How to promote dilatation of the cervix. Cervix before childbirth

Basically, labor begins naturally, after about 37 weeks, and logically ends with the birth of the baby. But there are cases when this does not happen or there are other medical indicators for the onset of labor.

Also, labor that began spontaneously may not proceed so well, and then stop altogether. Contractions may stop or be insufficient to dilate the cervix further. Doctors call such labor activity weak.

If 12 hours after the water breaks, labor does not begin, doctors advise using stimulation. Accordingly, it is carried out very carefully and only under the supervision of a doctor. Be sure to take into account whether the woman is allergic to any medications.

There are medicinal and, accordingly, non-medicinal methods of influencing the cervix. There are also several signs that stimulation is a must:

  • if a woman suffers from gestosis, diabetes or high blood pressure;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid (there is a risk of infection);
  • the uterus is too stretched (may be a consequence of polyhydramnios, twins or a large child);
  • the uterus does not open;
  • short and weak contractions, or their cessation altogether;
  • complications with the heart or Rh conflict can also serve as a reason for stimulation;
  • premature placental abruption. This is very dangerous, as it can threaten the life of the child;
  • some have late toxicosis;
  • deterioration in the condition of mother and baby.

Induction of labor is recommended in cases where the baby is post-term. A pregnancy is considered post-term if it lasts more than 40 weeks. Each doctor must make his own decision: stimulate or wait. Moreover, the waiting period may vary. For some it’s a week, for others it’s two. In this case, it is best to place the woman in a maternity hospital in order to fully control the process and, if necessary, promptly allow childbirth.

The decision on stimulation and how to speed up the dilatation of the cervix before childbirth is made by the doctor. He must determine what is more dangerous: continuing to wait or inducing labor.

A non-medicinal method is puncture of the amniotic sac or amniotomy. This procedure is carried out if the dilation occurs only by 2 cm and stops. The result is increased labor activity. When the amniotic sac is punctured, amniotic fluid is released, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure. The baby's head presses on the pelvic bones, which further dilates the cervix. This method is considered quite safe and painless, since no harm is caused to the baby and the amniotic sac simply does not have nerve endings. If sufficient dilation does not occur after amniotomy, then doctors then use medications to speed up the dilation of the cervix.

One of the medicinal methods of stimulation is the use of prostaglandins. They help prepare the cervix for dilation. The method of using prostaglandins is good because the side effects are minimal. The doctor inserts the suppository deep into the vagina. Such actions are carried out for only one purpose - to help the cervix open faster. And this is already the beginning of labor. Suppositories are absolutely harmless and act only on the mother’s body, without causing any harm to the baby. The effect of the suppositories begins after 30 minutes, and before that you can calmly move around the room and wait for the medicine to take effect.

Oxytocin stimulation. This is another type of medication to speed up the dilatation of the cervix before childbirth. Oxytocin can be in the form of tablets, in the form of a solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, and especially intravenous administration. Side effects: increased pain during childbirth (therefore, it is used, for the most part, in conjunction with antispasmodics), too much contractile activity of the uterus, and, as a result, poor circulation and harm to the health of the child.

If oxytocin is taken through a drip, then the woman is completely immobilized, which can also negatively affect the further dilatation of the cervix. For some expectant mothers, walking around the room can be a natural way to dilate the cervix. It is worth remembering that each person is individual.

There are several ways to prepare the uterus before childbirth:

  • eat more salads dressed with vegetable oil;
  • walking and swimming, especially diving, is necessary as much as possible. Walking barefoot works especially well;
  • ear and little finger massage;
  • use a decoction of raspberry leaves;
  • oddly enough, have more sex (especially in the position on all fours);
  • drink tea with lemon, dark chocolate and honey.

All of the above can be used only after 37 weeks. But before doing anything, you should definitely consult a doctor. You should make sure that there are no contraindications.

So, of course, to allow labor to occur, many doctors use medications. At the same time, all psychologists say one thing: childbirth is as stressful for a child as it is for its mother. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may seem, a woman should think first of all about the baby. Usually, after stimulation, labor enters the active phase. Pain is an integral part of labor, but you always need to control yourself and think not about yourself, but about the tiny person who is even worse off than she is.

The expectant mother should definitely study the literature, which describes in detail how to behave during childbirth. Even the minimum of information received will help during contractions. It is also necessary to do physical exercises. All this will lead to the fact that the fear of childbirth will decrease and, as a result, the woman will be able, for her part, to control and help resolve childbirth. The most important thing is to “listen” to your body - this is the best stimulation of labor before childbirth

The process of delivering a pregnancy is interesting to every expectant mother. Most multiparous women already have an idea of ​​what they will have to face. Newly-made mothers-to-be are in a state of excitement and uncertainty before giving birth. In order for the baby to appear according to all the rules and naturally, the woman must be fully pregnant. It is this process that will be discussed in the article. You will learn the main stages and timing of the transformation of the cervical canal. You can also find out what it means when the cervix is ​​dilated by 1 finger.

reproductive organ

A woman's uterus is a unique and very interesting organ. Inside, it is lined with a mucous membrane, which constantly changes during the menstrual cycle. With the onset of conception, this so-called pouch becomes the place where the fetus grows and develops.

The uterus consists of several parts. At the very beginning it has an entrance, which is called the internal pharynx. A tube comes out of it. This segment ends with another mouth, only this time external. This opening is the cervix. It is already located in the woman’s vagina. It is there that the future baby passes during childbirth.

Cervix during pregnancy

During pregnancy, this mucous membrane is tightly sealed. A plug collects in its internal space, which will come out only shortly before the onset of labor. In this way, the baby is reliably protected from infection entering his body.

The cervix may be slightly open during the second and subsequent pregnancies. However, the internal pharynx is still securely and tightly sealed. This prevents the fetus from causing premature birth. When the time comes for the baby to be born, the cervical canal begins to gradually expand. This can normally happen after However, most expectant mothers feel signs of cervical dilatation only a few days before giving birth.

Cervical dilatation

Immediately before the birth of the baby, an increased expansion of the cervical canal occurs. Most often, this process is carried out between the 36th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. However, in some cases, premature dilatation of the cervix occurs. You will learn about it in more detail below.

A slight expansion of the cervical canal is facilitated by training contractions. During them, the woman feels tension in the front wall of the abdomen. The uterus becomes very hard and presses on the bottom. In most cases, such sensations do not pose any threat to the life of the child and the condition of the expectant mother. However, if training contractions appear more than four times in an hour, then you should notify your doctor about this.

How is the cervix dilated before childbirth? This process may occur in several stages. Let's consider how the expansion of the cervical canal is carried out (stages and timing).

First stage: slow

At this point, the woman’s contractions are already quite regular. The uterus contracts at intervals of 7-10 minutes. In this case, the duration of one contraction is 30-50 seconds. The woman notes that the sensations are painless, but there is some discomfort.

Usually, in the first stage of labor, the cervix is ​​dilated by 1 finger. In this case, in first-time mothers, the internal os first expands. Only after this the external hole is transformed. Women who have already given birth undergo simultaneous opening of the cervical canal along its entire length.

The first stage of cervical dilatation can last from 4 to 12 hours. At the end of this period, nagging pain in the lower back occurs. Many representatives of the fairer sex compare these sensations with menstrual pain.

Second stage: fast

During this period, the woman should already be in the maternity hospital. Only in a medical institution can specialists sensibly assess the condition of a woman in labor and, if necessary, provide her with timely assistance. Contractions during rapid dilatation of the cervix are already quite painful. They are noted at intervals of one or two minutes. In this case, the duration of contraction of the reproductive organ can be approximately 3-5 minutes.

The speed at this stage is one centimeter per hour. However, these data can be considered conditional. Each woman’s body is individual, and the process can proceed completely differently.

Stage three: full disclosure

When the cervical canal is fully dilated, the expectant mother is already in the maternity hospital. During this period, the baby’s head has already entered the pelvis and the baby is ready to be born. Doctors place the woman in labor on a special chair called a table and ask her to push.

Full dilatation of the cervix always results in childbirth. After this, a reverse transformation of the cervical canal and the woman’s reproductive organ occurs.

Stage four: narrowing of the cervix

The cervix remains dilated by 1 finger after childbirth for approximately one month. In the first days after the process, the cervical canal can be expanded up to five centimeters. The uterus remains enlarged and gradually shrinks in size.

Around the end of the fourth week, the reproductive organ returns to normal, and the cervix becomes the same as before childbirth. It is worth noting that in women who have given birth, the entrance to the cervical canal has an oblong shape. Whereas for representatives of the fairer sex who have not yet become mothers, it is round.

Dilatation of the cervix by 1 finger: when to give birth?

Many representatives of the fairer sex who are preparing to become mothers hear a similar diagnosis. What does it mean?

Gynecologists and obstetricians always measure the dilation of the cervical canal in their fingers. Full opening of the reproductive organ creates a hole of 10 centimeters. One finger is equal to approximately two centimeters. If you have the position of the cervix described above, then you can assume that the opening in the cervical canal has reached approximately 2 cm. When can you expect the onset of labor? It all depends on the woman’s body. Let's look at a few popular situations.

Labor will begin in a few hours

If the expectant mother has a one-centimeter dilatation of the cervical canal, then labor may well begin within a few hours. In this case, the position of the cervix must also be taken into account. It should be straight. It is also necessary to determine the length of the cervical canal. This distance does not exceed one centimeter. If these indicators are distinctive, then, most likely, the woman is not yet quite ready for the birth of a baby.

There are a few weeks left before the birth

How to determine cervical dilatation? Very simple. This can be done by an obstetrician or gynecologist during a routine examination. When the cervical canal expands to one finger, a woman may well have several more months before giving birth. Often in multiparous women, such indicators are detected already at the 32nd week of pregnancy. However, representatives of the fairer sex safely carry the baby to term for the required 40 weeks.

If during such dilation there are no contractions, pain or bleeding from the vagina, then the woman is usually sent home. However, if the due date has already approached, and the cervix is ​​still not ready, then doctors perform stimulation. It consists in the introduction of certain medications that contribute to the rapid expansion of the cervical canal and the onset of contractions.

Can the cervix dilate prematurely?

It also happens that a woman’s cervical canal is one centimeter dilated, but the pregnancy is still quite short. In this case, we are talking about premature dilatation of the cervix. In this case, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Treatment is most often carried out emergency. In this case, the woman’s health status and the position of the amniotic sac must be taken into account.

If the cervix is ​​3 cm dilated, it is still quite possible to save the pregnancy. Usually, the expectant mother has stitches placed on the external os or a pessary is placed. These devices allow you to carry your baby to term and prevent further expansion of the mucous membranes.

When the dilation of the cervix is ​​quite large and the fetal bladder has already descended into the pharynx, there is practically no chance of carrying the child to term. In this case, the expectant mother is prescribed complete rest and at the same time, medications are administered to promote the rapid development of the fetus and the start of the functioning of its respiratory system.

Cervical dilatation: sensations

Can you feel that the cervical canal has expanded to one finger? The opinions of experts on this matter are very controversial. In most cases, a woman does not feel this process. It is asymptomatic and painless. However, many expectant mothers note the presence of training contractions. This is how the reproductive organ prepares to expel the fetus from its cavity.

You can feel the dilatation of the cervix by one finger quite clearly when the woman’s water breaks. In this case, the baby’s head descends into the small pelvis and puts strong pressure on the internal os, causing it to expand. The woman begins to feel regular cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which subsequently spreads to the entire abdominal cavity.

Another sign that the cervix is ​​one finger dilated is the release of the mucus plug. However, it may not come out completely, but only partially. With a stronger expansion of the cervical canal, the lump moves away completely.

What to do if the cervix is ​​one finger dilated?

Everything depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. If the expectant mother is already ready for childbirth and the fetus is full-term, then nothing needs to be done. Most likely, contractions will begin in the near future, which will end in natural childbirth.

If there are still several months left before the expected day of delivery, then it is necessary to sensibly assess the condition of the expectant mother. In some cases, correction with medications and bed rest is required. Other situations do not cause concern, and the woman can easily lead her usual lifestyle.

When the cervical dilatation process begins, particularly careful monitoring is necessary. The expectant mother should be examined in a chair at least at every appointment. In some cases, additional visits to the gynecologist are scheduled for diagnostics. Ultrasound examination may also be recommended to accurately determine the condition of the internal os.


You now know how the cervix opens during childbirth. You also found out the peculiarities of the situation when the cervical canal is expanded to one finger. Remember that if the cervix begins to open, infection of the fetus may occur. That is why you should avoid unprotected sexual intercourse, bathing and public bodies of water. Visit your doctor more often and follow all appointments. Have a successful birth!

Statistics show that the average person knows little about his body. Also, pregnant women, even those who have been planning a child for a long time, are not always interested in the process of childbirth itself: learning breathing techniques, knowing when to go to the maternity hospital and call an ambulance. We will talk about the last point in more detail in the article, because the beginning of labor is the dilation of the cervix. How does this happen, how much does the uterus open before the birth of a child?

About the cervix

During pregnancy, the child is located in a special reproductive organ - the uterus. It conventionally consists of three parts: the bottom, the body and the neck. Let's talk in more detail about the cervix, because the opening of this part of the organ is a full and long-awaited beginning of labor for the expectant mother.

The cervix is ​​a tube made of muscle tissue. It connects the main part of the uterus (or its body) and the vagina. During pregnancy, this tube is long and very narrow; nature specially provided this so that the child could not “jump” out of the uterus ahead of time.

Dilation of the cervix before childbirth is an unplanned process that can begin completely spontaneously, which is why many pregnant women are so interested in this issue so as not to be confused during childbirth and know exactly what to do.

Cervical ripening

What signs indicate that the uterus is beginning to prepare for labor?

There are many symptoms by which a woman can determine that the uterus is preparing for childbirth.
  1. The fundus of the uterus descends approximately three weeks before birth.
  2. Frequent urination and frequent constipation can easily be explained by the fact that the growing baby’s head puts pressure on the internal organs, in particular the bladder and intestines.
  3. Excitability of the uterus. You can feel, during stroking, physical activity or movement of the fetus, how the organ seems to turn to stone.
  4. Training contractions that so often confuse girls giving birth and force them to rush to the maternity hospital in the middle of the night, where after an examination the expectant mother is allowed to go home to rest in peace.
  5. Before childbirth, the cervix becomes softer, and the canal gradually shortens and widens, that is, it allows a finger to pass through.

If the cervix is ​​already ripe and contractions have not yet begun, doctors use a special system that clearly shows when the woman in labor needs help. The system or scale was developed by physician Bishop, it is based on the following criteria:

  1. Muscle tissue density. 0 points – without softening, 1 point – dense on the outside, 2 points – dense both inside and outside.
  2. Neck length. 0 points – more than two centimeters, 1 point – approximately one or two centimeters, 2 points – less than one centimeter.
  3. Location relative to the pelvis. 0 points - behind, 1 point - front, 2 points - in the center.
  4. Patency. 0 points – does not pass the fingertip, 1 point – passes the finger to the internal pharynx, 2 points – completely passes a finger or even two.

Attention! If the sum of points is more than five, then the uterus is considered mature.

Starting from the 38th week, the gynecologist in the maternity hospital or in the antenatal clinic sends the woman in labor for an ultrasound using the transvaginal method. Based on the examination results, a birth partogram is assigned.

With the help of transvaginal ultrasound, the doctor can better understand the condition of the mother's uterus.

Stages of disclosure

Many women in special courses conducted by obstetricians in antenatal clinics learn that natural preparation for childbirth begins in the thirty-second week, when the cervix begins to slowly soften. Dilation of the cervix normally occurs from the thirty-eighth week.

In a calm state during pregnancy, the cervix is ​​a long and narrow canal, as mentioned above. But with the onset of labor, the muscular tube shortens to one centimeter and opens. The final stage or full dilatation occurs when the cervix dilates ten centimeters.

Dilation of the uterus is a painful process

Opening occurs precisely during contractions, which is why they are needed. The cervix opens so that the baby can be born naturally. That is, when the doctor announces that the dilation of the cervix is ​​already one or two centimeters, it means that the labor mechanism has already started. Also, it is not always possible to hear from doctors “measurement” in centimeters, more often in fingers. One finger is approximately 2 cm.

The uterus opens relatively slowly and is undoubtedly painful. The first four centimeters are the longest and least painful, the rest are the opposite. It is worth noting that dilatation in girls who have already given birth progresses much faster, usually up to eight hours, while in those who have not given birth – up to twelve hours.

How does a woman feel when the cervix begins to dilate during childbirth? Often a pregnant woman does not feel anything, but this is discovered during a routine examination by a gynecologist. In this case, labor will begin very soon, after a maximum of a week and a half. However, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, is common and general weakness in those whose uterus has begun to dilate. In this case, you can take a painkiller; it will not harm the baby, but will alleviate the difficult condition of the mother.

Attention! You should not try to check for yourself whether there is an opening. It will be difficult to do this in any case; in a woman who is not yet prepared for childbirth, the uterus is turned back, and in those who give birth in the coming days, it is turned forward. If you are not aware of this feature, the uterus can be injured.

There are only two stages of disclosure:

  1. First. The longest, as mentioned above. Lasts up to 6 hours, the cervix opens by 4-5 cm. Contractions occur at intervals of up to five minutes.
  2. At what dilatation does a woman enter the delivery room? The rapid second stage is already an active labor process; after every hour, dilation increases by one centimeter. Contractions occur every minute, and when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, labor begins. At this time, doctors offer their patients pain relief, because not everyone can withstand the pain of such a period. In addition to drug pain relief, other options are offered, for example, massage, various exercises, listening to calm or favorite music, or a warm bath.

Stages of cervical dilatation

Stimulation methods

The cervix does not always open naturally before childbirth, and sometimes there can be complications. Modern medicine encourages women in labor to preserve the chance of giving birth non-surgically until the last moment. The decision to stimulate must be made as quickly as possible, because from the moment the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen, the aging placenta can no longer cope with its functions.

  1. Sinestrol. Injections are made to ensure that the uterus matures to the desired stage; this drug does not affect the onset of contractions.
  2. Kelp sticks. They are inserted into the cervix, their length reaches five centimeters. When exposed to moisture, they swell and thus open the muscle channel.
  3. Gel containing prostaglandins. One of the most popular and effective methods, opening begins within 2 hours.
  4. Enzaprost. The drug is administered intravenously and contains the same prostaglandins, for this reason the period of contractions is shortened, and opening occurs in an enhanced mode.

Methods for stimulating uterine dilatation

Some women try to “induce” labor on their own without a doctor’s prescription. What do they do for this:

  • physical activity (including cleaning and sex);
  • warm bath.

Regarding sex, it is also worth noting that semen contains the same prostaglandins that can provoke dilatation. However, after the mucus plug has come off, it is extremely dangerous to have sexual intercourse without protection, because there is a high probability that an infection can be introduced inside. For the same reason, during such a period you should not take a bath, in order for the uterus to open.

Attention! Physical activity is contraindicated for girls who have health problems, in particular blood pressure.

Premature disclosure

Dilatation of the cervix prematurely is a pathology, so if a woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting ahead of time, she should immediately consult a doctor. If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, you can get rid of such a disease, that is, the child will not be born prematurely or have a miscarriage at a later date.

The reasons for premature disclosure can be divided into two categories:

  1. Organic. Pathologies in obstetric history, for example, consequences of abortion, frequent miscarriages even in the early stages.
  2. Functional. A lack of a certain hormone in the female body or, conversely, a large amount of it.

If the cervix dilates prematurely, this can trigger premature labor.

Before starting therapy, the doctor sends the patient for a transvaginal ultrasound examination. Based on the reason, which can be determined based on the data after this examination, hormonal medications are prescribed or the cervix is ​​strengthened with special sutures, which are removed only at the thirty-eighth week.

How to help yourself when the cervix dilates earlier than planned:

  1. Be more in a horizontal position, that is, lying down.
  2. Do not be nervous. Leaving stress in a past life is now an enemy to the health of both the mother and the unborn baby.
  3. Take sedatives. If a woman is not able to control her emotional mood and behavior, then the doctor prescribes sedative medications.
  4. Take painkillers. For example, “No-shpa” or “Papaverine”.
  5. Ask your doctor about prescribing drugs.


The reasons for this phenomenon are extremely difficult to identify; this is undoubtedly considered a prenatal and birth complication. Women in labor who are not dilated are under special supervision and control of a doctor.

If dilation of the cervix cannot be achieved, then doctors decide to resort to a caesarean section.

It is very rarely possible to determine before birth whether there will be problems of this kind, and whether it is possible to do without stimulation, which doctors often resort to in this case. Stimulation, which is discussed in more detail above, is the last chance for the expectant mother to give birth on her own, that is, naturally, if dilatation does not occur, the woman will be taken for a cesarean section.

Effect of posture on opening

In many films, the woman is in a horizontal position during childbirth. This is already considered habitual, but this position slows down the opening and only makes it more painful. Contrary to popular belief, you need to give birth:

  1. In a vertical position. Gravity in this case plays a significant role, because thanks to it the child is directed directly downward when pushing. The fetus itself puts pressure on the cervix and forces it to actively open, the uterine passage expands, and the child comes “out into the light” more easily.
  2. In a sitting position. It is best to wait out the opening process on a fitball. This is a special large ball with an elastic but not hard surface, which is very important. In this position, pay attention to your legs; they should be spread wide apart.
Special exercises will stimulate the dilatation of the cervix

However, if the doctor still insists on a horizontal position, there is no point in refusing him, because some complications require just such a position, for example, breech presentation of the fetus.

To make the disclosure happen faster, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Walk more in the fresh air.
  2. Don’t forget to go to the toilet both small and big.
  3. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, make various salads, where the dressing is natural vegetable oils.
  4. Make and take a decoction of raspberry leaves.
  5. Stimulate nipples. Thanks to this, a hormone is released that is responsible for contractions in the uterus.
  6. Do exercises for pregnant women.

Dilatation begins on the eve of active labor and is precise. The uterus can open for a very long time, but this phenomenon is classified as a complication. On average, for women who have given birth for the first time, the period of contractions, during which the cervix opens before childbirth, lasts almost 12 hours, possibly less, everything depends individually on the body.

Just before childbirth, the cervix changes dramatically. A pregnant woman does not feel these changes, but the unborn child gets a chance to be born naturally. So how exactly does this reproductive organ change and when is medical attention needed to improve the dilatation of the uterus? We are looking for answers to these and other similar questions.

Ideal cervix before childbirth

The parameters characterizing the state of the uterus before childbirth are its location in the pelvis, state of softness and length. The softening of the cervix to the point where it can allow 1-2 fingers of the doctor inside indicates the readiness of the birth canal for the process of delivery. Such changes are accompanied by the release of the mucus plug. That is, the sooner the cervix begins to dilate, the sooner the woman in labor notices this sign of the onset of contractions.

Before childbirth, the cervix shortens. According to medical statistics, its length is about one centimeter. If we talk about the location, then it becomes in the center of the small pelvis, while during pregnancy the cervix is ​​tilted back.

Doctors evaluate all of the above parameters on a five-point scale. A score of 5 indicates that the uterus is ideally ready for childbirth. This condition is called a mature uterus.

Ways to stimulate cervical dilatation

The above are excellent prenatal parameters. But in practice, this does not always happen, and doctors resort to stimulating the process of cervical dilatation.

If a medical examination shows that the cervix is ​​not mature, and you are due to give birth soon, then it is quite acceptable to perform this process and stimulation. Not using it sometimes means dooming the child, given the fact that before birth the placenta “grows old” and cannot cope with its functions as before.

In practice, stimulation is done in four ways, sometimes with a combination of them:

  1. Sinestrol injections intramuscularly. The drug makes the cervix mature, but does not affect contractions.
  2. Insertion of kelp sticks into the cervix. Such sticks, 5 cm long, are placed in. After a few hours, they swell under the influence of moisture and thus open the cervical canal.
  3. Injection of a gel with prostaglandins into the cervical canal. This gel works quickly - and the neck opens in 2-3 hours.
  4. Administration of Enzaprost intravenously. This drug also contains prostaglandins. Thus, the period of contractions is reduced in time.

Sometimes women use self-induction of labor.

Among them:

  1. Enema. After it, the mucus plug comes off - and the cervix becomes mature. The procedure can only be used by women who have already reached their due date, that is, the baby is full-term.
  2. A warm bath is not recommended for loose plugs and waters. The procedure is also dangerous for women with high blood pressure.
  3. Sex acts as a medical stimulant, because sperm contains prostaglandins. That is, it promotes the maturity of the uterus. But pregnant women whose plug has already come out should not have sex. After all, there is a possibility of “catching” an infection in the uterus.
  4. Physical activity. This could be a brisk walk, washing the floors, or cleaning. Women with hypertension do not need to overdo these methods.

But such methods can be fraught with dangerous consequences.

Stages of cervical dilatation

The cervix goes through several stages of dilatation before childbirth. The first is called latent or slow. It lasts 4-6 hours with a dilatation of up to 4 cm. In this case, contractions occur every 6-7 minutes.

The second stage is called active or fast. Every hour the cervix dilates by 1 cm. This continues up to 10 cm, and contractions occur every minute.

The third stage is full disclosure. It characterizes the process of the onset of labor. Sometimes the dilation of the cervix is ​​premature. This is evidence of pathology and, without treatment, can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

A pregnant woman should remember that in the period before childbirth she needs to be prepared for the fact that labor will begin earlier. If you feel unwell or have other symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

Peace of mind and health to you!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

At the very end of pregnancy, a woman’s body begins to prepare for childbirth. Dilation of the cervix by 2 fingers is one of the signals that the long-awaited meeting with the baby should happen very soon. However, this does not always mean that the process of future childbirth has already started and is proceeding correctly. There are various situations when obvious symptoms of dilation may indicate a pathological course of pregnancy and threaten the health and life of the fetus. To understand what signs indicate the approach of childbirth, you need to know the structure of the female reproductive system and the processes that occur with it as the child is born.

The uterus consists of 3 parts: the fundus, the body of the uterus and the cervix. It has a cervical canal that connects the body of this hollow muscular organ and the vagina. During pregnancy, the internal uterine os is tightly closed. This helps prevent premature birth and protect the baby from infections. An additional barrier to infection of the fetus from the outside is the mucus plug. Before childbirth, the ratio of hormones in a woman’s body changes dramatically. The main female hormone estrogen decreases, and the level of oxytocin and prostaglandins increases. It is these hormones that influence the preparation of the reproductive system for an early birth.

What happens before childbirth?

Before childbirth, natural preparation for the opening of the internal pharynx begins, laid down by nature. During normal pregnancy, these processes begin in the body at approximately 36-37 weeks. By 38 weeks of pregnancy, a number of serious transformations should have already occurred in the cervix. How labor will proceed largely depends on her degree of readiness for childbirth. The cervix, in which the necessary changes have occurred for the birth of a child, is called mature. Obstetricians identify the following signs:

  • the uterus descends lower;
  • the birth canal becomes softer and more elastic;
  • the neck is smoothed out and shortened to about 1-2 cm, the entrance to it expands.

Symptoms of cervical dilatation by 1 cm, as a rule, occur without any peculiarities; the expectant mother does not experience any discomfort. Only a doctor can see the dilatation, which is at an early stage, during a routine examination of a pregnant woman. Such examinations in late pregnancy take place weekly. The dilatation of 1 finger is 1.5-2 cm. In women pregnant for the first time, this condition can persist for 10-14 days before birth and is not an indication for urgent hospitalization if all other indicators are normal and the gestational age is less than 40 weeks.

In multiparous women after 37-38 weeks, any symptoms of cervical dilation may mean that labor will occur within a few hours, since labor can develop much faster than in primiparous women. If a woman is expecting her second child, then dilation of the uterine pharynx by 2 fingers means that she is in labor and hospitalization is necessary.

Finger measurements

Symptoms of uterine dilatation do not appear in any way at the first stage. To find out how ready the body is for childbirth, the woman is examined in a gynecological chair. This procedure includes visual and manual inspection. One of the ways to determine the degree of dilation, which is most accessible to an obstetrician-gynecologist, is to insert fingers into the cervical canal. The unit of measurement accepted in obstetric terminology is the width of the finger. The degree of cervical dilatation is deciphered as follows:

  1. The dilation of 1 finger is 1.5-2 cm. It is typical for the preparatory stage for childbirth. It may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, mild and irregular aching pain in the lumbar region.
  2. Two fingers freely passing into the cervical canal indicate the beginning of the active phase of labor, which is accompanied by regular contractions with equal intervals between them. The width of the cervical canal is already approximately 4 cm. The frequency of contractions at this stage is approximately 2-3 contractions per 10 minutes. The fetal head descends into the pelvic area and puts pressure on the uterus, causing it to contract more strongly. This process contributes to further opening of the pharynx, which reaches 8-10 cm by the beginning of the next stage of labor.
  3. The dilation of 4-5 fingers is 8-10 cm and is complete. At this point, the body is ready to expel the fetus. This means that the baby will be born very soon.

After labor enters the active phase, starting from 2 fingers, cervical dilatation in women giving birth for the first time occurs by 1 cm per hour; in women expecting their second and subsequent children, this process occurs much faster.

Premature manifestation

Symptoms of uterine dilatation may indicate a pathology of pregnancy, which poses a danger to the fetus if the period is less than 38 weeks and the cervix is ​​open by 2 cm or more. In this case, the pregnant woman requires urgent hospitalization, as this condition can lead to premature birth. If the dilatation is 1 finger, then doctors usually prescribe drug therapy and complete rest. While the woman is in the hospital, the condition of the fetus is constantly checked, the heart rate is monitored using cardiotocography, and, if necessary, ultrasound diagnostics with Doppler ultrasound are performed.

When the cervix is ​​dilated by 2 fingers in women who are up to 34-35 weeks pregnant, doctors take emergency measures to stop premature birth. One way to stop the process that has begun is to apply sutures to the cervical canal. Another common method of stopping premature dilatation is the placement of a pessary.

These measures, in combination with taking medications and maintaining complete rest, make it possible to stop the onset of labor. Depending on the health of the expectant mother and the characteristics of the pregnancy, after taking emergency measures, a woman can carry the baby to term, despite a slight dilatation of the cervix.

Organ immaturity

But the opposite situation also happens, when the gestational age is 40-41 weeks, and symptoms of throat opening are partially or completely absent. This indicates the immaturity of the cervix and its unpreparedness for childbirth. This condition also poses a danger to the unborn child, since by 40 weeks the placenta exhausts its ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Extended pregnancy can lead to hypoxia and even asphyxia of the baby.

There are many reasons why symptoms of cervical dilatation may be absent or false:

  • structural features of the pelvic organs;
  • severe stress that interferes with disclosure;
  • lack of necessary hormones;
  • severe muscle spasms;
  • oligohydramnios;
  • erosion;
  • age over 35 years.

If the pregnancy is approaching the day of the expected birth, and the condition of the cervical canal indicates that it is not ready for childbirth, then the attending physician may prescribe certain procedures and medications in order to speed up the process. There are several methods, medicinal and non-medicinal.

Non-drug methods of accelerating labor include:

  • physical exercises that stimulate the expansion of the cervical canal and the opening of the uterine os (cleaning, long walks, climbing stairs);
  • sexual intercourse (during sexual intercourse, blood circulation in the uterus increases, and seminal fluid contains a large number of prostaglandins, which affect the dilation of the cervix and provoke the onset of contractions);
  • cleansing enema (provokes irritation of the posterior uterine wall, which causes expansion of the uterine pharynx).

These methods must be used with caution. After all, excessive physical activity can harm the child. Unprotected sexual intercourse after the mucus plug has passed can lead to infection of the fetus. Therefore, you should not decide on the need for such measures on your own. All actions must be coordinated with the gynecologist who is observing the woman during pregnancy.

Drug stimulation of labor

There are cases when there are symptoms of cervical dilatation, such as the passage of the mucous plug, regular contractions, rupture of amniotic fluid, but the os of the cervical canal allows no more than 1-2 fingers to pass through. This indicates weak labor and requires its stimulation with medications. In medicine, there are several ways to speed up labor:

  1. Stimulation with tablets containing prostaglandins. This is one of the simplest ways to speed up disclosure. It is a method of preparation for childbirth, and not an emergency measure.
  2. Insertion of a gel with synthetic prostaglandins into the vagina. The procedure is carried out several times a day, monitoring the condition of the patient and the fetus.
  3. Kelp sticks. They are inserted into the cervical canal, where they swell and gradually mechanically open the cervix.
  4. A Foley catheter also mechanically opens the uterine os and is considered the fastest way to prepare for labor.
  5. A dropper with the hormone oxytocin. This method is used most often. Oxytocin stimulates labor. Under its influence, the opening occurs much faster, and the contractions become more intense.

If medications to induce labor do not produce results, the cervix does not dilate, and the baby’s life is at risk, doctors usually decide to perform an emergency caesarean section.

Symptoms of cervical dilatation cannot be ignored at any stage of pregnancy. A woman should immediately report any changes in her condition to her doctor. This will help prevent possible pathologies in time and take all measures to normalize the course of pregnancy and labor.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs