What to take for nerves. Which sedatives are best for the nervous system?

The rhythm of our life can unsettle even the most stress-resistant person. The delicate and sensitive nervous system is especially affected. She reacts with neuroses, arrhythmia, depression, insomnia and serious mental breakdowns.

What to do? Hide from reality by running away to quiet villages? Why, when there are pharmacies. The world of pharmaceuticals offers a variety of calming tablets for nerves to help people. How to choose the right product without harm to your health? Let's figure it out.

Modern life is full of worries and stress, how can we help?

Although many anti-anxiety medications are over-the-counter and do not require a doctor's prescription, do not take these medications lightly! Such medications can cause serious complications and negatively affect human health.

You can independently prescribe a sedative if the ailment is temporary, caused by passing exams, an emergency situation at work, or a noisy and important event. But even in this case, you should be aware of a number of contraindications when taking anti-anxiety medications is prohibited or requires special caution:

Pregnancy. Almost every woman during this difficult period faces nervous shocks, the causes of which are hormonal changes. It is extremely contraindicated for an expectant mother to take any chemical medications to relieve anxiety. And be sure to get a doctor's permission to use any medications.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use mild sedatives based on Motherwort and Valerian

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use light sedatives of plant origin. Created on the basis of motherwort or valerian.

Individual intolerance. Many people suffer from congenital allergies to the components that make up sedatives. If a given person has even the slightest tendency to allergic manifestations, the appropriate medicine for nerves should be selected especially carefully.

Childhood. Mothers need to know that it is strictly forbidden for young children to be given anti-anxiety medications without a pediatrician’s prescription. They are also prohibited from being used for preventive purposes if the baby does not have neurological or psychiatric problems.

Children's hysterics and whims are not a reason to raid the pharmacy in search of a sedative for a little deaf person. All such medications for children are prescribed only by a doctor!

Traumatic brain injuries. Doctors strongly discourage taking anti-anxiety medications after various (even minor) head injuries. Doctors are convinced that taking such medications provokes the development of dangerous adverse reactions. Tablets that calm the nervous system should not be taken by persons diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • brain tumors;
  • alcohol and drug addiction.

All remedies designed to restore nerves are a large group of different medications that differ in their effects on the nervous system. Their main task is to restore balance between the centers of inhibition/excitation.

Excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system

According to their pharmacology, all anti-anxiety medications are divided into four large classes. Let's get to know them.


Drugs in this group are the oldest sedative drugs. The group's name comes from Greek words meaning "dissolution of anxiety." Such drugs are also called anxiolytics. The group of modern tranquilizers includes more than 100 drugs.

Properties of tranquilizers

The main task of these medications is to relieve depression, fear, anxiety and panic.. Tranquilizers have the following effects on humans:

  1. Anticonvulsant. Relief of convulsive activity.
  2. Muscle relaxant. Reduced muscle tension levels.
  3. Anxiolytic. Reduced levels of anxiety and tension.
  4. Hypnotic. Restoring sleep, increasing its duration and quality.
  5. Sedative. Reducing psychomotor overexcitation by stopping the speed of mental and motor reactions.
  6. Vegetostabilizing. Normalization of the activity of the autonomic system: stabilization of blood pressure, heart rate, decreased sweating.

All of these effects can be claimed to varying degrees in different drugs. This must be taken into account when choosing a tranquilizer.

An important feature of such drugs is the lack of their effect on the cognitive functions of the body. They also do not act to stabilize the mental state. Tranquilizers are helpless in the fight against hallucinations and delusional ideas.

Therefore, the main indications for the use of tranquilizers are:

  • acute stress;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • panic and anxiety disorders;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • neuroses accompanied by insomnia and fears;
  • anxiety before major surgery.

A good sedative for the nerves of a number of tranquilizers has a potentiating effect. These medications enhance the effect of sleeping pills and painkillers.

Drugs with potentiating effects

The most effective tranquilizers include benzodiazepines. But they are addictive. Modern drugs have a more gentle effect and do not have side effects.

Popular tranquilizers

Name Effect
Diazepam (or Valium, Seduxen, Sibazon, Relanium) Muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant
Phenazepam Sedative
Chlordiazepoxide Sedative, muscle relaxant
Gidazepam Anxiolytic
Atarax (Hydroxyzine) Moderate anxiolytic
Afobazole Hypnotic, anxiolytic
Benactizine Sedative, hypnotic
Meprobamate Anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative
Adaptol Vegetostabilizing, muscle relaxant
Trioxazine Vegetostabilizing, hypnotic

Sedative medications

The mildest sedatives in their effects. The name itself (translated from Latin, sedation means “calm”) speaks of the gentle effect of drugs on the body.

Sedatives are well tolerated and non-addictive. They are prescribed by doctors for children, pregnant women and the elderly.

If you come to the pharmacy and ask what to drink for nerves and stress, the pharmacist will offer you sedative medications. Such drugs can be taken until the problem is completely eliminated. They are not addictive.

Sedative effect of drugs

Sedative drugs have the following effects on the human body:

  1. Reduce feelings of anxiety.
  2. Helps normalize sleep, making it restful and deep.
  3. Strengthen the effects of other drugs (sleeping pills, painkillers).
  4. Improves the body's autonomic functions (stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate).
  5. They stimulate excitation processes (or stop them) that occur in the cerebral cortex.
  6. Stabilize the functioning of higher nervous activity. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Sedative pills for nerves and stress: list of names

Name Indications
Bromides (sodium and potassium based)

Potassium bromide solution



Adonis bromine

Neurasthenia, neuroses, hysteria, early stages of hypertension, insomnia
Combined (based on plant components with the inclusion of chemical compounds)



Irritability, insomnia, internal tension, stress, overwork, neurasthenia
Vegetable origin



Hysteria, insomnia, arrhythmias, neuroses, stress during menopause, hypertension and angina pectoris


Or antipsychotics are the strongest, most powerful sedative for nerves. Such drugs appeared in the world of pharmaceuticals relatively recently.

Neuroleptics are potent drugs

All drugs in this series have a strong suppressive effect on productive symptoms. Such medications are removed from the patient:

  • delusional, obsessive ideas;
  • hallucinations (visual/auditory);
  • behavioral disorders (aggression, mania, agitation).

Neuroleptics are prescribed by doctors for the treatment of serious psycho-emotional disorders (autism, schizophrenia, emotional flattening, desocialization, severe neuroses, psychoses).

The ban is justified by the fact that all drugs of this series have serious side effects. This is expressed in the appearance of muscle stiffness, tremor, hypersalivation (salivation), oral hyperkinesis (convulsions of the tongue, cheek muscles).

Name of antipsychotic sedative tablets

Typical (classical) drugs Atypical (more gentle) agents
Antipsychotic effect










Azaleptin (Leponex)

Rispolept (Risste or Speridan)


Sedative effect








Azaleptin (or Leponex)

Hypnotic effect



Thioridazine (Sonapax)



Azaleptin (or Leponex)

Activating effect (relief of behavioral disorders)



Rispolept (Risset, Speridian)

Normothymic effect (mood stabilizer)






Corrective Behaviors



Thioridazine (Sonapax)



Antidepressant effect


Trifluoperazine (Stelazine, Triftazine)



Rispolept (Risset or Speridan)

Antimanic effect




Thioridazine (Sonaprax)




Rispolept (Risset, Speridan)

Restoration of cognitive functions





These are psychotropic drugs whose main task is to regulate mood in people with a diagnosed mental disorder. In addition to stabilizing the emotional background, mood stabilizers (or thymoisoleptics) reduce the risk of a possible relapse of the disease.

Mood stabilizers have the following effects:

  • relieve attacks of irritability;
  • reduce impulsivity, quarrelsomeness and temper;
  • remove the effect of dysphoria (decreased mood) in those suffering from mental illness.

Normotimics are used for complex therapy in cases of diagnosed severe disorders. These are schizophrenia, affective disorders, manic-depressive psychosis.

What are mood stabilizers?

Thymoisoleptics are based on lithium and carbazepine derivatives, lamotrigine and valproate. You should be especially careful when taking these medications.

Regulatory medications are taken under strict medical supervision. Abrupt cessation of use of drugs of this group leads to the rapid appearance of an affective state.

To understand which sedative pills are the most effective in this category, you need to be a doctor or a patient yourself. These drugs can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

List of mood stabilizers

Calming homeopathy

It is best to take anti-anxiety medications only as prescribed by a doctor. But there is a subgroup of funds on which you can focus special attention. These are homeopathic preparations created on the basis of herbal ingredients:

  • Notta;
  • Leovit;
  • Sedalia;
  • Calm down;
  • Gelarium;
  • Neurosed;
  • Nervochel;
  • Avena comp;
  • Edas 306 and 111;
  • Valerianahel.

It is better to dissolve such drugs slowly by placing the tablet under the tongue. The active substances, absorbed into the sublingual veins, begin to act instantly.

Remember that the quality of human life primarily depends on the emotional background. But abuse or unreasonable use of any sedatives is fraught with deterioration in health. Everything should be competent and in moderation.

Stress is an almost inevitable, uniform, complex reaction of the nervous system to conflicts, extreme influences and external stimuli. Ordinary emotions turn into irritability, anxiety, worries or even fear, which can become the culprit for the appearance of exhaustion of the adaptive defense system, disruption of the endocrine and immune systems.

The concept of stress and its danger to humans

Stress happens:

  • Spicy
  • Chronic.

The first case is usually characterized by great and sudden irritability, which can develop into chronic stress.

As a result, the adaptive defense system is unable to independently cope with stressful situations and the person becomes irritable, mentally unbalanced, passive, inattentive, incapacitated and may even experience depression.

Depression is not weakness of will, not lack of concentration, it is a disease that needs treatment. Therefore, most doctors take the issue of treating stress very seriously and recommend that patients not ignore nervous fatigue.

In almost all cases, psychotropic drugs are used to treat stress.

Psychotropic drugs

They help the nervous system to improve its functioning, perceive reality normally and cope with tense situations.

But the principle of operation of each of them is different. Some are soothing, while others can be invigorating.

They were divided into several groups, each of which is used in individual cases. Let's take a closer look.


This is a group of antipsychotic drugs that forcibly inhibits the nervous system and takes control of the higher nervous activity of a person.

In addition to affecting the desired area of ​​the brain responsible for the occurrence of mental disorders, antipsychotics also have an effect on healthy areas of the brain.

And this can lead to serious violations. In other words, a person can turn into a simple, thoughtless and insensitive creature.

This group of drugs is prescribed:

  • Mentally ill people who may imagine themselves as an unearthly being or a historically famous person
  • For amnesia, delirium, excessive uncontrolled physical and speech activity
  • For acute and/or chronic schizophrenia
  • For depression of various origins.

Replacing medications with herbs

The choice of herbs for stress, just like anti-stress pills, should be taken responsibly and preferably as prescribed by a doctor.

There are a lot of them and each of them has a certain effect.

Valerian. It can be used for nervous excitement as a sedative, for insomnia, hysteria, and convulsions. It is not necessary to infuse the plant or make a decoction from it; inhaling its smell will be enough.

Motherwort. The effect of such a plant is less strong than valerian. It calms the central nervous system and lowers blood pressure. The plant is dried, then placed in a fabric bag and used as a pillow.

Hop. To treat stress, eliminate insomnia and reduce excitability, you should use only female flowers (cones). A tincture is made from such a plant.

Men should take hops with caution - libido may decrease.

Hops have toxic properties, so you need to strictly follow the exact doses, otherwise there is a considerable likelihood of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and a feeling of fatigue.

Any pills for relieving stress, depression and other mental illnesses will not cause addiction if you take the correct dosage of exactly the necessary remedy that is required for a particular case.

Psychologist's opinion on the use of medications:

There are a lot of surprises in life, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Sometimes it is completely impossible to cope with the problems that have piled up on your own. In order to strengthen and support the emotional component, many different medicines are produced.

Types of stress

In this case there are many influencing factors. The occurrence of stress is associated with various traumatic situations. There are several types of this manifestation:

  • Physical stress. ABOUT n is caused by overwork and extreme external conditions.
  • Metabolic stress. It can be caused by obesity, diabetes, uremia, and high blood lipid levels.
  • Immune type stress. It is associated with recurrent, prolonged infection. The cause of its occurrence is a weakening of the immune response or the use of appropriate depressants.
  • Endocrine type stress. It is associated with the manifestation of hyperactivity of the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex.

Of course, every stress has its own distinctive side. However, in any case, consultation with a doctor is required. He will select the best medicine for stress for everyone.

One of the main dangers for humans is the manifestations of chronic stress. They are caused by a certain factor. This is when the body produces an excess of stressor substances over a long period of time. And it follows that such important organs as the heart, brain and lungs function in emergency mode. Therefore, energy production by the liver, intestines and genitourinary system is limited. That is, there is a constant lack of receipt of a certain amount of nutrients and oxygen. As a result, over time, negative changes occur in various organs, which lead to diseases.

What types of sedatives are there?

It is natural that the medications in this group can be of different nature. Namely natural ones, based on plant extracts and extracts, and artificial ones, which are based on chemical substances. Next, let's try to figure out what is the best medicine for nerves and stress.

Based on the principle of action on the human body, antidepressants are divided into the following types:

  • Sedatives.
  • Stimulants.
  • Balanced action drugs.

Medicine for nerves and stress of the first indicated group is used in certain cases. Namely - with the manifestation of rapid heartbeat, high excitability, irritability, anxiety.

Stimulants are used in cases where apathy, melancholy, lethargy, deep depression, and suicide attempts occur. A medicine for nerves and stress of a balanced type is intended for the treatment of mental and emotional disorders with a certain combination of various symptoms or their alternation. As a result, such drugs are suitable in both of the above cases.

from natural nerves

They also do not have many side effects. Next, we’ll look at the best products that are quite popular.

Valerian tincture

This is a good cure for nerves. This plant contains essential oils and chemical components in large quantities. They help calm the heart rate and slow it down. In addition, valerian also has some hypnotic effects. That is, it relieves insomnia quite well.


In this case, a certain fact should be noted. It lies in the fact that this medicine for anxiety and stress should not be used by people who suffer from hypotension. Since the sedative effect is achieved due to the fact that blood pressure decreases. Motherwort extract is a good treatment for neurasthenia and irritability.


The composition of this drug includes such a herb as St. John's wort. It is effectively used for depression. It also helps improve overall health and performance.


This remedy for anxiety and stress contains valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. In this case they are the main components. This medicine for nerves and stress helps eliminate anxiety, irritability, and restore normal sleep.


This drug contains extracts of certain medicinal herbs. Namely, this includes:



St. John's wort.


Passion flower (passionflower).

Black elderberry.

Thanks to this combination spectrum, the use of this medicine for depression and stress is quite wide. It is used for the manifestation of neurasthenia, depressive syndrome, headaches (including migraines), insomnia, and neurocirculatory dystonia. In addition, taking this medication for depression and stress provides treatment for irritability, anxiety, as well as nervous disorders that arise during menopausal syndrome. This remedy also helps to get rid of unreasonable constant feelings of fear.

Description of strong antidepressants

If more serious problems arise, examination by an appropriate specialist is required. After this, the necessary medications are prescribed. The most popular and effective sedatives for nerves at present:

- "Nialamide".

- "Iprazide."

- "Trinylcypromine."

- "Dosulepin."

- "Selegilin".

- "Anafranil."

- "Inkazan."

It must be remembered that purchasing and taking medications of this type on your own is strictly prohibited. Since they have a lot of side effects, which, if used incorrectly, can only worsen the situation. In addition, many prescription antidepressants can sooner or later cause addiction or even dependence.

Description of psychostimulants, nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants)

These drugs stabilize brain activity. They have a positive effect on memory and thinking. In general, they provide increased resistance of the brain to external aggressive influences. Such drugs also relieve depression, lethargy and drowsiness.

However, long-term and uncontrolled use of these stimulants can lead to addiction and a decrease in physical and mental activity.

There are a certain number of side effects. Namely, manifestations of headaches, tremors, tachycardia, increased sweating, hypertension,

In modern medicine there is a considerable range of certain drugs that are aimed at relieving depressive and other mental disorders. As the disease progresses, it is impossible to manage without the help of these medications. When stress has not reached a protracted stage and has not developed into depression, medical experts recommend refraining from taking potent medications. That is, in this case, you should not take such a medicine for nerves and stress as an effective method of treatment would be the use of plant-based sedatives, various relaxation techniques, massage, vitamin complexes, etc.

Description of tranquilizers (anxiolytics)

These drugs are prescribed in short courses. Namely about 1-2 weeks. Medicines of this type are used when obsessive states, severe worries and fears appear, which significantly affect the patient’s normal functioning. With long-term use of such drugs, an addiction effect may occur and a decrease in the effectiveness of drug treatment.

When using tranquilizers, the nervous system calms down, sleep improves, cramps go away, and skeletal muscles relax.

These medications are contraindicated for people who suffer from glaucoma. Alcohol is strictly prohibited when taking medication for nerves and stress of this type.

Anxiolytics should be taken carefully and should be recommended by a doctor. Otherwise, there is a danger of amnesia. Also in this case, other side effects may occur, namely: drowsiness, impaired concentration, constipation, urinary incontinence, hypotension, weakened libido, slowdown in the speed of mental reactions, disruptions in the working process of the respiratory apparatus (up to its stop).


  • "Chlordiazepoxide" ("Librium", "Elenium").
  • "Diazepam" ("Relium", "Seduxen", "Valium").
  • "Lorazepam" ("Lorafen").
  • "Bromazepam" ("Lexotan", "Lexomil").
  • "Phenazepam".
  • "Frisium" ("Clobazam").
  • "Atarax" ("Hydroxyzine").
  • "Triazolam" ("Halcion").
  • "Oxylidine."
  • Alprazolam (Xanax).

Description of sedatives (calming agents)

It's no secret that in the event of severe unrest, the first aides are medications such as Corvalol, valerian, and validol. Stress is a complex disease that affects various organs, including the heart. This is due to a certain factor. It lies in the fact that when prolonged and strong emotional experiences occur, the rhythm of the heart muscle increases. And manifestations of significant emotional shock can cause serious consequences. Therefore, medicines for nerves and stress of this type perform the main task. It consists in ensuring the calming of an agitated heart and stabilizing the emotional background during its sudden outbursts.

When taking these drugs, sleep is normalized, irritability decreases, mood improves, and the effectiveness of sleeping pills and painkillers increases. Medicine for nerves and stress of this category is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys, intestines, stomach, and liver in the acute stage.


Based on the above, you can see how large a number of sedatives are currently available. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to seek help from a qualified doctor. He will individually help you decide which medications for nerves are best.

The nervous system tends to deplete over time. This happens due to the fact that people are constantly in a hurry, find themselves in stressful situations and do not care about their psycho-emotional background. Frequent overloads greatly depress him and the person becomes nervous, irritable and can fall into a depressive state. In such a situation, you need to calm down and medications for the nervous system are suitable for this. They serve to relieve tension, relieve emerging signs of neurosis and improve mood.

All drugs for the treatment of the nervous system have their contraindications and limitations. It is for this reason that a treatment plan should be drawn up by an experienced specialist who will conduct a diagnosis and, based on its results, draw up a treatment plan.

If the case is an emergency and the experiences are temporary, for example, before exams, then the use of a sedative is allowed. However, for a more serious disorder, you will need to be examined by a doctor.

Medicines designed to relieve stress from the nervous system are divided into several groups according to their mechanism of action. With the right combination, you can achieve a balance between the processes of inhibition and excitation. In most cases, the following types of pills are used for various mental disorders:

  • Tranquilizers. Such medications are used to relieve panic attacks, eliminate psycho-emotional discomfort and uncontrollable fear. Cognitive functions are not affected during long-term use and the patient can fully think, speak and perceive current events. Among the disadvantages of these tablets are the hypnotic effect and possible addiction, so an experienced specialist should draw up a treatment regimen. In more rare cases, tranquilizers cause side effects, such as tremors of the limbs, decreased muscle tone and slowed mental reactions. They appear mainly due to incorrectly selected dosage or due to intolerance to the composition. From this group of drugs one can distinguish Atarax, Lorazepam, Diazepam, Phenazepam;
  • Tablets with a sedative effect. This group of medicines is produced on the basis of bromine or from plant components. Unlike tranquilizers, sedatives do not have such a strong sedative effect, and they have a much gentler effect on the nervous system. This group of medications has virtually no side effects and is often used for high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Sedative medications are made mainly on the basis of lemon balm, valerian, peppermint, motherwort, etc. Among them are Valocardin, Validol, Barboval;
  • Neuroleptics. They are a group of drugs with very strong effects on the nervous system. Such tablets are used only in psychiatric practice to relieve the manifestations of severe mental illness. Among these agents, we can highlight Tiapride, Sonapax, Azaleptin;
  • Normative medications. Such medications belong to the group of psychotropic drugs for improving mood. They serve to relieve the manifestations of mental disorders and prevent various attacks, such as panic. From this group, doctors most often prescribe Quetiapine, Carbamazepine, and Sodium Valproate.


Knowing what certain drugs may be called is extremely important, but it is also necessary to study the contraindications:

  • Pregnancy. Expectant mothers should select medications with extreme caution, as many of them can negatively affect the development of the child. Experts recommend replacing tablets with sedative herbal mixtures. The tablet form is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician;
  • Intolerance to the composition. Many people are prone to allergic reactions. In this case, you need to select medications with caution. It is advisable to coordinate your choice with a specialist and study the instructions in detail;
  • Children. Children should be treated by a neurologist or pediatrician, and it is prohibited to give them sedatives on their own. Sometimes parents confuse the child's whims and desire to attract attention for a mental disorder. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact the baby more often, and not give him a sedative;
  • Head injuries. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, doctors do not recommend taking sedatives. In their opinion, such drugs can cause side effects if there is mechanical damage to the head.

Self-administration of sedative medications is completely excluded in the following situations:

  • Formation of tumors in the brain;
  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Dependence on alcohol or drugs.

Effective drugs to reduce nervous excitability

The treatment regimen is drawn up based on the results of the examination and examination. Sometimes it is necessary to mix several groups of drugs to increase the effectiveness of therapy, for example, normotic and sedative tablets. It is not recommended to do this on your own, as side effects may occur if the dosage is selected incorrectly.

Among the most popular medications, according to experts, are the following:

  • Phenazepam;
  • Afobazole;
  • Phenibut;
  • Persen;
  • Tenoten.

Phenazepam is an effective remedy for neuroses and belongs to the group of tranquilizers. It serves to relieve emerging fear and anxiety, as well as for emotional stabilization and relief of excessive irritability. Experts also recommend it to people who suffer from panic attacks and irregular sleep rhythms. Among the disadvantages of Phenazepam is a strong hypnotic effect, so it is not advisable to use it without a doctor’s permission. The medication can be used for no more than 1 month.

Afobazole is a fairly high-quality anxiolytic. Its functions include eliminating mental discomfort, such as irritability, fear, anxiety, etc. The medicine is also often used to relieve stress from the nervous system. Thanks to it, patients stop constantly being upset, fall asleep better and stop feeling groundless fears. Among other positive effects, one can highlight the drug’s assistance in the treatment of somatic disorders in the cardiovascular system, muscle tissue, sensory organs, etc. Afobazole can stop some manifestations of a malfunction in the autonomic nervous system, for example, dizziness, dry mouth and excessive sweating. It also improves concentration, attention and memory. The results of the therapy can be seen in about a week from the start of taking the pills. The duration of the course usually does not exceed 2-3 months.

Phenibut tablets are a tranquilizer and are used to relieve tension in the nervous system. Due to it, the patient stops suffering from uncontrollable fear and overexcitation. Phenibut is also able to normalize sleep rhythm, reduce the intensity of headaches, stabilize emotions and remove excessive irritability. Patients who feel constant fatigue and decreased mental abilities after taking it noticed an increase in performance and improvement in cognitive functions. The duration of therapy is usually 30 days.

Persen is a sedative drug made from natural ingredients, so it has virtually no contraindications and does not have a hypnotic effect. This drug can eliminate irritability, improve the overall psycho-emotional background and calm the patient. With the help of its composition, it helps to get rid of insomnia and relieve tension from the nervous system. The duration of use of the medicine is unlimited.

Tenoten represents a group of homeopathic medicines and serves to relieve anxiety and irritability, as well as to stabilize the psycho-emotional mood. The drug has a beneficial effect on the patient’s memory and concentration and is able to strengthen resistance to stressful situations. The duration of the course can vary from 1 to 3 months.

The names of drugs for relieving tension from the nervous system are easy to find on the Internet, but using them on your own is not recommended, especially when it comes to tranquilizers or antipsychotics. Such heavy drugs can cause side effects and addiction. At home, you can only use plant-based sedatives, but if the signs of neurosis do not go away after 5-7 days, then you need to consult a specialist.

The human nervous system, like any organ, wears out over time. Constant stress, worries, quarrels, tensions, emotions have a very bad effect on her. In this article we will try to find the answer to the question of how to quickly calm your nerves and relieve stress at home, what medicinal herbs, foods and light exercises will help us with this.

How does the human nervous system work?

The central nervous system is a rather complex mechanism. The main components of the system are the spinal cord and the brain, which are reliably protected: the brain is protected by the cranium, the spinal cord is located inside the ridge.

The nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Sympathetic system consists of a plexus of nerves that extend from the spine and provide innervation to organs in the human body. The role of the sympathetic system is to protect the body from stress, for example, when there is a strong fear, adrenaline is released. This does not happen on its own, the nervous system gives commands that manifest themselves in the form of rapid heartbeats, dilated pupils, and increased sweating.

Parasympathetic system It has the opposite effect - it calms the body. The adrenal glands receive a command to stop releasing adrenaline, the heartbeat returns to normal, breathing slows down, and the person relaxes.

Basic functions of the central nervous system (CNS)

The nervous system has quite extensive functions. Everything a person does is controlled by this system. Breathing, heartbeat, taste of food, blood movement through the vessels, perception of aromas, the ability to see and hear, walk, jump - all this is controlled by the central nervous system. A person’s mental state, emotions, ability to speak, perceive oneself and the world are also at the mercy of the nervous system. These and many other functions depend on the condition of a person’s nerves.

In order for the system to properly perform its functions, it is important to take good care of your health and not neglect the advice that helps maintain our nerves in a healthy and calm state.

Causes of nervous condition

Like the entire human body, the central nervous system can be depleted under the influence of various factors:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Infectious diseases that affect the brain and spinal cord.
  • Malignant processes in the brain.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Emotional disturbances.
  • Overwork.
  • Frequent unrest and conflicts.

Why are nervous disorders bad for your health?

Often a person develops the habit of overreacting to everything. If this happens year after year, the result will be disappointing. Lack of self-control can cause serious harm to the body and health in general. You need to learn how to quickly calm your nerves and bring your emotional state back to normal so that there are no consequences in the form of various diseases.

There are many known cases of nervous overexcitation and hysterics that resulted in a heart attack or stroke. Also, manifestations of nervousness have a detrimental effect on the stomach, liver, and endocrine organs. , gastritis, thyroid diseases are directly related to constant worries, stress and nervousness.

What to do at home to calm down

The first and simplest thing that experts advise in order to quickly calm your nerves is to find a comfortable and quiet place, sit or lie down, close your eyes and slowly count to one hundred, without thinking about anything at all, taking deep, slow breaths in and out. This is the simplest meditation to calm your nerves, the results of which should not be underestimated.

Washing with cold water will help you quickly calm down and collect your thoughts. Taking decoctions or infusions of soothing medicinal herbs will help normalize your nervous state and lift your mood.

Herbal sedatives for nerves

  • You can make medicinal tea at home

— Melissa 1 tsp.

— Water 200 ml.

Place a teaspoon of lemon balm in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Leave for half an hour and drink to calm your nerves. The infusion has a sedative effect; when taken, the pulse becomes smooth and blood pressure decreases.

  • Valerian roots

This plant is known to everyone as a very good sedative.

— Valerian root 10 g.

- Glass of water.

Pour boiling water over the roots of the plant and leave for half an hour. Take the product in small sips throughout the day.

  • Hops infusion

— Water 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the hop cones in a thermos. Leave the product for half an hour. Take 50 ml three times a day.

  • Wormwood

This herb has anticonvulsant and sedative properties.

- Wormwood 1 tsp.

— Boiling water 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the herb and let it brew for one hour. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

  • Chamomile infusion

Chamomile is one of the simplest and most accessible remedies that helps with nerves. The herb can be brewed and drunk as tea at home.

Brew one teaspoon of chamomile with one glass of boiling water and drink with honey.

  • Strawberry juice with milk

Mix strawberry juice in equal parts with milk. You can drink the drink all day long, it is tasty and saves the nervous system from tension, and acts as a sedative.

What else can you do at home to quickly calm down?

  1. Milk bath. It is necessary to fill the bath with warm, but not hot water, add three glasses of milk. Plunge into the water and lie down for a while, completely relaxed.
  2. Fresh air also has a great effect on a person’s condition and helps calm the nervous system. You can simply open the window and breathe in the air, taking deep, calm breaths, or take a walk in the park.
  3. A contrast shower is extremely refreshing and helps control emotions.

How to calm your nerves with breathing exercises

Breathing exercises calm the nerves and relax. To perform the exercise correctly, it is important to adhere to the rules that will help you perform gymnastics in order to calm down and relax.

  1. To perform breathing exercises, you must lie or stand with a straight back.
  2. You need to close your eyes, it helps you not to think about anything and calms your nerves.
  3. Focus on controlling your inhalations and exhalations.
  4. Get rid of all negative thoughts from your head and completely relax all muscle groups.
  5. It is necessary to imagine how the body is filled with oxygen. The muscles relax, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body.

Option one

Inhale deeply to inflate your belly; as you exhale, your belly collapses. When inhaling air, it is important to hold your breath for two seconds; exhale the air more slowly than inhaling for 4 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.

Option two

This process must be controlled: while inhaling, raise the collarbones, and while exhaling, gently lower them. Repeat 15 times.

Option three

You need to inhale air starting from the stomach, then the chest goes and the collarbones rise. Exhale in reverse, starting from the collarbones, then the chest and stomach. This is wave-like breathing and can be performed 15 times.

The following exercises will be useful for brain function

Gymnastics helps the brain hemispheres cope with the load and activates their activity.

The essence of the exercise is to alternate breathing through the left and right nostril. With the thumb of your right hand, you first need to close the right nostril, then with the little finger, the left one. Alternately breathe through the right and then the left nostrils, slowly drawing in air: inhale with the left - exhale with the right, then inhale with the right - exhale with the left, etc.

Exercise for calming and relaxation

Take light, slow breaths, fully concentrating on doing the exercise, place your hand on the solar plexus, inhale through your stomach and chest.

Exercise to relieve stress

Take a short and not very deep breath, hold the air in your lungs for four seconds and exhale the air smoothly and slowly. Rest for a few seconds and repeat the process again.

The following technique is aimed at increasing the flow of blood to the brain - it will relieve excitement, nervous tension and anxiety. The palm of one hand should be placed on the forehead, the second on the back of the head. Smoothly and evenly inhale and exhale air, holding your breath for a second between them.

Treatment of nerves and stress is in our hands

Many processes in the body depend on the functioning of the nervous system. You cannot assume that stress, quarrels, and conflicts will go away on their own and will not leave an imprint on your health. The best assistant to the nervous system is a person who controls himself and does not pour out his anger and emotions on others.

At home, you need to learn how to quickly switch from a heightened nervous state to a calm one. If nervous tension is related to work, then when you come home you need to learn to leave all problems at the door. You can turn on calm relaxing music to calm your nerves or listen to the sounds of nature, take a bath, or spend the evening with family and friends.

You cannot accumulate pain and resentment in yourself - this has a very negative effect on your nerves. To resolve differences, you need to find time to talk about the misunderstanding in a calm atmosphere. Resolved problems fall away like a stone and a person feels calm.

Foods useful for calming nerves

In order to keep your nerves strong and calm, you need to monitor your diet. Some experts say that people prone to outbursts of anger, irritability, and nervousness need to eat 350 grams of certain foods that will help quickly improve their well-being and calm their nerves.

The list of foods that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system includes chocolate, cheese, caviar, pork, beef, poultry, nuts and milk. These products are filled with tryptophan, an amino acid. Once in the body, the substance is converted into serotonin, which promotes mental relaxation and a feeling of emotional satisfaction. Consuming these foods in moderation can help calm your nerves and promote a good mood.

Now watch this incendiary video, which will lift your spirits in just a minute and start you dancing:



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