Good carb foods. What foods have more carbohydrates? Let's look at some of them

The state of health of a person, his well-being and mood to a greater extent depends on nutrition. Therefore, it is he who needs to be given due attention, choosing the right and healthy products for the body. In addition to the benefits when adjusting nutrition, you need to take care of its balance. Carbohydrate food occupies the main place in the daily diet of a person, because it is indispensable for the implementation natural processes organism. Therefore, the advice of most nutrition experts agree that half of the foods that a person consumes throughout the day should be carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate food occupies the main place in the daily diet of a person.


In order for all systems and organs human body worked smoothly, there was no failure in important processes proteins, fats and carbohydrates that perform their assigned functions should be supplied daily to it.

Sources of carbohydrates are an indispensable component sports nutrition because they give the body energy to perform physical activity. In addition, carbohydrates are responsible for energy nutrition muscle fibers and stable liver function.

You can't eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Moreover, they need to occupy almost half of their daily ration. At the same time, the diversity of the diet will not suffer, because food can be very different, which makes it possible to supply carbohydrates to the body uninterruptedly.

Fresh mushrooms do not contain many carbohydrates

There is a list of sources containing carbohydrates:

  • Sources from low content carbohydrates (no more than 5 grams per 100 grams of product). These products are vegetables such as fresh mushrooms or radishes, tomatoes, onions, lettuce. Citrus fruits, in particular lemons, can also be included in this group.
  • Low-carb sources include fruits such as pear, peach or apricot, as well as vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin. Seasonal sources of carbohydrates are watermelon, melon. This group of products includes those in which the concentration of carbohydrates does not exceed 10 grams per 100 grams of product.
  • The group of products per 100 grams, which account for no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates, includes mainly vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables, attention should be paid to potatoes, beets. As for fruits, these are green apples and grapes. This also includes ice cream.
  • Natural dark chocolate, halva, bakery products and peas. AT listed products the concentration of carbohydrates reaches 60 grams per 100 grams of product.

Natural dark chocolate contains a lot of carbohydrates

  • Highly concentrated carbohydrate foods are those that contain more than 60 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product. The leaders among these sources are refined sugar, honey, jam, fresh pastries, all kinds of sweets. Also in this group there is a place for cereals, which are a source of energy for the human body.

This list of products is a clear example of what needs to be added to the diet to get energy and carry out the processes necessary for the body. You should not abuse such food, because it can harm the body. Therefore, everything needs to be measured.

Honey is very rich in carbohydrates

Carbohydrate table

Observing or adhering to the principles of sports nutrition, it is necessary to strictly control your diet and include or eliminate useful, harmful products from it.

So, complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body rather slowly, which gives a feeling of satiety compared to the use of simple carbohydrates.

As you know, in sports it is very important to eat on time. Equally important is its correct division, in our case, into simple and complex carbohydrates, information about which is contained in the following table.

The products that this table contains should be selected very carefully, because by confusing them you can not get the desired result from diet, sports. Most of the result depends on nutrition.

If a we are talking about diet food, or sports, then most nutrition experts are inclined to believe that complex carbohydrates, which the above table will allow you to get acquainted with, bring more benefits to the body than foods containing fast carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that food containing starchy foods, or complex carbohydrates, is absorbed by the body rather slowly. Thanks to this property, for a long time a person manages not to feel hunger.

Banana contains carbohydrates

Such food also has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, which can be maintained at the same level. This cannot be said about simple compounds, the use of which should be treated with caution. They kindle the feeling of hunger, increase blood sugar levels, which is not the most pleasant outcome.

A variety of food allows you to make the diet interesting, not boring. In addition, a large selection makes it possible to cook huge amount interesting, delicious meals from which the maximum benefit will be achieved.

Carbohydrates are a fuel, a source of energy for the work of muscles, organs and body systems. Carbohydrate stores in the form of glycogen accumulate in the liver, muscles and are actively burned during physical exertion. About 70% of the calorie content of a person's daily diet comes from carbohydrates. On average, for an adult male engaged in light physical or mental labor, daily rate carbohydrates is 300-500 grams. For athletes and workers physical labor she is much taller. People who wish to reduce their calorie intake can do so by significantly reducing the proportion of carbohydrates in their diet without compromising their health. You should know which foods are high in carbohydrates and use them correctly to get the desired result.
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple or monosaccharides are easily absorbed by the body and provide fast energy. These include fruits, which include glucose and fructose, sweets with sucrose, and dairy products with milk sugar - lactose. Their entry into the body causes a sharp increase in blood sugar levels and an instantaneous response of the pancreas - the release of a large dose of insulin to lower this level. Insulin captures simple carbohydrates and puts them in fat cells. Complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides are considered good because they are digested slowly and provide the body with energy evenly. These are different cereals, vegetables, pasta and bread, which have almost no effect on blood sugar levels and do not disturb the pancreas.
If the main part of your diet is cakes, cakes, bread, rice, beets, potatoes, muesli and sweets containing bad carbs, this can lead to excess weight.
These products should be replaced with sources good carbs, the TOP 12 of which include:
1. Fresh vegetables and fruit
2. Rye bread with bran
3. Peas
4. Brown rice
5. Buckwheat porridge
6. Cereals
7. Wholemeal Pasta
8. Red beans and lentils
9. Mushrooms
10. Dairy products
11. Dark chocolate
12. Soy.
It is worth adding that it is not enough to know, you need to know best time to receive them. The body burns energy better in the morning, so rich in carbohydrate food should be taken before 16-00, and in the evening consume carbohydrates in the form of vegetable salads. Athletes are better off taking carbohydrates after a grueling workout for an hour, when they are intensively absorbed by the body to replace burned-out glycogen. Any amount of carbohydrates received at this moment does not fall into fat, but into muscle cells.

Carbohydrates are complex compounds that should make up at least 50 percent of a person's diet. The famous book "On tasty and healthy food"and does recommend a ratio of 1: 1: 4 (proteins, fats and carbohydrates, respectively). List carbohydrate products is extremely large and you need to navigate it if you want to keep track of your figure.

The most carbohydrate foods

Limiting the intake of only carbohydrate or fatty foods is not always the way out, because these connections make important features in the body. For example, carbohydrates help normal operation liver, provide energy to the muscles. The carbohydrate table of products will help you in choosing the right diet.

That is why it is worth carefully reviewing the list of carbohydrate foods, which is based on the classification of carbohydrate-containing foods. The list of carbohydrate products is divided into the following items:

Low carbohydrate foods (the amount of HC ranges from 2 to 4.9 grams per 100 grams of product):

  • lettuce leaves
  • radish
  • tomatoes
  • lemons
  • mushrooms (fresh)

Foods for carbohydrate nutrition are often those that do not contain a lot of carbohydrates. Low or limited HC content (about 5-10 grams per 100 grams of product):

  • melon and also watermelon
  • citrus
  • apricots
  • carrot
  • pumpkin
  • peach
  • pear

With a moderate concentration of HC (up to 20 grams per 100 g):

  • ice cream
  • beets, potatoes
  • grapes and sweet apples
  • fruit juices

Rich in carbohydrates (on average 40 to 60 grams of carbs per 100 g):

  • bread products
  • chocolate
  • halva
  • peas and any beans

With very high concentration HC in 100 grams of product (more than 65 g):

  • candies
  • refined sugar
  • bakery products
  • dried fruits (dates, raisins)
  • jam and jam
  • pasta
  • rice, other cereals

Almost any diet prescribes to cut the "norm" for carbohydrate foods. Below is a list of carbohydrate foods.

Carbohydrate food table

The table forms a clear concept of the need for a particular product in the diet: for example, do not replace healthy cereals and fiber-containing foods with sweets and other simple carbohydrates. carbohydrate table Products are best printed and always kept in sight.

Do not forget that belonging to the last three groups is not a reason to exclude a particular product from the diet. No one doubts that the usefulness of halva and beans is by no means equal, as well as the usefulness of beets and ice cream. The most carbohydrate foods are sweets and this cannot be changed.

"Friends" and "enemies": how to calculate the right one?

Many nutritionists tend to divide carbohydrates according to the principle of usefulness. They include “positive” carbohydrates - complex compounds (for example, starch) as useful ones. The processing of such compounds by the body lasts long enough, which allows a person to feel full for a long time. On the other hand, they also do not contribute sharp increase blood sugar (which then leads to the production of insulin and the same sharp decline, as a result of which the feeling of hunger after eating sweets overtakes very, very quickly).

For an approximate calculation of the diet, you can use the well-known rule of dividing a portion into three parts. About a third of a serving of food should be "protein", a little less than two-thirds - carbohydrate, preferably - complex, positive carb and low-carb foods. The “fat” component should account for very little, but fats should not be completely excluded from the diet in any case. The list of carbohydrate foods in this article will help you make proper nutrition depending on goals.

Surely you have repeatedly heard a lot of various information about carbohydrates. They are an integral part of the diet of each of us. Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for the human body.

But why would one type of carb help build muscle while another would promote body fat? Let's figure it out!

What are carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are organic elements composed of complex and simple sugars. They are found in food and are one of the key sources of energy.

There are two types of carbohydrates: simple (fast) and complex (slow). The main difference between them is in molecular structure and the rate of absorption by the body.

simple carbohydrates include fructose and glucose(monosaccharides and disaccharides). Therefore, foods containing such carbohydrates have a sweet taste. The glycemic index (GI) is used to estimate the carbohydrate content of foods. This indicator measures the effect of foods on blood sugar levels. So, high GI food does not bring great benefit for the body, it should be consumed as little as possible. Because the regular increase in blood glucose levels causes insulin spikes. This can affect the independent production of this hormone by the body, which leads to the appearance diabetes I type.

Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides. And, despite the fact that their main task is to supply the body with energy, they have a slightly different principle of action. They are based on pectins, fiber and starch. They stimulate the digestion process, satisfy hunger and saturate the body for a long period of time. In addition, they take more time and energy to digest, so blood sugar rises evenly.

Benefits of carbohydrates for the body

Carbohydrates perform vital functions:

Replenish the energy reserves of the body;

Contribute to the productive work of the brain;

Improve digestion;

Reduce the risk of blood clots.

Do simple carbohydrates contribute to mass gain?

Carbohydrates, which are easily digested, contribute to the production of insulin, which inhibits the breakdown of fats. If a physical activity insignificant, fats are deposited in the body. But if you eat simple carbohydrates and play sports, it will form muscle mass by increasing glycogen levels in muscle tissue. Therefore, whether the muscles or the stomach will grow is up to you.

The ratio of carbohydrates to a set of muscle mass

In the process of training, you need to monitor your diet and, as sports nutritionists advise, complex carbohydrates worth consuming before physical activity, a simple carbohydrates leave on after.

Those who set out to lose weight should not exceed the norm of 50-60 g of foods that contain carbohydrates. To keep the weight at the same level, 200 g per day is allowed. Exceeding this rate will contribute to weight gain.

Basic foods containing simple carbohydrates

If the product contains sugar and / or flour, it can be classified as fast carbohydrates.

Sources fast carbohydrates are sweet fruits and berries, dried fruits (raisins, figs, dates, pineapple), sugar, honey, cakes, pastries, cookies, sweets, halva, condensed milk, jams and syrups, sweet drinks (especially carbonated), chocolate products, semolina, wheat pasta of the 1st grade, White bread.

Food product Glycemic index Carbohydrates in 100 g of product
Rice flour 95 77,5
White rice 70 26
Brown sugar 70 95
Rice pudding 85 43
Fried potatoes 95 24
Baked potato 95 17
Wheat flour 85 67
Celery root 85 10
Pumpkin 75 6
Watermelon 75 9
Dates 70 68
chocolate bar 70 48
Beer 110 6
Crisps 70 55
Noodles 70 56

Basic foods containing complex carbohydrates

These carbohydrates are found mainly in following products:buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, carrots, potatoes, legumes (lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans), pumpkin, corn, beets, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta.

Food product Glycemic index Carbohydrates in 100 g of product
Orange 35 9
figs 35 40
Cherry 26 11
Plum 24 10
Grapefruit 22 8
Pomegranate 35 13
Apple 30 9
Peach 35 14
Quince 35 8
Apricot 20 10
Cereals 40 65

Deficiency of carbohydrates in the body

Of course, staying without carbohydrates is almost impossible, since they are found in many foods. But if you exhaust yourself with diets, their lack can manifest itself in the form of the following symptoms:

Weakness (it is especially pronounced during and after mental stress);


Inability to concentrate and work productively;




muscle weakness;

Deterioration of the digestive process.

Of particular danger is the insufficient supply of carbohydrates to the brain, which needs them for full functioning. If the brain receives less carbohydrates systematically, memory problems may appear.

Excess carbohydrates in the body

Excessive consumption of food rich in carbohydrates will not pass without a trace for the body. It will show up as the following:

The appearance of body fat and deterioration of physical form;

risk of obesity;

Increase in blood sugar;

The risk of developing diabetes.

As you can see, carbs can turn you into a chubby bear or make you look like the cover of a bodybuilding magazine. It all depends on which direction you direct them, and if in the right direction, they will work in your favor.

In order for a person to have the energy necessary to maintain life, it is necessary that it enters the body with food. Interestingly, half of the energy needed for the body enters the body through carbohydrates. Accept foods containing carbohydrates, should each person in certain amounts per day. one

What is the need for carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are retained in the body much less than proteins, however, they play a big role, which is to maintain immunity. In addition, carbohydrates are part of those cells that are involved in the regulation metabolic processes, as well as the transfer of hereditary information and in the synthesis of nucleic acids.

Carbohydrates can be eaten when losing weight, but only in morning time and in small quantities.

Within 15 minutes, the body generates energy on its own due to 6 grams of glucose, which is in the blood. In order for the sugar level to be normal, the body begins to produce two substances. With the help of insulin, the level of glucose in the blood decreases, glucose is converted into fat or glycogen, this is extremely important after eating.

As for glucagon, it increases blood sugar. Glycogen is consumed from organs such as the liver and muscles, about ten, and sometimes fifteen hours, these reserves are enough for the body. The feeling of hunger is stronger if there is less sugar in the body.

It is better for all those who are losing weight to forget about taking carbohydrates after dinner.


What are the types of carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are different type, the main difference is in the complexity of the molecules. Simple - monosaccharides, then come disaccharides and the most complex are considered polysaccharides. Products containing carbohydrates of a complex type, entering the stomach and starting to be digested, become glucose, the latter, in turn, nourishes the body through the blood. Products contain carbohydrates and non-digestible type, this includes pectin substances and alimentary fiber. Such carbohydrates are necessary for intestinal motility, in addition, unnecessary to the body substances that bind cholesterol. Thereby beneficial microflora starts working harder.

To navigate the types of carbohydrates and what foods they contain, your attention is a table of carbohydrates in foods.

Of these, glucose is the fastest absorbed. Lactose and maltose are also absorbed immediately, however, this requires acid gastric juice and enzymes. starch, which is complex carbohydrate, is able to break down into ordinary sugars, but this does not happen quickly in the intestines, because fiber prevents the absorption of sugars.

Try to eat food different kind carbohydrates so that the process of energy production is uniform.


Where are carbohydrates located?

It is important for all people, whether they are losing weight or not, to know which foods are rich in carbohydrates. When compiling your diet, you need to remember about grains and legumes, this includes rice, millet and so on. It also provides minerals, proteins and vitamins. In the embryos and shells of grain accumulated a maximum useful substances.

Whole grains have the most nutritional value, these are various cereals and bran. Rice is also easily digested, but there is little fiber in it, which cannot be said about pearl barley and wheat. Also buckwheat is useful iron content. Oat groats It is notable for its usefulness, but at the same time it has a lot of calories.

Interestingly, it is impossible to eat foods containing carbohydrates before overeating, because they are not able to increase the supply of fat.

It is a mistake to think that because of carbohydrates, body weight increases, because they are absorbed much faster. But there is a lot of fat in such products. So, chocolate contains about 50 percent of it. Fats must be oxidized by the body in time, and for this, the consumption of fatty foods must be reduced. That is, it is not necessary to eat foods without carbohydrates with a diet, it is important to simply reduce their amount.

In addition to these products, carbohydrates are found in fruits, sweet foods, flour, dairy, berries, and even fruit juices.

To maintain the weight in a stable state, this amount should be increased to two hundred grams. Weight will grow rapidly upwards if daily consumption carbohydrates will be more than 300 gr.

It will help to normalize weight or throw off unnecessary kilograms table of carbohydrates for weight loss.



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