How should you write correctly: during the day or throughout the day? The weight of food consumed in some cases leads to weight gain. Do we really weigh more when we get wet?

Body temperature is important indicator functioning of the body. If its value changes, this may be due to either natural or pathological processes occurring in the body.

Moreover, its minimum value occurs in the morning (4-5 hours), and the maximum value is reached at approximately 17 hours.

If the temperature jumps during the day (36 - 37 degrees) this is explained by the physiological state of systems and organs, when an increase in temperature values ​​is necessary to activate their work.

When the body is at rest, a decrease in body temperature occurs, so jumps from 36 to 37 degrees during the day are regarded as normal.

The human body is a heterogeneous physical environment where areas are heated and cooled differently.

Contrary to popular belief, measuring temperature in the armpit may be the least informative, and this often causes unreliable results.

Except armpit, body temperature can be measured:

Medicine distinguishes several types of temperature. An elevated temperature is considered to be 37.5 degrees, at which there are other uncomfortable manifestations.

Fever is a temperature of unknown origin, in which the only symptom is a prolonged rise in temperature from 38 degrees. The condition lasts for 14 days or more.

A temperature of up to 38.3 degrees is considered subfebrile. This is a condition of unknown origin in which a person periodically has a fever without additional symptoms.

Specifics of physiological states

In addition to wakefulness and sleep, temperature fluctuations during the day are caused by the following processes:

  • overheating,
  • active physical activity,
  • digestive processes,
  • psycho-emotional arousal.

In all of these cases, temperature jumps from 36 to 37.38 degrees can be observed. The condition does not require correction, since the increase in temperature occurs against the background of natural physiological conditions body.

The exception is cases when temperature jumps from 36 to 37 degrees are accompanied by additional symptoms, namely:

  1. headache,
  2. discomfort in the heart area,
  3. the appearance of a rash,
  4. shortness of breath,
  5. dyspeptic complaints.

If you have these symptoms, you should consult your doctor to rule out the development of allergic reactions, vegetative-vascular dystonia and endocrine disorders.

Among other things, physiological specifics also determine jumps in overall body temperature during pregnancy. Significant changes occur at this time hormonal levels, because in large quantities progesterone is produced, which leads to jumps in body temperature from 36 to 37 degrees.

As a rule, changes in temperature indicators are observed in the first trimester, but there are cases when the condition continues throughout pregnancy, and the reasons should be determined.

Changes in body temperature pose an additional danger if you have:

  • catarrhal phenomena,
  • dysuric signs,
  • stomach ache,
  • rashes on the body.

Consultation with doctors is indicated to exclude diseases caused by pathogenic agents.

Ovulation can also change a woman's body temperature from 36 to 37 degrees. Typically, the following symptoms are present:

  1. irritability,
  2. weakness,
  3. headache,
  4. increased appetite,
  5. swelling.

If in the first days of menstruation these unpleasant symptoms disappear and the temperature drops to 36 degrees, then there is no need for medical examinations.

Also, the indicator may change during menopausal syndrome, which is also caused by changes in the amount of hormones. The woman does not understand why her condition has changed. There are additional complaints:

  • hot flashes,
  • increased sweating,
  • promotion blood pressure,
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart.

Such temperature changes are not dangerous, but if there are other complaints and the cause is determined, in some cases hormone replacement therapy is indicated.

Temperature jumps can occur with thermoneurosis, that is, a rise in temperature to 38 degrees after stress. It is possible to draw a conclusion about the presence of this pathology by excluding more significant causes for the appearance of hyperthermia.

Sometimes it may be indicated to perform an aspirin test, which involves taking an antipyretic drug at a high temperature, and then monitoring the dynamics.

If the indicators are stable, then 40 minutes after taking the drug, one can more confidently assert the presence of thermoponeurosis. In this case, treatment will consist of prescribing general restorative procedures and sedatives.

The most common reasons temperature jumps from 36 to 37 degrees in adults are:

  1. heart attacks,
  2. purulent and infectious processes,
  3. tumors
  4. inflammatory diseases,
  5. autoimmune conditions,
  6. injuries,
  7. allergies,
  8. endocrine pathologies,
  9. hypothalamic syndrome.

Abscess, tuberculosis and other infectious processes are most often the reasons why there is a change in temperature from 36 to 38 degrees. This is due to the pathogenesis of the disease.

When tuberculosis develops, fluctuations between evening and morning temperatures often reach several degrees. If we're talking about In severe cases, the temperature curve has a hectic shape.

This picture is also typical for purulent processes. In such a situation, the temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher. When opening the infiltrate behind a short time the indicator returns to normal.

Also most other inflammatory and infectious diseases have symptoms such as sharp jumps temperatures during the day. IN morning time it is lower, in the evening it is higher.

The temperature may rise in the evening if such symptoms worsen chronic processes, How:

  • adnexitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • pyelonephritis.

Hyperthermia in these cases occurs with additional unpleasant symptoms, so you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment. specific disease. Antibiotic treatment, which is often prescribed for inflammatory diseases, will help normalize temperature indicators.

If hyperthermia is caused tumor process, then depending on its location, it proceeds differently. So, there may be sudden temperature changes or it will remain at a constant level for a long time.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination which includes:

  • hardware methods
  • instrumental analysis,
  • laboratory diagnostics.

A timely diagnosis will lead to effective treatment diseases. This approach is also available in hematology, where temperature jumps from 37 to 38 degrees can occur due to various forms anemia or leukemia.

Temperature surges may occur due to pathology endocrine system. If there is thyrotoxicosis, which occurs with hyperfunction thyroid gland, then the following additional symptoms should serve for consultation with an endocrinologist:

  1. weight loss,
  2. irritability,
  3. sudden mood changes,
  4. tachycardia,
  5. interruptions in heart function.

In addition to general clinical tests, ultrasound and ECG, a study of thyroid hormones is prescribed, then a treatment regimen is created.

Principles of therapy

As is known, in order to prescribe optimal treatment, the cause of symptoms must be identified. If the temperature is elevated, the patient is examined.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment should be prescribed directly based on the characteristics of the pathology. It can be:

  • antibiotic therapy,
  • antiviral agents,
  • anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • antihistamines,
  • hormone therapy,
  • general strengthening measures,

An increase in temperature is defensive reaction, which allows the body to effectively and quickly fight pathogenic elements.

The prescription of antipyretics is not justified if the temperature is up to 37 degrees. In most cases, antipyretic medications are prescribed at temperatures above 38 degrees.

Also shown is abundant warm drink, which increases sweating and promotes heat transfer. It is necessary to ensure cool air in the room where the patient is. Thus, the patient’s body will have to warm the inhaled air, while giving off heat.

As a rule, thanks to the actions taken, the temperature drops by a degree, which means the patient’s well-being improves, especially with colds.


Based on the above, it is worth emphasizing that temperature jumps can be seen during both physiological and pathological conditions. To confirm the safety of hyperthermia, many diseases must be excluded.

If a person has a body temperature of 37 to 38 degrees, within a few days you need to consult a doctor and undergo medical examination. If a pathogenic agent is identified, therapeutic procedures must be started immediately. Interesting video This article logically completes the topic of temperature.

If you are used to weighing yourself every morning, you have probably noticed that the numbers on the scale sometimes fluctuate greatly from day to day. And you ask yourself: “Why are the kilos growing every day?” or, conversely, “Hurray! I’ve lost weight!” Sometimes the reasons for daily weight fluctuations are obvious. For example, you ate a lot at dinner, which resulted in weight gain the next morning, or you worked out intense workout and sweated a lot - the loss of fluid led to weight loss. But there are other reasons why weight can change every day.

If you are trying to lose weight and/or are working on body changes (strength training), you may think that daily gains and responses are related to burning or gaining fat mass. This could happen. But most often, weight fluctuations are influenced by other, less obvious factors.

Daily weight fluctuations - what is normal?

In a recent interview on the topic of how to withdraw excess liquid from the body, Dr. Kathleen Vine, an endocrinologist, said that daily fluctuations weights of around 2 kg are typical for most people, but weight can vary by as much as 9 kg depending on overall body size. So why can weight fluctuate so much every day? And what causes such daily changes that frustrate everyone trying to lose weight? Let's take a closer look at all these factors.


Salty foods can cause fluid retention in the body. This delay leads to an increase in weight from tens of grams to several kilograms. Some people are particularly sensitive to salty foods and their bodies retain much more fluid than other people.

Think you don't consume much salt? Not many of us probably use a salt shaker at every meal. But salt is often hidden in the most unexpected places. Sausages, ready-made frozen meals, and savory sauces often contain excess salt. And even if you cook yourself, you may not realize how much more salt you put in your food.

So your daily weight changes could simply be fluid retention.


If you enjoy bread, pasta, rice, and other starchy carbohydrates, your weight fluctuations may be directly related to your intake of these types of carbohydrates. For every gram of carbohydrate, the body retains 3 grams of water - this is how it preserves its source of energy. For this reason, after eating a starchy dish, you may notice weight gain - only it is not associated with fat at all, but with fluid retention. In addition, many processed starchy foods (chips, crackers, etc.) also contain a lot of salt. And here the weight gain will be much greater, because water will be retained in the body from both salt and carbohydrates.

Food weight

Eating food itself causes weight gain while the food passes through the digestive tract and is digested. The food we eat can vary in weight from a few grams per dish to several kilograms per day. Liquid in food also causes weight gain: often, after a heavy meal, it is liquid that causes the numbers on the scale to increase. According to some experts, drinking two cups of water - from drinks or food - increases weight by 500 g.

So what happens to this weight from food and liquid? No, this weight does not automatically stick to your hips. Calories from food and drinks either go to the body's work processes or are stored for later use. The waste is processed and excreted in urine and stool.


Sometimes the weight on the scale fluctuates due to bowel movements. Have you ever wondered how much it weighs? In one study, scientists found that the body can produce between 125 and 170 grams of stool per day. It's even less than a kilogram. What conclusion suggests itself? You are unlikely to see major weight fluctuations from stool. In addition, even after going to the toilet, unprocessed food will still remain in the body. digestive tract. Normal physiological fecal transit time varies from 40 to 60 hours, optimal time- 24-48 hours. This time is reduced if you eat enough fiber foods.


Exercise can cause sweating and fluid weight loss. Fitness experts roughly estimate that average person loses approximately 700 g to 1.2 kg of fluid per 1 hour of training, especially intense cardio training. But, of course, these numbers can fluctuate greatly depending on air temperature and other factors. And the sweat removed during training cannot give a serious plumb. Why? Because the fluid lost through exercise must be replenished. So if you weigh yourself after exercise and notice a decrease in weight, it's time to think about increasing your fluid intake.

Other forms of exercise can also cause daily weight fluctuations. Any shapes strength training cause fluid retention in the muscles. Why does this happen? When you train with weights, you create microtrauma in your muscles - water is used to heal damaged muscles. Thanks to this process, the muscles become larger and stronger.


Certain drugs can cause weight gain. Some cause appetite, others cause fluid retention, and some affect how the body consumes and stores glucose, leading to fat deposits around the waist. If you take medications for diabetes, hypertension, depression, seizures, or migraines, you may notice a few kilograms of weight gain per month. Some people gain a couple of kilos over a course of treatment that lasts a year, while others can gain even ten kilograms in a few months.

If you notice a sudden increase in the number on your scale after starting treatment with a new drug, do not stop taking it immediately. Instead, discuss the situation with your doctor. Sometimes weight gain from taking medications is normal phenomenon, but it is often a symptom that something is wrong.

Menstrual cycle

Most women notice bloating from fluid retention before or right during their period. Studies have shown that fluid retention is at its peak on the first day of menstruation. And on the decline - in the middle of the follicular phase (in the middle of the cycle), after which fluid retention gradually increases over a period of about 11 days.

The authors of a large, long-term (1 year) study found that fluid retention is not associated with changes in ovarian hormones. But other studies have linked fluctuations in estradiol and progesterone (ovarian hormones) to changes in women such as binge eating and emotional eating. So even if weight gain does not cause hormonal changes, That increased appetite before menstruation forces you to eat more than usual, which causes fluid retention and weight gain due to intake large quantity food and drinks.

If you want to lose weight during your period, it is important to be careful and learn how to manage PMS symptoms - excessive appetite, emotional gluttony. Several days of eating high-calorie, fatty foods can negate all efforts in regular proper nutrition.


Alcohol is a diuretic, so you may often notice a plumbness and frequent trips to the toilet after drinking it. Studies have shown that within 20 minutes after drinking alcohol, the desire to urinate appears, which leads to fluid loss and imbalance in the body. But this same imbalance can also lead to fluid retention from drinks and food. Salty snacks are often consumed in excess with alcohol, which also retains liquid. Ultimately, the day after holidays and parties, weight gain is more often observed than weight gain.

When does weight return to normal?

As we can see, there are many reasons for daily weight changes. Most of these changes are due to natural functions body. Therefore, there really is no "normal" or "real" weight - it changes constantly. And it's understandable to worry about minor changes There is no change in weight from day to day.

When should you start worrying about weight fluctuations? If the numbers on the scale continue to increase or remain at the peak for more than 5-7 days, this may indicate health problems or simply gained body weight (fat or muscle). And since fat and muscle are completely different things, gaining weight isn't necessarily a bad thing.

And you should also remember that it is better to weigh yourself not every day, but once every 1-2 weeks. This will ensure that you are tracking your weight changes most accurately. If you are losing weight, then the most accurate indicator of your success is clothing - by it you will always understand whether you have lost or gained weight.

Epstein M. Alcohol’s impact on kidney function. Alcohol health and research world. 1997;21(1):84–92.

Hildebrandt B, Racine S, Keel P, et al. The effects of ovarian hormones and emotional eating on changes in weight preoccupation across the menstrual cycle. The International journal of eating disorders. 2014;48(5):477–86.

Timm DA, Thomas W, Boileau TW, et al. Polydextrose and soluble corn fiber increase Five-Day fecal wet weight in healthy men and women. The Journal of Nutrition. 2013;143(4):473–478. doi:10.3945/jn.112.170118.

White CP, Hitchcock CL, Vigna YM, Prior JC. Fluid retention over the menstrual cycle: 1-Year data from the prospective ovulation cohort. 2011;2011.

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Signs of depression can be divided into changes in mood and autonomic symptoms.

Mood changes related to signs of depression:

1. Mood changes greatly during the day for no apparent reason.

Normally, mood changes due to some events, pleasant or unpleasant. With depression, mood changes depending on the time of day: for some people in the morning good mood, and in the evening the energy fades away and sad thoughts appear; for others, on the contrary, the mood is very bad in the morning, but improves in the evening. Such mood changes throughout the day are one of the surest signs of depression.

2. Feelings of guilt and worthlessness.

You may suddenly begin to remember very long ago events and strongly blame yourself for them. Or think that you are no good and nothing good awaits you. This symptom of depression is especially important if you previously did not tend to think about anything like that, especially constantly.

3. Anhedonia, that is, the inability to experience pleasure.

Maybe you notice that the things that interested you before have suddenly lost their appeal, that nothing gives you pleasure anymore, that you haven’t laughed or been happy from the heart for a long time.

4. Obsessive negative thoughts about something bad happening, about upcoming failures, etc.

5. Indecisiveness.

One of the signs of depression is a kind of atrophy of the will. It is difficult not only to force yourself to do something, but also to make decisions on even the most trivial issues, like what to eat for dinner.

6. Unexplained anxiety, panic attacks.

Autonomic signs of depression

7. Sleep disorders.

With depression, a person may sleep less than before, or vice versa, more. This may be insomnia, when a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, or early awakening, at 3-4 am.

8. Appetite disorders.

You may start eating more than before, or vice versa, less. Such changes are often reflected in your weight, meaning you may lose weight or gain weight.

9. Fatigue.

Constant fatigue, lack of energy and desire to do something can also be a sign of depression.

10. Somatic complaints.

You may feel pain in different parts body, for example, in the stomach and chest, and doctors do not find any pathology in you.

11. Difficulty concentrating.

You may notice that you read a certain phrase 10 times and cannot remember what you read or learn. This makes it difficult for you to work or study.

12. Slowness in movements and speech.

A depressed person is often slow to formulate his thoughts, pauses frequently, and moves more slowly.

13. Loss of interest in sex.

If you haven't felt like having sex for a while, this could also be a sign of depression.

Signs of Depression


I am 21 years old. I have a beautiful daughter, who is 1 year and three months old, and a husband. I'm getting my second diploma. Everything seems to be fine. But it's not like that, I don't know what's happening to me. It’s starting to seem to me that I won’t be able to get a diploma, because I don’t even want to go there. I failed my driving test three times. We don’t have our own apartment, we live in a rented one. All this combined is killing me. I practically don’t go out anywhere, although I really want to, but my husband is either at work, or sleeping or playing online game. It seems like I can't do anything, so I don't really try. I really want to finish my studies, overcome this strange feeling, start taking care of myself, and lose weight after giving birth. But now I have one desire, to hide in a corner somewhere so that no one will touch me.

Hello, Yana.

What you describe is similar to signs of depression: there is no strength for anything, the mood is bad, it seems that everything around is bad and there are only failures. To overcome depression, you need to figure out what in your life depresses you most, that is, what is main reason such a state.

In the situation that you described, I assume that the main reason may be the relationship with my husband. They may be causing you anxiety that prevents you from doing anything else, perhaps you really miss being with him, but you don't follow the path of those women who get angry and demand attention, instead you sink into depression.

Or maybe anxiety arises from something else, for example, from constant feeling helplessness before life. It happens that a completely independent woman, having gotten married, suddenly feels completely helpless in the face of life. This happens when you have to grow up too early and take care of your parents, for example.

This is all just speculation on my part as I don't know the details. But the causes of your depression can be found, eliminated, and then you will feel better.

If you need the help of a psychologist with this, please contact me, I work in person in Moscow, via Skype and by correspondence.

Blood pressure level is an indicator that constantly changes throughout the day.

And this depends not only on the patient’s health status, but also on many external factors.

Let's see how it happens daily change blood pressure, how this indicator can be tracked, and most importantly, how it can be influenced.

The blood pressure of each person is subject to daily, or circadian rhythm. If every day a person’s work and rest schedule is approximately the same, then the peaks and valleys of blood pressure levels are almost identical, and, in medical terms, predictable.

Changes in blood pressure during the day are observed approximately as follows: in the morning the blood pressure level rises slightly, during the day there is a decline, in the evening the levels increase again, and at night, at rest, the blood pressure drops again.

How does blood pressure change during the day? The peak of indicators is usually observed from 8 to 9 am, and also around 19.00 pm. From 24 hours to 4 am there are minimum numbers, which increase until 9.00.

Specialists in cardiovascular pathologies claim: pressure should be measured in the same position, at the same time of day, ideally in a familiar environment. These factors are fundamental.

  • , overwork;
  • sudden change in weather;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • serious physical exercise;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • extreme cold in the room;
  • constipation, desire to urinate;
  • a woman’s menstrual cycle (in the second half, fluid accumulates in the body, emotionality seriously increases, which can lead to an increase in the analyzed indicator);
  • impatience or excitement felt by a person;
  • some other factors.

How to take measurements?

Before contacting a doctor about blood pressure fluctuations, it is necessary to take measurements for at least one week. To build a correct picture of the disease, it is extremely important to monitor the patient’s condition as reliably as possible.

You need to keep a diary in which to record tonometer readings in the morning and evening hours for 1–2 weeks (it is extremely important to make observations at the same time).

How to measure blood pressure correctly

Brief instructions:

  1. you need to sit at the table, placing your hand on a flat surface at heart level, rest your back on the back of the chair, trying to keep your body straight (“no need to fall apart” on the chair);
  2. free your hand so that it is not pressed down by anything (even a rolled up shirt sleeve can distort the accuracy of the results);
  3. take measurements, during which you cannot move, speak, worry, etc.

Before starting the measurement, it is extremely important to calm down and try to forget about everything that is to come/happened during the day. An hour and a half before the procedure, it is forbidden to eat, smoke, drink tea and coffee, or do heavy lifting. physical labor, run or walk quickly.

When visiting a doctor, most patients notice that their blood pressure is higher than usual. This manifests itself in the so-called “fear of white coats”, that is, for 99% of adults, meeting with a doctor is a serious stress.

What is daily monitoring?

Daily blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a procedure that allows you to track how a person’s blood pressure changes during the day.

Such a study is carried out in cases where standard measurements do not reveal at what time the patient’s blood pressure levels jump.

This is extremely important in the treatment of not only hypertension, but also many other cardiovascular pathologies.

Compared to standard two or three measurements per day, ABPM is considered not only more effective way monitoring the patient's condition, but also more reliable.

Indications for daily monitoring:

The method is used in children from seven years of age if it is necessary to identify the causes frequent fainting, hypertension, hypotension, heart rhythm disturbances.t

How is ABPM performed?

The patient comes to the hospital, the doctor installs a measuring device with a monitor, gives recommendations and sends the patient home for exactly one day.

Measurements are carried out in automatic mode(standard daytime interval is a quarter of an hour, night time is half an hour), practically no manipulations on the part of the patient are required.

There are few rules: the hand must be held vertically along the body, a warning signal is given before the measurement begins, so the person has time to stop and take the desired position.

It is imperative to sleep at night so that lack of sleep does not distort the readings. In addition, it is forbidden to look at the results produced by the device in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

A day later, you need to visit the doctor again so that he removes the device, analyzes the results, selects a treatment regimen, and most importantly, evaluates and analyzes your personal circadian rhythm.

Sometimes the procedure is carried out over a different period of time, for example 12 hours.

It is mandatory to keep a diary during the day, in which you should note all the important facts about your health, for example, the time of occurrence, taking a blood pressure pill, or otherwise.

Pregnant women must stay in the hospital for 24 hours during which monitoring will be carried out. Often, to build a more accurate picture, an ECG procedure is performed in addition.

A few important facts

Let's list a few important facts about ABPM:

  1. ABPM procedure is not carried out in following cases: serious mental disorders; skin diseases; tendency to bruise due to blood problems; damage to the arteries or veins in the arms, making monitoring impossible;
  2. referral for daily monitoring can be obtained from a cardiologist, or, in his absence, from a therapist;
  3. if the doctor insists on performing ABPM, you should not refuse under any circumstances. This is one of the most effective procedures, giving a real picture of the condition of cardio-vascular system person.

Scientists were able to prove that those same “ The biological clock", which also includes daily fluctuations in blood pressure, is inherited by a person.

Video on the topic

This video presents brief information O daily monitoring blood pressure (ABPM):

Changes in blood pressure during the day are a completely normal phenomenon that is observed in all people, regardless of the presence/absence of hypertension or hypotension. Healthy people, as a rule, do not notice such changes, since they coincide with the natural rhythms of the body. If you notice that changes in blood pressure levels have a negative impact on your well-being: headaches, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, sleep problems, or others unpleasant symptoms, this indicates the need to immediately consult a doctor in order to select drug treatment.

Standard temperature indicator human body– 36.6°C, but if you dig deeper, this is not exactly the same number. During the day it fluctuates, as energy exchange occurs in the body every minute. Some proteins, fats and carbohydrates break down, while others are formed. These processes are caused by the release of thermal energy, which is concentrated in the intercellular substance and body cells.

Most of these processes occur in the liver, so this organ is the hottest - 38°C. The temperature in the rectum and oral cavity varies from 37.3 to 37.6 ° C, and skin at the same moment it is much cooler: 36.6 v axillary area and approximately 28°C in the heel area.

Basal temperature demonstrates the amount of heating human body only internal organs. Without taking into account the heat that the muscles produce when the lower muscles work, upper limbs and torso. Simply put, basal temperature- this is the body temperature recorded immediately after waking up only the brain, and not the entire body as a whole. You need to measure it immediately after sleep, lying in bed with your eyes still closed.

Basal temperature can be measured to:

  • Determine ovulation and favorable days to conceive a child;
  • Determine the days on which you can not use protection during sex;
  • Diagnose pregnancy at an early stage;
  • Estimate hormonal state women.

Today this is the most effective, accessible and cheap method of determining hormonal imbalance and ovulation. For early diagnosis it is not very suitable for pregnancy, only if the woman has healthy body and a stable menstrual cycle.

Basal body temperature is measured every morning at the same time (± 30 minutes), without getting out of bed and using a regular mercury thermometer;

  • Sleep before the measurement should last at least 4-6 hours;
  • The thermometer is inserted into the rectal opening (rectum), or can be inserted into the vagina or mouth. The most accurate readings will be if the thermometer is inserted into the rectal opening. In the oral cavity, the temperature is only 0.25-0.5°C higher than in axillary fossa. This method used in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases;
  • Measurement time – 7-10 minutes. You can't take your temperature every day different ways. If you decide to measure in the vagina, then throughout the entire time you need to measure only there. BT is not measured under the arm. You cannot change thermometers;
  • For the reliability of the indicators, it is advisable to quit smoking, taking alcoholic drinks, avoid stress. Inaccurate readings may be caused by insomnia, oral contraceptives, sleeping pills, various diseases(inflammation), frequent flights or moving, sexual intercourse several hours before waking up, overeating at night;
  • To prevent your efforts from being in vain, do not forget to put the broken thermometer next to the bed in the evening, so that you can easily reach it with your hand;
  • Indicators for 3-4 cycles of measurements are entered into a chart, which must then be presented to the doctor. The graph represents two coordinate axes: temperature and day of the month. A few days' worth of information is enough to determine pregnancy.

Basal temperature increases with each additional hour of sleep, so it should be measured at the same time and preferably before 8 am. During the day, body temperature and internal organs a person is constantly changing and this is normal. It depends on physical activity, food intake, tested emotional stress, clothing and other environmental factors.

Finding the optimal time for measurement during the day is almost impossible. If in the evening and in the morning biological activity body is moderate, then during the day it can approach the maximum value.

BT in the evening is always higher than morning readings; measuring it at this time of day is not recommended. But if you are awake at night, you can measure BT during the day after sleeping for at least 5 hours.

The basal temperature recorded in the morning when you wake up may differ from the temperature in the evening by one degree. For medical analysis This is quite a big discrepancy. It is the morning value that is the norm from which women and the doctors treating them are based.

You can start keeping a graph of basal temperature when planning pregnancy and finish monitoring after the first trimester. It provides relatively reliable information about the functioning of the ovaries, the condition uterine epithelium. The functioning of these organs is controlled by the hormones progesterone and estrogen, periodically increasing and decreasing on certain days.

The “thermometer method” is often criticized: failure to follow the measurement rules leads to blurred results and confuses the woman during the analysis. Of course, a medical examination is much more reliable, but there is nothing wrong with independently monitoring your own health during pregnancy. Harm from additional measures precautions will not arise if mandatory medical accompaniment is not avoided.

Due to evening loss of strength, basal temperature during pregnancy can drop by 0.1-0.2°C. Daytime temperature is not taken into account, from varying degrees The activity of the body tends to decrease and increase every hour.

How does temperature change during a cycle?

The menstrual cycle consists of two phases. Basal temperature varies depending on the phase. In the first phase of the cycle, estrogen exerts its influence, and after ovulation (second phase), progesterone begins to act. During menstruation, the temperature is always elevated (37°C). At the end of menstruation it decreases to 36.2 - 36.7°C. Ovulation occurs with a jump to 36.9-37.2°C over three days, so it can be easily calculated and the date of release of the egg next month can be found out. The second phase of the cycle is due to elevated temperature, and a week before the next menstruation there is a decrease to the previous value - 36.2-36.7. If BT continues to remain at 37°, then the hormone progesterone has begun to prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. This is the first sign of pregnancy before the delay.

However, it must be taken into account that in addition to pregnancy, increased BT at the end of the second phase can be caused by infectious diseases. gynecological diseases, exercise and some medications. Increased rate persists throughout almost the entire pregnancy.

There is an opinion that before a miscarriage or fetal death, a decrease occurs. There is no need to take this information seriously. A one-time decrease may be due to general condition body or measurement error during pregnancy. But if there is a persistent decrease, then you can play it safe and consult a doctor. An increase to 37.8°C or higher may also be alarm signal the body about the occurrence of inflammation processes during pregnancy.



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