When you lose consciousness, a person breathes. Hypotension as a cause of frequent fainting

Unfortunately, many people know firsthand what fainting is. Fainting has no age or gender preference. Both men, women, adults and children faint. They faint from fright, from the stuffiness, from the sight of blood, from the terrible appearance of a small gray mouse...

Causes of fainting: fall during pregnancy, during menstruation, during exams, during physical training... They fall with low blood pressure and with high atmospheric pressure, after alcohol abuse and with an overdose of certain medications... Some fall “for the love of art,” simply to demonstrate female weakness, to scare others, to attract attention... But how many people know that , actually, what is this - fainting?

The patient is more alive than dead...

Fainting, as doctors would put it, is a sudden short-term loss of consciousness, one of the types of acute vascular brain failure. It is most often caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain, although there may be other causes. But, in general, what exact mechanisms lead to clouding of consciousness or even its complete loss is something that specialists can figure out (between us, they haven’t fully figured it out yet). What matters to us now is that it all looks about the same: the person becomes “feeling bad,” he “rolls” his eyes and begins to sink to the ground. Please note that a sharp, sudden "full-length" drop is relatively rare. As a rule, such sudden falls are associated with quite serious pathology, for example, epileptic seizures. Exceptions to this rule are so-called drop attacks - this is when a person suddenly falls to the ground, losing his balance. These conditions can also occur in completely healthy women, for example, during pregnancy.

In typical cases of fainting sharp fall does not happen, and there may not even be a complete loss of consciousness, there is simply “lightness”, fogging of consciousness, severe weakness. If loss of consciousness does occur, it is usually short-lived - from a few seconds to 4-5 minutes. Pallor is often noted, profuse sweat, cardiopalmus. Typically, people who are fainting have lower blood pressure. But for those around you it jumps, and sometimes quite significantly! A commotion may well begin, which is not needed by anyone and, above all, by the lady lying peacefully in a faint, who, fortunately, is not even aware of this commotion. The question is, what should the unfortunate people around do in this case?

Calm! Only peace...

The first thing you should do if someone faints somewhere near you is to say to yourself: “Calm down! Calm down! It’s okay, it’s just an everyday matter...” In fact, a woman who has fainted most often It's better to just not bother. Consciousness will return when normal blood supply to the brain is restored, and you simply cannot influence this blood supply in any way (unless, of course, you don’t have a great resuscitator with a resuscitation kit on hand). To restore adequate cerebral blood flow required horizontal position body (vascular tone is sharply reduced and if we raise our head or body, the blood will simply flow into lower limbs and, of course, we won’t talk about any normal blood supply). Therefore, the patient must be immediately placed on her back (in mild cases, you can simply sit her with her back supported on the back of a chair or armchair). Please note that nothing is placed under the head! The head must be at least level with the body.

There is no need to try to find the pulse because low pressure and losses vascular tone, the pulse wave is very weak, and you may simply not feel it. In such cases, doctors determine the pulse in the neck, in the carotid artery (if you think you know where it is located) carotid artery, you can try to find the pulse there).

It is necessary to ensure good access to oxygen (often this alone leads to the cessation of fainting) - unfasten the collar if there is fallen man a lot of onlookers crowded together - make way. You can spray it on your face cold water or bring a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and ammonia to your nose. Do not try to pour half a bottle of ammonia on the patient or wipe his temples with it - this is an ammonia solution, and it does not restore cerebral circulation, but stimulates respiratory center through nerve endings in the nasopharynx - a person takes a reflexive breath and a large portion of oxygen enters the body with inhalation. You can, while continuing to hold the cotton wool with ammonia to your nose, cover your mouth with your palm for a couple of seconds - all the inhaled air will go through the nose, and the ammonia vapor will enter the nasal cavity. You can, at worst, just click on the tip of your nose - a painful stimulus can also sometimes stimulate the restoration of consciousness. The main thing, I remind you once again, is not to get lost and not to panic. And everything will be alright.

Something about "saving drowning people"

The rescue of drowning people, as is known, is the work of the drowning people themselves. If you begin to notice a bad habit of repeated fainting, you will need to pay attention to this. First of all, be examined by a neurologist and cardiologist to exclude diseases nervous system(such as convulsive syndrome, long-term consequences traumatic brain injury) and heart disease (disorders heart rate, undiagnosed heart disease, etc.) You will have to avoid stuffy rooms and prolonged exposure to the sun. If this cannot be avoided, at least try to stay hydrated by drinking more fluids (but not soda water).

Quite often, fainting occurs, the cause is preceded by a short period of warning signs: “lightheadedness,” weakness, nausea. If you feel it, don't wait further development events, take action immediately (even if it later turns out that your new colleague made you sick). You need to immediately lie down or sit down (and if you sit down, do so with maximum comfort, with maximum relaxation). Let me remind you that the more horizontal your body is, the better. You cannot throw your head back if you are sitting. You can take a few deep, but always slow, breaths. You can carry cotton wool with ammonia in a tube for nitroglycerin or validol. Do not put any medicines in your mouth! You may lose consciousness at any moment, and the tablet may end up in your mouth at that moment and, after relaxing the muscles of your tongue and pharynx, fly into your windpipe. Finally, you can simply increase the flow of oxygen by unfastening or loosening a tight collar or belt.

Of course, in a short article it is impossible to cover all the nuances of fainting, the reasons for this, quite complex, medical problem. But I still hope that for someone these simple tips will help make life easier. Still, whatever you say, fainting is an everyday thing...

Among the most common causes of loss of consciousness, experts identify:

Sudden occurrence oxygen starvation . Such situations often arise during a long stay in a stuffy room, during prolonged standing motionless (passengers in transport, soldiers in formation, children in a choir, etc.), when suddenly rising from a chair or bed, due to wearing a tight collar, when sharp turn neck.

What to do? For starters, don't be scared. Such fainting is purely reflexive, regulatory in nature, when in response to a sudden outflow of blood into the lower extremities and the subsequent oxygen starvation, our brain, like a computer, switches to a support mode. If you have fainted more than once, try to avoid situations that provoke it: do not stand for a long time, do not get up suddenly, etc.

A fall blood pressure . This development of events can lead to severe blood loss, shock of various origins, heat strokes and others critical conditions. Hypotensive people, those with abnormally low blood pressure (below 100/60 mm Hg in men and 95/60 in women), also often faint.

What to do? The most effective preventive and remedy is vascular training. Such procedures include cold and hot shower, dousing with cold water, bath or sauna, massage and hydromassage. But when resorting to them, you need to maintain a sense of proportion. Isometric exercises are also useful, which include a wrist expander, which trains the support reflex in the body.

Reduced blood sugar levels. We are talking about hypoglycemia, in which the glucose level is below 2.8 mmol/l. Mild hypoglycemia is not life-threatening, but to prevent the condition from worsening, effective measures must be taken urgently.

What to do? It is urgent to normalize or increase blood sugar. At the first symptoms (an acute feeling of hunger, sweating, trembling in the limbs, blurred vision - especially at dusk, etc.) you should immediately take 20-30 g pure sugar or other rapidly absorbed carbohydrates.

If you suffer from diabetes, it is best to take 3-4 pieces of sugar or a small packet of juice with you when leaving home (unlike other carbohydrate foods, refined sugar is absorbed the fastest).

Heart rhythm disturbances (fast or slow). Cardiac arrhythmias that occur against the background of emotional and emotional conditions are considered by experts to be the most dangerous cause sudden attacks of loss of consciousness, which can result in cardiac arrest.

What to do? Undergo an examination, which includes, in addition to a regular electrocardiogram, a daily ECG recording (the so-called Holter monitoring), a test with physical activity(on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill), ultrasonography hearts.

It may also be necessary to conduct an electrophysiological study of the heart and a number of other special tests. It is better to do them in a specialized clinic or center where they are familiar with the problem of fainting and sudden cardiac death.

Fainting- this is normal biological short-term condition accompanied by sudden loss of consciousness. People typically faint when there is a sudden decrease in oxygen supply to the brain. A person standing upright collapses to the ground in the blink of an eye. In most cases, the patient regains consciousness within a few minutes. However, there are some serious causes of fainting that can leave a person unconscious for a significant period of time and may require immediate attention. medical intervention. However, most fainting conditions do not have life-threatening consequences.

Fainting can affect anyone at any time, regardless of the person's age. Those who are weak, dehydrated, or suffering from some kind of illness are more prone to sudden fainting. Exposure to the sun for long periods of time can also cause fainting.

Presyncope symptoms

  • loss of vision
  • dizziness
  • sweaty palms
  • shortness of breath
  • nausea

A sharp decrease in oxygen supply to the brain leads to fainting. The person loses control over their muscles, which ultimately triggers a “blackout.” Below are some reasons associated with fainting:

Poor nutrition

This is one of the common causes of fainting in all people. age groups. This is due to low level blood sugar, which reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain. It can also be a result of fasting.

Dehydration causes a decrease in water levels in the bloodstream and lowers blood pressure, which stimulates the vagus nerve. Nervus vagus associated with the control of regular blood flow to the stomach. When stimulated, it directs blood flow into the intestines, depriving the brain of nutrition, leading to fainting.



In cases of shock, a sudden drop in blood pressure causes a decrease in the level of oxygen reaching the brain. This directly affects the nervous system and leads to a darkening of consciousness. People faint because strong fear, anxiety or emotional distress.

Heart problems

Many things can cause your blood pressure to drop. Due to low blood pressure, the heart is unable to pump sufficient quantity blood, which leads to a decrease in blood supply to the brain, as a result of which the person loses consciousness. Often, similar symptoms heart disease is ignored.

Blood loss

Losing blood due to an accident or donating blood lowers the blood count far below normal, which can be one of the causes of fainting.

Other factors include stress, pain, drug use (such as cocaine and marijuana), chronic alcoholism, some kind of head injury, sleep deprivation, seizures, potassium deficiency, etc. Consumption of strong drugs can also lead to fainting. This is also quite normal during pregnancy.

About 20% of children lose consciousness before age 15. Common cause fainting in children is vasovagal syndrome. Most cases occur due to overexertion, sudden injury, unpleasant looking blood, anxiety, extreme fear of a particular situation or watching movies.


Nevertheless, correct diagnosis reasons is important step in solving problems that arise in children. This could be a sign of some kind hidden illness, which until now could be neglected. Proper treatment requires complete medical examination, as well as information about family medical history.

Treatment of fainting

Treatment for fainting depends on the specific cause. A correct diagnosis must be made depending on the symptoms. Diagnostic tests include stress testing, event recorder, echocardiography, or electrophysiological testing. You should consult a cardiologist or neurologist if frequent cases dizziness. Although it is not life-threatening, you need to know about first aid.

First aid

  • Make sure that Airways clean.
  • Loosen tight clothing like a collar around your neck.
  • Check your pulse.
  • Stimulate the person by quickly patting their cheeks.
  • Have the person lie down and raise their legs above heart level.
  • In some cases, artificial respiration may be required.
  • Typically, the patient recovers within a minute or two. In such cases, there is no need to panic. However, if the person does not regain consciousness within a few minutes, seek medical attention immediately.

Hello, dear readers. Today we have an interesting post, and I’ll tell you about short-term loss of consciousness. This was recorded from the words of Sergei Alexandrovich, a doctor who worked all his life chiropractor. I've known him for more than 10 years. Somehow I felt sick (I have an eroded disc in my spine, and it sometimes causes trouble), and my friends gave me the phone number of a good doctor. Since then I visit him often. And when I once again came to the doctor for prevention, namely prevention is the future of medicine, they started talking about “rapid” dizziness and short-term loss of consciousness.

The fact is that I had this before, and my brother also had it in his youth. So I decided to cover this topic in more detail.

Human consciousness is one of the most great values which he possesses. And we are not talking about social, political, or any other consciousness, but about a completely material, concrete - physiological, that is - the ability of the brain and central nervous system to adequately perceive and respond to the external environment, being in an active, waking state (phase) .
This is extremely important, as it allows the brain to work fully, and a person to remain fully functional, in every sense. But, sometimes, some people have to deal with a short-term (in some cases, a few seconds) loss of consciousness.

Syncope, as this condition is also very often called, is a sudden, but short-term, fainting, the cause of which is a decrease in the volume of oxygen supplied to the brain tissues due to impaired blood flow or a decrease in its concentration (oxygen) in the blood.

Many people have encountered this. For some people, this process happens so quickly that they don’t even pay attention to it and don’t attach any importance to it, since everything lasts a few fractions of a second, purely physiological level feeling only a slight, barely noticeable dizziness.

Meanwhile, a short-term loss of consciousness for a few seconds is very dangerous, since it is often accompanied by a violation of the sense of spatial orientation, balance and, as a result, a fall, or a lack of coordination of movements (if the body is in a horizontal position, or the person is simply sitting) .

For example, if you cross the road, work at a machine, walk across a bridge, drive a car, and so on, then you will lose consciousness at this time, even for a very short time. a short time, is fraught with many negative consequences not only for you personally, but also for many others.

For example, in the 19th century, girls often fainted because of fashion. At that time, thin waists were fashionable, and girls laced their corsets too tightly. As a result, the vessels are pinched. This even found a place in painting.

Therefore, you should figure out what reasons can provoke such conditions, what to do if this has already happened, which specialist is best to contact, and so on.

Brief loss of consciousness due to a fall

Fainting is a word used to describe loss of consciousness. But this essentially means the same thing. The fainting state lasts from several seconds to several minutes, otherwise it makes sense to consider the patient’s condition as a coma. With fainting, a longer-term loss of the brain's ability to remain conscious is very rare. The most common types of fainting are:

  • - vasovagal syncope (sharp dilation of blood vessels and slow heart rate);
  • - hyperventilation syncope;
  • - associated with hyperkinetic syndrome (HKS);
  • - cough syncope;
  • - nocturic (occurs in men);
  • - hypoglycemic (lowering blood glucose);
  • - orthostatic fainting (sharp transition from horizontal to vertical position)
  • - traumatic (due to injury, cow circulation is impaired) and so on.

What is typical is that in the vast majority of cases, almost every fainting spell, lipothymia is noted. This is a specific condition, also called “presyncope.” It is accompanied by a deterioration in health, darkening of the eyes (short-term blurred vision and loss of consciousness are very closely related), dizziness, rapid breathing, impaired sense of balance and other symptoms.

If loss of consciousness is accompanied by a fall, then syncope should be considered among the first causes of such pathology. Blood flow can be permanently disrupted, but when, suddenly, the volume of blood that is delivered to the brain decreases even more, loss of consciousness (fainting) occurs and, as a result, a fall occurs.

For example, if a patient suffers from osteochondrosis, then blood flow is usually impaired. A person may practically not feel this, since he lives with it all the time and is already accustomed to this condition. But as soon as the vessels are compressed even more strongly, for example, when turning the head sharply, the blood volume for the brain becomes catastrophically small, and syncope is an almost inevitable result of such a development of events.

Syncope can be provoked a large number factors. Let's look at the most common ones among them!

1. Fainting of a neurotransmitter nature. Blood pressure in humans is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. With a sharp change in its activity (when it shows hyperactivity), bradycardia may be observed, less often - dilation of the lumen blood vessels, including those leading to the tissues of the brain (which, as we know, controls our consciousness).

This can already serve as fertile ground for fainting. But when these two states are observed at once (complexly, simultaneously), then loss of consciousness, accompanied, naturally, by a fall, occurs very often.

2. Hypotension of the orthostatic type. It is based on the following mechanism: when the body moves from a vertical to a horizontal position, blood pressure in the body, and in particular in the brain, sharply drops by 20 millimeters of mercury or more. The load on the heart increases, as blood, under the influence of the Earth's gravity, rushes to chest from the head.

The heart muscle slows down for a very short period of time, which further aggravates the situation, reducing blood circulation against the background of already extremely low pressure. Organism healthy person responds adequately to such situations, and the pressure remains almost stable even with a very sudden change in body position.

But in a sick person, or in elderly people, everything happens exactly as described above. The situation may be complicated or provoked initially by Parkinson’s disease, diabetic neuropathy, orthostatic hypotension, side effects reception pharmaceuticals, amyloid neuropathy, alcohol abuse or smoking and so on.

3. Arrhythmia of the heart muscle. It manifests itself in disruption of the heart: deviation of the rhythm of its contractions from the natural, normal one. It can suddenly beat either too quickly or, on the contrary, too slowly. This disrupts the perfusion of brain tissue, causing loss of balance, sense of spatial orientation, falling, and so on.

Heart rhythm disturbances often result from: sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia and other reasons. isn't very common cause syncopation, but it makes sense to consider it as a possibility.

4. Syncope from cardiac, pulmonary or cardiopulmonary disorders. It's about about acute conditions! Since the circulatory and respiratory system are the main links in terms of oxygen saturation of the brain. When something goes wrong with them, he suffers too.

Among them: heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, myocardial infarction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and others. Such conditions usually require immediate hospitalization and emergency qualified medical care.

5. Fainting due to serious violation blood circulation in the brain itself. The reasons are also varied: from previous injuries to blockage of blood vessels due to the presence of blood clots or cholesterol plaques.

Brief loss of consciousness for a few seconds causes

Among the reasons for loss of consciousness for a few seconds, the main one is syncope (impaired oxygen supply to the brain). This is one of the main reasons.

But, cases of loss of consciousness and more are also possible. a long period, from a few seconds to several minutes. These include:

- generalized epileptic seizure(usually it lasts longer than 1 minute);

- intracerebral bleeding (hemorrhage);

- subarachnoid hemorrhage;

- thrombosis of the basilar artery;

- traumatic brain injuries varying degrees severity, as well as spinal injuries;

- metabolic disorders;

- exogenous intoxication;

Naturally, help in each specific case will be different, since specific actions and their algorithm depend on the cause of fainting. But there are also general rules, which can help a person who has lost consciousness in urgently. First of all, you should call ambulance.

Should you help a person who has fainted on your own without having special education and even basic knowledge in providing emergency care emergency care? This is a rhetorical question. It all depends on the situation.

If, for example, you know that an ambulance is on the way and the situation does not require urgent attention drastic measures, there is no need to do anything, just wait near the patient until specialists arrive.

If a person, for example, has lost consciousness and is in a place or position that specific situation threatens his life, or the lives of others, then measures must be taken, but very carefully, since he may have injuries to the musculoskeletal system or internal organs received during the fall.

Although, as a rule, when fainting, the body relaxes so much, becoming relatively plastic, that the person gets away with only minor bruises. How exactly can you help:

- move the person to a safe place;

- if he is lying on his stomach, turn him over onto his back;

- raise your legs up, very carefully, to improve cerebral circulation;

- sprinkle his face with fresh water;

- provide him with a flow of fresh air.

But, once again: taking any radical actions without understanding the situation is fraught negative consequences. Therefore, in most cases, it is advisable to simply provide the patient with shade (if it is a hot day), provide a flow of fresh air to him and sprinkle his face with water, while still waiting for the doctors.

If we are talking about helping yourself, then this, a priori, is impossible until you come to consciousness. After this, you should call for help. If there is no one nearby, you need to very slowly, but without excessive load on the muscles of your limbs, stand up and slowly walk to the nearest place where you can sit down until you fully come to your senses.

It should be in the shade and in the fresh air. Breathe slowly, but full breasts. If possible, contact friends or family who can find you and help you get home. As soon as possible, especially if fainting is regular, try to contact a specialist - an experienced, qualified physician.

Which doctor will help?

It often turns out that the first doctor you have to contact is an ambulance worker. Further, if necessary (depending on the causes of fainting), the patient can be sent to a hospital, where he is treated by a general practitioner. Depending on the situation, completely different specialists can be involved in the treatment process: a surgeon, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist and others.

If it turns out that the cause of fainting is a sharp emotional shock (for example, stunning news), which also often happens, or, for example, physical exhaustion of the body as a result infectious disease or heavy loads, then, in such cases, hospitalization may not be required.

What to do to avoid short-term loss of consciousness

If you feel that you are about to faint (this is usually felt in advance), you should immediately take a sitting or lying position and call for help. There is no need to be nervous, this can make the situation worse. Breathe evenly and deeply, drink a couple of sips of water.

In terms of recommendations for general strengthening body can be advised: hardening, normalizing the daily routine, excluding from your life, as far as possible, any stressful situations, refusal bad habits, conducting active image life and so on. Naturally, general strengthening measures should not contradict possible contraindications. Be healthy!

A sudden loss of consciousness by a person, as a rule, is closely related to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. During this condition, people lose their balance and fall, unable to even move their limbs. During the period of loss of consciousness, only convulsions are possible. People in this state stop reacting to others, and also lose the ability to think logically and give answers to questions asked.


Today, there are several known reasons that increase the risk of losing consciousness. Here is a list of the main reasons sudden loss consciousness:

  1. The first is the lack of blood supply to the brain;
  2. The second is a lack of brain nutrition;
  3. Third, low oxygen levels in the blood;
  4. Fourth – incorrect work, which causes uncharacteristic discharges in the brain area.

These and other violations indicate possibly temporary illnesses or sufficient serious problems with health

Below these reasons will be discussed in more detail.

Lack of blood supply to the brain can occur:

  1. This could be caused by too much work. autonomic system person. Typically this reaction occurs due to external stimuli or non-standard situations. For example: ordinary fear, various experiences, a small amount of oxygen in a person’s blood.
  2. Cardiology problems can also cause this reason loss of consciousness. This happens due to a decrease in cardiac blood output in the human body. Such cases quite often end in myocardial infarction. It also occurs due to abnormal rhythm of the heart. The problem may be caused by frequent nerve impulses, which accompany the ventricles and atrium. After these troubles, as a rule, pathologies arise various types. Interruptions during contractions are especially acute; organs do not receive required quantity blood in a timely manner for their normal functioning. And all this significantly affects the functioning of the human brain.

By the way, on the cardiogram you can easily notice the consequences of the unnatural inflow and outflow of blood in the body. It clearly shows abnormal nerve processes in the ventricle area. However, they almost never cause loss of consciousness. Some people do not notice this problem and live as usual. All these causes and symptoms of fainting are worth knowing and being able to partially eliminate them on the spot!

  1. Quite often people who have lost consciousness lose consciousness long time low blood pressure is observed. People who have problems using antihypertensive medications are also at risk; older people are no exception to this. Abrupt change The position of the human body usually causes this reason. For example, you can suddenly stand up, that is, change a sitting or lying position. During the passivity of the limbs, the functioning of the vessels is delayed, and with rapid movement they are not able to quickly return to the desired shape. This is the reason for the decrease in blood pressure and blood flow to the body’s brain.
  2. Loss of consciousness may also occur due to significant changes in large blood vessels. Since these are the vessels that feed the brain. This problem may contribute to the development of a disease called atherosclerosis. With this disease, the walls and lumens in the vessels are held together.
  3. Also, quite often, loss of consciousness can be caused by the presence of blood clots. There is a possibility that they will partially or completely block the passage through the blood vessels. In most cases, blood clots form due to surgical intervention. Quite often, this problem occurs after heart valve replacement surgery. It is curious that the occurrence of blood clots is observed at any age, so any person can develop them. People who are at risk of this type of blockage are prescribed special medications to take when permanent basis. There are also cases when blood clots form in blood vessels due to malfunction heart rhythm. For such problems, they are also prescribed special drugs for reception.
  4. Anaphylactic shock can also cause loss of consciousness. This shock often occurs due to a fairly severe allergic reaction, which can be caused by any medicine. Loss of consciousness can also cause infectious shock, which can appear after serious illnesses. This condition can cause dilation of blood vessels in the area, which will lead to a significant increase in blood flow to the heart area. This reaction can be triggered by vasodilating components in medications. At the same time, permeability occurs blood capillaries, as a result, they begin to work with even greater force. All of the above reasons also disrupt blood flow to the human brain.

If a person discovers these symptoms, he should immediately seek help from qualified specialist, who, in turn, will have to immediately conduct an examination and prescribe sensitive tests. Only after receiving all the results will it be possible to deliver accurate diagnosis. As a result, the patient will need to undergo several procedures:

  • visit a specialist in neurology to determine the possible presence of vascular dystonia
  • Visit your primary care physician to determine the possibility of hypotension, a condition that can cause low blood pressure. Also, the doctor must carry out several procedures to identify the patient’s tendency to hypertension
  • It is necessary to undergo an ECHO procedure, in other words, an ultrasound of the heart, which will help determine the presence of any defects and heart failure.
  • there is an option that the patient will be offered a Doppler ultrasound to examine blood vessels and various pathologies in them.

Loss of consciousness due to a lack of oxygen in the blood occurs in the following diseases:

  1. Loss of consciousness in children and women for this reason is possible if the air that a person inhales does not contain the required amount of oxygen. Because of this, in stuffy rooms there is often a risk of fainting and dizziness.
  2. Loss of consciousness in adolescents can also be caused by various diseases in the lung area, one of these diseases is bronchial asthma. This problem especially concerns people who chronically suffer from such ailments. Frequent cough may cause various disorders mechanism in the functioning of the lungs, due to which there is a significant lack of oxygen during inhalation. Also during this there is a possibility of insufficient cardiac output.
  3. One of the common causes of loss of consciousness is anemia. As a result low content hemoglobin in the blood, which should not fall below 70 g/l. However, fainting is also possible when high content of this substance in the human body. But most often this happens in stuffy rooms.
  4. Poisoning with poisonous oxygen oxide is also often the cause of loss of consciousness. This gas cannot be seen and is odorless and tasteless. Oxygen oxide can enter the body quite easily. For example, when heating a stove or while using gas with the hoods turned off. This gas also comes from car exhaust pipes, so it is not recommended to be in the car cabin if it is not ventilated. This gas enters the human lungs quite easily, after which it combines directly with hemoglobin. As a result, the paths for passage are closed pure oxygen into the blood. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs in the body. There is a possibility of problems with the heart.

To quickly solve problems with loss of consciousness for these reasons, you need to undergo a series of tests and undergo mandatory procedures. Thus, it is quite important:

  • pass general analysis blood. This will help to see the number and condition of all cells in the blood of the human body, such as red blood cells and hemoglobin. This test also checks whether the patient has asthma.
  • It is necessary to take an x-ray of the lungs. This procedure will help check the body for the presence of bronchitis and other diseases, as well as cancer changes.
  • spirography is also necessary. It will help determine the correctness of breathing and the force of a person’s exhalations.
  • You may need to visit a specialist allergic reactions. After all, most allergens are external environment cause this condition.

Syncope when oxygen supply to the human brain is disrupted, mainly occurs in diabetes mellitus.

  1. People suffering from diabetes mellitus, may make a mistake and introduce the wrong dose of insulin into the body. Which leads to a significant decrease in blood sugar, resulting in a disruption of brain metabolism and erroneous receipt of nerve impulses.
  2. Loss of consciousness is observed both with an excess amount of insulin in the body and with its deficiency. With a lack of insulin, the blood becomes saturated big amount glucose, which harms many organs that are associated with these processes, resulting in a change in metabolism. Often, a person suffering for such reasons may smell unpleasantly of acetone vapor.

Lactic acid coma can also cause loss of consciousness. In this case, diseases that are associated with renal failure occur. The patient's blood is saturated with a huge mass of lactic acid. In this case, the smell of acetone is not felt.

In any case, it is necessary to check the patient for the presence of diabetes. To do this, you need to donate blood to a laboratory; this test must be taken on an empty stomach. This blood test will tell you a lot about the diseases of a particular person. For example, the analysis showed increased content glucose in capillary blood, this means that insulin does not have much effect on suppressing its production. To clarify the diagnosis, another analysis needs to be performed. After donating blood on an empty stomach, as a rule, the patient is given a special dose of glucose solution to drink, after which the procedure is repeated. If glucose exceeds the norm, then the person definitely has diabetes.

The urine test also determines the presence of glucose. A healthy person cannot have this substance in the urine. To fully determine the diagnosis of diabetes, after carrying out the prescribed procedures for several weeks, doctors measure hemoglobin levels.

The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin, so doctors often prescribe an ultrasound to patients. Such an examination helps to identify pathologies in this organ and helps to see the causes of this disease.

A failure in the transmission of impulses according to the axioms of the brain or the occurrence of pathological discharges in the neurons of the brain occurs in the following conditions:

1. This reason quite often causes a person to lose consciousness. He often has seizures that recur with a certain frequency. This happens thanks to neurons in the brain area. It is extremely easy to determine if a person is having a seizure; at this moment, periodic twitching of muscles that are in a tense state is observed.

2. Loss of consciousness due to traumatic brain injury, as a result strong blows head. At the same time, bruises, concussions, and tumors in the brain are possible. After such injuries, displacement of areas of both hemispheres of the brain is likely. Compression occurs as a result intracranial pressure rises. These processes significantly complicate the functioning of the human brain. If the blow was not strong and the damage was not significant, then consciousness will return within a few minutes and there will be no significant changes in the body. However, if severe injuries occur, swelling and rupture of some vessels may occur. In critical cases, the person may fall into a coma.

3. Any kind of stroke, such as ischemic or hemorrhagic, can also cause frequent fainting. These types have many differences among themselves. Ischemic stroke causes improper blood supply to the cerebral cortex, causing blockages. People often reach this state by drinking low-quality alcohol. large doses or tinctures with a high percentage of alcohol. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs as a result of ruptures of blood vessels in the cerebral cortex. This causes bleeding in the brain, quite often leading to the death of the patient.

The two types of stroke have something in common; this is the reason for their occurrence. These diseases occur with constant surges in blood pressure, when it quickly rises and falls at the same speed. Therefore, it is necessary to be promptly examined for problems in this area.

First aid

Any person should be able to provide first aid if suddenly a case of loss of consciousness occurs before his eyes. Here are some tips that can help save another person's life. it is a sudden and dangerous thing.

Quite often, people lose consciousness when they are in stuffy rooms. In such cases, the body does not receive the required amount of necessary oxygen. This can also happen due to frequent worries and worries. If a person suddenly loses consciousness for these reasons, the following measures must be taken:

  • a person needs to free his throat, remove his scarf, unfasten the buttons on his collar, untie his tie;
  • provide room for the patient fresh air or if possible, take him outside;
  • in order for a person to wake up, it is necessary to take a ammonia cotton wool and bring it to his respiratory tract;
  • if a person does not regain consciousness, he needs to be provided with a safe and comfortable body position. A good solution would be to turn it on its side, while making sure that the tongue does not sink in, which can cause suffocation. It is best to check this sign in the first seconds; to do this, you will need to unclench the victim’s jaws with your fingers or other suitable objects. If necessary, you should fix the tongue to the cheek in the oral cavity. It is very important that the airway is completely open;
  • it is also quite important to check that a person has a pulse and is breathing correctly in a faint state;
  • If the patient has no pulse or breathing, it is necessary to give him a cardiac massage and artificial respiration. It's good if this procedure will be conducted by an experienced person;
  • in such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance. And before removal, it is necessary to accurately describe all the patient’s symptoms to doctors.

There are situations when a person does not witness another person losing consciousness. In this case, the following measures must be taken:

  • try to find witnesses who noticed how the person lost consciousness. Perhaps someone knows the reason for this incident. It is necessary to check the victim’s pockets; it is likely that there will be special drugs there that can help bring him to his senses. People suffering from chronic diseases of this type often carry medications with them;
  • It is also necessary to inspect for damage to a person who has fainted. If bleeding is detected, you should try to stop it before the ambulance arrives;
  • It is important to determine the pulse and check if the person is breathing. To check the pulse, you need to feel with two fingers thyroid cartilage the victim. Then lower them a little lower.

Usually the pulse is felt well in this area;

  • if a person is still warm, but has no pulse or breathing, it is necessary to check the reaction of the pupils to light. There are often cases when a person in clinical death still reacts well to light rays. You can check this in this way: open the patient’s eyes, which are closed for centuries; if he is alive, the pupils will sharply begin to narrow. If the patient initially lies with with open eyes, you should cover them with your palm or any dark cloth for a few seconds, then carry out the previous action. If the incident happened at night or late in the evening, you can use a flashlight or mobile phone. There is another way to check the reaction of the eye. For this, use a handkerchief or another soft cloth it is necessary to touch the victim’s eyelids. If a person is alive, he will immediately begin to blink, regardless of his condition. This is a natural reaction to external stimuli.

An ambulance does not always arrive immediately after a call, but in such a condition every minute is important. Therefore, it would not be amiss to try to provide self-help to the victim. Help restore life processes Can be a cardiac massage of any kind or mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. However, there is no need to rush with these methods. Quite often they cause serious harm to the victim. But they can also save a person’s life. While the ambulance is on the way. It is important not to overdo it, especially when performing cardiac massage, as this can lead to compound fractures.

Methods of performing indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration

Before starting chest compressions and artificial respiration, it is necessary to position the patient as comfortably as possible and free the oral cavity from vomit or excessive salivation. Then you need to throw the person’s head back, while making sure that the front jaw is slightly extended. If the jaw is tightly clenched, it must be unclenched with any available objects, without causing severe injury to the victim. Only after this can the procedure of introducing air into the mouth and nose be carried out. It is best to perform artificial respiration through a handkerchief. Need to do two deep breaths the victim, while holding his nose or mouth well. After inhaling, you need to press your hands on the middle of the person’s chest. Ten clicks will be enough. After which the procedure must be repeated in the same order. The procedure for artificial respiration and chest compressions will be simpler and more effective if it is performed by two people at the same time. It is quite difficult to cope with this alone. One person presses on the sternum, the other inhales. Three to five presses should be combined with one or two breaths.

This procedure may need to be carried out until an ambulance arrives.



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