Sports walking. Wellness walking

Walking is no less effective way to keep yourself in good physical shape than running. This discipline can be practiced both for the general improvement of the body, and at a professional level, preparing for competitions. Unlike ordinary walking, sports walking has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be known to any person who decides to choose this particular sports discipline.

The benefits of walking

In addition to participating in competitions, millions of people use race walking for recreational purposes. If you walk just 30 minutes a distance every day, you can live 3 more years. Regular sports walking brings tremendous benefits to the body:

  • the work of the heart is normalized - the activity of the myocardium improves, its contractility increases;
  • the work of the respiratory system improves - the lung tissue removes metabolic products faster, the blood is saturated with oxygen;
  • the activity of the gastrointestinal system is normalized - motility increases, nutrients are better absorbed into the blood;
  • the muscles of the whole body are trained - especially the legs, hips, shoulders, back and arms;
  • the influence of stressful situations decreases, the nervous system hardens, mood rises;
  • calories are burned - 5 km of daily walks help maintain a slender body.

Health-improving running and distance walking can be used to prepare for competitions, as well as as a preventive measure against all kinds of vascular and heart diseases. Walking 5 hours a week at high speed reduces the risk of heart disease by almost 50%. This discipline can be attributed to one of the safest - unlike running, when walking, there is no foot hitting the ground (if shoes are chosen correctly), while the speed of movement is much lower.

It should be noted that the benefits of sports walking will only be obtained if you walk the distance at a sufficiently high speed and in the right shoes. Slow walks do not bring such powerful benefits to the body as fast ones.

General principles

The main feature of sports walking is the high speed of movement without switching to running. In this case, the following rules must be observed, which distinguish this discipline from running:

Walking for weight loss will be very useful for people suffering from excess weight. If you are obese, jogging is usually not recommended because it puts an increased strain on the skeletal system. Walking for weight loss has a minimum of contraindications, but it is better to consult a doctor and choose the right shoes.

Types of sports walking

Every sport has its varieties. Race walking is no exception, and the type of these workouts should be chosen depending on the goals that a person sets for himself. There are 4 main types of sports walking:

  1. Slow walking. Speed ​​- 80 steps per minute. At this pace, a person covers a kilometer in 30 minutes.
  2. Average temp. Speed ​​- 120 steps per minute. A kilometer is covered in 13-15 minutes.
  3. Sports walking. Speed ​​- about 150 steps per minute, 7 km are overcome in an hour. It is race walking that is used in competitions.
  4. Fast walk. It is used only by athletes to prepare for upcoming competitions. The speed can reach 12 km/h. This technique is not recommended for beginners, since it puts a lot of stress on an unprepared body.

Beginners are better off doing slow or medium paced walking. To improve the body, it will be enough to walk at an average pace for half an hour a day. If you need to prepare for the competition, walking is suitable, with a further transition to fast.

Teaching methodology

Before starting classes, you should study the analysis and basics of race walking technique under the guidance of a trainer. The teaching methodology will include the following points:

  • Introduction to technology. At this stage, the trainer shows at a slow pace what the sports walking technique is, explains the features of this sport. Then the beginner will have to repeat the correct body movements on his own, and the coach will analyze the mistakes and determine the training program.
  • Methodology for teaching the movement of the legs and pelvis. During slow walking, the beginner is taught how to properly turn the body and move the arms at the moment when the feet are placed on the ground. It uses the analysis and technique of opposite rotations: the shoulders are rotated to the right when the pelvis is rotated to the left. At the same time, the leg lowered to the ground remains straight until the second leg is lowered to the ground. Training is usually carried out in a straight drawn line - this allows the legs to move close to each other.
  • Methodology for teaching the movement of the arms and shoulder girdle. Hands should be bent at an obtuse or right angle, not intersect and move in a straight line. Shoulders should be relaxed, hands should not be strained and move freely. If the range of motion of the hands is not wide enough, the training is carried out with the hands down.
  • Methods of teaching correct breathing. Inhale and exhale deeply and evenly. Breathing should not go astray - if this happens, you need to stop training.
  • Methodology for teaching individual elements of sports walking. To hone the technique, various exercises for the body, limbs, and head are used. The trainer analyzes the length of the step, the method of placing the foot, moving the legs.
  • Improvement of technology. This stage involves the integration of skills acquired in the process of learning and analysis, and long hard training to achieve coordination of movements.

This sports discipline has a number of its own methods and standards, which are taken into account during the competition. In addition to technique, great importance is given to speed, which can be increased by lengthening the step, or by increasing the frequency of steps. In the second case, there is a risk of switching to running, which can be a reason for disqualification from the competition, so this method of increasing speed is recommended only for experienced athletes.

Warm up

Whether the goal of race walking is to improve health or to prepare for competitions, it is extremely important to choose the right shoes and warm up thoroughly before training.

The warm-up begins with stretching the calf muscles. The following exercise will help with this: we rest our hands against the wall, we take one leg back, while slightly squatting on the second leg. The duration of the exercise is about 7 minutes.

Next, you need to stretch the back of the thigh: stretch one leg forward and put it on a chair. Now you need to tilt the torso to this leg. To stretch the front of the thigh, you need to stand on one leg, pull the other with your hands to the buttocks.

To stretch the hips, you need to perform several alternate lunges with the body forward and backward, while the leg should be on a chair with a bent knee. The total duration of the warm-up is at least 20 minutes. Such training will allow you to stretch and warm up your muscles well and avoid injuries.

How to calculate load

If walking lessons are carried out taking into account all the rules and analysis of mistakes, they will only bring benefits. You should select a training program based on your physical condition. At first, you need to observe moderation and not chase the high results that professional athletes show.

You should start with small walks of 3-4 km a day, weekly increasing the distance by 1 km and analyzing your well-being. For optimal benefit, men are advised to walk about 50 km per week, women - 40 km, but walking such distances is better for experienced people.

The first time you need to walk, controlling your pulse. If it is more than 110 beats per minute, it is desirable to reduce the pace or duration of walking. It happens that the pulse rises when climbing uphill. This is normal and should not cause concern. But pain in the muscles or joints is a bad sign. If they appear, you need to immediately stop classes, with a smooth transition to a slow step.

Choice of shoes

There are many factors to consider when choosing walking shoes. Walking shoes are very different from running shoes. Walking shoes should be flexible, with special orthopedic elements that will protect the foot during movement. Such elements of footwear include: a dense thick sole, a high rigid heel and high edges for fixing the ankle. If the sole of the sneakers is too thin, by the end of the distance, strong pressure will be felt in the legs, and the foot will feel every stone. In addition, if you walk with thin-soled sneakers, your feet quickly start to hurt in shoes.

For walking on a distance on rough terrain, it is necessary to select sneakers with shock-absorbing elements that will absorb shocks when moving. The midsole of the sneakers should have a soft cushion that protects the ankle from fatigue. The insoles inside the shoes must be removable and have good moisture permeability. The quality of the laces of sneakers should also be paid attention to - they should not spontaneously untie.

Properly chosen shoes will give a feeling of lightness while walking along the distance and not cause discomfort. The wrong choice of running shoes can lead to many health problems - back pain, blisters, flat feet and varicose veins.

We talked about the general availability of running. Yes, this is true, but still there are some contraindications for health reasons for running. But calm walking is recommended for almost everyone. But we will talk about fast, training the body walking.

First about walking speed classification. Very slow - 60-70 steps per minute, that is, approximately 2.5-3 km / h; slow - 70-90 steps per minute, or 3-3.5 km / h. Perhaps it is this pace that we will choose as the initial one, and the distance can be estimated by eye. Or use this approximate calculation: the step length usually ranges from 70 to 100 cm. Having measured the approximate step length, it is easy to calculate the length of your path. First of all, it is enough to walk at this pace for 30 minutes, which will be about 2 km. In the second week, it is advisable to lengthen the walk to 45 minutes and slightly increase the speed. On the third, switch to walking at an average speed, which is 90-120 steps per minute, or 4-5.6 km / h. If you have time, it is recommended to spend 45 minutes walking, and then at this pace you will walk 3.5 km.

The fourth and fifth weeks should follow the same pace, but it is advisable to slightly lengthen the walk. A further increase in pace is carried out as follows: the sixth and seventh weeks - 95 steps per minute, the duration of the walk is 55 minutes, as a result you will walk about 4 km. And finally, from the eighth to the tenth week inclusive, it is recommended to walk at a speed of 100 steps per minute for 1 hour, in the end you will walk 4.5 km.

For an elderly person, if there is no preliminary training, and not very good health, you can stop there. For people who are weakened, who have had a disease, the attending physician will recommend the dosage of the walk.

Well-trained can increase the load. The author of this book is 60 years old, I go in for physical education regularly: in winter I ski, but in summer I take a daily walk, especially if there is a lot of work. A special walk takes about 2 hours, sometimes less - if I go alone; more when my wife and grandson are with me. I alternate between fast walking and running, then slower walking. The purpose of my walk is to reach the pond, swim there, sit for a while, relax and back. The walking speed is about 6 km / h, which already belongs to the category of fast.

When walking slowly, I definitely follow my breathing: for 4 steps (or counts) - inhale, for 4 - exhale, for 4 - hold your breath. I also do simple breathing exercises. Previously, the regulation of breathing was on 8 accounts. And one more thing: if I was overtired, I didn’t sleep enough, then I don’t go on a run.

Sometimes there are days when you have to return home late. Then I take a backpack with me for office papers, buy groceries, books, and part of the way I also try to go at a fast pace. If for a number of reasons it is inconvenient to take a backpack, then I use a bag over my shoulder.

Walking with a stuffed briefcase or a shopping bag "for health" - only ruin it.

Even when walking fast in nature, I try to relax my shoulders, the muscles of my face and neck, I try to notice everything around, I shift my gaze from distant to near objects, and vice versa.

Walking is good because you can notice a delicate flower, see a beautifully lit pine tree, enjoy the pichuga ...

Also, walking helps a lot. Especially fast. Sometimes you can’t find the right solution in your scientific work, an interesting example for a lecture for students, a suitable technique, a “turn” when writing a book. You will walk three or four kilometers - and surely, or almost certainly, a decision will come to mind.
.. For some reason it seems to me that I convinced you of the benefits and delights of walking. Then once again I will repeat the lines of the great poet, which are so fond of propagandists of hiking:

My friends! Take your staff
Go to the forest, wander through the valley,
Steep hills get tired at the top,
And in debt the night is deep your sleep will be!
A. S. Pushkin

Do I need to summarize what has been said? I guess not. I will confine myself to two remarks. Firstly, the effect will be achieved only if you follow the general rules of recovery, which were discussed above. But the means, types of physical activity, choose according to your taste, circumstances. For example, some of the older people I met on the hiking trail "got off" it, but got carried away dancing. And every day I see hundreds of old couples dancing in the park. Wonderful!

Secondly. Getting acquainted with the latest scientific research related to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, you are convinced that all authors (domestic and foreign) are unanimous: to combat these ailments, sufficient physical activity, balanced

A year ago, my sister started doing “star birth” gymnastics. She studies regularly, reads a lot on the topic, watches videos, ... - in general, I got carried away to the fullest. On her advice, I also read Guseva's book. Of course, everything is very tempting, beautiful and makes you want to join. Moreover, it is of interest from the point of view of a constant decline in strength and apathy.

I notice the positive consequences of my sister's classes - her back straightened and she became more resilient and cheerful. BUT, with all this, I really see that she has become embittered and irritable. Can this condition be associated with gymnastics at all? Or

Dear girls! To keep your breasts beautiful after childbirth and feeding, you need to love and care for them from youth. A bra is not just for dust, but also for the beauty and maintenance of your breasts. During pregnancy, a bra is required, and around the clock. It must be remembered that it must be cotton.

During pregnancy and lactation, caress your breasts regularly, massaging lightly with rose or olive oil. You can do milk baths. The chest is supported by the muscles of the thoracic region and therefore fitness is very useful. Breastfeed for as long as possible and

Many girls from an early age dream of big beautiful breasts. And as soon as there is money, they run to plastic.

Strange creatures. I myself do plastic surgery, but only for medical reasons, when as a result of oncology, women lose one or both mammary glands. I'm talking to young girls. Be natural. Give birth, breastfeed and she will become more beautiful than before. Just take care of your breasts. Do exercises so that it does not sag. Not a single implant can replace even a small, but lively and sensual breast.

now it is so fashionable to pump the buttocks))) In general, I also joined))) I have been doing squats for a week (!!!) already. But I can’t help but hold on to the wall, otherwise I fall forward, some kind of discoordination occurs. And now I’m thinking - is there any sense in such squats? Does the support reduce the effectiveness of exercises?

girls, tell me.

I have zero physical fitness, I have always been a physicist. withdrawal - neither to pull up, nor to wring out, in general, the sport is not mine, I have never been friends with him and I probably won’t be. But, I love to dance. Now there is a need to throw off 5 kg. From this point of view I consider belly dance. How I see the benefits:

Learn to move beautifully

Raise the level of physical training, muscle management

Good for women's health

But I'm not sure about weight loss. You look at these girls, you can’t call them thin, and if they start shaking their stomachs, booty, their fat is shaking there

I work out without a coach, I myself draw up a training and nutrition program for myself))) Therefore, I actively collect information. Maybe there is someone here who is actively working on his body? I need advice based on my own experience.

Brisk walking is a universal way to not only improve your health, but also get your body in great shape. The accessibility of walking is open to almost everyone. Regular walking with the right technique will bring a lot of benefits for both the body and the soul.

Features of fast walking

Physical activity is important for health, and sports are recommended for everyone without exception. For those who hate to exhaust themselves with heavy loads, brisk walking is perfect. Such workouts will help keep yourself in shape without much effort, only regularity and lack of laziness are important. Classes do not take much time, but the result can exceed all expectations. After a week of walking, the desire to lie on the couch will disappear and you will want to progress further in sports achievements.

They are accustomed to fast walking gradually, although at first glance, everyone can perform such training. From high loads at the initial stage, not only the whole body will hurt, but any desire to continue exercising will disappear. In the early days, it is enough to walk just a couple of kilometers, spending about half an hour on it. Then, when you feel lightness in movements and it becomes easier to breathe, you can increase both the load and the duration. For clarity: an hour of high-quality fast walking can replace 15 minutes.

Fast walking should be pleasant and not cause any discomfort. This is not the kind of sport where it is worth working up a sweat to show outstanding results. The ideal is the pace at which breathing is possible through the nose, shortness of breath is not heavy, only a slight perspiration appears. The pulse should be kept within 100 beats per minute. If this indicator is lower, then the body will not receive enough load and all efforts will be in vain, if it is higher, there is a chance to seriously harm health, in particular the cardiovascular system.

Fast walking has its own technique, following which the effect of training will be much higher, and the risk of injury, on the contrary, will be significantly reduced. Step should be done, moving from heel to toe. To soften the impact of the foot on the hard surface of the earth, you need to think about quality sports shoes. Sneakers should have a sufficient degree of cushioning and fit snugly on the foot to prevent possible dislocations. The abdomen and buttocks are tightened, the back is straight, the shoulders are lowered, the gaze is looking forward. Hands should be kept bent at the elbows at a right angle and actively work with them when walking.

Developing speed during training, you should not only regulate the heart rate, but also the number of steps per minute. At the initial stage, a speed of up to 90 steps per minute will be considered good, so the body can get used to the loads. Particular attention should be paid to this for those who lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle and move very little. You can then increase the pace to 2 steps per second or 120 steps per minute. Most often, it is at this speed that amateurs walk. If this load is not enough, then you can go to 140 steps per minute, this pace almost borders on the usual jogging.

Scientists have found that in order to maintain health, it is necessary to walk about 10 thousand steps(approximately 8.5 km). The modern lifestyle offers comfortable conditions for overcoming long distances by public transport or a private car, so it is not always possible to walk the required norm on weekdays. To correct this situation, you can purposefully engage in brisk walking every day. In the morning, such a workout will help you wake up and gain energy for the whole day, and in the evening it will be an excellent discharge and help restore strength.

The benefits and harms of fast walking

A sedentary lifestyle is very harmful to human health, as a result, serious problems with the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system may appear. To keep the body in good shape, it is necessary to periodically play sports and perform at least a small load, for example, exercise hiking. The benefits of brisk walking are large enough to start considering these particular workouts as the main means on the way to a healthy body:

Strengthening the heart and blood vessels

Walking is a gentle exercise, so it’s great for a light workout of the heart muscle, while not creating a big load. Walking can lower blood cholesterol levels and improve circulation in general. Thus, walking can help in the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Cleansing the body

Although not as much sweat is released during walking as when running, it is still enough for the body to be able to cleanse itself of toxins, toxins and excess fluid. As a result, the process of replenishment of nutrients occurs better and faster.

Stimulation of brain activity

While walking, processes in the brain are activated, as the body begins to be more actively enriched with oxygen. Thus, after long sessions, you can notice an improvement in the quality of memory, as well as clarification of thoughts, it will become easier to focus on specific tasks without scattering attention over trifles.

Relief from stress

The high dynamics of active exercises contributes to the production of special hormones in the body - endorphins, because of them a person feels a surge of joy and pleasure. That is why athletes experience less than others, they immediately get rid of the emerging nervous tension in training. Thanks to daily activities, endurance develops, as a result of which fatigue comes much later and has a rather pleasant character.

Life Extension

As a result of studies conducted by American scientists, it was found that, other things being equal, the difference in life expectancy between those who preferred fast walking and those who led a passive lifestyle is a couple of years. Naturally, people live longer who do not forget about sports and devote at least a little of their time to it every day.

In cases where there are serious chronic diseases, the possibility of getting harm from fast walking is not excluded. Physical activity can be contraindicated in diseases of the eyes, heart, hypertension, arthritis - this is not the whole list, therefore, in cases of doubt about the possibility of brisk walking, you should urgently consult with your doctor (sports specialist) so that he will give you everything necessary recommendations.

Fast walking for weight loss

The intensity of your workout determines how many calories brisk walking burns. If you are not lazy and do everything correctly, while keeping the speed around 120 steps per minute, then after one walk you can lose about 300 kcal. A good result, given that the same jogging can get rid of a little more calories per hour of class - 370 kcal.

It is important to remember that extra pounds will start to go away only when fat reserves are used up. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to control the intensity and duration of training. At least 30 minutes per day, preferably 1 hour. In the first half hour, the athlete accelerates the processes, and only after that the real fat burning begins.

You should not expect a quick result from walking. Such classes are aimed at progressively getting rid of extra pounds, but the result can be fixed for a long time, taking into account the continuation of classes. Fast walking for weight loss will be useful in conjunction with proper nutrition. It is not necessary to follow a diet, it is better to simply adjust your diet and make it healthier.


For novice athletes, brisk walking will help at the initial stage of training to join an active lifestyle and prepare for further stress. Despite the ease of performing the exercise, walking brings many benefits to the body and mental state. For those who want to lose weight, walking will help get rid of extra pounds and tone the body. In any workout, the main thing is not to be lazy and practice regularly, then the result will not be long in coming.

Here is important news, in my opinion: Commander of the military parade on May 9 on Red Square in Moscow will be Colonel-General Vladimir Chirkin, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces. Recently, life has been bringing me all the time with this general, so this news for me is a signal to action. I will prepare for the parade together with Chirkin - so I decide, and immediately good luck! I get to training on the territory of the legendary Moscow Higher Military Command School (MVVKU), which in 2012, by order of the Minister of Defense, was renamed the Military Institute (combined arms) of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (This is the full name of this educational institution! So that the adversary breaks his mind and tongue to boot).

The personnel of the ceremonial calculation of MVVKU cadets lined up to start training on the parade ground of the school

So, on March 20, on the territory of the Military Institute, a training session was held for the walking column of the parade crew of cadets. The ceremonial calculation of the MVVKU has 215 cadets - one battalion. According to the established tradition, the parade battalion of the school closes the parade. This honorary right was granted by Marshal of the Soviet Union A.A. Grechko in connection with the special traditions for drill techniques in the school.

The head of the school, Major General Mikhail Nepreenkov, explains the peculiarities of the traditions of drill techniques in the school

This training is one of the final ones in the individual "boxes" and therefore, today the head of the school, Major General Mikhail Nepreenkov, is in command of the ceremonial calculation. Strange as it may seem, his assistants include an 87-year-old retired colonel, Vladimir Yangorev, a graduate of MVVKU.

The head of the school, Major General Mikhail Nepreenkov, marches at the head of the parade crew

Vladimir Vasilyevich is an experienced construction worker. Since the autumn of 1945, he participated in 50 (!) solemn parades on Red Square! He is in good memory and in excellent physical shape. He saw with his own eyes how in 1947, at the dress rehearsal of the November parade, the horse on which the Minister of Defense N.A. Bulganin took the parade, dropped his rider. Then Bulganin escaped with a slight fright, and the horse was replaced.

Retired Colonel Vladimir Yangorev, a graduate of MVVKU, talks about unusual cases at solemn parades

Now Vladimir Vasilyevich continues to share his experience with future officers. After the next passage, Yangorev quickly walks around the ranks and says something to some cadets. The cadets nod their heads approvingly. It can be seen that the guys obey him unquestioningly - the authority of the 87-year-old colonel is at a high level among young people.

Retired Colonel - MVVKU graduate Vladimir Yangorev shares his drill training skills with MVVKU cadets

To the solemn parade! Battalion-wise! - the general commands from the rostrum in a loud and sonorous voice. - Distance per lineman! The first battalion is straight ahead, the rest are on the right!

Sergeant N in the ranks of the parade crew of MVVKU cadets

The MVVKU orchestra prepared to play a military march at a marching pace of 120 steps per minute

The military band begins to play a march, and the "box" begins to move. The cadets are again trying to mint a step on the lined asphalt. This passage turns out much better - both the head of the school and Vladimir Yangorev do not hide their approval. This is where the march ends. Even before March 24, cadets will continue to train on the parade ground of their native school. But already at the beginning of next week, all training will move to the Alabino area. There, on a special platform, the parade crew of the MVVKU will take part in the first general rehearsal of all participants in the parade. In total, 11,000 military personnel from all types and branches of the military will take part in the Victory Parade this year.

Cadets of the MVVKU are marching as part of the parade crew and keep aligned to the right

Cadets of MVVKU are marching on the parade ground of their native school as part of the ceremonial calculation

The ranks of the cadets of the ceremonial calculation perform the turn of the "box" to the starting point

The command and banner groups of the ceremonial calculation of the MVVKU are marching to the starting point

Today, I rate the level of preparation of the entire parade crew as a whole as “good,” sums up Major General Nepreenkov.
- Very good, - Colonel Yangorev agrees. But they still have more to go. On the parade march, the unit must take 120 steps per minute. In our time, we did not adapt to the orchestra, but the orchestra adapted to our tempo up to 122 beats. So they still have to study and study!

Retired colonel Vladimir Yangorev counts the number of steps per minute

With this meaningful phrase of the combatant sage, my first experience of commanding one parade crew of the main land school ended.

Tank commander Roshka in the conditional parade crew of MVVKU cadets



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