Stimulation of labor: mom is tired of waiting, baby, come quickly! Stimulation of labor. Natural stimulation of labor

It’s already 40 weeks, the 41st has begun, and the baby doesn’t even think that it’s time for him to be born. About 10% of women deal with this problem. Passively waiting for contractions is not always the best solution; sometimes you can help yourself and provoke the onset of labor. There are different methods of stimulation: both artificial and medicinal (such methods are used in extreme cases, already in the maternity hospital). If no pathologies are detected in the expectant mother, and the doctor approves of this, then labor can be induced at home using safe methods.

The point is to provoke the onset of labor with the help of physical activity and other provoking factors. Such actions are resorted to when the expectant mother is already significantly past term for the baby.

Before you start doing anything to speed up labor, you should think about whether stimulation is really necessary in this situation. After all, the expected date of birth is just that, it is assumed; it does not carry any accuracy. This is a kind of guideline for doctors and young mothers.

It is impossible to draw conclusions that the pregnancy is post-term based only on the date of expected birth. You can think about stimulation only after 40 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

If, however, post-term pregnancy is confirmed, you need to make sure that actions to stimulate the birth process will not harm either the mother or the baby.

First, you need to make sure that the condition of the woman and child is normal. It is advisable to regularly undergo CTG after the 38th week, which allows you to determine the condition of the child according to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

It is also additionally worthwhile to undergo an ultrasound examination, which shows not only the general condition of the fetus, but also the degree of maturation of the placenta and the condition of the uterine muscles. Based on the results of these studies, we can draw conclusions about the advisability of inducing labor at home or in a hospital.

Is it advisable to induce labor?

Is labor stimulation necessary at all? Is it worth interfering with the natural development of the situation? The key point here is that the course of pregnancy should be normal, without any abnormalities or pathologies. It is very important to consult your doctor before deciding to undergo stimulation.

Inducing labor at home

If, after all, the doctor approved of the mother’s desire to speed up the process somewhat, the results of tests and medical examinations are normal, what to do? How to help your baby be born faster?

Stimulation of labor at home is as follows:

  1. Walking, step up the stairs. The best method, and perhaps the safest, would be walking during the day and evening. You can also replace elevator rides with climbing stairs on your own. When a woman is in an upright position, the fetus descends faster. However, physical activity should not be abused if the due date has not yet approached. This can cause uterine tone.
  2. Rubbing the nipples. With active stimulation of the nipples, the body produces a hormone such as oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine contractions and contractions. During the massage, the entire palm should be used, it should be placed on top of the chest and make rotational movements. After 15 minutes, move to the other breast and repeat. The procedure must be continued for at least an hour, otherwise there will be no result. It is advisable to do this massage three times a day. You can also wrap your hand in a terry towel.
  3. Intimacy. This method is perhaps the most reliable, especially if the woman experiences orgasm, which causes uterine contractions. But even without this, during sex, the expectant mother’s body produces oxytocin, which was mentioned above. And male sperm contains a large amount of prostaglandins - substances that soften the cervix and prepare it for opening.
  4. Eating spicy food. Spicy foods stimulate the intestines, as a result of which the walls of the uterus contract, however, you should be extremely careful with this method. As a rule, towards the end of the term, a young mother begins to experience severe heartburn from almost everything she eats, and from spicy food the amount of burning bile in the esophagus will increase significantly. It is worth noting that such methods should be approached with extreme caution and after prior consultation with a doctor.

There are folk remedies for inducing labor:

  1. Raspberry leaves. Our great-grandmothers induced labor by taking a decoction of raspberry leaves. This drink prepares the walls of the uterus and speeds up the onset of the process. It is believed that if you drink such a decoction during contractions, the second stage of labor will pass much faster than usual. Therefore, if a young mother has any structural features of the pelvis or has health problems, it is better not to use this method, since due to the speed of the process, doctors will not have time to take the necessary measures.
  2. Pineapple pulp. This exotic fruit is rich in bromelain, a substance that, like prostaglandin, helps soften the cervix and prepares it for dilatation.

There are other ways to stimulate labor:

  1. Homeopathic medicines. Experts in this field generally recommend two remedies: Pulsatilla and Caulophyllum. They can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor, since they affect each body differently.
  2. Laminaria. You can speed up labor by following a special diet - eating more foods rich in fiber. The leadership in this list is given to seaweed (kelp). The product contains a huge amount of iodine, vitamins and nutrients. To achieve a relaxing effect, just eat a small amount of seaweed. This will have a stimulating effect on the uterus.
  3. Drinks containing alcohol. There is an opinion that taking a small dose of high-quality alcohol has a relaxing effect on the body of a pregnant woman and speeds up the natural birth process. For example, if an expectant mother drinks a few sips of good red wine, it will not harm either her or the baby, but will help provoke contractions. However, this method of inducing labor is quite controversial and should not be used without first consulting a doctor.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

Never and under no circumstances should you try to induce labor on your own using any of the popular medicinal methods:

  • tablets;
  • injections;
  • candles;
  • droppers;
  • acupuncture.

If you incorrectly calculate the dose or perform the procedure itself, tragedy can occur. There is no need to lift weights and overload your body. This will provoke labor, but may have a negative impact on the baby. If the baby is in no hurry to be born, but according to the examination results everything is fine, then you need not to worry and just give the baby a little time.

Methods of natural stimulation of labor are used in cases of post-term pregnancy and to prepare the cervix for childbirth. By the approximate date of the onset of labor, the cervix shortens significantly, which causes the pregnant woman pain in the lumbar region and frequent urination. Natural stimulation helps relieve pain and speed up the process if the date of birth does not occur on the date prescribed by the doctor. All natural methods of labor stimulation are absolutely safe for both the child and his mother.

Nipple stimulation

One of the main ways to naturally stimulate labor is nipple massage. It is believed that when massaging and pinching the nipples, the body of a pregnant woman begins to more actively produce the hormone oxytocin, which causes labor pains. Nipples should be stimulated several times a day for 10-15 minutes. When using this method, contractions should begin within three days after the start of stimulation.

Castor oil

Castor oil is primarily known as a natural laxative; this is its main property in stimulating labor. By affecting the intestines, the oil simultaneously stimulates the uterus, accelerating the birth process. To soften the specific taste of the oil, you can add fruit juice or syrup to it. In half the cases of using this method, 100-150 grams of castor oil consumed cause natural contractions immediately after consumption.

Modern traditional medicine does not recommend the use of castor oil, which can cause diarrhea and lead to dehydration.


Walking at a brisk pace, preferably in the fresh air, also helps to naturally stimulate labor. When the expectant mother takes active walks, the baby's head, under the influence of gravity, begins to put more pressure on the cervix, which stimulates more active production of oxytocin. As a rule, almost all pregnant women take regular walks before giving birth, so the effectiveness of this method is quite difficult to determine. But no expectant mother should give up active walks, because they contribute to the adoption of the “correct” position of the fetus before childbirth.

Oxytocin is a hypothalamic hormone of oligopeptide structure that has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus.


This method can also be classified as a natural method of stimulating labor, but when using this method you should still consult a homeopathic specialist. The main homeopathic remedies that enhance the activity of labor are caulophyllum and pulsatilla, which are considered absolutely safe for health. The results of surveys of many women who have already given birth indicate that homeopathic medicines helped them solve various problems that arise during pregnancy.

In addition, natural methods of stimulation include: having sex with the obligatory violent orgasm in a pregnant woman, taking a small dose of alcohol, drinking tinctures of some medicinal herbs, inflating balloons, and acupuncture.

Childbirth is a natural process of bringing a child into the world, carefully thought out and planned by nature. However, there are cases when it is impossible to do without medical assistance and labor stimulation is required.

In what cases is labor induction performed?

This procedure is carried out to artificially induce labor and activate labor directly during childbirth. First of all, the indication for stimulation is post-term pregnancy, which entails certain risks, weakness and incoordination of labor. In addition, stimulation is prescribed for polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies and serious chronic diseases that threaten the health of the mother and child. Depending on the indications and state of labor, various types of stimulation are used.

Detachment of amniotic membranes

This method of stimulation is usually used during postterm pregnancy. This procedure is performed during a routine gynecological examination. It consists of detachment of the amniotic membrane at the os of the uterus, which contributes to the development of contractions. In this case, the woman does not experience pain due to the absence of nerve endings in the membranes.

Use of prostaglandins

These physiologically active substances act on the cervix, promoting its ripening and opening. Prostaglandin preparations are used vaginally in the form of gels and suppositories. As a rule, contractions begin within half an hour after their introduction. But there are situations when labor does not activate. In this case, the drug is re-administered a day later.

Puncture of amniotic sac

This method of stimulating labor is used for protracted labor, when the baby’s head is in the pelvic area. The procedure involves inserting a special instrument in the form of a hook through the cervix, which causes a puncture of the membranes and the release of amniotic fluid. The use of this manipulation is associated with the risk of infection and prolapse of the umbilical cord, which impairs the delivery of oxygen to the fetus.

Use of oxytocin

This drug is a natural hormone that stimulates uterine contractions. It is usually used in cases where there is a fading of labor - a decrease in the intensity of contractions. The drug is used with parallel monitoring of the condition of the fetus and the intensity of contractions.

Tablets to induce labor

In terms of effectiveness, ease of use and number of side effects, this method of stimulating labor is the most preferable. It involves the use of artificially synthesized antigestogens (Mifepristone, Miropriston), which promote cervical ripening and the development of contractions.

If labor does not begin, and the baby is already due to be born, doctors are forced to resort to artificial stimulation using various methods. However, each of these methods has its own indications and contraindications, so asking a doctor to speed up labor for some reason is strictly not recommended.

Types of stimulation

Postterm pregnancy is characterized by oligohydramnios, a decrease in the thickness of the placenta, thickening of the baby’s cranial bones, and so on. The absence of labor on time is fraught with deterioration in the functioning of the placenta, which leads to a significant deterioration in the condition of the fetus. In such cases, induction of labor is prescribed, for which artificial rupture of the membranes or amniotomy is often used, during which the bladder is pierced with a hook-like instrument. This procedure is practically painless (there are no nerve endings in the amniotic sac) and allows you to start the process of delivery due to the discharge of amniotic fluid.

After the amniotomy is completed, labor begins approximately a few hours later.

Labor is also accelerated with the help of a special “prostaglandin” gel, which the obstetrician injects into the cervix of the woman lying on the gynecological chair. This procedure allows labor to begin nine to ten hours after the drug is administered. If labor has begun, but labor is too weak and the cervix is ​​not dilating well, doctors resort to stimulation with droppers of oxytocin or prostaglandins. Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the brain that stimulates smooth muscle and increases uterine contractility. Prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) have similar properties. Four to six hours after inducing labor using one of the above methods, doctors evaluate the benefits of them - if there is no effect, the woman undergoes a caesarean section.

Features of stimulation

Contraindications to accelerating labor are hyperactivity, hypertension, the presence of chronic fetal hypoxia or uterine scar, as well as cardiovascular or other dangerous diseases of the woman in labor. Ideally, a woman should give birth on her own, since childbirth is a natural process that should be accompanied by proper breathing during pushing and contractions. Doctors say that stimulation is most often needed by women who are trying to control the birth of a child with their heads, while complete and instinctive dedication to the process allows the body to do everything as it should.

Expectant mothers are recommended to undergo special training at a school for pregnant women - then speeding up childbirth is unlikely to be necessary.

Also, natural childbirth is desirable for the reason that a child born without stimulation experiences less stress during the passage of the birth canal. In addition, non-interference in labor prevents oxygen deficiency in the baby. The use of drugs for stimulation is also not beneficial - for example, oxytocin most often gives the skin

Every expectant mother expects her baby to be born at exactly the appointed time. Carefully preparing for this day. Perhaps he even chooses a name according to the church calendar. But then the cherished day comes, and... Nothing?

After 40 weeks doctors insistently suggest that mommy go to the hospital for artificial stimulation of labor. The word itself is not very pleasant, and the procedures carried out in the hospital are even more so. They put kelp, they introduce a special gel, give hormonal pills... Women who experienced this in their first pregnancy, as a rule, stay at home the second time until contractions. But those who give birth for the first time can easily afford it.

Main principle waiting at home - confidence in the child’s safety. To do this, it is enough to go through 1-2 times a week CTG (cardiotocogram) fetus. She will show if the baby has oxygen starvation whether he is getting enough nutrients. You can undergo an additional ultrasound to see degree of maturity of the placenta, state of amniotic fluid. In addition, it is worth asking about the birth history of your relatives (mother, grandmothers, sisters, aunts). They may also have given birth after 40 weeks - then you have genetic predisposition to post-term pregnancy, and there is no need to worry too much. And if everything is fine, you can wait for hospitalization for now. And get busy natural stimulation of labor.

Principle two– do things that were not allowed during pregnancy (or in recent months). Not all of course, but a lot. The most effective thing is to renew intimate life with husband.Male sperm contains prostaglandin, the same hormone on which the stimulating gel used in maternity hospitals is created. It will soften the cervix and gently prepare it for childbirth. Kissing and gentle stroking of the breasts during sex help produce another hormone, oxytocin, which causes contractions of the uterus and is also antidepressant. Additionally, having sex simply helps increase blood flow in the lower abdomen, which in turn tones the uterus and will help induce contractions.

Physical exercise at this time are also very useful. This does not mean, of course, that you can lift weights in the gym or jump until you’re blue in the face in aerobics. Here's the classic one charger or simple Eastern dance- that's it. Personally, during second pregnancy I just carried my eldest son in my arms more often. And the most effective method is considered to be the method of our grandmothers called “ mopping floors» . You can use a mop, but it’s better to use your hands. Very effective. Climbing stairs up and down is also a very useful stimulating exercise. And in general it costs more often hike-and will help to bring the due date closer and maintain physical fitness.

Various warming procedures are also effective, also aimed at increasing blood circulation: pepper patch on the lower back, iodine mesh on the lower back, very warm(almost hot) or cold and hot shower or bathhouse.

Lovers folk remedies I recommend drinking a tablespoon castor oil. Castor oil, which has relaxing properties, will help the cervix open faster. Thanks to it, you will also cleanse your intestines and be able to avoid a not very pleasant hospital procedure. But this rather refers to emergency measures. In general, you can start a kind of stimulation in advance by slightly adjusting your diet: if you include more fiber-rich foods in your diet (cabbage, beets, fresh vegetable salads), due to increased intestinal motility, the uterus will also contract. Salads are best seasoned with vegetable oil.

In order to speed up the process of cervical ripening, from 34 weeks of pregnancy you can start taking evening primrose oil, which is sold in capsules in almost any pharmacy – 1 capsule per day. It is rich in fatty acids and promotes the production of prostaglandins. You can start taking the oil later: from 36 weeks - two capsules and three - from the 39th. Raspberry leaves are also considered an excellent remedy for approaching labor. It is recommended to brew them and drink 2-3 glasses a day, starting from 34-36 weeks of pregnancy. Raspberries soften the ligaments around the birth canal, which promotes uterine contractions and also reduces the risk of ruptures during childbirth. Just make sure that before taking any herbal remedies and oils you should: consult a doctor who is seeing you in a consultation or medical center; Find out about possible side effects, and then choose the method that’s right for you.

Psychologists give their advice for expectant mothers: be sure to talk to your baby, talk about how everyone loves and waits for him, stroke his belly, make the baby want to meet his mother as soon as possible. Rest assured that everything will be fine.

And the most important thing! Not a single woman has ever remained pregnant forever. If you and your baby are feeling well, don’t rush! Everything has its time. The baby himself determines the day and hour of his birth.

Almost every full-term pregnancy ends with the appearance of a baby. But, in some situations, additional outside help is required. For this purpose, drugs are used to stimulate labor.

Induction of labor does not occur in every delivery. Doctors carefully analyze the situation before taking action.

The main reason for stimulation is when the deadline for natural childbirth has passed, which occurs at 38-42 weeks of pregnancy. If during this period the child is not born, then the placenta ages and cannot cope with the necessary functions. Toxins accumulate in amniotic fluid, which changes color, which can lead to oxygen starvation in the fetus.

Indications for stimulation:

  1. sometimes, due to multiple pregnancies, or due to polyhydramnios, the uterus is overstretched. This is also an indication for stimulation;
  2. discharge of amniotic fluid ahead of schedule, and at the same time the absence of contractions for more than 10 hours. This significantly increases the rate of infection penetration to the baby through the dilated cervix;
  3. if placental abruption occurs prematurely, which poses a threat to the baby’s life;
  4. the presence of chronic diseases in a pregnant woman that pose a threat to the health of the mother and baby. In some cases, the occurrence of late toxicosis. In these situations, stimulation takes place at 38 weeks.

Artificial stimulation of labor is also recommended in cases of significant deterioration in the baby’s condition. Most often, in such a situation, a caesarean section is performed.

How long does labor last after stimulation? The time of labor after stimulation is different for each woman. It all depends on how the birth canal is prepared, how dilated the cervix is, and what the activity of the woman in labor is. But many note that their duration with artificial stimulation is somewhat shorter than with natural childbirth. But the contractions are much more painful and occur at shorter intervals.

Consequences and contraindications

Despite the help provided by stimulation of labor, it also has negative aspects. Some medications for stimulation are administered through a drip, and the woman in labor has to lie in one position for a long time, without moving, which causes not only inconvenience, but also severe pain.

Many expectant mothers note that artificially induced contractions are much more painful than during natural childbirth.

How does induction of labor affect the baby? In some cases, artificially inducing labor provokes oxygen starvation - hypoxia - in the baby, which can negatively affect his health. Often, immediately after birth, the child needs stimulation of breathing, as he is weakened by sharp contractions, due to which not enough oxygen is supplied.

Artificial methods of stimulating labor also have their contraindications; they are not used in the following cases:

  • the position of the fetus is incorrect, or the baby is too large, and the size of its head does not correspond to the size of the mother’s pelvis;
  • The woman had already had a caesarean section. Artificially inducing labor can cause suture rupture.

Much when carrying out stimulation depends on the qualifications of medical personnel and the correctness of the chosen drug.

Types of mechanical stimulation

In obstetric practice, various methods of stimulating labor are used, depending on the indications and the stage at which it is located.

Detachment of the amniotic membrane. The procedure is performed during a gynecological examination. To induce contractions, the doctor carefully peels off the membrane near the os of the uterus with his hands. It is not always possible to peel off the first time; sometimes you have to do it again. The method does not entail any particular risks and does not cause pain to the mother in labor, since there are no nerve endings in the membrane, but a feeling of discomfort is possible.

Bubble piercing. This is a more risky method, since when the bladder is punctured, the fetus is unprotected and is easily susceptible to any infections. Puncture of the bladder does not activate labor; it is necessary to resort to additional measures of stimulation, or to perform a cesarean section.

Most often, this method is used during prolonged contractions or when the baby’s head has dropped into the pelvic area. To pierce the bladder, a special medical instrument in the form of a hook is used, with which the amniotic membrane is picked up, inserted into the vagina, a puncture is made, which leads to the release of amniotic fluid.

Such types of labor stimulation are not often used, as negative consequences are possible, especially when the bladder is punctured.


In maternity hospitals, if there are certain indications, they prescribe birth stimulants that cause contractions. Obstetricians use injections, gels, suppositories, droppers or tablets to speed up labor.

Most often, a woman is injected with prostaglandins, which are physiologically active substances that are produced by the human body and are found in almost every organ. There is a lot of this substance in amniotic fluid. With their help, the dilatation of the cervix is ​​stimulated. The product is available in the form of a gel or suppositories that are administered vaginally. They do not cause discomfort to the mother in labor and do not hinder movement.

After administration of the drug, contractions should begin 10 hours later. If this does not happen within 24 hours, then the gel or suppositories can be administered again, but no more than three times during the day.

Further use is unsuccessful. The product should not be used if the water has already broken. Prostaglandins, as a drug to speed up labor, have almost no side effects or contraindications, and obstetricians prefer them. The drug has no effect on the baby, since it is not able to penetrate the amniotic sac.

As a negative aspect of the drug, doctors note a slower transition to the active stage of labor.

Hormone oxytocin

Often, women are prescribed oxytocin, a hormonal drug to induce labor. It is an artificial analogue of the natural hormone produced by the pituitary gland.

What stimulates labor? The hormone oxytocin causes and accelerates contractions by stimulating uterine contractions. Its use is necessary when labor is weak or contractions are fading. Most often the drug is administered intravenously. The expectant mother is given an IV to induce labor.

Recently, so that a woman does not have to lie motionless during contractions, instead of a dropper, a catheter is inserted, a special tube through which the medicine is given. If the action of the dropper turns out to be ineffective, an injection of oxytocin solution is given through the abdominal cavity into the walls of the uterus to stimulate labor.

Its use is carried out under the supervision of a physician, and monitoring of the condition of the fetus and the intensity of contractions is mandatory. In case of an overdose, oxygen starvation of the baby and hyperstimulation of contractions is possible.

In some cases, oxytocin is not used to induce labor. For example, incorrect position of the fetus, placenta previa, or the presence of scars on the uterus in the woman in labor or a narrow pelvis for independent childbirth. Also, the medicine is not used if the birth canal is not yet prepared, since it does not affect the dilatation of the cervix.

All women, when using the hormone, complain of very painful contractions, so they often use antispasmodics simultaneously with the administration of the drug.

Stimulation tablets

Several years ago, in obstetric practice, they began to use pills to induce labor in late pregnancy. They contain artificially synthesized antistogens that block some uterine receptors responsible for stopping the production of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy. Early pregnancy termination drugs, or abortifacients, are called labor-inducing pills that are used as stimulants during a normal pregnancy.

What pills are used to induce labor in the hospital? Obstetricians, usually for the purpose of stimulation, give women in labor pencrofton, miropristone, mifepristone, which are often used in conjunction with misoprostol. Only the doctor decides whether to take the pills or not, after examining the woman, assessing the quality of contractions, and the degree of dilatation of the cervix.

Misoprostol tablets were originally used to treat stomach problems. In some countries, it is recommended to take pills to induce labor. Misoprostol is not prescribed as a pill to induce labor.

The drug helps open the cervix and stimulate contractions of the uterine muscles. Therefore, it is taken only in conjunction with mifepristone and the effect of misoprostol on the fetus can only be considered in their totality. With normal dosage, no negative effects occur. In case of excessive intake, cerebral hypoxia may occur in the unborn baby.

How long does it take for labor to start after misoprostol? Misoprostol is taken simultaneously with mifepristone, one tablet at a time. A day later you need to take another dose. The effect of the medicine begins after 48-72 hours, depending on individual characteristics.

Natural stimulation

The scheduled delivery date of 40 weeks is only an estimate. Childbirth even at 42 weeks is considered normal, and pregnancy is not considered post-term.

Many expectant mothers are interested in whether induction of labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy is harmful. Often, during this period, a woman in labor is admitted to a maternity hospital, under the supervision of doctors. But by this period, the fetus is already ready for birth and if the birth canal is mature, then doctors suggest enhancing labor naturally. There are several methods you can use to do this.

What helps to enhance labor:

  • walking, walking up the stairs, feasible physical activity, which will ensure mobility of the pelvis and have an impact on the uterus;
  • having sex, which will cause uterine contractions;
  • Stimulating your nipples will help release the hormone oxytocin naturally, which helps your uterus contract. To do this, you need to massage your nipples for 5-10 minutes every day, once or twice a day.

Some women in labor take castor oil at home, but doctors are against it. In addition, the effectiveness of its use has not been proven.

Do not be afraid of artificial stimulation of labor. It is important to understand how necessary it really is in a particular case. Without the consent of the woman in labor, doctors do not have the right to begin stimulation.

Sometimes, in order for a child to be born healthy, you have to stimulate labor. When? Why? How?
Generic in English is “labour”, which means “work”. And this is truly a tedious and painful job that many pregnant women dread. A job that a woman, no matter how much she wants, cannot begin of her own free will. What to do if, due to a threat to the child’s health, he needs to be quickly taken into the world or the deadline has passed and contractions do not begin? What to do when during childbirth they weaken or stop altogether?

If nature fails, obstetricians have many options to induce contractions or “push” them if necessary. For what reasons do people today resort to stimulation of labor? A pregnant woman has diabetes. People with diabetes often give birth to large babies, weighing much more than four kilograms. This happens primarily in cases where a woman received insufficient drug treatment or the disease developed during pregnancy and was not detected in time. In this case induction of labor necessary because the birth of such a large child becomes problematic.

  • . In severe cases in the last weeks of pregnancy, this disease can no longer be controlled with medications.
  • The baby is “starving” in the womb. If the placenta does not function satisfactorily, the baby does not receive enough nutrition and is poorly supplied with oxygen. Labor is stimulated, as soon as the child becomes viable.
  • A woman suffers from a chronic illness. If a woman's liver, heart or kidney disease worsens as a result of pregnancy, her unborn child also gets worse. Therefore, he is brought into the world ahead of schedule.
  • Rupture of the membranes occurs too early. Usually, at the latest, 12-24 hours after contractions begin on their own. If this does not happen, artificial stimulation of labor is undertaken, otherwise the likelihood of infection through the cervix increases.
  • The due date has long passed. The fetus is ripe, but contractions do not occur, even when pacing lasts more than two weeks. If the placenta begins to “age”, there is a danger for the baby - and labor is artificially stimulated.

Due date: when is the baby due?

Today, the pregnancy period is regularly checked by a doctor from the very beginning, as well as with the help of ultrasound. Therefore, errors in calculations are very rare. But all babies are different. One is born two weeks before the calculated date, the other takes a little longer. Even two weeks after the expected date of birth of the child, it is not necessary to bring him into the world, resorting to induction of labor, if everything is fine with him so far. Between 1.1 and 4.4 percent of all pregnant women in the world give birth to a healthy baby after the 42nd week of pregnancy.

Today at artificial stimulation of contractions and childbirth they try not to resort to medications every time, but try to achieve the goal with the help of other, more natural means.

Which method of stimulation doctors decide to choose depends on whether something that contributes to the onset of labor has already occurred in the pregnant woman’s body. Already a few weeks before the end of pregnancy, the concentration of prostaglandin, a hormone that prepares the body for childbirth, noticeably increases in the amniotic fluid and in the maternal blood. It softens the uterine os and eliminates dense collagen fibers, opening the “gate” for the baby. As soon as the uterine os begins to open, the level of prostaglandin rises sharply. Now the contractions will no longer be so painful.

PROSTAGLANDIN (mainly in the form of a gel or suppositories) is injected into the cervical canal or into the vagina if the uterus first needs to be prepared for contractions. This is how the signal to start is gently given, after which labor contractions begin spontaneously.
OXYTOCIN (the most common option is intravenous administration) is used if the uterine os has already softened. This hormone quite quickly causes an active wave of contractions.

What stimulates labor

When the uterine pharynx opens two to three centimeters (a pregnant woman cannot always feel this more or less noticeably), labor begins: now the level of oxytocin (the hormone that causes labor contractions) increases with each new series of them, spurring labor. Therefore, synthetic prostaglandin and oxytocin are used primarily for stimulation.
Both of these hormones, with careful individual dosage, allow you to initiate approximately the same processes as during the natural course of childbirth. This induced labor does not take longer, is not more painful, and does not force the woman to lie down. In addition, it practically never happens that contractions follow one another almost without a break.

Nevertheless, doctors are increasingly trying to do without medications. Today, some clinics are also trying to use homeopathy.

In almost 90 percent of cases, expectant mothers only need patience to wait for the spontaneous onset of labor pains. But even in the midst of labor, labor may suddenly weaken or stop altogether. has its reasons.
If dilation, especially during the first birth, occurs very quickly (in three hours), then for the mother, but above all for the child, it will be better and even necessary to stop. In such a situation, it is necessary not to force events, but to give both of them a break, and then everything will go on by itself.

If childbirth is very difficult, at some point the woman does not have enough strength to continue labor, and the body begins to save energy. Experienced midwives believe that if a woman wants to eat and drink, she should be allowed to do so even during childbirth. Pauses between contractions are completely normal, even when labor begins at night, at two to three hours. In the morning, labor pains often weaken even when the uterine pharynx is dilated by five centimeters. Then, in the afternoon or evening, they resume.

The baby can also pause labor if he or she turns “uncomfortably” towards the birth canal. It’s as if he feels that this won’t work. Often this “weakness of labor” can be overcome with the help of some physical activity of the woman in labor.



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