Very low glycemic level. To make insulin "sleep"

Hi all! A nutritious article is on the agenda, which means that everyone who reads it will remain full and satisfied. We will talk about such an attribute of products, in particular carbohydrates, as a glycemic index. We will find out what it is and why it is needed at all, what myths hover around it, and how physically active person use this index to the maximum

So, the tasks are set, let's put them into practice.

What is the glycemic index: dry theory

I am sure that you, one way or another, are familiar with our hero of the occasion, but, most likely, this acquaintance was quick and superficial. Yes, the average person, more or less watching their diet, is aware of such a thing as the glycemic index. Moreover, he knows about the existence of specialized product tables that reflect him. Unfortunately, this is where most knowledge ends. In this note, we will try to approach the issue in a comprehensive manner and understand all the aspects that can somehow improve the quality of our life and bodily results from training.

Actually, let's delve into our unloved theory and lay some foundation.

As you know, all the food that a person consumes consists of basic nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. AT various products the ratio of nutrient components is different, and depending on their balance (or vice versa unbalance) the final effect on the human body is very different. Some foods give us a longer feeling of satiety, because of some we get better, etc.

We will not dwell on the types of nutrients. (fortunately, there are exhaustive articles on them), just note the main functions of each of them. So, - this is the main muscle-building element, - a reserve source of energy (give us a large number of calories when broken down), - the main energy substation that feeds the body. Here we will consider them in more detail in connection with our topic.

All our physical activity(for example, training in the gym or fast interval running) is tied to energy supply, which can be carried out using aerobic or anaerobic glycolysis. It is laid down by nature in such a way that at first the body uses the main source - glucose (carbohydrates) as fuel, and only in the case of their meager amount switches to fats and, in last resort, squirrels.

Glycemic index and carbohydrates

Carbohydrates have two sides of the coin: calories from some are more beneficial than calories from others; they affect the human body in different ways. If we consider their classification, then it is as follows:

  • fast (mono/di-saccharides)- sugar, honey, beer, etc.;
  • slow (oligo/poly-saccharides)- have complex structure and contained in cereals, legumes, etc.;
  • indigestible, dietary fiber - found in fruits, vegetables, bran.

In order for all this carbohydrate outrage to be absorbed by our body, it needs to connect the transport hormone insulin to the digestion process. It “pulls away” consumed carbohydrates throughout the cells of the body.


Diabetics must keep their insulin levels at a certain level, otherwise they will have a very difficult time. Average level Sahara ordinary person is 3,3–5,5 mmol / liter of blood, for a diabetic - 6,1 mmol/l.

The more “carbohydrate” your food is, the more this pancreatic hormone should be produced by the body. If the latter does not occur (deficiency of insulin), then the person is most likely a diabetic, i.e. he constantly elevated level blood sugar. On the other hand, excess insulin automatically means postponing excess fat in body. This is due to the fact that transportation nutrients (when there is excess energy) carried out throughout the body and even where the latter is no longer needed.

Any carbohydrates that enter the body can be used as an energy supplement only after they are decomposed to the simplest component - glucose. It turns out that it is she who starts all the energy processes. The concentration of glucose depends on 2 -x factors:

  • the amount of carbohydrates eaten;
  • insulin produced by the body in response.

The change in blood sugar levels occurs abruptly, i.e. after eating, its level increases, then there is a decline, and then a gradual return to the original level. Many nutritionists believe that simple carbohydrates, due to their simplified structure, are more quickly absorbed by the body, and therefore are called fast carbohydrates. (slow are called complex). However, it is not.

Attention important!

The complexity of the carbohydrate structure does not affect its rate of conversion to glucose. Those. we through the manipulation of choosing this or that (fast or slow) type of carbohydrates cannot affect its rate of assimilation. It turns out that the body is “purple”, we eat bread or honey, the peak of glucose in both cases will come through 30 minutes, i.e. No one has priority, everyone is equal. This is very important to understand.

Well, now that the general knowledge has been obtained, it's time to deal with the glycemic index (GI) itself, let's go.

Glycemic index: detailed details

GI is a quantitative factor (how many units) the ability of carbohydrates to raise blood sugar levels. The simpler the structure of the carbohydrate, the greater its GI, and the more it raises blood glucose levels.


There is a definition that GI is a number that indicates how quickly (speed factor) Carbohydrates are broken down in the body into sugars, which are then used for energy. What concept to follow? Latest Scientific research they say that the first one is the most correct.

So, once again I will convey an important thought. Regardless of the type of carbohydrate (simple or complex) the rate of rise in the level of sugar in the body will be the same, but the amount (numeric equivalent)- different. Thus, different products different ability to hyperglycemia, so different GI. There are special tables that list indexes for most products. You can find it in the appendix to the article at the very end.

A low value indicates that the product causes little to no fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels. The average value causes a moderate increase in glucose levels. Foods with low and medium GI are the most preferred in the food pyramid.


Glycemic index white bread is 70 . He says that after drinking 50 grams of the product, the blood sugar level will be 70% from the value that will be formed after using 50 grams of pure glucose.

high value (for example, foods: white rice, potatoes, bread, candy) causes a sharp jump in blood sugar, the body increases the production of insulin. As a result, the body is given a signal to accumulate body fat.

Let's visually demonstrate how products with a low and medium index value “work”, and why they are more preferable in nutrition.

It turns out that your body, depending on which “carbohydrate” (correct or incorrect) What you eat during the day will determine whether to use the food as an energy source or store it as fat.

The full cycle of eating high GI foods

Now let's consider full cycle eating high GI foods.

It's time to move on to the most delicious part of the article, namely ...

Glycemic index: myths

So, we have mastered the basic theory, now it's time to move on to practice, because it is it that allows a person to get the desired results. And I would like to start with this.

Due to the inconsistency of information around GI, many myths have arisen. Let's look at the main ones.

Myth #1. High GI foods are bad

When they talk about GI, they forget that there is also a glycemic load (GL) - the amount of carbohydrates in a serving (unit of volume). Not everyone correlates these concepts together and approaches the formation of their diet one-sidedly.

Those. know that a high GI is bad and throw the product out of their cart. For example, watermelon has a GI = 72 , which is bad in terms of fat deposition, but its GL = 4g. coal/100 gr. watermelon, which is extremely low. An analysis in the aggregate of these two indicators speaks of the “goodness” and usefulness of this product in the human diet.

Myth number 2. GI is a fixed value

Nothing like that, yes, there are tables that show the numerical values ​​​​calculated for the products, but they can change. And it depends on the cooking process, or rather, the way the products are processed. With thermal (drying, boiling, frying) The GI of some foods, such as carrots / beets, rises sharply. GI raw carrots=35 , boiled = 85 , for mashed potatoes (from packages) GI = 83 , boiled potatoes = 70 . The latter occurs as a result of the destruction of fiber from temperature and its breakdown into simple sugars.

Conclusion: some foods, if you want to lose weight, are best eaten raw.

Myth number 3. Fiber has no effect on the glycemic index

Another myth, and it affects very strongly. Dietary fibers are various inclusions in the product that are not digested and give it structure and usefulness. The less fiber in a food, the higher its GI. In particular, buns / cheesecakes have GI = 95 , and bread from coarse flour GI= 50 . If the flour is whole / not peeled (preserved original grain structure), then such a product may have a GI of about 35-40 .

In the process of processing products (cleaning, steaming, etc.) most of dietary fiber is not saved. It turns out that the less processing of the product, the lower its glycemic index, and the less it raises blood glucose levels.

Conclusion: look for processing information on products (fried, peeled, etc.) and try to choose less processed foods.

Myth number 4. Mixing carbs with proteins and/or fats lowers their GI

True, but only partly, statement. As a result joint application nutrients (synergy effect) insulin response may increase. In particular, the combination of curd-glucose (honey/jam, etc.) raises insulin in a way that cannot be done individually.

Conclusion: Fats and proteins have a GI=0, but some of their combinations with high-glycemic foods become simply “obesity bombs”. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know which products can be combined with each other, and which ones can be consumed separately.

Glycemic index: how to use for weight loss

For people who are actively involved in sports and visit gym or fitness clubs, it's important to learn how to use the glycemic index to your advantage. Now we will learn how to do this.

The body's use of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in the course of pulling the glands or fitness classes, depends on the degree of intensity and duration of classes. As soon as the body “fires up” and increases the intensity of training, immediately its use of carbohydrates increases dramatically. On the other hand, an increase in the duration of the load leads to a decrease in the use of the latter. Muscles, in the course of their physical work, can use any source of nutritional components. And this, first of all, is determined by the initial (initial) level of this fuel. If the body has more fatty acids, the more fat is used, if there is an excess of carbohydrates, then they are primarily metabolized for energy.

It is important for an athlete to correctly plan the intake of carbohydrates before and after training, because the degree of its productivity depends on it. So follow these tips:

  • Eat low/medium GI carbohydrates before prolonged exercise.
  • if during a workout you feel that your strength is starting to leave you and your energy is at zero, then use fast carbohydrates right in the gym (water with honey or sports drink with glucose);
  • don't bother eating the same low/medium GI carbs (barley, buckwheat, etc.), observe how the body reacts to food with a high index.
  • carbohydrates with a high GI will help you shut down immediately after a workout and replenish the spent energy reserves;
  • during 45-60 minutes after exercise should be followed by a solid meal with carbohydrates with a low / medium GI;
  • after training, it is not so much the index of carbohydrates consumed that is important, but their total amount - 1 g / 0.5 kg of body weight in combination with proteins.

In the picture version, the tips look like this.

That's it for the workout-glycemic index of foods relationship.

In conclusion, I would also like to give some practical advice regarding how to properly build your relationship with carbohydrates so that the latter are not deposited on your waist and hips, but perform only the energy tasks assigned to them.

So, summing up all this chatter, remember the main thing, if you want to “outsmart” the glycemic index, then:

  • give preference to fresh (rather than boiled) vegetables and fruits;
  • fiber in products reduces the total GI, and also contributes to the retention food bolus in the stomach, i.e. prolonging the feeling of satiety;
  • starch denatures during heat treatment, so overcooking leads to an increase in GI;
  • proteins in combination with carbohydrates reduce the overall GI;
  • the degree of grinding of the product affects the GI, the finer the fraction of the product, the higher the index (buckwheat kernel=50 and chaff=65);
  • the more thoroughly (longer) the food is chewed, the slower the absorption of carbohydrates;
  • when drawing up your food pyramid, pay attention to the many “technical” parameters of products (GN, nutritional value, calories, etc.), and not just on the glycemic index;
  • adding acid to food slows down the process of its absorption - therefore, the GI of unripe fruits is lower than that of their ripe counterparts;
  • GI is affected by the rate of digestion of the product in the digestive tract, for example, meat is digested 4-5 hours, and the increase in sugar takes place in an unhurried mode;
  • a high-calorie product (but with a low GI) can contribute to weight loss, and a low-calorie product, on the contrary, can increase waist size.

To make it easier for you to make up your right diet, let's look at the foods that you need to give up, and which, on the contrary, you should pay your closest attention to. Products according to the glycemic index can be divided into 3 zones (see picture).

Always remember that the green and yellow areas are most preferred, because these are products that differ ...

Actually, I have everything, it remains to take stock and you can say goodbye.


Today we dealt with such a concept as the glycemic index. I am sure that now you will be more attentive to the consumed carbohydrates, which, in turn, will qualitatively affect the improvement of your composite forms.

That's it, I'll go and eat a donut :).

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P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Each product contains a different nutritional value. It would be foolish to believe that in the food taken there is always the same content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which make up overall picture about energy value food.

Due to different indicators of nutrients, the calorie content of the dish also changes. Currently, many who want to lose weight or, conversely, gain weight, look at this particular unit, but with proper nutrition, it is important to take into account one more indicator - the glycemic index of foods. For the body, he also plays important role and helps with many diseases, for example, diabetes. So, what is the glycemic index and what function does it perform for a person?

What is the glycemic index of foods?

The glycemic index of foods (GI) is unit of rate of increase in glucose in the body after consumption specific product . To fully understand this definition, we can characterize this process. Carbohydrates are the most important energy value. They can be complex and determined by the number of intermolecular bonds (polysaccharides) and simple (disaccharides, monosaccharides). When entering the body complex carbohydrates and other nutrients under the influence of enzymes, splitting into simple ones occurs, and simple ones under the influence chemical reactions to glucose.

The higher the breakdown rate, the more glucose is formed and the blood sugar level rises. This is a high glycemic index food. At a low speed, cleavage products are retained for a long time and absorbed more slowly. This gives a feeling of fullness for quite a long time. and for weight loss, as well as people suffering from diabetes, this low index will be the best.

The concept of the glycemic index was introduced in 1981 at the Canadian University of Toronto by Dr. David Jenkins. For this, special experiments were carried out, during which volunteers were given food products containing carbohydrates in the amount of 50 g. Then, for an hour, every 15 minutes, a blood test was taken and the level of sugar in the blood was determined. Based on the data obtained, special graphs were built, and the experiments continued. When it was possible to obtain all the necessary data, the very concept and definition were introduced. However, this value is a relatively relative unit, the essence of which is to compare products with pure glucose, which has a 100% glycemic index.

When the question arises, what is the difference between the concept of "caloric content" and "glycemic index", the answer is as follows. GI is a display of the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose and the degree of increase in blood sugar, and caloric content is just the amount of energy received from food intake.

Glycemic index table

In order to have an idea about the rate of carbohydrate breakdown in a particular dish, a special table has been created, where each product has its own glycemic index value. It was created to provide information specifically for each food product the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down into glucose in the body.

This data is important for people who adhere to the correct balanced nutrition and those with diabetes. According to established data, tables with GI have an approximate value, and the indicators themselves refer to one specific product without any heat or mechanical processing in one piece. There are 3 groups of food glycemic index:

  • low (from 0 to 40);
  • medium (from 40-70);
  • high (from 70 and more).

The table does not include fat-free cheeses and dairy products, broths, and water. This is due, first of all, to the fact that their glycemic index is almost zero.

Low GI

Product name GIOysters, shrimps, mussels, soy sauce 0Spices, seasonings 5Crayfish 5Avocado 10Peanut 15Brussels sprouts 15Broccoli 15Mushrooms 15Walnuts 15Green beans 15Ginger 15Zucchini 15Sauerkraut 15Cauliflower 15Pine nuts 15Red bell pepper 15Bow 15Hazelnuts 15Olives 15Almond 15Cucumbers 15Radish 15Rhubarb 15Lettuce 15Celery 15Blackcurrant 15Dill 15Pistachios 15Hazelnut 15Spinach 15Dark chocolate with cocoa content less than 85% 20Yogurt unflavored 20Lemon juice 20Cocoa powder 20Barbados cherry 20Eggplant 20Artichoke 20Peas 25Blackberry 25Strawberry 25Gooseberry 25Strawberry 25Raspberry 25Beans 25Red currant 25Blueberry 25Sweet cherry 25Barley groats 25Lentil 30Garlic 30Beetroot 30Turnip 30Tomatoes 30Pomelo 30Carrot 30Milk 30Marmalade 30Passion fruit 30Tangerines 30Dried apricots 30Pears 30Grapefruit 30Apricots 35Oranges 35Quince 35Pomegranate 35Mustard 35Yeast 35Green peas 35Sunflower seeds 35Yoghurt 35Celery root 35Sesame 35Corn 35Mac 35Nectarine 35Peaches 35Rice wild 35Sunflower seeds 35Plums 35Fructose ice cream 35Tomato juice 35Canned peas 35Red and black beans 35Whole grain and sprouted grain bread 35Apple 35

Average GI

Product name GIDry beans 40Carrot juice 40Oatmeal 40Wheat flour spaghetti 40Chicory 40Bananas 45Grapes 45Vermicelli 45Grapefruit juice 45Jam 45Coconut 45Cranberry 45Bread 45Pineapple 50Jam 50Fig 50Kiwi 50Crab sticks 50Orange juice 50Mango 50Durum pasta 50Muesli 50Canned peaches 50Jam 50Rice brown 50Ground pear 50Blueberry juice 50Apple juice 50Persimmon 50Canned peaches 55Rolls and sushi 55Mustard 55Ketchup 55Grape juice 55Canned corn 55Melon 60Papaya 60Cocoa with added sugar 60Oatmeal 60Ice cream 60Long grain rice 60Mayonnaise industrial 60Melon 60Lasagne 60Wheat flour fritters 60Pizza with cheese and tomatoes 60Macaroni and cheese 65Boiled potatoes in their skins 65Sorbet 65Rye bread 65Canned vegetables 65Maple syrup 65Raisins 65Muesli with sugar 65Marmalade 65Boiled beets 65Yeast black bread 65Jam 65

high GI

Name of products GIWheat flour 70Sugar 70Manka 70Potato chips 70Croissant 70Pearl barley 70Chocolate bars (Mars, Twix, Snickers, etc.) 70Sweet sparkling water 70Milk chocolate 70Millet 70Waffles unsweetened 75Rice porridge with milk and sugar 75Watermelon 75Bread french baguette 75Zucchini 75Pumpkin 75Corn flakes 75Sweet donut 75Cracker 80Mashed potatoes 80Muesli with raisins and nuts 80Unsweetened popcorn 85Hamburger buns 85Corn flakes 85Rice pudding with milk 85Boiled carrots 85Instant mashed potatoes 85Canned apricots 90Rice noodles 90White bread 90 Fried potatoes 95Sweet buns 95Baked potatoes 95Potato casserole 95Toasts made from white bread 100Glucose 100Starch modified 100Dates 105Beer drinks 110

What determines the glycemic index of foods?

Not always the use of products occurs one by one and in fresh. When cooking and other mechanical action on products the level of assimilation of carbohydrates changes. So, for what reasons does the glycemic index of foods change in the finished dish:

  1. Adding flavored additives and sugar to food increases the GI.
  2. total fiber content. Fibers have the ability to slow down digestion and the entry of glucose into the circulatory system.
  3. Product processing method. Structured foods that require a lot of chewing have a lower GI, for example, raw vegetables in this case better than boiled. Products subjected to mechanical or heat treatment increase the index.
  4. Fruits and vegetables of greater ripeness increase the GI.
  5. An important indicator is the method of cooking. Grain bread will have a lower GI value than cooked puffed wheat bread.
  6. How more products crushed during cooking, the more the glycemic index increases. For example, the GI of a peach will be lower when consumed whole than when consumed as peach juice.

However, in addition to these factors, idiosyncrasy human body. The response to the intake of foods with a low or high GI may depend on:

  • age;
  • ecology where a person lives;
  • metabolic states;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • the presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases in the body;
  • from accepted medicines, which can affect the rate of protein breakdown;
  • on the amount of physical activity.

With the gradual introduction of low or medium GI foods into your usual diet, you can edit and compose familiar products on better digestibility, based on their personality traits organism.

What is glucose for?

In the body, glucose plays an important role and provides almost half of the energy consumption of the entire body. Feature Feature glucose is its maintenance normal operation brain and functioning nervous system. In addition, it is a source of nutrition for tissues and the muscle layer, and is involved in the formation of glycogen.

Glycemic index and diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the control of blood sugar levels is impaired. If in a healthy person, when taking foods with a high GI, excess glucose is distributed into body fat, and the sugar level returns to normal, then in a sick person with diabetes, there are certain problems. At the time of eating a high GI food, an excess of normal acceptable level blood sugar due to impaired insulin secretion or cell receptor sensitivity. In another way, you can say this:

  • 1 type of diabetes. Insulin is not produced, and if this does not happen, then there is no blockage of the increase in blood sugar, and as a result, hyperglycemia is observed, which is dangerous for the development of hyperglycemic coma.
  • Type 2 diabetes. Insulin is produced, but there is no sensitivity cell receptors. Therefore, at the time of the breakdown of food to glucose, insulin carries it to cells that do not respond to its effects, and since this does not happen, then the sugar remains still in circulatory system developing hyperglycemia.

Patients with diabetes simply need to adhere to a proper balanced diet. The glycemic index of foods is especially important for this population group. After all, it is a kind of guideline, on which it depends on how quickly this or that product will be split and whether there will be a jump in sugar levels. Indeed, for comparison, when a healthy person consumes low GI foods in his body, the sugar level remains within the normal range, and if a diabetic does the same, the sugar in his blood rises slightly. Therefore, when compiling a menu for every day, it is worth calculating the calorie content of each dish, looking at the GI table and not endangering your health.

GI during weight loss

With a quick weight loss, kilograms return at lightning speed back. For more than a decade, it has been said that in order to lose weight, you must adhere to proper nutrition. And if it was obvious to everyone just to calculate the calorie content of a dish, then you can also add the glycemic index of products to this widespread activity. So what is it good for weight loss?

Firstly, this is a kind of systematic folders. What you can eat and what is healthy, and what you should refrain from and, in principle, it is not so necessary. For those who want to lose weight, it is best to pay attention to the table with a low glycemic index of products; you can look at products with average indicators as much as possible. But to use products where the index has a high value is not worth it. Everything must be balanced, and with the help of an index, tracking portions and product characteristics is much more convenient than counting the calorie content of each dish.

Secondly, when eating foods with a high GI, the feeling of fullness can come after eating more than you need. Unused glucose, in this case, will be deposited in the fatty layer. This will not happen from eating low GI foods: glucose levels will rise smoothly, satisfying energy needs person.

Glycemic index- This is an indicator that determines the rate of breakdown of a particular product to glucose - the main source of energy. GI measures how quickly blood sugar levels rise and carbohydrates are absorbed into the body. indicates that the level of sugar in the blood rises evenly and slowly. And they cause a sharp jump in sugar, this leads to the rapid absorption of carbohydrates and the processing of some of them into glucose, which the body needs to produce energy, and some goes into body fat. Therefore, if you have plans to: lose weight by spring / summer or you just adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, then fitnessomania will help you figure out which foods can be consumed often and without harm to the figure, and which consumption is better to limit for your own good.

High glycemic index foods. Function of insulin

When ingested, foods with a high glycemic index are digested quickly and help raise blood sugar levels. At the same time, the pancreas is doing next job: it is responsible for the sharp release of insulin into the blood, which also has its own mission in this running chain - it lowers blood sugar levels by distributing it to different tissues of the body to use this source for two purposes:

In the form of necessary energy for a short period;

- in the form of fat for the long term, that is, for a "rainy day" in reserve.

The mission of insulin does not end there. This hormone has a pronounced protective function for our body: it does not allow the already existing fat reserves to be broken down again to glucose. What does it consist of protective function? - you ask. And that a long time ago, when we were not even in the plans and our parents, too, primitive people often experienced periods of famine. After all, then it was necessary to try hard to find edible fruits or catch fish for lunch, more than one day could pass in search of food and water. And when such a day came, the abundance of food that entered the body of the hungry primitive man, was used very economically to obtain energy for "now" and "later". Since then, our body has inherited to store fat in reserve in case of a long period of hunger. Even in modern conditions the average person does not need this function of our body (at least with every meal), this mechanism still continues to work properly.

insulin and foods with a high glycemic index work together, preventing the existing fats from burning out and immediately storing new fat in reserve. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing a particular product, especially if we are talking about the process of losing weight. If your diet is mostly foods with a high glycemic index, then be prepared for the fact that the release of insulin in your body occurs constantly, and the level of sugar in the blood is at high level. In such conditions, it’s not that it makes no sense to even think about losing weight, here you already need to think about how not to gain a couple of extra kilos.

Low glycemic index foods

Foods with an average and low glycemic index, entering the body, do not cause a sharp release of insulin (the main enemy of our figure), but on the contrary, they are digested for a very long time, and carbohydrates are slowly broken down to the state of glucose, practically without causing an increase in blood sugar.

Hence the conclusion: if your goal is to lose weight or keep the existing weight at the same level, then give preference foods with a low glycemic index, they will not be processed into fat and will not be deposited on your sides and hips.

Frequent misconceptions

Very often people, especially girls who want to lose weight, sit on various kinds weight loss diets. A high percentage of popularity is occupied by fruit mono-diets with one single dominant fruit that must be consumed throughout the diet, often also in unlimited quantities. Examples of such diets are: watermelon, apple, pineapple, grape, banana, peach, etc. But not everyone is aware of the senselessness, and even harm, of such diets. Before you go on any diet (or better not go on it at all), it is not enough to look only at the calorie content of the foods consumed. Plays a very important role in weight loss glycemic index of foods, which does not always coincide with calorie content, and sometimes, on the contrary, has an absolutely opposite meaning.

Let's look at this situation with a specific example.

Take everyone's favorite watermelon. The calorie content of watermelon is quite low - only 40 kcal per 100 grams, but it glycemic index equates to 75 (maximum 100). And despite their low calorie, watermelon refers to products with high glycemic index, which means that its consumption in large quantities leads to a sharp release of the hormone insulin, an increase in blood sugar levels, and then, I think, you no longer need to explain what happens to simple carbohydrates in your body and what they turn into. But it's not difficult for me to repeat this again: they turn into FAT, which is deposited in the most inappropriate places, and which is so difficult to get rid of.

Here's a harmless watermelon for you. I think that many have now made a discovery for themselves, as if they flew to the moon, because how many times have they heard about the miraculous result of a watermelon diet. But they heard something, but few tested it on themselves, and those who tested it were probably satisfied with the result ...

But in order not to completely scare you away from consuming watermelon, I will reassure you a little. The carbohydrate content in watermelon is less than 5%, and this fact saves it from being blacklisted =). Such low content carbohydrates compensates for it high glycemic index, which means that the use of watermelon in moderate amounts will not harm your figure. These fruits also include pineapple and melon. Despite their high GI, eating these fruits wisely is completely harmless and even beneficial.

Below I provide product tables with different indicators GI.

Foods with a high glycemic index

(from 55and higher)

Foods with an average glycemic index (50 40 )

*Foods with an asterisk mean that they contain less than 5% carbohydrates, this circumstance compensates for their high GI, and therefore, eating these foods in moderation will not harm your figure.

Foods with a low glycemic index (from 35and below)

Tricks to help you lower the glycemic index of foods

It's not all that bad if you found the table with high glycemic index your favorite products. The glycemic index can be outwitted. Below are ways to do this.

Fact 1

Heavily ground foods have a higher GI than whole foods.

What to do?

Give preference to whole grain cereals;

Fact 2

Cooked fruits and vegetables have more high glycemic index than raw.

What to do?

Eat raw vegetables and fruits. If you still cook vegetables or fruits, then try not to boil them so that they remain a little hard and crispy. This allows you to save fiber, and thereby reduce the glycemic index of products.

Fact 3

Food that is chewed longer has a lower GI. This is due to the slow absorption of carbohydrates.

What to do?

Chew food longer. Don't rush when you eat.

Fact 4

Strongly boiled starchy foods (potatoes, pasta, cereals) increase glycemic index of foods. This is due to the degree of starch denaturation during cooking.

What to do?

Do not overcook pasta; some cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) are best steamed rather than boiled; give preference to potatoes in their skins, and not mashed potatoes. This will help the starch to be slowly absorbed by the body and will not cause jump insulin and increased blood sugar.

Fact 5

The presence of fiber in any of your meals containing different foods lowers the overall glycemic index.

What to do?

  • Eat foods containing starch with vegetables that are rich in fiber. That is, eat rice / pasta / buckwheat with any vegetables and vegetable salads.
  • Give preference fresh fruit not juices.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables with the skin on (if possible), as it contains fiber, which is significantly lowers the glycemic index any product.

Fact 6

A meal that contains both proteins and carbohydrates has a lower glycemic index. Proteins reduce the digestibility of sugar and its absorption into the blood, while carbohydrates, on the contrary, improve the digestibility of proteins.

What to do?

For adherents separate power supply this method is not to be liked, most likely, but everyone else can safely use proteins with vegetables, starchy foods with proteins or sour-milk products.

So now you know how to cheat high glycemic index foods and make it low or reduce it to at least an average level. These secrets will help you control your insulin spikes and keep your blood sugar low.

Glycemic index of foods- this is what every girl who cares about her figure and who wants to eat her favorite foods and stay slim needs to know. It is quite real, you just need to remember the basic rules of admission foods with a high and medium glycemic index and use the above secrets, and life will get better. =)

Your coach, Janelia Skrypnyk, was with you!

Nutrition is an important part of the lifestyle. Dietology has long ceased to be just a part of medicine and has migrated from the pages scientific articles in glossy health and nutrition magazines. However, in order to eat really right, it is necessary to check all new dietary trends for science. A long-known indicator in the scientific community is the glycemic index of foods, and only recently has it become important in the field of “fashionable” dietology.

For people with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account the glycemic index of foods (GI), as the index will help control the concentration of sugar in the blood.

The index depends on the method heat treatment and the content of proteins and fats in the product, as well as the type of carbohydrates and the amount of fiber.

What is the glycemic index of food, really? Glycemia literally translates to "sweetness in the blood" Latin. GI reflects the ability of a food to change the concentration of glucose in the blood. This is a quantitative indicator. Its numbers show how many grams of glucose from the total amount of carbohydrates will be absorbed by the body and enter the bloodstream.

Let's take an example.

100 g of cereal with a GI of 70 contains 60 g of carbohydrates. Of these carbohydrates, the following will enter the blood: 60 g * 70/100 = 42 g of blood glucose per 100 g of cereal (GI is a coefficient, so it must be divided by 100).

The GI of glucose itself is taken as an indicator of 100. There are foods that have a GI of more than 100 (for example, molasses or beer). This is due to the property of the product to break down very quickly into more small substances and rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation.

But some foods don't have that many carbs. For example, the GI of boiled potatoes is 85. This is a high figure for a diabetic. But in 100 grams of potatoes there are only 15 grams of carbohydrates. From 100 potatoes you get only: 15 g * 85 / 100 \u003d 12.75 g of glucose. That is why thoughtless comparison of indexes of different products is not always informative.

Because of this, in addition to the GI, there is another related index - the glycemic load (GL). The essence is the same, but percentage carbohydrates in the product. More often, the GI is used in combination with information about carbohydrates.

How scientists determined the GI of various foods

Finding out what the glycemic index of familiar foods is quite simple. On an empty stomach, you need to eat the study product. Its amount is calculated so that it contains exactly 50 g of carbohydrates. Every 15 minutes, blood is taken for sugar, the data is recorded. The result obtained in 2 hours is compared with the glucose data in the same amount. To accurately determine the GI, you need to take a sample from several people and calculate the average value. Based on the results of research and calculations, tables of the glycemic index are compiled.

What is a GI for?

Numbers allow you to compare products by some characteristic, but it is not always clear what a quantitative indicator gives in a qualitative sense.

The glycemic index is primarily important for diabetics. People with diabetes should carefully choose their carbohydrate source, as their disease is associated with a defect in glucose uptake. In order not to raise blood sugar levels too much, you need to calculate how many grams of glucose will reach the blood with food consumed. That is what the glycemic index is for.

For healthy people GI is also important. The glycemic index reflects not only the amount of glucose, but also the corresponding insulin response. Insulin regulates glucose metabolism, but does not take any biochemical involvement in her split. It directs the split sugar to different depots of the body. One part goes to the current energy exchange, and the other is postponed “for later”. Knowing the GI of a product, you can control the body's metabolism, preventing the synthesis of fat from the resulting carbohydrates.

Index value table

In the table of glycemic indexes of food, you can find average data on products. The following gradations are distinguished:

  • High - from 70 and above.
  • Medium - from 50 to 69
  • Low - up to 49.

It should be borne in mind that, for example, the glycemic index of vegetables depends on the season, maturity and variety.

Almost all fruits and berries are rich in sugar, which increases their GI. However, there are fruits with a low glycemic index. Among them, seasonal fruits are the most relevant: apricot, plum, apple, pear, currant, raspberry.

Conversely, there are fruits that have a relatively high glycemic index - bananas, grapes, watermelon. However, it does not follow from this that their fruits are harmful. It is always worth recalculating the GI for percentage carbohydrates. So, watermelon has a fairly high GI, but 100 g of its pulp contains only 5.8 g of carbohydrates.

Foods with a high glycemic index of 70 or more.

Product (GI)
Beer 110
Dates 103
Glucose 100
modified starch 100
white bread toast 100
Swede 99
Sweet buns 95
baked potato 95
Fried potatoes 95
Potato casserole 95
rice noodles 92
canned apricots 91
Gluten free white bread 90
White (glutinous) rice 90
Carrots (boiled or stewed) 85
Buns for hamburgers 85
Cornflakes 85
Unsweetened popcorn 85
Rice pudding with milk 85
Mashed potatoes 83
Condensed milk with sugar 80
Cracker 80
Muesli with nuts and raisins 80
Sweet donut 76
Watermelon 75
french baguette 75
Rice porridge with milk 75
Lasagna (soft wheat) 75
Unsweetened waffles 75
Millet 71
Chocolate bar (Mars, Snickers, Twix and the like) 70
Milk chocolate 70
Sweet soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and the like) 70
croissant 70
Soft wheat noodles 70
Potato chips 70
Risotto with white rice 70
dumplings, ravioli 70
Brown sugar 70
white sugar 70
Couscous 70
Manka 70
Cottage cheese pancakes 70

Foods with an average glycemic index of 50 to 69

Product (GI)
Wheat flour 69
fresh pineapple 66
Instant oatmeal 66
Orange juice 65
Jam 65
Beets (boiled or stewed) 65
Black yeast bread 65
Marmalade 65
Zephyr 65
Muesli with sugar 65
canned pineapple 65
Raisin 65
Maple syrup 65
Jacket boiled potatoes 65
sorbet 65
Yam (sweet potato) 65
Whole wheat bread 65
Canned vegetables 64
Pasta with cheese 64
Sprouted grains of wheat 63
Wheat flour fritters 62
Pizza on thin wheat dough with tomatoes and cheese 61
Banana 60
Chestnut 60
Ice cream (with added sugar) 60
long grain rice 60
lasagna 60
Industrial mayonnaise 60
Melon 60
Oatmeal 60
Cocoa powder (with added sugar) 60
Dried fruits compote 60
papaya fresh 59
Arabian pita 57
Sour cream 20% fat 56
Sweet canned corn 56
Grape juice (no sugar) 55
Ketchup 55
Mustard 55
Spaghetti 55
Sushi 55
Bulgur 55
canned peaches 55
Shortbread 55
Butter 51
basmati rice 50
Fish cutlets 50
Fried beef liver 50
Cranberry juice (no sugar) 50
Kiwi 50
Pineapple juice without sugar 50
Lychee 50
Mango 50
Apple juice (no sugar) 50

Foods with a low glycemic index of 49 and below

Product (GI)
Cranberries (fresh or frozen) 47
Grapefruit juice (no sugar) 45
canned green peas 45
Brown basmati rice 45
Coconut 45
Grape 45
Orange fresh 45
Whole grain toast 45
Curd 45
Whole grain breakfast cereals (no sugar or honey) 43
Buckwheat 40
dried figs 40
Pasta cooked al dente 40
Carrot juice (no sugar) 40
Dried apricots 40
Prunes 40
Wild (black) rice 35
chickpeas 35
Fresh 35
Meat with beans 35
Dijon mustard 35
dried tomatoes 35
fresh green peas 35
Chinese noodles and vermicelli 35
Sesame 35
fresh orange 35
fresh plum 35
fresh quince 35
Soy sauce (no sugar) 35
Low fat natural yoghurt 35
Fructose ice cream 35
fresh nectarine 34
fresh peach 34
Compote (no sugar) 34
Tomato juice 33
Yeast 31
Cream 10% fat 30
Soy milk 30
fresh apricot 30
brown lentils 30
fresh grapefruit 30
Green bean 30
Garlic 30
fresh carrot 30
Jam (no sugar) 30
Fresh pear 30
Tomato (fresh) 30
Fat-free cottage cheese 30
yellow lentils 30
, cranberries, blueberries 30
Bitter chocolate (more than 70% cocoa) 30
Almond milk 30
Milk (any fat content) 30
passion fruit 30
pomelo 30
fresh 30
Chicken 30
Blackberry 20
Cherry 25
green lentils 25
golden beans 25
Red currants 25
Strawberry wild-strawberry 25
Pumpkin seeds 25
Gooseberry 25
soy flour 25
Kefir low fat 25
Peanut butter (no sugar) 20
Artichoke 20
Eggplant 20
soy yogurt 20
Almond 15
Broccoli 15
head 15
Cashew nuts 15
Celery 15
Bran 15
Brussels sprouts 15
Cauliflower 15
Chilli 15
fresh cucumber 15
Hazelnut, pine nut, pistachios, walnut 15
Asparagus 15
Ginger 15

In the scientific world, experts are gradually developing such a branch as nutriciology - the science of nutrition. It has long been deduced the relationship that some diseases are directly dependent on what, how and in what quantity a person eats. It is known that each product has its own calorie content, but not everyone thinks that in addition to this, there is still a glycemic index, which also has great importance. Foods with a high glycemic index can affect blood sugar, which is an important factor for those with diabetes or trying to lose weight.

Glycemic index of foods - what is it?

The glycemic index depends on the rate of change in a person's blood glucose levels after he has consumed a product. The starting point is a glucose value of 100 units. There is a relationship - fast growth glucose in the blood provokes the release of insulin, which leads to the deposition of fat reserves on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.

When eating foods with a high glycemic index, be sure that they will not be used to replenish the expended energy, but will be deposited in fat, which is then so difficult to get rid of. If we trace the relationship between caloric content and glycemic index (GI), then it is worth noting that sometimes in the same product these two values ​​\u200b\u200bwill differ greatly.

Often high-calorie foods have low rate glycemic index and vice versa. Both values ​​strongly influence the processes of obesity or weight loss in the body. Maybe we should take a closer look at a less well-known indicator of our body - the glycemic index, in order to understand what processes are going on inside us and try to manage them?

What does the glycemic index depend on?

The main thing that affects the glycemic index is the carbohydrates contained in the product and eaten. But not all of them are so harmful. A jump in GI can only be caused by fast carbohydrates, that is, those that the body breaks down quickly, converts them into glucose and deposits them in subcutaneous fat. The main list of products with fast carbohydrates:

  • Salo.
  • Crisps.
  • Wheat bread.
  • Sugar.
  • Confectionery.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Some fruits are watermelon, melon, grapes, banana, persimmon.

The amount of fiber in used product, also matters - the smaller it is, the higher the glycemic index. Any heat treatment significantly increases the GI, so many nutritionists advise those who want to lose weight to eat raw foods whenever possible. To a greater extent, this applies to vegetables and fruits. An interesting proportion was revealed by nutrition scientists - the less fat and protein the product contains, the higher the glycemic index.

Why do you need to know the GI of food?

It is imperative to know the norm of the glycemic index of the foods consumed by people suffering from diabetes mellitus and those who control their weight or seek to get rid of extra pounds. Calculating the number of calories consumed and indicators of the glycemic index, it is possible to keep weight and blood sugar levels under control. Pimples are the first sign malnutrition. Problem skin is the release of the body toxic substances, toxins, getting rid of the consequences of eating foods with a high GI.

With diabetes

The glycemic index was originally developed by scientists for people with diabetes to control blood sugar levels. Therefore, there is a second name for GI - the insulin index. Using this parameter, doctors will find out how quickly glucose enters the bloodstream after consuming the product, whether it will be a jump or a slight increase in the rate.

Diabetes is a serious endocrine disease, which is based on an insufficient amount of insulin produced by the body. It is not completely curable, only the maintenance of normal health is possible. If you understand the nature of the disease, monitor the glycemic index, eat right - this will help to avoid the complications of diabetes. At not enough insulin sharply increases the level of sugar in the blood, which leads to a serious metabolic disorder, up to loss of consciousness and coma.

Therefore, having a disease such as diabetes, it is very important to keep track of the composition of the foods that are eaten. A high glycemic index of one of the products can negate the impact of the whole complex. medical preparations. Having studied the list of foods with a high GI, understanding the specifics of why this or that food belongs to unwanted list, you will be able to manage your diet without harming your health.

During weight loss

It is rare that a woman, even with attractive slender forms, does not dream of losing weight. Exhausting yourself by fasting is unpleasant and unsafe, especially since after such weight loss methods, the lost kilograms return quickly and with excessive interest. Is there a panacea for those unnecessary centimeters at the waist and hips? Nutritionists say it exists.

Long-term practice shows that those who counted the calories of consumed foods were and remain owners of slender figures. Scientists have further simplified the path to losing weight. Available knowledge about the glycemic index helps to keep track of every serving eaten. Characteristics of products and indicators of the index are interrelated. Flour, sweet, fatty - with a high GI. Even playing sports and having a good physical activity, but consuming the "wrong" food, you most likely will not be able to lose weight.

What happens when a person eats a product that has a high glycemic index? After food enters the body, protein breakdown begins, which is transformed into sugar: the faster this happens, the sharper jump. When the level of glucose in the blood is high, the pancreas begins to produce insulin, a hormone with which the energy of glucose must be properly distributed throughout the tissues of the muscles and the whole body as a whole. The excess is deposited "in reserve" and outwardly looks like a fat layer.

Products are divided into three categories of the index: high, medium and low. Below is a table with the names of products that contain the highest index values, therefore, are more dangerous for the body. The more fiber, fibers in the composition of the product, the less harm and extra pounds it can bring. boiled and fried foods more harmful than raw: GI for raw carrots is 35, and for boiled carrots - 85. Even fruits and vegetables that have different colour, will refer to different groups GI. More useful - green.

Table: List of high GI foods

For the convenience of calculating the total glycemic index, the main foods consumed by a person for food are placed in the table. In order to use the elimination method, this systematic list is made up of products with high rates GI values ​​above 70. The reference is glucose, which has a GI value of 100.

Beer of all kinds

Dried or dried dates

Sweet donut

Starch modified

White wheat bread

french baguette

Milk rice porridge

sweet bun

soft wheat lasagna

baked potatoes

Waffles unsweetened

Potato casserole

Fried potato

milk chocolate

rice noodles

Chocolate bar (Twix, Mars, Snickers)

Canned fruits(apricots)

Sugary carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi)

White bread gluten free


White rice

Soft wheat pasta

Carrots after heat treatment

Pearl barley



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