Bubal fake tribe. Bubal tribe of south africa

Animal koala is a representative of the Australian fauna. They are so good that they look like teddy bears.

But, despite the resemblance to a bear, koalas belong to the order of marsupials.

Females have a well-developed pouch that opens at the back, and inside there are two nipples.

At birth, the baby weighs 5-6 g, the body length is 19 mm. But how good he is in his mother's bag, where he climbs after birth. It's warm, there's delicious milk.

The baby is growing rapidly, and already at six months it reaches a length of 18 centimeters. Now he has to leave the bag.

Koala photo

He climbs onto his mother's back, tries solid food(eucalyptus leaves). Mom patiently takes care of her "child", hugs, caresses. And he really likes it. Time will pass, and when the cub is one year old, he will leave his parent.

Koalas are nocturnal animals, lazy and slow, very calm, can sleep up to 20 hours a day. But bears can swim well.

koala with a cub photo

During the day, they sit on a tree, clasping its trunk with their strong paws, thanks to tenacious and sharp claws. On the thumbs no claw. But on the pads of the fingers there is a papillary pattern, and the print of his finger is similar to the print of a person.

Bears big head With big ears, short body(length 60 - 80cm), no tail. Weight 5 - 15kg. Animal fur gray color or gray-brown, may even be reddish, but its abdomen is always lighter.

Koalas are shy, if he is scared, he cries like a child. In case of danger, he gives a sign by shouting. In nature, there are more females than males. So there are up to five handsome men for one "gentleman", it turns out a harem. Bears breed once every two years, pregnancy lasts thirty days.

The animals feed on eucalyptus leaves. In spite of a large number of species of eucalyptus, they know when and which leaves to eat. For example, in extreme heat, bears eat those types of eucalyptus trees that contain antipyretic substances in the leaves.

They eat a kilogram of leaves per day. They do not drink water, the necessary moisture is obtained from the leaves. Eucalyptus leaves also contain potent substances and poison. Naturally, the meat of bears is saturated with eucalyptus, so they are not hunted.

But the man "tried." Even from ancient times, hunters liked the beautiful and thick fur. And it was not much work to kill the animal, we already know that they are slow.

Here is an interpretation of this photo walking on the Internet:

The Bubal tribe is mysterious tribe, which roams between Kenya and Somalia. The tribesmen learned that eating menstrual flow cows help them fight diseases such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous. As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to incredible size- 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to non-traditional food, which is practiced in the youth of the Bubal people. Hormone-rich menstrual flow cattle cause irreversible hormonal changes in human organisms and this is what leads to the fact that the testicles grow to such sizes. Luckily, these giant testicles don't negative impact on the reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.

During periods of drought, they are constantly malnourished, but observations of nature help these primitive people enjoy many of its secrets. Savages, for example, noticed that eating the menstrual fluid of a cow makes people more enduring. Bubal teenagers lick cow genitals before their puberty and believe that this will help them grow faster, become stronger and more courageous. They also do this for the benefit of the cow itself, as they believe that the beloved animal will be able to give birth better and give more milk if she licks something. This unique technology really makes the cow produce milk more actively.

At dusk and dawn, in order to protect themselves from aggressive insects, the bubals perform another ritual that can cause a civilized person to psychological trauma: thoroughly washed with cattle urine. Caring mothers wash their children's heads. Older ones take the fetid shower on their own, substituting the body under the defecating animal. Coated with powdered manure, previously burned and sifted, the body remains protected by the ammonia contained in the urine for several hours. In addition, urine dyes their hair red, which is very fond of the local people of all ages.

However, these procedures have reverse side- in adult men of this tribe, the scrotum reaches an incredible size, which prevents them from moving normally. True, you can sit on swollen eggs like on a pillow.

Italian scientists have found that the menstrual flow of cows is indeed a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. Cow secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. Scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the worst disease in the region - anemia. Some are sure that it is the hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle that causes irreversible changes in humans, which leads to the growth of the scrotum to an incredible size.

But what is actually happening. Let's start with the fact that the first photo in the article is a photo from page 246 of Babayants' book

The third (obstructive) stage of the disease characterized by elephantiasis. Elephantiasis develops in 95% of cases lower extremities, somewhat less upper limbs, genitals, individual sections torso and very rarely face. Clinically, elephantiasis is manifested by rapidly progressive lymphangitis with the addition of dermatitis, cellulitis, combined with fever, which in some cases can serve as the main symptom of the disease and is a consequence of the addition bacterial infection. Over time, the skin becomes covered with warty and papillomatous growths, areas of eczema-like changes in the skin, non-healing ulcers appear. The legs can reach enormous sizes, they take the form of shapeless lumps with thick transverse folds of the affected skin. The weight of the scrotum is usually 4-9 kg, and in some cases up to 20 kg, a case is described when the weight of the scrotum in a patient reached 102 kg. In the case of elephantiasis, the face is more often affected upper eyelid. With brugiasis, elephantiasis usually occurs only on the limbs, the lesion is often one-sided, the skin remains smooth.

There are currently special preparations, treating this disease, but, of course, they are unknown to savages.

And as for some oddities in the behavior of savages, they have quite logical explanations for themselves. For example, during activity blood-sucking insects Africans perform an act that is completely wild for a civilized person - washing in the urine of cows. When the animal begins to defecate, a member of the tribe runs up and begins to "shower". This procedure allows you to get protection from mosquitoes for a while due to ammonia in the urine.


May decrees of the President do not provide for an increase in salaries for each state employee

It makes no sense for doctors and teachers to complain to the president about low wages. In statistical reporting, the remuneration of these doctors can be much higher than the real one.

May decrees of the President, which require a significant increase in salaries for state employees - up to 100-200% of the average for the region - it turns out do not at all imply an increase in payments to each doctor or teacher. It is quite possible to fulfill the decrees at the expense of statistical and administrative tricks - for example, by requiring employees to write a statement that they supposedly work part-time. In this case, earnings on paper will exactly double and Rosstat will confirm that the May decrees have already been fully implemented in this region. Yesterday, representatives of Rosstat spoke about the details of accounting for the execution of presidential decrees, which open up great scope for administrative creativity.

Doctors, nurses, masters of industrial training in vocational schools, university professors, social workers, cultural workers and researchers in Russia as a whole have exceeded the presidential plan for wage growth. junior medical staff and school teachers generally behind schedule. Rosstat reported yesterday about such results of 2013.

One of Vladimir Putin's May decrees prescribes that by 2018 university professors, researchers, doctors should receive a salary at the level of 200% of the average for the region, and medical personnel, cultural workers, social workers, masters in vocational schools - at the level of 100%.

Salaries will increase gradually. The government has approved a program with thresholds for each year. For example, in 2013 university professors were promised an increase in salaries of up to 110% of the average for the region, researchers and doctors - at the level of 130%. And school teachers should receive a salary at the level of the regional average already from 2012.

The overall benevolent picture should not be misleading. In the regional context, the situation is changing dramatically. Thus, according to Rosstat, in 22 constituent entities of the Russian Federation the salary of school teachers has not yet reached the average regional level. The most lagging behind was the Republic of Tyva. In it, school teachers receive about 90% of the average for the subject instead of 100%.

In 55 regions, the salaries of researchers are lagging behind the presidential benchmark. In this case, Chukotka has the worst indicator, where researchers receive 56% of the average regional salary instead of the 130% planned for 2013.

Outsider regions have been identified where the May decrees “sag” in almost all categories of state employees. Thus, in the Vologda Oblast in 2013 lagged behind target salaries and medical staff, and school teachers, and masters of vocational schools, and social workers, and workers of culture, and scientific workers.

Rosstat explained that their monitoring of the May decrees does not take into account the earnings of the heads of institutions, because they can greatly distort the statistics. But the summaries reflect internal combination when, for example, a doctor or teacher works for one and a half or two rates and receives a correspondingly increased salary.

The main news of yesterday's Rosstat conference was the official recognition of the fact that the May presidential decrees do not at all imply an increase in wages for absolutely every employee in the public sector. After all, only average indicators for the region are controlled, and not actual payments, but some calculated values.

“Both in the decree and in our monitoring we are talking all the same about the averaged data. There has never been a question of increasing the rate to the average rate for the subject for each employee, ”explained Zifa Zainullina, head of the department for labor statistics, science, education and culture. According to her, statistics take into account that in the public sector, many work part-time. But despite this, in statistical reports reflects the salary that employees would receive if they worked full-time. These are the nuances of the methodology.

When a doctor or teacher works out more than one rate, his earnings in the reports are added, and this improves the statistics. But when a doctor or teacher officially works out only half of the rate, this is no longer reflected in the statistical reports: the employee can “finish” the salary that he would receive for full time.

Statistical "chemistry" has more than once become a reason for dissatisfaction with citizens. For example, in April, on the Direct Line with the President, Vladimir Putin was asked the following question: “Why is the salary of doctors officially announced as 49 thousand rubles. per month, and in fact doctors receive about 12-15 thousand rubles. per month? The governors report that everything is fine, the salary of doctors is higher than the average for the region, but in reality everything is different. How does it happen?

According to Zainullina, Rosstat found out the reason for such a sharp discrepancy between official statistics and the real state of affairs of some doctors. The reason for low earnings turned out to be magic tricks with part-time rates.

Note that it is common practice in the public sector when an employer forces employees to write a statement about the allegedly voluntary transition to a reduced rate, but with the same salary or even with a symbolic increase to it. As a result, according to the statement, an illusion is created sharp increase salaries - almost doubled. But in fact, this increase does not occur. But with such a statement, you can report to higher officials on the successful implementation of the May decrees. NG receives messages from various public sector- from medical to scientific - about the prevalence of such practices.

According to representatives of Rosstat, a lot really depends on the methodology and calculation criteria. Including the number of highly productive jobs in the country, which, according to the presidential decree, should be 25 million by 2020.

Execution of May presidential decrees on social policy
Category of public sector employees Target salary level for 2013* Actual salary level in 2013* Number of regions that did not meet the target in 2013
Doctors 130 141 5
Nursing staff 76 80 9
Junior medical staff 50 48 36
Teaching staff
general education 100 97 22
Teachers and masters of vocational schools 75 84 3
University teachers 110 135 5
Social workers 48 49 14
Cultural workers 53 70 2
Researchers 128 139 55
* in % of the average salary in the region. Source: Rosstat

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Regions refused to evaluate the work of hospitals

The promised ratings of hospitals and clinics in most regions have not appeared. Three years ago, Vladimir Putin instructed to assess the quality of work of medical institutions and publish the results on the websites of regional governments. However, the results of the work are practically zero, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

With the help of annual ratings, residents could compare the quality of medical centers and choose the best ones. So the authorities planned to force hospitals to compete with each other and work better. Recall that the law gives patients the right to be treated by the doctor they want.

However, 36 regions completely ignored this instruction. Many released data only for 2012. The Ministry of Health specifically issued recommendations and evaluation criteria, but almost no one took them into account. Published lists are usually hard to find on the site - experts believe that they were made "for show", and not for permanent use.

Only nine regions responded responsibly to the order and made intelligible ratings - these are St. Petersburg, Kabardino-Balkaria, Tatarstan, Novosibirsk Region, Stavropol Territory and some other subjects of the federation, the Health Independent Monitoring Fund found out.

“This suggests that local health officials either did not take the task seriously, or the state of affairs in the institutions under their jurisdiction is so deplorable that it is better not to talk about it again, according to regional officials,” said Eduard Gavrilov, director of the Foundation.

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A tribe of bad dancers found in Africa

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. Children of the Bubal tribe eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous. Italian scientists recently discovered that the menstrual flow of cows is a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. In addition, the secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).
As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to an incredible size - 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional diet that is practiced in the youth of the Bubals. The hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in the human body and this is what leads to the fact that the testicles grow to such sizes. (With)

Wuchereriosis (Wuchereria bancrofti) or Brungiosis (Brungia malavi) are helminthiases from the filariatoses group. Source: Babayants R.S. Skin and venereal diseases hot countries. Photo from page 246 of this book. And do not fool the heads of non-professionals with some mythical blood .....


The last five orders of the Ministry of Health transparently hint that the process has begun ... Minus 7 institutions
Not all regions will be happy with such an increased financial burden. Saratov region for example, a subsidized region, it will be trite for them to pull two FGBUs

The classic tale of the atrocities of white-coated killers should begin like this: “In one hospital, the emergency room doctor refused weak, defenseless, wretched and feeble-minded (underline as appropriate) in medical care. And when he called for an injection and an enema of his conscience, he also laughed at him, giving him some kind of pill. From which he died in the end.

It is not recommended to indicate: a specific hospital, department, specialty of the doctor and especially the diagnosis. Immediately, various doctorhouses will run up and begin to poison lupus. Even the indication of the city and

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition from some dictionaries, the bubal is an ancient North African subspecies of the great cow antelope. So what is the relationship between the Bubal tribe and the Bubal cow antelope?

What's happening?

Despite the fact that Africa is rich natural resources, it remains the poorest and least developed continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and lack of adequate water and sanitation, as well as bad condition health affects most of the people living on the African continent and the same thing happens with the Bubal tribe. Therefore, people from the Bubal tribe turn for help to their only wealth - cows. The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helped them fight ailments such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous.

Italian scientists recently discovered that the menstrual flow of cows is a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. In addition, the secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).

Testicle Growth!!

Blimey! As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to an incredible size - 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional diet that is practiced in the youth of the Bubals. The hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in the human body and this is what causes the testicles to grow to such sizes.

Fortunately, these giant testicles do not adversely affect reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.

Yes, it is possible for us to lick a cow's genitals or eat menstrual fluids that sounds terrible and disgusting, but for them, for the Bubals, it is possible. the only way to survive on this cruel continent. While you laugh at them, please think twice how lucky you are!

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition from some dictionaries, the bubal is an ancient North African subspecies of the great cow antelope. So what is the relationship between the Bubal tribe and the Bubal cow antelope?

What's happening?

Despite being rich in natural resources, Africa remains the poorest and least developed continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and lack of proper water and sanitation, as well as poor health, affects a large part of the people living on the African continent and the same thing happens to the Bubal tribe. Therefore, people from the Bubal tribe turn for help to their only wealth - cows. The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helped them fight ailments such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous.

Italian scientists recently discovered that the menstrual flow of cows is a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. In addition, the secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).

Testicle Growth!!

Blimey! As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to an incredible size - 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional diet that is practiced in the youth of the Bubals. The hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in the human body and this is what causes the testicles to grow to such sizes.

Fortunately, these giant testicles do not adversely affect reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.

Yes, perhaps for us, licking cow genitals or eating menstrual fluid sounds terrible and disgusting, but for them, for the Bubal people, this may be the only way to survive on this cruel continent. While you laugh at them, please think twice how lucky you are!



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