Periodic attacks of coughing in a child at night. How to relieve a coughing fit in a child at night and what not to do? Severe cough in a child at night

A strong paroxysmal cough in a child always worries parents. And it is right. Although it can be not only a symptom of a viral disease, but in any case, it strongly irritates the larynx, can cause sore throat and even damage to the vocal cords. Therefore, treatment is necessary, but first you need to establish the cause that caused the attack.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly “out of breath” and get tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Non-infectious causes

  • allergic reactions - children have a narrower lumen of the larynx than adults and they cough even with a weak exposure to the allergen;
  • chemical or physical irritation - causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and reflex cough dry and barking;
  • dehydration - at too high a temperature or low humidity, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat dry out quickly, the baby begins to cough;
  • foreign body - this happens especially often in young children during teething, when everything that falls under the hands is sent into the mouth;
  • chronic diseases - broncho-pulmonary, heart failure, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Attacks of dry cough in a child for the reasons listed above are not accompanied by fever or other symptoms characteristic of respiratory diseases. It is not difficult to cope with them - it is enough to eliminate the irritant and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, if it is present.

An allergic cough can be easily stopped by taking antihistamines.

If a strong cough in a child is accompanied by fever, runny nose, weakness, lack of appetite, urgent treatment is necessary. These symptoms clearly signal that an infection is present in the body and the disease is developing in full swing. In the early stages, you can try to cure it with home remedies.

How to remove an attack

There are several ways to relieve a coughing fit in a child, and each of them is good in its own way. Once the cause of the problem is known, it is easy to do so. But while it turns out, you often have to act at random. Especially if the attack happened at night, and there is no way to consult a doctor or buy fast-acting pharmaceutical preparations.

In any case, you should not panic. Here is the simplest algorithm of what to do if the attack happened suddenly:

It is not recommended to relieve an attack with antitussive drugs, unless they are prescribed by a doctor. Even with a large accumulation of mucus, the cough may be dry, without sputum production. This happens if the mucus is too thick and the child simply cannot cough it up. Antitussives inhibit the cough reflex and in this case only worsen the situation, contributing to the stagnation of sputum.

When the cough has subsided, it is necessary to measure the body temperature. If it is above 38, give the baby antipyretic drugs: Panadol, Paracetamol, Aspirin. In the morning, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He will examine the child, if necessary, prescribe tests and tell you how to treat a cough in your case.

Folk remedies

With regular use, folk remedies help not only to quickly relieve a coughing fit in a child, but also to prevent its reappearance. They are natural, safe and suitable for children of all ages. However, in case of infectious diseases, you need to carefully monitor the general condition of the child, and if it starts to worsen even a little, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Gargling. Better pharmacy antiseptics: solutions of chlorophyllipt, furacilin. You can use decoctions of herbs or saline with the addition of iodine.
  2. Warm milk with fat. Suitable cocoa butter, goat or badger fat at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of milk. You can add a pinch of soda.
  3. Ginger tea. Peel 2-3 cm of fresh ginger root, finely chop and pour boiling water, add a slice of lemon with peel. When it cools down a bit, strain, put a teaspoon of honey and drink warm in small sips.
  4. Honey with ghee. Combine in equal proportions, mix well, form a small candy out of it and give it to the child like a lollipop.
  5. Onion syrup. It will have to be prepared in advance. Peel 3-4 large onions, chop well, cover with a glass of sugar. After 1-2 hours, when the onion starts to juice, put on a slow fire and boil until the sugar thickens and becomes amber in color. Strain, give a teaspoonful.
  6. Inhalation with cedar oil. It has the most powerful antiseptic properties of all coniferous plants. Pour a few drops into a container of hot water and put the child to breathe over the steam. Not suitable for children under one year old!

Warming up has a good therapeutic effect: rubbing, compresses, salt bag, honey cake, paraffin therapy. Such procedures can be done only when the body temperature is below 37.2 and there is no blood and / or pus in the sputum.

Helps to quickly cough up accumulated mucus drainage massage. It is performed with tapping movements when the child lies on his stomach with his head down. Sometimes pieces of mucus after it literally fly out of the bronchi, making breathing easier and speeding up the healing process.

Self-medication is prohibited

If a cough of an infectious nature cannot be removed quickly, it means that the child has a weakened immune system or you have chosen the wrong methods of treatment. It is impossible to start the disease - this is fraught with very serious complications. You should immediately stop self-medication and go to the doctor if the following symptoms appear:

They can be signs of serious diseases: pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis, emphysema, diphtheria, croup, etc. Improper treatment or its absence in this case can even lead to death.

Before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to pay attention to all the symptoms of the disease: control the temperature, the frequency of attacks, the color and consistency of sputum, the amount of mucus secreted. All this will help the doctor in making the initial diagnosis. He will deliver the final one only after the necessary tests and laboratory tests have been carried out.

Medical therapy

If the baby's body fails to cope with the infection on its own or with the help of folk remedies, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs. Most often, these are broad-spectrum antibiotics: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Cefazolin, Clarithromycin, Cefpir. Their dosage is calculated based on the weight, age of the child and the degree of development of the disease.

Dry paroxysmal cough is quickly removed by antitussive drugs. They are prescribed in cases where sputum is absent, and the cough is caused solely by irritation of the larynx: with pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. Do not use in combination with mucolytic agents.

Cough syrups for children are varied, act gently. This is an excellent tool to stop a coughing fit, relieve inflammation and sore throat. They thin the mucus and help it get out of the body. It is better not to give such medicines just before bedtime so that the child has time to clear his throat.

Antihistamines ("Diazolin", "Tavegil", "Claritin", etc.) help not only with allergic cough. They are able to reduce the amount of secreted mucus and relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, thus greatly facilitating breathing. Often they are prescribed in tandem with antibiotics to prevent a possible allergic reaction to them.

Immunomodulators ("Interferon", "Anaferon", etc.) are most effective in viral diseases. They activate the immune system and help it cope with viruses faster, while not destroying the beneficial microflora. They can be given to a child as a preventive measure during the mass spread of respiratory diseases.


Simple preventive measures often help prevent very serious diseases, such as bronchial asthma. It is rarely congenital, but mostly develops gradually, with prolonged irritation or inflammation of the larynx, from chronic bronchitis. So what should be done to prevent the disease:

And most importantly, do not start coughing fits. If the baby is still sick, and it was not possible to get rid of this with home remedies in a few days, seek qualified help.

Remember that the residual cough goes away within a maximum of 2-3 weeks. If it continues, additional examination and, possibly, an additional course of treatment is necessary. You are fully responsible for the health and life of the child, so be attentive even to the smallest things until you fully recover.

Dry cough in children, its attacks, occur with constant and pronounced irritation of local receptors located in the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial system.

Causes of dry cough attacks in children

Dry unproductive paroxysmal cough can occur with such diseases:

Bronchial asthma

This pathology is characterized by a strong paroxysmal unproductive cough, which manifests itself most often at night. Cough can last for half an hour, the attack ends with the discharge of viscous vitreous sputum. During an attack, the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly tensed, while the patient may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness and malaise. Most often, bronchial asthma develops against the background of increased reactivity of the body, frequent viral infections, bacterial infections (chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, giardiasis).

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

Attacks of dry irritating cough in a child can occur as a result of various foreign bodies (dust particles, crumbs, pieces of food, small beads, buttons, peas, legumes) entering the respiratory tract. The attack of coughing ends only after the removal of these irritating agents from the lungs and bronchi by bronchoscopy or other means.

Whooping cough and parapertussis

Children's whooping cough and parapertussis infections are accompanied by a pronounced dry convulsive paroxysmal cough. Most often, these attacks occur at night and may be accompanied by vomiting and difficulty in breathing (reprises). At first, these diseases manifest themselves in the form of a common cold cough, but over time, the symptoms increase and cannot be treated with conventional means (mustard plasters, inhalations). The illness usually lasts five to six weeks. Diagnosis of whooping cough and parapertussis is a rather complicated process, and treatment in most cases, especially in young children, is carried out in a hospital.

Infectious viral respiratory diseases

A strong dry paroxysmal cough can be observed in respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by the parainfluenza virus, rhinosincitial virus and adenovirus infection, which are accompanied by damage to the larynx, nasal cavity, trachea and pharynx. Diseases are often characterized by ". With proper and timely treatment, relief and elimination of cough occurs after 3-5 days, and the lack of treatment can lead to the development of bacterial complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, alveolitis and pleurisy.

Inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract and pleura

Strong and frequent bouts of dry, unproductive cough often develop with obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia) and pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura), which are a complication of viral infections. accompanied by pain in the chest and abdomen. Treatment lasts from 5 to 15 days, antibiotics, antihistamines and antispasmodics are often prescribed.

Attacks of dry cough in a child at night

Coughing fits at night in a child cause anxiety in parents, especially in cases where the baby feels good during the day, and laying down and falling asleep often causes heartbreaking coughs. The cause of this symptomatology is most often inflammation and swelling of the larynx, trachea and bronchi of various origins with laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis or irritation of the bronchopulmonary tree with viscous sputum with spastic (asthmatic bronchitis), pneumonia, cystic fibrosis. Nocturnal coughing fits can occur with childhood infections, most commonly with whooping cough and parawhooping cough. If the coughing fits begin immediately after the baby goes to bed, he may have an allergic reaction to the mattress stuffing, feathers and textile dyes.

Therefore, to eliminate dry cough as a symptom of the disease, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of the disease (infectious or inflammatory process). It is also important to remember that you can not self-medicate, but consult a specialist in a timely manner.

The primary task of parents is to alleviate the condition of the child, determine the cause of the cough and eliminate it as soon as possible.

How to help a child with bouts of dry cough

To help a child in the presence of frequent bouts of dry cough, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of its occurrence - an allergy (use of washing powder with a lot of fragrances or bioadditives in the composition, bed linen conditioner, feather pillows, food for fish, parrots or hamsters), respiratory infection or its complications in the form of obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy.

In the presence of paroxysmal frequent coughing, it is necessary to humidify the air in the room with a special humidifier device or place an open container of water next to the crib. Help relieve an attack of lozenges with an antitussive effect or softening cough syrup. In the absence of a high temperature, you can put a warming compress, mustard plaster or warming ointment.

Significantly relieve cough:

  • inflow of fresh air by airing the room before going to bed;
  • humidification of the room with wet cleaning;
  • plentiful warm drink;
  • cleansing the nose from the accumulation of mucus with washing the nasal passages with sea water or decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs;
  • inhalations are used with extreme caution due to the possible aggravation of mucosal edema and antitussive drugs.

With the aggravation of cough, the addition of shortness of breath, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

What to do if a strong cough in a child manifests itself as an attack? Is it possible to get rid of the occurrence of seizures in the future? Many parents are preoccupied with coughing fits in their babies. Treatment of severe cough in children is a whole range of measures, they allow you to increase immunity through vitamins, medicines, folk remedies. The disease can occur in case of inflammation of the trachea, with allergic reactions to something. Doctors recommend treatment with medicines, traditional medicine, massage and rubbing procedures, aromatherapy.

What is a cough

The baby reacts to inflammation, allergies, viruses with a cough: the body tries to remove harmful viruses, cleanse the main respiratory organs from purulent sputum and secretions. The cough reflex may appear as a result of inflammation of the throat mucosa, may be short-term, acute, protracted, chronic. Wet is treated with expectorants, and dry with drugs that suppress it. Dust, foreign microparticles entering the respiratory tract, inflammation processes, dry stale air can excite coughing fits.

Causes of cough in children

The baby is coughing, possibly due to:

  • infection, virus;
  • bacteria;
  • allergies.

The lungs of the baby are filled with a mucous substance, and the body tries to free itself, provoking a cough reflex. It can be dry and moist, appear only at night or during the day. One of the main causes of the disease can be a cold. When the body is infected with viruses, coughing can become protracted and cause a gag reflex. You can give your baby cough medicine to prevent vomiting.

Severe cough in a child at night

At night, the child coughs when he sleeps and is in a horizontal position. Mucus, sputum quickly collect in the nose and throat, do not dissolve, making breathing difficult, provokes a cough reflex and requires long-term treatment. Changing the climate in the room where the baby sleeps can cause coughing. At night, the air cools, becomes dry, which negatively affects the mucous membrane of the throat, irritating it. A warm drink at night, a well-ventilated room, and air humidification will help.

Accompanied by vomiting

In order to avoid a gag reflex, it is possible to alleviate an attack with the help of tablets, inhalation, compress, massage, manipulation by rubbing. Seizures contribute to the occurrence of vomiting, and severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat will also provoke vomiting, when:

  • A dry cough reflex is observed, as a result, the baby rolls up with a painful cough. The gag reflex is caused by tension in the pharynx and irritation of the vomiting centers.
  • There is a wet cough reflex, the baby's respiratory organs are so stuffed up that mucus and sputum provoke vomiting (symptoms of bronchitis).

Dry cough

A strong dry cough in a child (unproductive cough) can be manifested by a sore throat when the air masses in the room are dry and cold. It is best to give the baby a warm drink with the addition of a spoonful of honey and ventilate the room where he is well. The cause may be irritation of cough receptors in the trachea, bronchi, and laryngeal mucosa. Breathing becomes difficult, coughing becomes exhausting and obsessive. It is observed with irritation of the membrane of the respiratory tract, SARS, allergic manifestations, colds, tonsillitis.


As a rule, the first thing the doctor listens to is the bronchi and lungs. Even in the definition of the disease, specific tapping is used, and in difficult cases, an x-ray, bronchoscopy is used. When diagnosing a cough, many factors are taken into account:

  • Acute coughing is characteristic in the presence of a virus in the catarrh of the upper respiratory tract with bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis.
  • Signs of SARS - a hoarse low voice in a child, breathing is difficult, the nasopharynx is blocked.
  • A prolonged cough for more than 10-12 days is accompanied by acute bronchitis, the presence of a virus in the respiratory tract.
  • A wet and strong nocturnal cough in a child occurs with purulent processes in the lungs and bronchi, accompanied by sputum, mucus, and pus.

How to treat

In cases of damage to the bronchi by a viral infection, when the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are inflamed, the normal functioning of the lungs and bronchi is disturbed in the child's body. You can eliminate it with the help of drugs and drugs that suppress the cough reflex. The pediatrician prescribes antitussive drugs, depending on the age of the child, his physical condition and the danger of the disease. Antibiotics are given for manifestations of a wet cough to remove sputum, when the throat is inflamed, and fluid collects in the lungs and bronchi.


Drugs that promote expectoration, excretion of sputum and mucus from the body can effectively treat coughing. For children, such medicines are available in the form of delicious syrups. Syrup Prospan belongs to the primacy in the treatment of infants, intended for babies under the age of one year. Antibiotics are used for purulent sputum in the bronchi and nasopharynx. It will relieve pain, help you recover and will not cause allergies, a drug from the Ampiox penicillin group: the drug helps to reduce coughing and helps relieve attacks of barking.


If the cough starts to get worse, it means it's time to use a chest massage. In case of inflammatory diseases, massage should be done for several days, before starting, give the child an expectorant, apply a protective baby cream on the skin, and then massage the baby’s chest, back, sides, shoulders, rubbing, pinching those parts of the body where sputum accumulates, mucous secretions . Any adult can master the massage procedure, which helps a lot in the fight against a wet cough.


When a baby is worried about a barking cough, runny nose, pathological cough, accompanied by mucus secretion, for a whole month, aromatherapy does an excellent job. It is also necessary to do therapy with aromatic oils for other characteristic symptoms of a cold:

  • With colds, essential oils of chamomile and calendula will help cure coughing in infants.
  • For older children, orange, lemon, mint oil can be an effective treatment.
  • With signs of bronchitis, orange oil, eucalyptus oil works well on the mucous membranes of the throat.

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional medicine has many effective recipes for treating cough in babies:

  • In acute bronchitis, signs of pneumonia, doctors prescribe treatment with warm milk and honey.
  • Frequent urge to cough will help to cure and well suppress black radish with honey, the juice of which helps a lot if the child coughs heavily at night.
  • In case of complications, decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, linden flowers - work well on the mucous membranes of the larynx. They are able to suppress an attack, disinfect the mucous membrane.


With dangerous diseases, the child is disturbed by shortness of breath, fever, sometimes the disease is accompanied by swelling of the larynx. You can cure the baby with conventional medicines and by rubbing:

  • Rubbing with bear, goose fat helps well, which improves immunity and prevents dangerous complications. It is necessary to rub the legs, feet, back, sides, chest (excluding the heart area).
  • Honey or vodka are very effective, they help the body warm up well. After rubbing the baby, you need to cover with a warm blanket. The procedure is indicated for children from 6 months.

Water procedures

Warm or hot baths with the addition of medicinal herbs are indicated for any cold and will help relieve irritation. All herbs and flowers must first be brewed with boiling water and insist:

  • Raspberry leaves, chamomile blossoms, calendula, lime blossom, mint are plants with soothing bactericidal properties.
  • Water treatments with lavender, valerian, mint relax the baby's nervous system, promote healthy sleep.

Features of the treatment of children's severe cough

Treatment before recovery has its own characteristics and should be carried out in a complex:

  • antibiotics to destroy a viral infection, pathogenic microorganisms;
  • expectorants;
  • inhalations for colds, inflammatory processes of the mucous throat, tonsillitis;
  • compresses on the chest, back to warm the body;
  • rubbing to improve blood circulation;
  • massage;
  • water procedures in the form of baths, foot baths with medicinal plants and herbs;
  • aromatherapy;
  • use of traditional medicine methods.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Parents are more than anything afraid that their children will get sick. The appearance at night is very alarming for caring mothers and fathers, and they are trying with all their might to help their baby. Why does this disease occur and how to deal with it?

In medicine, there are a huge number of reasons due to which a child may have a cough in the dark. These include the following:

  • The presence of helminths in the child's body.
  • Stomach problems.
  • Asthma.
  • Allergy to something.
  • Pathologies in the region of the heart.
  • Inflammation of the tonsils.
  • Stormy emotional outbursts that happened the day before.
  • Lack of clean indoor air.
  • Dry or cold air.
  • Profuse salivation.

Why does cough in both young children and adults appear at night? This is because during the period of dreams, blood circulation slows down in people, and sputum also ceases to be excreted and lingers in the airways, causing coughing.

It is from the correct recognition of the type of cough that further treatment depends.

Doctors divide cough into 5 types, which are considered to be a concomitant symptom of certain diseases:

  1. . This ailment manifests itself in the following form: the child begins to cough strongly and for a long time, it seems that he is suffocating. Moreover, sputum does not stand out during coughing. This ailment appears with various viral diseases, as well as acute respiratory infections.
  2. . This symptom can be regarded in different ways. If a child has a dry cough, which then turns into a wet one, then this indicates a disease with bronchitis. If the cough was immediately wet, then you should immediately contact the clinic and examine the baby for pneumonia.
  3. Spastic. Appears in patients with asthma, but can also talk about obstructive bronchitis.
  4. Protracted. Appears with inflammation of the nasal region.
  5. Paroxysmal. If this type of cough does not end for a long time, then it most likely develops here.

Determining which type of cough manifests itself in a child is quite simple. You just need to be near him during the attack.It is important not to ignore a nighttime cough in children, as it can be a sign of a serious illness.

Dangerous symptoms

Any bout of coughing at night should not go unnoticed by physicians. As soon as the parents notice that it is difficult for the child to sleep due to sudden attacks, you should immediately give him first aid and visit a doctor as soon as possible.

But there are some symptoms that require the immediate call of a medical professional. So, you need to call an ambulance if at night the baby:

  • Loose cough, with copious green and bloody discharge.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • High body temperature of the baby.

If a child, along with a sudden nocturnal cough, has at least one of the above symptoms, then you need to call the doctor on duty as soon as possible.

How to quickly relieve coughing fits

The most important thing that parents should do when a cough occurs in the dark in children is to calm down and start to think sensibly. You should not immediately give the baby all kinds of medicines, because without knowing the main cause of the onset of the disease, it is difficult to solve the problem with pills.

As soon as the child began to cough, it is necessary to plant him and drink warm, boiled water. Warm milk with 1 teaspoon of honey helps to get rid of a cough.

If the problem returned as soon as the child went to bed, then this means that the child has something or a serious viral disease.In this case, you need to look for what can cause an allergic reaction and get rid of it.

When a night cough "talks" about any illness, you should call an ambulance or a doctor at home.

If a child who has seizures at night is very small, you need to change his bed or raise the head of the crib. Remember, the baby can get rid of the cough if its upper part is made higher than the lower one.

Ventilation will also help. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is worth opening the window and letting in fresh, cool air.

Medical treatment

Helping a child cope with a nocturnal cough with pills should be done with extreme caution, since an allergic reaction may occur to certain drugs, and one cannot do without calling a doctor.

Treatment features:

  • The only medical remedy in the fight against night cough in babies is. This drug is practically harmless, easy to swallow and has an instant effect.
  • For older children, such an aerosol as. Despite the fact that it is expensive, it is the most effective. In addition, this drug can be taken both for cough and runny nose.
  • Another popular and effective night cough drug is Miramistin. It should be used only in a standing position and in no case should it be swallowed. Children under 3 years of age, this medicine is strictly prohibited.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are a lot of recipes among the people that allow people to get rid of any kind of cough.

The following are the most effective and affordable:

  1. Honey. This product has a beneficial, warming and soothing effect. In order to rid the child of it with its help, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of any honey in a glass of warm milk.
  2. Raspberry. This berry is not only tasty, but also healthy. As soon as the baby coughed at night, you need to prepare him a fruit drink with fresh raspberries or raspberry jam. It is important that there is a lot of liquid, and it is warm.
  3. Vodka. It has a positive effect and relieves colds. To do this, rub the patient's feet with vodka. After a few minutes, in order to avoid burns to children's skin, it is recommended to wash the feet in warm water without the use of soap or other cosmetics.

Folk remedies can help parents cure children's nocturnal cough. However, this does not mean at all that the disease has passed and the child is healthy, therefore it is recommended to visit a pediatrician as soon as possible.

It's hard to see your kids getting sick. Parents, in order to help the child get rid of the cough as soon as possible, begin to treat him with everything that is possible. Thus, they not only do not improve the condition of the baby, but also significantly aggravate it.

The most important mistake is the treatment with medications without examination. As soon as the baby began to cough, moms and dads run and give him syrups, expectorant aerosols, antiallergic or antibacterial drugs. You can't do this.

First you need to wake up the child. Give him a warm liquid to drink and try to understand what kind of cough he has started. Only after the type of symptom that has manifested has been established, it should be decided what to do next.

Special preparations are provided for different types of cough, but it is still initially recommended to ventilate the room, provide the patient with a sufficient amount of warm liquid and check the room for allergens for the child.

Parents are mistaken when, when an attack occurs, they decide to rub a child who has not yet turned six months. The use of inhalations at this age is also unacceptable.

Another common mistake is complete ignorance. Often, parents, having heard that their child has begun to cough, just calmly wait until the attack passes. Such behavior of parents can lead to terrible consequences, up to the death of the child. Remember, you need to be sure to respond to any changes in your children. And it should be done as soon as possible.

More information on how to relieve a coughing fit in a child can be found in the video:

In order to prevent the occurrence of seizures in children at night, the following measures should be observed:

  • Daily wet cleaning.
  • Ventilate the room 2-3 times a day.
  • Make sure your child has enough fluids.
  • Start the treatment of colds in time.
  • Do not purchase things and interior items that can cause allergies.
  • If an allergic reaction to wool is detected, remove from the house and no longer have pets.
  • Monitor the hygiene of the child and those around him.
  • Newborns need to change positions frequently at night.
  • If the baby has, then in order to avoid coughing attacks at night, you need to rinse your nose with saline before going to bed.

Night cough in a child is a serious problem that should not be ignored. Only timely response and properly taken treatment measures can cope with this disease and ensure a calm, healthy sleep for both babies and their parents.

With the onset of the cold season, all mothers begin to be tormented by one question: how to protect your child from a cold? One of the symptoms of SARS is a cough. Attacks of the strong. The child wants to sleep, but it is impossible. Sometimes it happens that during the day the child does not cough at all, and at night he starts a strong attack. To deal with a problem, you first need to determine its cause, and only then start fighting it.

Basically, a child's cough is caused by a viral infection, which also causes high fever, runny nose and sore throat. But not only a respiratory infection can cause a dry cough. It may be another disease, because the cough itself will not develop. But improper treatment can lead to complications. What diseases, besides the common cold, can cause a cough in a child:

Viral pharyngitis. It is characterized by a dry and frequent cough. Sometimes coughing fits in a child are accompanied by sneezing. It affects the upper respiratory tract and does not pose a threat to the health of the child. It is treated with frequent drinking, inhalation and rinsing.

Whooping cough disease begins with mild coughing attacks in a child, but with its further development, they intensify, can last up to 4-5 minutes and end with sputum production, and sometimes vomiting. Whooping cough is treated only with the help of a qualified specialist.

Tracheitis and bronchitis. These diseases begin with . They are treated with drugs that cause sputum, and then they are prescribed expectorants. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water, rubbing, inhaling, steaming the legs.

With laryngotracheitis, the child's body temperature rises and. Immediate hospitalization is required due to possible swelling of the larynx.

Cough is the first symptom of bronchial asthma. But it does not last long and passes without special treatment. Therefore, parents do not pay attention to him. Subsequently, the cough returns and is accompanied by sputum production and shortness of breath. - a dangerous disease, so its early diagnosis will help to avoid many complications.

Sometimes a child's cough lasts for several weeks after he has had an illness. No need to self-medicate - it is better to undergo a thorough examination.

What is a cough

Experts distinguish between two types of cough: dry and wet. When the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract becomes inflamed, a paroxysmal dry cough develops, which may indicate such diseases in a child:

  • acute bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pleurisy.

And sometimes such a cough indicates that the child has swallowed a thing that is stuck in his airways.

You need to know that dry cough is one of the symptoms of the development of inflammation. If a child is worried about a dry cough, but without attacks, this is also a call about the presence of an illness. A visit to the doctor is necessary.

Loose paroxysmal cough that is difficult to clear. Such a cough is also a symptom of the above diseases. Its only difference from dry cough is sputum discharge.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if the child has a paroxysmal cough, but there is no temperature. Such a cough has a completely different cause than a cough with the flu or SARS. This indicates serious health problems for the child. Its features:

  • it is impossible to stop the nocturnal attacks of coughing;
  • wheezing is heard in the child's breathing between attacks;
  • the sputum that is secreted is green or bloody.

It is difficult to accurately determine the cause of a paroxysmal cough in a child without the help of a doctor, but several diseases can still be distinguished, the symptoms of which are cough without fever:

  • allergy,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • chronic respiratory diseases.

Although a cough without fever looks like an innocent symptom, it should be treated only with the help of a specialist. Otherwise, you can simply eliminate the symptoms, but not destroy its cause.

How to stop a coughing fit

You can give your child warm milk or chamomile tea to soothe the throat and stop coughing. You have to let the child walk.

  • Honey with butter is also a good cough remedy.
  • Before going to bed, you can make a child a compress on the chest and throat, and wrap it with a scarf.
  • Inhalation using essential oils will help stop the attack.
  • Paroxysmal dry cough in a child can be stopped by using a couple. It is necessary to fill the bath with hot water and bring the child into it so that he breathes steam. The whole body warms up in the baby and the cough stops. After the procedure, it is advisable for the child to immediately change clothes and put to bed.

If a child has a paroxysmal “barking” cough, which is accompanied by a heavy breath, you should immediately call an ambulance. The danger of such a cough is the possibility of swelling of the larynx, which can be fatal.

How to treat a paroxysmal cough in a child

Before treating a child's paroxysmal dry cough, it is necessary to determine whether the coughing fits are causing the child to cry and choke. If the cough is caused by a common viral infection, you do not need to immediately turn to antibiotics. It is better to use drugs that facilitate sputum discharge. But to buy such funds without the direct instructions of a doctor is still not worth it. To begin with, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and regularly air the room. It is important to prevent the formation of sputum in the bronchi of the breast. After all, impaired ventilation of the lungs is one of the causes of pneumonia. If there is a cough, but there is no temperature, you can give the child a light back massage - tap your fingers on the back in the area of ​​​​the lungs. This will help to expel mucus more quickly.

To quickly relieve a paroxysmal cough in a child, follow these rules:

  • dress your child in warm clothes;
  • make sure that the room has clean and cool air, not dry and warm;
  • control the presence of nasal breathing in the child;
  • let's drink a lot;
  • Call a doctor.

Cough medicines

It should be remembered that cough suppressants only eliminate the symptom, while the cause of the disease remains. To dilute sputum and remove it from the respiratory tract, use the following means:

Remedy for dry cough with onions:

Add honey and sugar to a finely chopped onion and cook for 3 hours over low heat. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day.

Honey Remedy:

Mix a glass of ground walnuts with 0.5 cups of honey and take up to 4 times a day for a teaspoon. Drink milk.

Herbal remedy:

Equal proportions of shoots of raspberries, oregano and coltsfoot are brewed in boiling water like tea and allowed to drink 3-4 times a day.

  1. Do not self-medicate. It is not the cough that needs to be treated, but its cause.
  2. The pharmacy worker is not your family doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment for a child.
  3. Even the most effective drugs will not help if the patient's room is not regularly ventilated and if the patient does not drink frequently.
  4. Never use drugs. Only a qualified specialist can appoint them.
  5. Domestic drugs are no worse, and sometimes better than their foreign counterparts.

How to keep your child safe

It is impossible to protect a child from a cold, but it is possible to help a child overcome the disease faster and easier. What are the means of prevention:

  1. Long walks in the fresh air, physical activity, swimming. Do not wrap your child in multiple layers of clothing. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20-22 °C.
  2. Dry air negatively affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - it dries it out. Therefore, the apartment must have humid air. To do this, you can use a household humidifier.
  3. The body of the child must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. It is necessary to accustom the baby to vegetables, fruits, cereals. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can give your child vitamin complexes.
  4. Children should also be taught to wash their hands often. Keeping your hands clean will prevent harmful microbes from entering your body.

But we must remember that the fight against a cough is only a fight against a symptom. Frequent change of drugs that did not give an immediate result is an unwise and dangerous exercise. And the need for their use in the fight against cough in a child can only be determined by a doctor.



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