Diet for kidney disease. Diet for kidney failure - basic principles and sample menu

Renal failure is an acute or chronic syndrome in which all kidney functions are affected.

As a result, water-electrolyte, protein-energy and other types of metabolism are disturbed in the body.

As a result, there is a strong intoxication. The condition is corrected with the help of medicines and blood purification procedures.

An obligatory component of treatment is a special diet for kidney failure, which helps prevent further tissue breakdown.

What can and what can not be eaten with kidney failure?

In case of impaired renal function, it is important to limit the use of those substances for the excretion of which they are responsible.

This is necessary, firstly, to unload the urinary system, and, secondly, to prevent deterioration of general well-being.

These substances include:

  1. Squirrels. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they are involved in nitrogen metabolism. With the deterioration of the kidneys, their decay products accumulate in the body in the form of toxins. This leads to headache, nausea, loss of appetite.
  2. Salt (sodium chloride) and water. Their limitation is associated with the prevention of edema and hypertension. Salt, more specifically sodium, contributes to fluid retention in the body.
  3. Phosphorus. Its excess leads to the activation of the parathyroid glands, as a result of which calcium is intensively extracted from the bones, and osteoporosis develops. The main source of phosphorus is protein products. With a decrease in their share in the diet, the intake of the element automatically decreases. But you should take into account the ratio of phosphorus and protein in 100 g of the dish. It is recommended to leave only those dishes on the menu, the coefficient of which is less than 20.
  4. Potassium. The need to reduce its amount is due to the risk of hyperkalemia. This condition is characterized by an excessive concentration of potassium in the blood plasma due to its insufficient excretion by the kidneys. It is accompanied by muscle weakness and heart rhythm disturbance.
Along with compliance with restrictions in kidney failure, it is important to maintain a certain energy content of the diet, as well as provide the body with vitamins and minerals.

The basis of the menu should be carbohydrates, including vegetables growing in the region of residence, berries, fruits, cereals.

An obligatory component of the diet is fats. But it should be remembered that if the kidneys fail, lipid metabolism is disturbed.

In combination with increased intake of cholesterol and triglycerides, this can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The main part of the fats in the diet should be of plant origin.

Patients with renal insufficiency experience increased thirst, but are forced to limit themselves to drinking. To reduce the level of discomfort, it is worth freezing part of the daily water intake and periodically dissolving pieces of ice.

Nutrition principles

Basic nutrition rules:

  1. High calorie diet. Its boundaries are 2100-2800 kcal. per day. It is important to avoid underweight in the patient, as this increases the likelihood of complications. However, severe obesity increases the tendency to hypertension.
  2. Fractional nutrition. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day in not very large portions.
  3. Reducing the level of substances excreted by the kidneys, up to certain limits, depending on the degree of the disease. The daily norm of protein is 20-70 g, salt - 2-3 g, phosphorus - 0.8-1 g, potassium - 2-4 g. In the presence of hypertension, salt should be completely abandoned.
  4. Water consumption control. At the first stage of renal failure, it is recommended to reduce the total amount of fluid (including first courses) to 2 liters. With the progression of the pathology, diuresis should be measured daily. The allowable amount of water per day is calculated by the formula: the volume of urine excreted for the previous day + 400 ml.
  5. The correct ratio of macronutrients. Carbohydrates should provide the largest share of energy value, then fats, and lastly proteins. At the initial stage, it is worth consuming more vegetable proteins, as they are more easily excreted from the body and prevent the development of acidosis due to alkaline compounds. At the last stage of the pathology, preference should be given to products of animal origin, since they better provide the body with amino acids.
  6. Culinary treatment that increases appetite. Boiling, stewing, steaming, baking is allowed. It is allowed to boil protein products first, and then lightly fry. To improve the taste, it is worth using herbs, spices, sauces.

Due to intoxication, many patients with kidney failure suffer from bouts of nausea and vomiting. To prevent them, you should take frequent snacks, do not drink for 1 hour before and after a meal, suck on lemon slices, and so on.

Preferred Products

With kidney failure, it is important to make the most varied, nutritious and vitamin diet. It should include products such as:

  • cereals - rice, sago, buckwheat, corn grits and others;
  • pasta (in small quantities);
  • vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, leafy greens, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions;
  • any fruits and berries;
  • milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, dairy products;
  • soft-boiled eggs or in the form of an omelet - 0.5-1 per day;
  • lean meats (turkey, rabbit, veal) and fish;
  • honey, jam, not chocolates;
  • spices - bay leaf, pepper, cinnamon, vanillin;
  • greens - parsley, dill;
  • green tea, herbal infusions, rosehip broth;
  • kissels, compotes, fruit juices;
  • hydrocarbonate mineral waters;
  • bread without salt and protein;
  • unleavened cookies;
  • corn, olive, linseed oil;
  • butter.

From the listed products, you can cook soups, casseroles, cereals, side dishes, puddings, salads, gravies, mousses, sauces and so on. When using protein dishes, it is necessary to take into account consumption norms.

With the death of kidney nephrons, chronic renal failure occurs. Read more about this serious disease.

Prohibited Products

In case of renal insufficiency, products that can negatively affect the state of nephrons and create a pronounced load on the urinary system fall under a strict ban. These include:

  • cocoa, chocolate;
  • sodium mineral waters;
  • ice cream;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • refractory fats - mutton, palm;
  • sausages, cheese;
  • sorrel, spinach, garlic, radish, cauliflower, horseradish;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickled, salted, smoked, pickled dishes;
  • canned food;
  • hot spices, fatty sauces;
  • meat broths, fatty meats and fish, caviar, offal;
  • dried apricots, bananas (due to the high content of potassium);
  • puff pastry, pastry.

The following lists of preferred and prohibited foods are general. The menu is adjusted depending on the stage of the disease. For example, legumes are strictly prohibited in the acute period, but at the stage of compensation they can be included in the diet in small quantities.

diet for kidney failure

In case of renal insufficiency, a nephrologist prescribes a diet. In addition, you can additionally consult with a nutritionist.

Certain dietary restrictions must be observed immediately after the discovery of the disease.

The duration of the diet for chronic renal failure is unlimited, since renal failure is incurable.

However, nutrition must be periodically adjusted depending on the state of the urinary system. Assessment of kidney function is carried out using laboratory tests and instrumental methods.

The specificity of the diet for renal failure depends on the form of the disease, which is acute or chronic. In turn, a chronic condition can refer to one of three stages. In addition, the diet is characterized by some features in the event that the patient undergoes hemodialysis - extrarenal blood purification.

Diet 7 for kidney failure

For patients with renal failure M.I. Pevzner developed a special diet - diet number 7. It has several options (A, B, C, D) used depending on the severity of the disease:

  • initial stage - diet number 7, fasting days according to diet number 7B;
  • pronounced - No. 7B, fasting days No. 7A;
  • terminal with hemodialysis - No. 7, fasting days No. 7B, another option - No. 7G;
  • terminal complicated - No. 7A, load days and weeks No. 7B.

The lists of prohibited and allowed foods for all types of diet number 7 are almost the same. Requirements for the ratio of macronutrients and caloric content of the diet are changing.

Diet number 7

Diet number 7 involves a slight restriction of protein - 0.8 g per 1 kg of weight per day, 50-60% should be animal proteins. The amount of fats and carbohydrates remains within the physiological norms. Calorie content - 2700-2900 kcal.

Food is cooked without salt. It is given to the patient in the amount of 3-6 grams, depending on the degree of hypertension. The amount of free liquid is limited to 1 liter.

Diet No. 7A

With diet No. 7A, the amount of proteins is reduced to 20 g per day, 30-40% of them may be of plant origin.

Rates of fats and carbohydrates are moderately reduced. Salt is completely excluded. Calorie content - 2100-2200 kcal.

The allowable volume of free fluid depends on diuresis. It is allowed to drink 300-400 ml more than the daily volume of urine excreted.

Diet number 7B

From the previous version of the diet, table No. 7B differs in an increase in the amount of protein up to 40 g per day. Its recommended sources are meat, fish, eggs, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. The volume of fats and carbohydrates must comply with physiological norms. The allowable amount of sodium chloride is 2-3 g. Calorie content is 2600-2800 kcal. The amount of free fluid is determined in the same way as with diet No. 7A.

Diet №7G

Diet No. 7G is prescribed at the terminal stage of renal failure.

Its goal is to provide the patient with the maximum possible amount of nutrients.

Therefore, the volume of proteins increases to 60 g per day due to meat, fish, eggs and dairy products (moderately). The amount of fats and carbohydrates should be high enough.

Calorie content - 2800-2900 kcal. Free fluid is limited to 0.8 liters per day. In addition, the volume of salt (up to 2 g) and potassium (up to 2.5 g) is reduced.

Since all diet options No. 7 are unable to fully meet the body's needs for microelements, preparations containing iron, zinc, calcium and vitamins are additionally prescribed.


With chronic renal failure

In chronic renal failure, various diet options are used No. 7. The transition from one diet to another is controlled by a doctor.

At the initial stage, table number 7 is assigned. Early nutritional adjustment can slow down the death of nephrons. If the pathology progresses, then diet No. 7A is prescribed.

The duration of this menu depends on the patient's condition. If improvement is observed, then it is transferred to table No. 7B, while No. 7A is used 1-3 times a week.

It is important that animal and vegetable proteins are combined in each meal, this contributes to a more complete absorption of amino acids. Meals must be prepared without salt. Then you can add a little sodium chloride, depending on the doctor's recommendations. The introduction of salt begins with small amounts and gradually increases in the absence of edema.

For acute renal failure

Acute renal failure is characterized by the critical condition of the patient. At the initial stage, nutrition is provided intravenously. As the patient's condition improves, they are transferred to a low-protein diet No. 7A. Then, depending on the functional activity of the kidneys, table No. 7B, 7 or 7G is used.

Menus and diet recipes for kidney failure

Due to the fact that diet number 7 does not prohibit the use of most vegetables, fruits and cereals, the diet for kidney failure can be varied. Do not forget about adding protein products to the menu, as they are not completely excluded, but limited.

Diet Options

Menu #1:

  • breakfast - bread without salt and butter, vinaigrette seasoned with sour cream, tea with milk;
  • second breakfast - buckwheat with milk, scrambled eggs, rosehip broth;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, stewed potatoes with meat, baked fruit;
  • dinner - millet casserole, vegetable cutlets, jam;
  • at night - milk and a bun.

Menu #2:

  • breakfast - rice porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea;
  • second breakfast - baked apples;
  • lunch - vegetarian borsch with sour cream, fish with vegetables, compote;
  • dinner - buckwheat krupenik with cottage cheese, carrot-apple meatballs, tea;
  • at night - kefir and croutons from salt-free bread.

Menu #3:

  • breakfast - apple and sago pudding, tea, vegetable salad;
  • second breakfast - baked pumpkin, fresh fruit;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, boiled meat with a side dish, apple compote, salt-free bread;
  • dinner - rice pilaf with prunes, tea with sugar;
  • at night - fruit juice.


Vegetable soup with millet


  • potatoes - 2;
  • carrots - ½;
  • parsley root - 1;
  • millet - 2 large spoons;
  • butter - 1 large spoon;
  • water;
  • sour cream - 1 large spoon;
  • herbs, spices to taste.
  1. Dice carrots and parsley root. Fry in a pan, pour a small amount of water and simmer until soft.
  2. Transfer vegetables to a saucepan, add diced potatoes and millet to them, pour boiling water over them.
  3. Remove from heat after 20 minutes. When serving, add sour cream, herbs and spices.

Pilaf with prunes


  • rice - 70 g;
  • prunes - 15 g;
  • raisins - 10 g;
  • sugar - 10g;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • water.
  1. Wash dried fruits. Steam them for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Remove pits from prunes. Cut it up.
  3. Rinse rice. Pour in boiling water. Boil until half done.
  4. Add dried fruits, sugar and butter to rice. Cover with a lid and place in the oven until the water has evaporated.

Krupenik from buckwheat and cottage cheese


  • buckwheat - 50 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • water - 75 ml;
  • sour cream - 10 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 3 g;
  • egg - ¼.
  1. Boil buckwheat porridge in water. Add butter.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Combine it with milk, sugar and egg.
  3. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  4. Mix buckwheat with curd mass. Put in the form. Bake. Drizzle with sour cream before serving.

Kidney failure is a very serious condition. It cannot be cured completely, since the dead nephrons are not restored. But diet therapy helps slow the progression of the disease and improve overall well-being.

The basic rule for compiling a menu is to reduce the amount of substances that the kidneys are responsible for excreting. It is important to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and constantly monitor the condition of the urinary system.

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Nutrition for kidney disease is based on severe restrictions. The priority is undoubtedly given to food of plant origin. As for protein products, there are a lot of controversial points. A protein-free diet for such diseases can give a tangible effect. But proteins are necessary for the full functioning of the body. Therefore, experts advise limiting the consumption of protein foods, but not completely excluding them from the diet, because this step can lead to unpredictable consequences. A diet for kidney disease should be based on carbohydrate-containing foods, they should be the basis of nutrition. Fried, smoked, spicy for any kidney disease is strictly prohibited.

Nutritionists recommend a daily calorie diet for kidney disease within 3000 kcal. At the same time, the composition of the diet should be as carbohydrate-rich as possible, approximately 450-500 grams. Proteins are allowed a maximum of no more than 80-90 grams. The fat content in dietary dishes should not exceed 70 grams. A diet for kidney disease involves a minimum intake of fats and proteins, and carbohydrates in the maximum amount contribute to effective treatment and good results.

First of all, a diet for kidney disease should maximize the correction of metabolic processes in the patient's body. The degree of renal dysfunction and the severity of the pathological process are the main criteria for the appointment of dietary nutrition. Other equally important indicators of the patient's condition are also important. For example, the presence of edema and the patient, increased blood pressure, the level of protein in the patient's urine, the ability of the kidneys to excrete protein metabolism products. With an increased amount of protein in the patient's urine, it is necessary to increase the amount of protein intake. Increased swelling of the patient requires exclusion from the diet of salt. Liquid intake is usually limited.

The diet for kidney disease has some features that must be considered in each individual case. Of course, the appointment of diet food is carried out by a specialist.

Diet number 7

Diet 7 for kidney disease consists in a sharp restriction of the use of extractive substances, in order to minimize the irritating effect on the kidneys and increase the excretion of metabolic products, while at the same time providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Diet 7 for kidney disease in its diet is balanced, complete, with a proportional content of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats. At the same time, the consumption of proteins is somewhat limited, and the rate of consumption of carbohydrates and fats is approximately within the physiological needs of the patient. The technology for preparing dietary dishes does not provide for the use of salt. The patient receives salt in an amount of not more than 5 grams separately and consumes it without mixing with other dishes. With dietary nutrition, fluid intake is permissible within the range of up to one liter. The use of sweet carbonated drinks is excluded. The use of products that contain essential oils and oxalic acid is excluded. Dishes for diet food are best cooked in a double boiler or simply boiled. The chemical composition of the therapeutic diet 7 for kidney disease for one day is 70 grams of protein, 60% of them are animals, 85 grams of fat, 25% of them are vegetable, 350 grams of carbohydrates, about 85 grams of which are sugars. The energy value of Diet 7 for kidney disease is approximately 2550-2600 calories. The drinking regimen is one liter of liquid.

What can be consumed by the patient when diet 7 is prescribed for kidney disease? From bakery products, protein-free, bran, wheat bread is recommended for use, provided baking without salt. Of the first courses, you can only use those that are cooked without broths, based on vegetables, pasta or cereals, seasoned with butter and herbs. The consumption of meat and poultry at the beginning of treatment should be limited. A little later, you can eat boiled lean meat, a whole piece or chopped. Fish can be consumed lean, boiled or baked. The recommended number of eggs is limited to 2 pieces in the form of egg white omelettes or soft-boiled eggs. The use of milk and dairy products is possible in limited quantities. From vegetables, you can eat tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, beets, cauliflower, parsley, dill, carrots. Moreover, vegetables and herbs can be consumed both boiled and fresh. When dieting, the use of fruits and dishes from them is recommended, for example, watermelons, melons, jams, jams, fruit purees and mousses. The patient's drinking regimen can be diversified with weak tea with milk, unsaturated broth of blackcurrant or wild rose, vegetable or fruit juices diluted with pure water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Diet 7 for kidney disease with mandatory and strict implementation during the treatment course will contribute to the maximum effect of the treatment.

Protein free diet

A protein-free diet for kidney disease will significantly improve the effectiveness of the treatment course in acute and chronic diseases. The low-calorie diet of this diet also contributes to a decrease in overall body weight. But the use of a protein-free diet as a weight loss technique cannot be called correct. Weight loss occurs to a greater extent due to a decrease in the level of fluid in the body. Long-term protein-restricted diets or combining a protein-free diet with active physical activity may cause serious loss of muscle tissue, which will be used to compensate for the protein deficiency.

A protein-free diet for kidney disease in terms of nutritional value does not exceed the daily allowance of 2200 calories. The energy value of the nutritional diet for each category of patients is individual. So, for bedridden patients, it is possible to reduce the energy value to 1800 calories. A protein-free diet involves reducing protein proteins to a minimum level, namely, up to 20 grams per day. At the same time, the main sources of protein proteins are products of plant origin. Meat, poultry and fish should be consumed in very limited quantities, but it is better to exclude them altogether. Dairy products and eggs are also subject to complete exclusion from the patient's diet. The carbohydrate part of the protein-free diet menu is approximately 350 grams per day. Fats are recommended in an amount of no more than 80 grams daily.

In order to prevent kidney overload, the drinking regimen of a protein-free diet is limited to 450-500 grams of fluid daily.

Fasting days

In kidney pathology, periodic fasting days are useful, during which only a certain product can be consumed. The following types of fasting days deserve attention:


In the treatment of kidneys and the prevention of kidney diseases, it is important to control not only the quality of food taken, but also the diet, which must necessarily be fractional. This rule must be observed regardless of whether one kidney or both are affected by the disease. What is meant by the term "fractional nutrition"? Many people consider this to be three or four meals a day. This is absolutely false. Fractional nutrition for diseases of the internal organs involves eating 5-6 times a day, but the portions should be small.

Focus on liquid

An important item on the menu is the correct use of liquid. A person should drink it per day on average 1.5 liters. With diseased kidneys, an excess of water in the body is very dangerous. And it should also be taken into account: the indicated volume includes not only weak tea, fruit and vegetable juices, drinking water, but also soups, broths and other liquid dishes. If this rule is violated, the load on the diseased kidney tissues increases, and, accordingly, the functioning of the kidneys worsens. Salt has a similar effect. It delays the removal of fluid from the body. Many diets for inflammation of the kidneys provide for the complete rejection of salt, and as a replacement, they suggest using a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

What to give up

Another important issue is the use of salt. With any ailments of the kidneys and liver, it should be as limited as possible, and in some cases completely excluded.

In people with diseased kidneys, the diet implies a complete and unconditional rejection of alcohol.

It is unacceptable even in minimal quantities. When the kidneys hurt, it is strictly forbidden to use:

  • natural coffe;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate.

Experts offer coffee lovers a chicory drink as an alternative, but its use should also be agreed with the doctor, because chicory has a strong diuretic effect. In some cases, when the kidneys hurt, it can not be used. As for broths, only vegetable broths are allowed in the diet, and mushroom and fish broths must be excluded, since they contain a significant amount of protein and cholesterol that is harmful to the functioning of internal organs. This rule also applies to soups prepared on the basis of broth.

The diet clearly excludes from the diet:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • meat delicacies;
  • salted canned vegetables;
  • any kind of legumes;
  • hot and allspice;
  • spices;
  • mustard and other seasonings.

Dishes are prepared without garlic and onions, which are strictly prohibited for kidney diseases. Asparagus, spinach, radish, sorrel, parsley should not be included in the diet, as they will only aggravate the violation of water-salt metabolism. Dairy products for kidney disease can be consumed, provided that they are low-fat. The above prohibitions also apply to diets for patients who have a lowered kidney, even in the absence of failures in its functioning.

Sample menu for people with kidney problems

The diet menu for kidney diseases is compiled by a dietitian, according to the recommendations of the attending physician and depending on the general condition of the patient. As a rule, the diet menu for kidney diseases consists of light meals that contribute to the minimum burden on diseased kidneys and the digestive system. These are mainly vegetable dishes and dishes from various cereals.

The diet menu for kidney diseases for a week approximately consists of the following dishes:

  • For breakfast - rice milk porridge, cheese with raisins, tea with honey;
  • For the second breakfast - cottage cheese pudding, rosehip broth;
  • For lunch - vegetable puree soup, boiled meat, compote;
  • For dinner - steamed fish cakes, cottage cheese casserole with pasta, a glass of low-fat milk;
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir;
  • For breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, carrot cutlets, tea with honey;
  • For the second breakfast - boiled fish and mashed potatoes;
  • For lunch - vegetarian borscht, boiled poultry meat, apple compote;
  • For dinner - meat casserole, cottage cheese with sugar, tea with milk;
  • For breakfast - vinaigrette, boiled fish, cottage cheese with sour cream, a glass of tomato juice;
  • For lunch - milk soup with vermicelli, rice with boiled veal, cherry compote;
  • For dinner - potato casserole, oatmeal with fruit;
  • Before going to bed - a glass of curdled milk;
  • For breakfast - rice milk porridge, cheese with raisins, tea;
  • For the second breakfast - cottage cheese casserole;
  • For lunch - vegetable soup, boiled meat with buckwheat porridge, apple compote;
  • For dinner - steam fish cutlets, pasta casserole, a glass of milk;
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir;

5th day

  • For breakfast - vegetable pilaf, cottage cheese with sour cream, fruit juice;
  • For the second breakfast - cottage cheese, kefir with sugar;
  • For lunch - vegetable soup with chicken, boiled veal, apple compote;
  • For dinner - cottage cheese casserole with rice, rosehip broth;
  • Before going to bed - prunes, dried apricots, raisins;
  • For breakfast - buckwheat milk porridge, boiled beets, rosehip broth;
  • For the second breakfast - mashed potatoes with boiled fish;
  • For lunch - vegetarian borscht, boiled meat, fruit juice;
  • For dinner - meat casserole, tea with honey;
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir;
  • For breakfast - milk porridge from semolina, tea;
  • For the second breakfast - vinaigrette, oatmeal porridge with fruit, milk;
  • For lunch - mashed potato soup, boiled meat, fruit jelly;
  • For dinner - cottage cheese casserole, apple pancakes, compote;
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir.

This diet menu for kidney diseases is advisory in nature and can be changed or supplemented by a dietitian.

The kidneys are one of the busiest organs in the body. They filter up to 2000 liters of blood per day, separating nutrients from urea, creatine and uric acid. The kidneys maintain the water-salt balance of the blood, remove toxins and foreign substances, excess organic and inorganic substances, and also generate the hormones aldosterone and erythropoietin. But when internal or external adverse factors appear, they sooner or later cease to cope with their tasks. In this case, they will be helped by a kidney diet, designed to relieve the load and create conditions for recovery. In medicine, the kidney diet is called treatment table number 7.

diet for kidney failure

Diet in renal failure can be used in particular in acute and chronic nephritis. Its main task is to unload the kidneys, reduce pressure and edematous phenomena, and also to establish the excretion of decay products from the body.

A diet for kidney failure limits proteins, fats and carbohydrates within physiological norms, but meat, fish, mushroom broths, products containing oxalic acid and essential oils are banned. Salt intake is reduced to 3-6 g per day, depending on the doctor's recommendation. Another limitation that the kidney diet puts is free fluid, it can be consumed up to 1 liter per day.

  • bread, pancakes and pancakes without salt;
  • vegetarian soups with vegetables and cereals, which can be seasoned with butter, sour cream, herbs, citric acid, vinegar, and even sautéed and boiled onions;
  • lean meat and fish boiled, steamed or baked;
  • milk, cream, dairy products, cottage cheese;
  • whole eggs, soft-boiled and yolks;
  • pasta and all cereals, except legumes;
  • potatoes and most fresh vegetables;
  • all fruits and sweets except chocolate;
  • sauces based on tomato, milk, sour cream, fruit and vegetable;
  • tea, weak coffee, juices, rosehip broth;
  • vegetable, ghee and butter.

On the renal diet are prohibited:

  • flour products with the addition of salt;
  • soups on meat, fish, mushroom broth and with the addition of legumes;
  • fatty meats, sausages, sausages, smoked meats and canned food, fatty, salted, canned, smoked fish and caviar;
  • cheeses;
  • legumes;
  • onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, as well as vegetable preparations;
  • chocolate;
  • strong coffee, cocoa, mineral water;
  • lard (limited).

To make it easier for you to navigate, we offer a kidney diet menu for the day.

For the first breakfast, you can cook a soft-boiled egg, buckwheat porridge and tea. For the second breakfast - baked apples. For lunch - vegetarian borsch with sour cream, boiled meat with fried potatoes and dried fruit compote. For an afternoon snack, you can drink a rosehip broth. For dinner, steamed carrot-apple meatballs, noodles with cottage cheese and tea are prepared.

Diet for acute and chronic glomeralonephritis with severe renal failure

This type of diet for kidney disease is even more sparing of the function of these organs of the excretory system.

The rules of the kidney diet are the same as in the previous diet. But this time, food is predominantly plant-based, and foods containing proteins and table salt are sharply limited.

On this diet option for kidney disease, the recommended foods include:

  • bread baked with yeast without salt;
  • vegetable, potato and fruit soups with onion, sour cream dressing and herbs;
  • lean meat is limited to 50-60 g per day;
  • milk, cream, sour cream and cottage cheese are limited to 60 g per day, and are consumed only with the exclusion of meat and fish;
  • you can add up to 1/2 eggs per day to meals, or eat eggs in the form of omelettes 2-3 times a week;
  • sago and limited amounts of rice, as well as protein-free pasta;
  • up to 250 g of potatoes and up to 450 g of fresh vegetables per day;
  • fruits, berries raw, baked or cooked in the form of jam, jelly, jelly;
  • weak tea with lemon, juices, rosehip broth;
  • butter, ghee and vegetable oils.

On the renal diet are excluded:

  • regular bread with salt;
  • all broths except vegetable and sago;
  • all meat and fish products other than the recommended lean minimum;
  • cereals, pasta, legumes;
  • vegetable preparations, as well as all vegetables from the previous prohibited list;
  • chocolate, milk jelly and ice cream;
  • meat, fish, mushroom sauce, horseradish, mustard, pepper;
  • coffee, cocoa, mineral waters with sodium;
  • cooking oil.

The rules of the diet for renal colic will depend on the nature of the stones that form in the kidneys. For example, phosphate stones are formed in a predominantly alkaline environment, and urate stones are formed in an acidic environment. This affects the approach to diet.

Renal failure in the understanding of clinicians is a whole complex of nephrotic syndromes that lead to a deterioration in the filtration function of the organ and to the accumulation of toxins in the blood. Diagnosis of a pathological condition is usually not difficult, it requires mandatory laboratory and instrumental studies.

Anna Levina


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Based on the analysis data and the patient's medical history, a treatment is drawn up. An important aspect of therapy is the observance of a special diet. Proper nutrition in functional organ failure is the basis for the prognosis for life expectancy and health of patients.

General characteristics of the disease

Renal failure is a set of negative factors that reduce the functionality of the kidney tissues. In addition to the main function, there are others:

  • removal of toxic components from the body;
  • regulation of blood pressure (abbr. AD);
  • the production of a hormonal component, in particular renin, which plays a huge role in the regulation of blood pressure;
  • control over the electrolyte composition of the blood;
  • production of erythropoietin, a substance that forms red blood cells in the blood.

In nephrotic syndrome, the ability of the kidneys to form urine deteriorates dramatically. Against the background of violations, the water-salt, acid-base balance, and blood pressure are gradually disturbed. In the chronic course of the pathology, all functions deteriorate irreversibly.

Experts distinguish two main forms of pathology: acute and chronic. With a mild acute stage, changes in nephrons can be reversible, while severe stages can lead to the development of multiple organ failure and death of patients due to an increase in acute intoxication.

The chronic form is characterized by slow inhibition of renal functions. It is with chronic renal failure that a lifelong diet and food discipline are required.


The causes of nephropathies in various stages of the course are multiple, they differ in the forms of the course. Pathology can occur in women and men, as well as in children of any age, regardless of gender.

Form of pathology Predisposing factors

Acute renal failure

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (a common complication of chronic renal failure);
  • dehydration (vomiting and persistent diarrhea, severe burns of the skin, overdose of loop diuretics);
  • severe intoxication and poisoning;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis with a characteristic violation of the outflow of venous blood;
  • severe poisoning with poisons, medicines, heavy metals, mushrooms;
  • gout;
  • incompatible blood during a transfusion;
  • damage to blood vessels in the kidneys;
  • trauma to a functioning single kidney (with one kidney left as a result of removal);
  • accidental trauma to the ureter during surgical manipulation;
  • stones in the kidneys and ureters;
  • malformations of the kidneys;
  • blockage of a thrombus or pus of the renal artery;
  • changes in prostate tissue.

Chronic renal failure

  • chronic diseases of renal structures: pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • systemic rheumatic diseases: lupus erythematosus, hemorrhagic vasculitis, scleroderma;
  • arterial hypertension (as an independent state);
  • severe metabolic disorders (gouty arthritis, amyloidosis, diabetes mellitus);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • polycystic, multicystic, tumors, hydronephrosis of the kidneys.

AKI is characterized by a spontaneous course with a sharp deterioration in the filtration, excretory and secretory functions of the kidneys.

Congenital anomalies in the development of the organ can contribute to the development of PN. Increasingly, such conditions are recorded at a screening examination during a woman's pregnancy.


The form of the course of nephropathy also determines the symptomatic complex. The staging of acute renal failure and chronic renal failure is classified according to the severity and clinical severity of the pathological process.

Signs of acute renal failure

Symptoms of acute functional disorders of the organ depend on the stage of the course of the pathology. Doctors distinguish 4 main degrees of development of acute renal failure:

AKI is characterized by reversibility and the possibility of complete recovery of kidney tissue. However, this is possible only in the case of a slight deterioration in the function of the organ. With severe damage to nephrons, acute renal failure develops into a chronic process with a tendency to periodic exacerbations.

Clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure

CRF is also classified into several stages of development, which are based on a gradual increase in creatinine, urea, impaired water and electrolyte balance, changes in urine density and proteinuria - the appearance of protein in the urine. According to diagnostic criteria, there are:

stages Stage characteristics

Zero or first stage

High fatigue, constant thirst and dry throat. A biochemical blood test reveals a slight disturbance of electrolytes in the blood, and a small amount of protein is found in the urine (latent proteinuria).

Stage of decompensation

Polyuria and an increase in daily diuresis up to 2-2.5 liters, a change in the composition of the blood and a decrease in the density of urine, pulling sensations in the bladder area. Organs are capable of decompensating pathology for a long time.


The stage of development of chronic renal failure is characterized by a periodic increase and subsidence of symptomatic manifestations. In the composition of the blood increases creatinine, urea, nitrogen metabolism. Patients are more often concerned about nausea, vomiting, yellowness of the skin. Against the background of the intermittent stage, there is a tremor of the distal extremities, pain in the musculoskeletal tissue.

terminal stage

Psychoemotional instability, disruption of night sleep, bouts of inappropriate behavior, azotemia - intoxication with nitrogenous compounds. The skin acquires a grayish tint, the face is swollen, mainly in the morning. Often worried about itching on the skin of the body (stomach, arms, back), hair falls out. The mucous membranes of the mouth are dryish, the tongue is coated with a coating.

The patient may feel satisfactory for up to several years. The danger of the last stage of chronic renal failure is the addition of complications from the heart, blood vessels, and liver. The condition is aggravated by constant intoxication of the body.

The main distinguishing feature of CRF in children and adults is the duration of the compensatory stage. In children, this period can reach 8-12 years with a protective regimen and proper nutrition, which is due to a higher resource for health and youthfulness of tissues.

We offer you to watch the program "Live healthy", in which you will learn about the causes and symptoms of kidney failure.

What are kidney diets?

The type of therapeutic nutrition is selected for patients in accordance with the clinical picture. Unfortunately, there is no universal dietary regimen for all patients with renal insufficiency. There are several main known diets prescribed in accordance with the patient's medical history.

Treatment table №6

Table No. 6 according to Pevzner is assigned to normalize metabolic processes, exchange of purines - nitrogenous organic compounds, as well as to reduce the level of uric acid and its decay products - salts. All these tasks lead to alkalization of urine and an increase in the ability of urine to dissolve calculus structures: stones, oxalates, urates.

Table №6E

Diet 6E is intended for the treatment of nephropathies associated with obesity or gouty arthritis. Nutrition is characterized by reduced calorie content, and the daily norm barely reaches 2000 Kcal. When compiling the menu, the allowed daily allowance of proteins is taken into account - 60-70 g, fats - 75-80 g and carbohydrates - 230-250 g.

Table number 7

Treatment table number 7 is aimed at reducing swelling and lowering blood pressure. The ingredients contribute to the removal of residual nitrogen from the body, reduce the symptoms of chronic intoxication.

The basis of the diet is the reduction of daily protein while maintaining the physiological norm of fats and carbohydrates. Daily calorie content does not exceed 2800 kcal. All cooked food should not be salted. There are types of diets:

  • Table 7a. The treatment table is prescribed for acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. The basic principle is healthy nutrition in the absence of salt and protein restriction to 20 g. The liquid you drink should correspond to daily diuresis.
  • Table 7b. The daily protein intake of this diet increases to 40 g per day, and the volume of fluid drunk remains within 1-1.3 liters.
  • Table 7c. Nutrition is prescribed for nephrotic syndrome with edema, proteinuria. The daily norm of protein reaches 130 g to replenish the lost component with urine. Along with an increase in protein, salt and liquid are significantly limited to 0.7 liters.
  • Table 7g. It is prescribed for patients on hemodialysis or in end-stage renal failure. The menu is based on protein restriction to 60 g, 2-2.5 g of salt and 0.8 l of liquid per day.

The fine line between the amount of daily protein, fats and carbohydrates requires mandatory medical intervention. It is better to entrust the preparation of the menu to a nephrologist or nutritionist in order to avoid painful complications.

Table number 14 for urolithiasis

Urolithiasis is a common cause of nephropathy, so proper nutrition is aimed at reducing stones and is necessary for the removal of stones.

Food ingredients should acidify the urine to quickly dissolve the phosphorus-calcium precipitate and prevent the build-up of residual nitrogen.

salt-free diet

The usual companions of nephropathies of various origins are internal and external edema, high and unstable pressure. That is why salt restriction and adherence to the basics of a healthy diet are recommended.

Excluding additional sodium, patients should remember that salt is contained in a minimum amount in all foods, especially in marine fish and seafood, plant foods.

It is necessary to cancel salt gradually and completely exclude its use in food in 2 weeks. Following the rules of a salt-free diet, it is enough to remember the following nuances:

  • eat only self-cooked food;
  • the salt shaker must be placed on the table so that households can independently add salt to food after cooking;
  • to improve the taste, you can add pepper, tomatoes and other salt-free spices.

Modern dietetics and cooking can significantly improve the taste of dietary dishes, so patients experience virtually no discomfort during the professional transition to medical nutrition. The usual "hospital" meatballs of an unpleasant appearance have long sunk into the past.

salt diet

Another clinical situation is sodium deficiency or hyponatremia. Here, clinicians prescribe salt or mineral water to normalize the water and electrolyte balance in the body.

However, when prescribing a salt diet, a number of the following rules should be followed:

  • determination of the daily dose of table salt according to the analysis of electrolytes;
  • salting only cooked food before eating;
  • uniform distribution of the daily volume of salt.
Additionally, mineral water without gas can be introduced, but not more than 0.5 liters per day, provided that the dishes are salted. A salt diet is observed until the level of sodium in the blood is normalized.

apple diet

Apple diet is prescribed for kidney disease, which is accompanied by obesity, circulatory disorders in the kidney structures, pathologies of the liver and biliary tract. You need to eat up to 1.5 kg of ripe or baked apples per day.

Protein free diet

A low-protein diet is necessary for intoxication from uremia - an acute retention of nitrogenous components in the body, especially when it is impossible to carry out emergency hemodialysis. The basis of the diet is the restriction of protein to 25 g per day along with an increase in fats and carbohydrates.

The protein component can be replaced with soy protein. The total calorie content of the menu should not exceed 2700 kcal per day. All food is prepared without salt.

Cabbage-potato diet

The cabbage-potato diet is especially effective in oxaluria - excretion of oxalic acid in the urine. During the course of therapeutic nutrition, only cabbage and potatoes are eaten, so the course of treatment with food is no more than 7-10 days. Such nutrition is recommended for ultrasound of the kidneys as a preparation.

oatmeal diet

A decoction of oats not only has a beneficial effect on the kidney tissue, but also contributes to the healing of the whole organism. It is recommended to eat boiled oatmeal per day and drink oat milk in combination with other food ingredients. Oats allow you to eliminate acidosis almost like with the use of absorbent drugs.

Oatmeal broth is drunk on an empty stomach for a long time to reduce the risk of stones and sand in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Watermelons allow you to remove toxins from the kidneys, stop the death of nephrons. The diet is effective at an early stage of PN with the preservation of kidney function, without swelling. The diet is useful for no more than 5-7 days, after which it is important to take a break. Watermelons should be ripe, of high quality, without suspicion of chemical "lure". Such a diet is unacceptable for severe heart failure and severe functional impairment of the kidneys.

Table according to Giordano - Giovanetti

The total calorie content of the diet is 2300-2600 Kcal per day by increasing carbohydrates to 380 g and fats to 130 g. Protein is reduced to a minimum daily dose of 50 g. Daily salt intake is 5 g. Fluid is limited in accordance with the clinical history. In the absence of edema, the daily fluid approximately corresponds to diuresis. It is prescribed for urea clearance less than 0.05 ml / min.

Only long-term and adequate use of a therapeutic diet can achieve stable results in relation to the underlying disease that led to the development of chronic renal failure or acute renal failure. In chronic deterioration of kidney function, the diet is usually lifelong.

Is a high protein diet bad for the kidneys?

A healthy human diet should contain complete protein found in chicken eggs, fish, meat, seafood and red caviar. However, excessive consumption of protein or the use of its physiological norm in renal failure leads to negative consequences.

If healthy kidneys are able to excrete the breakdown products of protein foods, then if the kidney functions are impaired, this process occurs much more slowly or does not occur at all. In this case, there is an accumulation of toxins in the blood, leading to serious violations of the functions of other organs and systems.

If there is an increase in the protein component in food, then it is important to proportionally reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed. Any diet for weight loss due to protein is important to coordinate with specialists in order to exclude the development of complications.

The potassium-free diet follows the same principles, where it is important to limit all potassium-containing foods, but moderately so as to exclude the development of hypokalemia. Any mono-diet is harmful to the kidneys in the presence of diseases of the digestive system.

Nutrition rules

The main task of dietary nutrition is to prevent the death of kidney tissue cells - nephrons. The only way to create the right balance between saturating the body with useful substances and preserving kidney function is to follow a low-protein diet and limit salt, including its derivatives. The following aspects are considered important:

  • gradual decrease in daily protein to 20-80 g (the volume is determined by the stage of the pathological process);
  • increase in calorie content should be carried out by increasing daily fat and carbohydrates;
  • mandatory inclusion in the diet of fresh fruits, root crops and other vegetables, however, taking into account the protein component;
  • cooking by boiling, stewing, steaming.
The daily volume of fluid intake should be selected based on the general condition and clinical history. With concomitant heart failure, swelling and other complications, the drinking regimen should be limited to 0.9-1 l of liquid. Also, you should eat small portions 4-6 times a day.

Doctors recommend that you follow the accuracy of medical instructions, keep nutrition notebooks and carefully record the foods you eat. Of course, not all patients are able to observe such scrupulousness and discipline, however, clinical studies have proven an increase in the duration and quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure and a clear discipline.

In addition to the main restrictions, potassium is excluded from the diet (some exotic fruits: avocados, mangoes, bananas). Excess potassium impairs the functionality of the kidney structures, worsens the results of the diet and disturbs the electrolyte balance.

Diet indications and contraindications

The main indication for nutritional discipline in renal failure is the confirmed diagnosis itself. Proper nutrition is shown to cleanse the kidneys. Clinical dietetics obliges patients to change their usual diet to maintain the quality and length of life.

  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • severe dystrophy;
  • severe heart failure;
  • general severe condition.
Before prescribing a diet, it is important to take into account multiple clinical criteria, so it is unacceptable to independently determine the diet. For stages 1 and 2 of chronic renal failure, the changes are minor, they can be administered without harm to the health of the genitourinary system, but in the terminal stages, the diet includes more stringent restrictions.

Diet in young children against the background of renal failure is not only ineffective, but also harmful. Children need to grow, develop body weight, so food should be complete, saturated with proteins. The only restriction that applies to children is drinking in the presence of edema.

With 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees of renal failure

Experts divide the nutritional features into stages 1-3 and in the terminal stages of PN.

Stage of pathology Principal Aspects

I degree

Menu No. 7 is recommended with protein restriction to 60-70 g per day, sodium is completely excluded. The total energy value of nutrition is increased due to the fat-carbohydrate component. The calorie content is 2500 kcal. Such nutrition reduces puffiness, normalizes cholesterol levels.

II degree

Recommended table number 7b. Daily protein is not more than 50 g. The calorie content of meals per day should not exceed 2000 Kcal. Blood tests monitor sodium levels and, with normal levels, salt is still excluded. The use of food ingredients that cause fermentation and bloating is unacceptable.

III degree

The menu is based on the reduction of protein to 20 g, the exclusion of sodium. Restrictive measures in nutrition at the 3rd stage of the pathological condition are introduced in episodes of 7-10 days with smooth transitions to table No. 7 or 7b.

Terminal stages (IV-V)

Against the background of inhibition of renal functions, it is recommended to increase the daily protein to 120 g while simultaneously limiting salt, sugar (including sugar-containing foods), liquids to 0.7-0.9 liters per day, which corresponds to table No. 7c. With chronic renal failure with the need for hemodialysis. Rational nutrition according to the dietary menu 7g.

There are no special differences in stages 1, 2, 3, except for variations in the daily protein in the body. At the late stage of PN, diets are combined with each other according to the analysis data. Patients regularly take blood tests for electrolyte balance. Control sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine.

With long-term adherence to dietary nutrition and adequate symptomatic therapy, it is possible to significantly slow down the course of chronic renal failure, to maintain a stable stage I-III of organ dysfunction for a long time.

With chronic renal failure

In chronic nephropathy, the basis of the therapeutic diet is the menu of table No. 7 or 7c with their alternate use. The average amount of daily protein in chronic renal failure varies from 50 to 70 g, salt is limited to 4 g. General recommendations for the patient correspond to the clearance of creatinine, urea, electrolytes in the blood.

For acute renal failure

The goal of nutrition in acute renal failure is to reduce the load on the renal nephrons, accelerate metabolic processes, eliminate edema (including internal edema), and stabilize pressure. At any stage of ST, the consumption of fat and carbohydrates is moderately reduced, the sodium and protein component are almost completely limited. At the oliguric stage, the daily protein intake is only 20 g. The total calorie content does not exceed 2300 Kcal.

In a serious condition of the patient, it is necessary to recommend limiting protein to 20 g, carbohydrates to 450-500 g, and liquids to 1-2 glasses per day. The total duration of severe restrictions lasts about 1-2 weeks until the patient's condition stabilizes. Over time, nutritional requirements are weakened.

The main principle in nutrition with acute renal failure is protein restriction along with maintaining a high calorie content of meals. This is necessary to prevent the destruction of the body's own tissues and to prevent a strong load on the renal structures.


The appointment of a diet, as well as its periodic correction, is the prerogative of the attending physician. The scheme of therapeutic nutrition is built on the basis of data from blood tests, urine, clinical history and concomitant diseases. The entire diet is based on the following foods:

  • poultry meat, young veal;
  • fermented milk products and eggs (no more than 50-100 g per day);
  • vegetable and weak meat broths and soups based on them;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • sweets: honey, marshmallow, marshmallows;
  • drinking: a decoction of wild rose berries, lingonberry or cranberry juice, weak green tea, black tea with milk, water, dried fruit compote.
Cooking is carried out by the method of boiling, stewing, baking. Among the general list of prohibited foods for any kidney disease, the following products are distinguished:
  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • complex dishes from meat and fish of secondary processing;
  • preservation, pickles, marinades, preserves, smoked meats;
  • bitter vegetables: radish, turnip, garlic, radish;
  • hard, refractory, young salted cheeses (the product is generally significantly limited in use);
  • baking, confectionery;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • nuts, dried apricots, prunes, bananas, grapes;
  • watermelon and melons with severe swelling, severe heart failure;
  • sweets: chocolate, butter creams, ice cream;
  • strong coffee, tea.
From drinks it is important to exclude sweet syrups, sodium mineral water, carbonated drinks with the addition of dyes or sweeteners. With kidney failure, do not drink cocoa, instant hot drinks and alcohol. Alcohol should not be drunk in any doses, even very high-quality red wine.

Approved Products

Products BJU Kcal per 100 g


zucchini and zucchini0,5 / 0,3 / 4,5 24
carrot1,2 / 0,1 / 6,5 32
tomatoes0,6 / 0,3 / 4,1 31
pumpkin1,4 / 0,3 / 7,6 29
potato2 / 0,4 / 18,1 26

Fruits and berries

watermelon0,6 / 0,1 / 5,8 27
apples0,5 / 0,5 / 9,8 45
Strawberry0,8 / 0,4 / 8,5 41
dried apricots5,1 / 0,3 / 52 217
melon0,6 / 0,45 / 6,9 31
dates2,5 / 0,6 / 67 270


rice6,6 / 0,5 / 78,9 344
buckwheat12,5 / 3,2 / 62 315
chickpeas0,8 / 2,4 / 55 124
peas3,5 / 6,7 / 78 212

Milk and dairy products

kefir3,4 / 2 / 4,5 53
milk3,2 / 3,6 / 4,8 65
milk sauce2,3 / 6,9 / 5,2 77
cheeses54,7 / 54,6 / 9,9 415
sour cream2,9 / 20 / 3,2 206
yoghurts4,5 / 2 / 3,4 55

Meat and poultry

beef25,8 / 16,2 / 0,1 256
chicken25,1 / 7,4 / 0 170
steam room veal41 / 0,9 / 0 140
rabbit meat22 / 10 / 0 166
turkey20 / 9 / 0 88


chicken12,7 / 10,9 / 0,7 157
quail14 / 11 / 0,4 200
goose11 / 0,8 / 0,6 160


creamy peasant2,1 / 72 / 1,6 450
sunflower0 / 100 / 0 900
corn0 / 89,9 / 0 890
olive0 / 98 / 0 899


black tea with sugar0,5 / 1 / 8,2 43
apricot juice0,7 / 0,2 / 9,5 40
pumpkin juice0 / 0,5 / 10 40
carrot juice1,3 / 0,2 / 6,5 30


jam0,3 / 0,2 / 62 261
jelly2,7 / 0,1 / 18 79

Prohibited Products

Products BJU Kcal per 100 g


cabbage1,9; 0,1; 0 21
onion1,4; 0; 4,6 40
radish1,4; 0; 4,1 21
horseradish3,2; 0,4; 10,5 56
garlic6,5; 0,5; 9,6 144
turnip1,5; 0,1; 6,2 30
canned cucumber2,8; 0; 1,3 16


bananas1,5; 0,2; 29 95
apricots0,9; 0,1; 10,8 45
peaches0,7; 0,25; 10,9 48


conservation3,1; 2; 2,7 33
fresh mushrooms2,8; 3; 1,5 40


ketchup1,8; 1; 22,3 93
mayonnaise2,4; 67; 3,8 627
mustard5,4; 6,6; 24 162
horseradish sauce2,2; 0,9; 33 140

Meat and poultry

pork17 / 21,2 / 0 261
salo16,3 / 66,7 / 0 579
smoked poultry meat27,5 / 8,2 / 0 188
animal fat0 / 99,6 / 0 897
duck16,6 / 60 / 0 340


smoked fish26,8 / 9,9 / 0 196
canned fish17,5 / 2 / 0 88
fat salmon36 / 23 / 0,2 456

Dairy products

fatty cottage cheese17,2 / 9,9 / 1,8 121

We bring to your attention the program "Live healthy" with Elena Malysheva, which tells about the three most harmful products for the kidneys.

Diet Features

If renal failure in adults usually has a secondary factor and is a complication of a concomitant disease of the genitourinary system, then in young children the main cause is congenital malformations.

From a certain time, the mechanisms of nephron damage are the same and are characterized by an identical course, with the exception of the rate of growth of the pathological process. There are no differences in the diet of children and adults with renal failure, but there are some features of the menu:

For kids

The child's body is especially sensitive to various restrictions due to CRF. The child's body is developing intensively, they need an abundant protein content and high calorie content in the diet. No special dietary restrictions are imposed, except for the control of salt according to blood tests for sodium content, fluids to prevent swelling.

For pregnant women

When a woman is pregnant, there are some nuances. If a woman has previously observed a therapeutic diet before pregnancy, then during gestation, you can maintain your usual diet with slight adjustments according to the doctor's indications.

If the pathology is first diagnosed during gestation, then doctors limit the woman in all harmful products, recommend limiting salt and liquid. Protein decreases slightly during pregnancy.

Against the background of PN, chronic anemia of I-II degree often develops, therefore it is important to include vitamin complexes, iron-containing products in the diet. During the diet, it is important to monitor blood tests at least once every 3 months.

For men and women

There are no fundamental differences in the preparation of the treatment menu for men and women. Pathology does not have excellent mechanisms for dysfunction of the renal tissue by gender.

Menu for the week

Modern dietetics offers a rather extensive menu for patients with nephrotic syndrome of any nature. Sample menu for each day:

First day

  • Morning hours: rice porridge with water or low-fat milk, curd mass with raisins, green tea with honey.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with sour cream, 100 g of lean boiled beef.
  • Afternoon snack: biscuit cookies, warm broth of their rose hips without sugar.
  • Dinner: fish steam cutlets, zucchini casserole, 200 ml of kefir.

Second day

  • Morning hours: cottage cheese pudding, oatmeal with raisins, green tea.
  • Dinner: pumpkin cream soup with celery, vinaigrette, croutons.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of lean beef or boiled chicken breast, thick berry jelly.
  • Dinner: meatballs with rice and vegetables, apple compote.

Third day

  • Morning hours: boiled buckwheat porridge, a glass of milk, a spoonful of honey.
  • Dinner: borsch with sour cream, boiled meat, salad of fresh vegetables and vegetable oil, dried bread.
  • Afternoon snack: thick jelly, vegetable stew.
  • Dinner: chicken breast steak, pasta, kefir.

Fourth day

  • Morning hours: semolina porridge, bread, green tea.
  • Dinner: soup with homemade noodles, cucumber salad with sour cream and greens, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: oatmeal with dried fruits, a decoction of rose hips.
  • Dinner: chicken fillet casserole with boiled potatoes, sweet cottage cheese with green tea.

Fifth day

  • Morning hours: boiled millet in low-fat milk, sandwich with lettuce and eggplant, rosehip broth.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, cabbage soup, toast.
  • Afternoon snack: oatmeal with fruit, warm milk with honey.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew of eggplant, zucchini or zucchini in a pot.

Sixth day

  • Morning hours: milk rice porridge, curd cheese, green tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with boiled beef, boiled buckwheat, apple compote.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and rice casserole with jam or jam, jelly.
  • Already in : meat meatballs with rice and vegetables, kefir, raisins.

Seventh day

  • Morning hours: buckwheat porridge in milk, rosehip broth.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, beetroot salad with walnuts and prunes, boiled fish and boiled potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable stew, boiled meat.
  • Dinner: meat casserole with boiled pasta, cucumber salad with sour cream.

Drinking throughout the weekly menu can be varied. For afternoon snacks, it is important to add fresh berries and fruits. In the evening you can eat desserts: gelatinous jelly, marshmallow, marmalade. At night it is recommended to drink kefir, but not more than 150-200 ml.


To prepare the simplest soups, you can take as a basis some delicious and healthy recipes.

First meal

  • Eggplant soup. Eggplants are washed, cut into slices and stewed a little in a frying pan without oil. Carrots, bell peppers and potatoes are stewed in a small amount of water, combined with eggplants and brought over low heat to about full readiness. The soup is definitely insisted. Chopped greens, fresh garlic are added for taste.
  • Vegetable pickle. Cut carrots, potatoes, cabbage, onions and tomatoes into cubes, add a little water and simmer over low heat. After that, boiled beef, greens are cut and added to the soup. Before serving, the soup is insisted for about half an hour.

Main courses

  • Stuffed zucchini. Medium zucchini is peeled, viscera, divided into two equal halves. For the filling, sauté onions, carrots, boil a little rice, an egg. All ingredients are mixed and combined with sour cream sauce. The recesses in the zucchini are filled with stuffing, sprinkled with grated cheese and herbs on top, put in the oven until cooked. Other Stuffed Zucchini Recipes
    • Rosehip decoction. A handful of rosehip berries are washed under running water, placed in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of water and put on the stove. The broth is boiled for about 15 minutes, after which the fire is turned off, and the broth is insisted until it cools completely.
    • Apple compote. 3-4 apples are cut into small slices, after removing the core. Pieces pour 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Then leave to cool completely. It is not necessary to filter. Learn more about the benefits and harms of apples.

    Modern dietology knows many different recipes. If you connect your imagination, some insipid dishes can be turned into real masterpieces.

    Diet for comorbidities

    Often, nutritionists combine several therapeutic nutrition schemes at once when it comes to comorbidities. Features of nutrition in chronic renal failure are slightly different in the case of concomitant diseases and conditions.

    With diabetes

    The treatment of both pathologies is a serious daily work aimed at eliminating ketoacidosis or glycosuria (impaired carbohydrate metabolism and glucose excretion in the urine, respectively).

    The basic principle of compatibility and CRF is low-carbohydrate nutrition and a small amount of protein food. Be sure to take into account the features of the course of diabetes.

    The longer the patient is able to maintain normal blood sugar levels, the lower the risk of developing secondary nephropathy. Otherwise, when CRF caused diabetes, it is enough to stick to table number seven.

    With pyelonephritis

    With inflammation, it is important to ensure a plentiful drinking regimen. Drinking allows you to quickly remove pathogenic environments from the body. At the same time, you should adhere to table number 7 to prevent swelling, increase blood pressure. The basis of nutrition is the reduction of proteins and the normalization of the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.

    With elevated creatinine

    High creatinine is one of the indicators of impaired organ functionality. The basis of nutrition is the reduction of daily protein to 60 g per day, followed by its decrease. At the same time, you should increase the calorie content to 3000 Kcal. With high creatinine, a course of amino acids is required. Ketosteril is especially effective in this respect.

    with low hemoglobin

    Anemic syndrome in various nephropathies cannot be corrected only by nutrition. In the early stages of chronic renal failure, iron preparations can be corrected (orally). In the later stages, it is important to use iron-containing drugs along with erythropoietin (subcutaneously).

    For kidney stones

    With urolithiasis and with sand in the kidneys against the background of chronic renal failure, it is important to achieve the normalization of metabolic processes, especially purines. At the same time, work is underway to correct the weight, oxidation or alkalinization of urine (the degree of reaction for stones is determined by the nature of the sediment and neoplasms). For kidney stones, diet No. 6 is recommended, where the protein content is 80 g per day, fat is 90 g, and carbohydrates are 300-400 g.

    With hemodialysis

    When the blood is purified by the “artificial kidney” apparatus, the nutrition changes and becomes stable. The main principles of the hemodialysis diet are the following aspects:

    • an increase in protein to 1.3 g per kg of human weight;
    • restriction of products and medicines, which include aluminum;
    • drinking regime - about 5% of body weight;
    • restriction of foods containing potassium.
    Otherwise, the nutrition of patients on dialysis is no different from the diet of healthy people, with an indispensable restriction of prohibited foods.

    Unfortunately, there is no universal diet for kidney disease due to the individuality of the human body. Nutrition is only an aid in the treatment of deficiency, it cannot be considered as an independent therapy. The prognosis is largely determined by the nature and rate of damage to the kidney tissues, as well as concomitant complications and the age of patients.

    Anna Levina


    In inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, patients should adhere to a special low-protein diet that excludes irritating foods. A diet for kidney disease and a fractional diet reduce the load on damaged tissues, normalize water-salt metabolism. And in combination with drug treatment, this approach helps to speed up recovery.

    Basic principles

    Inflammatory processes in the kidneys are accompanied by a violation of blood filtration. Protein gets into the urine, and a lot of toxins accumulate in the body, which appear in the process of life of the person himself and pathogenic microorganisms. The excretion of excess fluid is difficult, swelling of the extremities and face appears.

    To speed up the excretion of toxic substances by the kidneys, to normalize the passage of urine, you need to eat. It is important to limit the amount of table salt, to refuse fried, too fatty foods, hot spices and smoked meats, onions, garlic, spices.

    Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, sweet, carbonated, low-alcohol drinks are prohibited. Mineral water is also used with caution, given the acidity of urine. It is important to observe the drinking regimen. Drink at least 1 liter of pure water per day.

    With inflammation in the kidneys, patients adhere to the rules of fractional nutrition. Eat throughout the day allowed meals in small portions, 5-6 times at the same time.

    The contents of the plate are distributed in such a way that 1/3 are side dishes from various cereals, potatoes, pasta. Another 1/3 - fresh or stewed vegetables, fruits. The rest is boiled fish, dietary meat or dairy products.

    Diet table number 7

    Therapeutic nutrition for kidney disease in men and women restricts fats, simple carbohydrates and, especially, protein in the diet. You need to cook without adding edible salt. Its daily dose should not exceed 6 g.

    The energy value of diet number 7 with exacerbation of nephritis:

    • vegetable proteins - 30-35 g;
    • carbohydrates - no more than 450 g, of which 85 g is sugar;
    • animal proteins 30–35 g;
    • free liquid - 1–1.2 l;
    • total calorie content - 2500 kcal.

    Compliance with the rules of nutrition helps to relieve inflammation in the kidneys, get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Reducing the load on the affected organ can reduce peripheral edema, lower blood pressure, accelerate the excretion of salts, nitrogenous substances and normalize metabolic processes.

    What can you eat with kidney disease

    Doctors prescribe diet No. 7 after the acute symptoms of inflammation are removed (from the 4th week of remission). Medical nutrition is also necessary for the chronic form of nephritis without functional insufficiency.

    Allowed products:

    • vegetable soups without frying;
    • lean meat (turkey, rabbit, veal, chicken fillet, beef tongue);
    • fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cottage cheese and vegetable puddings, fresh butter without salt);
    • yesterday's bread from unsalted dough, pancakes and pancakes on whey, bread rolls;
    • River fish;
    • any vegetables, fresh herbs (except sorrel);
    • eggs without yolk, the maximum number is 2 pieces per day;
    • rosehip broth, herbal, green, weakly brewed black tea, a drink with chicory, freshly squeezed fruit, vegetable juices;
    • fruits, berries;
    • any cereals and pasta;
    • creamy ice cream, jam, jams, honey, caramel;
    • olive, sunflower oil.

    With pathologies of the kidneys, meat products and fish must be boiled, baked with vegetables or cooked in a double boiler with the addition of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, linseed). If eggs, dairy products are added to the daily menu, it is necessary to reduce the meat content.

    With an exacerbation of the pathology, acute pain in the kidneys, the diet should include a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits. It is useful to eat cucumbers, beets, lettuce, dried apricots, prunes, bananas, watermelon.

    What foods should be avoided

    A low-protein diet for kidney disease eliminates the use of irritating foods. They increase the acidity of urine, increase the inflammatory process, cause relapses of the disease in chronic pathology.

    Prohibited Products:

    • fatty, salted, smoked, pickled and canned fish, salted caviar;
    • fresh white bread, rich pastries;
    • rich broths made from meat, fish, legumes, mushrooms;
    • any sausages;
    • frozen meat semi-finished products;
    • hard cheeses with high fat content, cheese;
    • pickles, any marinades;
    • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, yogurt);
    • hot spices;
    • sorrel, radish, onion, garlic, spinach;
    • chocolate;
    • dishes from the fast food menu;
    • coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, spirits, cocoa, alkaline mineral water, kvass;
    • fatty meat (pork, lamb, duck, goose, lard, lard).

    With pain in the kidneys, liver during an exacerbation of the pathology, you can not eat fried foods, meat, smoked fish, add spices to food. Increase the load on the damaged organ sausages, sausages, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Doctors do not recommend cooking soups on meat, mushroom broths.

    How to make a menu for a week with nephritis

    A protein-free diet for kidney disease should be varied so that the body does not lack vitamins and minerals. A patient can eat no more than 0.55 g of protein per day. It is necessary to observe bed rest and limit physical activity as much as possible.

    A sample weekly menu and possible daily diet options for people with kidney disease can be easily compiled using our tips. Recipes must not contain animal fats. Kissel, compote must be prepared from natural fruits; store-bought semi-finished products cannot be used. Pancakes are baked with yeast without adding salt; dried apricots, nuts, cinnamon, vanilla can be added to the dough.

    With kidney disease, you need to eat in such a way that, leaving the table, you experience a slight feeling of hunger.


    • the first breakfast - an omelet from 1 egg in milk, tea;
    • lunch - baked apple;
    • lunch meal - buckwheat soup, steamed fish cake, unsweetened prunes compote;
    • afternoon snack - fruit jelly with pancakes;
    • dinner - rice pudding with carrots and green tea.

    Diet for Tuesday with kidney disease:

    • first breakfast - oatmeal in skim milk with dried fruits and nuts, coffee drink;
    • lunch - fresh fruits or berries without sugar;
    • lunch - vegetable stew, boiled chicken fillet, black tea;
    • afternoon snack - baked pear;
    • dinner - cranberry juice with biscuit cookies.

    If the kidneys are very sore, then it is better to completely refuse meat for a while. Doctors recommend replacing it with fresh vegetables, salads from them. It is useful to pay attention to recipes for fruit casseroles with cottage cheese, to cook cereals from whole grain cereals (millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, lentils).

    Menu for Wednesday:

    • first breakfast - buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil, a glass of warm milk;
    • lunch - pancakes with honey;
    • lunch - pasta with vegetables, steamed veal, fruit juice;
    • afternoon snack - yogurt with unsalted bun;
    • dinner: cottage cheese.

    Menu for Thursday with inflammation of the kidneys:

    • first breakfast - oatmeal with raisins, coffee drink;
    • lunch - bread with butter, green tea;
    • lunch - dietary borscht, fish baked with vegetables, compote;
    • afternoon snack - vegetable cutlet with bread, tea;
    • dinner - 200 ml of kefir.

    With an exacerbation of kidney disease, the appearance of edema, you need to stock up. Watermelons, apricots, pumpkin, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, fresh cucumbers are very useful.

    List of dishes for Friday:

    • first breakfast - boiled egg, a piece of boiled rabbit meat, black tea;
    • lunch - 100 g of fresh cherries or sweet cherries;
    • lunch - mashed potatoes with parsnips and butter, boiled shrimp, fruit jelly;
    • afternoon snack - fresh vegetable salad, jelly;
    • dinner - cottage cheese pudding.

    Menu for Saturday:

    • first breakfast - sweet millet porridge with added dried fruits or nuts, compote;
    • lunch - a bun and a glass of kefir;
    • lunch - buckwheat soup, steam cutlet, fruit drink;
    • afternoon snack - yogurt with biscuit cookies, juice;
    • dinner - green tea with bread.

    Sunday Ration:

    • first breakfast - egg white omelette, butter sandwich;
    • lunch - tofu cheese with tea;
    • diet recipes for vegetable casseroles with boiled turkey will help to cook dinner;
    • afternoon snack - a bun with strawberry jelly;
    • dinner - cottage cheese with honey and cinnamon.

    Therapeutic nutrition for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys allows you to restore the work of the damaged organ, normalize the water-salt balance, and eliminate swelling. Adhering to a strict diet with a minimum amount of protein is necessary in the acute stage of the disease. Later, more meat and dairy products are allowed to be introduced into the diet.



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