Formulation of childbirth. Stages of childbirth or how natural childbirth occurs over time

Naturally, every woman is very worried the day before such important event in your life, like childbirth. initial stage, which is called the prenatal period, is practically painless, however, it indicates the beginning of the birth process.

First stage of labor

From about 37 weeks of pregnancy, the mother in labor begins to experience characteristic changes, which are harbingers of the beginning of the birth process.

At much later stages, changes occur such as:

  • Sharp weight loss;
  • Frequent urination and diarrhea;
  • The passage of a complete mucus plug;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or back;
  • Abdominal prolapse;
  • Change of structure cervix;
  • Slowing down of fetal activity.

During the prenatal period, a sharp decrease in weight occurs. At the end of the third trimester, a woman loses approximately 1-2 kilograms of weight. An increased urge to go to the toilet may indicate that labor may begin at any moment. In addition, another characteristic feature The entire mucous plug is considered to have passed away. From this moment, labor begins, which continues until the birth of the child and the expulsion of the placenta.

Obstetrics distinguishes several periods labor activity during its normal course. The first period is the most painful and time-consuming stage of childbirth. It begins from the moment of the first contraction, can last for even several days and ends with sufficient opening of the uterine pharynx.

Childbirth begins with the fact that the cervix of the uterus softens enough, becomes thinner, the uterus itself contracts and the woman feels this in the form of contractions.

At the very beginning, they are less painful and long-lasting, lasting mostly 15-30 seconds with an interval of 15-20 minutes. However, over time, the intervals themselves gradually become shorter, and the duration of contractions becomes longer and longer. The course and pain of contractions largely depend on the individual characteristics of the woman.

Based on the intensity and frequency of contractions, the first stage of labor is divided into three separate phases, namely:

  • Latent phase;
  • Active period;
  • Decline phase.

The latent phase occurs during the period when there is a regular rhythm of contractions, and they continue every 10 minutes with an equal degree of intensity. This phase lasts from 5 hours to 6.5. During this period, the pregnant woman must go to the maternity hospital. When the uterus is slightly open by 4 cm, the active phase of labor begins, which is characterized by increased labor. Contractions at this time become more frequent, intense and prolonged. How long the active phase lasts depends on the degree of opening of the throat. Basically, in time it is 1.5-3 hours.

The deceleration phase is characterized by the fact that labor gradually weakens and the throat opens by 10-12 cm. During this period, it is forbidden to push, as this can provoke swelling of the uterus and prolong the process of childbirth. This phase lasts from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Important! Women must be managed by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist throughout the entire birth process.

However, labor may proceed somewhat differently. Initially, there may be an opening of the membranes, and only after this contractions occur. In addition, during this period, a woman may notice spotting, indicating the release of the mucus plug. If heavy bleeding occurs, the discharge has bad smell or greenish color, then you must immediately call ambulance, as this may be a sign of serious problems.

Second stage of labor

The second period of labor is characterized by the birth of a child.

At this time, the woman controls the intensity of pushing:

  • Holding your breath;
  • Lowering (as much as possible) the diaphragm;
  • Severe muscle tension.

The degree of opening of the pharynx is controlled by the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the birth. He tells the woman in labor when to push and exactly how to do it correctly. At this stage, contractions also continue, which help push the baby out. The duration of contractions in this period is about a minute, and the interval is 3 minutes. A woman in labor can independently control contractions, periodically intensifying and weakening them.

3rd stage of labor

The third stage of labor is not as intense and exciting as the previous two, since at this time the child has already been born and all that remains is the separation and exit of the placenta. After the baby comes out, contractions resume.

During this period, the tissues that nourished the child throughout pregnancy peel off, namely, such as:

  • Placenta;
  • Umbilical cord;
  • Fetal membranes.

In primiparous women, contractions in the 3rd period do not cause any particular discomfort. Slight pain is observed during repeated and subsequent births.

Consecutive periods of labor and their duration

For many women, periods of labor and their duration can be very different. However, these indicators change slightly.

There may be such types of childbirth as:

  • Protracted;
  • Accelerated;
  • Swift.

The first birth is generally the longest than all subsequent ones and lasts for 9-11 hours. The longest duration is 18 hours. For second-time mothers, labor lasts from 4 to 8 hours. Maximum possible duration labor lasts 14 hours. Protracted labor is considered to be labor that exceeds the maximum duration, rapid labor is considered if it has passed earlier, and rapid labor is defined as labor that ended earlier than 4 hours in first-time mothers.

There is a special table according to which you can determine normal time the course of each period of labor.

Stages of labor

First birth

Second and subsequent births

First period

6-7.5 hours

Second period

30-70 minutes

15-35 minutes

Third period

5-20 minutes (acceptable up to 30 minutes)

The first period is the longest and includes the process of contractions, so the woman experiences severe pain. The second period is the birth of a child. The third period is the expulsion of the placenta.

Important periods of childbirth and their characteristics

Labor activity consists of certain periods, the characteristics of which depend on a certain stage of this process. In total, there are three periods of childbirth, at each of which a woman needs to make an effort and be patient. The stages of labor differ in the nature and frequency of pain.

There are several techniques that will help facilitate the process of resolving labor, namely the following:

  • Walking and changing position during contractions;
  • Massage painful areas;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Positive mood and self-confidence;
  • Epidural anesthesia.

During the rapid opening of the uterine pharynx, doctors recommend that the woman be in motion. The speed of opening of the uterus largely depends on how much she can relax. Massage helps, as it helps you relax as much as possible and reduce pain. During the active labor process, a woman’s breathing rhythm, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus and threatens its health. That is why it is necessary to carry out special breathing exercises that will help normalize the breathing of the fetus and mother.

All stages of labor (video)

A pregnant woman can obtain all the required information regarding the birth process from her obstetrician-gynecologist. In addition, in order to learn how to behave correctly during childbirth, you need to attend special courses.

If you are giving birth for the first time, then you are very interested and at the same time scared: how everything will happen. You interrogate experienced friends, draw in your imagination different variants outcome, and eventually you start dreaming about it.

Of course, you will find out how childbirth proceeds - you simply have no other choice because you definitely need to give birth (if you are not shown C-section). But informed means armed. And before you start practicing, it will be useful to learn a little theory.

The entire birth process occurs sequentially, one period gives way to the next. Undoubtedly, the birth of each woman is different: easy and difficult, rapid and protracted, simple and with complications. But before the baby is born, a series of events must happen. And this whole process is divided into three periods.

The first stage of labor is the period of dilatation

With the birth process launched. The first period is the longest of all. It can last several hours or even days (although this is very undesirable) and ends with the complete opening of the uterine pharynx.

Childbirth begins with the uterus softening, becoming thinner, and the uterus itself begins to contract, which you feel in the form of contractions. At first they are less painful and intense: they last 15-30 seconds and are repeated every 15-20 minutes. But gradually the intervals become shorter, and the contractions themselves become longer.

If you do not fear the appearance of pain, then you may well not even notice the beginning of this period. Often women only feel pain, and the pain is a consequence of her anticipation. But everything, of course, is individual: a woman can feel severe pain like during menstruation, emotional condition can change a lot.

If you put your hand on your stomach, you will feel that the uterus is quite firm. This means that labor has begun. The first contractions may be accompanied by nausea and indigestion. Help yourself: breathe through your nose, evenly, deeply and calmly, relax between contractions.

Based on the intensity, duration and frequency of contractions, the first stage of labor is divided into three phases:

  1. latent phase occurs when a regular rhythm of contractions is established: they are repeated every 10 minutes with the same intensity. It is no longer possible to fall asleep or even rest - true contractions have begun. It is at this time that doctors recommend that a pregnant woman go to the maternity hospital (this applies to women whose pregnancy proceeded normally, without complications). The latent phase lasts from 5 hours in multiparous women to 6.5 hours in primiparous women and passes into the next phase when the uterus is already dilated by 4 cm;
  2. active phase characterized by increased activity of labor. Contractions become more frequent, stronger, longer and more painful, repeating every 4-5 minutes and lasting from 40 seconds to a minute. The pain in the sacrum increases and the woman feels tired. If the bubble did not burst in the first phase, it may happen now. During the strongest contractions, perform breathing exercises. Walk, change positions often - to make it easier and more comfortable for you. The active phase lasts 1.5-3 hours, until the opening of the uterine pharynx reaches 8 cm;
  3. deceleration phase speaks for itself: labor gradually weakens and ends with full dilatation of the cervix to 10-12 cm. If you have a desire to empty your bowels, hold your breath. You can’t push now - this can cause swelling of the cervix and prolong labor. You may feel hot or cold, you may experience nausea or dizziness - the working uterus takes a lot of oxygen and the brain does not have enough of it. Breathing exercises help a lot. And remember that most of the birth process is already behind you. This phase lasts from 15 minutes to an hour or two.

However, things could go according to a different scenario. Contractions are just one of the possible ways labor may begin. And it is during this period that in most cases the membranes rupture. But water may begin to leak prematurely. If your water breaks or starts leaking (at least two tablespoons), change your underwear, put on a clean sanitary pad, lie down and call an ambulance - now you can’t move. The fruit is no longer protected by the shell, and it can easily become infected. In addition, as the water flows out, it could carry the umbilical cord with it - there is a risk of pressing it (in this case, labor will need to be induced immediately). In a supine position, the level of danger is reduced, so it is necessary to lie down or lie down during transport.

And it happens, for example, that a woman notices spotting - before childbirth, the mucous plug covering the cervix is ​​pushed out and exits into the vagina. You will notice this in the form of discharge that appears. They may appear before childbirth or at its first stage.

If the blood is very bright (bleeding has begun) or the amniotic fluid that has leaked is dark or green, call your doctor. The same applies to the situation when you can no longer hear your child.

If everything is normal, it is very important to rest now (when you saw that labor begins). This is only possible at the very beginning - it won’t work later. Therefore, lie down and relax, it’s good if you can fall asleep. Don't worry about oversleeping on something. At the right moment, contractions will certainly wake you up. Just don't lie on your back. And don’t sit around waiting for the birth: if you can’t sleep, do something to distract yourself. During the first stage of labor, it is necessary to remain active for as long as possible. However, there should already be someone close to you - don’t be alone.

When the first contractions begin, don’t overeat. Most likely, you will still have to have a snack, because it is unknown how long the birth will drag on. Yes, and it won’t hurt to have some food. In addition, a snack will help avoid nausea in case the need for anesthesia arises. Just don't overeat and choose light food: your body will be busy with childbirth, and it is not desirable for it to be distracted by digesting food now.

The second stage of labor is the period of expulsion

The longest and most difficult stage is over - the cervix is ​​completely open for the passage of the fetus. And as soon as this happens, the baby’s head begins to enter the mother’s pelvis. The most important period begins, which will end with the birth of a child. And now you will help him with this.

In the second period, contractions occur every 2-3 minutes and are now joined by pushing - reflex contractions of the striated muscles of the abdominal press, diaphragm, and pelvic floor. These contractions push the fetus through the birth canal. The success of the process will depend on how correctly the woman pushes and breathes. Ideally, the pushes are frequent and short - this ensures sufficient oxygen supply to the child.

Everything happens relatively quickly: for primiparous women, the expulsion period lasts 1-2 hours, multiparous women can cope earlier (even in 15 minutes). Depending on the effectiveness of contractions and attempts, the size of the child, the location of his head, and the size of the woman's pelvis, the process can occur faster or slower. You need to push at the point of maximum pain - this is the only way to help the child come out. It's hard and often very painful work, but it's very important and the nice thing is that it doesn't last long. Remember that only you can and should do this. Think about the fact that it’s no less difficult for your baby now than it is for you - help him.

The woman seems to feel the urge to have a bowel movement, thereby pushing the baby out. If it occurs, an incision is made between the vagina and rectum. Follow the commands of the medical staff. There will be periods when you need to push especially hard or, on the contrary, stop pushing for a while. You need to rest between attempts: relax, wash cold water, have a drink. While pushing, breathe quickly, frequently, briefly, with your mouth slightly open.

And now the doctor can already see the head! As soon as, at the moment of pushing, she stops hiding back into the pelvis of the woman in labor, the obstetrician will carefully remove the newborn into this world.

The umbilical cord is clamped and cut - this is an absolutely painless procedure for mother and newborn, since there is no nerve endings. And the baby is shown to a happy and exhausted (although this is not at all necessary) mother. Ask the baby to be placed on your chest - he will calm down, adaptation to the new world and new living conditions will go more smoothly, because the baby will feel the rhythm of your heart and smell his mother’s smell. This moment of reunion will never be recreated again! Therefore, it will be very great if dad will also be present with his family.

Attachment to the breast will speed up the arrival of milk - after all, the body receives a signal that the birth has successfully taken place and the baby needs mother's milk. Also it will pass faster separation of the placenta, which will speed up the third stage of labor.

The third stage of labor - postpartum

So, the baby was born safely, but for the mother, labor was not over yet. Now the placenta needs to be delivered. Soon after the birth of the baby, the woman feels postpartum contractions and straining, accompanied by the release of blood, so at the end, an ice pack is placed on the lower abdomen of the woman in labor.

The postpartum period lasts 10-12 minutes, maximum half an hour. But these are not at all the same contractions and attempts that were in the second period - much easier and softer. After the birth of the placenta, the uterus contracts sharply. If a woman in labor has any tears or cuts, they are immediately stitched up.

Now she is a mother. The sensations can be very different - fatigue, an unexpected surge of strength, immense happiness and joy. Many women feel thirsty or hungry, and many feel cold. All postpartum women experience heavy bleeding at the end of labor.

For about two more hours, the mother and child remain in the delivery room under observation and after that they are transferred to the delivery room.

An unforgettable period of your life is behind...

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The process of childbirth is not something supernatural, and from beginning to end depends on the woman’s preparation. Constant observation by a gynecologist will help avoid hormonal problems, and therefore birth anomalies. During childbirth, you should listen to the obstetrician, remember about proper breathing and inner peace.

All women, expectant mothers, are different. If for one woman childbirth, how physiological process, will an unforgettable journey to the maternity hospital, for another it is a difficult test. This is due to the lack of an adequate description of the normal process of childbirth.

Part of the worries of women expecting their first child is associated with ignorance of the symptoms indicating the body’s preparation for childbirth, and how the birth process proceeds during normal course pregnancy. On last month or a little earlier, the mother begins to experience training contractions.

False contractions are not intense, painless, periodic, and go away on their own thanks to a warm shower or the effects of antispasmodics. If the last two measures no longer help, then it won’t be long before you start.

Obvious signs may be pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region that appeared in the last 3 weeks of pregnancy, and frequent urination. This is typical for those giving birth for the first time, which indicates psychological state women.

Mothers, during their first pregnancy, from conception to birth, listen to every change in the body. Feelings of tingling, stretching, pain in the pubic area. After the abdomen subsides, the fetus moves to the pelvis, the center of gravity shifts, changing posture. Cervical canal closed, filled with mucus-like secretion.

Closer to the last two weeks, the stomach drops lower, which causes a feeling of a general decrease in the body. Eating and breathing becomes much easier. At the same time, the uterus contracts strongly, a hardening is felt in the lower abdomen caused by muscle tension, and this condition persists for a certain time. The psychological background of a woman undergoes changes, and nesting syndrome manifests itself.

The first sign of the onset of labor will be the release of the mucus plug. Recognizing a traffic jam is very easy. Looking at underwear or a sanitary pad, you will find a lot of thick mucus that has no color. The plug is different from normal discharge during pregnancy.

3 stages of labor

By about 38 weeks, a generic dominant has already formed - complex set, created by regulatory centers (nervous and hormonal system) And reproductive organs(fetal membrane, placenta, uterus).

Conventionally, from the 37th week, the amount of progesterone in the body, the main hormone of pregnancy, decreases, and the production of estrogen and prostaglandin increases. Changes hormonal levels provoke uterine tone and myometrial sensitivity to the effects of compounds: oxytocin, acetylcholine, serotonin.

How does the whole process of childbirth go for a woman:

  1. dilatation of the cervix;
  2. birth of a child;
  3. placenta exit.

The risk of premature or imminent birth occurs before the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy. The causes may be inflammation or infection in the uterus, which, by affecting the muscle tissue, prevents the organ from stretching. This leads to the impossibility of pregnancy and rejection of the fetus.

At 27 weeks premature birth occur due to isthmic-ecclesiastical insufficiency. This is a pathology that causes weakening of the cervix, which causes the organ to open prematurely under pressure from the fetus.

Early labor lasts from 4 to 6 hours for primiparous women, and from 2 to 4 hours for multiparous women. The reasons may be increased excitability caused by pathology muscle cells, loose nervous system, impaired metabolism, gynecological diseases. If the baby in the womb lies sideways towards the vaginal opening, or is positioned with its feet towards it, then natural option birth is impossible without a caesarean section.

Cervical dilatation

The longest process for expectant mothers has two paths: hidden and active. The latent type is characterized by changes in the cervix, which lead to softening and shortening. Compared to the state during pregnancy, the cervix decreases from five centimeters to complete smoothing. This leads to contractions that are not strong at first and appear at intervals of up to 20 minutes.

The period of contractions lasts up to 10 hours in women giving birth for the first time and about 6 in multiparous women. In the maternity hospital, continuous monitoring of the process is carried out, since the time limit for dilation of the cervix is ​​exceeded. This indicates an obstacle to the birth of a child on the part of the mother’s body or the condition of the fetus.

During contractions, the baby begins to put more and more pressure on the bladder and intestines. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hospital staff give the woman in labor a cleansing enema between contractions. The procedure also stimulates the intestines, which causes strong uterine contractions.

During the latent phase, a pregnant woman should not lie down, she should show moderate activity: hiking, fitball exercises. You need to breathe regularly and deeply so as not to cause premature fatigue. This helps the cervix open, the birth os form and the transition to the active phase.

Contractions begin to occur more frequently, more intensely, causing severe pain, and push the baby towards the pelvis. The medical staff relieves the mother's pain with painkillers and monitors the dilation of the cervix and the condition of the fetus.

Contractions are repeated at intervals of 3-5 minutes and last about 10 seconds. At this stage, most of the amniotic fluid, otherwise the doctor opens the bubble himself. The condition of the fetus during the process is diagnosed by the color and amount of liquid. physiological birth. If the amniotic discharge looks greenish, it means the baby is suffering from hypoxia in the womb.


Hormonal balance is a factor in the course of the birth process. The hormone prostaglandin is responsible for the initiation of labor, affecting the beginning and duration of the preparatory period and the rate of cervical ripening. If the patient’s prostaglandin levels are low, dilatation is delayed; the medical staff injects a gel containing this hormone into the uterus, which allows the process of labor and birth to begin.

How the correct birth process starts:

  • using gel;
  • intravenous administration of the drug;
  • natural.

Oxytocin already affects the birth itself. If the hormone level is low, an intravenous drip is placed. After a dose of oxytocin, dilation occurs faster and contractions intensify. Epidural anesthesia is used to alleviate the condition. At this stage, the water breaks, if this does not happen, amniotic sac opened using amniotomy.

At the same time, the obstetrician continues to monitor the child’s activity during labor using a cardiac monitor; if the fetal condition worsens, an emergency caesarean section is used. In the case of normal hormone levels, the process of labor begins on its own.

After opening the cervix and getting rid of amniotic fluid, the body moves to the expulsion phase of the fetus. First, part of the head appears, the back of the child’s head, then, with each attempt, muscle relaxation intensifies, the head comes out. It takes an average of 5 pushes for the head and shoulders to come out. The duration of the stage takes from half an hour to an hour and depends on the activity of the woman in labor.

Why is childbirth a painful process? Normal childbirth is painful, and there are two reasons for the pain. The first, dull, aching, is associated with uterine contractions and stretching of the cervix at the first stage. The second, somatic, pain during pushing at the birth of a baby is caused by stretching of the lower zone of the birth canal.

Output of placenta

The placenta is the embryonic organ of bearing a child, responsible for normal development the fetus, providing it with nutrition and oxygen. Serves as a biological protection for the baby from the effects of microorganisms and viruses. Has a flat appearance with a membrane inside, which precisely connects the child’s circulatory system with the mother’s. The chorionic villi located on the surface of the uterus form the placenta, which together with the membranes forms the afterbirth.

While the obstetricians are studying the baby’s condition, weighing and swaddling, the mother faces the last stage of childbirth - the birth of the placenta. A few minutes after cutting the umbilical cord, the obstetrician checks to see if the placenta is ready to come out. To do this, he places his hand with its edge in the area of ​​the lower part of the peritoneum and applies light pressure. If the remainder of the umbilical cord is not pulled back, then the procedure for removing the placenta can begin.

At this moment, the woman in labor feels weak contractions of the uterus with low intensity. The obstetrician, observing the frequency of contractions, tells the patient when to push. A minute later, the fetal sac comes out and is sent for histology to ensure its integrity. Even a small balance in female body can cause inflammation.

Histological examination can reveal the presentation of the placenta. If found incomplete exit bag, the medical staff is obliged to clean the uterus. The procedure is carried out manually using a special spoon - a curette.

If the release of fetal membranes is delayed, cleaning is not performed; the membranes will leave the body along with the lochia. The examination ends with weighing the placenta. The data is recorded in the patient’s card, and the conclusion is given to the woman in labor, then the placenta is disposed of.


Discoordination of labor is an abnormal disorder caused by a shift in rhythm. Several rhythm-determining factors may arise, which disrupts the synchronicity of uterine muscle contractions and changes their direction. As a result, painful contractions become more frequent and their effectiveness decreases. This affects the breaking of water, causing it to break prematurely.

The dilation of the cervix progresses slowly or stops at four to five centimeters of dilation. Nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, and restlessness may occur. Uterine fetal hypoxia, placental abruption and heavy bleeding. Control technique - anesthetic and antispasmodics, sedation or caesarean section.

Abnormal tetanus of the uterus is a phenomenon that is to blame for the prolonged development of incoordination of labor. Causes tetanic contractions of the uterine muscles, which are not coordinated with each other and occur in different zones of the myometrium. Contractions are sharp and painful, followed by cessation of labor. The patient's general condition worsens, the skin turns pale, and tachycardia begins. Further process of childbirth with bronchial asthma or other diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, becomes impossible.

It is difficult to urinate independently. Women in labor who have such an anomaly are prescribed a caesarean section. In case of pathology, the patient requires rehabilitation and nursing care at birth injuries. Independent hygiene is possible after the mother is transferred from intensive care to postpartum ward.

The pathological preliminary period is a deviation that occurs before the start of the active stage of labor. Characterized by a long preparatory period with painful contractions. The cervix is ​​dense, long, and not located along the axis of the pelvis. The cervical canal does not allow a finger to pass through. The tone of the uterus increases, the presentation of the fetus changes. There is a possibility of premature release of water. As a method of control, drugs are used to eliminate pain and excessive spasms, stimulate the ripening of the cervix to restore normal labor.

After childbirth

The woman will remain in the maternity ward for a couple more hours. An obstetrician monitors the condition and vaginal discharge. If everything is fine, then the mother and baby are transferred to the postpartum ward, where the woman can rest and prepare for the first feeding. From this moment on, the mother's body will begin to recover.

The first change will be in cardiovascular system And respiratory tract. The uterus no longer displaces the diaphragm, breathing becomes easier, and cardiac stress decreases. Shortness of breath passes. The increased blood volume during pregnancy manifests itself in the form of changes in skin tone and swelling.

Recovery of the uterus will take 6 to 8 weeks and will be accompanied by lochia. The first few days the lochia looks like menstruation, then the blood content in it drops, and after a few days the discharge becomes lighter. Involution of the uterus causes painful contractions, indicating a gradual decrease in volume. After the rehabilitation period, the organ acquires a pear-shaped shape and a slightly greater weight than before birth - from 60 to 80 grams.

The acceleration of the recovery process is facilitated by the release of the hormone oxytocin into the blood. When a newborn is latched to the breast, a natural hormone is produced, which results in painful contractions of the uterus in the first days of feeding.

The menstrual cycle is restored after one and a half or 2 months in the absence of breastfeeding. When breastfeeding mixed type Uterine contractions will last up to 6 months, and in full mode from six months to 2 years.

Contractions before active phase- the longest and most monotonous process. The birth of a child itself takes less time and basically the whole difficulty lies in the appearance of the head and shoulders. The afterbirth will come out very easily. Recovery will take time, which depends on the woman’s body and the method of feeding the baby.

These are: the stage of cervical dilatation, the stage of expulsion of the fetus, the stage of expulsion of the placenta (or postpartum stage).

Stage of cervical dilatation, or expansion stage different women It has different durations, which depends mainly on whether the woman is having her first or repeated births (although the individual characteristics women). If a woman is giving birth for the first time, the duration of the cervical dilatation stage can be up to 12 hours; if the birth is repeated, the stage can last only up to 4 8 hours. During this stage, the cervix smoothes out, the external os of the cervical canal opens, and the wall of the amniotic sac ruptures. At the beginning of the stage of cervical dilatation, the external os of the cervical canal barely passes the tip of the finger of the midwife who controls the progress of the stage; but at the end of the opening stage, the diameter of the pharynx can reach 10-12 cm (the fetal head can already pass through the pharynx).

This stage of labor is the longest. On average, it lasts 7-8 hours for first-time mothers and 4-5 hours for those who have already given birth. These are the average statistical data. Things may be different for you. However, be that as it may, the process of dilation of the cervix today is rarely left to chance. To speed it up, medications are used.

The longest are the first three centimeters. They take almost half of the total opening time. As soon as the cervix dilates by 3 cm, to speed up the process, they resort to means that stimulate labor. It is at this moment that you are connected to devices for constant monitoring and put on an IV.

As a rule, the amniotic sac is opened between 2 and 5 centimeters. Sometimes this happens at the very beginning of labor, sometimes the amniotic sac does not open at all. In the latter case, the doctor waits until the cervix dilates to 5 cm and the baby’s head enters the pelvis to pierce the bubble with tweezers. It's absolutely painless.

Expulsion stage can be considered to have begun immediately after the external os of the cervical canal reaches a diameter of 10-12 cm. The normal duration of the expulsion stage is within 25-45 minutes. The contractions gradually intensify, the wall of the amniotic sac cannot withstand the pressure, ruptures, and the anterior waters pour out. For some time after this, there are no contractions, but when they begin again, they become stronger and longer lasting. Attempts appear immediately. The woman in labor needs to push at this time in order to intensify her efforts. Experienced doctor and the midwife who delivers the baby tells the woman in labor when to push and when to rest a little. If a woman is not giving birth for the first time, she already knows when to intensify her efforts and when to relax.

The fetus, under the influence of labor expulsion forces, descends, its head (in the normal position) enters the pelvic cavity, and here the head turns. The attempts become stronger, the intervals between them become shorter, and the fetus gradually moves along the birth canal. At this time, the woman in labor protrudes and the genital slit opens slightly. There comes a time when, with subsequent attempts, the fetal head becomes visible in the open genital slit. During pauses, the head retreats again and the genital slit closes. But with the next attempts it appears again - and each time more and more. And now the fetal head no longer retreats during pauses, and the genital slit does not close; this means that the fetal head has erupted. First, the occipital region erupts, then the parietal and frontal regions, and only then the facial region erupts. You should know that a woman in labor experiences the most severe pain during the birth of the head - the largest part of the fetus. As soon as the fetal head is born, pushing stops for a while. And the woman in labor has the opportunity to rest a little, her body is preparing for the end of childbirth. When pushing resumes, the fetal body turns in the birth canal, the shoulders are born one after the other, and then the fetal body is easily born. Along with the birth of the legs, the posterior amniotic fluid leaves. If during childbirth there were ruptures of the soft tissues of the birth canal, the posterior amniotic fluid may contain an admixture of blood. Healthy child, as soon as it is born, it screams loudly; at this moment, his lung tissue expands, and pulmonary breathing “turns on.”

The midwife produces primary processing born baby. Using a sterile gauze napkin, the cheese-like lubricant is removed from the skin, the nasal cavity and oral cavity of the newborn are cleared of mucus (aspiration is performed), and a 2% solution of silver nitrate is instilled into the eyes to prevent infection. About two to three minutes after the baby is born, the umbilical cord is tied. Then the newborn is weighed, body length is measured, and swaddled.

The birth of a child is the final stage of labor.

Expulsion of the fetus lasts approximately 30 minutes for first-time mothers and less than 20 minutes for multiparous women. When the cervix is ​​almost dilated, contractions become much stronger and more frequent. Approximately 1 minute of contraction occurs with 2 minutes of rest.

At this time, you are transferred to the delivery room, where the actual birth takes place. You settle into a special table as the birth of your baby quickly approaches. Now you will be surrounded by a full medical team.

Stage of expulsion of placenta also called the postpartum stage (but, to be precise, expulsion of the placenta is only the beginning of the postpartum stage). As a rule, the placenta exfoliates a quarter of an hour or half an hour after the birth of the baby. But in some cases this stage is delayed. The midwife or doctor in these cases helps the placenta to detach - using special welcome(pressure with hand on the fundus of the uterus). When the placenta is separated, there is always some blood loss; This is physiological blood loss. The postpartum woman loses up to 350 ml of blood. All the blood lost during placental abruption is collected in a tray - the doctor must know how much blood the mother has lost. If the bleeding does not stop, the doctor finds the cause of the bleeding and eliminates it.

Normally, the following happens: the placenta separates, and in its place there remains a rather extensive wound surface that bleeds; But muscle layer The uterus contracts quite quickly, the uterus decreases in size, and the lumen of the bleeding vessels contracts, which leads to the cessation of bleeding.

After expulsion of the placenta from the uterus, the doctor carefully examines the surface of the placenta. This point is very important: if there is a defect on the surface of the placenta, it means that a fragment of the placenta of the appropriate size remains in the uterine cavity, and it will interfere complete reduction a certain area of ​​the uterus, and then the vessels located in this area will continue to bleed, which is already dangerous; if no defects are found on the surface of the placenta, it means that the lumen of the vessels will soon shrink and bleeding from the uterus will stop. The doctor also pays attention to the condition of the soft tissues of the birth canal. If ruptures are detected, it turns out surgical care(the tears are stitched up). The mother remains under observation medical personnel approximately two hours after expulsion of the placenta. In the absence of any complications, the young mother is transferred to the ward - in satisfactory condition.

Twenty minutes after the birth of your baby, you will again feel uterine contractions, but they will be weaker. They are necessary for the separation and birth of the placenta. The midwife, pressing her hand on the uterus, pulls it out by the umbilical cord. After this, the birth is finally completed. You will remain for another hour or two in the delivery room under the supervision of doctors. Then you will be transferred to the ward and the baby will be brought in.

Let's take a closer look at the three stages of labor

  • 1st stage begins with strong regular contractions of the uterus - contractions - and lasts until the cervix is ​​completely dilated and the uterine os opens to such an extent that the baby’s head can pass through it. During the first birth, this stage lasts approximately 12 hours, during subsequent births it lasts about 6 hours.
  • 2nd stage begins with full dilatation of the cervix and lasts until the birth of the child. During the first birth, the duration of this stage is approximately 2 hours, during subsequent births - about half an hour.
  • 3rd stage begins with the birth of the child and continues until the expulsion of the placenta and membranes. This stage lasts approximately 15 minutes for the first and all subsequent births.

First stage of labor

With the onset of labor, the intensity and duration of uterine contractions gradually increases, and the interval between successive contractions decreases, that is, they become more and more frequent. With such contractions, the cervix contracts and dilates. If this is your first child, it will take several hours for the cervix to expand to 10 cm in diameter (this is necessary for the passage of a medium-sized baby's head). In subsequent pregnancies, the cervix begins to expand even in last weeks During pregnancy and childbirth, you can worry less about this.

Choosing a comfortable position

There are no hard and fast rules about the position you should take during the first stage of labor. You can try different positions and choose the most comfortable one for yourself. During contractions at different stages of pain, you can change the position. Listen to your body.

  • As contractions begin, take the position that is most comfortable for you. In the stage between contractions, if you want, you can move around, walk from place to place, but do not get tired, keep your strength.
  • If you stand in strict vertical position, the baby puts strong pressure on the cervix with its head and this promotes dilation of the cervix, and also strengthens the contractions of the uterus and makes them more effective.
  • If you prefer to remain still between contractions, you can use familiar relaxation exercises and try to relax as much as possible while maintaining as much strength as possible. During contractions, you can sit comfortably on the edge of the bed or on a low table; concentrate on your breathing, breathe deeply and evenly (in through your nose, out through your mouth). When contractions intensify and reach their maximum, switch to light shallow breathing, inhaling and exhaling through your mouth - but not for too long, otherwise you may get dry mouth and dizziness.
  • If moaning or sighing helps you relieve pain, don't try to suppress it.
  • Accept each coming contraction calmly, without thinking about the next one.
  • Try to urinate more often, as a full, distended bladder will make it difficult for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
  • To relieve prenatal lower back pain, ask your partner or significant other loved one massage your lumbar and sacrum area, or apply a heating pad to your sacrum during pauses between contractions. Make circular movements with your palm massage movements using talc.

Towards the end of the first stage of labor, contractions become strongest and most frequent. They last about a minute and after a minute pause they repeat again, barely allowing you to recover. You may experience sensations similar to the urge to urinate or empty your bowels as your baby's head presses against your lower section intestines and bladder. At this stage you have desire push the child out - the urge to push.

Try not to push until your doctor tells you to. Attempts to push the baby through partially open cervix(premature pushing) can lead to swelling of the uterine os and a decrease in its distensibility, which makes it difficult to open and puts it at risk of rupture. The doctor will advise you how to behave in this situation.

To suppress the urge to push prematurely, you can stand on bent knees, rest your elbows on the floor, and rest your head on your hands, which will lift your stomach.

What position should be taken at the stage of cervical dilatation?

There are no rules about this. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. Some women prefer to lie down, dozing between contractions. Others - to walk, at least at the very beginning. This is acceptable. The main thing is that the amniotic sac does not rupture.

The vertical position even has its advantages. The baby descends into the pelvis more easily, putting pressure on the cervix and facilitating its rapid opening.

Positions can vary: standing still or walking, sitting, semi-sitting or squatting. The choice of position, however, is limited by your connection to the control devices.

During the cervical dilatation stage, although this process is monitored from time to time by a midwife coming into the room, you are alone most of the time. Don't think you've been forgotten. This stage of labor does not require the constant presence of medical staff.

The midwife will tell you:

  • about the effectiveness of labor contractions and the condition of the child, taking readings from instruments;
  • about the condition of the cervix, performing a vaginal examination.

This is a difficult moment for the expectant mother, as worry about the further course of events is added to the growing pain. The presence of the future father at this time is very appropriate, even if he does not intend to stay for the actual birth. He can support morally, remind breathing exercises, holding your hand during rest breaks, and calm with your presence.

Large ones are constant over time. It occurs when contractions of the uterus begin, causing the cervix to dilate. When the contractions release, the pain subsides. With each new contraction, the cervix opens more and more, and the more it opens, the stronger painful sensations.

Contractions are the work of a group of muscles (muscle contractions), and, like any other muscle work, absorption occurs large quantity oxygen. Therefore, it is very important to breathe evenly and deeply during contractions.

At the beginning of the fight: you must concentrate and breathe calmly, taking deep and long breaths in and out throughout the contraction. It is necessary that the maximum amount of oxygen enters the blood. Both the uterus and your baby need it, which absorbs great amount oxygen.

During the fight: try not to strain, which you always want to do instinctively at a moment of severe pain. Relax all your muscles. They will need less oxygen, which is necessary at this moment for the muscles of the uterus. Remaining in a relaxed state, your body does not resist the muscular contractions of the uterus, and therefore the dilation of the cervix.

Maintaining a relaxed state, continue to breathe slowly, you can use shallow breathing. In the latter case, the diaphragm almost does not work and does not put pressure on the uterus, without weakening the force of its contractions.

After the fight: practice mixed breathing. Breathe calmly while waiting for the next contraction.

Once your cervix is ​​5 cm dilated, if your contractions are extremely painful, you may be given pain relief or an epidural. Of course, this is only if the room is suitably equipped and you express your consent.

Second stage of labor

WITH full expansion Once the cervix is ​​reached, you enter the second stage of labor and can now add your own efforts to the contractions of the uterus to push the baby out. This pushing, or pushing, is essentially the same muscle tension abdominal cavity, as when trying to empty the bowels when constipated.

With each contraction of the uterus (for pain), do two short breaths and exhale, then do deep breath, hold your breath and push for at least 10 to 15 seconds before exhaling. Take another quick breath and repeat your pushes. Thus, during each uterine contraction, try to make three or four focused pushes. Between contractions, relax and try to get as much rest as possible.

There is an opinion that the term “caesarean section” owes its appearance to Julius Caesar, who, according to legend, was born as a result of surgical removal from the womb of a mother who died during childbirth.

Your doctor will advise you on which position to take for pushing and labor. When pushing, you can be in a strictly vertical position so that gravity helps you; You can also take other positions - kneeling, squatting, or sitting upright, leaning on the headboard. Don’t let the thought that when pushing you need to control the possibility of involuntary bowel movement bowel or urine leakage.

The baby's head moves down towards the vaginal opening and the skin around it stretches with each contraction of the uterus. Soon the head can already be seen in this hole. The obstetrician, applying antiseptic creams, tries to stretch the vaginal opening as much as possible to facilitate the birth of the head, but if it is obvious that it can tear the surrounding tissues of the birth canal, a small incision is made between the vagina and anus - an episiotomy (cut of the perineum) - to expand vaginal opening (baby's passage) and prevent tissue rupture.

Episiotomy is performed under local anesthesia, its implementation and subsequent suturing, as a rule, does not cause pain. As the head is being delivered, stop your pushing by taking a deep breath and exhaling so that as you exhale, the head slowly comes out with the help of your provider's hands. When the baby's head appears, the baby's eyes, mouth and nose are carefully cleared of mucus. The shoulders and the rest of the baby's body then appear, after which the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the baby is thus separated from the mother. There are no nerve endings in the umbilical cord, and it does not hurt the baby.

Temperature change environment and touching the baby is enough stimulation for him to take his first breath. The cry of a newborn is one of the most convincing sounds in the birth block. The child is cleaned of blood and mucus, dried and wrapped in diapers.

What position should you take during expulsion of the fetus?

That's a moot point.

As a rule, women give birth on the maternity (gynecological) table, lying on their backs with the notes raised on stands. This position is convenient especially for the doctor and obstetrician, who can clearly see everything and easily provide necessary help. However, it is not considered optimal for facilitating labor.

The “squatting” position is physiologically more suitable for a woman in labor, but is not typical of our medical traditions.

Application of knowledge acquired in preparatory courses

At the end of the stage of cervical dilatation, the baby’s head, which by this time has already overcome the exit from the small pelvis, presses on the muscles of the perineum, reflexively causing pushing. The desire to push is so strong that it overshadows all other sensations, even pain during uterine contractions. At this stage, you must strictly follow the instructions of your doctor or midwife. If you are told not to push, then, despite the overwhelming desire, you should not do this, since the cervix is ​​not fully dilated, and you will not allow the baby to move further along the birth canal.

The urge to push, which becomes almost irresistible when the baby's head begins to press on the muscles of the vagina and perineum, is very difficult to control. Now, in the best possible way, it will help you correct breathing, the skills of which you acquired in childbirth preparation courses.

At the moment of contraction inhale slowly through your nose, then exhale slowly through your open mouth.

When you hear the midwife shout, “Push!” - this means that the moment has come to release the child.

Pushing is not painful. Using the strength of your abdominal muscles, you push the baby out. And here, too, proper breathing plays an important role.

At the beginning of the fight: practice mixed breathing, while relaxing the muscles of the perineum.

During the fight: inhale air through your nose, mouth closed.

Hold your breath while straining abdominal muscles. Don't breathe for as long as possible. The air from the lungs presses on the diaphragm, which in turn puts pressure on the uterus, pushing it forward.
In this case, another breathing technique is preferable, based not on holding the breath, but on a controlled exhalation, that is, on a very slow exhalation with relaxation of the perineal muscles. It requires more thorough preparation.

After the fight: breathe deeply.

Between contractions, you relax all your muscles and breathe calmly.

As each new contraction begins, you follow the midwife's instructions. She will guide your birth until the end.

When the head appears in the vagina, you will be asked to stop pushing so that the muscles of the perineum and vagina can relax. At this moment, relax as much as possible. Breathe slowly. The midwife will release the baby's head to prevent tears in the perineal muscles.

Once the head comes out, more pushing will be required to get the whole body out. After the birth of your child, you will rest.

The umbilical cord is crossed between two clamps. From this moment on, the child is physiologically independent. A new life begins for him.

Third stage of labor

Although the baby has already been born, the placenta is still in the womb. With the help of fairly moderate contractions of the uterus, the placenta and membranes are forced out of the uterus. Sometimes, expulsion of the placenta requires the help of a doctor: he places one hand on the upper part of the uterus, and with the other he gently pulls the umbilical cord. The midwife or doctor carefully examines the placenta to make sure it has come out completely. If part of the placenta remains in the uterus, it can cause heavy bleeding. After the placenta is delivered, the mother is given an injection of the drug Methergine to help the uterus contract and become small and firm and to prevent bleeding.

If an episiotomy was performed, a suture is placed on the perineum and it is processed antiseptic solution, then it is superimposed on it gauze swab with antiseptic cream, which is covered with a sanitary pad. Now you can finally sit back and relax, then drink a cup of coffee or tea and hold your baby in your arms. If you are able to feed your baby, you can immediately put him to your breast.

Some women in labor immediately after childbirth experience a slight rise in temperature and tremors in the body. This normal reaction body - after all, you have done a lot of physical work.

Birth of twins

Having twins is not particularly difficult. Labor is just longer. 15-30 minutes after the birth of the first child, contractions resume, leading to the birth of the second child.

Expulsion of the fetus is usually easier since twins are often much smaller in size. If these are fraternal twins (separate amniotic sacs), then after the birth of the first child, they pierce the amniotic sac of the second and wait for contractions to resume.

Expulsion of the placenta occurs after the birth of the second child, regardless of whether the pregnancy is dizygotic or monozygotic. Blood loss during the birth of twins is significantly higher than during the birth of one child, and the risk of bleeding is also higher. Therefore, when multiple pregnancy You should give birth in well-equipped maternity hospitals.

The eldest child is the one born first.

How to ease early labor

The early stage usually lasts from 5 to 12 hours and is necessary for the cervix to open and smooth out and look not like a cylinder with thick walls, but like a thin jar. The best thing you can do during the first stage of labor is to eat a little and rest, preferably on your left side. In addition, you can take a walk around the house or along the street so that everything goes faster and everything, including the child, progresses correctly.

As contractions intensify, you may need someone to support you or need a distraction.

This stage of labor is the longest and can take longer if you are nervous. Most likely, you will be at home at this time, but you can try to tune in to calm contractions and childbirth by remembering the techniques that will help in the hospital.

In fact, in most cases, a woman can stay at home until active labor:

  • start by putting yourself in the right frame of mind. Dim the lights and surround yourself with things you love: favorite photos, music, scented candles, maybe play an audiobook
  • If you don't have a doula or coach and just a partner, call a family member or friend to support you during these hours. It is best that she is a woman who has already given birth, but the most important thing is that you feel good around her. This will help you and give your partner a rest before the fun begins.
  • Even if you don't walk, stand during contractions. You can lean your elbows on your partner, girlfriend, chair or back of a chair. It's best to fold a few towels and place them on the kitchen table so you can lean on it and rest your hands. In addition, you can squat while holding an aerobics ball in front of you or leaning on it; roll forward on your knees as your uterus contracts to relieve pain
  • You might think that putting pressure on your stomach will make things worse, but in fact any massage helps the body release endorphins and relieve pain. Ask your partner to massage your neck or feet to take your mind off contractions, or have him or her apply pressure to your tailbone during each contraction. You can also create a massage device by placing a tennis ball in a sports sock and asking your partner to massage your back with it.
  • imagine the things that make you happy: holding a baby in your arms, seeing a Bermuda beach you once visited, or picnicking in an Italian olive grove again on your honeymoon
  • change positions frequently. This may help the baby move further into the pelvis; if you get tired from walking, try getting on all fours and rocking back and forth
  • on early stage the best way to distract yourself is warm water, because in water you feel less stressed, and it also helps relieve back pain. Sit in a jacuzzi or stand in the shower, directing the water jets onto your back. (If your water has already broken, ask your doctor or midwife if this is okay.)
  • try to drink more liquid. You can drink water. juices or sports drinks - this will help you keep moving because the more you drink, the more often you will have to go to the toilet. If you feel nauseous, drink fluids between contractions or suck fruit ice from natural juice

Childbirth is a physiological process that occurs naturally and ends with the birth of a child. It is normal that every woman worries on the eve of such an important event. But fears and worries should not prevent her from safely relieving herself of the burden. Going through all stages of childbirth is not an easy test, but at the end of this journey a miracle awaits a woman.

The initial stage (precursors) is practically painless, so pregnant women often doubt the sensations they experience. Let's try to figure out what signs indicate the onset of labor, how to distinguish between its periods and facilitate the process of bringing a child into the world.

Harbingers of childbirth, what are they?

Precursors of childbirth are changes in a woman’s body that begin at approximately 37 weeks of pregnancy. On later the following changes occur:

  1. Sharp weight loss. A decrease in body weight of 1-2 kg at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy is absolutely normal. During this period, excess fluid is gradually eliminated from the body, which signals the beginning of its preparation for childbirth.
  2. Frequent urination and diarrhea. An increased urge to go to the toilet indicates that labor can begin at any time. The baby is rapidly gaining weight and by the end of pregnancy the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the woman’s intestines and bladder.
  3. . A pregnant woman who closely monitors her health may notice changes in daily vaginal discharge. An increase in their number and the presence of a small lump or streaks of mucus are a consequence of the preparation of the cervix for childbirth. But if the discharge is abundant, with an unpleasant odor and mixed with blood, you need to urgently contact your local gynecologist or call an ambulance.
  4. Aching pain in the lower abdomen or back. Such discomfort is usually associated with. They do not have a clear periodicity, do not become more frequent and eventually stop. This is how the muscle tissue prepares for the upcoming work during childbirth. Training contractions usually subside when changing body position.
  5. . This is a sign that the baby is preparing for birth. If he took correct position, then its head is already inserted into the small pelvis. During this period, pregnant women report lightness, despite big belly. This happens because the uterus, along with the baby, moves down and frees up more space for the lungs, stomach and other internal organs future mother. If a woman is bothered, it usually goes away after the abdomen subsides.
  6. Changes in the cervix (smoothing, softening). The woman does not feel them; the obstetrician-gynecologist can judge the readiness of the cervix for childbirth during the examination.
  7. Decline motor activity fetus At the end of pregnancy, a woman notices that the baby begins to move less. This is normal, because he is growing quickly and there is less and less room for movement. But you can't ignore it too much active behavior child during this period. Often it signals that the baby does not have enough oxygen.

To dispel doubts, you need to undergo an examination (ultrasound, CTG, Doppler sonography) and consult a doctor.

Periods of labor: their duration and characteristics

Childbirth consists of certain stages of labor. There are three of them in total, and each woman has to make some efforts to help a new person be born.

Normally, the first birth lasts 8-12 hours, the second and subsequent ones pass faster. But there may be cases of prolonged (more than 18 hours) or rapid labor, when about an hour passes from the start of contractions to the birth of the child.

First stage of labor

This is one of the longest periods of labor in obstetrics. It begins with aching stretching in the lower abdomen or back. There are three active phases:

  1. Latent phase. Uterine contractions become regular, the interval between them decreases, they are repeated at intervals of 15-20 minutes. Typically, after 5-6 hours of such contractions, the cervix dilates by 4 cm.
  2. Active phase. The intensity and pain of contractions increases. The woman has 5-6 minutes to try to rest between contractions. At this stage, amniotic fluid may leak. If necessary, a doctor helps this process. Thanks to frequent painful contractions, which follow each other with increasing frequency, after a few hours the opening of the uterine pharynx is already 8 cm.
  3. Transition phase. Pain sensations decrease slightly. The woman in labor may feel the urge to push. But until the uterus is fully dilated, this cannot be done, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the child and harming your own health. The phases of the first period end when the obstetrician-gynecologist ascertains full disclosure at 10 cm.

It also happens that labor begins not with contractions, but with the rupture of amniotic fluid or bloody discharge. That is why a woman should especially carefully monitor her health during pregnancy.

The slightest suspicion or doubt is a reason to go to the maternity hospital and make sure that everything is fine with the child. Timely examination by a specialist can prevent possible complications and accurately determine whether labor has begun.

Second stage of labor

As you know, the periods of labor and their duration are individual for each woman and proceed differently for everyone. At the second stage, the woman in labor will face a difficult, but very important work. Its result will depend on the joint efforts of the woman and the medical staff of the maternity hospital.

So, opening the neck of the shirt by 10 cm and pushing is a sign that the body is completely ready for the birth of a child.

During this period, the woman in labor should listen to the obstetrician, who will tell her how to push and breathe correctly. Usually the doctor recommends dialing at the beginning of a contraction. full breasts air, hold your breath and push the baby out. Then, breathe out and start all over again. During one fight, it is advisable to do three such approaches.

During the second stage of labor, to avoid multiple tears, it may be necessary to make an incision in the perineum (episiotomy). This is required if the child has a large head or heavy weight. After the end of childbirth, a woman under local or general anesthesia sutures are placed at the incision sites.

The baby's head is not born immediately; at first it appears and disappears several times in the perineum, then, finally, it is fixed in the pelvis of the woman in labor. If a woman follows the advice of the obstetrician, then the baby will be fully born at the next push.

After his birth, the umbilical cord is clamped with special sterile instruments, then it is cut and the baby is placed on the mother’s chest. After hard and intense work, a woman’s body produces endorphin (“the hormone of happiness”), thanks to which pain and fatigue are forgotten.

Third stage of labor

The stages of labor are coming to their logical conclusion, all that remains is to give birth to the placenta. The uterus begins to contract again, but the intensity painful sensations decreases significantly and, after several attempts, the woman gets rid of the placenta.

Then, the gynecologist carefully examines the birth canal for cracks and tears. If the placenta comes out entirely, and the woman in labor has no injuries, then after all the necessary manipulations the woman is left to rest.

When the placenta does not come out completely, doctors have to perform a manual examination of the uterus. The procedure takes place under anesthesia and the woman’s condition is monitored over the next few hours.

The third period for a happy mother passes almost unnoticed. The baby is taken from her to be weighed and evaluated. general condition. She no longer feels pain, all her attention is concentrated on the newborn, who is being put to the breast for the first time.

Methods to facilitate the birth process

The stages of childbirth differ from each other in the nature and frequency of pain.

But there are several ways and techniques that can make the process easier. These include:

  1. Walking and changing body position during contractions. Many doctors recommend that a woman, during intense dilatation of the cervix, move as much as possible and choose the most comfortable poses. The speed of opening of the uterine pharynx depends on how much the woman in labor can relax. During a contraction, the uterus is tense and the expectant mother herself involuntarily contracts in pain. Muscle tissue in such conditions it is difficult to reduce quickly. Therefore, a woman should study the process of childbirth step by step in order to know what is happening to her body. The faster she can relax her abdominal muscles, the rather a baby will be born.
  2. Massage painful areas. Since a woman in labor cannot always make the necessary efforts on her own, such a matter cannot be done without outside help(husband, mother, sister or friend). Massaging sacral zone and by acting on painful points during a contraction, the partner thereby switches the woman’s attention and helps her relax.
  3. Breathing exercises. As is known, during the period of strong contractions, a woman in labor periodically experiences respiratory rhythm disturbances. This leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the child and threatens his health. Therefore, you need to choose a suitable technique that will help to the expectant mother deal with the problem.
  4. Positive attitude and self-confidence. Oddly enough, this approach to childbirth is quite effective. When a woman is afraid of pain and allows herself to panic, she loses control over the process. And vice versa, as soon as she manages to pull herself together, the contractions are easier to bear.
  5. . This method of pain relief is used during childbirth when the cervix is ​​dilated by 4-5 cm. A special catheter is inserted into the epidural space, which is located in the lower back. Through it, a drug that blocks pain sensations enters the mother’s body. After some time, its effect weakens or stops completely so that the woman can feel contractions and fully participate in labor. birth process. Anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist only with the written consent of the woman in labor.

A woman preparing to become a mother can get all the information she needs directly from her doctor. However, in addition to theory, practical skills are also needed. There are courses for future parents for this purpose.

By attending such classes, pregnant women learn how to behave correctly during childbirth, get acquainted with various breathing techniques and massage techniques. Instructors not only tell, but also clearly demonstrate all the techniques and ways to facilitate the birth process.




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