Folk remedies for resorption of ovarian cysts. How to treat an ovarian cyst with folk remedies at home

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Of course, with all its advantages, there is a fairly significant harm to fasting. After all, even a short-term restriction of oneself in food is a stress for the body, and stress, as you know, rarely benefits.

The harm of "liquid" starvation

Harm of fasting can be divided into two parts. The first is diseases that the starving man did not know about, but which hunger gave development. However, this harm can be prevented if you visit a doctor in advance and undergo an examination. Even if it takes more than one day, if necessary, it can save you from serious health problems.

Also, fasting can be harmful if it is not followed correctly. It is known that the best period for fasting is three days. Maximum four. At the same time, you need to drink water. During these days, the body, in order to make up for the lack of energy, begins to actively get rid of excess: excess fat, toxins. As a result, sodium and cholesterol levels are normalized. However, all this will happen against the background of weakness, lethargy, headaches, pallor, bad breath.

However, if you abstain from food for longer, then the harm of fasting will be stronger. All types of metabolism are disturbed, the kidneys and liver begin to work poorly, toxins accumulate, poisons are formed that affect the nervous system and the cerebral cortex. After 10 days, the cells begin to die. If you do not start feeding the starving at least parenterally, that is, by injection, he may die.

The deadly harm of "dry" fasting

However, not only fasting, in which you can drink, but also one in which you can’t drink at all, in other words, “dry” is gaining popularity. The harm of such fasting is many times greater than the harm of fasting "liquid", when you can drink. Its irreversible consequences occur already on the third day. It is incredibly difficult to save a starving person after seven days without food and water.

Obviously, the biggest harm is the lack of water. Water, as you know, is life, and dehydration of the body will lead to a serious disruption of life. Only numbers - the loss of water, reaching 10% of body weight per day, leads to a serious decrease in viability. Loss of up to 25% leads to death.

When, in the process of "dry" fasting, a person parted with 1-5% of the fluid from body weight, he begins to feel thirsty, sometimes incredibly strong, the temperature rises, and nausea appears. Loss of 6-10% leads to shortness of breath, severe headache, loss of the ability to move and impaired speech logic. When 11-20% is overboard, the starving person begins to become delusional, he hears and sees poorly, his body becomes colder, his tongue swells. If an exacerbation of diseases is superimposed on all this, a person can be lost.

Fasting can be beneficial if it is thoughtful and short, if before it begins, a person who wants to limit himself in food (but not in water!), visits a doctor, if at the first pain signs he quits fasting and seeks medical help. Otherwise, fasting can cause significant, irreparable damage to the body.

Starvation is a condition in which the supply of essential nutrients is cut off. During fasting, the body goes through several stages, each of which affects its condition in its own way.

Hunger is a strong stress, if it is not stopped in time, any living being is waiting for death.

Long-term fasting is one of the methods of losing weight and cleansing the body of accumulations of toxins and toxins. To understand the essence of such a diet, it is necessary to understand the internal processes, to understand what happens to the body without food.

Common symptoms of starvation of the body are:

  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headache;
  • increased salivation;
  • digestive disorders - diarrhea or lack of bowel movements;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of ability to concentrate;
  • sleep disturbance, irritability;
  • there is a smell of acetone from the oral cavity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • lowering blood pressure and heart rate;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • tissue swelling;
  • heart failure.

Signs of starvation develop gradually. The longer the body is without food, the more symptoms are added, the more expression they become.

When the nutrients in food stop coming in, the body begins to provide performance at the expense of reserves. The “economy mode” is turned on, so as not to put the energy necessary for the brain anywhere. In order for organs important for life to function, metabolic processes slow down. A person spends less energy, which allows him to hold out in this mode for a certain time. We can say that the body feeds on itself.

Changes in the body by day

After the cessation of the intake of essential nutrients into the body, certain changes occur daily with it. Given the information about the development of the consequences, fasting by day can be placed in a table.

A day without food What will happen in the body
1 If fasting began in the evening, the next day a person feels a slight malaise associated with a lack of food intake. Slight pain in the stomach and intestines. Physiological changes are not observed. Loss of 100-200 grams of body weight.
2 — 4 Strong food arousal. There is a clear discomfort in the digestive tract. Nervousness, irritability, loss of concentration, apathy towards the environment are manifested. The glycogen reserve is depleted, fats are dissolved for energy. Loss of 1 to 2 kg per day.
5 — 8 The feeling of hunger is dulled. A characteristic white coating forms on the tongue. There is turbidity of urine, the occurrence of acetone odor from the mouth. The person feels weakness, pain in the joints. For the full functioning of the brain, fatty acids are used. Loss of up to 1 kg of muscle mass per day.
9 -12 The acidotic crisis is the most difficult period of the body's transition to an autonomous supply. Loss of up to 300 grams of body weight.
13 — 20 The body is being rebuilt. All processes slow down. The biochemistry of the blood changes. Blood pressure drops, heart rate slows down. Symptoms of malaise disappear. The language plaque is eliminated. The psychological state of the person is normalized. Weight loss - 200 grams per day.
20 — 30 Stage of adaptation. The body is already accustomed to passive functioning. Minimal waste of energy. The sclera of a person's eyes become light, bright. The condition of the skin improves.
30 + There should be a second acidotic crisis, less pronounced than the first. If fasting is not stopped at this stage, there is a risk of exhaustion, and later death.

The longer a person is without food, the more dangerous he is. If physiologically fasting is weak, changes can occur every hour.

How does the duration of fasting affect

Hunger is stress for any living organism. No matter how many days it lasts, with no supply of nutrients, all life systems are rebuilt in an attempt to conserve supplies for as long as possible. A person feels physiological and psychological malaise.

on the physiological state

The state of the body and the sensations of a person are directly related to the duration and type of diet used. With a one-day (for some people and two-day) exposure to fasting, there is no change other than the feeling of hunger. There are no symptoms of discomfort. Pathological influence is absent. The body has enough nutritious proteins to wait out the period.

The photo on the Internet shows the result of uncontrolled starvation, which led to the disease - anorexia.

Long-term therapy affects the physiological processes:

  • loss of body fat and muscle mass;
  • decreased secretion of glands;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • bradycardia;
  • oxygen starvation of tissues;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • drowsiness;
  • depletion of the blood;
  • decreased libido;
  • menstrual disorders in women;
  • heart failure.

With a dry diet (without water intake), dehydration develops, which is dangerous for the body. If you follow this technique, you must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Not only the physiological component suffers. Refusal to eat affects the psycho-emotional state. At the stage of refusal to eat, depression, apathy, irritability, and anxiety are observed. A person becomes indifferent to himself, surrounding people and circumstances. Consciousness is occupied by the thought of the desire to satisfy hunger.

Without the support of qualified professionals, a person may refuse therapeutic fasting at the initial stage. At the same time, having passed the crisis line, the state is normalizing. The chance of relapse after this stage is extremely low.

When is fasting harmful?

Despite numerous reviews about the benefits of therapeutic fasting, it is important to understand that such an event can have a harmful effect on individual internal organs or on the entire body. For some people, fasting is contraindicated, it can lead to health and life-threatening consequences.

Fasting is harmful if:

  • lasts more than 40 days on a wet diet;
  • dry diet lasts more than 5 days;
  • the child is starving;
  • a pregnant woman is starving;
  • the person has diabetes;
  • a starving old man;
  • the starving person has a cancerous tumor;
  • a woman suffers from adenomyosis;
  • there are neurological and cardiovascular diseases or liver disease;
  • starving emaciated person or anorexia patient;
  • there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach ulcers;
  • the conditions for the correct entry into the diet were not observed;
  • without experience, resorts to prolonged fasting;
  • the conditions for the correct exit were not met.

In order not to harm, you should consult with a nutritionist and gastroenterologist, undergo a diagnostic examination.

The body is versatile and thoughtful. But various external factors can adversely affect its normal functioning. Hunger is able to restructure his work and lead to unforeseen circumstances.

Accused of stealing 350 million tons of oil, he went on an indefinite hunger strike. According to the report, Khodorkovsky announced his decision in a letter to the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev. The reason for his writing was the extension of the ex-head of Yukos arrest until August 17.

The opinion of most experts suggests that prolonged hunger is always stress for the body. Even with therapeutic fasting, as a rule, periods of more than 21 days are not used, since after this time the risk to the health of the starving person increases dramatically.

The feeling of hunger indicates that glycogen stores (the main source of "fast" energy) have come to an end and an immediate charge is required. If this does not happen, then the so-called hunger crisis will soon set in. At this time, mechanisms are launched to search for and utilize everything that, without harm to the main life-supporting centers, could be “melted” into kilocalories. General cleaning of the body begins. At this time, excess sodium is excreted, leading to excessive pressure, the level of cholesterol in the blood normalizes, and metabolic processes improve. A sharp release from internal debris can lead to severe poisoning. The kidneys and liver simply will not have time to remove toxins.

During the first days, the starving person has pale skin, the smell of acetone from the mouth, a white furred tongue, weakness and an unhealthy gleam in the eyes. All this against the backdrop of headaches and a feeling of complete weakness. The next step is a gradual adaptation to hunger and the transition of the body to self-eating, which occurs in 2-4 days. Weakness remains, but the feeling of hunger practically disappears. By the 4th-7th day, the so-called supercompensation occurs, when the body completely switches to using only internal reserves. There comes a strict economy in energy consumption, so metabolic processes slow down significantly. You don’t even want to drink, because a significant amount of water is released during the oxidation of fat.

If a person has a lot of fat deposits, then the hunger strike process is easier, since it is the fat involved in the metabolism that is consumed first of all, and as long as there are fat deposits, they will be consumed and maintain a more or less normal state of the body. But when there is no more fat, then various metabolic systems in the body suffer first of all: the same fat, carbohydrate - all types of metabolism are disturbed and underoxidized products accumulate in the body, products that should be broken down in a normal state. The liver and kidneys do not work well, toxins and salts accumulate, poisons are formed, and this, in turn, affects the central nervous system, the cerebral cortex.

In some, after 10 days, significant damage begins - cells that do not recover die. If the hunger strike lasts three weeks, then this is the most dangerous. If then the person is not paraenterally fed or helped, he can die at any moment.

During the so-called dry hunger strike, irreversible processes begin in the body on the third day. And it is very difficult to save a person after five or seven days of a dry hunger strike. The main danger in the so-called dry hunger strike is dehydration (dehydration), water loss below the physiological norm. Dehydration of the body by only a few percent leads to disruption of its vital functions. If the amount of water that a person loses reaches 10% of body weight per day, a significant decrease in performance occurs, and if it increases to 25%, then this usually leads to death. When the body loses 1-5% of the fluid, acute thirst, feeling unwell, slowing down movements, drowsiness, redness of the skin, fever, nausea, and indigestion appear. With a loss of 6-10% - shortness of breath, headache, tingling in the legs and arms, lack of salivation, loss of the ability to move and violation of the logic of speech. With a loss of 11-20% - delirium, muscle spasms, swelling of the tongue, dullness of hearing and vision, cooling of the body.

Many women and men try to keep their body in perfect shape, but in order to achieve excellent results, proper nutrition and physical activity are not always enough, many athletes and those who lose weight use the hunger method. Unfortunately, fasting adherents do not know much about what the consequences of fasting can be, especially if they are constantly refusing food without preparation.

The consequences of fasting are often really terrible, many doctors say that young girls, carried away by this method of weight loss, come to the hospital in an ambulance with a diagnosis of anorexia or more terrible diseases. As many adherents of proper nutrition say, a girl should go on a hunger strike every week on the water, while completely refusing any food for this period. Unfortunately, many nutritionists try to dissuade their patients from such a dubious method of losing weight and cleansing, as it can harm the body.

There are more and more adherents of fasting, and not everyone understands why such stress can be detrimental to the human body, because many sources talk about the incredible benefits of hunger. If you read a little more information about this method of weight loss, you can find out that, according to experts, it is the refusal of food that helps to remove all toxins and toxins from the organ systems.

Also, during the period of hunger, you can lose a lot of excess weight, in addition, refusing to eat can increase immunity and improve the functioning of the digestive system. But that's not all, some sincerely believe that hunger can cure dangerous and incurable diseases that have to be treated only with strong drugs.

There is a little truth in the fact that hunger makes it possible to lose weight, because in any case, when the body does not receive food, it has to expend its own sources of energy. But when the feeling of hunger passes, there is a strong weakness and other ailments, all this happens for the reason that important vitamins and minerals do not enter the body, this affects well-being.

How does the body behave during hunger?

It is not uncommon for patients to complain of bad breath during fasting, and diarrhea during fasting, and many also have stomach pain and heartburn during fasting, the causes of these ailments are quite simple, we will write about them in more detail below. So, it is worth considering how the human body behaves in the event that food ceases to enter it, which is a valuable and only source of energy. Now we will only talk about the hunger that lasts more than two days, since this can already be considered a long fast.

Since food does not enter the stomach, the body, after a few days of hard work, has to switch to its own resources, which were constantly preserved all the time before hunger. Unfortunately, when the body uses its resources, this negatively affects the work of all organ systems, the fact is that our body spends not only unnecessary fats, but also very important proteins that are involved in the process of creating new cells.

If the protein is not enough, this leads to flabbiness of the skin, then wrinkles appear, and well-being also deteriorates significantly, as the muscles weaken. When fasting lasts too long, a person develops protein and energy deficiencies, which can be of varying severity, and cases of exhaustion are also not uncommon.

At the same time, the quality of life also deteriorates, since the girl simply cannot think of anything else, like a feeling of hunger, it is not uncommon for the smell of acetone to appear from the mouth when fasting, diarrhea is also observed, the stomach and stomach area may hurt, after a while time manifests severe weakness and increasing nausea.

Many people think that hunger helps to increase immunity, but this is not so, because during such a period the body's defenses drop sharply, for this reason it is during the period of complete abstinence from food that a woman gets sick with flu and colds. It is not uncommon to observe an exacerbation of other chronic diseases that for a long time did not bother a woman at all.

Since the immune system is depressed, the body cannot normally resist even the simplest diseases, so we can talk about more serious health problems. Many ladies who were adherents of hunger developed tumors, mental abilities also significantly decreased, hormonal levels were significantly disturbed, which led to infertility. Doctors noticed that starving people often had stomach and intestinal disorders, women also became more nervous, the work of the heart and blood vessels worsened, electrolyte imbalance occurred, and this led to fainting and convulsions.

A few years ago, doctors recommended strict fasting to their patients if the patient was taken to the hospital with acute appendicitis, stomach and intestinal bleeding, as well as severe injuries in which a person loses consciousness for a long time. But although this fasting was used for a certain time, each patient was injected intravenously with substances such as glucose, electrolytes and various amino acids in liquid form. All these components were vital for a person in serious condition, since glucose and other components helped the body to fully recover.

Today, doctors are sure that a complete refusal of food cannot be beneficial for a patient, since every organism needs good nutrition, even unconscious patients should receive the necessary substances.

If the patient is unconscious, then a special energy mixture is used for him from substances that will help support a person’s life; proteins, light fats, amino acids and carbohydrates are used in such mixtures. Previously, the formulations were administered intravenously, but now nutrient mixtures are injected into the body through a special probe if a person cannot eat on his own. Based on this, it can be understood that refusing food simply cannot be beneficial for the body, since this is a certain stress and risk.

The effect of hunger on the body has already been fully studied, for this reason, you can find many reasons why it is better not to refuse food, especially for a long time. Many girls can say that only with the help of hunger they can remove extra pounds at the waist, but even here lies the danger. The thing is that when the body realizes that food does not enter the stomach, it begins to spend all the saved resources, so the weight gradually decreases.

But as soon as the lady leaves the diet, the body immediately puts what she has eaten into fat deposits, and the feeling of hunger becomes stronger, forcing the lady to overeat. All this leads not only to rapid weight gain, but also to poor health, in addition, kilograms usually return in excess.

Health effects of hunger

The effects of prolonged starvation on the body can be very dangerous, just look at the examples of women who very often practice this method of weight loss. It is worth remembering that the lack of nutrients will certainly affect the normal functioning of the body, because the body is deprived not only of its usual energy, but also of important microelements, minerals and vitamin substances.

Not only the body itself as a whole suffers, but also the beauty of a woman, for starters, a lack of substances affects the health of nails, teeth, hair and skin, nails exfoliate, teeth darken and collapse, and hair falls out. You can also pay attention to the skin, it will become duller, pimples will begin to appear much more often, and elasticity will also decrease and wrinkles will be more noticeable.

Girls with obesity should not practice this method at all, since extra pounds begin to go away quickly enough, and the skin does not have time to adapt to such a fast work. As a result, it turns out that the skin sags and becomes flabby, this will be noticeable on the face, in the thighs, abdomen, and also on the buttocks. In addition, the body begins to break down the protein, which ensures the elasticity of the skin, and when the protein in the skin becomes less, then the appearance deteriorates significantly.

What threatens starvation?

Adolescents and people with chronic diseases may develop other diseases, since constant hunger causes digestive failure, and girls in adolescence should not use such a diet so as not to disrupt the hormonal background, otherwise you can get additional female diseases. The main danger is that the body spends proteins, and after leaving the diet, these proteins are immediately replaced by adipose tissue, so it turns out that much more excess fat is added than it was before the start of weight loss.

Our body is programmed in such a way that if you periodically arrange hunger strikes for it, then it will not be able to normally perceive a constant influx of food. The body remembers the information that “black” days can come at any moment, for this reason it stores a large amount of excess fat in order to use this reserve in difficult times. Thus, it turns out that after each strict diet, the body tries to gain as many kilograms as possible in order to use them later during the diet.

Harm of fasting

The harm of fasting may not be felt in the first few days of the restriction, since many symptoms can be attributed precisely to the lack of food, but the lack of food can lead to very disastrous results. Many girls are at a loss when, after hunger, kilograms return, and even more. If we consider the US population, then there are a lot of overweight people who have become victims of malnutrition, as well as constant diets. But France and Japan are different in that in these countries people are more committed to proper nutrition and their own cuisine, for this reason, obesity problems are not so common there.

Harm is also observed in the restructuring of the body, many notice that it starts to smell bad from the mouth, women consider it to be toxins that leave the body, but in fact, an unpleasant odor may indicate disorders in the stomach and intestines.

The effect of fasting, which leads to unpleasant results, is already familiar to many young ladies in our country, since girls under thirty are overweight in almost forty percent of cases. Unfortunately, a hunger strike will not help cleanse the body of everything superfluous, but it can bring many health problems that were not there before.

Anorexia as a consequence of hunger strikes

There were cases when women were too fond of refusing food, trying to lose as much excess weight as possible, in this case the lady developed anorexia. This disease is considered psychophysical, for this reason, the help of not only a doctor, but also a psychologist is needed.

Such a disease manifests itself in the event that hunger strikes are carried out frequently, then the body simply ceases to feel hunger, and body weight is rapidly decreasing, this disease is increasingly common in professional photo models.

Anorexia can manifest itself against the background of starvation, as well as often tolerated stress, in some cases the disease ends in death.

Most likely, many women still know that a complete rejection of food can cause a lot of harm to a healthy body, but do not betray this significance. But hunger can be safe, if only carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, and with careful preparation of the body. Proper preparation will play a very large role in the rejection of food.

Many representatives of the weaker sex like to go on various diets and even resort to fasting in order to have a beautiful and slim figure. But before limiting yourself in food, you need to study what the consequences of fasting are, so as not to cause serious harm to the body.

It is also recommended to consult a doctor, because not everyone can use such a radical method of losing weight. The doctor will conduct an examination of the body and issue a verdict. In addition, he will tell you how to fast properly, how long it can be done. Only after that you can start the procedure.

A little about the problem

The consequences of hunger can be dire. Often, young girls in pursuit of an ideal figure begin to starve, not noticing how anorexia develops in them. Many of them have to be hospitalized with terrible diagnoses, disorders in the work of many internal organs and systems.

Therefore, many nutritionists dissuade their patients from such radical methods of getting rid of extra pounds. But short fasting is allowed.

For example, you can fast every week for one day in order to cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid. Fasting for a period of several days is also allowed. During this time, you can lose excess body weight, increase the body's defenses, and normalize the functionality of the digestive system.

Undoubtedly, hunger helps to lose weight, because when food is not taken into the body, it begins to extract energy from body fat. But after the feeling of hunger is eliminated, severe weakness appears, since nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for its normal functioning, do not enter the body with food.

Some people believe that fasting can cure cancer if medicines don't work. Before sorting out all these issues, it is necessary to familiarize the EU in more detail with what the consequences of starvation may appear.

What happens in the body?

Food is the only valuable source of energy. If it ceases to enter the body, accordingly, it does not receive the necessary energy. What happens in this case?

After two days of fasting, the body switches to internal resources, which negatively affects its vital functions. In addition to splitting adipose tissue, it begins to split proteins, which are involved in the formation of new cells. With a protein deficiency, the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles begin to appear faster, and muscle weakness appears.

With prolonged fasting, protein deficiency of varying severity appears, and the body is depleted.

At the same time, the quality of life decreases in a person, the feeling of hunger haunts a person constantly, he almost always thinks about food. The smell of acetone comes from the oral cavity. This is due to the fact that during the breakdown of fats, ketones are formed, which act as a toxin. Diarrhea, abdominal pain also develops, nausea and dizziness appear over time.

If the hunger strike lasts one or two days, which can be beneficial, as immunity increases. But with prolonged fasting, the body's defenses begin to decline, and the risk of developing viral and infectious diseases increases. In addition, all chronic pathologies that were not previously disturbed are exacerbated.

What other consequences of starvation for the human body arise? With reduced immunity, the body is unable to resist various diseases. In some cases, under the influence of other negative factors or hereditary predisposition, benign or malignant neoplasms may develop. In women, the hormonal system is almost always disturbed, and this can threaten infertility.

Starvation provokes a violation of the emotional background, people become irritable, and the activity of the cardiovascular system, water-salt balance is disturbed, which often causes fainting and convulsions.

About five years ago, many nutritionists recommended fasting for patients with acute appendicitis and severe injuries. But even then, amino acids, glucose and electrolytes were administered intravenously to a person to maintain the normal functioning of the body, since he was not able to learn all these components along with food.

Today, doctors unequivocally assure that fasting does not benefit the body. And the consequences of a hunger strike can be very sad. Good nutrition is necessary for every person, but it must be correct and balanced. In this case, you can lose weight without starvation.

To date, the effect of hunger on the human body has been fully studied. You can not refuse food for a long period of time. Of course, during starvation, body weight decreases, but this happens due to the combustion of the internal resources of the body.

Subsequently, when a person begins to eat, all the lost kilograms return, and the feeling of hunger doubles, so many begin to pass. This leads to the fact that the weight rapidly begins to gain, fat is deposited under the skin, health deteriorates.

Complications and consequences

Some young women and girls know from their own experience what fasting leads to. Prolonged fasting leads to the fact that the body has a constant deficiency of nutrients, and this adversely affects its vital functions. At the same time, the beauty of the body also undergoes negative changes.

First, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals is manifested by brittle nails, hair loss, darkening of teeth, the skin becomes flabby and dull, rashes and wrinkles appear on it.

If a person is obese, and he practices fasting, soon the weight will begin to drop rapidly, the skin will not have time to adapt, so it will begin to sag, stretch marks will appear on it. This phenomenon is usually observed on the face, in the abdomen and thighs, on the buttocks.

Constant hunger leads to indigestion, in adolescents the hormonal system is quickly disrupted, and there is a risk of developing gynecological diseases.

Doctors constantly talk about the dangers of fasting for young girls, including teenagers. In pursuit of a beautiful model appearance, many girls refuse food in order to lose weight. Gradually, they develop anorexia, which leads to problems with the functionality of all organs and systems. Such a pathology is considered to be a psychological problem, therefore, not only a therapist, but also a psychologist is engaged in its treatment.

Usually, such a disease develops due to frequent hunger strikes, the body gradually adapts, the person stops feeling hungry and may not eat for a long time. At the same time, body weight is rapidly decreasing. Sometimes the pathology leads to death.

Some doctors say that it is possible to carry out therapeutic fasting under the supervision of a doctor, but for a short time.

When you refuse food, the body begins to look for alternative sources of energy without the development of negative consequences. First, it begins to cleanse the digestive tract, reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol, and improves metabolism.

But it is necessary to approach therapeutic fasting with responsibility, observing all the rules of preparation. If everything was done correctly, short-term fasting will not lead to negative consequences, but will help cleanse the body and, thereby, reduce weight by several kilograms.

In this case, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the duration of the hunger strike, it should be no more than five days, it should take place under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the risk of developing dangerous complications increases. With prolonged fasting, the body begins to work in an economical mode, all processes slow down, physical and mental activity begins to suffer, all reactions are inhibited, the person becomes lethargic and apathetic.

It is also necessary to get out of therapeutic fasting correctly, this is done gradually. First, liquid food is included in the diet in small quantities, for example, on the first day you can eat a few tablespoons of soup. Then gradually increase the number of servings, introduce solid food into the diet, and at the very least, you can eat meat.

At the same time, after such a procedure, it is recommended to adhere to a proper healthy diet, then it will be possible to keep the figure beautiful. Before embarking on such a procedure, you need to study the information, weigh the pros and cons, and also get a doctor's advice.

Return to nutrition

Doctors say that returning to eating in the same quantities of food can be dangerous. After fasting, especially a long one, the return to nutrition will be accompanied by the release of insulin and other hormones into the body. As a result, salt begins to linger and, accordingly, the liquid. This leads to the appearance of edema.

There is also the so-called refeeding syndrome. In this case, during prolonged fasting, the body is rebuilt, when eating the usual portion of food, it needs additional strength and substances, but the body lacks useful substances, vitamins and minerals after a hunger strike.

All this leads to the development of heart failure, heart rhythm disturbance, nausea, accompanied by vomiting. This is especially true when eliminating a large percentage of body weight and with a sharp weight loss. In such a situation, doctors monitor the patient's condition, conduct an examination of the body, and develop a daily menu.

How much can you starve?

In some cases, a ten-day fast is allowed, but this period cannot be exceeded. If a person does not eat for more than ten days, he begins to develop irreversible consequences at the cellular level. Cells die, poisoning of the body occurs, and there is a high risk of death.

With prolonged abstinence from food, the activity of all internal organs suffers, they begin to change their structure and size, in some cases these changes are irreversible, so even if a person returns to his former life, starts eating, he can become disabled. There are many cases when the kidneys and other organs failed.

Prolonged hunger leads to the development of severe beriberi, hair and teeth begin to fall out, inflammation of the tongue, mental disorders, and convulsions may develop. In men, in this case, gynecomastia often develops, libido decreases, impotence and infertility occur.

If you fast for several days, then serious changes in the body will not happen, it will even benefit. But it is imperative to consume a large amount of pure water in order to prevent dehydration and intoxication of the body with the breakdown products of adipose tissue.



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