Electrophoresis procedure rules. In what cases is electrophoresis prescribed for children and what are the benefits of such procedures

Electrophoresis is the introduction of drugs into the body using direct current. In this case, two factors act on the body - the drug and the galvanic current. In solution, as well as in tissue fluid, many medicinal substances decompose into ions and, depending on their charge, are introduced during electrophoresis from one or another electrode. Penetrating during the passage of current into the thickness of the skin under the electrodes, medicinal substances form the so-called skin depots, from which they slowly enter the body.
However, not all medicinal substances can be used for electrophoresis. Some drugs under the influence of current change their pharmacological properties, may decompose or form compounds that have a harmful effect. Therefore, if it is necessary to use any substance for drug electrophoresis, one should study its ability to penetrate the skin under the action of galvanic current, determine the optimal concentration of the drug solution for electrophoresis, and the features of the solvent. Thus, the universal solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has found practical application, which, without changing the pharmacological properties of the medicinal substance, facilitates its penetration through the skin. The concentration of most medicinal solutions used for electrophoresis is 1-5%.
The introduction of medicinal substances by electrophoresis has a number of advantages over conventional methods of their use:
  1. The medicinal substance acts against the background of the electrochemical regime of cells and tissues changed under the influence of galvanic current;
  2. The medicinal substance comes in the form of ions, which increases its pharmacological activity;
  3. The formation of a "skin depot" increases the duration of the drug;
  4. A high concentration of the drug substance is created directly in the pathological focus;
  5. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is not irritated;
  6. The possibility of simultaneous administration of several (from different poles) medicinal substances is provided.
Due to these advantages, drug electrophoresis is increasingly used, including in cosmetology, in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in oncological practice, in the treatment of tuberculosis, and electrophoresis of drugs from solutions previously introduced into the abdominal organs.

Treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system by galvanization and drug electrophoresis using the ELFOR device.

According to the site www.nevoton.ru

One of the most effective and widespread methods of physiotherapy is galvanization and drug electrophoresis, in which the effect of constant electrical voltage is carried out, which is created on therapeutic electrodes installed on the patient's body. This leads to the appearance of a constant continuous (galvanic) current in the tissues of the body located between the electrodes (galvanization procedure). A constant electrical voltage allows you to enter medicinal substances deposited on therapeutic electrodes into the skin and mucous membranes of the patient (drug electrophoresis procedure).
It is known that galvanic current has an active biological and therapeutic effect on the body. It is due to the emerging directed movement of inorganic ions (K + , Na + , Ca 2 + , Cl - , HCO 3 -) and charged molecules in an electric field.
In the tissues under the positive electrode (anode), the content of negative ions and molecules increases and the concentration of light positively charged potassium and sodium ions decreases significantly, and under the negative electrode (cathode) the content of positive ions and molecules increases, especially light sodium and potassium ions.
As a result of exposure to a positive electrode (anode), pain, spasms of blood vessels and internal organs, and skeletal muscles are relieved or weakened. Under the negative electrode (cathode), local blood circulation increases sharply, hyperemia (redness) develops, resorption of scar connective tissue occurs, and inflammation decreases. Therefore, galvanization procedures (GV) are prescribed to provide analgesic, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory and resolving effects.
In medical practice, the procedures of drug electrophoresis (LE) are more often used, which is a combined effect of galvanic current and medicinal substances introduced into the body by current. First of all, the galvanic current in LE has its own independent therapeutic effect, described above. In addition, he becomes a "carrier" of medicines moving in an electric field. Unlike other methods of drug administration (tablets, potions, injections, enemas), in LE they enter the patient's body in a "purified" form - in the form of ions and molecules, without ballast. In addition, galvanic current activates drug molecules, increases their specific effectiveness. As a result of the procedures, a "drug depot" appears in the patient's skin in the affected area, which persists for many days and is gradually absorbed due to the drug entering the bloodstream. The drug from the "depot" has local and general effects. Local effects on the skin, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, joints, bones, mucous membranes, internal organs are most pronounced. The overall effect is provided by the long-term maintenance of the "supporting" concentration of the drug in the blood of patients. Thus, LE can be considered as a method of needleless injection of drugs, suitable for the treatment of local lesions and general diseases of the body. It is used both for direct impact on pathological foci (wounds, ulcers, frostbite, bedsores, altered bones and joints, painful muscles, ligaments, spine), and for the administration of general therapeutic agents to the patient. Despite the fact that the drug in PE enters the body in a small amount, it causes the expected positive reactions and effects. Side toxic and allergic effects of medicines are practically excluded.
When performing LE, only medicinal substances are used, the particles of which (ions and molecules) are mobile in an electric field and move under the action of an applied electric voltage to positive or negative galvanic electrodes, and also penetrate the skin through the orifices of the sweat glands. The list of medicinal substances and preparations for LE is given below. When using other medicines and substances, the effectiveness of treatment is not guaranteed.
Physiotherapy devices "ELFOR-PROF", "ELFOR" and "Potok-1" are used for carrying out HV and LE procedures. Devices "ELFOR-PROF" and "Potok-1" are intended for use in medical and recreational institutions (hospitals, polyclinics, sanatoriums, sanatoriums). They are made according to the 2nd class of electrical safety (power supply from the mains 220V / 50-60 Hz, without grounding) in the form of a desktop or wall portable design. "ELFOR" is a universal device in a pocket format with autonomous electrical power supply (9 V) from a "Korund" type battery or an accumulator (3rd class of electrical safety), which is used in medical institutions of any type and profile, beauty salons, as well as by patients in home conditions. The device can be used for self-treatment of diseases of various organs and systems of the body, and, first of all, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the consequences of injuries and injuries. This allows you to significantly reduce drug therapy, thereby reducing the risk of its side effects and possible damage to health, as well as reduce pharmacy costs. LE is one of the preferred treatments for patients with drug allergies.
The supply voltage of the "ELFOR" apparatus is not more than 9 V, the maximum current passing through the electrodes of the apparatus is not more than 20 mA, the overall dimensions of the case are 60x120x34 mm, and the weight is not more than 200 g.

Private methods of galvanization and medicinal electrophoresis.

The patient should receive specific recommendations on the place of installation of the electrodes and the use of therapeutic preparations for electrophoresis from his attending physician or physiotherapist.

1. Deforming osteoarthritis and post-traumatic arthrosis.
The most common ODA disease is deforming osteoarthritis and chronic spondylosis, as well as post-traumatic arthrosis and arthrosis-arthritis, in which large joints of the lower extremities (knee, ankle, hip) most often suffer. Spondylosis affects the joints of the transverse processes of the vertebrae. Deforming osteoarthritis and chronic spondylosis occur after 45-50 years of age and they reach the greatest severity in elderly and senile people. The frequency of this disease is 35-40% among people over the age of 45 years. Post-traumatic arthrosis is the result of mechanical damage. The main reason for the development of deforming osteoarthrosis and chronic spondylosis is the degeneration of articular cartilage and their gradual replacement with bone tissue. This occurs as a result of the impact on the initially healthy cartilage of the joints of the patient's excess body weight (obesity) or as a result of previous injuries, diseases, or hereditary due to "failure" of the cartilage tissue. Damage to cartilage leads to a periodic occurrence of an inflammatory reaction in the joints, which manifests itself as an exacerbation of deforming osteoarthritis. During the period of exacerbation, pain increases sharply, local edema occurs, and the perimeter of the joints increases. With many years of steady development of the disease, the joints are deformed, disfigured, along their edges there are multiple bone outgrowths - osteophytes. Broken off necrotic pieces of articular cartilage ("articular mice") cause the joints to jam. The end result of the disease is the complete disability of patients. Joint injuries lead to the development of post-traumatic arthrosis, which are similar in nature, but milder than deforming osteoarthritis. In deforming osteoarthritis, chronic spondylosis and post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, wrist joints, small joints of the hands and feet in the acute phase, LE of local anesthetics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs (novocaine, analgin, baralgin, sodium salicylate) is used. Outside the period of exacerbation, patients with arthrosis are shown LE of drugs that improve the condition and nutrition of articular cartilage and periarticular tissues, local blood circulation (sulfur, zinc, lithium, iodine, nicotinic acid, aloe extract, therapeutic mud or mud pressings).

1.1. Galvanization.
Indications: arthrosis and spondylosis with moderate pain and inflammatory manifestations. Two long rectangular electrodes with an area of ​​20-100 cm2 (depending on the caliber of the joint) are placed transversely in the projection of the joint space of the affected joint. The electrodes are pre-moistened with warm running water and squeezed out so that during their subsequent tight fixation, the subelectrode liquid does not spread. The positive electrode (anode) is placed in the area of ​​maximum pain. The electrodes are fixed, achieving their tight contact with the skin with comfortable sensations of the patient. The device is turned on, the current strength is adjusted with a potentiometer until the patient feels a pleasant tingling (burning) sensation. The current strength is adjusted during the procedure according to the subjective sensations of the patient. With the appearance of discomfort, pain, severe burning sensation in the area of ​​the electrodes, it is necessary to immediately reduce the current strength. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily, with persistent pain 2 times a day. Course - 10-20 procedures, depending on the dynamics of the pain syndrome.

1.2. Novocaine electrophoresis.
Indications: arthrosis and spondylosis with pain in the phase of moderate exacerbation, that is, without clear local signs of inflammation.
Novocain is a local anesthetic substance that gives an analgesic effect. The procedure for carrying out the procedures is the same as when performing galvanization (see clause 1.1.). The positive electrode (anode) is placed in the area of ​​maximum pain. Between him and the body is placed a medicinal pad of 3-4 layers of gauze or filter paper moistened with a 0.5% ampoule solution of novocaine hydrochloride in an amount of 2-10 ml. The amount of the drug, as well as the area of ​​the electrodes, depends on the caliber of the affected joint (2-4 ml per ankle joint, 8-10 ml per hip joint). The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily, with persistent pain 2 times a day. Course - 10-20 procedures, depending on the dynamics of the pain syndrome.

1.3. Electrophoresis of analgin, baralgin or sodium salicylate.
Indications: arthrosis and spondylosis in the acute phase with a picture of acute inflammation and severe pain.
Analgin, baralgin and sodium salicylate provide not only anti-inflammatory, but also a noticeable analgesic effect. The procedure is carried out according to the method described in p. 2-15 ml (depending on the caliber of the affected joint). The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.4. Bipolar electrophoresis of novocaine and analgin.
Indications: arthrosis and spondylosis in the acute phase, occurring with persistent and severe pain and local inflammatory manifestations. The technique is carried out according to clause 1.1., however, a medicinal pad moistened with a diluted 10 times 50% ampoule solution of analgin in an amount of 2-15 ml (depending on the caliber of the affected joint) is placed between the electrode-cathode (-) and the body, and under the electrode - anode (+) - a medicinal pad moistened with a 0.5% solution of novocaine hydrochloride in an amount of 2-10 ml. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.5. Sulfur electrophoresis.
Sulfur is part of the complex organic substances that form the basis of cartilage tissue. The purpose of using LE sulfur is to preserve the integrity and structure of the articular cartilage. The technique is performed according to clause 1.1., however, a medicinal pad moistened with a 10-30% aqueous solution in an amount of 2-8 ml is placed between the cathode electrode (-) and the body, depending on the caliber of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.6. Electrophoresis of zinc or lithium.
Indications: progressive course of arthrosis and spondylosis outside the period of exacerbation.
Trace elements zinc and lithium are necessary for the normal functioning and functioning of connective tissue, ligaments, tendons, joint capsule and joint capsules. The method is performed according to clause 1.1., however, a medicinal pad moistened with a 2% solution of zinc sulfate or a 3-5% solution of lithium chloride in an amount of 2-5 ml is placed between the anode electrode (+) and the body, depending on the caliber of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.7. Iodine electrophoresis.
Indications: progressive course of arthrosis and spondylosis outside the period of exacerbation, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, proliferation of connective tissue in the joint area. Iodine has a good absorbing effect. The method is performed according to clause 1.1., however, a medicinal pad moistened with a 2% aqueous solution of potassium iodide in an amount of 2-8 ml is placed under the electrode-cathode (-), depending on the caliber of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.8. Electrophoresis of nicotinic acid.
Indications: progressive course of arthrosis and spondylosis outside the period of exacerbation, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, proliferation of connective tissue in the joint area, combined with local blood circulation disorders in the extremities, manifested by chilliness, numbness and coldness of the feet, calves.
Nicotinic acid has a pronounced vasodilating effect. The technique is performed according to clause 1.1., however, a medicinal pad moistened with a 0.5% aqueous solution of nicotinic acid in an amount of 2-8 ml is placed under the electrode-cathode (-), depending on the caliber of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.9. Electrophoresis of aloe or mud pressings. Indications: progressive course of arthrosis and spondylosis outside the period of exacerbation, pain syndrome, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, proliferation of connective tissue in the joint area, local circulatory disorders, degenerative changes.
Aloe, therapeutic mud and its components have a trophic and resolving effect, improve tissue nutrition and blood circulation, and relieve pain. The technique is performed according to clause 1.1., however, under both electrodes - the anode and the cathode (between the electrode and the body), medicinal pads moistened with aloe extract, diluted 4 times with water or native squeezing of therapeutic mud obtained with a gauze napkin, in the amount of 5 -15 ml, depending on the caliber of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.10. Electrophoresis of therapeutic mud (electromud cure).
Indications: progressive course of arthrosis and spondylosis outside the period of exacerbation, pain syndrome, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, proliferation of connective tissue in the joint area, local circulatory disorders, degenerative changes.
Therapeutic mud has a trophic and resolving effect, improves nutrition and blood circulation of tissues, and relieves pain. The packaged hythium mud from the Sestroretsky Kurort deposit is used. Various therapeutic components of mud have bipolar mobility in an electric field, so mud electrophoresis is carried out from both electrodes - the cathode (-) and the anode (+). The method is carried out according to clause 1.1., however, mud cakes wrapped in 3-4 layers of gauze are placed under both electrodes - the anode and the cathode. The thickness of the mud cake is 1.5-2 cm, the temperature of the mud is 40-42°C. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

1.11. Bischofite electrophoresis.
Indications: see item 1.10.
Bischofite is a natural mineral, a product of bottom sediments mined in the Volgograd region. Contains a complex of mineral salts with a high content of Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + , K + , Cl - , HCO 3 - , HSO 4 - . Produced in the Volgograd region. It is used for treatment by the method of applications (compresses), has electrophoretic properties, is injected with galvanic current from both poles (from the cathode and from the anode). Bischofite has a trophic and resolving effect, improves nutrition and blood circulation of tissues, and reduces the severity of pain. The method is performed according to clause 1.1., however, medicinal pads moistened with a 10% aqueous solution of bischofite are placed under both electrodes - the anode and the cathode. After the electrophoresis procedure, the skin in the affected area is not cleaned and washed from the salt "mantle", but on the contrary, it is covered with clean gauze napkins and wrapped for 2-8 hours. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

Even in a small clinic, you can always find an office for physical procedures. But few of the average patients have information about the full range of such manipulations, about their medicinal properties and health benefits. Many are even skeptical of the doctor's recommendations to look at physical procedures. And completely in vain. Such an impact helps to quickly cope with many health disorders, make treatment more effective, prevent complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases. The most popular physical procedures can, of course, include electrophoresis, indications and contraindications for which, let's consider, clarify what benefits and harms a person can receive from such procedures.

Electrophoresis, as a method of physiotherapy, implies the influence of constant electrical impulses on the human body, which have a general and local therapeutic effect. This procedure helps to introduce drugs through the skin, as well as through the mucous membranes.

Electrophoresis - the benefits and harms of the procedure

The benefits of electrophoresis

This method of physiotherapy is considered one of the most popular. It has a number of positive effects on the patient's body. Such procedures can reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes, they have a mild anti-edematous effect and well eliminate the pain syndrome. Also, electrophoresis helps to relax increased muscle tone and perfectly soothes. Its implementation has a positive effect on microcirculation processes, activates regenerative processes in tissues and starts the synthesis of a number of biologically active substances, represented by vitamins, trace elements, hormones, etc. In addition, this procedure has a positive effect on the state of immunity.

During electrophoresis, drugs penetrate the body through the intercellular spaces, as well as through the sebaceous and sweat glands, transforming into positive or negative ions. Most of the drug is retained in the skin and in the area of ​​subcutaneous fat, penetrating into the bloodstream only a day or more after such a procedure. Due to this, electrophoresis is characterized by a prolonged action.

Active substances in this procedure accumulate in the problem area, because the pad with the medication is applied directly to the pathological focus. They significantly exceed the dosage that can be safely achieved by injection or oral administration. The drug bypasses the digestive tract, so it cannot cause most side effects.

Electrophoresis indications

Electrophoresis is performed as part of a comprehensive treatment for the correction of many diseases of various organs and systems. It is used in therapeutic, neurological, surgical, gynecological, traumatological, dental and pediatric practice. In this case, the procedures can be carried out repeatedly.

So electrophoresis helps patients with ailments of the respiratory system, presented, and.

He is treated with various ENT diseases, such procedures are indicated for patients with, and.

Electrophoresis can be used to treat many ailments of the digestive tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and colitis.

Such procedures are also indicated for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. So electrophoresis is often prescribed to patients with hypertension (first and second degree), hypotension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, varicose veins, atrial fibrillation and endarteritis.

Electrophoresis is indicated for a number of ailments of the genitourinary system, represented by pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, endometriosis, andexitis and endometritis. Such procedures will contribute to the treatment of cervicitis and vaginitis.

Electrophoresis can also be beneficial in many diseases of the nervous system. It is used to treat neuritis and neuralgia, sciatica and migraine, neuroses and insomnia. This method of physiotherapy will help to cope with intervertebral hernia, plexitis, the consequences of injuries of the brain or spinal cord, paralysis and paresis, as well as ganglioneuritis.

Electrophoresis can be used to treat patients with problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. It is prescribed for patients with osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, polyarthritis, spondylosis. Such procedures will bring a positive effect on dislocations, fractures and contracture of the joint.

Electrophoresis is sometimes advised to patients with ailments of the endocrine system, namely diabetes mellitus.

This method of physiotherapy contributes to the treatment of many skin diseases, represented by acne (acne), seborrhea, psoriasis, dermatitis, folliculitis and furunculosis. It is advised to carry out to eliminate trophic ulcers, bedsores, scars and the effects of burns.

There is evidence that electrophoresis treats eye ailments well. It can be prescribed to patients with iridocyclitis, uveitis, conjunctivitis, and blepharitis. Also, such procedures are indicated for keratitis and optic nerve atrophy.

Electrophoresis is used to correct dental ailments. Its implementation will help to cure stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease.

This method of physiotherapy can also help in the correction of a number of postoperative complications: wounds and scars.

Electrophoresis - harm to the procedure

Electrophoresis can harm a person if it is used without a doctor's prescription, without adhering to medical recommendations and in the presence of contraindications.

Electrophoresis - contraindications of the procedure

Medicinal electrophoresis is a fairly versatile and affordable method of physiotherapy treatment. However, this procedure has a number of contraindications to conduct. So electrophoresis is not performed if the patient has tumors (of different locations, origins and types). A similar method of exposure is contraindicated in heart failure, in the presence of an artificial pacemaker (pacemaker) and in violation of blood clotting. Electrophoresis is not performed if the patient has an acute inflammatory process and if he has an elevated body temperature. This procedure is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma, some skin diseases (dermatitis and eczema). In addition, it cannot be carried out in case of violation of the sensitivity of the skin, with mechanical damage at the site of application of medicinal pads (with wounds, cuts and abrasions).

Of course, electrophoresis is prohibited if the patient has an intolerance to electric current or an allergy to a drug that should be administered during such a procedure.

As for menstrual bleeding, it cannot be considered as an absolute contraindication to this method of physiotherapy. However, during menstruation, it is better not to carry out the procedure on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus and ovaries.

Alternative treatment of diseases of the respiratory system

Electrophoresis will help to cope with many different health disorders. This procedure is often recommended for patients with ailments of the respiratory system. They will come to the aid of traditional medicine.

So you can cope with many diseases of the respiratory system with the help of an ordinary one. Brew three tablespoons of dry grass in a thermos with half a liter of only boiled water. Infuse the medicine for one and a half to two hours, then strain. Take a ready-made infusion in half a glass three or four times a day about twenty to thirty minutes before a meal. Such a remedy has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities, it is advised to take it for tracheitis, bronchitis and pulmonary diseases.

Medicine based on has wonderful healing qualities. Brew two tablespoons of dried chopped root with half a liter of cool, pre-boiled water. Bring the product to a boil and boil over low heat for ten minutes. Take a ready-made infusion of a quarter to a third cup four to five times a day to correct tracheitis and bronchitis. Such a medicine has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, enveloping, expectorant, antispasmodic and antiallergic qualities.

You can also cope with respiratory diseases with the help of young people. Collect young tops of twigs with buds (immature cones can also be used), chop them well. Thirty grams of such raw materials brew a liter of milk and boil for ten minutes. Infuse the medicine for two to three hours, then strain. Take a ready-made infusion, one glass three to four times a day. The medicine can be sweetened with honey.

A remarkable healing effect in diseases of the respiratory system gives the reception of an infusion based on. Pour a tablespoon of crushed root with a glass of cold pre-boiled water. After an hour, strain the infusion, and squeeze the vegetable raw materials. Sweeten the finished drink with honey and take one to two tablespoons every two hours. Such a remedy will help to cope with chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, etc.

For pneumonia, you can prepare a medicine based on the usual one. Prepare whole grains (with husks) in the amount of one glass, rinse and sort. Brew such raw materials with one liter of hot milk and boil on a fire of minimum power for an hour. Strain the finished medicine, sweeten it with honey to taste and take it in small sips throughout the day.

Even with inflammation of the lungs, you can prepare an amazing healing balm. Brew one hundred grams of chopped St. John's wort with half a liter of boiling water and boil over a fire of minimum power for half an hour. Next, set this remedy aside for an hour to infuse. Strain the prepared infusion of St. John's wort. Prepare half a kilo of aloe leaves (keep them in the refrigerator in advance for three to five days) and turn them through a meat grinder. Combine the mass of aloe with the infusion of St. John's wort, pour half a liter of white grape wine into the container and add half a kilogram of May honey. Mix all the ingredients well, pour the resulting balm into a dark glass container and cork. Steep for six to ten days in a fairly cool place. Take the finished medicine in a teaspoon with an interval of an hour for the first five days, then - in a tablespoon with an interval of three hours. The duration of such therapy is one month.

Before performing electrophoresis and before using any traditional medicine, it is worth getting the approval of the attending physician.

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Physiotherapy has long been prescribed both as an addition to the main therapy, and as a separate direction. Facial electrophoresis is based on the action of an electric current. With the help of the device, the necessary substances are delivered to the problem area.

Video - Electrophoresis in cosmetology

The use of electrophoresis in cosmetology and medicine

Electrophoresis is widely used in medicine. This is a procedure during which ions (charged particles) move in an electric field, which is created by an external source. Electrophoresis has several names: galvano- or ionotherapy, iono-galvanization or phoresis. All these terms refer to the same process. In medicine, electrophoresis is used as an element of physiotherapy.

In medicine and cosmetology, during the procedure, the necessary substances are injected under the skin with the help of a current. They are assigned depending on the problem to be solved. Electrophoresis in medicine helps the fastest recovery and enhances the pharmacological effect. During the procedure, the effect of the active substances of collagen, masks, etc. is enhanced.

Benefits of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis has a number of positive aspects. Medicinal substances are introduced into the dermis without violating its integrity. Due to the effect of current on tissues and cells, their activity is activated. The concentrations of substances that are injected under the skin are low, so the risk of adverse reactions is minimized. An exception is individual intolerance to certain drugs.

Electrophoresis for the face can also be carried out at home. This will require a special drug and a doctor's consultation. With the introduction of medicines using electrophoresis, the effect lasts for a long time. The procedure has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • secretory;
  • dehydrating;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • anesthetic;
  • provides nutrition to organs and tissues;
  • calming;
  • relaxing;
  • vasodilator.

The procedure eliminates the irritating effect on the mucous membranes and skin. An electric current in medicine, which is used during a session, allows you to inject medicines into a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. The procedure can be prescribed even for newborns, if the kids have no contraindications. In cosmetology, with the help of electrophoresis, wrinkles disappear, acne is treated, skin elasticity is restored. The procedure helps to painlessly cope with puffiness and cleanse the pores of the dermis from impurities.

Types of electrophoresis

What is electrophoresis in medicine? This is an electrical procedure. Thanks to him, medicinal substances are delivered to certain areas. Electrophoresis is divided into several types of current:

  • rectified;
  • constant;
  • fluctuating;
  • diadynamic;
  • sinusoidal modulated.

Indications for use

Electricity in medicine is used to treat a number of diseases. Electrophoresis is prescribed for neurosis, sciatica, neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerve, inflammation, etc. In cosmetology, the procedure is done for:

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • restore the elasticity of the dermis;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • cleaning from pore pollution;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • removal of blackheads and acne defects;
  • saggy skin tightening;
  • removal of nasolabial folds.

Electrophoresis is a very effective method in the complex treatment of acne oily rash. Comedones are removed by injecting a special alkaline solution into the skin. Since electrophoresis also has an anti-inflammatory effect, areas with a greasy sheen and scaly dermis disappear after several sessions. The skin acquires a healthy tone.

Contraindications for electrophoresis

The electrophoresis procedure in cosmetology has a number of contraindications. You can not carry out ion therapy in the presence of:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • mental illness;
  • purulent infections;
  • pregnancy and during lactation;
  • viral diseases;
  • metal dental crowns;
  • inflamed dermatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • elevated body temperature.

The procedure is not carried out in the presence of allergic reactions, when exposed to current on the mucous membranes and skin. Before electrophoresis, it is necessary to find out if there is a negative reaction of the body to the intended drug to be administered. After passing through the acute stage of purulent and inflammatory diseases, ionotherapy can be used for the final cure.

Description of the procedure

For facial skin electrophoresis, labile electrodes of various shapes are used. The cosmetologist selects the necessary plates depending on the area of ​​application, individually for each patient. Before the procedure, for good current conductivity, a special gel is applied to the face, allowing the electrodes to move smoothly over the skin.

After turning on the device, the beautician sequentially processes the desired areas of the face. The duration of one session is eight minutes. After the procedure, a cosmetic nourishing mask is applied to the face. The course of treatment is from six to ten procedures. With the unexpected appearance of dermatitis, ulcers or inflammatory diseases on the skin, electrophoresis is temporarily canceled.

Electrophoresis at home

Electrophoresis for the face at home is done using special devices: Potok (1 and BR), Elfor, AGN-32 and many others. Devices are sold in many pharmacies. But the procedure can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. First, it is necessary to find out if there are any contraindications for ionotherapy. Secondly, only doctors can advise the necessary solution for use during the procedure. When it is carried out correctly, no side effects are observed.

Ion therapy with adrenaline

How is electrophoresis done with adrenaline on the face? Thanks to this procedure, the proprioceptive impulses reaching the nervous system are reduced. Hyperkinesis is suppressed and muscle tone is reduced. A mixture is prepared for the procedure.

Forty milliliters of five percent novocaine is heated to 37 degrees. Then 8 drops of adrenaline 1:1000 are added to the solution. Four wipes are wetted, consisting of ten layers of gauze. After the start of the procedure, after 15 minutes, the polarity of the current changes.

Ion therapy with hyaluronic acid

The facial electrophoresis procedure with hyaluronic acid helps smooth out wrinkles and start the process of repairing damaged cells and their new formations. This will require special solutions that are in test tubes. There are small notches with holes on their tips. The test tubes are inserted into the apparatus. During operation of the device, the required amount of solution flows out. Then it is distributed by the device over the skin.

The electrophoresis procedure for wrinkles for the face can be performed independently at home. Before the session, all cosmetics are washed off. Then the skin is degreased with an alcohol-containing lotion. After the face is prepared, electrodes are connected to the device. They are for different purposes (passive and active) and differ in shape. One electrode is held in the hands, and the second is the procedure. Before the session, all metal objects are removed. If the skin is very sensitive, then the nozzles are moistened with pads. The skin is processed along the massage lines.

The duration of the session can vary from twenty to forty minutes. It depends on the voltage and the desired end result. After the procedure, the skin should be treated with a nourishing cream. Hardware nozzles are washed in disinfectant solutions. Chlorhexedine is well suited for these purposes.

The electrophoresis procedure for the face has earned positive feedback from many patients of medical centers and visitors to beauty salons. Side effects can occur only if the procedure was performed in the presence of contraindications. Therefore, before electrophoresis, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Video - Mask for iontophoresis, electrophoresis and disincrustation

Electrophoresis is the effect of electric current on the human body with the parallel administration of various medications through the skin or mucous membranes. With the help of current, the substance penetrates into the tissues without providing a systemic effect on the body. The procedure can be prescribed to newborn children from the first month of life as the main therapy or as part of a complex treatment. Why doctors prescribe this procedure, consider below.

In what cases are infants and older children prescribed electrophoresis?

Electrophoresis for infants is performed on different parts of the body (lower back, cervical region, hip joints, etc.) depending on the pathology. With dysplasia, the procedure is performed on the inguinal and gluteal regions, with hypertonicity - on the collar zone or neck. Electrophoresis is prescribed with massage and other procedures as part of complex therapy.

The procedure is indicated for infants in the following cases:

  • torticollis, dysplasia and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system (we recommend reading:);
  • hypotonicity and hypertonicity of muscles;
  • the presence of pain syndrome;
  • diathesis;
  • neurological problems of a different nature;
  • stomatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • colitis;
  • cystitis;
  • birth trauma;
  • various pathologies or congenital heart defects;
  • respiratory pathology (bronchitis, etc.);
  • visual impairment and eye disease;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • burns;
  • pyelonephritis.

Electrophoresis for older children is often prescribed for such ailments, when the action of the drug must be directed to the center of the focus of inflammation. Often this treatment method is used after fractures of the arms and legs, with acne, boils, bronchitis, as well as with curvature of the spine (we recommend reading:).

Contraindications for the procedure

Contraindications for electrophoresis:

  • renal or heart failure of varying severity;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • attacks of bronchial asthma;
  • malignant or benign formations;
  • dermatitis;
  • rashes on the skin in the form of pustules;
  • increased body temperature;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • the presence of wounds, abrasions or cuts at the points of attachment of the electrodes;
  • inflammatory process in the acute phase;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to the drugs used.

Advantages and disadvantages of the physiotherapy method

Advantages of the procedure:

  • providing anti-inflammatory, relaxing and analgesic effects;
  • the possibility of use from birth;
  • rapid achievement of positive dynamics due to the enhancement of the action of drugs by the action of current;
  • a pronounced local effect, due to which the treatment is carried out without the occurrence of adverse reactions;
  • short duration of the session (6-15 min.) - the kids do not get tired and do not act up;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure at home.


Types of solutions for electrophoresis and indications for their use for children

Electrophoresis is performed using different drugs. The most common of them is Eufillin. Electrophoresis with Eufillin for children is most often prescribed for hip dysplasia, cardiac and bronchial asthma, reducing pain, reducing ICP and improving blood circulation. Eufillin during electrophoresis is often used in conjunction with magnesia (indicated for children with muscle hypertonicity), Dibazol (in violation of the tone of the arms and legs in the baby, neuralgic diseases), nicotinic acid and other drugs.

Other solutions for electrophoresis for children:

The principle of electrophoresis and the procedure for the procedure

Principle of operation of electrophoresis: pads of electrodes are placed on the patient's skin from both sides in tissue impregnated with medicine, where it decomposes into ions. When an electric current passes through this solution, the drug ions begin to move, penetrate the skin, mucous membranes and enter the body.

Having penetrated into the tissues, the drug is evenly distributed in the cells and interstitial fluid. It is delivered to the epidermis and dermis, from where it is absorbed into the blood and lymph, then it is delivered to all organs and tissues, while remaining in the area of ​​drug administration.

Due to the action of direct current, the body's susceptibility to drugs increases, and the maximum effect is achieved.

The procedure can be carried out according to different techniques, which the doctor selects depending on the diagnosis and localization of the pathological focus:

Can the procedure be done at home?

Is it allowed to do the procedure at home? If parents are concerned that the child will be mentally traumatized or will catch an infection while in the clinic, it is possible to carry out physiotherapy at home. For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase the device and carefully study the instructions for its use and safety precautions.

The first procedure is recommended to be carried out at home under the supervision of medical personnel. You need to take a referral from the doctor with the number of procedures indicated in it and the name of the drug to be used. You can not carry out a physiotherapy longer than the appointed time. For children up to a year, it is no more than 8 minutes. If after the first procedure the child behaves uneasily, stop using the device.

An alternative to electrophoresis in the treatment of children

Another popular method of introducing drugs into the human body is phonophoresis. In this case, not an electric current is used, but ultrasonic waves. In terms of effectiveness, phonophoresis is not inferior to its counterpart - it has much fewer contraindications.

Which of the methods to apply for a particular case, the doctor decides. However, the appointment of electrophoresis in the treatment of a child is most common.

Phonophoresis is used when it is not possible to use electrophoresis. For phonophoresis, not all drugs suitable for electrophoresis can be used. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, these substances are destroyed, lose their activity, or their pharmacological properties change. These drugs include: novocaine, atropine, platifillin, some vitamins (ascorbic acid, B vitamins).

If it is not possible to perform the electrophoresis procedure, and there are indications for this, it is possible to use Euphyllin topically in combination with Tizol, a medicinal ointment. This procedure is often prescribed for the cervical region.

Tizol has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, due to which the ointment quickly treats skin diseases.

Electrophoresis and galvanization are methods of physiotherapy that were developed in the second half of the 20th century, thanks to the research of doctors from the Soviet Union. At the same time, their main methods were developed. Today, electrophoresis is one of the simplest and safest methods of treating various diseases, combining drug treatment and exposure to an electric current on the body. It is easily tolerated by persons of any gender and age.

For electrophoresis, aqueous or other solutions of medicines are used, which are impregnated with a pad of cloth or filter paper. Another, protective, and then the electrode of the electrophoresis apparatus are placed on top of it. The electrodes are placed on the body in such a way that a line is created along which the movement of ions from the drug solution occurs. Most often, pads and electrodes are applied to the cervical-collar zone, in the face, on the sacrum. For the treatment of otitis media, the electrode can be placed endaurally; for young children, the endonosal method is used.

The basic techniques and methods of electrophoresis have been developed for the treatment of various diseases and are widely used in various branches of medicine. The following methods are most commonly used:

  • electrophoresis on the collar zone (according to Shcherbak);
  • ionic reflections (according to Shcherbak);
  • galvanic (ionic) belt;
  • general electrophoresis according to Vermel;
  • facial electrophoresis (according to Bourguignon or Shcherbakova);
  • electrophoresis endonosal and endaural.

It has a different name: ionic (galvanic) collar according to Shcherbak. The choice of the cervical-collar zone for electrophoresis is necessary if there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous or vascular system. Diseases such as hypertension, neuroses, as well as sleep disorders or craniocerebral injuries, disorders associated with the muscles of the face - these are the reasons for prescribing electrophoresis for this area.

To perform electrophoresis, a large pad is placed in the neck-collar area, which covers the neck, shoulders and upper back. It is moistened with an aqueous medicinal solution heated to 38-39 degrees. The second electrode, with a pad of a smaller area, is located on the border of the sacral and lumbar spine. It is usually superimposed on a pad moistened with distilled water.

Depending on the diagnosis, electrophoresis is performed with bromine, iodine, magnesium, calcium, novocaine or aminophylline. The advantage of this technique is the possibility of simultaneous delivery of differently charged ions of two active substances. In this case, the solution is placed under both electrodes: both the cervical-collar zone and the lumbar. Thus, the collar may be, for example, novocaine-iodide, calcium bromide, etc.

The course of treatment is usually ten to twelve procedures performed daily or every other day. The duration of each session is no more than 15 minutes. The current strength gradually increases. However, the patient should not experience discomfort. In a small child who cannot yet voice his impressions, you can focus on facial expressions.

Ionic reflexes

In addition to the cervical-collar zone, for the treatment of hypertension and neurosis, as well as for peptic ulcer and joint disorders, a different electrophoresis scheme is used. In this case, the electrodes are applied not to the neck, but to the limbs. And in such a way that they are located diagonally. For example, left arm and right leg, or vice versa.

Pads with solutions of sodium, potassium, magnesium or bromine are applied to the shoulder and thigh. Above this place, the limb is pulled with a rubber bandage. The duration of the electrophoresis procedure can be up to 20-40 minutes with interruptions, depending on the identified disease. The course includes up to one and a half dozen procedures performed daily.

Galvanic (ionic) belt

Otherwise called "galvanic shorts". Electrophoresis performed according to this technique is effective for diseases of the female genital organs or male sexual dysfunction, prostatitis, diseases of the pelvic organs, limbs, and some vascular disorders.

The belt can be top or bottom. In the first case, a belt soaked in a warm medical solution is applied to the thoracic and lumbar sections of the back, below the cervical. In the second - on the lumbar and sacral vertebrae. In this case, the solution should also have a body temperature or slightly higher. A second one, of the same area, is placed on the pad moistened with the medicine, and then an electrode is applied.

In contrast to the impact on the cervical-collar zone, the second pad is always wetted only with distilled water. It is placed on the anterior surface of the upper thigh for electrophoresis of the upper girdle, or on the back of the thigh for the treatment of the lower girdle.

The duration of the procedure is less, within 10 minutes, and the course of procedures can reach up to twenty.

General electrophoresis according to Vermel

Unlike all other methods, this electrophoresis involves not two, but three pads. A large area is located on the back, between the shoulder blades and is impregnated with a medicinal solution. One of the electrodes is installed on it.

The other two pads are placed on the calves. The electrodes located here are connected to one pole of the device using a forked cord. Thus, electrophoresis is carried out on almost the entire surface of the body, excluding the face, neck and head.

Research conducted in the 70s. of the last century showed that electrophoresis is effective in many diseases of internal organs, such as metabolic disorders, various consequences of diabetes, impaired immunity. The Vermel method has been successfully used in diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. This procedure is well tolerated by both children and the elderly.

Facial electrophoresis

The impact on the cervical-facial region is indicated for neurosis, neuritis of the trigeminal or facial nerve, various pathologies of the brain, in particular traumatic, inflammatory or vascular. It is effective to carry out electrophoresis in the face area and with some menopausal manifestations.

When carrying out the procedure in the cervical region, the electrodes are applied on both sides, so that the ears are between the blades of the electrodes. If facial electrophoresis is performed, then the medicinal solution is applied to the pads placed on the closed eyelids and on the back of the neck.

In this case, the duration of the procedure will be short, and the reaction should be monitored so that there are no discomfort or redness and swelling of the skin, since the skin of the face is more sensitive than in other parts of the body.

Electrophoresis endonosal and endaural

Such electrophoresis is carried out using not tissue pads, but small cotton swabs, which are also wetted with a medicinal substance. There are, however, slight differences from other methods. This is due to the fact that endonasal electrophoresis is carried out not through the skin, but through the mucous membrane. Such an impact allows you to treat not only ENT diseases, but also many other disorders, since the area of ​​​​the face and nose in particular is associated with many organs and their systems.

Most often, endonasal electrophoresis is used for children from three to five years of age. The electrodes are placed as follows. One of them, having two plates, is placed in both nostrils, and the second is placed on the back of the neck.

Contraindications for electrophoresis

Soviet physicians, developing various methods of treating diseases with the help of electrophoresis, also revealed a number of contraindications to the use of this sparing method of treatment. These include:

  • Violations of the skin and mucous membranes. It does not matter if such damage is not in the places where the drug pads and electrodes are applied.
  • Eczema and dermatitis. These skin diseases not only interfere with electrophoresis, but can be exacerbated by drugs and current.
  • Acute inflammatory or purulent diseases, especially those accompanied by fever or fever. However, electrophoresis can be used for a definitive cure after the acute stage of the disease has passed.
  • second half of pregnancy. During the first half of it, electrophoresis is often used to relieve a condition known as uterine hypertonicity. Or with the threat of premature birth.
  • Heart disease such as heart failure.
  • Vascular diseases associated with circulatory disorders, blood clotting, a tendency to external and internal bleeding.
  • Tumors, both malignant and benign, regardless of their location relative to the application of the electrodes.
  • Infant age up to six months. In general, electrophoresis is one of the most common methods of treating certain disorders of the nervous system or musculoskeletal system in infants.
  • And, of course, individual allergic reactions both to drugs and to the effects of electric current on the skin or mucous membranes.



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