severity of the manifestation.

mild cases of infection

In mild cases (low body temperature, rare diarrhea or vomiting), symptomatic treatment will be sufficient:

  • Diet. Low-fat, non-spicy dishes, steamed or boiled meat, fish, mashed potatoes, boiled eggs, stewed vegetables, some cereals, crackers, strong tea, chamomile, linden decoction. Avoid too cold or hot dishes, dairy products, fresh fruits or vegetables, smoked meats, black bread.
  • . Preparations with high adsorbing properties: Smecta 1 sachet 4-5 times a day, Enterosgel 1-2 tablespoons orally with water 3 times a day, Polysorb, activated charcoal and other drugs. Sorbents quickly stop diarrhea, reduce the severity of intoxication.
  • . Preparations of drotaverine (No-shpa), Meteospasmil, Duspatalin are used for severe intestinal spasms, contribute to its relaxation.
  • . Compensation for the loss of fluid, electrolytes is possible by ingestion of ordinary clean water, tea, herbal decoction, fruit drink. Pharmaceutical preparations such as Regidron (saline) are also used.
  • Antipyretics. It is recommended to use in case of high body temperature (more than 38 ° C) or its poor tolerance. With intestinal flu, it is better not to use complex drugs (Coldrex, Theraflu), as they further irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Preference is given to the usual paracetamol 3-4 times a day, 1 tablet.
  • . Preparations for restoring or maintaining normal intestinal microflora: Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Hilak forte, Primadophilus. This group of agents accelerates the restoration of the villous epithelium of the intestine, normalizes the balance of microflora, and provides protection against other viruses or bacteria.

With proper treatment, bed rest, and a sparing diet, rotavirus infection is cured in about 3-6 days. There remains a strong immunity to a specific type of rotavirus. This means that when infected with a different subtype, the disease may re-develop.

Antibiotics are not used to treat intestinal flu!

Severe cases of infection

In the case of a severe infection (vomiting, diarrhea more than 5-7 times a day, high body temperature, pronounced signs of intoxication and dehydration with damage to the cardiovascular or respiratory systems), elderly or debilitated patients require treatment in a hospital using a number of drugs administered parenterally:

  1. Infusion solutions for rehydration and removal of intoxication (Hemodez, Laktasol, Ringer-Locke solution, Hartig and others).
  2. Antibiotics are indicated when the bacterial flora is attached. More often they are used intramuscularly for up to 7 days (Ceftriaxone, for example).
  3. Antiviral or immunomodulatory therapy with interferon preparations.

With the development of more severe complications (sepsis, peritonitis, septic endocarditis, thrombophlebitis), treatment in intensive care with the use of appropriate drugs is indicated.

For the treatment of diarrhea with rotavirus infection, loperamide preparations and its analogues should not be taken!

The elimination of diarrhea in this case will lead to the retention of toxins and their massive entry into the bloodstream with the possible development of toxic shock, as well as damage to internal organs.

Prevention of intestinal flu in adults

Prevention includes daily measures aimed at maintaining personal hygiene:

  • washing hands before and after going to the toilet, eating;
  • processing of fresh fruits and vegetables (rinsing with water, thermal);
  • wet cleaning of premises, removal of dust, dirt, ventilation;
  • regular change of underwear;
  • if possible, isolation of the sick person, use of medical masks;
  • prophylactic use of vitamins or probiotics;
  • Rotavirus vaccination of children and adults has become widespread in some countries.

Rotavirus infection is an unpleasant disease caused by the ingestion of rotaviruses or noroviruses on the intestinal mucosa. The disease is very bright, because pathogenic microbes affect the stomach, causing acute pain in the abdomen and severe diarrhea. No wonder in medicine this disease is called gastroenteritis or "intestinal flu". Moreover, the disease manifests itself as respiratory symptoms, which is often confusing and interferes with the timely detection of infection.

Intestinal flu is a common infection that affects every 5th person on Earth every year. Moreover, relentless statistics show that the penetration of the rotavirus into the body every year claims more than 600,000 lives. Tellingly, children, pregnant women and the elderly are most susceptible to infection, in whom the disease is most pronounced and more often fatal.

However, adults also get sick with rotavirus, although they tolerate it much more easily. Moreover, a person with strong immunity can endure the intestinal flu without noticing its symptoms, but he becomes a carrier of the infection, and, without knowing it, begins to infect others. In this article, we will talk in detail about rotavirus infection in adults, talk about the causes of infection, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease.

How can you get rotavirus

Scientists note that rotavirus is an extremely tenacious microbe that remains viable in the external environment for several months, and dies only at high temperatures.

The most common way for the spread of microbes is the fecal-oral or, as it is also called, the alimentary route. With it, the main factors in the transmission of the virus are contaminated food (especially unwashed vegetables and milk), dirty water, household items and unwashed hands. No wonder this infection is called the "disease of dirty hands." Moreover, intestinal flu is very contagious, and therefore literally within 2-3 days from a person who has “caught” rotavirus, the whole family becomes infected. Children in this way can infect the entire group in kindergarten, and adults can infect half of the work team.

In addition to the alimentary method of infection transmission, in rare cases, rotavirus can enter the body through airborne droplets or household contact.

How the disease develops

Having entered the body, rotavirus occupies the mucous membrane of the small intestine, where it begins to multiply actively. The toxins released by these disease-causing microbes destroy the intestinal villi and disrupt the digestion process. As a result, the patient develops severe diarrhea, and, as a result, dehydration of the body, which threatens the health and even life of the patient. But it doesn't happen right away.

The incubation period for the development of infection varies from 6 to 72 hours. During this period, a person is unaware of the virus inside, but is already actively infecting others. Most often, the first symptoms of malaise appear 12 hours after infection, and the active phase of the disease lasts 2–5 days, after which the infection invariably subsides and the person recovers.

Symptoms of infection

The first manifestations of the disease do not give a person a reason to suspect the penetration of the rotavirus into the body. It all starts with weakness, drowsiness and apathy, loss of appetite and fever, that is, with typical symptoms of SARS. Moreover, a person develops a cough, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing, which may suggest the development of pharyngitis. The only atypical symptom is mild abdominal pain, which, until a certain time, does not bother the patient too much. It is logical that the treatment of colds or diseases of the upper respiratory tract does not give any result.

About a day later, the acute phase of the disease begins. The patient's temperature jumps sharply and fever begins, the lymph nodes increase and become painful. But the most pronounced symptoms of the disease are abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea.

Pain associated with rotavirus infection differs in many ways from ordinary pain. They appear in spasms for 3-5 minutes, causing a strong burning sensation in the abdomen, after which they disappear until the next attack. Moreover, every hour the intervals between spasms are getting smaller.

The patient refuses to eat, he is constantly sick, and any food that enters the body, including water, causes an attack of vomiting. But what is even more dangerous, the patient develops severe diarrhea. The stool becomes thin and watery, cloudy white in color with a sharp fetid odor, but without impurities of mucus and blood. If blood streaks or mucus are present in the feces, this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection, for example, ischerichiosis or shigellosis. Let's also say that in most patients, diarrhea is accompanied by a strong rumbling in the abdomen.

Nausea and, especially, diarrhea are the most dangerous manifestations of the intestinal flu, because with them fluid comes out of the body. But in the case of rotavirus, diarrhea can appear from 5 to 30 times a day! As a result of this process, the patient rapidly develops dehydration. This is an extremely dangerous process, as a result of which a person’s skin turns pale and dries up, blood thickens, heartbeat quickens, convulsions appear, and consciousness begins to get confused. If timely assistance is not provided to such a patient, he may develop kidney and liver failure, he falls into a coma and risks dying.

Unlike rotavirus infection, when the intestines are affected by norovirus, the temperature may remain normal, but nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are present, albeit in a less pronounced form. By the way, if we talk about intestinal flu in adults, then in a healthy person with strong immunity, a rotavirus or norovirus infection can occur without diarrhea.

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Treatment of rotavirus infection

As noted above, dehydration is the greatest health hazard, and therefore any patient with gastroenteritis, first of all, needs to restore the water-salt balance and eliminate the symptoms of intoxication in the body in order to restore the functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

The key drug here is Regidron solution. 1 sachet of this remedy is diluted in a liter of warm boiled water and taken every half an hour, 150-200 ml. In severe cases, the patient is placed in a hospital and intravenous rehydration is performed.

By the way, such a solution can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take 700 ml of boiled water (or a weak decoction of chamomile), add 300 ml of a decoction of raisins (carrots or dried apricots) to it, and dilute 1 tsp in this remedy. salt, ½ tsp soda and 4–6 tsp. Sahara. It is advisable to start using such a solution immediately after the first signs of vomiting appear, because fluid losses should be replenished within the first 6 hours.

In addition to the means that restore the water-salt balance, the patient must remove infectious agents and the toxins produced by them from the body. For this purpose, he is prescribed drugs from the group of sorbents, namely: Activated carbon, Smektu, Filtrum STI and Polysorb.

To save the patient from acute attacks of abdominal pain, he is prescribed antispasmodics - No-shpa, or analgesics - Analgin or Citramon.

In parallel with this, it is necessary to deal with the symptoms of intestinal flu and, above all, with diarrhea. For this purpose, doctors prescribe drugs Enterol, Furazolidone, Enterofuril.

Taken with intestinal flu and antiviral drugs. True, they are effective only at the very early stage of the disease, and in the process of the development of the disease they make it possible to avoid the addition of secondary infections. Most often, the patient is prescribed Cycloferon, Amiksin, and Ingavirin.

To restore the digestive system, the patient is prescribed drugs containing digestive enzymes - Pancreatin, Creon or Mezim.

Separately, let's say about the elevated temperature in this infectious disease. If the temperature does not reach high levels (39 ° C and above), the patient should refrain from taking antipyretics. The fact is that at temperatures above 38 ° C, rotavirus can lose its activity, and knocking it down, a person prolongs the course of the disease. If the temperature rises too high, the patient may be prescribed Paracetamol.

As for the recovery period, which will come after the disappearance of the unpleasant symptoms of the infection, then it is necessary to take care of the restoration of the intestinal microflora. Of the variety of probiotics, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte and Bifiform are best suited for this.

Tellingly, a person who has been ill with intestinal flu acquires relative immunity, which means that he is protected from infection for about a year. Moreover, each subsequent infection will be easier.

Diet in the treatment of illness

Throughout the entire period of illness, the patient needs to eat right in order to alleviate his condition as much as possible. Of particular importance here is the drinking regimen. In order to prevent fluid loss, you need to drink as much as possible, and it should be pure water or mineral water without gas, chamomile decoction or green tea. But milk and dairy products for the period of treatment should be abandoned.

If we talk about solid food, then given that with the loss of fluid the body loses potassium and magnesium, rice porridge on the water, chicken broth and bananas should be added to the diet. Take such food in small portions, but often. At the same time, brown bread, sugar and any sweets are prohibited for the period of treatment of rotavirus infection.

Disease prevention

The greatest spread of rotavirus infection is observed in the warm season. In this regard, all year round, but especially in spring and summer, carefully monitor your own hygiene, which means wash your hands every time you come into the house from the street and before every meal. What's more, always wash fruits and vegetables before eating. And when you buy milk and dairy products, look at the expiration date, avoiding expired products. If you buy fruits, vegetables or milk in the market, be sure to subject them to sanitary control.

And further. Having noticed the first signs of rotavirus infection in one of your relatives, immediately isolate him from the rest of the household. Until recovery, he should be in a separate room and eat from cutlery specially allocated to him, his personal hygiene products (towels, toothbrushes, etc.) should preferably be placed separately.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Intestinal flu is an acute infectious disease of the human digestive system that affects the mucous membrane of the abdominal organs involved in the process of digestion, breakdown and assimilation of food consumed. To the influenza state, in the truest sense of the word, this disease has a very indirect relationship. A person really feels unwell, the body temperature rises, but still the main part of the pathogenic microflora is localized precisely in the gastrointestinal tract of the sick person. The causative agent of the disease is a viral infection, which in most cases is diagnosed in children, but despite this, adults also periodically come to the hospital with signs of this disease.

The manifestation of the disease is always typical, and for an experienced gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist, it will not be difficult to suspect an enterovirus infection in a patient only on the basis of the corresponding symptoms, which manifest themselves in an acute form when the intestinal type influenza is at its peak.

In general, the disease is expressed in the following pathological signs:

  • chills and fever, body temperature rises to a level of 38-39 degrees Celsius, there is sweating with a violation of body heat exchange;
  • stool disorder in the form of liquid diarrhea, the urge to which can disturb an adult from 2 to 5 times a day, or every 1.5 hours after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting (more often, this symptom occurs when the stomach is full of food);
  • physical weakness and loss of strength, which is observed even after minor exertion;
  • complete or partial lack of appetite (sometimes a patient with intestinal flu can take food only once during the day and this is quite enough for him).

Some patients, in addition to the above symptoms, still complain of cramps inside the abdomen, expressed in aching pain syndrome. The main localization of the feeling of heaviness and pain inside the abdominal cavity is its center with a slight shift to the left side. In patients of the adult age group, the disease proceeds quite stably and without signs of complications.

Causes and ways of infection with intestinal flu

There are a small number of factors and ways of contracting a viral infection of this type, since the disease can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person or from the environment. Based on this, the following causes of the development of gastric flu in adults are distinguished:

  • drinking raw water, which contains viable strains of viral microorganisms;
  • eating food that has been contaminated and has not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • household contact with a person who already suffers from this disease or is a carrier of the virus;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits that have not been thoroughly washed under a stream of hot water before eating them.

The activity of cells of the human immune system has a great influence on the likelihood of developing the disease.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle and do not have bad habits are much less likely to suffer from gastric flu, since the pathogenic microflora is destroyed by local immunity even at the stage of penetration into the body.

Do I need to see a doctor and get tested?

After the onset of symptoms indicating a disorder of the digestive system, but without signs of poisoning, of course, it is necessary to seek help from a general practitioner, gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. Each of the specialists of this profile will provide the patient with qualified medical care. It is not recommended to carry the disease on your feet or engage in self-treatment at home.

First of all, this is due to the fact that only a doctor can determine the presence of intestinal flu in an adult patient and select those medications that are appropriate to use in this case. The list of tests that are mandatory for delivery is determined on an individual basis based on the symptoms present.

Treatment of intestinal (stomach) influenza in adults

In most cases, specific treatment is not required, and the task of physicians is to monitor the patient's health, maintain a stable water-salt balance in his body, cleanse the blood and lymphatic fluid from toxins, and reduce fever. For therapeutic purposes, an adult patient hospitalized with this diagnosis in the infectious diseases department receives the following treatment:

  • intravenous drips with a physical solution to replace body fluids lost due to diarrhea;
  • drugs that stimulate the immune system;
  • sorbents in the form of Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, White coal, absorbing toxic substances released by viral microorganisms in the course of their life;
  • washing the intestines with boiled water using an enema to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from an excess amount of pathogenic microflora.

After the peak of the disease, which lasts 3-5 days, passes, the patient receives drug therapy in the form of capsules with beneficial bacterial cultures designed to improve digestion and strengthen immunity.

In addition, for the period of treatment it is very important to follow a diet, giving up fatty, fried, smoked, pickled foods, alcohol.


Timely prevention of the development of intestinal flu is always better than its therapy and the mass of unpleasant symptoms present in an infected person. Therefore, in order not to encounter this disease, it is recommended to observe the following preventive measures daily:

  • wash hands thoroughly before eating;
  • always qualitatively thermally process the food from which the dish is prepared;
  • wash vegetables and fruits under a stream of hot water;
  • avoid contact with people who have signs of a stomach flu, or who have recently been ill;
  • drink only boiled or purified water.

These simple precautions will allow every adult to maintain excellent health and ensure the stable functioning of the digestive system without the risk of a viral disease.

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Intestinal flu or a ghost in the world of infections

In near-medical circles, and in medicine itself, such a term as “intestinal flu” has become established. Everyone knows that there are a number of diseases called intestinal infections. Among the famous and "honored" representatives of this group are, for example: dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera and salmonellosis.

If we open numerous authoritative monographs on intestinal infections, we will be convinced that neither the influenza virus nor parainfluenza is a causative agent of intestinal infections. It is known that the influenza virus is arranged in such a way that it has an affinity for the upper respiratory tract, more precisely, for the epithelium lining the respiratory tract.

In addition to the influenza virus, a similar "weakness" to the bronchopulmonary system is fed by adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus and other representatives of these simple life forms.

Where did the term "intestinal flu" come from? This was followed by a number of other absurdities, firmly entrenched among the people. So, in a pharmacy, first-desk workers are often asked for a hypothetical "medicine for intestinal flu." At the same time, anything can be sold to a person - from interferon inducers to homeopathic medicines and glucose with “ascorbic acid”.

The thing is that before the advent of modern virological diagnostic methods, before the introduction of ELISA and PCR techniques, there were many misconceptions that such an influenza could really exist. In fact, there is no such form of influenza, and reputable scientists have long established this.

Some patients with real influenza sometimes have dyspeptic disorders such as nausea, mushy stools, and vomiting. They are associated with the appearance of toxins in the blood. In some cases, symptoms are a reaction to medication.

  • The incidence of dyspeptic disorders in influenza ranges from 1 to 5%. In the event that such symptoms are prevailing, this is not about the intestinal flu, but about the damage to the body by other viral diseases.

Therefore, most often "intestinal flu" is called a rotavirus infection, which has signs of an intestinal infection, but can be combined with catarrhal symptoms. Let's deal with this infectious disease in more detail.

Intestinal flu - what is it?

Intestinal influenza (rotavirus gastroenteritis) is an acute infection caused by rotaviruses and often spreads in epidemics. Mostly outbreaks occur among children and are manifested by severe general intoxication, dehydration and a predominant lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.

Etiology of the disease

What are these pathogens - rotaviruses? The role of rotaviruses in the development of this disease was first identified in the mid-1970s. Rotaviruses are part of the Reovirus family. Under the microscope, virions are very similar to miniature wheels, which have not only a hub and rim, but also spokes - which is why they got their name. These viruses contain RNA.

There are also rotaviruses that infect animals, but they are not dangerous to humans. These viruses are quite resistant to environmental factors such as cooling, drying, ultraviolet radiation. What can be said about the epidemiological properties of the pathogen and the contagiousness of the infection?


Of course, the stomach flu is contagious. This disease is ubiquitous everywhere. In countries with a very low level of economic development, 50% of all intestinal infections in babies are caused by this disease.

Even in such a developed country as in the United States, about 150 people die from the “intestinal flu” every year, while the total number of cases is more than 1 million cases annually.

On the other hand, 40-50% of all cases of diarrhea requiring hospitalization are caused by these viruses. The contagiousness of the virus can be high: if a child in the family has intestinal flu, then an elderly person, especially those with weakened immune systems, can also become infected.

Every 4th case of the so-called "traveler's diarrhea" of a rotavirus nature. In some cases, this infection is almost asymptomatic. It is this asymptomatic course that protects babies from the disease in the future. Immunity is stable, but the antibody titer decreases over time, so cases of re-infection are possible, but already in adulthood.

  • Therefore, such an asymptomatic course of infection in children is nothing more than a kind of “vaccine”.

The source of rotaviruses and the reservoir for their circulation is only man. Having become ill, a person releases a huge amount of virions with feces. Their number in one gram of feces is twice the number of people inhabiting our planet. This intense viral excretion continues for a week after the onset of the disease, and then decreases.

3 weeks after the onset of the disease, the viruses cease to stand out.

Another important difference between rotavirus infection and influenza is that the transmission mechanism is only fecal-oral, as in most intestinal infections. It is this mechanism that ensures the presence of flares, including water flares. Small children become infected in the usual, alimentary way, simply because "everything is pulled into the mouth." How does this disease develop?

The pathogenesis of intestinal flu

The virus multiplies mostly in the epithelial cells of the duodenum. As a result, the epithelium dies, and the immature, young cells that replace it are simply unable to fully absorb water and nutrients, as a result, osmotic diarrhea develops.

After accumulation in the mucous membrane as a result of diarrhea, the viruses enter the intestinal lumen and are removed from the body, and the person develops dehydration, in some cases severe.

With this infection there is no colitis, there is no scanty stool with mucus and blood, as in dysentery. Thus, rotavirus infection causes manifestations of gastroenteritis. What are the symptoms of this disease in adults and children?

Signs of intestinal flu in adults fit well into the standard framework of the infectious process.

The incubation period is often short (2-3 days), but can last up to two weeks. Symptoms grow rapidly, especially in children, and within a day after the first signs of the disease, a complete, detailed picture of the disease can be observed.

The most characteristic symptoms of intestinal flu in adults are the following:

  • There is a rise in temperature, in some cases to febrile numbers (up to 39 degrees), but more often up to 38 degrees;
  • There are pains and discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • Nausea and vomiting occur (in 50% of patients). Most often, vomiting occurs and ends on the first day of illness, and only in a small proportion of patients this condition lasts for several days;
  • There is a sore throat, hyperemia in the pharynx, granularity of the mucous membrane of the soft palate, hyperemia of the sclera appears. Sometimes regional lymph nodes (cervical) increase;

Patients at the beginning of the disease do look like "flu". It is these symptoms that give reason to call the disease "intestinal flu", but the symptoms in adults and children usually end there and the main events unfold in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • A copious, watery stool appears, without the presence of mucus and blood, with a sharp unpleasant odor and sometimes a whitish hue;

Sometimes, however, mucus may be present in the feces, and sometimes blood. But this suggests that in addition to rotaviruses, there are also pathogenic Escherichia, Klebsiella and other pathogenic flora that cause "layering" of different types of gastroenteritis.

  • This infection is characterized by "rumbling" in the abdomen;
  • False urge to defecate, as with colitis, does not occur. If you “wanted” to go to the toilet, then the urge is imperative, which must be satisfied immediately;
  • In 75-80% of cases (especially in children) dehydration occurs, but in most cases, it is expressed in a mild manner.

Features of the symptoms of intestinal flu in children

Most often, this infection affects babies under the age of 3 years. Flu symptoms in children are the same as in adults, with the exception of dehydration.

A feature of rotavirus gastroenteritis is the rapid development of dehydration, which, although it occurs infrequently, may require timely hospitalization of the child in an infectious disease hospital, and even in an intensive care unit.

Although under normal conditions, ordinary oral rehydration or the use of special formulations that restore water and electrolyte balance are sufficient.

Dehydration can cause a violation in the work of the kidneys in a child: cylindruria, hematuria, proteinuria.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu

Usually I make the diagnosis clinically, on the basis of a mild flu-like syndrome, acute onset, the presence of watery stools with nausea and vomiting at a low temperature, and moderate general intoxication.

Of great importance is seasonality, as well as the tendency to group outbreaks. In the study of fecal analysis, pathogenic bacterial flora is usually not found.

Treatment of intestinal flu, drugs

There are no special drugs that rid the body of the "intestinal flu". Since the disease flows like a normal intestinal infection, antiviral drugs and interferons, as with influenza, are not indicated, because after a few days the virus leaves the body on its own.

  • In addition, rotavirus infection never causes complications, unlike the common flu.

It should be recalled that antibiotics are not indicated for viral diseases, since they do not act on viruses. The only time when their appointment is justified is in the case of the addition of a secondary bacterial process.

Therefore, all treatment of intestinal influenza in adults and children is based on a pathogenetic approach and the use of symptomatic therapy:

  • Lost electrolytes and fluid are restored, in most cases it is enough to drink 100 ml every 10-15 minutes. for an adult. Regidron, Citraglucosolan are used;
  • A diet on the intestinal table with physical, chemical and thermal sparing of the stomach and intestines is shown;
  • Enterosorbents are used (SUMS, Enteros-gel, Polyphepan);
  • To facilitate digestion, Creon, Panzinorm, Festal are used;
  • With persistent nausea, the reception of "Cerukal" is indicated, it is possible to use painkillers and antipyretics.

Despite the fact that antibiotics were not used, after the end of diarrhea, it is necessary to prescribe eubiotics to correct dysbacteriosis (Linex, Baktisubtil).

Patients with rotavirus gastroenteritis should be hospitalized for a period of 2 weeks, in a specialized or boxed department in case of severe disease. Patients with mild forms are treated at home.

Prevention of intestinal flu

Secondary prevention of intestinal flu is reduced to the current disinfection, in which everything that the patient has isolated is disinfected, dishes are processed.

There are currently two vaccines available, Rotarix and the multivalent RotaTeq. Babies are vaccinated from 6 weeks of age, the effectiveness of vaccination is 90%.

In conclusion, it must be said that the “intestinal flu”, the symptoms and treatment of which we have considered, is not at all as terrible as the ordinary flu, from which the lethality (due to complications) is much higher.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis does not cause complications at all - this is a rather rare property for an infectious disease. Immunity leaves behind many years, and rare cases of death due to severe dehydration occur only in debilitated children and people who have not started timely treatment.

The planet is inhabited by a huge number of microorganisms that benefit and harm the human body. The science that studies microorganisms is called microbiology. Morphology distinguishes two opposite types of microorganism: prokaryotes and eukaryotes (absence and presence of a formed nucleus, respectively). Pathogenic microorganisms cause intestinal infections.

An intestinal infection is a disease that affects the organs of the digestive system, leading to dehydration, diarrhea. Represents a group of diseases, refers to common diseases. Affects children and adults. People with reduced immunity, babies of the first year of life, people who use alcohol in high doses are more likely to get sick. Children make up 50% of the affected population.

Intestinal diseases are infectious in nature, the causes of diseases are pathogenic microorganisms. Common signs of intestinal infections are diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Intestinal diseases are characterized by symptoms inherent in a particular type of infection. According to the signs, the type of intestinal infection is determined. It is important to correctly diagnose - some manifestations of the infection are similar to other serious diseases (pancreatic pseudocyst, food poisoning of unknown etiology cause abdominal pain, rumbling). Symptoms of intestinal infection in adults and children are similar.

The main cause of intestinal infections is an infected person. Allocates microbes with feces, vomit, urine to surrounding people and objects. Isolation of pathogenic microorganisms begins with the first manifestation of the disease, ends with the complete disappearance of suspicious symptoms.

There are three modes of transmission of intestinal diseases:

  • oral-fecal;
  • domestic;
  • airborne.

Infection occurs by the oral-fecal method through unboiled water, the use of spoiled food (dairy, lactic acid products, confectionery, meat, semi-finished meat products). Infection with microbes appears when sanitary standards and personal hygiene are violated. The likelihood of catching appears where food is cooked in inappropriate conditions. The causative agents of infection are not afraid of low temperatures, they become dangerous when food is stored in the refrigerator. It is important to observe the terms, the place of storage of products. When buying, look at the expiration dates, do not take whipped cream with an expiration date of one or two days.

Most often, pathogenic microorganisms enter the human intestine through the following products:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus - when using mayonnaise, creams.
  2. Bacillus cereus - rice menu.
  3. Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli - swallowing infected water from ponds, lakes, drinking unboiled tap water.
  4. Clostridia - infection in hospital wards.
  5. Salmonella - cooking from unwashed chicken, spoiled egg products.
  6. Yersinia - cooking infected meat.

The next way of infection with intestinal diseases is household. A person becomes infected through soap accessories, dishes, toilet bowl rim, and other infected household items. Healthy people, by touching infected objects, transfer germs from their hands to their mouths, which enter the digestive tract. The mechanism of transmission of intestinal infection supports the alimentary method - pathogenic bacteria enter the body through the mouth. Therefore, it is important to use your own towel, washcloth, cup.

Viral intestinal infections are transmitted by airborne droplets by sneezing, coughing. A sick person shakes hands with a friend - this is how drops of saliva fall on the hands of a healthy person, infection with microbes occurs. The virus instantly spreads in close groups - kindergartens, schools, theaters, at mass events. The incubation period of intestinal infections is from 10 to 50 hours.

Conclusion: the main reason for contracting an intestinal infection is a banal disregard for personal hygiene.

There are more than thirty types of intestinal infections in the world. Consider known types.

  • Bacterial;
  • Viral;
  • Protozoan.


Bacterial infections enter the body through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables, fruits, unboiled liquid. Infections are divided into serogroups (a group of bacteria with a common antigen). According to tinctorial properties, gram-positive (staphylococcus) and gram-negative (salmonella) bacteria are distinguished. Depending on the bacteria that caused the infection, the appropriate antibiotic is prescribed.

The following common bacterial diseases are distinguished.

Salmonellosis is a bacterial infection. Microbes enter the human intestine through dairy, meat products, eggs. Infection of a person comes from sick people, animals. Salmonella infection is expressed by a high fever of the patient, fever, diarrhea with a pungent odor. The disease is severe, in a patient, intoxication in exceptional case histories leads to cerebral edema, a heart attack.

With staphylococcal intestinal infection, infection occurs through the use of spoiled creamy cakes, expired salads with mayonnaise. Staphylococcus bacteria develop when a person's health is weakened. At the beginning of the disease, there are signs of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections (fever, red tonsils), vomiting begins, mucus in the feces. Because of the symptoms of a cold, staphylococcus aureus can be misdiagnosed.

Typhoid intestinal infection is transmitted from an infected person through feces, urine. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers in the intestines, which will lead to a dangerous condition - rupture of the intestines. At the beginning of infection, the patient develops a temperature of 38 degrees, body aches, loss of appetite. There are pain in the intestines, bleeding in the nose. Serious consequences of typhoid infection lead to confusion of consciousness, coma of the patient.

Dysentery is transmitted from a sick person, it is typical for a society with a low hygienic level. It begins acutely, affects the large intestine. Patients with a chronic form in sanatoriums of a special type.

Escherichiosis is an intestinal disease, bacteria are enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Often the infection affects infants born prematurely, people who have connected life with travel (“traveler's diarrhea”). Escherichiosis is characterized by an acute onset, accompanied by loose stools without severe intoxication of the body. An infected person has a headache, general weakness appears.


A person becomes infected with viral intestinal infections in case of violation of sanitary and hygienic standards, contact with a sneezing patient.

A common viral infection is rotavirus, the "stomach flu". Rotaviruses often infect large groups: kindergartens, schools, universities. After rotavirus, a person gets sick in a mild form. The infection is accompanied by fever, signs of SARS (nasal congestion, redness in the throat). Doctors recommend knocking it down at a mark above 38 degrees Celsius - this temperature kills pathogenic microorganisms. The causative agent of rotavirus infection is resistant to frost, bleach.

Enteroviral intestinal infection occurs with high fever, diarrhea, skin rashes. An acute form of the course of the disease is characteristic, affecting the heart, the muscular system of the body.

Adenovirus infection is caused by an adenovirus. Unlike rotaviruses and enteroviruses, infection occurs in rare cases. The disease affects the nasal mucosa, trachea, and intestines.


Infection of a person with a protozoal intestinal infection (amebiasis, giardiasis, toxoplasmosis) occurs by drinking raw water, by swallowing while swimming in lakes and rivers. Infections are characterized by a protracted nature of the disease.

Treatment Methods

In a person with strong immunity, the disease proceeds in a mild form, does not require the use of medicines. Proven treatment regimens for intestinal infection at home stand out. Follow a diet, drink plenty of fluids. If there is no improvement, contact the doctors from the nearest clinic. For the treatment of patients, the results of tests, signs of the disease, and the form of diarrhea are taken into account.

Tasks of doctors to the patient:

  1. Eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Normalize the system of the gastrointestinal tract, achieve a healthy stool.
  3. Eliminate intoxication of the body.

It is not easy to choose drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections. To combat harmful pathogens, antibacterial treatments are used - Ciprofloxacin, Levomycetin, Metronidazole. Amoxiclav gave positive results. An infectious disease specialist will be able to determine the type of antibiotic.

A severe form of intoxication is treated in a hospital. Patients with dehydration syndrome are given droppers. From rotavirus, the preparations Regidron, Oralit are independently used inside. At home, it is easy to prepare a saline solution instead of medicines.

Sorbents - Smecta, Enterosgel, Filtrum - are struggling with intestinal upset. These drugs are used as remedies for poisoning.

Treatment of intestinal infection in adults involves taking eubiotics (probiotics). The type of probiotics depends on the type of intestinal disease. If the patient is diagnosed with an intestinal infection of a bacterial nature, Linex, Bifidin are taken. With rotavirus, enterovirus infection, Lactobacterin, Primadophilus are prescribed. Fungal intestinal diseases are treated in combination with Bifidumbacterin, Probifor. Homeopathy offers in the treatment of intestinal diseases the antiviral agent Immunetics.

Treatment of intestinal infection is accompanied by the obligatory observance of a sparing diet during the disease and the recovery period. To exclude further growth of pathogenic microbes, in the acute phase of the disease, patients are advised to abstain from food.

Drinking with an intestinal infection is plentiful and healthy. The diet includes clean water, fresh dried fruit compotes, jelly, rice water.

To cure an infected patient, the menu includes cereals without salt, mucous soups, low-fat varieties of poultry, meat, bread in the form of crackers. The food is prepared exclusively for a couple, in a boiled, baked form. Products from diarrhea are blueberries, strong brewed tea, bird cherry, pumpkin. Exclude from the menu of patients dairy, lactic acid products, confectionery, vegetables, fruits that cause fermentation (beets, legumes, grapes), strong meat, fish soups. You can take the usual food after the normalization of the intestines.

Weakness after a severe intestinal infection persists for a single week.

Features of the course in childhood

Symptoms, treatment in adults and children are similar. Children's gastrointestinal infections are more pronounced. The reasons for the infection of a child are the use of dairy products of undesirable quality, unboiled water, unwashed vegetables, fruits, and a sick adult. A child of the first and second years of life pulls everything into his mouth, therefore he picks up the infection faster. Frequent intestinal diseases in infants are rotavirus and enterovirus infections, dysentery, salmonellosis. If a child falls ill in a kindergarten, the infection spreads as soon as possible, the contagiousness of children is high.

Regardless of the type of pathogenic microorganism, signs of intestinal infection are characterized by an increase in body temperature (reaches up to 39 degrees), diarrhea, and vomiting. The baby begins to chill. Intestinal infections lead to dehydration in every second story. Intoxication is manifested in severe thirst, decrease, cessation of urination, dry mouth. The child does not play, does not show appetite, sleeps. In severe forms, the fontanel sinks, the skin turns gray, the child loses weight dramatically. First aid consists in calling a doctor, hospitalizing a child - dehydration is dangerous for children. Examples of the consequences of intoxication are cerebral edema, convulsions, death.

With mild forms of the course of the disease, it is possible to treat the infection in a child at home. Infected children are suitable for clean water, detoxification preparations (Regidron). The liquid is given in small portions so as not to cause a repeated attack of vomiting. Doctors believe that an enema will help to improve the patient's condition.

Tablets from an intestinal infection for children are prescribed by a doctor. Among antibiotics, Enterofuril is prescribed in the form of a suspension - children from 1 month old are allowed. Stopdiar is suitable for eliminating the symptoms of intestinal upset in young children. The preparation contains nifuroxazide, which eliminates pathogenic bacteria. You can give from the second month of life of the baby. Cycloferon will help get rid of rotavirus infection. The duration of use is determined by the doctor.

Children under 4 months old should not be given fermented milk formulas. If the child is breastfed, do not refuse feeding. Mother's milk will help the baby to cope with a viral infection faster. For older children, cereal porridges on the water (rice, buckwheat), dietary meat products (chicken fillet, turkey, hare), low-fat kefir, cottage cheese are suitable. After treatment, new products are introduced after 2-3 weeks with the normalization of the baby's stool. Often after diarrhea, the child has severe constipation.

If the child often suffers from intestinal infections, consult an immunologist. The doctor will prescribe a course of general strengthening drugs (vitamins A, B, C).

Than to treat children from intestinal diseases, it is better to warn them. Teach your child to be clean from an early age!

Preventive measures

Preventive measures for action - compliance with sanitary rules: washing hands with soap, processing fruits and vegetables, normalizing the work of the intestines and stomach. Vaccines against intestinal infection have not been invented.

Wash your hands after visiting the street, mass events, toilet. It is better to limit the use of lactic acid products, mayonnaise in the summer. Do not leave food in the kitchen overnight, store it in the refrigerator. If you find an unpleasant smell from meat, rot on canned food, ruthlessly part with them. Microbes are more likely to live in raw products. Try to buy products in trusted stores. Vegetables and fruits should be carefully washed, it is better for children to give without skin. Eat boiled water, do not allow children to drink from the tap.

If a family member has contracted an intestinal infection, take preventive measures:

  1. Allocate an individual towel to the patient.
  2. Thoroughly wash the infected person's dishes.
  3. Treat floor surfaces, door handles, plumbing with chlorine.

Pediatricians, on whose account children are registered, should teach adults about sanitary and hygienic standards (consultation for parents during routine examinations of infants).

Infectious diseases are common and have severe consequences. It is better to prevent them than to take medication.



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