How to take Fortrans for complete bowel cleansing. What to pay attention to

How to take the medicine: before meals or after? The effect of food chemistry on pharmacological activity medicines. Medications containing sugar (information for patients with diabetes). Is it possible to drink the drug with tea or milk?

Any medicine bought in a pharmacy is accompanied by special instruction by application. But how often do we pay close attention to this information? Meanwhile, compliance (or non-compliance) with the rules of administration can have a large, if not decisive, impact on the effect of the drug. For most drugs, this is due to the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. food as well gastric juice, digestive enzymes and bile, which are released during its digestion, can interact with drugs and change their properties. That is why it is not at all indifferent when the medicine is taken: on an empty stomach, during or after a meal.

The doctor's instructions or recommendations contained in the instructions for use of the drug are determined mainly by known facts physiology of digestion. 4 hours after eating or 30 minutes before next appointment food (this time is called “fasting”) the stomach is empty, the amount of gastric juice in it is minimal (literally a few tablespoons). Gastric juice at this time contains little of hydrochloric acid. With the approach of breakfast, lunch or dinner, the amount of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid in it increases, and with the first portions of food, its secretion becomes especially plentiful. As food enters the stomach, the acidity of gastric juice gradually decreases due to its neutralization by food (especially if you eat eggs or drink milk). However, within 1-2 hours after eating, it increases again, since the stomach is freed from food by this time, and the secretion of gastric juice is still ongoing. This secondary acidity is especially pronounced after the consumption of fatty fried meat or black bread. Anyone who knows heartburn can attest to this. In addition, when fatty foods are consumed, its exit from the stomach is delayed, and it is even possible for the pancreatic juice produced by the pancreas to reflux from the duodenum into the stomach (the so-called reflux).

Food mixed with gastric juice passes into the initial section small intestineduodenum. Bile, produced by the liver, and pancreatic juice, secreted by the pancreas, also begin to flow there. Thanks to the content a large number digestive enzymes in pancreatic juice and biologically active substances in bile, the active process of digestion of food begins. Unlike pancreatic juice, bile is secreted continuously, including between meals. Excess bile enters the gallbladder, where a reserve is created for the needs of the body.

Knowing what happens to food in our stomach and intestines during the day, let's try to answer the question, when is it better to take medicine: before, during or after a meal?

Unless otherwise indicated in the instructions or in the doctor's prescription, it is better to take medicines on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, since interaction with food and digestive juices can disrupt the absorption mechanism or lead to a change in the properties of drugs.

On an empty stomach take:

- all tinctures, infusions, decoctions and them similar drugs made from vegetable matter. They contain the sum active ingredients, some of them under the influence of hydrochloric acid of the stomach can be digested and pass into inactive forms. In addition, under the influence of food, malabsorption is possible. individual components such drugs and, as a result, insufficient or distorted action;

- all calcium preparations, although some of them (for example, calcium chloride) have a pronounced irritant effect. The fact is that calcium, binding with fatty and other acids, forms insoluble compounds. Therefore, the use of drugs such as calcium glycerophosphate, calcium chloride, calcium gluconate and the like during or after a meal is at least useless;

- drugs that, although absorbed when taken with food, for some reason have an adverse effect on digestion or relax smooth muscles. An example is a remedy that eliminates or relieves spasms. smooth muscle (antispasmodic ) drotaverine(known to everyone as No-shpa) and others;

Immediately after eating, it is better to take drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa: indomethacin , acetylsalicylic acid , steroids , metronidazole , reserpine and others. To avoid irritant these drugs and calcium preparations, it is better to drink them with milk, jelly or rice water.

A special group consists of drugs that should act directly on the stomach or on the process of digestion itself. So, drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice ( antacids ), as well as agents that weaken irritant effect food on a sick stomach and warning copious excretion gastric juice, usually taken 30 minutes before meals.

10-15 minutes before meals, it is recommended to take drugs that stimulate the secretion of digestive glands (bitterness), and choleretic agents . Gastric juice substitutes are taken with meals, and bile substitutes (eg, Allochol) at the end of or immediately after a meal. Preparations containing digestive enzymes and promoting the digestion of food are usually taken before meals, during meals, or immediately after meals. Means that suppress the release of hydrochloric acid into gastric juice, such as cimetidine should be taken immediately or shortly after a meal, otherwise they block digestion at the very first stage. All multivitamin preparations also taken with or immediately after meals.

Of course, there are drugs that work regardless of food intake, and this is usually indicated in the instructions.

However, not only the presence of food masses in the stomach and intestines affects the absorption of drugs. The composition of food can also change this process. For example, with a diet rich in fats, the concentration of vitamin A in the blood plasma increases (the speed and completeness of its absorption in the intestine increase). Fats, especially vegetable fats, reduce the secretion of gastric juice and slow down the contractions of the stomach. Under the influence of food saturated with fat, absorption is significantly reduced, and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the action anthelmintic drugs , nitrofurans , sulfonamides . At the same time, fat-rich foods are recommended in cases where it is necessary to increase the absorption of fat-soluble drugs - anticoagulants , vitamins A, D and E, metronidazole , tranquilizers benzodiazepine group. Carbohydrates also slow gastric emptying, which can interfere with the absorption of sulfonamides, antibiotics ( macrolides , cephalosporins ). Milk enhances the absorption of vitamin D, the excess of which is dangerous primarily for the central nervous system. Protein nutrition or eating pickled, acidic, and salty foods impairs absorption of the anti-TB drug isoniazid, and protein-free, on the contrary, improves.

Of particular note are medicinal products containing flavor additive sugar (sucrose, glucose). In addition to the additional carbohydrate load (which, by the way, is small, given the small volume of a tablet or a spoonful of syrup), this is a potential source of danger for people with diabetes. Information about the sugar content of the drug is contained in the package insert and / or indicated on the package of the drug.

A change in acidity in the stomach can occur when drinking drugs with various fruit and vegetable juices, tonic drinks and dairy products. Tea contains tannin, which forms compounds that are indigestible by the body with nitrogen-containing drugs: papaverine, codeine, caffeine, aminophylline, amidopyrine, antipyrine, belladonna preparations, cardiac glycosides and others. If a person suffering from anemia takes iron preparations and drinks them with tea, the “tannin + iron” complex is precipitated - therefore, the medicine is not absorbed. Do not take sedatives and sleeping pills tea, because it excites the central nervous system. However, there are exceptions: vitamin C preparations can be washed down with tea, which in itself - like any plant - contains vitamin C. Tetracycline, doxycycline, metacycline and other tetracycline antibiotics cannot be washed down with milk, since the calcium present in it, interacting with the drug, reduces it Effect. For the same reason, when treating with tetracyclines, one should refrain from smoked meat and sausages. However, sulfa drugs are recommended to drink alkaline solution(for example, mineral water with slightly alkaline reaction) to prevent stone formation in the kidneys.

So, let's sum up. Cannot be combined :

  • antibiotics of the tetracycline group, lincomycin, preparations containing caffeine (ascofen, citramon, caffetin) - with milk, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • iron preparations - with tea, coffee, milk, nuts, grain products;
  • calcium preparations - with carbonated soft drinks and juices containing citric acid;
  • erythromycin, ampicillin - with fruit and vegetable juices;
  • sulfadimethoxine, sulgin, biseptol, cimetidine, theophylline - with meat, fish, cheese, legumes containing a lot of protein;
  • aspirin and medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid, furagin, 5-NOK - with butter, sour cream, fatty foods;
  • paracetamol, sulfadimethoxine, biseptol, furosemide, cimetidine - with prunes, beets, sweet and flour dishes;
  • sulfonamides: biseptol, etazol, sulfalene - with herbs, spinach, milk, liver, cereal products;
  • baralgin, analgin, panadol, spazgan, paracetamol, maxigan - with smoked sausages.
  1. Anichkov S.V., Belenky M.L. Textbook of pharmacology. - MEDGIZ Leningrad Association, 1955.
  2. Belousov Yu.B., Moiseev V.S., Lepakhin V.K. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy: A guide for physicians. – M.: Universum, 1993. – 398 p.
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  4. Basic and clinical pharmacology/ Ed. Bertram G. Katzung; Per. from English. ed. doc. honey. sciences, prof. E.E. Zvartau: In 2 volumes. - M. - St. Petersburg: Binom - Nevsky dialect, 1998. - T. 1, 2.
  5. Krylov Yu.F., Bobyrev V.M. Pharmacology. – M.: VUNMTs MZ RF, 1999. – 352 p.
  6. Kudrin A.N., Ponomarev V.D., Makarov V.A. Rational application drugs: a series of "Medicine". – M.: Knowledge, 1977.
  7. Modern medical encyclopedia. / Ed. R. Berkow, M. Beers, R Bojin, E. Fletcher. Per. from English. under the general editorship. G.B. Fedoseev. - St. Petersburg: Norint, 2001 - 1264 p.: ill.
  8. Kharkevich D.A. Pharmacology: Textbook. - 6th ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 1999. - 664 p.
  9. RED BOOK and Drud Topics. - 106th ed. - Thomson Medical Economics, 2000. - 840 p.
  10. Site materials

After removal of the gallbladder, which drugs should be taken is decided by the doctor. Medicines will have to be taken for a long time. Each organ has its own function. The loss of one of the structures of the body increases the load on others. Bile can no longer accumulate in the bladder. The secret begins to enter the intestines immediately from the liver. The isthmus between them is a canal. It is he who partially takes over the functions of the gallbladder, expanding in order to accommodate more fluid. Restructuring in the body requires maintenance therapy. A list of medicines recommended by doctors, their classification and side effects, below.

The gallbladder is a reservoir for the accumulation of bile and secretion into the duodenum after eating. The amount of incoming fluid depends on the volume and composition of the food eaten.

After resection, or simply removal of the gallbladder, the following occurs:

  • bile ducts open immediately into the intestinal lumen, bypassing the storage organ;
  • the flow of bile ceases to depend on food intake and the enzyme continuously enters the intestinal lumen;
  • digestive juices cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Failure of the regulation of bile flow causes a condition called postcholicystectomy syndrome.

It is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • flatulence;
  • disruption of the intestines;
  • intestinal or hepatic colic;
  • malabsorption nutrients in the stomach;
  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting (if reflux occurs).

Until the digestive tract adapts and begins to work fully without a "reservoir" for the accumulation of bile, patients undergo maintenance. Patient therapy includes medications various groups.

Until the digestive tract adapts to the new state, patients need to drink:

  1. Spasmolytics. They relieve intestinal spasms and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, Drotaverine, Mebeverine, Pirenzepine are prescribed.
  2. Enzymes. They are made on the basis of acids, which are best taken after. Active ingredients drugs aid digestion. As a result, Allochol, Holenzim, Lyobil and their analogues eliminate nausea, diarrhea and belching.
  3. Hepatoprotectors after adjusting the work of the liver in the "new mode". Heptral, Essentiale, Karsil and Ursofalk are recommended. With cholecystectomy, this is a typical set.
  4. Antibiotics. Antibacterial therapy appoint after if before surgical intervention the body showed signs inflammatory process. Patients are prescribed drugs a wide range actions, and preference is given to the cephalosporin series. It is based on 7-cephalosparic acid. Assign Cefotaxime, Cefdiroten and their analogues.
  5. . They prevent the development of dyskinesia. Pathology is expressed in the obstruction of the bile duct. Bukospan, Holosas and Duspatolin normalize the flow of hepatic secretions into the intestines.

Therapy of postcholycystectomy syndrome and prevention of early postoperative complications are selected for patients individually, taking into account the symptoms that have arisen.

In addition to the use of drugs from these groups, it is possible to use other drugs.

What medications to take after removal of the gallbladder, in order to avoid disruption of the digestive organs, the doctor decides. Gastroenterologists and surgeons have compiled a list of proven drugs.

  1. Syrup "Holosas" plant-based. Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink Holosas with a removed gallbladder. Gastroenterologists say what you need. The plant-based medicine thins bile, prevents dyskinesia and protects liver cells.
  2. The drug "Karsil", containing extracts of plants, heals hepatocytes. After resection of the gallbladder, the liver lies additional load and it is necessary to protect its cells.
  3. Tablets "Allohol" to compensate for the lack of enzymatic activity digestive tract occurring in the patient after surgery. The composition includes bile acids and natural herbal ingredients that stimulate the production of enzymes. Doctors characterize Allohol as affordable and effective.
  4. Tablets "Drotaverine", reducing postoperative pain. Additionally, the drug eliminates spastic constipation, hepatic colic and prevents contractions of the bile ducts.
  5. Capsules "Holenzim", which have a choleretic effect. Taking the remedy helps to get rid of nausea, flatulence or dyspepsia. The latter term means painful digestion.
  6. Suspension "Urosfalk", which protects hepatocytes from damage, promotes the regeneration of liver tissue.
  7. Enterosorbents with lignin. Needed to eliminate intoxication caused by a decrease in digestive function and stagnation of semi-digested food in the stomach or upper divisions intestines.
  8. The drug "Mezim", which stimulates the work of the pancreas, increases the secretory activity of the organ.
  9. Syrup "Dupholac", necessary to eliminate constipation associated with the difficulty of osmotic metabolism in the intestine. Additionally, the tool helps to restore disturbed intestinal microflora.
  10. Tablets "Dimethicone", recommended to prevent flatulence with a tendency to increased gas formation.
  11. Powder "Linex", restoring intestinal microflora. The drug is prescribed to prevent dysbacteriosis.
  12. Tablets "Cerukal", eliminating nausea and vomiting.

Individually selected medications will improve the functioning of the digestive tract and compensate for the enzymatic deficiency that occurs after the removal of the gallbladder.

Side effects of medications after gallbladder removal

Medicines will help the body to more easily endure the loss of an organ and learn to work in a new mode. But you should not abuse the medication. Some groups of drugs have serious side effects. Other drugs are harmless.

Common list is:

  1. Hepatoprotectors. Medicines will protect hepatocytes from destruction and prevent other diseases of the organ associated with a violation of the hepatic parenchyma. Hepatoprotectors do not affect digestive function, and it is allowed to take them for a long time. The annual course is considered the norm.
  2. Cholagogue. In the absence of a bladder, the preparations of the group will prevent the stagnation of the secret in the ducts and the lack of bile necessary for digestion. It has already been discussed above that Holosas, familiar to many patients with liver pathologies, is allowed to drink after cholecystectomy. However, the reception is permissible, only in short courses. If you drink the medicine for a long time, the biliary function of the liver will be disturbed. After medication course need to switch to special diet. It is safe, while also being able to help the excretion of bile.
  3. Enzymes. What is better to take medicines if removed gallbladder, the doctor will tell, and the course of treatment depends on the body's ability to restore enzymatic activity. With insufficient enzymatic function, life-long administration is possible replacement therapy.
  4. Additional medicines. Remedies for nausea, flatulence or constipation are prescribed in short courses. With a long reception, the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) is inhibited.

“Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill at the same time as a laxative…”
Colin Hoover

To achieve the required therapeutic effect From the ongoing treatment, first of all, you need to correctly follow the instructions of your doctor!

1) Before you accept essential medicine, carefully read the doctor's prescription or the attached instructions for use of the drug. Pay Special attention on the:
● dose recommended for a single dose;
● on the number of medications taken per day;
● at the time of admission;
● on the method of reception;
● on the duration of the course of treatment.

All this is very important both to obtain the desired therapeutic effect and to reduce the likelihood of side effects of the drug.

Remember that when prescribing a medicine 2 times a day, the word “day” does not mean the light part of the day, but all 24 hours, since our body works around the clock! Therefore, taking the tablets should be divided as far as possible into equal intervals of time. This is especially true of antimicrobial agents, because microbes work without a break for lunch and sleep. That is, with a double dose, the interval between taking each dosage should be 12 hours, three times - 8 hours, four times - 6 hours.

2) Information about when to take the medicine is also important: on an empty stomach, with food or some time after it.

Some drugs are designed to be absorbed in the stomach and intestines, others are only for absorption in the intestines. For some drugs, the time of administration and its relationship with food intake may be indifferent. This is due to the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Food, as well as gastric juice, digestive enzymes and bile, which are released during its digestion, can interact with drugs and change their properties. That is why it is not at all indifferent when the medicine is taken: before meals, during meals or after it.

Take the tablets “before meals”, which means on an empty stomach, that is, no earlier than 2-3 hours after the last meal and no later than 20 minutes before meals.

Taking medication "with meals" often does not raise questions. But keep in mind that the word "meal" does not have to mean a three-course meal. If taking the pills coincides with breakfast, lunch or dinner, it’s good, but if not, tea with crackers or a glass of milk will be enough.

How to take pills "after eating"? Here it is necessary to understand. Immediately "after eating" drugs are usually taken that irritate the stomach, and 2 hours after eating - drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach.

Of course, there are drugs that work regardless of food intake, and this is usually indicated in the instructions.

3) Another one important point- What should you take the medicine with? Remember, dear readers, there is a category of food products that can seriously affect the effectiveness of the drugs used. Here are some examples:

● Grapefruit juice does not mix well with medicines. Back in 2000, scientists proved that it is impossible to use it simultaneously with heart drugs. The fact is that the composition of grapefruit juice includes a substance that can interact with certain drugs, increasing the rate of their absorption in the patient's gastrointestinal tract;

● tea contains tannin, which forms compounds with drugs that are not absorbed by the body. If a person suffering from anemia takes iron preparations and drinks them with tea, the “tannin + iron” complex precipitates, therefore, the drug is not absorbed and the effectiveness of the drug is reduced to zero;

● tetracycline antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline, etc.) should not be taken with milk, as the calcium present in it, interacting with the drug, reduces its effect. For the same reason, when treating with tetracyclines, smoked products should be avoided.

But there are exceptions: sulfa drugs are recommended to be taken with an alkaline solution (for example, mineral water with a slightly alkaline reaction) to prevent kidney stone formation.

It is better to make it a rule to take the medicine with 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature!


Everything that is “dressed” in a shell or capsule should not be chewed or bitten. Chewable tablets it is recommended to chew thoroughly, sucking - to dissolve. The form of release of the drug is selected not for beauty and not even for the convenience of the patient, but based on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug, that is, for the best therapeutic effect.

Many medicines interact with each other, so if possible, try to take the medicines one at a time. Antibiotics are often incompatible. They should not be combined unnecessarily with antipyretics, hypnotics, antihistamines. And, of course, in no case with alcohol.

Never supplement your own doctor's prescriptions with, in your opinion, "useful" medicines, "strengthening the immune system", "protecting the liver", "accelerating recovery from a cold" or herbal preparations. Always express your wishes to the doctor and coordinate all innovations with him.

Dear people of Kazakhstan, value your life, your health and the health of your loved ones! Be responsible, do not use medicines without a doctor's prescription! Remember: only a doctor can determine the need for taking a particular drug.

If you have any questions about the use of medicines, please call free phone Call services: 8 800 080 88 87

Medicinal Information and Analytical Center Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "Republican Center for Health Development" of the Ministry of Health and social development Republic of Kazakhstan.

Over 10% of women childbearing age have problems conceiving. Girls who are looking for the easy way are asking the internet which pills to take to get pregnant fast. Go to the pharmacy and take drugs at your own risk. More thoughtful and responsible expectant mothers go to the clinic and ask the doctor this question.

If pregnancy does not occur within a year, the couple needs careful medical examination. It is important that the attending physician finds out the reasons why conception does not occur. And he prescribed an adequate treatment that suits this particular couple.

healthy body women are ready for pregnancy if the reproductive system is working properly. Conception occurs under the following conditions:

  • The menstrual cycle is regular;
  • Ovulation occurred at the right time (approximately in the middle of the cycle);
  • Its duration is about two days;
  • At this time, the sperm fertilized the egg;
  • A fertilized egg should be firmly fixed in the uterus for several days.

Based on the studies and test results, the doctor concludes at what stage of conception a woman has a malfunction reproductive system. And he will prescribe the appropriate treatment with drugs that will restore the impaired function.

What pills stimulate conception

There are three types hormonal drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring the impaired function.

  • Means that stimulate ovulation. Thanks to them, it happens enhanced growth follicles in the ovaries. They contain luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.
  • With the help of drugs containing hCG, the growth of the follicle is stimulated and its ability to release an egg. That is, these drugs help the egg to meet with the sperm.
  • In order for the egg to be securely fixed in the uterus, a medicine containing progesterone is used. This hormone thickens the walls of the uterus, and also contributes to the formation of a safe environment during gestation.

All drugs that stimulate conception can be taken only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision! It should be remembered that all of them are potent drugs that, if used independently and uncontrolledly, can harm rather than help.

The doctor will tell you which pills are suitable for a particular woman, because the body of each is individual.

When not to drink hormones

You can drink tablets only after thorough examination. It is important for the doctor to exclude the following diseases:

  • obstruction fallopian tubes. If there are adhesions, then with hormonal stimulation, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • poor sperm motility in men. In this case, it is not the woman who needs to be treated, but her husband;
  • Congenital anomalies in the structure of the female reproductive system. Hormonal pills will be simply useless.

It should be remembered that pregnancy may not occur after unsuccessful gynecological operations or application medicines that caused the miscarriage. In this case, before taking medication for rapid conception, you need to wait a few months (sometimes you need to pause for whole year) for full recovery organism.


The growth of follicles is stimulated by drugs such as Clostilbegit, Menogon, Puregon.

The choice of drugs depends on individual characteristics female body.


"Klostilbegit" does an excellent job of stimulating the production of pituitary hormones. However, you can take it for only a few cycles during your life. If you do this more often, the number of eggs will decrease significantly, and over time it may disappear altogether. Therefore, a woman will never be able to get pregnant again.

The drug should not be used if the endometrium of the uterus is thinner than 8 mm. Moreover, the drug negatively affects its growth. Thin endometrium will not allow the fetus to gain a foothold in the uterus, and the long-awaited pregnancy will not occur.


"Puregon" acts much softer, which helps to grow several follicles. Therefore, the drug helps to get pregnant and naturally, and with the help artificial insemination.


With a lack of estrogen, the gynecologist will prescribe treatment with Menogon. You need to start taking the medicine from the second day of menstruation.

Within ten days, while undergoing treatment, the gynecologist will monitor the reaction of the ovaries to the effects of the drug.


Women who have had a spontaneous abortion are familiar with the Metipred drug. It is also prescribed to patients in whom the number male hormone exceeds the required amount.

You need to take these pills to get back to normal. hormonal background, as well as to avoid allergic reactions and inflammation.

Metipred should be used only after the appointment of a doctor who will calculate required dose and timing of treatment.

HCG injection

If after the treatment it was possible to achieve positive effect, that is, the follicles have reached right size, then medicines containing hCG hormone(chorionic gonadotropin).

Most drugs in this group are available in the form of injections. Most often, a single injection is used, after which ovulation occurs within two days.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, doctors recommend having sexual intercourse the day before the injection and the day after it.

The most famous drugs are "Horagon", "Gonakor", "Perfinil". Their use restores menstrual cycle and the onset of ovulation.

All of these drugs are also hormonal means, which can be used only a day after taking the drugs of the previous group.

Drugs that increase progesterone levels

After this stage of treatment, it is important to drink medicines that provide a favorable environment for the attachment of a fertilized egg. These are drugs that contain the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone. These include Duphaston and Utrozhestan.

"Duphaston" - medicine, which must be used not only for the onset of pregnancy, but also to preserve the already existing one. Moreover, this medicine has practically no side effects. The exception is minor bleeding. To eliminate them, you need to drink an increased dose of the drug.

The medicine does not change the period of ovulation, it does not affect it at all. After all, the main purpose of the drug is to prepare the walls of the uterus for the attachment of the egg.

Already 2 hours after taking the medicine, the effectiveness taken dose reaches a maximum.

The scheme of taking the drug and its dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor.

In order to maintain pregnancy, the drug "Utrozhestan" is also used. His pharmacological properties are as follows:

  • Normalizes the level of the endometrium;
  • It does not allow the activity of hormones to manifest, under the influence of which the uterus contracts;
  • Prevents the onset of manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle;
  • Helps to cope with mastopathy.


The onset of pregnancy and its normal course is also facilitated by taking folic acid and vitamin complexes, which you also need to drink after consulting a doctor.


Despite the woman's great desire to achieve long-awaited pregnancy, not everyone can use hormonal drugs.

The main contraindications to the use of these drugs:

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • Diabetes.

Even if a woman is healthy, drugs containing hormones should be used with caution and only under medical supervision.

Do not despair if pregnancy does not occur immediately after the course of treatment. For many women, a successful conception occurred after several cycles.

Important! The information provided in this article is for guidance only. Self admission any drug that stimulates pregnancy can lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, at each stage of preparation for conception, it is necessary to consult a personal gynecologist.

At first glance, this question seems silly. But it turns out that only 20% of patients follow the recommendations of doctors. 60%, leaving the office, completely forget when and how to take pills. And another 20% consider such subtleties unprincipled. The result is predictable: drugs do not work as expected. In fact, a person taking pills needs to learn some wisdom. Only then will he extract the maximum from the medicine. Firstly, it is possible to avoid pronounced side effects if accepted different pills individually, not all at once.
Secondly, it is extremely dangerous to use the medicine after the expiration date, because chemical composition drug may have changed.
Thirdly, never take doctor's prescriptions thoughtlessly. If the therapist prescribed you one medicine, the optometrist another, the dentist a third, and the cardiologist a fourth, be sure to return to the therapist again or seek the advice of a pharmacist. Have them analyze the drugs for compatibility to prevent their inconsistent interaction, and replace some medicine safe analog. There are other very important rules.

What to drink?

One example: recent studies have shown that oral contraceptives Do not mix with drinks containing caffeine. With this combination, contraceptives reduce the body's ability to break down caffeine, hyperactivity and insomnia appear. Therefore, in most cases, it is important than to take a pill.

Aspirin strongly irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this medicine should be taken only after meals. soluble tablet should be dipped in exactly the amount of water that is indicated in the insert, and it is better to crush or chew an ordinary tablet and drink it with milk or mineral water, then it will quickly enter the bloodstream.

If etazol, norsulfazol, sulgin, sulfadimethoxine are prescribed, you will need a glass of mineral water. The fact is that sulfonamides often cause kidney problems, and copious alkaline drink will help to get rid of unnecessary problems.

Antibiotics. After all, calcium contained in milk reacts with antibiotics (especially tetracycline) and forms sparingly soluble compounds. By the way, boiled water room temperature is the best "sip" for most tablets.

Special conversation - grapefruit juice. It cannot be combined with cholesterol-lowering agents, immunosuppressants, erythromycin, oral contraceptives, tamoxifen, anticancer drugs, Viagra and its analogues. Grapefruit juice does not remove drugs from the body. The result is an overdose.

But with cranberry juice not compatible anticoagulants- drugs that reduce blood clotting. If this rule is not observed, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract may open.

Do not drink alcohol while taking medication. The combination of alcohol with antihistamines, insulin, tranquilizers and pills that lower blood pressure, can lead to increased drowsiness, which is especially fraught if you drive a car.
Antibiotics should also not be mixed with alcohol, otherwise you will suffer from rushes of blood to the head, dizziness and nausea.
In old age, when alcohol stays in the blood longer, the consequences of such a combination can be even more unpleasant. For example, nitroglycerin under the influence of alcohol changes its effect and does not bring much-needed relief to the heart.

Antipyretic tablets, coupled with a glass or two of alcohol, will cause a massive blow to the mucous membranes of the stomach. Alcohol is especially dangerous for diabetics, because under its influence, blood sugar levels first rise and then fall.

When to take the tablets?

Funds emergency assistance, of course, they take it regardless of the time of day - if the temperature has risen or colic has begun, it is no longer up to the schedules. But the effectiveness of drugs, as doctors have long noticed, also depends on the time of administration. Heart remedies and asthma medicines are taken around midnight, and for ulcers early in the morning and late in the evening to prevent hunger pains. Do not expect instant results from medicines and do not take a double dose without waiting. Most tablets take effect within 40 to 60 minutes. The exception is those that are placed under the tongue for quick absorption (for example, nitroglycerin, glycine).


Taking pills, you must follow a certain diet. Improving digestion festal, mezim-forte and others enzyme preparations Best taken directly with food. Do not mix aspirin with spicy food and citrus fruits one hour before and one hour after taking the tablets. If you do not follow this rule, irritation of the gastric mucosa is guaranteed to you.
When taking antidepressants, it is better to exclude foods containing tyramine: cheese, yeast, soy sauce, fish caviar, avocado. Otherwise, your day will be ruined by severe drowsiness and high pressure.
Tetracycline tablets, as we have already warned, do not tolerate proximity to dairy products. An hour or two before and after taking the medicine, give up milk in any form, cottage cheese, yogurt.
If a person takes hormonal drugs, it is important for him to provide the body with protein food.
Vitamins require fats, and drugs that regulate digestion, on the contrary, with fatty foods do not match. Spinach, rhubarb, tea and bran bread combine with the calcium found in many vitamins to prevent the body from absorbing it.

How to swallow?

In order for the medicine to get into the bloodstream more quickly and fulfill its task, the American Medical Association suggests the following way of taking pills. Fill your mouth with some water and tilt your head back. Tilt your head forward while swallowing. Then drink the medicine with a full glass of water, unless otherwise indicated in the annotation for the medicine.

You can’t gnaw or unwind the capsules: the gelatin shell was invented not for beauty, but to ensure the “delivery” of the medicine to its intended purpose - in gastrointestinal tract. There is another reason why you should not damage the shell of the pill: in last years doctors are increasingly prescribing means of the so-called prolonged (prolonged) action, which no longer need to be taken 5 times a day - the shell in such cases provides a slow release of the drug, and it cannot be damaged.

Never swallow tablets while lying down: they may begin to decompose in the esophagus, leading to heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

Where to take?

It is necessary to take tablets very carefully in the summer, especially if you are sunbathing under the hot sun. Some medications can increase sensitivity to light and change skin pigmentation. After taking the drugs, you will burn faster in the sun. To return from vacation "chocolate" and not a spotted panther, refrain from taking for a while hormonal drugs, antibiotics, tranquilizers, analgesics and antiseptics for the skin. If the course of treatment cannot be postponed, then tanning is contraindicated for you, so you should refuse to travel to the sea or stay in the shade most of the time.

One more thing. Taking medication in front of guests and colleagues is considered bad manners.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs