The name of the posture in childbirth. Who is comfortable with childbirth "lying on the back"? Impact on biologically active points

For a long time, there was an opinion among obstetricians that a woman should lie on her back during childbirth. However, as life shows, this is far from the most successful position for a woman in labor. But a comfortable position is one of the important components of a safe and painless course of childbirth!

Who is more comfortable with childbirth "lying on their back"?

When studying postures during childbirth among various peoples, it turned out that the usual posture for us on the back is not in the traditions of any country. This position is very convenient for doctors and obstetricians, but it is completely unsuitable for a woman in labor and a baby.

The horizontal posture on the back significantly slows down the process normal delivery, interfering with the effective contraction of the uterus, the opening of its cervix, the correct insertion and rotation of the baby's head, increases the pain of a woman. In addition, when the woman in labor lies on her back, the uterus with all its weight presses on the large blood vessels, often causing compression of the inferior vena cava. This leads to disruption of the blood supply to the vital important organs and in the placenta, can cause dizziness, a feeling of lightheadedness - inferior vena cava syndrome.

History reference
Long before the birth of modern obstetrics and gynecology, being at the origins of midwifery, people tried to ease the work of a woman in labor and a child in the process of childbirth.
In Russia, during the period of fights, a woman usually walked around the hut, leaning on the benches. Often, a woman in labor was forced to literally crawl on the floor, washing the corners of the hut, or to unlock all the locks, bowing to low chests. In this position - "kneeling" - the stomach sagged, less pressure on large vessels, improved blood supply to the uterus and fetus, decreased pain. good help they performed hanging poses: they threw a towel over the largest ceiling beam - the matitsa. The resulting loop was passed through armpits women in labor so that the woman hung on a towel. The birth assistant supported the woman giving birth, helping her stay in a hanging position. If there were high thresholds in the house, the woman in labor was forced to step over them, raising her legs high, during the entire first stage of childbirth. When attempts were approached, the woman was taken to some secluded, darkened place, where the baby was born. Most often this place was a Russian bath. Our ancestors gave birth mostly in the kneeling position.

Only in a number of pathological situations, the position on the back is necessary for safety and prevention of complications from the mother and child. Indications for a woman in labor to stay in bed are cases of premature pregnancy and, the presence of signs intrauterine delay fetal development, rapid or rapid childbirth. In these cases, the vertical position of the woman in labor can force the birth process and lead to trauma to the child. When in vertical position increases the risk of cord prolapse - an extremely serious obstetric situation that requires urgent surgical intervention, since it is possible to compress the umbilical cord, stop the flow of blood to the fetus, and hence oxygen and nutrients- this situation is critical for the fetus. At , when the anesthetic is injected into the space above the solid meninges, due to the increased likelihood of developing adverse reactions(dizziness, "weakness of the legs"), it is often also recommended to lie down. Horizontal position traditionally and during caesarean section. However, in these situations (with, with the development of inferior vena cava syndrome or with the use of epidural anesthesia), the optimal position is lying on your side, and not on your back.

Choose a pose for fights

So, in the absence of contraindications to the active position in childbirth, the main thing is to choose a position in which you will be as comfortable as possible. It is impossible to give universal advice on choosing a position: every woman and every childbirth is unique. Therefore, the best position in childbirth is the one that best suits you!

With the freedom to choose the position in childbirth, most women prefer any of the vertical postures: sitting, standing, walking. The vertical position creates whole line benefits. Firstly, in contrast to the prone position, there is no compression of large vessels, therefore, normal blood supply to organs, including the uterus, placenta, is maintained. Intuitively choosing the most convenient position, the woman in labor helps her baby: for example, some asymmetry of postures, achieved by pushing forward or slightly lifting the pelvis, one leg, contributes to the correct insertion of the baby's head, the implementation of its rotation, i.e. right course childbirth. Secondly, in vertical posture gravity helps the baby move through the birth canal. Thirdly, the vertical position contributes to some expansion of the birth canal and easier passage of the child through it. by the most long period childbirth is the first, during which regular, gradually becoming more frequent and intensifying contractions lead to the opening of the cervix. Active behavior can greatly help during this period, creating the conditions for the most effective contractions. In the period between contractions, the chosen position should allow the woman in labor to relax and rest.

The onset of childbirth is easier for most women to walk. Walking, especially with a high raising of the legs, helps to increase the blood supply and increase the delivery of oxygen to the uterus and the child.

During the fight itself, the standing posture with support on the wall, table, back of a chair or bed helps to reduce pain. All the weight is transferred to the hands. If a husband is present at the birth, you can lean on his back or hang, clasping his neck. Postures in which the abdomen pushes forward and sags (posture on all fours - "pose of a cat"; posture hanging on the husband's neck; forward bends) help reduce pain in the back. In addition, during the fight it is useful to shake the pelvis and hips, as if dancing. Such movements relax the muscles of the perineum, contribute to the opening of the cervix.

When choosing a sitting posture, it should be borne in mind that the seat surface should be sufficiently soft, and preferably elastic. For this purpose, it is effective to use large inflatable balls, children's swimming circles in childbirth. Such devices help to relax the muscles of the perineum, contribute to a more effective opening of the cervix. During contractions in a sitting position, you can also lean on your hands, pillow, headboard. It is necessary to ensure that the legs are not closed during the fight, as this position prevents the opening of the cervix. For greater effectiveness of the fight, you should spread your knees to the sides as much as possible.

The squatting pose is very effective, with the knees wide apart. This position helps the correct insertion of the head and the passage of the child along birth canal. This is facilitated by a certain angle of inclination of the pelvis, achieved when squatting. This position is most effective in cases where the cervix is ​​fully opened, and the baby's head has not yet sunk to the pelvic floor. The disadvantage of the squatting position is the instability of the woman in it. In such a situation, the help of a husband or another is invaluable. loved one, present at childbirth, which support a woman, helping her stay in the right position. In this position, you can also hold on to the back of a chair or bed.

One of the most famous yoga poses, the lotus pose, is also very effective posture during childbirth. However, for a long stay in it, training is necessary even during pregnancy. In this case, during childbirth, the lotus position will not cause tension, but, on the contrary, will help to relax the muscles of the perineum, to correctly insert the baby's head at the beginning of the birth canal. In addition, Turkish sitting unloads the muscles of the back, relieving pain and tension in lumbar region. These positions can be taken at the beginning of labor, when the intervals between contractions are still large enough, the contractions are not very painful, the cervix is ​​just beginning to open. With active labor activity, a large opening of the cervix, it is impossible to sit on a hard surface: this prevents the fetus from moving along the birth canal.

Around the world
In some African tribes, which have retained the maximum closeness to nature and its laws, women still give birth in a squatting or kneeling position. These traditions are preserved in Brazil and a number of other countries. Latin America. In European countries: the Netherlands, France, the tradition of childbirth in an upright position, childbirth in water, is re-entering the tradition. In some Dutch families, the bride still receives a special stool for childbirth as a dowry, which helps her to take a comfortable position.

In a situation where the baby's head is lowered and presses on the tissue pelvic floor, and the cervix has not yet fully opened, the "baby posture" helps, which imitates the position of the child in the mother's womb. You need to kneel down and spread them wide. A large pillow is placed under the chest for support. Hands can be placed under the head. The pelvis in this position is above the head of the woman in labor. In this position, the baby's head does not exert intense pressure, which helps to reduce discomfort.

If it is necessary or comfortable for you to lie down during childbirth, choose a position lying on your side.

Often, intuitively, a woman chooses an asymmetrical pose - the pose of a runner. In this position, a pillow is placed under one of the legs, bent at the knee. You can put a pillow between your legs. This position is the most gentle for the baby and helps the correct insertion of the head into the birth canal.

Posture while pushing

Currently, in a number of maternity hospitals, a woman is allowed active behavior in the first stage of childbirth. However, at the end of the cervical dilatation period, with an increase in contractions and at the beginning of attempts (the second stage of labor), the woman in labor is laid on her back. At the same time, a special device must be connected that allows you to monitor the heart rate of the fetus, or in the intervals between contractions they listen with an obstetric stethoscope (tube). At the time of the birth of the head, the midwife performs special techniques aimed at preventing perineal ruptures. These manipulations are possible only when the woman is lying on her back. In addition, in the supine position, a posture has also been developed that promotes the most efficient an attempt: a woman should bend her head so that her chin is pressed to her chest, the woman in labor pulls the special handrails towards herself, and rests her feet on the supports, while you need to sit down on a chair. Only a few maternity hospitals have special chairs for vertical births. At the same time, the fetal heartbeat can be monitored using telemetric devices that relieve the woman in labor from "attachment" to the bed. Unfortunately, all these devices have not yet received widespread in our maternity homes.

Do something in awkward posture extremely difficult: tired and tense muscles quickly make themselves felt. Childbirth is a rather long and laborious process. Therefore, it is so important to choose the most suitable position for you, in which you will be comfortable, and the baby will be easy to be born.

Svetlana Bogdanova
Head perinatal center,
GKB N29 Moscow
Article from the magazine "9 months" N4 2006


thanks for useful article and practical tips. Picked up something new.
7 years ago she gave birth from the beginning to the attempts to lie down, according to medical indications, they were not allowed to get up, it was very difficult - 7 hours to lie down with contractions. I envied those who were allowed to walk along the corridor. She cheated a couple of times - she allegedly asked to go to the toilet, but she herself walked back and forth slowly, waiting for the fight on the toilet. Only one position from this article was used on me - after opening the neck, they squatted down and during the fight they forced me to pull my knees to my chest. The pain is wild. In fact, this is conscious masochism for the sake of the child, because I would not have had enough other motivation to hurt myself so much. No one supported me by the elbows or any other parts of the body, only 2 trainees stood nearby, looked at my tricks with wide eyes and did not move. In general, everything was in order, then I gave birth in the end well and quickly, with 2 attempts. But now the second pregnancy and a dream, so that she herself could decide how it is more convenient for me and in what position to give birth.

02/27/2009 00:22:18, kaa

5 years ago, in the maternity hospital at the 29th hospital (there are individual maternity blocks), on a free basis, I walked around my bed for the entire period of contractions, during contractions I intuitively pressed my back against the back of the bed, leaned on it with my hands from behind and squeezed, then walked further. When I sat down on a chair, they came to me and asked me not to sit down. I was already lying closer to the attempts, on my side, and giving birth on a nearby birth chair, on my back, the student from behind finally showed me that I need to rise during this process - to strive with my head to my knees, to my chest, otherwise I was still lying and struggled. An out how.)

Doctors of maternity hospitals read this article, laughed and went the farthest to lay down and hang with droppers ... well, to intimidate, of course, so that this woman in labor would not get up from the laboratory table and go, God forbid, to give birth as she was comfortable ...
I hope that at least somewhere in Russia there are maternity hospitals where you can give birth conveniently and naturally ... I have not met.

Comment on the article "Sit comfortably! Postures during childbirth"

31-year-old actress, United Russia deputy Maria Kozhevnikova gave birth to two sons with a difference of 1 year and 1 week. The youngest, Maxim, celebrated his first birthday a week ago. And the elder Ivan celebrated 2 years the day before, on January 19. Now a young mother and former gymnast is participating in the extreme show "Without insurance" - and tells how difficult it was to recover from two pregnancies and childbirth. “I will not hide, it was difficult after two pregnancies in a row to put myself in order, and even more so ...

Currently best way management of childbirth in infected women has not been fully defined. To make a decision, the doctor needs to know the results of a comprehensive virological research. Natural childbirth includes whole complex measures aimed at adequate pain relief, prevention of fetal hypoxia and early rupture amniotic fluid reduce trauma to the birth canal in the mother and skin baby. Only when all preventive measures are observed ...


Absolutely agree. Unfortunately, on this moment there is no consensus on the safest management of childbirth with hepatitis C. According to statistics, the likelihood of a child being infected with hepatitis is slightly lower with a planned caesarean section than with natural childbirth. However, none of these methods can guarantee the safety of the child in terms of infection with hepatitis. Therefore, the choice of method of delivery is based more on the obstetric history than on knowledge of the presence of this infection.

To spend the whole day in bed - perhaps, people all over the world dream about it. However, the habits and preferences of travelers from different countries are different. To understand why, the leading online hotel booking portal conducted a study, the results of which showed how hotel guests around the world sleep and what they like to do in bed in their free time. According to a study, 29% of people like to sleep on their right side, which makes this position the most popular in the world...

Pregnancy for a woman is not only a quivering expectation of meeting with a child, but also a lot of questions about how to properly prepare for this event. Now the answers to them are collected in a convenient format in the new section "Pro childbirth" on the portal for modern mothers Here all the most united useful information for pregnant women - not only articles, but also tables, videos, infographics. one. Physical training Birth is physiological natural process associated with a colossal...

IMHO the best position - away from the belly and a member for a couple of kilometers. 07/29/2009 01:34:09 AM, dislike of small limbs and big bellies.


"he's a small dick with a big belly."

what a horror ..... WHY is all this acrobatics needed?
IMHO the best position - away from the belly and a member for a couple of kilometers.

29.07.2009 01:34:09, dislike of small cocks and big bellies

He sits leaning back (emphasis on his hands or on the back of a sofa, chair), you are on him, leaning forward (emphasis on his hands) with his back to him, one leg between his legs (slightly apart), throw the other behind his thigh or, bending in the knee, place as comfortable as possible. You can connect his legs together, and push yours apart, but this will not work out so deep. At front location vagina can be turned to face him. But then back support is needed.
In principle, any version of "scissors" will do.
themselves fat people they traditionally prefer the back position (it does not require much energy, but it is impossible to caress the partner; alternatively, a woman can greatly spread her legs and bend her lower back at the same time, then it turns out that the penis moves from top to bottom and the stomach does not interfere at all, but with the anterior location of the vagina so practice is needed to bend over) and a rider (but with a fat pad over the penis, it is not preferable, because the penis becomes much shorter and its base is not stimulated). Perhaps even (with a certain physical strength) raise the woman's hips with their hands to the height of their hips. And with not very big belly, the woman presses her legs to her chest, and the man, as it were, hangs over her (emphasis on hands).

But it's still not very convenient to ask. Not to the uterus, but to the cervix. It doesn’t mean anything at all, in some poses it gets it, in some it doesn’t. And below they write that, on the contrary, it is better for them not to get it ... So there is a merchant for each product.


It is, it affects: if it gets it, then it definitely doesn’t suit me, it’s too big, sir.

Everyone is so interesting, they write what they can index finger Of course, you can get it, but not in an excited state, but when excited, the length of the vagina increases !!!

09/06/2017 13:06:17, chicha

Pose from above. Girls, this might sound stupid. But she lived to be 35 and faced ... a problem or something to call or inability? It seems to me that good riders are those who like the action in such a position.


but I don’t like her either: the dimensions are not the ones to ride half-bent :-) Due to the old hardening, 5 minutes is enough for me, and then the changing of the guard :-) I’d better show activity in the oral form, it’s somehow more physiological for me :-)

Sit. Put your hands in his hands. If you feel like you're slipping, don't stress. Voice: "Help me" ... Che for complexes about age and inability?
I love it when MCH wraps his arms around my chest and directs it in parallel. and in general, do as you like, enjoy, and let him enjoy it)

06/19/2008 13:35:25, I indulge occasionally

I, in fact, have the same problems with my back, and I was afraid of the usual loom primarily because of my back - after all, you can’t turn it under you for every stitch, on the contrary, it’s the embroiderer who needs to dance over it. I haven’t tried ordinary machines, I won’t find fault, but my desktop hanger machine allows you to work at an ordinary table, in a normal position, plus the design of the machine itself allows you to turn embroidery almost any way you like. Photos at the link.

1. Choose a comfortable chair for yourself. Supported on the entire back. Preferably an ergonomic shape. Feet must reach the floor. Or you can put them on an ottoman (I use a stool)
2. The girls wrote correctly. Swimming is very good. And generally any mild physical activity.

Girls who got pregnant? Poses, etc. When Great chance? And who else at what time did toxicosis begin? Can be anonymous. Poses don't always make a difference. So they told me that I have a downward bend of the uterus, so the best position is "doggy", but we did everything in the usual ...


What only we did not do to get a cub !!! Just like you, what have you not read about poses, and what have you not tried! For almost six months of effort - no result. And six months later we exchanged our one-room apartment on the same area - but two-room. It was late autumn, it was cold, but since new apartment it was still impossible to call in (they were doing repairs), then they lived with friends in a summer cottage. The whole day we were exhausted on our repairs, we arrived at the dacha by nightfall and it was already very much not up to ... not up to anything, in general. They slept like cabbages - in a hundred clothes and under several blankets.
And only once in these few weeks did I manage to spend the night warmly in my parents' apartment. And - you know - it was far from being remembered desired poses. Nevertheless, the eldest son is from there.

And we did not plan a second son. Moreover, they were heavily protected. And the funny thing is that it all happened just at the time when we had just moved into a new - three-room - apartment (at first we exchanged that same kopeck piece for another kopeck piece, but in another city, and then for this three-ruble note).

So in our case, it is very similar to the fact that everything depends not on a change in posture, but on a change of place of residence. On the other hand, it's been two years since we exchanged a three-ruble note - for a larger three-ruble note in another area - and there have not yet been more children. But we are working in this direction. Probably, they changed it incorrectly - they had to change it to a four-room apartment, but there was no money for an additional payment.

As for toxicosis, he, as they say, appeared - he did not become dusty. Immediately, even before my worries about the delay and the purchase of the test - although this never rusts for me, I do it very quickly.

No one knows better how difficult the process of having a baby is than those women who have already gone through it. And of course, we can say that if a woman experiences discomfort during childbirth, then her strength is exhausted much faster than usual. And this is simply contraindicated, because the more collected and stronger the woman in labor is, the faster the birth will be and bring less unpleasant moments.

Of course, in most cases, a woman independently takes a position in which she is most comfortable. This is her natural self-defense. But in order to be fully prepared for labor, it is better to study all the postures in childbirth in advance and not start experimenting during childbirth.

Postures to ease labor contractions

In most cases, when there are no complications during childbirth, doctors allow the woman to independently choose a position that is comfortable for her. You can walk during contractions, or do exercises on the ball, high handrails, stairs. If the waters have not broken and the hospital has everything the necessary conditions you can take a warm bath. But for all, childbirth is unique and it may be a little easier for a woman if she stands under the shower or leans on a wall, chair, table. Also, with back pain, some women take the “cat” pose. During it, the stomach completely sags and thus reduces the load on the back.

Postures for childbirth without breaks

Several decades ago, it was not necessary to choose a position for childbirth. Absolutely everyone gave birth lying on their backs and this was not even discussed. But today, most maternity hospitals can offer you an alternative to giving birth on your back. In addition, doctors have proven that this position in some cases can cause injury to both the mother and the child. This is mostly caused by the fact that during childbirth on the back is squeezed pudendal vein and through the placenta the blood begins to flow very badly. Plus, in this position, uterine contractions are somewhat reduced, the cervix opens even more slowly, and the woman also has more severe pain than in other positions.

Now in the maternity hospital you can choose any other more suitable posture:

And that is not all possible poses for childbirth, because women can come up with more and more new positions in order to avoid pain. And whatever the position, it is important to remember one thing: you need to completely relax and this will reduce the pain.

The stage of childbirth should pass as smoothly as the phase of refinement and opening. All you need to do is keep control of what is happening and prevent any other people from interfering with the process. You will use self-adjusting labor breathing to assist in the smooth downward movement of the baby.

Nothing needs to be changed until the baby's passage is complete and the head has erupted. An important point is how comfortable the position you have chosen for yourself and how convenient it is for the baby to pass.

There are several positions that help widen the birth canal and shorten the time of this stage of labor. Thanks to them, you can also avoid epizotomy.

For a long time, women in labor have used postures proposed by doctors and midwives - convenient for carrying out medical procedures and introductions surgical instruments. The methods of childbirth have changed, but the postures have remained the same: the woman lies on her back in a lithotomy position (legs raised, spread apart and fixed). Today in the hypnobirthing program we are faced with a large number doctors who take into account the interests of the mother and are ready to participate in childbirth, no matter what position the woman in labor takes, if this position seems comfortable to her. The supine position with fixed legs is certainly one of those positions of a woman in labor, which is long overdue. This position is one of the least effective, contributing to tears and the need for surgical incisions in the perineum.

The postures below may require some practice for you and your partner to tone your leg and arm muscles, but you will certainly appreciate them during labor.

Reclining position for childbirth (inclined "J")

This pose is used very often and helps you maintain a state of deep relaxation as your baby breathes out and his soft, easy descent. In this position, you are on the bed, leaning on a point above the coccyx and laying at an angle of forty-five degrees. Usually, your legs are spread apart, a pillow is placed under each knee. One variation of this pose is a reclining position with bent knees: move your ankles towards your buttocks and spread your legs wide apart. This pose allows you to stretch and expand the perineal area.

Side birth position

You'll love this position because many moms talk about occasionally falling asleep while in one of the side-lying positions. Many women choose this position for their relaxation activities. It is very convenient for childbirth, because it allows you to easily, without changing position, move from the opening phase to the process of exhaling the baby down the birth canal. At the time of delivery, one leg, which previously lay on the pillow, is lifted to open access to the vaginal opening when the baby appears there. Until then, you can remain as you are, with both of your feet resting on the pillows.

Birth position jumping frog

This position is one of the squatting positions that many experts consider the most effective for childbirth. Squatting down, place your hands on the floor in front of or behind your hips. When your hands are behind your back, you can very easily spread your legs wider, and then you will see your baby at the time of birth. Another advantage of the jumping frog pose is that the pelvic area is suspended, which allows the baby to easily jump through this area without any pressure from other parts of the body. This position widens the area of ​​the vaginal opening, allows the use of gravity, reduces the length of the birth canal and relieves any pressure on the lower pelvic region. If you decide to use this position during childbirth, you need to exercise regularly so that your arm muscles can withstand such a load, but no matter how hard the training requires, it's worth it.

Supported squatting position for childbirth

All the benefits of the jumping frog pose will continue for you and your baby if you squat with support. Instead of leaning your hands on the floor, you can perfectly use the hips of your companion for this. Your arms are bent at the elbows and rest on the top of his legs, while the birth partner is sitting on a low chair if you are giving birth at home, or on the edge of a lowered hospital bed if you are giving birth in medical center. This position allows you to straighten your back between contractions and lean on your partner, returning to the starting position with the start of a new contraction. This pose has all the benefits of the jumping frog position.

Childbirth position sitting on the toilet

Many women find sitting on the toilet very comfortable during the opening phase and exhaling the baby down. The body responds organically to this posture because it has become accustomed to it during the usual relief in the toilet. This position is also very familiar to mothers who have practiced hypnobirthing techniques, because emptying the bowels in the toilet is a traditional place to practice labor breathing. The two muscle groups are closely related to each other and labor breathing supports the natural ejection reflex involved in childbirth. This posture allows expansion of the perineum, opens up the vagina, uses gravity, and frees you from having to support yourself with your arms or legs. Just put one or two pillows under your back and relax. When the baby is close to being born, you will have to change position so that he can safely exit.

Birthing position birthing chair

Sitting in a birthing chair allows many of the benefits of sitting on the toilet. It also facilitates expansion of the perineal region and shortens the length of the birth canal. In addition, this position gives the woman in labor the opportunity to lean on her partner in between contractions. Just like the toilet sitting position, this position is familiar to moms because it is used to practice labor breathing.

Posture for childbirth position with support on the knees and hands

This pose is very easy to get into from the jumping frog position. To do this, you just need to move your hands a little forward, lift lower part of your body. In this position, your body weight will be evenly distributed between your arms and legs. This position is often chosen by women who have chosen midwives as assistants because it makes it very easy to get to the baby if he needs help to get into the optimal position for birth. You can use one of the variations of this pose by leaning on a fitball. In some cases, hospital beds can also be customized to serve as a support. If you are giving birth at home, you can get the same effect by placing pillows under your arms and knees.

Standing position for childbirth with support

The supported standing position allows you to take advantage of gravity to help your baby move down the birth canal. It assumes that your partner rests his back against the wall, spreading his arms wide apart. You can lean on him by passing his arms under your armpits. Both of you should bend your knees slightly.

Pose for childbirth "Polar bear"

This position is not suitable for childbirth, but can be very useful if the baby is not in the most best pose for the birth. It is easy to move into this position from a position based on the knees and hands. Lower your elbows to the floor in front of you and rest your head on your hands. Both poses are polar bear and support on the knees and hands - allow the baby to move back a little from the pelvic area and take more vantage point for birth, if necessary.

If the child needs help getting into a more comfortable position, the Rebozo technique can be used in the polar bear position. They were invented by the midwife Guadalupe Trueba, are well known in Mexico and very quickly mastered in maternity wards in the United States. The essence of the technique is that pelvic region a long scarf is stretched under the belly of the woman in labor, and then pulled up. This maneuver pulls the baby out of the position he has already taken, and gives him the opportunity to move back a little and return back in an already successful position.

At home, if you don't have a suitable scarf, you might as well use a curtain, a small sheet, or a tablecloth. Large sheets are uncomfortable due to their size. Savvy nurses are sure to come up with something in a hospital setting.

If during childbirth you are offered surgical intervention Because the position of the baby is not comfortable enough for birth, and you and the baby are feeling well, ask for time and opportunity to use the polar bear position, the Rebozo technique and self-hypnosis - try to persuade the baby to roll over. As long as you and your baby are in good health, the baby's uncomfortable position cannot be a reason for emergency medical attention.

position during childbirth

Most best position- something that makes you feel good. Almost all positions are acceptable, with the exception of "lying on your back." On the one hand, it slows down labor activity, on the other hand, it blocks the main blood vessels and, as a result, blood flow to the child.

The back should be straight, not bent. generic activity better when standing, sitting (on a bed, in a chair, in the arms of a future dad), kneeling (on a bed or on the floor) and riding a chair.

Walking stimulates activity in the same way as the positions above and helps to bear the pain more easily.

Some women claim that the pain is relieved by being on all fours...

If you are more accustomed to lying down, lie on your left or right side, stretching one leg and pulling the other to your chest.

I have heard that there may be bleeding as the time of delivery approaches. Why?

Bleeding before childbirth

In most cases, bleeding before childbirth occurs due to the prolapse of the mucous plug or the beginning of the expansion of the cervix. Nothing to worry about.

Recall that even if the bleeding is not heavy, you need to go to the hospital. The doctors will find out that you have neither high blood pressure, no protein in the urine, that the placenta is not too low, that there is no retroplacental hematoma.
You should also make sure that heartbeat child is normal.

The fetal bladder burst, and the liquid was not light, but greenish-brown. What's this?

amniotic fluid color

A greenish-brownish color of the liquid indicates the release of original feces ("meconium") digestive system child, which usually occurs after birth. The child apparently experienced stress in the uterus and emptied in amniotic fluid before your birth.

This color does not mean the child's illness, but it is advisable to consult a doctor without delay. Careful observation is necessary.

Childbirth is a natural process for which female body throughout all 9 months. But expectant mothers, especially primiparas, often experience fear of the pain that occurs during childbirth. We care about your health, so today we’ll talk about how to relieve pain during contractions.

Causes of pain during contractions

Many moms-to-be are ready to go through C-section so as not to experience labor pain. But let's see what causes discomfort and how to correct them.

Conventionally, the birth process is divided into two stages: contractions and attempts. During contractions, the cervix opens, which contains many sensitive endings. Also, this organ begins to contract independently, the ligaments are stretched, intra-abdominal pressure changes. Such pain is called visceral pain, while it does not have a specific location, it feels like a dull one. For most women, these symptoms resemble the discomfort that occurs during menstruation.

After the contractions end, the pushing begins. During them, the child passes through the birth canal, which causes stretching of its lower part. This pain has exact localization: rectum, vagina and perineum. Pain during attempts is called somatic, it is characterized as acute.

negative emotions, severe stress and fears can reduce pain threshold during childbirth.

Sometimes these feelings are the reason severe pain during fights. Also on the appearance pain influenced by the following factors:

  • childbirth before the due date;
  • large fruit;
  • pain during menstruation in the past;
  • long birth process;
  • the first contractions are not long in time;
  • the use of oxytocin;
  • first birth;
  • insufficient psycho-emotional preparation of the expectant mother;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid.

How contractions start

The first contractions are short in time and are repeated almost every 20 minutes. Their duration is up to 25 seconds and, as a rule, does not cause much discomfort to the expectant mother.

Gradually, the pharynx of the uterus opens more, the duration of contractions increases, and the gap between them decreases.

On average, the total duration of the opening of the cervix of the uterus is from 2 to 12 hours. So mentally prepare for the fact that this period of time you will experience different degrees pain, from minimal to maximal.

Can be used to reduce pain various methods, ranging from special poses to water procedures.

Postures to relieve pain during contractions

During contractions, it is important to find the optimal body position for yourself, being in which the pain will decrease. There are about ten poses in total, you can try each of them.

Postures to relieve pain while standing:

  • Place your hands on the wall. Spread your legs a little, relax your tummy and back so that the entire weight of the body moves to your legs and arms. Begin to make smooth swaying movements in different directions.
  • Squat down, spread your legs as wide as you can. Emphasize the body on a full foot. Back against the wall.
  • Place your hands on your hips and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Begin to make swaying and smooth movements, as if drawing an infinity sign with your body.

Poses to Reduce Pain in the Kneeling Position:

  • kneel down, put your head and hands on the bed so that the torso sags and the weight is distributed to the limbs;
  • take the starting position, then lean on the fitball with your chest and arms, and then begin to perform rotational movements.

Postures to reduce pain on the couch:

  • Get on all fours, lean on your knees and elbows. Your legs should be slightly apart. Try to arch your back from the bottom up.
  • Take the starting position, as in the first position. Spread your legs a little and start rocking back and forth.
  • Get on all fours, then start shifting from one knee to another. Important: kneel, lean on the back of the couch with your hands.

And another pose lying on side. Bend your knees and place a pillow between them.

If, even before conception, your periods often passed with pain, while the discomfort was localized in the lumbar region, then in your case it is undesirable to lie down during contractions. Because it will make the pain worse. It is best to spend the entire period of contractions on your feet. Or squat, as this pose speeds up the opening of the cervix.

Massage during contractions

Massage relaxes not only after labor day but also during the fight. It is important to understand how to do it correctly.

If you are in labor with your husband, ask him to massage your head, lower back and neck, but only if the pain is localized in the lumbar region.

If there is no one around you, then give yourself a massage yourself. To do this, rub with your fist lumbar during fights. When the pain recedes, knead the protruding fingers with your fingers. pelvic bones. Such procedures contribute to muscle relaxation after tone.

Water procedures

Some women decide to give birth in water, saying that warm water reduces pain during contractions and attempts. Perhaps that is why most maternity hospitals have begun to practice the use of warm showers during labor.

This procedure is voluntary. Its essence lies in being under the jets warm water during fights. As some women in labor note, warm water relaxes and calms a little.

Relaxing music during contractions

You probably heard about healing properties favorite musical compositions. So what's stopping you from taking a music player to the antenatal ward? We are sure that doctors will not mind, especially if such a procedure will positively affect labor activity.

Also I would like to note that mental attitude plays a huge role in the process of childbirth. Do not know how to stop thinking about pain during contractions and attempts? Just think that in an hour or a few minutes you will meet with your baby, whom you have been waiting for so long. And we assure you, it will be much easier for you!

How to breathe

Your ability to breathe properly during contractions and attempts will significantly reduce the pain from the process.

As soon as they started attempts, breathe like this:

  • count to four in your mind, then inhale through your nose;
  • count to six, exhale through pursed lips.

As soon as the time of strong contractions has come, start breathing like a dog. For this:

  • open your mouth;
  • take shallow breaths in and out.

Accelerated breathing during strong contractions can reduce pain.

As soon as it happened disclosure, start breathing like this:

  • inhale deeply and quickly through the nose;
  • fold your lips into a tube, then exhale quickly.

Your breaths should be shallow and fast, only in this case the pain will become less.

started attempts? Breathe like this:

  • do deep breath through the nose;
  • sing the letters "o" or "a" along with the exhalation through the mouth.

Your exhalation should be like blowing out a candle.

All of the above methods are effective in contractions and attempts.. If you have during birth process there is little strength left, think about the good. For example, about an early meeting with the baby, pleasant changes in your life, or even about the fact that childbirth will someday end.

Health and easy childbirth to you!

During childbirth, contractions become more and more painful. To conserve strength, a woman in labor is advised to take postures that relieve pain.

There are only a few hours left before the birth of the baby, when the cervix has already opened up to 3-4 cm, and contractions go on every 5-6 minutes. The interval between them will only decrease, but the pain will increase.

In order to overcome this period without losing strength, which will be useful during the laborious period, it is recommended that the woman in labor take pain-relieving postures during labor.

Postures to ease contractions while standing

  • lean your hands on the back of the bed, window sill or nightstand, slightly spread your legs, relax your back and stomach in order to transfer the weight of your body to your arms and legs; in this position, sway left and right and back and forth;
  • squat down, legs wide apart and leaning on a full foot; rest your back against a fixed, solid support (you can lean your back against the wall);
  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your hips. In the accepted position, swing left and right and back and forth.

Postures to ease contractions in the kneeling position

  • squat facing the bed; put your hands and head on the bed;
  • stand at the back of the bed or bedside table, put your arms bent at the elbows on it and squat down, sagging on your hands;
  • kneel down, lean on the fitball (large gymnastic ball) with your hands and chest, sway back and forth.

Postures that ease contractions in the position on the bed

  • stand on all fours on the bed (support on elbows and knees), legs slightly apart; arch your back up and down as much as you can;
  • stand on the bed in a knee-elbow position, slightly spread your legs and sway from side to side; a pillow can be placed under the elbows and stomach;
  • kneel on the bed, lean on the back of the bed with your hands; shift from one knee to another.

Postures that facilitate contractions while sitting on a fitball

  • sit on a fitball, bend your legs at the knees and spread them wide apart, you can sway from side to side. The ball must be inflated to half its maximum. This does not prevent the head from moving, it will be comfortable to sit on it so as not to roll;
  • sit on a fitball, legs wide apart, circling or drawing a figure eight.

Postures to ease contractions while lying on your side

  • lie on the bed on your left side, bend your knees and hip joints. In this position, the uterus does not squeeze large vessels and optimal blood supply to the fetus is ensured. You can put a pillow or fitball between your legs.

Postures to ease contractions with a partner

  • stand facing your partner, hug him by the neck, put your head on his chest and sag slightly, half-bending your legs at the knees. This will allow you to transfer the weight of your body to your partner;
  • stand as a “train” - facing the partner’s back, ask him to bend his arms at the elbows, take his elbows back and sag on them, leaning on his hands.

Contraindications for analgesics

Experimenting with postures that relieve pain during contractions is contraindicated in cases of:

  • pelvic presentation of the fetus;
  • premature birth;
  • fast and rapid childbirth.

Two secrets of easy childbirth

During childbirth, if there are no contraindications to anesthetic positions, a woman needs to listen to the prompts of an obstetrician-gynecologist, midwife and her own intuition. The professionalism of doctors and natural instincts will help the woman in labor bring the moment of meeting with the baby closer with less pain.

Water is an effective remedy for pain relief during contractions. It does not
the heaviness of the body is felt, heat is transferred to the muscles, warms up and relaxes
them, and the pain becomes tolerable. But not all maternity hospitals practice childbirth.
in water. You can sit in a warm bath during contractions, but only until the moment of outpouring
water. And here to stand under warm shower it is possible and after the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Expert: Irina Isaeva, obstetrician-gynecologist
Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

The material uses photographs owned by


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