Cranberry juice while breastfeeding. Is it possible to drink fruit for a nursing mother? How to introduce cranberries into the diet during breastfeeding

A lot of women measure their lives not by years and decades, but by turning points in life that are associated with the birth of a child. Indeed, the appearance of a baby in the family is new foundations, habits and rules, at least in the first couple of years of a child's life. A woman should carefully monitor her health and nutrition throughout pregnancy and lactation. After all, it is healthy and balanced food that provides strong immunity and good health of the crumbs in the future. At this time, it is very important to correctly select products for the diet of a nursing mother. In this article, we will talk about cranberries - how it affects lactation, is cranberry safe for breastfeeding, and how to eat it correctly in order to get only benefit from the red berry.

Benefits of cranberries while breastfeeding

The red berry is full of useful substances - these are vitamins, pectins, minerals, organic acids, glucose, etc. Cranberries are considered a berry of health, strength and longevity. In folk medicine, cranberries, along with currants and raspberries, are a powerful remedy in the fight against colds and high fever. If you are constantly sick, just consume cranberries more often, it will help strengthen the immune system. Cranberries are very useful for women in labor - the berry perfectly restores a weakened and depleted woman's body. This is really important, because pregnancy, childbirth and lactation take away a huge amount of nutrients and body forces. How can cranberries help in this situation?

  1. For tissue regeneration. Everyone knows that cranberries are rich in vitamin C, which is involved in the construction of blood vessels and tissue regeneration. This is especially true in the postpartum period, which in some women occurs with ruptures of the birth canal.
  2. From nerves. Very often, after the birth of a baby, a woman experiences postpartum depression, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. A young mother does not sleep well, gets tired, worries about whether she is doing everything right, and sometimes, due to inexperience, she does not know why her baby is crying. Vitamins of group B, which cranberries are very rich in, will help to cope with psycho-emotional stress. Eat at least 10 red berries a day and you will become much more calm.
  3. For the genitourinary system. Cranberries and lingonberries are the best traditional medicine for the genitourinary system, which becomes especially vulnerable in the postpartum period. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the berry help protect against cystitis.
  4. For the gastrointestinal tract. The sweet and sour taste of cranberries helps to increase the production of gastric juice, which is very important for women with gastritis on the background of secretory insufficiency. Cranberries save during lactation, since taking medications during breastfeeding is undesirable.
  5. From colds. Very often, a woman's reduced immunity against the background of lack of sleep, malnutrition and lactation is faced with a huge number of viruses and colds. Cranberries will help protect a young mother from respiratory diseases.
  6. In the postpartum period. If anesthesia was used during childbirth, for example, epidural anesthesia, after that it is necessary to drink a lot. A large amount of cranberry juice will help cleanse the body of medications, this will allow you to quickly recover from anesthesia, get rid of feelings of nausea, dizziness and stomach pain.
  7. For lactation. Surprisingly, cranberries contribute to the production of breast milk, making milk more fat and satisfying. A large amount of warm cranberry juice contributes to the rush. In combination with frequent applications, cranberries will help overcome the lactation crisis and increase the amount of breast milk.

Numerous useful properties suggest that it is not only possible, but necessary, to use cranberries for a nursing mother. But only if the woman and the child have no contraindications.

Cranberry is not so simple and safe, in some cases it can have a negative effect. Therefore, before starting its consumption, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the main contraindications.

  1. The sour taste of cranberries promotes the secretion of gastric juice, but if there is too much of it, it can cause stomach pain. With gastritis with high acidity, cranberries should be discarded, especially on an empty stomach.
  2. Large amounts of cranberries can cause diarrhea. If for the mother this is somehow tolerable, then for the baby it becomes a vital problem, because dehydration in babies happens very quickly.
  3. Cranberries have excellent properties to thin the blood. This is useful if you have a tendency to thrombophlebitis. But with uterine bleeding in the postpartum period, cranberries can only increase the process of blood loss, it is dangerous for the life of a young woman.
  4. Cranberries, like all red berries and fruits, contain lycopene, which causes an allergic reaction. After the mother has eaten cranberries, the child may experience a skin rash or increased gas formation, abdominal pain, intestinal colic, etc.
  5. With frequent use of cranberries in large quantities, the taste of breast milk can change - some children feel this and refuse to breastfeed.

To avoid possible problems, you need to introduce cranberries into the diet of a nursing mother very carefully. On the first day, you need to eat 1-2 berries, monitor the baby's skin and stool. If there is no reaction, you can gradually increase the amount of cranberries consumed, reaching 20-30 pieces per day. Do not lean on cranberries too much to avoid unpleasant consequences. But how to eat it correctly, if it is very difficult to cope with the sour taste of the berry?

How to eat cranberries to get all the benefits of the berry?

Of course, it is best to eat fresh cranberries - a natural berry is most useful immediately after harvest. But when there are a lot of cranberries, you want to save them for the long winter months. Freezing is the healthiest way to preserve all the vitamins and minerals. Berries should be pre-washed, laid out on a flat surface so that they do not touch each other, frozen, and then poured into containers for easy storage. In winter, if necessary, you can get as many berries as you need. If you can't stand the sour taste of cranberries, you can crush them and sprinkle them with sugar. As a result, after defrosting, you get a tasty, healthy and natural cranberry jam without heat treatment. Such jam can be diluted with water and filtered - you get a useful cranberry juice. And if you add lemon, a sprig of mint and honey to the drink, you will get an incredibly rich and valuable fruit cocktail. You can decorate any desserts with cranberries, because they are not only tasty and healthy, but also incredibly beautiful!

A red bead that grows in a swamp is a real storehouse of useful substances. Women in Rus', who were on demolition, always kept healthy products in the house that could quickly restore the strength and health of a young mother. Among them, there was definitely a cranberry - healing, healing, irreplaceable.

Video: the healing properties of cranberries

Cranberries during breastfeeding and pregnancy are an excellent source of trace elements and vitamins that a woman needs. And yet, young mothers are somewhat wary of the berry. Are their concerns justified? What are the possible positive and negative reactions of the body of the mother and child from the use of fresh berries and berry products?

Read in this article

Cranberries are a unique source of vitamins and minerals

Cranberries contain such trace elements as potassium, zinc, copper, it is "oversaturated" with vitamin C. This juicy, tart berry has medicinal properties. Today it is considered not only as a means of traditional medicine. The substances contained in it are able to prevent the development of infectious diseases of the urinary tract, which has been scientifically confirmed in many studies.

The benefits of cranberries for a nursing mother

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have cranberries? Yes! Diversify your diet by including this completely safe. For a woman during lactation, it can be useful in the following situations:

Berry properties Benefit
Contains antioxidants Cranberries are rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, ellagitan and anthocanidin. They protect cells from free radicals, substances formed during the life of the body that can damage cellular structures. In some studies, cranberries have been confirmed to have antitumor effects. But it is not 100% known if it can help people with cancer.
Has anti-inflammatory properties “Catching a virus” during lactation is the last thing a mother wants, burdened with caring for a baby. Cranberries during lactation are a great way to protect yourself from flu, colds and viral fevers. With anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, this berry will help a woman protect herself from adversity. Cranberries can "act" on such a common infection as H. Pylori, which causes stomach ulcers. It also prevents the formation of tartar.
Protects against UTIs Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a group of infectious diseases of the urinary tract, one of the most common pathologies in women. Women are more susceptible to UTIs because their urethra is closer to the rectal area and shorter than men's, which increases the chances of bacteria entering the bladder. UTI symptoms: burning during urination, soreness, often become permanent, causing severe suffering to the woman. Urinary tract infections are especially common during and after pregnancy. Cranberry juice is a good way to prevent this disease. The tannins contained in cranberries, as it were, envelop the wall of the bladder from the inside, thereby preventing bacteria from entering there. Therefore, a young mother does not need to worry about whether cranberries can be used in juices, puree and fresh. Not only possible, but necessary.
Hydration, fluid source It is very important during lactation to maintain the normal state of the water balance of the woman's body. Drinking cranberry juice during lactation is a great option not to bring it to dehydration. It is also one of the effective ways that helps a nursing mother control her normal body weight.
Able to restore intestinal microflora leads to dysbacteriosis (the balance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed). The presence of cranberries in the diet will help restore this balance. In addition, it helps to eliminate toxins from the body, eliminates side effects from the use of drugs and improves intestinal motility.

A number of studies have shown that cranberry juice is a prophylactic agent that helps prevent the development of urinary tract infections in those people who consume it regularly. Substances contained in cranberries prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract.

Studies have also debunked the common misconception that cranberries cure UTIs. With the development of this disease (when the bacterium entered the wall of the urinary tract and began its "harmful" effect), it is not effective. Nevertheless, the answer to the question, is it possible for a nursing mother to drink cranberry juice, will be positive.

Cranberry Foods When Breastfeeding: Helpful Tips

Cranberries are sold fresh, frozen or dried. Juices, jellies, jams, sauces, teas are made from it. There are tablets containing dry extract from this berry.

When buying a ready-made drink, you should make sure that it contains 100% berry juice. Often, packaged juice consists of 27% cranberries, the rest is water and sugar. For a woman who watches her weight, excess sugar content is a significant problem.

It is commercially available without additives, but it is quite expensive and has a strong tart flavor. It can be diluted with other fruit juice for a more pleasant taste.

Together with cranberries, a woman often looks for an answer to the question, is it possible for a nursing mother to have lingonberries. Yes, if there are problems with the purchase of cranberries, it can be safely replaced with lingonberries. These two berries from the lingonberry family, practically do not differ in the composition of useful trace elements, vitamins. The taste of lingonberries is sweeter, not so tart.

The main rule for a nursing mother who has decided to include cranberries or lingonberries in her diet is moderation and control over the baby's reaction. The first six months after childbirth, use fresh berries, jam is undesirable, the best option is fresh juice from this fruit.

Warnings, side effects

The body tolerates cranberries quite well, but excessive consumption of cranberries can cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea. Women with diabetes should limit the consumption of foods from this berry containing a significant amount of sugar (juices, jams). You should not include the fetus in the diet of mothers who have an increased acidity of the stomach or peptic ulcer.

If a woman is allergic to blueberries, raspberries and other Vaccinium berries, then she should not include cranberries in her diet. If she is taking anticoagulants, such as warfarin, her doctor should be consulted before consuming the fetus.

Cranberries, due to the high content of microelements and other nutrients useful for the body, have a general strengthening, tonic effect on it.

Products from this berry are useful for a nursing mother, help increase lactation. However, women who are breastfeeding should not use it for medical reasons without first consulting a doctor.

A nursing mother is everywhere pursued by all kinds of restrictions. You can not eat red bell pepper, drink soda, do not abuse chocolate and coffee. And how can she quench her thirst in a hot summer, when more than half of soft drinks are prohibited?

Cranberry juice is that wonderful drink that is perfectly refreshing and does not cause allergic reactions in babies. In addition, cranberry juice promotes lactation and positively affects the amount of milk produced.

Starting from the day when pregnancy and childbirth are beyond the threshold, a woman in labor should think about her menu, as well as where to get the strength to take care of herself and the baby. Therefore, a newly-made mother needs a balanced diet, so that the food is healthy, does not worsen the well-being of the child and contributes to the production of milk. The period of breastfeeding is difficult for the mother's body, which is tested for strength and endurance. But what about more fragile women?

The answer to this question is simple - drink cranberry juice. After childbirth, the woman's body is in a very deplorable state, a lot of blood is lost, the level of hemoglobin drops, the stitches and multiple ruptures hurt.

Cranberries during breastfeeding can be an excellent support for a tired and painful female body, because it acts as a tonic, antipyretic and tonic, in addition, it stimulates milk production. Cranberries do an excellent job with cystitis and fever, which are often observed in the postpartum period.

If you regularly drink cranberry juice after childbirth, then wounds and cuts will heal faster, as this drink activates the regeneration and renewal of tissues.

Many thanks to this wonderful drink increase the amount of milk produced. Moreover, the consumption of cranberry juice not only increases the amount of mother's milk, but also its quality. The baby receives all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Mom, after taking daily fruit drinks, looks prettier before her eyes, her teeth are whitened and her hair becomes more silky and obedient.

Cranberry juice, or rather, the possibility of using it during breastfeeding, causes some mothers great doubts, which they logically substantiate. The fact is that cranberries are a red berry, and all vegetables and fruits of this color are prohibited during breastfeeding, as a child may experience a severe allergic reaction. Cranberries are perhaps the only exception to the rule. Cranberries are completely hypoallergenic, and there has not yet been a case when someone developed a rash from eating this berry.

Cooking cranberry juice

Everyone likes cranberry juice, even ardent haters of compotes. Cooking it is very simple, and it quenches thirst just the same with a bang.

To prepare it, you will need two liters of pure water, two glasses of cranberries (fresh or frozen) and five tablespoons of hexachar.

If you take frozen cranberries, then you need to rinse them under running water and let them sit for a while. To thaw the berries. Just wash fresh cranberries.

Next, take a deep bowl and mash the cranberries into a pulp. This can be done with clean hands or with a wooden spoon. Spread cheesecloth over another deep plate, and pour crushed berries on it, and then, squeezing cheesecloth, get pure cranberry juice without oilcake. Strain the resulting juice through a fine sieve.

Pour the cake with boiling water, add sugar, mix, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave the resulting brew alone for fifteen minutes so that the concentrate is infused. Then, through a fine strainer, the concentrate is poured into a tall jug. Add pure juice and mix. All! Super-healthy cranberry juice is ready to eat.

Facts about cranberry juice

  • If you are tired of the taste of cranberry juice, then add other berries to it, for example, currants and raspberries.
  • To less fool around with the preparation of fruit drinks, you can do it according to a different recipe. Just grind the berries with sugar on a blender and put them in jars. Store the resulting slurry in the refrigerator. When such a need arises, take two tablespoons of gruel and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Everything, the most useful cranberry drink is ready to drink.
  • When two tablespoons of potato starch are added to the fruit drink during cooking, a very tasty jelly is obtained.
  • To enhance and give a special piquancy, cinnamon or even orange zest is added to cranberry juice.
  • Cranberry juice should not be stored for more than two days, even in the refrigerator.
  • This drink is contraindicated for people who suffer from heartburn and gastritis.

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During breastfeeding, young mothers radically revise their menu, excluding all potentially dangerous foods and drinks from it. Often, doubts arise regarding the safety of a particular product and questions arise, for example, is cranberry juice possible during breastfeeding.

Today we will figure out together whether the use of this drink during lactation is allowed and whether it can in any way harm the health of the crumbs.

What are the benefits of cranberry juice for a nursing mother and child

Cranberries and fruit drinks from it are familiar to many from early childhood. This berry has always been considered a storehouse of useful substances and minerals and was used most often in the treatment of colds.

The opinion of nutritionists regarding cranberries is absolutely identical. Indeed, this berry is able to replenish the reserves of strength, give a person cheerfulness and favorably affect his state of health. Interestingly, a sour flavored drink made from cranberries has similar properties.

But what do pediatricians think about this, is it permissible to include cranberry juice in the menu of nursing women? Definitely yes. Not only does this drink contain an incredible amount of vital substances, it also has hypoallergenic properties.

This set of qualities makes it an ideal choice for the first months after childbirth. At this time, the body needs a significant influx of nutrients for recovery. However, at the same time, most of the products are strictly prohibited due to the possibility of developing a negative reaction in the crumbs.

Let's explore the unique beneficial properties of cranberry juice in a little more detail.

  • After childbirth, the risk of problems with the urinary organs increases several times. Cranberry juice has anti-inflammatory properties. Also, a number of substances in its composition have an antibacterial effect. As a result, any infections in the urinary tract are destroyed, which prevents the development of diseases.
  • Also, cranberry juice contains huge amount of antioxidants. These compounds are known for neutralizing free radicals that cause cancer. In addition, antioxidants affect the processes occurring in cells. As a result, the latter are updated and restored.

  • Cranberry juice is rich in flavonoids. These substances significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels and also make the walls of blood vessels more elastic. This property also reduces the load on the cardiovascular system, which reduces the risk of developing heart muscle diseases.
  • Scientifically proven that cranberry juice able to ensure the health of the oral cavity and teeth of a nursing mother. Since women often experience problems with their teeth after childbirth, they often become victims of caries. Morse destroys all bacteria and protects tooth enamel from destruction.
  • It is no coincidence that cranberries are so often used for colds and similar diseases as a medicine. Morse from this berry eliminates any symptoms of respiratory diseases and speeds up the healing process.
  • Cranberries are one of the richest sources of calcium among berries, and the juice from it inherits this feature. Since the child is actively growing, his bones need a building material - calcium. The use of cranberry juice by the mother contributes to the normal development of the baby, as well as helps to strengthen your bones.
  • This drink contains a significant amount of acids which are known to have fat burning properties. This feature makes fruit drinks extremely useful for those nursing mothers who are overweight and want to lose weight.
  • Studies have also shown that cranberry juice can be very useful in so-called peptic ulcers. This drink eliminates the very cause of the disease - bacteria, as a result of which the painful condition goes away on its own.
  • Significant amount of vitamin C makes cranberry juice an excellent immune booster. This drink has a positive effect on immune cells, as a result of which they are better able to resist any diseases and fight them more actively.

Possible harm from eating cranberry juice while breastfeeding

Cranberry juice is indeed a very healthy drink. However, under certain circumstances, it can cause a negative reaction in the crumbs, or lead to negative health consequences.

  • It is extremely rare, but cranberry juice still causes an allergic reaction. This is due to the substance responsible for the bright red color of the berry. Symptoms of an allergy in a child are a rash, digestive and respiratory problems.
  • Caution should be shown to those mothers whose births occurred as a result of a caesarean section. Cranberry juice thins the blood, and therefore its use can lead to severe bleeding.
  • A high concentration of calcium can lead to the formation of kidney stones, or the strengthening of existing fractions. For this reason, the amount of cranberry juice drunk should be limited if the young mother suffers from urolithiasis.
  • A high concentration of acid in fruit drinks can cause complications of diseases such as ulcers and gastritis. Additionally, increased acidity inside the stomach damages its walls and irritates them.

When and in what quantity is it allowed to drink cranberry juice for nursing mothers

As mentioned above, cranberry juice is considered a hypoallergenic drink, and therefore it is introduced quite early.

Already two or three weeks after giving birth, a nursing mother can drink a small amount of this drink to support the recovery process. A little later, this volume can be increased to 2-3 glasses per day, but no more.

Also, there are no strict restrictions on the use of cranberry juice per week. However, despite this, it is still recommended to pause from time to time for 1-2 days between doses.

For the first time, it’s better to check the fruit drink for allergies and not drink too much of it. This is due to the fact that in the first month of life the child is not yet strong enough and even a harmless product can cause a strong negative reaction.

Therefore, at first, a nursing mother tries about half a glass of broth and watches over the baby during the day. If there is no allergy, then the drink is safe and you can drink it. In case of an allergic reaction, the input is transferred for a couple of weeks and the attempt is repeated.

Tips for choosing berries for fruit drink and preparing it during breastfeeding

  • Any berries are suitable for making a drink - fresh and frozen. Much more important is their quality. They should be tight, without signs of damage and without dents.
  • You need to add just a little bit of sugar to the fruit drink, just for taste. If you pour a lot of it, it can lead to problems with digestion in crumbs, and such a drink cannot be called useful.
  • In no case should you boil the berries - this way you will destroy all the useful compounds in them.

Juice is being prepared for mothers of newborns according to the following scheme: a glass of sorted berries is poured into a liter of water, sugar is also poured here and brought to a boil. The pot is then removed from the heat and allowed to cool.

  • Chilled juice is simply useful, and when it is warm, it is better to drink it 20 minutes before applying to the chest. Thus, it will provide a rush of milk to the breast and increase lactation.
  • In the first month, you can reduce the concentration of berries in fruit drinks - cook at the rate of ½ cup per liter. Such a drink will turn out to be less useful, but at the same time more gentle in terms of acidity.
  • Later, in the second or third month, other berries can also be added to the water. Such a mixture will make the drink even healthier.

So, now you know if cranberry juice is possible while breastfeeding. As you can see, the drink, which at first glance seems to be potentially dangerous for the crumbs, in fact turned out to be purely useful. Such a decoction is universal and can be used as a full-fledged medicine, or simply as a tasty and healthy addition to the menu of a nursing mother.

After giving birth, the usual menu of every woman changes - products that can somehow harm the health of the crumbs are excluded from it.

For this reason, many new mothers are interested in the safety of certain products, for example, are cranberries allowed during breastfeeding? Today we will just look for an answer to this question, and also consider all the properties of a well-known berry, both useful and harmful.

It is quite difficult to find a person who has never tried cranberries. It is used in sauces, brewed with it in refreshing drinks, and also added to various dishes to emphasize their aroma and taste.

Doctors especially love this berry, because in addition to its high palatability, cranberries also have a lot of useful properties. However, many nursing mothers are very doubtful about the safety of this natural delicacy. It is known that the bright red color of the fruit is a sign of their high allergenicity. Does this apply to cranberries?

Not really. The fact is that cranberries are one of the few exceptions to this rule. This miracle berry is practically hypoallergenic, and therefore pediatricians treat it with an extreme degree of loyalty.

Why are cranberries so useful?

  • Cranberry berries contain a lot of vitamins and microelements in their composition, which favorably affect the health of a nursing mother and baby. They also help a woman's body recover faster after childbirth.
  • Cranberry juice found in berries is rich in substances that have anti-inflammatory properties. Due to this, the regular use of cranberries allows the prevention of urinary tract diseases. In addition, cranberry juice can quickly neutralize the inflammation that has arisen in this department.
  • Scientific studies show that regular consumption of cranberries leads to a decrease and normalization of blood pressure. As a result, the load on the vessels and the heart muscle is reduced, which prevents the development of many diseases.
  • Cranberries contain a number of powerful antioxidants. These compounds help the body eliminate toxic substances that cause cancer.

In addition, antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the immune system of the mother and baby, strengthening it and helping to actively cope with any infections and viruses.

  • The anti-inflammatory properties of the substances that make up cranberries also have a positive effect on the condition of the oral cavity. Since women often experience dental health problems after childbirth, this feature of the berries is extremely useful.
  • Cranberries contain a significant amount of vegetable fiber. This substance has a lot of useful properties, but it has a particularly beneficial effect on the digestive system. Fiber normalizes bowel function and improves its ability to absorb nutrients.
  • Cranberries contain such a microelement as potassium. This mineral is involved in the processes of maintaining the water-salt balance in the body. In addition, its normal level in the body allows excess fluid to be removed, which prevents edema.
  • Magnesium, also found in cranberries, is necessary for the body to form and strengthen bone tissue. Since children grow most actively in the first year of life, their need for this mineral is extremely high.
  • You can also find calcium in cranberries. It is the main building material for the bones of the baby.

Possible harm from eating cranberries by a mother while breastfeeding a baby

It should be remembered that even the safest product at first glance can be dangerous for some people. And cranberries are no exception to this rule.

  • Cranberries contain a significant amount of acids, which can be dangerous for those women who suffer from peptic ulcers. Excessive consumption of this berry, especially fresh, can lead to increased acidity in the stomach. As a result, this causes complications and worsening of the condition of the ulcers.
  • The abundance of fiber makes cranberries unsafe for those mothers who also suffer from colitis. Coarse vegetable fiber can damage irritated intestinal walls, which often leads to serious consequences.

Although cranberries are considered hypoallergenic, in some cases they can still cause a negative reaction in the crumbs. Symptoms of this condition can be easily noticed - redness on the skin, rashes, hives and breathing problems.

  • Also, the use of cranberries by a nursing mother can lead to minor malfunctions in the digestive system of the crumbs. Some children react to this berry with increased gas formation, a change in the consistency of the stool, and colic. If any of these symptoms appear, it is better to stop eating the berry for a while.
  • Particular caution should be shown to those women who suffer from urolithiasis. With excessive consumption of cranberries, the concentration of calcium in the kidneys slightly increases, which can lead to an increase in existing stones and the appearance of new ones.
  • If the child was born as a result of a caesarean section, and not naturally, then this is a contraindication to the use of cranberries, especially in the first month after childbirth. Substances contained in the berry have the ability to thin the blood. This can slow down the wound healing process and even cause bleeding.

When can I eat cranberries during lactation and can this be done at 1 month

Since cranberries are considered relatively safe by doctors, they are introduced into the diet of nursing women quite early. Of course, they begin to do this not with fresh berries, but with cranberry juice. The concentration of active substances in such a drink is slightly lower, and therefore, even in the event of a negative reaction, it will not be strong.

After the baby is one and a half months old, a nursing mother can drink half a glass of cranberry broth. If within two days after that the child did not experience allergy symptoms or digestive problems, then the amount of fruit drink is increased. Otherwise, the entry is postponed for a month.

It is allowed to drink no more than 2-3 glasses of such a drink per day, and it is better to take a break between doses of several hours.

Fresh berries are introduced into the diet after the nursing mother is convinced of the safety of cranberry juice. The optimal time for this is 3 months after childbirth. By this time, the baby's digestive system is already sufficiently strengthened and reacts normally to new foods on the mother's menu. The daily norm for fresh berries is from 50 to 70 grams.

  • Cranberries are harvested before frost and after. In the first case, the berries will be more dense and sour. Frozen cranberries become soft and sweet.
  • Frozen cranberries can be found in many supermarkets and are available all year round. However, it should be remembered that repeated freezing destroys most of the nutrients in these berries.

To make cranberry juice, just add a glass of washed cranberries to a liter of water, as well as a little sugar. After that, the water is brought to a boil and removed from the heat. The drink is filtered and cooled.

  • If desired, jelly can be made from fruit drink. To do this, at the very end, you just need to add a small amount of starch, adjusting the drink for density.
  • Also, fragrant red berries can be added to pastries or made into excellent healthy sauces for meat.

In general, we can say that cranberries during breastfeeding are one of the few berries that bring a lot of benefits and at the same time practically do not harm. It must be included in the diet of nursing, as this will help not only recover after childbirth, but also contribute to the better development of the crumbs.



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