Penetrating all tissues and organs of the human body. Through the capillaries, blood flows to every cell of the body and delivers oxygen and nutrients necessary for life. Waste products pass from the cells into the blood, which are subsequently transferred to other organs or removed from the body. The exchange of substances between blood and body cells can only occur through the wall of capillaries, so they can be called the main elements of the circulatory system. With a disorder of blood flow through the capillaries, a change in their walls, the cells of the body will experience hunger, which will gradually lead to disruption of their activity and even death.

Arterioles and venules

Capillaries are the most numerous and thinnest vessels, their average diameter is 7-8 microns. The capillaries are widely connected (anastomose) with each other, forming networks inside the organs (between the arteries that deliver blood to the organs and the veins that carry blood). The thin arteries through which blood enters the capillary networks are arterioles, and the small veins that carry blood are venules. Arterioles, especially those from which capillaries branch directly (precapillary arterioles), regulate the flow of blood into the capillary networks. Tapering or expanding, they block or, conversely, resume the flow of blood through the capillaries. That is why the precapillary arterioles are called the taps of the cardiovascular system. Venules, together with larger veins, perform a capacitive function - they hold the blood in the organ.


There are vessels that directly connect arterioles and venules - arteriovenular anastomoses (shunts). Through them, blood is discharged from the arterial bed into the venous, bypassing the capillary networks. The value of arteriovenular anastomoses increases in a non-working, resting organ, when there is no need for increased metabolism and most of the incoming blood goes further without entering the capillary networks.


Capillaries, arterioles and venules are microvessels, i.e. vessels with a diameter of less than 200 microns. The movement of blood through them is called microcirculation, and the microvessels themselves are called the microcirculatory bed. Microcirculation is of great importance in creating optimal modes of working organs, and in case of its violation - in the development of the pathological process. Every day, 8000-9000 liters of blood flows through the blood vessels. Due to the constant blood circulation, the necessary concentration of substances in the tissues is maintained, which is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes and maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis).

The structure of the capillary

The wall of the capillary consists of a single layer of endothelial cells, outside of which lies the basement membrane. The wall of the capillary is a natural biological filter through which the transfer of nutrients, water and oxygen from the blood to the tissues and the reverse - from the tissues to the blood - the flow of metabolic products. Modern research methods, in particular electron microscopy, indicate that the capillary wall is not a passive partition and there are special ways of active transport of substances through it. The transfer of substances involves joints between endothelial cells, special pores penetrating the thinnest sections of the walls of the capillaries of the intestines, kidneys, endocrine glands, and vesicles for the transfer of fluids that are inside the endothelial cells in the capillary wall of most organs.

History of the study of the capillary network

Although blood capillaries were discovered by M. Malpighi back in 1661, their serious study began only in the 20th century and led to the emergence of the doctrine of blood microcirculation. The idea of ​​the exceptional importance of capillaries in meeting the needs of tissues for blood flow was expressed by A. Krogh, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1920 for his research.

Actually, the term "microcirculation" began to be used only in 1954, when the first scientific conference of scientists involved in capillary blood flow was held in the United States. In Russia, academicians A. M. Chernukh, V. V. Kupriyanov and the scientific schools they created made a huge contribution to the study of microcirculation. Thanks to modern technical advances associated with the introduction of computer and laser technologies, it has become possible to study microcirculation in life conditions and widely use the results in clinical practice to diagnose disorders and monitor the success of treatment.

Features of the structure of the microvasculature

Difficulties in studying microvessels for decades have been associated with their extremely small size and strong branching of capillary networks. The narrowest capillaries are found in skeletal muscles and nerves - their diameter is 4.5-6.5 microns. In these organs, the metabolism is very intense. The skin and mucous membranes have wider capillaries - 7-11 microns. The widest capillaries (sinusoids) are located in the bones, liver and glands, where their diameter reaches 20-30 microns.

The length of capillaries varies in different organs from 100 to 400 microns. However, if all the capillaries in the human body are stretched in one line, then their length will be about 10,000 km. Such a colossal length of the capillaries creates an extremely large exchange surface of their walls - about 2500-3000 sq. m, which is about 1500 times the surface of the body. The number of capillaries in different organs is not the same. The density of their location is related to the intensity of the work of the body. For example, in the heart muscle per 1 square. There are up to 5500 capillaries in the cross section, in skeletal muscles - about 1400, and in the skin there are only 40 capillaries.

At present, it has been precisely established that different organs have characteristic features of the structure of the microvasculature (number, diameter, density and relative position of microvessels, the nature of their branching, etc.), due to the specifics of the organ's work. At the same time, in most cases, the microvasculature consists of repeating modules, each of which serves its own part of the organ. This allows you to quickly adapt the blood supply to the body to changes in its functioning. The complication of the structure of the microcirculatory bed of organs occurs gradually, along with the growth and development of the human body. The increase in the number of microvessels is timed to the time of an intensive increase in the mass of the organ, and the structural maturation (formation of modules) of the microvasculature is completed by the time of final puberty (by 15-17 years).

Functional characteristics of the capillary network

The total capacity of the capillary bed is 25-30 liters, while the volume of blood in the human body is 5 liters. Therefore, most of the capillaries are periodically switched off from the bloodstream. In a person at rest, only 20-35% of the capillaries are open at the same time. In a muscle at rest, no more than 40% of the capillaries are filled with blood. When almost all the capillaries of the working muscle are included in the bloodstream. Capillaries themselves are not able to change their lumen. As already mentioned, the blood flow in them is regulated by constriction or expansion of the arterioles bringing blood and the use of arteriovenular anastomoses. Observations indicate that in the organs there is a constant replacement of some functioning capillaries by others. The high variability of blood flow in the capillaries is a necessary condition for the adaptation of the microcirculatory system to the needs of organs and tissues in the delivery of nutrients.

Features of blood flow in capillaries

Since the capacity of the capillary bed is very large, this leads to a significant slowdown in blood flow in the capillaries. The speed of blood movement through the capillaries ranges from 0.3 to 1 mm/s, while in large arteries it reaches 80-130 mm/s. Slow blood flow provides the most complete exchange of substances between blood and tissues. When blood moves, its cells (erythrocytes) line up in a capillary in one row, since their radius is approximately equal to the radius of the capillary. The significance of such an adaptation becomes clear if we remember that oxygen is carried by erythrocytes and its transfer to organ cells will occur most efficiently if the erythrocytes are in the best possible contact with the capillary wall. When moving through the capillaries, erythrocytes are easily deformed, so even the narrowest capillaries are not an obstacle for them. Unlike erythrocytes, other blood cells (lymphocytes) hardly overcome the narrow sections of the capillary bed and can block the lumen of the capillary for some time.

With a significant decrease in the rate of capillary blood flow, erythrocytes can stick together and form aggregates like coin columns of 25-50 erythrocytes. Large aggregates can completely clog the capillary and cause blood to stop in it. Increased aggregation of erythrocytes occurs in various diseases.

Regulation of blood microcirculation

How is microcirculation regulated? First, microvessels react to stretching: when blood pressure increases, arterioles narrow and limit blood flow to the capillaries, and when pressure decreases, they expand. Secondly, sympathetic nerves approach the largest of the microvessels (but not the capillaries), and when irritated, the large arterioles and venules constrict. Thirdly, microvessels are very sensitive to vasoactive substances dissolved in the blood and react even to their concentration, which is 10-100 times less than necessary for constriction or expansion of large vessels. So, skin vessels show high sensitivity to adrenaline (full closure of the lumen of arterioles occurs at its negligible concentration in the blood - the skin turns pale), while the microvessels of the internal organs are much less sensitive, and the microvessels of the skeletal muscles and heart under the action of adrenaline can expand. Ions of potassium, calcium, sodium, as well as substances that accumulate in the tissues during their intense activity, lead to the expansion of microvessels. Precapillary arterioles are most sensitive to the action of vasoactive substances, and large arterioles and venules are the least sensitive.

Diagnosis of blood microcirculation disorders

Relevant for modern clinical practice, the assessment of the state of microcirculation and the diagnosis of its disorders in a variety of diseases can be done using methods such as capillaroscopy of the skin and mucous membranes, biomicroscopy of conjunctival vessels, and laser Doppler flowmetry. The state of microcirculation in any part of the body with a high degree of accuracy makes it possible to judge its state in the body as a whole.

Early signs of capillary blood flow disorders are narrowing of arterioles, congestion in venules, leading to their expansion and significant tortuosity, as well as a decrease in the intensity of blood flow in the capillaries. At later stages, widespread intravascular aggregation of erythrocytes is detected, which inevitably entails a stoppage of blood flow in the capillaries. The end of microcirculatory disorders is stasis, i.e., complete blockade of blood flow and a sharp violation of the barrier function of microvessels, which is often accompanied by hemorrhages - the release of erythrocytes through the wall of capillaries, which are the most vulnerable. Arteriovenular anastomoses are more resistant to microcirculation disorders and tend to maintain blood flow even when stasis spreads to a significant part of the microcirculatory bed.

Microcirculation disorders underlie a large number of diseases, therefore, in their treatment, it is necessary to restore the functions of microvessels with the help of various drugs.

capillaries(from lat. capillaris - hair) are the thinnest vessels in the human body and other animals. Their average diameter is 5-10 microns. Connecting arteries and veins, they are involved in the exchange of substances between blood and tissues. The blood capillaries in each organ are approximately the same size. The largest capillaries have a lumen diameter of 20 to 30 microns, the narrowest - from 5 to 8 microns. On transverse sections, it is easy to see that in large capillaries the lumen of the tube is lined with many endothelial cells, while the lumen of the smallest capillaries can be formed by only two or even one cell. The narrowest capillaries are in the striated muscles, where their lumen reaches 5-6 microns. Since the lumen of such narrow capillaries is smaller than the diameter of erythrocytes, when passing through them, erythrocytes, of course, must experience deformation of their body. Capillaries were first described in Italian. naturalist M. Malpighi (1661) as the missing link between venous and arterial vessels, the existence of which was predicted by W. Harvey. The walls of the capillaries, which consist of separate, closely adjoining and very thin (endothelial) cells, do not contain a muscular layer and are therefore incapable of contraction (they have this ability only in some lower vertebrates, such as frogs and fish). The capillary endothelium is permeable enough to allow the exchange of various substances between the blood and tissues.

Normally, water and substances dissolved in it easily pass in both directions; cells and blood proteins are retained inside the vessels. Bodily products (such as carbon dioxide and urea) can also pass through the capillary wall to be transported to the site of excretion from the body. Cytokines influence the permeability of the capillary wall. Capillaries are an integral part of any tissues; they form a wide network of interconnected vessels that are in close contact with cellular structures, supply the cells with the necessary substances and carry away the products of their vital activity.

In the so-called capillary bed, the capillaries are connected to each other, forming collective venules - the smallest components of the venous system. Venules merge into veins, through which blood returns to the heart. The capillary bed functions as a unit, regulating the local blood supply according to the needs of the tissue. In the vascular walls, at the place where the capillaries branch off from the arterioles, there are clearly defined rings of muscle cells that play the role of sphincters that regulate the flow of blood into the capillary network. Under normal conditions, only a small part of these so-called. precapillary sphincters, so that blood flows through few of the available channels. A characteristic feature of blood circulation in the capillary bed is periodic spontaneous cycles of contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle cells surrounding arterioles and precapillaries, which creates intermittent, intermittent blood flow through the capillaries.

IN endothelial functions also includes the transfer of nutrients, messenger substances and other compounds. In some cases, large molecules may be too large to diffuse through the endothelium, and endocytosis and exocytosis are used to transport them. In the mechanism of the immune response, endothelial cells expose receptor molecules on their surface, retaining immune cells and helping their subsequent transition to the extravascular space to the focus of infection or other damage. Organs are supplied with blood by "capillary network". The more metabolic activity of the cells, the more capillaries will be required to meet the demand for nutrients. Under normal conditions, the capillary network contains only 25% of the volume of blood that it can hold. However, this volume can be increased by self-regulatory mechanisms by relaxing smooth muscle cells.

It should be noted that the walls of the capillaries do not contain muscle cells, and therefore any increase in the lumen is passive. Any signaling substances produced by the endothelium (such as endothelin for contraction and nitric oxide for dilation) act on the muscle cells of nearby large vessels, such as arterioles. Capillaries, like all vessels, are located among loose connective tissue, with which they are usually quite firmly connected. The exceptions are the capillaries of the brain, surrounded by special lymphatic spaces, and the capillaries of the striated muscles, where tissue spaces filled with lymphatic fluid are developed no less powerfully. Therefore, both from the brain and from the striated muscles, capillaries can be easily isolated.

The connective tissue surrounding the capillaries is always rich in cellular elements. Fat cells, and plasma cells, and mast cells, and histiocytes, and reticular cells, and cambial cells of the connective tissue are usually located here. Histiocytes and reticular cells, adjacent to the capillary wall, tend to spread and stretch along the length of the capillary. All connective tissue cells surrounding capillaries are referred to by some authors as capillary adventitia(adventitia capillaris). In addition to the typical cellular forms of connective tissue listed above, a number of cells are also described, which are sometimes called pericytes, sometimes adventitial, sometimes simply mesenchymal cells. The most branched cells adjacent directly to the wall of the capillary and covering it from all sides with their processes are called Rouge cells. They are found mainly in precapillary and postcapillary ramifications, passing into small arteries and veins. However, it is not always possible to distinguish them from elongated histiocytes or reticular cells.

The movement of blood through the capillaries Blood moves through the capillaries not only as a result of the pressure that is created in the arteries due to the rhythmic active contraction of their walls, but also due to the active expansion and narrowing of the walls of the capillaries themselves. Many methods have been developed to monitor the blood flow in the capillaries of living objects. It is shown that the blood flow here is slow and does not exceed 0.5 mm per second on average. As for the expansion and contraction of the capillaries, it is assumed that both expansion and contraction can reach 60-70% of the capillary lumen. In recent times, many authors are trying to connect this ability to contract with the function of adventitial elements, especially Rouget cells, which are considered special contractile cells of capillaries. This point of view is often given in physiology courses. However, this assumption remains unproven, since the properties of adventitial cells are quite consistent with the cambial and reticular elements.

Therefore, it is quite possible that the endothelial wall itself, having a certain elasticity, and possibly contractility, causes changes in the size of the lumen. In any case, many authors describe that they were able to see the reduction of endothelial cells just in those places where Rouget cells are absent. It should be noted that in some pathological conditions (shock, severe burns, etc.), capillaries can expand 2-3 times against the norm. In dilated capillaries, as a rule, a significant decrease in the rate of blood flow occurs, which leads to its deposition in the capillary bed. The reverse can also be observed, namely capillary constriction, which also leads to a cessation of blood flow and to some very slight deposition of erythrocytes in the capillary bed.

Types of capillaries There are three types of capillaries:

  1. continuous capillaries Intercellular connections in this type of capillaries are very dense, which allows only small molecules and ions to diffuse.
  2. Fenestrated capillaries In their wall there are gaps for the penetration of large molecules. Fenestrated capillaries are found in the intestines, endocrine glands and other internal organs, where there is an intensive transport of substances between the blood and surrounding tissues.
  3. Sinusoid capillaries (sinusoids) In some organs (liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, parathyroid gland, hematopoietic organs), the typical capillaries described above are absent, and the capillary network is represented by the so-called sinusoidal capillaries. These capillaries differ in the structure of their walls and the great variability of the inner lumen. The walls of the sinusoidal capillaries are formed by cells, the boundaries between which cannot be established. Adventitial cells never accumulate around the walls, but reticular fibers are always located. Very often, the cells lining the sinusoidal capillaries are called the endothelium, but this is not entirely true, at least in relation to some sinusoidal capillaries. As is known, the endothelial cells of typical capillaries do not accumulate dye when it is introduced into the body, while the cells lining the sinusoidal capillaries in most cases have this ability. In addition, they are capable of active phagocytosis. With these properties, the cells lining the sinusoidal capillaries approach macrophages, to which they are referred by some modern researchers.

The capillary wall consists of three layers of cells:

1. The endothelial layer consists of polygonal cells of various sizes. On the luminal (facing into the lumen of the vessel) surface, covered with glycocalyx, which adsorbs and absorbs metabolic products and metabolites from the blood, there are villi.

Functions of the endothelium:

Athrombogenic (synthesize prostaglandins that prevent platelet aggregation).

Participation in the formation of the basement membrane.

Barrier (it is carried out by the cytoskeleton and receptors).

Participation in the regulation of vascular tone.

Vascular (synthesize factors that accelerate the proliferation and migration of endotheliocytes).

Synthesis of lipoprotein lipase.

2. A layer of pericytes (process-shaped cells containing contractile filaments and regulating the lumen of capillaries), which are located in the clefts of the basement membrane.

3. A layer of adventitial cells immersed in an amorphous matrix, in which thin collagen and elastic fibers pass.

Classification of capillaries

1. According to the diameter of the lumen

Narrow (4-7 microns) are found in the striated muscles, lungs, and nerves.

Wide (8-12 microns) are in the skin, mucous membranes.

Sinusoidal (up to 30 microns) are found in the hematopoietic organs, endocrine glands, liver.

Lacunas (more than 30 microns) are located in the columnar zone of the rectum, the cavernous bodies of the penis.

2. According to the structure of the wall

Somatic, characterized by the absence of fenestra (local thinning of the endothelium) and holes in the basement membrane (perforations). Located in the brain, skin, muscles.

Fenestrated (visceral type), characterized by the presence of fenestra and the absence of perforations. They are located where the processes of molecular transfer occur most intensively: glomeruli of the kidneys, intestinal villi, endocrine glands).

Perforated, characterized by the presence of fenestra in the endothelium and perforations in the basement membrane. This structure facilitates the transition through the cell capillary wall: sinusoidal capillaries of the liver and hematopoietic organs.

Capillary function- the exchange of substances and gases between the lumen of the capillaries and the surrounding tissues is carried out due to the following factors:

1. Thin wall of capillaries.

2. Slow blood flow.

3. Large area of ​​contact with surrounding tissues.

4. Low intracapillary pressure.

The number of capillaries per unit volume in different tissues is different, but in each tissue there are 50% of non-functioning capillaries that are in a collapsed state and only blood plasma passes through them. When the load on the body increases, they begin to function.

There is a capillary network that is enclosed between two vessels of the same name (between two arterioles in the kidneys or between two venules in the portal system of the pituitary gland), such capillaries are called the “miraculous network”.

When several capillaries merge, they form postcapillary venules or postcapillaries, with a diameter of 12-13 microns, in the wall of which there is a fenestrated endothelium, there are more pericytes. When postcapillaries merge, they form collecting venules, in the middle shell of which smooth myocytes appear, the adventitial shell is better expressed. Collecting venules continue into muscle venules, in the middle shell of which contains 1-2 layers of smooth myocytes.

Venule function:

1. Drainage (receipt from the connective tissue into the lumen of the venules of metabolic products).

2. Blood cells migrate from the venules into the surrounding tissue.

The microcirculation includes arteriolo-venular anastomoses (AVA)- These are the vessels through which blood from the arterioles enters the venules bypassing the capillaries. Their length is up to 4 mm, diameter is more than 30 microns. AVAs open and close 4 to 12 times per minute.

AVAs are classified into true (shunts) through which arterial blood flows, and atypical (semi-shunts) through which mixed blood is discharged, tk. when moving along the half-shunt, a partial exchange of substances and gases with the surrounding tissues occurs.

Functions of true anastomoses:

1. Regulation of blood flow in capillaries.

2. Arterialization of venous blood.

3. Increased intravenous pressure.

Functions of atypical anastomoses:

1. Drainage.

2. Partial exchange.

Electron microscopic structure of different types of capillaries. Capillaries, their types, structure and function

Capillaries are an integral part of the human circulatory system along with the heart, arteries, arterioles, veins and venules. Unlike large blood vessels visible to the naked eye, capillaries are very small and not visible to the naked eye. In almost all organs and tissues of the body, these microvessels form blood networks, similar to cobwebs, which are clearly visible in the capillaroscope. The entire complex circulatory system, including the heart, blood vessels, as well as the mechanisms of nervous and endocrine regulation, was created by nature in order to deliver the blood necessary for the life of cells and tissues to the capillaries. As soon as blood circulation stops in the capillaries, necrotic changes occur in the tissues - they die. That is why these microvessels are the most important part of the bloodstream.

Capillaries are made up of endothelial cells 1 and form a barrier between blood and extracellular fluid. Their diameters are different. The narrowest have a diameter of 5–6 µm, the widest - 20–30 µm. Some capillary cells are capable of phagocytosis, that is, they can detain and digest aging red blood cells, erythrocytes, cholesterol complexes, various foreign bodies, microbial cells.


1 Type of body cells that make up the inner layer of any blood vessel

Capillary vessels are variable. They are able to multiply or undergo reverse development, that is, decrease in number where the body needs it. Blood capillaries can change their diameter by 2–3 times. At maximum tone, they narrow so much that no blood cells pass through and only blood plasma can pass through them. With a minimum tone, when the walls of the capillaries relax significantly, in their expanded space, on the contrary, many red and white blood cells accumulate.

The narrowing and expansion of capillaries plays a role in all pathological processes: in trauma, inflammation, allergies, infectious, toxic processes, in any shock, as well as trophic disorders. When the capillaries expand, blood pressure decreases; when they constrict, on the contrary, blood pressure rises. Changes in the lumen of capillary vessels accompany all physiological processes occurring in the body.

Endothelial cells that form the walls of capillaries are living filtering membranes through which the exchange of substances between capillary blood and intercellular fluid takes place. The permeability of these living filters varies depending on the needs of the organism.

The degree of permeability of capillary membranes plays an important role in the development of inflammation and edema, as well as in the secretion (excretion) and resorption (reabsorption) of substances. In the normal state, the walls of the capillaries pass through small molecules: water, urea, amino acids, salts, but do not pass through large protein molecules. In pathological conditions, the permeability of capillary membranes increases, and protein macromolecules can be filtered from the blood plasma into the interstitial fluid, and then tissue edema may occur.

August Krogh, a Danish physiologist, Nobel Prize winner, deeply studying the anatomy and physiology of capillaries - the smallest, invisible vessels of the human body invisible to the naked eye, found that their total length in an adult is about 100000 km. The length of all renal capillaries is approximately 60 km. He calculated that the total surface area of ​​the capillaries of an adult is about 6300 m 2 . If this surface is presented as a ribbon, then with a width of 1 m, its length will be 6.3 km. What a great living tape of metabolism!

Filtration, leakage of molecules through the walls of the capillaries occurs under the influence of the pressure force of the blood flowing through their lumen. The reverse process of fluid absorption from the intercellular medium into the capillaries occurs under the influence of the force of oncotic pressure of colloidal particles. 1 blood plasma.

With an acute lack of vitamin C and under the influence of histamine molecules 2 the fragility of capillaries increases, therefore, extreme caution is necessary in the treatment of certain diseases with histamine, especially peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Blood-sucking cups during cupping massage strengthen the capillary walls. Vitamin C does this too.


1 Part of the osmotic pressure of the blood, determined by the concentration of proteins (colloidal plasma particles).

2 A biologically active substance from the group of biogenic amines, which performs a number of biological functions in the body.

Classical cardiology, in its theories of blood flow, considers the human heart as a central pump that pumps blood into the arteries, through which it delivers nutrients to tissue cells through capillaries. Capillaries in these theories are always assigned a passive, inert role.

The French researcher Chauvua argued that the heart does nothing but push the blood forward. A. Krogh and A. S. Zalmanov assigned the initial and dominant role in blood circulation to capillaries, which are contractile pulsating organs of the body. Researchers Weiss and Wang in 1936 established in practice the motor activity of capillaries using capillaroscopy.

Capillaries change their diameter at different periods of the day, month, year. In the morning, they are narrowed, so the general metabolism in a person is lowered in the morning, and the internal body temperature is also lowered. In the evening, the capillaries become wider, they are more relaxed, and this leads to an increase in the overall metabolism and body temperature in the evening. In the autumn-winter period, narrowing, spasms of capillary vessels and numerous stagnation of blood in them can usually be observed. This is the first cause of diseases that occur during these seasons, in particular peptic ulcer. In women, on the eve of menstruation, the number of open capillaries increases. Therefore, these days the metabolism is activated and the internal temperature of the body rises.

After X-ray therapy, there is a significant decrease in the number of skin capillaries. This explains the malaise that sick people experience after a series of X-ray therapy sessions.

A. S. Zalmanov argued thatcapillaritis and capillaropathy (painful changes in capillaries) are the basis of every pathological process, which, without studying the physiology and pathology of capillaries, medicine remains on the surface of phenomena and is unable to understand anything either in general or in particular pathology.

Orthodox neurology, despite the mathematical accuracy of its diagnosis, is almost powerless in the treatment of many diseases, since it does not pay attention to the blood circulation of the spinal cord, spine and peripheral nerve trunks. It is known that the basis of such intractable diseases asRaynaud's disease and Meniere's disease,there are periodic stagnation or spasms of capillaries. With Raynaud's disease - the capillaries of the fingers, with Meniere's disease - the capillaries of the labyrinth of the inner ear.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities, or varicose veins, often begin in the venous loops of capillaries.

With renal eclampsia (a dangerous disease of pregnant women), diffuse capillary congestion is observed in the skin, intestinal wall and uterus. Paresis of capillaries and scattered stagnation in them are observed in infectious diseases. Such phenomena were recorded by researchers, in particular, with typhoid fever, influenza, scarlet fever, blood poisoning, diphtheria.

Do not do without changes in the capillaries and functional disorders.

At the cellular level, the exchange of substances between capillaries and tissue cells occurs through cell membranes, or, as specialists call them, membranes. Capillaries are formed mainly by endothelial cells. The membranes of capillary endothelial cells can thicken and become impermeable. With wrinkling of endothelial cells, the distance between their membranes increases.

When they swell, on the contrary, there is a convergence of capillary membranes. When endothelial membranes are destroyed, then their cells as a whole are destroyed. Disintegration and death of endothelial cells, complete destruction of capillaries occurs.

Pathological changes in capillary membranes play an important role in the development of diseases:

blood vessels (phlebitis, arteritis, lymphangitis, elephantiasis),

heart (myocardial infarction, pericarditis, valvulitis, endocarditis),

nervous system (myelopathy, encephalitis, epilepsy, cerebral edema),

lungs (all pulmonary diseases, including pulmonary tuberculosis),

kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis, lipoid nephrosis, hydropyelonephrosis),

digestive system (diseases of the liver and gallbladder, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum),

skin (urticaria, eczema, pemphigus),

eye (cataract, glaucoma, etc.).

With all these diseases, it is first necessary to restore the permeability of capillary membranes.

As early as 1908, the European researcher Hyushar called the capillaries countless peripheral hearts. He discovered that the capillaries were able to contract. Their rhythmic contractions - systoles - were also observed by other researchers. A. S. Zalmanov also called for considering each capillary as a microheart with two halves - arterial and venous, each of which has its own valve (as he called the narrowing at both ends of the capillary vessel).

The nutrition of living tissues, their respiration, the exchange of all gases and body fluids are directly dependent on the capillary blood circulation and on the circulation of extracellular fluids, which are a mobile reserve of capillary circulation. In modern physiology, capillaries are given very little space, although it is in this part of the circulatory system that the most important processes of blood circulation and metabolism take place, while the role of the heart and large blood vessels - arteries and veins, as well as medium ones - arterioles and venules, is reduced only to the promotion blood to capillaries. The life of tissues and cells depends mainly on these small vessels. The large vessels themselves, their metabolism and integrity, are to a very large extent determined by the state of the capillaries that feed them, which in the language of medicine are called vasa vasorum, which means vascular vessels.

Endothelial cells of the capillaries retain some chemicals, while others remove them. Being in a normal healthy state, they pass through themselves only water, salts and gases. If the permeability of capillary cells is impaired, then in addition to these substances, other substances enter the tissue cells, and the cells die from metabolic overload. Fatty, hyaline, calcareous, pigmented degeneration of tissue cells occurs, and it proceeds the faster, the faster the violation of the permeability of capillary cells develops - capillaropathy.

In all areas of clinical medicine, only ophthalmologists and individual naturopaths pay attention to the state of capillaries. Ophthalmologists, eye doctors, with the help of their capillaroscopes can observe the onset and development of brain capillaropathy. The first violation of blood circulation in the capillaries is manifested in the disappearance of the pulsation. In a state of physiological rest of any organ, many of its capillaries are closed and almost do not function. When an organ enters a state of activity, all its closed capillaries open, sometimes to such an extent that some of them receive 600-700 times more blood than at rest.

Blood makes up about 8.6% of our body weight. The volume of blood in the arteries does not exceed 10% of its total volume. In veins, the volume of blood is about the same. The remaining 80% of the blood is in arterioles, venules and capillaries. At rest, a person uses only one fourth of all his capillaries. If any tissue of the body or any organ has a sufficient supply of blood, then part of the capillaries in this area begins to automatically narrow. The number of open, active capillaries is of key importance for every disease process. With good reason, we can assume thatpathological changes in capillaries, capillaropathy, underlie any disease.This pathophysiological axiom was established by researchers using capillaroscopy.

Blood pressure in the capillaries can be measured using a manometric microneedle. In the capillaries of the nail bed, under normal conditions, the blood pressure is 10–12 mm Hg. Art., with Raynaud's disease it goes downup to 4–6 mm Hg. Art., with hyperemia (flux of blood) rises to 40 mm.

Doctors of the Tübingen Medical School (Germany) discovered the most important role of capillary pathology. This is their great merit to world medicine. But, unfortunately for her, the discoveries of the Tübingen scientists have not yet been used by either doctors or physiologists. Only a few experts became interested in the wonderful life of the capillary network. French researchers Racine and Baruch discovered significant changes in the capillaries of tissues in various pathological conditions and diseases using capillaroscopy. They recorded a violation of capillary blood circulation in all tissues in people suffering from a breakdown and chronic fatigue.

The great connoisseur of the human body, Dr. Zalmanov, wrote: “When every student knows that the total length of the capillaries of an adult reaches 100000 km, that the length of the renal capillaries reaches 60 km, that the size of all capillaries open and spread on the surface is 6 000 m2 that the surface of the lung alveoli is almost 8 000 m2 when they calculate the length of the capillaries of each organ, when they create a detailed anatomy, a real physiological anatomy, many proud pillars of classical dogmatism and mummified routine will collapse without attacks and without battles! With such ideas, we can achieve a much more harmless therapy, a detailed anatomy will make us respect life tissues during every medical intervention.

A. S. Zalmanov wrote with pain in his heart about the “achievements” of modern medicine and pharmacy, which created countless antibiotics against various types of microbes and viruses, as well as ultrasound; they came up with intravenous injections that dangerously change the composition of the blood; pneumo-, thoracoplasty and amputation of parts of the lung. All of these are presented as great achievements. This wise doctor was opposed to what we observe in official medicine every day, to which she accustomed us from birth. He urged all doctors to respect the integrity and integrity of the human body, taught to reckon with the wisdom of the body and use medicines, injections and a scalpel only in the most extreme cases.

The leading role in the circulatory system belongs to the capillaries.

In this article, we will show the importance of capillaries for human health, as well as answer questions and recommend specific ways and means to improve capillaries.

We will offer a different view on the role of capillaries in the circulatory system of the body. Medicine may not agree with this, but what is its success in the treatment of vascular diseases?

If you want to be healthy, you need to update the health paradigm, you need to be open to modern trends in scientific thought and the latest advances in medicine.

As for capillaries, this is one of the fundamental foundations of human health. The truth is known: not a single disease occurs without a violation of capillary circulation. And its restoration is a necessary, and in many cases sufficient, condition for victory over the disease.

What are capillaries

Capillaries (from Latin capillaris - hair) are the thinnest vessels in the human body, they penetrate all tissues, forming a wide network of interconnected vessels that are in close contact with cellular structures; they supply the cells with the necessary substances and carry away the products of their vital activity. The arterial part of the capillaries squeezes out the water of the blood plasma through its walls. The venous part absorbs water from extracellular fluids. This is the essence of the circulation of organic fluids in the body.

It is known from anatomy that the walls of capillaries consist of separate, closely adjoining and very thin endothelial cells. The thickness of this layer is so thin that it allows oxygen, water, lipids and many other molecules to pass through. Bodily products (such as carbon dioxide and urea) can also pass through the capillary wall to be transported to the site of excretion from the body.

Capillary endothelial cells selectively retain some chemicals and let others through. Being in a healthy state, they pass through themselves only water, salts and gases. If the permeability of capillary cells is impaired, then other substances also enter the tissue cells, as a result of which the cells die from metabolic overload. Capillaropathy is a violation of the permeability of the capillary walls.

Properties of capillaries

- Capillary - a nanotube, approximating in shape to a cylinder with a diameter of 2 to 30 microns, formed by a single layer of endothelial cells. The average capillary diameter is 5-10 µm (the diameter of an erythrocyte is about 7.5 µm). The length of a single capillary averages from 0.5 to 1 mm. The wall thickness ranges from 1 to 3 µm. Capillaries are formed by endothelial cells, interconnected by "intercellular cement" and forming a tube. The pores of the capillary wall have a diameter of about 3 nm, sufficient to allow the diffusion of fat-insoluble molecules ranging in size from a sodium chloride molecule to a hemoglobin molecule. Fat-soluble molecules diffuse through the thickness of capillary endothelial cells. Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide is carried out through any parts of the capillary wall.

- Each capillary has an arterial section, an expanded transitional section and a venous section.

- At the two ends of the capillary there are constrictions - analogues of heart valves. At the point where the capillary leaves the precapillary arteriole, there is a precapillary sphincter, which is involved in the regulation of blood flow through the capillary.

- The walls of the capillaries do not contain a muscular layer and therefore are physically incapable of contraction. But they contract, reacting to the pulsation of the energy of the heart and adjusting to its rhythm. Therefore, the capillaries are able to contract rhythmically and push the blood through. It is systoles, because capillary contractions are the essence of blood circulation.

— Capillaries are the storage of energy in the body. The energy intensity of the physical body is determined by the state of the capillaries.

capillaries and heart

Based on the foregoing, the capillaries can be called peripheral hearts, associating them with the physical heart. Another thing is that The traditionally perceived role of the heart as a blood pump does not correspond to the actual one. The task of the heart is to recognize and differentiate blood flow depending on its quality. The purpose of the heart is to send to each organ, each system that portion of blood, the quantity and quality of which they need. The heart divides the total flow of blood passing through it into separate vortices, fundamentally different in their content. The second purpose of the heart is to set the rhythm of the life of the whole organism. First of all, the task of the rhythm of the capillary network. The study of the heart is a topic for another work. Here we need to trace the connection of the heart, blood vessels and capillaries.

The heart gets overloaded when the capillaries do not have time to change the rhythm of their activity in accordance with the new rhythm that the heart sets. For example, with a rapid transition from the passive state of the physical body to the mode of its active activity. Or when you stop suddenly after a serious physical exertion. A smooth change in the degree of activation of the physical body allows you to better synchronize the work of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
The task of the heart is to set the rhythm for all physiological processes in the body, i.e. their speed and consistency. In the aspect of this topic, the heart sets the rhythm and force of capillary contraction and this determines the number of capillaries that are actively functioning at the moment. Cardiac arrhythmias are largely associated with impaired capillary circulation.

Many diseases of the cardiovascular system, incl. associated with cardiac arrhythmias are treated by restoring capillary circulation. Those. restoration of the throughput and filtering abilities of capillaries, as well as the restoration of their ability to rhythmic pulsation, automatically restore the capacity of the heart and normalize its rhythm. That is why Zalmanov's turpentine baths are so effective in many disorders of the cardiovascular system, although ignorant experts call these violations contraindications to Zalmanov's turpentine baths.
The exchange of all substances in the body depends on the movement of blood in the capillary network. It is through the capillaries that the most important processes of nutrition and purification of cells take place. The task of the heart is to direct blood of the appropriate quality and in the right quantity to all organs and systems. The task of the vessels is to bring blood from the heart to the capillaries. The task of capillaries is to ensure the metabolism in each cell.

The functioning of the heart and blood vessels is largely determined by the state of the capillary network penetrating them, i.e. capillaries of blood vessels and capillaries of the heart.
Violation of capillary circulation underlies the diseases of the physical body. It leads to a mismatch between the interactions of a part of the organism and the whole organism. If we decide that life is a part that is one with the whole, then we will reveal the most important dependence of life, as such, on the state of capillary circulation.

Any disease is associated with a slowdown or cessation of blood circulation in any part of the body. Any disease is also associated with a slowdown in the movement of intercellular fluids.
With the help of capillaroscopy, it was found that at the age of 40-45 years, a decrease in the number of open capillaries begins. The reduction in their number is constantly progressing and leads to the drying of cells and tissues. The progressive drying of the body is the anatomical and physiological basis of its aging. If this is not resisted with special actions, then the time comes for arteriosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, neuritis, joint diseases and many other diseases.
Stagnation of blood in the capillaries and vessels opens up the possibility of invasion of various microbes. Pure blood, actively moving blood naturally contributes to the disinfection of the body.
A sharp narrowing of the capillaries of the ear labyrinth - the organ of balance - leads to dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, pallor. Spasm of the capillaries of the brain causes its ischemia and dizziness. In people with glaucoma, one can see various painful changes in skin capillaries. With urticaria, there is a sharp painful expansion of the capillaries of the skin. At the beginning of the development of hemorrhagic nephritis, there is a massive narrowing of the capillaries. The disease of pregnant women - eclampsia - develops as a result of stagnation of blood in the capillaries of the uterus, peritoneum and skin.
With all joint diseases, stagnation of blood in the capillary network is observed. Without such stagnation, there is no arthritis, no arthrosis, no deformation of the joints, tendons, bones; there is no muscle atrophy.
Stagnation in the capillaries is found after cerebral strokes, with angina pectoris, scleroderma, lymphostasis, cerebral palsy.
With the development of gastric or duodenal ulcers, capillary spasms also play a primary role. Capillaries supply blood to the mucous membranes and submucosa, and their spasms lead to a lack of oxygen in the cells and the formation of many micronecrosis in the mucous membranes and submucosa. If the foci of micronecrosis are scattered, then gastritis is diagnosed - inflammation of the gastric mucosa. If the foci of micronecrosis merge, then a stomach or duodenal ulcer is formed.

Obvious signs by which you can determine the condition of the capillaries

- Do a test showing the functional state of your capillaries: with effort, run your fingernail over the body. As a trace, a white stripe will remain, which should turn pink in a few seconds. White color of the skin - under external pressure, the blood left the capillaries; red skin color - capillaries filled with blood in excess. The shorter the period of time during which skin color changes, the better the capillaries work. In this case, the effect should be observed in a matter of seconds.

“A more serious test of capillary capacity is the body's response to cold. The colder the environment, the more the body must warm up. This is not about a long-lasting cooling, but about a sharp change in temperature. For example, short-term immersion in cold water should cause fever, not chills. A contrast shower is an excellent tool for training the entire vascular system.

- If household injuries lead to the formation of hematomas - bruises - this is a sure indicator of capillary fragility. The fragility of the capillaries is also indicated by hemorrhage in the eye. The fragility of capillaries can lead to internal hemorrhages with subsequent degeneration of tissues in any part of the body, in any organ. Heart attack and stroke are common outcomes of ruptures of weak and inelastic capillaries.

- Abnormal skin color, numbness, sweating of the extremities, feeling cold in them, unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling, burning, crawling, various skin rashes and spots, as well as sclerosis and atrophy of soft tissues - these are manifestations of poor blood circulation in pre-capillary arterioles, post capillary venules and in the capillaries themselves. The formation of spider veins is not only a cosmetic defect, it is a direct indication that it is time to take care of the capillaries while there is time and energy.

Necessary conditions for the restoration of capillaries

Consuming enough clean water.

Thick and dirty blood is the most common cause of capillaropathy. An elementary action - the daily consumption of quality water in sufficient quantities - is currently not available to most people for either objective or subjective reasons. In conditions of chronic dehydration, it makes no sense to talk about the restoration of capillaries. Therefore, it is so rare to meet a person whose capillaries are healthy.
For the rules of water consumption, see the health program "Restoring health with the help of water"

Physiologically correct spatial position of the body.

The position of the body in space always leaves a specific imprint on the work of its systems and organs, stimulating the blood supply of some and inhibiting the blood supply of others. It is primarily about correct posture when we walk, stand or sit.

Up to 10 cm deep into the body. Useful for any part of the body. Especially with a tendency to strokes, with ruptured capillaries on the face, in the eyes.

Propolis Geliant fundamentally cleanses the capillaries of the skin. Both Polimedel and Propolis Geliant not only stimulate existing capillaries, but revive the capillary network, forcing new capillaries to grow into those areas of the connective tissue where they were not there before, for example, in scars. Taking into account the fact that Propolis Geliant is an excellent cosmetic product that cleanses, moisturizes, and rejuvenates the skin, it is very useful to use it when capillaries appear on the face.

All inverted body positions, i.e. such positions in which the pelvis is above the head. The best physical exercise to restore capillary blood circulation, to train blood vessels is a headstand. The healing power of the headstand as a way to prevent many cardiovascular pathologies - heart attack, stroke, vein expansion, atrophy of the capillary network, etc., is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this exercise with extreme caution, starting with simpler inverted poses. Without consultation with a specialist, this method is very dangerous for an unprepared person.

Physical exercise.
In the vascular walls, at the place where the capillaries branch off from the arterioles, there are clearly defined rings of muscle cells that play the role of sphincters that regulate the flow of blood into the capillary network. Under normal conditions, only a small part of these so-called. precapillary sphincters, so that blood flows through few of the available channels.
The more metabolic activity of cells, the more functioning capillaries are required to ensure their vital activity. The fact is that in a state of rest in a person, the capillaries function only a quarter. The remaining three-quarters are reserve capabilities that come into play in response to physical activity. Capillaries are 100% activated at the moments of the highest tension of muscles and organs.
It is necessary that the capillaries that are not used in a calm state of the body are periodically included in the work. These are supported by the reserve functional and energy resources of the body.

Superfood - Living Cocoa.
It has been proven that the substances contained in live cocoa have a strengthening effect on the capillaries. Live cocoa is the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Live cocoa stimulates blood flow to the brain, in particular to those areas of the brain that are responsible for the speed of reaction and memory. The conducted experiments allow us to assert that live cocoa restores the elasticity of blood vessels so that they become 10-15 years younger, and the elasticity of blood vessels is a guarantee against early hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. Researchers have found that the risk of stroke is reduced by 8 times, heart failure by 9 times, cancer by 15 times and diabetes by 6 times with daily use of live cocoa.
Daily use of live cocoa is recommended for both adults and children.

Biologically active food supplements.
The best known biologically active food supplements that normalize capillary blood circulation:

Dihydroquercetin Plus is a flavonoid with powerful antioxidant properties. Improves capillary permeability and normalizes blood properties. If, for example, capillaries appear on the face, then it is desirable to use polymedel or propolis geliant as an external agent, and dihydroquercetin as an internal one. This combination gives a better effect than the use of only external or internal means.

- . Especially well Polifit-M works with vessels and capillaries of the brain.

Owodorin– extract of the mycelium of the medical variety of oyster mushroom

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