Good habits for life. Useful human habits

“First we create our habits, and then our habits create us.”
John Dryden

Everyone wants to get rid of bad habits and some even succeed. But this is not enough... It is important to develop new good habits that will change you for the better. Psychologists say: to form them, you will need an average of 21 days. It's real. Read the TOP 10 healthy habits and start introducing them into your life right now!

Eat right! Remember: you are what you eat. Replace sweets, fast food and chips with fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals and greens. They will give you a boost of energy and will not be deposited on the figure. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Drink more pure water! Coffee, tea, juices - even all taken together, they will not replace clean water. And the body needs it like air. Drink about 2 liters of water a day. It is most effective to drink a glass of water before meals - this will improve the functioning of the stomach.

Smile! Scientists say that even if you smile through force, the mood will definitely rise. Make it a habit to smile every day, even when there is no reason for it. Believe me, this will make you happier, will put others around you and will positively affect your well-being.

Wake up early!“He who gets up early, God gives him” - this proverb is not accidental. When you develop the habit of getting up early in the morning, you will have more free time for yourself. And sometimes it's not enough...

Love yourself! Stop picking on yourself over trifles, but rather start looking for pluses in everything. Constantly pamper yourself, praise for every (even small) achievement and do not stop there. Only you can make yourself better.

Do some sports! Start small, like light morning charging. It will give an energy charge for the whole day and give pleasant emotions. It can be anything: inclinations, squats, swings, jogging, push-ups ... When you start exercising constantly, you will notice an increase in activity, tone and an improvement in well-being.

Walk on fresh air! Such walks will saturate your brain with oxygen, help you stretch and relieve stress, improve your mood and allow you to just have a good time. And fresh ideas and a good appetite will be great bonuses!

Stop getting angry! Everything comes back like a boomerang. In other words: what you produce into the world is what comes back to you. negative emotions and anger are not the emotions that should surround you. Get rid of them and bring kindness and joy to the world. And the world will answer you the same!

Meditate! It doesn't matter how you do it: sitting in the lotus position or lying on the couch in the star position. Just find nice way relaxation and at least sometimes allow yourself to be alone.

Follow the routine! The body reacts badly to any stressful situations. Start getting up, going to bed and eating at the same time - this way you will accustom him to constancy and discipline. Your body will thank you with a healthy complexion, good health and a burst of vigor.

Remember, as in Pushkin: "The habit is given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness!" The great poet was right - you can get used to almost anything, it is incredibly difficult for us to part with our habits, even if they harm us, cause discomfort to others, or take us to the sidelines of life.

A habit is a skill deeply rooted in the mind, it is a behavioral pattern that we once learned well and repeat in certain time and under certain conditions. But life shows that, often, it is bad habits that control us. “Don’t hunch your back!”, “Don’t read while eating!”, “Don’t scatter clothes!” We hear from childhood. With age, we learn that habits are not only harmful, but even those that "will not lead to good."

Tellingly, bad habits take root in the mind much faster, but getting rid of them is incredibly difficult. We fall asleep easily after midnight, but getting ourselves into bed at 10 p.m. is next to impossible. We get used to eating junk food, but we are not in a hurry to please ourselves with vegetables and fruits. What can we say about smoking and other harmful addictions?

At the same time, we do not even think about how destructive bad habits affect our lives. They spoil health, creating prerequisites for the appearance of diseases and seriously shortening life. They push others away from us, because you see, who would like to be next to a person who is not used to taking care of himself, who constantly bites his nails, waving his arms or pulling his ear? Because of such ridiculous habits, a person can lose Good work, friends, and then relationships.

How to deal with bad habits

One thing is clear - bad habits really spoil our lives and prevent us from developing, which means that we need to get rid of them. That's just how to do it? According to psychologists, fighting bad habits is a thankless and unpromising business! Wanting to get rid of this misfortune, we only concentrate on it, begin to control and restrain ourselves. All this leads to only one thing - we are drawn to a bad habit even more. As a result, as soon as our strength runs out, we give up and surrender to our passion with even greater rapture! So is it really impossible to fight bad habits?

Of course, this is not true. First of all, you need to stop fighting your unhealthy addictions, and find a motivation that would automatically eradicate a bad habit. As one of the great people said, there are only two motivations in life - the desire to gain and the fear of losing. This is what we will deviate from.

For example, we have a bad habit of eating at night, which causes tremendous harm to the figure. We seem to want to lose weight, but still we can’t resist the urge to look into the refrigerator at night. Here the question must be asked: why should I beautiful figure? I want to look attractive! I dream of catching the admiring glances of people of the opposite sex! I want to fit into the clothes I wore a few years ago! Only a strong enough motivation develops in us the desire to develop a healthy habit of eating right in order to lose weight. And then, automatically, we give up the bad habit of eating before bed.

According to psychologists, it takes 3 to 6 weeks to establish a habit. And if the first couple of weeks we have to make some efforts to necessary habit rooted in the mind, then after a month of effort, less and less effort will be needed. And so that motivation does not disappear halfway, constantly praise yourself for your achievements and regularly reward yourself with something pleasant and desirable, for example, a purchase. beautiful clothes, going to the cinema or going on vacation.

Below are some healthy habits that will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental health, as well as contribute to personal growth and self-development.

20 healthy habits that will change your life

Good Habits to strengthen the physical and mental health

1. Don't eat before bed

We have already discussed this habit in the example above. Refusing food after 19:00, you will not only become slimmer and more attractive in the eyes of others. You will protect yourself from obesity, which means you will avoid serious problems with health in the future, and extend your life by at least 7-10 years!

2. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier

Everyone knows that for physical and mental health, the average person needs to sleep at least 7 hours a day. If you go to bed after midnight, you will be haunted by lack of sleep, which can cause many troubles. In addition, according to the analysis of scientists, 90% of great people got up every day at 4-6 in the morning. That is why train yourself to go to bed no later than 22:00 to follow the natural rhythm of the universe.

3. Drink more water

We are used to starting our day with coffee, supporting ourselves with energy drinks during the day, and pleasing the soul in the evening. fragrant tea. Actually for good health the body needs plain water(minimum 1.5 liters per day), and all of the listed drinks are not a substitute for it. Make it a rule to drink a glass of water before every meal. By doing this, you will maintain the water-salt balance in the body, and besides, teach yourself not to overeat.

4. Exercise

Start visiting Gym or swimming pool, and if this is not possible, try running or exercising at home 3 times a week, using improvised means for this. Regular physical exercise will not only give you an extra charge of vivacity and create good mood, but will also be the key to good health. With such valuable baggage, you will delay the onset of old age as much as possible and avoid serious diseases.

5. Don't get angry or backbite

Try to watch your thoughts and spoken words. When you want to break loose and be rude in response, dial full chest air and count to 10. Remember, the law of attraction works in the world, according to which, the more negativity comes from you, the more it comes back.

6. Have a Morning Ritual

To streamline your life, start your morning with a healthy ritual every day. Immediately after getting up, brush your teeth, brush your tongue, then drink a glass of warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. lemon juice and accept cold and hot shower. Transition from hot water on a cold one, spend it gradually so as not to feel discomfort, and after finishing the procedure, rub the body with a terry towel. Such a ritual will allow you to start the day in good shape and with good mood, which means that you will spend the whole day just wonderful.

7. Do morning exercises

Make it a rule to devote at least 10 minutes in the morning to gymnastic exercises. Let these be simple warm-up elements that will increase the flexibility of the spine and limbs, as well as help improve blood flow throughout the body. Remember morning exercises, this is not only a charge of vivacity for the whole day, but also a guarantee of health, for which the body will surely thank you in the future.

8. Relax

This is very important habit on which mental health depends. After morning exercises turn on quiet pleasant music, sit in the “lotus” position on the carpet and preferably lean your back on a hard surface (otherwise it will be very difficult to relax). If desired, you can simply lie on your back on a thick carpet. Close your eyes, try to relax as much as possible, concentrating on your breathing. Spend the next 5 minutes in a state of complete relaxation. Finishing relaxation, massage the corners of the eyes and rotate eyeballs 8 times clockwise and back.

9. Drink rosehip tea

Habitual, but absolutely useless carbonated drinks and purchased juices try to replace useful decoction wild rose. Instead of the usual coffee and tea, it is better to drink herbal tea with honey. Such a useful habit will make up for the lack valuable vitamins and minerals in the body, which will perfectly strengthen the immune system.

10. Walk more often

Keeping in mind that movement is life, set a goal to walk more often. In this regard, refuse to travel to work by car. Choose for this public transport, leaving a couple of stops to the place of work and walking the rest of the way. In addition, make it a rule to take walks at lunchtime or in the evening before going to bed, walking at least a couple of kilometers.

Useful habits for personal growth and self-development

To develop these habits, it is best to use a smartphone, which is actually an ideal tool for self-development.

11. Learn foreign languages

Take at least 20 minutes a day to learn a foreign language, for example, English. It could be while you are on the subway or your lunch break at work. Each time, learn at least 2-3 words, not forgetting to practice grammar. In addition to the practical benefits of knowing a foreign language, you will develop your brain and train your memory, protecting yourself from senile dementia in old age.

12. Take notes

Start Personal diary, in which you regularly add the sayings of great people that you like and just useful information which may be useful to you in the future. Also, write down all your positive thoughts and pleasant experience. From now on, when you open your notebook, you will be able to relive those pleasant moments again and again, the impressions of which you still keep with you.

13. Listen to audiobooks

Modern man has practically forgotten how to read books, which means that he has lost the most valuable source of knowledge and spiritual development. But you can fix it. Download audiobooks to your smartphone and listen to them at any time convenient for you. Now classical or scientific literature will always be with you on the way to work, while walking around the city or in a cozy bed before going to bed.

Give up long-weary gangster series and spend this time on a really useful scientific film, for example, about psychology, self-development, history, politics or culture. Watching literally 2-3 movies a week, you will very soon become extremely developed person with whom it is pleasant to talk and discuss.

15. Plan your day

So that during the day you do not have emergency situations and you do not experience stress, make a good habit in the evening to make a plan for the next day. You will see, even those around you will soon notice how easily things are arguing with you, and how you manage to keep up everywhere.

16. Don't put off until tomorrow...

Strictly follow this well-known proverb, especially if the task before you takes very little time. Tomorrow you may have a lot of things to do and tasks postponed today will take a lot of time and effort.

17. Set goals

A person should not live his life aimlessly, and therefore think about what exactly you are striving for and what you want to achieve. Write down your goals, both big and small, in a notebook, and regularly note what you've done to achieve them.

18. Track useful news

Spending hours looking through feeds in in social networks, you are simply "killing" your time, without bringing yourself any benefit. But this time can be spent much more usefully if you remove everything superfluous and useless from the tape and subscribe to groups that distribute interesting and very useful information. Now daily "hanging" in social networks you will be spiritually enriched and acquire new knowledge.

19. Keep track of income and expenses

"Money does not tolerate negligence" - burning successful people. Indeed, if you want to maintain and even increase your own well-being, it is not at all necessary to look for a more profitable job. First of all, start counting your own expenses and think about what you could save on without harming yourself and how you could optimize expenses. For many people, such a useful habit becomes a very pleasant and exciting experience.

20. Make time for family and friends

Finally, in order to feel harmony with the world around you, love must constantly live in your heart. And in order not to lose it, never forget about relatives and friends who care, sincerely love you and who really need you. Give them as much time as possible, call more often, visit and give gifts with all your heart!

These healthy habits are sure to change your life for the better. Just try to instill some of them in yourself, and soon you will be surprised to find how the world around you is changing for the better!

We are all used to doing certain things every day. For example, always have something special for breakfast. For everyone, these actions are their own and they can be characterized as habits that actually form our life with you.

But in order for life to be full and harmonious, and also to be active and healthy, I suggest you study the list of 10 useful habits for every day that I use and which will make you and your life much better and more interesting.

The list is formed according to the importance of these actions (for me personally), you can have them in a different sequence or even different.



Jogging in the morning is a pleasure. Fresh and clean air, little transport (if suddenly you run along the highway and you don’t have forested areas), sunrise. Beauty. What could be more beautiful. And yet, the habit of running in the morning, energizes for the whole day, improves mood, improves mental activity due to the abundant flow of blood to the brain, increases libido, protects against cardiovascular disease, improves skin condition, cures depression. In general, running is a solid benefit.

My recommendation to you. If you have never run and avoided physical education classes in high school, then just start with walking in the morning, after a week, start accelerating your step pace. And you will not notice how in a month you will run. In a good way, in order to be away from running real benefit, you need to run at least 30-40 minutes every day.


I have already mentioned the useful habit of running, but there are other types. physical activity. Any activity is beneficial to a person, and in today's modern world, where almost any job is sedentary, you just need to move.

Use this feature everywhere:

If you live in an apartment building, take the stairs instead of the elevator. In principle, it is generally desirable to walk more on foot, take a break for 5, 10 minutes every hour. If you are an office worker, walk more in the fresh air, try to go to the park or walk somewhere outside the city on weekends (I don’t always succeed).

Instead of sitting in some bar and drinking beer, for example, help your parents in the country or in the garden (if you or your parents a private house). if you have Small child, allocate 20-30 minutes for active games, ride a bike in summer, swim, swim in winter free time go skiing or skating.

Be active every day. And, then you will feel much better from introducing this habit into your lifestyle.


One of my most important habits is reading. With the development of high technology and the advent of the Internet, books have lost their significance for humans. People are no longer interested in flipping through books, they are just too lazy to do it, too lazy to think and develop. Therefore, the person exchanged the book for a TV and a smartphone.

But, in fact, the book plays very important role in the development of man, understanding the world, in his philosophy and thinking. A person who reads thinks faster, has a developed memory, imagination, logical thinking, larger lexicon(which is very important when communicating, for example, in business circles). A person who reads a lot develops himself, gains experience and knowledge of other people, develops his own worldview.

Here's a new formula for you: every day, read some useful book for at least 30 minutes. Reading refers to real literature, motivational or educational books (such as Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy or Scientific research Collin Campbell, or just fiction). But not reading posts on social networks about how useful it is to drink beer and eat barbecue on vacation. Introduce this habit into your life and you will not notice how you begin to surpass your friends and work colleagues with your versatile thinking.


Do something new every day. It will bring variety to your life, even every little thing in the form of a new route to work (for example, when you eat to work or come back home), try new food or food in general.

New outfit combinations, new books, new places to go out with the family, new skills. Try, for example, to eat with the other hand, start learning foreign language. Or plunge into a new sport for yourself, fly to another region or another country on vacation, just start traveling first within and then outside your native and familiar city.

Explore your city thoroughly, for sure you have not seen many amazing places and have never been there. Change the dishes at home, rearrange the furniture, make cosmetic repairs in the apartment, go to museums, theaters, concerts and exhibitions more often, finally change your job if you are tired of it. Live bright and varied!


Learn time management. If you want more time for yourself and your family, then learn how to use your time effectively. There are many secrets on how to do this. If we analyze the day of an average person, then 30% of the time goes nowhere: social networks, TV, long meals, again watching TV, idle chatter, lying in bed in the morning, smoke breaks, coffee breaks.

In addition, time is simply used inefficiently: constant distractions at work, no plan for the day, no goals, life goes on as usual. And time is a non-renewable resource, yesterday cannot be returned. The habit of managing your time is one of the best habits forever.


Keep a diary of success. Every day, in the evening, write down your progress for today in a special notebook or phone. We do it right on our website. We keep two diaries at once. Workout diary and food diary.

Keeping a diary will boost your self-esteem, help you focus on the positive, and give you energy for further action. It will take 5 minutes of your time, and as a result you will receive a chronology of your daily victories, which you can always re-read if you start to "drop your hands" or feel sadness.

Write down all the little things that you did during the day: got up 5 minutes earlier, ate healthy breakfast, walked, agreed with the client, made an important call, spent more time with the family. All these are your small victories on the way to great success!


Learn to see the good in everything. Whatever bad event did not happen, ask yourself the question: “What good can I get from this event?”. You need to ask right away before a wave of despondency, anger or bad mood. While you go to work or walk, pay attention to all sorts of little things: green grass, trees, sky, wind, sun, birds, children, animals, cleanliness.

Look for the "bright side of the coin" in everything - this will teach you not to despair even in the most difficult situations. As they say, "optimists turn the globe."


Eat as much as possible healthy food and get rid of bad habits. Food is the closest contact with the outside world. What you eat during the day makes you either energetic and strong, or vice versa, lethargic and lethargic. Try changing your diet. Study the literature on the correct and natural nutrition.

Forget about diets. Be sure to read the articles on our website about switching to proper nutrition- this will be the first step to your health and longevity. Most importantly, stop eating fast food, sandwiches, drinking soda, coffee and black tea from morning to evening, eat a lot of sweet, salty, meat, dairy, smoke and drink alcohol. You don't even want to listen.

And you try at least a couple of weeks. You will feel much lighter and more energetic. Take food with you in containers. Drink more regular non-carbonated water. Snack on fruits and vegetables. Make more salads without mayonnaise and oil. Remember, we are what we eat.


The last habit has absorbed the 2 most important parameters of life. The first is order.. Tidy up your home and workplace. Get rid of all the old, unnecessary things by selling or donating them, make a wardrobe for a few days, the rest takes up extra space. All the things that you cut off can be taken as a gift to the church or to a clothing collection point for the poor. Everything torn, worn, broken - takes energy, throw it away or sell it with peace of mind. Get to know the law of conservation of energy in action: for something to come, something must go.

The second is accounting. Accounting for your income and expenses. Well, what can I say? On this moment this is the most difficult habit for me ... Now I am forming it for the third or, if not lying, the fourth time. As soon as I start saving the money I have earned, some questions and needs immediately arise that did not exist at all yesterday. Buy this or that right now. But this is not, but it is very damn necessary. As it turns out, 70-80% of things are simply unnecessary and this needs to be overcome somehow. In fact, this factor is called consumer thirst. But money is a pretty serious part of life. There is such a phrase "Money - does not tolerate negligence." If you want to take control of your finances and create conditions for a constant increase in wealth, you have to do it. Record income and expenses daily. Analyze and optimize expense items, etc. There are many programs and mobile applications to automate this process. They can be found by searching with the following phrases "Home budget" or "Home accounting", on extreme case You can keep this account in the tables of the Microsoft program - EXCEL.

Here is our list of 10 basic habits. You can also use these habits in your life, take it, I absolutely do not mind. Everything is for you! The main thing is to have a goal and a desire to change yourself. Make yourself the best copy of your past ever. By changing yourself, you will change your life and make your small contribution to changing the world as a whole.

Have a great evening everyone! Your obedient servant, Alexander, wrote an article for you.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

Is not it? Our productivity is directly related to the lifestyle we lead and how we daily habits that fill our time. Often such habits become a burden that is not so easy to get rid of - one episode of your favorite TV series before deep night or an extra coffee break can cause a tainted mood and feelings of deep dislike for oneself. This, of course, is not good.

On the contrary, there are also useful habits, having developed which, it will be much easier for you to build a day and have time to redo all the planned tasks.

Today we have 11 habits for you that will not take much time, but will help relieve stress and will definitely cheer you up!

1. Program yourself to get up at a certain time

If you come home in the morning after a stormy binge, then just go to bed. If the day went by as usual, then most likely you will be able to wake up a couple of minutes before the alarm goes off.

2. Start the morning not with coffee, but with a glass of water

Most people feel overwhelmed and lethargic in the morning. Often this is due to a lack of fluid in the body. Drink a couple of glasses of plain water before making your own coffee.

3. Smile at yourself

Seeing in the mirror not the most pleasant, but painfully familiar face, say “hello” and smile. Starting the day with a smile, especially if it is addressed to your loved one, is very cool.

4. Take a walk

If you don't want to run, at least go for a walk. The effect of these classes is very similar - you will calm down, reflect on the sore and, most likely, come to some kind of solution to a particular problem. We remind you that such geniuses as Steve Jobs, Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin. You see, for a reason.

5. Feel gratitude

If you've been "sitting and sitting and feeling down," think about the things you're grateful for. Parents, friends, myself. This way to get rid of longing works flawlessly.

6. Learn to Meditate

If you have no idea what meditation is, don't worry. Sit in comfortable posture and concentrate on your own breathing for 15-20 minutes. 4 inhale counts, 4 exhale counts, 4 inhale counts...

7. Start with the most important thing

Before you get started, pick the one most important thing you need to do today and start working from there. Your concentration will increase significantly if you begin to work in this way.

8. Compliment

Say something nice every day and watch how the person's mood lifts and a smile appears on their face. It is very pleasant to give, even such a trifle as a small compliment.

9. Sweat!

Yes, daily exercise will boost your self-esteem and keep you from getting rusty. Which, you see, is quite important. I'll tell you own experience that even working in such a ossified structure as a bank, you can find time and place to stretch a little.

10. Analyze your day

Before going to bed, go through your day and fix in your memory the best event or the most productive segment of the day. Write it down if possible.

11. Read every day

Instead of aimlessly scrolling through the feed in one and the social. networks, pick up a book and start reading. I guarantee you will love it. The more you read, the more ideas will come to your mind.

That's all! Be cheerful and productive! See you later!

Translation that you can say:

1. Start your day with a smile. Nothing is more positive.
2. Drink a glass of water before breakfast.
3. Start running.
4. Give up cigarettes and alcohol.
5. Learn to plan for the day ahead.
6. Eat a few fresh fruits or vegetables every day.
7. Think positive.
8. Keep your posture, walk straight.
9. Do morning exercises.
10. Eat fractionally: 4-5 times a day at the same time.

11. Forget the elevator. Climb up and down on foot.
12. Take a contrast shower in the morning - it helps to wake up no worse than a cup of strong coffee.
13. Get enough sleep. Train yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time.
14. Take daily walks in the fresh air.
15. Prepare clothes for the coming day in the evening.
16. Get a general medical examination once a year.
17. Immediately write down interesting thoughts and useful ideas that come to your mind.
18. Drink enough clean, still water: at least 1500 ml per day.
19. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Sleep cool.
20. Spend 15 minutes cleaning your room every day.

21. Treat yourself: pleasant shopping, cosmetic procedures or just a good movie watched in a pleasant company is powerful charge positive.
22. Wash your face before bed.
23. Get a home bookkeeping program. Get your expenses under control.
24. After returning home from work, give yourself 15 minutes to relax with pleasant music.
25. Visit a bath or sauna once a week.
26. Think about what you eat. Eliminate fast food and other heavy foods from your diet.
27. Go vegetarian for a week. And suddenly you like it!
28. Learn touch typing on the keyboard.
29. Be punctual.
30. Compliment people, be friendly.

41. Eat daily dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without additives, kefir.
42. Switch to whole grain bread.
43. Do not sit at the computer for more than 2 hours at home.
44. Pour your feet cold water- This is an excellent hardening procedure.
45. Use only high-quality cosmetics.
46. ​​Throw out all unnecessary rubbish from the house.
47. Learn new things, learn something interesting every day.
48. Drink fresh juices.
49. Spend your weekends usefully: get out into nature, go on excursions, enjoy new landscapes and communicate with new people.
50. Think only about the good. Remember: dreams are not a departure from reality, but a means to get closer to it.



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