Products after hemorrhoid surgery. All about proper nutrition after removal of hemorrhoids: rules and recommendations, menus and a list of prohibited foods

The problem of hemorrhoids worries many people. The disease causes a lot of inconvenience, worsening the quality of life of the patient.

Mandatory treatment is required, which often consists of surgical intervention.

With such therapy, a diet is always prescribed after the removal of hemorrhoids. The correct menu after the operation is made by a proctologist.

Such measures will allow the body to recover quickly, the patient will quickly recover. The body of each person is individual, so it is important to listen to it, consult with your doctor.

What is dietary nutrition after removal of hemorrhoids, what are its principles and features, more about this.

Purpose of surgery

Varicose veins in the hemorrhoidal veins are considered a common pathology.

Its symptoms disturb half of the population worldwide. With the disease, the venous vessels in the cavernous formations in the anus expand under the influence of abundant blood flow.

Their deformation occurs, leading to the formation of internal or external hemorrhoids.

The nodes are capable of delivering a lot of trouble to the patient: pain, itching, burning, bleeding appear.

The last stage of the disease is represented by the prolapse of hemorrhoidal cones from the rectum, forming blood clots, necrosis in the tissues.

Modern medicine offers effective treatment using effective medicines.

Sometimes they do not help, so an operation is prescribed to remove the hemorrhoids.

This method of therapy is radical. It consists in the mechanical cutting off of hemorrhoidal cones.

There are 2 types of surgery:

  • The Milligan-Morgan operation. This type of intervention is open. After removing the hemorrhoidal cones, the wounds are not sutured, leaving them in this position until complete healing.
  • Ferguson operation. After the surgical manipulation, the edges of the wounds are sutured. With this operation, the time of the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced. The patient tolerates the operation more easily.

Despite the type of surgery, removing hemorrhoid nodes is a very painful process.

For these reasons, in order to avoid such complications, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the proctologist.

Food for therapy

In violation of blood circulation, characterized by venous stasis in the rectum, the formation of hemorrhoids occurs.

One of the main causes of the disease is malnutrition. Eating aggressive and harmful foods (spicy, fatty, fried, heavy, alcohol) leads to stagnation of blood in the perineum, veins in the rectum overflow with blood.

To avoid such manifestations, the dietary table of a patient suffering from hemorrhoids should be as gentle as possible, excluding all harmful foods.

With such a diet, all foods that provoke the occurrence of constipation, bloating, and flatulence should be excluded.

Hard stools can aggravate the situation by damaging hemorrhoids, so you should aim for soft stools.

Pathology is prone to relapse, so the patient must eat right throughout his life.

When consuming permitted products, a person saturates the body with useful substances, and well-being improves.

During the operation, the patient is faced with postoperative problems. What are they:

  • pain sensations;
  • fear of pain at the time of bowel movement;
  • sometimes there are cracks and bleeding from these formations (with hard or bulky stools).

The dietary menu after hemorrhoid surgery provides protection against postoperative complications and subsequent complex treatment.

Nutrition rules after surgery

Dietary nutrition after removal of hemorrhoids must comply with several important rules:

  • Do not irritate the rectum and the affected area. For these reasons, it is forbidden to use spices, spices, marinades, spicy, salty, smoked foods. Bile acids, which are released in large quantities during the digestion of fatty meat and fish food, can have an irritating effect. Therefore, you can not eat fried food while eating boiled and steamed food.
  • Strive for soft stools. To do this, eat food that has a laxative and softening effect. This number includes cereals, vegetables. Use a large volume of liquid, better than purified non-carbonated water.
  • Stop the formation and accumulation of gases in the intestines, excess feces. To this end, products that contribute to this formation are excluded: black bread, beans, cow's milk, cabbage, nuts, carbonated drinks, and others.
  • Strengthen the processes of regeneration. Food should be saturated with protein, vitamin complex, useful elements. They prefer lean meats and fish due to their high protein content. This component is the leader in regeneration.
  • The number of meals. You should eat 5-7 times a day in small portions. You can not overeat, overload the intestines.

These rules should be followed until complete recovery. Diet after hemorrhoids will prevent the occurrence of postoperative complications.

First days after surgery

Many patients wonder what to eat after surgery? In the first 24 hours after surgery, do not eat anything at all.

During this period, you can only drink liquids. It is better to limit yourself to purified non-carbonated drinking water.

The drinking regime is very important for a patient with hemorrhoidal disease, you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

This diet will prevent the formation of feces in the first 2 days after surgery.

24 hours after surgery

A day after the operation, other sugar-free drinks are included:

  • green weak tea;
  • herbal teas (chamomile, chamomile with nettle, chamomile with mint, chamomile with nettle and lemon balm);
  • dried fruits (apples, prunes).

Second day

By the end of the second day, it is allowed to include water-based liquid cereals:

  • oatmeal;
  • wheat;
  • barley.

Groats should be thoroughly boiled, it should be liquid. It is forbidden to add milk, butter, sugar.

If the patient cannot eat unleavened porridge, it is allowed to add 0.5 tsp to it. natural bee honey or fructose.

Third day

By the third day after the operation of hemorrhoids, nutrition approaches the main menu, acceptable before surgery.

The menu should be complete and varied in order to nourish the patient's body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. It is allowed to eat sour-milk low-fat products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regimen. Every 3 hours the patient should drink 1 glass of purified water.

The first week of nutrition is gradually supplemented with meat and fish food. Be sure to cook it for a couple.

Nutrition in the first 2 weeks

The diet after surgery for hemorrhoids is limited to clear rules that provide for the creation of the most gentle conditions for healing and regeneration of the mucous membranes in the rectum.

What are they:

  • the number of meals should not be less than 6 times a day;
  • the size of each consumed serving should be small (handful size);
  • after eating, there should not be a feeling of fullness in the stomach, you should not overeat;
  • alcohol intake is strictly contraindicated;
  • it is forbidden to smoke;
  • the diet should consist of healthy, protein, fortified food;
  • the diet includes vegetable oils (olive, linseed, hemp);
  • laxatives should not be abused, they achieve normalization of the stool only by correcting the diet;
  • several times a day they do physical activity for the body (exercises, walks in the fresh air).

With this diet, the patient quickly recovers and is on the mend.

What can you eat 2 weeks after surgery

The diet consists of steamed and boiled vegetables in milk sauce. At this time, it is allowed to eat soups with vegetable broth, cereals with meatballs, steam cutlets in milk sauce.

For dessert, baked apples are eaten. Limit the amount of sugar consumed. It is better to replace it with natural bee honey, fructose.

Vegetable oil is added to the porridge only after it is cooked. This will save all their useful properties.

All food consumed is boiled, stewed, steamed.

Sample menu for the day on the 2nd week of the diet

Meal for the day looks like this:

  • Breakfast. Liquid buckwheat porridge and vegetable oil, 1 egg in the form of an oven omelette, 2 steamed prunes, weak green tea.
  • Snack. 1 banana.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with vegetable oil, steam cutlet of lean meat, a slice of gray bread, steamed prunes 2-3 pcs.
  • afternoon tea. Banana cocktail with ryazhenka.
  • Dinner. Liquid barley porridge with vegetable oil, boiled lean fish, a slice of gray bread, weak herbal tea.

Before going to bed, they eat bread with a glass of kefir.

Medical nutrition in the postoperative period should contain a sufficient amount of proteins (maintenance of the immune system, an important component for the regeneration process) and fats (for the normal functioning of the liver).

Recovery period

With the improvement of the patient's well-being after the operation, one should still adhere to proper dietary nutrition.

Products should not contain coarse dietary fiber that can harm. This number includes some types of vegetables and sour fruits.

Postoperative traces after surgery on the rectal mucosa are tightened after 4 weeks.

The patient menu is gradually expanding. New dishes are introduced in stages. Be sure to control the cleansing of the intestinal cavity.

To maintain a balanced diet, adhere to complexity. Fish and meat dishes are combined with vegetable side dishes (stewed or boiled).

Prohibited Products

During rehabilitation, the rules for the selection of products are strictly observed. All food that provokes gas formation, flatulence, bloating in the intestines, and fermentation is excluded.

What is included in this list:

  • Milk, black bread, raisins, grapes, kvass. You can not eat beans, peas, lentils, beans.
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks, marinades, smoked meats, pickles.
  • Radishes, turnips, radishes, white cabbage contribute to gas formation, therefore they are prohibited.
  • Mushrooms and dishes from them, heavy proteins in the form of lamb, pork, duck are also prohibited, since they greatly overload the stomach and the entire digestive system.
  • Be sure to refuse products that contribute to the formation of excess gastric juice - dates, onions, garlic, apples, raspberries, gooseberries.

Approved Products

After the operation, you should pay attention to such products:

  • Buckwheat and wheat groats. Both porridges are cooked crumbly. They feed well, do not burden the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid sticking during cooking, thoroughly rinse the cereal before cooking. At the end of cooking, turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and let the porridge brew well, absorb all the moisture.
  • To gain strength, it is recommended to eat wholemeal bread. It contains a sufficient amount of trace elements, vitamin B.
  • For good digestion, fermented milk products are recommended for consumption. They contain many microorganisms that contribute to the rapid absorption of incoming food and bowel cleansing.
  • A week after the removal of hemorrhoids, lean fish and meat are gradually introduced. Protein intake is essential for recovery.
  • Every day you need to eat vegetables containing delicate fiber: pumpkin, beets, lettuce, carrots, cabbage. They should be baked, boiled, steamed. Raw eat with caution.
  • Among the fruits preferred bananas, kiwi. You can eat dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots), but in moderation to avoid flatulence.

Dietary nutrition should be established exclusively by the attending physician. Carefully monitor the body's reaction to all food consumed. Self-treatment is unacceptable.

Useful video

Nutrition during the operation to remove hemorrhoids plays a crucial role. It should be balanced in nutrients and easily digestible. The choice of what to eat after hemorrhoid surgery is focused on ensuring regular and painless toilet visits. Eating after removal of hemorrhoids, so as not to injure fresh seams with an act of defecation, can be started a day later.

The diet menu should include the following dishes:

  1. Loose cereals (millet, buckwheat), while the cereals are thoroughly washed before cooking.
  2. Bakery products made from wholemeal flour.
  3. Kefir and other products that improve the digestion process.
  4. Poultry meat, low-fat fish, veal, which are gradually introduced into the menu after hemorrhoidectomy.
  5. Vegetables and fruits with fine fiber and preferably boiled or baked.

Food after hemorrhoid surgery

Even healthy apricots and plums are better used in nutrition during the rehabilitation period as dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).

In the diet after surgical removal of hemorrhoids, there must be as much liquid as possible. To ease the stool in the diet after hemorrhoid surgery include mineral water, tinctures, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

What food intake rules to follow during the rehabilitation period is determined based on the severity of the disease, the state of health and the individual characteristics of the person. The composition of products during the rehabilitation period mainly consists of protein-vegetable components. The daily intake of vegetables and fruits in the diet after hemorrhoidectomy is about five hundred grams. The most useful for nutrition in the recovery period can be called cauliflower, carrots, beets, lettuce. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • rice porridge, semolina;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • legumes, cabbage, radish, sorrel, turnip;
  • milk and products based on whole milk;
  • spices and seasonings.

In order not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease, dietary nutrition to consolidate the results of the removal of hemorrhoidal cones should not cause flatulence. An exemplary diet menu after hemorrhoids includes vegetable soup, steam cutlets, semi-liquid porridge on the water, cottage cheese and kefir. Such a diet after hemorrhoids must be followed for a week, and then steamed meat, low-fat baked or boiled fish, baked apples, stewed soft vegetables are added to what you can eat.

Food after removal of the nodes should be at room temperature and not contain substances that irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. After removing the bumps with a laser, the diet may not be so strict, as the recovery period passes without pain and discomfort. How long to follow a diet after removal of hemorrhoids depends on the complexity of the intervention, but usually the period for following a diet during hemorrhoid surgery is a month.

Failure to follow a diet after hemorrhoid surgery can lead to various complications, which include:

  • bleeding;
  • rupture of seams;
  • scar infection.

Diet before hemorrhoid surgery

The concept of dietary nutrition before surgery for varicose veins of the rectal area includes the exclusion of products that promote additional blood flow to the pelvic vessels, and difficulties with stools. A few days before surgery, it is forbidden to take drinks containing alcohol, drugs that promote increased blood clotting. Diet food on the day before the intervention should be as light as possible, and on the day of the operation, you should not eat anything at all. What kind of eating regimen is recommended before surgical removal of the nodes depends on many circumstances, but in general, after the operation, special nutrition should be in small portions and often.

Nutrition after surgery for hemorrhoids 4 degrees

To eliminate the manifestations of varicose veins of the rectal region, conservative treatment is usually preferred, but when the disease goes too far, only the forced removal of nodes is possible. Most often, this method is used when the last fourth degree of the disease is reached, but sometimes it becomes necessary even when the third phase is reached, when there are many nodes and it is not possible to manually correct them. The prolapse of nodes at the slightest tension and inflammation brings unbearable pain and serves as a source of infection. The damage to the human body upon reaching this stage of the disease is very significant and therefore the organization of nutrition during the operation of hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree, and, especially since there is a hemorrhoidectomy upon reaching the last stage of the development of the disease, becomes very important.

It is impossible to eat at the end of a hemorrhoidectomy, and it is recommended to use only clean water for a day. The increase in water intake contained in the requirements of food intake after the removal of nodes will be more effective if certain rules are followed. Cold water has a softening effect and stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Drinking water with food is not recommended, so as not to disturb the digestion process. Tea drinking should be postponed for 30 minutes after the completion of the meal, and the drink should be hot or warm.

Given the complexity of removing nodes surgically, subsequent dietary nutrition has its own characteristics. Firstly, in the special menu, despite the great benefits, it is necessary to exclude foods high in coarse fiber. There are a huge number of recipes for healing in the recovery period. At the first stages of rehabilitation, nutrition should be easy to digest, and vegetable oil must be present in the diet after removal of hemorrhoids. The diet menu after hemorrhoid surgery must be followed for a long time to avoid relapse.

Hemorrhoids after surgery - treatment, nutrition and possible complications

Hemorrhoidectomy, or surgical removal of hemorrhoids, instantly relieves the patient of the symptoms of the disease. But the treatment doesn't end there. After surgery to remove hemorrhoids, a recovery period follows, which requires compliance with certain recommendations and is sometimes accompanied by complications.

What are the possible consequences at this stage? How to behave to the patient in the postoperative period and after it? What should you eat and what should you avoid? And what can be done to ensure that the recovery goes smoothly?

One of the conditions for the successful recovery of the patient after hemorrhoidectomy is proper nutrition. It is based on several principles.

Food should be:

  • Balanced and contain all the nutrients the body needs.
  • Fractional - 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Sparing - does not cause flatulence and does not interfere with the normal healing of postoperative wounds.
  • Stimulating regular bowel movements.

Note! It is desirable that during the first days after hemorrhoidectomy there was no bowel movement at all. So it is better for the patient not to eat anything during this period.

From the second day you can eat, but some products are excluded from the menu.

What can not be done after the operation?

Products that cause fermentation and gas formation in the intestine are excluded from the postoperative menu:

  • Greens, vegetables and fruits with a high content of coarse fiber and extractives - sorrel, spinach, white cabbage, turnips, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, apples, dates, raspberries and gooseberries.
  • Legumes - peas, beans, beans, lentils.
  • Black bread, grapes, raisins, tangerines, nuts.
  • Whole milk, kvass and carbonated drinks.
  • smoked;
  • pickled;
  • sharp; canned;
  • spicy;
  • as well as alcohol of any strength.

Limit the intake of indigestible protein foods - pork, goose, lamb and mushrooms. As well as easily digestible carbohydrates - sugar, pastries, cookies, cakes and pastries.

What can you eat?

Diet after hemorrhoid removal may include:

  1. Loose cereals from millet and buckwheat.
  2. Wholemeal white bread.
  3. Dairy products.
  4. Lean meat - beef, chicken.
  5. Vegetables and fruits.

Dishes should be steamed, stewed or boiled, and fried foods should be completely excluded from the diet.

Diet is an important factor, without which the postoperative period will be longer. In addition, if it is not observed, complications, such as inflammation, are not excluded. And this delays the treatment and interferes with the restoration of the patient's ability to work.

Treatment after surgery

Treatment after hemorrhoidectomy is aimed at wound healing and prevention of infectious complications. In order for tissue healing to proceed quickly and without inflammation, after removal of hemorrhoids, baths with chamomile or potassium permanganate are shown.

Natalsid suppositories are inserted into the rectum. They have an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, and also accelerate the healing process. You can also use methyluracil suppositories, which also quickly heal postoperative wounds.

If the hemorrhoidectomy was completed successfully and the rehabilitation proceeds smoothly, no other treatment is required for the patient.

Complications after surgery

Sometimes complications develop in the postoperative period. Some occur in the first days after surgery, others after a few weeks or months.

After removing hemorrhoids, surgeons most often face the following situations ...

Severe pain syndrome

The anorectal region is rich in nerve endings. And as soon as the action of anesthesia ends, the patient experiences pain.

Note! In people with high sensitivity, they are so unbearable that they are removed only by narcotic analgesics. In this case, the treatment of pain with other drugs may be ineffective.

Closed hemorrhoidectomy is accompanied by pain, which is much stronger than with open surgery. Therefore, treatment with analgesics is carried out already on the first day.

Acute urinary retention

This complication often occurs in men on the first day after surgery, especially if it was performed under epidural anesthesia.

In such cases, urine is removed by a catheter.

Psychological consequences

As a rule, this is a fear of pain and because of this, stool retention.

In addition to a laxative diet, the treatment of such cases includes laxatives. It is possible to use analgesics to reduce pain during bowel movements or 0.2% nitroglycerin ointment, which relaxes the rectal sphincter.


It can occur hours or even days after hemorrhoid surgery. The reason is injury to the mucosa at the site of the sutures with dense fecal masses or the formation of cracks.

Another reason is insufficient cauterization of the blood vessel during hemorrhoidectomy. As a result, a fragile crust is formed, which disappears during the first bowel movement.

If such a complication occurs, the intestine is examined with an anoscope. Treatment depends on the amount of bleeding. It is stopped with a hemostatic sponge or swab soaked in adrenaline, or the vessel is stitched.

Narrowing or stricture of the anal canal

It can be obtained if stitches are not properly applied during the Milligan-Morgan operation. The stricture is formed in the period immediately after the operation or several months later.

Such a defect is eliminated with the help of special dilators, and in the case of a pronounced stricture, by plastic surgery.

Anal sphincter insufficiency and rectal prolapse

Such postoperative complications are rare. They are associated with damage to the neuromuscular fibers in the wall of the rectum.

Depending on the severity, they are treated with conservative or surgical methods.

Postoperative fistulas

They form a few months after the operation. The reason for their appearance is the capture of muscle fibers during suturing of surgical wounds.

Subsequently, an infection joins, inflammation develops, tissues melt, and additional passages form from the rectum.

Note! After hemorrhoidectomy according to Milligan-Morgan, there are pararectal fistulas that open outward. They are treated conservatively, and if it is ineffective, surgically.

Suppuration of postoperative wounds

It is associated with the "settlement" in them of pathogenic microflora, which is abundant in the rectum.

Such complications are treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, and if necessary, the site of suppuration is opened and drained.

Rehabilitation, or recovery after removal of hemorrhoids lasts an average of 4-5 weeks after open and 3-4 weeks after closed hemorrhoidectomy. All this time the patient remains disabled. And if complications develop, the recovery period is delayed.

In a certain percentage of operated hemorrhoids may reappear after surgery. Relapses, if the patient observes appropriate nutrition and lifestyle, occur after 5-10-12 years. And not all who have undergone hemorrhoidectomy. If the patient does not comply with medical recommendations, the earlier appearance of nodes is possible. So it is in the interests of the patient to think about everyday habits and eliminate the factors that provoke hemorrhoids from life.

On our website there is a section of consultations of proctologists. The postoperative period and its features are discussed quite actively on it. If you have had a hemorrhoidectomy and still have questions, you can discuss them with someone who has also gone through the operation. After all, no one understands each other better than those who have been in the same situation.

Removal of hemorrhoids is a radical measure that leads to the complete disappearance of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, the treatment of hemorrhoids after surgery does not end there. If you do not take appropriate preventive measures and do not change your lifestyle, it is possible that life can be overshadowed by possible complications after surgery.

This article will discuss how to survive the recovery period so that it passes with minimal pain and is not accompanied by complications, as well as what lifestyle to lead so that hemorrhoids do not recur.

How is the recovery period

There are factors that affect the duration of recovery of the body. First of all, it is the age of the patient and the state of his health. Much depends on the method of operation, which removed the hemorrhoids.

On average, the duration of the rehabilitation period after surgery can last from 3 to 5 weeks. At this time, the patient is disabled. Subject to diet therapy and a healthy lifestyle, you can not be afraid of a recurrence of hemorrhoids for 5-12 years.

After surgery to remove hemorrhoids, it is important to minimize the risk factors that provoke the development of the disease. Otherwise, a relapse of hemorrhoidal disease may occur earlier.

Mandatory are consultations with the attending physician about various aspects of behavior: what you can eat and what you can not, how to go to the toilet in the first days after surgery, how to avoid pain after hemorrhoid surgery.

Each person is individual, so the rehabilitation period is experienced differently. In any case, for some time hemorrhoids will remind of themselves with pain. Therefore, doctors during the recovery period, as a rule, prescribe analgesics, as well as ointments and suppositories that promote rapid healing of wounds. If necessary, laxatives are also prescribed, which facilitate the act of defecation and prevent injury to the walls of the rectum by feces.

Within a month, provided there are no complications, recovery after hemorrhoids surgery is over and you can start working.

Possible Complications

Complications after hemorrhoid surgery can occur both during the patient's rehabilitation and much later. The main one is the recurrence of hemorrhoids. It can start due to various circumstances, but precisely because of:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • physical inactivity;
  • taking medications that disrupt the stool;
  • malnutrition;
  • sleep and wake disturbances.

It is important to remember these risk factors and prevent them from appearing after hemorrhoid surgery.

There are other complications that can develop after surgical treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. Let's take a look at them.

urinary retention

Sometimes occurs in men on the first day after surgery. The risk of this complication is especially increased when epidural anesthesia is used.

Catheterization helps to get rid of urinary retention.


A lot of nerve endings are concentrated in the rectum, so pain after surgery occurs immediately after the cessation of anesthesia.

If a person has a low pain threshold, then the pain can be very significant. In this case, the patient is prescribed painkillers analgesics.

Patients who have undergone a closed hemorrhoidectomy are especially worried about pain. In this case, doctors prescribe painkillers in the first days after the operation.

rectal prolapse

This complication is observed quite rarely, however, it is extremely unpleasant. It occurs as a result of dysfunction of the anal sphincter. During the intervention, damage to the neuromuscular fibers of the walls of the rectum occurs, as a result, its prolapse is observed.

Such a defect can be eliminated by conservative methods or surgically.

Bleeding from the anus

The first days after removal of hemorrhoids, the patient may experience bleeding from the anus. Blood is the result of injury to the rectal mucosa by feces. It can also signal cracks in the anus.

Hemorrhoids can bleed due to an insufficiently cauterized vessel as a result of the operation.

When blood appears from the anus, it is important to report this complication to the attending physician so that he examines the rectum with an anoscope and finds out the cause of the bleeding. And tampons soaked in adrenaline help to stop it, or re-flashing the damaged vessel.


A rather rare postoperative complication is fistulas. They can form some time after the operation, and their main cause is the capture of muscle tissue during suturing and the entry of pathogenic microflora into the sutures.

After surgery according to the Milligan-Morgan method, external pararectal fistulas may appear. They require urgent conservative or surgical treatment.

Narrowing of the anus

This complication can also occur after Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy, and its cause is improperly applied sutures.

The stricture of the anus is eliminated with the help of special dilators, or, if they do not help, plastic surgery is prescribed.

Fear of defecation

This complication belongs to the category of psychological problems. Many patients after the surgery experience fear of pain during defecation. As a result, they delay the moment of going to the toilet as long as possible, constipation occurs.

In this case, you need to consult a doctor and consult with him how to go to the toilet. The doctor will usually prescribe laxatives and a special diet to soften the stool.

In especially advanced cases, doctors prescribe analgesics and nitroglycerin ointment, which relieves spasm of the sphincter.

Suppuration of the seams

Suppuration can occur when microbes enter the postoperative sutures. In this case, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medicines.

With severe suppuration, an opening and subsequent washing of the wound may be required.

Features of treatment and prevention

The main purpose of prescribing medications after surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is to stimulate tissue regeneration, accelerate their healing, and prevent the development of inflammation and other complications. To this end, proctologists recommend that patients take sitz baths with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, sage, which have a bactericidal effect. Baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate are also useful.

For the same purpose, suppositories are prescribed after surgery, for example, Relif, methyluracil ointment, Natalsid or Alginatol suppositories, which contribute to the rapid scarring of wounds.

In the absence of complications, as a rule, this treatment is sufficient. After a couple of weeks, discomfort and pain in the anus completely disappear.

There are general recommendations for all patients who have undergone an operation to remove hemorrhoids, which will help you recover faster and feel good for a long time.

diet therapy

First of all, after the treatment of hemorrhoids, people need to reconsider their gastronomic preferences. Diet after hemorrhoid surgery is critical in preventing recurrence. On the first day after the operation, you can generally starve to avoid defecation.

In the following days, you should start eating foods that do not cause gas formation. Nutrition after surgery is based on the principles of a healthy diet.

You can eat:

  • buckwheat and millet porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • lean meat: beef, chicken;
  • soups and broths.

The daily diet should include products necessary for the restoration of the body, which do not irritate the digestive system and contribute to regular and gentle bowel movements.

What foods should be avoided?

  • Vegetables: sorrel, spinach, cabbage, turnip, radish; and fruits: apples, gooseberries, raspberries, dates. All of them cause fermentation processes in the stomach and contribute to increased gas formation;
  • Kvass, coffee, tea. You need to drink a lot of liquid, it is desirable that it be ordinary clean water;
  • All smoked, fried, salty dishes, as well as legumes, potatoes and rich flour products. Indigestible proteins (pork, lamb, mushrooms) should be limited as much as possible.

The diet should be balanced and varied, nutrition should be fractional. It is advisable to divide the daily amount of food into 6 small portions and eat them at regular intervals.

Preference is given to stewed, boiled, steamed dishes.

Exercise stress


It is important to observe hygiene in the postoperative period. After each bowel movement should be washed with water at room temperature.

The rules of personal hygiene will help to avoid the entry of pathogenic microflora into postoperative sutures and, as a result, undesirable complications.


If you follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician, eliminate risk factors, contact a proctologist in time when the first undesirable signs appear and reconsider your lifestyle, there is no doubt that hemorrhoids will never return after surgery.

Rehabilitation (recovery) after surgery to remove hemorrhoids

The operation is only the beginning of the radical treatment of hemorrhoids. The removal of the nodes is followed by a long recovery period, which takes from 3 days to 2 months, depending on the type of surgery. What kind of surgical procedure will be performed hemorrhoidectomy, the doctor decides, assessing the stage of the disease and possible risks.

Recovery after hemorrhoid surgery has general recommendations. The method of surgical intervention determines, rather, the length of time during which it will be necessary to adhere to the procedural regimen. But neglect of the rules can affect the effect of the surgical "invasion" into the body is very deplorable.

Rules for rehabilitation after hemorrhoids

The most important thing that a patient can facilitate the recovery period for himself is to follow a diet. The requirements for food consumed are not so strict, so everyone can withstand several months of proper postoperative nutrition.

  • vegetables: cabbage, cucumber, tomato, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, beets;
  • boiled or baked meat, preferably chicken or turkey (beef is contraindicated);
  • fruits: peaches, grapes, plums, pears, as well as any berries (apples should be consumed in small quantities so as not to contribute to gas formation);
  • fermented milk products: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • first courses: soups, cream soups, borscht, sorrel;
  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat;
  • a large amount of water, weak green tea, compote.

There is a list of products that are categorically not recommended, because they fix the feces. Several constipations in a row can cause pain and recurrence of prolapse of a modified venous vessel.

Potatoes, radishes, sorrel, peas, beans, chocolate, rice and semolina, coffee, strong black tea will prevent recovery after hemorrhoid surgery. A separate restriction is alcoholic beverages, which also contribute to the hardening of the "waste" of the body (feces). In addition to damage to the mucous membranes and skin during bowel movements, constipation is also dangerous when a person tries to empty the rectum.

Overeating does not contribute to proper stool. It is necessary to take food in small quantities at regular intervals. In fact, there should be 5-6 snacks per day. On the first day after removal of hemorrhoids, there should be no food in the body.

Rehabilitation after surgical removal of hemorrhoids requires disinfection of the anus after each bowel movement. For a speedy recovery, it is recommended to wash and use only soft toilet paper. Maintaining cleanliness will protect against suppuration, which can otherwise be disposed of only by drainage.

The rehabilitation period after removal of hemorrhoids involves a complete rejection of the movement of weights and increased muscle loads. Visiting the gym and swimming pool will have to be postponed, but walking should be made a daily tradition. It is walking that stimulates blood flow in the abdomen and pelvic organs.

How long is the recovery after hemorrhoid surgery?

As mentioned above, the recovery time is directly related to the stage of the disease and the method of surgery. How correctly the intervention with a scalpel is prescribed at the III-IV stages and there are three types:

  • Longo method;
  • Milligan-Morgan method: open and closed operation;
  • laser operation.

Rehabilitation after Longo hemorrhoid surgery

Longo hemorrhoidal surgery is indicated for patients with the most advanced stage of this problem. This method consists in cutting off the nodes along with the mucous membrane of the rectum, that is, it will not be possible to cope with external neoplasms. The procedure is quite expensive, but the rehabilitation period in the clinic takes only 3 days.

The number of scars and wounds is so small that after a three-day period, the patient can walk painlessly and recover at home. After intervention according to the Longo method, emphasis is placed on long-term dieting in order to prevent hemorrhoids from falling out again, since the procedure is not done on the outer skin. Full rehabilitation period - 2 weeks.

Recovery after removal of hemorrhoids by the Milligan-Morgan method

The rehabilitation period after such an operation is extremely long and painful, but the absence of recurrence is almost 100% guaranteed. This is a classic method of surgical intervention: getting rid of hemorrhoids occurs with a scalpel.

The operation is open and closed, and their rehabilitation period is different. In the first case, the patient will be able to recover only in 5 weeks, and in the second - in 3-4. Rehabilitation takes a long time, since all the sutures are made by hand, and the process is accompanied by a large loss of blood. However, the surgeon can immediately remove rectal fissures and paraproctitis.

Hand sutures suggest scarring and slow wound healing. A patient operated on by this method needs careful care and timely disinfection of the anus. The first relief will come after a week of rehabilitation, and after 2-3 weeks it will be possible to start leisurely work.

Recovery after hemorrhoids in this case requires the obligatory observance of a hygienic regime along with a diet. It is unacceptable for the patient to be in a sitting position without a pillow and not to do short exercise therapy every 3 hours.

Rehabilitation after laser removal of hemorrhoids

The fastest way to recover after a laser procedure is that rehabilitation begins at home and takes only a couple of days. With this method, external hemorrhoids are cut off and the wounds are cauterized with a laser. And internal seals decrease in size with temperature. Clinical rehabilitation in this case is not needed, after an hour the patient is released to recover home.

It is possible to recover socially (i.e., start a normal life) after laser intervention after 2 days, and some patients completely refuse rehabilitation measures and start working. Doctors warn that after laser therapy, a relapse may occur, and the next time the recovery will be less easy and faster. It is following the rules of rehabilitation that guarantees the absence of a problem in the future.

After surgery to remove hemorrhoids, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the proctologist, including those regarding nutrition.

A special diet after removing hemorrhoids can speed up the healing process. An improper diet can lead to a slowdown in rehabilitation and negatively affect the patient's condition.

Purpose of diet after surgery

Hemorrhoids are a common disease that affects both and. Modern surgery successfully fights polyps and hemorrhoids. Operations are carried out in various ways. Perhaps or. In certain cases, patients are offered ligation with latex rings.

The recovery period varies depending on the nature of the operation. With a closed intervention, the rehabilitation period is from 3 to 5 weeks. After open surgery, the recovery process will take from 6 to 8 weeks.

During this period, what is necessary for the speedy regeneration of tissues. With improper nutrition, blood flow to the pelvic veins is possible, which leads to divergence of the sutures, bleeding from the damaged walls of the mucous membrane and, as a result, infection. Such complications provoke products that are prohibited for use after surgery.

The result of an unbalanced diet can be constipation or disorders. The lower intestine suffers, and the healing process is delayed. That is why nutrition after removal of hemorrhoids should be correct, without eating foods that prolong the recovery process.

What not to eat in 1 month

After excision of hemorrhoids, the patient must follow a strict diet. It is forbidden to eat food that contributes to the development of constipation, provokes bloating, causes diarrhea. These foods include fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber.

You can not drink:

  • strongly brewed coffee and tea;
  • soda;
  • bread kvass.

It is better to refrain from foods that irritate the intestinal wall, such as garlic, onions or radishes. After the operation, the patient should stop drinking alcohol, spicy and smoked foods, and canned food. You can not eat pickled vegetables and fruits, spices.

As for meat products, fatty meats should be excluded. Do not get carried away with muffins and sweets.

After surgical excision of hemorrhoidal formations, the wound heals within a month. This is possible if the patient adheres to a diet. By following simple rules, you can avoid complications and new exacerbations.

In the first 24 hours after surgery, the intestines should be free, the patient can only drink. On the second day, they are allowed to take food in small portions.

Meals after a month

A month after the excision of hemorrhoids, the patient's menu can be somewhat diversified. But you can’t eat everything in a row, you should follow certain recommendations.

Prohibited Products

After the operation, the patient's menu needs to be radically changed. There are products that promote increased gas formation.

Products that can harm hemorrhoids:

  • dried grapes;
  • bread kvass;
  • grape;
  • black bread;
  • beans;
  • soda;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • smoked, salty and spicy foods;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • mutton.

Do not eat duck and goose meat, foods that provoke excessive production of gastric juice.

Fatty meat, carbonated and alcohol-containing drinks negatively affect the digestive system, lead to bloating and other problems of the digestive tract.

Approved Products

It is important that the patient's diet after surgery is balanced. A person should not starve, but overeating should also be avoided. Experts advise to eat every 2 - 2.5 hours. It is better to choose products that provide regular stools.

The diet should include vegetables, which are steamed. Avoid fried foods. With the formation of constipation, kefir and yogurt help to normalize the stool. You can eat wholemeal bread. You can provide the body with the right amount of fiber with the help of all kinds of cereals.

What can you eat after surgery to remove hemorrhoids:

  1. Kashi. Buckwheat and wheat porridge are especially useful. Such varieties have a positive effect on the digestive system as a whole. It is important to cook cereals in such a way that they are crumbly. To do this, rinse the cereal well before cooking with cold water. After cooking, you need to leave the porridge to infuse.
  2. Bread. It is advisable to eat wholemeal bread, which is rich in microelements and B vitamins. It allows you to quickly restore the body's strength.
  3. Dairy products. Such food improves digestion and prevents constipation.
  4. Squirrels. The body needs protein to restore vital energy. But not all types of meat can be consumed in the postoperative period. Preference should be given to light types of meat, in small quantities you can eat fish.
  5. Vegetables. To get the body the required amount of fiber, the patient should eat vegetables daily. It is advisable to cook them for a couple.
  6. Fruit. Kiwis and bananas have a good effect on improving digestion.

Drinking should be given special attention. After removal of nodes and polyps, the patient needs to saturate the body with fluid (at least 2 liters per day). It is allowed to drink fruit juices, herbal decoctions and non-carbonated mineral water. For the preparation of herbal teas, you can use nettle, yarrow, mullein (inflorescences). These infusions can be used for compresses.

Cooking methods after surgery

Allowed products after surgery must be prepared according to special recipes. Porridge is better to cook crumbly or liquid. You can cook porridge in an unconventional way by brewing them in a thermos.

The preparation of meat should be given special attention. It is better to stew it in a slow cooker or bake it in the oven, without adding fat. Steamed meat dishes will be useful.

Vegetables can be boiled, baked in the oven with a little vegetable oil, steamed. Fresh vegetables should not be eaten in large quantities: they can irritate the unhealed surface of the intestine. Properly cooked vegetables should be used as a side dish for meat.

sample menu

The diet does not have to be rigid and cause unpleasant associations in the patient. Healthy and properly prepared food can be delicious. To do this, you need to correctly compose a menu, diversifying it with delicious products.

Approximate menu after surgery for excision of hemorrhoids.


Breakfast options:

  • porridge with fructose, one banana and herbal tea;
  • steamed omelet, dogwood berries, herbal tea;
  • steamed vegetables, boiled egg, prunes, tea.


You can cook the following dishes:

  • salad of boiled carrots and beets with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • cottage cheese mass with chopped dried fruits;
  • omelette, steamed or in a slow cooker.

You can supplement the second breakfast with fruits, such as kiwi or banana.


Sample meals for lunch:

  • vegetable soup and steamed fish meatballs;
  • meat broth on lean meat and baked chicken cutlet.

You can eat a couple of slices of bread with bran and some dried fruits (dogwood, dried apricots, prunes).

afternoon tea

Sour-milk drinks (kefir, fermented baked milk) with the addition of kiwi, bread, dried fruits.


In the evening, you need to eat light food. For dinner, you can cook a steam cutlet of meat, fish, or boil a small piece of meat. You can eat a small piece of gray bread and drink it all with tea without added sugar or herbal decoction.

Snack two hours before bed

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of tea or dogwood compote and eat a loaf of bread.

Can You Drink Alcohol After Surgery?

To understand whether or not you can drink alcohol after removing hemorrhoids, you need to find out how alcohol affects a patient suffering from this disease.

After drinking alcohol, the heart begins to beat faster, blood circulation accelerates and blood vessels dilate. Under the influence of intense blood flow, the weakened and thinned walls of the veins in the rectum can burst.

The vasodilating effect is replaced by inhibition of the cardiovascular system, stagnation is formed. Capillaries may burst, blood begins to ooze from the nodes, cracks form.

The kidneys respond to the intake of alcohol by urinating more frequently, removing harmful toxins. There is a significant loss of fluid and dehydration of the body. Such changes contribute to the formation of constipation.

After drinking alcohol, the vessels are in a tense state. When difficult to defecate, they burst. Decay products get into the damaged areas, which leads to intoxication and the formation of ulcers on the walls of blood vessels and on the inner surface of the intestine.

Alcohol is a product that provokes hemorrhoids, with the use of alcoholic beverages, the formation of new foci is observed. After surgery to excise hemorrhoids, the intake of alcohol-containing drinks is strictly prohibited.

Nutrition after the end of the postoperative period

The postoperative period ends, and many patients lead a normal life. But this is unacceptable, because in most cases it is malnutrition that causes the development of hemorrhoids.

It is important to follow the basic rules even after a long time after the operation:

  • eat little and often (at least 4-5 times a day);
  • vegetables should be present in sufficient quantities in the diet;
  • lean meat, steamed or baked in the oven using foil;
  • remove white bread, pasta, rich pastries from the diet;
  • it is better to replace sugar with fructose;
  • it is desirable to consume fermented milk products every day;
  • it is worth giving up coffee, chocolate;
  • exclude fried, spicy and smoked dishes;
  • you can't drink alcohol.

To prevent the formation of hemorrhoids, it is necessary not only to follow a diet, but also to maintain physical activity.

All patients who have undergone surgery for excision of cavernous formations in the rectal area need a diet after removal of hemorrhoids. Compliance with proper nutrition in the postoperative period is the key to a speedy recovery, prevention of complications and relapses. The article describes the principles of the dietary table after surgery, methods of cooking, a sample menu for patients and other useful tips.

The importance of dietary nutrition

Any surgical intervention, regardless of the stage of hemorrhoids, is stressful for the body. There are several ways to excise hemorrhoidal cones surgically. The operation can be closed or open. In the first case, wound healing and tissue repair is faster. The rehabilitation period lasts from 3 to 5 weeks. With an open intervention, it takes 6 to 8 weeks to restore the body.

Throughout this period, the patient must follow proper nutrition after removal of hemorrhoids. Diet helps prevent blood flow to the postoperative site, suture separation, bleeding, and other unpleasant complications.

The treatment menu is always aimed at preventing constipation, flatulence and diarrhea, since a violation of the stool always negatively affects the healing period. That is why proctologists tirelessly repeat the importance of diet therapy, regardless of the type of surgery and the patient's well-being.

General principles of diet

The diet after the operation to remove hemorrhoids has several general principles, the observance of which will help to correctly adjust the treatment menu and achieve a speedy recovery.

On the first day, only clean water without gas is allowed. It is recommended to completely refuse food intake. Immediately after the operation, stool is undesirable.

Oatmeal is a mandatory component of a therapeutic diet

For the next 24 hours, you can eat well-boiled cereals. Suitable oatmeal, barley, wheat. It is better to refuse rice, semolina. In addition, the menu after the operation on the second day should include plenty of fluids. The patient is advised to use clean water, dogwood compote, chamomile nettle decoction, green tea without added sugar.

Starting from the third day, nutrition after surgery for hemorrhoids is selected by the attending physician or nutritionist, based on the following principles:

  • food should be eaten in small portions, trying to do it at the same time;
  • all patients are recommended to divide the daily menu into 5 meals;
  • it is strictly not recommended to overeat, even if it is a healthy food. After a meal, there should always be a slight feeling of hunger;
  • throughout the recovery period, it is important to give up alcohol and smoking;
  • The diet should be balanced and varied. A person should not experience a lack of one or another vitamin;
  • per day, the patient should consume at least 3 liters of liquid, taking into account liquid cereals and soups;
  • to normalize the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, you need to use vegetable oils daily. This will help improve the movement of feces through the intestines, facilitate bowel movements.

Important! Even if the patient has a tendency to constipation, laxatives should not be abused. Such remedies often lead to addiction.

Tasks of clinical nutrition

Diet after hemorrhoid surgery by classical hemorrhoidectomy and other methods has several problems. Each of them helps to speed up the healing process of the treated area, to prevent possible complications in the early postoperative period.

Therapeutic nutrition is aimed at preventing recurrence after removal of hemorrhoids

Diet therapy poses the following tasks:

  • strengthening the process of tissue regeneration is one of the most important tasks of the diet after the removal of hemorrhoids. Thanks to the saturation of the diet with proteins, useful vitamins and trace elements, it is possible to start the process of repairing damaged tissues. You can not refuse fish and meat. These products should be low-fat, they contain the protein necessary for the rapid regeneration of damaged areas;
  • the prevention of flatulence is an essential condition for therapeutic nutrition. The patient is advised to give up products that increase gas formation and the fermentation process in the stomach. These include legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, eggs, whole milk and other products;
  • stool normalization - this task is achieved by introducing laxative and emollient products into the diet. To do this, the daily menu should contain raw vegetables and fruits, cereals, a large amount of liquid;
  • prevention of irritation of the mucous membrane of the anus and rectum - eat during the recovery period should be food that does not contain hot spices and marinades. In addition, doctors recommend excluding smoked, salty, too sour foods.

Not only spicy and sour dishes can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and intestines, but also an excess of bile acid produced when eating too fatty and fried foods. That is why it is important to consider cooking methods during a diet.

How to prepare meals

After removing hemorrhoids, the diet should include healthy meals and sufficient water. An important aspect of clinical nutrition is the way food is prepared.

Dishes are recommended to be prepared by cooking, baking or steaming methods.

Porridge should be cooked until fully cooked. It is allowed to steam cereals in a thermos overnight without cooking. The most useful after the removal of hemorrhoids of any degree are oatmeal, wheat and buckwheat. You should not completely abandon rice, because this product contains the necessary trace elements. Rice should be included in the diet in limited quantities, as it has a strengthening effect.

Vegetables and fruits during treatment immediately after removal of hemorrhoids are best boiled or steamed. In their raw form, they should be consumed only after the sutures have completely healed, because the juice of some of them can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Fish and meat are best cooked by baking with a small amount of vegetable oil or steamed. This method of cooking will help preserve the nutrients of the products, satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Important! From frying, smoking and salting foods in the period after hemorrhoid surgery should be abandoned. The use of such food during the rehabilitation period will prolong the healing process.

Approved Products

To properly compose a treatment menu, you should know what you can eat during a diet after an operation to remove hemorrhoids.

During the recovery period after surgery, it is important to saturate the diet with healthy foods.

  • lean meats - turkey, beef, rabbit, skinless chicken;
  • lean fish - tilapia, perch, halibut, pollock, crucian carp, cod;
  • seafood - oysters, shrimp, mussels, scallops;
  • boiled eggs or in the form of steam omelettes;
  • fermented milk products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir with a low percentage of fat;
  • vegetables - cauliflower, cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin;
  • fruits - apples of sweet varieties, dogwood, not sour apples, bananas, kiwi;
  • dried apricots, raisins, prunes (in limited quantities);
  • cereals - barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat;
  • low-fat hard cheeses in small quantities;
  • bakery products - bran bread, crackers, biscuit and oatmeal cookies.

Particular attention is paid to drinks. After removing hemorrhoids of any degree, herbal teas, compotes, smoothies, mineral water without gas will be useful. Sufficient fluid intake has a positive effect on the body. The recommended amount of daily fluid should be discussed with your doctor.

Prohibited Products

Removal of hemorrhoids is only the first stage of treatment. For further success, the patient must strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, refuse to eat harmful foods.

What food is prohibited:

  • radish, turnip, white cabbage;
  • sweet pastries, cakes, pastries;
  • fatty meat - duck, pork, lamb;
  • fatty varieties of fish and seafood;
  • all types of mushrooms;
  • semolina, rice groats;
  • grape;
  • alcoholic drinks, carbonated water, sour juices, strong coffee, tea;
  • chocolate products and cocoa;
  • citruses, sour berries;
  • fresh onion, garlic;
  • apples and pears with peel;
  • whole milk;
  • legumes.

It is better to refuse sweet pastries during the diet

The exclusion of the listed products from dietary dishes will help to significantly accelerate the healing period of postoperative sutures, to exclude the development of the inflammatory process, bleeding and other complications, especially if the patient has hemorrhoidal fissures in the anus.

Sample menu after surgery

In the rehabilitation period after undergoing surgery to remove hemorrhoidal cones, the patient is allowed to eat fully, while the menu should consist of lean dishes, exclude food that causes constipation, excessive gas formation, diarrhea and irritation of the rectal mucosa. Given these recommendations, the patient may well independently compose a daily diet.

We offer several menu options for the day:

  • morning - oatmeal, bread with grated cheese, soft-boiled egg, weakly brewed tea;
  • second breakfast - steam omelet, cucumber salad, boiled chicken, dried fruit compote;
  • day - pumpkin and broccoli puree soup, steamed meatballs, beetroot salad, green tea;
  • afternoon snack - apple jelly, biscuit cookies;
  • evening - mashed potatoes, bran bread with a slice of cheese and cucumber, chamomile tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Second menu option:

  • morning - buckwheat porridge on the water, boiled fish with carrots, fresh sweet apples;
  • second breakfast - crackers and milk jelly;
  • day - steamed chicken cutlets, broccoli salad, soft-boiled egg, penny compote;
  • afternoon snack - yesterday's bun, weak tea;
  • evening - boiled pasta with liver pate, cherry jelly;
  • before going to bed, you can eat biscuit cookies, drink yogurt.

Any of the products can be replaced depending on the personal preferences of the patient. If the patient has intolerance to one or another product, it is replaced with a similar one or completely excluded from the menu.

Cooking Recipes

Dietary food should be not only healthy, but also tasty. In the daily menu, the patient can use a variety of cooking recipes that will not harm the body after excision of hemorrhoids.

Broccoli in creamy sauce

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 500 g broccoli;
  • low-fat cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • olive oil;
  • small bulb;
  • salt.

Dietary menu after excision of hemorrhoids often includes broccoli

Rinse broccoli, disassemble into inflorescences, steam until the vegetable softens. In a frying pan with a thick bottom, pass the chopped onion, pour it with a glass of cream, simmer for 15 minutes. Add flour, salt, olive oil to the sauce, boil for another 5 minutes, remove from heat. Pour sauce over broccoli and serve warm or cold.

Chicken cutlets with zucchini

The recipe includes the following products:

  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • small zucchini;
  • egg;
  • flour;
  • salt.

Grind chicken meat in a meat grinder or chop very finely. Peel the zucchini, finely chop or grate, squeeze out excess liquid, mix with minced chicken. In the resulting mass, add the egg, flour, salt. Lightly fry the cutlets in olive oil, then steam until tender.

Pumpkin and apple puree

For cooking you will need:

  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 2 large apples;
  • olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream with a fat content of 1.5%;
  • salt.

Apple and pumpkin puree

Rinse apples and pumpkin well, peel, chop through a meat grinder or blender. Bring the resulting mass to a boil, keep on low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Boil the cream and olive oil separately, then mix the products, boil again for 10 minutes. Salt the puree to taste.

For a quick recovery during rehabilitation after surgery, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • food and drinks should not be too hot or cold, this negatively affects the digestion process. It is better to eat food in a warm form;
  • It is important to refuse any drinks during meals. This will lead to the fact that the gastric juice will be diluted, which means that the food will be digested worse. It is better to drink half an hour before or 30 minutes after a meal;
  • after a meal, you can not immediately engage in physical work or, conversely, go to bed.

Strict implementation of the doctor's recommendations and diet after removal of hemorrhoids guarantee the patient a high chance of a quick recovery after surgery. The rehabilitation period for different types of surgical intervention is different, after an open hemorrhoidectomy according to Milligan-Morgan, the duration of rehabilitation is 1-1.5 months, with a closed hemorrhoidectomy - 1-2 weeks. During this period, the patient needs to ensure a gentle bowel movement.

An improperly balanced diet after removal of hemorrhoids leads to such complications:

  • rupture of sutures and healed tissues;
  • bleeding from damaged areas of the mucosa;
  • mucosal infection.

Constipation or diarrhea alone can lead to a disruption of the entire recovery process, so for a patient after removal of hemorrhoids, it is important to follow a diet and adequate fluid intake.

Prohibited Products

During the recovery period of the patient after surgery to remove hemorrhoids, his diet should not include foods that contribute to increased gas formation and fermentation in the stomach and intestines. Legumes, black bread, kvass, grapes, raisins, and milk top the list of prohibited foods. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks, smoked, fried and pickled dishes, pickles, mushrooms, seasonings are also contraindicated.

From vegetables, increased gas formation is caused by: white cabbage, radish, radish, turnip. Under the ban are also fruits that contribute to increased production of gastric juice: raspberries, apples, gooseberries.

Patients who have undergone an operation to remove hemorrhoids are not recommended to eat fatty meats and seafood during the recovery period.

Alcoholic drinks with hemorrhoids are strictly prohibited. Alcohol causes vasodilation and an increase in pressure on their walls, with hemorrhoids this can lead to bleeding and the formation of nodes, and in the postoperative period to complications.


Patients who have undergone surgery to remove hemorrhoids are advised to eat foods that do not overload the gastrointestinal tract. The most nutritious and healthy cereals are buckwheat and millet.

Before cooking, the cereal should be rinsed well with cold water so that the grains do not stick together.

It is advisable to choose bread from wholemeal flour, it contains many trace elements and B vitamins.

Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat cheeses) will help to establish the process of digestion after removal of hemorrhoids. After about a week, you can start introducing fish and lean meats into your diet.

After removal of hemorrhoids, vegetables must be present in the patient's diet every day, it is better if they are boiled or baked.

With the rest of the fruits, you need to be more careful, because they can provoke flatulence and unnecessary irritation of the mucous membrane on the postoperative surface.

Cooking methods after surgery

When preparing food for a patient who has undergone an operation to remove hemorrhoids, some rules must be observed. Porridges need to be cooked liquid or crumbly, cereals should be very boiled. You can steam cereals without cooking in a thermos for 10 hours or cook cereals in a slow cooker.

Meat and fish dishes are more useful to steam, you can bake in the oven or slow cooker. In this case, it is not recommended to use fat; meat or fish can be wrapped in foil or parchment.

It is better not to eat raw vegetables after removing hemorrhoids, because they can irritate the mucous membrane, the best option is to steam or boil them.

You can make a vegetable casserole using vegetable oil.

Raw vegetables for a patient after an operation to remove hemorrhoids can be consumed only after complete healing of postoperative wounds.

Menu for the week

Nutrition after removal of hemorrhoids should be balanced and at the same time promote soft bowel movements. An example of a menu for a week for a patient who underwent removal of hemorrhoids.


Lunch: vegetable soup on the water, bran bread, steamed chicken cutlet.

Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir, crispbread.

Dinner: boiled fish, beet stewed caviar.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, baked apple.

Second breakfast: salad of boiled carrots and beets with vegetable oil.

Lunch: vegetable soup on the water, stewed turkey, baked zucchini.

Snack: a glass of fermented baked milk, crispbread.

Dinner: millet porridge, steamed fish cake, boiled egg.


Breakfast: oatmeal, a couple of kiwis.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese, banana.

Lunch: vegetable soup with beef, bran bread.

Snack: a glass of kefir, baked pumpkin.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge, steamed chicken cutlet, stewed cauliflower.


Breakfast: steam omelette, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese.

Second breakfast: a glass of ryazhenka, a boiled egg.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup, steam cutlet, boiled carrot salad with vegetable oil.

Snack: cottage cheese, banana.

Dinner: steamed fish, steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower).



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