Top 10 most useful. Your attention is presented to the top of the most useful products in the world

The German magazine Focus has published the top 10 most useful foods, which, according to scientists, are the most beneficial for the body. The top ten included apples, fish, garlic, strawberries and others no less healthy foods. Below are the results of their research.

Anyone who eats an apple a day has virtually no chance of getting Alzheimer's disease. Substances contained in the pulp of apples, in particular - quercetin, inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and minimize the harm from free radicals. Apples also contain many vitamins and trace elements that stimulate the immune system and have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system.

2. Fish

Take care of your heart, try to eat more fish than meat. By eating 30 grams of fish daily, you will significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack. The fish contains a large number of fatty acids, which have a favorable effect on cell walls. Turning to statistics, we can observe that the inhabitants of the north are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

3. Garlic

Garlic is effective against colds helps improve digestion. In addition, when it is used, it is less likely to cause cancer of the stomach and intestines, and the risk is also minimized. vascular diseases, as it contains a number of substances that clean the vessels and prevent them from clogging.

4. Strawberries

Optional to eat sour lemons to restore vitamin C in the body. Strawberries contain more of this vitamin. Besides, high content iron in the berry strengthens the immune system. Some essential oils found in strawberries inhibit the production of cancer-promoting enzymes.

5. Carrot

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which neutralizes free radicals that destroy the structure of genes and provoke cancer. In addition, beta-carotene has a beneficial effect on the condition skin and organs of vision. It is recommended to add butter or sour cream to carrot salad, as beta-carotene dissolves well in fats.

6. Pepper

Hot pepper improves metabolism, contributing to the normalization of weight. Capsacin stimulates secretion gastric juice thereby preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in digestive tract. Bell pepper in addition to vitamin C, it contains the dye luteolin, which prevents the reproduction of cancer cells, the development age problems and diseases of the circulatory system.

7. Bananas

This is perhaps the most satisfying and carbohydrate-rich fruit. contained in it ballast substances prevent the absorption of sugar. The amount of magnesium in one banana is one-sixth of daily requirement organisms in this trace element.

8. Green tea

Contains biologically active substance- catechin, which prevents the development of prostate cancer, atherosclerosis, and promotes fat burning. It is enough to drink at least four cups of this drink daily. In black tea, catechins are destroyed during the manufacturing process.

9. Soy

Includes a lot of lecithin and B vitamins that strengthen nervous system that improve memory. It is also an essential source of protein. Soybean sprouts are especially useful.

10. Milk

Milk is the staple food containing valuable proteins, easily digestible fats and carbohydrate - lactose. Also, milk is rich in calcium, which is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems organism.

Of course, this list of useful products is very controversial. Attempts to determine what is more useful are being made by scientists all the time. The Daily Mirror newspaper published its list, which included spinach, brown rice, chicken, salmon, bananas, chicken eggs, milk, blueberries, herbs and garlic.

Samir Becic has repeatedly received the title of the best personal trainer in the world, he is a true specialist in the field of fitness programs and diets, promoter healthy lifestyle life, healthy eating And exercise. We analyzed his developments and advice and bring you ten of the best and healthiest drinks.

1. Water

Water will always come first, because it is the basis of life. Water is involved in digestion, relieves intoxication, is important component blood and is necessary for the absorption of B vitamins and ascorbic acid.

2. Wheatgrass juice

This drink is one of the best and most affordable sources of chlorophyll, protein and fiber, which is important for healthy digestion. In addition, it contains a large variety of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, including retinol, vitamins B 12 , C, E and K, as well as calcium, potassium, folic acid and riboflavin.

3. Fresh vegetable juice

Fresh vegetable juice without exaggeration can be called a salad in liquid form. It may include several types of vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Such a drink perfectly relieves inflammation in the intestines and regulates its work, cleanses the body and can even speed up your metabolism.

4. Coconut water

Coconut water is a great alternative to sports drinks, it contains natural electrolytes and is great for quenching your thirst after long workout. In addition, it contains a lot of magnesium useful for the nervous system.

5. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is rich ascorbic acid and very useful for your immune system. It also aids digestion and cleanses the liver. For a refreshing summer drink, simply mix the juice with cold water.

6. Pomegranate juice

The benefits of pomegranate juice are invaluable. An antioxidant-rich drink has been proven to prevent inflammation, heart disease, lung cancer and cancer. prostate. Always check the ingredients on the label to make sure you are drinking pure juice. Many manufacturers dilute the drink with other less healthy juices and add sugar.

7. Beet juice

Beetroot juice reduces blood pressure and increases endurance. Studies have shown that athletes who drink beetroot juice before training, exercise 16% longer.

8. Green tea

It speeds up your metabolism beneficial effect for the health of teeth and gums.

9. Kefir

The drink is rich not only in probiotics, but also in calcium, magnesium, protein and vitamin B 12.

10. Ginger tea

Ginger is great for digestive system, as well as warm water. Ginger root helps relieve nausea, seasickness and contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help with arthritis.

It's no secret that vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, meat and fish contain great amount valuable vitamins and minerals. Therefore, all of them should appear regularly in our menu. The world's leading nutritionists are still actively discussing which product is the most useful for human body. Today's article will feature the best.


The composition of these fruits contains twelve vitamins necessary for normal functioning human body. They are rich in pectin, sugars, iron, iodine, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, apples can claim the title of "The Healthiest Product in the World."

The systematic use of these fruits tones the body, strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. According to scientists, people who eat one apple a day are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. In addition, these fruits contain quercetin. This substance has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the development of cancer cells.


This amazing vegetable can also safely claim the title of "The most useful product in the world." It contains more than four hundred valuable components. He is considered one of the best sources nickel, magnesium, cobalt, potassium, calcium, chromium, allicin, adenosine and flavonoids. This vegetable is rich in C, A, B 1 and B 2 .

Garlic, the property of which is determined unique composition, has excellent antibacterial action. It hinders the development infectious diseases and helps to strengthen the immune system. Systematic use this vegetable counts the best prevention heart attacks and strokes. In addition, it is effective in the fight against staphylococci, pneumonia, hypertension, influenza and herpes.

Plus, garlic, the property of which is successfully used in alternative medicine, shown to people suffering from disorders of the nervous system. Due to the substances contained in it, it is a natural antibiotic.


This vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins B, A, C, K, D and E. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, pectins, starch, natural sugars, purine compounds, organic and polyunsaturated acids.

Cauliflower recipes are available to any housewife; dishes from it are simple and easy to prepare. Therefore, dishes from it should appear in your diet as often as possible. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps prevent skin diseases and strengthening the nervous system. It contains relatively high concentration biotin, which helps to cope with fatigue and depression. It is also considered a good source of molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. Just so complicated chemical composition and everything is explained beneficial features this vegetable.

In addition, for its preparation are used simple recipes. You can make a lot of cauliflower delicious meals, so it is an integral part of many diets. This is due to the relatively low energy value. So, one hundred grams of this vegetable contains 29 kcal. Thanks to elevated content dietary fiber cauliflower gives a feeling of satiety.


Scientists have found that daily use thirty grams of this product halves the risk of a heart attack. Peoples whose diet is based on fish are less likely to suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it can also claim the title of “world's most useful product”.

Just like apples, fish reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. It promotes regeneration nerve cells. Salmon and red fish contain valuable oils improving the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, this product contains a large amount of sodium, phosphorus, calcium, riboflavin, pyroxidine, niacin and retinol.


Perhaps these are the most useful products for blood vessels. They are rich in pectins, fiber, organic acids, essential oils, vitamins A and C. These fruits contain an increased concentration of manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, iodine and iron. The glycosides contained in them normalize the work of the heart and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

In addition, grapefruit is considered a good source of vascular strengthening. It is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from reduced pressure. It is also indicated for the prevention of heart attacks. Experts advise eating one whole grapefruit twice a week. This will increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls.


This root vegetable is rich in many valuable vitamins and minerals. It contains a sufficient concentration of beta-carotene. When it enters the human body, this substance is transformed into vitamin A. Of course, carrots are not the most useful product in the world, but regular consumption of an orange root crop helps to increase visual acuity and prevent cancer.

This vegetable is rich in starch, proteins, amino acids, lecithin, glucose, fructose and enzymes. It is considered a good source of cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, copper, magnesium and calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder and liver. Carrots are also indicated for increased acidity of the stomach and disorders of salt metabolism.


The composition of this vegetable contains a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and fiber. It is considered one of the best sources of beta-carotene, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium. Fresh broccoli is rich in K, E, PP and C. In terms of the content of the latter, it surpassed even an orange.

It is believed that regular consumption of this vegetable helps to reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases. Broccoli is good for the heart. It speeds up the elimination process heavy metals and maintains normal fluid and electrolyte balance.

Fresh stalks and florets of broccoli can safely claim the title of "healthiest low-calorie foods." Regular consumption of this vegetable helps to eliminate excess fluid and improve the condition of the skin. Therefore, dishes from this variety of cabbage are included in many diets.


The tender leaves of this plant are considered an excellent source of choline, sugars, starch, fiber, beta-carotene, carbohydrates and organic acids. They contain a sufficient concentration of vitamin H, PP, E, K, C, B and A. And this is far from complete list what spinach is rich in.

A fresh product helps to remove toxins, while saturating the body with the nutrients contained in it. valuable substances. The fiber present in the leaves helps to maintain the stable functioning of the digestive system. Regular use of this herb helps natural weight loss and strengthening the immune system.

Spinach has another unique property. It blocks the growth of tumors. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of people recovering from radiation therapy.

Milk and its derivatives

These tasty and healthy foods contain a sufficient amount of calcium, valuable proteins, lactose and easily digestible fats. It is believed that the regular use of milk itself and its derivatives contributes to the normalization of the nervous system. It also allows you to establish the correct functioning of the muscles. Doctors are sure that those who drink at least a glass of milk every day are much less likely to suffer from stomach cancer.

For people who are lactose intolerant, it is advisable to consume regularly natural yogurt. Skimmed milk counts excellent source calcium, necessary to prevent the development of osteoporosis.


These healthy foods must be present in the diet of every person. They include all major classes. nutrients. Nuts are rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They contain a sufficient amount of phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. They are rich in vitamins P, B, E and A.

It has been proven that people who regularly eat nuts are less likely to suffer from dementia, heart attacks and heart disease. These products nourish the brain and prevent the destruction of the membranes of nerve cells.

For example, almonds are indicated for heartburn, ulcers, obesity and hypertension. Hazelnut normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system and prevents the appearance of tumors. It is recommended to use it for varicose veins, prostate enlargement and chronic fatigue. Pistachios must be present in the diet of those who suffer from atherosclerosis and liver disease. Pine nuts activate physical and mental development children.


Buckwheat is considered the most useful. This low-calorie and easily digestible cereal is rich in many valuable vitamins and minerals. It promotes the removal of cholesterol and toxins. It is recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes obesity, heart disease, liver disease and gastrointestinal tract.

Second healthy cereal recognized oatmeal. It significantly reduces the risk of cancerous tumors, strengthening immunity and normalizing metabolism. This easily digestible cereal is ideal for diet food. In addition, regular use oatmeal improves the condition of bones and teeth.

Millet is shown to everyone who takes antibiotics for a long time. This cereal has restorative properties. It promotes the rapid elimination of toxins.

Rough sex semolina contains much less fiber and vitamins. But this is offset by high nutritional value cereals. It is shown to people suffering various diseases gastrointestinal tract. Since semolina contains a sufficiently large amount of gluten, it can cause allergic reactions.

Perlovka is recognized as the main cereal of athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor. This cereal is considered one of the best sources of phosphorus, which is necessary for increasing the speed of muscle contractions. It is equally well suited for allergy sufferers and those who want to lose weight.


This delicious product considered a natural sugar substitute. in kind bee honey almost all valuable trace elements are present. In its composition, it approaches the human blood plasma. This product rich in biotin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine. It is considered an excellent source of ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids.

Qualitative natural honey has powerful bactericidal properties. In addition, it helps to speed up metabolism and enhance tissue regeneration. This product has a wonderful tonic, resolving and anti-inflammatory effect.

Proved that systematic use honey stimulates defensive forces of the human body, eliminates sleep problems, prevents the development of sclerosis and improves the functioning of the digestive system. It is indicated for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Honey eliminates puffiness, improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure. It is recommended to include in the diet of those who suffer from diseases of the heart muscle.

A person is 70% liquid, so it is very important to drink only healthy and natural drinks. Forget about carbonated water, packaged juices, yoghurts and shakes - it's all very harmful. Sometimes, of course, you can drink a glass of another cola, but not every day. So, the top 10 most healthy drinks:

Beer is very healthy drink if you drink it no more than 500 grams per day. This is great cholagogue, which promotes metabolism in the body, and is also great after a hangover.

This drink is good for the heart and blood vessels, is an excellent antioxidant. Red wine fights cancer cells. As in the case of beer, the main thing is not to abuse it. The recommended dose is no more than 150 g per day.

Pomegranate juice (not from the package)

Pomegranate juice is rich in vitamins A, C and E, it also contains a lot of zinc, selenium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Useful for hypertension and anemia, helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system. However, it is worth remembering that you do not need to abuse pomegranate juice those who have hyperacidity stomach.

Cranberry juice or juice (not from the package)

Cranberry juice acts as an antipyretic, contains a maximum of vitamin C. This drink helps to remove toxins, increases activity, and has a diuretic effect.

Cocoa helps to normalize blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is a natural antidepressant and stimulant. Rich in trace elements and vitamins.

Chamomile tea has antibacterial effect calms the nerves. This tea helps restore normal microflora intestines, has a diaphoretic and analgesic effect.

This drink good for the kidneys Bladder, liver, with atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Apple juice with pulp has a good effect on bowel function, helps to eliminate toxins.

Mint helps improve digestion, lowers blood pressure, stimulates excretion enough gastric juice, calms the nerves and helps with insomnia.

Hello dear readers!

Since blogging, I have read a lot of information about healthy nutrition and not only. So many new discoveries for myself! But this question began to torment me: I read that one product is super useful and should be included in your menu, the other is even better and it must also be consumed. But there are so many of them, when is it all there?

Perhaps you should choose the healthiest foods?

So I decided to conduct my own little investigation about which foods are the most beneficial for health.

The healthiest foods for human health

Once upon a time in one of the magazines, I even came across a list of the 10 most useful products. I remember well that in the first place there was spinach.

When I now became interested in this issue, I saw that there are quite a lot of opinions. In some ways they are similar, but there are differences.

Let's figure out what are the most useful foods for the human body.

10 most useful products according to the results of research by American scientists

In the top ten most useful foods, American scientists included:

Spinach. Probably the most useful greens, containing a lot of healing substances, preventing the development of cancer, helping to strengthen bones, and spinach perfectly cleans the intestines, removes toxins and toxins from the body.

You can read more about spinach and other greens in the article "".

Tomatoes. This delicious, beloved vegetable needs to be eaten all year round. After all, it contains a lot of vitamins, and fiber, and pectin. Tomatoes are extremely useful for blood vessels and the heart, and they are also low in calories. And even in winter time worth buying fresh tomatoes, albeit grown in greenhouses.

Pepper (bitter and sweet). It contains not only a huge amount of vitamin C, but also vitamin P, which we need for normal blood formation, as well as the substance luteolin, which inhibits the development of cancer. Pepper is useful to use to strengthen the nerves and heart, to improve metabolism.

Soya. Soy also strengthens the nervous system due to the presence of lecithin and B vitamins, enhances mental abilities. It is also beneficial for its fiber content and omega-3 fatty acids.

Yogurt. Useful as a source of calcium and also creates good microflora in the intestine. It's about, of course, about natural yogurt.

Broccoli. Broccoli, like cauliflower, healthier than cabbage white-headed, as it contains more vitamins and minerals. Broccoli is able to fight cancer and depression, cleanses the intestines, has antiviral and antioxidant effects, and is a natural antibiotic. So it's worth paying attention to it.

Bananas. Perfectly satisfy hunger, they contain a lot of magnesium, potassium, are good for the heart, improve mood and sleep, energize, are a mild laxative and even remove bad cholesterol and heavy metals.

Olive oil . Olive oil not only reduces the level bad cholesterol but also maintains "good" cholesterol. It normalizes digestion, is very useful for the liver and gallbladder.

Peanut. Strengthens nerves, activates mental activity, reduces irritability. contained in them vegetable fats and proteins are absorbed by the body more easily than meat.

grenades. A source of many vitamins, antioxidants, they help to cope with anemia, do not allow blood clots to form, and also prevent the development of the aging process.

TOP of the most useful products declared by German scientists

The healthiest foods listed in Focus magazine are as follows:

Carrot. A real fountain of youth, contains a large amount of vitamin A, is good for the skin and extremely good for vision.

Only a replacement for fish can become. It has now become very convenient to take it in capsules.

Milk. rich in calcium milk helps to avoid osteoporosis. But there exist different opinions about the benefits and harms of milk. I believe that children need to drink milk for growth. And adults are better off using dairy products.

The TOP of the most useful foods also includes peppers (hot and sweet), bananas and soybeans, which I already wrote about above.

List of the most useful products according to Russian nutritionists

Russian nutritionists agree with the opinion of their foreign colleagues and the list of the most healthy foods includes:

  • apples
  • carrot
  • tomatoes
  • berries
  • cabbage
  • nuts
  • pepper
  • legumes (we don’t really use soybeans, but beans and peas are happy)
  • as well as mushrooms, as powerful immunostimulants and a source of protein

Conclusion: what foods are the most beneficial for human health

Looking at these lists, we can say that vegetables and fruits are the most beneficial for the human body. I think they should be eaten in season. For example, in winter - apples and pomegranates, and in summer - berries.

In addition to a variety of vitamins, vegetables and herbs contain fiber necessary for normal operation bowels and prevent constipation.

Be sure to include fish and legumes in your diet.

As you can see, we are not talking about meat at all. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat it. Here it is a personal matter for everyone - to become a vegetarian or a raw foodist, or not to become.

Still, of course, the diet depends on age, on what diseases there are, because for the treatment of many of them, properly selected nutrition is also very important.



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