How to distinguish intercostal neuralgia from heart pain. Neuralgia in the region of the heart: symptoms and treatment

When a spasm occurs in the sternum panic state anyone can fall. Doctors say that with neuralgic manifestations, the working capacity of the heart is not disturbed, it continues to work as before and no changes occur. However, in a state of panic, his activity is also disrupted. In this regard, the non-specialist is faced with the question of how to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia, because this determines the method of treatment.

There are many vascular and cardiac pathologies that declare their manifestation as pain in the area chest. For some pathologies accurate diagnosis can be established only after passing the examination. However, with the manifestation of pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the heart, urgent medical care is required. In some cases, this factor saves the life of the patient.

There are many reasons why the heart hurts. These can be diseases such as myocardial infarction, rheumatic lesions or inflammation, as well as angina pectoris. Heart pain with sudden onset various diseases may manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, it is felt in the entire chest, in others - in a rather small area. At the same time, it can be stabbing or pressing, aching or pulling.

By origin, such pains are divided into two groups:

  1. Angio pain. They occur with ischemic disease, angina pectoris. Their appearance is possible with an increase in load or manifestation emotional stress. Attacks occur during stress or when walking. At rest, the pain lets go. Quickly removed with nitroglycerin. Manifested in the form of burning, pressing or squeezing sensations. Often given under the shoulder blade, in left shoulder sometimes in the lower jaw. Often accompanied by shortness of breath.
  2. Cardialgia. They occur with rheumatism of the heart, inflammation of the outer heart membrane (pericarditis), myocarditis. The pains arising from the left side of the sternum are long-lasting, wearing aching or stabbing in nature. May be exacerbated by coughing or deep breathing. Nitroglycerin does not relieve them, but they can weaken when taking painkillers.

The nuances that appear in heart disease are as follows:

  1. Angina. The nature of the heart pain in the left side of the chest can be both pressing and cutting. Dull sensations may be felt in the left arm, between the shoulder blades, or in the neck. When you change the position of the body, the nature of the pain remains the same, but may intensify due to any load or changes ambient temperature. The attack can be short-lived or last up to twenty minutes. Perhaps its repetition after a short calm.
  2. Heart attack. On acute infarction myocardium indicates a strong burning and tearing, pressing and squeezing pain, which manifests itself in the left side of the chest. May respond to spinal column. Such intensity is possible that a person loses consciousness. There is pressure in the chest, which makes it impossible to lie down. This is one of the symptoms dangerous pathology. At the same time, such pain is not relieved by Nitroglycerin and does not change in strength during movement, but additionally causes a pinching sensation.
  3. Hypertension. When the pressure rises, the head hurts, it feels like the heart is constricting and at the same time aching. When an attack occurs, the face turns red, various dots appear before the eyes. There comes a breakdown, the gait becomes very uncertain.

How does neuralgia manifest itself?

The concept of neuralgia is defined as the spread of pain along the course of a nerve. With the development intercostal neuralgia such unpleasant manifestations are felt in the area between the ribs, in the places where the nerve endings pass. Such cardiovascular diseases, as a heart attack and angina pectoris, are also accompanied by pain manifestations in the same area. Therefore, it is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish whether it is pain in the heart or neuralgia.

infringement spinal root that happened in thoracic region, may be triggered by sudden movement or coughing. Often such a violation occurs when lifting weights. It manifests itself as a pronounced shooting and burning pain. The sensation intensifies when turning the torso, taking a deep breath.

Neuralgic pain syndrome accompanied by painful manifestations that can move from a point in the chest to the spinal column, and sometimes to the shoulder blade. At the same time, the patient himself is not always able to accurately indicate the location of the localization. Sometimes pains are reflected. In these cases, it is difficult to determine the source of discomfort.

In addition to pain when squeezing the intercostal nerve endings, unexpected, but even more unpleasant symptoms may appear. There may be distinctly perceptible muscle contractions, accompanied by twitching. At the same time, intense sweating begins, the skin changes its color, becoming red or becoming painfully pale. The skin in the area of ​​pinched or damaged nerve endings begins to burn and tingle, its sensitivity is lost, this area becomes numb.

Often, with intercostal neuralgia, a person has to stay in a special antalgic position. The patient assumes a position bent towards the healthy part of the body, trying not to change it. Wherein intercostal spaces stretch, which reduces pressure on irritated nerve endings. The pain is removed. Because of the fear of the appearance of new unpleasant sensations, the patient maintains this position for a long time.

Other problems that cause pain in the heart area

In some cases, the heart hurts due to diseases that have nothing to do with this organ:

  1. Aortic aneurysm. A bursting pain is felt at the top of the chest. It intensifies when moving. With the progression of the pathology, the sensation increases, the pain becomes sharply bursting. Possible loss of consciousness.
  2. Acute blockage of the pulmonary artery. The pain is similar to that felt with angina pectoris, but does not radiate to other parts of the body. The heart beats very often, the lips turn blue, the pressure drops sharply.
  3. Thoracic sciatica. Wherein pain change with torso rotations, chest movements during inhalation or exhalation. The intensity of their manifestation is not affected by the intake of such generally accepted cardiac drugs as Validol, Nitroglycerin and others.
  4. Osteocondritis of the spine. At the time of pinched nerves, it can hurt completely different parts body. It depends on which ending was squeezed. Difficulty breathing and coughing are possible.
  5. Inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy or bronchitis. Due to improper opening of the lungs and the movement of the ribs, pain in the chest is possible. Breathing becomes difficult, coughing, severe weakness is felt.
  6. Diseases of the stomach and pancreas. With swelling of the intestines, pressure can be exerted on all organs, including the heart. Also discomfort may be associated with admission a certain kind food, starvation.

First aid

How to eliminate pain directly depends on the cause of their occurrence. If the “culprit” is the heart, then such sensations can be removed by taking Nitroglycerin, Validol. In this case, the tablet of the first drug is dissolved, and the second is placed under the tongue. The patient must be seated or laid in a “reclining” position. To do this, pillows are placed under the back. A person needs air, so you need to unfasten the collar, loosen the fasteners or belt. After performing these procedures, a call to the medical team is required.

And yet how to distinguish these pains

Neuralgia is pain that flows along the injured nerve. These sensations spread between the ribs, where these endings are located. At the same time, one feels prolonged pain, occurring equally often, both during the day and at night. They are aggravated by coughing, trying deep breath or when moving around the room. Medicines that help with heart disease have no effect. The performance of the body does not change.

Pain caused by cardiovascular diseases is short-term, periodic. In this case, most often last no more than 10 minutes. They are stopped by Nitroglycerin or Validol. Taking a deep breath or changing position does not increase pain manifestations. There is also a violation of cardiac activity.

It must be remembered. If you experience pain in the chest area, you need to pay attention to such a fact as the presence of risk factors for the development of heart disease. Pain may be atypical for angina, but the following factors are present:

  • the patient is already 45 years old;
  • one of the direct relatives suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  • the patient smokes;
  • there is a constant high blood pressure;
  • tests indicated high blood sugar.

If these factors are present, then any pain in the sternum must be treated as potential danger. No need to guess what it could be. Need to provide urgent help and then call the medical team.

Every day at the appointment with a cardiologist there are 1-2 people who are overly worried about their health. Heart disease is now getting younger and can appear by the age of 30. How to distinguish heart pain from neuralgia and what to do to avoid cardiac diseases, - in an interview with a cardiologist of the highest qualification category medical center"The New Doctor" by Valentina Sheina.

Valentina Sheina
cardiologist of the highest qualification category of the medical center "New Lekar"

Heart disease against the background of neuralgia is typical for women

Understand psychosomatics and real illness only a specialist can, and even then it is not easy. Often additional testing is required. Nothing prevents people with an unstable psyche from having a serious health pathology. This problem is more typical for women, because they are by nature more emotional.

Sometimes serious illness occurs in the background emotional coloring. Sometimes - a simple emotional disorder develops, which manifests itself in the form of pain in the heart (non-dangerous).

Patients come with severe pain in the heart. At emotional people they can disguise themselves.

It is important, according to the doctor, to distinguish between dangerous and non-dangerous pain. The first includes discomfort in the chest pressing and burning character, paroxysmal pain that are provoked by physical activity. If the pain becomes intense and does not go away, you should immediately call ambulance. Such pain may radiate to the shoulder, arm or jaw.

With intercostal neuralgia, the pain is long-lasting, aching, aggravated by changing the position of the body or inhaling.

The doctor says that you need to pay attention not only to the nature of the pain, but also to risk factors: age, genetics, presence bad habits.

If close relatives have high blood pressure, had heart attacks or strokes, this is an occasion to think about your health. If necessary, you should consult a doctor. Usually inherited location to arterial hypertension and cholesterol metabolism.

If a person is not worried about anything, he controlled the pressure and everything is normal, it is not necessary to go to the doctor.

According to the cardiologist, any dangerous and non-dangerous pain must be identified. Today, unfortunately, there are not only classic cases but also atypical.

I always tell patients that there are no eternal "suits". Everything wears out. Our task is to keep ourselves in shape so that the body serves longer. You need to take care of yourself, especially after 30 years. It used to be said that attention should be paid to health after 40 years for men, and after 45 for women. Now diseases are getting younger. We see heart attacks in people at 32 - and it's sad.

Why diseases are getting younger

According to the doctor, on early development Cardiological diseases are affected not only by heredity and the presence of bad habits, but also by the pace of life.

A large amount of information that passes through each of us, of course, affects our well-being. Not everyone is able to "digest" emotional stress. This is why I often recommend that patients set themselves lifting goals. After all, if a person does not have time for something, he accumulates discomfort and a negative assessment of life. Everyone needs emotional release.

According to the doctor, it is not bad for this to have a sense of humor. A simple 40-minute walk on foot also helps to get rid of overvoltage. The pace is not important, the main thing here is the mileage. It is better to walk away from highways.

It also does not hurt to cultivate positive thoughts, smile even to yourself and praise yourself for the little things.

- How often do patients come who are too concerned about their health?

There are few such people - 1-2 people, but they come almost daily. Most often, adults under 40 years of age, mostly women, are too worried about their health.

The doctor says that he does not conduct an appointment psychological help, but after the diagnosis, he tells patients that they have nothing dangerous. It also gives advice on how to take care of yourself.

There are some of the most common heart diseases that arise due to psychosamatics. This vegetative dystonia and myocardial dystrophy. The first disease is based on dysfunction nervous system. It is often colored excessive sweating and heartbeat.

The second, according to the doctor, develops against the background of pathologies. endocrine system. It can occur during premenopause and menopause in women.

We are living people. All emotions in one way or another are reflected in our psychosomatics. No wonder women are always looking for emotionally stable life partners. All in order to break unnecessary emotions on the rock of calmness and reliability of a man.

The doctor is sure that the more emotional stress in life, dissatisfaction with work or family life the more it affects psychosomatics. As a result, it turns into a disease. Do not leave problems unattended, consult a doctor. It is also not recommended to think out the disease yourself - you can make a mistake.

The desire to take everything to heart depends more on the type of personality, and not on age. For the most impressionable, I recommend “turning on your head”, and not living with emotions. It is important to think and analyze, to look for a way out of the current difficult situation And don't forget to enjoy life.

The question of how to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia is not easy, because the clinical picture of neuralgia is similar to the symptoms of heart disease. If there are pains in the heart area, you should not panic, but you need to pay attention to their nature. The doctor should identify the cause of discomfort: this will allow you to choose the right treatment tactics. If pain in the sternum occurs constantly, you need to contact a cardiologist as soon as possible.

With this pathology, pain occurs, resembling seizures. They are manifested by tingling, burning, numbness of parts of the body. Unpleasant sensations can be localized in the region of the heart and back, as well as under the ribs and shoulder blades. There are many causes of neuralgia. The disease can occur against the background of diseases associated with the nervous system. In some people, it develops due to infectious diseases. Reduced immunity can also lead to neuralgia.

With neuralgia, a person is disturbed by prolonged pain. As a rule, they appear in the evening and do not subside until the morning. If a person turns sharply, the discomfort intensifies. The symptom also increases with walking, deep inhalation and exhalation. Some people have coughing fits. It is important to know how to distinguish heart pain from neuralgia. The thing is, they are not temporary. If we talk about pain in the heart, it is worth noting that they pass quickly: you need to take Nitroglycerin or Validol. After a few minutes, the person will feel relief.

If cardiac pathology develops, the pain does not increase with inhalation and exhalation. Pain disorders lead to increased blood pressure. You need to know how to distinguish neuralgia from pain in the heart: you need to measure the pressure. Pain caused by cardiovascular pathology disrupts the pulse. In particular, the pressure is rising. These differences are key, but to identify specific pathology diagnostics is required. It is worth contacting a therapist and a cardiologist. Doctors will prescribe CT, ultrasound internal organs. It is important to determine the state of the spine: an MRI is prescribed for these purposes.

How to differentiate neuralgia and heart pain

Unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart can be given to the back, shoulders. When taking medicines intended for the heart, the symptom may "hold on": in this case, neuralgia (or other pathology) is suggested. If such a symptom appears frequently, you need to call an ambulance. Doctors will find out its pathogenesis. To eliminate discomfort, medications are prescribed, depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor may recommend massage. In some pathologies, physiotherapy and rubbing are effective. If necessary, the cardiologist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs (administered intramuscularly).

Let's understand the concepts of "Heartache" and "Neuralgia". With neuralgia, paroxysmal pains occur, as a rule, they give to the back and under the shoulder blade. Some people have "pricks" in the back. If we talk about the duration of the symptom, with neuralgia it does not go away within 10-20 minutes. Discomfort may be due to congenital pathologies, in women - due to hormonal failure.

Neuralgia can occur against the background cardiovascular disease, endocrine disease - diabetes.

Basically, the disease is diagnosed in adults. It rarely develops in children. Neuralgic pain does not go away after taking Validol, Nitroglycerin. It is worth noting that it does not violate the heart rate. When identifying the nature of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to take into account their duration. Pain in cardiovascular pathologies lasts for several minutes. It often occurs due to physical or mental overstrain. Pain cardiovascular pathology may go away if the person stops exercising.

"Nitroglycerin" is good for this symptom. If the attack is associated with intercostal neuralgia, discomfort is not so easy to overcome. The pain in the heart is mainly pressing, with neuralgia it is stabbing and is aggravated by movement. Neuralgia can occur against the background of osteochondrosis of the cervical region, respectively, discomfort can be localized in different places. If a person has identified unpleasant symptom, it is worth taking Validol. If the medicine did not work, it can be assumed that the pain is associated with neuralgia: in this case, Ibuprofen is taken. An anesthetic ointment should be applied to the affected area. To ensure the prevention of seizures, you need to do a light massage.

Clinical picture of neuralgia

Consider the symptoms of the disease. Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by the appearance of neuropathic pain. For some people, neuralgia is associated with mental disorders. Unpleasant sensations in the ribs appear due to the fact that the nerves are compressed, in addition to this, they are irritated. Seizures occur constantly, but in some people they are episodic. Intercostal neuralgia - serious pathology She needs proper treatment. If you feel the skin under the ribs, an attack may occur. Some people experience pain when feeling the spine. This symptom leads to respiratory failure. With intercostal neuralgia, the muscles contract strongly, possibly “twitching” of the limbs. This pathology leads to profuse sweating. The skin can become very pale, redden.

Neuralgia manifests itself:

  • tingling;
  • burning of the dermis;
  • loss of cell sensitivity.

During attacks, a person tries to take a forced position that helps to dull the pain. As a rule, he manages to find such a position: some nerve endings experience less pressure and irritation. Pain in cardiac pathologies is stable, it does not increase with physical exertion. With angina pectoris, a dull, burning pain is manifested - " angina pectoris". Unpleasant sensations with neuralgia appear pointwise. Heartache is inherent in spillage.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia

The therapy is carried out in two stages. First, the doctor prescribes medications that can help relieve pain. Then funds are prescribed to treat the disease that provoked the nerve injury. If intercostal neuralgia is just developing, the person should be in bed: it is advisable not to lie on a soft, but on a hard mattress. To eliminate the pain syndrome, painkillers are taken, they are prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication for intercostal neuralgia is prohibited. The patient receives funds from NSAID groups. With the help of such drugs, it is possible to suppress discomfort in the heart area, to ensure the prevention of inflammation.

Muscle relaxants allow you to get rid of muscle spasms. Anti-anxiety medication relieves stress. Depending on the nature of the pathology, the doctor prescribes B vitamins that restore damaged nerve structures. To get rid of seizures, you can apply dry heat. After the elimination of unpleasant sensations, it is required to undergo an examination, during which the etiology of the disease will be revealed. As we have already noted, neuralgia can occur against the background different pathologies. If it has developed due to a disease of the spine, appropriate therapy should be carried out.

To restore the spine is carried out massotherapy. The doctor prescribes manual treatment, specialized gymnastics. A good effect can be achieved by applying physiotherapy procedures. Acupuncture helps. Laser techniques are used to treat spinal pathology. So that the disease does not pass into chronic form, you need to limit physical, psycho-emotional stress.

It is important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Recommended bed rest. With inefficiency conservative treatment a surgical procedure is scheduled.

Therapy for heart pain

Heart pain occurs when:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent smoking;

In order to avoid heart pathologies, you need to eat right, rest, get enough sleep, in general, keep healthy lifestyle life. If "Nitroglycerin" is ineffective for heart pain, you need to perform a heart massage lasting from 5 minutes. At first, the massage should be weak, then more intense. If stabbing sensations arose against the background of angina pectoris, you need to take "Nitroglycerin". The medicine is able to dilate blood vessels, it has an effect 3-5 minutes after taking.

"Nitroglycerin" can give with side effects expressing headaches. If angina attacks occur frequently, Morphine is used for treatment. The medicine, along with other substances, is poured slowly. There is an opinion that heart pains can be eliminated with the help of mustard plasters. They have a warming effect and contribute to the expansion of the veins, but for angina pectoris and other ailments, mustard plasters are used with caution and only with the permission of a doctor.

Patients quite often seek medical help with complaints of chest pain. These symptoms are common to many diseases, but they are most likely caused by heart problems or neuralgia. How to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia? To find out, first you need to understand: what is neuralgia and what areas of the body are prone to this disease. It should be determined which symptoms relate to heart disease and which to neuralgia, and what are the main differences between these two types of diseases.

Distinctive signs of intercostal neuralgia and heart disease

It is almost impossible to determine the symptoms, to treat neuralgia in the region of the heart without consulting a doctor and examining it.

If we consider in more detail all the signs, we can understand in which cases it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist.

Distinctive features of pain in neuralgia

Neuralgic pain can occur after unusual activity, trauma, shingles, uncomfortable position during sleep, hypothermia, or a deficiency of B vitamins. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain begins gradually;
  • may have a sharp or stabbing onset;
  • when a skin area is irritated or palpated, a sharp pain reaction occurs;
  • covers a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest;
  • spreads along the rib along the path of the nerve.

Distinctive features of pain in heart disease

  • start after physical activity or emotional stress;
  • appear gradually and intensify;
  • dull, aching or pressing pain;
  • cover the middle of the chest and the area behind the sternum;
  • attacks are generally stopped by nitroglycerin;
  • often spreads up and down from the source;
  • shortness of breath is observed, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness;
  • when irritated by touch skin and the muscles feel sore.

General information about pain in the heart and neuralgia

Pain in the pericardial region of the chest is often the cause of a serious illness and should serve as a signal for an urgent visit to the doctor. They can be a manifestation of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, thromboembolism pulmonary artery and other dangerous diseases or be a simple sign neuralgia.

Heart pain sometimes masks other health problems that are not related to neuralgia. These diseases include osteochondrosis, neurosis, lung disease, gastritis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcer, vegetative dystonia.

Neuralgia strikes peripheral nerves, this can be judged on the basis of severe pain in any particular part of the body. Painful symptoms in the thoracic region with neuralgia are caused by pinching or damage to the nerves.

Symptoms of heart disease

How to understand what torments you: pain in the heart or neuralgia? It all depends on the symptoms.

Symptomatic pain in angina pectoris is mainly squeezing. The patient finds it difficult to determine its exact localization. In some cases, patients also complain about pain on the left side of the top locomotive apparatus. The duration of the attack ranges from 20 minutes. The strength and manifestation of pain does not depend on movements. Usually begins after physical exertion, emotional experiences, with a sharp change in temperature. Often leads to shortness of breath, a feeling of near death, lack of air. Nitroglycerin suppresses the attack very quickly.

With myocardial infarction, the patient feels a strong pressure, sometimes burning pain on the left side of the chest. There is also a fear of death, a feeling of heaviness, as if there is a stone on the heart. The duration of the attack ranges from 15 minutes and can drag on for a couple of hours. At the same time, taking nitroglycerin does not affect the level of pain.

Myocarditis is characterized by aching or stabbing pains that also affect left side shoulder and neck. Arises oppressive feeling in the region of the heart or slightly to the left. The pain continues long time, with physical exertion, there may be a deterioration in the condition. Nitroglycerin does not suppress pain. Patients suffer from shortness of breath, there may be signs of suffocation, swelling or pain in the joints.

With pericarditis, the nature of the pain is moderate, they are constant and dull, and an increase in body temperature is also possible. The pain arises and is concentrated in the chest, a little above the heart. In some cases, it expands to the shoulder blade or towards the abdomen. Gets worse when you cough or take a deep breath.

The type of pain in diseases of the aorta is slightly different. It is most often localized in the upper chest. It differs from others in its exact location, does not diverge into other parts of the body. Attacks are usually triggered by physical activity. With a dissecting aortic aneurysm, the nature of the pain becomes arching, which can lead to loss of consciousness. Nitroglycerin does not suppress symptoms.

Pulmonary embolism is characterized by severe chest pain. Unlike angina pectoris, pain does not spread to other parts of the body, as with aortic disease. However, the pain is aggravated by deep breathing. The patient has a rapid heartbeat and increased shortness of breath, blanching or cyanosis of the skin. In case of thromboembolism and diseases of the aorta, it is urgent to contact an ambulance for hospitalization of the patient.


To determine the source of the pain syndrome, doctors interview and examine the patient. Then, based on the clinical picture, laboratory and instrumental examinations are prescribed. Usually held:

  • General analysis of blood and urine, as well as blood biochemistry, which will help to immediately detect violations in the body and provide detailed information about the work of the heart.
  • ECG (electrocardiography) is prescribed for suspected ischemic disease heart and heart attack. At rest, the study during ischemia may not reveal abnormalities, it will be necessary to conduct an ECG simultaneously with exercise.

  • Coronary angiography is a study using contrast agent, which determines the patency of blood vessels. By its distribution, you can find the places and degree of pathological narrowing blood vessels main artery hearts. When problems are found, urgent surgery is usually required.
  • Echocardiography is ultrasound, which is carried out with suspected heart disease. With the help of ultrasound, you can see the work of the heart valve. Thanks to this method, heart defects and inflammatory processes are detected.
  • Spinal tomography is prescribed if chest pain can be associated with its diseases. Also performed for suspected hernia in vertebral department or tumors of the soft tissues and spine.
    Determination of antibodies to herpes viruses - if postherpetic neuralgia is suspected.

Important! You can not engage in treatment on your own and take drugs without the knowledge of a doctor. Instead, it's better to preventive action in the form of consumption healthy food and implementation exercise.

My sister has pain in the region of the heart, the pain is aching, it spreads a little to the arm. There were several stresses in a row, yesterday I just buried my father-in-law, I was very scared - they saved him themselves - the ambulance did not arrive very soon. This morning again, stress and fear, her nerves are at the limit, they called an ambulance yesterday, they gave a lot of diazepam. And now, due to another stress, the pressure jumped, after taking Valocardin, the pressure returned to almost normal, but the pain remained. She says that the pain is not strong, aching, but she is scared. Cadiogram and ultrasound of the heart six months ago were normal. Maybe it's neuralgia. How can I recognize it?.. My sister has pain in the heart area, aching pain, spreads a little to her arm. There were several stresses in a row, yesterday I just buried my father-in-law, I was very scared - they saved him themselves - the ambulance did not arrive very soon. This morning again, stress and fear, her nerves are at the limit, they called an ambulance yesterday, they gave a lot of diazepam. And now, due to another stress, the pressure jumped, after taking Valocardin, the pressure returned to almost normal, but the pain remained. She says that the pain is not strong, aching, but she is scared. Cadiogram and ultrasound of the heart six months ago were normal. Maybe it's neuralgia. How can I recognize it?... My sister has pain in the heart area, aching pain, spreads a little to her arm.

I had several stresses in a row, yesterday I just buried my father-in-law, I was very scared - they saved him themselves - the ambulance did not arrive very soon. This morning again, stress and fear, her nerves are at the limit, they called an ambulance yesterday, they gave a lot of diazepam. And now, due to another stress, the pressure jumped, after taking Valocardin, the pressure returned to almost normal, but the pain remained. She says that the pain is not strong, aching, but she is scared. Cadiogram and ultrasound of the heart six months ago were normal. Maybe it's neuralgia. How can I recognize it?.. My sister has pain in the heart area, aching pain, spreads a little to her arm. There were several stresses in a row, yesterday I just buried my father-in-law, I was very scared - they saved him themselves - the ambulance did not arrive very soon. This morning again, stress and fear, her nerves are at the limit, they called an ambulance yesterday, they gave a lot of diazepam. And now, due to another stress, the pressure jumped, after taking Valocardin, the pressure returned to almost normal, but the pain remained. She says that the pain is not strong, aching, but she is scared. Cadiogram and ultrasound of the heart six months ago were normal. Maybe it's neuralgia How to recognize?

Manifestations of pain caused by heart disease

There are many pathologies of the heart or blood vessels, and most of them notify themselves directly with chest pains.

Therefore, it is important to know the nuances of heart pain. different origin:

  • With angina. These spasms are disturbing just exactly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the heart. But when asked to indicate exactly where, the person speaks of sensations spreading throughout the chest. The nature of the pain may be different: pressing, cutting. The sensations are rather dull, they respond in other parts of the body: the left arm, neck, the area between the shoulder blades. Their character remains the same in a different position of the body, although pain can flare up from muscle effort, a sharp decrease and increase in ambient temperature. Together with her, the fear of dying, the feeling of lack of air haunt. This lasts from a few seconds to 20 minutes, the attack is able to return more than once in a short period.
  • With a heart attack. This dangerous state shows himself sharp, severe pain, responding in the spinal column and the left part of the chest. Its intensity can cause loss of consciousness, and always provokes pallor of the skin, sweat. A feeling of a weight rises in the chest, preventing the patient from lying down. Any activity increases the stinging pain, along with which breathing quickens and the fear of death appears.
  • With myocarditis and pericarditis. This inflammatory diseases hearts, in which the pain is moderate, pulling. Myocarditis signals about itself with sensations of digging needles, pericarditis - monotonous. They spill at the first pathology from the left side of the body: above the heart, under the scapula, in the upper segment of the abdomen. With pericarditis, the apex of the heart hurts, but the sensation in right limb. This pain provokes shortness of breath, increases when you try to lie down, cough, inhale with your whole chest. Often, both pathologies are supplemented by an increase in temperature, a periodic increase or slowdown in the pulse.

  • With aortic aneurysm."Lomit" upper section chest, if you do not help, it can last for several days. are growing painful symptoms as a result of the movement of the body and with the development of the problem. When the pathology progresses, the sensation becomes sharp, bursting, capable of causing loss of consciousness.
  • With pulmonary embolism. The pain is similar to that which worries with angina pectoris, but only bothers in the region of the heart, without giving it to other parts of the body. The number of organ contractions increases, which creates conditions for shortness of breath. The skin and lips turn blue, blood pressure drops sharply.
  • With hypertension. Compressive, stabbing, aching spasms in the heart, due to the rise in blood pressure, are combined with the same sensation in the head. The patient's face turns red during the attack, goosebumps flash before his eyes, his gait becomes uncertain. The patient is afraid of a breakdown, a desire to lie down.

Manifestations of neuralgia

Neuralgia changes to worst condition nerves. Therefore, it is capable of flaring up wherever they pass, that is, in almost every area of ​​​​the body. The nerves located in the region of the ribs are often affected. It is precisely this kind of pain in the heart that neuralgia provokes. A non-specialist may decide that they are associated with this body. But neuralgia has its own symptoms, different from heart problems:

  • The pain is always strong, increasing from movement, coughing, inhalation-exhalation. It can intensify without an obvious reason.
  • The types of spastic sensations are varied (from burning to stabbing), they can disturb continuously or frequent attacks. All this torments for a long time: from several hours to days.
  • The sensation of pain can be traced along the course of the nerves. Touching the intercostal region increases them to unbearable in every area. Soreness can be felt in the arm, give to the middle of the back, cervical region, chest, that is, to give the impression of heart malaise.
  • The skin in the area of ​​the affected nerve loses all or part of its sensitivity. A tingling sensation may appear on the surface.
  • Pain leads to the fact that the patient's skin turns pale, sweat comes out, muscle cramps can be observed. The latter is either felt and noticed during observation, or is detected only by the patient. The symptom appears due to insufficient blood supply to this part of the body, irritation of nerve fibers.
  • The segment of the body in the area of ​​the affected nerve freezes, as the temperature of the skin drops.
  • Sometimes the soreness caused by squeezing the roots is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

So how to determine pain in the heart or neuralgia are disturbing similar to cardiac symptoms? If you systematize the differences, they will look like this:

  • Heart pain lasts a shorter time than neuralgic pain. It does not increase during palpation in the area of ​​​​its distribution.
  • The nerves do not cease to suffer after taking cardiac drugs, but subside slightly from the use of sedative drugs.
  • A diseased heart can change its rhythm, cause breathing problems, and change blood pressure. With neuralgia, there is no shortness of breath, and tachycardia has psychological reasons, so it quickly stops.
  • Movement and rest do not affect the existence and strength of spasms in the heart. Neuralgic syndrome physical activity urges, so that the patient is difficult, and sometimes impossible to change the position of the body.

Other problems masquerading as heart disease

In addition to neuralgia, the heart can hurt with the following issues with health:

Disease Manifestations
Osteochondrosis A disease of the spine affects the nerves stretching in the affected area, which excites pains similar to those of the heart. They also respond to different departments body, may be supplemented by shortness of breath, cough.
Neurosis Psychological stress, dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating join the pain in the heart.
lung disease Pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia cause chest pain in the heart area, cough, breathing problems, weakness. Their reason is the opening-compression of the lungs, the movement of the ribs.
Gastritis, stomach ulcer Spastic sensations are spurred on by eating, the position of the body after it. When the patient lies down, the syndrome manifests itself brighter.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia The attack leads to stabbing spasms in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, panic and frequent exaggeration of the strength of sensations.

But still, neuralgia causes pain in the region of the heart more often than other ailments. Because she has more reasons to appear. Among them are:

  • infectious agents,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • endocrine pathology,
  • bad habits.

Early help for cardialgia of various origins

Methods for eliminating pain depend on its causes. If it is a heart problem, it is removed with a Nitroglycerin or Validol tablet. The first of them is absorbed, not swallowed. The patient should be seated or allowed to lie down with high pillows placed under the back. It is important to provide a person with access to air by loosening the fasteners on clothing (collar, belt, etc.) that bind the chest. But after eliminating the most difficult sensations, he needs a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and continue treatment.

If the pain is due to nerve damage, the first thing to do is to place the person on a hard surface, ensuring peace. He should receive painkillers such as Analgin or Ibuprofen. Further treatment, even if the spasm has passed, a specialist will prescribe.

Most cardiac problems, like neuralgia, are successfully treated. But it is important at the beginning of the attack to try to determine the cause of the pain, so as not to make the patient suffer until the doctor arrives.

Often sweet night sleep or getting up in the morning is clouded by sudden pain in the chest. Does this heart hurt or some other ailment makes itself felt? Immediately identify exact reason impossible, but apply for medical care is rational.

Every day, the cause of pain in the heart area makes hundreds of people go to the ambulance. However, in most cases, the source of pain is not the heart at all, and this can be recognized by a number of signs.

It is not always possible to accurately describe the pain to the doctor. It may feel like swipe, slight burning or squeezing. Usually, heart pains are confused with neuralgic diseases, but if you correctly define and “decipher” the symptoms, you can understand the essence of anxiety.

"Heart" reasons

Chest pain can occur against a background of a number of heart diseases. So, myocardial infarction, in which a blood clot blocks blood circulation in the arteries of the heart, leads to pressing, squeezing pains lasting several minutes. They can also go to the neck, back, shoulders, arms, mandible. Often myocardial infarction is accompanied by nausea, shortness of breath, sudden cold sweating.

Another cause of pain in the chest can be angina pectoris. This disease is characterized by the formation of fatty plaques in the heart arteries, which limits the flow of required amount blood to the heart muscle. In this case, pain is manifested in the form of compression or squeezing in the chest area, and lasts about a minute. Angina pectoris usually makes itself felt after stress or physical exertion.

Also, heart pain can be associated with inflammation of the heart shirt. At the same time, they are sharp, piercing in nature. There may be general malaise and fever. With an aortic dissection, chest pains come on suddenly, and it feels like something is being cut inside.

If pain in the chest area does not disappear after a change in position or a deep breath (exhalation), and at the same time is accompanied by a violation of the rhythm of the pulse and a sharp change in blood pressure, then their cause is to a large extent The likelihood lies precisely in heart disease. As a rule, a nitroglycerin tablet helps in such situations.

Neuralgic causes

Along with heart problems common cause chest pains are neuralgic diseases. Unpleasant sensations appear in this case due to the infringement of the intercostal nerves during the deformation of the intercostal spaces. Deformities can be caused by early blows to the chest area, spinal curvature, strong and constant tension of the internal and external muscles of the chest, herniated discs.

As a rule, with neuralgia, the pain intensifies if you take a deep breath or exhale, as well as when changing the position of the body. Intercostal neuralgia is usually experienced by older and older people. It almost never occurs in children. It should be noted that MN is syndromic in nature. The fact is that pain in the chest, which is attributed to neuralgia, is also caused by other diseases of the spine in the thoracic region.

Although the symptoms of neuralgia and heart disease are similar, they can be distinguished by a specific manifestation. Pain in intercostal neuralgia can be described as aching, burning, sharp or dull along the nerve. They appear in the form sudden attack or periodically. When coughing, sneezing, or taking a deep breath, the pain can intensify and lead to burning, numbness in the chest, and stabbing sensations. Since the structure of the intercostal nerve is a branching, it can stab not only in the region of the heart, but also in other places. Attacks of neuralgia may be accompanied by muscle twitching, increased sweating, sleep disturbances, redness of the skin.

IN frequent cases pain in the heart, the cause of which lies in neuralgic diseases, may not recede for several days. They gradually increase, and with sudden movements, they are extremely painful at all.

In any case, no matter what the cause of pain in the chest area is, it must be eliminated.

Diagnosis of pain in the heart

The presence of heart disease can be determined by the doctor after a series of procedures, including cardiograms. Although it is not always possible to cure them, it is possible to slow down the development and reduce the frequency of pain. The main method of treatment for heart disease is to take medication while observing a special daily regimen and diet.

With intercostal neuralgia, it is also necessary to take a set of measures to eliminate it. You should start with controlling your posture, performing special physical exercises, and limiting weight lifting. It is important to prevent drafts and hypothermia. With neuralgia, a special diet is also prescribed with the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins and micro and macro elements.

During the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, the patient is advised to stay in bed, and at the first sign of pain, it can be dulled by applying a warm, dry towel to the chest or dressing with a woolen scarf. Also, with pain, rubbing with an ointment with an analgesic effect helps. IN last resort you can use analgesics, but they should not be abused.

If the cause of pain in the region of the heart is identified correctly, then to achieve best effect it is better to approach treatment in a complex way: drug treatment should be supplemented with physiotherapy and other methods. It is important to prevent the development of diseases, as they can lead to serious consequences, and in some cases go into a chronic form that is not amenable to treatment.

Read more: how long after giving birth to go to the therapist

Chest hurts, is it a heart or intercostal neuralgia video Symptoms of heart failure What is a heart echo

People quite often turn to clinics with complaints of pain in the region of the heart. However, does the heart always hurt with such complaints?

If you are afraid for the state of your health, you must learn to distinguish pain in the region of the heart from neuralgia.

Then the first bell of a heart attack will not take you by surprise. Yes, and go in search of unnecessary medicines won't have to.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

If the cause is in cardiovascular pathologies

The initial symptoms of heart pain will be:

  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • strong pressure on the chest.

If these nuances are palpable, then you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Common diseases that respond to the listed symptoms are called:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • inflammation of the heart shirt;
  • angina.

Myocardial infarction is accompanied by blockage of the arteries, which prevents the penetration of blood to the heart muscle. As a result, a pressing pain syndrome of a sharp nature is felt, however, it does not last long.

It is difficult to determine the exact location of these uncomfortable sensations. They spread throughout the body, reaching cervical region, lumbar, esophagus, chest.

When myocardial infarction occurs:

  • cold sweat;
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

If the arteries are blocked by fatty crusts, this is a sure sign of angina pectoris. The access of blood to the heart muscle is limited in full.

Angina can occur when a person steps over allowable rate physical stress on the body or experienced a strong emotional stress. Feelings of pain, surging sharply, are removed with a nitroglycerin tablet. However, going to the doctor does not change this.

There will be no mistake in assuming a disease if you feel a pronounced pain in the chest area, pain resembling a cut through a living tissue. To remove this symptom on your own will not work. You need to call a doctor immediately.

In any case, whatever appears, heartache or neuralgia, calm down and accept horizontal position. It would be good if someone was nearby at that moment, since it is desirable to measure the pressure and pulse immediately.

If the readings are not normal, use a nitroglycerin tablet. Without waiting for its positive impact in twenty minutes, call the doctor.


A cardiologist is engaged in the diagnosis of the cardiovascular apparatus. He spends thorough examination patient, laboratory tests.

Guarantee complete cure no one can. However, the cardiologist will remove the symptoms of the disease, block the further spread of the disease.

The disease is being treated drug route. It is important during this period to follow a diet and diet, to completely abandon bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

First aid

When signs of neuralgia occur, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the human body. It should not be done with drugs.

It is enough to cover the person with a warm blanket. You can also place mustard plasters between the ribs for a warming effect.

If the pain syndrome grows, it is necessary to use analgesics: spazgan, analgin, and other tablets of this purpose that are at hand.

When pain is caused by neurological diseases

Neuralgia appears in humans old age. It is expressed in severe pain discomfort in the intercostal part, hence the name intercostal neuralgia, covers the entire intercostal nerve.

The disease is caused by compression of this nerve itself. If a person goes to the doctor with complaints of pain in the region of the heart, but, at the same time, does not suffer from heart disease - vascular diseases, it is immediately sent for diagnosis.

The main manifestation of this type of disease is expressed by pain in the region of the heart. It is not like pain during heart attack, provoked by diseases of the nervous system. In its essence, it is called neuropathic, it manifests itself in different forms.

For example, it whines, burns, pulls, pricks. It happens that patients talk about the constant presence of pain. It also has an episodic character.

Sometimes the pain sensation occurs in a very acute form, it seems that it was hit with a dagger, then it gradually passes into a dull stage, aching character. Such sensations are characteristic only with neuralgia, the intercostal nerve is arranged anatomically especially. It is endowed with numerous branches that can be infringed on any site.

At the slightest manifestation of activity: sneezing, coughing, careless movement, loud conversation - increases the pain syndrome several times.

Also, pain occurs at the time of palpation, especially when affecting parts of the body along the spine or ribs. In the place where the pain manifests itself most strongly, there is a damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nerve. The pain may increase on inhalation and exhalation, in which case it becomes difficult to breathe.

It should not be forgotten that pain cannot be permanent. As she retreats, withers away nerve root breathing becomes shallow. It is not necessary to start the disease, otherwise the treatment will take even more strength and patience. If you immediately go to the doctor, he will be able to diagnose the body in time.

Neuralgia has additional symptoms: pain syndrome of joints, muscles of the body, loss of sleep, profuse sweating. Neuralgia does not leave a few days, in contrast to the pain of the heart.


The neurologist, vertebrologist, and therapist deal with diagnostic problems. When a patient comes to the clinic with complaints of a typical nature, he is first of all sent to a neurologist.

With a superficial examination, the doctor prescribes a thorough examination to establish the causes of the onset of the disease.

There are cases instrumental examination assigned additionally. This happens when the cause of the birth of the disease is an injury to the projection of the nerve.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes an MRI of the spine, its nerve plexuses. Causes such additional examination herniated disc.


When a thorough examination has been completed, the cause of the birth of the disease has been eliminated, you can proceed directly to the treatment of the disease itself.

The causes of neuralgia are called:

  1. osteochondrosis;
  2. shingles;
  3. cold, flu;
  4. intervertebral hernia;
  5. infectious diseases.

So that ordinary neuralgia does not develop into chronic stage, necessary:

  1. Eliminate all forms of physical activity.
  2. Do not stay in drafts, in places where cold air flows.
  3. follow correct posture while in a sitting position, especially at a computer, while moving.
  4. Drink complex vitamins, trace elements. Don't let it drop vitamin balance in organism.

In the prevention of the onset of the disease, also in cases of its strong manifestation, often turn to folk remedies.

Successfully help fight the symptoms of the disease thyme, laurel, yarrow, birch, wormwood, aloe juice. If there is an acute pain sensation of a cutting nature, and there is nothing to remove it, funds will help traditional medicine: flour, honey, camphor alcohol. They must be taken in equal proportions, rubbed, mixed, applied to the intercostal part of the body.

Cover the patient with a warm blanket. After three hours, the pain will go away.

How to distinguish: neuralgia or pain in the heart

Neuralgia is characterized by a pain syndrome of a permanent nature.
  • It drags on for a long time.
  • Nitroglycerin does not calm him down.
  • If you make the slightest movement, it grows.
Pain in the heart is periodic
  • Medicines stop them.
  • When walking, the pain does not increase.
  • They are accompanied by a violation of the pulse beat, pressure, it can rise and fall.
Neuralgia is deceptive
  • Her symptoms are so similar to those of cardiovascular disease.
  • Having mastered this knowledge, you will rarely have to pay a visit to a cardiologist.
The main differences between these diseases
  • Discomfort while moving, squatting, bending over, running, doing any sport.
  • Neuralgia in the region of the heart will flare up with a sharp sneeze or cough, a turn during sleep.
Also, neuralgia is age-related.
  • Elderly people complain of this disease.
  • Pain in the region of the heart appear at a very different age.


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