How to lose weight dukan bran diet benefits. Valuable trace elements, vitamins and protein in oat bran

Bran: what is their use

First of all, let's define what bran is? In fact, this is the shell of grain crops, which remained after cleaning and processing of grain. Later, cereals or flour will be made from cereals, thanks to which we safely eat extra pounds. Bran is a secondary product of production that does not harm the figure. Of course, if you eat it correctly.

Bran is wheat, oat, buckwheat, rice, barley, etc.

Approximate composition of bran:

  • dietary fiber, proteins, saccharides;
  • starch, ash, water; fatty acids.

This seemingly useless husk contains a number of minerals, vitamins B, E, carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fats, and fiber. It is a source of the polysaccharide beta-glucan, which significantly reduces cholesterol levels and cleanses the blood vessels.

What are the beneficial properties of bran:

  • Bran improves intestinal motility, contributes to the normalization of metabolism.
  • Adsorb toxins, lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels.
  • They saturate the body and help to drown out the feeling of hunger. Bran has special properties: it absorbs up to 25 times its own volume of liquid. It is a natural calorie blocker that helps regulate the amount of food you eat and lose weight.
  • Improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  • Virtually no contraindications.

The Dukan diet is not the only indication for eating bran, it can be eaten by all healthy people to prevent disease and maintain weight.

Important! An excess of bran in food is unacceptable: the body simply does not have time to digest them, the digestive system suffers.

Remember: bran is a powerful adsorbent that not only cleanses the body of toxins, but can also reduce the effectiveness of therapeutic drugs. If you are taking medication with meals, please consult a dietitian.

The main contraindications for taking bran are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the acute stage, because the husk fibers are too coarse for the inflamed mucosa.

Wheat, oat and other bran must be dry, without a pronounced smell or taste. They are sold in loose or granulated form. Store them in a tightly closed container away from sunlight.

Read also: Diet according to Dukan: stages and menus

The role of oat bran in the Dukan diet

The beneficial properties of bran are undeniable, but it is important to take them correctly. According to the Dukan system, at each stage you need to eat from 1.5 to 3 tablespoons of bran. The doctor recommends oat bran, wheat and any other in its pure form is not used. Is that sometimes you can mix wheat and oatmeal for cooking.

  • Stage 1 "Attack". Eat 1.5 tbsp every day.
  • Stage 2 "Alternation". Norm - 2 tbsp.
  • Stage 3 "Consolidation". Daily - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Stage 4 "Stabilization". Your serving is 3 tbsp.

The maximum dose of flakes is 30g, oat bran is an additive to the dish, and not an independent product, it is advisable to eat them with water or another drink (yogurt, kefir, sour cream).

Read also: The Dukan Diet: Recipes for Every Day

What can be prepared from bran

Oat bran can become the basis for any dish, their beneficial properties are practically not lost during heat treatment. You can cook healthy and tasty food (pizza, muffins, buns, bread, tortillas, cookies, cereals, meatballs, rolls) and at the same time lose weight.

Healthy bread according to Dukan's recipe

Ingredients: oat bran (2 tablespoons), cottage cheese (30g), 1 egg, wheat flakes (1 tablespoon), 1 tsp. baking powder.

Flakes need to be ground into flour, add baking powder and an egg, knead the dough well and leave for 40-50 minutes. We put it in a mold and send it to bake in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees or in the microwave for 5 minutes.

Porridge with bran

Ingredients: skimmed milk (half a glass), oatmeal flakes (3 tablespoons), sweetener, vanillin to taste.

Pour oatmeal into hot milk and cook for 3-4 minutes over low heat, add sweetener and vanillin before serving. If there are fruits and berries, you can make a delicious syrup by rubbing them through a strainer and bringing them to a boil.

Pizza "Lose Weight Easy"

Ingredients: 1.5 tablespoons of oat and wheat bran, 1 egg, boiled chicken (100g), canned tuna (half a can), 2 tablespoons. kefir, 1 head of red onion, low-fat cheese (50g), 1 tbsp. ketchup.

We grind the flakes into flour, add an egg beaten with kefir, a little salt, knead and leave for 15 minutes. We cover the form with parchment and put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes (180 degrees). We spread ketchup on the finished cake, pour onion cut into rings, pieces of tuna and chicken, grated cheese. We send it to the oven for 5-7 minutes. Serve hot!

From bran you can make healthy and tasty pancakes. See the video below for more recipes.

Oat bran according to Dukan is an important factor in weight loss. However, many followers of the French doctor are perplexed by the question: “How to take them”? Chewing raw is problematic. With what to cook - it is not clear. How to calculate the rate? Let's try to figure it out. You can’t ignore the advice of a famous nutritionist, because he knows exactly how to lose weight!

Dukan diet: bran, useful properties, daily allowance

For a long time in our country, fiber was considered a useless pacifier. It's hard to imagine, but it was purposefully removed from food! The logic was simple: since some substance is not digested in the stomach, then there is nothing for him to do there.

Times have passed, nutritionists have changed their minds, and fiber has been rehabilitated. Today, in pharmacies and health food stores, there are rows of boxes of bran, which the same nutritionists now recommend to eat. What exactly are they useful for?

  1. Bran contains many useful substances. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium and many other elements give us health and vitality, and vitamins A, B and E prolong youth.
  2. Other important trace elements, which are abundant in this product, enter the bloodstream and cleanse it of cholesterol plaques and excess sugar.
  3. Bran has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.
  4. In the stomach, they absorb toxins and harmful substances, preventing their entry into the body.
  5. Moving along the digestive tract, swollen bran cleans off undigested food residues and so-called slags from its walls. It’s like you go over your intestines with a hard sponge for dishes over and over again, but carefully and painlessly!

But bran, like any product, it is important not to abuse it. Each of the three corresponds to a certain amount.

  • Attack - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Cruise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Stabilization - 2.5 - 3 tbsp. l.

Do not think that increasing the dose will provoke accelerated weight loss. Most likely, you will get only constipation or bloating. Do not experiment, listen to the wise advice of Dr. Dukan!

Bran - which one to prefer?

Barley, wheat, rice, rye, buckwheat ... There are almost as many types of bran as there are cereals themselves. Should you focus on any one of them when you have such wealth at your fingertips? Yes and no. Variety never hurts, so adding a teaspoon of one or another type is not forbidden. You just get more useful minerals and vitamins. But the basis of weight loss is still.

How to introduce bran into the Dukan diet?

There are many options.

  • Brew with boiling water or warm milk, let it swell slightly and eat. Tasteless, but simple.
  • Add to yogurt or kefir.
  • Cook with porridge.
  • Pour into cottage cheese casserole.
  • Mix with minced meat.
  • Use as a breading for meat dishes. For example, for .
  • Add to salads during the "Cruise" - the second stage of the Dukan diet.
  • Bran recipes are also suggested to be introduced into the dough for bread, tortillas, cookies, pancakes or ... pizza.

Bran porridge according to Dukan

You will need:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1.5 st. l. oat bran;
  • 2 tsp sweetener;
  • vanillin or cinnamon;
  • optionally add 1 tsp. wheat bran.


  1. Place a saucepan of milk on the stove and heat it up.
  2. Whisking constantly, add all of the above ingredients.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil.
  4. Wait a couple of minutes and pour the almost ready porridge into a plate.
  5. Let stand a little more. And take your food.

Another way to use Ducan's famous oat bran is to lightly fry it in a skillet with finely chopped onion and stir it into the finished buckwheat porridge. For those who don't like sweets, this is a great option. In addition, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil per diet are allowed. But when frying, use it to a minimum!

Dukan: bran flatbread

A bran cake or biscuit is a very useful invention. It can be eaten instead of bread. You can spread or liver pate and make a sandwich. Can be used as a pizza base! It would be fantasy.

You will need:

  • 1.5 st. l. oat bran;
  • 1 tsp wheat or any other;
  • egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. kefir;
  • half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 30 g of hard cheese;
  • some greenery for beauty;
  • salt.


  1. Whisk the egg.
  2. Add bran and kefir.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Combine with dough along with baking powder, salt and chopped herbs.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
  6. Let cool and cut into serving pieces.

Dukan bran bread

As soon as you master cooking porridge with bran and baking cakes or, for example, Cookies according to Dukan, go to recipes more difficult. And if you are already an experienced cook, then without prior preparation you can cope with dietary bread. It's not difficult at all.

According to the system of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, many Hollywood stars parted with extra pounds. Duchess Kate Middleton, singer Jennifer Lopez, actress Penélope Cruz, model Gisele Bündchen and other celebrities are among the doctor's clients. What is the secret of the Dukan nutrition program? It turns out that bran plays an important role in the fight against weight.

Bran in the Dukan Diet

As is known, Dukan technique includes 4 stages:

Short phase "Attack" during which you need to eat foods high in protein for rapid weight loss.

Phase "Cruise"- alternating protein-vegetable days to achieve true weight.

Phase "Consolidation"- return to the usual products, maintaining a balanced diet.

And the final stage "Stabilization", which does not imply any restrictions, but subject to two rules: eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran and arrange a protein day once a week.

"Attack"- 1.5 tbsp. l. in a day.

"Cruise"- 2 tbsp. l. in a day.

"Consolidation"- 2.5 tbsp. l. in a day.

"Stabilization"- 3 tbsp. l. in a day.

What is the secret of bran?

Firstly Since the diet is rich in protein foods, oat bran plays the role of vegetable fiber, helping our stomach to digest this amount of protein and work properly.

Secondly They help lower cholesterol. And thirdly, even a small amount of oat bran (about 15 grams), entering the stomach, absorb liquid 25 times its volume. Swelling, bran fills the stomach, allows us to feel full, and therefore protects from overeating.

In addition, numerous studies have shown that it is oat bran that plays a positive role in protecting against colon and rectal cancer, as well as in the prevention of diabetes.

Dukan advises eating bran for life. But it's oatmeal. Why? In fact, wheat and rye bran are also good for digestion, but they are made up of insoluble fiber, unlike oat bran. And soluble fiber is the very trump card, due to which bran “grabs” sugars and cholesterol and prevents them from entering our body.

Wheat and oat bran can be combined, but it is better not in its pure form, but by adding it to homemade bread and other pastries.

By the way, recently Dr. Dukan said that nothing bad will happen if you eat more bran than he recommends. You may just need to go to the toilet more often, that's all.

What are bran

Oat bran Bio Primeal

Today on the shelves you can find more than 50 types of bran and products with bran in the composition. They are produced all over the world, including in Russia. The price depends on the manufacturer and varies from 30 to 300 rubles for a package of 200-300 grams.

Oat bran Bio Primeal

Oat bran Bio Primeal

Produced in France and made from organically grown organic oats.

Rich in vitamins of groups A, D, E, groups B, C and minerals. They can be added to yoghurts, pastries, minced meat, salads, cheesecakes and other dishes.

Price: about 170 rubles.

Wheat bran Fiorentini "Riccioli"

An Italian version of a healthy breakfast. Due to the shape of the shells, bran resembles children's sweet cereal. Bran consists of grain shells and seed germs.

They can be added to milk, yoghurts and juices.

Price: about 200 rub.

Three-cereal bran "Lito" strength of oats

A cocktail of three types of cereals - grains of oats, barley and wheat - from a Russian manufacturer. A unique product with high biological value. You can use it, like other bran, adding to cereals, main dishes, pastries, with milk and juice.

Price: about 40 rubles.

Bran rye and oat "Wow!"

Another budget Russian option. They do not contain yeast and are low in calories. The brand produces a whole line of different bran and offers its own recipes.

For example, by mixing 30 g of bran with 200 g of carrots, 25 g of butter, 10 g of sugar and 12 g of breadcrumbs or flour, you can make carrot meatballs. To do this, finely chop the peeled carrots, pour a small amount of water, simmer. Pass through a meat grinder, cool, add salt, sugar, bran and mix thoroughly. Cut the meatballs, roll them in flour or breadcrumbs, and then fry on both sides.

Price: about 20 rub.

Oat bran Dukan not only allows, but strongly encourages their use. But in strictly limited quantities. Grain husk, which has a storehouse of useful properties, is an excellent help for those who lose weight on a protein diet: it saturates, nourishes and helps ... clean up in time. What oat bran is possible on the Dukan Diet, and which are strictly prohibited - let's figure it out!

The shell of the grain, which was usually dismissed by manufacturers as unnecessary garbage, is now valued more than the grain itself. After all, it contains up to 90% of the entire nutritional value of oats and consists of useful fiber - insoluble dietary fiber. We’ll talk about the nutritional value, but as for coarse fiber, it’s worth looking into it in more detail.

The calorie content of ordinary oatmeal is 117 kcal, the calorie content of oat bran is only 74 kcal.

What bran can be on Dukan

Bran is rye, wheat, buckwheat, linseed and oatmeal. But Dukan bran - only oatmeal. The composition should be written exclusively "oat bran" or "oat bran". No more additives, maximum - salt! Sometimes, due to the fact that those who are losing weight cannot find oat bran in the store, the doctor allows them to be replaced with wheat or buckwheat. But these are exceptional cases. If oat bran is being replaced with something else, then it is necessary to carefully monitor the dynamics of weight loss during the diet. Is weight stalling or not coming off as well as it should be? It is worth temporarily abandoning additives that replace oat bran.

Bran from trusted manufacturers

You can buy oat bran anywhere today. In hypermarkets of large cities, they are almost always available either in the cereals and cereals department or in the healthy food department. Things are not bad with bran in small towns. Today you can order delivery from online stores or look for a manufacturer on the spot.

Watch the ingredients carefully. It should not contain anything other than oat bran. Berries, flavorings, sugar, fructose, ground dry vegetables, spices - extra additives. Extruded bran also belongs to the prohibited ones, since during their manufacture the desired structure of the husk is violated.

1. Such bran may contain impurities: chopped spikelets, straw and other debris. Look carefully at the photo. Genuine dukan oat bran has the appearance of a chopped grain shell of a yellowish-gray color. There shouldn't be any weeds.

2. Bran packaged under untested conditions may develop mold. It can also form in boxes from global manufacturers due to improper transportation and storage, but here the risk is minimal. If you feel a strange aftertaste in the product - stop using it. Health is more expensive.

How much oat bran can I get on Dukan?

Dukan's bran norm is clearly stated in his recommendations: on attack 1.5 tablespoons per day, on alternation - 2 tablespoons, on fixing - 2.5 tablespoons, on stabilization - 3 tablespoons.

Losing weight note that due to the lack of carbohydrates, there is always a desire to eat more bran than it should be. What does it threaten? First of all, slow progress. Of course, there are always exceptions and people who can afford 4 tablespoons of bran are noted on the forums. At the same time, the weight drops perfectly. But more often than not, excess still slows down the process, so it's best to stick to the recommendations.

Surprisingly, there is also the harm of oat bran. Exceeding the daily allowance can disrupt digestion. Nutritionists recommend no more than 30 - 50 grams of husk per day, otherwise rumbling, bloating, urge to go to the toilet or, conversely, constipation is provided. Coarse fiber is prohibited for people with stomach ulcers and gastritis, as it can cause an attack of the disease.

There is also a reverse side of the coin. Some can not "stuff" themselves and 1 spoon per day. In this case, you can resort to the help of recipes in which bran plays a major role. This diversifies the meager diet, and the norm will be fulfilled.

Dishes with bran:

  1. Baking: bread with bran, ocyanoblin, buns.
  2. Oat bran porridge.
  3. Add to soup for density (ear, chicken).
  4. Pour in kefir or yogurt and let it brew.

How to use bran

As you wish! The only caveat is that they require a large amount of liquid, as they swell in the stomach, increasing 2-3 times in volume. Therefore, it is better to either drink bran with water, tea, kefir, yogurt, or cook dishes from them: puddings, pies, pancakes. Do not forget that on this diet you need to drink plenty of water, at least 1.5, or even all 2 liters per day.

The benefits of oat bran lie not only in their ability to fill the stomach and clean out all that is superfluous. They contain vitamins and minerals. The main value of the husk is that it contains all the B vitamins, as well as A, C, D, E, PP, H, K, beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein. This means that hair, vision, skin and nervous system will be supported during a protein diet.

In addition, oat bran lowers the glycemic index of foods. But on Dukan, high GI foods are already not welcome, but it is suitable for those on other diets. The husk absorbs everything (absorbs into itself), food is absorbed more slowly, blood sugar “does not jump”. Take note.

3 main rules for using OO:

  1. Do not exceed the rate prescribed by Dukan.
  2. To drink a lot of water.
  3. Use recipes with bran.

Oat bran for weight loss is a good helper, but a bad foundation. You won't get far on bran alone. Always remember the norm and do not exceed it. But don't underestimate. Good results to you.

In 1980, American scientists, based on studies, concluded that the regular addition of oat bran to food leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels and a slowdown in sugar metabolism.

But what role does bran play in the Dukan diet? First, they have excellent absorbent properties. Bran can absorb water up to 25 times its original volume. Thus, getting into the stomach, they swell, filling a significant volume and creating the effect of mechanical saturation.

In addition, bran is sticky. Once in the small intestine, they absorb other nutrients obtained from food. This makes it difficult for them to enter the bloodstream, and a significant amount is sent directly to the large intestine. This loss of calories and the feeling of rapid satiety cause the effect of losing weight.

Oat bran has recently been used to feed horses and as stuffing for mattresses. Now it is the most popular product for those who want to lose weight. The Dukan diet generally implies the mandatory and constant use of oat bran.

Why is it oat bran that is valued, and not wheat, not rye? It's all about the fibers, which are rich in beta-glucan. Once in the mouth, oat bran immediately absorbs saliva, fills the stomach by absorbing liquids 20-25 times its volume.

Bran fills the stomach creating a satiety effect. Wheat bran contains insoluble fiber, it is not recommended to use them instead of oat bran. But they can be used for constipation and as an addition to oatmeal when baking, for example.

Attack - 1.5 tablespoons per day,

Cruise - 2 tablespoons per day,

Consolidation - 2.5 tablespoons per day,

Stabilization - 3 tablespoons per day.

How to use oat bran? They can be added to kefir, yogurt, first courses. You can bake bran bread or cupcakes for tea. Can be added to any pastry: pancakes, pizza, cookies. You can add to minced meat for cutlets, or you can use it as a breading for chicken breast, mixing them with spices.

Since I can now have two tablespoons of oat bran, I have enough cupcakes for coffee. I get 6 pieces for two days. ?

Can cereal be substituted for bran? No. These are different products. Bran is the shell of the grain (not the husk!!!), while flakes are made from whole grains. But you can go on a diet without bran.

Cayenne pepper. Accelerates metabolism by increasing body temperature, suppresses hunger, reduces the risk of diabetes. Perfectly enriches omelet, chicken and even hot cocoa!

Mustard seeds. Rich in fiber, contain B vitamins. Mustard seeds are roasted until they burst.

Ginger. Very wonderful in cold weather! It also relieves muscle pain.

Perhaps you have read a million articles on the benefits of bran for weight loss, but have not put your knowledge into practice. But in vain! This is one of the few really working folk recipes. Why? 100 g of oat bran contains 58 g of fiber and only 16 g of carbohydrates, which gives us about 120 kcal of energy.

Now compare this to your favorite "healthy flour" for baking and you'll see for yourself. By adding "grain powder" to casseroles and pancakes, we can significantly reduce the calorie content of food, and expand the list of dishes on the menu.

And is it not because of the monotonous diet that you last fell off the diet? However, bran has other beneficial properties.

What do we know reviews about bran for weight loss

Most of humanity does not take bran to reduce the calorie content of home baking. The product has a reputation as the best fighter against constipation, so often visited by the losing weight population. And a serving of oat bran absorbs almost 3 times more liquid than it weighs itself, so it can somewhat dull the feeling of hunger by filling the stomach.

Bran reviews are divided into 3 groups:

  • “I ate a spoonful of bran before every meal, drank plenty of water and lost weight.” In fact, the author of the review, most likely, was also on a diet, but only, unlike lazy ladies and gentlemen, she considers changing the diet in order to lose weight something natural, requiring no explanation and special recommendations.
  • “I ate bran as the instructions say, but I didn’t lose weight.” There is a belief in the omnipotence of fiber, and the “spontaneity” of dietary changes with the advent of at least one superfood in it.
  • “I ate something, but I quit because of difficult sensations in the digestive tract, so I didn’t have time to lose weight.” There is an unhealthy fanaticism. Do not replace all meals with bran, in the hope that they will discourage your appetite. Most likely, the latter will disappear along with the desire to continue the bran diet. And even before starting “bran therapy”, it is advisable to find out if you have, by chance, gastritis, colitis or ulcers, because these disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, of course, exclude “bran experiments”.

Which bran is best for weight loss

So, if you stick to a diet and use bran as a natural filler in the digestive tract and a source of fiber, there will be benefits. However, on specialized resources, a million copies are broken regarding the question “Which bran is best for weight loss?”. First of all, consider the "three worst":

  • bran - dry breakfast. They look like granulated dog or cat food, but have a rather pleasant taste. Legend has it that natural additives like beetroot, milk thistle and lemon give the flavor. Now turn the package over and read the ingredients. Surely, ordinary white sugar wormed its way into the wilds of milk thistle. Or its exotic substitute maltodextrin. The bad product is that it increases blood glucose levels and causes a storm of opposite effects in the body. On the one hand, the stomach is full of fiber, and, it seems, signals satiety. On the other hand, fluctuations in sugar levels “speak” about something completely different. So it turns out that with such bran we get into the habit of eating on a full stomach, nothing more.
  • bran as part of cereals and cereals. They look like cereal or porridge, with a loud "added bran" sticker on the package. Individually useless as a way to reduce appetite. Of course, porridge with bran is more useful than "solution" with sugar, but more than 90% of similar products on the domestic market are with bran and sugar. Now you can read the previous paragraph about the effect of sugar on glucose levels and draw your own conclusions.
  • bran in yogurt. Everything is the same, plus milk sugar, artificial sweetener or white sugar, thickener, flavorings… Do you still consider bran and cereal yogurt to be a good product for weight loss?

Otherwise, all bran is good.

Dr. Dukan, mentioned in the title, claims that oats are better, as they provide a better effect of filling the stomach with low-calorie bran mass, and are better for natural bowel cleansing.

However, wheat bran is bad not because of a small percentage of fiber and other things, but because it provokes an allergy to gluten, which, in one form or another, torments a significant part of the adult population.

How to use bran for weight loss

There are several strategies to answer this question.

Together with a protein diet. If you are already sitting on it, make the process minimally harmful to your own gastrointestinal tract.

Give your body fiber - 1-2 tablespoons of oat bran per day as an addition to soups, salad dressings, or even flour for baking protein casseroles will be more than enough.

As a substitute for one of the meals. This option is good for those who have already managed to acquire chronic constipation. Bran (2 teaspoons) with a glass of yogurt replace the first breakfast or "second" dinner. Be sure to use large amounts of water during the application of the recipe.

  • Meet other dukans who offer a huge number of recipes on the forum to make life without bread easier. Oat bran serves as a fiber that improves the movement of feces through the intestines, as the diet is accompanied by constipation. Adsorb harmful products after digestion of animal protein, give a feeling of fullness. You can use them not in the form of bran, but in the form of homemade bread made from oat bran, cottage cheese, eggs, berries, apples, and whatever your heart desires and is allowed by the diet. Even after parting with the Dukan diet, I did not part with these homemade breads and have not eaten store-bought bread and rolls for a year now.
  • I think that if there is no oat bran, it is quite possible to replace them with regular oatmeal, in fact it is the same thing, oatmeal is the lowest calorie cereal. I am going to start eating on the Dukan diet, I know for sure that I will not be able to find oat bran anywhere, therefore, most likely I will replace them with wheat bran, in any case, I really like the taste. If I can’t buy wheat bran, I’ll just add oatmeal in the same amount to food. On the Dukan diet, you can’t remove bran completely, as they help digestion, which is very important on a diet, otherwise the body will not be properly cleansed.
  • If you are already torturing your body with this diet, then there will be no difference from replacing oat bran with others. All bran has approximately the same calorie content and effect. You will continue to lose weight and undermine your health in the same way. The insidiousness of the Dukan diet is that you lose weight immediately, and health problems come out much later. So I was almost left without a kidney, and my friend got a stomach ulcer. Yes, even Wikipedia says that the Dukan Diet is the most harmful of all popular diets. The saddest thing is that all dukans with foam at the mouth are ready to prove the opposite. But exactly until the minute they end up in a hospital bed. Nutrition must be balanced. You can and should eat everything.
  • Phew, it's also been a week since the oat bran ran out and I can't find it anywhere. I live without bran (wheat and rye raw are not tasty). According to reviews from the websites of dukans, you can lose weight without bran, you can replace it with wheat and rye. Purchased bran bread will not replace. Dukan himself, with intolerance to bran, recommends replacing it with 2 tablespoons of buckwheat. If I don’t find oat bran in the next week, I’ll think about switching to buckwheat (there is always buckwheat in stores).

How to eat oat bran (Dukan Diet)

Dukan Diet on Bran, Recipes and Reviews of Oat Bran

I am writing again about my diet, My first diet (2 months and minus 12 kg) is more precisely about the foods that I eat on a diet.

On this diet, I NEED to eat 2 tbsp at my stage. oat bran. When I first started this diet. For lack of information, or my laziness. I ate these bran, adding them to the most delicious and native cottage cheese every day!

Then I found in a group in contact, a bunch of recipes (if you need a group, I’ll tell you). And she began to cook cookies, cakes, pancakes, pancakes. By adding bran.

If I need it in a hurry, and recently this is the only way I get it, I cook bread from them in the microwave in 5 minutes.

2 tbsp Oat bran

1.5 tbsp. wheat bran

4.5 tbsp kefir 1% delicious kefir on my diet

And in the microwave for 5 minutes. And good bread comes out.

I can make a sandwich out of it.



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