Poses after pregnancy. The action of the posture for childbirth - relieves pain in the lower back, stimulates labor activity

reduces pain, facilitates the process and enriches the child's body with oxygen.

Keep your emotional condition under control. Frightened mother - gives birth badly!

The birth process is divided into three phases:

1. Latent(hidden). It is best to lie or sleep at this time, you can take a bath.

2. Active. Starts with a contraction interval of 4:1:1 (a contraction every 4 minutes, lasts 1 minute, for 1 hour). This phase ends with contractions with an interval of 1 minute for 1.5 minutes. During this phase, the uterus expands from 3 centimeters to 8 centimeters, about 1 centimeter per hour. May be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. At this time, you can drink a small amount of fluid to replenish water balance organism. Sometimes there are seizures calf muscles or chills.

3. Lowering phase. Desire to go to the toilet in a big way. Severe pain, 40 minutes of the most painful sensations.

During the initial period of uterine opening contraction breathing must be rare. This blocks the release of adrenaline. Keep calm.

A quick breath is taken for 4 seconds and a long exhalation for 25-30 seconds. Take a deep breath at the beginning of the contraction, and then gradually release the tension along with the exhalation. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Try to relax completely. After the end of the fight, exhale completely, then inhale a couple of times, as if inhaling.

Great for pain relief throat singing. When the fight starts and during it, sing the sounds: A, O, E. You can sit on your knees, your hands rest on the floor in front of you so that your crotch hangs. Swaying a little during the fight, pull the sounds for as long as possible. The mouth should not strain, just open it slightly.

labor pain lives in the muscle. On the bladder and the rectum is now accounted for great pressure try to urinate every 30 minutes.

If you are in pain during a fight, change your position. You can find the best position for yourself, in which the pain will be the least. Relax your diaphragm (for this you need to relax your face, arms and legs).

Ask for a massage on the lower back, rubbing with the ribs of the palms and the bones of the fingers. Massage should begin 30 seconds before the start contractions(as soon as you feel it coming) and continue all the time contractions. The greater the opening of the cervix, the more the woman wants to sit or lie down.

Ancestral poses:

3 centimeters opening of the cervix. Ask generic ball. Stand up, knees on the floor, and hang on the ball with your chest and arms.

4 centimeters opening of the cervix. Hanging posture. The husband stands against the wall behind you, his legs are slightly bent at the knees, resting against the wall. With his hands, he should clasp you under the arms, fastening the brushes over your chest (the shape of a basketball hoop, and you are a stuck ball). You relax and hang. If there is no husband nearby, you can hang on the door handle, only carefully making sure first of reliability. You can use this pose directly during contractions.

5 centimeters opening of the cervix. You can sit on the toilet seat. It is not recommended to sit on a hard chair. The child is already very low.

6 centimeters opening of the cervix. Sit on your knees, focus on your heels. Hanging on the ball from a sitting position.

7 centimeters opening of the cervix. Knee-elbow pose, it slows down childbirth. Until the cervix is ​​fully dilated up to 10 centimeters, you can’t give birth!

Imagine images of nature as a bud opens into a flower. Falling drops on the mirror surface of the water. Rising hot sun. These imaginations will help you relax and tune in to the process. childbirth as gradually changing events of one chain.


In nulliparous women, attempts last from 15 minutes to 2 hours. The wider the pelvis of a woman, the faster she will give birth. It also depends on the size of the child. During attempts, the baby's head passes through the pelvis. The woman's muscles of the uterus and abdominal muscles work. You have to push when your stomach hurts. Doctors at this time control the situation and tell you.

You will feel a lot of pressure on your rectum, often crunchy pelvic bones (the pelvis opens up to allow the baby to pass through). During attempts there is no pain, there is a feeling of fullness, continue to push. There is a burning sensation in the perineum. When the head is born, there will be a feeling of relief.

Stretching breath

The most popular method of breathing while pushing is Lamaze breathing. Dial full lungs air, 2 deep breaths and 2 exhalations, again a deep breath and slightly lower the air, hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale smoothly. Again, take a deep breath, slightly lower the air, hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale smoothly. Again, take a deep breath, slightly lower the air, hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale smoothly. Completes this exercise 2 deep breaths and 2 exhalations. Before giving birth, practice, learn how to breathe correctly and hold your breath.

Push it:

Tighten your diaphragm.

Push the anus out (as if you were pooping).

Relax your perineum.

Watch your face, it should be relaxed. If you push and strain your face to the point of redness, then the capillaries on the skin and in the eyes may burst.

During the eruption of the head, it is best to breathe like a dog. Relax with your whole body so as not to get tears, and so that the attempt does not end on the child's neck. The child should come out on the shoulders.

During head eruption:

In no case should you squeeze your legs.

Keep your legs wide, don't move your booty.

Listen to the obstetrician and do as the doctors tell you.

After the baby's head comes out, the rest of the body will come out quickly. You will feel relieved and happy. Your baby is born!

For quite a long time, among obstetricians - gynecologists, there was an opinion that during childbirth a woman should be in a position on her back. However, this position is far from the most successful for a woman in labor.

Usually while studying possible poses during childbirth, it turned out that among various peoples, no one has a familiar posture on the back for us. This position, although it is very convenient for obstetricians and doctors, is completely unsuitable for a woman in labor and a baby.

Disadvantages of the posture "on the back" of a woman in labor

Pose in horizontal position inhibits the process of normal delivery, which interferes with effective contractions of the muscles of the uterus, full disclosure of the cervix, the correct rotation of the baby's head and its insertion, can increase pain in a woman during childbirth. In addition, in the position of the woman in labor on her back, the uterus compresses large blood vessels, which leads to compression of the inferior vena cava and a violation in vital important organs, including in the placenta, blood supply, the development of dizziness and a feeling of "lightheadedness".

Indications for childbirth in the supine position

the need for epidural anesthesia - even despite the absence of pain during epidural anesthesia, the woman does not lose the ability to move, and she is recommended to lie down due to possible muscle weakness and sharp drop blood pressure;

breech presentation of the baby in a woman - if the woman is in an upright position, a slight opening of the cervix and the unavailability of the birth canal for birth can lead to prolapse of the umbilical cord; most often, the appearance of such a situation can lead to emergency delivery;

Availability premature birth and intrauterine delay fetal growth - in this case, the position of the woman on her side is optimal;

rapid or rapid delivery - the vertical position can accelerate - "force" the process of childbirth and thereby provide Negative influence both for the child and for the mother.

As a rule, it is impossible to give one universal advice for choosing a position for contractions, since every woman, equally, like every childbirth, is unique.

Most often, most women prefer any one of the vertical postures: sitting or standing, perhaps even walking.

Vertical position

Selecting a vertical position creates big row benefits.

First: in the standing position, unlike the position on the back, there is no compression of large vessels, the normal blood supply to the organs and the placenta is preserved. When choosing the most intuitively comfortable position, the woman in labor thereby helps her baby. For example, with the help of some asymmetry of postures, achieved by a slight rise in the pelvis or by pushing one leg forward, the child’s head is correctly inserted, its normal rotation is carried out and right course childbirth. Also, in a vertical position, due to the force of gravity, the child can move freely through the birth canal and there is some expansion of the birth canal.

Most a long period childbirth is the first period, characterized by regular, gradually becoming more frequent, as well as intensifying contractions, leading to disclosure uterine cervix. Fulfilling active movements during childbirth at this time, a woman in labor can help the baby during this period by creating conditions for contractions to be as effective as possible. During the period between contractions, with the help of the chosen position, the woman in labor can rest and relax.

Most women endure the onset of labor easier when walking, since walking, combined with raising the legs high, improves blood circulation, thereby increasing the delivery of oxygen to the baby and uterus.

standing pose

During the fight itself, to reduce pain you can take a pose in a standing position, leaning on the wall and the table, the back of the bed or chair, since in this case all the weight is transferred to the hands. If a husband is present at the birth itself, then you can hang by grabbing him by the neck, or leaning on his back or shoulders. Postures with a forward tilt of the abdomen and its “sagging”, on all fours, in the “cat position”, hanging on the husband’s neck, a posture with forward bends, can help reduce the intensity of pain in the back. In addition, during the fight, it is desirable to perform “swinging” of the pelvis and hips. Performing such movements can relax the muscles of the perineum to a more pronounced degree, as well as open the cervix in full.

sitting posture

When choosing a sitting posture, you need to take into account the fact that the seat surface is softer, preferably elastic. For this purpose, it is better to use either large inflatable balls or children's swimming circles during childbirth. With the help of these devices, you can relax the muscles of the perineum to the maximum extent and open the cervix more widely. During contractions in a sitting position, you can also lean on a pillow, arms and headboard. The legs during the fight should not be closed, since with this position the opening of the cervix is ​​​​incomplete. For greater efficiency, you can spread your knees as wide as possible to the sides.

Squatting posture

The squatting pose with the knees wide apart is also effective. Thanks to the implementation of this posture, you can contribute to the correct process of inserting the head and facilitated the passage of the baby through the birth canal. This is also facilitated by a certain angle taken when tilting the pelvis, achieved by squatting. It is most effective to use this position in cases of complete opening of the cervix and the absence of the baby's head lowering to the pelvic floor. The disadvantage of this position - the squatting position - is the instability of the woman in it. In this situation, the help of the husband, as well as another loved one- invaluable, you can also hold on to the back of the bed or chair when performing the squatting pose.

Lotus position

One of the most common yoga positions is the lotus position, the adoption of which by a woman during childbirth is very effective. For a long stay in the lotus position, preliminary training is necessary even during pregnancy. Only when this condition during childbirth, taking the lotus position will not cause discomfort and tension, but will help relax the muscles of the perineum, as well as the correct "wedging" of the baby's head into the birth canal. In addition, sitting in the “Turkish” position will help unload the back muscles, relieve pain in lumbar region and excessive stress. It is advisable to take these postures at the very beginning of labor, during the period of small intervals between contractions, when they are not very painful and the cervix is ​​in a state of very early opening. In the case of active labor and a large opening of the outlet - the pharynx - the cervix, it is advisable not to sit on a hard surface, as an obstacle is created for the fetus to move along the birth canal.

Side lying position

The side lying position is the most gentle position for the fetus. Most often it is recommended to take it at the end of the first stage of labor with full opening cervix. At the same time, it is impossible to force the course of labor, especially in situations where the fetus is premature or small, and there is also an intrauterine delay.

In water

You can immerse yourself in a bath of water if the outpouring of water has not yet occurred. Also, contractions are easier to bear in a standing position under the shower.

Some African tribes, which have retained the maximum proximity to the laws of nature, have preserved the traditions of giving birth to a woman in a squatting position or in a kneeling position. For example, these traditions exist in Brazil or other countries Latin America. In the Netherlands or France, other European countries, childbirth in water or childbirth in an upright position is again “becoming fashionable”.

Pose "baby"

In the event that the baby's head is completely lowered and its pressure on the tissues occurs pelvic floor, while the cervix has not yet fully opened, the adoption of the “baby pose”, which is an imitation of the position of the child in the womb, helps. You need to kneel, while spreading them wide. To support under the chest, you need to put a large pillow, and put your hands under your head; when taking this position, the pelvis should be above the head of the pregnant woman. This position promotes the absence of pressure on the baby's head and reduces the intensity discomfort.

asymmetrical posture

Sometimes, intuitively, a woman may choose to adopt an asymmetrical pose - the pose of a runner. This position is characterized by the fact that under one of the legs bent at the knee, you need to put a pillow or squeeze it between the legs. The adoption of such a position is the most gentle for the child, and also helps the head to properly wedge into birth canal.

In a number of maternity hospitals, a woman is now able to perform active movements during the first stage of labor. But with an increase in contractions, at the end of the period of cervical dilatation, and also at the beginning of attempts (the beginning of the second stage of labor), the woman in labor should lie on her back. A special device is preliminarily connected, which allows you to monitor the heart rate - heart rate - in the fetus, or the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat in the intervals between contractions using an obstetric stethoscope (tube).

At the birth of the head, the midwife carries out special techniques that are aimed at preventing the occurrence of perineal tears, which are possible only in the position of a woman on her back. Also, lying on her back, a woman in labor can bend her head and press her chin to her chest, while pulling special handrails towards herself, resting her feet on special supports. Few maternity hospitals are equipped with special chairs for vertical delivery. Fetal heartbeats are recorded by special telemetric devices, which save the woman in labor from the need to be on the bed. However, the use of these devices has not yet become widespread in our maternity hospitals.

Typically performed in awkward posture anything is extremely difficult: tense and tired muscles can make themselves felt quite quickly. Since childbirth is a rather long and laborious process, it is necessary to choose the position that is most suitable for you and your baby in advance, with a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

So the period of pregnancy is coming to an end, the woman is waiting for when she finally sees her child. Contractions and the period of childbirth is the most milestone, for which the expectant mother must definitely prepare and approach fully armed. Understanding the physiology of the processes occurring in the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system helps many to go through this stage with minimal discomfort.

Labor contractions are associated with pain, but it can be significantly reduced by observing a few simple rules. Massage techniques, the ability to relax and rest during periods of calm, change of position and other techniques will greatly facilitate well-being. But first, about what signs of contractions before childbirth a pregnant woman can feel.

Signs of true contractions

Contractions can be divided into and true. Training uterine contractions occur almost from the very beginning of pregnancy, but are felt only from the 20th week. With skillful influence, their intensity can be reduced (relaxation techniques, massage, warm bath, change of activity or posture). They do not differ in a clearly traceable frequency, they can disturb several times a day or a week. The interval between spasms is not reduced.

True contractions are more pronounced, accompanied by pain. A woman cannot influence their intensity and duration (no methods lead to relaxation of the muscles of the uterus). An important feature generic contractions is their periodicity.

The first signs of contractions before childbirth may resemble pulling sensations in the lumbar region, passing to the lower abdomen, over time the pain intensifies. Attacks of contractions become longer and are observed more and more often. The interval between contractions at the first stage can reach up to 15 minutes, later it is reduced to several minutes. In general, there are several signs that determine the onset of true uterine contractions, signaling the onset of labor:

  1. Contractions appear with a certain frequency.
  2. Over time, the interval between attacks decreases.
  3. The duration of the contraction increases.
  4. The pain syndrome intensifies.

On examination, the obstetrician determines the gradual opening of the cervix, in parallel, a discharge of water can be observed.

Behavior during contractions

The onset of labor is certainly a very exciting period for a pregnant woman, but it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible and fix each contraction of the uterus, the duration of the contraction and the duration of the relaxation period. Between contractions, you need to try to relax, breathe deeply, in order to supply the muscles with oxygen as much as possible.

You should not immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital - contractions can last up to 13-15 hours and it is better to spend part of this time in home environment with loved ones, not in a hospital room. Households can support and tune in to positive, the husband can lend his shoulder and help in finding the most comfortable position.

Comfortable postures for waiting out the period of contractions

Houses can be searched comfortable position body, which will allow you to easily wait out the period of contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Here are the most comfortable postures for this period:

  1. vertical position. You can lean your hands on the wall, headboard, chair and maintain an upright body position during the fight.
  2. Sitting on a chair. It is necessary to put a pillow under the buttocks and sit on a chair facing the back. During the fight, cross your arms on the back of the chair, and lower your head into your hands. It can be used only in the initial period, when the child is still high enough.
  3. Reliance on husband. A pregnant woman can put her hands on her husband's shoulders (both partners are standing), during a fight the woman leans forward, arches her back in an arc. The husband massages the lower back and shoulders.
  4. On knees and elbows. Get on all fours and relax all your muscles.
  5. On a fitball or toilet. Pregnant women are not recommended to sit during contractions, the baby is gradually moving along the birth canal and a hard surface can make this process difficult. Therefore, a fitball (a sports ball that you can sit on) is an indispensable item during contractions). In its absence, you can sit on the toilet.
  6. Lying on my side. It is often easier for a woman to endure contractions when she is in a prone position. In this case, it is better to lie on your side, put pillows under your hips and head.

Other tricks to wait out the fight

The question of how to facilitate childbirth and contractions worries every woman. There are several tricks to achieve the desired effect.


You don't have to take breaks. For labor activity, it is more useful if the expectant mother is on the move (no need to overdo it - walking at a moderate pace will be enough). While walking, the baby will put a little pressure on the muscles of the cervix with its weight, and stimulate its opening. In order not to interfere with the baby, it is better to keep your back as straight as possible (do not stoop). Heels can help with this, find the highest possible (contractions and childbirth are the only period of pregnancy when they can and even need to be worn). It is noted that in women who are on the move during labor, childbirth is faster and easier.

Concentration on a foreign subject

During contractions, look at some object at eye level (a vase, a picture, or any other). Distraction can bring relief from contractions. You can sing (even if there is absolutely no hearing and voice).

The ratio of contractions and processes occurring in the body, methods of independent psychological training

Experience each fight separately, try not to think that the next one will come soon. Associate the pain with some positive memory. One can imagine that this is a wave that rolls onto the shore and then disappears. Correlate the contraction with a flower bud, which blooms more and more from each attack, and in the center of it is the long-awaited baby. Some women are helped by awareness of the processes that occur at this time in the body. Think that this pain is not an injury, but just a reaction of the body to the opening of the cervix and the tension of the uterus itself. Think about the child, the more it hurts you, the easier it is for him to be born into the world.


Try self-massage techniques:

  1. Press during the period of muscle tension on a point that is in the most protruding zone pelvic bones. The pressure should be strong enough to cause discomfort and some pain.
  2. Stroke side surface belly with palms. You can do this both from the bottom up and from the top down.
  3. You can do circular strokes of the center of the abdomen with the hands, this will also reduce pain.
  4. Spend rubbing the lumbar region with fists (knuckles). The movements should be vertical, and the hands should be located approximately at the level of the sacral dimples.

Impact on biologically active points

Try distraction techniques and other areas of the body to relieve pain. Some may not see the connection between pressure points and muscles contracting during contractions, but it has been practically proven that such a connection exists.

  1. Influence the skin of the forehead - carry out smoothing movements from its center to the temples. The pressure should not be strong.
  2. With your fingers, smooth out light movements from the wings of the nose to the temples, this will also allow you to relax.
  3. Make patting movements in the lower part of the face in the chin area.
  4. Act on the point between the index and thumb, on any hand. Movement should be pulsating. If it is correctly determined, in response to pressure, you will feel pain.

Breathing exercises

Breathing differs depending on the phase of contractions. There are 3 stages in total:

  1. Initial, it is also called latent or hidden.
  2. Active.
  3. transitional.

After passing through all the phases, the period of expulsion of the fetus begins directly. Breathing during contractions and childbirth has its own differences. Consider each stage of contractions, childbirth and breathing during these periods.

Breathing during the initial and active phase of contractions

The duration of the initial phase can last from 7 to 8 hours, during this period, uterine contractions occur regularly every 5 minutes, the contraction itself lasts from half a minute to 45 seconds. Cervical dilation is observed up to 3 cm.

Then there is an increase in seizures and comes active phase. It lasts up to 5-7 hours. The intervals between pain attacks are reduced to 2 minutes, and their duration reaches 60 seconds. The cervix continues to open, and the size of the pharynx reaches 7 cm.

During these periods, a woman should alternate periods of deep and shallow breathing.

When a fight comes, you need to inhale and exhale through your mouth at an accelerated pace (like a dog), during a period of calm, you need to breathe deeply and evenly, making an entrance through the nose, and exhaling through the mouth.

Breathing during the transitional phase of contractions

Then comes the period of slowdown (transitional phase). In its length, this period rarely lasts more than an hour and a half. Contractions last up to one and a half minutes, and the interval between attacks is from half a minute to a minute. During this time, the cervix should open as much as possible (10 cm) in order to let the baby through. Often a pregnant woman feels unwell, dizzy, chills, nausea. For a woman, this is the most difficult phase, attempts are already being felt and they must be restrained until the obstetrician allows you to push. Otherwise, swelling of the cervix and its numerous ruptures are possible.

Breathing during this period can help control the pushing. To do this, you need to breathe in the following sequence: first, two short breaths, and then a long exhalation.

Breathing during expulsion

After full disclosure uterus, the woman should help the baby and start pushing. Contractions during this period are replaced only short intervals muscle relaxation, but in general they are less painful.

Breathing should oxygenate the muscles as much as possible. To do this, during the period of attempts, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath and strongly strain all the muscles of the abdomen. If one breath is not enough, then the woman needs to exhale, take a deep breath 2 times, then hold her breath again and tighten all the muscles. When the fight is over, you need to breathe evenly and calmly.

After the birth of a child, the work of the mother does not stop, there is another crucial stage ahead - the birth of the placenta. The process is almost the same as the birth of a child, only much faster and less painful. The doctor can additionally inject oxytocin intravenously, which will allow you to give birth to the placenta in just one attempt.

Do not be afraid if, even after the birth of a child, a woman experiences uterine contractions - this normal process, which allows you to stop bleeding and significantly reduce the size of the uterus.

When correct psychological mood, necessary knowledge about the birth process some help household and medical personnel, sensations during contractions before childbirth and during childbirth themselves are tolerated quite steadfastly. By combining breathing techniques and other relaxation techniques, you can reduce pain to discomfort. Many women describe the postponed childbirth something like this: “I never waited severe pain»; "I thought it would be worse."

The history of obstetrics is more the story of the gradual deprivation of the woman in labor of the main role in the drama of childbirth. It all started in 17th-century France, when a male doctor first entered the delivery room and assumed the role traditionally performed by midwives. Women in labor were put on their backs to make it easier for doctors to apply obstetric forceps. But, according to tradition, a woman lies on her back only during attempts. And what pose can be considered optimal for fights? There are several opinions on this matter.

The body of each woman works according to its own laws, which means that childbirth is completely different for everyone. A woman giving birth should trust her feelings, move exactly the way she wants, take any position that is convenient for her. In many maternity hospitals, a woman in labor is allowed to sit, walk or lie in any position, in the absence of contraindications. This type of birth control has a number of advantages:

  • A woman can actively participate in the process of childbirth and feel it better.
  • The ability to change body position stimulates blood circulation in the uterus, as a result of which the child receives more oxygen.
  • The cervix opens up better, and the woman in labor experiences less discomfort during contractions.
  • The birth canal stretches more easily, adapts better to the size of the baby's head, so that the likelihood of soft tissue ruptures is reduced.

vertical position. Many women find it instinctively and stay in it for a long time. This is no coincidence: "vertical" postures relieve pain, especially in the back. In addition, in an upright position, in addition to the force exerted by the contracting uterus, gravity acts on the baby, and he moves faster through the birth canal.

In order for you to be able to use all available opportunities during childbirth, imagine various options vertical poses:

  • At the beginning of the first stage of labor, you can sit back, leaning back on your hands or a pillow; you can also "saddle" a chair, resting your hands on its back, or sit on a special ball on which you can bounce or bounce.
  • It is convenient for many women in labor to stand, leaning on the edge of the bed.
  • If the birth is partner, you can actively use the help of the future dad: the mother can, as it were, hang on the partner’s neck, and if the woman in labor is sitting, it is convenient for her to use the father’s back or chest as a support.
  • Another variation of the vertical posture is the squatting position. In this position, the pelvic bones diverge somewhat to the sides, which helps the baby move through the birth canal. This position is most relevant when the cervix has already fully opened, but the fetal head has not yet sunk to the pelvic floor.
  • There are women who walk around the delivery room during labor.

The position "lying on the back". This traditional position is the most physiologically unfortunate for both mother and child. When a woman lies on her back, the uterus with the fetus presses on the large blood vessels, which, in turn, worsens the outflow venous blood from the lower body, including from the pelvic organs. This reduces the amount of oxygenated blood flowing to the placenta and makes it difficult for the mother and baby to have blood flow. The supine position is recommended at a certain stage of epidural anesthesia, when it is necessary that the anesthetic spread symmetrically over the membrane of the spinal cord.

Side lying position. The "plus" of such a pose is that it does not squeeze large vessels. This position, in contrast to the position on the back, is the most gentle for the fetus. It is often used at the end of the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​almost completely open; but it is impossible to force the course of labor, for example, when the fetus is small, premature, or there is intrauterine growth retardation.

By the way, doctors have long noticed that all the postures that a woman takes during childbirth, as a rule, are asymmetrical. For example, a standing woman in labor leans mainly on one side. This is due to the physiology of childbirth: passing through the pelvis, the baby's head should turn, and the expectant mother instinctively "helps" the baby to do this.

Childbirth in water. During the first stage of childbirth, a woman is immersed in water, often up to her neck. Sometimes someone carefully supports her head if she dips the back of her head and ears into the water, leaving only her face on the surface. In the water, contractions are easier, and the woman feels more comfortable. First, she doesn't have to struggle with weight. own body during fights. Secondly, the heat of the water reduces the production of adrenaline and relaxes the muscles.

Learn to relax!

Most often, on the eve of the next fight, a woman experiences fear of pain. Fear is natural defensive reaction. But even a little anxiety in a woman can cause tension, which will lead to contraction of the circular muscles and, thus, will interfere with the work of the muscles of the uterus to expel the fetus. If a woman is in tension, then the outlet of the uterus is also in tension. And this in most cases means long and painful childbirth: the mother, as it were, herself prevents her child from being born. Conversely, if the woman is in a calm, relaxed state, the cervix opens easily: at the moment when the longitudinal muscles begin their work of expelling the fetus, the muscles that kept the uterus locked during pregnancy relax and stretch easily. In this case, the pain is less intense and the baby is born much easier.

Typically, relaxation techniques are taught in childbirth preparation courses. If you have not had a chance to visit them, then you can use a simple method. Tighten certain muscle groups, such as the buttocks, then relax them. Thus, you will begin to distinguish between the sensation of tense and relaxed muscles. If you didn’t happen to learn how to relax your muscles during pregnancy, then you can try to do it during childbirth. Try not to tense up or tighten up as the contraction approaches and during the contraction itself. Try to relax as much as possible; think about how, by straining, you are preventing the opening of the cervix and the progress of the baby through the birth canal. Once you've done it once, you'll get the feeling that a fight in a relaxed state is much easier to bear than in a tense one.

So, we have seen that the choice of posture during contractions is a very individual matter. Therefore, if the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, and the woman is healthy, doctors, as a rule, give her complete freedom of action. They follow the woman in labor, supporting her with a word spoken in time, controlling the process and coming to the rescue only at the right time. After all, when a person has a choice, he has confidence in his abilities and everything works out.

A woman giving birth should trust her feelings, move exactly the way she wants, take any position that is convenient for her.

  • Premature birth, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus (in this case, the position of the woman on her side is optimal).
  • Childbirth in breech presentation(if a woman is in an upright position, then with a slight opening of the cervix, when the birth canal is not yet ready for the birth of a baby, the umbilical cord may fall out; this situation requires emergency delivery).
  • Epidural anesthesia. Despite the fact that during epidural anesthesia, the woman ceases to feel pain, but does not lose the ability to move, the patient is still recommended to lie down, as there is muscle weakness and sometimes decreases arterial pressure. All this can lead to a fall when trying to get up. However, there are also types of epidural anesthesia that do not exclude the possibility of contractions in an arbitrary position.
  • Rapid or quick delivery. The upright position can force the birth process, which will have a negative impact on the mother and baby.

Many women who have given birth will agree with the statement that the process of childbirth is complex and requires some knowledge, effort and physical training. If during childbirth expectant mother uncomfortable, her body quickly weakens and gets tired. Such a situation should not be allowed, because the better the woman works, the less traumatic the appearance of the baby will be.

To be honest, some women in labor intuitively adopt comfortable positions that are comfortable for them. In such a situation, mother nature had her say. But childbirth is not a situation where you can go by the method of errors and trials. Therefore, it is best to get acquainted with the poses that are recommended to be taken during childbirth, with different benefits and choose the best option for you.

If you do not have complications, then during the contractions, the doctors will allow you to behave in a way that is more convenient for you. Take comfortable postures, walk around the ward, use the fitball. Also, if possible, immerse yourself in a warm bath. For some, it is much easier to worry, to stand under the shower. During contractions, the pain is reduced by the position in which the pregnant woman stands leaning on a table, wall, headboard, chair. In this case, it is important to transfer the weight of the body to the hands. If a woman has a backache, the “cat” pose will be effective when the pregnant woman gets on all fours and her stomach sags. Also, you can rock your hips or pelvis, creating different movements that relax the female muscles of the perineum and contribute to the opening of the cervix.

Trained pregnant women can take the lotus position. But it is forbidden to operate during active childbirth. If the baby's head has already dropped and is pressing on the delicate tissues of the pelvic floor, but the cervix has not yet fully opened, the “newborn” position will be effective. In this case, the pregnant woman will have to kneel, and push them very wide, and put a large soft pillow under the mammary glands.

Many years ago, all pregnant women gave birth lying on their backs. But today modern medicine revised her views on this approach to childbirth, because it has been proven that such a position is convenient for doctors and uncomfortable for a pregnant woman and her baby. By the way, there is no such pose in the traditions of other countries. First of all, this is due to the fact that when the woman in labor lies, there is a large compression of the veins, which leads to disruption of the blood supply to the placenta, which will cause dizziness. Also, in this position, the uterus does not contract well, and the cervix opens slowly. And yet, the supine position complicates the correct insertion of the baby's head, increases pain.

There is an advantage to this posture. For example, if the pregnancy is premature, the baby may experience signs of intrauterine delay, in cases where the birth is fast or rapid, as well as in breech presentation. Also, this position will have to be taken by the expectant mother, who will be given epidural anesthesia. Then you need the anesthetic to spread symmetrically.

This posture should be taken at the end initial period childbirth. The position is comfortable, especially when the cervix is ​​​​almost fully opened, and tribal activity you need to control every second. This is very important when the fetus is premature or small. To correctly take this position, you need to lie on your right or left side, and bend your legs at the knees. Place a pillow under your feet. Many pregnant women clamp it between their legs. During the period of the birth of the child, the mother remains lying on her side, and upper leg rises in a bent position. For better comfort, you can hold your leg with your hand.

Posture in childbirth - "high squats"

To take this position, you need to squat down, hugging your knees and spreading your legs wide. The female body must be tilted forward and the head down so that the baby is not born much faster. Therefore, when the baby's head appears, you need to straighten your knees. The doctor must support the baby. A woman must rest against someone or something with her hands in order to maintain her balance. This position allows the pregnant woman not to push. The baby comes out on its own.

Posture during childbirth: giving birth while standing

The pose is very similar to the one described above. During childbirth, you need to bend your knees, spread your legs wide and tilt your torso forward. Someone must be behind to help the woman not to lose her balance. Until the baby's head appears, it is recommended to make light rotational movements with the hips. Then, the baby's head goes down the abdomen better. By the way, in this position, the uterus contracts much more effectively, and they pass more intensively. It is also important that in this position, the woman in labor independently controls the muscles of the pelvis. The risk of ruptures is reduced, because the perineum relaxes much better.

This position requires an assistant. The mother is in control of herself birth process. Also, the advantage of this provision is that the pregnant woman does not give birth quickly, and in some cases this is important. For example, special role such a position can play in the second birth, when the natural birth canal is already wide. If the woman in labor, standing on all fours, spreads her legs and lowers the pelvis down, resting on the edge of the table or bed, then the baby's head will rather fall down the abdomen. And if you need to hold the baby, then the woman in labor will be advised to raise the pelvis. In such cases, as soon as the baby's head appears, the woman in labor will be asked to get on all fours again.

In whatever position you would not give birth, do not forget that you always need to relax. Especially it is impossible to pinch during the period of approach and at the time of contractions. Listen to your obstetrician, tune in positively, and everything will definitely work out for you.



2022 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs