Oral care products. How to properly care for the oral cavity and teeth Features of hygiene procedures in children

Oral hygiene is the key to the excellent condition of your teeth. There is no need to go to the dentist too often to clean the surface of the teeth from plaque - oral hygiene has become more affordable with the advent of the Israeli brand KEDEM on the market. The manufacturer develops oral hygiene products based on natural ingredients. The personal hygiene kit gently cleanses plaque, freshens breath, and prevents inflammation.

Mouth care: a list of the main rules

To visit the dentist less often, follow a few basic rules:

  • oral hygiene should be performed systematically, without gaps, even in childhood;
  • the selection of hygiene products for oral care should be made individually for each after consultation with a specialist - he will assess the condition of your gums and teeth;
  • it is recommended to buy a new toothbrush monthly, in order to avoid the development of pathogens on its bristles;
  • use special rinses and sprays after eating, if there is no direct opportunity to use a toothbrush.

Of course, professional teeth cleaning is a must, but quality prevention of dental problems using natural ingredients in oral care products will help you to be proud of your smile.

KEDEM store - comprehensive oral hygiene from Israel in Moscow

The range of products for oral care of the online store is represented by a variety of types of products - from sprays to restorative oils. In the complex they have a disinfecting and healing effect, complete hygiene of the teeth and oral cavity is impossible without them.

How much does natural oral care cost? KEDEM is an opportunity to buy products based on essential oils of natural origin at an affordable price. Oral hygiene will become even more enjoyable - your whole family will appreciate the benefits of Israeli cosmetics.

The price of KEDEM products does not differ from the cost of the average dental product, and the effect of its use is much more noticeable. Ordering it is very simple - thanks to the convenient catalog on the site, you can choose everything you need online. Comprehensive oral care is a guarantee of your snow-white smile for many years.

To prevent the occurrence of pain or the development of diseases in the oral cavity, you need to know how to properly care for your teeth. In our article, we will consider the basic rules of care and give recommendations from experts.

After reading our article, you will be able to take better care of your mouth and teeth, which will allow you to avoid expensive treatment.

5 main rules

In order to properly brush your teeth, you should remember the following points.

Comprehensive care

A toothbrush, no matter how long and carefully you brush your teeth with it, will not be able to reach all corners. It is especially difficult to get to the space between the teeth, where food usually accumulates, which as a result leads to the appearance of bacteria, plaque, which can lead to cavities.

Therefore, in addition to a toothbrush, you need to use a thread and various rinses.

Updating "tools"

If the shelf life of the rinse aid and dental floss can be up to three years, then the toothbrush must be changed every three months.

High price is not a guarantee of quality

Do not rely too much on expensive products - be guided by your experience and the recommendations of your doctor.

Thoroughness and regularity

Brush your teeth twice a day for at least three minutes.

Visit doctor

Do not forget - in order to avoid consequences and serious treatment, it is mandatory to visit the dentist twice a year.

By following all these rules, you can minimize the risk of caries or other diseases.

What oral hygiene products to use

To effectively care for your teeth and mouth, you need to use a number of tools. Let's take a closer look at them all, this will allow you to choose the most suitable for you.

These include:

  1. Brush.
  2. Paste.
  3. Dental floss.
  4. Rinsers.

In rare cases, chewing gum can be used.


This is the main element of oral care, since it accounts for more than 90% of all tooth brushing manipulations. Therefore, a lot depends on the choice. The selection criteria are as follows:

  1. Rigidity. Brushes are medium in hardness, soft and hard. Medium is best for those with normal tooth sensitivity, soft is best for children or those with gum problems, while hard is best for cleaning dentures.
  2. Type: electric or conventional. The cost of the electric brush is higher, but the effect is much better. In addition, it is worth remembering that for such products, the brushes should be changed every three months.


Dental floss is the only tool that can effectively clean the space between your teeth. To date, there is a huge variety of such products, so you should choose based on the following criteria:

  1. It is advisable to buy flat products with lubrication, which will minimize gum injury, since lubrication will reduce friction and have an antibacterial effect, which is important for the prevention of oral diseases.
  2. It is better to choose waxed ones, because they are easier and more comfortable to use, but there are also unwaxed ones, they are cheaper.
  3. Fluorinated threads are on sale, which will provide additional protection for tooth enamel. But you need to use such funds as carefully as possible, since a large amount of fluoride can be harmful.
  4. Material. There are silk and synthetic threads. The second ones are cheaper, because they are more popular, the main thing is to make sure that allergens are not present in their composition.

Pasta selection

It is important to monitor the composition of the pastes. For example, many people think that it is better to buy pastes with fluoride, but they are only useful for caries prevention. If you already have problems with this or if you suffer from fluorosis, you should not use such products. You do not need to pay attention to the cost, since the choice of paste depends on many factors, including the predisposition of the body to the components of the product.

Today, whitening pastes are very popular, but their use is not always effective and requires prior consultation.


They are the most comprehensive means of those listed, since they take care not only of the teeth, but of the entire oral cavity. There are several recommendations for choosing:

  1. Therapeutic or prophylactic. The former affect a specific problem, such as bleeding gums, while the latter provide comprehensive care.
  2. Compound. It is important to ensure that there are no allergens in the composition.

To increase the effectiveness of rinses, it is best to purchase them in accordance with your toothpaste.

Step-by-step algorithm for dental care

To take care of your teeth as effectively as possible, you need to carry out all activities consistently and regularly. The general scheme looks like this:

  1. Try to brush your teeth carefully from all sides, and you need to move the brush from the bottom up, after which you can proceed to the chewing surface of the teeth.
  2. Press on the "tool", but do not press hard, so as not to harm the gums.
  3. Don't forget to brush your tongue as this is where most of the bacteria accumulate. To clean the tongue, the back (ribbed) surface of the brush is usually used. Just gently swipe it from the root of the tongue to the tip. But it is best to purchase a special scraper that is also suitable for cleaning the cheeks.

After that, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, after which you can proceed to the next step - cleaning the space between the teeth, for which you should use dental floss. The instruction is as follows:

  1. Take a piece of thread about 20 cm long, wind it around your fingers.
  2. Stretch between teeth, gradually lowering the floss.
  3. Repeat the procedure for each gap: first work on the front teeth, then move on to the back.

To avoid transferring bacteria, use a fresh piece of floss for each new area.

The last step is rinsing your teeth. Just take a tablespoon of the product into your mouth and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it, it takes about 1-2 minutes. On average, brushing your teeth, when you get used to acting according to this scheme, will not take you more than 8 minutes.

After the extraction of teeth, it is very important not to damage the wound that has appeared in the mouth, so cleaning should be done carefully, but it is better to refuse dental floss during the healing period. It is also recommended to rinse with chamomile infusion.

It’s worth dispelling one well-known myth right away - for some reason, many people believe that you can not take care of milk teeth, they say, they will fall out anyway. However, the lack of proper care will lead to serious problems with molars.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the oral cavity from the moment the first teeth appear, and all activities should be carried out as carefully as possible. Follow these tips:

  1. The first brush you need to buy is as soft as possible, with a small pile.
  2. Watch the composition: the packaging should contain information about the possibility of using a brush at a certain age.
  3. Children's pastes should be organic - the composition should not contain chemicals and allergens.
  4. It is undesirable to use products with a high content of fluoride, as this can disrupt the development of teeth.

In addition, it is imperative to get advice from a specialist in choosing a paste and brush. Also encourage your child to visit the doctor regularly.

When changing teeth, you need to monitor the quality of food and water - it is best not to give foods rich in fluoride. And when all the teeth change to permanent, you can use the same tools as for adults.

We use oral care products every day, they help to achieve hygienic cleanliness, whiter teeth, protect teeth and gums from pathogenic bacteria, or even get rid of some oral diseases. Our store offers a wide range of hygiene products based on natural ingredients. Thanks to this harmonious composition, excellent care is provided, gentle care even for problem areas.

Natural oral care products

In our catalog, among the oral care products, there are several main types:

  • Toothpastes, regular and concentrated;
  • Tooth powders based on natural herbs;
  • Cleaning sticks for teeth whitening;
  • Mouthwashes.

As the basis of each of them, extracts, decoctions and extracts from natural herbs are used, which have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, thanks to which they effectively relieve inflammation and fight caries and its pathogens. You can buy dental and oral care products from the Ayurveda-shop for all family members. The advantage of natural hygiene products is that they are equally well suited for use by both adults and children. In addition, when shopping in our store, you get an additional opportunity to save money, since many pastes and powders are concentrates that can be used economically for a long time, despite the small amount.

Brushes and scrapers for dental and oral care

An important role in oral care is played by brushes, as well as tongue scrapers, which help to get rid of unwanted plaque in which bacteria multiply. In our store you will find a favorable price for oral care products, as well as unsurpassed quality. Here you can buy everything you need for proper care of your teeth, gums and even more. In addition, along with oral care products, the catalog of our store includes

Proper oral care is absolutely familiar to a modern person.

How to perform the correct care procedure and what means to use, as well as how to care for the oral cavity in special cases, further in the material.

Basic Rules

A qualitative result is ensured by the complexity of oral care.

For a healthy smile, you must follow a set of daily dental care procedures:

  • clean them up;
  • use dental floss or toothpicks to clean the space between the teeth from the remaining pieces of food;
  • use conditioners;
  • rinse your mouth after each meal with saline, mouthwash, or warm water;

Timely change of accessories for brushing your teeth is also one of the important points of care. Old toothbrushes have a traumatic effect on the surface of the enamel, gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The toothbrush should be changed every 1.5-2 months.

You should also monitor the expiration date of the hygiene products used. In the event of the expiration date, the product must be changed. Purchasing products for comprehensive oral care will cost on average much lower than the cost that dental services currently have.

Teeth should be brushed twice a day: after and before bed.

This treatment frequency has been chosen to provide optimal care.

The duration of the brushing procedure should be at least 3 minutes.

To control the time of the procedure, you can use an hourglass, as many dentists advise.

The dental office must be visited for a scheduled examination 2 times a year, as well as in the presence of any complaints or suspicions of diseases of the oral cavity.

Oral care products


The toothbrush is the main item of oral hygiene.

When buying a brush, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

Electric and conventional toothbrush

Toothbrushes are also classified into:

  • manual;
  • electrical;

Electric brushes powered by batteries or accumulators can reduce the time for the procedure, as well as provide better cleaning of bacteria and plaque in the oral cavity.

There are various models of electric brushes: with a timer, removable nozzles and others. They also vary in price.

There is an opinion of dentists that the frequent use of electrical devices increases the risk of inflammation in the gums, and can also cause loosening of the teeth.

dental floss

Dental floss is also an important tool for oral care. They allow you to easily clean the interdental space after eating.

There are several types of dental floss:

  • round. This type is suitable for people with a large interdental space;
  • voluminous. Swell when wet, suitable for any type of teeth;
  • flat. Well clean the dentition with small gaps;
  • tape. Suitable for gentle cleaning of the dentition with a large interdental space.

The use of the thread allows you to reduce the risk of oral diseases to a minimum, as well as to keep the freshness and cleanliness of the oral cavity without additional procedures.


No toothbrush is complete without toothpaste. Multi-component toothpastes reduce the friction of tooth bristles on enamel, and also have a healing effect on teeth and gums.

The composition of toothpaste may include: fluoride, calcium, phosphates, abrasive particles, whitening, antiseptic components and other compounds.

There are many different types of toothpastes, mainly preparations are classified into:

  • hygienic;
  • treatment-and-prophylactic;
  • medical.

In everyday life, people use the first two types of toothpaste, depending on their preferences.

The third type is for use by people suffering from dental or gum disease. To reduce sensitivity or, whitening or complex care, you should choose different pastes. Sometimes it is recommended to change their types.

When choosing products for oral care, buyers should pay attention to the purpose of the paste and individual needs.


Mouthwashes allow you to give the oral cavity freshness, a pleasant smell and clean the interdental space from food debris without the cleaning procedure.

When wearing orthodontic structures, the use of rinses is mandatory.
There are several types of conditioners:

  1. antiseptic. Aimed at cleansing the oral cavity from bacteria;
  2. medicinal. Aimed at caring for the gums and eliminating inflammation.

There are many rinse aids from various companies. Oral care products should be tailored to individual needs: decide on the purpose of using the product and choose the right one.

Oral care for a critically ill patient

Seriously ill people are not able to provide themselves with the necessary oral hygiene. To avoid the processes of erosion and decay, it is necessary to regularly help the patient in brushing his teeth.

Hygienic care of the patient's oral cavity is carried out using a soft toothbrush, which is not capable of damaging the mucous membranes.

If the patient is conscious, the patient's oral care is as follows:

  1. help the patient to place the head in the correct position;
  2. put a towel under your chin, put a spitting container on the towel;
  3. rinse your mouth with water;
  4. put on gloves, squeeze the paste onto the toothbrush and with sweeping movements clean from the incisors to the chewing teeth from all sides of the dentition;
  5. ask the patient to spit the paste how many times per procedure;
  6. rinse your mouth;
  7. If necessary, lubricate the surface of the lips with Vaseline.

If there are dentures, they must be removed and this procedure carried out without the participation of the patient.

After tooth extraction

  • take food within 2-3 hours;
  • drink hot drinks;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol for a day;
  • take water procedures in very hot water;
  • experience strong physical exertion;
  • touch the area of ​​the extracted tooth with the tongue or other objects;
  • make vigorous movements with the muscles of the mouth.

Features of care after tooth extraction:

  1. in the first few days it is not recommended to carry out intensive rinsing of the mouth. This can cause tissue damage and subsequent bleeding;
  2. intensive cleaning at the site of damage is prohibited. It is best to go around the hole with a toothbrush in a circle;
  3. in the presence of painful sensations, it is recommended to take analgesic drugs prescribed by a doctor;
  4. when applying ice wrapped in a towel to the cheek. It is necessary to keep the area in the cold for no more than half an hour.

The gauze swab holding back the blood must be removed half an hour after the procedure. If the bleeding does not stop, you must re-consult a doctor.

After dental implants

In order to avoid possible complications after the procedure, oral care after dental implantation should be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. for several days it is not recommended to chew on implants, especially if the food is hard or fibrous;
  2. smoking, taking alcoholic and hot drinks is prohibited during the day;
  3. after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid brushing the installed tooth for several days. Instead, it is recommended to use special rinses;
  4. in the early days it is necessary to eat only chilled drinks and dishes;
  5. it is not recommended to frequently touch the implant, as it is possible to damage it;
  6. it is necessary to provide sleep on a higher surface so that the head is in the correct position. To do this, you need to use several pillows;
  7. in the presence of pain, it is recommended to take painkillers.

Implantation is a rather complicated and expensive procedure, so the care of an implanted tooth should be of the highest quality.

Features of hygiene procedures in children

Regular and proper care of the oral cavity must be taught from an early age. To clean the teeth of children, there are special children's toothpastes and brushes designed for milk teeth.

As soon as the first teeth appear, parents need to provide regular care for them. When the child becomes older and can carry out the cleaning procedure on his own, the task of the parents is to monitor the correct care.

In children oral care, the algorithm has the following:

  1. a pea-sized toothpaste must be applied to the toothbrush;
  2. the child should not swallow the paste;
  3. movements must be correct: sweeping, but not circular;
  4. the procedure time should be at least three minutes;
  5. it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue and cheeks;
  6. parents should help the child to complete the cleaning of the teeth if he does not do it well enough, and plaque remains on the enamel.

The future health of a child's smile depends on the hygiene skills acquired in childhood. If you turn the procedure into a game, the child will be happy to take care of the oral cavity.

Useful video

In this edition of the Living Healthy program, Elena Malysheva and her medical colleagues talk about how to take care of your oral cavity:

Even with careful daily care, 30-40% of the formed plaque remains on the surface of the teeth. After all, it is not possible to fully clean the interdental spaces and subgingival spaces with a brush, few people use dental floss, and only a few use a home irrigator. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a professional teeth cleaning procedure twice a year to remove plaque and tartar.

Professional hygiene includes the diagnosis of existing dental problems and the subsequent step-by-step cleaning of plaque and stone. If necessary, local anesthesia is used.

First, with the help of ultrasound, soft and hard deposits are removed from the visible surfaces of the teeth and from the spaces between them. At the same time, the enamel is not damaged, because plaque and stone seem to peel off from it. At the next stage, subgingival spaces are processed. To do this, use special hand tools that do not damage the teeth and, if used correctly, do not injure the gums.

If the plaque is pigmented (from tea, coffee, nicotine, some drugs), then in addition to ultrasound, the Air Flow apparatus is used. He brushes his teeth with a sodium bicarbonate jet spray.

After removing the stone, it is necessary to polish the enamel, which will protect it from the attachment of bacteria and the deposition of plaque. For this, polishing pastes are used, which are applied with special nozzles in the form of brushes and rubber bands. And in places of contact of the teeth, special strips-strips are used.

At the final stage of professional cleaning, a fluorine-containing varnish is applied to the enamel. This tool gives her additional protection and relieves the increased sensitivity of the treated teeth.

Means for oral hygiene at home

For complete oral care at home, you will need a set of several tools. Often people limit themselves to a toothbrush and paste, but this does not allow you to clean the interdental spaces with high quality. But bacteria and food residues accumulate here. Therefore, it is desirable to additionally use other means.


The toothbrush is selected individually. When buying it, you need to take into account the stiffness of the bristles, size, ease of gripping the handle. Most people use medium hard brushes. Soft bristles are needed for cleaning sensitive teeth and bleeding gums, while hard bristles are needed for perfectly healthy teeth and for caring for dentures. Brush your teeth twice a day for about 2 minutes. The brush should be changed every 3 months.


Toothpaste is an important oral care product. Pastes are therapeutic and prophylactic, creamy and gel-like, with different fluorine content. Medicinal pastes are selected only on the recommendation of a doctor; it is not worthwhile to independently purchase specialized oral hygiene products for prevention.

Toothpaste should be changed every few months. In some cases, it may be necessary to use several agents with different effects. For example, with a predisposition to the development of caries and periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues around the teeth), the dentist may recommend brushing your teeth with anti-caries paste in the morning, and with anti-inflammatory paste in the evening.



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