Thinning of the endometrium of the uterus. Thin endometrium - treatment

The endometrium is sensitive to the hormonal background of a woman, and it is this feature that affects its size. The endometrium becomes noticeably thicker, enriched with glands that provide improved blood supply to the tissue in the last, premenstrual phase of the cycle. This ensures successful - that is, ensures the possibility of conception.

Why do we need the endometrium, what should it be?

Endometrium is called lining inside the uterus. It is a system that consists of many components, in particular:

  • Epithelium - integumentary and glandular;
  • blood vessels;
  • stroma - base, connective tissue, which during menstruation develops into mature cells that produce collagen and a number of other substances.

Creation favorable conditions for attachment and development of the embryo in the uterus and there is the main function of the endometrium. If conception occurs, the number of blood vessels and glands begins to grow in the endometrium in order to:

  • Vessels of the endometrium have become part of the placenta;
  • Oxygen was delivered to the developing fetus;
  • Provided nutrients embryo.

Endometrial thickness for conception and pregnancy

So, we found out that the endometrium is one of important elements conception. The chance of getting pregnant depends on:

  • Thickness and structure of the endometrium;
  • Successfully reaching the desired threshold of maturity superficial glands of the endometrium.

It is these moments that provide, in fact, attachment gestational sac to the walls of the uterus and the beginning of its development into an embryo.

The maturation of the endometrium depends on estradiol- a hormone produced by proper development follicles.

Estradiol provides:

Pregnancy will not occur if, for some reason, the endometrium does not mature. Reasons for such problems include:

  • congenital conditions, at which the production essential hormones insufficient or absent;
  • Hormonal- if for any reason hormonal background women do not allow the endometrium to reach the desired phase of development at the right time (thin endometrium);
  • Circulatory disorders in the uterus- congenital or acquired. Similar problems may occur after trauma, inflammation, diseases of the uterus and adjacent organs, as well as in;
  • Injury to the endometrium itself- usually resulting from an abortion. Complete removal endometrium with active curettage is extremely rare, but even partial removal This layer makes pregnancy very difficult.

Depending on the causes of the violation in the maturation and development of the endometrium, the doctor prescribes certain drugs. A ethnoscience knows his own ways to help deal with this problem.

Effective ways to build up the endometrium: drugs

For the rapid build-up of the endometrium, as a rule, use medications. It should be noted that the thin endometrium is difficult to treat.

Since the build-up of the endometrium directly depends on estrogen, respectively, it is prescribed:

  • Hormonal treatment: as a rule, these are injections of estradiol, divigel.
  • Drops "Gormel"homeopathic remedy which is used to regulate hormonal conditions women. Its action is aimed at enhancing the production of estrogen. The effect of the drug is quite mild and effective.

It is believed that drugs such as "Duphaston" and "Utrozhestan" build up the endometrium. This is not true. These drugs help the endometrium to form and mature. These drugs contain progesterone: "Duphaston" consists of synthesized progesterone and does not have side effects, "Utrozhestan" - from natural.

Folk ways to quickly build up the endometrium

Can help build up the endometrium Alternative medicine:

These methods are considered effective by improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Women often use folk remedies to increase the thickness of the endometrium.

Remember, self-treatment and self-diagnosis can lead to irreparable consequences. Before taking any drug or herb - consult a doctor. Herbs sometimes have at least strong action than drugs.

The site site warns: the recipes given here do not replace drug treatment and do not cancel a trip to the doctor. Use all the tips presented only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor!

A woman is diagnosed with hypoplasia when she has a thin endometrium. Treatment of such a disease is prescribed based on the factors that could lead to it.

What are the causes of thin endometrium, what is the danger of this disease, and how to deal with it? We propose to understand these issues in more detail.

The term "hypoplasia" in medicine refers to the underdevelopment of any tissue or organism as a whole. If we talk about the uterine mucosa, then this definition indicates that a woman has a very thin endometrium - her upper mucous layer.

Why is the thin endometrium of the uterus dangerous?

The endometrium lining the uterus plays a very important role in the reproductive function of the female body. This layer consists of 2 parts. The lower one is basal cells that do not change with the change in hormonal status. The upper layer is functional and is responsible for the implantation of a fertilized egg, as well as for the development of the embryo in the future until the full formation of the placenta, which provides the fetus with nutrients and oxygen. After all, on early stages pregnancy, it is in it that the glands develop and blood vessels subsequently incorporated into the placenta. Every month it grows, and in case of non-occurrence of pregnancy under the influence of hormones, it is rejected and leaves along with menstrual blood out. Thin endometrium uterus in women reproductive age can often cause infertility and miscarriage.

Thin endometrium: causes

There are several factors that provoke thinning of the upper mucous layer of the uterus. Among the main ones are:

  • hormonal and endocrine disruptions in the body are the main reason that the endometrium is thin;
  • congenital and acquired disorders in the blood supply to the uterus;
  • endometrial injury, which can occur during surgical interventions in the uterine cavity (abortion, curettage, etc.);
  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • frequent processes infectious nature in the uterus.

There is also an opinion that thin endometrium may be hereditary in nature, but this assumption does not have sufficient evidence.

Thin endometrium and pregnancy

With a pathology such as thin endometrium, pregnancy is difficult. The chances of conception are significantly reduced. And even if fertilization and implantation of the embryo occur, there is a high probability of spontaneous abortion - miscarriage. Fortunately, modern methods treatments are very successful in eliminating this pathology.

Normal thickness of the uterine endometrium

As already mentioned, during the cycle of menstruation, the thickness of the endometrium changes. There are graphs that help determine its rate at a certain phase of the cycle:

1-2 days - 0.5-0.9 cm;
3-4 days - 0.3-0.5 cm;
5-7 day - 0.6-0.9 cm;
8-10 days - 0.8-1.0 cm;
11-14 days - 0.9-1.3 cm;
15-18 days - 1.0-1.3 cm;
19-23 days - 1.0-1.4 cm;
24-27 days - 1.0-1.3 cm.

In order to exclude such a pathology as the thin endometrium of the uterus, use ultrasonography which is carried out several times per cycle. Also informative in this case are blood tests for progesterone, as well as luteotropic and follicle-stimulating sex hormones (LH and FSH). The sampling of material for research is carried out on the 20-22nd day from the onset of menstruation. For a more accurate result, a uterine biopsy may be used.

Thin endometrium: treatment

When tests and studies have confirmed that the endometrium is thin, treatment is prescribed depending on the causes that provoked this violation. For example, in the case of a hormonal imbalance, a woman is prescribed drugs that include the hormone progesterone. So it is very effective in the diagnosis of thin endometrium Duphaston, active substance which is dydrogesterone - an analogue of natural progesterone.

If endometrial hypoplasia occurred subsequently chronic inflammation pelvic organs, initially it is necessary to eliminate primary disease. In cases of inadequate blood supply to the uterus, in parallel with drugs, a special physiotherapy, massages and correct mode nutrition. There are also folk recipes, helping to overcome the problem of thinning of the endometrium, but they can only be used on the recommendation of the attending doctor.

The forum on the site may tell you about the problems associated with the diagnosis of thin endometrium. But the treatment this disease should be prescribed only by a doctor, based on the results of the studies.

Every woman suffering from infertility has her own history of treatment, her own causes of the disease, but everyone has one dream. Gynecologists and pharmacists are constantly looking for new drugs and treatments for this disease. After all, the main thing is not only to put correct diagnosis, but also pick individual treatment, which will result in the birth healthy baby.

Thin endometrium - what to do?

A common cause of female infertility is thin layer endometrium, and treatment in this case can be carried out with hormonal medications, pseudohormones, herbal decoctions. Going to your goal will not be easy, but reaching it is quite possible.

How to treat thin endometrium with herbs?

Many women refuse to hormonally treat thin endometrium because the treatment folk remedies also helps with this problem. Very good results for follicles gives sage with a thin endometrium, you need to brew 1 teaspoon in a glass of water and drink during the day in the first phase of the cycle. Also helps a lot upland uterus with a thin endometrium, being a pseudohormone that is transformed in a woman's body. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. More modern medicine offers to solve this problem homeopathic drops "Tazalok", which normalize the menstrual cycle and regulate the synthesis of endogenous gonadotropic hormones. This drug has virtually no side effects.

How to build up a thin endometrium with drugs?

The endometrium grows within 14 days, its growth is stimulated by estradiol preparations. To build up the endometrium, doctors prescribe the drug Proginova, Estradiol or Femoston in the first phase of the cycle, in the second phase they recommend taking duphaston. Dufaston with a thin endometrium helps to form its structure, acts like a synthetic progesterone - "accompanies" the overgrown endometrium, it should be taken in the second half of the cycle. All these drugs are synthetic and have many contraindications, so their use should be discussed with your doctor and assess the risk yourself.

Often, a thin endometrium is detected after taking OK, but it all depends on the woman's body. Stopping oral contraceptives and taking regulon within two months can lead to positive results restoration of the growth of the optimal endometrium.

The endometrium is the mucous membrane of the uterus that lines its cavity. It contains many epithelial cells and blood vessels, due to which the attachment and development of the fetal egg is carried out. Thanks to the bloodstream throughout pregnancy, nutrition and further growth of the child is possible.

Normal physiological state the endometrium is supported by hormones. Depending on the phase menstrual cycle there are certain changes in the structure and thickness of its structure. It becomes maximally mature in the second phase, when the uterus is preparing for pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, then the endometrium exfoliates, this phenomenon called menstruation. By virtue of various reasons this process can be disturbed, which requires mandatory diagnostics and medical correction, otherwise the disease becomes more complicated and leads to undesirable consequences.

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    The main reason that leads to the depletion of the endometrium lies in hormonal imbalance. With insufficient production certain hormones there is no proper stimulation of the production of the epithelium.

    In medicine, there are cases when this pathology is diagnosed in women with normal level all the necessary hormones. This is due to the presence of provoking factors that can contribute to the development of pathology. Among them are:

    • damage to the basal layer of the endometrium due to trauma;
    • a history of abortions and missed pregnancies;
    • congenital and acquired uterine circulation disorders;
    • diagnostic and therapeutic curettage;
    • surgery on the uterus;
    • inflammatory diseases reproductive system, including infectious ones;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • congenital anomalies in the development of the uterus and appendages;
    • venous congestion in the pelvic cavity;
    • prolonged or uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices;
    • ovarian disease, especially follicular cyst and polycystic;
    • oncological diseases of the genital organs.

    There is a theory about a genetic predisposition to endometrial hypoplasia, but in currently there is no practical evidence for it. Due to this given reason determined by the method of exclusion, provided that there are no other provoking factors.

    Endometrium in the uterine cavity


    The clinical manifestations of a thin endometrium are quite specific, based on which timely diagnosis It's not hard to do just by the symptoms. Signs of a thin endometrium do not cause significant discomfort, but they can lead to serious consequences.In the presence of this disease, a woman may note:

    • change in the duration of the menstrual cycle or lack of ovulation;
    • spotting in the middle of the cycle;
    • scanty and light menstrual flow;
    • prolonged absence of a desired pregnancy, subject to regular sexual intercourse;
    • habitual miscarriage, missed pregnancies;
    • narrow pelvis;
    • late onset of menstruation, after 16 years;
    • weak or complete absence libido, problems with sexual desire;
    • intermittent bleeding with clots.

    Possible Complications

    The endometrium consists of two layers: basal and functional. Their full development during the menstrual cycle is extremely important for normal implantation and favorable course pregnancy. Some of the main complications are spontaneous abortions, miscarriages and infertility.

    The presence of a thin endometrium does not imply absolute infertility, since the conception and attachment of the fetal egg is still possible. But this disease aggravates prenatal and postpartum periods, develop conditions such as tubal or ectopic pregnancy, habitual miscarriage, weak generic activity, pronounced and prolonged toxicosis, bleeding in the last trimester and after childbirth.

    Some time ago, the presence of a thin endometrium was considered absolute contraindication for pregnancy. Doctors said that a woman is not able to get pregnant and endure healthy child. Modern clinical cases found in medical practice, prove the opposite. Even with difficulties in attaching the fetal egg to the mucous membranes, it is possible to carry out artificial insemination through the IVF procedure.

    Features of diagnostics

    Diagnosis of thin endometrium is not difficult, since in addition to the characteristic clinical picture This pathology can be confirmed using instrumental and laboratory methods research. Among the general diagnostic methods allocate clinical analysis blood, general analysis urine, vaginal swab.

    Of particular value is an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. It is carried out throughout the entire period of maturation of the endometrium on certain days. This is due to the fact that the physiological growth of the endometrium occurs daily. With the help of special sensitive sensors it is possible with high precision measure the thickness of the mucosa.

    The norms of endometrial thickness by cycle days are presented in the table.

    Data ultrasound diagnostics compare with results biochemical research blood for progesterone, luteotropic and follicle-stimulating sex hormones. The most informative and indicative are the results obtained after sampling the biomaterial on the 20-23rd day of the menstrual cycle.

    Instrumental and minimally invasive method is diagnostic hysteroscopy. Using special equipment and a camera inserted into the uterine cavity, the doctor examines the structure and composition of the endometrium, determines the presence of anatomical defects, and, if necessary, takes a biopsy for further histological radiation of the tissue.

    Hysteroscopy of the endometrium


    In the presence of a thin endometrium, pregnancy planning is of fundamental importance. Unprepared reproductive organs and disturbed hormonal levels will in every possible way interfere with normal fertilization and attachment of the fetal egg.

    In order to increase the thickness of the mucosa, a woman is prescribed combined courses oral contraceptives. They are able to compensate for the hormonal deficiency or regulate their excess, and therapy is also carried out with the help of estradiol and progesterone, Utrozhestan and Dufaston are prominent representatives.

    Duphaston contains an artificially synthesized hormone, which is necessary to maintain normal function endometrium. It is prescribed not only in the treatment of thin endometrium, but also to maintain pregnancy, for the purpose of prevention, when there is a threat of spontaneous abortion. The substance in the composition, which has properties similar to progesterone, relieves tone from the uterus, resists premature detachment endometrium. Select dosages, regulate the course of treatment and the frequency of admission in the competence of only a doctor, but according to general requirements the drug should be taken from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

    efficient auxiliary drug is Actovegin. Its main function is to improve blood supply and blood supply to organs. It is the lack of oxygen and other nutrients that causes the development of hypoplasia. Accept this medicine you need 2 tablets 3 times a day for 1.5-2 months. He has practically no side effects and does not provide negative impact even at the time of pregnancy. For many pregnant women, in order to prevent the threat of miscarriage, the medicine is prescribed from the 16th week.

    The physiotherapeutic effect before the onset of pregnancy and during its course will differ, due to the impossibility of using certain methods during the period of fetal development.

    At the planning stage and for the purpose of treating a thin endometrium, electromyostimulation of the pelvic muscles and massage of the same area are prescribed. So it is possible to increase blood flow and cope with atrophy of blood vessels and soft tissues. Even after 1 course of treatment, there is a pronounced positive trend. Other methods of exposure are electrophoresis with medicines, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, mud and mineral baths.

    Alternative medicine

    In the presence of a thin endometrium, folk remedies play an important role, since many herbal remedies can improve blood circulation and stimulate the development of epithelial cells.

    The most popular is the infusion of sage. Prepare and use it as follows:

    1. 1. Add 200 ml of boiling water to one spoonful of crushed dry extract.
    2. 2. Let it brew for several hours.
    3. 3. Take for 4 months in the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle. Dosage - 100 ml 1-2 times a day.

    In a similar way, an infusion of a boron uterus is prepared.

    Women are recommended to use special teas and decoctions daily. healing properties possess raspberry leaves, elderberry inflorescences, yarrow, mint, nettle, chamomile and others. They can be consumed separately, but the collection has a greater effect. Dry extracts of plants are mixed in equal proportions, brewing in boiling water before use. Drink this decoction 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

    Treatment with folk remedies does not give the main therapeutic effect, but has an auxiliary effect. With a combination of unconventional and drug therapy thickening of the endometrium can be observed after two to three months. It is necessary to consult a doctor about the presence of contraindications and the admissibility of the use of herbal remedies, as some of them can aggravate the course of the pathological process.

    Diet and lifestyle for endometrial hypoplasia

    Proper nutrition with a thin endometrium is key. Some vitamins, such as A, E and K, as well as trace elements, in the form of salicylates, can improve blood circulation and nutrition of internal organs.

    IN daily diet must include bold sea ​​fish, tomatoes, Bell pepper, cucumbers, beans, cabbage and spinach. good healing effect possess apples, currants, raspberries and grapes. Dried fruits, honey and red wine stimulate hematopoiesis and blood circulation.

    With this pathology, you should not limit the use of spices and spices. Paprika, thyme, cinnamon and some other oriental flavorings will come in handy, although they are considered forbidden for many other diseases.

    Woman recommended active image life, compliance with the regime of work and rest, limitation in psycho-emotional experiences. Assigned if necessary sedatives. It is recommended to visit sports clubs and swimming pool. Every day it is necessary to perform special gymnastic exercises that improve blood microcirculation in the pelvic area.

If the endometrium is thin, the reasons may have the most different nature. However, in any case, hypoplasia (the medical name for the problem presented) needs proper treatment, since pathology can lead to serious problems with the onset of pregnancy and gestation.

What is hypoplasia?

The endometrium is a mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the uterus. The endometrium contains epithelial cells, cover, blood vessels, ground substance. The shell plays a vital role in successful conception and successful pregnancy. After all, it is to the endometrium that the embryo is attached, and the vessels located in it supply nutrition and oxygen to the fetus.

The layer of the endometrium, its structure and thickness undergo certain changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. It increases in thickness after ovulation period and in the absence of fertilization, it exfoliates and again decreases in size. Average, normal thickness endometrium should be equal to indicators from 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters. If the endometrial layer is thinner than 0.4, then we are talking O pathological condition, called hypoplasia, characterized by the superficial development of the mucous uterine layer.

What causes pathology?

According to statistics, a thin endometrium is observed in every third of the fair sex. According to gynecologists, for a thin endometrium, the causes may be a violation hormonal balance V female body. In addition, the following reasons can provoke hypoplasia:

  1. Violation and injury of the uterine mucosa, leading to damage to the basal layer of the endometrium.
  2. Previous abortions.
  3. Violations of the uterine circulation of a congenital or acquired nature.
  4. Scraping.
  5. Transferred surgical operations on the uterus.
  6. Inflammatory lesions of the uterus.
  7. Violations in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  8. Uterine pathology, expressed in its underdevelopment.
  9. Availability infectious diseases urinary system.
  10. Violation of blood flow and stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.
  11. Genetic factor leading to uterine dysfunction.
  12. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of contraceptives.
  13. The presence of sexual infections.
  14. Previously transferred surgical interventions in the region of the ovaries.
  15. Adenomyosis.
  16. Myoma.
  17. Presence of polycystic ovary syndrome.

In addition, there is a theory about the hereditary nature of the pathologically thin endometrial layer. However this hypothesis to date, there is no exact evidence and confirmation.

Signs of pathology

The thin endometrium of the uterus is accompanied by a number of characteristic features and manifestations, thanks to which it is possible to carry out the diagnosis of pathology in a timely manner, to ensure the proper therapeutic course. Specialists highlight the following symptoms inherent in hypoplasia:

  1. Menstrual disorders.
  2. The appearance of smearing discharge, observed during menstruation in the middle of the cycle.
  3. Scanty little discharge of menstrual blood.
  4. Infertility.
  5. Complicated spontaneous abortions accompanied by internal bleeding.
  6. Weak expression of secondary sexual characteristics.
  7. Excessively narrow pelvis.
  8. Late onset of menstruation (from sixteen years and older).
  9. Anorgasmia.
  10. Periodic, having a breakthrough character.

It is important to know that a thin endometrium is enough dangerous pathology fraught with severe complications. Therefore, if you find the above signs, it is recommended to seek advice from an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary examination.

Of course, pregnancy should proceed under the strict supervision of a specialist, in compliance with all medical advice and against the background of absolute rest, but the pathology must be treated. In order to avoid possible problems and complications in planning pregnancy, you should be examined and treated before conception.

What is the danger of thin endometrium?

The normal state and full development of the endometrium is necessary condition for successful conception and pregnancy. The mucous membrane of the uterus consists of two layers: basal and functional. functional layer is responsible for the implantation of a fertilized egg and the development of the fetus until the completion of the formation of the placenta. Therefore, when thinning uterine endometrium there is a high probability of complications such as infertility, spontaneous abortion.

The following adverse effects are also possible:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Miscarriage.
  3. Weak labor activity.
  4. Pronounced, prolonged toxicosis.
  5. Complication of the birth process.
  6. Abundant intense bleeding during the postpartum period.

It used to be that pregnancy was an incompatible concept, but modern medicine has proven that a woman suffering from such a problem is quite capable of becoming a mother and giving birth to a healthy baby. In case of difficulties with conception, it is recommended to carry out the IVF procedure - artificial insemination.

Diagnostic methods

Identification of hypoplasia is carried out on the basis of a detailed study of the symptoms, the general clinical picture and the results of the anamnesis. However, to clarify the diagnosis and determine the causes of the pathology, the patient is assigned the following studies:

  1. Ultrasound examination of the uterus, carried out several times during the menstrual cycle and necessary to determine the thickness of the endometrium.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. A blood test to determine the concentration of progesterone, follicle-stimulating and luteotropic sex hormones. To get the maximum accurate results blood sampling for analysis is recommended on the twentieth or twenty-first day of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Performing a uterine biopsy.
  5. Conducting a pipel biopsy.
  6. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  7. Hysteroscopy, which is an examination of the uterine cavity using a special optical device.
  8. Taking a scraping of uterine tissue for adduction histological examination. This procedure It is recommended to carry out shortly before the onset of menstruation.

Treatment methods

Treatment of hypoplasia should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathology, as well as building up and increasing the endometrial layer.

To achieve these goals, two main therapeutic methods are used: conservative and surgical. Let's consider them in more detail. Conservative treatment is mainly in the use hormonal drugs containing progesterone or dydrogesterone (for example, Duphaston). This method of treatment is prescribed in cases where the cause of the disease was a hormonal imbalance. The selection of the drug, the determination of its dosage and duration of administration, should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician on an individual basis.

In addition, to conservative way treatments include the following:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Massage.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Electrophoresis.
  5. Hirudotherapy.
  6. acupuncture
  7. Phytotherapy.

The above procedures are usually prescribed to patients whose development of hypoplasia was provoked by impaired uterine circulation, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. In addition, physiotherapy to a large extent promotes the growth of the endometrial layer.

Surgical treatment is surgical intervention aimed at removing the inner layer of the endometrium, which is powerful tool activation of the processes responsible for the growth of endometrial tissue and its thickening. With a thin endometrium, the causes largely determine the way to deal with pathology. The choice of therapeutic technique is selected by a specialist, taking into account a number of factors to ensure the most effective treatment.



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