Viral pemphigus in children treatment. Viral pemphigus in children: photos, symptoms and treatment

Unfortunately, modern medicine still cannot accurately name the cause of the development of the disease. Because of this, treatment is not always effective. However, doctors are inclined to believe that the provoking factor is a violation of autoimmune processes.

A certain factor activates the production of antibodies to the body's own cells. Similar phenomenon occurs at negative impact environment and retroviruses. It also takes into account the genetic predisposition to certain diseases.

Symptoms and forms of viral pemphigus in children

The viral pemphigus disease is viral infection organism, as a result of which blisters appear on the skin, which can be either small in size or, in combination with other formations, cover most of the body.

Viral pemphigus also tends to appear on the mucous membranes, inside the formation contains a cloudy liquid.

A child can become infected in public places, after which for some time to be a carrier of the virus and infect others.

The photos show how frightening the symptoms of this disease can be. Pemphigus is a contagious disease that can be spread by direct contact, as well as droplets of saliva when coughing and sneezing, and even through household items.

Pemphigus in children is characterized by the appearance of painful pimples, similar to watery blisters of various sizes. Several foci can merge into one. Causes the disease enterovirus Coxsackie.

A chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, which manifests itself through the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, is called pemphigus. This pathology has several stages of flow.

  • vulgar;
  • vegetative;
  • leaf-shaped;
  • erythematous.
  • Viral pemphigus is a form of pemphigus and occurs through infection with the Coxsackie A16 virus or intestinal virus (enterovirus 71). A virus is the simplest form, bordering between animate and inanimate nature. This is a defective cell (like a bacterium), it cannot multiply without "attaching" to a cell of the human body.

    The child's body is fragile and prone to many diseases. A disease in which not water, but purulent blisters form on the body of a child is called streptoderma. You can read more about this disease in an article on the topic of streptoderma in children, photo.

    • blisters in the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or genitals;
    • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in places of the affected skin;
    • the formation of colorless content inside the bubbles;
    • after the rupture of the bubbles, ulcers appear.
    • inguinal zones;
    • nasal cavity;

    Pemphigus in children is a disease viral etiology. The disease is accompanied by the formation of characteristic blisters on the skin, rapidly spreading through the epithelium.

    At risk are children of primary and preschool age. When not proper treatment blistering can cause serious complications and impair the child's quality of life. Therapy should be carried out comprehensively and in stages.

    Concept and characteristics

    Pemphigus in a child - photo:

    Pemphigus is an infectious disease characterized by the formation of painful blisters on the skin. Visually, they resemble bubbles filled with liquid.

    The progression of the viral disease leads to draining blisters and a rapid increase in their numbers. The pathological process is accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by severe pain.

    Pemphigus is considered a seasonal disease. The greatest activity of the virus is observed in autumn and spring.


    The causative agent of pemphigus is. The disease can be transmitted air- by drip or upon contact with contaminated items. Symptoms of the disease do not occur in all children.

    The main condition for the development of pemphigus is considered to be a weak immune system.

    If the protective functions of the child's body are not violated, then contact with the carrier of the virus can do without negative consequences.

    Increase the risk of infection child, the following factors:

    • weakening of the immune system under the influence of uncontrolled intake of potent drugs;
    • congenital autoimmune pathologies;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • hormonal disorders in the body;
    • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
    • the negative impact of the environment on the child's body;
    • pathologies associated with the central nervous system;
    • contact with objects common use without any security measures.


    AT medical practice pemphigus is divided into several varieties. They differ not only place of localization but also the process of its development.

    Determining the specific type of disease is necessary for prescribing specific course of treatment. For the treatment of certain types of the disease, it is necessary to use special preparations and plans for their use. Pemphigus can develop in a mild, moderate, severe or chronic form.

    Types of pemphigus:

    Symptoms and signs

    The incubation period for pemphigus is seven days. The first symptom of the disease is the deterioration of the general condition of the child. The appearance of characteristic blisters occurs after two or three days.

    In some cases, blistering may be accompanied by a rash. Further development disease resembles chickenpox. Blisters can occur singly or immediately cover a significant part of the skin.

    A distinctive feature of pemphigus is the fusion of blisters with each other.

    The symptoms of pemphigus are as follows signs:

    Complications and consequences

    In some cases, pemphigus may acquire chronic nature. Such forms of the disease provoke serious damage to internal organs and disrupt their performance.

    In childhood, such complications are rare and only as a result of the lack of right approach to treatment. Most often, pemphigus has a favorable prognosis and disappears without a trace in young patients.

    Possible complications diseases can have the following consequences:

    • heart failure;
    • sepsis;
    • encephalitis.


    In most cases, doctors can determine pemphigus in children with a visual examination.

    If the disease has joined additional infection or specialists suspect a complication of the pathological process, then an additional examination is prescribed.

    In the diagnosis of the disease, the following can be used procedures:

    • general and biochemical blood test;
    • cytological examination of the fluid from the blisters;
    • checking blood for the presence of specific antibodies;
    • histological studies;
    • complex analysis of feces;
    • liquor analysis.

    What to treat?

    When drawing up a treatment plan for pemphigus, doctors consider individual characteristics child's body , the degree of damage to the skin and the presence of additional infections.

    With proper and timely therapy, the symptoms of the disease disappear after a week.

    If the skin is affected in insignificant degree , then treatment may consist only in the use of medications that eliminate pain.


    The need to use strong medicines in the treatment of pemphigus occurs in the event of a significant lesion of the skin or a serious condition of the child.

    To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, antipyretic, hormonal, antiviral agents, as well as drugs of other categories.

    In the treatment of pemphigus, the following can be prescribed drugs:

    • means for lowering body temperature (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen);
    • glucocorticosteroid drugs (Dexamethasone);
    • hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Betamethasone);
    • combined medicines (pharmacy talkers);
    • antihistamines(Fenistil, Tsetrin);
    • antiviral drugs(Viferon, Cycloferon);
    • means of the cytostatic group (Azathioprine);
    • antimicrobials (Oracept);
    • antiseptics (Miramistin).


    Physiotherapy procedures for pemphigus are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

    Such a technique becomes mandatory in the presence of complications or damage to large areas of the skin of a small patient.

    Preparations for physiotherapy procedures are selected by specialists individually. Physicians consider not only general state child, but also his age.

    Kinds applied procedures:

    • electrical stimulation of the bladder;
    • electrophoresis with prozerin or atropine;
    • electrical stimulation;
    • electrophoresis with calcium chloride;
    • magnetotherapy.

    Folk remedies

    Recipes alternative medicine well help to eliminate pain in pemphigus. You are allowed to use them, but only after consultation with a doctor and conducting a comprehensive examination of the child.

    Some forms of pemphigus imply the mandatory use of potent medications. Self-medication with folk remedies can complicate therapy and slow down the healing process of a small patient.

    Examples of folk remedies used for pemphigus in children:

    1. Lotions with nettle juice(fresh nettle leaves must be chopped, the juice squeezed out, a cotton pad is wetted in the resulting liquid, the workpiece must be applied to blisters or crusts several times a day).
    2. Compresses with aloe juice(from the leaves of aloe it is necessary to extract the pulp, soak a cotton pad with juice and apply a lotion several times a day to the affected areas of the child's skin).
    3. Healing infusion to strengthen the general condition of the child (in equal amounts it is necessary to combine yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds and calendula, pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with boiling water, insist and consume during the day in small portions).
    4. Lotions with oils(a cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn, sunflower or olive oil should be applied to the affected areas of the skin several times a day, the procedure helps speed up the process of peeling the crusts).

    The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

    Blisters that occur on the mucous membranes are more difficult to treat, and complications can cause extremely negative consequences.

    For example, bubbles in the eye area increase the likelihood decrease in vision. Proper childcare plays an important role. Handle blisters with gloves. Otherwise, the risk of adult infection will increase.

    Based on the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, the following can be done conclusions:

    • adherence to a diet (exclusion from the diet of sour, spicy and salty foods);
    • during the period of illness, it is necessary to limit the use of sweets by the child;
    • hot meals and drinks should be excluded from the child's diet;
    • clothes for a child should be chosen from natural materials (the cut should be free to ensure a constant supply of oxygen to the wounds);
    • the room in which the child is located should be regularly ventilated and subjected to wet cleaning;
    • it is not recommended to bathe children in the first week of progression of the disease (the wound healing process will worsen under the influence of moisture).


    Favorable forecasts for pemphigus are possible only in the case of adequate and timely therapy.

    If the symptoms of the disease have been ignored for a long time or self-medication has been used, then the consequences can endanger the life of the child.

    Bladder has the ability recur. With its regular occurrence, the protective functions of the child's body are reduced. The baby becomes vulnerable to infections and viruses, many of which increase the risk of death.

    The nuances of forecasting pemphigus:

    • an overdose of hormonal drugs causes complications;
    • the exclusion of the use of corticosteroids slows down the treatment process and leads to relapses;
    • self-medication can provoke the addition of additional infections that are life-threatening for the child.

    Prevention measures

    Prevention of pemphigus is mainly aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the child's body. In most cases, the virus infects weakened children.

    If the child has suffered a serious illness or surgery, then special attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system.

    Additionally required control the diet children and their conditions. Children should be taught personal hygiene from an early age.

    Prevention measures for pemphigus are as follows: recommendations:

    1. The child must have individual funds hygiene (towel, toothbrush, etc.).
    2. Strengthening the child's immune system from the first days of his life (long-term breastfeeding, proper diet, vitamins in accordance with age).
    3. The clothes of the child must be clean, and the room in which he stays must comply with sanitary requirements.
    4. The child should know that it is impossible to come close to people with signs of a cold (for example, to a person who is sneezing or coughing).
    5. All diseases (regardless of etiology) should be treated promptly and fully.

    If a child develops symptoms of pemphigus, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The disease is not among the deadly infections, but the lack of therapy can cause other pathological processes to join.

    The presence of complications is the basis for unfavorable forecasts. Some effects may not respond to treatment and disrupt the quality of life of the baby. Self-medication with pemphigus should be excluded.

    About epidemic pemphigus of the newborn you can learn from the video:

    We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

    Viral pemphigus is a dermatological disease common in childhood and caused by an intestinal virus (enterovirus). Pathology is characterized by the appearance of characteristic blisters on the child's body, and the enterovirus affects not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also circulates throughout the body.

    The disease is rather unpleasant, but not dangerous, with timely and proper treatment, all symptoms disappear in a week. Viral pemphigus is more often diagnosed in children under the age of 10 years, the disease is seasonal, the peak incidence usually occurs in spring or autumn.

    The immune system of babies is imperfect and children under 10 years of age are most often susceptible to diseases transmitted by household contact and airborne droplets. Pathogen viral pemphigus is the intestinal enterovirus Coxsackie, which can be infected in the children's team when communicating with the carrier, as well as when using other people's things (dishes, towels).

    The risk of infection increases significantly if the child is weakened after earlier past illness. The virus is easily transmitted from a sick person, it is enough for him to simply sneeze, cough and the child can catch the infection. The child's body is most susceptible to the attack of pathogenic viruses and bacteria after a cold or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Another factor contributing to infection is insufficiently developed personal hygiene skills in children and the use of common items: toys, dishes, inventory in kindergarten or at school. Experts point out that compliance hygiene measures, frequent washing hands and the use of only individual items, significantly reduces the likelihood of an illness.

    All risk factors are far from being fully identified, but many doctors say that in children with a hereditary predisposition, the incidence of viral pemphigus is much higher.

    Doctors are trying to understand why, under equal conditions, some children get sick, while others remain healthy. Medical research suggests that this is due to autoimmune processes and the formation of aggressive antibodies that, in contact with the virus, affect the skin and provoke the appearance of blisters and stratification of the epidermis.

    In a child exposed to the virus, the first symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately. The incubation period takes from 3 to 10 days. The main place of localization of rashes is the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, the area of ​​the buttocks, feet and hands, upper and lower extremities. Bubbles (vesicles) have a variety of shapes and sizes (from a few millimeters to 1 cm). Their number depends on the severity of the disease; in complex cases, more than 100 elements of the rash may appear simultaneously.

    Symptoms of the disease

    At the end of the incubation period, the child develops symptoms similar to those of a sore throat or SARS:

    • Weakness, drowsiness
    • Temperature rise up to 38°С
    • Headache
    • Fever
    • Runny nose
    • Cough
    • Sore throat
    • Lack of appetite

    In some cases, the onset of the disease may be indicated by the appearance of small red pimples and bad breath. After about a day, the temperature subsides, but the remaining symptoms continue to progress. Blisters and blisters filled with serous contents appear on the skin. On the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, the bubbles quickly open and form wounds and sores. The child may refuse to eat and drink, as eating is accompanied by pain.

    On the body, the blisters burst and form painful sores (up to 3 mm in diameter), bordered by a red rim. After a while, the erosions dry up and become covered with a crust. Rashes can provoke severe itching, the child combs blisters and open sores, which is fraught with a bacterial or fungal infection.

    Usually, a week after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, the crusts fall off and a complete recovery is noted. On average, from the onset of the disease to full recovery 10 days pass, but the child remains a carrier of the virus. The danger of infection persists for another three months and all this time the infectious agent is found in the baby's stool. Viral pemphigus in young children is often confused with a sore throat, so it is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease, who can make the correct diagnosis.

    Forms of viral pemphigus in children

    In addition to viral, doctors distinguish several more forms of pemphigus, which differ somewhat in symptoms. Common to all varieties of the disease is the appearance of watery blisters.

    • Pemphigus foliaceus. The disease begins with the appearance of flat blisters on the skin that burst at the slightest touch. After them, there are erosions that secrete exudate. As it dries, the erosive areas become covered with crusts. When the exudate is released, new crusts are formed, which are superimposed on the old ones and form coarse layered growths. The healing process is slow, as fresh blisters may appear under the formed crusts. In addition, the elements tend to merge and affect large surfaces. With the progression of the disease, the child's condition worsens, any movement is accompanied by pain, the baby becomes restless and irritable, he has weight loss and sleep disturbance.
    • seborrheic pemphigus. The place of localization chooses the scalp, face, chest, back. On the reddened and inflamed areas of the skin, multiple bubbles of small sizes appear. They quickly burst and become covered with a characteristic gray-yellow crust. This form of pemphigus should be differentiated from seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.
    • Vegetative pemphigus. This form is characterized by the location of lesions in the oral cavity, on the face (around the nose and lips), in skin folds and in the genital area. After opening the blisters, erosions with an unpleasant odor remain, covered with a serous or purulent coating, and a large amount of exudate is released. Lesions can merge and form large wound surfaces, active movements are accompanied by burning and pain.

    These forms of pemphigus are characterized chronic course, can last for years and provoke severe damage to internal organs (liver, heart, kidneys). They are rare in children and, unlike viral pemphigus, require a serious approach to treatment and the use of potent drugs.


    When diagnosing viral pemphigus, special measures are not required. An experienced pediatrician is able to make a correct diagnosis based on a visual examination. To make a correct diagnosis for other forms of pemphigus, a comprehensive examination will be required.

    For this, skin samples are taken, cytological analysis, histological studies are carried out, and blood is checked for the presence of specific antibodies.


    Viral pemphigus in children does not require special treatment, it can go away on its own without causing complications.
    Even the most severe symptoms disappear after 10 days, regardless of therapeutic measures. The disease has a viral nature, so antibacterial drugs are not used for treatment. Therapy of the disease is reduced to stopping the symptoms and alleviating the condition of the baby.

    This disease is perhaps the only one in which the use of soft drinks and ice cream is recommended to relieve a sore throat. Warm or hot drinks can only increase the pain in the mouth, where the sores are localized. So, what can parents do to alleviate the condition of the baby?

    • Give your child cold drinks (non-acidic juices, compotes, tea, plain water). It is better to exclude sweet carbonated drinks so as not to irritate the mucous membrane.
    • Buy your child ice cream.
    • For the period of illness, exclude hot food and drink from the baby's diet.
    • Do not feed your child sour, spicy, spicy foods capable of irritating tissues in the oral cavity. It is recommended that the products be rubbed or chopped to make it easier for the baby to swallow food.
    • To alleviate the condition, after consulting a doctor, give painkillers and antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.
    • At severe itching and inflammatory processes, the doctor may recommend taking antihistamines.

    A doctor should prescribe drugs and select the necessary dosage; it is impossible to treat a child on his own without consulting a specialist!

    Therapy of other forms of pemphigus requires a serious approach, as they are characterized by a severe course and can affect large areas of the skin. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, the duration of the course depends on the condition of the child. Good result gives complex therapy with the use of cytostatics, hormonal drugs and immunosuppressants.

    Anabolic steroid hormones are usually prescribed in combination with corticosteroid drugs, calcium, potassium and ascorbic acid. Hormonal drugs are taken orally or ointments and creams are used for external use.

    Treatment with steroid hormones should be short-term. With a decrease in rashes and positive dynamics, the dose of corticosteroid drugs is gradually reduced to the minimum level that can maintain a therapeutic effect. Abruptly cancel hormonal agents it is impossible, it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    The patient may be prescribed blood purification procedures (hemosorption or plasmapheresis), taking fortified complexes. The course of therapy is determined by the attending physician and depends on the severity of the disease and the condition of the child. After discharge from the hospital little patient must be seen by a dermatologist.

    Treatment of viral pemphigus in children with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine suggests using proven remedies in addition to the main treatment, they alleviate the symptoms of the disease and contribute to the rapid healing of the skin.

    • Lotions with nettle juice. Nettle has a hemostatic, antibacterial and healing effect. For lotions, the leaves of the plant are crushed, the juice is squeezed out, cotton pads are impregnated with it and applied to the affected areas.
    • Herbal compress. An equal number of leaves of lilac, yarrow, bitter wormwood and plantain are crushed, the resulting mass is applied to the affected skin, covered with a sterile napkin and left for 10-15 minutes.
    • Lotions with aloe juice. Peel fresh, fleshy aloe leaves from the skin and thorns, chop and squeeze the juice. Then soak cotton pads with it and apply to the skin affected by rashes.
    • Oil compresses. Lotions with sunflower, sea buckthorn or olive oil will help soften the crusts and remove layers. The oil should be warmed up a little, saturate a cotton swab with it and apply to the affected skin for 20 minutes.
    • Rinsing. With damage to the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, rinsing with infusion will help medicinal herbs. They have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. It is necessary to take 4 tablespoons of chamomile, sage and calendula, place the herbal collection in a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Ready infusion strain and rinse your mouth twice a day: morning and evening.
    • Walnut leaf oil. Walnut leaves (80g) are crushed and poured with vegetable oil (olive, corn, sunflower). Infuse in a dark place for three weeks, then filter and use to treat purulent erosions.
    • antiseptic mixture. Take equal amounts of salt, pepper, onion, garlic and honey. All components are mixed, the resulting mass is simmered in the oven for 15-20 minutes. In the end, you should get a viscous slurry, it is applied to the bubbles. The therapeutic composition draws out pus well and quickly heals wounds and erosion.
    • Healing infusion. External treatment can be supplemented with herbal infusions. Cooking drug collection: take 3 tablespoons of yarrow, 2 tablespoons of chamomile, eucalyptus, birch buds and 4 tablespoons of St. John's wort. All components are thoroughly mixed, 2 tablespoons herbal collection pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The finished infusion is filtered and drunk 100 ml every 4 hours.

    Folk recipes have proven their effectiveness, their use can significantly alleviate painful symptoms and speed up recovery. However, you should consult with your doctor before using them.


    Even after the baby has recovered, he remains a carrier of the virus for 3 months. Therefore, it is important for parents and everyone who comes into contact with the child to observe preventive measures.

    The baby should be provided with a separate towel, bed linen and dishes. It is better for parents and all people around them to refrain from kissing and hugging a child for a while. During illness, the treatment of blisters on the body and in the oral cavity is recommended to be carried out with latex gloves, this measure will allow an adult to avoid contracting a viral infection.

    Everyone around you must strictly observe the rules of hygiene, wash your hands more often. When caring for a baby, you should be especially careful, especially when changing diapers. The baby needs to be thoroughly washed, more often to wash and disinfect his clothes, bed linen, treat toys with antiseptics. It is better to wash soft toys and put them away for the duration of the illness. The room should be wet cleaned daily, dusted and ventilated.

    In the baby's menu, include food that does not irritate the damaged oral mucosa. Cook cereals, vegetable purees, let's meat in the form of cutlets or meatballs. Make sure that the child drinks more liquids, give chilled drinks, ice cream. Juices should not be acidic, orange, grapefruit, pineapple juice should be excluded. Let the baby drink compotes herbal decoctions and teas, mineral water. These measures will help improve the patient's well-being and help him cope with the disease faster.

    Pemphigus vulgaris occurs due to autoimmune disorders. The mucous membrane of the mouth and lips is affected first, the blisters are small, their surface is very thin. To confirm the diagnosis, a sample of fluid from the blister is taken for analysis. Watery blisters appear in the oral cavity, then the focus spreads throughout the body. It proceeds in an acute form. Bubbles can be large, when opened, a clear or bloody fluid flows out of them. As it dries, a brown crust forms. A burn, an excess of ultraviolet radiation and a number of drugs can provoke a disease. The disease can last for several years. There are traces of pigmentation at the sites of the lesion. In the acute stage, the number of blisters increases.

    On the mucous membrane of the mouth, erosions also merge with each other, making it difficult to eat. The general condition of the patient worsens. If there is no improvement, cachexia may develop. Treatment is hormonal. The dosage is not reduced until the disappearance of fresh blisters. As an additional measure, blood purification procedures are carried out. Steroids may be prescribed. As a local treatment, doctors recommend products with a drying effect and ointment dressings. dangerous with complications. With an unfavorable outcome of treatment, the kidneys, liver and heart are affected. To avoid relapse, you should monitor the level of sugar in the blood, take vitamins, calcium.

    Leaf pemphigus - blisters are flat, with a thin surface, erosion occurs at the site of rupture of the bubble, which does not heal for a long time. Constantly appearing bubbles form a large non-healing wound. The mucous membrane of the mouth with this form of pemphigus is not affected. New bubbles form under the crust. The main difference from other forms is that the horny exfoliates from the granular, even in healthy areas of the skin. Patients are prescribed corticosteroid drugs along with anabolic steroid hormones. The drugs are prescribed for a long time.

    Seborrheic - a type of leaf pemphigus. The rash appears in the form of small blisters, drying up, they become covered with yellow crusts. Localized on the face, in the scalp and spread to the chest and back. After removing the scales, the surface of the focus becomes wet. On the mucous appear very rarely. Doctors associate this form with systemic lupus erythematosus, since the signs of the diseases are similar. It differs from others in that the lesions are symmetrical and erosion does not form in place of the bubbles. Seborrheic pemphigus can be confused with measles and rubella. High-dose glucocorticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, antibiotics are prescribed for treatment. a wide range and plasmapheresis. The patient's condition will be facilitated by baths with anti-inflammatory drugs, with oak bark and antimicrobial ointment dressings. In some patients, seborrheic pemphigus turns into a pemphigus vulgaris or leaf-shaped form.

    vegetative form. Blisters are localized in the genital area, in the armpit and on the head. The blisters burst, forming a purulent plaque. Then, at the site of the blisters, the skin grows. Healing lasts a long time, there is a seal similar to a wart.

    Brazilian pemphigus - found only in Brazil, in the Amazon region. The symptoms resemble pemphigus foliaceus - the mucous membrane of the mouth is not affected. The disease affects children - from 10 years of age and young people up to 30 years.

    Benign familial chronic pemphigus Guzhero-Hailey-Hailey. Small blisters appear mainly on the neck, shoulder blades, armpit, in inguinal region. For treatment, antibiotics, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed, wounds are treated with alcohol. Treatment is usually effective.

    Pemphigus of the eye. More common in older people. Damage to the mucous membrane of the eye leads to fusion of the eyelids with the eyeball and narrowing of the palpebral fissure. The disease can lead to blindness.

    Despite the fact that viral pemphigus is considered a childhood disease, an adult can also be infected. The course of the disease is more severe than in children. Treat adults as well as small patients.

    2 Causes of the disease

    The disease caused by the Coxsackie virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, from a sick person to a healthy one, and only a person can be the source of infection. Throughout the illness and another three months after it, the patient will be a carrier of the infection. The incubation period lasts from 3 to 7 days. The disease is seasonal, outbreaks occur in spring and summer.

    Causes of occurrence:

    1. Enterovirus. It manifests itself as pain in the abdomen, but can on the oral mucosa. Affects the central nervous system. They are highly resistant to the external environment.
    2. Hormones. Hormonal disorders can be one of the main causes of this disease.
    3. autoimmune cause. Human body produces aggressive antibodies, which, together with the virus, provoke the formation of vesicles and exfoliation of the superficial and deep layers of the skin.
    4. Weak immunity can cause many diseases.

    Viral pemphigus in children begins with a rash, then blisters form on the palms, soles of the feet and in the mouth. Sometimes this disease is called "hands-foot-mouth". Babies get sick less often, the cause may be Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms appear in the first days of a child's life. Bubbles form on the body, quickly increase in size, burst and in their place wounds appear. Antibiotics are used for treatment.

    3 Symptoms of pathology

    Symptomatically, the pathology is manifested by the following signs:

    1. The appearance of blisters on the legs, arms and mouth;
    2. Increased body temperature;
    3. eye irritation, lacrimation;
    4. Itching in the area of ​​the rash;
    5. Headache.

    Mostly children under 10 get sick, it is during this period that the child’s immune system is not strong enough, so diseases easily cling to him infectious nature. A child is at risk after a recent cold or exacerbation chronic disease. There is a factor hereditary predisposition. Diagnosis is made after physical examination, complete blood count, throat swab, fecal analysis, and histological examination of the contents of the blisters.

    4 Treatment

    Treatment is to eliminate the symptoms:

    1. A sick child must be isolated so as not to infect family members. Select separate dishes, cutlery;
    2. Frequent drinking, drinks, teas, compotes should be given cold. Hot drinks are contraindicated;
    3. Diet, with the exception of sour, salty foods, so as not to irritate the oral mucosa;
    4. Exclude solid food;
    5. mouth rinse;
    6. Antipyretic drugs if the temperature is high;
    7. To relieve itching, antihistamines are prescribed;
    8. Multivitamins;
    9. Immunostimulants.

    You should not feed your child hot food. This is the one rare case when doctors recommend giving the patient ice cream. As a rule, viral pemphigus in children is self-limited, the symptoms do not last more than 5 days. In order to avoid the spread of viral pemphigus, it is important to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly after contact with the patient, treat wounds with medical gloves, and do not give anyone things and objects from the patient’s environment. Bathe the baby in a bath with medicinal herbs. A sick child should change underwear and bedding as often as possible. Iron things with a hot iron. Subject to the above instructions, you can put the child on his feet in a short time.

    The child's body is fragile and prone to many diseases. A disease in which not water, but purulent blisters form on the body of a child is called streptoderma. You can read more about this disease in an article on the topic of streptoderma in children, photo.

    Symptomatic manifestations of the disease:

    • blisters in the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or genitals;
    • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in places of the affected skin;
    • the formation of colorless content inside the bubbles;
    • after the rupture of the bubbles, ulcers appear.

    Most often, the signs of the disease are localized on the mucous membranes in the area:

    • inguinal zones;
    • nasal cavity;

    A chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, which manifests itself through the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, is called pemphigus. This pathology has several stages of flow.

    The child's body is fragile and prone to many diseases. A disease in which not water, but purulent blisters form on the body of a child is called streptoderma. You can read more about this disease in an article on the topic of streptoderma in children, photo.

    Bullae are lesions or some sacs under the skin, limited by the epidermis and filled with erosive fluid. They are similar to others skin rashes- Vesicles and blisters.

    The main difference is only in the size of the bulls. They, by the way, reach at least 1 cm in diameter.

    The size of the bubble is even larger with frostbite or burns.

    The bulla itself consists of several specific layers:

    1. Upper skin. The thinnest part, very often serous fluid is visible through the septum. The layer is sometimes referred to as the "cover".
    2. Cavity with liquid.
    3. The deep layer of skin that forms the "bottom" of the bladder.

    Mechanism of blister formation

    Human skin can be figuratively described as a water-spring "mattress" covered with a kind of "wall". The "mattress" does not participate in the formation of blisters - only the upper layer, the epidermis, suffers.

    The epidermal layer consists of 10-20 cell layers, which look like bricks under a microscope. The "bricks" of the second layer of the epidermis are connected to each other by a kind of "bridges".

    On top of the “wall” there are layers of cells, no longer quite similar to cells, resembling applied cream. These are scales, corneocytes, necessary for protection against mechanical, chemical and physical damage.

    Causes of pathology

    Viral pemphigus of the palms and soles is caused by a special group of viruses - enteroviruses, more specifically - Coxsackie viruses, subspecies A16 and enteroviruses subspecies 71 themselves.

    The first type of microorganisms causes damage, mainly only to the palms, which proceeds easily and without complications. Enteroviruses of 71 subspecies cause a highly contagious, epidemic-causing pathology, which can be complicated by enteroviral meningitis (inflammation of the meninges of the brain) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain itself).

    Long-term studies have not yet given an accurate answer about the nature of pemphigus. Most doctors tend to think that the reason lies in the disruption of the immune system.

    The nature and danger of autoimmune diseases:

    • cells that do protective function, are perceived by the immune system as antibodies;
    • the body begins to fight with useful cells, weakening the immune system;
    • communication between cells is disrupted;
    • body stops responding to pathogenic flora;
    • the slightest infection causes serious damage to the skin.

    Treat autoimmune diseases difficult, but vital. Lack of therapy in patients with pemphigus can lead to death.

    The main factors provoking the disease are:

    • diseases of the nervous system;
    • violation of the metabolic processes of the body;
    • disease endocrine organs;
    • change in the structure of enzymes;
    • the impact of harmful factors.

    The most likely cause of pemphigus are disorders of autoimmune processes, as a result of which the cells of the body become antibodies for the immune system.

    Violation of the antigenic structure of epidermal cells occurs under the influence of external factors, in particular exposure to retroviruses and aggressive environmental conditions.

    The damaging effect on the cells of the epidermis and the production of specific antigens leads to disruption of the connection between the cells, resulting in the formation of blisters. Risk factors for pemphigus have not been established, but in individuals with a hereditary predisposition, the incidence rate is higher.

    Possible root causes of the formation of pemphigus are disorders in the immune system of the child's body. As a result, the immune response to its own cellular structures is manifested.

    But the violation of the integrity of the skin occurs under the influence of retroviruses or aggressive environmental conditions. Bubbles are formed due to disturbances in metabolic processes between cells.

    This lesion of the dermis is characterized by an autoimmune mechanism of development, with it the appearance of autoantibodies to skin cells is observed. The disease is very dangerous (possible death) due to cachexia, the addition of a secondary infection.

    Until now, scientists have not established the reasons that provoke changes in immune system. There are versions about the influence of exogenous factors on the body (if the patient has a genetic predisposition).

    Most often, the cause of pemphigus vulgaris is changes in the cells of tissues and skin, as a result of which they become antibodies to the immune system.

    Similar metamorphoses occur when exposed to aggressive environmental factors or retroviruses. Changes in the cells of the epidermis and the synthesis of specific antigens disrupt the intercellular communication, as a result of which specific blisters form on the surface of the skin.

    Other provoking factors have not been identified, but it is known that the percentage of incidence is influenced by genetic predisposition.

    The most likely cause of pemphigus is considered to be a process disorder autoimmune system, which causes the cells of the body to present antibodies. Changes in the antigenic structure of the epidermis itself are observed due to the influence of external factors (for example, the action of retroviruses or poor environmental conditions itself).

    In the causes of pemphigus, the leading role is played by autoimmune processes associated with the appearance of antibodies to the intercellular substance of the epithelium and the formation of an antigen-antibody immune complex in it. The latter process causes stratification of the epithelium due to ancatholysis (dissolution of the intercellular substance, destruction of desmosomes, which leads to disruption of connections between cells) with the formation of intraepidermal cavities.

    Pemphigus is more common in women aged 40-60 years. Depending on the clinical picture, pemphigus vulgaris, vegetative, leaf-shaped, seborrheic (erythematous, or Senier-Usher syndrome) are distinguished.


    Depending on the course of the pathological process, two types of pemphigus are distinguished in adults:

    • True.
    • Non-acantholic.

    There are significant differences between these forms. The first type of pathology poses a threat to the life of the patient. The second type is considered a less dangerous benign form with a milder course.

    Each species has several categories. Classification depends on the location of the blisters and the symptoms of the disease.

    We will talk about the diagnosis and treatment of bullae, water bubbles on the body in an adult and a child below.

    Pemphigus is a fairly common disease, since one of the varieties of its forms is viral. A sick person can easily infect a healthy person who has a weak immune system during this period.

    The incubation period is only 3 to 6 days. With the same probability, both a man and a woman can get sick.

    Depending on the stage of development of the disease, there are 4 main stages of pemphigus:

    • the initial stage is characterized by multiple rashes in the form of blisters with a clear liquid, no more than on two parts of the body;
    • the stage of active spread of the disease (generalization) - the general condition worsens, signs of dehydration are fixed, rashes appear on three or more anatomical areas of the body;
    • temporary weakening or disappearance of the main symptoms, in particular, after a course of glucocorticosteroids, which have an immunosuppressive effect;
    • repeated exacerbation of pemphigus - observed in chronic, the most common form.

    Pemphigus as a dermatological disease has not been fully studied to date. Doctors and scientists cannot determine the main causes of its origin, but they have already been able to accurately distinguish two main varieties: acantholytic or true pemphigus and non-acantholytic or benign pemphigus.

    Each of them is divided into several subspecies. Thus, the acantholytic form is divided into 4 key types:

    • Vulgar - the most common. Bubbles as the main symptom of the disease are localized on the back and chest, as well as on the oral mucosa. At the same time, educated at first single foci gradually spread throughout the cavity, can merge with each other. After opening the bubble, an erosion of a bright red color is formed. Due to severe pain, eating is difficult.

    The group of blistering dermatoses includes the following diseases:

      pemphigus classic or pemphigus;

      pemphigus of the eye or scarring pemphigoid;

      bullous pemphigoid;

      Duhring's dermatitis herpetiformis.

    There are several main types of pemphigus. The most common form is pemphigus vulgaris, other variants are rare.


    Pemphigus vulgaris often affects middle-aged people against the background of a malfunction of the immune system. It can proceed in a malignant form, resistant to all modern methods of treatment.

    In advanced cases, the pathology leads to death.


    With this form, the blisters quickly burst, and gradually increasing and often bleeding vegetations are found on the exposed bottom.


    Pemphigus in children

    The disease affects not only adults. Symptoms of pemphigus appear in:

    • newborns;
    • children under 10 years old.

    The main contingent of patients are girls. The disease is milder than in adults.

    Causes of viral pemphigus in children:

    • the main form is viral, the causative agent is the Kosaki virus;
    • in newborns, the disease is caused by Staphylococcus aureus;
    • pemphigus as a complication of purulent diseases.

    Malignant transformation is rare. Blisters and erosive sites contain a large number of infected cells. The infectious disease is easily passed on to other children.


    • small wounds and blisters on the fingers, toes, on the soles, in the oral cavity;
    • the appearance of blisters is preceded by a rash;
    • after opening, the bubbles shrink.

    Child's condition:

    • general weakness;
    • itching is absent;
    • the temperature rises.

    Ways of transmission of the virus:

    • by airborne droplets;
    • through dirty hands;
    • if hygiene is not observed after visiting the toilet.

    Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Shown:

    • corticosteroid drugs;
    • cytostatics.

    After 7-10 days, the child's condition improves. Early visit to the doctor guarantees a fairly quick recovery.

    During treatment you need:

    • control of sugar levels in urine and blood;
    • daily measurement of blood pressure.

    Keep the hands and body of the child clean, wash often after, iron with a hot iron. So you prevent secondary infection.

    Important! The virus remains in the stool for a long time. Relapse is possible even several months after treatment.

    Viral pemphigus spreads quite quickly, grows and merges. Very often, with a disease, one can observe a change in the acute phase to remission and vice versa.

    This pathology is especially dangerous for newborns. Since a lethal outcome is possible, therefore, help qualified specialist necessary at the first symptomatic manifestations of the disease.

    Another viral disease that is more common in children is molluscum contagiosum. You can see a photo of molluscum contagiosum here.

    The most common symptoms of the viral form of pemphigus:

    • the appearance of watery blisters that increase in size;
    • rash on mucous membranes;
    • malaise;
    • feeling of weakness;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • soreness when eating.

    Over time, complications are possible.

    In the acute form of the course, the disease can affect:

    • kidneys;
    • liver;
    • heart muscle.

    Depending on the clinical manifestations, the following are distinguished possible forms diseases:

    1. Vulgar.
    2. Foliate.
    3. Vegetative.
    4. Brazilian.
    5. Erythematous.
    6. Paraneoplastic.

    The first signs of pemphigus appear after about a week.

    At initial stage possible symptoms of the disease:

    • loss of appetite;
    • broken state;
    • apathy;
    • inflammatory processes in the throat;
    • temperature increase.

    Sometimes there may be a rash on the body before the blisters appear.

    Pemphigus vulgaris

    This is the most common form of the disease. Refers to bullous dermatoses, the main element is a bladder.

    Typical symptoms for this form of pemphigus are:

    1. The presence of flabby bubbles, inside which are transparent contents.
    2. Bubbles very often lose their integrity and turn into erosion.
    3. Erosion heals for a long time, may crack or bleed.
    4. The most commonly affected areas are the skin and mucous membranes.
    5. With a strong lesion, palpation of the blisters can cause pain and bleed heavily.
    6. If the formation of blisters takes place in the mouth, then the child has difficult digestion.
    7. A crust may form in the middle of the bladder.
    8. There are no specific locations.

    Pemphigus foliaceus

    Often this is a surgeon or an infectious disease specialist. For a complete diagnosis, only an examination by a dermatologist is enough. But at the same time, the specialist excludes all possible diseases, according to the clinical manifestation of the disease.

    For a detailed diagnosis of the disease in a child, you may need:

    1. General blood analysis.
    2. Histological analysis of the contents of the vesicles.
    3. Immunological study.
    4. Carrying out an antibiogram.

    Read more about diagnosing urticaria pigmentosa in children here.

    As a rule, pemphigus in children is diagnosed in the first months of life. This is a highly contagious (contagious) infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of pustules that spread very quickly over the skin.

    Children's pemphigus has bacterial nature The causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus.

    Due to the reactive features of the skin, which are aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle of pregnant women, premature births and birth injuries, children are practically not protected from bacterial infections.

    As a result, already in the first days of life, blisters with serous contents may appear on the skin. The disease can manifest itself even 1-2 weeks after birth.

    There are other provoking factors:

    • Violation of hygiene rules in maternity hospitals.
    • Staff of maternity hospitals as a carrier of infection.
    • Purulent inflammation navel.

    Pemphigus in children develops very quickly. Bubbles almost instantly spread throughout the body and increase in size, burst after a few hours.

    In their place, erosions form with remnants of the skin around the edges, which cause pain and become covered with purulent crusts. The process is accompanied by intoxication, fever, lack of appetite.


    Often there are vulgar, seborrheic (erythematous) and vegetative type of pathology. Symptoms of pemphigus are somewhat different.

    There are several main types of pemphigus, and each of them is characterized by its own symptoms.

    This form of pemphigus is characterized by the presence of blisters all over the body. Their shell is thin, sinks in the center, and the purulent contents are cloudy. Bubbles appear first in the oral cavity and cause an unnecessary visit to the dentist.

    Pemphigus in adults is a chronic disease with an undulating course, that is, an alternation of periods of fading of clinical manifestations and exacerbations of the disease is characteristic. A characteristic symptom of the disease is the appearance of blisters (bull).

    Bubbles can be localized on the mucous membranes of the mouth, upper respiratory tract, external genitalia, skin. There are several forms of pemphigus:

    1. Ordinary (vulgar);
    2. vegetative;
    3. Foliate;
    4. Erythematous (seborrhea);
    5. Brazilian.

    Pemphigus vulgaris

    This is the most common form of pemphigus in adults. It usually begins imperceptibly, for no apparent reason.

    The disease manifests itself with the appearance of blisters on the mucous membrane of the mouth, the red border of the lips, nose, and nasopharynx. The patient is concerned about pain when swallowing food and saliva, when talking.

    In addition, there is increased salivation and, characteristically, bad smell from mouth. Often, patients turn to a dentist or an otolaryngologist with such symptoms and are unsuccessfully treated for stomatitis, rhinitis, or laryngitis.

    Initially, areas of skin with specific redness appear on the body of the sick person, which is covered with blisters (flattened, flabby). Sometimes the disease can develop like pemphigus vulgaris, Duhring's dermatitis, and other types of dermatitis. In some cases, the bubbles are very weakly expressed.

    Whether a person has become infected or not, having come into contact with the patient, will not be seen immediately, but after 3-10 days of the incubation period. Further, the children have common signs that indicate that the child is sick:

    • weakness;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • drowsiness;
    • loss of appetite;
    • may be: runny nose, sore throat, headache, cough, sometimes loose stools.

    Pemphigus is divided into several types: viral, common, vegetative, leaf-shaped and seborrheic.

    Viral pemphigus is a common, harmless skin disease caused by an enterovirus. Most often, such pemphigus is observed in children in autumn or spring and disappears after a week.

    Infection occurs, for example, during sneezing, and symptoms appear after a few days. Manifestations of the disease can be seen in the mouth (makes it difficult to eat) and on the limbs.

    There are blisters with a thin shell that can burst. The child feels weakness and fever, may have a sore throat.

    special treatment not required, except for the treatment of wounds with disinfectants and the exclusion of spicy and spicy foods in order to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane.

    Ordinary (vulgar) pemphigus begins acutely and, as a rule, begins with a lesion of the oral cavity. This symptom is the only manifestation of the disease for a long time.

    The patient observes the appearance of single blisters or a small number of them in the area of ​​​​the tongue. Due to mechanical damage, the shell of the bubbles is gradually damaged and opened, forming erosions of a bright red color.

    They are so painful that a person cannot chew and swallow food. Later, deep cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, which further complicate the course of the disease.

    After 3-5 months, blisters appear on other parts of the body. They can be of various sizes, with serous or cloudy contents.

    The rash captures all large areas of the skin, forming large foci. The opened blisters leave painful erosions, and later - secondary pigmented spots.

    Scars are rarely formed and only against the background of an attached infection or damage to the basement membrane.

    Often, the development of pemphigus begins with the mucous membranes (mouth, pharynx). It is very difficult to detect them in a timely manner, because these bubbles burst very quickly.

    After their accidental opening, only erosions remain that hurt and have a characteristic bright red color. If you do not start treatment, there is growth, fusion of bubbles.

    At this stage of the development of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

    • fetid odor from the mouth;
    • loss of appetite due to pain;
    • erosion on the oral mucosa.

    On the epidermis, bubbles will begin to appear a few months after their formation on the oral mucosa. Very rarely, reddening of the dermis around the bladder can be noted.

    It is like a thin rim. Rashes in this pathology are focal in nature.

    The rash usually appears in the following areas:

    Traditional treatment

    Bubbles that form in active phase diseases are located inside the epidermis. At the same time, the skin around remains unchanged.

    They have a very soft and thin shell through which a transparent liquid is visible. If it has acquired a whitish tint, then a bacterial infection has joined.

    A few days later, erosion forms in the focal lesions, the bladder opens. It has been repeatedly noted that a specific smell emanates from the patient, similar to rotten apples.

    As a confirmation of the diagnosis, you can conduct a kind of experiment: if you pull on the shell of the bladder or move two areas of the skin near it, a detachment of the epidermis by 1 - 2 millimeters will become noticeable.

    Large bubbles can take the form of a pear, which occurs due to the effect of the gravity of the contents. Soreness of pemphigus foci is not always noted, as well as itching.

    However, the formed erosions always deliver mass discomfort. Due to the inflammatory process, the ulcers are bordered by a red rim, then covered with a crust.

    It falls off on its own after a few days.

    The symptoms described above appear approximately 3-4 days after the end of the incubation period. The duration of which is from 3 to 6 days. The first signs indicating the initial stage of the disease are:

    • general deterioration, weakness;
    • increased body temperature;
    • deterioration in mood and appetite;
    • rarely - cough, runny nose, migraine.

    When rashes occur in the oral cavity, pain syndrome inevitable. The pain is aggravated by exposure to cold, hot, sour and spicy blisters.

    The condition becomes especially difficult after opening the formations. Often, a rash in the oral cavity causes nausea and vomiting.

    In most cases, the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged.

    If the rash with pemphigus is localized on the extremities: fingers, hands, feet, after a few days from the onset of the manifestations of the disease, the nails are most likely to begin to crumble and exfoliate.

    Interestingly, this symptom does not cause pain. After 2-3 weeks, a new nail plate grows, so there are no external traces of the transferred pemphigus.

    main symptom this disease are blisters that appear throughout the body on healthy areas of the skin and mucous membranes. They rarely exceed three centimeters in diameter in size.

    At the initial stage, pemphigus disease manifests itself through white or transparent rashes, which eventually become cloudy and bloodshot. In some cases, the contents of the blisters spill out, but most often it dries up, forming a crust from the contents.

    In spite of common feature in the form of a blistering rash, different diseases have their own, characteristic only for them, manifestations.


    This is a classic version of bubble gum. The essence of the disease is the appearance of blisters from the exfoliated epidermis on the inflamed skin. Mostly people over 35 years of age get sick, children get sick very rarely.

    The first rashes appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, in the pharynx. Gradually, the rash spreads to the whole body.

    Pemphigus vesicles on the mucosa are very thin and burst easily. In their place, erosive changes are formed.

    As a result, eating and even talking are very difficult due to pain.

    Vesicles of pemphigus on the skin are more durable, but they also open with the formation of erosions. They occupy vast areas. Then the erosions are covered with dense crusts, after the discharge of which foci of pigmentation remain.

    Note. The disease can have a benign course, in which the patient's condition practically does not worsen. There is also a malignant course with severe intoxication, exhaustion and dehydration.

    According to the features of the symptomatology, four forms are distinguished:

      pemphigus vulgaris;

      leaf-shaped pemphigus;

      seborrheic pemphigus, or erythematous;


    With vegetative pemphigus, the rash tends to be located in the skin folds, around the natural openings of the body and the navel. After opening the blisters, instead of erosions, skin growths appear - vegetations.

    They are grayish in color. Papillomas can merge and form extensive lesions.

    The growths produce abundant fluid. Patients experience severe pain and itching.

    The leaf-shaped form of pemphigus is often found in children. Bubbles in this variant consist of several layers of the epidermis. After opening them, scaly crusts form on the skin.

    Important. This disease proceeds for many years, gradually spreading to the entire skin, including the scalp. The larger the lesions, the worse the patient's condition.

    Pemphigus foliaceus is a type of pemphigus foliaceus, or epidemic pemphigus. It often affects all members of the same family. The disease is widespread in South America. It is highly likely that this pemphigus is infectious, but its causative agent has not yet been identified.

    Seborrheic pemphigus is called Senier-Uscher syndrome. By its origin, this is a true pemphigus - it can pass into other variants of pemphigus.

    The main part of the rash is localized on the skin. If bubbles appear on the mucosa, this is an unfavorable sign.

    Bubbles are practically invisible, they immediately become covered with yellow crusts, as with seborrhea.

    Pemphigus eye

    The disease is typical for women over 50 years of age. First, conjunctivitis develops - unilateral or bilateral.

    Then, against the background of the inflamed conjunctiva, thin blisters form. After opening them, adhesions are formed, which lead to the fusion of the eyelids with each other.

    Eyeball becomes immobile, blindness develops.

    Note. In addition to the conjunctiva, vesicles of the pemphigus of the eyes appear on the oral mucosa. There they are dense and tense. After their opening, deep painful erosions are formed.

    bullous pemphigoid

    Bubbles appear on symmetrical parts of the body - on the sides of the body, internal surfaces hips. The background may be unaltered or hyperemic skin. Some blisters contain hemorrhagic contents. The rash is accompanied by itching.

    Blisters can merge and reach several centimeters in diameter, forming bullae.

    Dermatitis Dühring

    Vulgar (common). Bubbles of different sizes spread throughout the body. They have a sluggish and thin cover (surface), inside they are filled with a transparent or translucent liquid - serous exudate. Most often, the first bubbles appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose, which causes:

    • Pain when chewing, swallowing and talking.
    • Increased salivation.
    • Pain when blowing your nose.
    • Bad breath.

    What does pemphigus look like in various forms? The viral variety is contagious, but the disease manifests itself after a week. On the mucous membranes, painful yellowish vesicles are formed, surrounded by a halo of inflammation.

    There is a fever, bad breath. characteristic symptoms viral pemphigus are lesions of the skin of the hands and feet.

    Pemphigus on the palms has the following clinical features:

    • unchanged skin background;
    • elongated vesicles 3-5 mm in diameter, painful when touched;
    • skin itching in the area of ​​​​rashes;
    • inflamed border around the vesicles.

    Pemphigus on the hands usually does not leave marks, but there may be unstable pigmentation.

    The epidemic form of pathology in newborns is characterized by the appearance of vesicles with purulent contents on the skin, which rapidly increase in number against the background of a deterioration in the condition.

    Pemphigus vulgaris, or vulgaris, begins with the appearance of a single bubble, sometimes reaching the size of a walnut. Then multiple vesicles appear.

    Their contents gradually become cloudy, an admixture of blood is possible. With pemphigus in adults, the symptoms of intoxication are pronounced, there is no itching and pain in the places of rashes.

    In all forms, after the opening of the blisters, painful erosions are formed, gradually covered with crusts.

    Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common. Symptoms: blisters appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums, and palate, which quickly open up, forming painful bright red or whitish erosions, bordered by fragments of the epithelium (remnants of the bladder cover).

    Then rashes are noted on the externally unchanged skin, first in the form of single blisters of various sizes, mainly on the skin of the chest, back, then their number increases. They are filled with transparent serous contents.

    After a few days, the blisters dry out, becoming covered with crusts, or open with the formation of erosions of a bright red color. The general condition of patients at the beginning of the disease is slightly disturbed, but gradually it worsens (weakness appears, subfebrile temperature), epithelialization of erosions slows down, food intake is disturbed, cachexia increases.

    In the absence of treatment, death occurs in 1/2-2 years.

    Pemphigus vegetans in the early stages resembles pemphigus vulgaris in terms of symptoms and development. The disease often begins with damage to the oral mucosa. Blisters are usually localized around natural openings, in skin folds, such as inguinal and axillary areas, under the mammary glands, as well as around the navel. Later, when the blisters open, papillomatous growths (vegetations) covered with a grayish coating develop on the surface of the erosions.

    Merging, they form extensive vegetative surfaces.

    Symptoms Pemphigus foliaceus is characterized by a rash on the skin of superficial, flat, flaccid blisters with a thin cover, which quickly breaks, exposes erosion or shrinks with the formation of thin lamellar scale-crusts that insist on each other. The process quickly spreads over the skin, takes on the character of erythroderma with large-lamellar peeling. The mucous membranes are usually not affected. The disease can last 2-5 years or more.

    seborrheic pemphigus

    Seborrheic pemphigus begins with symptoms in the form of education on the skin of the face more often than the nose and cheeks (in the form of a butterfly), less often on the scalp, a lesion covered with soft, easily removed yellowish color scales or brownish crusts, on bottom surface with soft white spines. After removing the crusts, a moist, eroded surface opens up. In the future, on the skin of the back and chest, to a lesser extent - the limbs, bubbles of various sizes appear, which quickly dry out and form brownish lamellar crusts.

    The formation of bubbles can occur so imperceptibly that crusts are detected as if initially. The process resembles seborrheic eczema or impetigo. The oral mucosa is rarely affected. The course of the disease is long, in most cases relatively benign.


    The diagnosis of viral pemphigus is usually made on examination based on the appearance of the rash. Turning to an infectious disease specialist, to confirm the diagnosis, you will need serological studies(detection of antibodies) of blood, feces, cerebrospinal fluid (the latter - with encephalitis or meningitis).

    The results of these examinations will be known no earlier than in 2 weeks. A cytological (under a microscope, which consists in examining cells stained in several ways) examination of the fluid in the vesicles is also used.

    PCR method, the essence of which is found in the DNA material of the virus, for enteroviruses, is under development.

    A dermatologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin pathology. With an external examination, it is difficult to suspect pemphigus in the early stages, so the patient passes biochemical analyzes:

    • Blood analysis

      The number of platelets determines the general state of health and immunity.

    • Analysis of urine

      Increased content leukocytes and protein breakdown products indicates the presence of an extensive inflammatory process.

    Laboratory assistants culture a urine sample in nutrient medium. The causative agent begins to multiply actively with the formation of colonies. Pemphigus enterovirus can be detected by the shape and color of the colony.

    Clinical manifestations, especially at the initial stages of the disease, are uninformative, and therefore, interviewing the patient makes it possible to avoid an erroneous diagnosis. Laboratory research allow suspecting pemphigus, so acantholytic cells are found in smears-imprints during cytological examination.

    At histological examination the intraepidermal arrangement of bubbles is found.

    A dermatologist can treat pemphigus. However, depending on the course of the disease, it may be necessary to consult additional specialists.

    Often this is a surgeon or an infectious disease specialist. For a complete diagnosis, only an examination by a dermatologist is enough.

    But at the same time, the specialist excludes all possible diseases, according to the clinical manifestation of the disease.

    If acantholytic pemphigus is suspected, a cytological examination of a smear from an ulcer is performed. In the study, the laboratory assistant can detect acantholytic epidermal Tzank cells, which indicate the presence of pemphigus in the patient.

    A histological examination of the skin area may also be performed. With pemphigus, intercellular edema in the epidermis, acantholytic integrity disorders, blisters are found.

    With the help of an immunological study, deposits of IgG, IgA can be detected between the epidermal cells in the area of ​​the bladder.

    1. Visual inspection. Most often, experienced dermatologists make an accurate diagnosis by finding the patient's symptoms, which we described above.
    2. Smear-imprint. It is needed to discover acantholytic cells, which are characteristic of all forms of pemphigus.
    3. Histological examination. Thanks to him, a specialist can detect gaps between the layers of the epidermis, blisters, degeneration of cells in the granular layer.
    4. Immunological studies. They are needed to confirm the autoimmune mechanism for the development of the disease. Direct / indirect RIF are not always effective, they provide an opportunity to distinguish a vulgar, leaf-shaped form of pathology.


    The diagnosis is based on a characteristic clinical picture. Confirming is the histological examination of the area of ​​the epidermis. If acantholysis is detected, the diagnosis of pemphigus is considered reliable.

    Pemphigoids - bullous and scarring - are diagnosed on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture. Histological examination of the epidermis does not reveal acantholysis of the spinous layer.

    Duhring's dermatitis is put on the basis of a typical clinical picture. Of the specific methods, the Yadasson test is used - when an iodine solution is applied to the skin, the number of rashes increases.

    The disease is diagnosed by visual examination, it is differentiated from syphilitic pemphigus, which is a consequence congenital syphilis with localization of blisters on the palms. In some cases it is required additional research on the:

    • Tzank cells (cytological).
    • Intraepidermal blisters (histological).
    • Suprabasal glow (immunofluorescent).

    With classical development, the diagnosis of pemphigus does not cause difficulties. In addition to congenital syphilis, it must be differentiated from lupus erythematosus (bullous form), congenital bullous epidermolysis, Dühring's herpetiform dermatosis, bullous toxicoderma, and exudative erythema multiforme.

    The diagnosis of pemphigus is made after questioning the patient, as well as on the basis of the totality of the results of the following examinations:

    • histology;
    • cytology;
    • immunogram.


    elimination unpleasant symptoms and the improvement of the patient's condition largely depends on the time of contacting a dermatologist. The state of the immune system and the age of the patient play a role.

    Treatment of pemphigus is long and serious. Drugs with many side effects are used.

    The main methods of therapy are similar for all types of the disease:

    • the main emphasis on hormonal drugs in tablets;
    • local therapy plays a supporting role.

    All information about vitiligo disease can be read after clicking on the link. About subcutaneous acne is not written in this article. If you go here you can find out interesting information about the symptoms and treatment of Quincke's edema.

    Read about the diagnosis of chickenpox in children on this page.

    Very often, doctors prescribe drugs:

    • prednisolone;
    • polcortolone;
    • metipred;
    • dexamethasone.

    Contraindications to the use of hormones are peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. In cases of the presence of such indications, the introduction of hormonal preparations intramuscularly is used.

    Dangerous complications of pemphigus are meningitis and encephalopathy - damage to the cells of the brain and (or) its membranes, leading to the death of a person.

    The following therapy is carried out:

    1. Antiviral drugs: Cycloferon (350 rubles), Lavomax (730 rubles), Acyclovir (25 rubles).
    2. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers: Nimesulide (100 rubles), Ibuprofen (40 rubles).
    3. Antihistamines: Loratadin (20 rubles), Zodak (125 rubles).
    4. Disinfectant solutions: Miramistin (230 rubles), Chlorhexidine bigluconate (12 rubles).
    5. External ointments: Acyclovir (20 rubles), Solcoseryl (250 rubles).

    Course treatment of pemphigus takes about 2 months, but the likelihood of relapse remains. After the end of therapy, the patient is recommended to strengthen the immune system.

    To strengthen it and prevent the disease, smoked and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Remarkably help reduce the risk of recurrence walking in the fresh air and physical education.

    Hypoallergenic diet and exclusion from the diet of roughage, canned food, simple carbohydrates, salty foods and other extractives are indicated for patients with any form of pemphigus.

    If the oral cavity is affected, then it is necessary to include puree soups and mucous porridges in the diet in order to prevent a complete rejection of food, protein-rich foods included in the diet accelerate the process of cell regeneration and epithelialization of open erosions.

    All patients with pemphigus should be on dispensary observation a dermatologist recommended a sparing mode of operation, lack of physical exertion and avoidance of insolation. Frequent change of underwear and bedding prevents the attachment of a secondary infection.

    The appointment of glucocorticosteroids immediately in high doses ah, since otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be achieved, after stopping the acute manifestations of pemphigus, the dosage of hormonal drugs is gradually reduced to the minimum effective.

    In the treatment of pemphigus, methods of extracorporeal hemocorrection are used: hemosorption, cryoapheresis and membrane plasmapheresis. As a local treatment for pemphigus, aniline dyes and non-aggressive antiseptic solutions.

    Acute forms of pemphigus are often treated with corticosteroid hormones.

    Contraindications to the use of hormones are peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. In cases of the presence of such indications, the introduction of hormonal preparations intramuscularly is used.

    The process of treating pemphigus is quite complicated. Therefore, self-treatment of this type of disease is in no case unacceptable. The disease progresses rapidly, affecting large areas of the skin, which leads to disruption of the internal organs.

    Treatment for pemphigus without fail carried out in a dermatological hospital. First of all, corticosteroid drugs, cytostatics and other drugs are prescribed to alleviate the course of the disease and the life expectancy of patients.

    Drugs must first be taken in large doses. At the same time, pay attention to the level of sugar in the blood and urine, monitor blood pressure and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    With frequent change of bedding, underwear, the manifestation of a secondary infection is prevented.

    Patients with pemphigus are prescribed corticosteroid drugs in combination with anabolic steroid hormones, as well as calcium, potassium, and ascorbic acid.

    The drugs are taken for a long time total absence rashes on the skin. In no case should you cancel or stop, in case of improvement, corticosteroid therapy, as this will lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

    Patients must be registered with a dermatologist at the dispensary. Outpatients are advised to reduce physical activity, avoid nervous stress, be sure to observe sleep patterns. During treatment, it is desirable not to change the climatic conditions.

    In the treatment of pemphigus, the attending physician prescribes hormones (Prednisolone) inside, as well as externally (Betamethasone). Moreover, contraindications are relegated to the background. This is the hallmark of pemphigus disease.

    It is necessary to reduce the daily dose of Prednisolone very carefully and gradually. When there is a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition, the daily dose of Prednisolone is reduced every 4-5 days by 2.5-5 mg.

    Thus, a maintenance minimum dose of the drug will be achieved, at which remission of the disease is ensured.

    The use of hormones in combination with cytostatic drugs, immunosuppressive (Sandimmun) leads to a cure for the patient in a shorter time and with the use of lower daily doses of drugs. This achieves a positive result in the treatment of pemphigus.

    Sandimmun is first prescribed at half the dose to establish the tolerance of the drug to patients. Then the daily dose is divided into 2 doses with an interval of 12 hours. With a clear improvement in the patient's condition and a decrease in ulceration, the daily dose of the drug is reduced.

    After complete cleansing skin disease is not considered defeated, the patient should still take the minimum dose of Sandimmun, selected individually for each, even after achieving remission. As maintenance therapy, the drug should be taken for 2-4 months.

    In combination with hormones, Azathioprine is used for 2-4 doses per day and Methotrexate - 1 time per week.

    In the treatment of pemphigus, blood purification methods are also used - hemosorption and plasmapheresis.

    Hemosorption is used in patients with concomitant serious diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism. During hemosorption, immunoglobulins and other pathogenic components are removed.

    Plasma transfusion during plasmapheresis is carried out at intervals of 7 to 14 days. In one procedure, from 500 to 2000 ml of plasma is removed with the introduction of donor plasma or a plasma substitute. As a result, circulating immune complexes are removed from the blood of patients.

    The essence of the method of photochemotherapy in the treatment of pemphigus is reduced to the inactivation of blood cells using G-methoxypsoralen in combination with cell irradiation ultraviolet rays and introducing them into the blood. As a result of these procedures, the blood is cleared of toxic substances, as well as immunoglobulins.

    This disease must be treated promptly. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist after staging accurate diagnosis. Treatment is carried out exclusively by medication.

    Therapeutic way

    As an addition to drug treatment, you can use the therapeutic method. Dermatologists may recommend topical baths that contain disinfectants, anti-inflammatory agents, and astringent additives. So, you can use a decoction made from oak bark for baths.

    In a medical way

    Treatment is aimed at reducing the production of antibodies by the body to its own tissues. The main drugs used in the treatment of this dangerous disease are corticosteroid hormones.

    Most often, dermatologists prefer prednisone. The dermatologist individually selects a treatment regimen. To start, a dose is selected, which is equal to 80 - 100 mg of the drug per day. It is necessary to use 2/3 of the prescribed daily dose in the morning.

    A noticeable effect from the ongoing hormone therapy appears by the 10th - 14th day of the use of the drug. From this time on, the dose of the drug used should be reduced. The first decrease is usually 25 - 30%, after which the decrease in dosage is introduced more gradually.

    From glucocorticosteroids can be assigned:

    • "Triamcinolone".
    • "Prednisolone".
    • "Dexamethasone".
    • "Methylprednisolone".

    The effect in the treatment of the disease was noted with the simultaneous use of corticosteroids, synthetic antimalarial drugs (Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine).

    folk way

    Different variants traditional medicine can be used as an addition to the therapy prescribed by a dermatologist. To treat affected areas, you can use:

    • puffball mushroom (its pulp);
    • nettle leaves (juice squeezed out of them);
    • an oil tincture made from fresh walnut leaves.

    Treatment for pemphigus begins after the diagnosis is made. This is done on the basis of examination and conversation with the patient's parents or the patient himself, if he is an adult.

    The diagnosis is performed either by an infectious disease specialist or a dermatologist (more often a joint examination of these two specialists is used). After the examination, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein for antibodies to enterovirus, but treatment is prescribed immediately, since the diagnosis of the virus will last at least 2 weeks.

    The therapy is as follows:

    1. If the blisters itch, antihistamines are prescribed: Fenistil, Erius, Zodak, Suprastin. With severe itching, 2 of these drugs (for example, Suprastin and Erius) can be combined without exceeding the daily dosage.
    2. With severe itching of typhus elements general treatment supplemented by the treatment of blisters with local antihistamines: "Psilo-balm", "Fenistil-gel".
    3. To relieve the soreness of the rash and reduce body temperature, Nurofen, Paracetamol, Nise are used (the latter - only in adults). "Aspirin" or acetylsalicylic acid is unacceptable for children!
    4. Apply a special diet: exclude from the diet spicy, smoked, sour and spicy foods and drinks that will irritate the inflamed oral mucosa. Eliminate also hot food, give preference to those dishes and drinks that are more harmoniously felt cold (okroshka, compotes, ice cream, fruit ice).
    5. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions: an aqueous solution of furacillin, chlorhexidine. For adults, you can use "Oracept", "Strepsils-spray with lidocaine" and other sprays containing an antiseptic and anesthetic.
    6. Bubbles on the skin can be treated with fucorcin or brilliant green solution.

    In some cases, infectious disease doctors prescribe antiviral drugs. For children, this is "Viferon" or "Laferon" in candles, for adults - "Cycloferon" in tablets or "Laferon" in the form of intramuscular injections.

    The main treatment for this disease is taking corticosteroid hormonal drugs, such as prednisone. The dosage is 80-100 mg / day for the relief of the disease and 200 mg / day for the treatment of advanced cases.

    The effect of taking the medication will be noticeable within two weeks after the start of the intake. The dose is then reduced to 5 mg/day to avoid relapse. In addition to prednisolone, urbazone, triamcinolone or metipred are also used.

    hormone therapy often gives complications such as obesity, diabetes, stomach ulcers, hypertension, thromboembolism, pancreatitis and reduced immunity. Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of concomitant diseases, it is necessary to observe special diet, rich in vitamins and protein, limit the intake of salt and carbohydrates.

    Potassium chloride (3 g/day) and, if necessary, antibiotics are also prescribed.

    In addition, apply therapeutic baths co weak solution potassium permanganate or oak bark, external use of ointments and brilliant green, various oils to soften the skin.

    Painkillers such as novocaine and disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide are used.

    Patients should be under the supervision of a doctor, once a month to take blood and urine tests. It is necessary to avoid physical exertion, observe the regime. Climate change and self-treatment are not desirable.

    The only effective way to treat this disease is through the use of medications. As auxiliary method therapy can be used.



    Therapy for pemphigus of any etiology always begins with the intake of loading doses of hormones such as Prednisolone, Dexamethasone and the like. The dosage is set by the attending physician on an individual basis, calculating it based on the severity of the disease.

    Treatment with corticosteroids is very long, can last for several months. The patient takes a loading dose until the formed blisters and erosion begin to heal and disappear.

    After that, the amount of the drug is slowly reduced to a certain minimum.

    True pemphigus, which is an autoimmune disease, is subject to treatment with hormonal drugs.

    Important. Since the disease without proper therapy is fatal, there are no contraindications to the use of corticosteroids in this case. The benefits of their use far outweigh the risk of side effects.

    The main drugs used in the treatment of pemphigus are Prednisolone and Dexamethasone. They are started with high doses, then there is a gradual decrease to a maintenance dose - one at which the appearance of fresh rashes will not be observed.

    Simultaneously with corticosteroids, cytostatics are prescribed. Usually it is Methotrexate or Cyclosporine. Also used is a long-acting corticosteroid - Diprospan in injections.

    Topical treatment of pemphigus in adults is of secondary importance. Bubbles and erosion are treated with antiseptics - a solution of brilliant green, fucorcin. With extensive rashes, baths with potassium permanganate are used.

    A paste with a regenerating effect Solcoseryl is applied to the mucous membranes. Apply rinses with antiseptics. Careful sanitation of the oral cavity must be ensured.

    Treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis consists in the use of DDS - diamindiphenylsulfone. The drug is taken in courses. A diet with the exclusion of gluten products is shown. Topical treatment is the same as for true pemphigus.

    Treatment of viral pemphigus in adults is the use of antiviral drugs - orally and topically. The drug is determined by the doctor after examining the contents of the bubbles.

    Since scientists still cannot determine exact reasons, the treatment of pemphigus causes some difficulties. Patients are placed on dispensary records, they should avoid excessive physical exertion and stress, change clothes and bed linen as often as possible, follow a diet and hygiene rules.

    Pemphigus is treated by dermatologists and infectious disease specialists. With the first signs of pathology, they often turn to dentists, finding rashes in the mouth. The dentist, after examining the patient, should refer him to a specialized specialist.

    Treatment of pemphigus, in the first place, is to exclude roughage, simple carbohydrates, canned food, salted and salty foods from the usual diet.

    In case of damage to the oral cavity, it is necessary to add soups and rare cereals to the diet, so as not to exclude a complete rejection of food from the diet. It is known that foods rich in proteins accelerate the process of cell regeneration and influence the process of epithelialization of open erosions.

    All patients suffering from pemphigus are under dispensary registration with a dermatologist. For such people, a lighter mode of work, cessation of physical activity, avoidance of insolation is shown.

    Frequent change of bed and underwear will help prevent the addition of a secondary infection.

    Treatment of pemphigus also consists in the use of glucocorticosteroids, while using them in large doses. Otherwise, positive dynamics in the treatment will not be achieved.

    After cupping acute symptoms pemphigus, the dosage of the drugs used is reduced to the minimum mark. For treatment, the method of extracorporeal hemocorrection is also used, which includes cryoapheresis, membrane plasmapheresis and hemosorption.

    Treatment is carried out in a dermatological hospital; prescribe corticosteroid drugs in high doses, cytostatics and other drugs. Patients should be under the supervision of a dermatologist, constantly taking corticosteroid drugs at a maintenance dose, despite complete clinical remission. Pemphigus treatment is combined with corticosteroid therapy and the appointment of anabolic steroid hormones, potassium, calcium, ascorbic acid, deoxyribonuclease. If a patient with pemphigus who is on maintenance therapy refers to a therapist or other specialist for any disease, it must be borne in mind that corticosteroid therapy cannot be canceled, because. this will exacerbate pemphigus and again require high doses of corticosteroids.

    Methods of therapy

    Treatment of viral pemphigus is purely conservative. It consists in prescribing medications and certain procedures. Used in therapy different kinds systemic drugs:

    1. antiviral: "Viferon", "Cycloferon", "Laferon";
    2. immunosuppressive. They can be of 2 types: glucocorticosteroids ("Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone") and cytostatics that suppress the division of immune cells ("Azathioprine", "Sandimmun", "Methotrexate");
    3. antipyretics: Ibuprofen, Nimesil, Mefenamic acid, Paracetamol. "Aspirin" or acetylsalicylic acid to reduce the temperature should not be taken, especially for children under 10 years old;
    4. with itching, antihistamines are required: "Cetrin", "Fenistil", "Diazolin".

    Locally, for skin treatment, antiseptics are used (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Methylene Blue), combined preparations, including antiseptics with anesthetics ("Oflokain", "talkers" made in a pharmacy with local anesthetic drugs, antiseptics and vitamins).

    With viral pemphigus of the oral cavity, antimicrobial local anesthetic drugs are prescribed: Forteza, Oracept. Additionally, you can relieve itching with lotions with nettle juice, aloe juice or walnut leaf oil.

    As procedures, those are used, the essence of which is to purify the blood. It:

    • hemosorption, when the blood is cleaned with a carbon filter;
    • plasmapheresis - removal of a certain amount of the liquid part of the blood with its replacement with solutions similar to it in physical and chemical properties but free from microbes, antibodies and immune complexes.

    So that the substances that get into food do not injure the mucous membrane affected by viral pemphigus, you need to follow a diet. It consists in the exclusion of spicy, acidic foods.

    You can drink juices, but non-acidic and those that do not cause allergies. Soups, cereals, pasta or other dishes should not be eaten hot, but at room temperature, so as not to aggravate the pain syndrome.

    You need to eat more often, but at the same time take small portions. Reception of cold products is shown: ice cream, fruit ice or others, if they are not allergic.

    If you need to treat baby, for the duration of the disease, it is best to return completely to breastfeeding in order to provide the energy needs of the child and not injure his mucous membrane.

    You can't refuse food. If the child is unable to eat, contact infectious diseases hospital and avoid hospitalization.

    Then, for a while, until the loose elements of viral pemphigus come down, the baby will be able to install a probe in the stomach and feed with it.

    How to treat pemphigus? It depends on its etiology, form, severity of the course and the state of health of the patient. Treatment of pemphigus in adults should begin immediately, therapy is complex, long and persistent.

    The following groups of drugs are used:

    1. Glucocorticosteroid hormones. More often intramuscularly or intravenously use Prednisolone.
    2. Immunosuppressors - Methotrexate, Sandimmun.
    3. Antibiotics. With microbial etiology and secondary infection.
    4. Calcium, potassium, sodium preparations - for the prevention of disorders electrolyte balance.
    5. Anabolic hormones - to prevent unwanted (catabolic) effects of glucocorticoids.
    6. In severe cases, use infusion therapy, hemodialysis.

    Treatment for pemphigus includes the use of local funds. Betamethasone, solutions and ointments are prescribed to prevent suppuration and accelerate healing.

    Treatment of the viral form

    This type of dermatosis involves a combination of etiological and symptomatic therapy:

    • antiviral drugs (Viferon) in the form of suppositories, tablets, injections;
    • desensitizing agents for skin itching(Suprastin and locally Fenistil-gel);
    • anti-inflammatory drugs for fever and pain (Paracetomol);
    • adherence to a diet with the exception of spicy and hot dishes;
    • rinsing the mouth with solutions of anesthetics and antiseptics (Strepsis spray, Chlorhexidine), infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs.

    How to cure pemphigus on the hands? Against the background of systemic therapy, brilliant greens, antibacterial and wound-healing ointments, lotions with nettle decoction, aloe juice are applied topically.

    Folk remedies for pemphigus


    • baths with potassium permanganate;
    • use of sprays with xylocaine, lidocaine;
    • treatment of rashes with aniline dyes;
    • corticosteroid ointments.

    The renewal of the epithelium is stimulated by the treatment of the skin with Curiosin. The solution is applied at the rate of 1 drop of the product per 1 cm of the affected surface.

    Important! A large one should be constantly observed by the attending physician. With untimely treatment of certain forms of pathology, a lethal outcome is possible.

    Thanks to the means of alternative medicine, it is impossible to get rid of such dermatological disease like pemphigus, but really alleviate the condition with painful rashes. The following recipes will help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process of formed wounds:

    • soak wipes with juice from fresh nettle leaves and apply to erosion or wound. Such a compress has a wound healing, hemostatic and analgesic effect;
    • the same can be done from the juice of green leaves tree aloe, the effect will be identical;
    • mix onion, garlic, salt, pepper and honey in equal proportions - simmer in the oven for at least 15 minutes. Cool the resulting viscous slurry and lubricate the opened bubbles. In addition to wound healing, the remedy helps to draw out purulent contents;
    • Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed meadow clover flower heads with one glass of boiling water and leave for about 2 hours. After that, with a decoction, you can wash the formed erosions with pemphigus, which will favor their speedy healing.


    Enteroviral pemphigus is a disease that is usually mild, but in the presence of a weakened immune system can be complicated:

    1. meningitis - inflammation of the lining of the brain. In most cases, it has a mild course, ending in recovery;
    2. encephalitis - inflammation of the substance of the brain. Rarely develops, may occur in the form varying degrees gravity;
    3. pneumonia;
    4. myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle, which, if not properly treated, can result in heart failure. The reason for myocarditis is that the sequence of antigens that show myocardial cells to the immune system (as almost all cells do) in a separate area is identical to those that have the Coxsackie virus that causes viral pemphigus. The immune system “thinks” that the myocardium is a microbe and starts attacking it.

    Having developed in the first three months of pregnancy, viral pemphigus can cause a miscarriage. Under the influence of this virus, severe fetal malformations can form, due to which it will be necessary to call artificial premature birth.

    If left untreated, pemphigus provokes inflammation of the internal organs, pneumonia, phlegmon, otitis media. In newborns, a severe septic form of the disease can be fatal.

    Adults are more likely to have a secondary infection. Pemphigus vulgaris can cause damage to the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, leaf-shaped - sepsis and death.

    Pemphigus is characterized by an unpredictable course, often turns into chronic form resistant to therapy. Pemphigus vulgaris sometimes leads to the development of a secondary infection: encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, damage to the heart and joints. Dermatosis of newborns is dangerous with the possibility of sepsis.

    Local complications are non-healing suppurating erosions and ulcers, chronic infections oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.


    To protect yourself as much as possible from viral pemphigus, you should not go to foreign regions or to the sea after an illness or if a person is constantly taking hormonal drugs such as Prednisolone or Dexamethasone.

    In these situations, a weakened immune system will be easily exposed to the enterovirus and may even lead to a more severe course of viral pemphigus.

    There is no vaccine for a huge number of enteroviruses, only some of which cause viral pemphigus. If there was contact with the patient, you need to try to provide yourself and the child with good nutrition, start taking age dosage calcium preparations: "Calcium gluconate", "Calcium-D3" or others.

    In addition, it is important to wash your hands after transport, the street, going to the toilet and before eating.

    If you need to care for a patient with viral pemphigus, you should only touch the skin with a rash with gloves.

    The best way to avoid pemphigus in a child is to follow preventive recommendations.

    The main preventive measures for pemphigus are:

    1. Follow the doctor's orders.
    2. Do not interrupt treatment with hormonal drugs.
    3. Eliminate the influence of provoking factors.

    The best way to avoid pemphigus in a child is to follow preventive recommendations.

    Pemphigus in children of any age requires the mandatory and precise implementation of drug therapy. As well as correction of nutrition and lifestyle of the child.

    Prevention is about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The patient is advised:

    • complete nutrition;
    • healthy sleep;
    • walks in the fresh air (it is recommended to avoid the sun).

    There are no vaccines or serums for enterovirus - there are so many strains that it is impossible to guess which one you will come into contact with. If you or your child has come into contact with a sick viral pemphigus, in order to reduce the chance that you get sick, you need to eat fully for the next week, enriching the diet with enough vitamin foods (these are fruits, vegetables, natural fresh juices, raisins).

    It is also worth consulting with your doctor about whether it is possible to take calcium supplements, and if this does not harm your health, drink Calcium-D3 or Calcium Gluconate at the age dosage for 3-7 days.

    If there was already a history of pemphigus disease, maintenance therapy in the form of hormones should be taken. Healthy people need to monitor blood and urine sugar levels, maintain arterial pressure fine.

    To prevent viral pemphigus, you should wash your hands often with soap and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    After eliminating the signs of the disease, you should think about a number of preventive measures that are necessary to prevent relapse. They consist in:

    • monitoring the state of the dermis;
    • taking vitamins, calcium, potassium;
    • monitoring the manifestation of adverse reactions after taking medications;
    • control (regular) sugar levels in urine, blood;
    • blood pressure control;
    • control over prothrombin.

    Pemphigus vulgaris in the oral cavity

    The main measures for the prevention of pemphigus are the regular change of underwear and bed linen, hygiene, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

    Since there are two mechanisms for the development of forms of vesicular dermatosis - autoimmune and infectious - it is recommended to adhere to the following preventive measures:

    • eliminate physical and nervous overload, excessive insolation, including a visit to the solarium;
    • the diet should be balanced, contain a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals;
    • when in contact with children, observe all hygiene rules;
    • if there is a sick person in the family, it is necessary to limit his contacts with other family members, especially with children;
    • teach your child to use only their own dishes, linen and toys.

    Pemphigus in adults is characterized by a long course, a tendency to relapse, the likelihood of serious complications, up to death. Therefore, it is required to begin treatment immediately, since a rapid deterioration in the condition is possible.


    Pemphigus begins to pass after a week. Often the bubbles in children begin to dry out after 3 days.

    The temperature can be observed only in the first days. If it does not decrease, then it would be better to visit a specialist.

    There is no single forecast for all children, since the body of each child is individual.

    Complications may occur:

    • sepsis;
    • meningitis;
    • encephalitis.

    With the development of complications and the absence correct therapy death cannot be ruled out. Especially if the disease has undergone a newborn child. He is not able to fight such an infection with his own antibodies.

    Some cases of pemphigus in adults end favorably. Some have a tendency to chronicity and long-term course.

    Some cases without adequate treatment lead to the death of the patient. Fatal outcome occurs due to extensive damage to the skin, the addition of a secondary infection and the development of sepsis.

    Highest mortality patients with pemphigus observed in the first 3 years from the onset of the disease. Modern methods of treatment have reduced mortality by 3 times or more.



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