List of prohibited medications for drivers. What medications should you not drive a car with?

All of us, drivers, can be recognized as drug addicts - by the will of the law. Even after 20 drops of Corvalol, experts find phenobarbital, a psychotropic drug, in the body. Consequences under the Code of Administrative Offenses: deprivation of rights for 1.5–2 years, a fine of 30 thousand rubles. Conclusion: die, but observe the letter of the law!

All of us, drivers, can be recognized as drug addicts - by the will of the law. Even after 20 drops of Corvalol, experts find phenobarbital, a psychotropic drug, in the body. Consequences under the Code of Administrative Offenses: deprivation of rights for 1.5–2 years, a fine of 30 thousand rubles. Conclusion: die, but observe the letter of the law!

To court on three wheels

An incredible story was told to us by Alexei Smirnov, Ph.D. chemical-toxicological laboratory of the Moscow scientific and practical center of narcology. Traffic cops brought a citizen for a medical examination, who was stopped because his SUV was driving ... on three wheels. One fell off a little earlier, and the poor driver, in his words, simply did not feel it. The inspectors did not evaluate the stability of the car, immediately questioning the condition of the car owner. signs alcohol intoxication they didn’t smell it, but something suggested that the comrade should be tested for drugs. Laboratory analysis showed the result (in the Russian Federation such tests are carried out in the urine): phenobarbital - more than 40 thousand nanograms (ng) per 1 milliliter (1 ng is one billionth of a gram)! For reference: the therapeutic concentration of phenobarbital in human blood is considered to be 5-40 thousand nanograms per milliliter of blood, and an indicator of 100-200 nanograms is considered fatal.

At the trial, the citizen assured that, getting nervous during the arrest, on the way to the medical examination, he drank heart drops, they are known to be sedative. The chemist-toxicologist who was present as a witness doubted: a decent single dose in 50 drops of corvalol or valocordin gives up to 3000 ng / ml in the analysis. It is doubtful that the "sick" took almost ten times more ...

We will return to the exposure of the phenomenon (the details are important for our topic), but one thing can be said: the driver took the substance precisely in medicinal purposes.

Can't be pardoned?

Regulations on drug intoxication in the driver's article of the Code of Administrative Offenses it needs to be edited in order to eliminate the trap lurking in it, - Alexei Smirnov believes. - It is even more important to correlate with the realities of life the situation associated with the use of certain drugs and food.

The trap in the 12th article of the Code of Administrative Offenses will be noticed only by a specialist: “Note. The use of substances that cause alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, or psychotropic or other intoxicating substances (allocated auth.) is prohibited. Administrative liability occurs when<…>availability drugs or psychotropic substances in the human body.

Let's treat the text corrosively, like a judge when considering, for example, your, God forbid, "corvalol" case. Pharmaceuticals are just classified as "other. Intoxicating substances." They appear in the first part of the note - here they are put on the same level as drugs and psychotropic drugs. But at the end of the note, "other substances" are no longer mentioned. It turns out that it’s impossible, it’s impossible, but after taking heart drops, administrative responsibility does not seem to come.

It is too early to rejoice: the result of a drug examination is attached to the court case, it contains, albeit a tiny, but positive indicator. And the law does not allow these substances in the analysis nor in slightest dose(as in bad memory anti-alcohol zero threshold). Guess from three times: what decision will the court make?

Special instructions: read!

The driver himself can avoid an unfair verdict. And not a forgery - it won’t work like that. The author of these lines was shown in action only one device: with its help, at a distance and in an instant, it is determined whether the client has presented his urine (drug addicts carry a jar of moisture from an immaculate baby in their pocket in case of examination). Bound by an obligation of non-disclosure, the author is not entitled to disclose more. Toxicologists said that they were equipped with other ingenious devices, but refused to even describe them.

The driver can help himself in another way. When a doctor first writes a prescription, ask if the medicine will cause the same effects. In fact, the doctor himself should warn about them, but he suddenly forgets ... If you bought the drug without a prescription, do not be too lazy to go through the instructions for it, at least diagonally, through the section " special instructions". You will come across the words “not recommended for drivers”, “... working with mechanisms”, and so on. - note. It is even more reliable to look at the composition of the medicine - it may contain names that it is useful for any driver to know, as well as to understand what they threaten.

From the instructions for TeraFlu.

From the instructions for TeraFlu.

And do not blindly trust the fact that “you have been accepting all your life”, and the instructions were once read. In preparations, components appear that do not reduce the effect of the main action, but give new manifestations in nuances. The nuance may refer to the driver's protection from unintentional confrontations with the law.

We give advice: at the end of the material is a list of Dr. Smirnov. It contains the most common drugs that cause a positive result in a toxicological analysis.

Why they are dangerous - on the examples of well-known drugs.

... and three days without a rudder

Let's finish the topic with phenobarbital - it is part of many popular drugs. This type is cunning and insidious: it can hide in the body for a long time, moreover, accumulate. If you took all the same valocordin or corvalol in the evening, especially if twice (in the most usual doses- 30–40 drops each), then the next day you can’t drive: phenobarbital will disappear only on the third day.

In its pure form, this healing substance is absolutely incompatible with driving. Defendant of amazing story with a “three-wheeled” off-road vehicle, he made it clear to the medical witness (not in the courtroom - in the corridor) that he was not actually taking valocordin - he underwent a course of treatment with pure phenobarbital. So it has accumulated 40 thousand nanograms.

It would seem that by a recent decision of the government, it was classified as a psychotropic substance and thus the circulation was limited - it has become painfully popular with drug addicts. (Nevertheless, the Internet openly offers to buy it in pure form for 220 rubles. for packing. However, this is another topic.) But medicines with its inclusion remain in the public domain up to two hundred items. In a number of drugs (say, painkillers), phenobarbital acts as a component in the composition of substances, and in this case it is not recognized as prohibited. But even if you call it a pot, it does not lose its ability to linger in the body and is easily detected by chemical-toxicological analysis.

When fatigue, insomnia strikes, or you just need to get enough sleep, many people grab the well-known lifesaving sticks - publicly available phenazepam, donormil, diphenhydramine. If, going to bed, you take one of them, and for some reason they check you in the morning, then, having slept and vigorous, they will take you out: “The state of intoxication has been established.” The laboratory will definitely detect sleeping pills, and the narcologist in the act will write something about tremor, nystagmus and redness of the eyes ...

Do you like morphine?

Even more dangerous are the components of medicines, which, being harmless in themselves, serve as raw materials for the “production” of drugs, Alexey Smirnov drew attention. The name of neoplasms is metabolites. The location of their "production" - "chemical laboratory" human body. A pedestrian before these chemical metamorphoses is violet, but not a driver.

The authorities also restricted access to codeine. Let's say, as part of the super popular pentalgin, it was replaced with another substance, no less effective. However, neither medicine nor pharmacology is ready to completely abandon codeine. And it is bad because in the body it is partially converted to morphine. The title needs no comments. Selegiline is converted into the drugs amphetamine and methamphetamine in the urine. Even in the instructions for the drug, this is honestly said.

Diet in the long haul

Let's digress for three paragraphs from drugs, but not from the topic: what else to avoid? Of the common "other intoxicating substances" stay away from the driver smoking mixtures(we have already talked about them), as well as ... from poppy seed buns.

The many-voiced dispute about the narcotic threat of the culinary poppy once grew into a world-class problem - Scientific research both in our country and abroad. And here are the data: a treat gives an indicator in the range of 200-500 ng / 1 ml - what would you think? - morphine. It would seem that the value is negligible. But the laboratory fixes this “nothing”. And the law comes into force.

The most vulnerable of poppy sweets are those who do not allow themselves to stop and run into the bushes on a long journey. Most often, these are vacationers striving for the south, and truckers. With a continuously sedentary regimen in the urine, the concentration of morphine in bladder is growing. And the more frail the driver, the higher it is. The less he drinks liquids - also. can intervene and individual reaction organism to the substances in the product. Well, how does the traffic inspector, taking the tired look of the carrier for something else, offer to drive with him for examination?

The likelihood of such an invitation increases when exhaustion (and its signs in appearance) exacerbate the effect of those same drugs. And so it happens - aggravates: this is a medical fact.

Hence: if you happen on a week-long flight, you manage to catch a cold or prick in your chest, do not take anything from the travel first-aid kit. Stop and calculate when to start again: after taking medication, it is in every sense harmful to drive before 10-12 hours. Especially consider if a kind soul in the parking lot shares an unnamed pill: "Don't be afraid, tomorrow he'll take it off by hand - he checked it on himself." God bless him, but - weigh.

Common sense is punishable

Physicians on examination could protect drivers from unfair court verdicts “drug drunk”. They are trying, and heroically.

An attempt was made by employees of one leading chemical-toxicological laboratory (it is the leading one in the country, respected, and we do not call it because - see the subtitle of the chapter). At their own peril and risk, they compiled and sent to colleagues a list of recommended thresholds - quantitative values ​​​​(in relation to specific substances), below which it is simply unfair to make a wording about drug intoxication. Let's say, with a figure set the next morning after an evening intake of 20 drops of Corvalol or a roll with poppy seeds eaten on an empty stomach.

In truth, these thresholds are so low that today not all laboratories in the country will be able to detect the difference between zero and the recommended numbers. They are lower, including the thresholds that are followed abroad. But we must evaluate: doctors have offered justice that runs counter to the “zero” “narcological” law.

Narcologists could protect against biased conclusions by the will of the law. They are the first to meet those brought for medical examination and describe clinical picture - psychophysical state human: reactions, nature of movements, speech, etc. No one will determine more precisely whether a person is really dope. Their opinion, if in a sensible way, should be decisive in the results of the examination. But the rules proclaim the supremacy of chemical analysis: anyone who is found to contain prohibited substances is drunk - "regardless of their concentration," as the order of the Ministry of Health says (this order is a by-law).

It is impossible not to add: a number of narcologists-practitioners are trying to insist that honest "acquittal" diagnoses be entered in the examination documents. It would be appropriate to name names, but it is impossible - the administration of medical institutions does not encourage such actions. The doctors are tied.

The process is on, but delayed along the way

The hope of drivers that the topic of drug intoxication is “not about me” is very shaky. The statistics are lulling: today, the cases of detecting traces of pharmaceuticals in relation to the total number of examinations on suspicion of drug intoxication is 3–5%.

However, let's be far-sighted. The equipment of chemical-toxicological laboratories is rapidly improving. Technique latest generations recognizes traces of the "malicious" components of the heart drops taken last week.

Do not drink Corvalol - you will become a drug addict. website

These computerized complexes are no longer only in the capitals, but also in the regions - and they are dispersing more and more widely. Efficient laboratories with highly qualified specialists work in Perm, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Kirov, Ryazan, Tula, Novosibirsk, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Magadan... This is good for fighting drug addicts. But one must understand that there will inevitably be more “shooting” formulations after harmless drugs in the conditions of the dominance of chemical analysis.

And then, we know the populist manners of other politicians. Can it be ruled out that one of them will not push through the “tightening of conditions” - and they will rake up colds and cores in one heap with hardened drug addicts (how are you personally feeling?). The existing wording in the Code of Administrative Offenses allows.

Such sentiments are palpable. Healthy narcologists and toxicologists have long proposed amendments to the law and expected that they would be adopted simultaneously with the elimination of the zero "alcohol" threshold - the deputies would not have to return to the same article of the Administrative Code twice. But it didn't happen. Process on distant approaches to legislators. Everything goes and goes...


Here is Dr. Smirnov's "desktop" list: the first ten drugs are found in toxicological laboratories more often than subsequent ones, and therefore they are extremely insidious. It is not necessary to memorize by memory, but let the cheat sheet be at hand.

1. Phenobarbital (included in about 200 drugs)

2. Phenazepam

3. Doxylamine (Donormil)

4. Pregabalin (Lyric)

5. Tramadol (Tramal, Zaldiar)

6. Carbamazepine (Finlepsin)

8. Diphenhydramine

9. Dicycloverine (Trigan-D)

11. Amitriptyline

12. Nalbuphine

13. Butorphanol (Stadol)

14. Tianeptine (Coaxil)

15. Baclofen

16. Amantadine

17. Chlorprothixene

18. Gabapentin

19. Haloperidol

20. Mexidol

21. Mirtazapine

22. Flupirtine (Katadolon)

23. Aminazine

24. Thioridazine

25. Clopixol

26. Selegiline

27. Lamotrigine

29. Quetiapin (Seroquel)

30. Citalopram

31. Cyclodol

32. Phenibut

33. Carphedon (Phenotropil, metabolite - phenibut)

The drugs used interact with human organs in different ways. They eliminate pain and promote recovery, but affect the speed of response, as well as the perception of the world as a whole. simple pill can affect coordination or cause drowsiness. prohibited while driving. must read the list of drugs at least once.

What medications are at risk?

Medications that are not recommended for drivers make it difficult to quickly respond and control the situation on the road. Such tablets are also not recommended for taking before active physical and mental load. The category of prohibited substances includes substances that affect:

  1. attention and responsiveness;
  2. muscle tone;
  3. coordination of movements;
  4. nervous system;
  5. general human activity.

The main illicit drugs include sleeping pills contributing fast falling asleep which in turn leads to accidents. Even small doses of them can cause unusual driver behavior, because they function in the body like a drug.

Also prohibited are remedies for pain syndrome, which do not significantly affect the perception of the surrounding world, but reduce the speed of response.

Prohibited drugs are often included in the list that are taken with a common cold. They contain components that adversely affect perception and reduce the reaction.

By using certain drugs, you risk your safety and the safety of others.

Medicine does not stand still, constantly creating new pills and analogues to existing ones, so bring full list drugs prohibited while driving is simply impossible. Therefore, it is worth protecting yourself at least from basic medicines. Among them:

  1. Sedalgin, Pentalgin. They contain codeine, which is used for pain relief and gives a slight result, like after using the drug.
  2. Tramadol. It performs an analgesic function with an intoxicating effect.
  3. Spasmoveralgin Neo. Used for pain relief and also contains codeine.
  4. Buprenorphine. Analgesic with analgesic and intoxicating properties.
  5. Butarfonol tartrate. Similar to Buprenorphine in action and is used to eliminate pain.

All of them have intoxicating functions that lead to loss of control, therefore, they are extremely dangerous.

Almost every drug has certain side effects which can lead to loss of control of the machine

Don't forget about sleeping pills or substances with inhibitory properties. The main ones are:

  1. Sibazon. It has sedative and intoxicating properties.
  2. Cinnarizine. It is used to improve blood circulation and affect the reaction rate.
  3. Amitriplin. This is a strong sedative.
  4. Alprazolam. It is used for depression, causes drowsiness.
  5. Midazolam. Acts like a sleeping pill.
  6. Carbamezepine. It greatly reduces the response.

Many medicines do not contain sedatives or narcotic substances, but they are still forbidden. These are blood pressure lowering substances that slow down the reaction. These include Adelfan, Kristepin and others like them.

Dangerous are the pills that raise the pressure, because they cause absent-mindedness, weakness and dizziness. These are Clonidine, Atenolol, Ternomin and others.

You can also not use antihistamines. They cause lethargy, drowsiness and enhance the functionality of other substances. Among them are Suprastin, Diphenhydramine and other similar medicines.

There are drugs that cannot be directly attributed to any group, but they affect the nervous system and the brain. These are the harmless Valocardine and Lomeramide, which can slow down the response and cause drowsiness. To avoid this, read the ingredients and side effects drugs.

Even the most harmless drugs can affect the brain and nervous system.

Duration of drug exposure

When taking sedatives, painkillers or sedative illegal drugs, pay attention to the duration of exposure. After all, sleeping pills taken at night can give results in the morning and even all day.

Most painkillers and sedatives affect the body for more than 12 hours. Sleeping pills are ahead of everyone in duration, being excreted from the body for almost 10 days. to the section of the instruction, which indicates the effects on the body and their duration. If you are a car enthusiast, then limit the use of sleeping pills or use analogues with a duration of up to five hours.

Consequences of taking unauthorized drugs

Prohibited drugs for drivers affect the reaction rate, perception of the surrounding world, coordination and other body functions in different ways. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately describe their harm, because each substance has its own influence. Harmfulness also depends on the type of drug: narcotic, sedative and sleeping pills have different effects on humans.

The driver who has taken any of these means is more at risk of getting into an accident. He reacts worse to stimuli, is less attentive and may ignore obvious signals of an accident. The impact of prohibited substances on the driver is often equated with alcohol or drug intoxication.

At the same time, it is very difficult to determine their presence in the driver’s blood, and for detection it is necessary to pass whole complex analyses. Do not ignore the safety of others - do not drive your car after taking such medications.

  1. Do not get behind the wheel of a car if you read in the instructions that the medicine you have recently taken belongs to antipsychotics, sedatives, sleeping pills, or contains lithium. All of them affect the psyche.
  2. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are substances that cause hypnotic and sedative effects.
  3. Beware of blood pressure medication. Especially with the so-called central action. They can cause significant retardation.
  4. Special attention is paid to beta-blockers. it pharmacological preparations, which affect the rate and force of heart contractions and can cause drowsiness. And antiallergic drugs rare cases cause the same effect.

Drowsiness is an effect that many drugs have

Consequences of careless attitude to medicinal substances

What are the dangers of drug use hastily before you get behind the wheel? Some of the prohibited drugs are recognized by the breathalyzer. And then in court it will take a very long time to prove that you are a law-abiding citizen and did not drink alcohol that day. Now you can laugh and say that such a case is one in a million ... But it’s better not to risk it than to say a huge thank you later, for example, to Suprastin, and peacefully ride in the passenger seat or in public transport.

Attitude to various drugs every driver is special. After all, taking medication while driving, a person is at particular risk, because the body's reactions to external stimuli. Among these substances, there are those that are easy for the driver to use.

After all, driving a car, the driver performs big number various operations at the same time. For example, making an assessment of the traffic situation in the field of view of his attention, he understands the events taking place in 1/24 of a second. However, when you slow down, it only takes 1/10th of a second to do so.

Everyone knows that there are drugs that inhibit the reaction, even twice. What are these drugs?

Prohibited Substances

To protect yourself and your loved ones, it is necessary to exclude from use those medicines that are capable of:

  • change the functionality of the nervous system;
  • disrupt the coordination of movement;
  • relax muscles;
  • slow down reactions
  • weaken attention.

These medicines are prescribed by a doctor, and they can only be dispensed with his prescription.

The main substance that falls under this category should be considered a hypnotic. It provides normalization of a dream and promotes fast falling asleep. Doses that are prescribed by doctors act on the body like soft drugs.

Sleeping pills "Donormil"

Are ordinary medicines dangerous?

Ordinary pills that are taken for headaches (asfen, novocephalgin, fenalgin, pirafen, citramon, novomigrofen) for medicinal purposes do not particularly affect the driver. Such pills (mainly for headaches), which contain hypnotic drugs (diafen, verodon) are capable of inhibiting the central nervous system and causing an accident. They reduce attention and ability to quickly respond to the situation and reduce the reaction.

Seduxen - tranquilizer

They are able to reduce emotional (mental) stress, reduce uncertainty and arousal, and even out mood. However, tranquilizers are the culprits in slowing down the reaction, relaxing the muscles and creating moods of indifference to the outside world.

If you take a large dose of such drugs, they cause coordination disorder and drowsiness. Such reactions of the body disappear only after one or two days after the end of the medication.

When allergic and other diseases are treated (in which the body's reactivity changes), diprazine, diphenhydramine, suprastin and other similar drugs are used. antihistamine action. They are able to calm, prevent development and alleviate allergic reaction etc.

There are times when taken in the morning"dose" of diphenhydramine causes such irresistible cravings to sleep that it is simply impossible to overcome it. And it happens that the evening taking of such a medicine can continue its effect even until lunch of the next day. The danger for drivers of drugs of this action is huge.

To reduce high blood pressure with hypertension and other similar diseases, they often take drugs containing alkaloids (rauvazan, reserpine, etc.). The action of which slows down the transmission and speed of passage nerve impulses. Therefore, in order to reduce arterial pressure, use sleeping pills and tranquilizers. In this regard, the driver must always be on the alert.

Such medicines, which are prohibited for the driver, in most cases can cause a traffic accident. They are used when the driver, due to a decrease in attention or disability, cannot drive.

It happens that a person with diabetes mellitus, before starting management vehicle administer an overdose of insulin. In this regard, when driving a vehicle, the amount of sugar in the driver's blood will decrease to such a level that he will lose consciousness. Of course, such cases are very rare, but the fact remains.

At the same time, it is impossible to clearly indicate the list of drugs prohibited while driving, because such drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Of course, when he writes out a prescription, he advises the driver to stop driving. In this case, the responsibility for all the consequences falls on the shoulders of the patient and his conscience.

It happens in this situation that cannot be prevented, especially when the conscience of the driver is asleep. Have you ever struggled with sleep while driving? Leave your stories of brilliant victories in the comments.

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The use of drugs in many cases provides impact on ability to drive. Patients who take medications on a regular basis usually receive a warning from their doctor that this drug impairs driving ability.

Some medicines act so strongly that patients must for the duration of treatment in general stop driving. However, many drivers only take pills (eg, painkillers) from time to time, believing that this does not affect their body.

Meanwhile, even one pill can cause a tragedy on the road.

According to the legislation in force in Russia, the blood of the persons involved in the accident is examined for alcohol content. If at the same time traces of narcotic drugs are found, these persons bear the same responsibility as for driving after drinking alcohol.

It's not hard to leave such a mark. It is enough to take, for example, antitussive tablets. The codeine contained in some forms of these tablets is converted into morphine during metabolic processes. If a blood test reveals it, the driver faces up to 2 years in prison.

There are several groups pharmaceuticals potentially hazardous to the driver.

Driving and local anesthesia

After such anesthesia (for example, used before tooth extraction), you should not drive a car for at least 2 hours.

After general anesthesia(using e.g. ketamine applied when the large quantity teeth) - a day after waking up.

Opioid analgesics and driving

They disrupt the brain, causing a delay in reflexes and problems with the correct assessment of the situation on the road.

These include, in particular, vandal (morphine), pethidine, pentazocine ... buprenorphine, methadone. Similar problems can occur after taking tramal (not a drug, but acts on the brain in a similar way).

Drivers should also be careful when using painkillers, as well as antitussives containing codeine. They can increase the reaction time, that is, weaken the reflexes.

Non-steroidal painkillers and driving

A driver can drive a car if he takes a tablet of "pure" paracetamol, ibuprofen, or acetylsalicylic acid(eg aspirin). The composition of the drug is always indicated on the package.

However, complex pain relievers may contain hypnotic barbiturates or invigorating caffeine. When using them, you should be very careful while driving.

Medications for diabetics and driving

Incorrect use of insulin can cause hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, and therefore impaired consciousness and even loss of consciousness.

Driver suffering from diabetes, must check the blood sugar level with a glucometer before the trip, take the appropriate dose of insulin - if necessary - wait until the drug works.

It is necessary to abandon further driving when sweating, hunger, anxiety appear.

Sleeping pills and sedatives while driving

The driver should not get into the car if he took strong sleeping pills or tranquilizers (even when he took them on the evening of the previous day). They disrupt the accuracy of movements, cause drowsiness, weakness, and in some people fatigue and anxiety.

If someone has to drive in the morning and wants to sleep soundly through the night, then soft herbal medicines or melatonin should be chosen. Be sure to avoid barbiturates, benzodiazepine derivatives and cyclopyrolones.

Safety Triangle

  • If there is a graphic sign on the drug package - triangle with inscribed exclamation mark - this means that during treatment with this drug it is forbidden to drive a car.
  • Always check with your doctor about the effects of prescription drugs on your ability to drive.
  • If you are taking the medicine yourself, please read the leaflet that comes with the package very carefully, which describes side effects.

Psychotropic drugs and driving

These include, in particular, antidepressants, tranquilizers and neuroleptics. They can cause drowsiness or insomnia, dizziness, visual disturbances, and other symptoms that interfere with driving. This is a broad group of drugs - driving should be avoided while taking any form of these drugs.

Antiemetics and driving

If the driver is forced to take, for example, aviomarin, difergan, torecan, zofran or another antiemetic drug, then must stop driving, as these drugs cause drowsiness, weakness, headaches.

Medicines for hypertension and driving

Their application is relative contraindication to drive a vehicle, as they can cause fatigue and weakness. Similar action may have diuretics. You can only drive a car with small doses of this type of pharmaceutical.

Antihistamines and driving

New generation products (eg Zyrtec, Claritin) do not affect the driver. However, "old" drugs (for example, clemastine, phenazoline) can cause drowsiness, headaches and incoordination. It is worth consulting with your doctor about replacing them with safe ones for driving.

Poor health of a rare motorist makes him refuse to travel. Headache - took a couple of pills and go. Especially they cannot afford to lie down or transfer to public transport on days of illness, those for whom the driver is a profession. Yes, pills will improve your well-being, but this medal has another side. Drugs are able to change the reactions and. Some pills disrupt the coordination of movements, while others make you sleepy. To safely “sick” while driving, you need to know which medications should never be combined with driving. Consider prohibited drugs for drivers.

Grabbed a pill on the run

Waking up in the morning with back pain, you thrice kind word remembered a neighbor who yesterday was helped to bring a refrigerator to the fourth floor. Having opened home first aid kit, grabbed the first painkiller that came to hand and rushed off. Of course, you did not read the instructions for the drug, because you are already late for work ...

Familiar situation? Yes, it is not the back that can hurt, and the neighbor is not necessarily to blame. But negligently, in haste, to get more or less suitable pills from a box of medicines - this, unfortunately, is what many do.

Consequences of negligence

What is the risk? Let's start with the fact that some drugs. And then try to prove in court that you are not a camel and did not take it on your chest. You can now dismiss, they say, there are only a few such cases. And yet ... It's better not to risk your certificate, otherwise you will have to say a lot of thanks, for example, to Valocordin and ride in the passenger seat for a long time.

But this is the most harmless of the consequences. Tablets may contain substances that affect the central nervous system (CNS) of a person. This leads to a decrease in concentration or the risk of the driver turning off altogether. Is it worth talking about?

Vigilance "First Aid Kit"

So you need to know the list of drugs prohibited while driving, and learn the rules for handling medications for drivers.

No self-medication

So, the first rule. Do not self-medicate. Be sure to tell your doctor that you are constantly on the go. Let the doctor take this into account when prescribing.

Do not drink even the usual powders before the road. Start taking new drugs on days when you are not going to travel.

Read the instructions

The second rule is for those who decide to use the home "pharmaceutical" stock. Carefully ! Most often, the column possible impact medicines for a person driving a motor vehicle is made a separate block.

"Heart" taboos

In the third rule, let's return to the drug "Valocordin". He, and similar drops, were in the taboo zone not only as alcohol-containing ones. Sedation- here is another underwater cobblestone. Cardiac and sedatives can affect the speed of reactions of the motorist.

Hearts should not lead, and taking beta-blockers.

There are drugs that are prohibited while driving, which are prescribed to people suffering from pressure. For example, beware of pills containing reserpine, as well as clonidine.

Revision of painkillers

It is possible that when you look into your first-aid kit, you will find prohibited drugs for drivers there. For example, estimate your supply of painkillers. "Aspirin", "Analgin", "Solpadein" - alas, these pills can also harm the driver. And here comes the fourth rule: right today.

cold drug

The fifth rule puts antihistamines and cold medicines at risk. For example, antihistamines are taken for allergies. It can be Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine.

And, alas, the list of medicines was replenished with such fast fighters against acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, like Fervex, Teraflu, as well as similar powders and pills.

Especially with a cold, you should not take tablets containing codeine, which belongs to drugs. More precisely, to opium derivatives - opiates.

After sleeping pills - only a passenger

The sixth rule says that it is impossible if the driver is "sitting" on sleeping pills. The fact is that such drugs also have a certain narcotic effect and can accumulate in the body. These substances are completely eliminated from the body for about ten days. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the driver will fall asleep on the road, but coordination of movements may be disturbed, attention scattered.

We treat stress, then on the road

Rule seven. Categorically, without any "buts", the driver is unacceptable to take tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotics. All drugs associated with the impact on the psyche, and driving are incompatible. Such drugs inhibit the activity of the central nervous system, suppress emotions, and contribute to the appearance of indifference to the outside world and circumstances.

For example, Elenium or Seduxen are tranquilizers. Antipsychotics are drugs that include thioridazine, chlorpromazine, fluphenazine and the like. Antidepressants, as a rule, are taken by people who find themselves in difficult life, emotional circumstances. These drugs include Amitriptyline or Clomipramine. This is perhaps the most incompatible type of medication with driving.

"Random" alcohol

The situation is made even more risky by the fact that it is strictly forbidden to combine such pills. Here bad joke can play the alcohol content in other preparations. That is, the driver can, by pure chance (again, without reading the instructions) in parallel, for example, with tranquilizers, take cough medicine, which will contain alcohol. Such a mixture can easily turn off a person right during the trip. This is the "non-alcoholic" eighth rule.

Under anesthesia

Point nine and a separate topic - anesthesia. Even after local anesthesia in dentistry it is better not to rush for the steering wheel. A minimum of 12 hours must pass before the reactions return to normal.

stomach issue

The tenth rule for those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract. In your case, driving is not compatible with all medications. Pay attention to the substance pirenzepine. These pills temporarily impair vision. The effect of "blindness" can persist for several days.

By the way, in case of problems with the chair, you also need to be on the alert. The common "Loperamide" (a drug for diarrhea) inhibits the central nervous system.

Read Rule #1

There is no such document that would clearly indicate all prohibited drugs for drivers. It is impossible to make a fixed “black list”, because the pharmaceutical industry is developing, and new names of medicines are constantly appearing on the market. So this article describes a basic list of substances and drugs that. Be healthy! And when you get sick, always return to the main rules: do not self-medicate and carefully read the instructions.



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