What to do if itchy eyes. Itchy eyes in the corners - what to do, causes of itching and treatment

At least once in a lifetime, a person has come across a situation where the eyes begin to water and itch badly. Such sensations not only cause physical discomfort, but also make it difficult to fully perceive the world through vision. The sensation of itching occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings, which can be caused by a variety of sources. Let's try to understand the most common causes of this phenomenon and methods for its elimination.

What does itchy eyes indicate?

In itself, eye itching is not a dangerous problem that would pose a danger to vision, however, such symptoms clearly indicate that not everything is good in the body and there are difficulties that you should pay attention to. We can talk about both diseases and the negative external influence of a number of factors. So, tearing and itching can cause:

  • ophthalmic diseases caused by the penetration of pathogenic microflora. Typically, such ailments are accompanied by fluid accumulation and specific secretions. It can be infectious conjunctivitis, blepharitis, demodicosis, barley, etc.;
  • trauma or inflammatory process that provoked clouding of the cornea;
  • cataracts and glaucoma may also be accompanied by itching and tearing;
  • the influence of external factors, the ingress of particles into the eyes - dust, smoke, wool, pollen, aerosols, chemical fumes, etc .;
  • if the eyes itch, tears appear, and a runny nose is additionally formed, then this is most likely an allergic reaction;
  • chronic fatigue and eye strain;
  • deficiency of vitamins, in particular A, E and B2;
  • dry eye syndrome caused by rare blinking during prolonged work at the monitor;
  • the use of cosmetic preparations or medicines in the eye area - they may well cause an allergic reaction;
  • wearing the wrong glasses or lenses;
  • diseases in other organs and systems that are not directly related to the eyes - liver disease, diabetes mellitus, helminthic invasion, etc .;
  • dermatological problems can also affect the condition of the eyes if they are localized in this area;
  • may mean problems with the functioning of the lacrimal glands, provoked by congenital pathology or trauma.

We find out the cause by the localization and nature of itching

There are a lot of reasons for pronounced itching of the eyes, and in order to reduce the list of probable sources of the problem, it is worth relying on the localization of sensations and additional symptoms - in most cases this will help to quite accurately establish the essence of unpleasant sensations.

Itching in the corners near the bridge of the nose

Sensations localized precisely on the inner corner of the eye near the nose make it possible to suspect the specific causes of its development. So, it is believed that itching in the corners is a direct evidence of developing conjunctivitis, and in this case the symptom will be temporary - if no measures are taken, then the itching will pass, and it will be replaced by swelling, purulent discharge and pain. Also, itching in the inner corner may indicate the development of a common allergic reaction.

In the event that the desire to scratch the eye occurs first on one side, and eventually passes to the second side, then most likely this is a consequence of the influence of the irritant (especially if the problem is also accompanied by swelling).

Discomfort under the eyes

If itching starts at the bottom, in the area of ​​the lower eyelid and under the eye, then this may be the result of several reasons. First of all, it is necessary to exclude inflammation of the lower eyelid or blepharitis. This is a very common ailment, and its danger is that it often becomes chronic and is difficult to tolerate by patients, so it is better if it is detected in the early stages of the process. With a simple form of pathology, itching at the bottom of the eye gradually intensifies, the edge of the eyelid turns red and swells. Without treatment, numerous scales appear between the eyelashes, the palpebral fissure decreases due to swelling and inflammation, and the eyelid itself thickens significantly.

Also, discomfort under the eye may indicate that the cosmetics used for this delicate area are not suitable and should be discarded. In case of intolerance, in addition to itching, noticeable reddening of the skin often occurs.

Swollen eyelids

Itching and swelling of the tissues around the eye is a very common bundle of symptoms. It can occur as a result of exposure to negative external factors - for example, being in a damp and cold room or in strong winds. Puffiness can also appear during an allergic reaction, but in this case, other symptoms often occur - runny nose, sneezing, rash, etc.

Symptoms are also typical for such a problem as demodicosis - an ailment caused by the activity of a microscopic tick. Because of it, not only puffiness and itching will appear, but also redness, and numerous crusts on the eyelids.

With noticeable redness

Redness of the eye is the first sign of the influence of an irritating factor. So, often redness can appear after itching, and act not as an additional symptom, but as a consequence of the fact that the eye was scratched with fingers. In other situations, noticeable redness quite often complements the picture with:

  • the ingress of foreign particles into the eye will certainly cause its redness, itching, tearing and burning sensation;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • dry eye syndrome - it develops most often in those who spend a long time at the computer. Due to the increased attention to the monitor, blinking is less frequent, which causes dry eyes, irritation, redness and itching.

Accompanied by peeling

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the combination of itching, swelling and redness of the eyes is very common, and such a complex causes many problems. However, if peeling of the skin is added to the listed symptoms, then the range of possible causes is noticeably narrowed:

  • bacterial or viral eye damage. So, blepharitis at an advanced stage is manifested by peeling of the skin and an accumulation of scales between the eyelashes, and with herpes, only one eye usually suffers, and papules initially appear on it, and only then peeling;
  • microscopic mite activity;
  • an allergic reaction - in such a situation, the skin on both eyes is flaky.

Painful and itchy eyelids

In the case when the eyelids themselves are the source of discomfort, we can talk about such possible reasons:

  • use of low-quality cosmetics or one that causes allergies. This applies to all products that are applied to the eyelids - both care and decorative;
  • long-term wearing of contact lenses without following important recommendations for their operation;
  • eye contact with pet hair or plant pollen;
  • severe overstrain, eye fatigue - in such a situation, the eyelids can not only itch, but also hurt quite a lot;
  • the use of certain ophthalmic medicines.

Who to turn to for help?

It is important to understand that it is far from always possible to solve the problem of eye itching on your own, since the etiology of this phenomenon is very diverse, and in most cases you cannot do without qualified medical care. So, at the first unpleasant sensations, it is better to go to an ophthalmologist who specializes specifically in eye problems.

Methods of treatment

It is far from always possible to immediately get to the doctor, because itching can occur at any time and in any place. That is why the question of safe measures to relieve discomfort at home to alleviate the condition may be relevant. It is worth using these tips:

  • first of all, it is necessary to examine the problematic eye - whether a foreign body has got into it. If this is the case, then the eye should be washed with clean water, chamomile decoction or fresh warm tea;
  • in other situations, you can make a compress by applying a cotton pad soaked in the prepared composition to closed eyelids for a quarter of an hour. As a basis for such a compress, you can use an infusion of chamomile, rose hips, plantain or caraway seeds (brew a tablespoon of any raw material with a glass of boiling water);
  • the use of contact lenses should be temporarily abandoned, as well as cosmetic products for the eyes.

In the case of a bacterial or viral infection, one of the most important rules remains - do not scratch your eyes, even if the discomfort is very strong - this can lead to the spread of infection or aggravate the situation due to the addition of an additional infection.


Drug treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, since the nature of the medications used must fully correspond to the source of the problem. Treatment can be complex depending on the situation, but local preparations in the form of drops or ointments will definitely be included in it. So, the following means can be prescribed by a specialist:

  • Opatanol- used for itching, which is formed as a symptom of an allergic reaction;
  • Azelastine- copes with the manifestations of conjunctivitis and allergies;
  • Lecrolin- drops that can be used both as part of treatment and as a prophylactic to relieve irritation and relax the eyes;
  • Vizin- a remedy for removing redness and swelling;
  • Ketotofen- an active drug prescribed for long-term and severe allergic reactions.

The listed remedies help to cope only with the external manifestations of the problem, and are necessary to eliminate discomfort. To combat the cause, specialized drugs will be prescribed.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers many ways to cope with itchy eyes. As a means to alleviate the condition, you can use:

  • cut fresh cucumber into slices and apply to closed eyelids. It is preliminary recommended to place the vegetable in the freezer for 5-6 minutes. The slices are replaced with new ones when they are heated;
  • peeled, cut into thin pieces of raw potatoes can be used in the same way;
  • you can make a compress with chilled milk, leaving it in front of your eyes any comfortable time, preferably twice a day.


In addition to problems, some in the eye itch try to elicit a secret meaning, based on existing signs. So, a lot of information has been circulated among the people about what it means when the eye itches, but it's up to everyone to believe in it or not.

Itching in the eyes is quite common, everyone knows this rather unpleasant sensation. To quickly deal with the problem, you should know about the causes and treatment of itchy eyes.

The sensation of itching in the eyes is often accompanied by other symptoms: burning, redness of the skin of the eyelids, whites of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, increased tearing, or vice versa, dryness. According to the accompanying symptoms, it is easier to determine the cause and choose the appropriate drops and other medicines.

Eye irritation can occur for a variety of reasons, from dirt in the eye to more serious conditions that require urgent ophthalmological attention. In general, this is a common symptom that occurs with many eye problems.

Most often, there are external causes: various mechanical damage, dirt, chemicals, inappropriate drugs for other eye diseases that provoke the development of irritation. Most often, grains of sand, dust get into the eyes, and fumes from household chemicals, such as washing powder, can also cause irritation.

In the case of a foreign body, itching and redness occur due to irritation of the mucosa. Usually, strong tearing is observed against the background: tears help wash the foreign body out of the eye.

A similar picture is observed with an allergic reaction. Most often, eye irritation is observed with allergies to volatile substances, dust. Allergic itching and redness of the eyes are accompanied by an allergic rhinitis, sometimes a cough, and in some cases swelling occurs.

Also, itching, accompanied by burning and pain, occurs with a mechanical injury to the eyelid or eye. Often this condition appears due to scratches, bumps and other damage.

Itchy eyes in children, especially very young children, can be caused by a blocked tear duct. In this case, it is accompanied by burning, dry eyes, the baby cannot cry. With blockage of the tear ducts, you need to urgently contact an ophthalmologist.

Important! Prolonged or improper wearing of lenses, cosmetics can also provoke itching.

Diseases that cause itchy eyes

In addition to external causes, some eye diseases can provoke redness and itching. When their signs appear, you need to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, some of them can lead to visual impairment and other serious consequences.

  1. Blepharitis, an inflammatory process localized in the corners of the eyes and along the edges of the eyelids. It is not always possible to establish the exact causes of blepharitis, this inflammatory disease can greatly affect the quality of life, it requires a fairly long-term treatment.
  2. Dry eye syndrome. This disease often develops due to overexertion, long work at the computer. With the syndrome, normal lacrimation is disturbed, itching occurs due to the fact that the eye literally dries up. The disease is treated by normalizing the regime of work and rest, using special drops that do not allow the eye to dry out.
  3. Glaucoma, a disease in which an excessive amount of intraocular fluid begins to accumulate, increases the pressure inside the eye. This disease is chronic, along with itching, another symptom usually appears - when looking at light sources, iridescent contours appear before the eyes.
  4. Cataract, a disease characterized by clouding of the lens. Most often, it develops against the background of diabetes mellitus, as a result of injuries or during prolonged work at high temperatures.
  5. Conjunctivitis, an inflammatory disease most often caused by pollution or bacterial infection. It is characterized by severe itching on the eyelids and tearing.
  6. Trachoma, an infectious disease that becomes chronic. In addition to itching around the eyes, there is a sensation of a foreign body under the eyelids.
  7. Barley, an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous gland at the root of the eyelash, accompanied by pus. The inflamed gland usually develops a small tumor.

These are the main diseases of the eyes, in which there is itching and irritation of the eyes and eyelids. Therefore, if these symptoms occur for no apparent reason, there are other signs of eye diseases, you should consult a doctor and choose the appropriate treatment until severe complications develop.

Important! Without treatment, some of these diseases can lead to vision loss.


Treatment of itching, eye irritation depends on the cause that caused this condition. For various inflammatory diseases, their own treatment plan is selected, which may include anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drops and drugs.

In the case of an allergic disease, treatment is not aimed directly at combating increased tearing and discomfort, first of all, it is necessary to identify and isolate allergens, and choose the right antihistamine. The latest generations of drugs are usually used: Claritin, Zodak and their analogues. In extreme cases, Suprastin can help, this drug is as accessible and effective as possible, even despite the large number of possible side effects.

However, most often itching caused by external causes can be relieved with a number of special drops specifically aimed at combating dryness and itching. The most common and effective drops for itching in the eyes include:

  1. Vizin. This remedy is suitable if itching occurs against the background of dry eyes that have developed due to overwork. The medicine effectively relieves redness and swelling, but it must be borne in mind that you should not use drops for more than four days in a row, otherwise addiction may occur.
  2. Naphthyzin. This remedy has a vasoconstrictive effect, which allows the use of its increased lacrimation due to allergies. Side effects include pupil dilation, which can make it difficult to perform work that requires a high concentration of attention. Do not use the drug more than three times a day.
  3. Sulfacyl. These drops are used if itching and burning are provoked by an inflammatory process. The tool helps to remove inflammation, get rid of increased tearing. Do not use the drug too often.

You also need to give your eyes a rest, for a while, if possible, postpone work. If dryness and itching occur frequently, you should switch to a healthier diet, drink more fluids, start taking vitamins. The effect of the drops should come almost immediately, if after taking it for several days there is no result, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are several effective folk remedies that help relieve irritation. They should be used with caution, the eyes are a rather fragile organ and can be easily damaged.

Castor oil helps with dry eyes and itching. Before going to bed, apply it on the affected eyelid with a cotton swab. The next morning, the irritation should pass, there will be no dryness.

You can also brew half a tablespoon of dried dill powder in a glass of clean drinking water. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting solution and apply to the sore eye for 20-30 minutes. Such a simple compress will help get rid of irritation.

With the start of treatment, itching in the eyes will begin to pass quickly enough. So that it does not arise again, one should not bring oneself to overstrain, do not touch the eyelids unnecessarily, especially with dirty hands, and prevent dirt from getting in.

If the eyes itch a lot, this may signal overwork and overload of the visual apparatus. Also, a symptom is often the first sign of the development of serious pathologies. Depending on the cause, itching can be subtle or unbearable. In this case, in parallel, the manifestation of such signs as edema, irritation and redness of the conjunctiva is possible. If unpleasant symptoms persist for a long time, visit a doctor immediately. Only he can give an exact answer to the question of why the eyes itch.

There are many different factors that affect the occurrence of unpleasant itching. This may be drying of the cornea, ophthalmic ailments, etc. First of all, you need to decide on the area that itches (corners of the eyes, eyelids, etc.). It is also worth finding out if there are discharge or redness.

Doctors do not recommend condescending attitude to such symptoms. Of course, this is not a reason to panic, but once again an examination at the clinic will not hurt. All factors influencing the occurrence of itching are conditionally divided into three categories.

Adverse environmental impact

The most common disease in this group is allergies. Anything can act as an irritant, from pet hair to household chemicals. The disease is accompanied by redness of the eyes, they begin to unbearably itch and watery. The patient has intolerance to bright light, the organ of vision swells.

The therapy consists of two steps. The first step is to eliminate contact with the irritant. The next step is to manage the symptoms. You can use chamomile extract. Pour a tablespoon of the pharmacy collection into a glass of boiled water and leave for twenty minutes. Apply eyewash solution three times a day.

Dry eye syndrome can provoke itching. Most often, people who spend a lot of time at the computer suffer from it. In addition to the fact that the organ of vision begins to itch, pain, photophobia, and redness of proteins appear. To eliminate the disease every hour, take a ten-minute break.

Pathology can also be detected in older people who do not sit all day at a PC or watching TV. In this case, the cause of the disease is hidden in the disruption of the lacrimal glands. The disease is exacerbated by being in a smoky or smoky room. Compresses from green tea bags effectively fight the syndrome. You also need to include more foods containing vitamin A in your diet.

Often, the eye begins to itch strongly when a foreign object penetrates into it. It can be a mote, particles of cosmetics and even contact lenses. When getting rid of the irritant, the itching goes away. To remove a foreign body from the organ of vision, rinse it. To do this, running water is suitable or draw liquid into a basin and completely immerse your face in it, open your eyes for a few seconds.

infectious diseases

The leading position is occupied by barley or inflammation of the hair follicle near the cilia. The eye begins to itch unbearably at the first stage of the development of the disease, when the head is in the maturation stage. Also, at the site of the lesion of the bulb, redness and slight swelling are observed. Warm compresses will help to get rid of the disease. You can use a freshly boiled egg or potatoes heated with flax seeds.

Itching in the eyes is characteristic of diseases such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis. In the first case, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the visual apparatus occurs. The eye is very itchy, purulent discharge appears. There is often swelling and redness. In advanced cases, it is difficult for the patient to open the eyelids after sleep, as they stick together.

To combat conjunctivitis, you can use lotions from lily of the valley tincture. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:9.

Blepharitis is accompanied by inflammatory processes along the edge of the eyelid. Effectively eliminates pathology by applying fresh basil leaves to damaged areas. However, the treatment of infectious diseases with folk recipes does not give an instant result. It is better to consult a doctor who will select the best course of treatment.

Diseases of the internal organs

If the itching of the visual apparatus is not associated with an unfavorable environment or infectious pathology, immediately visit the clinic for a detailed diagnosis. The eyes can itch when there is a malfunction in the functioning of the endocrine, digestive and other systems of the body.

Features of symptoms

To identify the cause of itching, the doctor draws up a complete clinical picture, paying attention to the accompanying signs characteristic of the disease.

Itchy and itchy eyes

Most likely the reason is hidden in an allergic reaction. Identical symptoms are inherent in eye fatigue as a result of prolonged work in low light conditions or due to lack of sleep.

The organ of vision can itch and watery with the development of such ailments as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, cataracts.

You can learn more about the trait by watching the video.

Itching in the corner

If the symptom does not affect the eyeball, but the corner of the organ of vision, the matter may be in the activation of diseases of inflammatory origin. They arise as a result of an allergic reaction or due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Itchy eye and swollen eyelid

In some cases, the eye not only itches, but also swells. A similar manifestation is typical for people suffering from lack of sleep. If you sleep less than eight hours a day, the organ of vision does not have time to rest and recover.

Sometimes this symptom appears as a result of exposure to the eye of a strong gust of wind.

Itchy eyes around the nose

In this case, with almost 100% certainty, it is possible to declare the development of pathologies of infectious origin.

Itchy eyes and flushed

Redness of the organ of vision along with itching are the main signs of conjunctivitis. Also, the symptoms are characteristic of anomalies accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Sore and itchy eyes

Sharp pain and burning sensation can signal allergies, improperly selected contact lenses, chronic fatigue. Also, the symptoms are inherent in such a disease as demodicosis.

Itchy eye inside

Pain in the eyes and headache

Itching and migraines are clear hints that you urgently need to relax and get a good night's sleep. It would also be useful to visit the clinic and undergo a comprehensive examination to eliminate the risk of increased intraocular pressure.

Peeling and itching around the eyes

If the organ of vision itches unbearably, and the skin around it has become “rough”, it is worth being tested for demodicosis. Pathology cannot be cured with traditional medicine recipes; qualified medical assistance is required. They will be able to choose the best course of therapy.

What can cause a child's eyes to itch?

All the reasons described above are typical for babies. Since the visual apparatus of children does not have good protection and reacts sharply to any adverse factors, their eyes may begin to itch not only with the development of ophthalmic ailments, but also as a result of a violation of the daily routine.

Most often, in order for the itching to go away, it is enough to give the eyes a rest. If the symptom persists for a long time, the child may develop inflammation caused by harmful bacteria or infection.

Only an experienced ophthalmologist should select a course of therapy after a detailed diagnosis. However, some methods can be used as first aid without consulting a doctor.

Use cold compresses to relieve itching and soothe irritated skin. To do this, soak a cotton pad in water or a decoction of medicinal herbs and apply for a few minutes to the organ of vision. You can also use eye drops from the "artificial tear" category. According to the instructions, they need to be slightly heated before use, but when itching, it is recommended, on the contrary, to slightly cool the preparation.


The following medicines will help to cope with scratching the organ of vision:

  • "Tobrex". Broad spectrum antibiotic. It is usually prescribed if the cause of the itching is an infection or bacterial infection of the eye. The dosage and duration of use is prescribed by the attending physician. On average, the course of therapy is several weeks; it is recommended to apply the ointment up to five times during the day. If the disease occurs in a mild form, the frequency of use can be reduced and the drug can be applied three times a day;
  • "Erythromycin ointment". Effectively fights almost all forms of conjunctivitis. An antibacterial medication can be used at any age, since it does not contain aggressive active ingredients. The course of treatment is approximately four months;
  • "Tetracycline ointment". Universal drug. It is used to eliminate itching during inflammatory processes of bacterial origin in the organ of vision. There are age restrictions.


Most often, eye drops are used to combat itching, rather than ointment. Depending on the root cause of the disease, doctors prescribe one of the drugs:

  • "Opatanol". Helps eliminate the unpleasant symptom caused by an allergic reaction. The therapeutic course lasts up to four months. The tool must be applied every day with an interval of eight hours between installations;
  • "Ketotifen". Used to combat acute and chronic diseases accompanied by severe itching. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of treatment lasts from a couple of days to three weeks;
  • "Lecrolin". It copes well with irritation and inflammatory processes. Often they are prescribed for an allergic reaction. Suitable for use as a prophylaxis to prevent the occurrence of seasonal allergies;
  • "Azelastine". Helps to cope with rhinitis and conjunctivitis of any form. If the disease is severe, instillation can be carried out up to four times during the day. But most often it is enough to apply it in the morning and evening. Also helps with allergies;
  • "Tobradex". Used only as directed by the attending physician. Quickly copes with itching, but it is not recommended to use it for more than two weeks. Since the drug can provoke the development of dry eye syndrome or glaucoma.

Folk methods

"Grandma's recipes" for dealing with eye ailments are not always effective. In some cases, they can worsen the patient's condition, since the methods do not pass clinical trials. Patients are forced to rely only on the responses of other people. However, sometimes doctors give the go-ahead to the use of folk recipes.

The following methods are most effective:

  • To cope with unbearable itching and eliminate irritation, lotions from tea bags will help. The ideal option is a drink with chamomile, but regular black is also suitable. Brew a bag, leave for thirty minutes. Then put it in the refrigerator for the same time period. Apply to eyes for ten minutes. During the day, the procedure can be performed an unlimited number of times;
  • Pink water. It is sold in drugstores. Use liquid for morning washing;
  • Place a fresh cucumber, cut into slices, on your eyes, leave for fifteen minutes. It copes well with itching, relieves irritation and inflammation. Before using the vegetable, put the circles in the refrigerator for ten minutes;
  • Potatoes can be used as a compress. Cut it into slices and use in the same way as a cucumber;
  • If your eyes are very itchy, try rinsing them with an aloe-based product. Combine the juice of a medicinal plant with equal parts with honey and mix thoroughly. Soak a cotton pad in the product and apply to the eyes. The recipe is only suitable for those patients who are not allergic to the bee product;
  • Twice during the day, apply discs soaked in chilled milk to the organ of vision. Leave the compress on for ten minutes.

It is worth saying that absolutely every person faced the problem of itching in the eyes at least once in a lifetime. And before embarking on any measures to eliminate unpleasant itching, you first need to find out why it appeared.

The reason can be both general and local. For example, many eye diseases are accompanied by such a symptom as itching in the eyes. Also, such a problem may indicate irritation of nerve endings, infection, etc.

Eyes itchy and watery

The most common explanation for these symptoms is allergies. However, such signs can also appear with severe eye fatigue as a result of prolonged work, poor lighting, lack of sleep. Often itching and lacrimation appear with glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, demodicosis (eyelash mite).

If you experience such sensations, it is best to immediately consult a doctor, because many of the listed diseases can cause serious complications, up to loss of vision without proper treatment.

Itching in the corner of the eyes

If it itches in the corner near the nose, this may indicate inflammatory pathologies that could appear both as a result of the action of pathogenic microorganisms, and as a result of a strong allergic reaction.

Itching and swelling of the eyelids

With swelling of the eyelid, the problem may be in a disturbed sleep pattern, when the eyes simply do not have time to rest. Such a reaction can also occur when exposed to strong winds on the eyes.

Itching and redness

Redness usually indicates conjunctivitis or other inflammatory diseases.

The appearance of pain

If, in addition to itching, a person feels pain, these symptoms may indicate:

Feeling itchy inside

The onset of a headache

Most often, such symptoms appear with severe overwork, but you should definitely visit a doctor, since the combination of itching and headache may indicate a violation of intraocular pressure.

Itching and peeling of the skin

Peeling of the skin is a clear sign of demodicosis. Such a disease cannot be cured without visiting a doctor, only a physician can prescribe competent treatment using modern medications.

In addition, redness and itching in the eyes can be symptoms of general diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disease, or after taking medications.

What to do with itchy eyes

Treatment is carried out taking into account the cause, which led to the appearance of itching. In some cases, you just need to eliminate the irritant, for example, stop using cosmetics, do wet cleaning at home, and in others, get diagnosed by a doctor and take medications:

  • antibacterial, such as Tsipromed or Albucid;
  • antiallergic - Lekrolin;
  • anti-inflammatory, for example, Dexamethasone;
  • anti-demodectic agents - Blefarogel.

If the eyes are itchy and watery, and the problem is caused by some allergen, the following treatment regimen is most often used:

  1. Use of Taufon or Taurine drops. Instill two drops twice a day. Duration of treatment - 7 days.
  2. The use of antihistamines - 1 tablet twice a day. The minimum treatment period is one week.
  3. Two days at night you need to lay a special hydrocortisone ointment, which will help remove both itching and swelling.

With this treatment, it is undesirable to use cosmetics, face creams and even hairspray in order to quickly get rid of itching.

If the problem is caused by conjunctivitis, you can not do without antibacterial drops. According to clinical studies, Ofloxacin showed a good result: its components penetrate the cell walls of bacteria, blocking their reproduction.

You can also use Floxal eye ointment, which works in almost the same way.

If the eyes began to itch due to the appearance of barley, an antibacterial ointment should be applied to the inflamed area of ​​​​the eye at least three times a day until the symptoms disappear, while the minimum treatment period is 5 days.

Do you feel itching in the corners of the eyes closer to the nose, purulent discharge appear? In this case, you need to fight bacterial conjunctivitis: you should use antibacterial drops - 3-4 times a day for at least five days, even if the symptoms disappear earlier.

Specialists who spend most of the day at the computer are familiar with the "dry eye" syndrome firsthand.

When choosing eye drops, do not rush - first, understand the main differences in the action of the most well-known drugs on the affected area:

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to medications, you can also use alternative medicine. The main advantages include the safety and availability of their use. The most famous ways to get rid of the problem:

  1. Dill water. To prepare it, you need to take dill powder and boil it in clean water. Rinse the skin around the eyes with this solution several times a day. Quickly removes the sensation of itching, relieves redness, swelling.
  2. Tea bags (preferably chamomile or green). Ideally help if the eyes are very itchy. You need to make a strong tea leaves from the bags, cool them a little and put them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. You can carry out such a procedure without restrictions on the number.
  3. Fresh cucumber. Grate it, put it on closed eyelids for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Milk compresses: moisten a napkin or cotton pads in cold liquid, put on your eyes and hold for about 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out activities at least twice a day.

There are also other methods:

  1. To restore the cornea, you need to instill psyllium juice once a day behind the lower edge of the eye. The duration of treatment is at least a month. Plantain can be used to prepare compresses: pour its seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then soak a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and apply on the eyes.
  2. Help get rid of itching lotions from cornflower flowers. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a handful of crushed flowers, pour them with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.
  3. If a person managed to get sick with conjunctivitis, you can try washing your eyes with agave decoction: pour a handful of dry plants with boiling water, leave for about two hours.
  4. A decoction of flaxseed helps from the same disease: they take water and boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1, insist 30 minutes. Apply in the form of drops. It helps not only to relieve itching, but also to remove inflammation, reduce peeling.

It is important to remember that in no case should you comb your eyes: this can only worsen the situation and bring dirt. If you feel unbearable itching, make a solution based on chamomile and wash your eyes with it, this will reduce irritation.

However, it is worth remembering that traditional medicine can only relieve symptoms, but not eliminate the problem that caused itching and irritation. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor when the first signs appear - he will conduct an examination, establish the main cause and prescribe competent treatment.

You should not engage in self-medication exclusively, since the itching that has appeared may indicate a serious eye disease, which, without proper treatment, can cause negative consequences, up to loss of vision.

Do you have an itchy eye? Why is this happening? If we turn to folk art, it will turn out almost like in a joke. Why does it itch, for example, the left eye? Well, this is completely understandable - people say that to tears. Why is your right eye itchy? Folk signs say that for an early meeting with a loved one or for some other great joy. But why do both eyes itch? Well, if so, have you tried to contact an ophthalmologist?

Of course, folk signs also offer a solution to this unpleasant issue: if both eyes itch, then you need to scratch them at the same time and cross them three times - then there will be no tears or any other troubles. However, the option of going to the doctor seems much more correct and effective. Moreover, it may turn out that not only ophthalmological care will be needed.

Itching in the eyes

The problem of itching in the eyes has become quite common in recent decades, and it is no longer necessary to rely only on folk signs. Yes, and it is also unrealistic to cure this problem on your own, since an accurate diagnosis is needed, which can only be made by a qualified ophthalmologist after careful research.

So there can be quite a few reasons for an unpleasant sensation in the eyes, and any of these reasons can be aggravated by a not very healthy habit of constantly rubbing or touching your eyes.

It should be noted that itching in the eyes is often accompanied by redness of both the eyelids and the whites of the eyes, and even the appearance of sticky secretions, which, when dried, turn into a crust (sometimes such discharges are very similar to purulent ones). In addition, itchy eyes can also hurt, which further complicates the problem.

As for the time when the discomfort of itching in the eyes becomes especially strong, it can be different - sometimes the eyes itch immediately after sleep, and sometimes itching appears only towards the end of the day.

Attention! To accurately determine the cause of itching in the eyes, you must contact a medical institution for the advice of a doctor.

It is almost impossible to accurately determine the cause of itchy eyes on your own, and measures that are taken independently to reduce this unpleasant symptom may not lead to the elimination of the cause, but to the “blurring” of the symptoms and to the chronicity of the disease or to complications of its course.

Allergic reactions as the cause of itching in the eyes

One of the very common causes of itching in the eyes is allergic reactions, that is, the so-called type I hypersensitivity reactions, or immune reactions, when antibodies to specific proteins are produced in the human body (the so-called immunoglobulins, and in this case immunoglobulins E). If such antibodies cause hypersensitivity in the body, then they are usually called allergens.

It is very important that there are no “universal” allergens that affect everyone. The same substance can cause a severe allergic reaction in one person and have no effect on someone else.

As for an allergic reaction that touches the eyes and causes itching, redness, watery eyes, swelling of the eyelids, it can be caused by completely different factors.

  1. Firstly, the cause of an allergic reaction can be the pollen of various plants that bloom from early spring to autumn. Allergy season opens with alder, birch, and other trees before the leaves come out, and continues this season until all blooms are gone. The flowering of ambrosia, which blooms until October, is especially active in causing allergic reactions.
  2. Secondly, pet hair or bird plumage can become a strong allergen. For some people, even domestic Murka poses a serious danger, although, according to some studies, if a child grows up in an apartment where there are pets, then he develops a stronger immunity to any allergies.
  3. Third, one of the common causes of allergic reactions is house dust, which consists of a variety of microscopic particles. In house dust, there are certainly fragments of textiles, spores and pollen of mold fungi, soot, dead skin flakes, the smallest particles of saprophyte mites and waste products of these insects. Studies confirm that house dust causes very severe air pollution in any room, and as a result, the air in the apartment is four times more polluted and eight times more toxic than the air in a city street (compared to the air in the mountains or in the forest ). Therefore, constant thorough cleaning of all premises is very important.
  4. Fourth, for many people, household chemicals, including detergents, dishwashing detergents, and cleaning products, pose a serious danger. In such cases, you should explore the possibility of using natural "grandmother's" products that do not cause harm, do not cause allergic reactions, and at the same time do an excellent job of maintaining cleanliness.
  5. Fifth, allergic reactions can be caused by cosmetics, including mascara, and shadows, and powder, and hairspray. It happens that allergies are caused only by some specific products of certain brands that contain allergen substances, to which an undesirable reaction occurs.
  6. Besides, itchy eyes can also be caused by certain types of food allergies (for example, to hazelnuts).

Attention! An allergen can be determined only as a result of special analyzes and tests or as a result of long-term and close observations of the body's reactions. However, tests will provide a much more accurate result much faster.

Any medicines for the treatment of allergic itching of the eyes can be used only as directed by a doctor after a thorough examination. Be sure to exclude any contact with the source of allergy.

Demodicosis as a common cause of itchy eyes

With demodicosis, not only the eyes constantly itch, but the eyes are always very tired, sticky discharge appears that sticks the eyelashes; in addition, sunlight and light in general, as well as water, are highly irritating.

Unfortunately, it will not work to cure demodicosis on your own - this is a rather lengthy process that requires not only perseverance and perseverance, but also special preparations, which can be different in each individual case, as well as a special ophthalmic massage, which can only be performed by an experienced specialist.

Attention! Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose demodicosis and conduct adequate effective treatment. Self-medication is unacceptable!

Attempts to self-treat any eye diseases can lead to a chronic process, which will complicate the course of the disease and its treatment.

dry eye syndrome

One of the common causes of itching of the eyes is the so-called dry eye syndrome, which occurs due to the fact that, for some reason, fatty secretion decreases, the role of which is to protect the tear film from evaporation from the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

It is known that the tear film protects the mucous membrane of the eye from drying out and provides comfort as a result of the necessary moisture. However, sometimes the tear film is not produced in sufficient quantities or evaporates so quickly that it does not have time to recover. In such cases, the eyes begin to itch, there may be a deterioration in vision and a negative reaction to light stimuli.

  1. Firstly, the cause of dry eye syndrome may be excessive eye strain as a result of prolonged use of the computer, prolonged reading or watching television. With such a visual load, a person blinks much less often, so the eyes are much less moistened and dry out quickly.
  2. Secondly, dry eye syndrome can be caused by the constant wearing of contact lenses. Therefore, when using contact lenses, it is necessary to use special ophthalmic solutions, regularly carry out special ophthalmic exercises and be sure to give your eyes the opportunity to rest from using lenses, even if they are of the highest quality. In addition, any lenses wear out, so they should be replaced with new ones in a timely manner.
  3. Third, the tear film is significantly reduced in an air-conditioned room, especially if you have to work on a computer in such a room, which happens very often.
  4. Fourth, the cause of thinning of the tear film and the appearance of dry eye syndrome can be climatic conditions, especially dry and hot climates.
  5. Fifth, dry eye syndrome can be caused by constant exposure to cigarette smoke, which has an extremely negative effect not only on the eyes, but also on the functioning of the immune system, and on the whole body. It should not be forgotten that passive smoking, that is, being in a smoky room, even completely non-smoking people, has an extremely harmful effect on the eyes.
  6. At sixth, dry eye syndrome can be caused by any other ophthalmic diseases or diseases of other organs and systems of the body, which requires a separate diagnosis.

Attention! With dry eye syndrome, special eye drops from the "artificial tear" series should be used. Self-prescribing of any drugs is unacceptable.

Only a doctor can choose a suitable drug, taking into account the condition of the eye, the condition of the whole organism, and the expected visual load.


Itching of the eyes can be caused, that is, an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye). The cause of conjunctivitis can be an allergic reaction (allergic conjunctivitis) or a viral or bacterial infection (respectively, viral or bacterial conjunctivitis).

In addition to itchy eyes, symptoms of conjunctivitis include swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes, reddening of the whites of the eyes, watery eyes, and photophobia.

The most severe and persistent itching of the eyes is noted with allergic conjunctivitis, however, with viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, itching of the eyes can be episodic and intermittent.

Conjunctivitis is also accompanied by discharge from the eyes, which are especially noticeable after sleep.

Viral conjunctivitis can occur with any viral disease. Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by various pathogenic bacteria, such as Chlamydia trachomatis or Moraxella.

Conjunctivitis can also be caused by toxic substances.

Attention! Research shows that conjunctivitis poses a much greater risk of long-term damage to vision for blue-eyed people, as light-colored eyes are more sensitive to any stimuli, especially light exposure.

It is clear that the treatment of conjunctivitis and itching of the eyes with conjunctivitis is impossible without an accurate diagnosis, since the disease can be caused by completely different causes and pathogens that require different therapy.

Foreign body in the eye

Sometimes the eyes begin to itch due to the fact that something foreign has got into one or both eyes. It can be sand, dust, hairs, animal hair, insects or some other object. Also, some rather caustic liquid can get into the eye. In addition, the eye can get any minor injury. In any of these cases, adequate measures must be taken.

  1. Firstly, if any foreign objects get into the eyes, in no case should you rub your eyes, no matter how they itch. Moreover, you can’t touch your eyes if you can’t wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Secondly, the eye, in which a foreign object is felt, including dust or wool, must be washed with plenty of clean running water. If there is no access to water, you can try to blot your eye with the corner of a clean handkerchief.
  3. Third, when you feel a foreign object in the eye, you need to close your eyes and try to collect tear fluid with a very light finger massage of the upper eyelid so that the foreign object is washed closer to the corner of the eye, from where this object can already be carefully removed. The eye should then be rinsed as quickly and as thoroughly as possible.
  4. Fourth If any caustic gaseous or liquid substance gets into the eyes, the eyes must be immediately rinsed with plenty of running water.

Attention! If independent measures do not bring a positive result, you should immediately contact the round-the-clock emergency ophthalmological care. Remember that with eye injuries, time is most often counted not in hours, but in minutes.

If the doctor, after contacting emergency care, prescribed any therapeutic measures, they must be carried out in strict accordance with medical recommendations. Careless attitude to the eyes or their treatment can lead to deterioration or loss of vision.

When is itching and burning eyes very dangerous?

  • Itching of the eyes may indicate very severe and dangerous eye diseases, which include dendritic keratitis, glaucoma, corneal ulcer. Any of these diseases requires immediate diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a specialist. None of these diseases can be cured on their own, but any of them can lead to blindness.
  • In addition, sometimes the eyes begin to itch with an increase in intraocular pressure.
  • This can only be found out at an appointment with an ophthalmologist using special equipment.
  • Also, eye itching can be caused by some disturbances in the work of the endocrine system of the body, disturbances in metabolic processes (metabolism) or disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In any of these cases, it is possible to diagnose only after all the necessary studies and laboratory tests.
  • Sometimes itching in the eyes is caused by purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the root of the eyelashes, which is often called barley in the people. With the seeming commonness and harmlessness of barley (as a rule, itching and swelling and redness of the eyelid due to suppuration are the most upsetting), this disease can be very serious. That is why barley should not be neglected in any case.

How to reduce itching in the eyes of folk remedies?

If the itching in the eyes is very annoying, and an urgent appeal to an ophthalmologist is impossible for some reason, then you can use some folk remedies that will help relieve itching for a while. However, even if the itching has become weaker or even almost disappeared for a while, you should by no means postpone a visit to the doctor. It is very important that these methods are available and safe.

1. Tea bags (chamomile or green).

If the eyes are very itchy and itchy, compresses from tea bags will help reduce or even relieve discomfort for a while (chamomile or green tea bags have proven themselves best). Used bags should be slightly cooled in the refrigerator and put on the eyes for ten to fifteen minutes. This procedure can be repeated several times during the day. If chamomile or green tea is not available, then any other will do.

4. Milk compresses.

If the eyes itch and itch, then you can use it for help. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or gauze in cold milk and apply to the eyes. Milk compresses should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Attention! If with the help of folk remedies it was possible to remove an acute symptom, then a visit to the doctor does not cancel this in any case, because the absence of symptoms does not indicate a cure for the disease.



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