Ivermectin for cats Ivermectin - can it be used for cats, the correct dose without side effects

For the treatment of diseases of the skin and ears caused by mites, the cat may be prescribed Ivermectin. Knowing the features of the drug will allow you to use it more confidently and safely.

Dosage forms of Ivermek

  • gel used externally;
  • spray used for skin spraying.

Previously, a solution of Ivermek was also used to treat cats, which has a detrimental effect on both ticks and helminths. The manufacturer does not currently recommend its use in the treatment of companion animals, as safer and equally effective treatments are available.

1 ml of Ivermek-gel contains:

  • active substances:
    • ivermectin - 1 mg;
    • lidocaine - 50 mg;
    • panthenol - 15 mg;
  • Excipients:
    • hydrogenated polyoxyethylated castor oil - 115 mg;
    • poloxamer 407 - 170 mg;
    • glycerin - 40 mg;
    • benzyl alcohol - 20 mg;
    • citric acid - 7.2 mg;
    • sodium phosphate disubstituted, 12-water - 40.4 mg;
    • distilled water - up to 1 g.

Ivermek-gel is a jelly-like substance, devoid of color or with a slight yellowness, slightly cloudy and shimmering in the rays of diffused light.

Ivermek-gel is produced in plastic tubes with a capacity of 30 ml, provided with annotations on the use of the product.

Ivermek-gel is effective against ticks and promotes healing of skin lesions

1 ml of Ivermek Spray contains:

  • active substances:
    • ivermectin - 2.5 mg;
    • lidocaine hydrochloride - 20 mg;
    • chlorhexidine bigluconate - 0.5 mg;
    • dexpanthenol - 10 mg
  • Excipients:
    • Cremophor RH 410 -120 mg;
    • water for injection - up to 1 ml.

Ivermek Spray is a completely transparent liquid, colorless or with a slight yellow tint. Ivermek spray is packaged in dark-colored glass bottles with a capacity of 30 ml, equipped with threaded caps, as well as spray nozzles. Each vial is placed in a cardboard box and provided with annotation on the use of the medication.

Ivermek-spray destroys mites, accelerates skin regeneration, and is also active against secondary flora

How does Ivermek work?

The composition of the produced forms of Ivermek includes ivermectin, which acts against sarcoptoid and demodex mites and their larvae that cause skin diseases.

Ivermek is effective for otodectosis in cats

Ivermectin, included in the composition of external forms, is practically unable to penetrate into the systemic circulation. It accumulates in the outer layer of the skin - the epidermis, hair follicles and glands that produce sebum; destroys ticks with preservation of effect for 5–7 days. Dosage forms of Ivermek for external use do not affect helminths.

Lidocaine, included in the spray and gel, has an analgesic effect, reduces itching and reduces the likelihood of self-harm when combing. Dexpanthenol accelerates the recovery of damage to the skin. The chlorhexidine contained in the spray acts against the secondary microbial flora.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Ivermek are tick infestations:

  • sarcoptic mange;
  • otodectosis;
  • notoedrosis;
  • demodicosis.

Ivermek - an effective remedy for demodicosis in cats

Application of Ivermek

The use of each form has its own characteristics.

How to use Ivermek Spray:

  • Ivermek-spray is applied to previously prepared, freed from crusts and inflammatory exudate lesions of the skin, trying to ensure uniform coverage with the capture of adjacent unchanged zones with a length of 1-2 cm;
  • the dose of the medication used should not exceed 0.2 mg/kg of the cat's body weight; dosing of the product is provided by a spray nozzle, one click on which sprays 0.125 ml of spray. In other words, in order to prevent an overdose, the number of “allowed” clicks on the spray nozzle must be calculated in advance, and in no case should they be exceeded when processing;
  • in the presence of foci located on the eyelids and on the nose, the spray is applied with fingers protected by gloves, with light and rubbing movements;
  • spraying is carried out from a distance of 10–20 cm, holding the aerosol torch vertically;
  • processing is carried out by first putting on medical gloves on oneself and a protective collar that prevents licking of the product on the cat;
  • it is permissible to spray the aerosol indoors only with very good ventilation, it is better to do this outside the home. Take out of the room or close existing aquariums or bird cages to avoid spray on their inhabitants;
  • with lesions of notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange and demodicosis, the agent is used 2-4 times every 3-5 days. If the affected area is large, then in order not to cause an overdose of Ivermek, only one half of the body is first treated, and then, after a day, the rest.
  • for the treatment of otodectosis, the skin of the inner surfaces of the ears is treated twice, having previously cleaned them of sulfur and inflammatory exudate. Usually 4 clicks on the aerosol nozzle are enough. The interval between treatments is 3-5 days.

Ivermek is effective for notoedrosis in cats

Use of Ivermek-gel:

  • Ivermek-gel is applied to previously prepared areas of skin lesions, capturing the neighboring unaffected skin by 1-2 cm when applying the drug. When applying the gel, they form a thin even layer;
  • to avoid overdose, apply the gel up to an amount of 0.2–0.3 ml/kg of the cat's weight;
  • the gel is applied in the direction from the edges of the focus to the middle, gently rub it into the skin;
  • with demodicosis, sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis, the gel is applied 2-4 times at intervals of 5-7 days, the total number of treatments should not exceed 6 times. With extensive affected areas, in order to avoid an overdose of the drug, the drug is applied fractionally, first treating only half of the body, then the rest over the next day;
  • before treatment, a protective collar is put on the cat, which is removed 15–20 minutes after the product has been absorbed;
  • in case of otodectosis, after cleaning, 0.5 ml of gel is injected into each ear, after which, having folded the ears, massage them, evenly distributing the drug. With otodectosis, the ears are treated 1-2 times with an interval of 5-7 days.

The manufacturer focuses on the need for the complex use of forms of the drug Ivermek in the presence of complications of tick-borne skin infections, their combination with antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Preventive use

Ivermek is used exclusively for therapeutic purposes. Its annotation does not contain indications and dosing regimen for prophylactic use.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • kittens less than 12 weeks old;
  • pronounced deficiency of body weight;
  • the presence of an infectious disease;
  • recovery period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, which is individual in nature.

Subject to the rules for using the drug specified in the annotation, there are no complications and side effects.

Ivermek should not be used in pregnant and lactating cats, and in kittens up to 12 weeks of age.

If the dosing regimen is violated, an overdose develops. Her symptoms are:

  • salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • muscle tremors;
  • nausea and vomiting.

With the development of an overdose, as well as the manifestation of hypersensitivity, the agent is removed with a napkin, then the skin areas are washed with plenty of water.

Drug Interactions

When using Ivermek-gel and Ivermek-spray, the active ingredients practically do not enter the systemic circulation and are not able to interact with other drugs. However, co-administration of all forms of Ivermek with other drugs that act on skin mites and are applied topically should be avoided.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Ivermek-gel and Ivermek-spray are stored for 36 months from the date of production under the following conditions:

  • sealed original packaging;
  • protection from sunlight;
  • moisture protection;
  • separately from human food and pet food;
  • lack of access for children;
  • temperature regime from 0 to 25 ° C.

After the initial opening, it is allowed to store the package of Ivermek-gel for 60 days.

Analogues and approximate cost of Ivermek

Ivermek-spray and Ivermek-gel are conveniently considered as part of a group of products with similar effects.

Table: Comparative Review of Treatments for Tick Skin Infections in Cats

Photo gallery: medicines for the treatment of tick-borne skin lesions in cats

Amidel-gel is effective for tick-borne infestations of the skin in cats Stronghold is effective against tick and helminth infestations; can be used during pregnancy Frontline Spot It is effective against tick-borne infections of the skin, protects against the attack of ixodid ticks Bars drops also have a detrimental effect on pathogens of tick-borne skin invasions.

> Ivermectin (solution for injection)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment!
Before using drugs, it is MANDATORY necessary to consult a specialist!

Veterinarians prescribe Ivermectin to sheep, cows and bulls for trichostrongylosis, dictyocaulosis, chabertiosis, ostertagiosis, esophagostomiasis, cooperiosis, hemonchosis, trichuriasis, bunostomiasis, protostrongylosis, strongyloidiasis, nematodirosis. For pigs, it is most often used to treat esophagostomiasis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, strongyloidiasis, metastrongylosis.

For whom: such a product is intended for cattle, sheep and pigs. It can also be used on horses, goats, camels, deer, dogs and cats.

Vacation form: the drug is produced in the form of a sterile solution containing 1% of the active substance and packaged in vials of 500, 250, 100, 50, 20 or 4 ml.

Dosage: the solution is injected under the skin. Cattle should be injected into the scapula or neck area, sheep - into the hairless area of ​​the elbow crease, pigs - into the ear area (its base). The dosage is selected by the veterinarian individually. For pigs, it is usually 0.3 mg of active substance per kg of animal weight (or 1 ml of solution per 33 kg of body weight). Sheep are injected with the drug at the rate of 0.2 mg of the active substance per kg of animal weight (1 ml of solution per 50 kg of weight). In severe cases, repeated injections are carried out at the direction of the veterinarian.

Composition and form of release

The composition of the drug includes the active ingredients ivermectin and vitamin E, which are safe for the health of pets. Benzyl alcohol, polyoxyethylated 35-castor oil, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, distilled water were used as auxiliary components.

Manufacturers offer several forms of the drug:

  1. Solution for injection and drinking in the form of a colorless or yellowish odorless liquid, packed in glass vials.
  2. Spray. Colorless, odorless, packaged in bottles with a spray nozzle.
  3. Gel for external use. Made on a water basis, light yellow, packed in tubes. It additionally contains lidocaine and panthenol, which have a calming, analgesic and regenerating effect.

Mechanism of action

The therapeutic effect persists for 14 days. The rest of the funds are excreted by the kidneys. In lactating animals, there is a risk of getting the drug into milk.

Indications for use

  • helminthic invasions;
  • toxascariasis;
  • toxaridosis;
  • hookworm;
  • uncinariasis;
  • notoedrosis;
  • demodicosis;
  • otodectosis;
  • sarcoptic mange;

Instructions for use

The use of the drug depends on the dosage form. To avoid the development of side effects, you should consult a veterinarian who will correctly select the dosage and treatment regimen.

The solution for injection is intended for intramuscular injection into the inner thigh or interscapular region. For injections, you can use an insulin syringe. During the procedure, asepsis rules should be strictly observed.

Using Ivermek for cats, the dosage is calculated taking into account the weight of the animal. It is 0.1 ml per kilogram of body weight. For treatment, the drug is used several times as prescribed by the veterinarian with an interval of 7 days. For prevention, injections are given once a year.

Ivermek gel is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas, having previously cleaned them of dirt, crusts and wool. The dose of the drug depends on the weight of the cat and is 0.3 ml per kilogram. Treatment lasts up to 10 days, depending on the disease and the severity of its course. After applying the gel, you should control that the cat does not lick itself for 30 minutes. This time is enough for the drug to be absorbed into the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

Ivermek is an effective veterinary drug with low toxicity. Its use is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • previous viral or infectious diseases;
  • wasting caused by malnutrition and poor living conditions.

At observance of a dosage side effects are observed very seldom. Animals may develop an allergic reaction, increased salivation, frequent urination and defecation, and muscle weakness. These symptoms usually resolve on their own and do not require additional treatment. In this regard, after using the medication, you should carefully monitor the condition of the pet.

Advantages and disadvantages

The tool has several advantages:

  • can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy;
  • high efficiency;
  • quickly absorbed and does not cause side effects;
  • painless when administered intramuscularly;
  • affordable price.

special instructions

When using the drug, you should strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. If for some reason it was not possible to carry out the next processing in a timely manner, this must be done as soon as possible.

Application of the drug is carried out using personal protective equipment. In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous surfaces, they should be washed immediately with running water and soap.

The shelf life of Ivermek is 18 months from the date of manufacture. An open bottle can be stored for 40 days in a dark place at a temperature of 0-25 ° C, away from feed and food. At the end of the storage period, the remnants of the drug are disposed of. Empty packaging should not be used for domestic purposes.

Drug analogues

Ivermek contains a fairly high concentration of the active substance, therefore it is not always possible to buy it in a pharmacy. A veterinarian will help you calculate the dosage correctly and choose a convenient type of drug. If it is not possible to use the drug, it should be replaced with another agent that has a similar effect.

Currently, manufacturers offer analogues such as Ivomek and Iversekt.

Ivermek is available as a sterile injectable solution. Ivermek gel is for oral use. International name: ivermectin 10, tocopherol.

Ivermek is based on a unique combination of active ingredients. 1 ml contains 10 mg of ivermectin and 40 mg of tocopherol acetate (vitamin E). These are the main active ingredients. As additional ingredients, the composition of the veterinary preparation includes: dimethylacetamide, polyethylene glycol-660-hydrokeystearate, water for injection, benzyl alcohol.

Instructions for use of the drug Ivermek says that it should be stored in dark, cool places away from children, food at a temperature of 0-26 ° C. You can use the veterinary preparation for its intended purpose within 2 years from the date of issue. An open vial should be used within 45 days.

The release form of the medicinal substance Ivermek is a solution for injection. A milliliter of the working solution contains ten milligrams of the active substance - ivermectin. In addition, the composition of the solution includes forty milligrams of tocopherol acetate, known as vitamin E. The rest of the preparation is filled with excipients.

The solution for injection is almost transparent, with a barely perceptible specific odor. The substance is packaged in dark glass containers (from 1 ml to 500 ml), sealed with rubber lids, which are additionally wrapped in a layer of aluminum. Containers with a volume of 400 ml to 1 thousand ml are made of special plastic and sealed with plastic lids.

The drug should be stored in the dark and cool, away from children, as indicated in its instructions for use. For animals, Ivermek can be used for two years, provided that the tightness of its vial is not broken. It is worth noting that only forty-five days are allotted in order to use the opened vial. Then the drug becomes unsuitable for further use.

This veterinary product is completely non-toxic if used strictly according to the instructions. It does not affect the development of embryos and very quickly resolves after injection into the muscle tissue of the animal.

The mechanism of action of the drug in veterinary medicine

Ivermek belongs to the category of moderately dangerous drugs. As a rule, adverse symptoms after application are noted in animals with increased hypersensitivity to the active components of the veterinary drug.

Ivermek is not used:

  • patients with viral, bacterial infections individuals;
  • emaciated, weakened animals;
  • with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnant females.

In animals in case of individual intolerance to the components of Ivermek, after administration of the drug, depression, decreased physical activity, salivation, allergic reactions, frequent defecation, and indigestion are noted. Similar symptoms disappear spontaneously on the second or third day. In calves, the temperature may rise by 1-2 degrees. Sheep have frequent urination, depression, apathy, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treated animals are allowed to be slaughtered for meat no earlier than 27-28 days after the intramuscular injection of Ivermek. Milk after the use of the drug is also allowed to be used no earlier than a month later. In the case of forced slaughter, before the deadline, the meat can be used as feed for fur animals, for the production of meat and bone meal.

Instructions for use and dosage

For the treatment of dogs, a small dose of the drug is used, which is sufficient to obtain a positive therapeutic result. The drug is used in the form of intramuscular injections. The effect of the drug after administration lasts for 12-14 days.

When dosing the drug "Ivermek" should take into account the weight of the dog. It is recommended to use 0.2 ml of the drug per 5 kilograms of animal weight. The use of the drug is carried out one-time. In severe forms of the disease, an additional injection can be used after consultation with a veterinarian.

"Ivermek" for dogs in the form of a gel is effective for the treatment of demodicosis. The drug should be applied not only to the affected area, but also to healthy skin around it. The drug is applied 2-4 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 7 days.

The gel contains the active substance ivermectin and auxiliary components: vitamin E, panthenol, lidocaine. The gel is not absorbed into the general circulation. The active substance acts in the sebaceous glands of the dog's skin.

Ivermectin for cats is used as an intramuscular injection. The dosage of the drug is determined by a specialist, depending on the weight of the animal. According to the instructions, the drug is used at the rate of 0.1 ml per 5 kilograms of the cat's body weight.

If necessary, the drug is used twice with a break of 14 days to avoid overdose. An overdose can increase the manifestation of the side effects of the drug and cause severe intoxication of the body.

If the animal shows side effects in the form of vomiting, increased salivation, watery eyes or trembling of the limbs, the remains of the drug should be washed off immediately with a detergent.

For the treatment of ear scabies, the drug is instilled into both auricles, regardless of whether the other ear is affected or not. "Ivermek" is used twice a day with an interval of 3-5 days. Daily use of the drug is contraindicated.

Side effect

With an unauthorized increase in the dosage of the drug or the course of its use in a cat or dog, side effects may occur, which are expressed:

  • trembling of the limbs;
  • nervous excitability;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • violation of urination and defecation.


You can buy Ivermek at a veterinary pharmacy or clinic. The average cost of the drug is from 30 to 260 rubles, depending on the form of release of the drug.

The temperature at which it is allowed to store the medicine is from 0 to 20 degrees. The drug has four forms of release, namely: drops, spray, gel and injections.

The form required for use is selected by the veterinarian after examining the cat, determining its weight, age and severity of the disease.

Different forms of release contain different amounts of the active substance, so the dose and frequency of use in each case is different.

Drops are highly effective and easy to use. To treat a cat, it is enough to drop a few drops of the medicine on the withers. The procedure should be carried out once every few days, but not more than twice.

Treatment is carried out on all affected areas of the skin, from two to four times (depending on neglect), and the interval between them should be at least three days. A collar must be worn on the cat to prevent the drug from licking off the coat.

Gel "Ivermek" can be in tubes from 2 to 50 ml. To use it, you need to clean the damaged areas of the animal's skin from dust, crusts and wool.

The gel is applied in a thin layer, and the treatment lasts from three to ten days. In one day, the drug can be used up to four times.

More frequent use and prolonged treatment is not recommended. If the symptoms do not disappear, then the pet should be shown to the veterinarian.

Injections or injections are a clear, odorless liquid. You can buy at any pharmacy. The volume is different (1, 10, 20, 50, 100 ml). The solution must be injected either at the withers or at the thigh.

Allow the injection time to warm up before use. To do this, it is enough for her to stand for several hours at room temperature. If the drug needs to be diluted, use only sterile distilled water for this.

Ivermek is prescribed for cattle, camels, deer, sheep, horses, goats, pigs. The veterinary preparation is prescribed to animals for prevention, in the treatment of pulmonary, gastrointestinal helminthiases.

Indications for the use of Ivermek in traditional veterinary medicine:

  • strongyloidiasis;
  • cestodosis;
  • nematodes;
  • ascariasis;
  • esophagostomosis;
  • sarcoptic mange (scabies);
  • trichuriasis;
  • toxoscarosis.

The drug is successfully used for mixed helminthic invasions in cows, calves, piglets. It is used in therapeutic therapy for psoroptosis, demodicosis, estrosis (subcutaneous, nasopharyngeal gadfly), mallophagosis, colitis, syfunculiasis (lice).

Good results can be achieved with the use of Ivermek from worms in young farm animals: calves, piglets, foals. The drug is also effective for mallophagosis, psoroptosis, lice, demodicosis, colitis and subcutaneous or nasopharyngeal gadfly. For young poultry (chickens, goslings, ducklings and turkeys), a veterinary drug is prescribed to combat entomosis caused by Dermatoryktes mutans, Ceratophyllus gallinae and Aphaniptera spp.

The drug is pricked only once during the prophylactic or therapeutic season, administering it intramuscularly:

  • Cats and dogs are injected into the muscle between the shoulder blades or at the withers.
  • For an adult pig or pig suffering from colitis, the substance is injected into the femoral muscle - inside the thigh, as well as into the muscles of the neck.
  • Other animals are encouraged to inject into the neck or croup.
  • Cats, rabbits and dogs should receive a milliliter of the drug per 5 kg of body weight.
  • Pigs and piglets can receive a milliliter of the substance per 33 kg of their weight.
  • Horses, cattle and small cattle (sheep, goats) should receive a milliliter of medication for every 50 kg of body weight.

A dose of ten milliliters of a substance for better absorption must be injected into different places of the body, since this dose is considered to be quite large.

Farm animals should be injected before they are identified for wintering (stalling period), as well as before the start of the grazing season.


The main forms of release: the drug Ivermek (ivermectin vitamin E), Ivermectin-10, Otodectin, Ivermectin Paste, Ivermek-gel and Ivermek-spray, differ in purpose.


One of the tasks of ivermectin is to fight ticks.

Avermectins have been used in medicine and veterinary medicine since the 1970s, and since the 1980s, their synthetic variants have appeared.


Method of application and indications for use

Like all veterinary or medicinal products, Ivermek has a hazard class. It belongs to the category of moderately hazardous veterinary drugs.

An adverse reaction to this medicine can be given by animals that have some sensitivity to the active substance or to its other components.

  • females expecting offspring;
  • weak or emaciated individuals (for example, those who have just been ill);
  • sick animals.

If, after the injection, the animal develops a depressed state, gastrointestinal upset, lack of appetite or an allergy, this is a manifestation of hypersensitivity to the drug. This condition is usually not dangerous for him and goes away spontaneously within two to three days. In addition, there may be a slight increase in temperature in young animals, such as calves. Sheep may react to the drug with frequent urination, depression and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the condition of the animal does not improve within three days after the injection, these are signs of a possible overdose. There is no special detoxification agent for Ivermek, therefore, symptomatic therapy is carried out, and the drug is subsequently replaced with a similar one. For example, you can use Ivermezol, Ivermin, Ivermecpharm, Ivervexan or Iverlik.

The medicine is prescribed by a doctor depending on the severity of the disease in the form of injections, spray or solution.

They produce a veterinary drug in 3 versions. The form is selected after the examination of the animal by a specialist and the diagnosis. Spray, injections or solution are selected based on the weight of the cat, the severity of the disease, age and the desired result.

The drug Ivermek is available in different forms: injection, gel, spray.

Ivermek in the form of a solution for injection is a clear, odorless liquid. They sell it in all pharmacies in glass or plastic bottles. The nominal value of packages can be 1, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ml. Large volumes are produced individually, and the smallest - 50 pieces.

Attention! It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for the drug, follow the rules for storage and dosage. Ivermek for furry pets is considered a moderately dangerous medicine. So be sure to keep it away from children, animals, away from sun exposure. Permissible storage temperature from 0 to 25 degrees.

Regardless of the form of release, the drug has the following composition:

The composition of the drug includes the substance Ivermectin and vitamin E.

The tool has a number of important advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • absence of an unpleasant smell and the need for ventilation after the treatment procedure;
  • the composition of the gel eliminates problems with the work of the intestines and stomach in case of licking;
  • the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood and evenly distributed throughout the body;
  • the unique composition helps to make the injection less painful, and the presence of lidocaine and panthenol in the gel relieves pain;
  • vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the cat, helps prevent adverse reactions.

The dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian after examination and careful examination of the pet. The doctor also selects a method of treatment, recommends one or another form of release. Each of them deserves special attention and has its own dosage.

Use this form in a ventilated room or on the street. Hold the bottle vertically and at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from a furry family member.

Terms of treatment are appointed individually.

Spray Ivermek is applied to the affected areas up to 4 times a day.

The instructions for use are very simple. The injection is administered either in the thigh area or in the withers.

In advance, you should prepare an insulin syringe and get the drug so that it warms up to room temperature. The volume of liquid is calculated from the weight: per 1 kg. - 0.1 ml.

As a preventive measure, an injection is given in the spring once a year. For treatment, several injections are prescribed with an interval of at least 7 days.

The medicine is applied in a thin layer to unhealthy areas of the animal's skin. Before use, it is necessary to clean the affected areas from debris, crust, tangled hair. Treatment lasts from 3 to 10 days, depending on the diagnosis and severity. Calculate the amount of gel based on the approximate weight of the cat/cat: 0.3 ml. per 1 kg. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Attention! It is necessary to closely monitor the pet after applying the gel and spray for 20 minutes. In no case should he lick his lips.

No serious consequences have been identified with an overdose of the drug in cats. But in case of non-compliance with the interval between doses and dosage, symptoms such as increased salivation, nausea are possible. In some cases, the animal may experience frequent defecation and urination.

Your cat may vomit or drool during treatment with Ivermek.

  • pregnant;
  • greatly weakened;
  • infected with a virus
  • is in the rehabilitation period after childbirth.

Ivomek has a high concentration of the active substance. It is harder to find in pharmacies. Most often used for small and large cattle.

Ivermek in veterinary medicine belongs to moderately hazardous substances, therefore the main thing is to observe the dosage of the drug. And this information contains each instruction for the use of Ivermek.

Ivermek can be prescribed by a veterinarian in the form of injections, solutions, sprays, and even gels.

The drug in the form of a solution is intended for injection. It is transparent and odorless. Such a solution can be produced in both glass and plastic bottles. As for the volume, the bottles are from 1 to 100 ml.

The spray has other volumes and doses of application. It goes from 25 to 350 ml.

For the treatment of fleas and ticks, Ivermek is best in the form of a gel, which has a light yellow color and is available in a disposable tube. The gel has a dosage of 2 to 50 ml.

This medicine is rapidly absorbed at the injection site and rapidly spreads throughout the cat's body. Its action lasts about two weeks. This drug is excreted from the body of the animal along with urine, and in lactating females even with milk, which is why, according to the instructions, it is not recommended to give it to pregnant cats.

Terms of use

Ivermek injections for cats are carried out according to the rules of asepsis. Depending on the form of release, a different dosage of the drug is used.

First, let's figure out how to use the spray correctly. It is recommended to use it only in well-ventilated areas or outdoors. Also, when spraying according to the instructions, the spray can should be at a distance of about 20 cm from the cat. As for the dosage, the spray is applied no more than 0.2 ml per 1 kg of the cat's weight, but it is necessary to cover the entire affected area. The frequency of use of the spray reaches 3-4 times a day with an interval of 3 to 5 days.

Now let's deal with injections. The instruction says that it is necessary to inject a cat with Ivermek medicine either at the withers or in the thigh area. Injections are made using an insulin syringe, pre-heating the solution to room temperature. The dosage of Ivermek in this case comes with the calculation of 0.1 ml per 1 kg. For treatment, it is necessary to make several intramuscular injections with an interval of at least 1 week. For preventive purposes, according to the instructions, the cat will only need 1 injection for a year, which is usually done in the spring.

And finally, consider the use of the gel and its dosage. Before applying the product, clean the affected area. Look to see that the coat is clean and not knocked into a ball, and also remove the dried crust. After that, the gel is applied in a thin layer on the cat's skin with the calculation of 0.3 ml per 1 kg. This procedure is carried out for the cat 3-4 times a day. It is necessary to monitor the pet so that it does not lick itself, at least for the first half hour. This will make the treatment more effective. If it’s hard for you to keep track of your fidget, then for a while, you can put on a special collar on the cat, which will limit the actions of your pet and prevent the gel from licking off the skin. This use of the drug lasts from 3 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Side effects

Some cats are hypersensitive to this medication. Because of which, your pet may suffer from frequent urination, defecation, excessive salivation, and the animal may also be very agitated. According to these indications, it is better to stop taking the drug.

Product Benefits

Contraindications for use

Although the drug does not pose a great threat to the cat's body, there are still several contraindications for the use of Ivermek. This medicine is not allowed:

  • Pregnant cats.
  • Animals that are in the rehabilitation period after childbirth.
  • Pets that are severely weakened or infected with a virus.

The uniqueness of the drug

Storage of the drug

Store Ivermek at a temperature below 25 degrees. Also, do not allow exposure to sunlight on this drug. And keep it away from your cat so she doesn't start playing with it and inadvertently overdose on it.

And remember, a properly selected medication and timely treatment or preventive measures taken will not only improve the health of your mustachioed pet, but can even save his life.



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