Causes of diarrhea in cats, what does the color and frequency of the stool mean? Treatment at home. What can you give a cat for diarrhea at home: medicines and folk methods

Diarrhea, or diarrhoea, in cats is a problem that is usually characterized by frequent bowel movements with liquid stools. This phenomenon is often observed in animals, but it is not at all normal, and therefore it is important for the owners to know how to treat diarrhea in a cat at home - and under what circumstances it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Why does diarrhea occur

Diarrhea is not just liquid and frequent bowel movements, but also abdominal pain, often nausea, weakness. Often it is accompanied by a lack of appetite, fever and other unpleasant symptoms, the worst of which is dehydration, which can lead to the death of a pet.

Sometimes a cat can get diarrhea, even if he lives in good conditions and is perfectly healthy. Usually diarrhea (it is easily treatable at home) is caused by household, absolutely non-dangerous reasons:

  • Incorrect nutrition, exotic food for a cat, change of water or food, overeating - in these cases, the cat has indigestion.
  • The use of poor-quality feed or spoiled products, food poisoning.
  • Kittens may experience weaning diarrhea, which usually does not require treatment and goes away on its own.
  • Motion sickness in transport during a long trip.
  • Stress.

Domestic causes are not dangerous to the health of the animal. In this case, you can safely treat diarrhea in a cat at home if it:

  • repeated no more than 3-5 times a day;
  • does not have impurities in the form of mucus or blood, a sharp unbearable odor;
  • has a "normal" color - i.e. brown.

In other cases, as well as in cases where diarrhea has affected a pregnant cat or kitten, you should not treat your pet on your own, but contact your veterinarian to prescribe the correct treatment that you will carry out at home - and as soon as possible! Doctor's recommendations must be followed strictly.

How to help a cat yourself

First of all, in the course of treatment, it is necessary to put the pet on a starvation diet for 1 day (for kittens, the maximum fasting period cannot exceed 12 hours), but ensure access to clean drinking water, as well as complete rest. In the case of mild bowel disorders, this treatment at home is enough - the next day the cat should feel better.

If there is a possibility that diarrhea is caused by poisoning with a spoiled product, you can induce vomiting in the cat yourself or take it to the clinic for gastric lavage.

You also need to ask yourself the question of what could cause diarrhea in a cat.

Treatment of diarrhea in cats at home should include the following activities:

  • It is necessary to return the cat to its usual water (if it has recently changed), and also to eliminate unusual or inappropriate foods from its diet, for example, milk (in adult cats it often causes diarrhea due to the lack of enzymes necessary for digestion), fatty foods, fish and etc.
  • If deworming was performed more than 3 months ago, the cat should be given an antihelminthic drug.
  • To reduce body intoxication twice a day, it is necessary to give the cat activated charcoal dissolved in a small amount of water (the dosage is calculated in the same way as for a person - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), give Enterosgel (1 tsp. 2 times a day). day) or drink "Smecta" according to the instructions.
  • To avoid dehydration, you need to drink the cat (you can instead of water) with a solution of Regidron (strictly according to the instructions!). You can also use warm, lightly salted water (no more than a teaspoon per liter) or lightly salted chamomile tea. In more severe cases, it will be necessary to inject the cat with Ringer's solution. It is best to drink a cat through a syringe without playing - you need to inject the liquid little by little, introducing the syringe tip into the cat's mouth through the corner of the mouth.
  • To save a cat from abdominal pain, you can offer her antispasmodics - for example, a quarter of a tablet of No-shpa or Papaverine 1 time per day.
  • After the cat improves, it can be gradually given soft and low-carbohydrate foods. Suitable boiled chicken or, for example, children's canned meat. It is important to feed your pet often, but in small portions - and not to give the usual norm of food. Maximum - half, otherwise it can provoke diarrhea again.
  • You can give drugs that will help restore the intestinal microflora - for example, Linex or Furazolidone (1/6 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days). However, for the treatment of diarrhea in a cat, such drugs are best used as prescribed by a doctor.
  • To help the intestines start working properly, it is best to give the cat rice water for the first time after the cat's condition is relieved - it will help to establish peristalsis.

If a cat has impurities (mucus, blood) in the feces, they have an unusual color, smell, the cat is lethargic, and its mucous membranes are pale, if the treatment of diarrhea in a cat at home does not bring results for more than three days, it is necessary not to risk the health of the pet and immediately go to the doctor!

Proper Prevention

Prevention of diarrhea will help to avoid such an unpleasant problem as diarrhea in cats. Prevention includes keeping the cat's bowls, tray, beds and toys clean, observing the feeding regimen, choosing a balanced diet (dry food or natural food), annual vaccinations, and most importantly, regular pet deworming!

A normal stool in a cat should be formed, moist, slightly soft, brown in color, without any red or other inclusions. Diarrhea is a gastrointestinal disorder in cats. In addition to the fact that this causes physical discomfort to the pet, diarrhea signals a strong poisoning of the body, and prolonged release of loose stools leads to dehydration. Diarrhea is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and itching in the anus, causing even greater inconvenience to the cat.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea and abdominal pain are symptoms of rather unpleasant changes in the body. Most often, loose stools appear after the cat has eaten fatty foods, or the owner has put a portion more than necessary.

But there are other problems that cause diarrhea, and they are much more dangerous. In this case, treatment should not be postponed indefinitely.

Here is a list of the main causes that cause diarrhea in cats and cats:

Can diarrhea be cured at home?

Diarrhea is often treated at home, unless it is swelling, internal bleeding, or poisoning. In these cases, you need to urgently consult a doctor for tests and a thorough examination; a person without veterinary education, medicines and medical equipment will not be able to cope with such a problem on his own!

Cats are considered aristocratic gourmets, as they are distinguished by their particular pickiness and character. That is why, if the animal does not have chronic diseases, such a symptom as diarrhea is extremely rare. In the case of its development, the owner is obliged to pay maximum attention to the pet in order to help him. It is not very reasonable to start self-medication, since.

Diarrhea in a cat is not difficult to identify - it is usually frequent emptying

Diarrhea is a bowel movement that has a liquid consistency.

Basically, diarrhea is associated with frequent bowel movements, however, this is an erroneous opinion. Many cats drink too much water, so water comes out with the stool. In simple words, the consistency of the stool in cats can be mixed and liquid, but the number of these stools is considered a constant indicator. The cause of diarrhea in cats is an excess amount of water in the stool, and this already indicates a problem associated with the work of the intestines.

The main causes of diarrhea

If your pet has diarrhea, it is important to remember that it is an acid-base disorder and also causes an electrolytic disorder.

In this situation, you should find out the cause of the cat’s poor health, then proceed with treatment in consultation with the veterinarian.

What to do if the cat has diarrhea at home

Proper treatment of diarrhea will allow the pet to quickly forget about his problem.

If this situation has affected your pet, you should take all necessary measures to eliminate it. First you need to remove all food from the cat, water it more often.

The optimal remedy for drinking, in case of diarrhea, is a five percent glucose solution. It is injected into the pet's mouth using a syringe, but without a needle.

As for folk remedies, the walls of chicken stomachs, pre-shredded and dried, are great help. This is due to the fact that such walls contain digestive enzymes that can stop diarrhea in cats.

Diarrhea with blood

Fresh quail egg is an excellent folk remedy for diarrhea.

The best folk remedies for diarrhea in cats:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • fresh quail egg, beaten with a little sugar;
  • herbal teas, as well as black sweet tea;
  • decoction of yarrow, chokeberry;
  • a decoction of flax seeds or oatmeal.

In addition to folk remedies, there are special medicines that can help in resolving a delicate situation.

If you do not have the opportunity to use such funds, the pharmacy sells Enterosan. This powder is diluted in water, then given to drink to the pet.

What to give a cat for diarrhea

Please consult your veterinarian before giving your cat any medication.

From diarrhea in cats, ordinary and Smecta. If all of the above methods do not help, you should give the cat medicine, otherwise take it to the veterinarian.

Ftalazol and other medicines

Diarrhea tablets

It is considered an excellent remedy for diarrhea Ftalazol in tablets. Dosage ¼ one tablet twice a day. Such preparations for restoring intestinal microflora can cope with a delicate problem:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bificol;
  • Probifor.

If an infection is found

If the cause of this disorder in a cat is an infection, then you can not do without antibacterial and antimicrobial agents. These include:

  • Linex;
  • Nifuroxazide;
  • Furazolidone.

It is not recommended to treat the cat on its own with antibiotics, as it can be significantly harmed. As for the tablets Furazolidone , then one piece is divided into six equal parts, given to the pet twice a day for three days.

More serious drugs

Metronidazole can only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Its misuse can harm the cat!

There are more. They can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, as they have many side effects. These drugs include: Levomycetin, Metronidazole.

In the video, the veterinarian gives advice on how to treat diarrhea in a cat at home


As you know, it is much more difficult to give a cat a medicine to drink than a child. The cat perceives such treatment as a manifestation of aggression on the part of the owner. As for improvised means, a syringe without a needle can help you. If you are unable to get the medicine into your pet's mouth, take him to the vet immediately.

Indigestion in pets is not uncommon. Veterinarians confirm that at least a quarter of the calls are related to diarrhea. This is not even considering the fact that most owners do not seek help, but wait for the problem to resolve itself.

The duration and intensity of the course of the disease depends on the causes that caused it. And they can be very serious. For example, viral enteritis kills an animal in a matter of days. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. It is very difficult to confuse them with something: the cat begins to run to the tray several times a day, while his bowel movements are watery or mushy. Before deciding what to give a cat for diarrhea, let's first understand what is behind this phenomenon.

Warning signs

If diagnosing constipation can be difficult, then everything is very clear here. Frequent loose stools are difficult to interpret in any other way. In addition, additional symptoms may be present:

  • urge to defecate;
  • flatulence;
  • mucus or blood in the stool.

Usually, in such cases, the owners just go through the first-aid kit, thinking about what to give the cat for diarrhea. If the pet is cheerful and active at the same time, then such behavior can be considered justified. Another thing is when other symptoms join:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • dehydration;
  • fever;
  • lethargy;
  • vomit.

In such cases, it is no longer possible to delay. Especially if you see that the diarrhea is unnatural in color: red, green or black.

Duration of symptoms

If the diarrhea started today, then you can call your veterinarian and ask what to give the cat for diarrhea. An isolated case is not a cause for alarm, and the doctor may recommend some mild remedy that can help. If after two days there was no visible improvement, then this already indicates a more serious and neglected problem.

Conventionally, diarrhea in cats is divided into three types:

  • Acute - ends in a few hours or days.
  • Chronic - if the diarrhea lasts more than a week.
  • Intermittent - if periodically worried for a month or more.

Be sure to remember what happened in recent days. Perhaps you have changed your pet's diet or treated him to something new, unfamiliar before. If the reason was improper feeding, then you can not even worry much and not puzzle over the question "what to give the cat for diarrhea." With a diet and drinking enough fluids, all symptoms go away on their own, and quickly enough.

Causes of the disease

Very often, veterinarians are faced with the fact that the owners start treatment at home, without thinking that the situation can be much more serious than it seems at first glance. So let's talk about what might underlie this phenomenon.

  • Poisoning is the first thing owners think about.
  • Binge eating. It's also a very likely reason. Especially if the cat was fed too fatty, inappropriate food for her.
  • Wrong nutrition. This has already been touched upon above. Often mustachioed-striped ones are fed with soup or milk. In fact, cats are carnivores. They need meat and fish.
  • Worm diseases. Every 6 months it is necessary to carry out prevention, namely: to give the pet special preparations for worms.
  • food allergy. Most often it happens on chicken, buckwheat, sometimes on fish. But such a reaction rarely occurs suddenly. But if you gave a new product for the first time, then such a result is quite possible.
  • Infection.
  • Bowel disease.
  • Psycho-emotional disorder. This may be due to the move, the strong employment of the beloved owner, and a number of other factors.

When to start treatment

This is a question that seriously worries every owner who does not have a medical education. If diarrhea is complicated by other symptoms, such as vomiting, fever, and dehydration, a furry pet needs a starvation diet for one to two days, which is the most acceptable treatment. It is desirable to reduce the amount of water drunk and provide the patient with complete rest.

If diarrhea continues for a week or more, then this is a reason to consult a veterinarian. In this case, it is necessary to conduct research, because the body is severely dehydrated, which only aggravates the condition of the animal.

If diarrhea occurs without complications

First of all, let's talk about what you can give a cat for diarrhea if his condition is quite satisfactory. Activated charcoal is perfect for this step. Do not try antibiotics to stop diarrhea - it is necessary in order to remove toxins from the body. Another question is how they got into it.

It is one thing if it is food poisoning, and quite another if the cause lies in helminthic invasions, pathologies of internal organs and other violations of the normal functioning of the body. It should also be borne in mind that each cat is individual, and the same symptoms may indicate different ailments. Therefore, to find out the reasons, it is necessary to contact specialists.

You must be prepared to seek qualified help in case of any complication. If the feces have acquired an unusual look, smell or color, and at the same time the diarrhea does not stop for several days, you should know that it will no longer be possible to cure the pet on your own.

diarrhea with water

Quite often, the owners are frightened by such a phenomenon, and they begin to feverishly think about which pills to give the cat for diarrhea. In fact, abundant watery discharge indicates a minor, one-time problem. However, this may be the first symptom of a developing disease. Therefore, it is better to consult a veterinarian. If this is not possible, do the following:

  • If only diarrhea is observed, without vomiting, then give the pet boiled water to drink. This will prevent dehydration.
  • It is better not to give food at all until the condition improves.
  • Now it's time to talk about what to give the cat from diarrhea at home. At this stage, it is permissible to start treatment with adsorbents. An excellent choice would be "Smekta".

In what cases does the adsorbent help?

First of all, let's find out what this substance is. As we have already said, Smecta is perfect for alleviating symptoms, since it is the strongest adsorbent. The substances included in its composition help the body get rid of toxins. It is recommended to use it in the following cases:

  • If there was a sharp change in feed.
  • After eating fried and smoked foods.
  • In case of poisoning with a low-quality product.
  • With stress that affects intestinal motility.
  • When toxic substances enter the body. "Smekta" binds them and brings them out.
  • The presence in the feed of substances that cause an allergic reaction.
  • After motion sickness in transport.

How "Smecta" works on the body of a cat

Veterinarians know well how important it is to stop the absorption of toxic substances in time. Therefore, they answer in the affirmative to the question of whether it is possible to give Smektu to a cat with diarrhea. The active substance of this drug is diomexit. It is a clay mineral that consists of aluminum oxide and silicon. It has a strong adsorbent effect.

Especially experts note the high fluidity of the drug, which helps to envelop the mucous membranes of the digestive system. If you are thinking about what medicine to give a cat for diarrhea, then you won’t find a better option. "Smecta" does not harm the body, because it is not absorbed into the blood, but acts only in the intestines. The drug has the following effect:

  • Protects the intestinal wall from bile and acid, as well as toxins.
  • Stimulates the production of mucus in the stomach and intestines.

How to give "Smektu" to a cat with diarrhea

The dosage will be prescribed individually, but there are general recommendations, which we will discuss below. Suspension is used to treat animals. Due to the natural composition, it has no contraindications and does not disturb intestinal motility. With any pathology of the intestines, you can safely give the pet "Smektu". If there is no improvement, you need to go to the vet. But it certainly won't get any worse.

To prepare a medicinal solution, you will need boiled water (50 g) and a bag of Smecta. Each contains 3 g of the drug. To eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea, you should also prepare a syringe and a towel. Dilute the powder in water and mix vigorously.

Age and individual characteristics

These are the factors that need to be taken into account. Of course, a one-month-old kitten and an adult cat weighing 8 kg require different amounts of the drug. Therefore, how much "Smecta" to give a cat with diarrhea can only be said when examining the animal. However, there is a general formula for kittens, which recommends giving 2 ml of solution for each kilogram of weight. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the animal will definitely spit out part of the solution. For an adult cat, the dosage should be at least 5 ml per kilogram.

Features of the introduction

Now the hardest part. Let's look at how to give "Smektu" to a cat with diarrhea. To cure a pet, you will need to use a regular 2 cc syringe. see Fill it with suspension and release excess air. After that, you can proceed directly to the introduction:

  • Wrap the animal in a towel so that it does not resist.
  • Do not force him to open his jaws, as you can injure your pet. It is enough to lift the upper lip.
  • Now gently insert the syringe through your teeth.
  • After a successful infusion, hold your head up.
  • Stroking the neck will help the swallowing process.
  • Only after that you can proceed to the introduction of the next portion.


In what cases it is necessary to stop using this drug? Veterinarians say that contraindications are very rare, but they cannot be completely ruled out. So, "Smecta" can not be used in such cases:

  • The pet has a high sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • The pet suffers from constipation. "Smecta" slows down the movement of feces through the intestines.
  • If the animal suffers from intestinal obstruction.
  • If your pet has a high temperature.

Before giving "Smecta", check the temperature. To do this, insert the thermometer into the anus. Normal readings should not exceed 38.5 degrees.

Use of Loperamide

It is a popular medicine for the treatment of diarrhea. It is sold in a regular pharmacy and is inexpensive. But veterinarians rarely prescribe it to cats. You must first find out the reason why the animal suffers from diarrhea. If it is a helminthic invasion or colitis, the patient needs complex treatment. It is important not only to prevent dehydration, but to eradicate the cause. Diarrhea can be deadly.

How Loperamide Works

So, is it possible to give a cat "Loperamide" for diarrhea? To understand, you need to understand well how this medicine works. In fact, its range of action is quite narrow. The drug stops peristalsis. That is, it will not cure diarrhea, but simply stop the removal of intestinal contents from the body.

The option is not the best, because if the feces are not excreted for a long time, the animal begins to become intoxicated. This means that harmful substances from the feces are gradually absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the body, poisoning the animal from the inside. So you can not get involved in this drug. You can give the cat "Loperamide" from diarrhea solely for hygienic purposes, for example, if you need to get to the veterinary clinic in public transport. But this is an emergency measure that does nothing to treat your animal.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we can conclude that there are not so many funds to help your pet. First of all, this is therapeutic fasting and sparing nutrition for the duration of recovery. For a single case of diarrhea, activated charcoal can be given. If the situation does not improve, then change it to Smecta. For two days you can watch your pet. If he feels better, he eats and plays, you can finish the course of treatment on this. Any of the additional symptoms (vomiting, fever, lethargy) should be a reason for refusing self-treatment and contacting a veterinarian.

Separately, I would like to say about drugs such as Loperamide and Cerucal. Both are designed to slow down the activity of the digestive tract. The first is prescribed to block vomiting, and the second to stop diarrhea. They have a huge downside. Both vomiting and diarrhea do not start just like that, but serve as a way to cleanse the body of toxins. When they are artificially blocked, intoxication progresses.

That, in fact, is all that can be given to a cat from diarrhea at home without harm to his body. An antibiotic, including Levomycetin, beloved by many, must be prescribed strictly according to indications. Such drugs also have a harmful effect on the body. And if the cause of diarrhea is a viral infection, then you additionally weaken the body's defenses and bring the death of your pet closer. Do not ignore the need to contact the veterinarian. The specialist is more competent and knows exactly what to give the cat for diarrhea.

Diarrhea in cats and cats is common. But this does not mean that you can lose sight of the situation and wait until it passes by itself. Diarrhea in a cat may indicate the presence of serious illness. If your pet has regular unformed stools, he may have just overeaten or caught an infection.

Identifying the disorder is easy. The pet often performs an act of defecation, while the feces can be liquid, watery or mushy.

The color and smell will also be different from the norm. The owner should definitely contact the veterinarian with a similar problem. The cat is very picky and capricious in the choice of food, so the disorder of the stool should alert.

Problems with the stool occur for various reasons. It can be just overeating or a dangerous infection that threatens the cat's life.

Diarrhea occurs when:

Sometimes there is short-term diarrhea if the cat endures a stressful situation. Regardless of what caused the upset stomach, your actions in the event of diarrhea in a cat should be immediate. Call the veterinarian or take the pet to the clinic yourself.

Main symptoms

We often do not attach importance to such things as upset stools or vomiting in animals. Because of this, severe complications and even death can occur. Treatment of diarrhea in a cat requires a special approach and compliance with all the recommendations of specialists.

The owner should be wary if he notices such manifestations in his pet:

  • Unformed chair;
  • Frequent attempts to defecate;
  • Unusual color and smell of feces;
  • Admixture of blood in the stool.

Associated symptoms of the disease may also appear. Lack of appetite, vomiting, fever, sudden weight loss, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.

If you notice green or black stools containing blood, contact your veterinarian immediately. In such a situation, there is no time to waste so as not to aggravate the situation of the pet.

Treatment at home

If there is a one-time disorder caused by stress or overeating, it is necessary to put the cat on a one-day diet. For the next few days, reduce portions and soon, your pet will quickly get rid of the disease at home.

The veterinarian prescribes the necessary drugs to eliminate the problem.

The presence of mucous secretions and blood during bowel movements indicates damage to the gastrointestinal tract. The cause may be poor-quality feed, expired food, or plants that have caused irritation. If there is not much blood, it is enough to keep the pet on a one-day fast.

In case of abundant black discharge, you need to urgently go to the doctor.

The presence of green feces indicates a putrefactive process that develops in the cat's body. This happens due to the use of carrion or expired products. In this case, you need to induce vomiting in the animal, give a hepatoprotector and take it to the veterinary clinic.

White, yellow or orange diarrhea indicates a malfunction of the organs, a lack or excess of certain substances. In this case, a thorough examination and medical treatment will help.

Medical treatment

To help the cat get rid of diarrhea, you can give special medications. But it is better not to get involved in them yourself. It is better to discuss any remedies with your doctor first. If such situations have already arisen, it is worth keeping pills and drops in the first-aid kit, in case of relapse.

Among the effective drugs that a veterinarian prescribes to cure diarrhea, the following can be noted:

In severe cases, chemotherapy may be needed.

cat diarrhea diet

On the first day, do a hunger strike. But at the same time it is necessary to give a lot of water. In the future, exclude dairy products from the diet and limit the intake of starch. For several days, the animal has only light, low-fat food on the menu. The number and size of servings should also be reduced.

Feed your cat 4-5 times a day. Medications can be added to food immediately. During this period, it is best to give the pet boiled chicken meat, yolk and cereals. To diversify your pet's diet, use special canned food.

Returning to the usual diet is possible only after full recovery with the consent of the doctor. This usually takes a week.




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