How to work out the bottom of the pectoral muscles. Pumping up the pectoral muscles: tips and techniques

The question of how to pump the lower part of the pectoral muscles worries representatives of both sexes. Men tend to make the contours of the chest more formalized, explicit. After all, pumped up male breasts have a great attraction for women. Girls, on the other hand, do not lag behind men in their desire to please the opposite sex and also strive to pump up their chest muscles. This helps them tighten the mammary glands, make them more elastic and voluminous. After all, the growth of the pectoral muscle visually increases the size of the female bust by at least half a size.

How to pump up the pectoral muscles

Often, novice gym goers are faced with such a problem as the lack of growth of pectoral muscles. It seems that the load is considerable, the tummy is tightened, the arms become impressive, but the chest does not change in size. To pump up the pectoral muscles, make them more voluminous and embossed, you need to know a few rules.

  1. Start your workout with exercises for that muscle group, the growth of which you currently need the most. Therefore, as soon as you come to the gym and do a light warm-up, start pumping the lower part of the chest. A fresh, energized body will allow you to do more reps with more weight.
  2. Focus not on endurance by increasing the number of repetitions, but on strength by increasing the weight of the weights. This ensures the growth of muscle mass.
  3. Change the load each time so that the muscles do not get used. Increase the number of repetitions, increase the weight, change exercises. Every day after training, you should feel a slight pain - this means that the muscles are growing.
  4. You don't have to practice every day. After training, the muscles need at least a day for the fibers to stretch and heal after the microtraumas received. It is optimal to practice three times a week.
  5. Experienced bodybuilders distribute the load throughout the week. One day they train the legs, the next they train the press and back, the third they make the shoulders and arms work. So, for maximum effect, try to engage in pectoral muscles after the weekend. After a two-day rest, the muscles are full of strength and glycogen, such a workout will benefit the chest.
  6. Train to your limits. Even when you feel like you can't complete a single rep, try to squeeze out a couple more movements. Training on the edge of the possible significantly accelerates the growth of the pectoral muscles.

These simple rules will help you speed up the process of building the lower part of the pectoral muscles. But what exercises should be done?

To pump up the lower part of the pectoral muscles, you should try to pay attention to the entire pectoral muscle. The lower part of it grows the best, so pumping the lower part of the chest is not a problem.

  1. Bench press from the chest lying. This is the first exercise that will help you outline the contours of a beautiful chest. Lie down on a straight bench, do 2-3 warm-up sets with a gradual increase in repetitions. After warming up, you need to do 4 working sets of 6-10 barbell lifts. If you can do more, increase the weight. At the same time, try to observe the correct technique for performing the exercise. Lower the bar low, straight to the chest, do not move it to the level of the neck. At the time of lowering, the forearm area should be perpendicular to the floor. The effort must be made on the exhale.
  2. Incline dumbbell bench press. To pump exactly the lower sections of the pectoral muscles, you need to devote more time to exercises on an inclined bench in reverse. Lie down on a bench with your head down. Take dumbbells in your hands with a direct grip and lift them up. Why dumbbells and not a barbell? The fact is that dumbbells allow you to make a large amplitude. Do at least 4 sets of 10 reps. If you have problems with blood vessels, this exercise is not recommended, because in the upside down position, the vessels of the brain receive a large load.
  3. Crossover. This is a simulator that allows you to spread and reduce your arms. In order to work out exactly the pectoral muscle, you need to bring your hands together not in front of you, but from below. It is not worth taking large weights, it is important to do more repetitions here - at least 20-25. The correct technique for performing the exercise involves fixing the simulator for a couple of seconds at the moment of approaching the hands.
  4. Breeding hands with dumbbells. Lie down on an incline bench and hold dumbbells in your hands. They need to be spread apart as wide as possible. This not only trains the pectoral muscles, but also thoroughly stretches them. Muscle stretching is the key to future growth and enlargement.
  5. We live in a Hummer. This simulator is perfect for the formation of beautiful pectoral muscles. It allows you to lift heavy weights without the risk of injury. Do at least 4 sets of 12-15 reps.
  6. Push ups. This exercise is more suitable for girls because it is quite easy to perform. If we wanted to work out the upper part of the pectoral muscles, we raised our legs above the general level of the body. To work out the lower sections of the chest, on the contrary, you need to do push-ups from a low bench. To make the exercise not so simple and easy, hang small weights around your neck or do such push-ups at the end of the workout, when any movement is given with great difficulty.
  7. Bars. This is one of the best exercises for the lower part of the pectoral muscles and the entire chest in general. However, it is best to put the bars as the final exercise in the complex of work on the chest. Do as many push-ups on the uneven bars as possible, if necessary, use additional weights for the legs. To relieve the load from the triceps and more burden the lower chest, you need not to unbend your arms completely, that is, not to rise to the end. Elbows should diverge to the sides, and not fall down. You need to engage in uneven bars with the body tilted forward. This technique will allow you to achieve good results after just a few workouts.

This is a simple basic set of exercises that will help you achieve your desired goal. However, beautiful breasts are formed not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen.

In order for muscles to grow intensively, you need to pay special attention to nutrition. Its basis should be protein. Protein foods should make up more than half of an athlete's diet. If you can afford some carbohydrates in the form of cereals and fruits in the morning and afternoon, a purely protein dinner should be in the evening. Cottage cheese, a piece of poultry or fish, vegetable salad is ideal.

In order for the muscles to grow well, you need to eat something sweet before training, for example, a banana. Glucose will give you the energy and strength to perform as many strength exercises as possible. And immediately after training, you need to drink a protein shake that will saturate the muscles with nutrition.

To build chest muscles, not fat, you need to eat fractionally. The best option is to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. This will speed up the metabolism, which will make it possible to get rid of excess fat and dry the figure. Pay attention to the amount of water you drink - it should be at least two liters.

Separately, I would like to say about the various nutritional supplements for bodybuilders. This is an easy way to get pure protein in large quantities. Whey and soy proteins are usually on sale. If you have just started taking these supplements, start using them only before and after your workout. This will improve your strength capabilities, give your muscles nutrition, and accelerate their growth. Dry whey is the most convenient and safe product that can help you build not only pectoral muscles, but also all other muscles. Serum is diluted and taken as a cocktail. The amount of whey consumed should be strictly limited - in accordance with the weight of the athlete. Usually, the average bodybuilder needs 2-3 grams of whey per day.

Creatine will help to increase muscle mass and regenerate damaged muscle fibers. In addition, its intake will allow you to train longer and more intensively. Taking creatine (usually sold in capsules) should be accompanied by plenty of water, because the drug dehydrates muscles that have been depleted by training.

The first thing a woman pays attention to when she sees a male body is powerful arms and a contoured chest. Pumping up the lower part of the pectoral muscle is not difficult, the main thing is to act in a complex way. Proper nutrition, intensive training with proper exercise technique and sensible nutritional supplements will make your figure attractive.

Video: how to build pectoral muscles at home

Do not let the progress of the muscles of the lower sections of the chest deviate from the correct course! Draw powerful outlines with 7 time-tested strategies.

For many guys, the lower part of the pectoral muscles is the most problematic area of ​​​​the chest in terms of full development. It's time to change the situation. Not because we are the proud owners of magical secrets that will finally explode this slow-growing region, but because we have developed a 7-step strategy that will be a targeted help for lagging chest muscles.

To add mass to the lower pectoral muscles, first give up the principle of "for the lower chest and one exercise is enough." It's never too late to shift the focus to the problem area and get to the hiding places in which the secrets of effective chest training are hidden.

In addition to including specific exercises for the lower chest in the program, you can modify the workout and increase its intensity through techniques such as, and even. The use of all these elements is the best choice for forcing muscle growth and a powerful push for the lower sections of the chest.

Try These Seven Tips To Accelerate The Growth Of Lower Muscle Fibers!

1. Train Your Lowers First

Many chest workouts deservedly start with, but if a certain area is your priority, you should start your training day with exercises for that area while you are fresh, full of energy and strength. In this case, do exercises for the lower part of the chest, for example, barely crossing the threshold of the gym.

Do exercises for the lower chest while you are fresh, full of energy and strength.

If you normally did the incline bench press at the end of your workout, you will immediately notice that you are significantly stronger when you do the exercise first. The point is to load the target group with working weights that they have not encountered before. Don't be afraid to do fewer reps than normal, but with more weight. If your standard incline press approach was 10 reps, lift the weight and do a set of 6-8 reps. The impact on the target muscle of new training stimuli cannot be underestimated.

2. Add More Lower Chest Exercises

Exercises for the lower chest
  1. tilted (feet on the ground)
  1. on an incline bench

Who said that in one workout you should do only one exercise for the lower chest? In a normal situation, you want to work all the fibers of the chest muscles by working at different angles - bench press on a horizontal bench, a bench with a positive and a negative incline. Use the same principle for the muscles of the lower chest: change the angle of the bench, use a fundamentally different machine with a negative slope, and you will work the fibers of the lower chest in various ways, which will positively affect their development.

Just avoid exercises for the lower chest that look like twins, like the bench press and the bench press on the Smith machine on the same incline. Or a dumbbell bench press and a barbell bench press with the same negative slope.

In addition to the second exercise at a different angle, train the muscles with a higher rep range. If in the first exercise you had heavy sets of 6-8 reps, then in the second exercise take less weight for sets of 10-12 reps. Load variability is a great way to increase muscle volume and strength performance.

3. Use isolation exercises

Crossover crunches, incline dumbbell crunches, and incline crunches all target the lower pecs and eliminate the triceps. In use a slightly larger rep range than in bench exercises. Like other isolation movements, these are best performed at the end of a training session.

4. Add new exercises

No doubt, the choice of "new" exercises is small, but any movement that you have not performed for a long time before automatically becomes "new" for your muscles. For example, if you've always worked with a barbell, it's time to master dumbbells or a machine.

In addition to changing projectiles, you can slightly tweak the equipment that you are already using. Raise or lower the bench with a negative incline. My favorite option is the Hammer machine, which has adjustable handlebars so you can press along your torso, not just up.

Weighted bar push-ups are another great one that is definitely worth a try. To shift the emphasis on the chest, tilt the body forward by lifting the legs back and allow the elbows to move away from the body during the downward phase of the movement.

5. Train your chest after a day off

This strategy is used by professional bodybuilders because after a full day of rest with good nutrition, you are full of energy and your muscles are filled with glycogen. If you are working your chest in the middle of a training week, make sure that you did not work the triceps or delts the day before; they must be fully rested.

6. Train hard

is the first step towards building strong muscles, and 1-2 sets beyond failure in various exercises for the lower chest can teleport you into the zone of rapid muscle growth. There are many ways to increase the intensity, I will talk about four of the best!

Forced reps: Ask your spotter to help you lift the bar after you hit muscle failure so you can get a few more reps.

Rest-Pause Method: Pick a weight that you can only do 6 reps with (your 6 rep max), but only do 3 reps. Rest no more than 20 seconds, then do 3 more repetitions. Alternate work/rest for 5 cycles and you'll hit 15 reps with a 6 rep max weight - a fantastic stimulus for muscle growth. Choose an exercise that allows you to quickly get into the starting position, such as bench presses.

Negatives: When you reach failure, instead of completing the set, ask a partner to help lift the weight, then slowly lower the projectile without assistance for 5 seconds. Continue the set until you can hold the eccentric contraction for 5 seconds.

Drop Sets: When you hit failure, immediately drop the weight by about 25% and continue training to failure. You can even do it again when you reach muscle failure again.

7. End Your Workout With Dips Negatives

Here is the finishing move for the lower chest, which was shown to me by a trainer named Tukano from Rio a few years ago. I swear a lot of guys don't know their true physical abilities and it shows.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Do push-ups on the bars without weights at the end of your chest workout. In the starting position, the arms are straightened. Lower yourself down for ten seconds, counting slowly. Instead of doing push-ups in the usual way, use your legs to return to the starting position until your arms are fully extended. Then immediately do a negative rep for 10 seconds and rise in the same way.

Over and over again, it will become more and more difficult to control the speed of the downward phase; you can finish the approach when you can no longer hold out for 10 seconds. By then, you will have had the most powerful lower chest workout of your life.

Greetings, dear fans of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Surely, many of you are wondering how to pump up the pectoral muscles at home, without using barbells and dumbbells. It turns out that this can be done, but first you need to decide what you want to see. After a couple of months of training, do you want to see chests like Arnold in his best years in the mirror? Or you want to see beautifully drawn muscles that will draw attention to yourself when you hit the beach.

If you want breasts like iron Arnie, then we are in a hurry to disappoint you and ask you to leave the page. In order for you to have such a chest you need: to have good genetics, use steroids and press the barbell with an unthinkable amount of twenty-five kilogram pancakes on it. If you do not want this, continue reading the article. Having studied all the exercises that we offer, at the end of the article you will find a training program for your chest at home.

How to pump up breasts at home

So, what is needed in order to pump up the chest at home. Firstly, this is proper nutrition, which will promote the growth of your muscles and will not allow the amount of subcutaneous fat in your body to grow. If we allow fat to take over our body, then you will not be able to see your traced pectoral muscles. So start eating right.

Secondly, we need constant training, 2 - 3 times a week, which will include a variety of push-up options for pumping the top and bottom of the chest. This is very important, because by pumping the lower part of the chest, you will have a disproportion, and the chest will not look very aesthetically pleasing. So, we include all the exercises described below in our program.

push ups on books

The first version of push-ups will work out mainly the middle part of the chest. Look at the picture below.

For push-ups, we need 8 books (sheets, so 500 each). We put them at a distance of 60 - 70 centimeters, or whatever is more convenient for you, and begin to slowly push up. We go as low as we can. You should feel a pleasant stretch in your muscles. Spend 6 to 8 seconds lowering. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. The most important thing in the exercise is speed, do everything slowly.

Push-ups with a stop

For the second exercise, we do not need books. It will be simple push-ups, but with one nuance. Having lowered halfway down, stop and linger in this moment for 2 to 3 seconds. Then go down to the end and in this position again linger for 2 - 3 seconds. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

Explosive pushups

Quite a difficult exercise that requires training. As soon as you master it, feel free to include it in your program. Go down, preferably slowly, starting to rise to the starting position, that there are forces, push off the floor, so that your palms come off the floor. You can do clap, but it is difficult and at first you can not do it.

Do this exercise last, do 2 sets with as many repetitions as you can handle.

We swing the top of the pectoral muscles

The most difficult part of the pectoral muscles to train. Pumping it up at home is very difficult, but possible. There is only one exercise for this, but we can constantly complicate it.

Incline push-ups

The point of these push-ups is to keep your legs above your body, but otherwise they are regular push-ups. But we don’t need regular push-ups, so we’ll complicate it. The first option is push-ups with a pause at the lowest point. stop for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The second option is push-ups on books. Well, the third option is explosive push-ups with an inclination.

Do 4 sets of 15-20 reps with different variations.

How to pump up the lower part of the chest

To pump the bottom of the pectoral muscles, we will use everyone's favorite push-ups on the uneven bars. I think it will not be difficult for you to go to the nearest sports ground 2 times a week and devote half an hour to training. And if you have bars at home, then this is very wonderful.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Simple push-ups on the uneven bars. Everyone knows how to do them, everyone was taught at school. We complicate the push-ups on the uneven bars by stopping at the bottom point for 2-3 seconds. We perform 4 sets of 15 - 20 repetitions.

This exercise can be made more difficult by using a weighted vest.

Program for training the pectoral muscles

The article would not be an article if we did not give a training program consisting of all the exercises that we described. See table.

*If you cannot do the number of repetitions that is written in the table, do as many as you can. Don't box yourself in.

Rest between sets should be 45 - 60 seconds. Watch the speed of your push-ups all the time, try to feel your muscles and do push-ups as slowly as possible. The p90x program has a wonderful chest and triceps workout.

We looked at several types of push-ups that will allow you to blow your chest. Try not to skip workouts and you will succeed.
P.S. While the author was writing the article, he did 80 push-ups.

Most athletes ignore exercises on the bottom of the pectoral muscles. As a rule, their program is based on basic exercises, such as bench presses and dumbbells on a horizontal bench or a bench with a positive incline. Often, they are added to the presses or the reduction of hands in the simulator, push-ups on the uneven bars and the army press on the top of the chest. This tactic seems to be quite effective for working out the middle part and top of the pectorals, but it has one drawback - it weakly works out the very bottom of the chest. This is reflected in the shape of the muscles: despite the large volume, they can be poorly drawn in the lower part and not outlined by a clear line. However, solving the problem is not so difficult. It is enough to adjust the training program and add 1-2 exercises to the bottom of the pectoral muscles to it.

Reverse Incline Bench Press

The most popular exercise for the bottom of the pectoral muscles is performed on a bench with a negative slope of 20-45 degrees with both a barbell and dumbbells.

  • Set the back of the bench so that it has a negative angle of inclination. Rest your feet on the floor and fix your feet behind the rollers of the bench.
  • Lie down on the bench and carefully remove the barbell from the racks. Grip - at shoulder level.
  • As you inhale, lower the bar down so that the bar is at the lowest point at the level of the nipples. The bar should be as close to the chest as possible, but not in contact with it.
  • Pause and push the bar up

Push-ups on the uneven bars with a slight inclination of the body

Classical dips require a strong forward tilt of the body so that it barely deviates from parallel to the floor. With this technique, the middle part of the pectorals is loaded - exactly the same as with barbell presses, just the opposite. But worth it change the slope of the body and lean forward a little less in time, as push-ups on the uneven bars begin to work perfectly on the bottom of the chest.

  • Rest your hands on the bars and lift the body, tearing your feet off the floor. Turn your elbows out to the sides.
  • Slightly lean forward 20-30 degrees, no more. The stronger the angle of deviation from the vertical, the more the middle of the pectorals will be involved in the work and the less the muscle fibers of the lower chest will contract.
  • As you inhale, lower yourself down, spreading your elbows to the sides.
  • At the bottom point, feel the stretching of the chest and take a short pause.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position and tighten your chest at the top.

Push-ups on the bar

This exercise has long been known to everyone who is used to training on horizontal bars. It perfectly works out the pectorals with an emphasis on the bottom of the pectorals, although it is a little more difficult to perform it than push-ups on the uneven bars. Recommended for those who already know how to work on the uneven bars, for beginners push-ups on the bar should be postponed until better times.

  • The starting position is a handstand. The grip is slightly wider than the distance between the hips, palms facing you.
  • Start lowering yourself down by bringing your legs forward to balance your torso.
  • At the lowest point, the crossbar should almost touch the chest, after which it is necessary to return to its original position.

Reduction of hands in a crossover while standing

Another exercise that perfectly loads the bottom of the pectorals. It is performed in a crossover and helps to “finish off” the chest at the end of the workout.

  • Stand in the middle of the crossover and grab the handles.
  • Put one foot forward so that the body is more stable.
  • Lean forward slightly - 30 degrees will be enough.
  • Hands are located on the sides of the body so as to feel a slight stretching of the pectoral muscles. The elbows are bent and are behind the body.
  • Bring your hands in front of you in a wide arc from the top position so that the handles are at the level of the navel.
  • Slowly return to starting position

Reduction of hands in a crossover lying

We will not talk about the classic information of the hands in the crossover in front of you, because in this variation the exercise loads the middle part of the pectorals. But what if we completely change the mechanics and bring your hands down from the top position- same as it happens in the standing variation? This technique will shift the focus to the bottom of the chest.

  • Place a bench on one side of the crossover.
  • Lie down on a bench and put your feet up.
  • Take the handles. We will not pull them up, as in classical information, but strictly down to the hips.
  • At the beginning of the movement, the forearms are at an angle of 90 degrees to the body, and the arms are bent at the elbows also at a right angle.
  • Squeeze the handles down towards the hips. During the movement, the elbows are straightened.
  • At the bottom point, you need to pause for a second, and then return to the starting position.

General principles of training

  1. If getting well-defined pectoral muscles is your number one task, we advise you to put exercises on the bottom of the pectoral muscles at the start of the workout. In this case, you will be able to give your best, and fatigue will not force you to conserve strength.
  2. Don't focus on the same exercise for a long time. In this case, the body adapts easily, and progress will stop. Every 2-3 months try to change your training program and include in it new exercises on the bottom of the pectorals.
  3. One of the reasons for the insufficient drawing of the pectorals may not be the lack of muscle mass, but too high fat percentage. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to focus on fat loss and cardio training.
  4. Try not to train pectorals more than once every 4 days. Muscles need rest and recovery. Without it, instead of progress, you can get a reduction in muscle mass.
  5. Try to resist the weight and focus your attention in the negative phase of the exercise. This is especially true for all exercises in the crossover.

How to pump up the lower part of the pectoral muscles? This question should not worry those who have just started bodybuilding, because the primary task at this stage is to strengthen the body and prepare the base for building muscles. In the first months, it is not necessary to think about pumping the lower chest. When you get stronger, you can pump individual parts of each muscle to achieve the maximum desired result. Below we provide recommendations for the development of the lower chest at home and in the gym.

We work out the bottom of the chest at home

We will practice at home and in any courtyard where there are low horizontal bars and bars. First, we will tell you how to pump up the lower part of the chest with push-ups. This is the most successful option, as it does not require a special body position in which your head is lower than your legs. Many people recommend special push-ups - we agree with them, because the option with books is not the best idea.

push ups on books

This option is convenient because we can change the height of the stands. And inconvenient (very) in that books can fly out of hand. As a result, we fall face down on the floor. From the side it's funny, but from the first person it hurts more often. Back to technology:

  1. We put a couple of books, we rest against them with our hands. The legs are straight and stand at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. The palms are oriented forward and inward with the fingers. Hands at shoulder width.
  2. We go down as low as possible (for this we need books so as not to rest our face on the floor when we can go even lower).
  3. At the bottom point, you can stop and freeze for 2-3 seconds for maximum load on the chest.
  4. We do 3-4 sets of 15 reps without weight and 6-8 reps with weights.

We do not recommend push-ups on books with weights - it will hurt to fall.

Why are books needed? It is necessary that at the final lower point above the body should be higher than the legs. With this arrangement, the chest begins to load from below.

Push-ups on special stops

It is done exactly the same as in the books. The huge advantage is that you won't fall. The technique is the same.

Push-ups from a bench or cabinet

This is the best option to work the lower part of the chest. It is both convenient and safe.

We rest our hands on the bench (fingers point inward and forward), legs slightly apart. We push up until the body touches the bench. Here you can use weights in the form of a satchel with weight.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

  1. Spread your arms wide apart. If the bars are not sliding, then we place the elbows to the sides. We do not make any "boats" here. We stoop a little to round the back and begin smooth up and down movements. The elbows do not need to be fully extended.
  2. We do 10-12 reps in 3 sets without weights or 6-8 reps with weight.

On the horizontal bar

A very interesting and difficult exercise that helps in working out the element “exit by force on two hands”. If you are good at pulling up, you can do it on a regular horizontal bar. If not yet, it is better to choose a low horizontal bar so that it is at the level of your head:

  1. We take the horizontal bar with a straight grip, hands at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.
  2. We jump and stand on the horizontal bar with straight arms. The pelvis rests on the crossbar.
  3. We lean forward a little and begin to lower ourselves, pushing our elbows to the sides. We descend as low as possible, after which we return to the original.
  4. We repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

We pump the lower part of the chest in the gym

We have the following exercises:

  • dumbbell bench press in an incline (legs above the head);
  • bench press in an incline (legs above the head);
  • bringing hands together in a crossover (hands below the chest);
  • bars again.

Incline dumbbell and barbell press

To be honest, the dumbbell press is performed in exactly the same way as the barbell press, so we will analyze both exercises here. We will need a Swedish wall and an inclined bench, which can be fixed on this wall at any angle. We hang the bench 30 degrees down.

  1. We take dumbbells (we start with a warm-up) weighing 5 kg, leaving them on the sides from the edge of the bottom of the bench.
  2. We lie down on the bench with our feet up (we fasten them to special rollers that should be on the bench). You are now hanging upside down. Take dumbbells and put them in front of you so that there is a right angle between your hands and the floor.
  3. We unfold the dumbbells, as if you are holding a barbell. We lower the weight to the chest, spreading the elbows to the sides.
  4. We lift on the exhale. We don't hold our breath!

Then we take the working weights and do it. If you find it difficult to lift the weight yourself, ask a trainer or partner. Usually one dumbbell is taken independently, and the second is already served by a partner.

If you are exercising with a barbell, a partner should remove and serve the barbell. He also insures you during the exercise.

The lower your head, the more load the desired part of the chest receives. You can lower the bench both 45 degrees and 60.

Reduction of hands in a crossover

We will deal with the upper blocks. We hang handles convenient for gripping with one hand on the cables. We warm up with 2–4 kg to understand the essence of the exercise and the technique of movements:

  1. We spread our arms to the sides and grab the handles with a direct grip, palms down. We stoop a little to tighten the pectoral muscles. At this point, you are like an eagle during landing, when it brakes with its wings (usually, such a comparison immediately clarifies all points).
  2. We take one leg back for stability. We tilt the body forward and slightly down. The loin is arched, the pelvis is laid back.
  3. We begin to bring our hands together, the cross point will be at the level of the groin or lower. This position ensures the pumping of the bottom of the pectoral muscles.
  4. We do 10 repetitions. Then we hang up the working weight and perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Bars in the gym

If you do push-ups 15-20 times, it makes no sense for you to work without weight:

  1. Ask the trainer on duty for a special weight belt.
  2. Push up from the bench 15 times as a warm-up.
  3. Push up 5-8 times without weight (if you have enough strength and you can do push-ups without weight many times, 10-15 times will do for a warm-up).
  4. We hang a pancake on the belt. We carry out a working approach in the technique described above.

We go as low as we can. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to stretch on the uneven bars before push-ups. To do this, grab the handles in the same way as when doing the exercise, then gradually lower yourself down, supporting the body with your legs. So you can go deeper during the push-ups themselves.

Exercise Combinations

How to pump up the lower chest when there are so many exercises? It's simple - we will combine them.

Home option 1:

  1. Push-ups from a chair, bench, bedside table, sofa.
  2. Push-ups on the bars (yes, you read that right, on the bars - you have to go out into the yard or buy bars at home).
  3. Push-ups from stops or books for stretching.

Home option 2:

  1. Push-ups from any support.
  2. Push-ups from the horizontal bar (let's go to the yard again, do you want a beautiful and powerful chest?).
  3. 1 set on uneven bars without weight.

Gym option:

  1. Bench press upside down.
  2. Bars with weights.
  3. Crossover.

Usually at the beginning of a chest workout there is a bench press. If it is, then you can get by with push-ups on the uneven bars and finish working on the chest in a crossover.

Problems and bugs

Often we simply do not know the correct technique, so during the chest workout, we work more triceps. And when we start to train them, it turns out that there is no strength left. Similarly, with the bottom of the pectoral muscles.

It is necessary to strictly observe the technique. And remember, every body is different. Over time, you will learn to feel what works for you and what does not. And you can experimentally achieve the performance that is most useful for your case.

When training upside down, some difficulties may arise:

  • darkens in the eyes;
  • there is noise in the ears;
  • increased intracranial and arterial pressure.

For people over 30, this is highly undesirable. Therefore, you should not lower the bench below 30 degrees. Why do you need such extreme conditions? It is better to work on the uneven bars and in the crossover.

It's easy to check if you can bench press like this or not. Just lie down in this position for 30 seconds. Then stand up abruptly. If there are ripples in the eyes, noise in the ears, dizziness - it is dangerous for you to train in this position.



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