Blood in a cat after childbirth - a sign of a complication or a norm? Standard situation: a cat has bleeding after childbirth. Be prepared, the cat bleeds after giving birth The cat bleeds after lambing

Cats often experience vaginal discharge. There is nothing to worry about if the animal has started estrus or the body has not yet fully recovered from childbirth. But if a cat, especially a sterilized one, has discharge that does not stop for a long time, has a pungent odor, a strange color, or inclusions of unknown origin, then this may indicate the development of various pathological conditions. Most often, the appearance of secretions is provoked by inflammatory processes and tumors.


The cat constantly licks itself, so it is not so easy to notice the appearance of discharge. If the discharge from the genitals became too abundant, the animal stopped “washing”, this is an occasion to watch the animal more carefully.

Discharge from the uterus in a cat is of two types: natural and life-threatening, caused by disease or injury.


Natural secretions appear:

  • During the flow. They mean that the cat is ready to mate with the male. They continue for several days. At this time, the behavior of the cat changes. The animal becomes more excited, tries to play and fight with the owners or other animals, arches its back, raises the back of the body. Allocations during estrus are homogeneous, without inclusions, transparent color. They don't smell.
  • After childbirth. Normally, discharge should be observed no more than twenty-one days after lambing. During this time, the cat's body is completely restored. The first few days after delivery, the discharge may be reddish or brown, flecked or streaked with green, and has a metallic odor. The behavior of the animal does not change, the appetite remains good, the cat is cheerful, fully cares for the kittens. If the discharge continues for longer, the animal becomes lethargic and refuses to eat, this is a reason to go to the veterinarian. Such symptoms may indicate a birth injury or an infection in the body.
  • During pregnancy. During gestation, a cat may excrete fluid or mucus until the third week and 24 hours before the onset of labor. In the first case, it will be transparent, odorless, viscous discharge, which indicates the beginning of the formation of a mucous plug. Before childbirth, the mucous plug departs, yellowish discharge appears, which during the period of labor is replaced by bloody. Between the fourth and eighth weeks of pregnancy, there should be no discharge.


The appearance of some secretions requires attention and prompt assistance. They can be provoked by:

  • The development of a malignant tumor. With cancer, purulent discharge with a fetid odor comes from the uterus. They indicate the destruction of soft tissues. Treatment of pathology at home is impossible, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Decomposition of the placenta. Sometimes after childbirth, the placenta does not come out completely. The cat begins to behave sluggishly, watery discharge with bloody clots appears from under the tail. Needs to be cleaned at the veterinary clinic.
  • Uterine trauma. The animal can get injured if the surgery is unsuccessful. In this case, the discharge from the anus is profuse, contains a large amount of blood. The cat needs to ensure complete rest, keep other animals away. Put the bed in a separate room. It is impossible to determine the nature of the injury on your own, the help of veterinarians is required.
  • Inflammation of the genitals. Occurs for various reasons: with hypothermia or with infection after childbirth. The cat often licks, she has frequent painful urination. Often, the infection enters the bladder, which leads to cystitis. It is necessary to protect the cat from drafts, do not let it out into the street. If infections are found in the urine, a course of antibiotic treatment should be given.
  • Vaginitis. The acute form of the disease may be the result of trauma during childbirth. Chronic vaginitis occurs as a complication after serious diseases, such as chlamydia. Vaginitis comes in many forms. With serous vaginitis, the discharge is cloudy, transparent, accompanied by the appearance of ulcers on the soft tissues of the vagina. Catarrhal-purulent vaginitis is characterized by cloudy yellow or white discharge and inflammation of the area under the tail. If vaginitis is left untreated, it will progress to other diseases such as cystitis and endometritis.
  • Phlegmon of the vagina. The genitals of the cat swell, ulcers appear on them. The animal's temperature rises and there are purulent discharges with pieces of dead mucosa.
  • Endometritis. During this disease, the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the uterus becomes inflamed. The causes of the disease are varied, but most often it is a sexually transmitted infection and a side effect of drugs that cause suppression of desire. Allocations with endometritis are spotting, abundant, with an admixture of blood. The cat becomes in a pose, as if preparing to urinate, meows and arches its back.
  • Pyometra. This is one of the forms of purulent endometritis. It is only safe for a neutered cat that has had its uterus and both ovaries removed during spaying. The main causes are hormonal problems, which are most often caused by drugs against desire, and not completely cured endometritis. The cat is feeling unwell, lethargic, white discharge from the vagina appears.

The process of childbirth in a cat takes a lot of energy. There is also a risk of complications. One of the indicators of the well-being of the animal and the state of the body are postpartum discharge. Blood in a cat after childbirth may indicate the normal completion of the process or signal a possible damage or rupture of the cervix. Therefore, it is important to distinguish normal discharge from dangerous to health. animal bleeding.

Normal discharge

When observing a pet that has just brought offspring, the owners need to monitor body temperature and secretions. If a cat bleeds after childbirth, but it is active, takes care of itself and the litter, the body temperature is normal, you should not sound the alarm. This is a common condition: contracting, the uterus brings out the remnants of mucus and tissues. Normal postpartum discharge lasts up to 3 weeks - this is the period of complete recovery of the animal's body.

The discharge that occurs the first few days of the recovery period is brown or red in color, green blotches or veins may be observed. In the future, they become transparent or with a hint of pink. Only the characteristic "metallic" smell is considered normal. But foreign odors may indicate disorders in the cat's body.

Dangerous postpartum hemorrhage

The process of giving birth to kittens sometimes goes with complications. Possible damage to the tissues of internal organs, infection. By the nature and duration of bleeding, you can determine why the cat has bleeding after childbirth, and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

postpartum trauma

Urgent veterinary care is needed when a cat has a characteristic scarlet blood after childbirth or abundant mucus with numerous blood clots is secreted, and also observed:
  • restless behavior;
  • rapid breathing that becomes shallow after a while;
  • violation of the heart rhythm.
Such manifestations indicate tissue ruptures. If the bleeding continues for more than 10 minutes or the amount of blood exceeds a few teaspoons in volume, the cat will die. Even if the discharge is not abundant, the animal may go into shock.

Treatment depends on how much the discharge is and how much the cat bleeds after giving birth. If the bleeding is drip, lasts no more than 10 minutes, drugs are used that help stop the blood. With severe and prolonged bleeding, an emergency operation is performed.

Inflammation of the uterus

When an infection enters the birth canal, inflammation of the uterine mucosa may develop. An infection in the body of a pet can get not only during the birth of kittens, but also later, since the cervix is ​​completely closed only on the 10th day after the birth of the offspring. The cause of the disease can be unsanitary conditions, incomplete expulsion of the placenta from the uterus, as well as a dead fetus.

The main signs of metritis:

  • The cat bleeds after giving birth.
  • The bloody discharge is profuse and thick, like paste. Their color is blood-greenish.
  • The body temperature of the animal rises, sometimes up to 40.5 degrees, the cat is depressed, does not eat and does not follow the kittens.
Oxytocin is usually used for treatment, which should be carried out by a doctor, to accelerate the involution of the uterus and bring it back to normal. A course of antibiotics is also prescribed. In severe cases, the uterus is removed. In any case, kittens are taken away from their mother and transferred to artificial feeding. To avoid such complications, the pet should be examined immediately after childbirth.

It is important to remember that for any nature of spotting, the presence of a sour, rotting, pungent foreign smell in them is a reason to seek veterinary help.

Cats are very common pets, so changes in their health are a concern for us. As with any female, a cat can be observed from the vagina. Watching your pet, you need to be able to determine whether this is a normal phenomenon or a consequence of a pathological process in the animal's body, which requires urgent medical intervention.

Bleeding in a cat and their causes

Anomalies in the development of the genital organs or urinary tract, as well as inflammatory processes of a different nature, including bacterial infections, lead to bleeding. Other causes include trauma or accidental ingestion of a foreign body. But most often we are disturbed by bleeding in a cat after.

It takes a cat several hours to give birth to kittens, and only sometimes this process drags on for a day or more. The postpartum period is accompanied by discharge, which in the form of traces can be observed for up to three weeks. If the birth went without complications, you should not worry. Another thing is when the release of the fetus or placenta is delayed. It is recommended to count the number of afterbirths according to the number of kittens born. Nature made the cat eat its afterbirths. They contain a very important hormone for her body - oxytocin, which is a stimulant for childbirth and the appearance of milk. Retained placenta can cause bleeding, so the color, smell and amount of discharge is of particular importance. You need to know that scarlet, copious or foul-smelling discharge threatens the life of the beloved.

What should be done if discharge is observed?

In the case when you see a cat bleeding and do not know what to do, quickly analyze the situation. In a normal birth, you only need to observe the mother and her cubs, creating the best conditions for them. If you had to witness childbirth with complications, you need to urgently seek help from a veterinarian. You may need surgery, antibiotics, or other medications such as oxytocin. It is very important that help is provided on time, because the life of our pets depends on us.

A cat carries its offspring for 65–72 days. By the end of this period, the owner needs to know how, if necessary, to provide his pet with the necessary assistance. The first signs of an approaching lambing (this is how cat birth is correctly called) appear about a week before the onset, and from that moment you need to start preparing for such a crucial event.

When the moment of delivery approaches, the cat changes its behavior:

  • becomes restless;
  • constantly licks the belly and the area under the tail;
  • looking for a secluded place, trying to get into the closet and equip the couch.

Similar changes begin about a week before lambing. Having noticed them, you need to make adjustments to the diet, reducing portion sizes and increasing the number of feedings. This is due to the fact that the kittens inside do not allow the stomach to stretch to its usual size.

The second step is to visit the veterinarian for a prenatal examination and get the necessary advice. Also, for a long-haired cat, the doctor can cut the hair near the tail and around the nipples, but this is also not difficult to do on your own.

If any deviations from the normal course of pregnancy are noted, it is better that a specialist takes care of the delivery of the cat. If the pet is in good condition, you can accompany this process yourself.

Another preparatory moment is the arrangement of a place for a future woman in labor. For this, there is no need to purchase anything extra, since the animal will prefer a secluded place to any special sunbed. Therefore, it is recommended to take an ordinary, but suitable in size (rather spacious) box with a lid, cut a hole on the side and put a clean rag on the bottom. It is advisable to put it in a separate room where people rarely go. Nearby are bowls for food and drink, and a little further - a toilet tray.

Signs of the onset of labor

A day before the onset of labor in a cat, the signs that appear earlier are supplemented by another one - a decrease in body temperature by 1 ° C. If the pet is accustomed to regular temperature measurement, then this method will help to determine the approximate delivery as accurately as possible. If this procedure is new for the owner and the mother, it is better not to start it at such a moment, but simply leave the animal alone.

Before giving birth to a cat, it is imperative to prepare a “rescue” set of tools and supplies, including:

  • antiseptic and disinfectant;
  • scissors, dental floss;
  • pipette, baby syringe, disposable syringes
  • surgical gloves
  • gauze napkins;
  • petrolatum;
  • toilet paper;
  • garbage bags;
  • diaper;
  • heater;
  • stopwatch.

Also, the phone number of the veterinarian should be at hand. All this may not be necessary, but it is better to prepare for any development of the situation.

The immediate onset of the birth process will be indicated by rapid breathing and the first contractions, in which the woman in labor usually meows and stretches her teeth to her back. This stage can last from several hours to days. At this time, you should not disturb the animal, and especially arrange crowded viewings, because with excessive attention, the cat can eat newborn cubs.

The appearance of kittens

The first sign of the approaching birth of a kitten is light, and then darker discharge, and a little later - attempts. A kitten is born approximately 25-35 minutes after the onset of such manifestations. The baby is born in the amniotic sac, which the cat bites through and then licks the muzzle to remove mucus and open the nose for breathing. After that, it gnaws through the umbilical cord and licks the entire body, activating blood flow and other vital functions.

Depending on how the birth of cats goes, you need to either not interfere, or start helping. If the woman in labor manages to “process” each kitten before the next one appears, then nothing needs to be done. When she did not cope with one, and the birth of another baby had already begun, then the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • gently release the kitten from the film and gently rub with a sterile cloth;
  • tie the umbilical cord with dental floss, cut off and treat with an antiseptic solution;
  • make sure the newborn is breathing and put him to the mother.

If there is no breathing, clean the airways with a baby syringe. If this does not help, gently turn the baby upside down, supporting the head, and bend slightly, stimulating the outflow of fluid.

Stages and duration

On average, deliveries in cats can last up to 26-36 hours if they go without complications. In this case, the whole process is divided into 2 stages:

  • during the day, the first signs are observed, the water leaves, the animal meows and licks itself;
  • then labor begins directly, the duration of which depends on the number of kittens.

After each baby, the placenta should come out, which the cat usually eats immediately (as well as stillborn kittens, if any). This process must be controlled, otherwise, after eating several afterbirths, an upset stomach may begin in the animal.

In addition, control is necessary to track whether the number of placentas matches the number of babies born. An unreleased placenta can cause internal inflammation.

Possible Complications

Lambing does not always go well. Possible complications during childbirth in cats can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some difficulties can be dealt with on your own, and most of the problems that have arisen require urgent intervention by a veterinarian.

Call your doctor immediately if any of the following situations occur:

  • the duration of the attempts exceeds 1 hour, and the kittens have not begun to be born;
  • the animal has become weak, lethargic, lies motionless or constantly meows, experiencing severe pain;
  • the number of placentas is less than the number of newborns;
  • clear bleeding appeared;
  • body temperature is significantly different from normal in one direction or another;
  • contractions are sluggish and rarely recur (with an interval of 30 minutes or more);
  • the amniotic sac burst, and the kitten got stuck in the birth canal.

Most of these signs are symptoms of uterine dystonia or atony, which requires urgent veterinary care, often including a caesarean section. Any delay can be fatal for the cat and cubs. But in simpler situations, you can help the woman in labor on her own.

stuck kitten

In such cases, the clinic resorts to caesarean section. To help yourself, you should rub your stomach to the beat of attempts. It is categorically impossible to pull the newborn by the head, otherwise you can simply twist the neck. You need to pull the baby by the skin or by the torso. The movement should not be directed perpendicular to the body of the animal, but from side to side.

preterm birth

To determine the date of lambing, it is necessary to take into account the breed of the animal and some subjective factors. In outbred cats, preterm births usually pass without negative consequences for the woman in labor and newborn babies. A thoroughbred cat can not only lose kittens, but also die itself.

In order not to miss this moment, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the pregnant pet, while taking into account that there is a high probability of an intensive onset of labor. You can save a cat in such a situation with the help of special drugs that reduce stress, and then contact a veterinarian.

Weakness/absence of contractions

The causes of weakness or lack of contractions are usually due to malnutrition and lack of certain substances in the body (calcium, oxytocin). To eliminate the problem, oxytocin preparations or the introduction of a solution of calcium borogluconate are used. But inducing labor in this way is too risky, as it can cause uterine rupture. Therefore, in most cases, a caesarean section is performed, but also solely on the basis of the appropriateness of such an operation.

By itself, a caesarean section does not pose a danger to the life of the animal, it is performed under general anesthesia and allows you to save both the woman in labor and all her offspring. Some complications are possible only in case of serious pathologies in the development of the placenta or intrauterine decomposition of the deceased fetus. In such situations, there is a high probability of complete removal of the uterus, which will make the cat infertile, but will help save her life.

After childbirth

Babies begin to suck their mother's milk immediately after birth. It is especially important that all newborns nip to the nipples immediately, since the first milk, the so-called colostrum, is essential for the normal development of kittens. It contains special antibodies that are passed from mother to cub and support its immunity while it develops its own.

If the health of the babies worsens or the mother does not want to let them near the nipples, urgent veterinary help is needed. The way out of this situation can be feeding through a tube.

In any case, a veterinary examination of the cat should be carried out the day after lambing to check its condition. In addition, the doctor will examine the kittens and determine whether they have enough mother's milk, both in quantity and quality.

If everything is going well with the cat and offspring, you need to leave them alone, at least for 1 month. The only exception should be cleaning the box, feeding and periodically checking the status of the new family.

Dangerous period in her life, because. during childbirth, a cat can easily catch an infection or get injured.

Cat after childbirth: possible problems

. Cat has greenish or reddish discharge for 2-3 weeks after giving birth

Greenish and reddish discharge in a cat after childbirth is the norm, if not accompanied by fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

. The cat breathes frequently after giving birth

If the cat often breathes immediately after birth, and this condition lasts no more than 5-10 minutes, then everything is in order. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

. Cat has diarrhea and/or vomiting after giving birth

Diarrhea and vomiting after childbirth in a cat is a sign that the cat has eaten too much afterbirth. Everything should pass within 24-48 hours. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

. Cat constipated after giving birth

If the cat has constipation after childbirth, then, as always, in such cases, it is necessary to give the pet vaseline or olive oil. If stools do not appear within 24 hours, you should consult a doctor.

. cat peeing blood after giving birth

As a rule, the owners only think that the cat pees blood after giving birth, in fact, the discharge from the vulva gets on the filler or mixes with urine. There is nothing to worry about if an alarming symptom is fixed within 2-3 days after childbirth, but if the discharge has stopped, and the cat continues to urinate with blood and her urination is painful, you should consult a doctor.

. Lactation disorders in cats

Lactation in cats is caused by sucking kittens, experienced cats themselves push kittens towards themselves, and the owner should attach cubs to inexperienced ones. If one of the nipples is retracted, then it must be massaged, and then the most active kitten should be attached to it.

Primiparous cats and cats with large litters may not have enough milk, then the kittens will have to be fed with a special mixture.

At the same time, there is no need to worry about a lack of milk in a cat if the kittens do not squeak and are steadily gaining weight. It is worth noting that milk rushes to the nipples during feeding and is not constantly in them, and the peak of milk production occurs on days 7-9, so it is almost impossible to check the presence of milk in a cat by pressing on the nipples.

A lactating cat should continue to be fed kitten food or food for pregnant and lactating cats.

. The cat has milk

If the kittens died in nature or immediately after them, or were born dead, and the cat's mammary glands still swell and milk is produced, then you should not worry, as a rule, milk disappears by itself. To speed up this process, you need to not water the cat for 12 hours and do not feed 24-48 or switch to a low-protein diet (use castrated food / increase the amount of vegetables and cereals; stop using dairy products). Games with a cat will also help - being carried away, she will forget about kittens.

If the mammary glands are painful to the touch, and the cat is worried and other signs of the onset appear, then we recommend contacting a veterinarian, the doctor in this case usually prescribes special preparations: lactostop, halostop or mastometrin. However, they should only be used as directed by a veterinarian!

So that the cessation of lactation is not painful, it is necessary to distribute kittens no earlier than 1-1.5 months, and it is best to do this gradually with a break of 2-3 days between kittens.

. Your cat has too thick or yellowish or bad-smelling milk

Most likely, the milk is infected, the kittens need to be urgently transferred to artificial feeding, and the cat should be taken to the veterinarian.

. The cat inaccurately lies down in its place and crushes the kittens

If a cat literally crushes kittens with its body, the owner will have to monitor the actions of the cat and shift it and the kittens within 1-2 weeks, while the kittens are small.

. The cat does not follow the toilet of kittens

In the first days of life of kittens, the cat must lick off their waste products from them. If the cat does not do this, it is recommended to grease the kittens' bottoms with butter. If after that the cat ignores its duties, then the owner will have to do everything.

. The cat leaves the kittens

The cat does not have to sit next to the kittens around the clock. If the nest is warm enough, even newborn kittens can be left alone for several hours. It is enough that the cat feeds them on time, and the kittens do not squeak and sleep peacefully in the nest. If the cat leaves the kittens for too long, see the next paragraph.

. The cat refuses kittens

If the cat refuses kittens, it is necessary to check whether she has milk, to determine whether the cat has after childbirth, to examine the kittens for any abnormalities, to provide the cat and kittens with peace and quiet. If your cat has complications after childbirth, contact your doctor immediately.

In the event that the cat has no complications, and the kittens are healthy, but your pet still refuses her children, then, alas, you will have to replace the mother with the kittens. What needs to be done, see our article "The cat abandoned the kittens". However, if the cat is sick, then her owner will still take care of the kittens and feed them.

Cat after childbirth: complications

. Acute metritis in cats

Acute metritis in cats is an inflammation of the walls of the uterus.

Causes of acute metritis in cats after childbirth: unsanitary conditions, previous vaginitis, retention of the placenta in the uterus or birth canal, retention of a dead fetus in the uterus or birth canal,.

Signs of acute metritis in cats after childbirth: thick, pasty red-green discharge from the vulva (2-7 days after birth), depression, lack of appetite, fever, neglect of kittens, restlessness and death of kittens

Prevention of acute metritis in cats after childbirth: sometimes the delayed placenta partially protrudes from the cat's birth canal, then it can be carefully pulled out on its own, observing sterility.

Treatment of acute metritis in cats after childbirth: IMMEDIATELY take the cat to the doctor, transfer the kittens to artificial feeding.

. Eclampsia or tetany, milk fever in cats

Eclampsia in cats- this is an acute toxicosis caused by calcium leaching from the blood and leading to convulsive seizures.

Causes of eclampsia in cats after childbirth: lack of calcium in the blood due to the large number of fetuses or malnutrition during pregnancy.

Signs of eclampsia in cats after childbirth: rapid breathing, pallor of mucous membranes, restlessness, abandonment of kittens, disorganized movements, convulsions, profuse salivation, fever.

Treatment of eclampsia in cats after childbirth: URGENTLY call a doctor at home, complete rest for the cat, kittens are transferred to artificial feeding (after the mother recovers, kittens can be transferred to natural feeding again).

. Bleeding in cats after childbirth

Bleeding in cats after childbirth- this is the outflow of blood from damaged tissues of the vulva or uterus.

Causes of bleeding in cats after childbirth: ruptures of the uterus and vulva, accumulation of blood in the uterus with various violations of labor activity (multiple pregnancies, narrowness of the birth canal, large size of the fetus, not tightened stitches after caesarean section).

Signs of bleeding in cats: bleeding profusely during childbirth and / or after them for more than 10 minutes.

Treatment of bleeding in a cat after childbirth: Contact your veterinarian IMMEDIATELY. If the external genital organs are damaged, sutures are applied, if the uterus is damaged, sutures can also be applied, but, more often, the uterus is removed.

. Inversion or prolapse of the uterus in cats

Eversion of the uterus in cats- this is a displacement of the uterus, as a result of which it is completely or partially turned outward by the mucous membrane.

Uterine prolapse in cats- this is a displacement of the uterus, as a result of which the organ falls out.

Causes of eversion and prolapse of the uterus in cats: flabbiness of the uterus, dropsy of the uterus, a large number of fetuses, too rapid and dry labor, short umbilical cord of the fetus.

Signs of eversion or prolapse of the uterus in cats: part of the uterus protrudes from the vulva, the cat does not care for kittens, pushes and arches its back, urination and defecation are difficult.

Treatment of uterine eversion or prolapse in cats: Contact your veterinarian IMMEDIATELY. The uterus is sometimes set, but more often removed.

. Subinvolution of the uterus in cats

Subinvolution of the uterus in cats- this is a slow reverse development of the uterus to the state inherent in the organ in a non-pregnant female.

Causes of uterine subinvolution in cats: a large number of fruits, too large fruits, polyhydramnios, disruption of the pituitary gland, malnutrition.

Signs of subinvolution of the uterus in cats: lack of postpartum discharge (lochia), intoxication of cats and kittens,.

Treatment of subinvolution of the uterus in a cat: Contact your veterinarian IMMEDIATELY. Oxytocin and enhanced nutrition are prescribed. Kittens are transferred to artificial feeding.

. Congestive mastitis in cats

Congestive mastitis in cats is an inflammation of the mammary gland caused by an excess of milk.

Causes of congestive mastitis in cats: increased lactation caused by an excess of calcium in the blood and increased feeding.

Signs of congestive mastitis in cats: the mammary gland is painful and hot to the touch, there is no inflammation.

Treatment of congestive mastitis in cats after childbirth: wet and warm compresses on the affected gland, the use of diuretics, pumping milk, reducing portions of food for the cat.

. Acute septic mastitis in cats

Acute septic mastitis in cats is an inflammation of the mammary gland caused by its infection.

Causes of acute septic mastitis in cats:, damage to the nipples by kittens.

Signs of acute septic mastitis in cats: swollen painful breast, blue-red color of the breast, milk with blood or watery or yellowish or curdled, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite.



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