How can a woman get pregnant faster. What to drink to get pregnant quickly? Proven Ways

Often, young people are looking on the Internet for ways to quickly get pregnant, and begin to experiment based on the information received.

When is the best time to get pregnant?

It is possible to conceive a child on the days of ovulation when in contact with a sexual partner, but not always the right time and high-quality sperm are a reliable way to get pregnant. There are some features.

It is very important to plan a pregnancy, and take this seriously for both partners. The process of carrying and giving birth to a baby is not easy, so it is recommended to consult a specialist and undergo the prescribed diagnostics.

Best time to get pregnant

The desire to have a child is good, but desire alone is not enough. The female body has its own biological rhythms, which are worth listening to.

Fertilization of the egg occurs during the fertile period, namely on days 9–15 of the menstrual cycle (counted from the first day of menstruation). The most effective - two days before ovulation and the day when it came. In order for a woman to become pregnant faster, you need to accurately calculate the day of ovulation and refrain from sex before fertile days.

The day of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal body temperature rectally (in the rectum). During ovulation, the temperature rises by 0.3-0.4 degrees. For the most accurate results, it is recommended to take measurements over several cycles.

There are also tests to determine ovulation, or you can use a special calendar. By indicating the beginning of menstruation, the duration of the cycle and the duration of menstruation, you can calculate the most suitable time for conception. This method is suitable for women with normal cycles who keep monthly records.

Calculate ovulation for conceiving a child

Cycle duration

duration of menstruation

First day of menstruation

Menstrual cycle

fertile days


What to do to get pregnant

In order for a woman to become pregnant faster, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude factors that negatively affect the health of both partners.

  • Stress is a significant factor preventing pregnancy. It is important to learn how to relax using appropriate methods (for example, auto-training, massage, aromatherapy, soothing herbs, contacting a psychologist).
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, caffeine abuse. Women who smoke are much less likely to get pregnant. In men who are addicted to smoking for a long time, the number and activity of spermatozoa decreases.
  • Poor nutrition - leads to a decrease in vitamins and minerals needed by the body. It is recommended to include greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread, olive oil in the diet. It has been proven that vitamin E in sufficient quantities has a beneficial effect on male and female sexual function. In the absence of ovulation, it is useful for women to include legumes and nuts in their daily diet. Indispensable products are also cottage cheese, full-fat milk, yogurt. Do not lean on sweets, starchy foods, foods with preservatives and other harmful additives.
  • Weight problems – both being overweight and underweight can prevent conception. But this does not only apply to women. Overweight men produce fewer sperm.
  • Drug abuse - antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines contain substances that prevent the maturation of the egg.

An unhealthy lifestyle leads to a decrease in reproductive function and prevents you from quickly becoming pregnant.

How many intercourses should be

The frequency of having sex also has its own nuances. Couples who have sex every other day during the ovulatory period have the same high conception rates (22%) as couples who have sex every day (25%). If sexual intercourse occurs once a week, the chances are reduced to 10%, since the moment when a woman can become pregnant faster is missed.

Does posture matter?

In order for a woman to become pregnant as quickly as possible, the position in sex is not important.

An exception is women who have been diagnosed with a uterine bend, posterior deviation, and other shape features. In this case, a properly chosen position will contribute to better sperm penetration (pose with legs pressed to the stomach, or a position when the partner is behind).

After sexual intercourse, you can raise your hips by placing a small pillow, and lie down like this for about 10 minutes. You can stand more flexible in the “birch” position. In this case, the main part of the sperm will hit the target, and will not leak out. After having sex, it is not recommended to wash yourself immediately so that the number of viable spermatozoa does not decrease.

When to See a Doctor

The ideal option is when a woman wants to have a baby, and after intercourse, pregnancy occurs. But if there is infertility, it will not be possible to quickly solve the health problem and get pregnant. With infertility, there is no difference how often, for how long, and in what position the couple has sex. You can even read on the Internet about ways supposedly guaranteeing pregnancy, but neither a special diet, nor horoscopes, nor other pseudoscientific rituals can bring the desired result. A woman can easily and quickly become pregnant only when both partners are young and healthy.

Therefore, if a couple leads a healthy lifestyle, monitors ovulation, and pregnancy has not occurred within 6 months, then it's time to contact a specialist and undergo a series of diagnostic tests. Experienced doctors will help determine the cause of fertility decline, and eliminate it.

The first is a gynecologist. Examination and tests will help to exclude infertility in a woman. The diagnosis includes a blood test for herpes, ureaplasmosis, syphilis and other bacteria and viruses. They also do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands, take a smear to determine the microflora of the vagina, examine the urine, determine the ratio of hormones and, if necessary, do a scraping from the cervix.

Lack of pregnancy is not only a female problem. In order not to waste precious time, a man also needs to undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Mandatory is a spermogram - a study of the ejaculate, which allows to assess the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize an egg. The cause of male infertility can be a genetic anomaly of the genital organs, the presence of inflammation in the genitourinary system, benign formations, impaired libido, trauma to the genital organs.

The sooner the cause is found and eliminated for both partners, the sooner a woman can become pregnant.

If you have tried everything, but there is no pregnancy

In this case, assisted reproductive technologies make it possible to become happy parents. The most effective method is IVF (in vitro fertilization). It shows good results even in the presence of serious reproductive pathologies.

The standard IVF program includes a set of procedures from ovarian stimulation to the transfer of high-quality embryos into the uterine cavity.

With the help of a laparoscope, an egg ready for fertilization is removed from the follicle and placed in a nutrient medium, where sperm is subsequently injected. The process of fertilization is observed with a microscope, and with a positive result, the fertilized egg is placed in a special incubator - a thermostat. When the egg reaches the desired maturity, the embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity, where it will grow and develop.

The ICSI method is offered to couples with low quality male sperm. This method differs from the standard IVF procedure in that only one viable spermatozoon is selected for fertilization, which is injected with a special needle directly into the egg. That is, conception does not occur with any sperm, but with a certain one, under the control of a reproductologist. The IMSI method involves screening the sperm before entering the egg. In this case, a microscope with 6000x magnification is used in order to take into account the morphology of the spermatozoon and its correct structure. For comparison, the ICSI method uses a microscope with 400x magnification.

The PICSI method differs from the IMSI method in that the embryologist selects only “mature” spermatozoa for fertilization. For selection, their binding index with hyaluronic acid is determined. Those spermatozoa that begin to interact with acid are less susceptible to DNA damage. These are the most mature, correct, in terms of morphology and structure of spermatozoa. They are used for fertilization.

Contraindications for all these methods are the conditions of a woman in which full-fledged gestation and childbirth are impossible, namely:

  • pathology of the uterus;
  • mental illness;
  • oncological diseases;
  • benign tumors in the ovaries and uterus.

If it was possible to cure the above diseases, the IVF procedure is allowed.

If you are planning a pregnancy, you have probably already thought about your diet. Although the effect of certain foods on the ability to conceive has not been proven, the issue needs to be studied fully. What to eat to get pregnant, which foods are mandatory in the diet of expectant parents, and which are better to exclude, read in our material.

Very often, nutrition before pregnancy is called a diet for conception, but by this term we mean a sharp restriction in food. We must remember that a diet for conception and losing weight by summer are exactly opposite things. Future parents do not need to reduce the amount of food they consume: just make your diet as healthy as possible.

If you have a problem of excess weight, then it is better to correct it before you decide to conceive. Excess weight, as well as its lack, affects the ability to conceive. This applies to both women (probability) and men (sperm quality).

Normalize your weight before: go in for sports, eat right and balanced, so as not to harm the body and not deplete it: the baby will need a supply of vitamins!

What to eat to get pregnant

Science has not proven (at least not yet) that certain . Scientists cannot confirm that spicy food increases sexual potency by speeding up the heart rate or blood pressure. But you can try your luck.

The only exception is oysters., which increase testosterone levels in men and promote sperm production, as well as increase the ability to conceive and ovulate in women. Oysters are rich in zinc, which has a beneficial effect on the couple's reproductive function. 15 mg of this trace element per day will support your "fertility" at an optimal level.

In general, regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, dairy products, lean meats and fish will definitely help conception.

Mom Oksana from our forum shared her opinion:“I have heard a lot about products that promote conception. I know that you need to eat a lot of greens, cereals, cabbage - they have a lot of folic acid, which is needed not only for pregnant women, but also for those who are just planning a baby. I heard that you can eat dark chocolate and oysters, because they promote rapid conception. In general, my husband and I are now trying to eat light meals that are well digested and bring maximum benefit.

There is another opinion from an experienced mom Larissa: “If you like knowing that certain foods are fertile, eat them for health. Proper nutrition will definitely not bring harm. But I believe that conception is completely independent of any products. Children are a gift from God."

See also: How does conception happen: an inside look

Healthy foods

Vegetables and fruits you can eat both fresh and frozen, canned or dried. The required minimum is 5 servings per day.

Foods rich in carbohydrates are also needed by your body. Rice, potatoes and even bread and pasta will be useful now. It is important that they are all whole grain or made with whole grain flour.

Foods rich in protein- fish, poultry, meat (lean) and legumes. All this is best cooked on a steam or on the grill. Eat oily fish: fresh tuna, trout, mackerel or sardines are best. But indulging yourself more than twice a week is not worth it if you do not want to gain excess weight.

Ekaterina Zinchenko, gynecologist, reproductologist: “By and large, products that help get pregnant are a myth. There are foods that will not be superfluous for an organism preparing to become a parent. For example, nuts and dairy products improve sperm quality. But from a certain product, the egg will not become better at passing sperm. You can’t get pregnant just by using a certain product.”

Foods rich in iron are especially important for the body of the expectant mother. No need to deny yourself red meat, dried fruits, legumes, green vegetables and whole grain breakfasts.

Dairy are excellent sources of calcium. Therefore, consume cheese, milk or yogurt (natural or homemade) daily.

In the male diet In addition to these products, you must include boiled or baked potatoes, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, and whole grains.

Taboo in the diet of future parents

Of course, we refuse alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. We hope that there is no place for them in your life anyway, but still take these persistent recommendations into account. If you want to give birth to a healthy and beautiful heir, forget about bad habits. And better forever. After all, you don’t want your child to breathe cigarette smoke or see their parents “under the closet”?

If the organisms of future parents receive insufficient nutrients, conception may or may not occur. . Proper nutrition, folic acid and calcium will help you get pregnant

Eliminate caffeine from your diet. Invigorating black coffee is now taboo for you. If quitting the habit is completely unbearable - drink a maximum of one cup a day. Regrettably, chocolates stocked up in case of a bad mood and a cold winter will have to be hidden even further or presented to friends. Studies have shown that daily consumption of 300 mg of caffeine reduces the ability to conceive by 27%. By the way, caffeine interferes with the normal absorption of calcium in the body.

Cut down on high-fat foods fats and sugar. Avoid carbonated sugary drinks, cakes and a variety of fast food. Forget (at least for a while) about your favorite lemonades, chips, cheeseburgers and sausages! You will see: the body will only say “thank you very much”.

Vitamins and trace elements

If the organisms of future parents receive insufficient nutrients , conception may not occur. Due to the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, the process of cell division and growth worsens, and the placenta will not be able to form properly. Even if conception occurs, neural tube defects may develop - and the baby may die without being born.

Therefore, during the planning of conception, a woman should consume 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) daily. folic acid. It reduces the risk of birth defects in babies. Vitamin B9 is found in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains and cereals. You can eat a kilogram (!) of fresh cabbage a day (to get enough folic acid) or buy a drug that will supply the body with this important vitamin.

Calcium is also very important for women planning to conceive. The recommended dose is 1000 micrograms per day. That's three glasses of milk a day. Eat plenty of cottage cheese, sardines, cheese, rice, low-fat yogurt.

As an addition to the usual diet, doctors may recommend to the expectant mother. So the body will definitely receive the necessary nutrients.

To improve your chances of conceiving, try to stick to a diet: eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time, watch portions of what you eat and snacks. Satisfy your hunger with a large apple rather than a small bun.

They say that children themselves choose their parents, sitting on a cloud and watching us. Show your baby that you are waiting for him - and very soon real happiness will appear in your house!

The birth of a new life is still largely a mystery. Is it possible to accelerate the onset of the desired pregnancy, and what factors really influence this complex process?

Preparation and strategy 1

No matter how much you think about how you can quickly get pregnant, no one canceled the preparation for conception. Inspection and consultation of a specialist will not take much time. You will be confident in your health and readiness of the body, and perhaps identify and eliminate the barrier to rapid conception.

3 months before conception and even after it, women are advised to take folic acid - it is necessary for the formation of the placenta (shell) and the neural tube (the future central nervous system) of the fetus. Since folic acid - vitamin B9 - is not produced by the body, it must be "accumulated" before pregnancy.

The future dad must be included in the process of preparing for pregnancy. At a minimum, he should take care of his ability to conceive: refuse to wear squeezing and synthetic underwear, forget about the habit of keeping a laptop on his lap, and wear a mobile phone away from the genitals. Overheating of the testicles, exposure to radiation, smoking and drinking alcohol reduce the quality of sperm, and the chances of a quick pregnancy are reduced.

Time to conceive 2

Even if both spouses are in good health and have excellent physical data, it is impossible to guarantee the exact conception “according to plan”. You should not fall into despair after the first or second unsuccessful attempt: an absolutely healthy couple may need from 6 to 12 months, and this period does not indicate pathologies or problems with conception.

What can I do to get pregnant quickly? Take into account biological cycles: conception can take place only during ovulation, that is, after the release of a mature female germ cell from its shell. Normally, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, that is, with a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation will occur on day 14. The life expectancy of the female germ cell is small, so the male cell must have time to fertilize it within 1-2 days.

The complexity of such an “aimed hit” lies in erroneous calculations. Not always ovulation occurs according to plan, moreover, ovulation may not occur every month. Stress, illness, hormonal disruptions can significantly shift the ovulation schedule. To accurately determine this phenomenon, it is better to use tests - this is the easiest and most reliable way to determine the ideal time to quickly become pregnant.

How to get pregnant fast: conditions for conception 1

So, a good moment has been found, but how to use it correctly? It is no secret that the quality of sperm (the fluid that contains male germ cells) directly affects the possibility of pregnancy. You should not “squeeze” all the juices out of your partner, turning sex into a daily duty, but you should also not miss the moment of ovulation. Too frequent ejaculation will lead to a deterioration in the quality of sperm, so you need to give each other a reasonable break. Considering that sperm cells remain active for 72 hours, 2-3 lovemaking per week will be enough to get pregnant.

After sexual intercourse, it is better for a woman to lie down quietly for 10-15 minutes. Some also recommend elevating the legs to make it easier for sperm to access the egg (female cell). In any case, you should not take a vertical position immediately after sex: the laws of gravity in this case are not on your side.

Partner health 1

It can hardly be argued that any specific foods contribute to the rapid onset of pregnancy. But it is known for sure that a balanced diet supports the health of future parents, which means that it is also a step towards pregnancy.

Being overweight and taking serious medications is a barrier to pregnancy. Before planning a conception, ask your doctor if the medicines will harm the unborn child, and if they should be replaced with safer ones. Weight problems can be related to medication, and this problem should also be discussed with a specialist. Together with your doctor, choose a strategy for dealing with extra pounds - this is not necessary for aesthetic reasons, but for the onset and successful pregnancy. The body weight and blood volume of a pregnant woman inevitably increases, the body experiences increased stress, and the presence of excess weight will create an additional problem. 3

Physical activity is your ally in the fight for health, but for a quick conception, it is not recommended to exercise too intensively and often. How can you get pregnant if the body is exhausted by excessive loads and focused on recovery? Forget about hard workouts, let yourself be relaxed and have fun.

Bad habits are not on the way with you. It hardly needs to be proven that smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking too much coffee are harmful to the body. However, many are deluded by the illusion of quickly giving up addictions. Firstly, such habits in themselves reduce the ability to conceive and hit the reproductive system. Secondly, after the onset of pregnancy, it will be even more difficult to give up bad habits, so you need to start this fight as early as possible.

Breathe Deep - You're Excited 4

Stress is the enemy of your health. Passionately wishing to quickly become pregnant can seriously lose heart after an unsuccessful attempt. It is not necessary to focus on the speed of the onset of pregnancy - after all, in this matter, it is not speed that is important, but quality! When work, domestic and problems with "fast" conception merge together and turn into chronic stress, this inevitably affects your health.

Of course, it is impossible to cultivate an unrestrained optimist in oneself, but this is not required. Your task is to learn how to avoid stress and its negative effects. And for this it is important to maintain a calm mood. Do not try to control everything at once, allow yourself and others to make mistakes sometimes, take what life gives you as a valuable lesson. You need a healthy mind as much as you need good health.

Although there is no exact answer to the question “how to conceive a child quickly”, Chinese medicine offers several tips on how to hasten the onset of pregnancy.

1. The blood supply to the reproductive organs must be good
According to the Chinese, stress directs blood to the limbs for protection and flight. This advice contains a philosophical understanding of the energy of the body: for successful conception, blood must be redirected to the genitals, for which you need to calm down, stop being stressed. Massage and yoga will also help in this matter.

2. Restore hormonal balance

Sound and pragmatic advice. While the body is experiencing a hormonal imbalance, a woman will have problems with ovulation, without which the onset of conception is impossible.

3. Keep track of your emotional health

Chinese traditional medicine associates the ability to conceive with the condition of the liver and lungs. The liver is a carrier of disappointment, anger, desire. The lungs are the abode of negative emotions, sadness. It is in these organs, according to the Chinese, that stagnation of qi (life energy) can form, which will prevent the conception of a child. To allow energy to move freely from organ to organ and to keep the body in balance, it is recommended to calm the spirit with meditation and yoga.

4. Listen to your body

You need to make sure that your body is ready for conception. Simultaneous adherence to fashionable ideas about beauty and the desire to become a mother can interfere with each other. Sometimes maintaining external beauty and an active lifestyle takes a woman too much time, while the expectant mother must take care of her health for the child.

Watch your cycle so you don't miss ovulation. To do this, you can measure the basal temperature in the old fashioned way, or you can use a special test.

5. Don't obsess over the idea of ​​having a baby

If the problem can be solved, don't worry about it. If there is no solution, the problem is all the more not worth worrying about. Do not forget that all the best comes when you are truly ready for it. It is impossible to plan conception exactly according to the calendar, and this is normal. Avoid stress and keep inner peace so that the happy moment arrives on time.

  • 1. Kublitskaya I. V., Kublitskaya I. V. Healthy pregnancy and natural childbirth: a modern approach. - Publishing house "Peter", 2010. S. 1-29
  • 2. Svirskaya E. V. Diary of a future mother. Pregnancy day by day. - "Publishing House" "Peter" "", 2014. S. 10-13
  • 3. Avdiyuk G. A. et al. Obesity as a risk factor for reproductive failure // Medicine and education in Siberia. – 2011. – no. 4. p. 6
  • 4. SMELYSHEVA LN et al. Influence of emotional stress on indicators of reproductive function in female students //Chelovek. Sport. Medicine. - 2016. - T. 1. - No. 1. S. 5-10


How to get pregnant quickly if you can't get 7 secrets. Tips on how and in what position you can get pregnant the first time. Folk remedies.

The best time to be born the first child is considered from 22 to 33 years. Then every year there is a decrease in fertility by 3-4%, that is, every year there are less and less chances to conceive and bear a healthy child.

Finding out that pregnancy has come is the dream of many couples who decide to become parents. But sometimes conception does not occur for months, or even years. If during the year, with regular sexual intercourse and without the use of contraception, conception does not occur, then it is worth consulting with a gynecologist. The woman begins to worry that she cannot become a mother and she tries to find a solution to this problem.

Why does pregnancy not occur?

Pregnancy does not occur the first time even in seemingly completely healthy couples. Various factors can affect the process of conception:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • endometriosis. Pregnancy is not possible until the disease is completely eliminated;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • conflict of Rh factors of parents;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • age over 35 years.

A man can also be the cause of temporary infertility. Conception is impossible if he has the following problems:

  • disease of the endocrine system;
  • sexual disorders;
  • insufficient sperm motility;

Pregnancy may not occur not only because of physiological disorders. The psychological state directly affects the ability to acquire offspring:

  • psychological unpreparedness of the mother to become pregnant;
  • constant stress;
  • prolonged depression.

A woman may not even fully realize that her time to become a mother has not yet come. The pressure of relatives or the desire to "be like everyone else" pushes her towards motherhood.

What to do when planning a pregnancy is not worth it

Pregnancy is a complex physiological process, therefore, unfortunately, not everyone can conceive quickly. In search of a solution to this problem, women do not turn to a qualified doctor, but to the Internet. On specialized forums, you can find many different tips that promise instant pregnancy. Having tried one or two methods on herself, and not getting a result, a woman despairs.

Advice from forums cannot be universal, since what is good for one woman is not the fact that it is good for another. Reduced fertility can be due to various reasons, so the method of treatment is selected individually.

In no case should treatment be started on the advice of a friend who had a similar situation. Only a qualified doctor, after examination, can identify the cause of infertility and prescribe, if necessary, treatment. At the same time, neither a friend nor a doctor will be able to tell you how to get pregnant the first time, but following certain recommendations will significantly increase the chances of conception.

Costs quit smoking completely. Non-smokers are 30% more fertile than smokers.

7 secrets that will increase your chances of pregnancy

If you are a young couple who are ready to become parents, then you need to know what to do to get pregnant quickly.

Seven tips that will bring you closer to the cherished pregnancy:

  1. The first and main advice to a woman is to visit a gynecologist. It is possible that some disease prevents the onset of pregnancy. It is he who will be able to correctly diagnose it and prescribe the correct treatment therapy.
  2. The spouse can also be the cause of infertility, so he also needs to be examined by a doctor and make sure that the spermatozoa are active and are released in the right amount for conception.
  3. To increase the chances of getting pregnant, sex should be regular. They need to be dealt with several times a week. Everything should be in moderation. Sexual intercourse should not occur every day. It has been proven that frequent ejaculation only reduces the quality of sperm.
  4. Lack or excess of weight. Weight deviation in both directions is reflected in the hormonal background. Women may have irregular or too heavy periods.
  5. Take care of your health and strengthen your immune system. Get rid of bad habits and give preference to proper nutrition. Take vitamins. Research confirms that regular intake of vitamin C in men increases sperm count by 140%. For women planning pregnancy, vitamin B9 (folic acid) will be indispensable. Also, adherence to strict diets with restrictions for weight loss can reduce the chances of conception.
  6. Having sex in a certain position increases the chance of conception, as it allows sperm to enter the cervix more easily. In what position can you get pregnant quickly? - in a position where the woman lies on her back and her buttocks are slightly raised. After ejaculation, it is worth staying in this position for a few minutes to facilitate the movement of sperm.
  7. Conception occurs only before ovulation or after, but many incorrectly determine this interval. In the middle of the menstrual cycle (on the 14th day, however, due to individual characteristics, there is a risk of deviation from this date), the egg leaves the ovary and is ready for fertilization. And at the same time, the sperm must be near the egg. It is important to know that the egg cell lives for a day, and the sperm cell can fertilize for 72 hours. To determine this period, you can use the calendar method or buy a special test to determine ovulation in the store.

Important nuances

If you really want to get pregnant, but this is not happening yet, stop constantly thinking about it and worrying about it. Drive away negative thoughts from yourself and enjoy the process.

It is unacceptable to use additional lubricant during intercourse, as it destroys spermatozoa.

Give back preference for healthy products. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge in your daily diet. Add olive oil to the salad, it has a high content of vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. If you are not ovulating, eat more nuts, legumes, soy, and dairy products.

A man should also adhere to proper nutrition, especially if he has insufficient sperm activity. His diet should include more meat, fish and nuts.

Because of anxiety and feelings of anxiety hormones begin to be produced in excess and can interfere with conception. Stress reduces fertility by 30%. If possible, you should avoid conflicts and scandals and find peace of mind.

Folk remedies that increase the chance of conception

Some medicinal herbs increase fertility and are excellent helpers in pregnancy:

upland uterus- an herb that has been proving its effectiveness for more than 100 years. It eliminates the inflammatory process of the genital organs and stimulates ovulation. For cooking, you need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried herbs and half a liter of water. Mix and bring to a boil, cool in a dark room, then pour into a clean container. Use one tbsp. spoon before eating.

Sage- the composition of this herb includes natural hormones similar to women's. Promotes the activation of the reproductive system. A tablespoon of sage pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Let it brew in a dark room. Use 2 times a day, one tablespoon. Duration of admission - one month with a break for menstruation.

Plantain- an effective remedy for male infertility. Pour a tablespoon of seeds into 0.2 liters of water and hold in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take before meals 2 times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons.

red brush- contains a large number of phytohormones, fights various diseases of the genital area and infertility. Pour a tablespoon of 0.2 liters of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes in a water bath. Take a tablespoon before each meal.

Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of both women and men. The desire to quickly become parents leads to constant nervous tension, and in the end only to the distance of the cherished goal.

If you are interested in: how to get pregnant the first time and easily bear a child, then it is important to stop worrying, get more rest, monitor your health, listen to your body and especially to the doctor's recommendations. Monitor your psychological state, try to avoid stressful situations or learn to cope with them.

Do not rush yourself and your body, pregnancy will definitely come if you follow the above recommendations.

Now the married couple has decided that the time has come for replenishment in the family - it's time to start "working" on conceiving a baby. Congratulations! An important decision has been made, and now it is necessary to try to do everything possible in order to create the most favorable conditions for conception, subsequent pregnancy and successful delivery.

What to do to get pregnant

Having decided that they are ready to move into the status of "mom and dad", the couple begins to think: how to get pregnant faster? After all, having decided on the goal, you want to achieve it as soon as possible. That's just in the case when the question of how to get pregnant faster is being discussed, it is worth considering that this “faster” should cover at least 2-3 months of preparation. Do you want the baby to be conceived in the most favorable conditions, and the pregnancy proceeded according to all the norms and indications? And, if you still agree to these 2-3 months, then you can start discussing how to get pregnant faster and what needs to be done for this.

Surveys are required

When the decision to conceive a child is made finally and irrevocably, a visit to the doctors should not be postponed, moreover, both the woman and the man need to undergo an examination. Doctors will help you figure out if there are any health problems at this stage and, if necessary, advise you on vitamin and mineral preparations recommended in preparation for pregnancy. It is also worth visiting a dentist - when the baby is already “growing up” in the tummy, it is not advised to treat teeth, it is advisable to solve “dental” problems, if any, even at the stage of pregnancy planning.


Preparing for the conception of a baby, you should reconsider your lifestyle, first of all, get rid of bad habits in the form of smoking, as well as even from “irregular” alcohol consumption. It is known that nicotine adversely affects the reproductive system of women, reducing the likelihood of pregnancy by 30%. Therefore, cigarettes - fight. The same applies to alcoholic beverages, and not only in relation to a woman (alcohol practically kills eggs), but also in the “male” case: alcohol reduces sperm motility and sperm quality in general.

Good rest and sleep for at least 8 hours a day are mandatory in preparation for pregnancy and to "accelerate" its onset. Normal rest and sleep, firstly, cause normal immunity and good health, and secondly, increase stamina in stressful situations.

Preparing for pregnancy and working to get pregnant faster includes physical activity. But for women, it should be noted: the load must be moderate, because with excessive intensity of sports, a negative effect on ovulation is likely. The best option is aerobic exercise sessions for 30 minutes, such as walking or light jogging.


A balanced and healthier diet is a prerequisite for successful and faster pregnancy. No fast food! No semi-finished products! Women who practice diets, forget about diets! In the diet - useful and "correct" products:

more vegetables and fruits, greens, legumes, cereals, iron-containing foods. For men at the stage of pregnancy planning, meat and fish, nuts are useful - these foods are rich in protein, which positively affects sperm quality and sperm motility. The general recommendation for women and men is to exclude (or at least reduce) the consumption of starchy foods and sweets.

It is widely believed that the most is the traditional "missionary" position. However, there is no scientific data on this matter; moreover, in each individual case, a favorable posture may be different. The same can be said about the advice to take the “birch” position after sex. But there are still “reasonable” recommendations about how to be after sexual intercourse: experts recommend lying down for 10-15 minutes after sex so that the sperm enters the cervix, and within 2-3 hours it is advisable not to wash and not take shower.

The rule that the number of sexual contacts will determine a successful conception is incorrect: if during ovulation you can and should have sex every night to achieve a result, then it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least 3-4 days before it occurs. The fact is that sperm cells need to be given time to "ripen", and the frequency of ejaculation reduces the value of sperm. By the way, for the same purpose (preserving the value of sperm), a man should refuse to wear tight trousers and tight underwear, avoid hypothermia of the pelvic region and not warm it too much: hypothermia, as well as heat accumulation, provoke a deterioration in the quality of sperm, in which there are fewer living spermatozoa.

How to choose the time to conceive

Calculating the “right days” on which the chances of getting pregnant are highest is very important. These days are the days of ovulation, in which the mature egg goes "in search" of the sperm. To calculate which days ovulation occurs, you can use special tests sold in pharmacies. Or in the good old proven way - when compiling. Speaking approximately, then ovulation occurs 14 days before the end of the menstrual cycle, that is, if the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then the days of ovulation are approximately 13-15th.

It is believed that even the season of the year influences the positive result in the issue of conception. The most favorable time is called spring (when the body wakes up with nature) and autumn (when the body is full of strength and energy after the summer season). On the other hand, spring conception occurs against the background of a lack of nutrients in the mother's body, and therefore such a pregnancy will have to be "fortified" to a greater extent. In fact, conceiving a child at any time of the year has its advantages and disadvantages - future parents should think about this in advance. It is best if the last months fall at the end of spring - the beginning of summer, then you need to carry less clothes on yourself, and it’s not slippery anymore, and it’s not cold, but it’s also not very hot, and you can immediately take the baby out for a walk in the sun . But the baby, perhaps, will not like this time very much, because in the summer all friends go on vacation - and in the future he will have to celebrate his birthdays with his grandmother or somewhere on the road. However, each period has its pros and cons.

There are also purely medical recommendations in terms of choosing the best time to plan pregnancy and conceive a child. Doctors advise, mainly, to coordinate it with the intake of any hormonal drugs, in particular, contraceptives. If a woman used oral contraception (that is, hormonal contraceptive pills or capsules), or if she used an intrauterine device as protection, then pregnancy should be planned no earlier than 2-3 cycles after the influence of these factors on her body has been eliminated. This time, doctors believe, will be enough to restore the hormonal levels and other functions of the body of the expectant mother.

Restoration of the female body before planning pregnancy will also be required after the birth or breastfeeding of a child that preceded the expected pregnancy. Gynecologists say that after the last birth, at least two years must pass so that the mother's body can recover and gain strength to carry the fetus and provide it with all the vital substances. After delivery by caesarean section, this time period will be even longer, but at least not exactly less than 2 years. It is also desirable that after the end of breastfeeding, at least 6 months pass before the mother becomes pregnant again. The same amount - six months - and no less will have to wait after the termination of pregnancy, if any, and no matter for what reason it happened. If there was a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage, then it is imperative to establish and eliminate the factors that caused the abortion.

Even today, mature women are giving birth more and more often, but the best biological period for bearing and giving birth to a child is the age from 25 to 35 years. Therefore, you should not delay this decision: remember, with an increase in female age, all risks increase significantly.

It is also recommended to plan preparation for pregnancy and the very conception of a child for a period when any harmful factors will be completely excluded: work in hazardous production, too intense a busy work schedule, exhausting diets, any celebrations or parties that involve a violation of sleep and rest and a healthy lifestyle generally.

What not to do to get pregnant

Partially the answer to this question has already been given in the above, but we will specifically once again focus your attention on what you do not need to do to get pregnant.

So, forget about intense physical activity, any unbalanced diets, improper and poor-quality nutrition (snacks, fast food, foods rich in fats and simple carbohydrates).

In addition to the fact that at the stage of preparation for the conception of a child, alcohol and cigarettes should be excluded from life, the taboo is also imposed on medicines, in the first place, on antibiotics. Try to protect yourself from any diseases and the need for their treatment during this period. If this was not possible, then do not rush to resort to drug therapy, but first consult a reproductologist or use the safest traditional medicine.

It is also advisable to avoid exposure to harmful household chemicals (at a minimum, give up intimate cosmetics and phosphate-containing detergents), places where varnish or paint fumes are present.

In addition, while working to get pregnant faster, all kinds of stressful and psychologically unfavorable situations should be avoided: stress can both provoke sexual dysfunction in men and adversely affect the process of ovulation in women.

And most importantly: under whatever conditions, in whatever period and whenever the long-awaited pregnancy occurs - do not worry. Enjoy this time to the fullest because it is truly special and will never happen again (well, not with this baby). Wait for your baby with love and impatience and keep these feelings for him for life!

Happiness to you!

Especially for Tatyana Argamakova

From Guest

From Guest

They really wanted a child, but it didn't work out. Passed all the examinations, tk. I thought it was about me. But it turned out that her husband's sperm are not active. The doctor prescribed to drink effex tribulus and quit smoking for sure!

From Guest



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