Why only the left leg swells. Folk remedies against edema

In case of violation of metabolic processes, the body may suffer from a lack of fluid, which forms dehydration, or, on the contrary, its excessive retention in the tissues, which is manifested by hidden or pronounced edema.

Puffiness is formed due to various reasons, and this is not always excessive consumption of water or salt. Disorders of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, endocrine disorders with changes in the balance of hormones, infectious and somatic pathologies, allergic reactions and inflammatory processes can provoke edema of different localization and severity.

Swelling can occur in any part of the body where there are soft tissues that can hold fluid. In this case, water accumulates in the body cavities, in the intercellular space or inside the cells. The mechanism of edema formation is different, as are the reasons that lead to swelling of the body or certain parts of it.
Origin may be:

  • physiological, associated with changes in the external conditions of the environment or the restructuring of metabolic processes, as, for example, during pregnancy: the growth of the uterus leads to compression of the inferior vena cava, which makes it difficult for blood to return to the heart through the veins, stagnation is formed in the lower extremities with swelling;
  • pathological, arising due to various failures in metabolic processes, which leads to fluid retention in certain areas, disrupting the functionality and structure of tissues and organs.

By itself, edema is not a disease, it is a pathological symptom (a sign of illness), indicating the presence of water-salt balance disorders. They can be local, appearing in a certain part of the body, organ or cavity, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb, face, neck or genitals. At the same time, other areas of the body do not suffer from fluid retention and function normally.

Systemic edema is characterized by a relatively uniform distribution of fluid throughout the body, in the intercellular space and body cavities, in severe cases affecting the intracellular sector.

Edema - what is it, what types are

Based on what factors act as the cause of edema and the mechanisms for the development of the pathological process, there are several special types of pathology that have specific external manifestations.

Inflammatory- formed in the area of ​​tissue damage and exposure to inflammatory mediators, the activity of microbes or viruses, and other causes. Typically, such edema affects soft tissues and organs, and is formed as a result of the active influence of inflammatory mediators on vascular permeability.

Allergic- in many respects similar in the mechanism of development to the previous type, but puffiness has several other causes, it is formed as a result of the action of allergy mediators on tissues - histamine, bradykinin and some others. Due to their influence, the lumen of the capillaries changes, vascular permeability sharply increases, the liquid part of the blood rushes from the vessels into the tissues, quickly forming edema, especially in loose, hydrophilic tissues.

Toxic Species- are similar in their formation mechanisms to inflammatory and allergic ones, but toxic, toxic compounds, which often also reduce blood viscosity, act as factors leading to increased vascular permeability. Such edema is dangerous because it can affect large areas, up to a general lesion of the body.

Edema on the background of starvation associated with a deficiency of proteins that act as a kind of "magnets" for water molecules, preventing them from leaving the vessels. If there are much more proteins in the tissues than inside the vessels, they pull water molecules onto themselves, trapping them in the tissues. A certain amount of plasma proteins forms oncotic pressure, which is higher inside the vessels than in the intercellular space. With the loss of protein on the background of starvation (or with severe kidney damage, when more than 1 g / l of protein is lost in the urine), the oncotic pressure of the plasma changes relative to the intercellular space. Fluid rushes into the tissues. The expression "to swell from hunger" is associated with this process.

Lymphogenic arising due to impaired circulation of lymph in the capillaries, collecting it from parts of the body and delivering it to the venous network, from which edema is localized in regions rich in lymphatic capillaries and venous plexuses - venous plexuses, they are also kava-caval anastomoses, inter- and intrasystem anastomoses veins (limbs, chest cavity).

neurogenic are associated with a disruption in the functioning of nerve fibers or sensory endings, which is why vascular tone and their permeability to fluid are poorly controlled due to expansion or spasm at the right time. Such edema usually develops in the affected parts of the body, innervated by the damaged trunk or, if we are talking about the brain centers (for example, with a stroke), the projection of the affected area.

Puffiness of the body: causes

Often there is both subtle and quite pronounced swelling of the body, the causes of which may be associated with pathologies of internal organs, somatic or infectious diseases, poisoning or injuries.


It is assumed that the endocrine factor, a change in the balance of hormones, especially the estrogen series, is the leading factor in the development. The assumption is based on their more frequent formation in women of young and middle age. Such edema occurs against the background of hot weather and stress, fluid accumulates in those parts of the body that are most susceptible to the influence of gravity: in a standing position, these are the lower limbs and partially upper ones, in a prone position, the lower body.


Associated with a violation of the pumping function of the heart muscle (myocardium), which is not able to pump the volume of blood that is necessary for full blood flow in the arteries and veins. Edema in this case is associated with stagnation of blood in the area of ​​venous vessels, especially distant from the heart and having a small diameter, formed in the evening, after an active day or sports activities, expressed in the area of ​​the hands, feet, spreading upward. In heart failure, swelling is severe, can reach the groin and abdomen, shoulders and spread throughout the body, when resting in an upright position, they decrease or are distributed in the body cavities, along the back, and chest.


The causes of body edema are hidden in the violation of the mechanisms of filtration and reabsorption of water and salts, as well as the loss of proteins by the kidneys in the presence of inflammatory processes. The function of the kidneys may suffer if their blood supply is disturbed and hypoxia of the renal tissue, which leads to the release of factors (biologically active substances) that increase pressure and promote the removal of fluid from the vessels into the tissues. Such edema is typical for the morning time, spreading from top to bottom - from the face and neck to the extremities.

Causes of edema in terms of physiology

From a physiological point of view, edema- this is a retention of excess fluid inside the vessels, in the space between cells and, in severe cases, inside them due to an imbalance in sodium, proteins, water, as well as disorders in the regulatory link (hormone release, vascular tone, problems of the nervous system). For the occurrence of edema, a combination of certain conditions and the influence of both external and internal factors is necessary.

Often the causes of edema of the whole body lie in a violation of the pressure inside the vessels, tissues and cells - in a change in the hydrodynamic gradient. Under normal conditions, blood pressure in arteries and capillaries is higher than in tissues, but at the same time in veins it is lower than in tissue fluid, which allows blood flow and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to all cells. If the pressure in the area of ​​the arteries is high (for example, with hypertension), it also rises in the vessels of the capillary network, “squeezing out” the excess fluid into the tissues, and the veins do not have time to return it all back, due to the fact that the pressure in the area of ​​the tissues themselves rises , and water returns poorly to the veins. This happens with oral or intravenous administration of a large volume of fluid, when a general swelling of the body is formed.

The cause of edema of the whole body may be a violation of the permeability of cell membranes (both in the area of ​​​​vessels and tissues, organs). The membranes become permeable, let water, salts, small molecules pass where they should have been retained. Increase membrane permeability:

  • mediators of inflammation and allergies (especially histamine),
  • some toxins that enter the body,
  • unoxidized metabolic products,
  • enzymes of infectious agents (microbes or viruses) that damage the membranes of cells and blood vessels, creating "holes" in them.

Edema of this type is characteristic of poisoning, diabetes mellitus, gestosis of pregnant women, and infectious diseases. Swelling of the leg or arm, face, neck and other areas.
Disorders of osmotic or oncotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is created by certain concentrations of salts in the area of ​​cells, intercellular space and blood vessels. According to the law of osmosis, the liquid rushes to where there is more salt in order to dilute the concentrations. Usually, such edema is associated with poor nutrition, the intake of salty foods and a large volume of liquid. Edema of the whole body can manifest itself with a change in the amount of protein in plasma and tissues. Proteins have the ability to retain water, and it moves from the tissues to the vessels because a lot of protein is dissolved in the plasma. With starvation or loss of protein by the kidneys, with burns or other problems, the concentration of protein in the plasma decreases, and in the tissues they remain the same or become larger, and water rushes into the tissues.

Violation of the lymphatic system is another factor in the development of edema. The lymphatic network densely braids all tissues and organs, collecting excess fluid into the capillaries and carrying it into the common duct, which flows into the bloodstream near the heart. If the capillaries are inflamed, squeezed by scars, injured or affected by tumor metastases, the fluid through them cannot fully flow into the vessels and stagnates in the tissues. Usually these are local edemas in the extremities or body cavities.

If the body swells, the reasons may also be in violation of the resistance of tissues that lose collagen and elastin fibers, they have a high friability of the structure and reduced activity of enzyme systems that maintain elasticity and turgor of tissues. This happens against the background of systemic infectious and autoimmune pathologies, pronounced inflammatory processes, and general toxicosis.

Particularly dangerous against the background of any mechanisms of edema are lesions of vital organs, especially swelling of the brain or lungs, allergic edema of the larynx, which threaten death for a person without timely assistance.

If swelling of the body is detected: what to do

Any swelling that is visually quite pronounced requires a doctor's consultation. Often they are the first signals of the body about serious deviations associated with metabolic processes. It is especially dangerous if swellings form on the face and neck, spread to the eyes, fingers, and on the legs, swelling interferes with wearing shoes and movement.

In the presence of edema, it is important to immediately review the diet and drinking regimen, consume less salt, drink only pure non-carbonated water, since sweet carbonated drinks, coffee, and tea increase puffiness. If the edema does not go away in a day, or the whole body swells, the doctor should find out the reasons for this condition. First of all, an examination is carried out and the degree of fluid retention is revealed: this parameter can be approximately calculated if the patient knows how much he usually weighs and how the weight has changed during the development of edema.

There are tests and tests that determine the degree of hydrophilicity (swelling) of tissues. So, a blister test will help determine how much the tissues are saturated with fluid, and the identification of a hole in the lower leg and its disappearance will tell you the presence of hidden edema.

The patient at the doctor's appointment must be told about all the medications that were taken, as they can cause swelling and fluid retention in the tissues. It is necessary to indicate whether there are problems with the kidneys and heart, how often edema occurs and how they are provoked.

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Edema is easiest to notice on the hands, as they are always in sight.

Have you had trouble - you cannot remove the ring from your finger, although you did it with ease the day before? This situation can happen if your fingers swell. Let's look at the main causes of edema.

Fingers swell: causes

The causes of edema can be general and local. General causes are diseases that lead to generalized edema, and appear in the case of diseases that affect the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland and liver, and sometimes during pregnancy, especially after the 20th week. We would like to note that if your fingers of both hands swell, most likely you should look for the cause among the above-mentioned diseases. So, let's look at them in more detail.

  1. Cardiac edema. Their peculiarity is that they initially appear on their feet, gradually "climbing" up. That is, if you notice swelling in the legs, then the fact that the fingers swell, and also if you suffer from shortness of breath, you have increased pressure or discomfort behind the sternum, we advise you to contact a cardiologist for a proper consultation.
  2. Renal edema. If you notice that your fingers swell in the morning, and also observe swelling on your face, but in the evening you did not eat salty food, we recommend that you take a urine test in order to check if an infection has “settled” in the kidneys that prevents them from working in full force. Be sure to visit a doctor if you have previously suffered from pyelonephritis or other kidney diseases.
  3. Myxedema. Myxedema is swelling that is caused by insufficient thyroid function. In addition to the fact that the fingers swell very much, the patient notices increased fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, dry skin, and hair loss. If you have noted these symptoms in yourself, you need to take tests for hormones in order to clarify the diagnosis.
  4. Edema during pregnancy. Swelling of the fingers during pregnancy is an alarming sign, it is a messenger of preeclampsia. If you notice swelling in yourself, do not hesitate to inform your doctor about it. He will tell you how to behave in such a situation.
  5. If the fingers swell and hurt, this may indicate that the joints are involved in the process. This situation also requires the treatment of a specialist, he will establish the cause of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

If your fingers are swollen on only one hand, either right or left, then it can be argued that the problem is local. The cause of swelling of only one arm can be an infection, various types of allergies, as well as enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit.

  1. If you recently cut your finger or did a manicure, and you first have one finger swollen, and then the whole hand, and the swelling is accompanied by pain, fever and redness, contact your surgeon immediately to prevent further spread of the inflammatory process.
  2. If your fingers are swollen after coming into contact with a new dishwashing detergent, shampoo, or other type of chemicals, the swelling may be allergic. In this case, avoid the allergen or, if possible, wear household gloves.
  3. If you have noticed that the fingers swell constantly, and the swelling is increasing, there is a possibility that the lymph nodes in the armpit have increased. Try to find them. To begin, put your hand to the side. With your free hand, feel inward. If you feel a round mass, consult a doctor, as the causes of swollen lymph nodes can be very diverse - from a reaction to deodorant to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Always listen to your body, take action in time and your body will repay you for this for many years of life! Be healthy!

Why is my right leg swollen?

Swelling of the legs is a common occurrence. Causes vary. For example, they arise as a result of drinking a large amount of water at night. A common consequence of a hard day's work is swelling of the legs, which occurs due to stagnation of fluid in the tissues.

Varieties of edema

The causes of swelling of the legs reveal a completely different nature. Professionals divide the sources of the phenomenon into six main groups:

  • Hydremic, appear due to kidney disease, making it difficult for fluid to exit the body.
  • Cachectic, resulting from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Mechanical. Edema resulting from injuries. Often a tumor is detected that blocks the work of the venous vessels. Periodically, edema appears during pregnancy due to squeezing of the vessels by the uterus, which increases in size.
  • congestive. They appear due to increased pressure in the capillaries.
  • Neuropathic. Appear on the background of alcoholism or diabetes.
  • Allergic, due to a strong reaction of the body to the product.

Causes of swelling of the legs

Many factors of leg edema have been described. Moreover, one or both limbs can swell. Sometimes the cause is the wrong way of life. It's worth making adjustments.

Common factors that cause swelling are:

  • The habit of drinking plenty of fluids, especially at night.
  • Excessive physical load on the legs. It is supposed to give the legs a rest, it is better to lie down so that the level of the legs is above the head.
  • Uncomfortable shoes. Perhaps too narrow or pressing on the feet. Harmful high-heeled shoes.
  • Excess weight. Due to the additional load on the body, it is harder for the internal organs to work, mainly for the kidneys, and water stagnation forms. Excess weight is often associated with malnutrition, there is an increased intake of salt, which prevents the release of water. There is an extra load on the legs.

If the right leg swells, the phenomenon should alert the person and motivate him to undergo medical diagnostics. Perhaps there is a manifestation of a serious illness.

Diseases that cause swelling of the right leg

  1. The most common is varicose veins. It appears and begins to develop due to clogging of the veins, leading to a deterioration in blood flow, tissue nutrition is deteriorating. In addition to swelling, other symptoms appear: pain in the leg, spider veins, parts of the lower leg may turn blue. The disease does not appear suddenly, it develops gradually. The cause of the disease lies in the daily routine - a person has to walk and stand a lot. Edema appears in the evening. During the night, the legs rest, in the morning there are no edema. Over time, the pathology becomes more noticeable, the legs begin to turn blue.

Dangers of swelling of the right leg

It is required to monitor health, if chronic edema occurs, one should not assume that treatment is not needed, everything will go away on its own. It is possible that the lesion will become smaller, but, being a symptom of the disease, will return again. Perhaps the situation will get worse.

  • Edema can indicate the presence of a heart attack or stroke.
  • If the cause is varicose veins, the lack of medical care will lead to the development of gangrene. In the worst case, the process threatens to amputate the leg.
  • Failure to treat deep vein thrombosis leads to thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

To understand why only the right leg swells, the doctor prescribes operational types of diagnostics: blood and urine tests, an electrocardiogram, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland.

Ways to get rid of edema

Starting treatment, you need to know the cause of the appearance. When the legs began to swell, it is necessary:

  1. Reduce the amount of salt you eat. It is better to temporarily give up salty foods.
  2. Try to drink less liquid at night.
  3. During the day, try to drink more herbal teas with lemon and mint.
  4. Get rid of uncomfortable and pressing shoes. Feet feel more comfortable in comfortable shoes. By ensuring good blood flow, the vessels will not be pinched, the tissues will receive good nutrition.

For example, pour turpentine into warm castor oil (proportion: one unit of turpentine and two units of castor oil). Then massage the swollen feet with the mixture, put on socks.

It is useful to make baths with sea salt, perform contrast procedures.

Regular foot massage should be performed. The feet are massaged, gradually rising higher to the thigh. Massage can be performed using pieces of ice made from a decoction of herbs: sage, mint.

It is useful to drink diuretic infusions from herbs or berries and elderberry bark.

How to get rid of swelling of the right leg with varicose veins

The main cause of swelling of one right leg lies in varicose veins. To prevent the disease from getting worse, follow the advice of doctors:

  • Regularly do gymnastics with special exercises to improve blood circulation, perform the “birch” exercise.
  • Walk in special stockings.
  • Wear comfortable and spacious shoes that do not squeeze the instep of the foot. With flat feet, wear shoes with special arch supports.
  • Try to walk and stand less. Lie or sit more.
  • Put your feet on the pillow at night.

The reasons for swelling of the legs are different. If one leg swells, this becomes a sign of a serious illness. It is worth consulting a doctor for advice. Edema will be an urgent reason to reconsider the way of life.

My feet and shin are very swollen, I am 51 years old, I have a heart disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia and vareosis went on and with allergic asculitis after poisoning. The right leg is high instep and 3.5 cm above normal. Diuretics don't help much. There is excess weight, the beginning of menopause. I went to the doctor, the advice did not help much. Please tell me how to get rid of it, if at all possible. Thank you!

My right leg is swollen, what should I do? 47 years old, glioblastoma grade 4.

I am 23 years old, my right leg is very swollen, I have to work all day on my feet. I went to the doctor several times - they could not find out why.

Why do hands and feet swell

If the fluid accumulates only in the legs, then we can assume the influence of a temporary factor, for example, physical overstrain. However, the spread of puffiness to the hands should immediately alert a person and become a reason to see a doctor.

Edema in heart disease

Almost always, the arms and legs swell due to pathologies of the heart. Swelling begins with the phalanges of the fingers on the hand and feet, gradually spreading to the limbs and covering the entire body. Heart failure is also accompanied by shortness of breath, changes in blood pressure, pain in the heart. Due to the deterioration of blood circulation, the work of a large number of organs is disrupted and the swelling only worsens. Swelling occurs mainly in the evening, after a working day.

The mechanism of edema formation is that the myocardium does not contract strongly enough to fully pump blood, or the operation of the valves is disrupted. Stagnation begins in the vascular bed, and excess fluid enters the interstitial space.

Treatment of the problem should be immediate, until the fluid has filled the entire body.

Swelling of the legs and arms with damage to the urinary system

Often the limbs of the arms and legs swell due to impaired kidney function. Excess fluid is not excreted from the body in sufficient quantities, therefore it accumulates in the subcutaneous fat. First of all, the legs and face are affected, and the hands are also involved in the process. Edema appears immediately after sleep. Ignoring the problem leads to chronic renal failure, which develops into an acute one and requires urgent treatment. Therefore, pathologies of the urinary system are more successfully treated at the initial stages of development.

The main diseases that contribute to the fact that the hands and feet swell:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • nonspecific nephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • pyonephrosis;
  • oncological process in the kidney area;
  • unspecified nephrotic syndrome.

Even ordinary inflammation in any of the organs of the urinary tract can provoke the appearance of pathology, but less pronounced than with direct damage to the kidneys.

Puffiness in endocrine pathologies

Problems with thyroid function can also cause swelling in the hands and feet. A decrease in the production of hormones leads to multiple metabolic disorders, which is why swelling of the subcutaneous fat begins to form.

Unlike previous diseases, hypothyroidism is characterized by persistent swelling.

The development of symptoms begins with the face, which becomes puffy and pasty, then the hands swell, the legs are affected last.

Edema in vascular diseases

Various vascular lesions, as well as problems with the lymphatic system, are the cause of swollen legs in women. The most common pathology is varicose veins, which is characteristic of the female body. Its essence lies in the deterioration of the elasticity of the vein wall, which is characterized by stagnation of blood and the development of pathology.

Hands and feet at the same time with vascular pathologies are rarely affected. However, in the case of systemic diseases, such as atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus, occlusions of arterial vessels can develop in several parts of the body at once. It is forbidden to do something on your own with such a problem, since an angiologist or a vascular surgeon should deal with the treatment. A similar problem is venous thrombosis.

Swelling due to liver problems

In men and women, the hands and feet swell due to liver dysfunction. This organ performs a large number of functions in the human body, including the formation of proteins. Their insufficient amount in the blood plasma contributes to a drop in oncotic pressure. To restore it, excess fluid leaves the vascular bed, forming a pathology.

A similar clinical picture unfolds in people suffering from chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and fatty degeneration.

Also, swelling often appears in alcoholics. A similar mechanism for the formation of edema in the arms and legs manifests itself during insufficient intake of proteins from food, as well as during pregnancy, when the fetus takes all the mother's resources for itself. There is a disease called kwashiorkor, which is characterized by protein malnutrition.

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Self-medication for edema can be hazardous to your health. Seek emergency care at the first symptoms.

Edema of the limbs and face

The cause of swelling of the hands and feet in 90% of cases lies in the malfunction of the internal organs. Often people blame the kidneys for not removing excess fluid from the body, which causes fluid retention, but this is not always true. Heart pathologies or abnormal production of hormones by the endocrine system can lead to this condition. Next, we will talk about how edema appears, what they are and what needs to be done to get rid of this unpleasant symptom.

The mechanism of edema development

Swelling of the arms and legs appears when excess fluid begins to accumulate in the space between the cells. This process can affect the tissues of the whole body or any specific area. Women often experience swelling of the face after applying night creams or masks. This condition does not require medical treatment. If your face swells up without the use of any cosmetic products, then the problem is related to the work of internal organs.

In a healthy person, a certain amount of fluid continuously enters the space between the cells, and then is removed from them. If, due to external or internal factors, natural balance is disturbed, then swelling of the face, hands or limbs occurs. In a person who is faced with problems in the functioning of organs, edema will be observed constantly.

Types of edema

Allocate chronic and episodic edema. In women, the latter type of swelling of the hands and feet is more common, the cause of which often lies in malnutrition or improperly selected cosmetics. Irregular accumulation of fluid occurs under the influence of adverse environmental factors. These include:

  • excessively high ambient temperature;
  • drinking plenty of water before bed;
  • stay for a long time in one position;
  • wearing uncomfortable clothes and shoes;
  • abuse of salt and spices.

Getting rid of episodic edema is very simple. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of their occurrence. Chronic swelling of tissues is observed in the morning and evening. It indicates that the patient is suffering from some kind of disease. You should not self-medicate such edema. With a constant violation of the outflow of fluid, you need to go to the doctor. Based on the visual inspection and assessment of the condition, he will refer you to the appropriate specialist.

Edema of the extremities

Many people face this type of pathology at the end of the working day. Swelling of the hands and feet indicate stagnation of blood in the body. Usually they are observed in people who spend a lot of time in the same position. You should panic if you notice swelling of the arms or legs in the morning. This means that the outflow of fluid is seriously impaired. You need to visit a doctor to

swelling of the face

Swelling of the face can occur both for natural reasons and due to diseases of the internal organs. Women face this phenomenon when changing cosmetics, excessive consumption of food containing a large amount of salt and spices. Often this phenomenon is observed a week before menstrual bleeding. During this period, the body begins to accumulate fluid to compensate for the loss of blood.

Swelling of the face is often accompanied by slight puffiness of the legs in diseases of the endocrine system. Swelling of the eyelids occurs due to problems with the urinary system. In this case, bruises of a yellowish color may still appear. If, against the background of swelling of the face, the skin of the eyelids acquires a purple hue, then the cardiovascular system should be checked.

The main causes of swelling

The main cause of swelling of the hands and feet is a banal physical overwork. A person experiences stress at work, does not get enough sleep and cannot rest normally. As a result, this leads to the accumulation of fluid in the limbs. If this symptom does not leave a person even after a Saturday rest, then this is an occasion to think that the appearance of swelling of the limbs and face provokes some kind of ailment. The main causes of edema:

  • problems in the work of the heart;
  • anomalies in the structure of blood vessels;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • time of pregnancy;
  • diseases of the hepatobiliary system;
  • complications after surgery;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Cardiovascular diseases

Edema with problems in the work of the heart develops very specifically. Initially, the fingers and toes begin to swell, and then the limbs are affected along the entire length. At first, the patient does not notice the pathology, but then begins to experience discomfort associated with the presence of excess fluid in the intercellular space. The cause of swelling of the arms and legs lies in the poor functioning of the myocardium. He can no longer pump blood in the required volume, so it accumulates in the vessels. This leads to partial dysfunction of the venous valves.

Diseases of the urinary system

A person often encounters swelling of the face and limbs due to problems in the functioning of the kidneys. Excess fluid is not excreted from the body. As a result, it begins to accumulate in the skin and fat layer. If the kidney system cannot function normally, then the patient's legs and face begin to swell first. Hands begin to suffer from the disease much later. The following ailments lead to edema:

  • hydronephrosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • unspecified nephrotic syndrome;
  • nonspecific nephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Vascular pathologies

Swelling of the legs and face can be observed with stagnation of lymph in the vascular bed. Often this problem is observed in women due to the peculiarities of the hormonal system. Stagnation of blood in the extremities can occur due to varicose veins. The disease is accompanied by a slow destruction of the valves and loss of elasticity of the vascular walls. The face and hands with vascular pathologies swell very rarely. But with diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis, this symptom may appear.

Pathologies of the hepatobiliary system

Edema in men and women can occur against the background of improper liver function. Fluid begins to accumulate in the body due to the fact that most of the protein begins to wash out. The swelling spreads over the entire body and does not decrease with time. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system can be chronic and acquired. Alcoholics suffer from the last group of diseases when they begin to abuse alcohol. The liver cannot cope with toxic substances, so protein synthesis is disrupted, and fluid begins to linger. Ascites often occurs against the background of this pathology.

Diseases of the endocrine system

The endocrine system is responsible for the production of hormones. If it starts to work incorrectly, then a person may experience edema and other metabolic disorders. Pathologies of the endocrine system cause swelling of the trunk and face. The limbs begin to swell as the disease progresses.

Pregnancy period

During pregnancy in the last trimester, many women experience swelling in the evening. This is due to the fact that, due to the size of the baby, it is difficult for blood to return back to the heart. In addition, sometimes, with a special arrangement of the child, the organs of the woman are partially pinched. As a result, normal blood flow is disrupted. Another cause of edema is pelvic varicose veins. It is quite rare in pregnant women, because. This disease is mostly hereditary.

Additional reasons

As we mentioned earlier, the abuse of various spices and salty foods can cause swelling of the face and the whole body. This also includes drinking plenty of fluids before bed. Thrombosis is often accompanied by limb edema. This disease requires specialized medical care, so if you find it in yourself, do not try to get rid of the swelling yourself, but immediately go to the hospital.

Injuries, muscle strains often cause fluid stagnation. In the absence of excessively strong pain syndrome, this condition does not require additional treatment. When the ambient temperature is very high, the body does its best to bring the body temperature back to normal. Therefore, the fluid begins to linger in the legs.

A separate category should include people who wear uncomfortable shoes and clothes. The reason for the appearance of edema with such an attitude towards one's body is hidden in a long-term physical effect on the veins. This is dangerous because the vessels begin to stretch. As a result, the patient develops varicose veins.

Methods of treatment

Treatment methods for edema are varied. The choice of a specific method for normalizing the flow of fluid in the body depends on what reason served to cause this unpleasant syndrome. Patients are prescribed various medications that normalize the functioning of internal organs. In case of thrombosis and other pathologies of the body that are not amenable to non-invasive treatment, they issue a referral for surgery.

Medical treatment

The choice of drugs is influenced by the initial cause of the violation of fluid metabolism. Drugs, the action of which is aimed at removing excess water from the body, treat kidney diseases. Diuretics are prescribed only in this case and for heart problems. If everything is in order with the main muscle of the body and the urinary system, drugs of this type are not prescribed. The following medicines can be used to treat swelling:

  • hormonal agents, if there are problems in the thyroid gland;
  • venotonic drugs, if the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins;
  • drugs with a high protein content for problems in the liver;
  • lymphatic drainage medications if vascular disease is detected.


There is no universal operation that will save the patient from swelling and restore his former lightness in the body. For heart problems, a bypass is performed or an artificial valve is installed in the patient. If the patient has thrombosis, then the blood clot is removed. With varicose veins, the affected vessels are eliminated. Before the operation, the patient always undergoes a complete medical examination.


Traditional medicine used to treat puffiness contributes to the release of excess fluid from the body, but they will not cure the very cause of the disease. For this reason, doctors do not recommend taking decoctions and infusions of herbs before making an official diagnosis. Often, swelling is caused by pathologies of internal organs, which can be eliminated with the help of medications or physiotherapy. In such conditions, the use of traditional medicine can harm. The following herbal preparations are especially popular:

  • Green tea or hibiscus decoction. Both drinks are recommended to be consumed cold, because. when hot, they can cause an increase in pressure.
  • Pharmacy kidney fees. They are convenient to use. Instructions for the preparation of such products are always supplied with them.
  • Pumpkin juice. It is obtained from raw pumpkin. Juice speeds up metabolism, contributes to the normalization of kidney function. You need to use it 2 times a day.
  • Infusion of yarrow. You can cook it yourself by pouring 200 grams of dry raw materials into 500 ml of vodka, and then insisting for 10 days, or purchase a ready-made remedy at a pharmacy.

It is not necessary to use any teas or infusions in order for the condition of swollen limbs and face to improve. You can make a compress from cabbage. Previously, the leaves of the vegetable should be beaten off so that the juice comes out of them, and then applied to the swollen areas. Fix the compress with cling film. It should be kept on the body all night. Similarly, a mixture of olive and camphor oils can be used. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, then applied to the legs. First you need to bandage the limbs, and then fix the compress with cling film.

Products required for consumption

If you often encounter edema, then you should slightly change your diet. It is necessary to remove spicy, overly salty or sweet foods from the menu. Sodas and alcoholic beverages will also not help you overcome the body's tendency to store fluids. It is allowed to drink only clean water in small quantities. If you already have swelling, then the following products will help to cope with them:


Swelling on the legs and face often appear due to a slowdown in metabolism. Special exercises will help speed up metabolism, normalize blood flow, help decay products leave the body faster. Exercise bike can be repeated during the day an unlimited number of times. Patients can do so-called gymnastics for the toes, i.e. try to move objects with them or just roll pencils.

It is recommended to perform the Birch exercise at least 2-3 times a day. If it is physically difficult for you to take this pose or your shoulder girdle with the cervical spine is not flexible enough, you can simply throw your legs on a hill and lie down for a minute. In general, when relaxing on a sofa or bed, try to stretch your legs, place them on a pillow or any other surface above the level of your heart. This will facilitate the outflow of blood from the feet.

Prevention of edema

A healthy lifestyle will help prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant phenomenon. Always monitor the condition of the internal organs, eat fresh and high-vitamin foods. It is especially important to monitor the water balance in the body. Edema is often the result of insufficient water intake, so drink 30 ml of fluid per 1 kg of weight per day.

Doctors recommend that people with a tendency to varicose veins and edema wear compression underwear. With a relatively normal condition of the veins, knitwear with the first level of compression is suitable. If the patient has varicose veins, then the doctor determines the type of underwear and the strength of the impact. Not bad helps in the fight against puffiness foot massage. You can use ice cubes or specialized oil for it. Baths with medicinal plants will help prevent the appearance of edema.

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Swelling of hands and feet

Hello, dear readers of the site iwoman.club. Swelling of the legs and arms at least once in a lifetime bothered everyone. Our body is 80% water, and if the internal organs do not work properly or if physical activity is uneven, it stagnates in the intercellular space of tissues: edema is formed. The easiest way to determine is palpation: we press on the skin in the back of the foot or hand. If a fossa is formed (after a while the fossa disappears), the color of the epidermis at the point of pressure becomes sharply pale - this is edema. With an upward movement up the outer part of the limb, you can feel the boundaries of the edema.

Types of edema

Episodic or irregular (spent all day on their feet, sitting for a long time without getting up, uncomfortable shoes, overweight, very hot weather, which exacerbates the occurrence of swelling). By eliminating or facilitating adverse effects - we get rid of the problem!

Chronic or regular (pastosity occurs constantly, appears both in the morning and in the evening). Here, procrastination, alternative methods of treatment and self-prescribed medicines are categorically inappropriate and even dangerous! Only consultation of a competent specialist will solve the problem and alleviate your condition.

Why does swelling appear

The main causes of chronic edema:

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

"Heart" edema is asymmetrical, occurs in the evening. The skin is cold, bluish in color, when pressed, a hole is formed, which slowly levels out. Puffiness can manifest itself not only on the legs, but also on the whole body, its occurrence is often attributed to excessive physical exertion. If the load is excluded, and the swelling continues: do not be lazy - go to the doctor for a consultation!

2. Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system

Edema is symmetrical and localized in the upper body, without treatment can affect the legs, occur in the morning. The swelling is mobile, with pressure it shifts. The patient is concerned about back pain and "bags" under the eyes.

3. Violations in the work of the endocrine system

With a change in the hormonal background, swelling affects the face and upper body, with the aggravation of the disease - the legs.

4. Diseases of the vessels (violation of the venous outflow)

Edema appears in the evening, aggravated by physical exertion. There is a pronounced network of venous vessels on the legs, the ankles of the legs swell, but not the fingers, and painful cramps are possible.

5. Violations in the work of the lymphatic system.

Edema of the legs, in violation of the lymphatic flow, very dense, painful, constantly increasing. It is impossible to get rid of them on your own.

6. Edema during pregnancy.

Although pregnancy is not a disease, you should consult a doctor if swollen legs are your permanent condition. It is very important to distinguish between physiological swelling during pregnancy and pathological! This can signal a violation of the kidneys, heart problems and a host of other equally serious problems!

With the correct diagnosis and identification of the root cause of swelling, complex treatment (medication and exercise) gives a positive result and eliminates the problem for a long time.

Exercises to combat swelling

To relieve and relieve puffiness, a special exercise is good - shifting pencils with your toes, rolling a tennis ball, rolling your foot from heel to toe, the “bike” exercise - you can repeat them as much as you like during the day. Simple actions improve blood and lymph flow in the legs and help get rid of swelling. It’s great to lie down for at least 20 minutes with your legs raised up or make a “birch tree” (raise the body and limbs high), so we contribute to the outflow of fluid from the lower body.

Compression stockings (socks, tights) will be very useful not only for pregnant women, but also for those who walk a lot, stand still or sit for a long time. These wonderful jerseys properly distribute the lymph flow and blood circulation in the limbs and prevent swelling.

Foot and lower leg massage will help relieve swelling, it is very good to do it with frozen ice cubes, and complete the procedure with contrast or regular baths. You can add 2 tbsp sea salt to the water. per liter of water or a decoction of herbs (birch leaves, chamomile inflorescences and mint mixed in equal proportions).

Medical treatment of edema

In the medical treatment of chronic edema, strong diuretic drugs (diuretics) are prescribed, with a different mechanism of action and effectiveness (speed, duration or strength of effect).

The most popular drugs:

  • torasemide, veroshpiron, lasix, triphas, hypothiazide, diacarb, chlorthalidone, furosemide - saluretics (increase the excretion of NaCl ions, roughly speaking, salt that retains water in the body);
  • veroshpiron, spironolactone, amloride - diuretics that do not remove potassium;
  • urea, beckons, monitol - osmotic diuretics (they increase the volume of circulating blood, they are not prescribed to patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency).

All drugs are potent, have a large list of contraindications, only a doctor can choose the best drug!

Folk remedies against edema

In the fight against episodic edema, compresses, remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine, will help us.

Have an excellent diuretic effect:

  • cold green tea;
  • Sudanese rose (hibiscus) tea, if drunk hot, increases blood pressure;
  • rosehip broth, which is also rich in vitamin C (1/2 cup of dry fruits per 1 liter of water - after boiling, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes);
  • a decoction of thyme and linden inflorescences (2 tablespoons in a 1: 1 ratio per 250 ml of water, bring to a boil in a water bath and leave for 30 minutes);
  • tea from bearberry, horsetail and lingonberry leaves (1.5 tablespoons in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 fall asleep in a thermos, pour a glass and leave for 3 hours);
  • decoction of flax seeds 1st.l. for 200 ml of water, cook in a water bath for 10 minutes;
  • pharmacy kidney collections (orthosiphon staminate) or Nephrofit preparation (ready-made packaged collection of herbs) - brew according to the instructions on the package.

We remind you that even herbs should not be abused, if relief does not come after several doses - consult a doctor!

Products that remove excess fluid

The grocery basket of a sufferer from puffiness must contain:

  • watermelons - this juicy marvelous berry will remove excess water from the body effortlessly;
  • buckwheat - boiled without salt and other additives, an excellent helper in the fight against edema and an ideal dinner;
  • apples - improve digestion, lower blood cholesterol and remove excess fluid from the body;
  • berries - raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, cherries - small treasures of all kinds of vitamins, help to cope with external and internal edema;
  • bell pepper - a well-known vegetable, rich in potassium and magnesium, removes excess salt, and at the same time toxins;
  • cucumbers - incredibly, but they help to cope even with "cardiac" edema, the main thing is to use them without salt and seasonings;
  • parsley - the leader among greens in terms of diuretic action - generously flavor it with pepper salad with cucumbers;
  • eggplant (blue) - excellent help from puffiness, but only boiled or stewed;
  • dried apricots are a very strong diuretic, especially an infusion or compote from it, so hypotensive patients, allergy sufferers and asthmatics should use it with caution;
  • cranberries - fruit juice from fresh or compote from dried berries is recommended even for pregnant women in the fight against edema, it will also be useful for you, just do not sweeten the drink.

In the heat, pay attention to your diet: exclude spicy and salty foods, alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks. We use more pure water, which we drink often and little by little! We put on comfortable, light shoes without high heels, but not on a flat course, ideally - in orthopedic ones. Clothing should not pinch or squeeze too much anywhere - we say “no” to bandage dresses, tight jeans and corsets!

Listen to your body, follow simple recommendations and your legs will delight you with lightness and beauty!

Swelling of the hand: causes

Swelling of the hands: causes and treatment:

Swelling of the hands, the causes of which we will consider in this article, is a rather unpleasant phenomenon for a person, which can manifest itself in certain cases, while such a symptom does not appear without a reason. So what causes swollen hands?

What are swelling of the hands. The reasons

Swelling of the hands is always a symptom of a disease that is progressing in the body, and this symptomatology should not be discounted.

Swelling of the hands, the causes of which we will describe a little later, are a sign of a malfunction in the work of internal organs - the heart, liver, kidneys, and so on.

Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination.

Hand swelling symptoms

If we talk about the symptoms of swelling of the hands, then the fingers of the hands swell first of all - this can be seen with the naked eye, it is enough to compare with the hands of another person.

When there are simple swelling of the hands, the causes of which we will describe in the article, they appear after sleep, such swelling usually disappears after a couple of hours and disappears on its own, without affecting the person in any way.

In this case, it is still worth visiting a doctor, even if such a phenomenon does not bring you discomfort and problems.

If the swelling of the fingers, the causes of which can be very different, does not subside until the evening, in this case it can be argued that there are significant disturbances in the body, which cannot cope with its functions. And at the same time, hands can swell not only in the morning, but also in the evening, at night.

Swelling of fingers. The reasons

The most common cause of edema is excessive fluid intake in the evening, while uncontrolled consumption of food and alcohol, the general condition of the body and its organs also have this effect.

If the swelling of the hands, the causes of which may be due to malnutrition, does not go away for a long time, this indicates a serious illness or an exacerbation of a chronic illness.

Often, swelling of the hands occurs when taking a diuretic drug or in a woman during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.

Factors explaining the cause of swelling of the fingers

If we talk about factors that can explain the swelling of the right hand, the cause of which may lie in the presence of chronic diseases, then it is worth highlighting the following. Let's find out what to do in this case.

The most common factor leading to swelling of the hands is the usual bruise, hand injury, fracture.

In this case, it is the inflammatory process that serves as the body's reaction to injury, and by periodically applying cold to the injured area of ​​​​the hand, swelling can be removed.

At the same time, contacting a doctor is a prerequisite that will help to avoid negative consequences.

When swelling of the hands arose as a result of an allergic reaction to an external irritant, for example, detergent or washing powder, it is worth establishing the cause and excluding the irritant itself from everyday life and close contact. Or, if contact cannot be avoided, then it is worth wearing rubber gloves, minimizing the contact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands with the irritant.

Along with chemical irritants, allergies can be caused by new dishes on the menu, some fruits - try to exclude them from the diet.

Puffiness of the fingers can also occur in a pregnant woman - in this case, it is worth taking a urine test for the protein content in it, which indicates problems in the body. If this indicator is normal, swelling can be reduced with diuretics.

What else provokes swelling of the hands

What to do if the left hand swells? The reasons for this can be very different, but there are some solutions to this problem.

Swelling of the fingers, hands can be the result of a malfunction in the thyroid gland, kidneys and liver, as well as the cardiovascular system of the body.

In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and, based on the examination and the results of the tests, undergo a course of treatment.

As a factor causing swelling of the hands, the causes of which we will continue to consider further, it is worth noting long-term work without an appropriate break for warm-up, irregular and improper nutrition, as well as insufficient sleep. Try to change your work schedule, diet and allocate more time for rest, and this will help you solve the problem with the swelling of the right hand. We have considered the reasons, and it is time to move on to the method of treating edema.

If your hands swell in the morning. What else is worth knowing?

If swelling of the hands is observed in the morning, the causes of which may be different - an injury or a fracture, a lot of water has been drunk or spicy or salty foods have been eaten, an allergy to an external or internal irritant, then certain actions must be taken, which we discussed earlier.

If the edema is caused by taking the medication, then you should stop taking it and, after consulting with your doctor, change to another medication or reduce the dose of the medication you take.

When, along with swelling of the hands, swelling of the eyelids also takes place, all this can indicate a malfunction of the liver - the organ does not fully remove toxins from the body, thereby leading to swelling of soft tissues and cells.

It may happen that the edema of the right arm (the causes of which we discussed) will provoke an increase in the lymph nodes in the armpits, and this may indicate a lung disease, as a result of which the outflow of lymph is disturbed, leading to edema.

Sometimes a doctor may refer women to a mammologist to have their breasts checked for cancer. If you are overweight, puffiness can also become a constant morning companion.

In this case, it is enough to visit a nutritionist and take measures to regulate your own diet and normalize weight.

What to do to relieve swelling

If your hands are systematically swollen, at the very beginning, try to exclude spicy and overly salty foods from your menu, remove alcohol and low-alcohol cocktails. These products are able to retain excess fluid in the cells of the body for a long period of time, without removing it naturally.

Also control fluid intake - this applies not only to the consumption of clean, drinking water, but also coffee, tea, liquid soups and other drinking products.

At the same time, try to drink no later than 3 hours before bedtime - during this period of time the body will remove excess fluid, preventing swelling not only of the hands, but also of the eyelids and legs.

If the puffiness of the hands lasts long enough, add foods such as watermelon and cucumbers, rowan juice, celery and mountain ash to your diet. It is due to the minerals and vitamins contained in them that they allow you to get rid of edema.

At the same time, simple physical exercises will help relieve swelling. They are able to tone the body. To do this, you can intensively walk on the spot or take a bike ride, visit the pool.

Give it 20 minutes in the morning and evening, 2 hours before bedtime, and the puffiness will gradually stop bothering you.

What other measures should be taken to relieve swelling of the hands

In case of swelling of the fingers, contrast baths for hands or a shower help perfectly - it is a sharp temperature drop that has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. But visiting a sauna or a bath at least once a week will help improve the water balance and metabolism in the body.

Along with this, baths with the addition of sea salt will perfectly cope with swelling of the hands, but the temperature of the bath should not be more than 37 degrees. It is worth adding 300 g of sea salt to a filled bath and taking it for no more than half an hour.

Traditional medicine in the fight against edema

If we talk about traditional medicine and ways to deal with swelling of the hands, decoctions and tinctures are especially effective. In this case, it is worth noting several decoctions that can remove excess fluid and normalize the water balance in the body, namely:

Tincture prepared from the herb "bear ears". To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the tincture itself and take it half a glass in the morning and evening.

A decoction of rose hips. In particular, they are also steamed with boiling water and, after letting it brew for several hours, they drink throughout the day.

Infusion of horsetail. 4 tbsp. l. a dry plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and, covered with a lid, infused for 1-2 hours. Take several sips during the day, and the course of taking the decoction is 2-3 weeks.

A decoction of anise seeds also gives a wonderful effect - 4 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and put on a slow fire. Boil the mixture for 7-8 minutes and, after straining, take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals.

Causes of swelling of the hands

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. Especially often the lower limbs swell, this can happen even in a healthy person.

But if the hands are swollen, this always indicates serious violations in the body. This most often happens in the morning. This is a sign that the organs and vessels cannot cope with the removal of fluid.

If such swelling disappears in the evening, and nothing else worries, usually patients do not go to the doctor. But it is still recommended to undergo an examination to find out why the hands are swollen.

After all, this may be the first sign of serious illness. By starting the treatment of edema in a timely manner, complications can be prevented.

Development mechanism

Slight swelling of the extremities in the heat or after a large amount of liquid drunk usually passes quickly and does not affect the state of the body. But if the hands are swollen in the morning, the swelling lasts a long time, this indicates a violation of the work of some organs.

Usually such a process begins with the fingers, then spreads higher - to the shoulder. Both hands or one can swell.

Fluid retention in the tissues of the upper extremities can occur due to a violation of venous outflow, an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls, due to an inflammatory process or infection.

Often such swelling occurs in the evening after increased stress, long walks in the heat, due to an allergic reaction or injury. This is due to a violation of the outflow of fluid from the extremities due to increased vascular permeability. But often hands also swell in the morning.

If a lot of liquid was previously drunk, and the edema passes quickly, this is normal, since during rest, blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body slow down. But if such swelling lasts for a long time, you need to consult a doctor and find out what is causing this.

Reasons for the appearance

Sometimes you can immediately understand why the hands are swollen. For example, this happens in the morning after a plentiful feast or a large amount of water drunk.

Some foods and medications can also cause fluid retention in the tissues of the upper extremities.

Moreover, in this case, mainly the hands suffer.

Hand edema affects people of all ages, men and women. Even children can suffer from this problem.

In them, edema mainly appears due to allergies, after injuries, or with a lack of protein in the body.

In this case, the function of the liver and kidneys is disturbed, and the excretion of fluid from the tissues slows down due to a decrease in the osmotic pressure in the vessels.

Edema is common in women in late pregnancy

Quite often, edema occurs in women. This is due to fluctuations in the hormonal background, which affects the functioning of blood vessels and internal organs. This can happen in the first days of the menstrual cycle, with menopause.

But most often the hands and feet swell during pregnancy. In this case, gestosis becomes the most serious condition of a woman. It occurs in the 3rd trimester and can threaten the life of the fetus.

Therefore, even with minor swelling, you should consult a doctor.

But swelling can be indicative of a more serious problem. For example, about a violation of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or liver. You need to know what diseases cause swelling in order to prevent complications and start timely treatment.

The problem may arise in such cases:

  • with fragility of blood vessels;
  • changes in the composition of the blood;
  • tumors;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • purulent-infectious processes;
  • stress, neuroses;
  • insomnia, overwork;
  • renal failure;
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys;
  • disorders in the liver;
  • pathologies in the work of the heart;
  • allergic reactions;
  • injuries.

Often, edema occurs when there is a violation of the work of blood vessels.

Cardiovascular insufficiency

Especially often there are swelling in the hands, associated with disorders of the heart, in the elderly. Their heart muscle may work worse, so blood circulation slows down.

The extremities are especially affected by this. Such edema begins from below, from the legs, gradually spreading upwards to the arms.

In some pathologies, compression of the superior vena cava also occurs, which is accompanied by swelling of the hands, neck, and face.

Sometimes one arm swells, which may be a symptom of vascular thrombosis or other pathologies that lead to circulatory disorders.

Some people also face such a problem when their hands swell when walking.

This is also associated with a violation of blood circulation, because during such a movement, the hands most often remain at rest, which means that liquid can stagnate there.


Often, swelling can be caused by a severe bruise, fracture, or even a simple cut. This swelling lasts from several days to months.

It usually occurs where the injury occurred, but the area above or below the injured area may also swell. Soft tissues also swell with any damage to the skin, especially if it is accompanied by infection.

Therefore, every, even the smallest scratch, is recommended to be treated with an antiseptic.

Swelling of the hands can occur with increased physical activity.

In this case, constant trauma to the muscles or joints occurs, as a result of which inflammation develops. With swollen hands, masons, loaders, carpenters often go.

And recently, such a problem began to occur in people who work at a computer for a long time.

With any injury, even with a bruise or scratch, edema can develop.

allergic reactions

Allergy to any drugs, products or household chemicals is often accompanied by swelling. But the hands swell mainly with a local allergic reaction.

This can be when applying a cosmetic product, contact with powders or cleaning products, animal hair or feathers.

Separately, the right or left hand swells after being bitten by bees, wasps, gadflies, or even midges.

Kidney disorders

In renal failure, fluid retention in the tissues most often occurs. But it's not just the hands that suffer.

Swelling of the legs, face, especially eyelids.

The outflow of fluid from the tissues slows down in case of any pathologies of the kidneys, but such a pathology is most often caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Edema often develops with various diseases of the joints.

Joint diseases

The cause of swelling of the hands near the joints can be rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis, gout. Such pathologies are accompanied by pain, restriction in movement, the temperature may rise.

Especially often such diseases affect the fingers, but swelling may occur in the elbow or shoulder joint.

Although most often the problem occurs due to an infectious-inflammatory process or due to traumatic injury.

Pathologies of the spine also often cause damage to the upper limbs.

For example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, a disease called Steinbroker's syndrome can develop.

At the same time, the nerve fibers responsible for the work of the vessels of the hands are pinched in the spine, resulting in severe edema.

Improper nutrition

If the hands periodically swell from the elbow to the hand, the swelling passes quickly and no other symptoms are observed, this may be caused by errors in the diet. Especially often this happens in the morning, if a lot of liquid was drunk at night.

In addition, the following products lead to the appearance of edema:

Too much salt in food can cause edema

How to detect

Swelling of the hands is usually noticeable immediately, especially if the patient wears rings or bracelets. They begin to press, soon it will be impossible to remove them. And if during the development of the process there was nothing on hand, then the usual jewelry cannot be put on, as they become small.

If one hand swells, then it can be detected by comparing it with the other hand. In addition, it is recommended to conduct such a test: press your finger in the place on the arm where the bone should be. In this place, a hole is formed, which slowly disappears.

But these are not all symptoms of edema. They can be seen even externally. The limb increases in volume, the skin becomes shiny, stretched, sometimes reddens. With severe edema, the ability to move in the joints is limited.

Sometimes you can observe a high temperature.


Even with periodic, quickly passing edema, it is recommended to consult a doctor. He will help not only to identify the causes of edema, but also prescribe the necessary treatment.

For this, in addition to an external examination and a conversation with the patient, the doctor prescribes blood and urine tests. It is also important to conduct an allergy test in order to exclude the allergic nature of the pathology.

Sometimes an ECG, MRI and other examinations are prescribed.

Everything is important for making a correct diagnosis: what the patient did before the problem occurred, how long the edema lasts, what concomitant diseases he has. Often, examination and consultation of narrow specialists is necessary: ​​an endocrinologist, an allergist, a cardiologist or a traumatologist.

With edema, the limb greatly increases in volume, fingers and other joints bend with difficulty


Most often, you can get rid of edema by curing the underlying disease that caused them. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Without addressing the cause of this condition, incorrectly selected medications can only aggravate the situation.

Usually, with edema, in addition to special drugs to normalize the functioning of the kidneys or the heart, agents that improve blood circulation and reduce vascular permeability can be prescribed.

With swelling caused by an infection or inflammatory process, antibiotics are needed. The most difficult thing is to remove swelling in case of injury. It may persist for some time after healing.

At the same time, cold compresses are effective to reduce swelling at the initial stage of treatment.

On your own at home, you can deal with edema only if they periodically appear due to errors in the diet, a large amount of fluid you drink, or due to increased physical exertion.

You need to know how to relieve swelling in order to bring your hands back to normal. To do this, it is recommended to make contrast baths for hands or showers, baths with sea salt, compresses from burdock or cabbage leaves.

Instead of diuretics, it is better to take rosehip decoctions, cranberry or lingonberry juice, green tea.

With frequent swelling, you need to reconsider your diet, avoid excessively salty foods, alcohol and large amounts of liquid.

Swelling in the hands is a rather unpleasant and serious condition. Do not self-medicate if this happens periodically. Only a specialist after examination and determination of the cause of edema can prescribe the correct treatment.

Hands swell - what is the reason?

Answering the question “why do the hands swell?”, You should first understand what edema is.

In violation of blood circulation in the tissues, fluid accumulates, this phenomenon is called transudate (without an inflammatory process), in the opposite case, the process is called exudate or inflammatory effusion.

Hand swelling symptoms

  • Edema on the hands, initially manifested in the form of swelling of the fingers, which are visible even to the naked eye. To dispel doubts, you can conduct a simple test: lightly press on the swollen limbs with the thumb of the other hand. When you remove your finger, you will see a depression or a small hole on the swollen surface of the tissues.
  • Puffiness of the hands is easy to notice when wearing jewelry on the fingers. Discomfort is felt, the ring squeezes the finger, causing pain.
  • With improper functioning of the internal organs, phenomena such as a swollen finger or the entire hand often appear in the morning or in the evening.

Causes of swelling in the hands

The causes of swelling in the hands can be very diverse.

Violations in the work of organs

Swelling of the hand, manifested with enviable constancy, or of a chronic nature, is the body's reaction to the development of serious diseases or overwork.

  • thyroid problems;
  • Failure or insufficient work of the kidneys, liver;
  • Heart failure;
  • Stress, neuroses;
  • Lack of sleep, insomnia.

In some cases, swelling may occur due to vascular thrombosis with uneven blood circulation.

Swelling in the hands, as well as pain in the joints, signal the development of diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism or gout. In this case, the swelling will last for a long time, accompanied by pain in the joints of the hands, a local increase in temperature and a deterioration in the general condition.

Swelling of the left or right arm, forearm area, enlarged lymph nodes are symptoms of neoplasms of various etiologies. Possible damage to the body by cancer cells.

In some cases, swelling on the hands is manifested asymmetrically, for example, when the left hand swells more than the right.

Improper nutrition

Hand puffiness is often a symptom of a minor health problem and goes away as quickly as it started.

The most likely cause of such swelling of the hands, forearm, arms or elbows is malnutrition:

  • excessive fluid intake before bed;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • eating salty foods;

Edema caused by these reasons is mostly more noticeable in the morning, immediately after waking up. As a result of excessive drinking of water at night. This is due to the unbalanced work of the kidneys, which cannot remove the accumulated fluid from the body.


Sleeping pills and sedatives drunk at night can cause swelling of the fingers, hands of one or both hands, shoulder in the morning.

In this case, you should consult a doctor and stop taking the drug, or change the dosage. Night cosmetics often contain ingredients that cause swelling of the hands or forearm area.

In addition, allergic edema can be like:

  • Reaction to household chemicals, medicines;
  • Allergy to food, animal dander, insect bite;

If the hands swell during an allergic reaction, it is necessary to minimize contact with the allergen and take an antihistamine (Diazolin, Suprastin).


Due to long-term physical activity, swelling of the right hand often appears (in the case when a person is right-handed). To prevent such a situation, it is recommended to strictly observe the regime of work and rest.

Edema in the hands of the cause can be hidden in a bruised finger or hand, while pain and hematoma will also be present.

If the wounds were not properly treated with an antiseptic, in the morning there will be swelling in their area and possibly an inflammatory process, suppuration.

To determine the exact reason why the hands swell, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostics.

Diagnosis of the disease

Having addressed the problems of swelling of the hands to a specialist, the patient will be sent for tests to diagnose the causes.

If you suspect a malfunction of the thyroid gland, you should contact an endocrinologist.

With enlarged lymph nodes and swelling of the hands, the therapist will send for an examination to an oncologist, women will need to be examined by a mammologist.

You will also need to pass:

Hand swelling treatment

So, edema appeared on the hands, what should I do?

To eliminate swelling of the hands, use the following methods:

  1. Remove all jewelry that interferes with normal blood flow.
  2. Minimize the intake of salty and spicy foods, strong alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks (1 glass of dry red wine per day is allowed)
  3. Try to eat as much as possible cottage cheese, watermelon, kefir, mountain ash, celery, viburnum berries.
  4. In a stuffy, hot room, a fan and air conditioning will help in the fight against puffiness.
  5. Small physical activity, exercise can reduce swelling of the forearm, fingers, hands and give muscle tone.
  6. A contrast shower helps reduce swelling in the hands.
  7. A relaxing sea salt bath effectively treats swollen fingers.
  8. Without contacting a specialist, you can take Veroshpiron or Furasemide on your own, acting as a diuretic, they will help you quickly cope with swelling. These drugs stimulate the excretion of potassium, which can lead to adverse functioning of the organs of the cardiovascular system. Due to this, their long-term use is not recommended.
  9. To relieve pain in inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, gout), the use of Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ibuprofen is allowed.

In any case, having removed the primary symptoms on your own, be sure to consult a doctor!

Traditional medicine for swollen hands

If there is a slight swelling of the hands, it is not necessary to resort to treatment with medications, there are many traditional medicine recipes that can relieve swelling. It is necessary to use one of the methods after the cause of the swelling on the hands has been identified.

Non-traditional methods and decoctions can effectively remove excess fluid from the body and normalize the general condition:

  1. Rosehip tincture, infused for 1-2 hours, take 1 glass during the day.
  2. A decoction of horsetail (4 tablespoons and 1 glass of boiling water) is consumed 3 sips a day, for 14 days.
  3. The herb "bear ears" is poured with boiling water, leave for no more than 3 hours, strain the liquid, take 0.5 cups in the morning and evening.
  4. A tincture made from dried anise seeds (4 tablespoons) quickly and effectively relieves swelling and joint pain. Anise tincture should be taken 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
  5. Also, herbs such as cornflower, burdock root, decoction of lingonberry leaves have a good effect. To combat swelling of the hands, to relieve inflammation, green tea is recommended for use.

With manifestations of edema in the hands, especially recurrent, it is important to identify the cause in order to correctly select the treatment. If the condition worsens, contact your doctor immediately.

Why do hands swell

The answer to the question why the hands swell may indicate serious health problems. Similar symptoms occur not only in the elderly, but also in relatively young people.

If such phenomena occur, then they may indicate a violation of the function of some organ.

It is necessary to pay special attention to health if the swelling manifests itself differently on both hands: 1 hand is more swollen than the other.

In what cases edema appears

Hands may swell, changing in size in the following cases:

  1. When the syndrome of the superior vena cava occurs when this large vessel is squeezed. In this case, not only the upper limbs swell, but also the face, neck, upper body, which is accompanied by blue skin. As soon as a person leans forward, the cyanosis becomes more distinct.
  2. As a result of the expansion of capillaries, there is a possibility of a change in the shape of the superficial veins of the neck, arms and torso, the appearance of spider veins. May bleed from the nose, throat; have a headache; vision deteriorates; auditory hallucinations appear. This is due to the increase in blood pressure in the veins. A hoarse voice is a symptom of swelling of the ligaments.
  3. Edema can be a symptom of a neurological disease. This applies to those who have suffered a stroke with paralysis of the arms. Due to malnutrition, the skin becomes thinner, becoming vulnerable to skin infections. Syringomyelia and poliomyelitis, which affects the nervous system, have the same symptoms.
  4. The hand may swell due to a pathology that has arisen as a result of a violation of the outflow of blood in the vein system for a long time. As a result, this leads to acute thrombosis of the subclavian vein. The patient has not only heaviness in the limbs, the upper limbs turn blue, but a general deterioration in well-being occurs.

Most often, swelling of the hands suffer from acute thrombosis, which occurs due to exorbitant physical effort. This applies to young men who are actively involved in sports and those whose profession is associated with physical labor.

Symptoms of acute thrombosis:

  • dense swelling of the upper limb, gripping the arm from the shoulder;
  • burning and heaviness in the hand;
  • increase in limb circumference;
  • cyanosis;
  • if you press on the place of edema and remove your finger, the fossa does not appear.

With the exclusion of physical activity, these signs disappear, the disease becomes chronic. And then the symptoms make themselves felt after the physical work is resumed. Pain and swelling will reappear.

Other reasons

Unilateral swelling of the arm can occur in an elderly person due to a tumor that compresses the subclavian vein.

Unlike acute thrombosis, in this case, the arm does not hurt and does not swell as much. The swelling develops gradually.

Together with the subclavian vein, the innominate vein can also be compressed. Then part of the face and neck swell and turn blue.

A purulent disease on the skin of the hand can be complicated by inflammation covering the lymphatic vessels. Then lymphangitis becomes the cause of edema.

Other symptoms are fever, feeling unwell, palpable swelling of the limb, redness and fever in this part of the body.

Lymph nodes increase, which will be painfully palpable.

In women, the hand swells due to a violation of the lymphatic drainage, which occurs after an operation has been performed to remove the mammary gland.

In older women, sometimes hands and feet swell for no particular reason, especially in the hot season. Swelling of the hands appears in the morning, and swelling of the legs - in the evenings. Analyzes will show a normal state of health. Sometimes such phenomena are associated with pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome.

Edema of the upper extremities may be accompanied by swelling of the face, legs and be the result of pathologies associated with impaired function of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems and kidneys. Therefore, it is important to undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests to choose the right methods of treatment.

Edema is provoked by certain medications.

  1. The use of diuretics. The doctor will help you choose the right medications, because some of them are not recommended for a long time due to the fact that they can adversely affect the work of the heart. For example, Lasix, Furosemide remove the potassium necessary for the heart.
  2. Folk diuretics - watermelon pulp, green tea, decoction of burdock root, infusion of cornflower flower, decoction of lingonberry leaves will help to cope with swelling of the hands. But do not abuse the fluid intake so that it does not accumulate in the body.
  3. You should remove rings and bracelets that squeeze the hands and fingers, making it difficult for blood circulation.
  4. Don't carry weights. The vessels are compressed, and blood flow is disturbed if you constantly wear bags on the elbow.
  5. The appearance of puffiness contributes to the use of alcohol, spicy and salty foods. These foods and drinks lead to the accumulation of fluid, so they should be discarded.
  6. It is better to refrain from eating a few hours before bedtime. We will have to limit fluid intake during the day and not only in the form of water and tea, but also eat less soups, drink milk and sour-milk drinks.
  7. If the limbs swell constantly, you need to take care of proper nutrition by including in the diet those foods that will help avoid swelling. It is better to give preference to cottage cheese, kefir, mountain ash, viburnum, watermelon, celery.
  8. No need to stay in a stuffy room for a long time. Even in the cold season, the room must be ventilated.
  9. They will improve blood circulation and help increase muscle tone during physical education.
  10. A contrast shower improves blood circulation. Bath procedures will be useful. An excellent anti-edema remedy is baths with the addition of sea salt. To do this, it is better to take salt without additives: for 1 bath, 300 g will be enough. Water should not exceed +37°C.


The appearance of edema in the hands indicates some kind of malfunction in the body, perhaps even the development of an oncological disease. If 1 arm swells up to the elbow bend, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

The doctor will determine the cause of fluid retention and prescribe treatment.

Delaying a visit to a specialist is unacceptable, since the disease can progress, and if time is lost, then more expenses, including financial ones, may be required for recovery.

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Swelling of the hand

Edema is a symptom of many diseases and appears against the background of a violation of the exchange of fluid in the body. There are certain pathological reasons why the hands swell, so if you are faced with this problem, you should not ignore it.

It is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary medical examinations to identify the exact cause due to which a person's hands swell. Swellings can also be localized on other parts of the body (face, legs) or be generalized.

If swelling is a symptom of a disease, then, as a rule, a person notes the presence of other complaints about his state of health.

The main causes of the appearance of pathology

The most common causes of swelling of the hands are the following pathological conditions:

  • superior vena cava syndrome;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • vascular diseases;
  • violations of lymphatic drainage;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking certain medications;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney disease;
  • insufficient intake of protein from food;
  • liver pathology.

Also, swelling on the hands can appear in the morning after sleep, if the day before the person has consumed too much liquid.

Inaccuracies in the diet can cause the hands to swell, so it is important to limit the amount of salty, smoked and spicy foods in the diet.

If, in addition to pathology, you have other alarming symptoms, then you need to undergo a comprehensive examination by a doctor in the near future.

Diseases in which edema of the upper extremities is noted

Vascular pathologies are very common among people of working age. If the left or right hand swells, then the development of thrombophlebitis or lymphangitis of the upper limb should be suspected.

Thrombophlebitis often occurs against the background of receiving injections and develops as a result of an infectious agent entering the vessel. The main manifestations of swelling of the hands are soreness and swelling of the upper limb, especially along the inflamed vessel.

The risk increases in the presence of diseases of the blood coagulation system or pathological changes in the vascular endothelium.

With lymphadenitis, inflammation of the lymphatic vessels occurs, as a result of which an adequate outflow of lymph to the regional lymph nodes is disturbed. Because of this, the limb becomes swollen, normal tissue trophism is disrupted.

Therefore, if you notice swelling and pathological changes on one arm, then you need to visit a phlebologist or vascular surgeon.

In women, a violation of the outflow of lymph can occur against the background of the removal of the mammary gland (for example, swelling of the left arm after the removal of the left mammary gland). The superior vena cava syndrome is manifested by compression or blockage of this vessel.

Due to a violation of adequate blood circulation, the patient develops swelling of the face, neck, upper limbs. The skin becomes cyanotic and enlargement of the superficial veins appears in the affected areas.

This pathological condition is very dangerous and requires timely diagnosis with subsequent treatment in a surgical hospital.

Trauma is another reason why swelling of the upper limb can develop.

If your left hand is swollen after a blow or fall, then first of all you need to consult a surgeon or traumatologist to rule out a fracture.

With bruises, swelling is the most characteristic symptom, and patients also complain of pain, discoloration of the skin, the appearance of superficial or deep hematomas.

With proper treatment, swelling and other symptoms disappear without a trace, however, only a doctor should prescribe medications after a thorough examination of the injured limb.

Hands and fingers often swell due to the development of an allergic reaction.

Especially often, allergies occur on contact with chemicals used in everyday life (cleaners and detergents, powders, antiseptics).

Also, an allergic reaction is characterized by the presence of itching, burning, the appearance of a rash on the skin. In women, the hands swell due to hormonal imbalances in the body.

Complaints of swelling appear in the premenstrual period and occur in women before menopause. Swelling during pregnancy may be due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone.

However, women with complaints of pathology should be regularly observed by a doctor, since swelling may indicate the development of preeclampsia.

Swelling of the hands can occur in patients with diseases of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system.

As a rule, in patients with severe forms of the disease, edema becomes generalized and spreads to the whole body.

In kidney pathologies, the full and timely removal of excess fluid from the body is disrupted, and in heart disease, swelling is one of the symptoms of progressive heart failure.

Treatment of edema of any etiology should first of all be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

Self-medication with diuretics violates the water-salt metabolism and can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Why hands swell: causes and treatment

Swelling of the hands can be both on two limbs, and on one, right or left. It is difficult for the patient to move fingers, hands, wrists and above.

In any case, treatment is prescribed, up to surgery.

Edema can occur against the background of many diseases. Swelling of the hands begins from the phalanges of the fingers and gradually "spills" throughout the limb.

It can be on both the left and right hand, but most often on both.

What to do in such cases? Where to apply? Treatment is prescribed only by a medical specialist in order to relieve the edematous condition as soon as possible.

If excessive accumulation of fluid occurs in the interstitial space, then this condition is called "edema". It can occur both on the limbs and on the face.

Visually, edema is easily determined.

Puffiness leads to tissue tension, the size increases, pain occurs, and after that - hyperemia, the usual skin color changes.

Swelling of the hands can be both on two limbs, and on one, right or left. It is difficult for the patient to move fingers, hands, wrists and above. In any case, treatment is prescribed, up to surgery.

Development mechanism

From the point of view of physiology, explaining why edema occurs, the following conditions and factors are indicated:

  • the level of membrane permeability in blood vessels increases many times;
  • there is a decrease in osmotic pressure due to a decrease in the level of protein and electrolytes, then the vessels do not hold liquid;
  • violations of the mechanism of action of the valve apparatus of the venous arteries leads to changes in blood circulation;
  • lymphatic edema occurs after injury, removal of lymphatic vessels during surgery;
  • swelling of the hands may occur due to infection, inflammatory processes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and heart can lead to general edema, while on the hands it is a consequence.

Why do hands swell

Before diagnosing, to find out why the patient's hands swell, it is necessary to establish the reasons that led to the formation of the disease. All of them require a careful approach to the definition of the "triggering" mechanism.

Venous outflow

Mechanical obstruction does not allow venous blood, lymph to move freely through the vessels. The veins are narrowed, the arteries still work, supplying the tissues with arterial blood, which accumulates between the fibers and tissues. Possible manifestations of thrombophlebitis, which require urgent surgery.

Composition of the blood

The altered composition of the blood does not allow free movement of blood through the vessels. Fragility, fragility of the vascular system and then there is a violation of blood circulation. As a rule, this is an increased content of albumins and electrolytic balance.

Nervous system

A number of diseases of the central and autonomic nervous system leads to swelling in the upper limbs due to paresis and paralysis, protrusions and hernias in the thoracic spine, after strokes.

Injuries and operations

Caused by the fact that traumatic disorders lead to a violation of the inflow and outflow of blood, edema is formed. Such edema develops quickly, the tissues acquire a bluish tint.

Why is this happening? It is localized in the area that has undergone a traumatic effect. For example, it may be after a bite of animals, insects.

Surgical treatment on the extremities, lymph nodes, prolonged anesthesia and position during surgery can lead to swelling of the wrist and hand.

Inflammatory diseases

With an inflammatory process in bone tissues, infections, there may be swelling of only the phalanx of the fingers, hands and wrist. Often these are the first symptoms of a beginning disease. It is necessary to identify why the violations occur, what are the causes, and prescribe treatment for the inflammatory process.

Lymphedema and oncology

A serious disease of lymphedema leads to swelling of the hands due to a violation of the mechanism of outflow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels.

Edema is characteristic on the right or left side, for problems such as: breast cancer, treatment by surgery, the consequences of its removal.

Occurs against the background of impaired lymph flow and blood flow.

Other factors

Excessive alcohol consumption, with excessive load on the upper limbs, with an uncomfortable position during sleep, swelling of the hands occurs due to stagnation of blood.

A likely factor in the occurrence of edema on both hands can also be an allergic component in detergents and cosmetics. Also, swelling can be in hot weather due to poor outflow of fluid.

Pregnancy can also lead to illness, but the cause should be sought in general metabolic disorders.

Features of treatment

Treatment begins with a diagnosis based on a visual examination of the patient, starting from the hands, wrist and ending with the shoulder joint. This will reveal why the accumulation of fluid has occurred.

It is better if this is done by a therapist or an allergist. After the examination, he will prescribe general clinical blood and urine tests.

If necessary, he will send allergen markers for research in order to remove allergic causes.

Having identified the causes of the disease, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. In the most severe cases, when the edema is caused by a purulent process, up to sepsis, operations are performed.

If surgery is not required, then antibiotics, antihistamines, and diuretics will be prescribed first.

They will allow the tissues to relieve excessive osmotic pressure, increase blood flow.

Together with diuretic drugs, potassium preparations are prescribed to maintain balance in the body. Treatment and results appear already on the second day.

After them, the swelling begins to gradually disappear. The swelling process starts from the fingertips to the wrist. If this is a consequence of an injury, surgery, then the swelling lasts up to two to three weeks.

Processes after injuries recover more slowly.

Nutrition Features

The treatment of edema is not only drugs. It is mandatory to prescribe a special regimen and nutrition, which will reduce the flow of fluid.

What to do to relieve swelling without resorting to medication? The best way is to significantly limit your fluid and salt intake. You need to drink as little as possible. Salt contributes to fluid retention in the body.

Why can't you drink too much? The answer is simple - excessive load. If you are thirsty, it is better to eat berries, fruits, which will quench your thirst.

Useful vegetables, which are high in sodium and mineral salts, such as cucumbers, tomatoes. It is advised to eat more celery, parsley, and if there is no allergy, then melons and watermelons are recommended.

Dairy products contribute to the removal of edema: kefir, yogurt, dairy products.

In the evening, after dinner or before going to bed, you can make compresses on the hands, wrists, elbow joints from cabbage or burdock leaves, contrast baths that increase blood circulation.

Following the advice of doctors, regardless of the cause, you can avoid this ailment if you try to lead a lifestyle that will not provoke the occurrence of edema.

Edema is an increase in the extravascular (interstitial) component of the extracellular fluid volume, which can reach several liters before the disease manifests itself clinically. That is why an increase in body weight of several kilos usually precedes the overt clinical manifestations of edema and, conversely, weight loss by stimulating diuresis is possible in moderately edematous patients before “dry weight” is reached. Ascites and hydrothorax mean the accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal and pleural cavities, respectively. These conditions are considered as specific forms of edema. The term "anasarca" means massive, generalized edema.

Depending on the causes and mechanisms of development, edema can be localized or widespread.

Widespread edema is manifested by puffiness of the face, which is most clearly seen in the periorbital areas, and the persistence of pits in the skin after pressure. This form is known as "depressed edema". Its mildest manifestation can be detected by the impression that the circumference of the stethoscope leaves on the skin of the chest, which persists for several minutes. One of the earliest symptoms that the patient may indicate is difficulty in putting the ring on the finger or putting on shoes, especially in the evening.

How swelling occurs

The answer to this question is difficult because it requires a detailed description of the physiology of the vascular system. You can simply explain the origin of edema as follows.

There are two types of pressure in the vascular system. Colloidal-oncotic and hydrostatic.

As soon as one of the forces changes significantly, there is an immediate movement of fluid from one part of the extracellular space to another, and as a result, edema occurs.

An increase in capillary pressure may be the result of an increase in venous pressure due to local obstruction of venous return, congestive heart failure, or, rarely, due to a simple increase in vascular volume when large amounts of fluid are administered at a rate greater than the ability of the kidneys to excrete it. Plasma colloid-oncotic pressure can be reduced by any factor that causes hypoalbuminemia (malnutrition, liver disease, loss of protein in the urine or through the gastrointestinal tract), as well as in a severe catabolic state.

Causes of edema

As a rule, localized edema is quite easy to distinguish from generalized edema. The vast majority of patients with non-inflammatory generalized edema of significant severity suffer from advanced disorders of the function of the heart, kidneys, liver and digestive tract. Therefore, the differential diagnosis of generalized edema should be aimed at identifying or excluding these severe diseases.

Localized edema

Edema resulting from inflammation or a hypersensitivity reaction can usually be recognized without difficulty. Localized edema due to venous or lymphatic obstruction can be caused by thrombophlebitis, chronic lymphangitis, resection of regional lymph nodes, filariasis, etc. Lymph edema, as a rule, is very poorly displaced, since the restriction of lymph outflow is accompanied by an increase in protein concentration in the interstitial fluid. It is this circumstance that makes it much more difficult to remove the accumulated liquid.

Edema in heart failure

Swelling in heart failure is usually associated with heart disease symptoms such as heart enlargement and galloping, as well as signs of decreased pumping ability of the heart, such as shortness of breath, lower lung rales, venous distention, and hepatomegaly. Clinical examination, such non-invasive studies as echocardiography and radioisotope angiography, can facilitate the diagnosis of heart failure and the identification of pathogenetic factors in the formation of edema.

Edema in nephrotic syndrome

In this case, there is massive proteinuria (more than 3.5 g/day), severe hypoalbuminemia, and in some cases hypercholesterolemia. This syndrome can occur during the progression of a number of kidney diseases - glomerulonephritis, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, as well as with immediate type allergic reactions. Some patients have a history of indications of previous kidney disease.

Edema in acute glomerulonephritis

A characteristic feature of edema developing in the acute phase of glomerulonephritis is their combination with hematuria, proteinuria and arterial hypertension. Despite the fact that there are indications that fluid retention is a consequence of increased capillary permeability, in most cases, edema in this disease occurs as a result of the primary retention of sodium ions and water by the kidneys, whose function is reduced. This condition, in contrast to congestive heart failure, is characterized by normal or increased cardiac output, normal or shorter circulation time, decreased hematocrit, and normal arteriovenous oxygen differences. In these patients, chest x-rays usually show signs of fluid retention in the lungs that appear before the enlargement of the heart. Orthopnea, however, does not develop.

Edema in cirrhosis of the liver

Edema of hepatic origin is characterized by a combination of ascites with such signs of liver disease as the development of venous collaterals, jaundice and spider angiomas. Ascites is rarely treatable because the accumulated fluid is the result of a combination of hepatic lymphatic obstruction, portal hypertension, and hypoalbuminemia. Moreover, a significant accumulation of ascitic fluid can increase intra-abdominal pressure and interfere with venous return from the lower extremities. Naturally, this also contributes to the formation of edema in this area.

Edema of alimentary origin

Inadequate nutrition over a long period of time causes hypoproteinemia and edema, which can be exacerbated by heart damage due to beriberi disease. This opens numerous peripheral arteriovenous anastomoses, leading to a decrease in effective systemic perfusion and effective arterial blood volume, thereby stimulating the formation of edema. Edema becomes even more severe when malnourished people begin to receive adequate food. Consuming more food increases the intake of salts in the body, which then linger, dragging water with them. In addition to hypoalbuminemia, hypokalemia and caloric deficiency also contribute to the appearance of edema during fasting.

Other causes of edema

These include hypothyroidism, in which myxedema in typical cases is localized in the pretibial region, also combined with periorbital edema. Exogenous hyperadrenocorticism, pregnancy, treatment with estrogens and vasodilators can also cause edema.

The distribution of edema is an important diagnostic feature

Swelling of the legs

Thus, swelling of one leg or one or both arms is usually the result of venous and/or lymphatic obstruction.

Swelling of the eyelids or face in general

Edema due to hypoproteinemia, as a rule, is of a generalized nature, but they are most pronounced in the soft tissues of the eyelids and face, especially in the morning after staying all night in a horizontal position.

In such rare heart diseases as tricuspid valve stenosis and constrictive pericarditis, in which orthopnea is absent, and patients prefer to take a horizontal position, the gravitational factor is leveled, and edema is located in the face. Less common causes of facial swelling are trichinosis, allergic reactions, and myxedema.

Swelling of the legs mainly in the evening

Edema associated with heart failure, on the contrary, is most noticeable on the lower extremities and mainly in the evening, which is also associated primarily with the position of the body.

Unilateral edema

Unilateral edema in some cases may be the result of CNS damage affecting the vasomotor fibers of one side of the body. With paralysis, the outflow of lymph and venous blood from the side of the lesion also decreases.

Color thickness and density of the skin with edema

The color, thickness, density and sensitivity of the skin also matters. A local increase in sensitivity and temperature suggests the presence of inflammation. Local cyanosis may indicate impaired venous outflow. In individuals with repeated episodes of long-lasting edema, the skin over the affected area may be thickened, thickened, and redness is often noted.

Study of blood pressure in edema

When examining a patient with edema, an important element is the measurement of venous pressure. Its increase in any one area of ​​the body usually reflects local venous obstruction. A generalized rise in systemic venous pressure usually indicates the presence of congestive heart failure, although it can also occur with hypervolemia that accompanies acute renal failure. As a rule, a significant increase in venous pressure can be recognized by determining the level of head elevation at which the jugular veins collapse. In doubtful cases and to obtain more accurate data, central venous pressure should be measured. In patients with obstruction of the superior vena cava, edema is localized mainly in the face, neck and upper extremities, since venous pressure is higher here than in the lower extremities. Measurement of upper limb venous pressure is also useful in patients with massive lower limb edema and ascites. With edema of cardiac origin, for example, with constrictive pericarditis or tricuspid stenosis, it is increased, but remains normal if the edema is caused by cirrhosis of the liver.

Blood test for edema

Determination of the concentration of proteins in the serum, especially albumin, makes it possible to identify those patients whose edema, at least in part, is the result of a decrease in intravascular colloid-oncotic pressure. Proteinuria is a valuable diagnostic feature. The complete absence of protein in the urine makes it possible to reject kidney disease as the cause of edema. Mild to moderate proteinuria is a common finding in patients with heart failure, while prolonged massive proteinuria is usually characteristic of nephrotic syndrome.

Approach to a patient with edema

First of all, you should find out what edema - localized or generalized - the patient has.

  • If localized, then attention should be focused on the corresponding states. In this context, localized edema should include hydrothorax, ascites, or both, in the absence of congestive heart failure or hypoalbuminemia. Any of these may result from local venous or lymphatic obstruction, as well as from an inflammatory disease or carcinoma.
  • If edema is generalized, then first of all, the degree of hypoalbuminemia should be assessed. Severe hypoalbuminemia is considered to be a decrease in the level of albumin below 25 g / l. If there is indeed hypoalbuminemia, then the cause should be determined based on the history, physical examination, urinalysis, and other laboratory findings: liver, severe malnutrition, protein-losing gastroenteropathy, or nephrotic syndrome. If there is no hypoalbuminemia, it should be established whether there are signs of congestive heart failure of such a severity that could cause generalized edema. In conclusion, you should make sure that the patient has adequate diuresis or, on the contrary, there is a pronounced oliguria or even anuria. These disorders are discussed in Chap. 40, 219, 220. In this case, the differential diagnosis should be made between primary renal salt and water retention and congestive heart failure.

Be healthy and take care of yourself

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Is your left leg swollen? In very rare cases, this can be a life-threatening condition. This article provides information on what to do if you notice swelling in your legs, especially swelling in your left leg. Leg swelling can be a common problem for many people. Leg swelling generally refers to swelling of any part of the leg, including the ankles, thighs, and calves. There are many causes of leg swelling, but in any case, all of these causes are due to the accumulation of fluid or inflammation of the joints or tissues. Often these causes are caused by trauma, prolonged sitting or standing, or even a more serious medical condition (blood clot or circulation problems). In some cases, it is the left leg that can swell more than the right leg.

Causes of swelling of the left leg

In many cases, swelling of the legs occurs evenly, with none of the legs appearing more edematous than the other. But sometimes one leg swells while the other remains relatively normal. Common causes of water retention or inflammation are related to arthritis, an injury affecting only one leg, or problems with a blood clot. Here is more information about the causes of leg swelling.

The cause of swelling of the left leg is arthritis. If you have severe arthritis in your knee or ankle, this can lead to severe leg swelling. It can also be a very painful condition that can make it difficult to move or bend your leg. In severe arthritis, it may not even be possible to transfer weight to the affected limb. Arthritis can be a very serious condition that requires medical attention to prevent further damage to the foot.

The cause of the swelling of the left leg is in a blood clot. Many people believe that the formation of a blood clot in any area of ​​the body is accompanied by pain, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the first and only symptom of a blood clot in one leg is swelling. Other symptoms may include: lack of sensation in the leg or pain in the affected area, even tingling, numbness. The left leg may feel hot and cold, but not the right. It is important to get immediate medical attention if you suspect a blood clot.

The reason for the swelling of the left and right legs is water retention. This is one of the most common causes of swelling, but it affects both legs. Water retention can be caused by standing for long periods of time, but it can also be the result of serious problems such as kidney failure or heart disease.

Trauma - as the cause of swelling of the left leg. If your foot has been injured in any way, swelling may be considered a normal problem until the injury has healed. A broken leg, severe bruising, or other type of injury can cause the leg to swell. Unfortunately, this type of swelling can increase pain from an injury. Therefore, you need to talk to your doctor about what can be done to relieve swelling.

Other causes of leg swelling

Other causes that lead to fluid buildup in the legs are kidney problems, heart problems, blood clots in the legs, hormonal treatments, pregnancy, and certain prescription drugs. Sometimes even ibuprofen, a drug used to reduce inflammation, can cause swelling. Many injuries can lead to inflammation and swelling of the affected area.

How can you determine the swelling of the left leg?

Sometimes the left leg may look a little more swollen than the right. How edema is this? First, look at the left and right foot from both sides. Is one greater than the other? Swollen feet may look shiny or glossy, and may even feel "tight" in the skin. You can also do a simple test: just press your toe on your foot. Will there be a mark on the place of pressure? This is a sign of serious edema. Call your doctor if you have swelling in one or both legs.

Treatment of swelling of the left leg

In many cases, leg swelling can be eliminated using rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Place your leg on a pillow above your heart, put on compression stockings to help relieve swelling, and apply ice to the painful area.

To help reduce swelling in the legs will help:

1) low salt diet
2) intense exercise that promotes the flow of blood through your legs;
3) wear elastic stockings;
4) lose weight if you have to;
5) Tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking.

Also, keep your foot elevated, don't stand for long periods of time, and move around frequently instead of sitting.

Since there is no way to determine the true cause of swelling of the left leg, be sure to visit a doctor.

When do you need to urgently see a doctor?

Sometimes a visit to the doctor can't wait. If the left leg is swollen and other symptoms occur, you need to call an ambulance. Dangerous symptoms are:
1) swelling occurs for no apparent reason and very suddenly;
2) swelling is the result of an accident or injury.

If you experience chest pain, fainting and dizziness, confusion, difficulty breathing, you need to urgently call an ambulance, as these symptoms indicate a very serious illness.

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Hello! My dad's entire right side was swollen: his face, arm, leg, his stomach was swollen, it was also hard to breathe. What could it be?

Doctor's answer: Hello Tom.
There can be several reasons for this kind of swelling. But the symptoms are more similar to brain damage. If the condition is acute, then you should definitely call an ambulance.

The sudden onset of such symptoms can be with ischemic stroke, and there is also an increase in blood pressure and headache. When the pressure rises, you should drink 1/2 capoten tablet, put aspirin under the tongue and wait for the ambulance to arrive. In this case, the ambulance should take you to the neurological hospital on duty, where they will conduct additional examinations and prescribe treatment.

In ischemic stroke, therapy will include vascular, nootropic, metabolic drugs, diuretics to relieve edema, drugs that improve the rheological properties of the blood, which prevent the formation of blood clots. Swelling of one side of the body can also be with a neoplasm of the brain. Therefore, it will be necessary to do an MRI of the brain with contrast to exclude a serious pathology.

With pathology from the side of the central nervous system, along with swelling of half of the body, speech disorders, lethargy, headaches, and dizziness may occur. If edema occurs periodically, then you need to contact a therapist and urgently undergo a full examination. It is necessary to take tests for thyroid hormones, since this symptom may be associated specifically with the thyroid system, blood biochemistry to exclude hepatic pathology. An electrocardiogram should also be performed to rule out cardiac pathology. To identify renal pathology, a general urine test should be taken.

Also, local edema may be due to neurogenic pathology, for example, with syringomyelia, which is confirmed by MRI diagnostics of the spine. If the regulation of water-electrolyte metabolism is disturbed, edema periodically occurs, may decrease, occurs due to metabolic disorders, intoxication of the body, and alcoholism.

Either way, your dad needs urgent medical attention. In the case of a serious pathology, untimely treatment can lead to serious consequences.
Health to you and your loved ones!



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